THE MORNING OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, 3rARCH 2, 1906. D1CC QUIT Dill i ndd linn uill; , KILL all OTHEhS Senate's Programme Regard ing Leading Measures of Session. PHILIPPINE BILL DOOMED l?orakcr Amendment to Statehood Sure to Pass Dominican Treaty Will Be defeated Congress Will Adjourn hy May. WASHINGTON. March 1. That the railroad rate bill will be paseed by tho Senate practically as It came from the House is an admission that opponents of the measure are almost ready to make. It was said today that they cannot hope for any assistance from tho -President in getting an amendment for Jodlcial review of orders of the Interstate Commerce Commission. The President made this elcar to "Senator Spooncr today. The only hope loft to the opponents is in the Demo crats. They have not determined what the party position will be toward such an amendment, but it Is admitted that more tin half of the minority favor passing the bill exactly as it came from the House. Three Blp: Measures All Dead. The railroad rate bill for several days has been regarded as the one measure Handing In the way of an early adjourn ment of Congress. One of the leading Re publican Senators, a member of the steer ing committee, declared today that the "Philippine tariff bill, the statehood bill and the Santo Domingo treaty arc all dond." He qualified his statement con corning th" statehood bill by saying that he mount that the friends of the bill could t pass it without the Foraker amend ment providing for submission to the votes of the people of New Mexico and Arizona separately the question whether they would have joint Matchood. A poll of the Senate showed that, if voted upon aew. the Foraker amendment would win, S to 40. providing the entire vote of the Senate was cast. No Hope Tor Philippines. A vote on the Philippine tariff bill in committee is scheduled for tomorrow. A basty poll of the Senate taken today in dicator that, if brought to a vote, tho Mil will be defeated by a much larger i vote than was found for the Foraker amendment to the statehood bill. In the e'ont the bill is defeated in tho commit- 1 toe. the opponents have expressed the in- j tention of making a motion In the Senate ' t have the committee discharged from I further consideration of the mcasliro and thus llnally dispose of it by a test vote on such a motion. Adjourn Before May. Practically all of the Senate leaders eencede that the Santo Domingo treaty will be defeated, if brought to a vote, and the plan favored Is to defeat the treaty as early as possible and tnus avoid continuous discussion of It. Under this general programme outlined by Senate Republican leaders, a great amount of expected oratory would be eliminated. The leaders say that Con gress will adjourn early, and May 1 lias been named as the latest probable date. GILLETTE IS OUT OP ARMY I Forfeits Commission by Takln civil Job, Then Kcsigns. "WASHINGTON. March 1 A peculiar situation has arisen in the Army as to the cose of Major Cassiu3 Gillette, Unitod States .Engineer, who Is now superintendent of the Philadelphia ni tration plant. According- to dispatches, Major Gillette, who has for some months past been acting- in the capacity of an expert assisting In straightening out the affairs of the nitration office, yesterday accepted the office of Suner- !. . . I .. iiiisiiutiu ui me riiuauuii iiureau. up to that moment there was no question ' about his status, as he was simply an ' Army officer employed by the City of ' j'liuaueipnia unuer permission from tho "War Department. But. when he accepted office yester day and took the oath as a civil officer, he realized the point as to whether he had brought himself within the provis ions of section 1222, revised statutes, which in substance cancels the com mission of any Army officer on the active list who accepts a civil office. Today the officer's resignation was received at the War Department. The question whether an officer can re sign an office which he has ceased to hold or whether such a resignation can be accepted is to be determined by the President, for he alone is authorized to accept a resignation of this kind. Sec retary Taft will take it up with him tomorrow. Increase in Bank Circulation. WASHINGTON". March 1. The monthly circulation statement issued by the Con troller of the Currency shows that at the close of business February 2$, 190G, tho to tal circulation of National bank notes was S0jO.EO3.S95, an increase for the year of 5S1.600.OW. The circulation based on United States bonds amounted to $509,173. 536. an Increase for the year of 5T0.803.4S2. The amount of circulation based on law ful money was $41,630,329, which Is an In crease for the year of 510,796,573. The amount of bonds on deposit to secure cir culation notes was 55li.S46.440. and to se cure public deposits, 564,804,900. Walla Walla Officials Named. WASHINGTON. March 1. The Pres ident today sent the following nomina tions to the Senate: Engineer-in-chief, revenue cutter service. Chief Engineer Charles A. Mc Allister. Register of the Land Office at "Walla "Walla. Wash., Andrew J. Gillls. Receiver of Public Moneys at "Walla "Walla, Wash., Jense C. Miller. THE WONDERFUL Peerless Electric Pianos SOLD ONLY BY Eilers Piano House Portland. Spokane. Boicc. San Francisco, Stockton, Oakland, and all other important pointc , Corsets : Extraordinary Value Second Floor Annex. BOYAL WORCESTER CORSETS TOR 17c These discontinued lines of Royal Worcester Corsets, in pink, hlue, drab, black and white, sizes 24 to 30 only. Special Econ omy Sale Price, I "T the pair...,. I V. The Store's Pretty Ribbons for Less First Floor. 40c SILK TAFFETA EIBBON 23c. All-silk Taffeta Ribbon. G inches wide, in black, white and colors, suitable for sashes, girdles, hair ribbons or hat trimmings. Regular value 40c special, the yard 23 C Women's Neckdress and Kerchiefs First Floor. SPECIAL FRIDAY INDUCEMENTS. WASH STOCKS 10c. A lot of Wash Stocks, "white embroidery in colors, also all white; silk with button hole lor ties; white and black silk with four-in-hand tie; white wash collar embroidered in colors, with tie to match. Special at, each .10? WOMEN'S 12V&C KERCHIEFS 6 FOR 50c. Richardson's plain linen hemstitched Handker chiefs, sheer or heavy, i4 and -inch hems, regu lar value each IS'c special 6 for .50j Jewelry Store Bargain Attractions First Floor Sixth-Street Annex. 15c COLLAR BUTTON SETS 10c Collar Button Sets;' but tons of good rolled plate, with celluloid backs; come four on a card. Our lac value Special Fcononry Sale Price, the set 10? . 45c JET CROSSES 25c. A line of tlet Crosses, our 45c value Special Economy Sale Price, each 25 C MEN'S SILK AND LEATHER FOBS 25c. An assortment of Silk and Leather Fobs, values to Jr'1.2o Special Economy Sale Price, each.... 25c GILT AND JET WAIST SETS 6c An assortment of Gilt and Jet Waist Pins, 3 pins on a card, values 15c and 2oc Special Economy Sale Price, the set 5J 35c STONE SET BAR PINS 15c These prett' Bar Pins arc one inch long, with three sets of turquoise, jade, amethyst or topaz. They have well-made, gold-plated backs, strong hinge, and are a suitable size for cuffs, collars, etc Our 35c value Special Economy Sale Price, the set 15 $ Priday Economy Specials in the Women's Hosiery Aisle First Floor. WOMEN'S 35c HOSE 23c. Black medium-weight Lisle Hose, double sole, spliced heel, French toe. Regular value 3oc special, the pair .236 INFANTS' 25c HOSE 17c. Infants' mercerized seamless Hose, black, blue, pink and white, our regular 25e value special, 'the pair 17 Friday Economy Specials in the Women's Knit Underwear Aisle First Floor. WOMEN'S S1.00 VESTS OR 'PANTS 69c Silk and cotton 'Olcrodc" Vests, low neck, no sleeves, hand crochet silk trimming with nee length tights to match. Regular value $1.00 special, earh 69 WOMEN'S $1.25 UNION SUITS 95c White lisle "Merode" Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length Regular value $1.25 special 95 Annex Second Floor. Buy Women's $2.50 Petticoats for $1.67 Women's Sateen Petticoats, black ground with fancy stripe, made with 18-inch accordion flounce and 3-inch ruffle with hemstitching at the bottom. Our $2.50 value Special Economy Sale Price, each $1.67 IN THE JUNIOR SHOPS-Second Floor. Children's White Dresses for Half Children's fine lawn and nainsook Dresses, made with round or square yokes, in Mother Hubbard - ftyle and daintily trimmed with lace and em broidery ; ages 6 months to 3 years. Regular val ues from $1.00 to $7.00 Special for Friday Econ omy bale at Half Price Anuex Sixth Street First Floor. Pine Leather Handbags for Half Friday we have on sale a selection of fine leather Handbags, in various sizes and colors, ia sea lion, morocco, alligator, etc. Values from $2.00 to $20.00 included in the lot special for Friday Economy Sale at Half Price Men's furnishings AN IMPORTANT SALE OF NECKWEAR AND HOSIERY. First Floor Sixth-Street Annex. MEN'S 25c NECKWEAR 10c. Midget and Club Ties in a good assortment of pat terns, sold regular for 25c our special, each 10 MEN'S 25c HOSIERY 12y2c. Men's Fancy Hosiery, four broken lines, in tan, gray, etc; a good assortment of sizes; regular value 25; special, the pair 12 l-2 MEN'S 20c FRENCH USLE HOSE 3 PAIRS 25c Men's black French Lisle Hose, sizes 101; and 11, regular value 20c special, 3 pairs 7...25 n uThm Dlffftmat Sttft,'1 Fifth, Sixth and Washington Sfrfs THE FOREMOST HOUSE WEST si S A. M. 148th Big Friday ''Economy Sale" TODAY'S FEATURES UNUSUAL UNDERPRICES MANY of tbe specials listed arc selected from staple, evcry-day lines that fill every-day wants, while others are picked from the new season's brightest debutantes that are just making their first bow to the public Standing out as it doesjike a cameo, with conservative statements from a careful store, amid the weedy garden of expletives and adjectives that mar advertisements of sensational shops, and lend a shade of doubt to their talcs, this announcement will appeal to sharp and critical buyers with a desire to Save and a knowledge of genuine values. The greater that knowledge, the more forceful the bargains will appeal. A DAINTY SNACK A COZY NOOK: Friday's Menu in the Tea Room Clam Chowder, Escalloped Halibut with Egg Sauce, Saratoga Potatoes, Cucumber Salad, Apple Pie, Ham Sandwiches, Bread and Butter, Tea, Coffee, Chocolate and Milk. Valenciennes Lace for Half First Floor. Broken lines of pretty and exquisitely woven Yal. Laces, ranging from 2 to 10 inches in width special during the "Economv Sale" at HALF-PRICE Grand Choose from Vaiues Ranging UNUSUALLY TEMPTING PRICES Beckon Buyers to the Siik and Dress Goods Salons First Floor Fifth-Street Annex Such really wonderful values as we've prepared for Friday and Saturday patrons in the section devoted to the display and sale of the new and beautiful fabrics that must form the "makings7' of thousands of Portland's swellest frocks and gowns for Spring and Summer wear, arc sure to attract enthusiastic throngs to the store today and Saturday for the specials form a two-day sale. Handsome Black Crepe de Paris is reduced and Fashion says a revival of black is booked for the new season. Reductions Like this: $1.50 quality special at $1.23 $1.75 quality special at $1.46 $2.00 quality special at $1.67 $2.50 quality special at $2.17 $3.00 quality special at $2.57 $3.50 quality special at $3.07 Crepe de Chines at Special Sale ALL SILK AND SILK AND "WOOL. 35c Crepe de Chines 69c Yard $ 1 .50 Crepe de Chines 59c Yard 24-inch all silk Crepe de Chine, in white, black and all colors, regular S5c value fiCIf special at, the yard . JJ A "Quick Meal" Steel Gas Range for $ 1 5 Third Floor. These Gas Ranges are neat, attractive, durable and economical in the use of gas. They are made of steel and malleable iron, well lined with asbestos. Perfect bakers that will brown from the top as well as from below, making a change from shelf to shelf unnecessary while baking. a r- Special Economy Sale Price. Gas Plates for $1.25 Two-hole GasPlates, our $1.75 value Special Economy J I O T Sale Price, each . 3 DEPARTMENT OF OHiOAQO Sir CIosm at t F. M. A Tempting Special in Dainty New Summer Madras at 18c The 23-Cent Quality Wash Goods Aisle First Floor. A welcome new arrival of the prettiest fine Imported Madras your mind can conceive; neat, dainty weaves in exclusive beautiful designs, sure to make up pleasingly into the smart Spring and Summer shirtwaists that femininity loves so well and needs so many of. Attractive fabrics that sell rap idly at the fair regular price of 23c a yard at this store 2oc elsewhere Special todav at, I JZr the yard " A Sale of Silk Petticoats for Half! Salons of Dress Second Floor. $12.50 TO $25.50 The handsome Skirts are especially good values at the regular prices. Only about fifty women can be supplied. All are fresh, pretty styles, and in colors only. Materials are taffetas and chiffon taffetas of the rich, rustling sort that dressy women love. Styles with tucked flounce and .ruffles and shirred flounce with accordion plaits. Rich, handsome navys, blues, browns, greens, reds, grays, helios and beautiful changeable effects. In values rangiug up from $12.50 to .?2S.50 you choose as fancy directs and good taste dictates they're all, for one day only HALF PRICE. 44-inch silk and wool Crepe de Chine, in all evening and street colors, regular $1.50-value XQ"' special at, the yard SJ GLORIOUS SPRING MILLINERY Second Floor Annex. FRIDAY'S GREAT VALUES SURE TO INTEREST EARLY BUYERS. New $2.50 Spring Hats, $ 1 .49 Black Shirred Silk Dress Turbans, with horsehair braid crowns, trimmed ninth jet ornaments. A splendid $2.50 value J- I Special, each .3 to Realm of Art in Needlework Annex, Second Floor Special Friday. Linen Centerpieces, in white and old blue, and stamped in Roman cut-work designs, 24-inch size, our 65c value Special Economy Sale Price, each 19 36-inch size, our $1.25 value v Special Economy Sale Price, each 37 Marvelous Bargains in Good Shoes First Floor, Sixth-Street Annex. "Marvelous is no exaggeration these values are indeed cause for all to marvel, when the cost, the quality and the newness of the footwear are considered. "WOMEN'S SHOES FOR $1.79. 2000 pairs of women's Shoes, in patent kid, gun metal and box calf leathers, made in almost every wanted style, all sizes. Values in the lot to $4.00 Special Economy Sale I "7Q Price, the pair "P 1 2.29 FOR WOMEN'S SHOES WORTH TO ?6.00v 2000 pairs of odds and ends in women's Shoes "Gloria" and Laird, Schober & Co.'s Shoes, made in all the different leathers and styles, heavy or light soles, sizes 2 to 9, widths AAA to D. Values to $6.00 Special Economy Sale O OQ Price, the pair A $1.59 FOR BOYS' SHOES WORTH TO 3.00. 1000 pairs of boys' Shoes, in box calf, vici kid and English grain leathers, in either Blucher or regu lar lace styles. All of these shoes arc good shoes, and some day you will come back for another pair of them if you try them now. Sizes to oVj, values to $3.00 SpeciafEconomv Sale Price I the pair I mxJJ Baby Shoes, in red or black, sizes 1 to 0, and values to $1.50 Special Economy Sale "5T T Price, the pair xJxJI Same in spring heels, sizes 5 to S. and values to $2.00 Special Economy Sale Price,- SOf the pair yJJ Need Blankets or Comforters? A SPECIAL SALE TODAY Fourth Floor. 3.50 DOWNALINE COMFORTERS $2.65 Real Dowualine Comforters, size 6x7 feet, covered with best quality silkoline, regular value $3.50 special, each $2.6o 8.50 WOOL BLANKETS 5.95. White Wool Blankets, slightly soiled from handling, regular value $S.50 special $5.95 Bargain Firebrands Sure to kindle enthusiasm among women who like to save the pennies. A little host of savings made possible by Friday's Special Sale qi NOTIONS and SMALL WARES. First Floor. 35c Shell Side Combs special, the pair. 22c lOe card Ball and Socket Garment Fasteners special Op 5c silver-plated Tliimbles special 3$ Darning Cotton, black and colors special, 3 spools 5j 25c bar White Castile Soap special 14 10c roll Toilet Paper special -.. 6$ Or the dozen .70 10c bottle Carbolated Petroleum special 5 60c Bath Sponges special 35 12c Ink Writing Tablets, ruled special 7 75c bottle Carter's Photo Librarv Paste special 49p 35c Writing Paper, in 1-lb. packets special... 15 35c Cabinet box Linen Cloth Finish Writing Paper special 25? A Host of Specials Of Interest to Housekeepers and - Homemakers Third Floor. 93.75 Stand Lamp for 92.75 Handsome Parlor Lamps with pink globe to match base: Improved circular burner: our $3.75 value. Special Economy Sale price, each 92.73 92J!0 for Parlor IHinp rrorth $3-50 Parlor Lamps, with decorated globe and base: circular burner; our 53.50 value. Special Economy Sale Price, each 92JI0 Crystal Vane Six-inch size. Special Economy Sale Price, each 5c Efcc Cups, 50c Double Egg Cups, of best decorated German china; regular price $1.50 the dozen. Special Economy Sale Price, set of 6 50c Glazed JardlHlerr"aad Pedestalthe two pieces. Special Economy Sale Price, for the two 50c Salad Seta, 30c Salad or Berry Sets, consisting of one 10-lnch bowl and s.ix 3aucers to match. These sets are decorated with a veiy neat blue pattern. For Friday Economy Sale only, the seven pieces Special at 30c Alarm Clock Thirty-hour time. Special Economy Salo Price, each 72c Slalc Dralnem Three-corner shape. Special Econ omy Sale Price, each T 12c Tea Pot, of new brown earthenware. Special Econ omy "Sale Price, each '. 20c Baklaa; Dlnheii, 8c Nine-Inch oblong yellow Baking Dishes. Special Economy Sale Price, each ..Sc Drlpplaf? Vnnn Size 10x16 Inches, heavy. Special Economy Sale Price, each - lOc W"ah Boiler, 70c Extra good copper bottom "Wash Boilers. Special Economv Sale Price, each 70c Wh!alc Broom Good quality. Special Economy Sale Price, each oc Family Scales Weigh 24 pounds by ounces. Spe cial Economy Sale Price, each ,...95c Same tvIih Scoop Special Economy Sale Price, complete A 91.10 Clataen Banket, 39c Extra grade oval Clothes Baskets. Special Economy Sale Price, each 39c Steve Poker Special Economy Sale Price, each... 7c Stove Lid Lifters Special Economy Sale Price, each 8c Lubcb Boxes Specially priced at, each... 8c, 12c, 13c Wah Bmrl aad Pltchen Large gize. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair ....69c Chamber Special Economy Sale Price, each 35c Covered Slop Jar, with bail Special Economv Sale Price, each .. "...91.68 3a