THE MOBNINGr OREGONIAK, FRIDAY. 3IARCII 12, 1906. Tra nks and Traveling Bags Every Good Size and Stylt The Meier (2b Frank Store ,$,2.50 Lace Curtains $1.89 200 pairs of -white ruffled net Cur tains, Battenburp edge and inser tion, imitation Cluny edge and in sertion; very best styles; regular $2.50 values on sale at tf? 1 OQ this low price, pair. ...H -7 Special lot of Brussels Net Curtains, dainty allover patterns in. big va riety; regular .$4J)0 fl? 70 and .$5.00 values, pair..V 4000 yards of dark colored Cretonnes in (he best patterns and shades; the regular 15c quality, on sale 11. for. yard Special lot of White Lace Curtains in good designs, 54 inches vide by 3 yards long; the regular $1.25 values on sale today at, 5000 yards of colored stripe Madras in tin liewest designs and colors; the regular ISc grade, 1 OlAf on sa a at this low price, yard I & 30-mch 'Arabian Cable Net, the best 30c quality, on sale today at this' special price, yard - Meier (2b Frank's 840th Friday Surprise Sale "Shawknit" Sox for Men 25c to 50c 3 Pairs 50c Every man and young man in the city should supply his Hosi ery needs formany months to come today Great 840th Fri day Surprise Sale" of 1 0,000 prs. of celebrated "Shawknit" Hose meansjx saving the thrifty will appreciate The manufacturer calls them "slightly imperfect" Gives that as on excuse for selling them to us at such a low price We have an idea he charges the loss to advertising Uses this means of making n ewfr i en d s fo r his product At any rate you are not interested in the whys or wherefores Here's a chance to get considerable more than your money's worth Immense assortment of fancies in the best designs and colors, plain black, tans, grays andfblues, tan'cottons with split foot, black silk lisle with"linen iecc, piqck conpns wiin ecru leei, etc., etc., an sizes aeoth 3 Prs. 50c street window display 25 c to 50c values at very low price of Bail-Bearing Roller Skates at Lowest Prices Third Floor The Meier (& Frank Store Great Hosiery Bargains 2000 pairs of -women's fine black Cotton Hose, high spliced heel and double sole; all are imported German Hose Herms dorf dye; all sizes; great special 9 value at, pair I C Women's black and while Lisle Hose, all over lace and lace boots ; all sizes, many patterns; 30c values, pair. . & AVoraen's black Silk nose, lace boots and lace fronts: white embroidered clocks; all sizes: .f4.o0 and $3.00 val ues, on sale at ifisses' 5x1 Ribbed Hose of real Maco yarn, sizes 6 to SX2. every pair the fa- mous ''Onyx" brand; great value Broken line misses' and infants' Lace Hose, 25c and 33c values, on sale at, pair..X5J Broken line of Buster Brown Hose for boys, pair. . . . $2.63 12V2C Men's Furnishing Goods Specials Special lot ol! 25 doz. men's unlaundered White Shirts, reinforced back. I'm en bosom, all sizes: best value we ever offered at TJs 70 doz. mciR'ji silk 4-in-hand Ties in a good variety of patterns and Q colorings; every lie regular 25c value; your choice today at 40 dtzen mens fancy Web Suspenders in good patterns, leather OQp ends: regular 50c values, at this low price Glen's colored istiff-bosom Shirts, in good patterns and colorings, JQp detached caffi: best $1.00 values at this low price Special lot of boys" unlaundered Shirts, in all sizes; regular 50c. at 25 Men's 25c pure linen Handkerchiefs, all widths of hem: great special value, stoday at three for 25c Cups and Saucers at 13c Each Great special lot of 1000 Japanese bluewarc cups and saucers, in a large assortment of patterns dainty, serviceable styles; regular 25c n values; buy all you want of them at this low price, each ''Rochester" nickel-plated tamps, complete with shade; t A A great special value at , S XI Portable Gas tamps, complete with mantle, bunicr. chimney, P 1 Q tubing, etc.. "2.75 values at pr 300 copper-bottom Wash Boilers; regular $1.10 values, on sale to- r o day at this low price Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store 50 Tan Covert Coats for $ 1 2 Each Special lot of 50 Women's 22-lnch Tan Covert Coats The ideal outer garment for Spring wear Tight fitting Handsomely made with clusters of straps front and back Sleeve finished at the back with cuff A quality and style of coat that find'ready sale at $ 18.00 All tf 1 AA sizes Grand value Your choice today at low price V 1 JJ " New Tan Co vertBox Coats" at All Prices New Spring Suits $25.00 We arc showing exceptional values in new Spring Suits at $25.00 each, made of light-colored Panama Cloths, in Alice blue, black, navy and grays; fancy trimmed C C with while canvas and surlache braid; new style skirts,- all sizes p&JJJ Xew Spring Suits at prices from $18.00 to 75.00. Handsome new Walking Skirls, Si to $25.00. New light mixed Coats, in 34 and short box effect?: great variety of the latest styles all grades. Second Floor. Bed Linens 90 dozen bleached Turkish Bath Towels, big sizes, fine quality; great special value at 27 4? Fringed Turkish Bath Towels, full bleached, big size; best value ever offered at this low price of. 20 00 dozen all linen hemmed lluck Towels. 40c value, at 26J 100 dozen all linen hemmed I Tuck Towels, 22c value, at X5J Hemmed Marseilles pattern Bed spreads: great value at.. $10 Hemmed Marseilles pattern Bed spreads: $1.7."5 value at.. 1.40 RIBBON SALE. LlOO yards of Persian Ribbons in dainty colorings, suitable for tab collars: desirable styles in good assortment : 40c value at . . .29 S000 yards of beautiful Silk Foilla Ribbons. .1 ins. wide: all the pop ular shades; -10c quality. . ..21c Meier & Frank's 840th Friday Surprise Sale $ 1 4 Silk Petticoats $6.85 Yom can buy high-grade Silk Petticoats at less than half their value today 300 of them to select from A Surprise Sale Bar- gain women never fail to appreciate Made of the best quality taffeta silks with deep pleating, shirred, tucked, stitched bands or three rows of ruching on ruffle Red, navy, green, brown, tan, light and dark grays, black and a fine assortment of chang able colors Mad e very full and finished in the best possible manner--The leading styles from America's best Silk Petticoat man ufacturer Values up to $14.00 each, on sale today only at this wonderfully low price, each $6.85 See Fifth street window display Opening Sale and display of the new 1906 "Marquise" Waists Beautiful styles, $3.50 to $35.00 New Oxfords for Women $2,28 Pr. For today and tomorrow we offer 1)00 pairs of women's Oxfords, all the newest styles just received for Spring and Summer wear: patent leath ers, vici kid. patent tip. regular or Bluchcr styles, light or heavy solos, all sizes and widths a quality-and-style shoe that commands $.50 a pair in every other store in town. Anticipate Summer Oft needs at the low price, pair t&J Men's $2.50, $3.00 Hats at $1.98 Sale extraordinary of men's Hats for today and tomorrow: new blocks in Derby Tlats and the popular Telescope Hats black, tan and pearls, new Spring models, in splendid assortment: regular $2.50. $2.75 and $.00 values, in all sizes, on sale today and tomorrow at q aa this low price ZsJ Picture Dept. Specials Delft AVater Colors on fancy colored mats, three. sizes: great values at. each. .29. 39b and 79c Closing out all oil pantings. each $1.45 Colored Dutch Pictures in ornamental frames, sizes (5xS inches: regular 40c and 50c values for. .29(? Fallow Field Hunt Pictures in red passepar- O tout. 11x14 inches. S5 values, on sale for ww Artistic Picture Framing to your order at the very lowest price. Second floor. Toilet Paper Sale Small Okayed Toilet Paper, .dozen rolls 35c I.arge Okayed Toilet Paper fie roll, dozen rolls. .. .CSc Small Krecht Tollt-t Paper, dozen rolls 3e Largo Krecht Toilet Paper 7c roll, dozen rolls... ..Trie Small Knickerbocker Toilet Paper, dozen rolls 45c 11 rge Knickerbocker Toilet Paper. So roll, dozen. .tCIc Large Richmond Toilet Paper, 11c pkg. doz. pkg-s.JU.20 Jewt Cartoons, 2000 sheets, special. 6 for 91.00 Balsam Sanitlssue, l.c size, package lie Balsam Sanitlssue. regular 25c size, package uie Special package. of 230D sheets. 11c each, dozen.. 91.20 Toilet Papers by the case at special low prices. Men's Suits Low Priced Men's fineSuits at ridiculously low prices Medium and heavy weights of the following reputable makes. Stein Bloch Co., Hartt Schaffner &. Marx, L. Adler Bros. (8b Co., The Washington Co., and others Plain and fancy mix tures in round cut or double-breasted Sacks; fancy wor steds, cheviots, tweeds, cassimeres, blue serges and black Thibets Handsomely tailored Garments in this season's best styles Every economical man must be interested $10.00 Suits at $6.95$25.00 Suits at $1 6.15 $12.00 Suits at $8.35-$30.00 Suits at $20.15 $15.00 Suits at $9.55--$35.Q0 Suits at $22.65 $18, $20 Suits $12.10 $10-Raincoats $10.65 All lines men's Clothing at the lowest prices 25cSALE OF WASH GOODS 300 pieces of Irish Printed Dimi ties, cluster cords and checks: all neat floral designs, in pink. blue, yellow, rrcen and lavender; '.0 inches wide; large assortment: unusual values at. yard.... 25c 400 pieces printed Organdies in all the latest designs; large effects, new paitenis and colorings; all the leading shades, IV2 inches wide: on sale at. yard.... 25 C 300 pieces of tine Scotch Ginghams, fast colors: beautiful quality and styles for waists and shirtwaist suits: 30 and 32 inches wide; on sale at the. low price of, yd..25 1 pieces of Silk Dotted Mulls in plain colors: all the newest shades In great assortment: 27 Inches wide; splendid value at the very low price of. OX the yard &J Embroidered I.inette: the new fad for suiting: plain colors -with embroid ered designs; equal In appearance to the most expensive all-linen mate rials; T2 In wide: best value OC ever offered at Ct Great Specials in Women's Neckwear Women's dainty tucked lawn Chemisettes. V-shapc. Avith Val. lace and insertion trimmed: regular 50c values, on sale at this low price V Baby Irish lace stocks, without tabs, and white linen with silK tak-a- C part tab combined; all the best colors; reg. 50e, (Joe val.. on sale for. Jw Coat Rever and Cuff Sets of white linen, pique and moire, Hoc, 7oc values: on sale today at HtlrC Taffeta Silk Windsor Ties, assorted colors, with embroidered floral de- Or signs; oOe values for Black Grosgrain Ribbon Stocks, two widths; also Taffeta Silk stocks; 1 C 2.n 3oc, 50c values, on sale for. each 1 JC Entire now line of black and white Ostrich Feather Boas, in all lengths and grades, each $12.50 to $40.00 New arrivals in Women's Neckwear every day. tuniutna Great Sale of Rugs Third Floor Magnificent Axminster Rugs, room size, 9x12 feet; Oriental designs, in beautiful colorings and combinations; about 25 "CJltl them; every one regular .$40.00 values: your choice. . P" "J Special lot of Austrian Wilton Rugs in Oriental designs and color ings: size S ft. 3 in. by 11 ft. 6 in.; $22.50 value at 13.65 fiber Rugs at greatly reduced prices; very best designs: all carpet sizes: the best inexpensive rug on the market: special values at 9x12 feet, $12.50 value, for the low price of, each $10.25 8 feet 3 inches by 10 feet 6 inches, $10.50 value, at, each 9.25 7 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches, S9.50 value, at, each $7.50 50c Scarfs 39c 39c Swiss Dresser Scarf, with insertion of Battenburg lace, size !Sx45 inches; regular 50c val ues, on sale at Tapestry Pillow Tops, old rose and green and cardinal shades; very rich effect; best S5c val- A ues OVC Art Department, Second Ploor. T 3IOW ."JUDGE WEBSTER WOULD EMPLOY PRISONERS. r.illtt fllfl Will nf Stflti lllfll- way as Far as the Cal ifornia Xlne. County JudRC Lionel "Webster . spoke very oncourHBlngly4 about the plan to build a macadamized road from Portland to the California line by.convict'labor. at a meeting of the Christian Union at the First Unitarian Church Chapel last night. His subject was "Bfllclency of Convict Labor for Building- Koaas. une wnris tlan Union Is a philanthropic organization and all the members who were present last night were very much interested in Judge Webster began with the very first agitation to have the convicts employed to build a road across the state. He told of the commission that had been appoint ed to investigate the feasibility of the proposed project, and said that all of the members were in favor of the construc tion of the road. He said a bill would be presented at the next Legislature to pro vide for the use of the convict labor for this purpose, and he has very high hopes that It will become a law. He ppoke of the great advantages of the road, saying that It would be a great attraction for tourists and that It would bo very convenient for the farmers. H ndded that if this road was built it vould, be. each a great success that &e thought before many years the state would be interlaced with similar highways built by convict labor. He laid stress on the fact that if the convicts were worked on the road they would in no way come in competi tion with free labor, aw they would Ce working at something which otherwise would not be done. He said the labor element was very' much In favor of the project, and would do all within Its power to carry it through to a successful con clusion. Besides, Judge "Webster thought outside work was very heneflcial to the convicts from a -humanitarian standpoint, was bet ter than keeping them confined in the Penitentiary. He thought the convicts who refused to work should be starved Into submission. Judge "Webster has taken a great Interest In the work of helping the convicts and criminals to help themselves, but Is a firm believer In discipline. MUST BRING THEIR PAPERS Forcljrn-Born. Citizens Must Give Proof Before Registering-. Foreign-born citizens must bring: their citizenship papers when they call at the office of the County Clerk to reg ister. The law requires the production of citizenship papers and while some electors have been registered by the clerk's referring- to the registration of the elector two years ago, this cannot always be done, and the time consumed in looking up all registrations is some times considerable and causes others in line tc have to wait. County Clerk Fields says ho will insist upon the ex hibition of citizenship papers in the jfutureL En EXPOSITION' DIRECTORS HAVE WORK TO C03IPLETE. Must First Secure Relcahcs From Claims of Owners or the Fair Site Property. Pending further arrangements with the owners of property within the Exposition site to secure releases from any claims that might be presented, the directors of the Lewis and Clark Exposition Corpora tion postponed a final dissolution of the organization at yesterday's meeting. The corporation will not be actually dissolved until details in connection with the leases are settled, and this will take several days. There was a big attendance of stock holders at the meeting in the Adminis tration building yesterday. The report of President Goodc on the receipt and ex penditures of the big Exposition was read and adopted. Then the resolution author izing dissolution of the corporation was read and carried. The business was transacted In about 15 minutes. Before adjournment a resolution was offered by "Whitney L. Boise and seconded by A. B. .Stelnbach. expressing the appreciation of the stockholders for the successful man agement of the Exposition by the offi cials and directors. It was adopted unan imously. The meeting of tho directors followed, and was attended by 1 members of tho "board. The report of President Goodo was submitted and adopted, and Secretary Reed gave his final report giving the de tails of the financing of the Fair. In closing he stated that prior to the open ing of the Exposition on June 1. 1506. H02. CT.50. or nearly K!i per cent, was paid In. The directors decided to postpone the resolution of final dissolution ami the dis tribution of surplus funds until formal releases of the grounds covered by the Exposition are secured from the owners and the meeting was adjourned until thn releases are secured Certain details only are yet to be arranged and It Is believed this work will be accomplished early next week. It 1st likely the final meeting of the directors will be called at that time to declare formally the Exposition cor poration a thing of the past. TO BUILD ELEVATED ROAD County Commissioners Reach Agree ment With Portland Railway. The County Commissioners' Court yes terday agreed to pay $7SM to the Portland Railway Company for the construction of a new elevated roadway on the Oregon side adjacent to the Vancouver ferry. The railway company has just finished a new railroad line to Vancouver, and will estab lish a new ferry route about a half of a mile west of the old ferry. The old coun ty road connected with the old ferry, and It Is "necessary as a matter of convenience that It shall connect with the new ferry. The old road is worn out. and would have to be rebuilt soon. The railway company will maintain the new. roadway, provide guards, railings, etc. and furnish a 30-foot right of way for teams. The price originally asked from the county was 14.C, but this was thought too much, and a compromise was finally effected by an agreement for the county to pay 720 RAIDS THE OWL SALOON SHERIFF WORD ARRESTS SEV ERAL FOUXD THERE. AVcrc Playing a Mexican Game With Cards and Were Charged With Gambling. Dave Block. Clark Calloway. A. Goldlc. "Wm. Richardson. Wm. Wcy mcn. J. D. Swipes and L. Olcott were victims of a gambling raid made in tho Owl saloon nt 3:30 o'clock yester day afternoon by Sheriff "Word and Deputy Sheriff Grussl. Goldlo ran away, and William Richardson declared that the cause of his arrest was that he had Just registered as a Democrat to vote at the primary election for the nomination of Joe JIalley. Democrat, for Sheriff against Tom. Word. Nu merous persons In the Courthouse re marked In a joking manner that Sheriff Word and his assistant Find "pulled" a whole bunch of Joe Malley's adherents, but the Sheriff only smiled when he heard these comments and looked wise. The men were released by Judge Sears on 5100 bonds each, furnished by John SIrey. Charles Jams and T. H. Rich ardson. County Auditor Carl Brandes was requested by several of the crowd to go their ball, but It was not necessary for him to do so. as there were others present willing and competent. The gamo played by. the accused was pangengee, .t Mexican game. In which eight short decks of cards' are used. Martin Ready, a gambler, was ar rested at the samo time for selling pools in connection with the Country Club at Mllwaukle. He was also re leased on $100 bail. District Attorney Manning will file Informations in all these cases today. Sheriff Word will be the complainant. ANNAPOLIS CANDIDATES. Six- Young Men Take Examination for Xaval Academy. Six young men, between the age of .16 and 20 years, began a three days' scries of examinations In the Federal building yesterday, as a result of which one of them will receive an ap pointment to a cadetshlp In the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. The examination Is given at the re quest of Senator Gearln. who. Instead of exercising his prerogative and mak ing an appointment of anyone he de sired, turned the matter over to the civil service department, which Is giv ing a competitive examination in which the most proficient candidate will receive the Senator's appointment. Five of the young men who are tak ing the examination are residents of Portland, and the sixth comes from Ashland. Their names are withheld from publication until the results of the examination are known, as Is custo mary under the Government Civil Serv ice system. The papers will be sent to Annapolis and the name of the for tunate contestant will be made known In about three weeks. The examination is given by F. R. Blnslejr under the direction of Z. A. Leigh, secretary of the local branch of the civil service. It is considered a hard test, containing separate sets of questions upon each of the followinff subjects: Punctuation and capitals, English grammar, general geography, Unlced States history, modern hlstory spelllng. arithmetic, elementary alge bra and geometry. In addition to thi test, the successful candidate will havi to pass the regular entrance examina tion to Annapolis, including a physical examination, before he begins his wort of preparation to become a naval offi cer of Uncle Sam. NO WOMAN DETECTIVES Chief of Police Grltzmachcr Says lit Needs Xonc. There Is no necessity for a .woman de tective, as some interested persons claim, according to a statement made by. Chief ol Police Grltzmachcr last night, and nc recommendation for one will be made by him. It Is said the agitation in this direction has been started In the interest of a certain, woman who wishes the po sition, which, if created, would carry with It $00 a month, as this is the regular sal ary paid to members of the detective staff. It has been suggested by some persons who are said to be fostering the cause of a certain woman, that there is great need for a woman detective, who would be assigned to care for women prisoners and to handle special cases, but Chief Gritzmacher says this is untrue. SUIwankle Country Club. Los Angeles and Oakland races. Tfeka 8 ell wood and Oregon City cars. First ami AJOfc