14 TH3 MOnmSG OREGOMAX, FRIDAY. 3IARCH 2, 1906. HAVE NOT GNEI IIP F16HT TET Columbia Valley Railroad Will Continue Contest With Hill. WHAT GERLINGER SAYS Jlc iDeclMrcs That Harrinmn Has Xo Interest Kithcr in That Jtoad or in the AValluIa Pacific. There has been no important change In tStc status of the North Hank Railroad's rljrht-of-way flpht and the County Jail sit Vancouver in still confronting State Sinator E. M. Hands, of Clark County. Washington. So slntcF Louis GTlingnr, of this city, president of the Columbia Valley Railroad Company, of which Senator Rands is secretary and G. W. Stapleton attorney for tho same cornoratlon. And u Utrtr Joint declaration Senator Rands himself, who is in Portland in connection with tho rijrht-of-tvay lltlsration, adds his own denial of the published rumor that the Columbia Valley rond has crecefully withdrawn from the contest with the Hill road rather than stand the probe of a Judicial investigation into Its plans and motives. Suit Not Dismissed. The suit of the Columbia Valley road MgaJost William McCready to enforce the fMKQc performance of a contract to deed a right of way through his land, over which the Portland-Seattle Railway Is alBO seeking to pass, has not yet been dismissed, according to Mr. Gerllngor and his associates, and Senator Rands is still awaiting th- .ourt's decision as to his right to refuse to answer the searching Interrogatories propounded by the Hill road's lawyer. Aooording to Attorney Stapleton the misleading rumor got Into print as a re srtt of the dismissal of two entirely dif ferent slts ponding in Klickitat County Vmforo th" Superior Court at Goldendale. TWwe suits involved right-of-way contests IwHween tin- Hill road and the Columbia VhWoy and Wallulii Paciflc Railroad Coni iwttie. but wre otherwise ontlrely dls tfa from the controversy growing out r the McCready case, Mr. Stapleton as serts. Denies Jlarriman Interest. Though admitting that the Columbia Valley ami the Wnllula Tacffli- arc prac tically identical in their ownership and coMtrol. the latter having been organized merely to acquire rights of way and other HviKus for the Columbia Valley Road. Mr. Stapleton- still Insists that Harrlman has nothing to do with either company, and cwiMphiiiu; that both he and his prin cipals lwvt been done a grave injustice a the newspaiwrs. which have charged itwtt the Columbia Valley and the Wallula Pacific are stalking horsns for JIarritnan: ier rllro8ds organized merely to ob struct Hill's Xorth Bank line. "The McCrcady CJise and the contempt procriodtng against Senator Rand growing mt f It are still very much olive." de ud Mr. Stap'.eton to an Oregonian te MrUr yesterday. "The McCready case has not been dismissed, and Is not going to be dismissed, and as for the contempt UHSC. it has been argued before the Su porior Court of Clark County and taken "nndor advisement, and is now awaiting a doctoion r.s to the jurisdiction of the eeurl to compol Senator Rands to answer rhe questions he has refused to answer and as to the materiality of those ques tions. "We hold that Senator Rands has fully answered all the material questions pro ipoitnded by the rortland-Seottle's attor neys and that the others, being imma terial, he cannot be compelled to anwer. Two Cases Involved. "It Is true that two caes involving Co lumbia Valley rights of way have been dis. i -missed, but these were both suits entirely i foreign to the McCready case and the ernuompt proceedings. In one of them tho Columbia Valley Road was an intervenor. and. the court holding that we were not entitled to intervene, we consented to a dismissal in order to take an appeal from the Superior Court of Klickitat County. In The other case, brought in Klickitat Coun ty by the Wallula Pacific. It developed thax the Hill people had begun condem nation proceedings first and we. therefore, dismissed our suiu" Senator Rands Xon-Conunittal., 5na.tor Randa gracefully sidestepped an . Interview on railroad matters and con iinod himself to expatiating on the natural wonders of Mount St. Helens and its ad jacent foothills. So long as the conversa tion was limited to lava beds and unev. plored caves and raverns in the volcanic had lands -surrounding the snow-capped dome which loomed up grandly through me nortnern winaows of the Commercial Club, where he was found by the in- lervlcwer. he found no lack of words, but at the mention of prison cots and Countv Jails he became uncommunicative. "Jt would not be proper for me to talk.' he explained. "I occupy an official po rtion with the Columbia Vallev Road and Jt Is in that capacity that 1 have been called upon to testify. There is nothing pwsonai m tne case. Judge McCredie and myself are good friends and the sole ques tion at issue is the materiality of the questions I have been asked to answer. I think I have answered every question wu j can ngntiuuy be expected to an swot as secretary of the Columbia Val ley." "They have a comfortable jail in Clark tmty. have they? he was asked. "Oh. yes. quite cozy: 1 have seen the inside of it several times, as a visitor, of course but talking about mountain climb tag-" Senator Rands says a decision on the legwl questions raised in the argument of rhe contempt case will probably be ren dered before the end of the week. ADDS TO THE MAITj SERVICE Another Car Is Put on the Chicago Portland Run. Waat-bouml mails from Chicago to Port land have become so heavy that the Government has ordered an additional mail car into service on the Union Pa cific's crack mail train, the ChicaRo Portiand Special, leaving Portland dally at 9:15 A.. M.. and arriving In Portland daily at 5:25 P. M. The additional car will arrive in Portland tomorrow after noon for the first time. This makes two mail cars for the Chicago-Portland Spe cial, and the added service will probably be permanent, there being no intimation from the Postal Department that It will be temporary. The new car will work on the West bound trains only, and will bo hauled back to Chicago empty or "deadhead." The West-bound mails are always heavier than thoso sent Eastward, the publication of t)je numerous magazines, books and newspapers In the big cities of the country being largely responsible for this condi tion. Or letters and mall of tho first class "there is, of course, about an even ex cfesjE& -& etwee a, the Coast and the E&et. The various sorts of merchandise that can he sent through the mall adds to the mass of material brought "West on the fast trains. More mail than can well be accommo dated on one car has been hauled to Portland for some time on the Union Pa cific from Chicago. The usual mall xervicje on the other "Union Pacific trains out of Portland will be continued without change. The weighing of all mail taken on the trains at the Union Station has begun and will be carried on for several weeks to determine the amount of mail delivered to the .trains from the Portland Post office and the compensation due the rail roads for carrying the mall. The weigh ing of mail Is carried on by the postal authorities once every four years. TWO PROJECTED RAILROADS One to Base of Mount Hood. Other in "While Salmon Valley. The Oregon Lumber Company is now building a logging road of 17 mllos up the Hood River Valley from the town of Hood River that will be in operation within SO days and is believed by many to be the first section of n railway that will eventual! v reach Mount Hood and afford an easy and comfortable trip to the base of this splendid peak. The road will be extended from time to time to meet the requirements of the lumber traffic handled by the Oregon Lumber Company, which owns a largo tract of timber in the Hood River Val lev and the scenic possibilities of a roau to the foot of Mount Hood will probably induce the O. R. & X. to seo that the line is eventually extended. The road for the present will haul logs to the mill of the Oregon Lumber Com pany at Hood River. A railroad is also projected to fol low the White Salmon River from its mouth to Trout Lake, a distance of 50 miles. Tlii" lino will be an electric road r.f standard gauge and will con nect with tho Portland & Seattle at the town of White Salmon. Wash., across the river from Mount IIooJ. There is a rich country that would be served by such a road and the largo area in the White Salmon Valley al ready under cultivation would be largely added to as the result of the building of the railroad. The road has already been planned and a Portland engineer will leavo town within two wcoUb to begin a preliminary survey of the route to be followed up the valley from the Co lumbia River. J. S. Beach, of Pasa dena. Cal.. and C W. Moore, of Trout Lake, Wash., arc interested in the pro ject. Power for the road Is expected to he secured from an electric power plant. at some point on the White Sal mon River, a swift mountain stream with large possibilities for developing electric energy. SAILINGS IX CHINESE Canadian Pacific Issues a Novel Ad vertising: Prospectus. Schedules of sailings of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail steamers from Vancouver. JJ. C. to the Orient, printed In Chinese and giving the dates of departure of the six steam ships of the line for the next year and a half, have Just arrived in Portland from Chinese printing house in Han Francisco. They are intended for dis tribution among the Chinese of the Northwest who are accustomed to plan a trip to their own country many months ahead of actual departure. Sunset for March. The March Sunset, published by the Southern Pacific Company, comes out In its usual attractive style, with a cover showing the typical Western miner. In fact the March issue may be called a mining number, the leading articles of the month being devoted to various phases of the miner's life In tne Far AWst. The frontispiece is a photographic stud of a prospector. Suggestive titles of contributions are: California's Treasure Beds. "Rivers of Buried Gold." "Social Life Among Western Miners," and "Silver State Gold Surprises." "Under the Sea 16 Alaska" is an Illustrated article de scribing the recently completed cable to Ataskci, running from Seattle to Valdez. thence overland to Eagle City, thence to SL Michael, and a final stretch of 108 miles across the sea to Nome Is by the wireless system. The fiction de partment is attractive and Is up to the usual standards. Stiff Sentence for Ticket-Forger. Portland railroad men are comment- ing upon the penalty given H. W. Den nle, who was found guilty of altering a Southern Paciflc ticket and attempt ing to sell it and was sentenced to one year In prison by the California courts. Dennie Is a civil engineer formerly in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company. By means of acids he changed dates on two trip paascs and was caught in the act of negotiating their sale to ticket brokers. After an examination, he "was held to the Su perior Court on $1000 bail. His sen tence will have the effect, believe local railroad men. ot deterring others from tampering with tickets. Eastern Hogs Shipped by Kail. A snipmeni of 21fars of hogs arrivd yesterdny from Nebraska over the Union Paciflc. anu the animals will be Rilled for the Portland markets. At this season Oregon hugs are about out of the markets and at such times the Middle Western animal comes to the rescue. The movement eastward of Oregon livestock will not begin until later In the Spring. Railway Personal. W. C. Seachrest. ot the Xew York Cen tral lines, returned last night from a busi ness trip to tho Sound.- W. E. Coman. assistant general freight agent for the Harrlman lines. leaves to morrow for a few days at Astoria. J. C Lindsey. traveling agent for the Illinois Central, has returned from a busi ness trip through the Palousc country and Idaho. M. J. Buckley, general superintendent of the Harrlman lines in Oregon, and D. W. Campbell, superintendent of the O. R. &. N., left last night for a trip of inspec tion over the Oregon lines. Ellsworth Benham. formerly adjuster In the claims department of the O. R. & X.. left last night for San Francisco to accept a position with the Western Pacific in the tax and right-of-way department. A. D. Charlton, assistant general pas senger agent for the Northern Pacific, re turned last night from the Sound, where he went in charge of the party of Port land commercial men to welcome the Chinese high commissioners. William McMurry. assistant general pas- The largest slnclc order for Pianos ever placed was for 28 Hallet & Davis Pianos for Mills Seminar', received by Eilers Piano House last year. Hallet & Davis pianos are preferred by educational institutions on account of their great durability, combined with correctness of scale and sold only by Eilers Piano House Portland, Spokane. Bolte. San Francisco, Stockton, Oaklanfl. as all other iaspertuit plsti. We Are Showing Spring Arrivals in High-Grade Rugs including- small rugs in all grades and 9x12 rugs in Body Brussels f: Bigelow Wiltons x Wellington Wiltons v Imperial Axminsters - The new patterns are splendid ex amples of the weaver's art, and will be appreciated by all lovers of beau tiful floor coverings. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. MACK & CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET PHIL HETSCHAX, Pre. Sercath and VTashlactea Caropean Plan - - - - - singer agent for the O. R. & X.. is still In Seattle, arranging the details for tho Washington commercial men's excursion to California. He wired yesterday that the Junket is now practically assured. J. C. Kden. of Seattle, formerly traffic manager of the Great Northern, was in Portland this week visiting old friends. Mr. Eden has oxienelve Interests of his own to look after and has abandoned rail roading. He owns large interests in the Mcsaba iron mines, near Duluth. which he recently purchased. He will soon move his family from the Sound to Chicago to reside permanently. D.ULT METEOROLOGICAL REFORT. PORTLAND. March 3. Maximum tempera ture. TtO itz.X lalnlnauro. 40 deir. Rlvrr leafl inK Ht 8 A. M.. 9.4 feet: Chi a re 5a pa 2 hevM. rift 0.9-toat. Total preHpllaUon. Z V. M. to Z F. it.. O.OMnch; total Jce Sep tember 1. tBctiPs; normal lnce September 1. U03. C!.83 Inches: lefldeacy. S.41 Inches. Tetal sumhlne. J'rtrwn 2S. MtoG. 4 hoars un& 29 minute; pofrtWe swn rbinc. 11 boer and 4 talnutc. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. STATIONS Bfcer CH.? BL-ontrck.. ........ UoUr Kure'.ia Helena... Kamloor!. 15. C. Xorth Head...... I'ocatello......... Portland I4 Muff n.ooi cm JO ear JOeudy O.CCMSiK jO.OO H'NW 10.001 CiSW 011 T. I CSW fuJo.OOl C'N'E 150 0.00 14 SK fe o.oi! SIW .w'o.oo; c!i: "58 O.OO iSOIO.OO' 4!N"tV ciooy ht. cur. !pt-CM. !Clr tT4y. srt. ewy. )Clar !Cksar ,rt. ttdy. Clear Roxebunr riarramento ...IS40.0! SW ...iwjo.oo'isjw San Franciwo... Bpoknn Seattle THtoosh Iftland.. Wnlla TVaua i0.' ilS HE ,tSJ.V 4SW T Trior. WEATHER CONDITION.. Duriac the U 12 beat Ileal wmw kip falln in S&uthatera Idabft and Northern Utah, while e!;wliere on tb Paca Plope fair weather baa prevailed It Is cWcr In Sawh era Idaho. Utah and Nevada, an tae tm peraturrs la Orison and Wah!nicteH are abt normal. Tae conditions are favraWe fr fair Tvatlwr Frldar la EKem Orepoo. Extern YVaaWnc- ton and Idaho and for InerraAlnc ctoudtne. fotkexed by fcewer. In Western Ortjcim and Western TVathlnrton. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland fer tar 2S btir.f endlar mUSnirht. March 2: Portland and irinlt IncreuInc cteudtneM, followed by nhower; otheaater!y wfmi. Western Orccon and Western Wa.&lnttw Showers along ths cGt and lnirealns ekvud lnea. followed fey fboner In Interior, sottta sarterly wind?. Eastern Oregon. Eulem WahlBlcn M Idaho Fair. AUCTION SALES TO DAT. At Sth st.. near Grant Sale at 2 I. M. George Raker &. Son, auctSoatcrp. At the Portland Auction Room.", 211 Fl:t cC Sale at 2 P. M. C. L. Ford, Auctioneer. At Gllman'is auction roam. 41S Wahinr ton street, at 10 o'elocJi A. M. S. I- N. CHI man, auctioneer. PIED. L.CSK In Sactaiaoata. Cal., Ft. 2C Rtehard U. LW(. mb of Valfntlne and EMxa Lurk, native ol Portland. Or a red 2 fears and 16 da. EL.LSWORTH At the residence ot Mm. E. C. Lombard. 875 Hawthorne are.. Mir- 1. 1106. Lucretla Ellsworth, ased 00 yeara. JONES At the residence of "VV. K. J one, at Kern Park. March 1. 1WW. Zefeuton J one aaed 3. Rdy at F. S. Dunntnz cbapH. will be fnt to Blaine. Wash., for interment. EDWARD HOT-MAN CO- the leadlas rs serai dlrectera and esnbalaaera. 2i 2t2 Third atreet. corser Salmon. faaretba gseit ectahlhhneat aad the aH remaeaahle cBarrei. We hare as ezperlcBced ladj- he take fall charre ef all ladr cavea. Pheae Mala 67. J. r. TTNIJET SON Fas era I dtrecUrt aad eBalaBers. No. 2tl 2d tn cor. Madisea. Day or ahcht call BremsUr atteadrd. Ex perleaoed lady atsistaat whea deslredL ON Ace ef Coaatr Cereaer. Pbeae Mala S. DCNNINO, X'ENTEE GrLBAUOK. Sac eesaars to Daaatac Jt Camuhra. aadetakers aad eBhalaaers: nedera la every detail; tth aa& Kae. Pboae Mala 450. La4x asststaat. T. DUNNTNG. Cadertaker. 414 v-rt Aider. Lady aaaUtaat. Pheao Katt St. ZELLER-BTRNES CO, TJadertakers. Eat. bmlaaera. 27 S aaeeU. East 19M. Ladr asst. TONSETK Z COM flerirta. ArUftlo floral deeSsas. 12S CKh st. Phone Mala 51 tz. XEW TODAT. OLT GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADE over. xchansed: diamonds, precious stones, loorfs aad mounted; watches. Jewelry, re paired. Encle Myers. Jeweler. 14X 2d-.Mder TOR SALE U. BLOCK. J3. FLANDERS AND 7th. AMreas ewaer, Lk Ses. 19, Shtrlaaa. Or. C. W. KXOWLES, 5'cr. Street, Parti ssi, Orccm, - $1.00. $L50, $2.00 per Day. MEETING NOTICES. Mt'LTNOMAH CAMP, W. O. IV. MeU6 -v-y Friday enlns at Ext Alder ail Ent Sixth trt. An Woodmen cordially invited to zn:t with as. J M. WOODWOKTH, Clerk. ROSE CITY CHAPTER. NO. M. O. E. S. Regular communlcatioa thlr FrWy) evening at J o'okK-k. Mar laam Wdc. K. P. Hall. Br order IV. M. SARAH rt. GfERIN. Secretary. ORIENT IXirXIE. NO. 17. I. O. O. F. Te nvmfctr ajc nettnd to meet -with Htino LodRC. No. 13. lhl (FrMar) evenlnir. to pay that lodice a Xratarcal vllt- By rdw of the lodge. W. A. WHEBL.EH, Scrarr. GEjMtGE WRIGHT RELIEF CORPS Pro XTelr whlt Koelal UstRbt. Indies, brine lunch for two; prizes rlrrc. AOoituten lire. Hall N. E. per. 2d and Morrlfon. CARRIE COUKTEL. Chfilratan. IIASA.VLO LODGE. NO. 15. 1. O. O. F. Rejcular netlajr th! (Friday) evening, at 4& eeteei. Work In 2d U?cre. Ykltors are cersllally IcvItM. HENRT RROWN. Scriary. STATED COMMUNICATION af Portland Iodce. Xo. ZZ. A. F. Jc A. M.. this f Friday) evenhwt at 7:30. ertt In M. M. dexre. All M. M. InVltM VMlA vIyA.m T.. dr of W. M. I. W. PRATT i-rMtn. .3rCfiWIENTS. BakerTheafer Crifta ItutirC.. Umi Cu.Liilir.8r. TatnhlU ami Third St. Phoca Mala 1507. The Home of Muilcal Hurleeqae. Tonight. Tomorrotr Matinee, "THE HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS" A Wealth of Beaut-. Mualr and Dellsht. The Screamtn-; Burle?)u in Two Actf. WrilRLY OIQOLE Saturday MaUnt (I-ist Performance) 13c, 25e. 35c. Z0r, Nijtlit prices 26. 35c. 50c. 75c Nest Attraction. Startler: Sunday Matinee. IroperIaU. Empire Theater Tattlra ni Hnitta frniHili 117 Milton W. Seaman. Manacer. Portland's moat popular theater. Tonight, Tomorrow Matinee and NUhr. "Human Hearts" A hr&rt atory (,f the Arkansas Hill. "A Fresh aa a Spray of AppI BIoom. Patho and Comedy richly blended. Always a favorite. Matinee Saturday. 2:15. Evenla-; Prices 15c 25c. S5c, 50c ilatlnee 10c. 15c. 25c Next Week Mumtv and Matk in "AROUND THE TOWN." GRAND Thr Martelle. Mullen ii Chnm. Rlalto Comedy Four. Kiar and Stance. The Great Cheverll. Harold Hon". "Llceae No. 13." or "The Hoodoo Auto." PRICES Evening. Sunday. Holidays, 10c. 20c. 30c. Mil tlr.ee J. 10c. THEATER Week of Feh. 28. A Pwltli-e Noi elty. II AIDES. HuAlaa Daacerr. STAR tell? THEATER Jam Dbbb. Mrclala Rlchmoad, Will C. Mojl. Stamoofr. Week of Teb. 2C. The Royal MAWAI1AX QU1NTETTE KIni: ef Melody. PRICES 10c to any seat except boxes. PANTAGES 52P,&U Cnarlea E Royal and company In the mu slcal comedy succtff. "A Bachelor's Wlf;" Morean and company, dramatic sketch: Caesar the Gre.ai. -marl clan; Frank Clayton, monoloptist; Cavalry Quartet, military on8: Maprtta Lwi. comedienne; Leo White, popular baritone: raorinc plcturs. Performances dally at 2:30. :?0 and 3 J. M. General admlulon. 10 cents. Reserved ats. 20 cnls. NEW TODAY. 5f Hartman, Thompson & Powers Chamber of Commerce. fl,275 Ten lots in Watnon-Erwln Addition. Eastern owner wlahn to b- rid of tst-m. A chance to make a good profit by selUnr them singly. X3Sa First-class modern S-room house, on East Couch street. St ,5 M 10-roora house, on Main street Good terms can be made. Fire lets In Wllfon's Addition, near th fair grounds, where property M now rapidly changing hands. Call for price and term. RANCH EGGS TWO DOZEN. 35c. Fine Creamery Butter ..506r55c Best Creamery Butter CO 8 65c Dalrr Butter 4045c Best Sogar-cured Mams.... 13c B rear ait Bacon 15c C pounds Pearl Lard............ 50e Full Cream Cheese 35c Cream Brick Cheese 20c Swiss Chee 25c Limburger Cheese, each.. 35c Saturday, chicken day. ?er pund...ir,fl7c LA GRANDE CREAMERY. 24 i Tawhllt Street. CLASS1FIEDAD. RATES. "KeeaM," "Rooms aad Beard.- "Heaee krealac Reeaaa. "SftaaOea Wasted. IS words or le. 15 cents: lb Z irent 20 vests; It ta 25 Trent. 2 ceats. eta. No dis cs oat fer ariaUtioaal tokenless. UNDER ALL OTHER 1IE.VD3. exrret "New Today." S ceata fer 15 words er teas: 28 to words. 4 ccats: 21 to 23 werds. S9 rats, etc artt lasertloa. Each addiUeaal tesertlea. oaehalf: as further disceaat oa "NEW TODAY' (gaaxe measare arate). 15 reats ar Use. flm lasertloa: is ceats aer Use fer each additional Insertlea. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressrd care The Orcgtialaa. aad left at this once, should alwara be laclesed ha sealed eareloaes. No staaia Je required oa sack setters. The Orexealaa wUl net be rcsaeacihle fer errera la adTrrtlseaseata takes tareagh the telrsheae. NEW TODAY. 7th Street Full let. 50x100. rhort dlstanca north of Washington, facing east. E. J. Daly 222 Falling Bulldlnsr. PHONE MAIN 3380. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL Zz3 MeKar bldc Third aad Stark taw FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HERE IS A GOOD BUT. 44 acres en Sectlea LIrc road, with Mn; kease. xrith basemeat and furnace; alno largft hara: hease aad barn cost over $UX). Th4n prfTty Uea wet of RseTvelr aad tar Mocks froat two car lines; 35j;0. WM. B. STRBKTER. XYZ-X-l FalHag Bldg. Paene Mala 53b3. A BARGAIN. Fin 7-room modern house oa East 1'Kh at. North; bath. lotlt and everything tn Oae saaae; we can sett It wi terror, iw; If sM la ten daya the rl hi 27t. We ah have a iW tine of hom& that we can sell or the Installment plaa. GREGG BROTIIF.RS. Main 050. 317 IS Fentea BH;. HOUSE 10 ROOMS: NEW AND ABSO lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lots, in beat portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al heme will do wll to investigate. Phone owner. Main 3S5. or call 100 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE IN NASHVILLE- DWELLING. 5 room, every modern convenience. nwr car Itae. convenient, reasonable: ab for rent In WW4tofk. bow a rooms, near station. Aapty t C. L Parker. Woodstock. Phone Kait 55$;. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 5axll. WALKING aaaee. Eaat SMe. trei Intveeved; hero In MMnetblng you can't duplicate: price only !!: Jast think irf . F. T. Berry. 4 V rith M. Paonr HwI 1085. LIGHTLY SIOTS ON WEST SIDE COL llC on.1 Hih. turner h:. S7.0: leL Ban croft v South PirtknI. 5W; S-ruont hwa. I acr groaad. 31 1. Zlea. rtH.1!. Owner. 410 McKay hWr. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city llwlts or ouulde. Some acres with terras as low an 310 oer month with wtar. A. C. Churchill Si Co. "Inc.." 110 2d st. NOW IS YOFR TIME TO BFY DOOItS. WJN dew. fWvrinc. ruicK and all kinds of kalMIng materials at a great bargain. Ap Hy to American Ian. Paose Pacific 1070. 4tO0 SOLID INVESTMENT. FINE QUA li ter Meek. 5W00 residence, room for flatj er 3 mere dwellings; close In. West SMc. State Investment Co.. IIS Abington b!d- fttfO NEW MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, fall lot; seven block from ntcel bridge. East S4a; excellent nHchberlMod: a bargain. State Investment Co.. lis Ablngten bkSg. KST 17TH ST. COTTAGE. 3 GOOD ROOMS. 54x100 let. bearlnz f raits; as aa Invest ment; will brlac; $H rent: rale price 5950. Horn- Land Co., H6i 1st st. FOR SALE NEW 5-HPOM COTTAGE. FXTLL cement basement, good plumbing, nice Io catlen. J1C50: easy terms. O. M. Smith. 730 Cham. Commerce. SPECIAL SNAP CORNER LOT. r.Ttxym ave.. J450O. i Mock. Union ave.. iC5fO. L ington bldg.. room 1. 53750-CORNER LOT 25TH AND KEARNEY. Will sell all or part aad bulM to e-ult pur chaser If desired. Morgan & Fltedner. Suite 213. Abington Mdr. 300 200 ACRES CI.K.RED BOTTOM land; dairy or stock; good 0-roem hoi; large barn: 3 miles of ceuaty seat. Bex Kalama. Wash. NOTICE TO PARTIES WISHING TO BUILD flat. or aaartmeat-heawi; I have seme choice location. West SMc. 31. E. Lee tU h n. SNAP 35 WILL BUY 10-ROOM ROOMrNG hnase tTi 10ta st. near Stark; rent f35- will Make flrr-cUs5 boardtag.kouf. Inqalre Zt Ankeny. HOOD RIVER CITY LOTS. IMPROVED OR unlmptcved, fer sale or exchange for Port land lot. H. C Cee. Heed River. Oregan. CHOICB RESIDENCE UYC ON FARGO ST. near Union ave. Inquire at 3B7 Monroe st. aero the Moek. Phone Eart 3ICJ. FOR SALE A NEW S-ROOM MODERN" COT tage, bath and gaa; .SunnysMe; terms. Call lOOxlW ON GL13AN. BET. 23D AND 21TH SSOOO down, balance live year at 7 per cent Room 12. Hamilton. Main 005. SELI.WOOD LOTS. 53.00 DOWX A.VD en a month; from Sio.00 to 3200.W). Setlwood Townslte wo. mene- East 4701. 1500 ONE OF THE MOST SIGHTLY LOTS on Portland Heights. In block wec of schedL Anolv 231 Waihlnztoa et. FOR SALE CHOICEST lpixl0O FT. RF?1. dence comer la Hawtherne'e 1st Add "in. eiutre 233 Waahlngten. SGCXk-12-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE: WELL located for rooming-house ; lot 70x70. 714 Ciamber Commerce. 325.000 THE BEST INVESTMENT ON ist . teeay; ewgant buikilng. e4sc in I 2S. Oregenlan. FINE ti-nLOCK. UNION AVE. AND IAL- ey; a oarjraia. fit irvmihwdi Co.. US AfrlBgton rias. 3250 TWO-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER U)T, 50x100.' Crater Addition, near car. D 27, Oregon tan. CIUICE LOT ON 22D ST. MRS. P. M. DALY, the Brown. Grand and Hawthorne ave. MODERN 6-P.OOM HOUSE; OR WHOLE lot. for sale. C31 E. Ankeny; no agent. TWO CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. EAST SIDE; 50x111; a bargain. Call 100 Front t. $5VX WILL BUY JT. SUITABLE FOR ii xt V T Q2f. ft?i mt GILT-EDGE BOND. EASY TERMS CHA3. A. Bryant. 305 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS; Improved let; J10CO. 4fl Oxford st. " FOR SALE CHOICE COR. HOUSE. IN quire (fi 1st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY TWO LOTS. 50X100. ON Portland Heights; must be sightly and In geod locality near car tine; state price and terms. J . oregoaian. REAL ESTATE WANTED. S-room house near Couch School. 34000 to 35000: 5-room house. West Side. 330CO or les. I5CO to pay cown; o-room noutK. north of Washington St., 33000: 6-room house and about A lota near car line. North Alblna. for 51500 to 32000. Henderson-Scott Land Co.. 501-02 ten ton nwr. WANTED 5 TO 10-ROOM HOUSES ON THE West Side from wW to kiwm. Henderson Scott LAnd Co.. 601-502 Fenton bldg. WANTED HOUSE AND LOT. SEASIDE OR Long Beach; must be cheap for cash. B 2C Oregoaian. FOR SALE-LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAJfD SCRIP APPROVED aad guaranteed. Military bouaty warraata eeagat aae seio. v-cniar uit netaa, 3aat. SDK SALE FARMS. FARMERS. 233 acres of fine land. IS mllea from. Port land; good 3-room houso and barn, fine water, all fenced and cross-fenced; this Is a rood one. and the price is right. 2ti5 acres of the finest land In Multnomah County; 2 houses and 2 barns, fine water. J! mile front Columbia River, 7i miles from Portland. We atao have several small acreage traets convenient to the city. GRHGG BROTHERS. Thone Main 6303. 317-1S Fentoa Bui Win r. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE MY HOME OF 11 acres adjoining Salem; my farm ta Clackamas County; small farm near Cor--vallls fitted for dairying, fruit, vegetables; i-orvaiiis nomes on tho Installment plan; choice lots In Newport, the fine Summer re sort. Addre Wra. H. Savage. Corvalllt, Or. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR INCOME property la the city. C5 acre 3. 3 miles from Oregon City. IT acres In cultivation; price 32500. F. T. Berry. 4 N. 6th. Phone Hood 1635. 3I0.CO PER ACRE 310.00 IRRIGATED LAND. Crook County. Oregon. Deed direct front state. Wrlte for pamphlet and map. K. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Aider st.. Portland. Or. S Scotttih American Farm Land Co.. for good dividend paying srain. fruit, stock, garden truck ranches. (Farmers having ranches for sale write) S. 402 Oregonian hid. COUNTY ROAD SUPERVISOR WILL SELL nome and turn over position to buyer: for particulars re room 402. Oregonlan bldg. TOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. 4S0 ACRES OF CHOICE TIMBER LAND in Lane County, average 7.000.0W to V.00. C0. Addrera 318 Xorth 21st St.. rertland. Or. FOR SALE TWO HOMESTEAD RELIN- qutshmento. five and eight million, on river. B. Glklner. Dallas. Polk County. Or. 4tO ACRES PILING TIMBER ON DRIV- able stream, five mllea from Columbia River. 202 Worcester bide. Portland. Or. WANTED 2000 TO 30(0 ACRES TIMBER. sprue- or hemlock preferred. Webb, 3S0 K. Washington st. COWLITZ CO. TIMBER LANDS AND REAL estate, f. J. Barnard & Co.. Kalama. Wash. FOR RENT FA RMS. FOR RENT. 40-arre farm, delightful country home, gevtd 7-room house. large bant and other bultdmgK. good welt and windmill, on grav eled road, convenient to electric ears; land already partly cultivated; 3550 per annum. Including u.c of Implement and tools; stook for sale cheap. This U the place you are looking for. but must be taken at once. Ap ply to THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, t40i First Street. FARM FOR RENT. 1 ACRES. PART UN- aer cultivation. Call 20tt 17th St.. North. FOR SALE. HorscH. Vehicles aad Harness. FORTY HEAD OF FINE VALLEY AND Eastern Oregon horses. Just arrived, ranging from 120O to 1700 lbs., well broken and guaranteed in every way. Columbia Stables, i. Front and Columbia. GENTLE. WELL-BRED CITY-BROKE. 4-ycar-old buggy horse, weight 1050-1100 lb-.; price 5125.00. National Market. 394 E. Burnfde st. Phone East 42. FOR SALE ONE IRfiO-POUXD HORSE. gool for dirt roads or farm: has becorrw stiff by hard streets In city: will take S30. 313 Water st. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BT day. week and month; special rates to business, houses, tftb and Hawthorne. Tel. r East 72. FOR SALE 14 HEAD OF HORSES. 100O to 1500 lbs each. Hawthorne Stables, eth and Hawthorne ave.; also horses for hire. Horses and v oh teles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 507. We Buy. Sell. Rent. Exchange.Horses.Wagons, saddles, harness. Hubert & Hall. 2CS 4th. 20 TEAMS. 27CO TO COCO PER TEAM. Freedman Bros., 12th and Flanders. FOR SALE OIL WAGON. TEAM AND route. Call at 235 Morrison st. Mticellaa eouj. FOR SALE. One 14-ton locomotive. Two 0x10 togging donkeyn. One 12-horsepower gaoollne engine. One 5-borsepower vertical boiler and en gine. One 6x4x0 Snow steam pump. ItAlLWAY EQUIP3IENT COMPANT. 324 Chamber of Commerce. 50 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chlne at very low prices: Singer. Wheeler fc Wilson. Domestic. White. Household. Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Slgel. 335 Morrison st.. Marquaxn bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 40 2d st. FOR SALE JERSEY BULL. SIRED BY Grand Coin: grand dam Golden Glow; an imported cv" testing 18 lb?. . ox. butter In seven days. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvallls, Or. FOR SALE IS 10-INCH STEEL BEAMS; alto a lot of short piece steel rail for build ing purposes. Railway Equipment Co., 224 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE MOVING-PICTURE MACHINE, jra outfit. Hone slides, views, etc.; also bought and for rent. Room 1. 145"j 6th st. SHOWCASE. COUNTERS. SHELVING, bought, sold or exchanged- Weiem Sal vage Co.. 627 Washington fit. Pacific 703. York B. Jt O. horn, silver-plated, same In brass, half price: cornets, nlto. baritone, basses, drums, etc. York. 67 First st. FOR SALE ONE GOOD ELL & WATERS 10X 30 broken roll double surfacer; new, at a bargain. Phone Main S08. FOR SALE ROLL-TOP DESK. TYPEWRIT er and office fixtures, cheap. J 2fi, Ore gonkin. Typewriters, all makes, at cost; rubber stamp goods, desks, etc. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark BRAND-NEW FIRE ESCAPE FOR THREE story building for vale cheap. 345 N. IStb at. Donkey engines bought, sold and rented. 324 Chamber Commerce. Phono Main 2363. MANTLE BED. STAIR AND HALL CAR pets. kitchen tabte. 466 7th. FOR RENT PIANOS. FOR RENT OR SALE AX ESTY GRAXD, a hlgh-gradf upright piano. Inquire at Xo. t E. 15th st. Mrs. T. B. Jackson. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FIRST-CLASS 3IEX IX PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED A HOTEL MAX WITH SOME capital for Iwst proposition In Xorthwost. Taclfic Beach Co.. Hoqulam, Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEX IN Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers. 20C McKay bldg. WANTED if AX TO WORK IX RESTAU rant who can Invest 3250 In the business. S? 31. K. Lee. 034 0th st. LEARN PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING OF A practical bookkeeper. Murton. the account ant. 534 Chamber Commerce. TEX MILLWRIGHTS. 34: CA3IP COOK FOR 10 men: $40 up. Lumbermen's Labor Bu reau. 150 1st. MAX TO FEED JOB AXD CYLIXDER presB; long experience not necessary. Oregon City Courier.' WANTED PHOTOGRAPH OPERATOR; must be good retoucher. Lucerne Studio, Dekum. bide FIRST-CLASS BROILER AXD LUXCHMAX. Address G. M. Campbell, 320 James at.. Se attle. Waah. STRONG. BRIGHT. INTELLIGENT BOY. HI to 18. to leant the florist business. T 20. Oregonlan. WANTED FEEDER FOR LITHOGRAPH cylinder at Anderson & Duniway Co., 208 Alder st- WAXTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 52 3d. Phone Paclflo 48. SALESMEX FOR CHRIST! HOB "SAFETY Razor; bononra side line. 410 Fenton bldg. I COOKS' AXD BAKERS HEADQUARTERS f CaL Wine Depot. IIS 4th at. Paciflc 2183. COATMAKER FIRST-CLASS AXD STEADY. B. A. Schiffler, Tendleton, Or. j AT OXCE AX ALL-ROUXD CAXDYMAKER. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND WOMEX TO LHLVRN BARBER trade la 8 weeks; tho Moler system of col leges) have opened one ot their famous bar ber schools In Portland. Graduates earn from 315 to 525 per week. Only reliable -m-. barber college la United States. Special terms to first 20 students. Be lively and get special rates. MOLER SYSTEM COLLEGES. 33 X. Fourth St., Portland. 2S A DAT. FREE FARE. Commencing- March 1. the wages for com mon work op Erlckson & Petteraon's blsr railroad contract on Snake River from Rl paria. Wash., to Lcwlston, Idaho, will be advanced 25c on the day. Free fare for teamsters, laborers, rockmen. Office fee SL No other charge. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. Agent. 2d North Second Street. TWO FLUXKIES OR CAMP WAITERS. 1 man to put up lunch buckets, 330 and board, each; small railroad camp blacksmith. 32 day and board: planerman, sawmill. 33 day; carpenter, division repair gang; $2.30 day. board 34. free fare: woodsmen, bickers, rigging- lingers; swampers. 32.73 and 52.50; farm and dairy help and many others. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 2tf North Second Street. WANTED FOR L. 3- ARMY ABLE-BOD-ied unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United State, of good char acter and temperate hablte. who can apeak, read and write English. Apply to Recruit ing Officer, Alnsworth block. 3d and Oak sta.. Portland, Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEX SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 5 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly -confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder at., entrance 253 Alder st. Portland. MACHINISTS. 53 AXD 33.30; RATCHET SET- ler. .!; trimmcrman. $3; lumber graders. 32.25; planer feeder!". 52.25; night watchman, JMW: bookkeeper. 360: 25 mill and yardmen, 32 up; 100 others. Lumbermen's Labor Bu reau, 150 1st st. FIVE MEX IMMEDIATELY TO PREPARE i7S.pcwl'on8 a-" customs Inspectoral 375 to 51 per month; previous experience not necessary: examination May 14. E. Hcynen, -13 Columbia bldg.. 385 Washington st. W'AXTEDEXPERIBNCED AXD CAPABLE single man preferred; bond and referencea required. Address E. W. Schubert, Idanha, Hotel. Bolw. Idaho. 5n' fromen- learn watchmaking, engraving, jeweler work, optica. Easy terms, positions guaranteed: money made learning. Wateh-xaaklng-Engrav'g School. 142tt 4th av. Seattle CHAXCK TODAY FOR AX ACTIVE MAX with 5150 to gt work In a ehop as part ner; will pay you 33 to 54 a day; experi ence not neonsary. Call 24SH Stark at. WANTED YOUNG MAX FOR ASSISTANT bookkeeper: must be reliable, accurate and of good habits; salary 330 per month to start. Address M 2. Oregonlan. ADVSRTISIXG SOLICITORS ODDFEL lows. temperance, religious and other es tablished publications; commltolons. Clyde Klnjr. (CIS Chamber Commerce. WE WANT A XO 1 TRAVBLIXG 8ALES raaa to represent ua cn the road, oa a com mission. Hotel ic Restaurant Supply Co., 203 3d st. WAXTED PERFORMERS. COMEDIANS, singers, novelty acts, musicians, dramatic Pple. etc. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 1452 0th. MEN TO LEARX BARBER TRADE; WAGES while learning: position after 8 weeks. Olll man s Barber College. 627 Clay. San Fran. Any Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: experience un neccssary. Press Syndicate. Lockport, X. Y. WAXTED YOUNG MAN. AGE 17 TO 21 years; must have some drugstore experi ence. D. J. Hille. Castle Rock. Wash. WANTED AX UPHOLSTERER, at B31 Washington st. INQUIRE HELP WANTED FEMALE. CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS. COUX-tr- hotel. 520; 5 cooks. 330; 12 houseglria and coolu, $20 to 330; 3 second girls, $2u; others. HAXSEX'S LADIES' AGENCY. 313? Washington st.. corner 7th, upstairs. WANTED A FEW MORE WAITRESSES IN one of the best cafe In the Northwest: must be first-class and active: good wages and good side money. Address The Benton Grill and Restaurant. Bolw. Idaho. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK at home during spare time; no experience required: good pay and steady. Write X. C. Hulln. 1344 Market. San Francisco. LUMBER GRADERS. PLANER FEEDERS, laborers (paper), farmhand, dlshwaehers" waitresses, combinations, housekeepers, do mestics. Drake's, 205a Washington. WANTED BY WHOLESALE HOUSE. As sistant bookkeeper and stenographer; state experience and malary wanted. X 27, Ore gonlan. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder; entrance 252 Alder at-. Fort land. WAXTED LADY EXPERIEXCED IX BUSI ns to act as solicitor for Investment brokerage company. Apply 504 Dekum bldg.. city. WAXTED FIRST-CLASa LADY" REPRB sentatlvea In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay nldx- WAXTED TWO MILLIXBRY APPRKX ticei: opportunity for tasty, skillful girls to learn lucrative occupation. Fraley, 214 3d. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, WAITERS, cooks, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louts Agency. 230' Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED TWO LADY DEMONSTRATORS who are familiar with toilet articles. Ad dress; stating experience. P 20. Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED FAMILY COOK, and fecond girl: bent wages; Swedish pre ferred. 230'jj Yamhill. 3Ialn 5413. HANSBX'.S LADIES AGENCY. 343$ Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2632. WAXTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF baby, good wages, board and room to good girt. Call up Main. 401T. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, 2 IX family: must have references. Call mom Inst. 230 15th st, XURSE FOR HEALTHY 2-YEAR OLD girl; references. 34S Clifton, corner Tth. Phone Main 5016. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO make Fltz-Well ehlrta and Boss-of-AU over alls at 73 1st st. WAXTED GIRL FOR GEXERAL HOUSE work, at once. Apply 127 X. 12th; no washing. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEXERAL hounowork- 61 Spring st. Telephone Pa ciflc 36. FIRST-CLASS WAIST AXD SKIRT MAKER at Mrs. A. Ditchburn. room 4S, Washington bldg. - WAXTED IMMEDIATELY A GOOD kitchen girl. 340 Ankeny st.. cor. 7th. WAITRESS WANTED AT JARVIS RESTAU rant. Stark St.. between 6th and 7th. WANTED CO JI PETENT GIRL FOR COOK and general housework. 714 Everett. WANTED A NEAT GIRL FOR HOUSE work. family of 3. 848 Overton. WANTED STENOGRAPHER, phone Pacific 231. Friday A. M. TELE- WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSB work. 320 Hall st. GIRL FOR GENERAL .HOUSEWORK. .VP ply 677 Schuyler st. HELP WAXTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED DRAMATIC PEOPLE WHO CAN act. comedian with specialties and other useful people for repertoire: lady piano player to double parts; company now on road. A 26. Oregonlan. WAXTED MAX AXD WIFE TO AVORK OX ranch In Eastern Oregon; man for general farm Work and wife to keep house; refer enced required. Apply 723 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL EDITION REPORTERS AXD PRO moters; established publications; commission. The Clyde-King Co., 638 Chamber Com merce. GOOD POSITION FOR MAX OR WOMAX. Apply 305 Stearns bldg.. between 9 and 5. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerks, AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAX WANTS OPPOR tunlty to work up In large company: experi enced in office work and bookkeeping'; very best references. V 27, Oregonlan. POSITION IX OFFICE OR STORE. 1'J YRS. experience tn drugstore, and a good busi ness education. X 2C. Oregonlan. EXPERIEXCED BOOKKEEPER. CAPABLE : 'or taking full charge, seek office position. Address R 27, Orsgoalan.