12 THE MORNING OREGONIAK, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1906. RULED OFF FOR YEAR McCafferty and Durnell Sus pended at Ascot. THE HUGUENOT DRUGGED Charges Preferred Against Manager Brooks Are Not Sustained by the Board, of .Directors of the Park. LOS ANGELES, March L As one result of the investigation yesterday by the board of directors of Ascot Park Into the charges of unfairness and collusion brought against Manager J. W. Brooks, presiding Judge A. "W. Hamilton this Rlt- ernoon gave out a ruling suspending J. J. 'McCafferty and C. E. Durttoll lor one year for "practices derogatory to the best Interests of the turf." The specific charge on which McCafferty was deemed guilty was the use of stimu lating drugs on the horse The Huguenot in a race run at Ascot, February 19. Dur nell was punished for the alleged im proper plating of his horse Alderman Batt in connection with his races at Ascot De comber 20. 25 and 2G. TIu board found that none of the charges reflecting on the honor or Integrity of Mr. iJrooks was sustained, and the action of the horsemen who preferred the charges agKinst lilm was criticised. TJIE DAYS HORSERACES. At Oakland. SAN FRANCISCO, March 1. Oakland race results: Seven furlong Lovcy Mury won. Frolic tccond. Slzz third: tlm l:28"i. Seven furlongs Supreme Court won, Ten Orw eoeond. Slorma third; time. 1:28 tfe. Mile and a sixteenth Prrsorvntor won, Ca neje sf-eond. Hay third; time. 3M&. Mile and W) yard? Kuchanan won. The Lady Koho?!.-i peoend, Byroncrdalc third; time. 1:44. futurity eoBr. liueallc won. lilumenthal end. Lem Reed third; time. 1:11. five and a half furlong Pelham won. I'm Jee second. Trlnccw Wltcder third; lime, l.-oSV,. At Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 1. Ascot race results: Six Turlongj' Inspector Halfdn won. Happy Chappy second. Conde third; ttine. 1:14. Milt- and an fight h George. I. XlcNear vn. Mlie Betty second. Kthylene third; time, lil!i. One mile Heraln won. Golden Light rec ond. Viona third: time. 1:42. Mile and a sixteenth Cold Hedrlck won. MotHh second, -Mnr?hal Ney third; time. lM5i. Six furlongs Money Musi won. lon Dome eeond. Whoa Bill third; lime. J:H. Futurity course Bribery Monde Ma bel cond. Antara third; time. 1:1054. At New Orleans Fair Grounds. NEW ORLEANS. March 1. Results of Fair Grounds races: Three and one-half furlongs Quagca won. .1. J.. Jr.. woond, Schroeder'M Midway third; ttme. 0:S 3-5. Five and one-half furlongfi Escutcheon won, lnvlnelble second, t'sury third; time. 1:08. One mile and TO yard Schoolmate won, Lona J. neoond. It. F. Williams third; time. 1:40 1-5 One mile and one-rixteenth Macey, Jr., Tl'l ?,,lsm,tn Fecon1' Monaca third; time. Five and nne-hnlf furlongs Cousin Kate wn. Hocus Pocus second. Dr. Coffev third: time. 1-07 1-5. One mile and 70 yards Sonoma Belle won. OM rat second, Roderick third; time, 1:47. At New Orleans City Park. NEW ORLEANS, March 3. City Park race results: Three and one-half furloncs Bonard won Tim Dolan cond. Dan Bradlev third; time 0:l 3-5. Seven furlongs Anna Day won. Sallle B. oond. Oratorlan third; time, 1:20 1-.. Seven furlongfi Freebooter won. Blllv Hand sel second. Belllnda third; time. 1:27 4.5. One mile Grenade won. Minnie A damn sec ond. Alma Dufoyr third: time. 1:40 2-S One mile nnd one-slxteenth Gary H. won Auditor second. The Dream third; time. 1 :4(5 S-o. One mile and one-sixteenth Arthur Cum r WO"' Jeo,) second- Slas Iee third; time. Seven furlongs St. Tammany won. Hurzah second, Hadun third; time. iz'JS. At Hot Springs. HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. March 1. Re sults of races: Six furlong Black Pat won. Scalp Iek second. King's Walden third; time. l-ian-S Ive furlongs W. G. Williams won. Invas' ion second. Nona w. third: time. 102 "-: .--even furtongs San Prlmo won, Hather Rryal second. Bendigo third; time. 1:27 1-5 Three furlongs Anna Karena won Monti gomery second. Wlllcox third: time. 0:36 3-5 Five furlongs All Black won. Ala Russell teond. Dr. McCarthy third; time. 1:013-5. 2nU.n?,.,Fn,,t won- Tristan Shandy f-c-nd. Tickles third; time. 1:42-1-5. GOES WITH CINCINNATI. Carl Druhot Is Dratted for Ohio City Ball Team. Carl Druhot. the Portland boy. who has been drafted by Cincinnati, left Carl J)raaot. the Portland bo.r. who ha j. left to Join lbe Clnclaaall Ilaseball team at JIarlln Springs, Texaa. last evening for Marlln Springs. Tex., where he is to join Ned IJ'anlon's Reds ' pjiit-.itc season. Druhot learned the rudiments of the National game in this city while a school boy, and soon demonstrated con siderable ability at the pitching axL About four years ago he started out aa a reml-profcesional player by se- 'K"'s . uci ui hi iuv wOur nay and Oregon Slate Xrcagucs. "While at Coos Bay as a member of the Bandon team, he attracted the notice of Manager Fred Ely. of the Portland team, wno signed hlra for the Portland team of 1S)04, and while wearing a local uni Mt f- f: aaBaH form the -youngster displayed more than ordinary ability, but on account of the grcat--dlss&tisfactlon. displayed by the fans for Dugdale's ' so-called "bush league' policy, he was one of the men discarded by the fat man. The following season he Joined Klrby Drennan's Bclllngham team in the Northwestern .League, and while pitch ing for that team last Fall, he at tracted the attention of Ted Sullivan, the agent of the Cincinnati team, who was traveling through this section of the country, and upon his' recommenda tion Druhot was Blgned by the Cincin nati team. The many friends of the j'oung fel low express an earnest deslro to see him make good in fast company, and it Is more than likely that their wish will happen, as he has the ability, and if given the proper encouragement will demonstrate that he has enough to warrant his being held on the regular list, He Is a southpaw, or left-handed twirl er. and is also capable of holding down a position in the outfield. WATCH BROWN AT TRAINING Oaklandcr Goes Tlirbugh Stunts Pre liminary to Fight Willi McConnell. About 150 persons crowded the gymna sium yesterday afternoon where George Brown was working, to witness the Oak lander at his training stunts preliminary' to his bout with McConnell, which Is scheduled to take place at Vancouver next Tuesday evening. Brown went three fast rounds each with five different boxers, and was ready for more at the ond of this strenuous exer cise. The men he took on yesterday have figured in training stunts and prelimi naries before and made things lively for Brown. Among those who are working out with him arc Mike Kenney. of Alblna. who has appeared here In several preliminary battles: Ed Ryan, of Montana, who was a member of "Kid" Peterson's training corps for several months: "Kid" Ervin, who boxed with Warren Zurbrlck while he was training here: Jack Jones, of Portland, and Harry Edwards, a young man of considerable cleverness, but who has evidently not trained to any extent for some time. Brown and one of thcse.mcn will ap pear In a three-round cxlbitlon during the Athens team benefit at the Armory tomorrow evening. Manager Sloan volun teered the services of his entry to Chair man Kerrigan, of the Athens fund com mittee, who Immediately signified his ac ceptance, for he appreciates the willing ness of the Oakland professional to as sist the cause. McConnell has also 5ent word from Vancouver to the effect that he Is willing to assist the programme, with a three-round go with his sparring partner, and it Is likely that bofh prin cipals In Tuesday evening's exhibition will appear with a. member of their re spective training corps In the Armory games. GAMES TO 1 ATHLETES FINE PROGRAMME PREPARED FOR THE ARMORY. Fund Raised Will Be Used to As sist American Competitors at Athens. Greece. Everything Is In roadiness for the Ath ens benefit games to be held at the Arnr ory tomorrow night, except the handicap ping of a few of the events nnd the pos sible reception of one or two late entries. The committee In charge of the pro gramme has boon laboring hard ever since the request was received from- the Ama teur Athletic Union, and If Its efforts count for anything, the event should prove of great assistance to the American team. Secretary Sullivan has written Chairman Kerrigan, of the local committee, who has since been appointed a member of the team, to the effect that encouraging reports were being received from all parts of the United States. Since the announcement of the team that is to represent this country in the Olympian games, local business men have come to the front in the effort to assist the affair financially by purchasing several blocks of tickets for the benefit games. The spacious halls of the Armory, which has been secured for the occasion through the courtesy of the officers of the Third Infantry. O. N. G.. will undoubtedly be thronged to their utmost capacity Satur day evening, for this Is something novel in the athletic line, owing to the num ber and variety of events scheduled. Everything in the sporting line will be on the programme boxing, both profes sional and amateur, wrestling, footracing. jumping, vaulting, hurdling, relay teams and military games, such as wall-scaling, tent-pitching, regimental races, bayonet races and cartridges races, as well as oth er sports peculiar to the soldier and civil ian. The Seattle and Spokane Athletic Clubs, which were Invited to assist at this meet, found themselves unable to do so a few days ago. and the Held programme has narrowed to entries from local Institu tions, comprising the Multnomah Club, Y. M. C A. and Olympic Club, of Mll wauklc, each of which organisations has sent in a list of several entries. George Brown, the Oakland boxer, who Is training in this city, has consented, through his manager, to give a three- round exhibition with one of his sparring partners on the night of the benefit. He Is one of the cleverest manipulators of the padded mlt who has visited this cltv lor some time, and has a splendid record in the ring. The youngster but recently graauatea io uie-proressional names, and In his entire career has yet to meet with a reverse. PREPARES BOWLING CONTEST All Coast Cities Will Compete for Western Championship. SALT IAKE Crrr. Utah. March 1A. Jj. Jenkins, secretary of the 'Western Bowling Congrcsa. arrived In Salt Lake today from Seattle io take charge of nil arrangements for the Western bowling cnampionsnip contests to be held here March 7 to 12. Inclusive. He announced a meeting of delegates to transact yearly business of the congress for next Wednes day. Mr. Jenkins cxnects at least 40 t Mini! of five men each and a larre TmmKr of two-men teams will compete. In addition, there will be many individual contests. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Port land. Spokane. Butte and Denver will be represented, each city having entered from one to three flve-mcn teams. FOURBOUNDS ENOUGH FOR HIM Devancy Hopelessly Outclassed in Fight With Hyland. DENVER, March 1. Dick Hyland, of San Francisco, was awarded the decision over Martin Devaney, of Denver, in the fourth round of a scheduled 30-round bout here tonight. The contest was a, one sided affair. Hyland outclassed the local roan completely. Devaney was In distress at the close of the third round from Hy land's terrific body smashes, and In the beginning of the fourth held on so re peatedly that Ttererce Stockton awarded the decision to Hyland. The boys weighed in at 330 pounds. It was announce to-night that Hyland was matched to b'or Kid Scaler at Spo kane on March 17. and Hyland and his manager and trainer left for Spokane to night. ROCKWELL FOOTBALL COACIE Portland Student Takes Charge of Yale Team Next Season. - NEW HAVEN, Conn.. March 1. (Spe cial.) Tale's head football coach for next year will be Foster Rockwell, for four years quarterback of the eleven. Hockwell will be graduated from the academic department In June. His home is In Portland. Or., where his father Is a Methodist clergyman. He Is captain of the Yale basket-ball team. EAST 3IATCHED AVI TIE WEST Women of Two Sections Will Play for Golf Championship. CHICAGO, March 1. At the annual meeting of the Western Women's Golf Association, held here today, for the first time a challenge which the Eastern Wo men's Golf Association has sent every year was accepted. The Western Aitjo clation will yend a tram of 20 "women to the National championship tournament which is to be held at West Newton, Mass. May Move League Headquarters. NEW YORK. March 1. The Times today says that the headquarters of the American Baseball League arc likely to be removed from Chicago to New York cither before or shortly after the coming championship season ias b'e gun. President Johnson is more favor ably disposed to coming here than he has ever been. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Deaths. M'GINNlS At St. Vincent's Hespttal. February 27. Hush McGlnnls. a native r New York, aged 57 year and Z months. Births. LARSON At 751 H Reeevet street. February- to the wife et Hans F. Larson, a son. LAM PERT At 120 East Eighth street. February 20. to the wife of Richard I-am-pert. a dauxhter. ALLEN At 1S1 North Tenth street. March 1. to the wife er Patrick Allen, a eon. NEWBAUER At 307 fiherldan street. February 17. to the tlfc of William Ncw bauer. a dauxhter. OLSEN At DM KmwHs avenue. Febru ary 28. to. the wife ef Andrew Olten, a daughter. CLARK At 753 Ea Tenth Mreet. Feb ruary 13. to the wife ef William C Clark. a son. HfLTBERG At 413 Main street. Febru ary t. to the wife er Fritz A. Hultberg. a son. GOLDSTEIN At Pertland Maternity Hospital. February 27. to the wife or Joseph E. Goldstein, a son. KANE On Powell read, near East Thlrty-elfhth street. February 2S. to the wife of Frank Kane. son. WAGNER At l Tenth treet, February 27. to the wife of A. C. Wagner, a son. STEELE At Ivanhoe. Or.. February 1. to the wife ot K. J. Steele, a son. KEELEY At Kllllngswerth avenue and Kerby street. February 20. te the wife of David F. Keeley, a son. SCHINAMAN At ICt Rut-sell street. February 3. to the wife or Henry F. Schln a m an. a daughter. COWAN At 507 East Clay street. Febru ary 26. to the wife er Themaa Cewan. a daughter. SIMPKINS At 683 Guild's avenue. Feb ruary 2J. to the wife of C. II. Slmpkln. a daughter. DRAKE At 404 U Morrison street. Feb ruary 21. to the wife of Leuls F. Drake, a son. BENNETT At SW Strong street. Feb ruary 19. to the wife er Nell Palmer Ben nett, a daughter. . .CLD.V At 87 North Ninth strset. Febru ary 17. to the wife or Albert F. Clew, a daughter. ... MORRIS At 3JM Twelfth streei. Feb ruary IS. to the wife ef Wyle Cooper Mer rls. a daughter. KES8I.ER At -101 East Twenty-sixth street. February H. te the wire er Angus L Keesler. a daughter. GOODRICH At 5"0 Belmont street. Feb ruary 8. to the wire et Frederick Willy Goodrich, a son. SCOTT At S1K Jefferson Mreet. January 2K. to the wife of Albert Wright Scott, a son. LEE: At 23 Alder street. February 10. to the wife or Lock I-e. a daughter. CRESS AT 15 Clinton street, Frhruary 0. to the wire or Harry J. Cress, a daugh ter. M'CANN At 2R3 Baker street. February 25. to the wife of Stephen McCann. a son. JOHNSON At Good Samaritan Hospital. February 2S. to the wife ef John John son, of -46S Davis street, a daughter. ANDERSON At Fremont. Or.. February 25. to the wire or John Herbert Anderson, a son. Marriage I.I censes. WITTREN-TREBER Rhelnhard Wlttren. 37, 7P7 Grand avenue; Catherine Treber. "'5. OATMAN-REED L B. Oatman. 21. East Twenty-sixth and Powell streets; Olive Reed. 17. SANDERS-SAt'VAIN Elmer D. Sanders. 2S. -174 East Ash street; Minnie Sauvain. 2K ADAMS BORGESON Win. Townsend Ad ams, 41. 54 First street: Hulda Borgevon. l'.t. BRAKABCSH-KROENING Fred firaka bush. 47; Wllhelmina Kroenlng. 39. Balldlar Permits. CON HILGERS Repair or saloon. Thur man and North Seventeenth streets: 3no. LEVI MALLOT Duelling. East Twenty eighth and East Hoyt streets; 1.00. HENRY MAIER Dwelling, fnlon avenue ana Monroe streets: JI.W. R. G. M'ML'LLEN Dwelling. Hancock street, between East Twenty-first and East Twenty-second: S2.250. II. W. HEIZENRITER Storage bulia Ing. East Twent -ninth and Surraan streets; 100. J. J. RICHARDSON Two dwellings. East Twenty-ninth and East Hoyt streets; $1,500 each. JOHN A. PRATHER Dwelling. Greeley street, near Holman; $1,000. Real Kttate Tranters. Endowment Tr. or W. C. te Charles H. Miller, lots 7 and S, block 1. Strawberry Dale $ 1P0 . J. Cowllsbaw to Zaaana A. Rose braught, lota 25 to 29. block 4. Portsmouth 2P0 "William J. Fortner and wife to Ivy Palmer, lots 27 and 2S. Mock 2, Stanley'a Addition 100 Minnie L Sahlttro msnd husband to Hulda Nlckol et at., east 35 feet of lots 1 and 2. block 13. Fearer's Ad- , dlllon 1.700 John Bain and if to A. a EIN. lot 9. block 2. Willlami . Avenue Addition 1 25 Frank H. Powers and wife to Na than C. Richards. lots 3. 4 and 5. block 2. Frush'a Square Addition 10.000 Charles 8. Hacker and wife to Adolph Kroner, lot 3. block 143. East Pert lnd 2.500 Endowment Tr. of W. V. te Charles H. Miller, lots 9 and 10. block 1. Strawberry Dale 190 American Trust & Investment Co. to W. O. Heater, lot 16. block W. Sell wood i G. McCulley and wire to M. E. Thompron. cart hair of southwest quarter or northeast quarter of section 21. township 1 north, range 1 east. 10 acres j Joseph N. Teal et al. to College En dowment Association, lots 7 and S. block 10. city 25,000 Title Guarantee & Trust Co. te lot 28. block 2. Mount Tabor Place Addition 00 Mary Mlghells and husband to Rich ard E. Thurmond et at., lots 2 and 3. block 23. A. I Miner's Addition 350 Sheriff to Victor Land Co.. lot 5. Marysrllle. section 17. township 1 south, range 2 east. S acres, and south hair or northeast quarter or northwest quarter or southeast quarter, section 29. township 1 scnth. range 1 east. 5 acres, and lot P. block 106. "West Irvlngton; lota 3 and 4. block 1. Saratoga 22.20 John Callan and wir to Charles W. Posiproy and wife, lot 13. block 11, Faradlse Springs Tract 1,600 Nels Benson, trustee, to Bessie An derson, lota 25 and 2C. block 6. Wheatland Addition 10 William Nlcolal and wife to Robert Wiggins et aL lot 2. block 9. Holll day Park Second Addition 573 Jaracs C Lanklnc and wire to same, lot 3. block 0. same addition 7-0 Van B. DeLaahnfet and wire to Ad dle Herman, trustee, lots 5 to II. 13 to 22. block 11. .and other lot and blocks. Arbor Lodge 1 Addle Herman and husband to Mrs. L. E. Hamilton, lota 16 to 20. block 11. aatne addition 3.000 Addle Herman, trattee. to Mrs. I n. Hamilton, same property ........ 3.000 Nelson C. Ovlatt and wife to Minnie B. Locke, parcel land beginning- at Intersection south lln of Kait Mad ison tret with west line of D. L C or Sheldon Murray and wire . $00 S, Lee Paget and wife to Martha E. Mountain. let 12. block II. High- Friday and Saturday Bargains JACKETS NEW STYLES About 450 of the greatest values in Jackets ever shown in this city- Come and see the famous 32 strap seam Jacket, it is cheap at $18.50 the regular price, $10 SPECIAL TODAY We have One Thousand Skirts, also Silk Petticoats, Long Coats, Box Coats, Three -Quarter Coats, Hundreds of the Real Man Tailored Cloth Coats You can buy them for the cost of cloth Remember, we own, operate and maintain a manufacturing plant for the making of Ladies' Garments and havo the real man tailors to fit yon. The garments you purchase in our store will he handled " in an expert manner. You will find no such equipment elsewhere as we maintain at our store. We f have a splendid line of Silk Petticoats, Dress Skirts, etc., etc. The J. M. ACHES0N CO. FIFTH AND ALDER STREETS Und Tart 123 Rivrrview tmetry Aoclatln to Cynthia Travcn. one-half f lot 151. action 15. tvmetery Jimri Birkrr to Irvlnr rirr. north half lot 3. block M. Tabor HclKht S50 Aatnan II. Snittf-r in M. II. Stac Oarry. r.orthwrst half lot 4, btark 43. Jamr Johns Addition l.00 M. D. MrGarry to P. J. Petcrnon, iimr prprty 1 J. S. Haya to Belle I, nutter, tots 15 and 10. block 13. Portsmouth Addi tion 1 Minna R. Drown and huiband tn Paul Shoup. lota 1 and . block SS. East Portland 6.200 J. R. Stoddard to Jane Noon, block 8. Waverly 1 Theodore B. WIIco anU wife to A. J. Noys et U loi 10. block 7. Ker.ll worth . 200 Francis C. Utile to Beaetta Boynton. lots S and A. Gardena COO A. I Stone and wife to Roy Ptone. block 26. Falrrlew 500 Calvin Shepherd and wife te Rey K. Stone. -7S of an acre beiclnnlae 2.791.2 feet north of muihireot corner of A. C. Dunbar 1. 1 C. township 1 north, range 3 east.... 250 Julia K. Hunter and husband to Clarence G. Fanrher. lots 1 and 2. block 27. Falrvl- J A. 1 Sione and wife to aatne, lot 3. block 37. Falrvletr 4J W. O. Wlckham and wife to lilnnl S. Fealey. lot 4. block 6. Paradise Sprincs Tract 1 Sarah E. Cole to John J. Cole, tot ll. block 0. Miller Addition 1 Louis M. Stecner and wife to C. K. Sterner. lot 11. block 22. walnut Park .1 Conrad Emlc and wife to 5. T. Dove. lot 7. block 2C..Teurera Addition.. 350 Frank WaJdron to II. P. Taylor, lota 24 and 25. block S. Xaurelwood Park 350 Security Savinira &. Trust Co.. trus tees, to. jessie i. suison. lot S, block 65. Irvlnaton 603.43 Katherine Hyland to John J. O'Brien. lot mock a. TiDoetta" Addition... 400 Roswell B. I -a niiton et a I. to American Investment Co.. block P. Oreenway 1 Georjc E. Waggoner and wife to John D. Hewitt, lot 1. block 3. Bun ralow Glade Addition 1 J. H. Beyer and wife to George F. Barringer. Jot 7. block 19. Mount Tabor Villa i Sheriff to Wilson W. White, lota and 10. block 17. West Portland Park -.OS Wilton W. White and wife to C. G. Briscoe et a I.. lots 9 and 10. block 17. West Portland Park 10 Alnsworth National Bank to Philip UeJehnen lot 12. block li. Lincoln Prk - no A- rattertos to Wolf Butch and wife. Here are a few of the Latest Up-to-Date Garments New Spring- Styles SPECIAL TODAY let It and 12. block 2. Falrvlew.. 200 P. II. Marlay and wife to Eastern Investment Co.. Ltd.. lots 7. S and 9. block II. Graver's Addition: we?t 100 acres of northwest quarter of N. Hamlin's D. L. C. section 7. township 1 south, range 3 east, and ether propertv ..... 1 P. H. Marlay and wife to same. lots IS. 19 and 20. block 8. Bralnard. and ether lots and blocks ....... v 1 Same te H. E Noble, Iota 6 and 10. block 12; lets P and in. block 14: .lot 22. block S: north 12H feet lot 15 and south 25 feet lot 13. block 1ft; lot 21. block 5. Highland Park, and other property 1 Robert S. Farreli and wife to Charles R. Archerd. lots 1 and 2. block 3. Garrison's Subdivision to East Port land 2.220 Mitchell : Lewis Co.. Ltd.. to Port land & Seattle Railway Co.. block 17. Watson's Addition, except par cel beginning at northwest corner of block 17 1 Nathan Freedman and wife to O. P. Woloott et southeast quarter lot 3. block 30. James Johns' Addi tion 1 Jams S. Reed and wife to J. J. Mey ers, parcel of land beginning at northeast corner S. G. Kelly's land, section 17. township 1 south, range. I east. 3 acres 730 American Trust & Investment Co. to F W. acobt. tot 13. block 37. Sell wbod 200 Frances M. Miller and husband to Calif n Rwlng Cllne. lot 4 and parcel of lot 5. block 0. Central Tark 1 A. D. Marshall and wife to B. M. Lombard, parcel of land beginning 30.K feet north of corner sections IS. 1A. 21 and 22. township 1 north, range least 1 Primary Day a Holiday. SALEM, Or.. Mar. L (Special.) That primary day. April 20. will be a legal holi day, "was decided by Attorney-General Crawford today. This ruling- Is made un der the law which makes every day ot general election a holiday. The polls will be open only In the afternoon, but the holiday will extend over the forenooa also. Old Wcsleyan College Burned. MIDDLETOWX, Conn.. March 1. "Wes leyan University sustained a severe loss by fire early today when old North Col lege, containing; 159 rooms, was practically destroyed. The fire, which started in WE ARE GOING TO MOVE ABOUT MARCH 12 ---HERE IS WHAT WILL HELP US 65 New Advance Ladies' Suits, $25 or better values, special at SEE WINDOWS the attic, burned so rapidly that little was saved. The loss la placed at JSO,O0O. covered by insurance. The burned building wa.s erected In 1S27, and formed the nucleus ot the present college group, and was ot great historic Interest at Wcsleyan. About all that was saved was the valu able college records ot President Ray mond and Professor NIcolson, the secre tary of the faculty. All the students In the building escaped, many leaving the dormitory In their night clothing. The Chinese Invented the mariner's comparg 3000 years ago. F D TEiHTlll! Quick Relief is given cuts, burns, sprains, bruises and wounds of all kinds by prompt use of Pond's Ex tract. Cooling, Soothing, Heal ing. The old reliable standard Pond's Extract will, if properly applied, do away with all dan ger and at the same time cool the skin, reduce the swelling, prevent inflammation; and allay the pain. JTitcb Hazel is nat the same thing. On asalfjis ef seventy samples ef Witch Hazzl s often offered as "just as gad" fifty 'twa iuere faund ta eantain weed afcehol ar far ntalhyde tr both. Ta avtid danger $f f shining insist an having ONds extrAC $10 SEE WINDOWS FIRST IN IN IN IN IN IN ABIHTV. EXPERIENCE, REPUTATION, EQUIPMENT, KNOWLEDGE, SUCCESS. Bladder Troubles, Hydrocele. Varicocele, Plmplca, Ulcers, Kidney Complaints, Blood Poison, Nervoaa Debility, Stricture. Rheumatism, Private Diseases, Plica, Lost Vitality. AH manner of Chronic Afflictions of men and women. Most modern and scientific treatment. No cutting. No gainful operations. No detention from usiness. No misrepresentation. Rep utation established for honest and fair dealings with all patients. Consulta tion andadvice free. ST. LOUIS DISPENSARY Cor. 2d and Yamhill Sta.. FortlaaeT, Or. Efiry Woman is uuareftea aaa teoaia xaow . a boat t& woaiJerfal MARVEL ttMrftM Spray tie and JfueHm7)imt-it. wkt-sioac ivarraataat. a- lummiiwaMi?, Atkjssr nflfM tor R. I f he eaaaot tsvtiy ta MARVKL, aeeept so oiaer. mil ina stamp if r lllnstrated book mm. Itgtres tnll partlealars and 'lirwrion in. Taktabla to ladles. M.RVKl. C 44 K. 9S4 ST., .KW Y9KK. Woodard. Clarteo & Co.. Portland, Oreroa. i. G. SkldJBoro Co.. 131 M, Fortlaat, aaeMBBBaaaaaaC &