Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 01, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Countlnr-Room MUb "670
Wnaslbr Editor Kala 7670
Sunday Bmt&r Main 7870
City Efiltnr Mala 7870
SocUty Editor Main 7070 M1n 7878
SjerlBteadnt Bulldlnr Mala 7078-
Jai side Office Eart 61
M.RQLAM GRAND CMorrlson. bt. 6th and
7th) Concert by Anne Beatrice Sheldon
and Franz Boyd Welle, tonight at 8:30.
Hlch School Girls Burlesquere" tonight at
, EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison)
"Human Hearts" tonight at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 9
P. M.
PANTAGES THEATER (4th and Stark) Con
tinuous vaudeville, 2:80, 7:30 and IF. 1L
STAR THEATER (Parle and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. P. M.
Hekrt Rdstin Deai. Henry Rustln,
the brilliant young electrician who de
signed the splendid Illuminations for the
Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo and
the St. Louis Fair, died Tuesday at his
home In Florence, Neb. Mr. Rustln was
formerly chief electrician for the Portland
Railway Company, and while here mar
ried the daughter of Captain Goodwin, U.
S. A., who was then stationed at Van
couver Barracks. Air. Rustln was widely
known in Portland, where he made many
friends. His close application to the over
coming of the difficulties in lighting the
.big Expositions is believed to be the
cause of the undermining of his health.
Death resulted from tuberculosis. When
the SU Louis Fair was complete, Mr. Rus
tln was so low he could not leave his bed
but was conveyed on a cot from the hos
pital and the illuminations turned on that
he might sec the successful culmination
of his work.
New Buildings fok East Side. Joseph
Jacobberger, architect, is preparing plans
for a three-story brick with steel frame
100x100, on the southwest corner of Grand
avenue and East Morrison street, for J.
M. Healey, who recently purchased the
quarter block for 145.000. The founda
tion and walls will be made strong enough
to carixa six-story building. Occupants of
the wooden building now covering the
block have "been ordered to vacate at
once, but they so far have been unable
to find other quarters. H. H. ICewhall an
nounces that he will erect a two-story
brick on the southeast corner of Grand
avenue and East Washington street this
Spring for quarters for the East Side
Bank. Mitchell. Lewis & Staver have
bonded the block on East Morrison street,
botween Second and Third on which to
-build a wholesale house. The block Is the
property of the Ladd estate.
Stueet Improvements Projected. An
effort is being made to get Hawthorne
avenue improved from East First to at
least East Twenty-seventh street with a
fill to East Third and the remainder with
blthulithic pavement. For most of this
distance to East Twentieth street cement
sidewalks have already been laid. The
Hawthorne estate la favorable to this sort
of an improvement for the avenue. If
possible the avenue will be improved to
East Thirty-fourth street, but it will be
oxtended as far as possible. Hawthorne
avenue is becoming one of the most Im
portant streets leading from the river.
Several hundreds of fine homes have been
built on either side almost to Mount Ta
bor. Besides this improvement practic
ally all the streets between Grand 'ave
nue and East Tenth and between Bel
mont and Hawthorne avenue are to be
improved this Spring.
Lecture on "Mazamas in Paradise.'
There will be no admission fee to the Ma
nama lecture at the White Temple tomor
row evening. It Is given for the purpose
of exciting a greater, interest in the
mountains and natural scenery of the Pa
cific Northwest, and a cordial invitation
is extended to the public by the club. F.
H. Klser has spent n great deal of time
nnd labor preparing slides and has a large
number on hand, most of which are ele
gantly colored. Will G. Steel will outline
the objects of the club, describe Its work
in the field, particularly laHt year's out
ing at M-unt Rainier, and tell of this
year's plans for Mount Baker. As Mr.
Steel has been familiar with the moun
tains for many years, founded the Oregon
Alpine Club in early days and subse
quently the Mazamas. he will doubtless
give an intensely interesting entertain
ment. Sow Advocates Drivewatb. Thomas
Hislop, who recently returned from Cali
fornia, where he spent several months,
says that Portland needs driveways that
are well kept He explains that the
driveways of the California cities arc
their chief attractions, and he cays that
Portland should take the matter up at
. once, as there will Toe many thousands
of tourists coming here this year He
would establish driveways north and
Routh on both sides of the Willamette
River and also cast and west to connect
with the excellent roads which the county
has already provided.
Anderson Wins Case. John Anderson
won out yesterday in the suit started by
Mrs. Mary P. Montgomery to eject him
Trom ground claimed to be part of the
Montgomery estate. The trial was before
Justice Waldcmar Seton in the East Side
. Court. Anderson replied that he was not
on the. Montgomery land at all, but in
Hancock street, by the consent of the
city. At the trial Anderson .showed by
the testimony of a surveyor that his
house was in Hancock street, and the
Justico gave -him judgment.
Union Evangelistic Services. Tonight
Rev. Joseph Smith, of California, a
preacher of note, will speak at the Tav-or-strcet
M. E. Church. Mr. Smith comes
to conduct' a union evangelistic service
under the auspices of the First Baptist
and First Methodist Churches. He is
recognized as one of tho leading exposi
tory preachers in this countrv. Last
night Dr. Short spoke at the White Tem
ple and considerable Interest Is already
being manifested In the meetings to be
Would Improve Francis Avenue. W.
H. Woodruff. John Sutherland. Dr. E. D
Patton, Sarah A. Francis, and I. X. Voor
hles have petitioned the Council for the
Improvement of Francis avenue, from the
south line of Nelson street, now called
Belmont street, to the south line of the
Base Line road, or East Stark street, "by
laying a plank sidewalk and graveling
a roadway 20 feet wide along the center
lino thereof with bank gravel.
. Home Training Association. The
Home Training Association will meet this
.afternoon at 3 o'clock In the committee
room at the City Hall. The subject,
"Home Occupations and Amusements."
will be presented by Mrs. J. Thorburn
Ross. Miss Jessie Reed will give a violin
solo and Miss Helen Reed a vocal solo.
Revival at Patton Church. Revival
meetings will start this evening at tho
M. E. Patton Church. Rev. Mr. Wire in
charge. Tomorrow evening Rev. Clarence
True Wilson will preach. Monday eve
ning Rev. J. E. Snyder, of the First Pres
byterian Church of Vancouver, Wash.,
will conduct the services.
Convicts and Road Work. Judge
Lionel R. Webster has consented to ad
dress the Christian Union, First Unitar
ian Church, this (Thursday) evening on
the "Efficiency of Convict Labor for
Building Roads." The public is cordially
Invited. The address will be given In the
chapel at S P. M.
Miss Menake Dead. Mrss Maggie Me
nane. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Menane. died at their home at Eagle
Creek, Or., and the funeral will take place
today at 2 P. M.
Steamship Northland sails from Sn
Francisco for -Portland, Saturdav, March
8. For freight arppiy to F. L. H&gemann
Jk'Co., agents, 231 Ankeny street.
Steaxbr Mountain Gem Xer Wallul.
Hever a4 way points. Low rates. Freight
mH be delivered at AJder-street d&ck lay
Thursday, March 1.
Xwtk Fivk-Roox Flat, centrally
IpWtod; keys, 3M Mtk .sc
Elboant Nbw appointed offices; raod
cm conveniences : Grand Theater BWg.
Apply M. S. Rcntery. Sherlock BWg.
For Salb 09 cubic yards of earth at
13th and Wash. sts. Glebtech & Joplln. 41
Labbc bldg. Phone Main 1446.
Durino Mt Illness Mrs. Stcecrs will be
In ray office. Sclling-Hlrsch bldg., from
10 to 12 and 2 to 4. John Cran.
Multnomali Club Will "Sot Purchase
tho King Tract.
Acting in accord with the expressed
sentiment of the majority of the members
of the Multnomah Club, the board of di
rectors of that organization at a meeting
last night decided to surrender the op
tion on the King tract, more commonly
known as the Chinese gardens. The ques
tion or purchasing the tract has been
before the club for sometime. A canvass
of the members was made recently and
most of them were of the opinion that at
this time it would be Inadvisable to make
the purchase.
Some of the most prominent of the
members of the club think the price asked
for the King tract Is entirely too high.
Inasmuch as part of the land is In a hol
low. The tract Is about five acres in ex
tent and tho price asked Is $40,000. In
case the club bought the land about halt
of it, which lies upon the hillside, could
be sold to private parties for about $15,
000. The lower land Is the only part
which would be available for the purposes
of the club.
The Multnomah Club is in debt to the
extent of 537.000. This also was an Im
portant factor in the decision not to make
an addition to the grounds. While the
club is rapidly paying off Its indebtedness
many of The members protested against
any more obligations being assumed.
The King estate refuses to sell the por
tion of the tract which is located In the
hollow unless the whole tract Is included
in the sale. If the sale had been consum
mated the club would have had to go to
considerable additional expense by filling
in the lower land.
The King tract adjoins the Multnomah
field on the south. It was proposed to
enlarge tho field by the addition of the
King tract. This would have given the
club sufficient space in which to estab
lish a baseball park in which the pro
fessional games could have been played
during the Summer months.
It would alto have made the field large
enough to be uted as circus grounds and
It Is thought considerable revenue could
have been secured from this source.
Captain McMIHcn "Will Try to Re
cover Remnant of Fortune.
Captain J. H. McMillon. an Oregon
pioneer, writes from Coshow, O., that
the lawsuit to recover his house and lot
nnd bank account in Oakland. Cal., from
his former wife, which made up the rem
nant of the fortune he possessed prior to
his marriage, will be heard March 15.
With his daughter, Mrs. Inez Stacey.
Captain McMillan will return to Oakland
to attend this trial, which will settle
wnether he will get anything or not of
the cash and property he so confidingly
placed in the hands of his wife. The
house and lot involved arc worth about
$3000. The amount of the cash account
In bank is not known.
Captain McMillen started the cast to
recover this property over six months
ago. and spent some time In Portland
gathering testimony for his side of the
controversy to show that he had been
wheedled out of his property. He writes
that all he wants is justice between him
self and his wife, if the court will give It
to him.
Vrry soon after his marriage Captain
McMillen turned over to his wife all his
property and even the cash bank-boolc
After traveling about for some time In
California, they bought a house and lot
in Oakland and deposited some cash In
an Oakland bank, all In his wife's name.
It then occurred to his wife that tho
Captain should visit his daughter in Ohio,
nnd furnishing htm with a ticket and a
few dollars for pocket money, started
him East. It was then he discovered
that he had been duped by the woman
he had trusted, and was left penniless.
It is understood that Mrs. McMillen
claims the Captain voluntarily turned
over his money and property to her. At
the conclusion of the hearing at Oakland.
Captain McMillen will visit Portland for
a short time, and then return to the home
of his daughter in Ohio.
Madame Gadski Will Sing at the
3Iarquam March 8.
Madame Gadskl's fame abroad rests
largely upon her singing; of the Coun
tess in "The Marriage of Figaro,
which has been a feature of the festi
vals of Cologne and Munich for the
past two seasons.
"The Countess' as. portrayed by
Madame Gadski," declared the Cologne
Gazette, "was worthy of every praise,
for nftcr each appearance she
received an outburst of applause which
was In every sense of the term emi
nently well deserved. Her voice pos
sesses that kind of vocal coloring
which allows of the most, versatile
range, from passionate Intensity to ab
solute masterj of the bel canto with
out which no artist, however good her
natural voice, could ever hope to be
the real Countess of Mozart's opera.
Her tono emission and her shading
wore nt all times mnstcrful, and her
singing was an untroubled delight for
the ear as well as for the artistic
sense of the listener."
There Is marked local Interest in
Madame Gadskl's recital at the Mar
quara Grand Theater, Thursday evening
March S, and every Indication of r re
ception such as a star of her magnitude
The advance sale of seats will open
next Monaay morning at 10 o'clock.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for parties. Open all sight. 335
Washington, near Fifth.
Calumet Rrstaurant 7th nr. Morrison.
Merchants lunch 25c; dinner 5 to S 30c.
Splendid Weethrr at Tbl rBlr Paokte KcrU
TJellghtful in every particular Is the
weather at, Newport, and the Seuthera
Pacific and the Corvallui & Eastern rail
roads have resumed ihglr cheap rate te
this place Tor the Winter. Particulars y
asking at Third and Washlsgtoa streetc
A banquet was. given last evening at
Keith's Oyster House by W. E. Sharp,
Master Artisan of Fram Assembly 12L in
honor of members, taking in new mem
bers; also new members Included. The
table was tastefully decorated and the
repast highly enjoyed by all. Those pres
ent were: w. E. Sharp. Mrs. Leach. Mr.
Zane, Charles Beede, Mr. Berry, D. A.
Aiken, Mr. and Mrs. Wlnfield. Misses
Viola, and Florence Peterson. R. Hoffman.
E. Pratt, Miss Head. Mr. Whalley.
KHrk-Grade Piaev f r Xmt
And sold on &y payments. tvater
ana repairing. H. SteeHe!er. 72 TMrd it.
The actl f Carter's Little Liver Pills
te pte&s&at. wUA and natural. Thy
gently stimtiate the Hvcr and recMiate
th beweta. but d art Ma.
King and Prince Arraigned Be
fore Police Judge.
While in Throes of Delirium Tre
mens, Prince Leaped Into tlic
River King Ordered to
Leave the City.
King and Prince stood before Judge
Cameron, the former for vagrancy and
the latter for being drunk and disorderly.
King was captured in the North End. and
was shown to have been long a member
In good standing of the Ancient Order of
Hoboes, while Prince was afflicted with
the delirium tremens, and was arrested
on the British ship Miltonburn for driv
ing off officers and crew. leaping over-
Royalty la Name Only.
board Into the Willamette and, upon be
ing rescued, attempting to exterminate
the police force.
"Any man who will not work when he
can get plenty to do. should be crowned
King of the vagrants." suggested Clerk
Frank Hennessey, but scarcely any one
knew the prisoner's name, and the play
on words was lost.
King was released with the warning
that he should immediately leave Port
land for a more agreeable place.
Prince, shaky from the "snakes." was
ordered back to a Jail cell, pending de
velopments. "Have you any money with which to
employ a lawyer?" asked Municipal
Judge Cameron of Wo Hop. who was ar
rested Monday morning, charged with
having opium In his possession.
"Not a damn centcc." replied Wo. who
Is more sophist icatr-d than some of his
Celestial brethren, and who was quite In
dignant because of his arrest. "Me go
blokec: me bloke ycL"
Thcrepuon, Judge Cameron appointed
Attorney Iancovid to defend the Chinese,
and Iancovid did so. with a vengeance.
Wo Hep W&4 llre IcV.
To save his client from conviction, the
young lawyer resorted to all the techni
calities possible, even demanding that the
case be continued one day and the prose
cution forced to call in a chemist, and
make hlm-swrar that the substance taken
from Wo Hop's pocket was opium. When
the chemist took the stand. Iancovid sub
jected him to a rigid cross-examination,
but Judge Cameron found the defendant
guilty, and sentenced him to the County
Jail for 30 days.
"Me heao slekm In hrm mm to in
dicating his stomach. "Heap slckeo. ' Me
ouy mroiane, me taxee mm get well."
"yes," replied Deputy District Attor
ney Brand, "you're 'heap elckee' In there,
and every Chinaman in Portland is af
flicted with tho same trouble: It's really
an epidemic, and should be stopped, and
here's the place to stop It."
Then poor Wo got his.
M. Aaron, a young man who was cap
tured by tho police Tuesday night, was
arraigned on a charge of begging. He
Is said to have secured a large lint of
ntsiM of nnomlnnf ivrtnns In r-
land, to whom he went soliciting alms. He
was ordered out of the city, and promised
to go.
Thief Faces a Ufo Sentence.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. Feb. 28. Special.)
Office 249 Pine St., rW Third
Phone Main 1662
The public should appreciate the fact that they still have
the Liberty to buy ice in an open market (notwithstanding
the effort to control output by other dealers). We depend
upon the food sense of the public to see our mutual benefit.
Whojetale, $5.00 pr Ton. Retail, RetUuranU, Saloon,
Etc, 35c pr HundrW; Famfliaf 50c per Hundred
Govcrxw Mead has feeca notified of the
arrest in Seattle of Aaulllar Justus, a
yeung man recently released from the
penitentiary under parole. Justus Is held
on the cfckrge ef robbing an Intoxicated
man. He was convicted in Chehalls Coun
ty of robbery In "l&i and sentenced to
Ave years la the penltentUry. Two at
tempts were made to secure his pardon
by influential Chehalls County friends,
and Governor Mead Anally granted -him
a parole, a. well-known ScKttlo attorney
acting as his "best friend."
. Justus, if convicted of the crime for
which he has been arrested, may be sub
ject to the cumulative sentence law and
sent to the penitentiary for life.
Coroner's Records Show Great LoSs
of Life From 3Iany Causes.
February was notable for the large
number of cases coming to tho attention
of Coroner J. P. FInlcy and his staff of
assistants, the list of violent deaths
being, intfact. startling. There wcrettwo
murders, and among the most noticeable
accidents were the O. R. & X. wreck at
Bridal Veil and the burning of several
persons In the fire at the cast end of the
Morrison-street bridge.
The complete list of violent deaths for
February, as furnished by Deputy Cor
oner Arthur L. FInley. follows:
February S Jacob Suttlc. fracture of
February S Mh Sae murdered by jhoot
Inr. February C Edwin Julian, suicide by
February 0 J. M. Fro it. killed la O. K.
&. . wreck.
February 6 GcontA W. Buchanan, killed
In O. It, & X. wreck.
February C Andrew Swcdlund. killed In
O. R. & X. wreck.
February C Edwin L. Slnaott, killed In
O. It. & N. wreck.
February 0 Unknown wan. drewned at
Greenwich dock.
February 12 Rebecca Cochran, burned In.
East Side fire.
February 12 Michael McDonald, heart
February 12 Llnrllle Dalley. burned In
East Side Are.
February 12 Nathaniel P. Younr. burned
In East Side Are.
February 12 Unknown man, burned In
East Side nre.
February 13 Lake T. Dalley. died at hos
pital from burns In East Side nre.
February' 13 Eddie Small, suffocated by
cavlnc earth.
February 14 John F. Heltxtnan. pneu
monia. February IS Unknown man. struck by
Northern PaeTEf strain at Ulnnton.
February 17 Julius-J. Kuhn. murdered by
unknown man.
February 21 Peter Batchen, asphyxia
tion from gas.
February 22 Carl G. Ake, drowned In
Sullivan's gulch.
February -S Charles L. Olson, heart disease.
Mrs. I. Ofner would be pleased to see her
friends at the home of Mrs. Schubach. 3S3
Fifth street, Thursday, March 1.
CHICAGO. Feb. 2S. (Spcdal.)-Orcgo-nians
registered today as follows:
From Salem C Brecdor. nt tho Audi
torium: . B. Jones, at the Morrison;
J. H. Rickcr. Jr.. J. H. Bell. J. A. Foster.
Jr.. at the Kalscrhof; H. G. Williams and
wife, at the Sherman House,
TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. 2S.-(SpccIaD
General James M. Ashton of Tacoma. who
went East recently. Is seriously ill In New
York and threatened with pneumonia.
NEW .uRK, Feb. 2S. (Spcdal.) North
western people registered today as fol
lows: From Spokane. Wash. C. H. Woodln.
at the Imperial.
From Rosoburg. Or. B. W. Strong and
wife, at the Murray Hill.
The regular weekly Pianola recital of
Eilcrs Piano House will be given this
evening at Recital Hall. The soloist Is
Miss Ruth Eddlngs. mezzo-soprano, whose
beautiful voice has been heard on many
occasions In Portland. In addition, sev
eral new and pretty selections will be
rendered by the aid of the Pianola, nnd
there will also be several numbers on the
wonderful "Solo" Orchestrelle. Tick
ets. Including reserved seats, can be ob
tained gratis Rt Ellers Piano House. 351
Washington street, before 5 o'clock this
Grants Stand for Good Government.
NEW YORK. Feb. 2S. At the dinner of
the Grant family of America, held last
night at the Hotel St. Dennis, General
Frederick Dent Grant declared that, the
family should stand together for what
was right In government. He said that
the family was sufficiently numerous "and
of sufllclentiy good standing to have
great weight, and that Its Influence should
be on the side of right The dinner was
the 305th anniversary of the Jiirth of Prla
dlla Grant, the wife f Matthew Grant,
who founded lh Grant family la America
More Trojtble for Hopkins.
-N. B. H40k!ns. who was arrested Tues
day taht en a- charge of hitting Thomas
FilztRer on the head with a piece of Iron
because of an alleged Insult, was again
arresied last night on complaint of FI1
zlncr. charged with using profane and
abusive language. Hopkins, who was
released on JCCO bail on the first charge,
was compelled to put up $23 for his re
lease on the second.
Rockefeller Offers $125,000.
NEW YORK. Feb. 2S. An offer of J12S.O0O
from John D. Rockefeller for a hospital
for children suffering from tuberculosis
was announced yesterday by R. Fulton
Cutting, president of tho New York asso-
Thursday Evening, March i, 19Q6
Mr. Leaden G. Char Item. Carsexle Hall, New
York, ABBonace
Mme. Johanna
Mr. Fraak LmFerge at the Ptaao.
PRICES Lower floor, S3 and 2. Balcony.
12. JL50 and XI. Gallery. If and 73c
Boxes and lojce?. $13.
elation for Improving the cenditioa of the
poor. This offer Is made on condition that
tho association rale a like amount by
June 30. 13K, and that the permanent
maintenance of the hospital Is assured.
The hospital Is to be located at the seaside.
Xcnv Railroad Up"Plkos Peak.
Announcement Is made here today that
the owners of Pike's Peak cog railway
are negotiating for patent rights under
which they propose to construct an air
line electric road up the east slope of
the peak to the summit. The project
contemplates the use of several Inclines,
the motive power on which Is covered by
patents In question. This line will replace
the present cog-wheel road and In addi
tion to making a finer scenic line, will be
available for use for practically the whole
year. Must Xot Advocate Killing Incurable.
ALBANY. N. Y.. Feb. 33. A bill to pro
hibit In this state even the advocacy of
tho suggestion that persons suffering
from an Incurable mental or physical ail
ment be put to death, was Introduced In
the Assembly branch of the Legislature
S3.00, S4.00, S5.00
Agents for
Dunlap Hats
Don't fall to hear MME. GADSKI
at the Marquam Grand March 3.
Don't fall to note the fine tonal
qualities of the Stelnway Piano.
Above all. don't fall to see our
stock of Stelnway and other hlgh
gradr pianos, we can show you
the bst makes manufactured and
arc in position, to sell at the lowest
prices and on the easiest terms.
Opposite Orego&lan Building.
Victor Talking Sachlncs, Sheet
Music. Small Instruments.
Adulteration goes full
length in spices and flavoring
extracts you think it isn't
worth while to cheat in such
trifles four-fifths of "vanilla"
is tonka; cost's one or twe
cents for "$ i -worth".
Schilling's Best are entirely
pure ; at your grocer's.
Doctor Wanted
Physician Wanted
Surgeon Wanted
One who has taken
the examination of the
Washington State
Medical Board
and. failed or has been
refused his or her cer
tificate to practice in
the State of Wash
ington. Address:
Seattle, Washingtno
When you want
something better to
smoke try
La Contributor
SM by th First rMets tlM East
(St. XtfU, AtUr. Hfim, Sjracy, Srtitht ndtiktrj)
Offered tor the Cktkx Cuitw i tin Wift
Distributor, PORTLAND.
A flXM Fall St
far 9.
Xm 46 BtUum
18 sad 119 Fearth Street.
Sole XHstxIbaters far Orvgoa sad Wathtectaiu
vember, but the demand grows stronger
(Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lake, Dallas, Texas; Portland, Oregon)
133 Sixth St Successor to Walter Reed Oregonian Blrjy.
Good Teeth
and proper digestion so together. "When
you can use your teeth as they wore
meant to be used, your stomach needn't
be overworked. Ever thought of it that
way? It's common sense,
nineteen years in dentistry-
WISE BROS., Dentists
Falling Bldg.. Third and Washington.
S A. Jr. to 3 P. M. Sundays, 0 to 12.
Main 023.
Ur. W. A. Wise.
The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has beea
in use for over 30 years, has "borne the signature of
and has been made under his per- ,
sonal supervision since its infancy
WcV9; McuA Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but?
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the .health. o
Infants and Children Experience against ExperimenU
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Caslor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Tv"orm
nd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
fitomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
Tie KM You to Always Bought
In Use For Oyer 30 Years.
Without a Bival
Men Make Houses
But Women Make Homes
And every home, can be made brighter
and prettier by the use of BAY
STATE PAINT. For exterior or in
terior use its permanence is unsurpas
sed, as it never cracks, blisters, pqels
or fades. Put up ready for immediate
use in every color or tint.
Front and Morrison sts.
Today ushers in the month of
March and there is not only no
diminution in the sale of those
popular favorites, Kryptok "In
visibles," opened by us last No
with every day that passes.
Dr. T. P. Wise.
Signature of
f N
to the Trade end Public in
Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
Montana :
and all others of
our manufacture
will fee delivered
during 1906
(Waretease 206 TMrrf St.)
Applications far Aedes
fer either
Bicycles or Automobiles
SfeaMbeAMresMtfu .
Pope Manufacturing Cg.
451 MisstOA St,
chwab Printing Co.