Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 01, 1906, Image 1

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Thousand Feet Costs
Only 58 Cents.
Important Facts Drawn Out at
Council's Investigation,
Storms mul Swears on Witness Stand.
First Victory "Won When Gas
Company Withdraws Refusal
to Produce Its Books.
" Trying to lend the gas committee of the
City Council away from the price ques
tion into thn bv-naths of minor details
the Portland Gas Corrmanv last nicht In
the City Hall was brought back to that
question by the committee ana compelled
to accept it as the paramount issue in the.
fight that is being waged for cheaper gas,
The next hearing1 will be on Friday
The controversy was bitter, and C. 1
Adams, president of the company, the
only witness called to the stand, exploded
in invectives and profanity against the
editor of The Orcgonian and the manage
ment of this paper. He testified that the
gas which is sold to consumers in Port
land at $1.13 per thousand feet costs the
company 57.CS cents.- not including 14.4
cents which Jje said should be added for
depreciation, of plant. The investigation
was thcn directed to the reorganization of
the company In 1892. to ascertain the
truth of the reports that large blocks of
stock had been secured by manipulators
of the deal, without their navlnrr any
thing to the company, the object of this
examination being to ascertain whether
such capital stock, on which consumers
are expected to pay dividends and have
occn doing so since that time, was legiti
mately acquired Siifd whether it 1Hi-
Bonds should properly '"bcT charged against
The wifness and the attorneys of the
company, C H. S. Wood and J. K. Teal,
fought every move in this direction. Mr,
Adams at first refused to testifv retrard
ing the 1S92 transaction, but after a long
wrangle gave an explanation which was
so Involved as to be difficult to under
stand. Finally the company assented to
nllow the committee and Henry E. Mc
Ginn, who is conducting the invcstlratlon.
to inspect the books of the reorganiza
Adams Loses Temper.
This was accomplished onlv after a verv
bitter fight, in which Mr. Adams lost his
temper completely, calling H. W. Scott.
rdltor of The Orcgonian. a. "G d-
hoary-bcaded old tiling." and E. B. Piper,
managing editor, a "long-haired thinrr."
.1. X. Teal sought to restrain him. but
was pulled down to his scat by L.
Lewis, who exclaimed: "Let him talk."
All tills charged the densely crowded
Council chamber with great excitement.
and Chairman Moncfec took the proceed
ings In hand by calling Mr. Adam? to or.
dcr and directing the examination back
to Its real business.
Tries to Get the Facts.
"Of course." said Mr. McGinn, Irvine to
. pin down the witness to an explanation of
the 1892 deal, "you gentlemen have gone
over this with a great deal of care, but
we have never known the facts -as we
would Jikc to get at them."
Adams For curios'My?
McGinn No. not for curiosity.
Adajns That is all. Tt is lnb
and to carry on this blackguardism, that
has been going on for the last six weeks.
McGinn Mr. Adams, you have public
franchises here
Adams I am perfectly willing to turn
oVcr my hat to the committee, and everv
thing In it, but when it comes to person
alities, I object.
McGinn There is no personality.
Adams There Is. These blackguards
that run The Orcgonian started this thing
for personal motives. That G d-
old hoary-hcaded thing (rcfcrrlnc: to H.
W Scott, who had gone home), he has
gone away, but the fact Is Just this.
Judge McGinn: they started out to black
guard every man in this company that
, would not bend to their will. Along about
last May they commenced to villlfy "Will
Ladd, and I made up my mind that so far
as the Portland Gas Company is con
cerned, they would get no more from us.
Chairman Mcnefee here called Mr. Ad
ams to order and directed that the exam-
ination proceed in a proper manner.
After Adams first statement of the re
organization, McGinn asked: "What do
you get out of it?"
Adams That is none of your business.
Q. Do you decline to tell this committee
what you received at the time of the re
organisation of the Portland Gas Com
A. That is just it, exactly. In plain
Q. Til ask you If it Is not a fact that on
reorganization of the company in 1882 you
and Mr. Mills received $260,000 of the stock
of the cempany for which yoa -paid noth-
A. .No, sir; that is a damnable He. and
was given to Mr. Piper by Mr. C. J. Heed.
I want t name the man.
X. B. Piper That's a He.
AJaaw-It is a He, you long-haired thing,
y kew It is. I know all about it .now.
Mm jweens are, en the pulse.
AJt the efforts ef the investigation
MW fr UMHr ehjeet the domeestratlea
that too high a price is charged for
sras to the consumer. The first accom-
plisnmcnt toward this end was the ad
mission forced from President Adams
that the cost of gas to the -company
wag 5S cents. The next victory was
that of bringing: out the improper ad
dilion to that cost, of dividends on
stock which was not legitimately Is
sued and paid for in 1S92 and which
continued through the second rcorgan
ization in 1901.
All this the rras comnanv tried to ward
oft by first insisting that the investigation
should confine itself to charges printed
in The Orcgonian aa to meters, quality of
gas. etc. Mr. wood read a lone state
ment from the company denying the truth
of various- statements .and complaints
that the Orcgonian has printed In tiic last
two months and demandinr that The Ore
gonian be compelled to substantiate them.
Charges Against Company
Mr. McGinn offered a written statement
from the side of the Investigation, con
talnlng cloven charges against the com
pany, the first of them being that the
price charged to consumers As too high.
Mr. McGinn Insisted that the whole pur
pose of the Investigation was to prove
this one point and that other matters
were of minor Importance. Mr. Wood and
Mr. Teal protested vigorously, demanding
that the investigation confine . Itself to
testing the printed complaints.
They were overruled by the committee
which took the stand that the gas com
pauy and not The Orcgonian was under
Adams' Outbursts Are Heart! liv
Large Audience in Attendance.
interest in the proceeding was
groat, the entire lower floor boimr
thronged by spectators and witnesses,
with many people in the trallcry. The
pitch of public opinion was evidenced
in the close interest of those present
and the attitude of the public was
frequently revealed by lively bursts of
applauso as some Contention was
waged by Mr. McGinn against the cor
poration. Tne evening- was taken un
for the most part by the examination
of President Adams, whose replies to
well-directed questions elicited much
of value to the investigation. Not least
of the points thus scored was Mr.
Adams' admission that while the cost
of producing- gas Is a fraction more
than 72.13 cents oer thousand Mihfr
feet, including distribution, the sum
of cents Is figured for the de
preciation of the plant, the actual cost
thus being- 3.6S cents. Mr. McGinn set
up the claim that the amount ascribed
to depreciation Is ridiculous and that
the set of figures show that the Port
land Gas Company could handle Its
product with a handsome profit f-r as
small a rate aa 65 cents per thousand
cubic feet. ,
A'dampjGrpivOi W'rathy.
An exciting ccnc in connection with
the invcstlgai In occurred when Prcsi
dent Adams Is questioned by Mr. Mc
Ginn concern! his own dealings in the
1892 regulation J When asked concerning
certain bonus i ft of Hiorlf lir ! r-Aniitm
to have received at the time of the re
organization of the company In 1S92. he
lost control of himself completely." Jumped
from the witness stand, crossing to a po
sition In front of Mr. McGinn, shook his
hand angrily and poured forth a torrent
of abuse. Persistent remonstrances from
his attorneys, Mcssra. C. B. S. Wood and
J. M. Teal, failed to check his flow of
Invectives and he did not desist until he
was summarily ordered to resume his
scat by Councilman Masters.
The unpleasantness arose when Mr. Mc
Ginn began questioning the w'tness re
garding his rolations with the comnanv.
After having Questioned the witness close
ly concerning the corporation reorganiza
tion affairs, Mr. McGinn suddenly asked:
Did you get anything out of the issue
of stock, Mr. Adams?"
Attorney Teal arose with vigorous ob
jections to the question. Mr. Wood also
spoke, saying personal matters of such
a character were not relevant to the case.
The committee falling to rule on tho
point at issue the issue was eventually
repeated by Mr. McGinn, who insisted
that personalities were not being indulged
in. It was at this point Mr. Adams arose
in anger and commenced unburdening his
mind. Mr. wood called upon him to de
sist, and Mr. Teal arose, calling the wit
ness to calm himself. Here occurred Mr.
Adams' burst of profanity and invective,
in which he was called to order by the
"Hold on a minute." exclaimed Mr.
Adams excitedly. "I've -rot a big key hero
1 want to unlock for you I want to tell
'The committee docs not care anything
about that matter at this time and will
have to call you to order Mr. Adams,
was the rejolncr.
The irate. gas man stood in a bewildered
manner for a moment and then apologiz
Ing for his use of profanity returned
quietly to the witness stand.
Mr. McGinn persisted in his Questions
concerning Mr. Adams' dealings and those
of Mr. Mills. Again tho relcvanev of
these questions wcro argued at length.
Mr. Teal Insisted that it was Irrelevant
and no more to the Interest of the. people.
than what the old O. S. N. Company did.
He asserted that it did not concern the
committee who the stockholders were, so
long as they had paid value for tho
stock. And that It wair the private bus!
ness of tho parties concerned and not
the public s.
Mr. McGinn's Retort
Mr. McGinn retorted:
The committee can apply the irt a
once by inquiring whether athe time of
tne reorganizauon, casn was paid for the
stock. Tho on the Inside may have
thought they got some A-alue, but this
committee and the public would dearly
like to know what that somethine-
that tbey can pass Judgment on the ques
tion whether it had anyvalue or whether
It was frenzied high fiance. of which
we have beard so much lately. The pub
lic has the rignt to know whether the
money which they have been nayjne iu
been In the way of dividends on stack
tli at stood for notWRg but water. Ta&
trestlemen have tW g that thv -rtoj
the fullest invectlgatloa ana the very mo
ment we pwt te preee e we are tett
ICeattoiiefc m J?.gt 11.)
I that loo lils-h a rlf 1 nYtarsroA for I - .. . 1 . ' rrat
lb NOW 8a liLN h
Supervisors Take Into Consid
eration the Company's Re
cent Heavy Loss by Fire.
Ornamental Light roles to Be Put on
Market Street and City to Be
Furnished Additional Lights
al Bcduccd Cost.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Feb. 2S.-(Spe-
cial.) After exhaustive inquiry Into the
problems of fixing tho gas and water
rales for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1907, the Board of Supervisors today
passed to print resolutions reducing rates
of water to house consumers between 10
and 11 per cent and fixing the rate of
gas to the consumor at S5 cents per thou
sand feet.
President John A. Rritton. of the San
Francisco Gas & Electric Company, de
clared that as the company had recently
sum-red loss by fire the rate fixed was a
hardship. He suggested SO cents as
compromise, but the light rates commit
tee after a fivc-minulc session, reported
In favor of the 5-ccnt rate, and its reso
lution was adopted by the board.
The Board of Supervisors had spent the
past month investigating cas affair ami
had arrived at tho conclusion that the lo
cal gas company could manufacture and
distribute gas jo consumers at a cost to
Itself of between 50 and GO cents a thou
sand feet. With this as a basL th hnani
nad decided to place the rate for the
year at w cents.
This decision was reached Just a week
ago. Since then the zas coninan lia
suffered a heavy loss b flr Tittrf tt
Supervisors took this into consideration
in placing the rate at SS centa One of
me largest stations of tho comnanv
burned, entailing a loss of JtfO.OCO. The
insurance carried amounted m niv
While the citizens had come to look for
j-ccnt rate, the figure srfnn,
with general satisfaction, wmi
7 ,owcr durln. the coming year.
ivi imor ngure navinjr .boon Jl. ihc gas
company ha- .bound Itsif m r,.u
dltional llghu to the city at a reduced
President Britton told of h t ,
the company for the bcauUfication of the
city by the erection of ornamental light
... . " .. UC
uvwaiu, win oe carried out.
Carter Harrison on Gns Price Xcw
Move In Illinois.
CHICAGO. Feb. S. t.-
Mayor Cartor II. Harrison r-'
- - ""v-jv num
California, where lie spent the Win-
icr, acciarcd that 75 cents for gas in
Chicago was quite enough and h t.
occasion to criticise t.A
passed by the City Counrii
for ko-cent gras. Ho said:
"1 Ulksd with a number of .iMa.
men last November and I suggested
that the Council take no steps on reg
ulating the price of xras until tiw. c.,
premc Court decided on the 75-ccnt glis
ordinance. When that case wn hn
down. I flgured it would be ample time
to oecidc on a figure to be charged
for gas.
"Investigation made bv th roimn
during my administration resulted In
tne mining thut 75 conts would in. i1
reasonable . figure. Whether there is"
any now light or whether there is a
preponderance of evidence in favor of
higher flgnr now. I know nothing
about. But I do not think the cost of
producing gas has increased sin titnr
time. I certainly think that, in view of
the valuable concessions given for con
solidation. 7.. vents would be even a.
more reasonable figure now than when
we did not consider consolidation.
Moreover. I have no doubt that the
methods of manufacturing gajj have
been so improved and cheapened that
the companies aro In better position
today than ever before to grant 75-
ccnt gas."
A dispatch from Sterling. 111., savs:
The corporation known as the McKIn-
A. K. StrunfDfcery, CiMwtM,
Mrt. briber of tM mrimi
ley syndicate, that owns and controls
a number of electric railways in this
vicinity. Is planning to enter the" gas
business in Bureau County nnd will
make gas for a number of towns nnd
sell It at 75 cents a' thousand feet. The
company is planning to erect a central
gas plant at Mcndota, south of "here,
and proposes to pipe gas to Barlville.
Somxnanauk Lelnnd, Sundwich and
Piano. In thes towns the company' is
now asking for franchises on a -75-ccnt
basis. Senator Gardner, of Mendota, is
the prlmo mover- in the syndicate
Contract Willi Steel Trust Amounts
to si, ic:r, ooo, ooo.
CLEVELAND, Feb. S.-It Is stated
that a deal Involving Iron ore amounting
to as great a tonnage as all the ore mined
in the Lake Superior ranges during the
more than 0 years of their ojeration. a
deal b? which the immensely valuable
ore properties of Janios J. Hill ' on the
Mcsaba Range are to pas to the control
of the United Stulra Stool Coraorntlnn fn.-
a period of 3) years, is about to be con-
ui.ihi.uw. j r-jfvi ml iruiu XJUIUW1 lO IH8
Iron Trade Review says:
"Although no official announcement has
been made, our correspondent is informed
on authority reliable beyond a question
that all Of th nrinciunl terms hnvo Kfion
agreed upon and the contract drawn. It
is estimated that the Hill Interests have
ore deposits amounting to 3CO.000.0CO tons,
which, delivered at Laki Kri nnrt wnnM
be worth $1.13.0CO.O. The terms of the.
contract provide that the Steel Corpora
tion shall take a lease of these proper
tics for 00 years and filmll pay for the first
two years 70 cenm per ton for the ore
mined and 50 cents for the carrying of the
Ul inim IIIC in nM TO I UTIitT It nn Ait
Hill's Great Northern Rnil
it is further provided that after two
jears me price for ore In the ground
shall be increased 7 cents every two years
until at the end of 12 years the price shall
oe i. anu stay at that figure for the ro
malnlnc IS vrarx or ih nnrinA
Important provision is that the Great
ionium iiaurofld snail o guaranteed
ir'iKiii 'amounting- to innnrm tnn. n
nually during the life of the lease,"
The Weather.
TO DAT S Part ly cloudy, with lera; west
erly xinds.
l isrfc.KDAY-, Maximum temserature. IS
aeg.; minimum. ZO. I'reelpUaUen. 0.00 lock.
Germany fortifle Klaocheu an4 prepares tor
uuuutc in V.H uMx. rage o.
Another victim of Chln ris dmd v, . -
RuvMan Liberal denounce Assembly aa a
fain, rape Z.
Campaign of tcrrorfent Ir Ruula. Tage 3.
Dominican treaty reported to Seate with
important manse. 4.
Cromwell rerural to answer Merman mm
talned In- eat-amltta ! J
Repeal of timber ana rtowe aet killed by
a iuum- rsranimcr. I f;r j.
Koraker rpcaks ariiMi rat Mil P-'
Leadcrx In Houss wrangle atout army MIL
Pate -I.
Durand -jItcs evidence asafast Daekerz.
face S
Iomitfr. ,
Evidence again! Standard OU CemnanV
wn jh UMimiina. i age 3.
Equitable Life iMue statement of business
In 1305. Tare 1.
Union PacISc divides surplus among stock-
Coal operators call new conference, hut
many oppose concession to miners.
Pace 3.
RIotlnr continues at Springfield. Ohio, but
militia finally suppresses it. Page 1.
All money put In Cash Buyers' Union lost.
Pare 5.
Twenty Injured In panic In burning theater.
Carter Harrison say 7." cent Is enourh
lor gas In Chicago. Page 1.
Nell knocks Ht Tenny In fourteenth round.
Page 7.
Clunie threatens to leae Coast
rage 7.
Pacific Coat.
Three attempt -were made to kill cz-Coverno-Stcunenben-;.
Pace 1.
Washington Railroad Cemmlfefon hearinr
called for Colfax, June & Page 0.
Salem saloonkeepers try to discredit story of
Rev. raul Itader. IVire 7.
San Franciico Board of Supervisors nr price of.
Death of CajXaln l. u. Johnson at Walla
Walla. Pace 6.
Chine Commt-vlonera will visit Portland-Ca
jciu.ji irom .uropc. rare e.
rortUa astf VWaky.
Gas investigatloa la he run. rage1.
Christian Ce -operative FedsiifUa to Issue
SS0.009.M worth of bonds. Pirw in
Union Factfte seodvnew motor car to
MJIwaukle -dolroom can arrned In Circuit
,.- , yn ssniimr. rage jo.
Police Sergeant llogeboom found guilty of
, iwiu.iiiuiuini inn enincea lo lose
thirty days" pay. Page 16.
Keror-4 of police arrests for February.
Pare H.
ColtHnbU. Valley Railroad dismisses rlght-
ui"iuj ruu mmtr man auonr cross-ex-examination
of it -retarr Par. in
L;ili and Clark corporation :tockholder
ana directors noia meeting todar.
Page 11. j
Commercial and -Marine.
No Eastern Interest In new mohair clip.
Page 13.
Chicago wheat market lack support.
Page 15.
Sharp break in Xcw York stock raaricoL
Page 13.
California hop market neglected. Page 13.
Commissioner Geo. B. Them as declares he
U not opposed to location of railroad
bridge at eite proposed by the Northern
Pacific. Par It.
Upper Columbia boats reap benefit from rail-
Columbia., Pace 11.
make gas for a number of towns and I if th v,m .. tt , I
Jrtce TPTMk Smith. vrh kHI pre-.
Me nt Mm trial t the 1'etl-
Repeal, of Timber and Stone
Act Laid on Table Jor
Three Northwestern" Members
House Oppose Measure" Favored
by President to Get Fair
Price Tor Timber.
Inprton. Feb. S. By a vote of 9 to 4 tho
J louse public lands committee today voted
to tnblc the bill to repeal the timber and
stone net and substitute therefor a law
authorizing the sale of mature public tini
bcr at Its appraised value. The action of
the committee Is in line with Its action
taKcn in the last Consress. and cffcctlvelv
kills the pending- bill, which was indorsed
by the President and by the Public Lands
commission. The committees action
makes it Impossible to bring; the bill up
on tho floor of the House, even for dls
cuss Ion.
It Is possible that Chairman Laccy. who
favors the repeal of the timber act. may
ask unanimous consent to discharge his
committee from consideration of this bill
and In that way bring it Into the House,
but a single objection will defeat this
move, and there is little prospect that
the bill can be considered. The action of
the House committee means that a simi
lar bill, if passed by the Senate, as seems
probable, would be likewise killed in the
.House committee, because of the over
whelming majority against it.
Mondcll (Wyo.). French (Idaho), and
Dixon (Mont.) are among those against
-Merits of the Bill.
The Public Lands Commission, after a
careful study of the operation of the tlm
bcr and stonp law. condemned It. and
recommended its repeal and the substitu
tion of a law which would permit the
Government to fealizc something like the
real value of Its timber. Such a law as
recommended by the commission and fa
vored by the Senate committee would
yield from IS to $1C0 an acre for the
choice timber lands of the West, whern
Jfthe Government now receives a beggarly
S2.M. Moreover, a Siw such as DroDosed
would tend to mit a ston to the rank tim
ber monopoly that has been undertaken
In the Pacific Coast States. In that it
would require lumbermen to pay a fair
price for timber, instead of Dermittlnsr
them to get It for a merely nominal sum.
Mondcll's Xarrtm View.
The most vigorous ouDonent of reDeal
on the House committee is Mr. Mondell.
who believes In legislating to meet condi
tions In his own state, notwithstanding
the effect on the rest of the country. Mr.
Mondell contends, and probably truly.
that the timber and stone act has been
beneficial to Wyoming. The timber of
that state is perhaps worth no more than
JZ.Z0 an acre, for the "Wvominsr forests
cannot compare with those of the North
western States, either jn extent or in
qualitr or timber. Mr. Mondell areucs
that, inasmuch as the act has benefited
"Wyoming and has led to no fraud, there
fore It. must have benefited the entire
West and should not bo repealed. This i3
a wonderful stand to be taken by a man
who has been in everv Western Statu and
actually knows of conditions that exist
outsiuc ot Wyoming.
Tho fact Is that the Dassace of a bill
such ns that bcinsr nrcrarcd bv the Sen
ate committee would make little change
In the use of the public forests of Wyo
ming, provided Mr. Mondcll's contentions
arc correct, If Wyoming timber is wortli
only SiS0 an acre, the sale of public tim
ber by appraisement would not increase
its cost to tne Wyoming miner and homc-
buildcr. The real cliange would be felt
In the Northwestern States, where the
timber is worth from ?23 to $100 an acre.
Dnrc Xot Let House Vote.'
In the last Congress the House commit-
tce. hostile to repeal, tabled the bill for
this purpose, thereby denying the House
the right to even consider the subject.
Considerable criticism was heaped upon
the men who voted to tabic the bill, and
Chairman Laccy believes that if this sub
ject could be thoroughly aired in tho
House, a majority could be persuaded to
vote for It, He is of the opinion that
B. .Mm. f rarette. 14, twn
f Uh: gnwd Jt7.
Eastern men can be convinced of the in
justice of the present law and would vote
for the remedy proposed. The opposition
realized that it was apt to lose Its fight
if the bill -went Into the House, and ta
bled it in committee to prevent its con
sideration. The Senate public lands committee to
day decided to report favorably Fulton's
bill permitting Oregon miners to cut tim
ber from their claims for development
and domestic purposes, free of cost.
3Ioody Will Carefully Consider Case
Before Taking Action.
ington. Feb. 28. Attorney-General Moody
has not passed upon the Bristol case, be
cause of pressure of more important pub
lic matters. Inasmuch as Mr. Bristol's
future is largely dependent upon the ac
tion taken, there is a disposition on the
part of the Attorney-General to give the
case full and careful attention before
making any recommendation to the Pres
ident, for he appreciates tfiat adverse ac
tion would be disastrous to Mr. Bristol
In his profession. The Attorney-General
will hold back the case until he can give
it the full consideration which he believes
it merits.
Dredge Tor Coast Harbors.
ington. Feb. 2S. Senator Fulton today
offered an amendment to the sundry civil
bill appropriating $100,000 for the construc
tion of a combination dipper and suction
dredge and two dump scows for use on
Oregon coast harbors.
Washington Rural Curriers.
ington, Feb. 2S. Rural carriers appointed
iur wasningion routes: Cheney, route 4.
Arthur Gilliam carrier. Nelson Gilliam
substitute: Colfax, route 2. Charles P.
Basket carrier J B. T-IhIa ?nihtUiio- t
salla, route 1. William H. Jones carrier,
B. Half substitute.
.Klamath Agreement Signed.
ington. Feb. 2S. The Secretary of' the In
ferior nas signea tne articles of agree
ment between the United States and the
Klamath Water-Users Association.
Fire at Williamsburg Theater Causes
Scene or AVild Consternation.
3rany Fatally Trampled.
AETOOXTX'"" Pa" TaH. ttli.1ii,!
Twenty persons were in hired hv h.fnc-
trampled upon In a panic which followed
the explosion of a gasoline tank at a
stercopticon exhibition In the Williams
burg opera-house tonight. Tho building,
with two adjoining structures, was de
stroyed: loss. $50,000.
Some of those trampled upon, four of
whom are women, may be fatally injured.
Tne playhouse was crowded when the
gasoline became ignited and the tank
burst, throwing the fiery liquid over
scores of persons, setting fire to their
clothes and the building and causing the
wildest consternation. In the struggle to
reach the only exit men and women
their clothes stripped from them, while
the Injured ones were trampled upon as
they formed a human mass In the narrow
Hotel Man Who Formerly laved In
Portland Passes Away.
NEW YORK. Feb. 23. Charles "E. r..-
land. who was known as nnr nt thn mc
prominent hotel men In the-United States.
aiea yesterday, at the age of 53 years.
He was the last of seven hrothom ail
of whom were well-known hotel men.
With his brothers for manv wa rr-
Iceland was Introatpl in
nouscs, and he aided in the establishment
01 tne Iceland Hotel. Of late years ho
had been In poor health, snri m.
peilcd to devote himself
sort ousincss.
Ir. Leland opened th IfotM pnni-,n,
ii. icjv. uu iiiituagou mc oustness of tho
".jiiiuuuii iur lurcc voarsi- un -n- c
obliged to resign from the management
oi me .noici Portland because of III
health. Manager H. C. Bowers, or tho
Hotel Portland, described ilr Leland as
naving oecn tne last of a race of the
greatest notei promoters and managers
In the country. Warren Hcland. Jr
brother of the late Chn
proprietor of the Windsor House, of New
iorK. wnicn was aestroyed by flro about
three years ago. in which conflagration he
lost his wife. Ho died shortly afterward
as a result of the shock.
Pedagogues Adopt Andrews Scheme
"7 OF SpclIInS Reform.
LOUISVILLE, Feb. 2S.-The subject of
reformed spelling was discussed today bv
the department of superintendence of tho
National Educational Association, and
upon motion of Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews,
of the University of Nebraska, a resolu
tion was adopted recommending that the
department of superintendence overture
tho National Educational Association to
order that 12 phonetic words be used
hereafter In all Its- publications. These
words are:
Blzness." for business; "enuf" for
jfttough; ''tether." for feather; "mesure"
far measure; "plesure.-" for pleasure
"red." for read; "ruf." for rough; "trauf '
for trough; "thru," for through "tuft"
for tough; "tung." for tongue; 'yung'"
for young.
Two 3rore Middles Kcslgn.
John H. Lofland of Iowa, and Earl W
Chaffee of Michigan, two f three mid
shipmen dismissed from the Naval Acad
emy for fe&zlBg and reinstated by special
act of Congress last year, have tendered
their resignations from the service. That
of Lofland has been accepted and the
other is awaiting actfoa by Secretary
I Eastern men can be convinced of the inr n i n. n f t'-V
justice of the present law and would vote U 1 1 III D P D T II Tli f lJv
M mm W M
Militia Cannot Handle
Springfield Mob.
Blacks Flee Barefoot and Half
Naked in Terror.
Eight Companies or TroopsJTail to
Stop Reign of Torch and Bul
let Mob Flees to New
Scenes of Crime.
Sprinrfietd is the capital of Clark
County. Ohio, and la situated on Mad
River, at the mouth of Lagonda Creek.
45 miles southwest of Columbus, on the
Panhandle. Erie and other railroads.
It has foundries, machine shops, agri
cultural Implement works, manufacto
ries of enrines. metaj and turbine
wheels and windmills. It la. the scat
of WIttenbers Lutheran Colleee, a
public library, a Federal buildlm? and
other fine public buildings!. The popu
lation In 1000 was 38.233.
SPRINGFIELD. O., Feb. 2S.-The riot
and race war begun here last night as
the result of the shooting of 3T. M. Davis
by Ladd and Dean, colored, was continued
tonight, the eight companies of troops
called out to assist the local officers in
preserving order not being able to pre
vent the destruction of two houses and
the partial demolition of a dozen or more
others tonight at the hands of the mob
Up to midnight no casualties had oc
curred and the rioters had consisted
mainly of a marohlntr mnK
. -----o w-, t, unit vainer
sot fire to or stoned the homes or negroes.
rauuureus ot people were in the streets
u me- excitement continues intense
Martin M. Davis, the railroad brake
man shot, is pronounced to be dying to
night. Acting Frosccutinsr .Aftrt,- t..
bourne Just before mfrtntf-hf
dying statement, which will be u-ed
against Dean and Ladd when they come
attorney. C Columb-
- lawyers Prepare to Prosecute.
A committee of lawvPr t-. -
?itf,SOl,Ui' Tatum' "-Representative
v..iwta ju. atewart and PauL A. Staley
has been appointed to Drosn.
against the rioters. A mass meeting has
-. Laut-u ior tomorrow night by th
Commercial Club by President Fairbanks'
a brother of Vice-President Fairbanks to
devise means to eradicate tho causes
which have made tho rioting possible
'More incendiary fires were started early
tonight in various parts of the city, in
every Instance the houses were occupied
by negroes or negroes and whites
negro house at Harrison and York streets
was stoned by a large crowd, the occu
pants are believed to have escaped, how
ever. Assault on "Flicker's Nest."
The "Flicker's Nest," which is inhabit
ed by negroes and which flgured In the
Dixon mob and subsequent race war two
years ago, has been assaulted tonight
and several attempts were made to fire
It. but ns it is guarded by militiamen, tho
effort has so far failed. Several alarms
have been turned In as a result of fires,
but no general. alarm up to this hour!
as every available fireman is at work on
the fires now under way. Several negroes
who had been chased by angered whites
from the negro quarter of the city, made ,
their way to the city building, which is
in charge of the soldiers.
Xcgro Preacher Burned Out.
The house of Rev. John C. Curry, a
negro preacher, was stoned, and the
family fled terror-stricken. The mob
then set fire to it, but the nromnt nrriv-.i
of the military prevented Its destruction.
The homes of Reuben Campbell and
Charles Fllmorc on Central avenue were
riddled with stones and at this point a
boy, whose name is not known, was int
In the leg.
The militia have devoted their men
tion to control of the larger crowds, leav
ing the police to look after the smaller
end of "tho riot. Promiscuous and ran
dom shooting has been a feature tonight
and has added to the general terror. Two
negro women who jumped from the sec
ond stories of their homes were serioualy
Torch and Coal Oil Used.
Up to 11:30 o'clock tonight the mob
had been successful in burnino-
houses and had stoned and partly demol
ished a dozen others:, all being Inhabited
by negroes. The first place visited by
the mob was the home of George Mil
ler. "When the assault began Miller ran
in his bare feet and without coat and
hat and escaped from his pursuers by
going to the City Hall, where he found
shelter with the troops. Coal Oil
'applied to his house and it was soon a
mass of flames.
From Miller's the mob ment to. th
home of John Logan, and the torch
applied after the escape of the occupants.
The house was practically destroyed
The militia- were In hot pursuit of. sono
of the rioters, and at Central avenue
chased the at the point of the .bayonet.
tCoac!44 oa Put xi
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