TfflS yORXIXG- OREGOXIAy, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1906. A HUNDRED SALES MAY COME AND GO, BUT THE FAME OF THIS .GREAT SALE WILL STILL LIVE ON THE CHICAGO 69, 71, 73 THIRD, BETWEEN OAK AND PINE STREETS- THE BIG STORE I IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BLOCK 5 -S.V . v'ti mi&&&&&3 Has consummated arrangements with the United States National Bank for a line of general improvement to accommodate the growing business of the bank and the unparalleled rapid growth.of THE CHICAGO. The loss has been determined upon, and upwards of $60,000 worth of medium and Spring weights, Men's Boys' and Children's Suits, Coats, Overcoats', Cravenettes, Pants, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods wiU be placed on a Sacrifice Sale at an average reduction of 40c on the dollar, contract goods excepted This includes all stock on hand and Spring goods which may arrive, even goods in process of manufacture will be placed on the sacrifice sale at an actual loss. The highest standard of goods to be found in the markets of America are included in this great stock While the workmen are in possession of the premises our .selling space will be reduced 2000 square feet heroic and desperate measures and believing the first loss is the best, tomorrow morning at 9 A. M. we will throw open our doors to the public to WILL MEN'S SUITS SE, flfl Will take choice of 500 Percale, Wool tiUU and Union Worsted Suits. Broken lots where there is 1, 2, 3 and 4 of a kind on hand. These suits are actual $10, $12, $15 values. Of! For single and double-breast styles U in cashmere, cheviots, tweeds and all wool or union worsteds. A splendid assortment of colors and styles. Most lots complete in size and sold at $12, $15, $18, $20. Oft Will do giant work at this sale. 2o U such variety of styles in hichest class make in medium and Spring wreight can be found in the United States at less than $16, $18 $20, $22. Blue serges, clays, unfinished and fancy worsteds. WQfJ For the very essence of best clothing, i UU' Merchant tailor styles, iournevmen workmanship, comprising a variety of 60 styles, including Brandagee, iSncaid & Woods' best productions. Worth from $20 to $25. S17 flfl "ew bailors can equal these elegant 1 1 iUU products, which includes as they may arrive, Hackett, 'Corhort & Co.'s finest of all fine make of clothes. A range of values running from $25 to $30. The showing of Men's Suits made by the Chi cago is by far .the most extensive to be seen in Oregon or Wasliington, and compare favorably with the largest stocks of fine goods shown in San Jrancisco. 17 (1(1 15 tlle price se 011 some of ke finest I I iUU goods -possible to buv. The will 1-a but few suits marked any higher and these will consist of Hackett, Corhort & Co.'s latest ex clusive styles, made to retail at $30 to $40. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS The Chicago is positive headquarters for the young man that dresses properly. The prices in this department are beyond question the lowest ever quoted for choice styjes in medium and Spring weight styles. $1 C( Just pick out one of these odd suits wTbuU where there is only one to three of a iana iert. TJiere are $8, $10 and $12 among them. MA11 kinds and colors of Spring and moderate weights. Cut from &in $1fi Rfi 0T the finest and ablest styles of I Ui aU tailor-made suits that ever laved on a counter at $16.50, $18 and $20. 1 0 Efl Select the finest and best suit in this iuiJU department: worth $20 nnrl imrl it's yours. The snappiest line of suits you ever saw. The Hackett, Corhort & Co. Broadway styles for young men is as far ahead of any other makes as electricity is ahead of a candle. The Chicago controls the Hackett, Corhort & Co.'s entire line for Portland. They can not be had outside of this store. They are the best of all best clothiers for man and youth. PANTS The Chicago's entire stock, consisting of the good working pants at $1.50, to silk mix worsteds at $10. They all undergo heavy price slashing. 9 Eft For working and Bedford cord pants; db worth to $2. CI MJi For special good qualities, cut from 0 I iTU $2.50 and $3. 1.95 for all kinds of $3, $3.50 and $ pants. $2.45 for 50 styles worth to $4.50. 2.95 for hundreds of pants worth to $5. QC ?4.95, 5.95 for pants worth from OJi3U $6 to $10. Special Lots for Workingman or the Millionaire QfL ftft For choice of finest frock suit in the. OJiUU store. Lots of black and gray clay worsteds worth to $20. E flfl For choice of all wool, wash or silk Yests. dUb Worth $1.50 to $5. Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits t11 nflFor elegant Full-Dress and Tuxedo 0 ! I iUU Suits. Worth $20,. $22 and $25. CI I fl fj For choice of the finest Full-Dress or O iTiUU Tuxedo Suit in the store. This offer includes all $30. $35 and $40 suits. CHILDREN'S SUITS Knee Pants; all sizes to 16 years, including Spring styles. 1.35 for choice of 200 $2, $2.50 and $3 Suits. 1.85 for choice of 200 $3, $3.50 and $4 Suits. 2.35 for choice of 300 $4, $4.50 and $5 Suits. M QC And 3.95 .for choice of all $6, $7 and UF&iUU $8 Suits. 2Cp For choice of all Knee Pants, including db corduroy, etc. Worth to $1. Boys' Stockings, Underwear, Shirts, etc., at far less than wholesale prices. SHOES - There will be a general clearing of all Shoes. The prices we quote indicate qualities at . less than wholesale cost. ?1 01 men- Good stFles and qualities. Ulidd Worth $2. 1 QR For men's best $2.50 and some $3.00 OIiQj qualities. 2.35 for all standard $3 Spring goods. V) For 20 st3rles Patent and calf. OZiOd $3.50 values. BOYS' SHOES. . Mothers, we sell shoes that cannot be beat for wear and style. Ask some mother who has been buying the boy's shoes here. QEjp 1.35, 1.85 for the best $1.50, $2 and 00b $2.50 black, or $3 tans. Bovs' and youths' shoes. Overcoats and Cravenettes We have on hand, including Spring arrivals, about 600 Overcoats and Cravenettes, consisting of garments made to sell at $10 to $30. These of all goods must be sold. We want room worse than overcoats. S5.00 For a lot of Spring "weights in dark colors ; also tweed cravenettes and long belt overc6ats. They are a lot of 1, 2, 3 of a kind and sell usually at $10, $12 and even $lo. S8.00 Cravenettes, Spring overcoats, plain and silk lined ; all sizes, but not all sizes in every lot; also belt overcoats and opera lengths. Worth $13.50 to $18.00. $11. OO This assortment is spe cially fine and critics will appreciate their value. The variety is immense and several $22 and $25 overcoats and cravenettes will be found in the lot. This includes Spring weight Paletots. $14.00 For your unlimited choice of the finest and best overcoat or craven ette in the store. .Pale tot's silk mix materials, etc. "Worth up to $30. HATS Every hat in this great and comrlete stock is cut in price at least 40 per cent (except contract goods Tullworth, Mallory and Stetson). The cut embraces all Spring goods and all new daily Spring arrivals. We want room and you know hats take up lots of space. 85c will take hundreds of hats worth up to $2. CI QC Will take a thousand soft and stiff 0 I iU J hats worth to $2.50. We are the leading hat store of Portland and carry a stock equal in size to many wholesale houses and qualities to the best J. B. Stetson grades. GLOVES 7Cft For $1.25 quality Mocha, street and driv- 1 du ing Gloves. Q C p For Kid and Mocha $1.50 street and dress udll Gloves. II $1.35 for dress and Mocha $2 Gloves. FURNISHING GOODS The man that has traded at this store knows that the Chicago carries and sells more, goods and fine furnishings than any other establish ment in this city. The prices quoted below does not represent one-tenth of the variety or de scription of the elegant line, and desperate as the price-cutting is, it includes new Spring goods SHIRTS 3 Up Golf and Negligee, Madras, Pongee, db Sateens, etc. A variety of over 100 styles, including odds and small lots worth to 85c. EC p Embraces all $1 goods in Golf and Negli d d U gee, Madras, Penang and JMercerized ; also some $1.25 values. QCn for choice of the latest and best stvles Odb to $1.50. tfl 9E For Silk Bosom, Pongee, Brilliant Olidd Flannelettes, etc., in-all sizes and styles to $2 values. Some even better. NIGHTSHIRTS 35c for Muslin, etc., 65c and 75c values. 65 for aU $1 and $1.25 Nightshirts. UNDERWEAR The kinds that build business "at 40 per cent more money. 15 clearing of medium Weight 40c value. 3Cp Fleece Balbriggan in a dozen 50c, 65c and du 75c styles. 45p for Black and Ecru 75c Balbriggan. 65d for the very best $1 Moreno. QCft For sterilized, rib Bal and wool worth 03b to $1.50. For high quality Mercerized and Wool $2 grades. For Silk and Wool, confined styles. $3.50 quality. SUSPENDERS 15 for all grades of 25c and 35c Suspenders. 25 for all' grades except President, 50c. 35 6 for worsted and silk web; worth to $1. SOX 7$ 4 pair for 25c for black best quality 10c sox. 1f ft Straight for inoreno or cotton 15c and lUb 20c sox. 12ij p01. moreno oi cotton 20c and 25c sox. 19for black bal or-wpol 35c sox. QQp And 39 finest quality wool and silk Ldb mix in plain and fancr. Worth from 50c to $1.50. Bar and waiter goods, Umbrellas, Suitcases,. Trunks and the many things that man requires will be closed in some to 35 per cent of value, ac cording to size of lots and room required for storage. $1.35 S2i35 NOTE -This Sale opens at 9 A. M. Thurs day, March 1st and after that" at 7:30 daily. Closes sharp at 6 P. M. All customers in side at that hour will be served. On Satur day the sale remains open until 10:30. P. M. MAIL ORDERS Accompanied by cash or equivalent will be filled only on the following conditions which allow us to fill same to best of our judgment. That in case some lots may be sold or size required, we must have privilege of sending next thing closest to size ordered, or return the order in its entirety to the sender, or fill any part of such order as we may be able. All mail orders will be shipped the day following i heir arrival Address all mail orders to THE CHICAGO MAIL ORDER DEPT., PORTLAND OR