V 3 DAKOTA IS IN PORT The consul is to make the trip East with the commission. S. Gardner Ycrkce. as sistant general passenger agont for the Great Northern, Is to go East In charge of the party. WOULD HOLD REPUBLICANS T ffl PROMISED ELED BY IE B THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY Arriv.es With Distinguished Ori entals at Port Townsend. TO REACH SEATTLE TODAY Government Officials Are Making Kvery Kffort to Expedite Inspec tion of Iii Steamer and Hurry Parly on Its Way. PORT TOWN'SEN'D. Wash.. Feb. 27. (Special.) There Is no danger to foreign ers or missionaries. The present trouble In China Is of a temporary character. That Is the consensus of opinion of mem bers of tho Imperial Chinese Commis sion, -which arrived on the steamship Da kota tonight. The Dakota anchored oil- Port Town send tonight, and the big reception com mittees from Seattle, Portland and San Francisco will not go aboard until to y morrow, after the quarantine officers board the boat. The steamship will reach Seattle at noon tomorrow, and at night Ti banquet will be tendered. Though rough weather was encoun tered, the party had a successful trip and enthusiastically commented upon tho attention given them by the Hill lino. When told special cars had been sent from St. Paul for the Great North ern trip ISast, they were favorably im pressed. Tonight Wabash and Great Northern officials believe they have tho San Fran cisco programme beaten. The commis sion will be in America for two or three weeks before sailing for Europe. A two days' stop is all the commission plans on the Coast. Party Will Divide. The party divides: the three Commis sioners and live interpreters going to Washington. Tho rest of the party goes direct to New Tork and will await the Commissioners. From this country the Commission goes to England, France and Belgium. Tho American Commission, which landed a month ago, Is to proceed to Germany. Austria and Russia later. The entire party expects to be back In China four months later, returning either by way of America or the Suez Canal. Upon the result of tho two Commissions' labors depends the writing of a constitu tion for China. Ultimately the legisla tive reform will be sweeping enough to permit of the election of legislators by the people; the divorcing of legislative and judicial departments and the strengthen ing of the local governments. It will require two years' time the Com rhisslon estimates to prepare the new code for China and summon the first parliament. This may be either ap pointive or elective, depending upon future developments. Members of the Commission hojo that within four years China may establish such confidence in her judiciary that the foreign govern ments will abolish, their Consular Courts. It is a matter of jealous concern with the Commission that Japan has secured the abolition of Consular Courts while China has not. Attaches Easy to Interview. The three members of the commis sion, j .11 aged statesmen, do not speak EngIIshand are not easily approached. But .the leading attaches .oo-operated louigb In securing interviews. Prince Tsai Ts&f who Leads the commission, is a member of the imperial family. His Excellency Shang Chi Hong was Acting Governor of Shan Tung Prov ince. His Excellency Sheng Te has been appointed Minister to Belgium and will take that assignment after fin ishing his labors. Of the attaches. Captain Chen Ngen Tao is a member of the Chinese navy. Tso Ping Lung is first secretary, and Kwa Ching Hschcn, a physician. The commission will consult with the Chi nese Minister at Washington and with the American commission before sailing for Europe. The Government's interest in the expedi tion Is attested in the issuance of ordors placing the United States revenue cutter Areata, Captain Henderson, at the dis posal of th reception committer, many of whom mode the trip from Seattle hero aboard that vessel. Although no special orders have bon received by the customs, quarantine and immigration officials, as wore issued on the occasion of the arrival Lrro of the Japanese peace envoys, the ocal officers will use all possible haste in completing their duties, with the result that the vessel will be subjected only to a short delay before proceeding to Seattle, where an elaborate reception has bccn prepared for the royal tourists. The Da kota expects to sail at S tomorrow morn ing. devolution Already Began. Captain Chen is tho most prominent of the attaches with the party and the clos est to tho Chinese government officials at Pckin, possibly because he speaks English and the oommisioners themselves do not. His word is accepted, his prom ises do not have to be vised to be made redeemable. That gives Captain Chen's views on the mission especial significance He ssald tonight the party may make another world tour after it writes the row Chinese constitution, to compare its results with those of other countries. The most significant feature is the revo lution by legislation in Chinese customs. Already. Captain Chen said, the courts have -abolished torture of prisoners to force a confession, and witnesses" are permitted to testify. At present the "court of punishment" 'recommends and approves legislation. The new plan is to introduce a parliamentary system. The laws that have been In existence for more than two centuries will be wiped ofT the books. The commissioners tonight received, fvcrybody through their secretaries, and. it Is through them that the Great North ern wins its fight to take the party -v- directly East over the Hill line. A por tion of the party has planned a trip to Los Angelas. This meant a loss of part of the crowd to the Hill line, which the steamship officers had vainly protested against during the voyage. Great North ern officials protested vigorously when They came aboard, but did not win anv thing. Then A. W. Bash, the Port Town send man who promoted - the Canton Hankow Railroad, rece.ntly taken over from the Morgan syndicate, stepped in. He had letters and telegrams from offi ials close to the government, and thes were presented to the commissioners in jKrson. The programme changed. With the lavishness customary among such embassies. Prince Tsai Tse today rewarded the steamship employes who have served him during the voyage. His monetary gifts ran as high as 5o0. Dur ing the voyage Prince Tsai Tse sat in the dining saloon at Captain Francuc's right, two other commissioners below him. Most of the attaches were at Purs er Zoller's table. The American, Japanese. German and Chinepe flags decorated the' dining-room, but today the flags were removed and the Prince's personal flag flew at the lorcmast wnen me Ualcota arrived at 11 o'clock tonight. When the welcoming party goes off to morrow jo, "board the Dakota, the mcm I bers' will tako breakfast with the com mission. . Jn turn each- man will bo pre sented )hy tho Chinese "consul-general. Democrats Seem to Consider Them selves Xot Bound by Primary Law. SALEM, Or.. Feb. t7. (Special.-Thorn-selves violating the plain provisions of the direct primary law, Marlon Counts' Democrats today adopted a resolution characterizing that measure as a Repub lican law which Republican candidates are bound to observe. That the law is binding upon Democrats was not In any way expressed or even intimated. The peculiar wording of the resolution leaves the inference that the Democrats do not consider that It affects I hem. The resolution adopted at the assembly of Democrats today says upon that subject: "The direct primary law is a part of. the law ijassqd by a Republican Legisla ture, and that party and its candidates are of necessity legally and morally bound to carry out its provisions by voting for the Individual receiving the highest num ber of votes at the polls for United States Senator." The remarkable feature of this portion of the resolutions is the Inaccuracy of statement, for the direct primary law was not passed by a Legislature, cither lie publican or Democratic It was adopted by the people under the initiative. After adopting this, the Democratic assembly violated the direct primary law by elect ing W. H. Downing chairman of the County Central Committee for the next two years, whereas the law requires that the members of the committee shall bo elected at the direct primary'. nJ tho committee shall choose Its chairman. This provision was placed In the law in order to give the people power to overthrow party machines. . Upon other subjects the Democrats fa vored working convlcjs crfi the roads, non use of the emergency' clause by legisla tures, separate bills for appropriations, state ownership of printing plant. Fed eral ownership of the Oregon City locks arid a fair distribution of the tax burden. The resolutions indorse the Chamberlain administration. The meeting did not attempt to noml nato candidates, hut H. R. Crawford, of Turner: F. S. Lenn, of Silverton; Charles Dick, of Salem: D. J. Fry. of Salem, and D. V. Vaughn, of Silverton. were sug gested as good legislative timber, with Francis Feller for County Commissioner and Fred Palmer for County Clerk. The Democrats gave a banquet this evening, with about 200 persons present. August Huckestein presided very accept ably as toastmaster. The speakers were: JusUee T. G. Hailej-. W. H. Holmes, C V. Galloway, W. T. Slater. J. A. Jeffries. John Bayne, P. A. Cochran. F. S. Lenn, (.. L. Dick. John H. Albert, W. M. Kaiser, J. D. Matlock and George S. Downing. ENTRIES FOR TOURNAMENT ATHLETES WILL JtAISE FUND FOR AMER1CAX TEAM. List or Track" and Field Entries Which Will Take Place at the Armory. En trios for the athlotic tournamont to be given to raise a fund to send an American team to Athens have closed. The tournament will be -givon at tho Armory next Saturday night. Following is a list or entries in track and field events: 30-vsrd Jah Harold Reid. Clm-lc. p "V" Oleen. T. BIJRh. Acolph C Btopp. Robort B. Davis, Don Sutton, C A. Stockton ana Os car Kerrigan, all of Multnomah; J. Leo Duffey. Philip Strclb and Floyd Soott. of tb Milwaukie Athletic Club: JIarry Living stone. F. W. Llghty. Victor Wcttcrborg. Ilen sexier ana w. c. Morrow, Y. M. C A. Uunnlng high jump Harold Reed. C A. tockton and Osear Kerrigan, -M. A. A. C; Don Lcwclleiu Philip Strclb and Floyd W. Scott. Mllwaukie. 440-yard run I Bruce. F. WUorfeorg and Hon Kcklcr. Y. M. C. A.; gam Mays and W. Hoopes. M. A. A. C. Mile run Don Lc-trellea. Milwaukee; L. Wetterbor. H. M. Jamison and Sara RoMn son. Y. M. C. A; Sam May, M. A. A. C. Pole vault Sam Robinson and F. Llghty. Y. M. C. A.: Opcar Korrigan. il. A. A. C. r.O-yard hurdle J. L. ttuffey and F. W. Scott. MHwaukle; H. Livingstone. M. C. Morrow and F. W. Ujchty. Y. M. C. A.; Os car Kerrigan and O. Dean. M. A. A. C. Putting 10-pound xhot 3. T. Carlson. Y. 31. C A.; Bud James. O. Hoopes and Oscar Kerrigan, M. A. A. C. 50-yard dash Teddy Holdon. Coots Ol hcn. Al Esehilld and Hellistor MeGulre. M A. A. C; Warren Jackson. X Smlihwn! Anson Cornell. Slo'er Carroll, Harry Diidl blse. George Pronto. Jaok Cleland, Howard Hale, Clarence Prehn and Harry Fogarty. Practically the same man are entered in the running high Jump. TACOMA IX ORTJrWEST LEAGUE Lucas Says Vancouver, B. C, Jluy Also Be Included. SPOKANE. Fob. 27.-ProsIdcnt W. H. Lucas, of the Pacific Xorthwost Hasoball League, said today the clubs forming the organization for IPOS would be Tacoma. Spokane. Butte, Helena. Bolllngham and either Vancouver, B. CV. or Aberdeen. Mash. If Vancouver does not take the franchise then Aberdeen will pet it lie does not care to say when the first same will be played. That will be dooldod 'af ter he returns from Butte, whither he Soo In a few days to arrange prelimi naries. Matt Stanlcj- will manage the Spokane team. He does not believe Mike Lynch will be Identified with the Tacoma team. Racing: Investigation Today. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Fob. 27. What promises to be the sharpest battle In the history of racing in Southern Cali fornia will take place in the directors room at Ascot Park tomorrow morning, when the cases ngainat C. E. Durnoll and J. J. McCufTcrty and the charge against Manager Brooks come up for investigation. Durnell.is charged with racing homes In training: shoos until he wanted thorn to win. then sending them on the track In racing plates. J. J. McCarrorty is charged with "doping" The Huguenot ;n thr fifth racf last Tuesday. Brooks is charged by tho McCafTorty faction with favoring Durncll-TVilliams horses in the matter of handicap weights. Conditions orRopscvclt Yacht Race. BOSTON, Feb. 27 The conditions which will govern the contest for the Roosevelt cup at Marblchead next Sep tember hetween small German and American yachts were issued today by thc'Kaiscr Yacht Club of Kiel and the Eastern Yacht Club of this city, under whose joint auspices the races will .be hold. There will be live racos under G-orman Yacht Itacing Associa tion rules. Burns Throws Hackenschmidt. A-M.E5, Iowa, Feb. 27. Farmer Burns won from Charles Hackenschmidt tonight In a mixed-style wrestling match. Burns took the flrst and third falls, catch-as-catch-can. and Hackenschmidt the second. Gracco-Roxnan. Many Coal Operators Oppose Any Concession, HOLD CONFERENCE TODAY Independents Say Whrcs of Miners Should Be .Reduced, Xot Ad vanced Conference Ic 'layctl Pending: Action. e riTSBURG. Feb. - 27. Acting upon- tho advice of Prudent Roosevelt. Franel I. Bobbins, leader of the bituminous opera tor?, has cail I 'm! a conference of the opera tors for tomorrow in an endeavor to ar range some means for preventing a strike of the bituminous coal miners. The meeting of the operator promise to be stormy. Tho turbulence Is expected td arise ovt'x the attitude of some of tho in dependent operators in the Plttuburg dis trict, who arc opposed to any concessions whatover. Several of those operators-tonight .expressed the Intention of being present at the meeting and entering a vig orous protest against any such concussion as proposed. The opposition to granting an advance in the miner wages Is said to be based on the fact that the coal trade Is In a worso condition than it was two years ago. when the miners Accepted a reduction. If thrr" is to b" any change at all. the opposition claims that It should be a further reduc tions, rather than an advance. ANTHRACITE 3QSX WAITING XcKotiations Suspended Until Bitu minous 3Icn Aprcc on Scale. NEW YORK. Feb. 27,-Pcndlng a set tlement of the controversy between the soft-cowl operators and miners, in which President Roosevelt hus taken a hand by his letter of yesterday, the negotiations with the anthracite operators havo ap parently been suspended. No meeting between the anthracite operators' sub commltcc and - the minors subcommittee will take place tomorrow, as had boon announced, and no other date of meet ing has been yet arranged. It is believed by the operators that President Mitchell probably will allow th anthracite question to await a set tlement of the bituminous controversy, and that his demands may be affected by tho settlement secured in the soft-coal fields. No letter from President Roosevelt has been received by the hard coalers, how ever. ARRESTED VOll CONTEMPT. Ivcadcrs of Chicago Printers 3Iny Have to Suffer Imprisonment. CHICAGO. Feb. 27. MJttlml for the in carceration of President Edward Wright and Edward Bessette of the Typograph ical Union, were today given to Sheriff Barrett for service. Both men were sen tenced to SO days In Jail for violation of an Injunction restraining them from in terfering with nonunion men employed In tho shops of the membors of the Chi cago TyjMHhetae. Wright and Bessette surrendered to the Sheriff this afternoon and their attorney applied "to Judge Walker of the Circuit court for a writ of habeas corpus. The petition attacks the jurisdiction of Judge Holdom to hear the contempt case, while the validity of the original injunction re mained to be passed upon by the Ap pellate Court. The argumont will be con tinued tomorrow morning. Pending a decision in the proceedings the two men were allowed to go to their homes in the custody of a Deputy Sheriff KILLS STATE PRIMARY BILL Iowa Senate Wants None of New Plan of Nomination. DES MOINES. In- Fob. 2T.-The swtc primary bill met defeat In tho State Sen ate today by a vole of 23 to 21. This end the fight on this subject for this Legislature. Recount Ordered In St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 27. An Immediate rc- To Be Fair to Yourselfto Learn by a Test What Li quo -zone Means to You. TKe First Bottle Is Free. To you who are sick and are waiting this appeal is to you. An appeal to be fair with yourself. Don't think that the help which you need is impossible, because common remedies fail as they must fail in germ troubles. Please send us this coupon and learn, at our expense, how much a new remcdj means to rou. In the past two years, millions of people have begun to us"e Liquozone. Today there are countless cured ones, scattered over half the world, telling what it has done. We ask you to learn its wonderful power as they did. Let us buv you a bottle to trv. "What Liquozone Is. The "virtues of Uquozone arc derived solely from gases, created from five sb stanccs, .all of which arc stated on the bottle. These substances include the best producers of oxygen, milphur dioxide and other germicidal gases. . The proccay of making require large apparatus, and from S to II days time; and It is directed by chemists of the high est class. The object Is to i flx a0 combine the ganos as to carry their vir tues into .the system. The result in a blending of gas-made products, &ch of which Is novr endorsed, as a remedial agent, by the world's highest authori ties. The gases are harmless, and the product they create is harmlw. The gasos are beneficial, and the result Is a tonic The gases are germicidal, and uniting with tho liquid multiplies their germ-killing power. Liquozone .contains no alcohol, no .plates., no narcotics. Every virtue comes from gas alone. The invention of Liquo zone has meant a way to utilize gases in the treatment of -germ dlecaees. count of thcballots cast In the municipal election last April will follow a decision of the Supreme Court yesterday favorable to Judge John A. Talty, Republican can didate for Mayor. Cnndldatcs for Cowherd's Job. WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 27. Demo cratic . members of both houses of Coh grcCTs are discussing the question of a successor to .Chairman Cowherd, of tho Democratic Congressional cannalgn com mittee. Mr. Cowherd, being no longer a member of Congress. Is eliminated. Can didates so far announced are ReprctKJn latlves Griggs, of Georgia, and Flood, of Virginia. Mr. Griggs conducted the ctim naign for the Fifty-eighth Congroas. JUDGE LOWELL HESITATES AFRAID OP MULTNOMAH COUN TY ON IiAST DAY. If -Portland Makes No Single Choice He Will Run Tor the Scnatorship. PENDLETON. Or.. Fob. 27.-(Speckil.)-Stcphen A. Lowell, of Pendleton. 1ms about made up his mind that ho wants none of the Senatorial race, not- at least unless Multnomah County pats ap one of Its kaleidoscopic change 'within the next few days. Judge Lowell haa looked the situation over carefully, and is afraid of Multnomah County ou the last das for one thing, because of tho largo vota which perhaps would be stampeded to thr polls at the last minute to defeat an Eastern Oregon maiilllo has conthlmc" that he would ba acceptable to tho mib stantlal business men of Multnomah County. Judge Lowell might be prevailed upon to make the race In the event no man Is selected in Multnomah as the choice of all elements of the party thohr. Other wise he will stay out. SUPREME COURTv-DECISIONS Warehousemen 3Itiht Pay Farmers for Wheat Stored. SALEM. Or.. Fob. 27. Tho Supreme Court rendered the following opinions at noon today: JudMu Basis, appellant, v. Aaron Wade. rwpndent. appeal from Wall- CM;; affirmed. Elan Carroll, administratrix. appaOant, vs. the Grand Rende Electric Company, rr pen4rnt. affirmed January Z; p tit Ion for rchearlag dnnied. F. VT. Wooley. appelant, va. rialndcaler PuWlfthlu- Company, rependent. appeal frem Douglas County: rrcra and nw trial ordered. The oplnlen holds the court erred Jn not !atrueUng the jery that gaage used In a published article was actionable. Oliver Taylor, a pp I la at. vk S. Morten Conn, respondent, appeal from Multnomah: revrsd and remanded. Tho opinion holds that Taylor cannot maintain an action in court, hut that Cohn in liable for broach of contract In refusing Taylor ecalx in a the ater for which he had paid. Geome A. Savase. respondent, v. the Sal cm flouring Mills Company, appellant, eppoat from Marlon County; affirmed. Thfci ts tho celebrated wheat case, wherein action was brought to recover for wheat delivered the defeBd&nt by plaintiff and his assignors under a rystera of load check. The milt and warehouse burned In 1S09 and the mill company refused to pay the farmer, hold ing the wheat was the property of tho par ties storing same, but this opinion hohls the mill company accountable. WOMEN LEAP FROM FLAMES Gallant Rescues and One Death at Burning Shirt Factory. BRIDGEPORT. Conn.. Feb. 27. Many harrowing .scones were witnessed and many thrilling rescues . made at a fire which destroyed the Star shirt factory hore this aftc-noon. It resulted In the death of one woman, Mr?. Tavid Neapy. from shock, and the sorious injur of a number of employes. Tho fire rapkily ypread throughout the large five-story structure, owing to the lack of water pressure for fire engines. Two hundred women employe?, made frantic by the stairways being cut off by the flames, gathered at the windowr', and despito tho effort of pollcomeii and fire men, many girls Jumped from the fourth story windows to the pavement, and a score suffered serious Injuries. Gotch Defeats Yankee Rogers. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Fob. 2T.-WreKler Frank Gotch tonight defeated "Yankee" Rogers In this city, winning the flrst fall In oight minute and second in 19 mlnutos. lwth catch-as-catch-can. An Appeal Hills Disease Germs. The main vnlue of Liquozone lies li the fact that it Is deadly to gcraw, yot help ful to bodily tissue!. It is a germlcklc sm certain that we publish with every bottle an offer of JWCO for the discovery of a dtaeaito germ which Liquozone cannot ktlL Common germicides arc poisons which cannot be taken internally. They destroy the tteeues as well a the germ. That Is why medicine has proveVl so hclplowi in dealing with germ diseases. Liquozone is not only harmlc. Imt H Ik a tonic. Its effects are exhilarating, vitalizing, purifying. Its benefits are quickly apparent often from the very first do.e. The fact that Liquozone is so destruc tive to genus Is attributed to the fact that germs are of vegetable origin. They apparently absorb thfc gay-mnde product, and It cnd their activity. But the col la of the body being a ulmnl thrive by Liquozone. "We Paid $100,000 For the American rights to -Liquozone. after Its power had been demonstrated. This -was after the 'product had been tested" for years, in hundreds of cases, in. TWENTY STATE IiAND CERTIFI CATES HELD BY DELA1TTRE. Minneapolis VDcalec Bought From Ivclllhcr, and Applications Were Forged by One Hand. t SALEM. Or.. Feb. 27. (SpecIaL)-The Oregon State Land Board today ordered tho cancellation of about 20 state land certificates held by John Delalttre. of Minneapolis, covering about 15.V0 acres of school land. This was the decision of the board, as a result of the Investigation and arguments before tho board Lost Fall, when handwriting experts testified that the signatures to the applications were all written by one man. In Its decision, made In writing today, the board tlnds that Delalttre was not a jwrty to the fraud, but that tho ccrtlfi CHtod came to his hands tainted with fraud, and that they ought not to be rec ognised as valid. The certificates were obtained upon applications mado by H. 1L Tumor, of this city, and were bought by Dehtittre from A. T. Kclliher. a land op erator now under conviction in this coun ty for alleged forgery of assignment of a certificate of sale. At the hearing before the board. De lalttre made no effort to show that the applications were genuine, but stood upon the ground that, however much fraud there might have been In the original transaction, the certificates were genuine, and had been bought by him in good faith, and that he was entitled to deeds. These certificates were not among those forged by the Pnter-McKInley gang. Jn this cc. the certificates were genuine, while the applications were forged. Puter and McKinley forged certificates, without go ing through the formality of making ap plications. . WILL SUE THE LAND BOARD WiiconsIn Certificate Buyer Angry at Action Taken. LA CROSSE. Wis., Feb. 27.-Charging that the State of Oregon Is turning down all land certificates, good as well as forged. In which S. A. D. Puter played, any part. F. J. Tokind. whoso 15 certifi cates, covering 41C0 acres oi land, were rejected 33 worthless by the Land Board at Salem, Or., today, says he will bring suit against the state to force It to prove that tho certificates wore forged. When Mr. Toland was shown the dispatch rela tive to the action of the Land Board he said: "I never had any dealings with Hor ace McKinley. He is not a friend of mine, nor did I receive the 15 certificates In question for services as a handwriting expert at the land fraud trials. The cer tlftcates were transferred to me In 1901 in La Crosae to secure a loan. They were given by S. A. D. Puter. with whom I had had dealings. "My attorneys have advised me to awult the tlnal action of the State of Oregon and If tho certificates are re jected to bring suit to make the state prove that the documents are forged. We havo come to the conclusion that the state has decided to reject all cer tificates which passed through Futer's hands without further Investigation. "We know that Puter sold some good land certificates. During the trials ft was shown that the forged papers all bore a certain water mark. Not one of the 15 recently sent to the Land Board which I secured from Puter bore that mark. The decision of the Land Board Is not final, and we are awaiting flnal action of the state before bringing action." LOADED BUS HIT BY A TRAES' Four Young Women or Centralis Arc More or Less Injured. OENTR.VLlA,.Wash.. Feb. 27.-(5peclal.) Train No. 5S. freight, coming Into Cen tralki about 6:C0 P. M.. ran into a 'bus containing a party of nine young women at the railroad crossing in the south part of town. .The women were going to Chc halits to take part in an amateur lady minstrel entertainment. The injured are: MIm Graee Key. hurt In head and back, foot and ankle. Mls Fontella Winters. Injured about tho head. Miss Kred T. Merritt. dislocated shoulder. Mrs. A. T. Carr. severely- bruised. The driver of the 'bus, a man named Hawk, was an experienced driver. He acknowledges having wen the train when he was about 30 feet from the crossing. H says the engine did not whistle, nor was the bell ringing. Byewitnoflpcs of the accident declared that the train carried a headlight, but agree with Hawk that there was no eluding mnny of the moat difficult diseases of mankind. At first the results seemed incredible, and the tests were repeated again and again to confirm them. When the power of the product was thus proved beyond question, we purchased the rights and brought It into -wider ilclde. Since then we have let every sick one we learned of test It at our expense. The result Ik that millions have learned by experience soma things that Liquo zone can do. Most of the cured told others, and the others told others. The recult Is that about 12.0CO.GCO bottles of Liquozone liave been used, mostly in the post two years. There Is now almost no hamlot no neighborhood without living examples of Its "power. Now other chemists and companies. In alliance with us, are supplying it to other nations. It Is hoped, before long, that every nook of the world where sickness exists will have Liquozone there to com bat H. Germ Diseases, In the pat few years, scores of diseases have been traced to germ attacks. All of there d1ae!e0, until a few years ago. were attributed to other causes, and treated In various and ineffective ways. The list of known germ diseases now number about on hundred. It includes moat of our minor lib?, and most of our heriotiK sickness. And there are very few dlaeanes which are known not to be due, directly or Indirectly, to a germ infection. Some germs as In skin troubles di rectly attack the tisoues. Some create texltu. enuring such, troubles as Rheu matism. Blood Poison. Kidney Disease and nerve weakness. Some destroy vital orgnns. as In Consumption. Some like th? germs of Catarrh' create Inflamma tion: itotne cause Indigestion. Directly or Indirectly, nearly every sorious ailment is ! a germ reoult. Any disease which calls: for a germicide, or for a tonic, ealls for Liquozone. In TROUBLE Ai &l 5itn f ile1 I I'lf-r- Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more sickness and suffering than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or other causes, kidney trouble Is permitted to continue, many fatal results are sure to follow. Your other organs may need attentionbut your kidneys most, because they do most and should have attention first. If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, be cause as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. The mild and Immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy. Is soon realized. Ic stands the highest for It3 wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root will set your whole sys tem right, and the best proof of this ts a trial. 33 Cottage St.. Metros. Mae?. Dear Sir Ever since I wan In tho Arm I bad mora or less kidney trouble, and wltbln the Bast year It becaroo so severe and com plicated that I suffered everything and was much alarmed my strength and power were fast leavlnsr me. I saw an advertisement of Sivarap-Root and wrote asking for advice. I bezan the use of the medicine and noted a decided Improvement after taking Swamp-Root only a abort time. 1 continued Its use and am thankful to say that I am entirely cured and strong-, in order to be very sure about thin, t bad a doc tor examine some of my water today, and be pronounced It all right and in splendid condi tion. T know that your Sivaaip-Root Is purely vegetable and does not contain any harmiut drucjr. Thanklnj? you for my complete re covery and rocommendlns Swamp-Root to all sufferers, I am very truly youw, X. C. KICHARDOX. Swamp-Root Is not recommended for everything, but it promptly cures kid- ED 1TO RIAL NOTE. In order to Root you may have a sample bottle and a, book of valuable information, both sent absolutely free by mall. The book contains many of the thou sands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. The value and success of Swamp-Root are so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample bottle, in sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. BInghamton. N. T.. be sure to say you read this gener ous offer in Tho Portland Daily, Oregonlan. The genuineness of this of fer Is guaranteed. ' whistling nor ringing of the bell. The train .was a heavy one, being composed of 40 loads, and was running at an ordinary rate of speed. The driver of a wagon that crossed just ahead of the 'bus said he heard the whis tle blow twice and that the bell was also ringing. Painters AVant Closed Shop. CHICAGO. Feb. 2T. Employers of 6000 painters refused yesterday to sign a "closecrshop"' agreement presented by the Painters Union. As n conse quence the union men today canvassed the individual contractors and threaten to call strikes against firms which with hold tliclr signatures. this class of troubles, this gas-made pro duct has rendered immeasurable service. It brings such results as may not be brought without it. In any aliment caused in any way by germs, we supply the flrst. bottle of Liquo zone free. Then in all no matter hot? difficult we offer each user a two months further test without the risk of a penny. 50c Dottle Free. If you need Uquozone and have never tried It, please send us this coupon. VTm will then mall you an order on a local druggist for a full-size bottle, and will pay the druggist ourselves for It. This Is our free gift, made to convince you; to let the product itself show you what it can do. Its acceptance places you under no obligations whatever. If your ailment Is not one to which Liquozone applies, we will tell you. If it is. we will give you the fullest advice and directions, based on a vast experience. rieaae don't delay or hooitate. Don't suffer trom a trouble that Liquozone can end. Please learn at our expense how much this product means to you. Send U3 this coupon today. Liquozone costs Wc and ?1. Cut Gut TKis Coupon FIJI it out out mail Jt to Tlic Llquozon! Companj-. 43S-I5t Wabash Ave.. Chicago. My Dtjcaj i r have nnver tried Llquoson, but it you will supply rao a 50c bottle free 1 will tak It. 7 (JSC. " Glue full nildrtw writ plainly. Xot that tbb oiler applies to new ur only. Any- physician or hospital not yet ueln? Llquocons win be sladly supplied for a t'at. T ney. liver and bladder troubles, the I symptoms of which are-obliged to pass your water frequently night and day, smarting or irritation in passing, brlckdust or sediment in the urine, headache, backache, lame back, dizzi ness, poor digestion, sleeplessness, nervousness, heart disturbance due to bad kidney trouble, skin eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia, rheuma tism, diabetes, blouting. irritability, worn-out feeling, lack of ambition, may be loss of flesll, sallow complexion, or Brlght's disease. If your water, -when allowed to re main undisturbed in a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, forms a sedi ment or settling or has a cloudy ap pearance, it is also evidence that your kid neys and bladder need immediate at tention. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take, and is for sale at drugstores the world over in bottles of two sizes and two prices fifty cents and one dollar. Re member the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. T., on every bottle. urove the wonderful merits of Swamp- FIRST IV ABILITY. IV T3XPEKIE.VCE, IV IIEI'IITATIOV, IV EQUIPMENT. IV KNOWLEDGE, IV SUCCESS. Bladder Troubles, Hydrocele. Varicocele, i'lmples. Dicers, Kidney Complaints, Blood Poison, iVei vous Debility, Stricture, Rheumatism, Private Dincnsea, Piles, Lost Vitality. All manner of Chronic Afflictions of men and women. Moat modern and scientific treatment. No cutting. No painful operations. No detention from business. No misrepresentation. Rep utation established for honest and fair dealings -with all patients. Consulta tion and advice free. ST. S "iSr1 DISPENSARY Cor. 2d and Yamhill Stn., Portland. Or "CLEANLINESS" is the watchword for health and vlgc caafortand beauty. Mankind b learnlns sot only the nscssslty bat Ihe luxury 01 Cleanliness. 5APOLIO, which ha 5 wrought such changes in ths host a an3 her slater trlurapli HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILBT AND BATH 1 h special soap vrhlch ecersbtes the whola tWdy, starts the circolatha and leaves an fxhilaratinz slow. Ai jjscars Hi ftHftfer Eviry Woman uintertjiea ana sooaia snow Ahant th Tron(rf nl MARYEL Whirling Spray new- Ttbti 5rirT. fnjec ttinaniS-M-lion. IlMt est Jiosl Convenient. w UCItiaiM IatUt!j. At enr drerc'it fir It. If it-cannot supply tfce jiAK Eij, accept no ether, bet asnd itxrrm trr lllnstrated boot rtlL it rfTi lull DirtlcnLlr and dlr se P.nm in. Talabl:tvlart:es. Sli.RYSX. CO., 4 F.. SSd ST.. SKIV TORK. SVoodard. Clarke & Co.. Portland, Oresoa, S. G. Ekldmora & Co i51 Sd. Portland. fNNYpOYAL PILLS l3D..vavi 6li oa31 . ASrt MUi NMribb.TaVoaootler. KelsJi DUN T KNOW Ha. r.'ifi '&v Am it . nr 1" cult m C 41 IV I U.- 'V Ka ?,r" Bcaan. FXIT.aZ. ii7