TKE MORNINCt OKKOOiNIAy. "WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAHY 28, 1906. 15 70K KENT. Koohi. 'MB ANTTLERS JUST -REOPENED UNDER new in an a cement and now ready for busi ness. Everything new, clean and modern. "We rent room -with private bath for the some as other hotel ask lor a plain room. Hates reasonable. Tel. Main 2333. Mrs. J. H. Powers. Prop. THE OXFORD. CORNER 6TH AND OAK unaer new management. Mrs. A. J. Wax ters, proprletreas This new and modern brick hotel baa Just been thoroughly reno- aieo, wans minted and refurnished en tirely new throughout: 75 elcirantly furnished rooms and suites; steam heat, hot and cold running water, electric lights., call bells, etc.; suites with private baths; rates reas- onaoie. mono Main 88. 122 12TH ST., COR. WASHINGTON. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en mite; free phone and bath, plenty of hot water all the time; everything new and clean; nice single rooms for $2 per week; also housekeeping rooms with gas range. Don't forget the number. 122 12th St., cor. Washington st. IBB AUDITORIUM, 208 THIRD, BET. Taylor and Salmon This elegant hotel has been thoroughly renovated and Is now one of the best and most respectable rooming- baths, hot and cold water In rooms; we cater John Granstrom, proprietor. . THE COMMERCIAL., cicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths, free 'bus; dining-room In connection: transients solicited: nnrn nil night; best location In the city: office and roaomg-room grouna floor. 488 Washington. THE CLAYTON TENTH ANT) BURNSIDB. 2 blocks from Washington street. Large, rlegant front rooms at reasonable prices; not water, furnace heat, porcelain baths, Iree. W. H. Jarvis, propr. Phone Pacific HOTEL ALEXANDER. CORNER 10TII and Alder Steam heat, nicely furnished rooms; .nice location; quiet quarter of city, yet near business center; reasonable rates for regulars and traveling public 3 WELLE ST ROOMING-HOUSE IN PORT land. Stone and brick bldg.; elegantly fur nished; electric lights, hot and cold water, furnace heat, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar menlus, 410H Morrison, cor. 11th. Main 6263. NEW HOrSE. NEW FURNISHINGS, suites or single rooms, running water, hot and cold, all rooms; furnace heat; very reasonable. 207 14th. Phone Main 1133. HOTEL KBNYON NEW, ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, gas, electric light, hot and cold water In rooms, steam heat, free baths. 18th and Washington. - Pacific -406. FRONT PARLOR WITH CONNECTING side room, well furnished: phone, bath and heat; could furnish small kitchen If de sired. 453 Morrison. FOR RENT ONE UNFURNISHED ROOM, 2d floor, bath and phone; reference required. 74 7th, or apply G. N. W. Wilson Co., 72 6th st. 394 ALDER. COR. 10TH ST. NICELY FUR nlshcd suite on first floor; also single room, bath, heat, electric lights; everything first class. HRRISON COURT 5TH AND HARRISON. Two and 3-room. unfurnished apartments, with bath, gas range, heat and water. LARGE BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED corner room, modern, central; very reason, able to gentleman. Phone Main 4714. "WALKING DISTANCE PRIVATE MODERN residence; nicely furnished front rooms; very reasonable. 292 10th, near Jefferson. NICELY FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms; private house, right down town; nice residence district. 308 Salmon. PLEASANT ROOM WITH USE SITTING room. 4 blocks south Postofflce; home com forts; good bath. 250tfc Cth. WANTED GIRL ROOM-MATE, ELEGANT parlor bedroom, $1 per week; business girl preferred. O 2S, Orcgonlan. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for one or two. heat, bath, phone, centrally located. 220 13th. 24 S SIXTH ST. PLEASANT ROOMS WITH private family; 3 blocks south Hotel Port land; every convenience. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen only. Corner 14th and Washing ton. THE COSMOS Furnished, unfurnished rooms; transients eollclted. 2GS& Morrison, cor. 4th. Rooms With. Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tel. 165 10th St.. corner Morrison; most con venient; first-class location in city for busi ness people; fine rooms, nicely furnished; steam heat, porcelain baths, plenty of hot water, handsome dining-room; Eastern cook ing, with flrst-class tafile service at reason' able rates to permanent people; table board ers accommodated. THE CARLETON. Newly and elegantly furnished; excellent cuisine and service; apartments for bach elors: attractively located at 13th and Al der sts. Phone Pacific 1347. THE MANITOU. 201 13TH ST. HAND somely furnished rooms, steam heat, fine baths, abundant hot water, fine lawn, spa clous porches, choice location; excellent nome-cooked meals, well served; table boarders solicited A SlITE OF 2 ROOMS WITH FIRST-CLASS bonrd for 3 or 4 gentlemen; all conveni ences; very reasonable; better look this up at once. Also table board $4 week.. Aster House. 7th and Madison. THE GLENDORA. 10TH AND COUCH Suites with running water, single rooms, flret-class board; large parlor, bllllard-room. everything up to date; rates $25 and up. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR rooms with board; use of sewing-room; use of library;. Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, Supu. 610 Flanders. BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO YOUNG men, $20 each; everything modern and home llke; table board. $3.75 .per week. 176 Hth. "TOURAINB." 188 7TH, NEAR HOTEL Portland Front rooms with board for two. $50; table board, $4 week. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GBN tlemcn with board, all conveniences. 581 3d at.; private family. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH ROOMS with good board, reasonable; monthly rates to permanent people. QUIET HOME FOR ELDERLY OR INVALID ld ft "f carc- For Particulars phone Main 1201. SINGLE ROOM WITH BOARD IN PRIVATE ?m,1,,;,Jl'alk,nK distance; good home. Phone JIaJn 3181. BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOM; GOOD HOME cooking; cheap to couple. 212 Seventh st. Main '2289. THE SOUTHERN 374 YAMHILL ST. ROOMS single or en suite, with board; reasonable rates. 3P5 MORRISON 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS running water, 1 on 1st and 1 on 2d floor! BOARD AND ROOM FOR MAN AND WIFE can be had at 474 Columbia st., corner 14th. 120 18th, corner Gllsan Desirable rooms, first-class board; modern, private home. THE OS ARK, 225 31TH ST. ROOMS AND board; hot, cold water; table boarders. MODERN HOMELIKE PLACE, FINE RESI dence. Phone Pacific 822. Flats. CENTRALLY LOCATED. COMPLETELY furnished modern 3-room fiat with bath. In quire 163 W. Park st. LOWER FLAT. PARTLY FURNISHED; VA cant March 1. Phone Main 1030 or Hood 633. 263 7th st. $35 -CHOICE 0-ROOM MODERN FLAT. 170U 10th 100 feet from Morrison. Hynson. 270V4 Washington. 7-ROOM FLATS. FURNACE, GAS. ALL modern. 430-432 2d st. Inquire phone Pacific 229. NEW FLAT. 3 BRIGHT ROOMS AND Al cove, gas. bath, central, West Side. Phone Pacific 80. 284 16TH COZY. MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT", hall and porch; $18. Morgan, 213 Ablng ton bldg. FOR RENT A NEWLY WELL-FURNISHED fiat, bath, piano; $16. 685 Jefferson st., cor. Stout. TH REE-ROOM MODERN FLAT FOR RENT. Inquire flat D, 225 Market st. Phone Main 610. FOP RENT TWO MODERN FLATS. 604 Lovejoy. $25 each. Dooly & Co.. SSi, 3d. NICELY FURNISHED COZY SIX-ROOM flat, reasonable. 328 24th. Phone 354f. MODERN 6-ROOM UPPER "FLAT. 370 13TH. Call 4 W Market. Phee Mate tW4 FOR RENT. CTt. 21 BVBftKTT THOROUGHLY MODERN furnished or unfurnished 6-room steam-neat-ed flat, excellent neighborhood. Morgan & Flledner, 212 Ablngton bldg. TOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN FLAT WITH ras range and water heater Installed. 3014 E. th st. Apply phone Main SOL Pag e Son. 130 Front st. 221 EVERETT THOROUGHLY MODERN unfurnished 3-room etUA-heated flat, ex cellent neighborhood. Morgan & Flledner, 213 Ablngton bldg. POR RENT MODERN 0-ROOM LOWER flat near High School. 1P0 17th St.. near YamhllL Inquire 163 10th St.. near Tay lor. VERY DESIRABLE MODERN FLATS, bright, large, tinted rooms, laundry and basement; -ery reasonable. 2494 6th. NEW MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT, CHOICE Lo cation. block from B. Morrison car. Phone Bast 1703. Call C30 E. Alder. 6 ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED LOWER floor, house 461 W, Park st. $22. M. Wal ton, agent. 4,5 W. Park. FOR BENT NICE 5-ROOM FLAT. INQUIRE rear cottage. 22S Hall St.. cor. 2d. ROOMS. 4, BLOCKS POSTOFF1CE, $32.50. Call 232J4 6th. Housekeeping Rooms. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 Washington st-, cor. 20th Nicely furnished Tiousekeeplng rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone on both floors, nice sunny suites for $10 and $12 per month; the very best rooms In the city for the money. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: ras range In each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free pbone on each floor. COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms; piano and sewing machine; cheap to careful parties. Price for 4 rooms. $20. Call today. 286 13th st. Phone Main 6065. $1.60 WEEK"UF. CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, use of parlor, yard, bath, laundry. 203V5 6tanton, comer Com mercial. Take U car. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ALL CONVEN lences; ground floor; beautiful yard; one block from Orcgonlan building. .34U Alder. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping, gas. hot and cold water, bath and phone. 647 Morrison. Phone Mnln 4401. 388 JEFFERSON FURNISHED BOOMS, electric light, bath, phone; no children; references; central location; reasonable. $1.75 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms: laundry and bath. 384 Sherman, South Portland. 454 YAMHILL ST. TWO CONNECTING furnished housekeeping rooms, convenient, reasonable, close In. nice location. HOTEL NORTHERN FINE FURNISHED housekeeping suites, $10 and up. Ccrnsr 32th and Marshall sis. Main 1459. CONNECTING ROOMS, PLEASANT. CLEAN completely furnished for housekeeping, pri vate house, close in. 33I.14rh st. 487 TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED suites, new dwelling, furnace heat, modern, conveniences; light housekeeping. TWO OR THREE COMPLETE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath, electric light, phone. 101 10th, corner Stark. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED suite; also large front room, first floor, with gas plate; cheap. 322 14th. 30014 -4TH SUITES OF TWO NICELY FUR nlshed front housekeeping rooms, gas and wood ranee;, respectable. FOUR OR FIVE UNFURNISHED HOUSE- Keeping rooms ior rent, electric UgMs and gas. 497 Columbia st. VERY DESIRABLE WELL FURNISHED large nounetieeping room, nrst noor; quiet. 450 YamhllL near 12th. SUITE OF 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- , ing rooms, with gas stove, $1.23, per week. 382 E. Yamhill st. NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CLOSE IN ewiy rurnisnea. very cheap; hath, gas, phone. 320 2d st. 2 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. WITH privilege or 4 Modern and rent reasonable. Phone Main 5S02. 435 MAIN. COR. 12TH. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms from $8 up; gas. bath, phoney central. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND ONE single room; gas and bath; reasonable rent. 1G3 Park st. 328 MAIN. BET. CTH AND 7TH COMFORT able housekeeping rooms; bath, gas, phone; very central. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $10, $12 per jnonth. 504$ Washington at. Pa cific 1608. $155 LARGE ROOMS; BATH. HOT WA- tcr. electric lights; yard. 468 B. 8th, near Caruthers. FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng; gas range, phone and bath. 330 Cth st. SAVE TIME AND CAR FARE; BRICK building for housekeepers. 211 2d and Salmon. THREE MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE keplng rooms, ground floor. 26S Jefferson street. 431.MAIN ST. ONE OR TWO ROOMS FUR nished for housekeeping, complete; no chil dren. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; new flat; walking distance. 426 4th. SWELL 3-ROOM FLAT. ELEGANTLY FUR nlshed, private family. 429 3d. FURNISHED ROOMS MODERN CONVBXI enctn. 200 14th. Ilea sea. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. WALKING distance, on the East Side; $15 per month. F. T. Berry, 4 N. 0th st. Phone Hood 1633. KADDBRLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano . and furniture mover. Phone main 1CS5. Office, 110 N. 3d st. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE MODERN -room house, furnace, shades, best plumb ing. 540 E Ash. Phone East 1617. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 24C STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 8-ROOM HOUSE, WEST SIDB. FINE LOCA tlon. newly finished throughout; shades on window. 420 Commercial bldg. HOTEL CONTAINING 44 ROOMS. NEWLY papered and painted; cheap. Inquire of Hedges & Griffith. Oregon City. SUNNYSIDE 0-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, electric lights and gas, $18. Vanduyn &. Walton. 313 Washington st. $21 COLONIAL 7-ROOM HOUSE; ELEC triclty. gas. porcelain plumbing. 746 E. Clinton. Phone East 6531. NICE 6-ROOM COTTAGE. WEST SIDE Freshly tinted, choice location, central; rea sonable. Key 328 Park. 5-ROOM COTTAGE ALL CONVENIENCES. 1038 Belmont st.. $15. Apply Real Estate office, 1000 Belmont. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. 710 FRONT et-. $15. Phone Main 6S0L Between Meade and Hooker. 9-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL, GOOD CONDI tion. $35; 3-room cottage. $11. Inquire 461 E. Pine. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. RENT $14. 563 Hood st. Inquire next door. Phone Main 2026. FOR RENT HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS. MOD ern improvements. 325 12th st. Apply 327 $0 FIVE ROOMS. LARGE BASEMENT Key, O'Nell's grocery, corner of Hood and Grant. FOR RENT MODERN 0-ROOM FLAT, 429 Rodney ave.; rent reasonable. Phone East 807. 692 GLISAN. NEAR 21 ST 7-ROOM HOUSE porcelain bath. For particulars phone Main 3827. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM CORNEP house, bath, attic. Inquire 87 E. 17th st. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE S. E. COR. First and Meade. Inquire 706 First. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE S. E. COR. First and Meade., Inquire 706 First. -ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. GAS AND stationary tubs. C14 Pettygrove. NEW MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE. 604 BEL mmt nt. Apply 25 N. 8th st. COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 711 Hoyt st. Inquire 132 6th st. FOR RENT 8-ROOM BOUSE. PHONE MAIN 4145, 24 Caruthers t -y POR KENT. P.OOMING-HOU8E! 34 rooms In modern, brand-new building; two floors. This hotise Is well equipped for rooming-home business; Grand ae.; lease; $150 per month. Three good stores In same building; $15 to $35 per month. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. 3rd and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. FOR RENT BY HATFIELD & SMITH. 363ij Fourth Street. B-room bouse, on car line $15.00 7-Tootn modern house 20.00 S-room house. West Side 25.00 31-room houre. West Side, on car line 30.W 4 -room house, furnace, stove and gas ' range S.fO ft-room new house.................... S0.O0 7-room house. East Side, close In 13.00 NEAT 6-ROOM COTTAGE BATH. ETC. ON Caruthers, near 4th st,: rent $20 per mo. Nest modern 6-room cottage. Grand ave.. convenient to Madison-street bridge, $20 per month. 7-room house, conenlent to Madon-tret bridge (on Esst Side). $18 per month. J. W. OG I I.BEE, room 11. 145H Irt t- VERY DESIRABLE NEW. MODERN right-room house, xll conveniences, not far from Steel bridge; rent very reasonable. Western Oregon Truet Co.. 231 Stark st. Phone Pacific C33. FOR RENT A NEW. MODERN. S-ROOM house. lately built and up to date. All latest Improvements, one block from car line. In quire 751 East Buroslde st. Phone East 211. TWO NEW 7-ROOM HOUSES GAS. ELEC trlcity. furnace, yard. tubs, basement. Mod em 4-room house: 3-room houfe; all close In. Inquire 248 Lincoln, near 3d. FOR RENT 24 ROOMS. COR. HOLLADAY and Crosby, one block from Steel Bridge; new building; rent. $00. C. J. Wheeler. Phone Scott 2833. FOR RENT 6 ROOMS. MODERN. E. 1ST and Halfly; 6 rooms, modern. E. 17th and Stark. Apply O. B. Co., 30 Washing ton bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE NEW. MODERN. 448 16TH. Key at tS Park st. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. 414 10TH ST. Apply 328 7th. Tsraltbed Hoasea. MY HOME CONSISTING OF 7 ROOMS, completely furnished, modern and fine lo cation. W Side. Call after 10 A, M.. 212 Allsky. Fhone West 3G3. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. NEARLY NEW. elegantly furnished, large yard, furnace, gas. electricity; Nob Hill; M car. Q 17. Orcgonlan. 651 WASHINGTON ST.. FLAT E NICELY furnished, steam heat, very reasonable to good tenant. Room 10, Hamilton. Pbone Red 3184. $20. INCLUDING WATER COMPLETELY furnished 5-room cottage. East Side; etoss la. Phone Main 5443. FOR RENT Tt-ROOM FURNISHED COT tage. all conveniences; piano, central. Phone Main 3863. FURNISHED HOUSE MODERN. $15; UN fwrnlrted. $7; on car. ML Tabor. East 4240. Mr. Davis. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE ELEC ttlc lights, bath, central. Inquire 273Vi 7th. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED 0-ROOM modern residence. Phone East 1660. Rouse For Rest FBrnHurp For Sale. 10 ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED. IN VAX couver, cheap rsnt; would make a fine boarding-house; price $375. This must be Mld at once. The Continental Co.. 243 Stark st. 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE CLOSE IN on West Side, rent reassnable: fwiMtHre for ale ch-ap. all new. $450 cash If sold at once. E 28. Oregonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE 6-ROOM FLAT, nearly new, rent $17.50. modern, very cheap; must sell! 56S Overton su Phone Pacific 832. FOR SALE FURNISHED HOUSE 18 rooms, housekeeping flats, excellent loca tion. S. Weldon. 1454 3d st. 30TH NEAR WASHINGTON SIX-ROOM house, furniture $200. Call 602 Commercial block. Main 2823. FURNITURE 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE chean; must be soW by Saturday. Phone Pacific 863. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE EAST Side; price $100; rent $10. Apply 20 N. 6th. -ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for eale; urta!r all full. C 28. Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF A NICE 10 ROOM HOUSE for sale cheap. Call 283 Gllran st. Stores. WASHINGTON STREET. 547 GOOD STORE. can he rented this week at $25 per month. Two stores In new brick building. East Side. $60 and $75. Store and bakery. 14th and Flanders sts.. $25. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. Phone Exchange 72. 2- STORY BUILDING. 22x50; ON R. IL, near Salem; $10 per month Including fix tures: leae. Reeves. 433 Wash. CORNER 'STORE LEWIS "BLDG.. MORRI son and Park sts. N. D. Simon, fill Cham ber of Commerce, 207 STARK ST.. $60. DONALD G. WOOD- waro. acent. 240 Stark st. Of Sees. WILL BUILD ON 100x100 TO SUIT TEN- ant; choice location for wholesale hou, adjoining railroad track. Address Q 28 Oregonlan. STORE, 271 STH. OPPOSITE CITY HALL, with rooms In rear. Apply upstairs, ring . bell. LARGE FRONT ROOM IN BEST OFFICE building In Portland. Phone Main 3146. LODGE HALLS AND OFFICE ROOMS. Allsky blfig.. 3d and Morrison. BUSINESS CHANCES. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN INVEST ment that will pay 16 per cent en f 12,kk call Mnln 1976. The Continental Co.. 243 Stark st. FOR SALE IN ONE OF THE BEST TOWNS on N. P. R. It-, a first-dam hardware bulnfss. clean stock. Address D 28, Ore gonlan. WANTED PARTNER. ESTABLISHED real estate office, ground floor; experience unnecessary; references required. E 28. Ore gonlan. $1500 WILL GET YOU INTO A CASH BU5I pess as partner and pay you $150 a month; duties easily learned. Call 24SH Stark st. ROOMING-HOUSE 27 ROOMS, HOU5E keeplng and transients, offered fer a rew days. $050. Hatfield & Smith, 1654 4th at. STRICTLY CASH GROCERY WITH LIVING rooms; price $500; pay you $100 a month clear over all expenses. Call 2481, Stark st. BUTTER AND EGG STORE THIS Busi ness will pay you $4 to $S a day over ex penses; $400 required. Call 248i Stark rU FOR SALE CORNER GROCERY. GOOD residence district, living rooms- In rear; must sell; other business. Call 421 1st FOR SALE VERY FINE LOCATION IN this city for drugs, hardware, bakery or shoe store. Particulars 538 Cole st. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN WHO CAN Invest $5000 In a business with a great future. Address V 28. Oregonlan. $500 GOOD RESTAURANT ON FIRST ST. doing k good business; must sell at once parties going East. Beckner. ISO 1st st. FOR SALE NEW 24-ROOM COMPLETELY furnished hotel, doing good butlness. bar gain. Address Box 154. Clatskanle, Or. SNAP "TOURAINE" 1SS 7TH. BETWEEN Yamhill and Taylor: swell boardlng-housei all full; making money. $500 PROFIT A YEAR WITH 32 HENS method sure: send 25c stamps to p. o ha 574. Portland. Or. x SALOON FOR SALE AT REASONABLE price, also restaurant and rooms. Inquire 254 Market at- LAUNDRY ROUTE FOR SALE F. P Brown, care City Laundry Co.. or nhoai East 2577. STORE FOR SALE CLOTHING AND tftoes. 17S Front su. between Morrison and YamhllL I HAVE GOOD VALUE WILL TRADE FOR home or rooming-house. 612 Commercial bldg. GROCERY WORTH $500 MUST BE SOLD by noon today; $350 takes lu 1S3 Morrison st. J WANT A. GOOD. LIVE "PARTNER IN A xttrxL Call 1S2 Surasdie . BUSINESS CHANCES. W. 1L Taf t. TAFT -fc CO. J. H. Diets. Main 15C rrs Stark St CotC Bldg. Below are a few of our many rooming and boardlnr.rinnaea that have been Placed lth us for Immediate sale. It Is to your interest to read this over VERY caxeiuiiy ana see us before buying. APARTMENT-HOUSE 100 rooms, newlr fnrnlshed and every room full of good, steady .roomers; rent only $200 per month with lease; clearing per month above all expenses ana nothing to da Hero is surely good ouy. price $4750. . TAFT & CO. ilaln 15C. 273 Stark St. C of C. Bldg. LOOK AT THIS. 60 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter In every room, cheap rent, fine loca tlon: 40 steadr board era and good tran slent trade: you will never get a. chance like mis again. Price $3500. part casn. TAFT CO. Main 156. 273 Stark. St. C. of C Bldg. FAMILY HOTEL. 40 room. 2 blocks from Postofflce: cheap rent; 3 years lease; clearing better than $500 per month; nicely furnished and the very best house of the kind In the city. TAFT A CO. Main 156. 275 Stark St. C. of C Bldg. BEST MONEY-MAKER IN CITY. 40 rooms, new brick, steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms; rent. Including heat. $200; 2 years lease; best location in the city; elegantly furnished; never clears less than $450 per month. Do you want It? If so. come quick. Price $5500. TAFT It CO. Main 15C. 275 Stark St. C of C Bldg, APARTMENT-HOUSE 35 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa- "r in rooms, fine bath, nicely furnished, phone In each asartment: chean rent: clearing $140 per month above all expenses and nothing to do but take care of the balls and bathrooms; an exceptionally gooa ouy lor 5.1150. TAFT ti CO. Main 156. 275 Stark St. C. of C. Bldg. FAMILY BOARDING. 32 rooms, fine location, cheap rent, steam heat, furnished rrnr elecant. beau tiful lawn, fine large verandas; clearing $250 per month; on account of leaving the city nave reduced the price to $5000. TAFT & CO. Main 156, 275 Stark St. C. of C Bldg. REGULAR SNAP. 30 rooms on Washington st; extra well furnished and as clean as a whistle; Cheapest rent In Portlaml- 3 veara lease. Here is a chance for someone to make $1000. Don't fall to see this the first tmng Monday morning. Price $2250. TAFT & CO. Main 155. 273 Stark St. C. of C Bldg. $850. 21 rooms, chean rent, and ranA leaser nicely furnished and making money. This ad will only appear once at this price, $850. . . TAfT UO. Main 136. 273 Stark St. C. of C Bldg. MY POSITION ENABLES MB TO BEAT ALL competitors in the price of the Hurst Switch stock. This great invention can bo seen at the company's office. 206 McKay bldg., or at their factory. 26th and Upshur sta. Don t fall to see me before purchasing. I am Mlllng this corporation's shares at a big discount. W. J. CURTIS. 213 Commer cial block. Phone Main 53S4. HERE IT IS THE VERY SNAP! YOU have b?l Innlrlnr tnr- ll wwim Ing-house. 17 rooms; furniture the best: near ainsra ana turn; nne modem corner building; cheap rent with lease: only $500. Ellis & Kahlcr. room ri 2C4 Morrison st. WANTED MAN OF GOOD ABILITY AND character to buy stock t$5000) of retiring partner and take active interest In very profitable manufacturing business; must furnish best references. X 2S. Oregonlan. COMMISSION BUSINESS PARTNER Wanted Good local Ion; bustner-i paying well and can be greatly Increased; small amount cash required. Ellis i Kahler. room 21. 261 MorrUon st. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF ou have cttcks or bonds for sale, let me try and sell them for eu. George M. Kel logg. broker. 313 EUlcott Square. Buffalo. A GOOD BUSINESS MAN WITH CAPITAL to Invest and to take charge of factory can have controlling Interest If he desires. For particulars aaaress Q S. Oregonlan. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS PARTNER wanted; must have $2250; fully secured; py you $200 a month; highest references fur nished. Call 24S4 Stark st. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MEN Good openings In all lines, city or country; details at offices of the Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE PHYSICIANS! GOOD GENER al practice, household goods, drugs, etc.. cheap; mutt sell Immediately; sickness. Ad dress H 89. Oregonlan. WANTED 1500 TO $1000 FOR INVESTMENT u iiuum wuiuiuiuuui cmcrpnie; great nap; can hare good position it -wanted. A 00 Oresonlan. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE IN nveiy aiiry town; good trade; invoice at about $4000: buildings for rent cheap, lis Ablngton bldg. FEW HUNDRED BUYS ESTABLISHED LA- uica ana men s lurnuning goods business, fine location, low rent, no old goods. Phone Pacific 1131. FOR SALE SMALL SELECT STOCK OF groceries. In good town, close to Portland; cheap rent. See Moore Investment Co.. 151M 6th it. SPECULATORS CALL MAIN 53S4 FOR BIG bargains In Hurst Railroad Switch stock. FOR SALE 11-ROOM ROM ING-HOUSE FOR aie turi. 1 ua iu FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon sible firms; easy payments and strictly con fidential; a!o CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngton Building. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes, fer from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plana and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced FRED II. STRONG. Financial Agent. 212 Stark Street. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42S-429 MO- bwk cms., da ana .Morrison, leans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, motoromen. conductors or ether salaried employes. Just en his note. In sums of $10 to $100. Re turnable in convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payments suspended In case of sickness. Confidential. No Inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, ran get on his note, without mortgage (Con fidential!: Month. t month. Week. $50 Repay to u. .$12.53 orSO.65 or $3.25 $25 Repay to u..$ 6.05 or$X23 or $1.65 $15 Repay to us. .$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people at lowest rates; stri'tly confidential. Employe Loan Co.. rrem 71A the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 53 principal cities. Tot man. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106H 3d st. HIGHLY respectable place where ladles and gents can borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 2d3 Wash ington st. Phone Black 71. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND other good securities; small building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn. 552 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 328. PRIVATE MONEY FOR QUICK REAL Es tate loans; any amount at 5. S and 7 per cent. M. G. GrlfTln. 2VJ Stark st., opposite Chamber of Commerce. LOANS ON FURNITURE PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates .8. W. King, room 45. Washington bldg. Pbone Main 0100. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson Co., room 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. I WISH TO SECURE A CHATTEL LOAN OF wv v. innwuii T-ifccvs worca iow; u or 6 months. V 28, Oregonlan. ONE OR TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS OF iiiiuiuuicHi, jjtf ccai coamcu i or sate. K 28. Oregonlan. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 44 CON cord bldg. Loans made on city property. No commission. WILL LOAN $15,000 OR LESS. 6 PER cent, real estate. Farrington. 31S Cham ber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl. rm. 8. Washington bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E Thomas, state agt-. Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Cora. lOWEST RATES ON FURNITURE. PIANOS and other security. 449 SherlocTc Clay 523. $W.W TO LOAN AT 5 AND S FER CENT. Was. GK Seek, reoetv 397. raiUag ilix. FINANCIAL. AN UNPAID BILT. f1A:s writ? 77 -r , "Vhy worry when you can get the money tjs o pay diiis that are pressing you7 will loan you $10 to $100 and you can repay in convenient weekly or monthly payments. Money advanced on salaries by giving us yOUr nlaln not without liutnn,, al.n loans on furniture, plana, etc.. at lowest rates. When In need of money, get It from us on PAYMENT PLAN; It costs you less . you oul f debt, open Tuesday and Saturday until 8 P. M. IIUTTON CREDIT CO.. 312 (5th floor) Dekum Bldg. SriiOAL NOTICES. PrsjxxaU XaritosL NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF THE franchise and property of the Oregon Traction Company. Notice la hereby given that the stockholders of the. Oregon Trac tion Company have adopted a resolution au thorizing and dlrectlar tha dlaaolniton of the said corporation and tha dlspcsltloa ot ui iia property. Pursuant to said resolution and the re Intion of the board of directors authorising and directing the sale of all of the property belonging to the company. I will, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. on Thursday, the 15th day of March. 1U06. at tha front door of the County Courthouse, in the City of Portland. Multnomah County. Oregon, of fer at public Mile, to the highest bidder fer cash, ths franchises, roadbed, track, rights of way and contracts for right of way. to gether with all maps, pronlea. oOc fix tures and furniture, and all property of whatever kind owned by said corporation. The said property will be sold In bulk, and as an entirety. The said franchises of said company re ferred to are as follows, to wit: A franchise authorizing the construction of a railway line through the City ot HIlls bcro and a franchise granting the right to construct a railway on and over certain street In the City of Forest Grove. Wash ington County, Oregon, and a franchlsa granted by the City of Portland. Or., by ordinance No. 14.564. entitled. "An ordi nance granting to the Oregon Traction Com pany. Its successors and assigns, the right to construct, lay down, maintain, and c pe rate railways and poles and wires and underground conduits In the City of Port land. Or." (Approved by the Mayor of said city cn the 6th day of April. 1GOS.) The constructed track belonging to said company consists of about 33S0 feet of double track laid on Twelfth street. In the City of Portland. Or., between Burnslde and Overton streets, la said city, and 260 feet of double track oc Pettygrove street, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. In said city, and three crossings on Six teenth. Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth streets, at the Intersection of Pettygrove street. The maps and profiles referred to how the survey of the projected eletcrlc railway line of tha company from the City of Portland. Or., to the City of Forest Grove. Oregon. For full Information as to all property of the company. Inquire at the office of the company, room 62, Union block. City of Portland. Or. The said corporation It now Indebted In about the sum of $33,000. Of said sum about the amount of $3500 Is due the Germanlx National Bank, of San Francisco. CaL. for which S100.CCO par value In amount of the bonds of the company secured by a mortgage or deed of trust on all the prop erty of the company are deposited as col lateral and of which said total amount about the sum of $14,700 It secured by me chanics" Hens on the franchise, roadbed and constructed track cr tha company In the City of Portland, the remainder of said indebtedness being unsecured. The said property shall b sold to the highest bidder. The purchase price shall be paid In full, in cash, or by acceptable certified check at or before 3 o'clock P. M. of the day of sale. Payment to be mado to the undersigned at the otQce of the com-, pany. Union block. Portland. Or. If the person offering tha highest bid for all of said property shall not pay the entire pur chase price by 3 o'clock P. M. of said day of sale, the person offering the second highest bid shall be entitled to the convey ance of said property, if he shall pay tha entire mm bid by him before 4 o'clock P. M. of said day of sale: and If neither ths said highest or next highest bidder shall ray on said day of sale the amount bid by him. tha directors of the company at their option may sell said property to any person bidding at said sale who makes full payment on the day of said tale of the sum old by him. The right to reject any and all bids la reserved. By order of the board cf directors. W. L. GOULD. Secretary Oregon Traction Company. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIT ed States far the District of Oregon In the matter of the estate of L. Greenberg. bankrupt. The undersigned will receive seated bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting principally of clothing, hat, shoes, trunk and gent's furnishing goods, of the laoIce value of $2157.07. together with fixtures of $44. located at Sixth anil Everett sts.. Portland, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Friday. March 2. 1906. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. 'Inventory ami Inspection of stock may be had on application. Dated Febru ary 20. 1PO& It. L Sabln. trustee or the estate of L Greenberg. Front and Ankeny streets. Portland. Oregon. DIo!nUon Notice. THE PARTNERSHIP OF J. HANSON Jfc J. MeKean. of the Shamrock saloon, corner Mt and Flanders, has been dissolved by mwtual coraest. J. Hanson assumes all MIVi to date. February 26. 1905. J. Han son. J. MeKean. Administrator's Sale. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE LOTS 1. 2. 3. block 55. Sunnyalde. at N. E. corner of Hawthorne ave. and Arcacla. or 33th st. This beautiful lOOxlOO for sale. Apply to undersigned at 321 Chamber of Commerce bWg. Thomas 0Day. attorney for admin istrator. MUcellaneOBj. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING In accordance with the authority vested In me by the by-laws of Lewis and Clark Cen tennial and American Pacific Exposition and Oriental Fair, a corporation organised and existing under the laws of the State of Ore gon. I. II. W. Goode, president of said cor poration, hereby call a special meeting of It stockholder to be held In the office of tho corporation. Administration building. Up shur st.. between 26th and 27th sts.. Port land. Or., oa Thursday, the first day of March. 1008. at 11 o'clock In the morning, for the purpose of authorizing the dissolu tion of sold corporation and the settling of Its business and disposing ot Its property and dividing Us capital stock in such manner as to the meeting may seem proper, and for the transaction of any and all business In connection therewith that may properly come before said meeting. 11. W. Goode. By or der of the president. Henry E. Reed. Sec retary of said corporation. Portland. Or.. February 10. 1603. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. IN THE County Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County. In the matter of the estate of llabette Bergman. Deceased. No Ice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In ihe above entitled court and cause hlx final account In said estate, and that the said County Court has set the 23th day of March. 1DC6. at the hoBr of 0:30 A. M. of said Hay. as the time fer hearing said ac count. And all persons Interested In ald rotate are hereby notified fo file objec tions. If any there be. to the allowance of the akl final account, on Or before said last mentioned dale. Dated this 20th day of February. 1!6. JONAS BERGMAN. Administrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of Babette Bergman. Decease!. Chas. A. retrain and Frank Schlegcl. At torneys for Administrator. WE THB UNDERSIGNED FURNITURE and piano-movers, will require the payment of all charges upon delivery of goods after December 1. 1P05: H. C Haack. C f. Har der. O. F. Hussey. Ccsgrovo Bros.. Portland Delivery Co.. Post Special Delivery Co.. Package Delivery Co.. Holman Transfer Co.. Northwestern Transfer Co.. Oregon Auto Dispatch Co.. John Hampton. James McLIn den. Owen McUnden. Pacific Transfer Co. Oregon Transfer Co.. Portland Van & Stor age Co., Wake man. Mono Transfer Co.. East Side Transfer Co.. C O. Pick Transfer 4 Storage Co.. C M. OUen. Baggage & Omni bus Transfer Co., A. J. Murphy. Kadderly Transfer &. Commission Co., John' A. Loire. Audrew-J. Murphy. F. M. Ireland. F. Mil ler. Finch & Henderson. tup i vvi'lT. MrrrtVf! nt- holders of the "Baby Home" will be held In the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, third floor, on Tuesday. March IX 1906. at 2 o'ewv- P. M. Reports of officers will bo heard; also the election of 10 directors to serve the ensu ing year, and such ether business as would properly come before the meeting. F. s. Akin, FOR SALE GASOLINE LAUNCH II ATT IE i.'uvi c -v 4 . ui uiii,u.ti cuuaiuon; Dark-sin If sold now. J. E. Wolff. Phone East 22S3. PERSONAL. Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. $2; 3 moaina , . aeni securely seoiea Dy mail. Agents, Woodard, Clarke &. Co.. Portland. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES TREATED. $3 muuiu, i ruiiv,acniMuic xiupenmry. 411 Morrison. TWO LADIES. BATH. FA'CB AND SCALP uioraac, yj uui, iku AHfiov anc aaimon. Turkish baths, massage, expert masseuse, la dles only. 551 wnsbington. Ph. Main 7040. MRS. S. B. SBIP. most reliable aeeresa and propnetess in town, aian TamhHL Pac lOd. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at tne u:a hook store. J yamnill st. 100 rCCT CARDS. ASSORTED, 2Pc. FREJ. PERSONAL- CONFIDENTLVL MEDICAL ADVICE TO women We treat diseases of women ex clusively, curing with unvarying success all female ailments from the slightest local ir ritation to the most comDllcated Internal troubles; maternity cases given special at tention; private hospital accommodation; professional lady nurse In attendance; con sultation and advice free. X-Radlum Medi cal Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder sts., entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. DR. G V. KETCHUM. RECENTLY PHYSI clan at St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dia penrary. Is now at Red Crosa Dispensary. Square deal for all; charges moderate; be cured of spermatorrhoea. daily and night drains. Impotency. gonorrhoea, syphilis, blood taints, varicocele and hydrocele: fe male special troubles treated. Correspond ence solicited. Red Cross Dispensary, corner 3d and Ash sts. Detective Agency Confidential Investigations; reports made on any individual, business or property; missing relatives found; bad debts collected; charges reasonable; correspondence solicited. Oregon Detective Service. 314-315 Columbia, bldg.. 365 Washington. Main 5015. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HEL3INC fors graduate, positively cures rheumatism, nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 E. 11th et-. two doors from B. Ankeny ear line. Phone East 2C0. BB YOUR OWN BEAUTY DOCTOR! Free Information and anatomical chart, tho masterpiece of perfection. Keeps circulation moving and muscles young. Complexion like n rose. X. Z. Cauffman. Specialist, 1401 First ave.. Seattle. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT 50C To the visitors of Portland hotels and to the publ.c at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's. 100$ Sixth St.. next to the Quelle. Ladles skirts pressed. 50c Phone Clay 305. ' MONEY TO LOAN. Three or four thousand dollars to loan on first-class real estate security on favor able terms. Inquire room 12. Labbe bldg.. 2d and Washington; no commission. DRESS surrs FOR RENT, all SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and prensed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 303 Stark, near 6th. MADAME ENGLISH. MAGNETIC H BALER, cures all diseases by hand-rubbing and elec tric sweats; rheumatism a specialty; Madam Karraw's famous remedies for sale. 145 th. cor. Alder. Learn Illustrating, cartooning. sbow,card" writing or window trimming; practical, thorough courses by mail; easy install ments; satisfaction guaranteed. Address T -8. Oregonlan. V.E MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DISEASE? of women. Private rooms. Call or write. Si:..1'0"1'4 Medical and Surgical Dispensary. 2304 Yamhill st.. cor. 3d, Portland. Or. "BOOK OF NATURE" "AGNES." "DROLL Stories." "Her Hidden Charm." "A Hot Tamale." "A Modern Lover." 50c ea. Lists free. A. W. Schraale Co.. 229 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THH great Dr. Lorenz' Nerve Tonic Tablets: 23a a box. Write or call at EyssAll's Pharmacy, 22. Morrison sr.. bet. 1st and 2d. FINS DAY BUY MEREDITH'S TJMBREL laa; repairing and recovering; two Korea; aahlngton and ttth and Washington and 5th. MRa. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist. astro.cglst and clairvoyant; readings dally. 160 .th. oop. Hotel Portland. Pacific 714. 10O NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR name. 50e. 30 for 33c: 230 business cards. $1. Schmule Co.. 220 1st. YOUNG LADr GIVES FACE AND SCALP massage. The Cosmos, 268. Morrison sc.. parlors 12 and 14. W ATER-PROOF HALF SOLES. 50c. HOLLA ,b.a5h K. 267U Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. TWO YOUNG LADIES GIVE FACE AND scalp massage. U0, 4th st.. cor. Wash. MISS EFFIE HILL. SCIENTIFIC CARD reader. 25c. 160 7th. opposite Hotel Portland. DR. PAUL CROMWELL THE COLORED Specialist. Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Main 54i. DR. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF WOMEN and surgery. 30rt Allsky-bldg.. 3d & MorrUon. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. Ol E. Belmont. Phone Kant 4034. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP manage. The Tacoma. 20Sa Stark, parlor 27. AH chronic diseases treated, $5 per month; no drugs, no knife. 411 Morrison sr. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS CURE Instantly. 15c: family size. 25c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AsMjiyers and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineer. 204 "3 Wash ington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE 1S6 MORRISON st. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. A S3 AYE R AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. 00 1st st. Attorneys. J- S. WINCHESTER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, notary public. 30 Washington bldg. BoatbuIIders. GRAHAM'S BOATYARD. FOOT E. PINB st.; gasoline launches a specialty. Agent for the Standard gasoline engine. Carpenter and Builders. W. L.Buckner. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 5831. Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. DEVBNY Jk ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists: parlors room 2U3 Drew bldg., 162 2d st. Phone ilaln 1301. This is the long-hatred gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. Commission Merchants. HERMAN MBTZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general com mission merchant. Front st. nr. Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg. Portland. Or. ALLEN LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts. Portland. Or. Cnrpet Cleaning. Sanitary Carpet Cleaning. Suction and Com pressed air combined. Carpet cleaned on floor without removal. Main 5534. East 4230 Draughtsmen. OREGON SURVEYING. MAP AND BLUB Print Co.. 409 Stearns bldg.. opposite Post office. Phone Main 6023. Dancing WOODWARD'S DANCING ACADEMY rmeru .auem 01 jiusic IlaH. Monday and Thursday; gents. 12 lessons. $5: ladles 10 lessons. 32.50. Corner 2d and Morrison' Gardeners. PLANTING OF ROSES AND TREES AND care 01 uj- experiences lanascape gar dener. A. I. Andersen, 41 Ella st. Main ljJOI. Furniture. WANTED FURNITURE REPAIRING AND upcoisienng. mauress renovating, carpet cleaning. laying, picture framing. Boston Furniture Co.. 47 Union ave. Phone East 6383. Harness and Saddle. THB GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- w Muoim aim narneEM mtrs., leather ami saddlery hardware. 80-S6 1st. Main 226. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES. pens. wooi. turs. tauow, old rubbers, met als and sacks. 312 Front at. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDOE LEATHER CO es tablished 1838. Leather and findings: Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 1S3 Front st. Musical. FERDINAND KONRAD, TEACHER OF vioim ana violoncello, studio 410 Salmon street. Phone Main 3S2S. MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PUPIL SHERWOOD. inicago; piano lessons, so cents. Studio, 466 7th St., near Jackson. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil of Sevcik. violin leacner. atuaio. jwj oin. Tel. Main 3968. Osteopathic Physicians. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DE- xum diqk.. oa ana v asnmgton. Phones: Office. Main 349; residence. Main 1303; East 1028. Exam, free Sun. by appolntm't. DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH 04 ureiuui inune jvirKVllie, MO. 408 Qregvslaa 6Idr. 1212; I v. M, 3753. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Northwest Vlavt Co. LEWIE BLDG., PARK AND MORRISON" sts. Call or send stamp for Health Book. Machinery. B. TRBNKMAN fc CO.. MINING. SAW mill. .logging machinery: hydraulic pipes, casting; all' kinds repaired. 104 X.-4tb. THB H. G. ALBEE-CO.. SECOND-HAND . machinery, sawmills, etc. 218 Grand ave. Paints, Oils and Glasa. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, ollj. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Palmistry. MME DREYFUS, PALMIST AND CARD reader. Offices 201 H Morrison st., cor. 5th. Patent Lawyers. R. C WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Piano Tuning. EXPERT PIANO TUNING. REPAIRING and polishing. Phone East 4133. Safes. DIEBOLD. VAULT WORK AND SAFES lead competitors. Steel ball-bearing lifting Jacks. Metal fixtures. Lockouts opened, re pairs. Phone 1635. John E. Davis. 66 Third. THREE SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE cheap. S4 3d st. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. R. H. Blrdsa"tl. designer: agt. 51. Winter Lum ber Co.. 7 Hamltton bldg.. 131 3d. M. 3339. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. 6th and Hoyt. Phone ilaln 140S. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO., 34S 1st. near Market. Phono Clay 1644. Sign Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DOORS AND WIN dows lettered at cut prices. Zirngiebel, 213'? Washington st. Phone Taciflc I4D5. Spiritualists. A FAMOUS ORIENTAL CLAIRVOYANT. ST. GEORGE ORMONDE. 3BER OF Egypt, tells you ot marriage, love, business, sickness, how to invest money, speculation, buying, selling, partners, friends, enemies, cures all nervous diseases, weakness of ev ery kind, settles love quarrels, reunites the separated, hastens marriage, locates mine, burled treasures, missing ones, papers: re news youthful vitality, gives magnetic secret powers of control, make good luck, re moves evil Influences. 2SS'a Washington st. MRS. WALLACB. 25 YEVRS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all in trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, budlnes-. love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 2S6 Taylor st. Hours. 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Pro f. Grant Chesterfield Psychic, palmist, clairvoyant; tells past, present, future: palm istry taught, medlumlstfc persons developed. Res. 224 3d, near Salmon. Readings dally 50c PROF. WALLACE. THE NOTED PALMIST, will continue to glvn his celebrated $3 read ings for 50 cents for one week longer. 2886 Morrison st. The Cosmos. MRS. S. B. SEIP. noted prophetess and psy chometrist. S43Vj Yamhill, cor. 7th; readings dally; circles Tues. and Fri. 8 P. M. Pac. 106. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BB CON sulted. 53 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6179. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist, spiritual life reader. 160 7th. opp. Hotel P. Htorage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED packAd ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office, 123 1st. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 547..- C. O. PICK. OFFICE SS 1ST. BBT. STARK and Oak. Phone 306. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipment; com modious brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 34 X. FRONT st., household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Wholesale- Grocers. ALLEN A- LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY. cor. N. Front and Davis sts., Portland, Or. LOST AND yOUXD. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON lan will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone caught stealing Tha Orcgonlan from the doors of its subscrib ers. Circulation Manager. LOST ON WASHINGTON. BET. 3D AND City Park, an envelooe containing two steamboat tickets and two trunk checks. Please return to this office and receive re ward. LOST GOLD ENAMELED BROOCH; LOST between corner 23rd and Johnson and High School, either on Willamette car or on street. Return to Ellers Piano House; reward. REWARD FOR RETURN OF A BUCKSKIN and a bay cow pony, lost near Hillsdale.. John Crawford, care Greenley & Crawford, 204H Washington St.. city. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned samo day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST ENGLISH SETTER PUP. BLACK and white. 7 months old. Return to 735 Pettygrove st. and receive reward. LOST A LONG FUR BOA. FINDER please phone East 2752; reward. BANKS. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1650. Transacts a General Banking Buslnexn. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued a-allable in Europe and all points In the United Stater Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis. Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort. Hongkong, Yokohama. Manila and Ho nolulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W HOYT Cahier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United State Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established In 186 i. HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. President HOMER S. KING Gen. Man. of Branches. ..W. MACKINTOSH Capltyl paid up $4.00O.00f Surplus and undivided profits JP.770J4 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available in all paits of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BURCHAELL Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts IsMied. available In all cities of ths United States and Europe. Hongkong and Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR.' Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President a. L. MILLS Cashier ....J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier .....W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier.... B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available in. Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago, St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and. the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in suras to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-th-Maln. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, auc uiuhi iiuol v uinyauy in uregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,400,000 General banking. Exchange on all nt of the world. Savings accounts. Tint tificates. 3 to 4 per cent: short-call special certificates. $300 or over. 3 to 4 per cent Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Private Exchange 7 ?i E- Co,ne' Third and Oak. 8treets. BEN J. LCOHEN President H. L. PrTTOCK