14 THS aiOBSOXG- OKEGOiCLAS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1906. We Are Showing Spring Arrivals in High-Grade Rugs including- small rugs in all grades and 9x12 rugs in Body Brussels Bigelow Wiltons Wellington Wiltons Imperial Axminsters The new patterns are splendid ex amples of the weaver's art, and will be appreciated by all lovers of beau tiful floor coverings. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE j. a mack & CO 86-88 THIRD PHUi ETSCHAA Prea, Seventh aas CTjuUactea European Plan K1ELEY STOPS HIS TRIAL Gets Injunction, Alleging Maroncy Is Prejudiced Judge. ST. LOUIS. Fob. 27. -Matthew Kieley. suspended Chief of Police, on trial be fore the Board of Police Commission ers, today stopped the trial by obtain ing a temporary injunction to prevent tne board from continuing1 the proceed ings. The board is cited to show cause tomorrow whv it should not be per manently enjoined from trying1 Kieley. Before the proceedings had been stoppfcd. an affidavit signed by Kieley was offered to the board setting forth the allegation that Vice-President A. C Maroney, of the board, was violently prejudiced against the defendant, that he was a personal and political enemy and that it would be impossible for the defendant to receive a .fair trial before him and therefore it. was askod that Maroney be not allowed to alt with the board An the chst. The board 'over ruled the request. " . Ttcv. G. G. AVarc Sent to-Prison. OMAHA, Feb. 37-Judgo Munger. in the United States District Court this morning overruled the -motion for a new trail in the case of the Tiev. George G. Ware, of Lead, S. D.,; president of the V. B. L Cattle Company., recently con fided of conspiracy to defraud the Gov ernment by means of illegal homestead entries. The judge then sentenced the prisoner to imprisonment for one year In the -County Jail at this place and to pay a fine of 31000. An appeal will be taken. Ware has been for many years pastor of Episcopal churches at Lead , and Dead wood, S. D. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 27. Maximum temper ature. 4S dcg.; minimum temperature.. 38 de grees. River reading at S A. M., 10.6 feet; change in past 24 hours, rise of .5 foot. To tal precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., .04 jr.ch. Total precipitation sine September 1. J&05. 28.35 inches. Normal precipitation lnce September 1. IKK. 32.41 inches: deficiency, S.OG Inches. Total sunshine. February 20, 2 hours. 39 minutes; possible sunshine, Veb ruary 26, 10 hours. 58 minutes. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. STATIONS Wind. la? 2 ,3S. S c 3 Baiter City Ttt&m&rc!: Boiee.. .......... Eureka Helena Kamloops. B. C North Head.... Pocatello Portland ....... Hed Eluff Ttoeeburp Sacramento. . en TsVo CAtv loudy .IMO.00 51.0.16 .I4BI0.38 SB Cloudv W E Rain IPt. cloudy iCloudy JPt. cloudy Cloudy" ICloudy (Cloudy ICloudy iRain Cloudy 'Cloudy IClear Clcar .14fl T SW . ISOiO.OO i48;0.0 -intilft.CO S SE INW . UK 0.02 .160.0.12 l4',0.06 .15010.16 jrw.io.oo 18INW 61NW 112 ISW 81 14! S NW NT San Francisco.. .loeio.oe! Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island Walla Walla.. ..... 14610.031 IMlO.OOj 8 8 IS IPt. cloudy IB fKain IClear .10010.00! 4NW T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS, . n.mrhnr.r is central c-er South rii Idaho and light rain has falen In North ern California, xsonnerc .-voua, urewu, -a- iisinrtn'n nnH KonihwMtern Idaho. -Cll-J.. - The temperaturec have, fallen within the rain area and risen slightly elsewhere. The conditions are favorable lor showers Wednesday in eaicrn urvsou bu. Washington nnd for ''rain, or srvow followed by clearing weathsr in Eastern Oregon and eouthorn jaano. . WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecast made at Portland for 28 hour?. Portland and vicinity Shower, winds" moet 1. ...;wnri. Western Oregon and Western Washington Shewtre. winaa mot-uy coums... Cnnn' 'nllrktVAl) VtXT fair. ,ii.ri j J vitbvii " . . . . ... Southern Idaho Rain or snow, followed by Eafifern Waehlngton and Northern Idaho Oneralls Jair. EDAVARD A. BEALS. District Forccaatcr. Tacoma, Wash. A burglar entered the house of Dr. T. F. Smith Monday night. While slipping about in his Mocking feet he disturbed Myrtle Young, a servant, who be gan talking in her ulecp. Tho burglar, thinking he had been een. beat the trlrl into imconeciousneBS with a sandbag. The burglar fled, leaving his hat and taking the -wrong pair of shoes. NEW TODAY. WANTED TO RENT EARM OF FROM 100 to 400 acres, .either in Oregon or Waging, ton, suitable for grain and stockralslng: must be near achoolhouse. Addrea. S 217, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE WANTED AT BARGAIN Wilt Jnvcst $20,000 or more. West Side pre ferred; xtate prlco and location; must do business quick. F 2S, Oregonlan. STREET C TV. KXOWLKS, MgA Streets, Peril susd, Oregon. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Rooai," "Rooms astd Beard." -HH!ke-keenlae Rooms." "61tuatleB Wanted. 15 words or leas. 1C cratu: 16 to SO word. Z0 ceal: 21 to 25 tvord. 28 cents, eta. 2o dis count for additional lBerlleBS. UNDER ALL OTHER J LEADS, except "New Today." 0 ccnta for IS words or lea: 16 Jo 20 -words. 49 ceata: 21 to 23 word. 50 cents, etc first laserUon. Each additional Insertion, one-half: bo further discuus ua dcr eue month. "XnV TODAY" caso weassre acaie). 15 eeBta per Use, 8m lairrtloa: 19 c crate per Use for each additional lBiwrllcm. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed cars The Orerenlaa. aad left at tals office, should alway be tecloed la sealed eavelape. 2o stamp Is required es sacsi letter. .. . . The Oreconlan will not bo reepsaolble for errors In advertlseaeats takea throuxb the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Portland Auction Room, 211 Firt-t street, sale 2 P. M. C. L. Ford, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. OltlENT LODGE NO. 17. L O. O. F. Reg ular meeting: thto Wodnesdar) wenlnc In Orient Hall. East Portkuia. Second degree Visitors invited. W. A. WIIEELETt, Sec nebular meotinp this CWcdnday) evening at S o'clock. Third decree. V.leltors, welcome. ii. OSVOL.D, sec WASHINGTON .COUNCIL, NO. 3, R. & S. M. Stated assembly this (Wednesday) evening, 7:30 o'clock. In Masonic Hall. Burkhardt building. East Hide. Work In the .Super-Excel lent Master's degree. Visiting companions are cordially Invited to meet with ua. By order Th. ill. il. C M. bkosx, Jtecoraer. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER NO. M. O. E. S. Stated communication thin (Wednesday) evening. Masonic Tem ple, S o'clock. "Chinese evening." Admission 25c By order W. N. KATE M. STEAD MAN, Sec. DIED, v. KAPOS In this city, February 27. 1906. Mins Minnie c. Kanua. only daughter or tne late General William and Mm Elizabeth Rapna. FDNERAIj NOTICES. M'OINNIP In this city at St. Vincent' Hos pital. February 27. 1IKML Hugh McGlnnli aged 37 year. 2 months, of STl MLrvlsfiipp! avenue The funeral will take place from St. Mary s Church, .Mblna. Thursday morn lug. March 1, at 0 o'cloolc Remains are at the parlors of Zeller-Byrne Co. In termcnt. Mount Calvarj" Cemetor'. Frlcnda respectfully invited. KAPUS In this city, February 27. 1906. Minnie C. Kapus. aged 29 years. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the fu ncral cervices, which will be held at the family residence, 201 North Twenty-third fltroet. at 2 P. M.. Thursday. March 1. Interment. Greenwood Cemetery- Services at the grave private. STODDARD In this city. February 26. 1906. James R Stoddard, ared SO year Frlenda respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets, at F. M. today (Wednesday), J-eruary 2b; thence to Crematorium. BEAGLES In this city. February 26. 1806, at her law residence. 47 East 12th st. N-. Daraxa J. Beagles, aged 77 years, 7 months and 18 days. The funeral service will be hold at Flnleys chapel at 2 P. M. today. irJends invited, interment. Klvervlew, MEN AN E At Eagle Creek. February 27, iwti. .misk .Margie jacnane, Dojovrd uauKh ter of James G. and Mary A. Menace, aged 13 years. A months aad Sdays. Will be burled at Eagle Creek Thursday at 2 o'clock P. M. EDWARD HOLM AN & CO, the leading fSBcraJ directors aad embaimern, 220 and 222 Third street. ptBcr Balwoa. bare the. nsest e8uiuisHicBri" ue aiesc reaseaable eharaps. We have an experieBcrd lady who takes full charge of all ladjr cases. 1'keae Maia S87. jr. r. ITNXEY & SON Faaeral directors and embaimers. o. 61 3d it cer. Hadlsoa W or Bigai. cuu prasipuj- nurauffl. jix perlcBced lady asslstaat vrhfa desired. Of Ace of Ceaaty Coreaer. Phone Mala D. DUNNING. M'ENTEK Jt GrLBACGM. Kbc cessers to DubbIbc & Campion, uadcrtakera aad crabalmerst modern la every detail: ?th and Pise. Phone Mala Lsdy asslntaBt. F. 8. DUNNING. Uadertaker. ill East Alder. Eady asslstaat. "1'bene East 52. ZELXEB-BYRNE8 CO, Undertakers. E balsaers. 278 Rassell. East Xadjr ast. TONBETH & CO, florists. ArthiUe floral deslgBs. 123 6th st. rhoae Mala 2iEW TODAY. 7th Street Full lot. 50100. short distance north of TVasmngion. xacing cast. E. J. Daly FaiUnr Balldiar. PHONE MAIN 5385. MONEY TO LOAN. We have amounts of money tot loan on improved.city property asoo and tip. J. L. WKLLS CO.. SI GRAND AVE. FOR SALE U BLOCK. E. FLANDERS AND 5& AMTSEMKXT5L SEATS NOW SELLING Anne Beatrice Franz Beyd" SHELDON - WELLS CONCERT Which Takes Place at the Marquam Grand Theater Tomorrow Evening, March 1 SEATS $1.00 BakerTtieater Crr-t Ti!t,Ce. Imu (t.L. lilt:, I jr. Yamhill and Third SU. Phone Mala 10.. The Home of Musical Burlesque. Tills week. "THE HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS" A Wealth of Beauty. Merle and Delight. The Screaming- liurieeque in i o ac. WMIRLY QIOQLE Bargain Mutiny Today. 2:13 (A Real Bar gain) 5e to Any Seat. Saturday Mstlnef Last Performance) 13c, iiite, c, .uc. Night price "c 33c. 30c. Tic Next Attraction. -Imperial". Empire Tbeater Trtlffi tf Kvritw rtKtKtit 117 million w. teaman, aaanager. T'nrl Itnit'n moit Twrju'ar theater. Tonight and all this week, tlie beautiful play. "HUMAN HEARTS" 1 ...- e IrVinut ItlllC. Pathos and Comedy richly blended. Always a favorite. Matinee Saturday. Evening Prices 15c 25e. S5c, 00c Matinee 10c. lc, 25c. Next "Week Murrav and Hack in "AROUND Till! TOWN." GRAND tiIeater The Martellen, Rlalto Comedy Four. Klsg and Manx p. The Great CbererU, Harold Hob", Llrae No. 13, or The Hoodoo Auto." PRICES Evenings. Sundays. Holidays. 10c. 20c, SOc Matinees. 10c Week of Feb. 26. A roHIve No--elty, 11A1DES. Rusbia Dancers. STAR THEATER Week of Teh. 26. The Royal HAWAIIAN QUINTETTE Kings of Melody. The Tfarre Uarilaaf, leer Scott, James Dunn. Virginia Richmond, Will C noyt. Staro scope. PRICES 10c to any seat except boxe. PANTAGES iSg.. Charles E.. Roral vid rnmninr in ihf mM. aical comedy success. "S. Bachelor's Wife:" Morgan and company, dramatic ktch; monologlst: Cavalry Quartet, military ony; Magretta Lewis; comedienne; Io White, popular baritones .moving pictures. Performances dally at 2:30, 7:30 aad 0 P. M. Gcacral admission. 10 cents. Reserved seats. 20 conic. NEW TODAY. BANK FOR WOMEN Many -of theledirs of Portland and Vicnv lty do not Itnorr that the "&DE5T TRUST COMPANY IH OREGON 9 desires their account. Scores of them do know It. however, and make use of Its strong vaulu as a repository for their m Ings. We solicit the accounts ef ttemen and promlifi careful attention to their Interests. We pay Interest on savings accounts and time oeposits. One dollar and upward received. "Behind this company Is ncarlr nineteen years of continuous service to the public and Rejpurces of Over$l,400,000 Harriet E. Hoorehouse Superintendent Woman's Department Portland Trust Company Of OREGON S E. Cor 3d and Oak Sts Pbone Er. 72. OWN, YOUR OWN HOME Your tvifc and children will bo happier and more content, and you will be a bet ter citizen. The EAST SIDE has the most HOMES, has the GREATEST population. is growing: mc most iiA.riUL.x. and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and YvTX.Lt he there. HQLLADAY'S ADDITION Is tho geographical center of the city, and is mc inosi u.otnAoic rcsjoence dis trict, and .much or this will become BUSI NESS property. Do -not overlook these FACTS when maklnc; Investments; and call and" Inspect tho property, for scclne; Is believing. THE OREGON REAL ESTATE CO. EK'.a Third": 3l, Room 4. Portland, Or. THURMAtN STREET Vacant Lot. 31600 Each. SAVIER STREET Vacant Lots. $1750 Earh. Le ,U0 explain why these are cheap, ft. M WILBUR, 306 M'KAY BLDG. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. LESS THAN COST b ROOMS. MODERN house, East Side, fine furniture It wanted; good neighborhood, large chicken-house; muet have f2CKO. E 21. Orrconlan. SPECIAL SNAP CORNER LOT. GRAND v.. 5400. U' block. Union avc. 46500. block grand .ave.. 33000. F. Dubois, Warh Inglon bldg., room 1. SNAIV-&5&P WILT BUT 10-ROOM ROOM1NG hdu5e on 10th st. near Stark; rent 535; will make ami-class boatdlng-house. Inquire SOC Ankenj-. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOT ON FARGO ST. near Union ave. 'Inquire at 57 Moaroe St., ucrur the blotk. Phone EeM 2163. BIG SNAP BEST V, BIXXHC ON EAST Morrison, only 53S.f0. Dubotc, Wah ington bldg.. room 1. 52iT.O00 THE BEST INVESTMENT ON 1st st. today: elegant building, dose In. r 28. -Oregonlan. . $00 WILL BUY " BUSINESS LOT IN ST. John. This in a great bargain. See M. E. I-ee. 38U tb st. FINE 4-RLOCK. UNION AE. AND HAL ney; a bargain. State Investment Co.. 118 Ablngton bldg. I BUn.D HOUSES. EAST PAYMBNTS: LOTS furnWd If desired. Miller. G12 Commer cial bldg. FOR SALE 100X100 .ONE BLOCK FROM Union Depot; price 527,500. S 2S. Ore gonlan. w INCOME PROPERTY .'WITH A FUTURE Nets S per cent on $32,000. M. EL Lee. 03 : Oth st. Si-BLOCK U A XERX OIOICE LOCATION for flats, for sale by M. E. Lee, 331, 6th st. CHOICE LOT ON 22D ST. MRS. P. M. DALY, the Brown. Grsnd and Hawthorne are MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. OR WHO LB lot, for sale. G31 E. Ankeny; no ageata. .G1LT-EDGB BOND. EASY TERMS CH AS. .V. Bryant, 366 Chassber Commercs. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. v-ryssx boas. Irrlnrtoa, U block, house modern 1st every respect, furaace. electric llcbls aad fu all taroeth the house, and one of the best barzalns ca the market without any ezcepUoa; owner left city and must be sold; cosao in and let cs tell you about It. .S-room Bodern. up-to-date bouso oo E2 Iavl a, comer lot SOxlOP. cement founda tlcra. nice basement, gas. all up In nice saape, only $3000. easy terms; tela is a good one. 7-room bous?. East Taylor St.. beat loca tion, up-to-date In every way. large recep tion hall; fO. 7-room house ca TlllamooV st.. lot 50x l-O, femace. all modern: price J35T5, small I-ajment down, balance monthly. P-room house on EC Burcftfdo st all mod em and up-to-date, cement walkn aad baac mcnt; IU00. C-roost new house on Sheridan St., mod ern In every way; cement walks In. Price 32SC0. 6-room house, thoroughly modern la every ray, oa Gantenbein avc, near Falling c: alee little home; price only 2200, smsll payment down. l-room elegant modem hoce on East Bel mont at.; best location, large lot; this Is one ef the best bouses la this locality: $3309. S-room house, close ia oo Weldler at., all modern la every way. easy walktnz dis tance; thla u surely a good buy, only 3600, Unas to suit, . VACANT LOTS. . Wc have vacant lots In Alblxu. Central Alblna, Hlgalend. also Williams Avenuo Ad dition. la Multnomah oa Michigan avc. only Three lots. Highlsnd. only 523 each, 6tx Jwo. one block xrom car. Lot OOxllo oa Sacramento at.; here la a teod bargain: call for particulars. Quarter block. Irvlngton. wel aorner. isya about 3 feet above grade, rooa sur roundings; price only $1630. ACREAGE, v Ti.hare -tO-acre tract near Iv-nU. about naif la cultivation, balance easily cleared. ... .oa cood mala gravel rood; this Is tuitable for platting or for any purpose at the price we can sell it at. which U much less than anything In this locality. Five acres oa Section Line road, near JiHwrvoIr. all la cultivation, aad fruit, goo.1 modem house, cost over $3000; call for par ticulars. Eight acres oa Johnson Creek, all A No. i botiom land, some beaver dam: car lte runs right past It. all cleared and In crop. Come in and make offer within J 150 per acre 00 ied for adjolnlns land and w wui do builnem; owner Is eick and has to HS?, permanently. TW 1 only a partial list of our acrexse. Don t forget our farm list; It Is largo and choicely selected. . . TAFT t CO.. Stark Street. Chamber of Commerce. HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO. Wanted A 6-room bouse with modem conveniences cn Wet Side north of Wash ington street; price about $3000; terras part cash,, rest at sool lateres-. A .five-room hoove, with modem conveni ences on the Wet Side and in most any location, for about 2300. If you have property and wish to sell It, 1Ut- t once. Phone Main C2W. II ENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO., 501-302 Fentoa Bldg. HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSO l!r OP to date; elegantly flnlsaed throughout: situated oa two lots, trr bsst porUoa of West Side Any one desiring aa Al home will do woll to investigate. Pbona owner. Mala 553, or call JC3 Sherlock bldg. 0CO-SPLBNDID LOT NEAR PARK ST., -v- vi ic uaja uniy; rare cnanee. 2.000 a whola block, oa Union are., for manufacturing or warehowe purposes. STAUB & ROSS. 2274 Wash. su. room 17. HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO. For Sale A 7-room hou with hath. H-mv. meat. In good condition, on West Side, for A 6-room house with all modem con venience, on West Side; for KSCO. i-w rood bargains on property In -other jvuuiun. caui or pnone iiain 623f. HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO.. 50I-5CC Fentoa Bldg. FV1;.LLOT- "-KOOM MODERN HOUSE, full basement, furnace, fireplace, mantel, plumbed for gas: possession IramedlatAty; Kood location. West Side: handy to car: waixmg distance; 3300. cash 51000 to iw. oaiance to suit, culver, 623 Cham ber of Commerce iTLfcDlD BARGAIN NICE S-ROOK rau&c. cjose in. oa East Side, near Steel bridge: worth your while to look thla up. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY, 291 Stark st- Phone Pacific CM. SNAP AT J20O0! Near comer Washington aad 22d in line comer, 43x110. for home or cot tares; nothing to cheap close In: lASe It ' now. cz H.anicr. room -1. 2 Morrison st. ACRB TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE- as a specialty, wiuua city limits or outside. Some acres with terms aa low aa $10 per montn wua water. A. c. Churchill & Co.. NOW IS TOUR TIME TO BUY DOOIIS. WIN. down, flooring, rustlca and all kind of building materials at a great bargain. Ap- siy to .menaa inn. i'noae I'AdDc 1070, NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY DOORS. WIN- aowr. fioorlnc rustics and all kinds of ouiicing matenais at a great bargain. Ap ply iu American inn. mono Pacific 10T0. 530O SOLID INVESTMENT. F1VH OTriTll ter block. 50000 rildence. ro-jm for CiOt , or j more oweuings; close In. v.tst SMe, fuc iiiinuncui vaj.. .ADinglon DICg. 531 00 NEW MODERN S-ROOM liniTRK. full lot; seven blocki from -4 eel bridge. East Side; excellent neighborhood; a barxaln. state investment km., lis Abjnton bldg. A BEAUTIFUL HOME ON EAST 18TH ST.. fumlshed or unfurnished, for sale very cheap uk- a irw aays oniy; owner leaving city. r. ju. Lwicocior. mm jicivay Dior. FOR 3ALE FULL BLOCK. HOUSa RARN, gooa orchard. easy term; North Al blna. ration's Addition. See owner. F. vaauuyn. ou vtaMingion. $5OD0 A MODERN. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, oa North -In s:.. nicely situated and a beautiful home; easy terms. Parrisb, Wat- Kins c v.o.. aw Aiuer t. 53750 CORNER LOT 25TH AND KEARNEY, ecu wi u4 4. uu uuiia io sun par chaser if desired. Morgan Xz Fllednor, Suite 55500 A VERY DESIRABLE NEW 9.nnrt hocce -with fractional lot In Nob HUL easy irrms ana a oargata. i-arnsa, Watklns A: RIVER VILLA ACREAGE. On car line and river: one or mora j.-f at low prices and easy terms. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder. vFOP. SALE NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL cccr.Tm cuTiEcni, goo? pmmoiag. nice lo cation. 51650: easy terms. O. M. Smith, 750 Cham. Commerce. 5O0 200 ACRES CLEARED BOTTOM land; dairy or stock; goad 9-room houa. large bam: 3 miles of county se-at. Box -T Kalama. Wash. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. SMALL BARN, LOT 5Cx UO feet, fenced. block from car line; easy payments; 51100. Uatneld fe Smith 105H h L NEW MODERN HOUSE. 6 ROOMS. TINTED walls, weathered oak Snlsh. oa cat line;. 13 minutes from city: 52100. Uatneld &. Smith. ICS'S tb at. ' TWO-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT IN HIGH land. 5325; 3100 down, balance 5s per month. 213 Columbia bid;. Phone Main 1525. HOOD RIVER CITY LOTS. IMPROVED OR unlmpicvcd. for sale or exchaage for Port land lots. H. C Coe. Hood River. Orerxn. I HAVE 2 "ACRES, S, BLOCKS OF ST. Johr car, suitable for platting; will jwH reasonable on easy terms. S 23. Oregonlan. FOUR ACRES ON CAR LINE. GOOD SOU, for garCen. adjoining city limit; choap at 52000. Hatfield Jfc Smith. 165 4th st. FOR SALE A NEW 5-ROOM MODERN COT tage bath and gas; Sunnyside; terror. Call 211 Washington St.. phone ifaln 301. lOOxWO ON GUSAN. BET. 23D AND 24TH 53000 down, balance five years at 7 per cent. Room 12. Hamilton. Main COS. EELLWOOD LOTS. 55.00 DOWN AND 55.00 a moatb; from 575.00 to 5200.00. Sell wood Towaslte Co. Phone East 4704. 31500 ONE OF THE MOST SIGHTLY LOTS on Portland Helghta. In block west of school. Apply 231 Washington 1. STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, large, sightly lot. j-swer. gaa. basement, ete Phone East 568.. 56000 12-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE. WELL located for rooming-bouse; lot 70x70. 714 Cafmber Commerce FINE SITE FOR AN APARTMENT HOUSE: See M. E. Lee, WJ 6th st. FOR BALE CHOICE quire 706 Firs'- COR. HOUSE. IN- FOR SALE CHOICE COR. HOUSE. qulr 706 First. IN- FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OT LAND SCRIP APPROVED aad guaranteed. Military bounty warrasta bought aad sold. CsUiE Laxi Co., Hc.'eaa, Moat. TOR S AXE FARMS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE MY HOME Of 1L acres adjolnlnx Sal "in; my farm In Clackamas County; small fans near Cor valtls ntted for dairying, fruit, vegetables: Corvallis homes on the Installment plan; choice loin In Newport, the fine Summer re sort. Addres. Wm. H. Savage. CorvalllF, Or. II0.W PER ACRE. IRRIGATED L.VND. 510.W Crook County. Oregon. Deed direct from State. Write for pamphlet and map. B. S. Cook Si Co.. 251 Alder st.. Portlaad. Oregon. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR INCOME property In the city. 05 acres. 3 miles from Oregon City. 17 acres In cultivation; prlco 525CO. S". T. Berry, N. 6th. Pboao Hood 1633. FARM OWNERS WHAT HAVE YOU IN farm land for sale? We have buyers. Write 3eott!h-Amec1can Farm Lands Co.. 02 R Oregonlan bldg., Portland. Or. SEE SCOTTISH AMERICAN FARM LANDS i. lor good dividend paying grain, fruit, stock and canlea truck, rasche. Room 402, Oregonlan bWg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY TWO LOTS. 50X100. ON Portland Heights; must be sightly and in good locality near car line; mate price and terms. J 23. Oregon laa. WANTED A .STRICTLY MODERN HOME OF rooms. Weet SWe; geod neighborhood, new house preferred: 5500 to 56000; no agents. R 29. Orerentan. WANTED FOR CASH. FULL IOT IN Neb Hill; give location and price. Q 23. Oregonlan. WANTED LOT IX ST JOHNS ON EASY terms: state prlee. R 2S. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. I0 ACRES PILING TIMBER ON DUIV- able stream, five miles from Columbia River. 202 Worcester Wdff.. Portia ml. Or. WANTED 2000 TO 3000 ACRES TIMBER. spruce or hemlock preferred. Webb. 5S0 E. Washington st. Frte Government land Timber claims. Irrigat ed lands and homeead. 315 Oregonlan bid. COWLITZ CO. TIMBER LANDS AND REAL estate. F. J. Barnard & Co.. Kalama. Wash. FOR RENT FARMS. NOW 520 ACRES. 125 CULTIVATED. stock, -or grain; give full information with application. F 2!). Oregonlan. 6 ACRES ON POWELL'S VALLEY ROAD. one mile north of Lents. I0t North 15th. from 5 to 6. FARM. 24 ACRES. C MILES OUT. FOR RENT for cash; house, bam, etc. 272 4th st. TO EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE FI'RNITURB OF !- room house for suburban property; cottage and targe lot preferred; good grade of fur nishings: rent $13, close In: Investigate. W 29. Oregonlan. LEAVING CITY A FIRST-CLASS. RELIA- ble' gas range for a good rookstovc. Phone Main 1070. Apply 511 Mill st. FOR SALE. Hones. Vehicles and Harness. FORTY HEAD OF FINE VALLEY AND Eastern Oregon horses. Just arrived, ranging from 1200 to 1700 lbs., well broken and guaranteed In evry way. Columbia Stables, cor. Front asd Columbia. GENTLE. WELL-BRED CITY-BROKE. 4-year-old buggy home, weight 1050-1100 lbs.; Srice 5125.00. National Market. 394 E. turulde st. Phone East 42. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day. week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Bawinorae. Tel. East 72. FOR SALE 14 HEAD OF HORSES. 1000 to 1500 1M. each. Hawthorne Stables. 6th and Hawthorne ave.: also horses for hire. WANTED TEAM HORSES. 1200 TO 1400 lbs.: wagon. 3Uuicb. Address Standclu, 104 b 17th st. Horses and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 507. We Buy. Sell. Rent. Excbange.Horses.Wagona, saddle. aamss. iiu&ert uan. tj -us. 20 TEAMS, 27CO TO S00O PER TEAM. Freednun Bros.. 12th and Flanders. TOR SALE OIL WAGON. TEAM AND route. Call at 235 Morrison st. Plaaos. MAHOGANY UPRIGHT PIANO. COST 5373. taken under mortgage, will sell for 5125; easy terme If desired. Room 5. Washington SQfecellaaeous. FOR SALEL One 14-ton locomotive. Two 9x10 legging donkon. One 12-horsepower gasoline engine. Ono 5-horacpower vertical boiler and en' glne. One 6x4x6 Snow steam pump. RAILWAY EQUIP5IENT COMPANY. 324 Chamber of Commerce. 60 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chine at very low prices: Singer. Wheeler Wilson. Domestic. White. Household. Davis and others; to make room. for nw stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Stgel. 335 Morrison St.. Marquam bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy paymentrwe rent tables, with privilege or buying; moo rm bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick Balke-Collender. 49 Sd st. FOR SALE JERSEY BULL. SIRED BY Grand Coin; zrand dam Golden Glow; an Imported row testing IS lbs. 2 oe. butter In seven days. Address 51. S. Woodcock. Corvallis, Or. FOR SALE IS 10-INCH STEEL BBA5IS; also a lot of short nieces steel rail for build Isg parposes. Railway Equipment Co., 524 Chamber of commerce FOR SALD-MOVING-PICTURD MACHINE; gas oatnt. soag anaei. views, ete: aisa bought and for rent. Room 1, 145Vj 6th st. York B. & O. horn, silver-plated, same In brass, half price; comets, altos, baritones. basse, drums, etc. 1 ocK. (Ji First st. Typewriters, all makes, at cost: rubber stamp goods, desks, ete Coast Agency Co., 231 Starlc FINE GAS PLATE WITH TWO BURNERS for Mio; price 55. Address T 30. Oregonlan. BRAND-NEW FIRE ESCAPE FOR THREE tory building for rule cheap. 545 N. ISth st. Doakey enginea boujht, sold and rented. 32t Chamber Commerce. Phone ifaln 2365. MANTLE BED. STAIR AND HALL CAR ptt5. kitchen table. -166 7th. FOR. RENT -MISCELLANEOUS. TOR KENT HOTEL AT SCIO. OREGON: 19 rooms; two aerea. first-class (made) garden land with same: hotel partly furnished; Ia. 5200 per year. J. X. Mcrrisy Lebanon. Or HELP WANTED MALE. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. 560 UP. acordlng to ability. Clerks Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. WANTED AT ONCE GOOD FIREMAN. Portland Unseed Oil Works, foot of 22d, near Sherlock ave. , WANTED GOOD ALL-AROUND PRINTER: straight matter; Immediately. Address it 2S. Oregoalan. WANTED TWO GOOD SOLICITORS: SAL ary and commission. Call 212 Starlc at., be tween 2 and 4. WANTED PHOTOGRAPH OPERATOR; must be good retoucher. Lucerne Studio, Dekum bldg. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address O. M. Campbell, 320 James st., 3 attle. Wanh. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 52 2d. Phono Pacific- 43. SALESMEN FOR CHRISTY HOE SAFETY Razor; bonoaxa side line. 410 Fentoa bid-. WANTED SOLICITOR FOR BROKERAGE firm. Apply to room 504 Dekum bldg.. city. FULL SAWMILL CREW WANTED FOR night work. Standard Box fc Lumber Co. COOKS AND BAKERS HEADQUARTERS Cat Wine Depot. 14S 4th et Pacific 21S3. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER; GIVE reference. Addresn L 23. Oregonlan. COATMAKER FIRST-CLASS AND STEADY. H. A. Schirfier, Pendleton. Or. WA NTED GOOD. STRONG lty Vault & Metal Works. BOY. SECUR- HELP WANTED MALE. MAN AND WIFE; NO CHILDREN. MAN TO work as laborer in bridge gang, no experi ence needed, womaa to cook for about 9 men. 570 and found; axman, 555 and board; no objeetton to one who has been with sur veying party: cook, small crew. 515 up; restaurant cook. $10 week; 13 loggers, falt ers, buckers. crot-s-cutters. line puller, rig rging' sllngers. swampers and skid read men. S3. $2.75. 52.30 and $2. some fares paid, various localities: R. R. In borers' and team ster, also rockmec all over Si23 and 52.50. free fan; office fee 31. that's all; farm and dairy help. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North 2d. st. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In S weeks: the Moler system o col leges bavo opened one of their famous bar ber schools In Portland. Graduates earn from 515 to 23 per week. Only reliably barber ct-llege In United States. Special terms to first 20 students. Be lively and get special rates. MOLKR SYSTEM COLLEGES. 33 N. Fourth St.. Portland. -25 A DAY. FREE FARE. Commencing March 1. the wages for com mon work- on Erickson &. Pctterson's bis railroad contract un Snakn Rlvor from RI Iarta. Wash., to LcTriston, Idaho, will be advanced 25c on the day. Free fare for teanuvtenr, laborers, rockmcn. Office tea SI. No other charge. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. Agent. 26 North Second Street. WANTED FOR U. b. ARMY ABLE-BO D- led unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United Stated, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to Recruit ing Officer. Alasworth block, 3d and Oak sts., Portlaad. Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN- SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential: send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medleal institute. 2d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Aider St.. Portland. WANTED MAN EXPERIENCE TO handle high-grade securities-, none but those of unquestioned Integrity and ability will be considered. Apply at once in own hand writing; giving age, experience eumlng- ca pacity and references. P 20. Oregonlan. ENGINEER AND MACHINIST AS CHIEF engineer for large sawmill. StOO pr month; permanent; only experienced, sober men who Can" reference's need aonlv: assi-t- """rJt- engineer. Cm (Wemen. HANSEN'S EMP. OFFICE. 26 X. 2d at. WANTED MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF A uanclng school; either commtfwlon or salary; must be thorough dance man; no other need answer. Address room 49S, Arcade building. Seattle. Wash. MAN TO TAKES BOARDING CONTRACT for large Mawmlll employing about 30, and later several hundred men; practical cook preferred. SEE HANSEN. 26 N. Second St. Men. women. learn watchmaking, engraving. jwcier worse, optics. Easy terms, positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watch-maklns-Engrav'c SchooL 1426 4th nr. Seattle WANTED MAN AND WIFE (NO CHIL- uren) to work on ranch In Eastern Oregon. Call 416 Laraboe street, after 5 P. 51.. or rinc ud nhone Scott 55S5. . CHANCE TODAY FOR AN ACTIVE MAN with 510 to get work In a shop as partner; pay you 5 a day; experience unnecessary. Call 24Sti Stark at. SPECIAL EDITION REPORTERS AND promoters; established publications; com mission. The Clyde-Klnp Co.. 63S Cham ber Commerce. DRAYMAN WITH GOOD HORSE CAN SE- eure a steady Job. half day's work through out the year; state wages expected. N 2S, Oregonlan. WANTED PERFO R5IERS. COMEDIANS. singers, novelty acts, musicians, dramatic people, ete Newman's Theatrical Circuit, 145 6th. WE WANT A NO I TRAVELING SALES- roan to represent us on tho road, oa a com mlsnlon. Hotel & Restaurant Supply Co.. 200 2d st. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; WAGES wnus learning; position after 8 weeks, GUI man's Barber College, 627 Clay. San Fran Any Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. X. WANTED IMMEDIATELY AN EXPERI- enced sausage-maker and backroom man. Apply at 205 1st at, Friedman Packing Co WANTED YOUNG MAN. AGE 17 TO 21 years; must have some drugstore experi ence u. j. wine, vastie iccck. wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN" IN PORT- Iand and throughout state to solicit bust ness. Call or wrlta 607 McKay bldg. 525 TO 550 PER WEEK FOR MEN" WHO can sen our accident and sick benefits. City maniger wanted. 05 Marquam. WANTED A HOTEL MAN WITH SOME capital for best proposition in Northwest. Pacific Beacn Co.. Hoquiam. Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout state; big- wages to rustlers; rotj aicKay bldg. BOYS TO WORK IN FACTORY, 49 NORTH Front st. can today. HEX? WANTED TEMALE. WANTED GOOD. STRONG WOMAN TO DO general housework and assist In moving; will pay 5t per day. Apply -is a)th sc. North. Take Irvlngton car. WANTED GENERAL HOUSEWORK GIRL: muHt be cood cook and waitress: two in family. Apply north upper apartment. 2UT lltn st.. from 9 to 1-. PRACTICE GIRL. STENOGRAPHY. TYPP. writln?; practical office experience; even- inp work. 03 b Chamber of Commerce Main 2121. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X- Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder: entrance 253 Alder at.. Port land. WANTED FTRST-CLASa LADY REPRE sentativeia In Portlaad and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. WAITERS, cooks, chambermaids, general workers, ot. Louis Agency. 250'a liimhlli. Mam 5115. SALESLADY IN DRY GOODS. GERMAN speaking; preferred; 510 week. Clerks" Reg istration liunau, jiurruuu si. WANTED EXPERIENCED FAMILY COOK and second girl, beet wages: Swedish pre ferred. Z3U2 lamuiu. -iiain o4io. WANTED COOK; STRONG. EXPERIENCED German or Swedish woman, or American if capable. Golden weet Hotel. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; good wages; references required. Montgomery at.,' near 16th. , HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 3t3 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Fone Main 21302. WANTED GOOD COOK FOR PRIVATE boarding-house; Norwegian or German pro 1 erred- i'J overton. w car. PIONEER LADIES AGENCY, 215 Morrison, cor. 1st at. Phone Main 2278. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework, small family, good wages. 23t lOtn st. WANTED EXPERH3NCBD GIRLS TO make Fltz-Well ehlrts and Boss-of-All ovor alls at 75 1st st. AT ONCE. IN PRIVATE BOARDJNG house, flrl for dining-room work. 310 An- , keny. cor. tn. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework, small family. Apply mornings, 91 N. 15th. WANTED GIRL FOR' GENERAL HOUSE. work: must be first-class cook. Inquire 353 North 32d t. TEACHER FOR EASTBK.v OREGON AT once. C. u. is. ieacners" Agency, 263 Morrison st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, uiu spring- at. Telephone Pa cine 5C COOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK small family; good wages. Call 731 Savior etrcet. ALT. DISEASES TREATED. S PER MOJCTrT rhyaio-Therapathlc Disperujary, 411 Morrison NTKSEGIRL. APPLY MORNINGS. 205 N 24th. cor. i'cttysrove. Phone Main 6230. WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK ana plana sewmy. t-au lorenoon. 351 12th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU3E- work. large tamuy. inquiro i 7th et. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK and general noueeworK. 114 Everett, GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; niorences; mornings, uu. iovejoy. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN family of three. 533 Johnson st. YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. 11S3 Thurmaa st. HKLP WAN TED FEMALE. NOTICE TO MPLOTSRS CANADIAN1 parlors havo mover1 across the street and ar now located at 221 Vi Morrison at., room 10; aew matron with two years experi ence: all orders for domestic help promptly attended to: girls, call If you want work. Canadian parlors. 2 SECOND GIRLS. 520; PANTRY WOMA37. 520, room and board: 2 waitresses, city ho tels. 520. room and board; tlrat-clasH hotel waitress. 520; housegirls. nursoKirls. cooks. HANSEN'S IVDIES AGENCY. 34.15 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs-. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK at home during- spare time; no experience, required; good pay and steady. Write N C Hullo. 1344 Market. San Francisco. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU5E work. 146 N. 17th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 66 N. 20th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED MAN- AND WIFE TO WORK ON ranch in Eastern Oregon: man for general farm work and wife to keep house: refer ences required. Apply 723 Chamber of Commerce. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS ODDFEL Iows. temperance, religious and other es tablished publications: commissions. Clyde Kin;?. 63S Chamber Commerce. GOOD POSITION FOR MAN OR WOMAN. Apply 305 Steams bldg-., between 9 and 5. SITUATION WANTED MALS. Bookkeepers and Clerks. OSITION AS SALES5IAN IN GROCERY or clothing- store by young man. niarrteu, speaking- English, Swedish and Finnish languages. Small salary to besln with. T 20. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTS A POSITION WHERE he can learn and work up: prefers hard work; experience In office work: good at flgurefi1: best references. J 25). Oregonlan. A MAN WITH BUSINESS EXPERIENCE desires position with whoIaIe or retail house; experience in hardware and furni ture. E 20, Otegonian. POSITION WANTED BY COMPETENT OF- llca man; experienced bookkeeper and sten ographer; reliable. K 29, Oregonlan. COMPETENT MAN WITH REFERENCES desires position as bookkeeper, stenographer or clerk. W IS. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. FARM- nanas ana otner iaDorers xurnisned. Tho Nippon Employment Office room 2. 23 N. 3d St.. city. Main 5154. P. O. Box 175. WORK WANTED FOR COOKS. WAITERS. dishwashers, porters, farmhands, laborers, anywhere; Chinese Japanese. "Drake's," 205 i Washington. JAPANESE GOOD. EXPERIENCED FAM- Hy cook, and all kinds work, want posi tion In high-class small family. H 20, Ore gonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main -1630. 26S Everett. WANTED POSITION BY MACHINIST AND steam electrical operating engineer. James O'Leary. Oswego, Or. - JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO housework in family: name Frank Omura. 526 Washington et. YOUNG MAN WITH EXPERIENCE WANTS work on ranch or as gardener. G 2S, Ore sonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenoographers. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER. TYPB- writer, desirea position out ot city; 56O; no law work. N 21. Oregonlan. COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED STBN- ographer dcslrea permanent position. D 2i, Oregonlan. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED BY TWO GIRLS One light housework, one general. Addrenv Mrs. A. Zlnk, 64S Guilds ave. Phone Pacific EXPERIENCED WOMAN DESIRES FIRST clais family laundry: permanent places, each week. 230& Yamhill. Main 5113. Housekeepers. RESPECTABLE WIDOW WISHES A Po sition as housekeeper for a widower In city or out. or on Coast. Phone East 425S. Corner Hawthorne and Grand aves. Not 2S3Vj Grand avc. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED nurses, waitresses; very capable woman, chamberworkr cooks, housework. 230-j Yam hill. Main 5413. WORK WANTED FOR COOKS (RESTAU rant. hotels, families), laundry, office fac tory, camp help. Drake's. 205"- Washington. PRIVATE TEACHER FOR TWO ADULTS Arithmetic. English grammar. Phone East 3513. 514 21st St.. Ea3t. GOOD JAPANESE GIRL WISHES POSITION housework or help cook. Japanese Mission, phone Pacific 214S. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THE "Old Reliable Nurseries." Commission ad vanced weekly. Write quick for choice of territory. Address the Albany Nura:rle3, Inc.. Albany. Oregon. AGENTS NEW MONEYMAKER: HOUSE hold necessity; 2,000.000 sold: costs 6c sella 25c; outfit free. Domestic Mfsr. Co., Mlana apoils. 51 Inn. WANTED TWO PICTURE AGENTS ON our new offer. Rembrandt, Abington bldg. GENTLEMEN AGENTS IN PORTLAND AND through state; biz wages. 410 Fentoa bldg, WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES'. FLATS. ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department has been enlarged and provided with additional staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal, attention to and continuous acpervlalon over all property intrusted to our ' care. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. B. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. WANTED TO RENT A COMPLETELY FUR nlshed flat or small houre on West Side by man and wife: do not answer unlecei place is completely furnished and not furnished for purpoa of renting. Will pay well for good accommodations and give best of ref erences. L 2S, Oregonlan. MAN AND AVIFE DESIRE SUITE OF ROOMS and board In private family, north of Wash ington at.: permanent; references exchanged. V 30, Oregonlan. WANT TO RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE In or near St. Johns; responsible tenant. W 28. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT 4 TO 6-ROOM COT tago or flat; close la; state price. . Linney. 312 Washington st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FUR. nlture In any quantity; also take name on commission and guarantee best results. The Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schubaca, prop. Phone Main 5655. 211 1st st. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHEJO and shoes; highest price paid. Call at thi "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hcod 517. CONTRACTS WANTED FOR EXCAVATING with steam scraper. H. G. Graverman. 773 Savier St.. Portland. Fhono Main IS32. WE HAUL AWAY YOUR DEAD HORSES and cattlo promptly and free of charge Oregon Fertilizer Works. Main 1&66. SELECT PRIVATE BOARDING SCHOOL for children. For terms address A 27. Oregonian. WB NEED FURNITURE AND WILL PAY full value Western Salvage Co., 627 Wash ington st. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSE3 AND CAT- tle of all kinds. Phone sast WANTED ROLLTOP OR FLAT DESK, cheap. X 29. Oregonian. FOR BENT. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF 3 housekeeping rooms. Inquire 2293 1st st. A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for one gentleman. SDlWcst Park. 1SS 12TH front room. ST. MODERN FURNISHEDv' Phone Main 45321 NICE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, street. 105 13TK