11 THE MORNING OKEGOXIAN, MONDAY, FEBRXJAKY 2(5,' 15HH5. 70S JUKXT. TJrt JiXTLKRS JtJST REOPENED.UXDER new aaagec3t and bow' ready for bul Bverythlng new, clean aad 4ra. zXe rent rooms with private bath far the teojM u o tiier hotels ask for a plain room. Rates reasonable. TeL Main 2333, Mrs. F. H. Powers, Prop. THE OXFORD. CORNER 6TH AND OAK Under new management, Mrs. Ai J. v al tera, proprietress This new and modern brick hotel has Just been thoroughly reuo vated, walls retlnted and refurnished en tirely new throughout; 75 elegantly furnished room and suites; steam heat, hot and coia running water, electric lights, call bells, etc; eultcs with private baths; rates reas onable. Phone Main SS. 122 12TH ST., COR. WASHINGTON, vioolv fttrtil.hsi memi slncle or en suite; free phone and bath, plenty of hot water all the time; .everything new ana clean; nice single rooms for per ween, also housekeeping rooms with gas range. Don't forget the number. 122 12th st, cor. Washington st. Turn ATTrTrnTTTM. 2081 THIRD. BET. Taylor and. Salmon This elegant hotel has been thoroughly renovated and Is now one of th twet and meat resnectabie rooming' hoijr in Portland; elevator, steam heat. baths, hot and cold water In rooms: we. cater to the traveling public Phone jaooa av. John Granstrom, proprietor. THP COMMERCIAL. virtv ftirniabed rooms, elnsle or en suite. 42 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, ireo caina, irec -ous; ajmnt-rovm n connection; transients solicited; open all night; best location In the city; office, and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. EWELLEST ROOMING-HOUSE IN PORT Isnd. Stone and brick blSg.; elegantly fur nished; electric lights. liot and cold water, furnace heat, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar saenlu, 414 Morrison, cor. 11th. Mate 5263. HOTEL ALEXANDER. CORNER 30TH and Alder Steam heat, nicely furnished rooms; nice location; quiet quarter of city, yet near business center; reasonable rates for regulars and. traveling public 2EW HOUSE, NEW FURNISHINGS, suites or single rooms, running water, hot and cold, all rooms; furnace neat; very reasonable. 207 14th. Phone Main 1153. HOTEL KENTON NEW. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, gas, eleotrie light, hot and cold "water In rooms, steam, heat, free baths. 16th and Washington. Pacific 498. SMALL. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, gas, furnace, bath, private family, one-half block Washington st.; for man or business woman. 33 N. 20th. LARGE FRONT ROOM, NICELY FURNI6H ed, plentv hot water and boat, gas, phone; no children; gentlemen; rent reasonable. SO -N. 15th. FOR RENTONE UNFURNISHED . ROOM, 2d floor, bath and. phone; reference required. 74 7th, or apply O. N. W. Wilson Co., 72 6th St. S94 ALDER. COR. 10TH ST. NICELY UR nlshcd suite on first floor; also alngle room, bath, heat, electric lights; everything first class. FRONT PARLOR. ALSO CONNECTING side room, well furnished; free phone, bath and heat. 453 Morirson. PRETTY SUNNY ROOMS. STRICTLY MOD ern; references exchanged. 67 20th sL,( near Washington. THE MAYFA1R. 283 STARK ST., CORNER Btli New brick building, newly furnished. Phone Main 2057. LARGE FRONT ROOM. 34 PER WEEK; closet, fumacs heat, private family, cen tral. 8&4 Yamhlir st. FRONT ALCOVE ROOM, EVERY CONVEN lence, gentlemen only; reasonable. S95Tay. lor st. 11TH ST.. NO. 258 NICELY FURNISHED room, modern, private famjly; gentlemen only. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. FURNACE heat, bath and phone, at 147 10th et. Main 5396. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen only. Corner 14th and Washing ton. 44R TAYLOR NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. single or cn suite; every convenience, close in. THe'cOSMOS Furnished, unfurnished rooms; transients solicited. 26S& Morrison, cor. 4th. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF 3 housckfeplng rooms-Jnqulr-223 4st st. 2 FURNI6HED ROOMS FOR RENT. BREAK- fast If desired. Call 343 li. ssa at. FOR RENT- THREE NICE UNFURNISHED rooms in private family, 380 1st Et. Rooms With Beard. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. ICS 10th st.. corner Morrison: most con venlent; flrst-claea location in city for but- ness dcodic: fine rooms, mceiy xurnisnea: steam heat, porcelain baths, plenty of hot water, handsome dining-room; i. astern cook- Inr. with Hrsrt-clai table service at reason able rates to permanent people; table board ers accommodated. THE CARLBTON. Newly and elegantly furnished; excellent cuisine and service: apartments for bach elors: attractively located at 13th and Al dcr stfi. Phone Pacific 1S47. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED LARGE ALCOVE front room and fine table board In large. beautiful house; large grounds and choice neighborhood: everything strictly modern rtrictly home cooking; 0 minutes' walk from Orcgonlan. Phone Main 2305. A SUITE OF 2 ROOMS WITH FIRST-CLASS board for 3 or 4 gentlemen: all convent ences; very reasonable; better look this up t once. Also table board 54 week,. Aster House, 7th and Madison. THE GLENDORA. 18 Til AND COUCH suites with runnlBK water, slnele rooms. flrt-claei board; large parlor, bllllard-room. cveryining up to date; rates xs and up. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR rooms with board; ue of sewing-room; use of library: Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. . B. Hamlin. Supt.. 510 Flanders. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. ELEGANT Ftylc. with board If desired: English fam ily and home cooking; references must be furnished. 3S9 Alder at. SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH HOARD. RUN nlng water, gas and bath and use of phone also single room; home cooking. 31)5 Sal mon. Phone Main 1809. 332 10TH ST WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, well heated and lighted, all modern convonl encea; good location and house in good con anion, Home cooking. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD, modern conveniences, rates reasonable. 44 jenereyn. rnone Main 6425. 360 ALDER ST. BEAUTIFULLY FUR nlshed rooms, suite und single; -board If uesirea; reierences required. TOUR AINU. 168 7TH, NEAR HOTEL jforunno iront rooms with board for two, u; isDie Doara, 4 wceK. LARGE FIIOXT HAY - ulvnmv Trr with or without board; modern. rO Madl con st.. corner "Park. NEAT FURNISHED ROOM. GOOD BOARD, two preferred; modern conveniences, close in. 4S7 East Ankcny. 9th, NICELY tlemen 3d 'wt.: FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GBN with board, all conveniences. 561 private family. -- THE HAWTHORNE. 221 33TH -ROOMS with good board, reasonable: monthly rates to permanent people. S95 12TH ROOM AND BOARD FOR 1 OR 2; modern Improvements; private .family;. very -rcuonaojpa IN PRIVATE FAMILY. NICE FRONT ROOM with board for one person; walking dietance. 422 i Jefferson. BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOM; GOOD HOME cooking: rheap to couple. 212 Seventh st. Main 2289. 395 MORRISON 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS, running water. 1 on 1st and 1 on 2d floor. 120 lS'.h, corner Gllsan Desirable rooms, first-class board; modern, private home. THE OSARK, 225 11TH ST. ROOMS AND -board; hot, cold water; table boarders. MODERN HOMELIKE PLACE. FINE RBSl aeace. Phens Pacific 822. FRONT SUITE. WITH BOARD. sL. cor. Morrison. 358 33TH Flats. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM .LOWER flat near High School. iw) 17th at., near Yamhill. Inquire 186 16th St.. near Tay lor. SIX-ROOM MODERN FLAT. S46 CQRBETT, 31g. L. E. Thompson & Co., 238 3d. MODERN 6-ROOM UPPER FLAT. Call 46 Market. Phone Mala S 276 13TH. FOR XJEXT. TUU. Ml BVBRETT TXOJWXJ0 HLY MOuERX xara-lsfeed sr wifaralefced -r-Bew steasr.-seei-ed Sat. excellent Beicfcberkeed. Merga & FUeaner. 213 Ablagtes Hie FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN FLAT JWrTK gas range and water ieer wetatiea. . 8th st. Apply phone Mate 311. Pace Sen. 190 Frost st. 651 WASHINGTON STREET, FLAX Nicely furnished, steam neat, very reason able to good tenaat. Room 10, Hamilton. Phone Refl 3194. TWO NEW. MODERN. LIGHT. SUNNY C- room nets. i is aEnmswu. -" and 306 Grant. Phone Main HOT. NEW MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. CHOICE LO catlon. block from E. Morrison car. Phone East 1703. Call 630 E. Alder. SPLENDID. THOROUGHLY MODERN UP per 7-room Hat, 17th, near Washington. Phone forenoons, Main 2364. 6 ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED LOWER floor, house 461 W. Park St., 422. M. Wal ton, agent, 455 W. Park. LOWER FLAT OF THREE ROOMS. UNFCR nlshed. 126 Gaines, block and a half from S car; rent $8 month. CENTRALLY LOCATED. . COMPLETELY furnished modern 3-room flat with bath. In quire 168 W. Park st. SEC-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT. WITH bath, phone, gas. large basement. 328 14th st. Phone Main 3546. " t Tft.iT t a uTr.T Trnn?insilED: YA- cant Jiarcn l. .rnone xmn iwj vt .-v. 553. 203 7th et. ROOM FLATS; FURNACE. GJW AWj modem. 430H-43ZJ aa si. inquire aj pbone Pacific "22J. 135 CHOICEl 8-ROOM MODERN FLAT, 370 10th. 100 feet from Morrison. Bys-soo, 270 Washington. NEW FLAT, 3 BRIGHT ROOMS AND AL- ceve, gas. MiB. central, rve . nu. Paclflo 90. 284 18TH COZY, MODERN 4-ROOM "FLAT, hall ana porch: Jis. J organ, 21s jming ton bldg. FOR RENT A NEWLY WELL-FURNISHED Slat, bath, piano; 110. jenerson cor. Stout. THREE-ROOM MODERN FLAT FOR RENT. Inquire nat u, zso jearaet n. moat iui G16. 418 SIX ROOMS: 322. SEVEN ROOMS. OAS. bain; no oojeciion 10 omumi. om. 6-ROOM MODERN XBW .FLAT: FIREPLACE, porcelain oatn, lunuun, x-jume wu -jiou FOR RENT NICE 6-ROOM FLAT. INQUIRE rear cottage, nail sc. eor. 20. ROOMS. 4 BLOCKS POSTOFFICE, 332.50. Call 25214 6th. XeBsckeetB Rooms. THE HOWL AND APARTMENTS. 6514 WaahlngtoB St., cor. aoth mctiy rumitnea housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone on both floore. nice unny vultes tor 410 and 212 2tr month; the very hest rooms w the city for tie money. THE ONEONTA. 387 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM- nlll New house; elegantly rurnunea ,ap menu, in suites of 2, 3 and 4 roomti; hot and cold water: gas range In each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone on each .floor. THE JEFFERSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON ST. Strictly modern 2 ana s-room iaraimcu housekeeping apartments, free phone, fur nace heat, plenty hot water, elegant porce lain bathtubs; outside rooms. 41.50 WEEK VP. CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, use 01 panor, y-ru. bath, laundry. 203 Stanton, corner Com mercial. Take U car. FOUR LARGE FURNISHED HOUSBKEDP- lng rooms. . modern conveniences, cesirame location, 310 per month. Phone Pacific fcOfl. 31.75 PER WBBK LARGE, CLEAN FUR- nicnee nouecsrc(itis j bath. 184 Sherman, South Portland. HOTEL NORTHERN FINE FURNISHED housekeeping tiuites. 310 ana vs. wnier 32th and Marshall sts. Main 149. THE LOWNSDALE. 508 ALDER FUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms, coat neater, gaa range, water In kitchen; bath. TWO OR THREE NELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas. natn, pnone; no children. 408 Jefferson st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND sleeping rooms, close in. i up; oatn. jvp ply room -C, 271- Morrison. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, ciews in, i weex up; bath. 86 10th. Tiear Stark. 228 MAIN. BET. CTH AND 7TH NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; nam, gas, phone: very central. SUITE OF 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms, with gas stove. per weeg. SS2 E. Yamhill st. NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CLOSE IN Newly furnished, very cheap; bath, gas, phone. 320 2d et. SUITE OF THREE MODERN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, stir Grant, 2d and Grant. SAVE TIME AND CAR FARE: BRICK building for Housekeepers, -u;4 za ana Salmo$ THREE MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE- iteeplng rooms, ground floor. 208 Jeffer son st. 2 SUITES OF 2 AND 1 OF 3 ROOMS. VERY dcclrable. The Hall, 414 5th. B eases. FOR RENT 24 ROOMS. COR. HOLLADAY and Crosby, one block from Steel Bridge; new building; rent. $C9. C J. Wheeler. Phone Scott 2963. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. BATH AND BULL Run water. East 40th and Hawthorne; 312.50 per month. 8. S. Cook 4 Co.. 251 Alder. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE, WALKING distance, on the East Side; 31S per month. F. T. Berry, 4 N. 6th st. Phone Hood 1635. FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, partly furnished, select neighborhood and only 5 minutes to P. O. Phone Main 2363. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone main 1085. Office. 110 N. 3d St. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE MODERN 6-room house, furnace shades, best plumb ing. 540 E. Ash. Phone East 3S17. DONALD G. WOODWARD." 246 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ' ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. HOTEL CONTAINING 44 ROOMS. NEWLY papered and painted: cheap. Inquire of Hedges & Griffith. Oregon City. SUNNYSIDE 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, electric Ughui and gaa, $16. Vanduyn & Walton. 313 Washington st. NICE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. WE8T SIDE Freshly tinted, choice location, central; rea sonable. Key 328 Bark. TWO HOUSES. 10 AND 34 ROOMS. 17TH. bet. Washington and Couch. Inquire 33 N. 18th, or. Davis. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. 710 FRONT su. ?15. Phone Main 680L Between Meade and 'Hooker. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. CHOICE LOCA tlon. 67 Ella st. Inquire 435 Glltan. Phone Main 4576. LOWER! PART OF HOUSE. FURNISHED; gas and furnace. 703 I nlng st., bet. 21 ct and 22d.- FOR RENT dIOUEE OF 11 ROOMS, MOD ern improvements. 325 32th st. Apply 327 32th st 4 FIVE ROOMS. LARGE BASEMENT Kr. O'Nell's grocery, corner of Hood aad Grant. 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. CS1 2D ST., 322. Inquire 465 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5503. 662 GLISAN. NEAR 21ST 7-ROOM HOUSE, porcelain bath. For particulars phono Main 3827. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. RENT 314. 563 Hood st. Inquire next door. Phone Main 2626. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. AT 710 EAST Taylor st. inquire H. Slnshelroer. 72 3d st CHEAP RENT 6-ROOM FLAT. 3-ROOM flat, 36th and Jefferson. Apply 484 Jefferson. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. 6. E. COR. First and Meade. Inquire 706 First. 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. GAS AND statlensry tub. 614 Pettygrove. COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS -AND RATH, 731 Hoyt et. Inquire 1X2 6th L FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE PHONE MAIN 415, 249 Carather st. .FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, quire 87 E. 17th eU IN- TO. REXT, -VTTC URICK BUILDING. 46 roo and two steree. Jvt turned yer by contractors, sightly and central, on East sice: asoit moaem piscc re wwn. srro t tar figures cn tm. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, S. E. cor. 3d anc oak. Fhcne Exchange 72. FOR RENT BY HATFIELD 4b SMITH. 6-room house", on car line ...J15-09 T.rmvn mnAi-m botaae... .............. 30.00 8 -roam hour. Went Side 25.00 11-roora "house. Wet Side, on car line 30.1C T.mom hon.. furnace store and ni range C-room new souse..... 20.TO 7-room house. East Side, close In 13.00 FOR RENT A NEW. MODERN. 6-ROOM houe. lately built and up to date. All latest lmnraveoesta. one mode from car line, in quire 7M East Buraelde st. Phond East 21L 692 2D. COR. MEADE, 120: 8 KOOatB. full basement, attic furnace, fireplace. ras fixtures, all modern, nearly new. Owner. 509 Morrison. Phone Main 1013. TWO NEW 8-ROOM HOUSES WITH FUR- sace, corner Hancocx ana victoria, ww., -- B-rooia. nouM. c tww - F. W. TORGLER. 306 Sherlock Bldg. TWO NEW 7-ROOM HOUSES GAS, KJ9C trltity, furnace, rard. tubs, basemeat- Mod em t-room house: s-room some, ui In. Inquire 348 Lincoln, near so. FOIt RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. close In. 84 E. 7th St.. N near E. Everett. Inaulre at M E. 7th. Nlcelr located. Phone East 31 41. FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. 414 10TH ST. App'.y 355 7th. FOR RENT 7-ROOM COTTAGE. 526 WEST Yamhill sU Fnrmlihed Hwte. 718 E. BURNStDE. NEAR S0TH SEVEN rooms; choice neighborhood; completely furnished, all modern and flrst-cUAs; to raeontlbta parties, no children. Phone East 283 S. ; MS SKVT TWO FURNISHED HOUSES: Ose B-room. sas and stel ranxea; one 6- room. completely furnished. Inquire 434 S. 7th t- Phoae Eaat we. R ivn 7-ROOM HOUSE. ELEGANTLY FUR' nlohed, large yard, central. West Side; rea- East 1306. FURNISHED HOUSE. MODERN. 315: CN furnished. 37: on car. Ml. Tabor. East 4246. Mr. Davte. TTTTRVISH D 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- trie ilrhA. hath, central. Inquire 273 U 7th. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED 6-ROOM modern residence. Phone East laeo. 34-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD FURNITURE, rent reasonable, iosh ui su HeBtea For Rent FHraltHre Far Sale. FURNITURE "OF SIX ROOMS FOR SALE cnean: rooms can be rented jretT reason able and are- near the bustoeM center. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Abington oiag, Phone Main-826. FURNITURE SIX-ROOM FLAT. VERY DE- slrable: cheap if taken at once: 3 rooms rented. Phone Main 66P6, bet. 10 and FURNISHED HOUSE. 10 ROOMS: HOUSB- keeplng flats, excellent location; rent reas- onable. S. Weldon. 1454 3d st. BARGAIN FINE FURNITURD OF 10 rooms, select neighborhood, large yard. 328 Main, near 7th; terms. 10TH NEAR WASHINGTON SIX-ROOM house, furniture 32O0. Call 002 Commercial block. Main 2823. FURNITURE OF A 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale cheap if taken at once. 75 N. Sth, cor ner UTt-rett st, SNAP S ROOMS. RENT 325; 7 FURNISHED 3275 cash: 1 block north Hotel Scott. 349 Couch. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE. EAST Side; price 3160; rent 310. Apply 20 j otn. . STORY BUILDING. 22x50: ON R. R.. near Salem: 310 per month including fix tures: lease. Reeves, 435 Wi FOR RENT STOREROOM SUITABLE FOR bakery; splendid location; long lease. Ad dress W 20. Oregonlan. COTTAGE. ALSO BUSINE-SS BUILDING, 20x40. near depot, at Long Beach, wun. 453 12th tc STORE. 271 5TIL OPPOSITE CITY HALL. with rooms In rear. Apply upstairs, ring bcu. 233 FIRST ST. BRICK STORE. 25xS0. L. E. Thompson & Co., 226 3d. Offtcea. LODGE HALLS AND OFFICE ROOMS. AUsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. FINANCIAL. AN UNPAID RILL UEANS WORRT Why worrr when you can get the mosey frbm us to pay bills that are pressing you? We will loan yoa 310 to $100 and you cxa rtpay In coavealest weekly or monthly carmeats. Money advanced on saUrles by giving us .year plain note without lndorser; also loans en furniture. nlanos.'etc. at lowest rates. When In need of money get It from Via Tn PAYMENT PLAN; It costs you less and gets you out of debt. Open Tuesday and Eitvreay until a p. at. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 512 (5th floor) Dekam bldg. . LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE heldi&g permanent positions aad resposmble Arms; eaar payment aad strictly conllea- Ual; tuao CHATTEL L0AN3 ea persoaal property- roemtng-bouees a spe cial tv. NEW KRA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablagtea Building. MONSY TO LOAN. On lmereved city property or for balMing wro.ea. for from 3 to 10 years time, wlta privilege to repay all or part of "loan after two years. Loans approved from pians ana money advanced as building progrestes; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial -Agent, 242 Stark Street. THE CRESOaNT LOAN CO.. 425-429 MO- 3awk bldg., 3d and Jtornsoe. loans money to relUbli, salesmen, trainmen, aotormea. ceaductors or other aalarled employes. Just ea his note. In earns of 310 to Jlw. Return ahle in convenient weekly or monthly pay ment. Payments suspended In cue of kick- aese. Confidential. .o inquinea. THE STAR LOAN CO. Aay salaried employe, wage-earner, can get ea ale note, wuaout mortgage ioaneenuaij Month, u.mosth. Week. 46 Repay to us. ..31X33 or.G& or 33.25 tab Repay to us... 3 6.05 or X or JKttf 415 Repay to us. ..3 4,00 er32.w or Jl-Ou 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 16S THIRD. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL. ariad people at lowest rates; strictly coat. eeatlU. 3-mpIoye" Loan Co.. room 716 the Dekutn. 3d ana wasn. et. aone Z34. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLR and others witnovt necunur: eaer sarmeats. oricei In 53 principal citlea. Toi&aa, 223 Ablngtoa bicg.. ia e yoXET TO LOAN -ON REAL ESTATW AVn other gooa securities; smsn suucisg leaas a Phoae ciay . MONEY LOANBD IN SUMS OF 45 AND CP on all klaas of security. W. A. Hathaway. roam 10, waaemgtoa Biog. oee Clay 414. MONEY. TO LOAN J iniM TO SUIT ON rfcittnl aeewnty. pwsueitr. K a. Frame, tit The Mareaam. Faome Hood flua. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other secanties; leweer, rates. &. w. King, room 6. Waehlagtoa bldg. Phone Main 6109. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM 36 TO 4666 oa ail, eecumies. x. i. jKkersaa 4c Co., COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO, 44 CON eord bldg. Loans made oa city property. No commission. WILL .LOAN 315.000 OR LESS. 6 PER CENT. rcai esuue cuiuiiun, ms wimatr com merce. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF EK eartty. Was. Hell. rm. 9. Waehlagtoa bldg. State funds laeaed. 6 per eeat. W. . Theatax. state art.. Maltaeeaah Ce- 460 Cham. Com. LOWEST RATES ON FURNITURB. PIANOS aad ether secarlty. 446 Sherlock. Clay 436. TO LOAN AT S AND 6 PER CXXT. Wa O. Reek, reeea 367. the FaiUag Mdg. BUSTXHSS CHANCES. WIGWAM SALOON. BLEGANT FIXTURES. 236 1 rt st. Particulars L. E. Thompeoa. 226-34. g PECULATORS CALLMAIX S4 FOR BIG bsrgala in Mam ' Railroad Switch stock. CMAXCBf. W. H. Tift. TAFT it CO. J. H-F?U' Mam 356. 275 mark St. & t u jswc. Below are a few mi or many rooming and DoardlRg-hoM that have b placed witc us for Immediate sale. 11 ss to joutr interest to read this ever VERY carefully and see ut before bar lag. APARTM ENT-M O U a. 100 rooms, newly furnUhed and every room full of cood. steadr roomers; rent only ssoe per moata with lea: clearing 360 per month abort all exa and nothing to do. Here is sweiy ww huy. Price 44716. TAFT CO. Main 156. 275 Stark St. C. of C idg. LOOK AT KTi tun, im1. kot and cold wa ter In every room, cheap rent, nne loca tion; 40 steady boarders and good tran sient trade; you will never get a chance iiKe mis again, met - - TAFT fc uu. Mala 156. 275 Stark 84. C. Of C iiiac VI VIT.V NI1TI.U 4A 9 klarVa from POStOfflce: Cheap t -r.-r.' i4.- riM.rlnr better than low er moata: mceiy ismuutu wu very best no use or ine jubb ia wo u. Price 47566. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark Si- C of C. Bldg. Hl!ST VnvKT.llAKEK IK UXl. 4a mnMn r brick, steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms: rent. Including heat. 3200: 2 years lease; best location In the city: elegantly furnished; never clears less thaa 1456 per month. Do you wat4 It? IX so. come quicic race TAFT & to. Mala 156. 275 Stark St. C. o; a Bldr- APARTMENT-UOuot-jc: mnm ata heat, hot and cold wa ter la rooms, fine baths, nicely furnished. Thnr., in aeM asartmeat: cneap rent. clearing SI46 per moatn aoovc an ibic anil BAthllir In da Vitlf take CXTS Of the halls and bathroom; an exceptionally good hay for 43150. TaFT Main 156. 275 Stark St. C. of C Bldg. FAMILY HOAIWIAU. s rooms, fin location, cheap rent. steam heat, furnished Terr elegant, beau tiful lawn, ane large verandas; clearing 3250 per month: on account of leaving the city nave rtoicra iai v TAFT & CO. Main 154. 275 Stark St. C of & Bldg. HrflCLAR S?Ai'. -n mnma nn Wmhlnrtoa st.: extra well furnUhed and as clean as a whistle; rh,,t r.nt in Portland: 3 years lease. ii,r I a ehiscA for someone to make 31600. Don't fall to see this the first thing Monday moralng. Price 32250. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark St. C. of C. Bldg. BF1T1 THIS CAREFULLY. 24 Mwmi elerant location, furnace heat. hot and cold water la every room; the most elegant furnished house In the city; building and furnishings new S months ago. Price, including building, ground and furnishing. 413.5QO. TAFT & CO. , Mala 156. 275 Stark St. C. of C. Bldg. SS&O. M nMffli r-Yrnn rent and good lease; nleeu- furnithM and making money. This ad will only appear once at this price. 3S50. tah i Main 156. 275 Stark St. Co& Bldg. LITTLE OEM. 7 larre elerant rooms, risht downtown. very nicely furnUhed: cheap rent; furnace heat, nne nercelaln bath. 11 ere is some thing you all want. Price 445. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark St, C. of C. Bldg. A SPLENDID BARGAIN I OFFER TOK ul lh Yamhill CVmntr Abstract jt'isnt. nmhahlr rmtt of thit best til xii Ls In the State of Oregon; written up to date and the only abstract books In Yamhill County. Oregon; this slant Is a naiinrr Investment and the only reason for selling Is that the manager la a veteran of the Civil War and Is getting too GS to meet the growing requirements of said bus&es. Address James x-ugn. manager. McMinnvUle. Or. MY POSITION ENABLES MB TO BEAT ALL competitors la the price of the liurst awucn tock. This rreat invention can be seea at the company's office. 206 McXay bldg., cr at their factory. 26th and Upshur sis. Don't fail to see me before purchasing. I m wlltnr this eorooratlon'a sbares at big eucount. W. J. CURTIS. 215 Com me r- dal block. Phone Mala 53S4. A GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSINESS In one of the larrest and best Eastern Orecon towns, now doing a business Of 4600 monthly: this business could not be bought If It wax not on account of sick ness; we will show purchaser that It will par 3300 monthir. uomraerciai invest ment Co.. 165 '.5 3d st.. room A. ONE 50-LIGHT COMBINED DYNAMO AND enein. romnlete. with lsasf. wire. Cleats. cut-ouu. switches and marble switch board: has never been used: we also have a looO-lh. hand elevator: this elevator I new and eomnlete. Indenendent Coal Sc. Ice Co. Phone Main 353. nnorEirr stork on the east side. centrally located, with living-rooms, aoing a Business wnicn can oc increajtca io dillv mi-Hm are leavlnr for California- on account" of health; reasonable offer takes it. Commercial Investment Co.. ioo& 3a tt. room A. A- SOLID MANUFACTURING BUSINESS: partner wanted who Is wining to attend to ouulde work and be satisfied with 5150 monthir- and can furnish first-class refer ence! 32100 required. Commercial In- vestment Co.. 163 M 3d st- room A. COMMISSION BUSINESS. ' Best part of Front sr. pays 35 to 125 dally; profits can be Increased greatly: lo cation alone worth price, only 4550. Ellis tz Kahler. room 21. 204 Morrison st. ITS BUYS REAL ESTATE OFFICE FURNI- ture witn eooa iuk. ot proicnx. cic; cenp rent. In good central office building: other business called owner away. Ellis &. Kah ler, room 21, 264 Morrison st. PARTNER WANTED IN A CASH ORO- cery store who can furnish good refer ences and Invest a small amount of money. Commercial Investment Co., 165a 3d. room A. I HAVE ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION FOR voa If you want to work In the country: email Investment required to handle county rlghtM. A. H. Peak, 7th and Lexington, H 11 wood. MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER HAS GOOD basis for increased huitnese: can increase assets to 410.000 with congenial party with equal amount to invest, p ,6. oregonlan. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Dairy herd. 40 fine cows. I full-blood Dur ham bull and 5 well-bred calves. 31200 cash. Call 221 Morrloa St.. room 10. A FEED STABLE DOING A BUSINESS which win net the purcnaser 32000 clear annually: 43500 required. Commercial In vestment Co- ICS 3d St.. room A. A GOOD BUSINESS JIAS WITH CAPITAL to Invest and to tage cnarge or factory can have controlling Intercut It he desires. For particulars address q 5. Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MEN Good ooenings la ail lines, city or country: detail at offices of the Ames MercaatUe Agency. Ablngtoa bldg. FOR SALE PHYSICIANS ! GOOD GENER- ai practice. House noia roods, druse, etc. cheap; must sell Immediately; sickness. Ad- drew 11 w. uregcniag. WANTED 3500 TO 31000 FOR INVESTMENT In lumber xnanuiactunng enterprise; great snsp; can have rood position If wanted. A 10. Oregonlan. WAST A PARTNER IN GOOD PAYIN'fl buelnew. eatabUMiea e years, invoice 33000; a rood chance for a good man; no agents. Q 23. Oregonlan. 3200 BUYS ESTABLISHED LADIES' AND men' furnishing good business, fine lo cation, tow rent, co old goods. Telephone Pacific mi. ROOMING-HOUSE. 27 ROOMS, HOUSE keeplng and transient, offered for a lew days. 4450. uaineia & Mnita. ist, 4th st. FOR SALE EMALL STOCK flV groceries. In good town. clce to Pert Land; cneap rent, cec investment uo., 131 Jj utn st. i SALOON URAT , i . .. " . . OP?" Juiuce ana posiomce. FOR SALE NEW 24-ROOM COMPLETELY furnished hotel, doing good business, bar gain. Address sex j&f. cuuskanle. Or. CASH STORE FOR SALE-PRICE 3400: will pay yoa 43 to 47 a day clear over all - - rs.ll HCIt Start. ., A GOOD BUSINESS IX THE BEST Lo cation In Vancouver. Wash- for sale. T 25. Oregonlan. 4500 PROFIT A YEAR WITH 12 HENS: method sure: send 26c stamps to P. O. box 574. Pomace, or. GROCERY CORNER. LOW RENT; STOCK flrst-dase: doing a good business. 32500. N 20. Oregonlan, BIG-PAYINO BUSINESS FOR A LADY FOR sale at cost, or trade for property. 364 Morrises si. LAUNDRY ROUTE FOR SALE F. P. Brown, care City Lasadrr Co- or phone East 24)77. I HAVE GOOD VALUE. WILL TRADE FOR home or reeaewg-aeasc 612 Commercial bldg. $20 WANT PARTNER. WILL PAY 325 A week. Call 21S Stark at. FOR aULS 11-ROOM ROMIXG-XOCSE FOR sale csei. 4 3d s, SOffOUC CXAXCK. ROOMING-HOUSE XB.U5QUARXERS. ELLIS c KAHLER. Room 21. Cambridxe Building. 264 Morrison. S. W. Corner Third St. If looking for a rooming-house call on us. We have a complete list of all the beet buys on the market. Several weu-payiog. well-furnished, clean houses at a decided Bargain. SEE THESE TODAY: 31 room, near this office, fine corner brick. steam heat, all modern, rent, a, snap; best furnished house on the market: pays month above all expense. Price si&w. 22 rooms, corner residence, wita large grounds la best oart of 10th St.; modem home; rent only 400; lease two years. Only 41200. rooms, all one floor, central nune district, rent only 450. Take It today for u rooms, west of imperial Hotel, rent wetl furnished. Goes at 4225. 11 room, nice corner, neer Portland Ho tel, good furniture, rent 350. A fine buy for 630. T MVlma nlM Mra . . m 1A,k nrt Trir rlion, cheap rent. Onfy 3250. And we have others, all sixes and prices from $300 to SSC00. Terms on any. STORE FOR SALE CLOTHING AND rfioes. 173 Front st.. between Mcrruoa ana Yamhill. FOR SALE A SMALL STOCK OF GOODS. Call or address St. Johns Boxaar, St. Johns, Or. SPECIAL NOTICES. Prega tt XavMed. NOTICE OF" PUBLIC SALS OF THE franchLses and property of the Oregsa Traction Company. Notice 1 hereby given that the stockholders of the Oregon xrao tlon Company have adopted a resolutlaa au- tnonsiag and directing tas autoisuos ot the said corporation and the dliposltloa of all It property. pursuant to said resoiutioa ana tne reso lution of the board of directors authorUlsg and directing the sale of all of the property belonging to the company, X will, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. on Thursday, the 13th day of March. 1906. at tae ironi doer of the County Courthouse. In the City ef Portland. Multnomah County. Oregon, of fer at public Mil, to the highest oisaw tor cash, the franchises, roadbed, track, rights et way aad contracts for right t way, to gether with all maps, prosles. odea fix tures and furniture, and all property, of whatever kind owned by said corporation. The said property will be sold la cuix. aaa as an entirety. The said franchises of aia company re ferred to are as follows, to wit: A franchise authorising the coaatructloa of a railway line through the City of Hlll fcoro and a franchise granting the right to construct a railway oa and .over certain streets In the City of Forest Grove. Tash lngton County. Oregon, and x franchise granted by the City of Portland. Or., by ordinance No. 14,564. entitled. "An ordi nance granting to the Oregon Traction Com pany, it successors and assigns, the right to construct, lay down, maintain aad operate railways and poles and wires aad underground coaduiu la the City of Pert land. Or." (Approved by the Mayer of said city on ice am cay 01 Aptu. The constructed track belonging to said company consist of about- S3S0 feet of double track laid cn Twelfth street, la ts; City of Portland. Or., between. Burnslde aad Overton streets, la said city, and 260 feet of double track oc. Pettygrove street, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. In said city, aad three crossing oa Six teenth. Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth streets, at the Intersection of Pettygrove street. The maps and profile referred to enow the survey of the projected eletcrfc railway line of the company from the City cf Portland. Or- to the City of Forest Grove. Oregon. . . For full information as to all property of the company. Inquire at the office of the company, room 62, Union block. City of Portland, Or. The said corporation Is now Indebted in about the na of 333.000. Of said sum about the amount of 43500 is due the Germaala National Bank, of .San Francisco. CaL. for which 5100.000 par value la amount of the bond of the company secured, by a mortgage or deed of trust .on all tho prop erty of the company are deposited as col lateral and of which said total amount about the sum of 314.7C0 U i cored by me chanics llene on the franchise, roadbed aad constructed track of the company in the City of Portland, the remainder of said Indebtedness being unsecured. The said property shall be sold to the highest bidder. The purchase price shall be paid in full, la cash, or by acceptable certified check at or before 3 o'clock P. M. of the day of sale. Payxneat to be made to the undersigned at the office of the com pany. Union block; Portland. Or. If the person offering the highest bid for all of said property shall not pay the entire pur chase price by 3 o'clock P. M- of said day of sale, the person offering the second highest bid shall be entitled to the convey ance of said property. If he shall ray the entire eum bid by htm before 4 o'clock P. M. of salJ day of sale: and If neither the said highest or next highest bidder shall pay oa said day of sale the amount bid by him. the directors of the company at their option may sell said property to aay person bidding at said sale who make full payment on the day of said sale of the sum bid by him. The right to reject any aad all bids U reserved. By order of the board cf directors. W. L. GOULD. Secretary Oregon Traction Company. Ef THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIT- d States for tne uisinci. 01 urcsua 10. the matter of the estate of L. Greenberg. bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting principally of clothing, hats, shoes, trunk and gent's furnishing goods, of the Invoice value of 33437-07, together with fixtures of 344. located at Sixth and Everett st.. Portland. Oregon, up to 32 o'clock noon of Friday. March 2. 1006. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. and the right Is reserved to reject any aad all bids. Inventory and insnectlon of stock may be had on application. Dated Febru ary 20. 1906. it. I, aaoin. trustee 01 tne estate of L. Qreenberg. Front and Aakeny streets. Portland. Oregon. OFFICE OF C Q. M- VANCOUVER BAR- yacks, wasn., ten. 1. jwu. acaira proptwaiv. In triplicate, will be received here, or at offices of the respective post Quartermasters, until 11 o'clock A. M.. May 23. 1906, for furnishing wood at Forts Egbert and Gib bon. Alaska, for fiscal year commencing July 1. 100C. Information furnished here or by Quartermaster!! at posts. United States reserves the right to reject or ac cept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for Wood at , ad dressed to Poet Quartermaster, Fort Eg hert or Fort Gibbon, Alaeka, or F. G. Hodgson, C Q. M-, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. MUceUaaeoas. NOTICE OF ETOCKUOLUEK3- MEETING In accordance wjtn uie suiooniy vestea m roe by the by-laws cf Lewis and Clark Cen tennial and American Pacific Exposition and Oriental Fair, a corporation organised ana existing under the laws of the State of Ore gon. I H. W. Goode, president of said cor poration, hereby call a special meeting of Its stockholders to be held in the office of the corporation. Administration building. Up shur st- between 26th aad 27th sts.. Port land. Or- on Thursday, the first day of March. 1906. at 13 o'clock la the morning, for the purpose of authorizing the dissolu tion of said corporation and the settling of Its business and disposing of Its property and dividing its capital stock In such manner as to the meeting may seem proper, and for the transaction of any and all business In connection' therewith that may properly come before said meeting. H- W. Goode. By or der of the president. Henry E. Reed. Sec retary of said corporation. Portland, Or.. February 19. 1906. WB. THE UNDERSIGNED FURNITURE and piano-movers. iu require tne payment of all charges upon delivery of goods after December 1. 1905: H. C Haack. C. F. Har der. O. F. Hussey. Ccsgrove Bros.. Portland Delivery Co.. Post Special Delivery Co Package Delivery Co Holmaa Transfer Co Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregon Auto Dispatch Co- John Hampton, James McLla dea. Owen McLlnden. Pacific Traasfer Co.. Oregon Transfer Co.. Portland Van Ac Stor age Co- Waktman, Morse Transfer Co.. East Side Transfer Co., C O. Pick Transfer & Storage Co.. C M. Olsen. Baggage fc Omni bus Transfer Co.. A. J. Murphy. Kadderiy Transfer & Commission Cb, John A. Love. Andrew J. Murphy. F. M. Ireland, F". Mil ler. Finch tc Henderson. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING NOTICE IS hereby given tnat tne annual meeting or the stockholders of the Columbia Southern Railway Co. will be held at the office of tho company. 543 Worcester building. Port, land. Or.. Monday. March 5. 1006. at 2 o'clock P. M- at which meeting directors for the ensuing year will be elected and,f sucn oiner duiiucii uone as may property come before the meeting. W. R. Liuea berg. Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING NOTICE ' IS hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Dalles Southern Railroad Company will be held at the office of the company. 543 Worcester build ing. Portland. Or- Monday. March 5. 1906. at 11 A. M at which meeting directors will be elected and -such other business transacted as may properly come before the meeting. May Enright. Secretary. THB ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK holders of the "Baby Home" will be held la the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, third floor, on Tuesday. March 13. 1606. at 2 o'clock P. M. Report of officers will be beard; also the election of 10 directors, to serve the ensu ing year, and such other business as would properly come before the meeting. F. S. Akin. Secretary. FOR SALE GASOLINE LAUNCH HATTIE. 12-horsepower, In flret-clasn condition; bar. gain if sold -now. j. woiav .raoae sast rxaeoxAx. COKFTDmAL MEDICAL ADVICE TO wsmtw We treat dteeaaea et wemea ex otaslTe47, eurteg with i varying eneeesa all female ateeats from the slightest leeal Jf; rttatlea t the most eofispltcated toteraai tmbles; maternity cases given special at teaUea: srlrate hoeeltal accemmedatloa. uj. .. i. atindaace: cos mutlffl and advice free. X-Raalusa Medi cal lastltute and Sanltarhim. 3d aad Alder sts.. eatraaes 363 Alder sc. Portland. DR. G. V. ICETCHUM. RECENTLY PHYHl- clan at St. Louis Medical and surgical u peaeao. now at Red Cross Dispensary. Square deal for all: charges- moderate; cure yourself of spermatorrhoea, daily ana night drains, lm potency, gonorrhoea, sypnuia. blood taints, varicocele and hydrocele; xe male speolal troublea treated. Correspond ence solicited- Red Cross Dispensary, corner 3d aad Aaa sts. Detective Agency Confidential investigations; reports made on any individual, business or property; mUetn relatives found; bad debts collected; charges reasonaDie; corrcBpuuu"v- SiicTtVd.'n DrecUve Columbia, bldg.. 365 Washington. Main 5613. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSB. HELSING- fan mjit. ruialtliralv nrM rheumatism. nervous dieorders and stomach troubles by hasd-rubelng. eteam. sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 SV 11th st.. two doors from E. Ankeay car Has. Phone East 26a IB YOUR OWN BEAUTY DOCTORI--Free teformattoa asd aaatomlcal chart, the masterpiece of perfection. Keeps circulation mevlBg and muscles young. Complexion lire a. res. V 7. OatiffmaH- EDeclallSt. 1401 First ave.. Seattle. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WATT OOC To the visitors of Portland hotels and to the pnh He at large: Suit pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor.'. 106ft Sixth St.. next td the Quo lie. Ladles skirts pressed, 60c Pheoe Clay 366. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, ALL SIZES 31 a month keep your clothing cleaned- ana pressed, buttons sewed on. rlpu sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 308 Stark, near 6th. MADAMS ENGLISH. MAGNETIC HEALER cure all diseases by hand rubbing and elec tric sweats; rheumatism a specialty; Madam Karraw'a famous remedies for sale. 115 6th, cor. Alder. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES ELECTRIC al. thermal, alcoholic and medicated treat ments: chiropody, pedicuring and manicur ing. II and 12 Benson bldg.. 3th and Mor rison. WB MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DISEASES of women. Private rooms. Call or write. St. Louts Medical and Surgical Dispensary, 230 Vi Yamhill st.. cor. 2d. Portland. Or. Manly vigor restored by i3r. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. 32: 3 months', 35. Sent securely sealed by malt Agents. Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Portland. "BOOK OF NATURE." "AGNES." "DROLL Stories." "Her Hidden Charms." "A Hot T a. male," "a Modern Lover," 50c ea. Lists free, A. W. Schmale Co- 226 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenx Nerve Tonlo Tablets: 25c a box. Write or call at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrisoa st- bet. 1st aad 2d. FINE) 'DAT BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- las; repairing and recovering; two stores; Washington and 6th aad Morrison and 5th. LEARN ADVERTISING. GOOD MEN AND women always In demand at big salaries. Private lessens. Address D 17, Oregonlan. 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR name. 50c. 50 for 36c; 250 business cards. 31. Scrimaln Co.. 226 1st. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP maasage. The Cosmos. 268I3 Morrison st., parlors 12 and 14. ATT. CHRONIC DISEASES TREATED, 45 per month, st Physlo-Therapathlc Dispensary, 411 Morrison. DR. AUSPLUND. DISEASE3 OF WOMEN and surgery. 300 Allaky bldg- 3d & Morrison. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS eases. 626 E. Belmont. Phone East 4034. TWO YOUNG LADIES GIVE FACE AND scalp massage. HOVj 4th st- cor. Wash. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED 5 peclsllat. Saaltarium 127 N. 12th. Mala 5478. YOUNG LADY GIVK3 FACE AND SCALP masmge. The Tacoma, 2CSH Stark, parlor 27. TWO LADIES. BATH. FACE AND SCALP massage. 20S 5th. bet. Taylor and Salmon. Turkish baths, massage, expert . masseuse, la dles only, sol wasnmgton. Fh. Main 7040. MRS. S. B. SETP, most reliable seeresa and prophetess In town, 343 Yamhill. Pac 106. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the Old BookT Store. '229 Yamhill st. 100 OST CARD3. ASSORTED, 29c; PRE- pald. Tho A. W. Schmale Co., 229 1st. WATER-PROOF HALF SOLES. 60c. H0LLA haugh's. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. All chronic diseases treated. 35 per month; no drugs, no knjfe. 411 Morrison st. ONE-MINUTE! TOOTHACHE DROPS CURB Instantly. 15c; family else. 26c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayer aad Analysts. GREEN LEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineer. 204 Wash ington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 186 MORRISON st. Best xaciiities. .trices reasonable. PAUL BAXJMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. 90 1st st. Attorneys. J. B. WINCHESTER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. notary public 30 Washington bldg. BoatbaUders. GRAHAM'S BOATYARD, FOOT E. PINE st.; gasoline launches a specialty. Agent for the Standard gasoline engine. Carpeatera aad Builders. 1 New homes built, old ones renewed, prop erty "bought and sold. Gordon. 20S 4th. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 58SL Chiropodist aad Haalcarlag-. WM, DEVENY d: ESTELLE D EVENT, THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors room 263 Drew bldg- 102 2d at. Phone Main 1301. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. -vniTVfi LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST manicurist, iace- t.-iii socialist;, su perfluous hair permanently removed. 11 and 32 Benson bldg. Pacific 235. Coumlsilen Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old meta, and general com mission merchant. Front st- nr. Main, Port land. Or. Cash advanced oa consignment. TAYLOR. YOUNG ds CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchant. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. ALLEN .& .LEWIS. . COMMISSION .AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary Carpel Cleaning. Suction and Com pressed air combined. Carpet oj caned on floor without removal. Main 5534. East 4239. Draughtsmen. OREGON SURVEYING. MAP AND BLUE Print Co w ciearos uius., opposite i'oat efttce. Those Mala 6623. I Dancing. WOODWARD'S DANCING ACADEMY Western Academy of Music Hall. Monday and Thursday; gents. 12 lessons. 35; ladles, 10 lesson. 52.30. Cor. 2d aad Morrison. Gardeners. PLANTING OF ROSES AND TREES AND care et lawns by experienced landscape gar deaerA. L Andersen. 41 Ella at. Main 1004. Faraltare. WANTED FURNITURE REPAIRING AND upholstering, mattress renovating, carpet eleaalar. laying, picture 1 raining. stoa Furniture Co 47 Union ave. Phoae East 6333. Harness aad Saddles. THE GEORGE LA WRENCH CO- WHOLE sale saddles aad harness mfrs- leather and saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. Mala 226. , ' Jaak. Hide and Pelt. L. SHANK. & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool. furs, tallow. Old rubbers, met al aad sacks. 312 Front st. Maehiaexy. B. TRENKMAX CO- MINING. SAW Billl. logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, casting; all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4 th. THE H. C machinery. ALB EE CO- SECOND-HAND sawmills, etc. 248 Grand ave. Northwest Vtavi Ce. LBWI3 BLDG- - PARK AND MORRISON sts. Call or seed stamp, for Health Book. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Leather, aad.Fmdmgs. J. A. STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO. ES UbHehed 186S. Leather and findings; Stock tea ole leather and cut stock; full llae Xastera Jusaboa. 180 Front at. Musical. FERDINAND KONRAD. TEACHER .OF violin and violoncello. Studio 410 Salmon street. Phone Main 5S28. whs. R. v -rmTSCOLL. PUPIL SHERWOOD. Chicago; piano lessons. 50 cents. Studio. 466 7th St.. near Jackson. EMIL THEILHORN, pupil of Sevcllc violin teacher. Studio, - 196 6th. Tel.-Mala 3963. Osteepathle Physicians. DRS. AD IX & NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DE- kum bldg.. 3d and wasnmgton. jruon; Office. Main 340; residence. Mala . 1503; East 1023. Exama. free. Sun. by appolntm t. B. SMrrH. ?WNEER OSTEOPATH Oregonlan bldg. Mala 1242; res. M 2752. ralats. Oils aad Class. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils, glass, sash and doom. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Palmistry. PROF. WALLACE. THE NOTED PALMIST, -wilt Mntimii. m trivet nts. celebrated S3 read ing for 60 cents for one week longer. 26S Morrison st. The Cosmos. MME. DREYFUS. PALMIST AND CARD reader, offices 231 Morrison st- cor, otn. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases, ev ia-um. Piano Tuning. EXPERT PIANO TUNING. REPAIRING and polishing. Phone East 4155. Safes. . DIEBOLD VAULT WORK AND SAFES lead competitors. Steel Dau-oeanng- moos Jacks. Metal fixtures. Lockouts opened re pairs. Phone 16S5. John B. Pavte. eG Third. THREE SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALS cheap. 84 3d st. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. R. H. Btrdsall. designer; agt. M. Winter Lnm- ber Co 4 nammoa Diag.. 101 JU. M. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. 6th and Hoyt. pnone aiain im PORTLAND SHOWCASE Sc. FIXTURE CO.. 343 1st. near Market. Phone aay 1644. Sign Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DQORS AND WIN dows lettered at cut prices. Zlrngiebel, 213 Washington st. Phone Pacific 1435. Spiritualists. A FAMOUS ORIENTAL CLAIRVOYANT. ST. GEORGE ORMONDE. SEER OF Egypt, tells you of marriage, love, business, sickness, how to Invest money, speculation, buying, selling, partners, frienda, enemies, cures all nervous diseases, weakness of ev ery kind, settles love quarreis. uon wr separated, hastens marriage, locates mines, buried treasures, missing ones, papers; re news youthful vitality, gives magnetlo secret powers of control, makes good luck, re moves evil influences. 2S3 Washington st. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all in trouble call vninahle advice on all affairs r nf tir!i5- love, trouble; absent friends a specialty. 2S0 Taylor st. S A. M. to 8 P. M. Hours. Prof. Grant Chesterneia r sycnic. paiaiisi. clairvoyant: tells past, present, iuiurc y-y Istry taught, medlumlstlc persons developed. Res. 224 3d, near Salmon. Readings dally 50c. MRS S. B. SHIP, noted prophetess and psy chometrist, 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th; wadtngs dally: circles Tues. and Fri. 8 P. M. Pao. 106- 1 . r-rc T nn T-T'rvTrA?f CAN BE CON- sul'ted. 53 Selllng-Hlrsh Bldg. Main 6170. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist. spiritual life reaaer. iw un. wv- "" Storage and Transfer. SAFES PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED wcke'd ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed: large 3-story brick flrr proot warehouse for storage. Office. 1-2 1st. C. M- Olaen. Phone Main 54. C O. PICK. OFFICE S3 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipment: com modious bricK warenouse. nu Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEU- STORES AT 34. N. FRONT st- household goods and furniture, plano. trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, eor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. l,OST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON laa will pay 410 reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of Its subscrib ers. Circulation Manager. REWARD FOR RETURN OF A BUCKSKIN and a bay cow pony, lost near Hllladale. John Crawford, care Greenley & Crawford. 204 Washington st- city. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST SOMEWHERE ON WEST SIDE, knotted pin with opal setting. Finder pleaw return to Oregonlan office, reward. LOST DRAGON BELT PIN WITH BUUfcJ stone: return to John Kelly's Insurance of fice. 82 3d st- reward. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK FIBbT OF PORTLAND, OR. n.lraated Depositary and Financial Agent designate UnUed gu tw.,..-. A. L. MILLS President. . . . - - - - j w - NEWK1RH Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Selond AssUtant Cashier.... B. F. STEVENS Lettersot credit issued available in Europe and the Eastern States. Slcht exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St Paul. UnUtO. oul iiamjJbu aim. v clnal Dolnts of the Northwest. !lrht and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the Main Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. ChrStlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections Made oa Favorable Terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Tn, VJ IUCJ . ....w. . "J - RESOURCES OVER $1,400,000. General banking. Exchange on all parts ot the world. Savings accounts. Time certifi cates 3 to 4 per cent; short-call special cer tificates, 3500 or over. 3 to 4 per cent. Call for Book ot "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Private Exchange 72. S. E. Comer Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. L COHES resident H. L. PiXIUWlV ...urriBiutui B. LEE PAGET - Secretary J. O. GOLTR.V, Assistant Secretary LADD &. TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at pclnts on favurahle m T .erters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points In the United states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold oa New York, Washington. Chicago, St. Louis Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho Montana and British Columbia. Exchange ou uiuaan, ruu uiiu, c fort, Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Hono lulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON.;.. President P L. DURHAM Vice-President Jt. W. HOYT .- i-anier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued,- avail" able in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established la 1864.) HEAD OFFICE, San Francisco. Cal. President - HOMER S. KING Gen. Man. of. Branches W. MACKINTOSH" Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits... $9,770,143 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters ot credit issued available In ail parts of the world. Interest paid oa time deposit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums ot 1 10 aad up ward. WM. A. MACRAE... Manager J. T. BURGHAELL Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General BinklHg Business. Drafts issued, available In all cities of the. United States aad Europe. Hoagkosg aa-i Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President. W. b. AYER Vice-President.. R. LEA BARNES Cashier. R. .W; SCHMHER ' Assistant CAshter.. "...j-..Ai If. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier...... W. A, HOLT