10 TH-3 MORNING OREGONXAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1906. SMQQT MAKES UN ENEMY HEYBURX WILL- VOTE TO 'UN SEAT UTAH SENATOR. Interruptions of Forest Reserve Speech Goaded Heyburn Into Re vealing Grudge Against Gooding. OREGON'IAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash-, lnston, Feb. 25. When the Senate takes a vote on the Smoot case. It is quite likely that Senator Heyburn, of Idaho, will vote to unseat Mr. Smoot, notwithstanding it has always been un derstood that Mr. Heyburn was a Mor mon sympathizer in his own state, and was elected by Iormon votes in the Idaho Legislature. Behind" this appar ent change of front on the part of Sen ator Heyburn lies an interesting story that developed during the course of his now famous speech against President Roosevelt's forest reserve policy. It was noted at the time that Mr. Smoot frequently Interrupted the Idaho Sen ator by asking pointed questions in tended to puncture his arguments., and it was in response to a particularly ob noxious question that Mr. Heyburn, contrary to his intention, launched forth, on a vicious attack upon Gov ernor Gooding for having dropped his opposition to forest reserves and gone over to the National Administration. While Mr. Heyburn lias keenly re sented the action of Mr. Gooding in this particular, an act which he regarded as treachery. Inasmuch as he and Mr. Gooding had been working shoulder to shoulder to break down the forest ad ministration in Idaho, nevertheless it was his intention not to publicly voice his fcollngs, but quietly to work to bring about the downfall of the Gov ernor. But under the lashing of Mr. Smoot, the Idaho man lost his temper, and, beforo he was aware of it, he had uttered a severe arraignment of Mr. Gooding, which promptly found its way into print and became a leading topic of political discussion in Idaho. The declaration of Mr. Heyburn im mediately joined the issue between himself und tho Governor, and from now on the fight must be conducted In the open. Tills is not as Mr. Heyburn "had planned, and. among his friends Mr. Heyburn has blamed himself, for having been trapped in this way. He is at a loss to understand why Mr. Smoot, who. he believes, occupies a del icate position in the Senate, should "have undertaken to become so caustic In his comments, and, furthermore, re sents tho attempt of the Mormon Sen ator to interfere in a speech which was of no concern to him. As Mr. Heyburn remarked to a close friend, he "re garded it as most astonishing that a Senator of Smoofs limited attainments should have the temerity to interrupt a purely legal and technical discus sion of a question of the most vital importance." The fact is Mr. Smoot is one of the warmest advocates of tho President's forest reserve policy, and he took the privilege which every Senator has of correcting false statements and ac cusations when made on the floor or the Senate. Mr. Smoot knew that Mr. Heyburn was wrong in his position, and he interrupted to set the record right. The result will probably Te that Mr. Heyburn will be found among the anti-Smoot Senators when the case comes to a vote. Barkcntinc Amaranth Arrives. ASTORIA. Or., Feb. 25. (Special.) The barkcntinc Amaranth, which arrived this afternoon from Shanghai, had a very pleasant and remarkably quick trip of 2S days to the mouth of th Columbia, ar riving oft the heads last Tuesday. DAIX-T METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND Feb. 25. Maximum tempera tutr, 50 fleg.; minimum, 40 deg. River read Ins at 8 A. M., 10 feet; chance In past 2 hours, rise 0.01-foot. Total precipitation. 8 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.11-lnch; total since Sep tember J. 1005. 28.58 Inches; normal since September 1, 1005. 31.99 Inches; deficiency. a.41 inches. Total sunshine, February 24, 1000. 1 hour and 24 minutes; possible .sunshine, 10 hours and 52 minutes. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. "Wind. STATIONS Baker City Bismarck Boise.. IDurclia. Helena..... Kamloopn. B. C... North Head Pocatello Portland Bed Bluff Roseburg . ......... Sacramento Salt Lake City.... Ban Francisco Spokane... ...... i. Seattle Tatoosh Island.... "Wa.lla "Walla nn no!v;s Pt. Cldy. Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear 24jo.Kr4E 440.O01 4rM3 5S T. 1 8'S 38 0.00 16IW 4410.00'..,.. 1PL Cldy. O.0GI16 E Cloudy 0.00 4ISW Clear ICloudy T. SB 0.00 4I.S Cloudy Rain Clear Clear Clear Pt. Cldy. Cloudy Cloudy Clear 0.06 4SB 0.00 4 N T. 8 NW O.'OOl 0 W T. 8 SW 0.001 4INW T. 18 SK lO.OOf T trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. Very little rain has fallen In the North Pa cific suites during the lat 12 hour, but tho barometer Is again falling along the "Wash ington coast and the conditions arc favor able Tor rain Monday In "Western Oregon and "Western "Washington and for Increasing cloudi ness followed by rain or snow In the eastern portions of these states. The changes In temperature since yester day have been small and unimportant. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending midnight. February 26: Portland and vicinity Rain; cast to south winds. Western Oregon and "Western "Washington Ram; southeasterly winds. Increasing along the coast. Eastern Oregon, Eastern "Washington and Northern Idaho Increasing cloudiness,, prob ably followed by rain or pnow. Southern Idaho Fair east, Increasing cloud In cps west portion. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Rooms, "Rooms .and Board." "Houe keeping Seems." "Situations Waited." 15 wends er less. 15 cents: 16 to 20 vrord, 30 eeets: 21 to ZH words. 25 ceats. etc. No U cwst -for additional tuertloRS. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 80 ceBts for 15 wards er lessi 26 to SO words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words. S9 cents. etc arst Insertion. Each additional lam tlua. ase-half: bo further discount Ba il er oac month. "XEW TODAY" (gauge measure urate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cent per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dresses care The Oregonlan. and left at this efftee, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelope. No stamp is required en each letters. The OrejcenlaB trill net be responsible for errors la advertisements taken thrones the NEW TODAY. S35.W PER LOT ON THE CAR LINE 0xl00 feet each, title perfect, every lot choice and desirable, near to and overlook ing the river, healthiest' spot in all of Port land. The Ulbernla Savings Bank Is ths owner and will sell until every lot is sold and thsrs are now loss than 100 lots left unsold out of 700; $35, all cash, no terms. Call at room 305. lie Kay bide. cor. 2d and tHark sts. CJQfVn New, modern homo la Irrlncton; -u" must be sold at once. Reason able terms. C3 REND STAFF S CHALK. 364 Stark at. mo Main S2. BisselFs Sweepers CLEAN YOUR CARPETS AND Save Time Save Dust Save Labor Save Money ONE SWEEPER WILL OUTWEAR THIRTY BROOMS - Prices, $2.50 to $5.00 EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE j. a MACK & CO. .86-88 THIRD STREET PHIL VESTS CHAN, Fres, b'ereatk and "vVasalartea Cnrope&n Plan. - - - - - AMUSEMENTS. BakerT&eater Cntea Tku!rCc, Ittsu It c. L ttktr, Mr. Yamhill and Third Sts. Phone Mala 1807. The Home ot Musical Burlesque. This week. THE HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS" A "Wealth of Beauty. Music and Delight. The Screaming Burlesque in Two Acts. "HOTEL STARS AND STRIPES." Bargain Matinee Wednesday (a real bar gain) 25c to any seat Saturday Matinee (Last Performance) 15c, 25c. 35c. 50c. Night prices 25c, 35c. 50c. 75c Next Attraction. "Imperials." Emoire Theater Tvitftk ii Kenim Milton W. Seaman, Manager. Portland's roost popular theater. Tonight and all this week tho beautiful play. "HUMAN HEARTS" A heart story of the Arkansas Hills. "As Fresh as -a Spray ot Apple Blossoms. Pathos and Comedy richly blended. Always a favorite. Matinee Saturday. Evening rrlces 15c. 25c. 35c, 50c Matinee 10c. 15c. 25c. Next Week Murray, and Mack in "AROUND THE TOWN." GRAND The MarteHcs. Rial to Comedy Your, King and Stange. The Great Cbeverll. Harold HefT. "IJrenhe No. 13," or "The Hoodoo Auto." PRICES Evenings. Sundays. Holidays. 10c. 20c. 30c. Matinees. 10c. THEATER Week of Teb. 2fl. A rosltlve Nov elty, HAIDES. Rulan Dancers. STAR THEATER Week, of Feb. 26. The Royal HAWAIIAN QUINTETTE Kings ef Melody. The Three Havllans, Inez Scott, .lames Dunn. Virginia Richmond. Will C, Hoyt, Staroftoope. PRICES 10c to any seat except boxes. PANTAGES stheV Charles E. Royal and company In the rnu slcal comedy success. "A Belort Wf Morgan and company, dramatic sketch. Caesar the Great, magician; Frank Clayton. mSoglst: Cavalry Quartet. Mauretta Lewis, comedienne: Leo White, popular baritone; ovlnS,?'ctH. nd , P Performances dally at 2:30, i .30 ana J l . M General admission. 10 cents. Reserved seats. 20 cents. , AUCTION SALES TODAY. At flat. No. 32H N. 16th near Washington, by S. u N. Oilman, Auctioneer. fR. t t Wilson, at salesroom. ISO First st. Jat 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. At residence. 263 Lincoln st.. by the Portland Auction Rooms. Sale 10 A. M. C. L. Ford. Auctioneer. MEETING- NOTICES. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO. 14. O. E. S. Stated com munlcatlon this (Monday) S P. M., Burkhard blag. By order . M. BELLE RICHMOND, Secretary. nurtwv tnncp. 'n ir A. F. & A. M. Stated communication thie (Monday) evening. 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Third iM.r i(. Work In M. M. degree. All M. M. -welcome. By order W. M. Jill ruts 11. cecreisrj. BORN. LILLIS To Mr. and Mrs. W. P. TJllls. of 604 5th st., a daughter. February 25. 1000. DIED. WHITE At the Manse. Groveland. N. T.. Feb. 23. 1P06. Dr. M. Frances Stewart, wife of Rev. John B. White, fifth daughter of ths late Donald Stewart and sister of Marie S. Whlgham, this city. California papers please copy. EDWARD KOLMAN CO.. the leading funeral directors and cmbalmers. 220 and 222 Third street, corner Salmon, hare fcfee finest establishment and the most reasonable cndVree. . We bare an experienced lady who takes full charge ef all lady eases. Phes Mala 607. J. T. FTNLEY & SON Faaeral director and embalmers. No. 261 Sd st oer. Madison. Bay er nlxht calls promptly attended. Ex perienced lady assistant when desired. Of fice of Cennty Coroner. Phone Main 8. DUNNING, M'ENTEE GILBACGH. Sne cessor to Dannlne Campion, undertakers and emb&lEaers: modern In every detail: 7th and Fine. Phone Main 450. Lady assistant. T. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 Km at Alder. Lady assistant, rhene East S2. ZELIXR-BYRNES CO, Undertakers, Em balm ers, 273 RasseU. East 100C Lady sti't TONSETH Jt CO, florists, ArtteUc floral destsaa, 138 th st. rkene Main BlftC. C TV. KXOWLBS, Msjr. Streets, Pert! and, Or ere. - $1-00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. NEW TODAY. ' MAGNIFICENT QUARTER BLOCK Ihree-Story Brick Build ing, Steel Front - Only 100 feet from BurnMde Street. Income f-00 pr month. Can be raised te f300. Price $40,000 Only fSOOO down, f 10.000 by April 20th Balance can stand as mortgage at 6 per chance to sell this splendid property at Eight or Ten Thous and Dollars Profit Before making your second payment Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. cor 3d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. Greater Portland Means greater prosperity for its people greater opportunity for saving a portion of tholr earnlnzs; greater case of mind and greater length of life. Avail yourself of this opportunity by open ing an account with the "Oldest Trust Company In Oregon" Where sour navings will increase by inter est, where you can deporit one dollar or more, and where you will be accorded courteous treatment. In Business 18 Years Resources Over $1,400,000 Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. cor. Sd and Oak ste. Phone Ex. 72. BKV.T T rnurv H. I PITTOCK B. LEE PAGET J- O. GOLTRA ..... ... President Vice-President - - Secretary Asilstaat Secretary ELABORATE SHELVING, FIXTURES SHOW CASES Fer Sale AT A SACRIFICE Japan Art Trading C'mp'y 267 WASHINGTON ST. Two Snaps for Quick Sales ti Cnn 65 3-3x100. Holladay ave.. 3 Mocks 40UU from Steel Bridge: Good 7-roem house. ti Kflfl Flae suburban home, on car line WJUU near Sellwood. excellent room bouse, S acres, fine large orchard, out building?, chicken-houses and yards, fine view. For particulars address R T Ore gonlan. For Sale 10-room. new, modern house, large iatt-c furnished or unfurnished, price reasonable; E. 18th and Belmont sts. Inquire 107 6th st. Portland Tronk Co. MONEY TO LOAN. We have nmounts of money to loan on Improves, city property 3200 and up. J. L. Tt'ELLS CO 4 GRAND. AVE. NKW TODAT. Montavilla Is tho MOST PROGRESSIVE SUBURB of Portland, and offers more advantages than any other location. Commencing today, we are offering for $150 In the new plat of "Katharine." which la the choicest part of this famous locality. Full Sized Lots Prices are uniform throughout the en tire tract, and first purchasers will get the cream locations. ts Without Interest or taxes. It will pay you to call at once and investigate at our expense. THE HART LAND CO., 109 Sherlock Bid?. Read This The only paying investments now offered for sale on the East Side, which pay 6 and S per cent net is property known as th Logsn block, cor. E. Alder and Union ave.: the Oekobock property, cor. Grand ave. and E. Alder, and the "West building, cor. Union ave. and E. Pine st. Information for prices and Income from the above property, call and lee us at 04 Grand ave. J. L. WELLS & CO. FOR SALE J, BLOCK. EL. FLANDERS AND th. Address owner. Lock Box 10. Sheridan, Or. ' FOR SALE REAL EtSTATX. fSSAnEDEAI' EAL ESTATE COKPANT. JCOO Two extra well built S-rooa house, modern In every respect, tinted and Piped for furnace, corner Eugene and Williams ave.; best Improved street In Portland: 8 mlautea walk to Steel bridge. KwCO Quarter block and three modern houses, one 8 and two 6 rooms, corner East 12tb and Harrison Not. 2SI. 363, 8S3: Present income ever 10 per ctat. Cheap hoses Highland. North Irr ington. Myrtle Park. Stewart Park. Kern Park, Tremont Place. MontavIUa. Taborslfie. Clackamas Heights: room Ing.bocses, restaurants and large list of farming property always cn hand. Room 503. Allilcy bldg.. Phcne Pacific 501. FIRST STREET. Comer 100x75. very central, en Flrt st . Jaj good Interest: price 130,000; on very favorable terms. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Ablngton. I06H Third t. 1750 SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $20. --room new houe. cement basement, stone steps, best plumbing, gas. beautifully tinted rooms. Upper Alblna; offered SIS rent; house cost $1400; lot worth 4425. Want heme? You can easily own this. B 23. Oregonlan. HOUSE 10 ROOMS; SEW AND AB30 lutely up to date: cleganUy finished throughout: situated on two lots, in best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Pnons owner. Main 565, or call 100 Sherlock bldg. .INVESTMENT. 11 PER CENT. Close in on Union ave.. fine comer: 3 full lots with 4 houses rented to permanent ten anu. Income $50 monthly: all Improvements in and paid: price for three days. $ti000. Lllta & Kahler. room 21. 2G4 Morrbon U FINE HOME IN ALBINA. S rooms, modern, ntar Ru&seli and Union ave.. cement walks, fine lawn, fruit and flowers: lot 50x150; good buy for $200. Ellis & Kahler. room ri. 204 Morrison sL IF YOU WANT A NICE SITE For home or flat, here It In In swell sec tion or West .Side, near 13th and Clay stiw. 60x100. for only $2200. Ellis & Kahler. roam 21. 204 Morrison t. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within dry limits or outside. Some acre, with terms as low as $10 oer month with water. A. C. Churchill L. Co. "Inc.," 110 2d aL investors: Let me show you one of the beat business U -blocks, which will bring 20 pr cent nrt on $20,000 investment. No fake. F. Fuchs. 140H 1st. $0000 SOLID INVESTMENT, FINE QU.Mt-ter-block. $6000 residence, room for flats or 2 more dwellings; cloe In. "West Side. State investment Cc. 11S Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE 2o NICE LOTS ON THE ST. Johns car line for $2000; now get In if you want to buy; these lots are owned by non resident and will be sold at once. Call room . SOS McKay blcx. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE LOT wood fiber plastered,. $700. $75 down, $12 month; discount for cash. Joe Nash In white house, Naehvllle Addition; Mount Scott car. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY DOORS W1N dov. flooring, milieu and all ktndn of building materials at a great bargain. Ap ply to American Inn. Phone Pacific 107s. FOR SALE FULL BLOCK. HOUSE. BARN, good orchard. $2500. easy tmni, North Al blna. Patton's Addition. See owner. F. tVanduyn. 312 Washington. RIVER VILLA ACREAGE. On car line and river; one pr more acres at low prices and easy tcrms B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder. $900 200 ACRES CLEARED BOTTOM land: dairy or slock; good P-rooai houj. large barn: 3 miles of county scat. Box 222. Kalaroa. Wash. CROOM COTTAGE, SMALL BARN, LOT 60x 100 feet, fenced. H block from car line easy payments; $1100. Hatfield Sc. Smith. 1C54 4th st. NEW MODERN HOUSE. 6 ROOMS, TINTED walls, weathered oak, finish, on car line; 15 minutes from city; $2100. Hatfield i Smith. 1C54 4th st. TWO-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT IN HIGH land. $325; $100 down, balance $S" per month. 213 Columbia bldg. Phone Main 1525. HOOD RIVER CITY LOTS. IMPROVED OR unlmptcved. for sale or exchange for Port land let. H. C Coe. Hood River. Oregon. $4000 CHOICE CORNER WITH MODERN" 8 room house In best part of Holladay's ad dition. Milter. 714 Chamber of Commtrce. FOUR ACRES ON CAR LINH. GOOD SOIL for gardn. adjoining city llmlu: cheap at $2000. Hatfield & Smith. 165, 4th st. FOR SALE THREE HOUSES FOR REMOV al, at S. E. cor. Sd and Main. Inquire with Err. 11 Schacht. 515 Commercial block. FOR RALE A NEW 5-ROOM MODERN COT tage. bath and gas: Sunnyslde; termn. Call 211 Washington St.. phone Main 304. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOT ON FARGO ST. near Union ave. Inquire at 357 Monroe M-. across the block. Phone East 3163. BARGAIN MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, choicest residence district, plenty fruit, towers. Inquire room 405. Dekura. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 a month; from $75.00 to $300.00. Sllwood Towcslte Co. Phoae Rail 4704. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE NEW. MOD rn flats: owner leaving- city. L. n. French. 803 McKay bldg. 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE CHEAP; $275 down, balance in easy payments. Call or addrtss 124S East Main st. $1500 ONE OF THE MOST SIGHTLY LOTS on Portland Height. In block west of school Apply 231 Washington st. FINE U-BLOCK. UNION AVE. AND HAL sey; a bargain. State Investment Co.. 118 Ablngton bldg. IMPROVED CORNER, 10TH ST.. WEST Side: bares In; home or revenue; owner, T 24, Oregonlan. $2700 S-ROOM HOUSE. EAST SIDE. CLOSE In. near car line. Miller, 714 Chamber Commerce. I BUILD HOUSES. EASY PAYMENTS; LOTS furnished If desired. Miller. 612 Commer cial bldg. LOT FOR SALE ON CORBETT; CHHAP before 1st of March: ftno locaUas. Paces Pacific 215. CHOICE CITY REAL ESTATE. EASY TERMS Chaa. A- Bryant. 308 Chamber Commerce. 100 FEET FRONTING ON GRAND AVE. and E. Oak. $2100. Owner. HalL 260 4th. CHOICE LOT ON 22D ST. MRS. P. M. DALY, ths Brown. Grand and Hawthorae ave. MODERN -ROOM HOUSE. . H OR WHOLE - lot, for sale. Ml X. ASkeay: ao ax-eats. hly Paymen ?OR BALK XJEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. 0-room house. Irvington," U block, house modern In every respect, furnace, electric lights and gas all through the house, and one of the best bargains on .the market without any exception; owner left city and must be sold; come In and let us tell you about It. 8- room modem, up-to-date house on EaM DavU c, comer lot 50x100. cement founda tion, nice basement, gas. all up in nice shape, only $3500, easy terms; this l a good one. 7-room bouse. East Taylor st. best loca tion, up-to-date In every way, large recep tion hall; $4200. 7-rcora house on Tjllamook st.. lot 50x 10. furnace, all modem; price $3575, small payment down, balance monthly. 0-room bouse on K. Bumslde st.. all mod em and up-to-date, cement walks and base ment; $4500. 5- room cottage, comer lot. Irvington. on Tillamook st.: sewer and gas in; streets all Improved; price only $2500. 6- room new house on Sheridan St.. mod 12?. in every way; cement walks In. Price $3j0. S-room house, thoroughly modem In every way, on Gantrnbeln are., near Falling su: nice little home; price only $2200. small payment down. 4- room house cn E. 10th st- near Mason, streets Improved, .full lot: price $1 000. terms. -roorp cottage. 2 lot, on East 14th st., nesr Shaver: lota fruit, water in house; price only $600. 9- room elegant modem hou on East Bel mont t.; best location, large lot; thin is one of the best houses In this locality: $550v. 5- room house, close In on Weldler at., an modem In every way, easy walking dl tance; this Is surely a good buy, only $3000, temvt to suit. 7- roora bouse on Mallory ave., near Sha- $isco ota of frult R0Qd birn: pr,ce VACANT LOTS. ,v.c n,v.y!lcat tets ,n Alblna. Central Alblna. Highland, also Williams Avenue Ad dition. Its In Multnomah on Michigan ave.. only $. .Three lots. Highland, only $325 each. 50x 300, one block from car. Lot ttbclSO on Sacramento st.; here Is a food bargain; call for particulars. Quarter block. Irvington. swell comer, lays about 3 feet above grade, gooa sui roundlngs; price only $l5o. . ACREAGE. . have 40-aere tract near Lents, about half In cultivation, balance easily cleared, right on good main gravel road: this la tultabte for platting or for any purpcee at the price we can sell It at. which is much' less than an thing In thU locality. Five acres on Section Line road, near Rervo!r. all In cultivation, and fruit, good modem house, cost over $3000; call for par ticulars. Eight acres on Johnson Creek, all A No. I bottom land, some beaver dam; car Hn rues right past it. all cleared and In crop. Come In and make offer within $150 per acre f orlee asked for adjoining land and w win do buslnem; owner Is eick and has to leave city permanently. This is only a partial .list ot our acreage. Don t forget our farm list; It Is large and choicely selected. TAFT & CO., -.5 Stark Street. Chamber of Commerce. LESS THAN COST S ROOMS. MODERN house. East Side, fine furniture If wanted; good neighborhood. Urge chicken-house; must have $2000. E 21. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHOICE COR. HOUSE. IN julre 703 First. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS FOR SALE. FEW CHOICE BARGAINS. 195 acres farm land. Hi miles from North Yamhill; 185 acres In cultivation. 11 acres in prunes, 13 In pasture. 0 acres In oak grubs; low land U tiled, running water piped to houne and bam. good house, bam and hay bam; so acres Fall seeded, good family orchard. Price $5000. terms. 27 acres In Clark County. Washington, near railroad. 17 acres In prunes and good family ore hard. S acres ready for seeding. 2 acrei pasture; barn and all kinds of outbuilding, good G-room house, a good team, 1 cow. wagon, harncr. farming implements and boui'hold furniture. Price only $3250 It sold at once. 67 acres in Yamhill County, nearly all under cultivation: some fine onion land, at very reasonable price. 719 acres. 2 miles from railroad station, fine stock and grain ranch. 325 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture. 4Uacrea of good timber on place. 1 bam 40x50 feet, house 10x24 feet, with L 22xlS. 7-room home, good well, cowsheds for CO bead ot cattle. hed fer 40 tons of hay. all kinds of fruit and all txariag; good pasture, all watered by springe, heki In tanks in three different places In the pasture. Price $16 per acre. ICO acres. 0 ml lea from Hlllsboro. Or.; 40 acres in prune orchard. 75 acres In big tim ber, family orchard, fine hill land; good for fruit and hops. Price only $7500. We have a large list of farms, all sizes and prices. Call and see what we have be fore buying. TAFT U CO.. 275 Stark Street. Chamber of Commerce. $27.50 ACRE 370 ACRES. FENCED AND cross-fenced; 100 cultivated. 13 assorted orchard, balance pasture, fine large house, barnr. near railroad and river. Yamhill County. No curiosity seekers. C 23, Ore gonlan. $10.00 PER ACRE. inrtifTATKn nvn $10.00 Crook County. Oregon. Deed direct from State. Write far pamphlet and map. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder St.. Portland. Oregon. S30 AN ACRE. 100 acres good land. 20 acres In cultiva tion, about 30 acrert pasture, good bouse and new bam; 12 miles southwest of city. J. E. Slon. room CO, Washington bldg. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR INCOME proprty In tha city. 05 acres. 3 miles from Oregon City. 17 acres In cultivation; price S25CO. F. T. Berry, -4 N. 6th. Phone Hood 1C35. 3SO ACRES NEAR SALEM. TIMBER enough to pay for land, which Is suitable for cultivating after timber Is removed: $27 per acre. Hatfield & Smith. 105H 4th st. 10 ACRES CLEAR: NO STONE OR GRAVEL; house, bam. near Mllwaukle. Price $4500. Box 3d. Mllwaukle. TOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 120 ACRES TIMBER LAND, about 12 ,mll eoutheaat ot Oregon City: good soli; running water. Adjoining land Is held at $15 per acr; our price Is $C The Hart Land Co., 100 Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Or 17.0CO ACRES ON THE M'KENZIE. UMP qua, Rcgue and Coqullle Rivers at $3.SO an acre, as a who!: title perfect. BUlr Hurlbut. 315 Ablngton bldg. 6,000.000 FEET TIMBER NEAR PORTLAND. 320 acre, or will exchange for city property. O 20, Oregonlan. COWLITZ CO. TIMBER LANDS AND REAL tsta:. T. J. Barnard & Co.. Kalaraa. Wash. TOR RENT FARMS. FARM. 24 ACRES, G M1LR3 OUT. FOR RENT for cash; bouse, bam. etc. 272 4th st. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP APPROVED and guaranteed. Military bounty warrants bought and sold. Colllos Land Co.. Helena, Mont. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ICO CHANCES TO THAT THE REAL Es tate Exchange. 213 Columbia building, rep resenting nearly 100 leading real estate firm, can sell your property 100 times quicker tban any one firm. List your prop erty with the exchange. Phone Main 1525. WANTED GOOD BUILDING LOT OR house and lot within walklnr distance of Burnslde-sU bridge. East Side. B 24, Ore gonlan. WANTED CORNER LOT BET. FRONT and 5th and Columbia and Yamhill; state price and location. E 25. Oregonlan. I HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES. PORTLAND or suburbs; also for unimproved property. X 17. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. NEW G-ROOH HOUSE. FULL CEMENT basement, water, screw, gas, street made, cement curb and sidewalk, for smalt ranch near car lice. Owner. T 13, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE OLD5MOBILH RUNABOUT in good condition for small piece real estate or farm land: value $500. Inquire Park and Oak sts. Phone Main 138. LEAVING CITY A FI RST-CLA S3. BELLA -ble gas range for a good cookstove. Phone Main 1070. Apply 511 Mill st. FOR SALE. Xerses. Vehicles aad Harness. 26 HEAD HORSES AND MULES. 1000 TO 1200 pounds, must be sold. Hubert ft Hall 24 Fourth. Horses and vehicles bought, sold, rented or We Buy. Sell. Rent. Exchange.Hors es.Wagoss, saddles, harness. Hubert fc HaU.. XG 4th. JO TEAMS. 27CO TO 3600) PER TEAM. Friedman Bros., 12th and Flanders. TOR SALE OIL WAGON. TEAM AND rout. Call at 235 Mcrrisca st. I't SALE. Horses. Vehicles stad Harness. FORTY HEAD OF FINE VALLEY AND Eastern Oregon horses. Just arrived, ranging from 1200 to 1700 lbs., well broken and guaranteed In every way. Columbia Stables, cor. F.-ont and Coltynbta. GENTLE. WELL-BRED CITY-BROKE. 4-year-old buggy horse, weight 1050-1100 lbs; price $125.00. National Market. 304 E. Burcslde st. Phone East 42. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day. week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. Tel. East 72. FOR SALE 14 HEAD OF HORSES. 100O to 1500 lbs. each, Hawthorne Stables. 6th and Hawthorne ave.: also horses for hire. FOR SALE HORSE. HARNESS AND WAG on. suitable for express or Junking. 304 Front St.; must be sold at once. MlceUaaeoBS. FOR SALH. one 14-ton locomotive. Two OxlO logging, donkejs. One 12'horsepower gasoline engine. One 5-horaepower vertical boiler and' en gine. One 6x4x6 Snow steam pump. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT COMPANY. 324 Chamber of Commerce. 50 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chines at very low prices: Singer. Wheeler & .Wilson. Domestic. White. Household. . Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Slgel. 335 Morrison st.. Marquam bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Bailee-Col lender. 40 3d st. WOLFF-AMERICAN BICYCLES. CLOSING out; $40 bicycles at $25; $55 racers, $3J for cash; 130 rims. 50c on the dollar. S. S. Slgel. 335 Morrison st. FOR SALE 18 10-INCH STEEL BEAMS; also a lot of short pieces steel rail for build In purposes. Railway Equipment Co.. 324 Chamber of Commerce. FOR jVLE MOVING-PICTURE MACHINE gas outfit, song slides, views, etc.; also bought and for rent. Room, 1. 145 0th st. FOR SALE DONKEY ENGINES; ONE 9x10 Munday and one 9x10 Washington: both In good shape. Address F 22. Oregonlan. LADY FROM THE EAST WILL SELlr SEV eral evening dresses cheap. Call 1 to 3 P. M-. room 3. 342 Washington st. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE 1000 .SHARES Almeda. Consolidated Mines Co. stock; must have money. W 30. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TWO SECOND-HAND 60 H. P. boilers. In first-class shape, cheap if oM at once. F 23. Oregonlan. FOR SALE BY L. SHANAHAN. 144 THIRD st- Dry goods counters, shelving, showcases, fixtures, etc BICYCLE. "COLUMBIA." MANTLE BED. stair and hall carpets., kitchen table. 464 7th. . Typewriters, all makes, at coot: rubber stamp goods, desks, etc Coast. Agency Co.. 231 Stark FINE GAS PLATE WITH TWO BURNERS for sale; price $3. Address T 30. Oregonlan. BRAND-NEW FIRE ESCAPE FOR THREE fctory building for sale cheap. 343 N. ISth st. Donkey engines bought, sold and rented. 32 J Chamber Commerce. Phone Main 2363. NEW BAR FIXTURES FOR SALE AT HALF price. 404 Washington st. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In 8 weeks: the Moler system of col leges have opened one of their famous bar ber schools in Portland. Graduates earn from $13 to $25 per week. Only reliable barber college in United States. Special terms to- first 20 students. Be lively and get special rates. MOLER ST3TEM COLLEGES. 35 N. Fourth St.. Portland. WANTED FOR U. a. ARMY ABLE-BOD-Jed unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 33. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak. ,rd and write English. Apply to Recruit ing Officer. A Ins worth block, 3d and Oak sts., Portland. Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: discharges positively cured In from 3 to 5 days: consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. 2v.-Rad.uxn Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 233 Alder st,, Portland. WANTED A VEGETABLE GARDENER; a man to take full charge of garden on ranch in Eastern Oregon Address F. A. Ybunp. Burnt Ranch. Or.. Wheeler Co.. Immediately, stating- wages. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SPECIALTY salesman with good references for Portland and vicinity, to sell to the grocery trade-high-commission paid. S, 124 Sacaome st. San Francisco, Cal. WANTED MALE STENOGRAPHER FOR out of town; roust be competent and relia ble; give names and addresses ot references; stale ase; steady employment. F 19. Orego nlan. WANTED MAN FOR POSITION AS TREAS urer of traveling theatrical company; must have $300 cash curUy; salary $23 per week. Apply from 2 to 4, 410 Imperial Ho tel. Men. women, learn watchmaking, engraving. Jeweler work., optics. Easy terms, positions guaranteed: money made learning. Watch-maklng-Eagrav'g School. 1426 4th av. Seattla AD ERTISING SOLICITORS QDDFEL lows, temperance, religious and other estab lished publications; commission. Clyde King. 63S Chamber Commerce. WANTED MAN AND WIFE (NO CHIL dren) to work on ranch In Eastern Oregon. Call 416 Larabee street, after 5 P. if., or rlnx no Dhone Scott 5.VU. WE WANT A NO I TRAVELING SALES man to represent us on ths road, on a com mission. Hotel Restaurant Supply Co.. 209 3d st. SAILORS WANTED FOR ALL PARTS OF the continent; wages $23 per month. Inquire 'Sailors' Welcome." North 10th and Qulmby streets. MEN TO LEARN- BARBER TRADE; WAGES while learning; position after S weeks. GUI man's Barber College, 627 Clay. San Fran. Any intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience un necessary. Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. T. WANTED PARTNER IN ST. JOHNS REAL esiata office, doing fine business; must be rustler, and invest $300. II 18. Oregonlan. WANTED RY AUNE. THE PHOTOGRAPH t. printer; must be competent In flat print ing; those who are not need not apply. WANTED YOUNG MAN. AGE 17 TO 21 years; must have dome drugstore experi ence. D. J. Hllle. Castle Rock, Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. $25 TO $50 PER WEBK FOR MEN WHO can sell our accident and sick benefits City manager wanted. 705 Marquam. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers. 208 McKay bldg. WANTED QUARTZ MINER; ONE ACCCS tomed to development work; machine man preferred. E 10, Oregonlan. TWO SOLICITORS FOR CLEANING AND dye works. C00?i Stark. Call Monday be tween 10 and 12. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCH MAN Address G. M. Campbell, 320 James sr.. Se attle. Wash. MEN WANTED FOR TRIP TO MANILA. Inquire after 12 o'clock today at 208 Allskv bldg. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. C2 3d. -Phone Pacific 46. SALESMEN FOR CHRISTY HOB SAFETY Razor: bonoara slds line. 410 Fenton bldg. WANTED SOLICITOR FOR BROKERAGE firm. Apply to room B04 Dekum bldg.. city. COOKS AND BAKERS HEADQUARTERS Cal. Wine Dipct. 148 4 th st. Pacific 2183. HELP WANTED FEMALE. " GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking. Call Monday 141 N. 18th,. cor. Hoyt. ALL DISEASES TREATED. 5 PER MONTH Phyalo-Therapathtc Dispensary. 411 Morrison NURSEGIRL. APPLY MORNINGS. 295 N. 24th. cor. Pettygrove. Phone Main 6230. WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESE MIS- Inra Annlv 20t 2d r. at T r r COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL, HOUSE work. 81G Spring st. Telephone Pacific 36. WANTED A GIRI TO DO GENERAL housework. il3t 12th eC. cor. Yamhill. WANTBD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Urge family. Inquire 4S4 7th it. KELP WANTED XKMALK. NOTICE TO SMPLOTXRS CANADIAN parlors have mover" across ths street and are now located at 221 H Morrises- at., room 16; aew matron with two years' expert ace; all oraers tor domestic help promptly attended to; girls, call it you want work, Canadian parlors. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK at home during spare time; no experience required: good pay and steady. Writs N. C Hulln. 1344 Market. San Francisco. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework and cooking, family three adults; wages $25. 399 Hancock St., near Union ave. Phone East 1685. WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN FOR ledger work in office of wholesale hous. must write good hand and be experienced. D 21, care Oregonlan. WANTED GENERAL HOUSEWORK GIRL, muttt be good cook and waitress: two ir family. Apply north upper apartment. So". 11th st., from 0 to 12. LADIES FOR PERMANENT HOME WORK, copying. $3 tb $15 weekly; also state man ager. Call 9 to 12 Mondty -to Friday. 24'J Park st., cor. Main. WANTED A WOMAN TO WASH AND Iron. Apply today. Mrs. Zieglcr, 300 Holla day ave., one-story white hoiue, near 1st; U or I car. PRACTICE GIRL. STENOGRAPHY. TYPE wrltlng; opportunity for practical office ex perlence; evening work. 633 Chamber of Commerce. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder; entrance 253 Alder at.. Port land. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE wbrk; Swedish preferred; must be good cook and waitress; good wages. 027 Kearney su WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADV REPRE sentatlves In Portland and throughout stats; good pay. Call or write C07 McKay bldg. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework, small family. Phone East 102S or call 607 E. Taylor st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343& Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Pbona Main 2692. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN, parcel wrappers, cash girls. Apply comer Washington and 7th ate WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO make Fltx-Well shirts and Eoss-of-AU over alls at 75 1st aU A COMPETENT .GIRL FOR GENERAL, housework, small family. 252 15th St.. near Main. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUafV work In small family. 734 Irving. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE- TEN PAPER MILL LABORERS. $1.75; woodchoppers, waitresses, domestics, cooks, housekeepers; everybody call. Drake's, 2v0'.a Washington. SPECIAL EDITION REPORTERS AND PRO moters; established publications; commis sion. The Clyde-King Co., 638 Chamber Commerce. SOLICITORS AND TRAVELING SALES people wanted; salary' and expenses: answer, giving name and adress. C 24. Oregonlan. WANTED FOR DRAMATIC COMPANY, leading- man and woman, soubrctto and ju venilis man. L 30, Oregonlan. GOOD POSITION FOR MAN OR WOMAN. Apply 305 Stearrs bldg.. between 9 and 5. SITUATION WANTED MALR- Bookkeepers und Clerks. WANTED FOSITION BY YOUNG MAN AS clerk In drug store; registered. Address F 30. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. FARM hands and other laborers furnished. The Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 29 N. 3d St.. city. Main C154. P. O. Box 175. A GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION to do cooking and housework In city or coun try. Gage Nunotanl, 40 N. 1st St., city. Phone Main 5t42. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic eervant. farmers also, alt kinds of help. Main 4659. 26S Everett JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS situation In restaurant or hotel, in country or town. F Nlshl. 71 N. 3d st. JAPANESE STUDENT WISHES P03ITION; can cook; speak English. F. 121 15th st. N.. city. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenoographers. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS cashier In restaurant; understands type writing, and can furnish best references; wilt work for reasonable wages for per manent position. K 20. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE OFFICE work; In grocery preferred; can furnish best of references: will work reasonably for permanent position. L 20. Oregonlan. RELIABLE STENOGRAPHER. ACCURATE, speedy: references; desires out-of-town po rtion; no law. L 21, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS LADY STENOGRAPHER DE slres position. S 24. Oregonlan. Domestics. JAPANESE YOt'NG LADY WISHES Posi tion In family to do homework. X 3ii, Oregonlan Miscellaneous. 'DRAKE'S. PACIFIC 1370 CHAMBEK mnlds. waitresses, cooks, housekeepers, laun dry, baker', camp, family help furnished. 2t)uli Washington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. WAITERS, rooks, chambermaids, general workers. St. Iouts Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS NEW MONEYMAKER: HOUSE hold necessity: 2,000,000 sold; costs 6c. sells 25c; outfit free. Domestic Mfg. Co., Minne apolis. Minn. GENTLEMEN AGENTS IN PORTLAND AND through state: big wages. 410 Fenton bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES. FLATS, ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department has been enlarged and provided with additional staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continuous supervision over all property Intrusted to our PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. . H. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. MAN AND WIFE DESIRE SUITE OF ROOMS and board In private family, north of Wash ington st.: permanent; references exchanged. V 30, Oregonlan. AV ANTED MODERN" FURNISHED 6-ROO.V house. Portland Heights preferred: respon slble parties: no children. S 19, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT SMALL IMPROVE!! farm, about 20 acres in cultivation; wilt paj cash rent. Address R 10, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FUR nRurs In any quantity; also take same os commission and guarantee best results. Thr Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schubach. prop FhoB Main 5655. 211 1st st. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY. BOILERS engines, -pumps, pulleys, belting, shafting bought, sold, rented or exchanged. Westerr Salvage Co.. 627 Washington st. Patlflc 793 WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINC and shoes; highest price paid. Call at tht Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 317 WE HAUL AWAY YOUR DEAD HORSES and cattle promptly and free of charge. Oregon Fertilizer Works. Main 1P68. WANTED TO BUY A POINTER OR A setter pup: state price. Address C 21 care Oregonlan. WB NEED FURNITURE XND WILL PA1 full value. Western Salvage Co., 627 Wash, inxton st. WE CALL FOPj DEAD HORSES AND CA.T tle of alt kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT.- Rooms. 435 YAMHILL ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms, steam heat, gas and bath. Phone Main 6301. 1SS 12TH ST. MODERN FURNISHED front room. Phone Main 4392. FURNISHED ROOMS. $L50 AND UPrFREB bath; oae bousekaeplag. 83'7ttu