Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 24, 1906, Image 13

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WTUATiox WAyrp rgxALE. tok kkxt. rok mocx. vc&txwm ckaxom. - tptjlxciais, nanxAi. business dikbctokv.
frost auitex. w dwelling, modern ccavca- sale Uw Yamhill Couaty .Abstract Plant. Of kwm4 cKy rorty or Sr hMu w(HiiHWe trt diseases a - gkorcs uwhskcb ro whole.
SITUATION WANTBD AS KURSBGIRI-;, TOT AUDITORIUM, 3M THIRD. WET. furs-ce heat. nht housekeeping. Pfc-baMy m of the b pUats In the State - T"-, . th "?f J-TJHcSu S ! ia40ei ud SriK afd
City reference. Phone Union 3768. ' Taylor and SalMB-TMc clut betel a of Oreron; wrttte u t ate aad the only privtleg- to repay all or part of leaa after Bte areata from U sUxsteat "fJ?: 1 trr kaiarB 8S 1st' Main 2mT
toea TtBoyreaTa4nSd Is bow one sekcgl; Kmw. abstract bee-i te Ya-alll County. Oregon; two years. Loans approved from utass aad rlU.tUa to the awt cepUtB4tTUU saaaiery aaraware. go-S6 1st, -aia .
PLACE "WANTED AS SECOND GIRL IK fthehe a1Sseble rooming- th plaat H ;a paytar Investment and the oney aAvaaet4 aa buUdls progresses; trwW; ltyaM . J"J2iJ Jiuik. HUea and Pelta
"'-"' ? AU. iSfe ' 'KfflSMSE -Vo?lx, MJiSSS: - snkTTuhch o, hides,
GOOD EXPERIENCED NURSE. $1 PER 512862 E. 11th art. N., comer Shaver, cot- maaager. McMlggvllle, Or. ' 353 "" - . Jrom :
da confinement a specialty. Phone Main WKh e d. Vx 0. bath. MY PORTION ENABLES MB TO BEAT ALT. STECIAL NOTICES. . Ljp KEEP THE HANDS Machinery.
TUB COLONIAL A SELECT FA34H.T HO- one block aouth of Richmond, car-line. cewpeUtan U the rlc at the HBrt .Switch 1Th XaTMd. ?"... rAr- ail vinriS B TREXKMAV i CO MIXING SAW-
lyroTPu lrL aT&caorMy NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF THH SjSi.? ?S2& SfflSS
DfS K5 eSlS" "roSpH Mai, . coraiSTn" . oi Detective Acy-ConndenUal teve,tlSatlons;
ragrB&f Tm T0UrBCy " , ' JETi roonSltxSni. yean, SSrM reaolU and the ro- t-SttfWSbS MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PUPTL SHERWOOD.
Z , r-rxv nvT-arnv J uowMin lSS)le?tT ftSt and lc. fine lU?n. lutlon of the board of ttlrectora aatherUln coHeTtod; charjei reajosahle; correspondence Chlcajo; pUno lemons. 50 cents. Studio,
Howkeepcni. THE CARLXTON. garter., two lota, plenty mat ana " rIshouTe. rrnt $32.00. cJos Clrectlne the aale of all of the property solicited.' Oreon Detective Servlcef 314-315 466 7th. at. near Jackson.
REFINED TODKg WOMAN WITH GIRL 0. d oT WgWag J? CcSoon Ua W Coluhla bldS., Wa.hln.ton. Main 5. xhoI pupil of Sevcllc. vloll,
AT. .tT, : : .Mccoy. -Xia Mcmsqn. room t-. cr Portland. Multnomah County. Oresea. of- serveus dljwrderad stomach trouhlea by TODER'S STUDIO. 536 E. COUCH: HALF
. 50UNG WIDOW WANTS TAKE ENTIRE ' l'r mx inA.TTnttT rmniivrn TWAvn Avn rv. ltr l PBj, t the hljheat bidder for hand-nibblixSeaffweatand tub baths; rate for closing term. Phone East 5259.
charge of house for elderly couple or wld- ELEGANTLY FURNISHED LARGE ALCOVE 152"iHSLS?.?BhP SJ. 2iAT! cah. the franchise, roadbed, tracks rlxhu S iomT 7 Xuth it two (! Iroai ' '
ower. C IS, Oresontan. front room and .fine iable board In laree. AGK HOME Z5tJ?m?iZ 'i.i HSSto rhbfrd c d ccntracis for rlht of way. to- E. Anicay car Use. Phone Eaat 260. Jfortkwest VUvl Co.
. . beautiful house; larme Krounda and choice Of I) ropmc. modern and In firt-cla con- cut-outa. a-wUches aa asarblo awltchooaru. Kether with all map, prcaiea. flee fix- J " g
Mlcellaaeoa. neighborhood; ererythlns strictly modern. dlUon. finished in SpanUh mabony; pood bis cever been Bsed; we aUo haye a 1000- tures and furnitures and all property of BB TOUR OWN BEAUTY DOCTOR! IEWI3 BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON
' strictly home cooklns; 5 minutes valk from and all the thine that go to make a lb. band elevator; this elevator la new and -Kbatever kind owned by said corporation. lif armaUM Hand Anatomical chMt. the at. Call or knd -stamp for Health Book.
SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED Oregonlan. Phone Main 2395. rood per month; lStb L. orth. complete. Independent , Coal Sc. Ice Co. Phone Tbe said Property will be sold U bulk, and terplScefTertectloa? KeeJ clreSiUo ;
nurses, waitresses; very capable woman, ,r r. ' wvrt?vw rnnw m op nnrnnv - en-. iL" . . ibovIbk and rauacles youar- Complexloa like Osteopathia Physicians.
chamberwork- cooks, housework. 230H Yam- THE POPULAR WOODLAND. 305 CTH ST. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGO, - The said franchises of said ccmyaay re- . rGJ? x. zTCauWaa SsecUllaC 1401
WU MatoMW Four blocks from PeftoEice: eleganUy re- & Rcor. d and Oak sts., the LARGEST MILLINERY STORE IN Xerred to are as follows, to wit: Flrstive SeatU P DRS. ADEC & NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DE
' furnished throughout; modern convenience!; Phone Exchange Z. The Dalle for sale. Invoice over 1 1500. A franchise authorlxtnc the ccsstraetlaa kum bid?.. 3d and Washington. Phones:
WORK WANTED FOR ALL RACES. NA experienced chef; a specialty of dinner Housekeeping rooms In rear Included In In- of a railway line through the City of Hills- gUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT 50 C Office. Main 349; residence. Main 1503:
uSSuSTSSbi otelTrestsTra laun- Wednesdays ahd Sundays. Phone Main-5250. , voice. Will sell tfiWSftU UK XMa bcro and a franchltt grantor the right to aota hotels ;and to the East 102S. Exama-'free. 8un.-by appolntm't.
dry. camp. farm, brake's, 205 Washing- GLEN DORA. 18TU AND COUCH- TWO NEW 7-ROOM .HOUSES-GAS. ELEC- SH & M !T T Dulles, Or. ll SSftg Sf "e, Vf& GlthSor luAnell DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH
ton- Suite with rtmklng water, single rooms. trtdtj. Jucc. rrd. tube. hasenL j Mod- i ' lsgtoa Countr. Oregon, and a fraschtao GJ QuellLadteV &rU of Oregon; graduate Klrkvllle. Mo. 400
WIDOW WITH ".YEAR-OLD CHILD first-class board; large parlor. bllllard-roosB. 4-room hwise; S-room honie; all close roR SALE MILLINERY STORE: A GREAT STanted by the City of Pcrtlaad. Or., by " ?e St1 mjl pressea. ouw Oregonlan bldg. Main 1212; res. M. 2752.
wi alplarttw? old folk! eyenthlng up to date; rate, 36 and s. to. faQalt 248 Lincoln, near 3d, uaU; for the right party. un aell at toOroTrUcn T . f n
Write S56 Umhur St.. city. PORTLAND WOME.VS TJNION. 17TH YEAR; FOR RKCT-MODBRN -ROOM HOUSE. fflMS'M t pr? S? cn STSlSftt? rlt fLUffii Paints. Oils and Glass.
sB Bl"1-' araga-g SB-s&.wrs! SSvw
17. Oregonlan. Mrs. E. B. Haalta. Eopt.. B10 Flanders. ' sea I HAYE ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION FOR ls" Or!" Approved by the MaVor of lag Co.. 309 Stark, near eth. PalmJat,
TrANTED AGENTS. ZtaT Mtlnstw. ,0-x5. A. H. Px, 7Ux and Ixlngton. of aWut 30 feet of ,-J1g!22 -c5u&5AS:
RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL. PRAINE. 136 TTH NEAR HOTEL & Clry of Portlaadf Or!. bT'wei Jmulito u4 iSSSS SSf"?
dlttrlbute samples and employ agenU? local t wn7 with rf K VERY NICE NEW S-ROOM HOUSE. MUL- MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER HAS GOOD Overton ts la Ud city, and feet 6tb. cor. Alder. Morrison st. The Cosmos. p
managers also; 518 a week and expenses, V). tnhlp hnrr! S wk. len tt.. near Benton; 30. Weatern Orccon tor Increased eustces; can Increase of tfouble track on Pettygrove -street, be- t MME. DREYFUS PALMIST AND CARD
Zlegler Co., 225 Locust sit.. Philadelphia. &0. table board. 3 week. Trmt 'Company. 281 Stark st. Phone Sa- Seels to JlOOOwIth cosgenlalparty Wllh tweta thirteenth sad Fourteenth street!. WH MAKE A, SPECIALTY OF DISEASES reaer oClcra 201U Mrrtioit VC, cor. Vth.
vicrr t urn? viRHiin -noov5- cine C03. Maal aaowat to "Invest. P 76, Orfgcnlan. In said city, and three crossings oa Six- of weata. Private rooms. Call or write. "MCf' "' ' '
AGENTS NEW MONEYMAKER: HOUSE- E.I fl c1i v.i ei aarowit w h , teenth. Twenty-third and fweaty-flfth St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary. . nt
hold necessity; 5,000.000 aold; costs 8c. sells "enn. vUl50,,1 coavcalcflcct- fi5i xEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. BATH AND BULL MUST BB goLD AT ONCE tts. at the IntersecUcn of Pjttygrovo aWYaahUl st., cor. 24, Portlasd. Or. Patent Lawyers.
25c; outfit free. Domestic Mfg. Co., Mlnae- "tt Sl' pnva!-e i1' Run water. Ban 40th and Hawthorne; Dairy herd. 40 fine cows, I full-blood Dur- ?eU.vTne S111 fdu pro(1 .13. . 77, 31 . . . . r. c. WRIGHT, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN
THE HAvrfi ORNE. 221 13TH -ROOMS per month. B. S. Cook & Co.. XI AA'? rlnlneTrth,0 Vmfrth.8 Jl7 I'tVnU 53 ' lAnt cases.04 Dekum.
GENTLEMEN AGENTS IN PORTLAND AND JlL01'1 monMy nlts earn. Call 221V, Morrison St.. room la ci Portli!. O " U lis City of FortK mSStog U. St clyaled by malL Piano Tunlnc
through etate; big wages. 410 Fonton bldg. to permanent people. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE, WALKING BOARDING - HOUSE, 12 ROOMS. VICINITY Grwre. Oregon. . . AgeaU. Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Portland.
IN PRIVATE FAMILY. NICE FRONT ROOM SJ 00 Side: 15 per month. loth and. Alder; 17 steady boarders; clear- f0 ' Tfllui S ihs IS of .(nnnv- OB. vittish -AGVE3 drott. EXPERT PIANO TUNING. RBPAHUNO
WANTED TO KENT. 7J Hood 1S35. c, St C?t e5SS Ea" "55'
. . jcacraon. FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. . . 1 . ' ,. n m Tamale." "A Modern Lovr.,'60c ea. LUta Safes.
WANTED T5 RENT HOUSES. COTTAGBS, oUIET HOME FOR ELDERLY OR INVALID rrtl- fumUhcd. select neighborhood and WOOD AND COAL YARD. DOING A BUSI- .3? n? si SLat free. A. W. Schreale Co 224) 1st. 2 1
FLATS. ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. M LTORE LDER LYOALID onlr S minutes to V. O. Phone Main 23G3. of S100 Ully: Will sell on amount of ?h amouaTf 13 duee 4$tli 71 rrx tv DIEBOLD VAULT WORK AND SAFES
Our rental department has been enlarged jg 01 carc- or Imucu,a v"oa other buslne at 43000. Commercial Invest- NaUonal Bank f girt Frsn dscC Cal . X013-. EST0J?EP BT, , lead competitors. Steel ball-bearing- lifting
and provWed with additional staff. " . KADDBRLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT ment Co., 165a 3d sU, room A. f cr whl ch OO0CO carnal a. 4a Scat o D.:7?rea "eJra,S.TlS.Ietj,:,':ia Jacks. Metal fixtures. Lockouts opened r.
We invite listing from LANDLORDS. NICELY FURVIKHED FRONT ROOMS. a rtMthle piano and furniture movers. . 1 ! igl cr 'the SmiSy secured br a ios' 'K Ln l E5rS8?11' Pharmacx, pairs. Phone 1655. John E. Davis, 66 Third.
"ZUlSSXSgSFSZ XoJcor.0 Pboe main 1&6. Office, IIP N. 3d st. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MEN- mSrtgSg'eV deedtSusf "airthe 827 Morrison bet. 1st and 2d.
s-jpecvWloo oyer all property Intrusted to our Maln ww ... Good ofnlngs la all lines, city or country; erty of the company are deposited as coV 3,-tT.TT.a mroT,.r TII.?E SEC",HAN SAFEa FOR SALE
care. . . . DONALD O. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. details at offices of the Mtreaniils lateral and of which said total amouat FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH 3 HMBREX cheap. 84 3d st.
PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 395 UORRLSON 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS. - Mni lnrurance. Phone Main 345. Axeaey Ablnrtoa bldrT about the sum of I14.70O U secured by me- las; repalrlar and recovering; two stores;
g. . Cor. 5d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. roln nter. 1 lit anfl 1 on 2d floor. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. Agency. Aomgtoa oiog. cSanlcV liVos- on tti frazUer reidbed Wash teste a aad 8th aad Morrison and 5th. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures.
WANTED FURNISHED ROOIIS FOR 120 16th. corner GUsan-Deslrablo rooms. COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS GAS. BATH. FUR- R PINSIOOD GER- cfPrtlMdthealsald LEARN ADVERTISING, GOOD MEN AND B. H. BIrdsall. designer; agt. M TOerto
and -wife; permanent: board for wife; homa nrst-clss board; modern, private home ??oe7,,c,cnt '"if 1 I3th a3! cheaamuu sen Tlml!S5y; slbto id! -dbtee. being unsecured. , women always In demand at biff salaries. ber Co.. 7 Hamilton Dldg., 11 3d. M. 550.
board; hot, cold water; tab)o boarders. SSlSSSSSJS GROCERY WORTH CSO. WILL SELL FOR M SUffit t ocIm! S S Phone Main 1403
"WANTED BY MARCH 1, FURNISHED MODERN HOMELIKE PLACE. FINE RE- windows. 420 Commercial bldg. f400 If taken ,toce: good location. 2 Hv- Jf thrdiy of fil-; Payment to be iade ?!m'sJh&U? 'lst aew cards. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FLVTURE CO.
apartmcnU of about 3 rooms, or small flat; ienccT Phone p11c 8T "m; sickness causo of selling. Ad- to the mvlerslgned at thi offlca of the com- 11. Scamala C9.. 223 1st. 34S 1st. near Market. Phone Clay 1044.
must be strictly first-claw, and modern. NICE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. WEST SIDE drees O 2v, Oregonlan. panr. Union block. Portland. Or. If the T 1W -TWC -.- .. cniTn "
Ilione Pacific IB. A 18. Oregonlan. -... Freshly tinted, choice location, central; rea- person offering the highest bid for all of YOLNO LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP Sign r stars'.
!: . sonnble. Key 328 Park st. WOODYARD IlERETS A CHANCE TO GET eald property shall not pay the entire pur- massage The Cosmos. 208 H Morrlaon st
WANTED MODERN FURNISHED 6-ROOM . ct-ite OF ROOMS WITH FIRST-CLASS c 2 lnA? lhe. wood huslnwa; S1000 with ecnlcea chase price by 3 o'clock P. M. of said parlors 12 and 14. WALL SIGNS OFFICE DOORS AND WIN -
house, Portland Heights preferred; rcspon- AbT for 3 or gentlemen-"in cmwmS MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, SS0 HARRISON will make you 5150 and over every month. day of sale, the person offering the seeaad dows lettered at cut Prices. Z rnslebe?.
slble parties; np dUldren. S 10. Oregonlan. T?. -.m? better look iJsub t., very convenlenca, fine condition. Fair- Call 3ife Stark at. highest bid shall be entitled to the coavey- ALL CHRONIC DISEASES TREATED. 55 213fc Washington st. Phone Pacific 14u3.
. AiStShS berd 14 week. Astfc? child, 232 Sherlock bldg. anee of said property. If he shall pay the per month, at Phjalo-Therapathlc Dlspensarj. -- '
WANT TO RENT-A NEATLY FURNISHED jionTm dadlwm WANTED-) TO 51CW FOR IK VESTMENT entire sum bli by him before 4 o'cKck P. S Alorrison. Spiritualists.
.-.-room cottage and do not want to pay -onge. 7tn ana aouon. GLI5A- xnR TWENTY-FIRST. 7- a lumber manufacturing enterprise: great M. of said day of sale; and If neither the . - r
more than ?25. Call phone East 2SC2. ri21 HVEnrrp-THORODOHLr MODERN room noune. porccUln bath; for particulars ap; can havo good vPoslUon If iranted. said highest or next behest bidder Bhall DR. AUSPLUND, DISEASES OF WOMEN A FAMOUS ORIENTAL (CLAIRVOYANT.
f urnKhed nTurnlRh sVrm fiteara-hlit- phone Main 3S27. . A XO. Oreconlan. pay on said day of sale the amoaat bid and surgery. 300 Allsky bldg., 3d & Morrison. ST. GEORGE ORMONT3E. SEER OF
WANTED TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED rumunea unrurnisnM ft-m eiMm-aeax- ; ; . by him. the directors of the company at . Egypt, tells you of marriage, love, business.
rooms, running vatcr and light; 5 minutes T?Ie5ner 13 ; AklDim bldg FOR RENT 7-ROOM COTTAGE, 148 24TH SALOON FOR SALE OR RENT, WITH OR e!r may Mll.nld property to any BALM OF FIGS FOR .VLL FEMALE DIS- sickness, bow to''rtSfr
from Postofflcr, Phone Main 4078. fiiecner. u ADingtoa mog. fcU North, between Hoyt and Irt-lng. Key without furniture of 4 rooms above: bargain Person blddlnr at said sale who make full eases. 02U E. Belmont- Phone East 4034. buying, selling, partners, friend, enemlte.
w.t "wtTK vnnpov -ww TTtTt t at 794 Irving. If sold at once. ArpJy Golden West Hotel payment on the day of said sale of the sum cures all nervoun diseases, weakness of er-
n- !$Vor7 jgyga ffil. Uwn and furnace Ea ADCE "ary Oregon fcuy.
E. Sth s Apply phoaV TMala 201. Page excellent neighborhood, TeL East 61 or - couver .nfl HJ?? TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON- 77 ADWARD SPIRITU.VLIST MEDIUM
SnflM Front it. Eart M0. SALOON. CENTRALLY LOCATED. DOING ! irflfi1 a m " will pay $10 reward for the arrest and bS2iuS on ouVlnessTlawaults. love.
pou, rront abiness of 30 dally, rent free, long leare. celved at toU office until 11 o clock A. M.. conviction of anyone caught stealing The rJfmv- unites the separated. no matter
HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FUR- X1 WASHINGTON STREIH. FLAT B FTVB ROOMS. LARGE BASEMENT. 200- Commercial Investment Co.. 1C5U February 2H. V. and then pubdely opened, oregonlan from the doors of lta aubscrib- S toSScc w -: satisfaction guaran-
altare In any quantity; also take aaeoH Mrlyftrelaned. ? atwun : i'eat; xfery Veawn- Key O'Ncil's grocery, corner of Hood and 3d st.. room A. for the ers. CtrcuUtlon Manager. d-Sfns. 60 cenw. Hours. 10 A. M,
commission and guarantee best results. The able to good tenant. Room 10, Hamilton. Grant. Wash., and Fort Stevens Oreo DUlJdin,? i ' pm daily and Sunday. Parlor 3-
PorUaod Auction Rooms A. Scbubach. prop. Phoe Red 31M. WHOLESALE BUSINESS WANT A PART- for shelter for searchlight trucks Full LOST BETWEEN 6TH AND UTH STS. rlrc , lat sUcomer Main.
Phose Main tm. 211 let st. TWO FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES. WEST oer to aiend ofilce; 51W required; will Information will be furnished on application following Morrison An enameled pin with -5l
NEW MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. CHOICE LO- Side. 10 and 415. 271 1 Morrison, room C. Pay you 72500 a year; bank references. Call to this office. Plans msy also be seen at the jail diamond. Finder kindly leave at In- 0 8ta"'
cation. V- block from E. Morrlron car. Phone 25 Stark st. office of the Depot Quarterroaier, lortland, formation bureau, Meier Frank's. watt vev 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S
WANTED INVENTORS TO SEND FOR OUR 17a ' CiH PW E? Aider? FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NO CHIL- Or.; Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Stev- MSt rttabie Tedlum-Um trouble ca'l
free llluwlrated handbook, a synopsis of .,7 d rea; references. Inquire 334 Salmon rt. FOR SALE SMALL SELECT STOCK OF ns. Or., and Poet Quartermaster, Fort Col- REWARD FOR RETURN OF A BUCKSKIN ? tf u5Id ..r?Gabl advlco on all affa-s
patent J awe and regulations. Mllo B, Stey- CENTRALLY LOCATED. COMPLETELY groceries, la good town, ckiw to Portland; umbla. Wash. The United States reserves and bay cow pony, lost near Hlltedale. tir? business love troubles: absent
ns & Co. Attorneys, S51 14th St., Wash- furnished modern 3-room flat with bath. In- BIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE IN GOOD cheap rest. See Moore Investment Co., 15lfc the right to accept or reject any or all bids jchn Crawford, care Grccnloy Crawford. Si'i,', "oeclaitr 2SG Taylor st. Hours,
ington, D. C. qulrc 1G3 w Vuk tU order and location. Appjy 327 7th. 6th sL or any port thereof. Envelopes containing ot Washington St.. city. a ? m to S P M
. proposals should be indorsed. "Proposals for . j, . to .0 jr. . .
engines, pump, pullejs, belting, shafting, cant March 1. Phone Main 1030 or Hood stationary tube. 614 Pettygrovc barber shop for renL 374. Washington bis, (or Fort Steven-)" and addressed to tho black head and black spot on right hind ttt!ariV tell past, present, future: palir-
boughi. sold, rented or exchanged. Vctera 5 -th sU otm opposite Jcstlco Court and postofflee. Chief Quartermaster. Vancouver Barracks, lee Finder wUl return to 527 Northrup thusYiL medlumlsttc persona develop
6alva.a Co.r C27 Washington at. Pacific TgX - . : COTTAGE OF 8 BOOMS AND BATH. 731 Wash. St.; reward. n I 3d near SaUnon. Readings dally o
. X " xr.', 35 CHOICE 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT. 170U Hoyt St. Inquire 132 Clh rt. FOR SALE CORNER CIGAR NEWS STORE. "a
RANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING 10th. 100 feet from- Morrison. Hynson, 270 long lease, cheap rent, business district; TX TIIE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIT- SUNBURST PIN SET WITH PEARLS AND yns s B CRIF noted prophetess and p3
and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the Washington. FOR RENT HOUSE. 7 ROOMS. 367 SIXTH price- about 2500. Owner, A Ig. Oregon Ian. ' ed States tot -tho strict of Oregon In ooal. lost oa street or at skating rink; re- MSfjmttrUt. 31W Yammll. cor. 7th; read!r:?.-
"Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. , ! -U Apply 305. next door. S matter of the estate of L. Greenberg. ward offered It returned to owner. P 20, S"?,m: 'Srclea Tues. and Fii. 8 P. M. Pac. 10-
lKaff&&fM ' CtflC- i Addre- Box 1S4, OaUkanle, Or. FOA PLACE TO HAVE, HAIR MAT- delg-Hlfsh Bldg. Ma.n 61T0.
-.. ' MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT. 1 BLOCK NORTH FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. PHONE MAIN FOR SALE CORNER GROCERY. LOCATED !?h wvolce value of " 34 W tosher Main 474. Portland Curled.Halr Factory. Mrt3 STEVENS. Portland'" leading valmis.
WANTED GOOD FARM WAGON AND steel bridge, fronting river. Inquire 2S8 4145. U good residence, nice living rooms In ,.!f f li it SlxtlT fd rolritmU life reader. 100 7th. opp. Hot 1 P
double harness: must be cheap for cash. In- Larrabe.. ' rear. Call 421 let, cor. Hall. v-Ju mtl Portlandexon uo to 12 LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH. BETWEEN
quire Shoe store. 31. Washington st. arAed Hottses. n' of FrldaV Sf- iom A Main and 308 Park; Manila coin fob. Re- Storage aad Transfer.
ix-xr vpm T-rrnvrrTTn-i o.-n tvttt r.t-r VERY DESIRABLE, NEW. LIGHT FLATS. 23 ROOM HOTEL; FURNITURE FOR SALE ? Jft" rt?--vC til V10 r "' It t turn to 30S Park at. Reward. . " "
u w. SSmCo mVZ sWctly modern. C 'to 7 rooms, central. CaU FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED HOUSES: or trade: cheap: centrally located. Room ""-t mt accnsnr ca?h Wd SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED
fUL.nn Western Salvage Co., 027 VI ash. 34B oth Qne cta range; one 0- 8. Washington CMg. ami"J2i 2ih7i-Wif LOST RED FEMALE COCKER SPANIEL, packed ready for shipping and shipped, a'l
Ington at. , room, completely furnished. Inquire 434 E. "PU?" ,s ' i in?SSf i?r.S years old, round black collar; reward. : guaranteed; large 3-story brick Are
WAX-r rn-TTPFWrtlTm tabit- on nrw MODERN 6-ROOM LOWER FLAT. 370 13TH. 7th st. Phone EaK 96. STORE FOR SALE-PRICE 100; WILL a" J?,dJt . 2T5tiiiiPm?AiS? Malnl:446. proof warehouse for storage. Office. 12J
WS nS?5i v in Ci!I Market. Phone Main 5593. pay you clear 5 to 7 a day and all cash. n,a. onnap? HSS" nfV -flXl 1st. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 517.
cheap; can use one or more. 10. Orcgo- FOR RENT SIX WELL-FURNISHED Call 24S SUrk st. ary 20. 1000. R. L. Sabln. trustee of the L0ST BUNCH OF KEYS, WEDNESDAY.
n,an' 2 MODERN 5-ROOM FLATS. UTH AND wms. centrally located. Wst Sldt AVnt, csute of U Greenberg. Front and Aakeny Return to 447 Main St.; reward. c. O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK
.TT Tjnc, East Bumslde. Phone East 1815. J2.M- Apply The Ames Mercantile Agency. I HAVE GOOD VALUES, WILL TRADE FOR streets. Portland. Oregon. and Oak. Phone 506. Pianos and furr
tur! fti vi mSmWvSvt " Afclngton Building. borne or roomlng-hou-e. 612 Commercial ..r-nvnM .,.. turo moved and packed for shipment: com-
tie of all kinds. Phone East 33. FOR RENT NICE 5-ROOM FLAT. INQUIRE bldg. . CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE AN- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. modloua brick warehouse, with separate
u..n ZZZZ nn,fl.r rear cottage. 228 Hall St.. cor. 2d. C AND 7-ROOM HOUSE, ELEGANTLY FUR- : couver ir"" j,7ar' .rvi1" Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts.
g -sra y-.BOt h.. aBiKsas&irttjR jsisssws &sSST ruU1"- mmmss,,rit,-.
" p g wgt- East 1305. . YamhUl. March 23. lOOu. and then publicly opened, for MISS Q GOULD, 801 MARQUAM BLDG. St.. household goods and furniture, piano.
rTrLronh 1SSS!Tft g," or addre-SL Job,, Baxaa, SL Johns, S Asyer, and Aaalysts. ,YhoIlo Qcer,
wf Vent roomJ wl prtu "in t rms. clc In c Et Couch; fine new TOBA-.D 4.rQOM COTTAGE. ELEC AN PATO BHT. MEANS WORRY- & C(tr. Scouv BrrSck st. Best faculties. Prices reasonable. BASKS.
'S&lffSr Et&&irf2!: WjSS: smJS v& pXul baumel. assayer and analyst "wm-AA-
' titv nvrnT ict itttt ct vtrsn -va-v HT .j. .t,i proposals will bo received at this office un- twcja. "Drafts Issued, available In all cities of
THE OXFORD CORNER CTH AND OAK- " ii8 I& ' mE517 JV&ToS fc mrh "gg J a -Jft 2fhthpurf J. S. WINCHESTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. FU. and Europe. Hongkong and
Under SwJel iVafer ZLZM !h? reasonable. 103 N. 6th st. V't St'Tr ----lfttS notary public 30 Washington bldg. Sctlons Made on Favorable Terms.
tera. proprietre-thls new and modem ff-iL? ahthri? rfhone nfLh' Xmims For Kcat FsraKare For Sale. 5mrTuv?h TeeSl Lf, u .r- Utely used for Government exhibits at 1.oa,tlH.Ilrr, Present..:.. J. C. AINSWORTit
brick botel has Just 'been' thoroughly reao- eteam heat, baths, free phone on each floor. -use er -ct i ware ate- rttPifmF rj'.vl1 CSSn JSt LoW. and CTark Exposition, Portland. BoatbuUders. Vice'president W. B. AYER,
rated, walls re tinted and rcfurnlohd en- cr ipvt vrt Ktcurn nnrfRrvtrp. rXPOTURE SIX-ROOM FLAT. VERY DE- filttv nii a p v r Or., la accordance with the specifications. . Tr boatyard FOOT v -ptxtt- Vice-President... R- LKA IJAKN'nS
slffi"uit2 ?nKgrooEm;TIbeRtNbric S efeaif ?ak .t nce: 3 rooms hMtjR&&c&rr CO.. Sr01 U?aSi-e - gaso1ln?lauhDa cFaltyf 2g M!hteV VW
lSn$?A?llihl$l aVtfhtS'-9i,r'0P rented. Phone Front 2373, bet. 10 and 6. ,13 (tth fioor) Dekum bldg. J. W. M In to. custodian. for the Standard gasoline engine. As twt Wer... :;;:;;;;;;:V... 5.nHOLT
luV& nXt6na' SSy S AldSerf "j&SSit - WHl1 LOANS .MADK TO SALARIED PEOPLE MkceUaaeo-. Carpenter, aad Builders. first NATIONAL BANK
xic. THE COMMERCIAL. SgSS 0? oT. VtfSStiS&Jli 24th Desired Pt -
5Jl5raa -aSnStH ,HfcttWS rUPPrchoas- a o. tTnnI dri ?n"j Buckn.r, office, store fixtures, general 1..."-
nti? baVlf', fXfe U": dlnlnr-rooai in tu- outside rooms. P onable. S. Weldon. 145 3d at. cUllr. rooming bouses a spo- Oriental Fair. a. corporaUoa organlztd and jobbing, contracting. 380 Stark. Mata 583L Cashier...--.-;;- J'w a ALVOItD
connection; transients solicited; open all ' . w jka TAV Ai TnTTrr mypivY existing under the law of the State cf Ore- - Assistant Cashier.............-. Aivvnii
UiSfi Sil ltcatlon in the city: oftlcc and FOR RENT 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON BARGAIN FINE FURNITURE OF 10 sWAaligtsa Building ?on. I. H. W. Goode. president of said cor- Ckkwdist aad Maakwrlac. Second AssbUa Cash
reading-room ground' floor. 4SS Washington. arst noorTas, baU T furnace and rood yard- rooms, select neighborhood, large yard. 32S 3 Aaiagisa aci-g. pormtlon. hereby call a special meeting of its Letters of credit led available In Euro
SMXlL. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM &Mt.wSdS:ee &leXxict on AVw,t E,5c- Piloa afata nCar 7th; THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42S-42D MO- "i?!?' dto?iiSnttbnH'5fiS,-0f t" WM. DBVENY ESTELLE DEVENY, THE Ixbane and telegraphic transfers
efurn,ATatl, S& JZZLZSl . 10TH NEAR W..IUNGTON - SIX-ROOM Sfc S'SS. VSS fff D l&f TS? 5JS -SN.Jg
wonkana,n",k; r uslnoa3 3SS JEFFERSON - FURNISHED ROOMS. houe. furniture J2). Call 002 Commercial ccducr cr aMrf fflptoeS Id ro n Thursday the first day of 130I. This Is the long-haired gentleman. .S0
Moman. J9 N. 20th. . electric light, bath, phone; no children, rcf- block. Main 2S23. ku Bote to oC 1U) to I1W. Return- March. IMat 11 o clock la the mornlnx. He Is the man you are looking for. clh?a Smebllls drawn In sums to suit
i5Sh-8iJffflii5rt? S1 SleKW1 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FUR- sale cheap If taken at once. 75 N. 0th. oor. iI CanSntUl. V lnqulrtel U business and disposing-of Its property and luianlcurist. face and scalp specialist: si: ts0'TitttS
fn,lH e.CVrtc J1?', ht ai,d cSld.waler' nUhed housekeeping rooms: laundry and EWrett t . dividing IU capital stock In uch manner as perfluoua hair permanenUy removed. 11 and I1""?,?,,, Honolulu:
f,c.e Ji,i?0JTelain baV,,8.V 5e, btl- 364 Sherman, South Portland. THE STAR LOAN CO. to the meeting may seem proper, and for 12 Benson bldg. Pacific 233. wii?M Made on Favorable Terms.
menlus. 410j. Morrison, cor. 11th. Main 5263. . SNAP S ROOMS. RENT 25, 7 FURNISHED. jy salaried Employe. ira?eernsr. cart get the transaction of any and all business In Collections Made on .tavorame .terms.
Hotft. trm'vnN nw.CTtT HOTEL NORTHERN FINE FURNISHED R75 cash;-1 block north Hotel Scott, 340 - e note, without mortgage (CoafldentlaU nnecUon therewith that may properly coma J. LIN DELL, expert chiropodist; all Inatru- PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON.
"nthedmt cm euFtUn iHhwT housekeeping ulte. $10 and up. Corner Couch. Moath.H-moath. Week. before Mid meeg; H. . Goode. By or- meats sterllixcd. 702 Marquam. Main 5236. ThToidost Trust Company In Oregon.
u ...."rlk W -"I1 n1 12th and Marshall sta. Main 1459. ; S9 Repay to us ...I3i or J.C5 orlZ der of the president. Henry E. Reed, Sec- . ttpWURCES OVER $1 400.000.
gS and W iflVM1"6 baU HOUSE FOR RENT - WITH FURNITURE jRe?ay to us... 6.05 orW5 orL-5 retarj" of !d corporation. Portland; Or.. Ce-faK Merchaats. GeneSPIktag. Exchange on all parts
18tb and Washington. Pacific 496. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND for ale: nice yard, rent cheap. Phone Main JU5 Repay to us ...J 4.00 orf.OO oriLOO February 10. 1906. EWorld Savings : accounts. Tlmaccrtlfl-
vr . RT nnrt 777 .,nntinv sleeping rooms, close in. n up; bath. Ap- S- 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102 THIRD. o....... " HERMAN METZGER. PURCILVSER OF rites 3 to 4 per cent: short-call special cer-
x-FSnSFt-PZv' Rft? oi,?E.uCOJii room c' 271,-i 3VIorriKn. - WB. THE UNDERSIGNED FURNITURE bides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old fwcates J500 or over. 3 to 4 per cent
Th JE fl?t 7; hn S5S5' i-Lh an4 FUnNITURD -OF 7-ROOM HOUSE,. EAST LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL- and piano-movers, will require the payment rubber and old metal, and general com- "call "'forBook of "ILLUSTRATIONS. '
ti.5 mk ihone Faclflc 1899; gen- FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR Side: price J100; rent $10. Apply 2tf N. 6th. arted people at lowest rates; strictly coafi. of all charges upon delivery of goods after mlssloa merchant. Fsoat s, nr. Main. Port. Phone Private Exchange 72.
o homelike people; all conveniences. ZZ Ella. - 1 1 deatlsl. Employed Loan Co., room 718 lbs December 1. 1005: H. C Haack. C F. Har- land. Or, Cash advanced on consignments. c -c Corner Third and Oak Streets.
ti-nvn nnn ifrrw err VTr,r at., near Washington. gteres. Dekum. 2d aad Wash. sts. Plums 224. der. O. F. Hussey. Cosgroye Bros.. Portland besj L COHEN Presldert
"hIKi. FiTI.10 ?CR- . Delivery Co.. Post Special Delivery Co.. TAYLOR. YOUNQ & CO., SHIP BROKERS H. ii. PITTO C K .Vlce-ITesident
SSS? Vtl That. S ifSTt- illJ? FURNISHED AND -UNFURNISHED HOUSE- MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Package Delivery-Co.. Hojman Transfer Co.. and commlssloa aaerchantj. Sherlock bldg.. r LEE PAGET Secretary
flioJi ' U electric lights, wcrjthlng iioeplng rooms, wlth-heat and light. 402" aad others without security; easy paymea u. Northwestern Transfer Co.. Oregon Auto Portland. Or. f OGOLTRA Assistant Secretary
flrst-clagg. 3d at.. The Newcartre. NEW STORES. OSlees la 53 principal cities. Toimaa, 223 Dispatch Co.. John Hampton. James McLln- .. . .
vnr? ntiK'Tnvp nvpimvicnrn nnnxr In the growing district oa Esot Side. 2 Ablngtoa bldg- 106J, 34 U den. Owm McLlnden, Pacific Transfer Co., ALLEN . .LEWIS. -COMMISSION .AND LADD & TILTON. BANKERS
o? iN k7 Ra Zizrhizl D R0M 328 MAIN. BET. CTH AND TTH NICELY modern etorerooms, fully equipped for any . . Oregon Transfer Co.. Portland Van Sz Stor- produce merchant. Front aad Davis sts., ESTABLISHED IN 1S50.
7 SrLv r v f required rurntshed housekeeping roome, bath, gas, kind of bustnrf-; now cpmpleted, $25; two MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND age Co., W'akeman, Morse Transfer Co.. East Portland. Or. Transacts a General Banking Business.
.4 th, or appij G. N. w. Wilson Co., 72 phone; very central. . elegant tipper flaU In connection with the other good securities; sil building loans a Bldo Transfer Co., C. O. Pick Transfer Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
"t" st- above or will rent oeparatelj. " specialty. W. H. Nua a. 2 Sherlock bldg. Storage Co.. C M. Olsen, Baggago &. Omal- Carpet Cleaaiar. Collections made at points on favorab.
--,r ..-,, .,,. rr SUITE OF 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, Psoee O ay 52. bus Transfer Co.. A. J. Murphy, Kadderly terms. Letters of credit Issued avallabla ia
25 S',4 13TII ST. PRIVATE FAMILY; ELE- lng rooms, with stove, J 1.25 per week. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak . Transfer Commission Co.. John A. Love,, Sanitary Carpet Cleaning. Suction and Com- Europe and all points In the United States.
gantly -furnished rooms; bouse new; every S82 E. Yamhill st. Phone Exchange 72. MONEY LOANS- IN SUMS OFf3 AND UP Andrew J. Murphy. F..M. Ireland, F. Mil- pressed air combined. Carpet cleaned on floor sight exchange and telegraphic transfe-n
convenience; gentlemen only;, reasonable. oa all klads of security. W. A. Hathaway, ler. Finch Hendersou . without removal. Main 5534. East 4239. sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. S
-rrr .... " 02 4TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING roosa 10. Wstlngtoa bldg. Phono Clay -415. ; , . T Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and
FRONT PARLOR. ALSO CONNECTING rooms, upper or lower floor; walking die- : . ... " J THE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK- Draughtsmen. various points In Oregon. Washington aad
side room, well furnished; free phone, bath tance; reasonable. LEASE OF GOOD BUSINESS CORNER. MONEY TO LOAN LS SUMS TO SUIT ON holders of the "Baby Home" will be held In " Idaho Montana and British Columbia.
Rnd heat. 453 Morirson. clcsc in. verj- central, suitable for aioon! ckauel security. No publicity. R. a. the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, third .OREGON SURVEYING, MAP AND BLUE Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank-
t. .m wu ct i t? x." c-r r.- THREE GOOD CONNECTING ROOMS. restaurant, store, offices above. 271H Mor- Fra-e. 814 The Marg . Phons Hood 683. floori .on .Tuesday. March 13, 1806. at 2 o'clock Print Co.. 4 Stearns bldg.. oppoelta Post- fort, Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Hono-
THB MAYFAIR. 293 STARK ST., CORNER sink and convenlcncce. $13. 106 N. 17th sL rUon. room C. - ZZZZ rrr- P. M. Reports of officer will be heard: also oKIce. Phono Main 6923. miul
Sth New brick building, newly furnished. Phone Main 5918. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIAN03 AND the election of 10 director to serve the ensu- .
Phonfc Main 2057. Z- STORY BUILDING. 22x50; ON R.. R. ether securiUes; lowest rates. S. W. Xing, lng year, and such other business as would Dan dag. MERCHANTS NATIONAL HKixK.-
v...r - .nv,g..n . . . .- g.TT LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; GAS near Salem; $10 per month Including fix- roosa 45. Washington bldg. Pbcae Mala 6100. properly come before the meeting. F. S. Akin. - ,.TTA.e n.vpr.r Axrrr -?2?2?iAK-,r 0R-
NEWLY FURNISHED LIGHT, AIR1, SMALL plate, first floor, two connecting rooms. lures; lease. Reeves, 435 Wash. U.. v-g crrvrc g-T Secretary. WOODWARD'S DANCING- ACADEMY J. FRANK WATSON - President
frout room, gentleman only. 133 12th st., Phone 322 14th. fc : 2 IMMEDIATE LOANS KS SUMS FROM 95 TO Western Academy of Music Hall. Monday r. i DURHAM Vice-President
corner Alder. for RENT STOREROOM StrrTAHT.T vein 09 oa ail oecwntlMv. K. L. Btkerioa Co., and Thursday; gents, 12 lessons. $5: ladles, r w. HOYT Cashier
n CONNECTING HOUSEKEEPING ROOilB. kelplSdld 1 locaUoi; l-S.'xS room Waiklagtoa bldg. Phone CUy 7 P-BSONAI, 10 tessons. $2.50. Cor. 2d and Morrison. GEORGE TV. HOYT... ".Assistant Cashier
FOR RENT FTV B EMPTY ROOMS AT 700 furnlrtjod. phone, bath and ga racre. 165 dress W 20. Oreeoahua. . ,.c " ' . TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING
1 to 3 P. M. Ofteca. 00114 DldS- I-oans raaae. on city property. massage. ThoTacoma. 2GSVa Stark, parlor 27. 14th. ar. Jefferson: private or class lessons United States Depositary.
- ' 4 COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOtTKC No commission. Drafts and letters of credit Uuraed. avail-
FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. kreplng rooms, modern, close In. 230 2d FOR RENT 5 OFFICE ROOMS FIRST . . -g . DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THJC COLORED I Garaeaers. able In all parts of tho world.
all conveniences. Phone Main 6183. 348 L Mni U njr. 50 feet tret front; slS lodKe hU 0 TO LOAN TON CLOSE IX CITY PROP- .Specialist. Sanltlum 127 N. 12th. Mala 5478. -tv ngSH- AX7T Collections a specialty.
Montgomefj. Mi44 Wedseeday and Sunr- xUriW-m rty at b per cent. McCoy. 271 4 Morrison. PLANTING OF ROSES AND TREES AND
SAVE TIME AND CAR FARE- RTtlOiC' bide 3031?. Cd tt. Arslr atlhi- rVVator room C TWO LADIES. BATH. FACE AND SCALP care of lawns by experienced landscape gar. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA
NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE buUduTg for housekeers. " 8115 2d -id elevator. - -assagc 20S Sth. bet. Taylor and Salmoa. deaer. A. L Andewn. 41 Ella, st, Main 1004. ObHshed In ISM.)
family; all conveniences; rent reasonable. Salmon. LODGE HALLS AND OFFICE BOOMS. TILL I&J!Lf'nSf' iLPE? C-rr- 1L, ' -,,T- HB.VD OFFICE, San Francisco. CaJ.
256 11th st. - AlKky ildg7 Sd and MorrUo-T real estate. Farrlngloo. 318 Chamber Com- TURKISH BATHS. MASSAGE. EXPERT Faralture. President - HOilER S. KING
LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM SUIT ABLE racrcc. roasaeuse; ladles only. 551 Wash. Main 7043. W.J, T.TTQ..TTTP. ., mnr Gen- Man. of Branches... .TV. MACKINTOSH
".SfiffiS ple or light housekeeping. 57, Gil- BPS -ggg: ST BCS tg&K CHANGED J
T bath-S houw: VS? UP; FREB SiSS, HSvS?'C FOR SALE SMAIIL STORE AND BOARD- LOWEST RATW5 ON FXIRNITURB, PIANOS All chronic treated. $5 per moth; no Xeatker aad Tladlag,. tfeoslt. DEPARTMENT -
bath. on- nousckecplng. S3 .th. rooms, durable locaUon. 660 v.aahlngton. Ing-houee. Apply 375 N. ltb st. aad ether security. 4441 g-erlockTaay $28. drugs, no knife. -411 Morrison st. J. A. 3TROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. ES- Accountsopened for iums of10 and up-
roojfjj. eJfgJ)U .XuraUhed. 1 iences. 29 14th. Phoae Main 3633. J B 1., Oregonlan. G. Seek, reeai 37, tirt raUUg blar. Hutaatly. 1; faaslry slse. c J StaKcra Jumbos. 159 Frost st, I J. T BLTIiCVE