i TH3 MOKXEgG- OSEGOXIAJf, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1906. BLACK SANDS RICH Dr. David T. Day Will Continue Experiments. PLATINUM FOUND IN THEM Government Is Expected to Provide Twenty-FJvo Thousand Dollars for Further Research by Geological Survey. Dr. David T. Day. of the United States Geological Stirvey, 'has returned to Portland, and within a week or ten days will be ready to continue his ex periments -with black sands at the pa vilion annex of the Mining building: Sat the Lewis and Clark Fair grounds. Jl bill appropriating- $25,000 for black sand experiments has passed botli Houses of the National legislative "body, and as soon as it Is signed by tho President, the money for the con tinuance of the work will be avail able. Dr. Day stated yesterday after noon that it was certain that Presi dent Roosevelt would sign the bill, and that he expected word from Wash ington to that effect within a very few days. Experiments in Pavilion Annex. The pavilion annex of the Mining building has been kept intact through the courtesy of Lafc Pence, and Dr. Day "will continue his experiments in it until July. The first appropriation xnado by Congress ."was supposed to 3ast only until the close of the Expo sition. By economy Dr. Day was able to make the money last six weeks after the close of the Exposition. His experiments were so successful and the prospects for still more valuable dis coveries are so promising that no iroubl was experienced In securing an additional appropriation. Dr. Day stated yesterday that the Government was :ceedingly anxious to continue the experiments with black pands, because they contained plati num. This valuable mineral is very scarce, and unless the mining' of it is promoted more it is feared by some that the development of the electrical industry will be interfered with ma terially. Black Sands Arc Rich. Dr. Day says that it has been dem tonstrated beyond .doubt by his experi ments that black sands can be mined with a large profit He says that sev eral parties are making arrangements to extract the valuable minerals from the black sands found at the mouth of the Columbia River, and predicts no little activity along these lines. He says the sands of the Columbia River contain both platinum and gold, be sides the iron which is the principal ingredient. He will shortly call a meeting of those who are interested In the min ing of the black sands to give them what information he has at his com mand. He says he is .willing to assist them ail he possibly can. Dr. Day has now at the pavilion an nex more than COD samples of black sands from all parts of the United States, which he will experiment with. He also has on hand a large quantity of sand from tho Columbia River, upon which he will continue to work. When the experiments begin again he will employ as large a force of experts as he did during the first experiments. NOMEAT FOR EXPLORERS Ulikkclscn "Will Try Vegetable Diet in Arctic Sea. NEW YORK, Feb. 23. On the steamer Hcllig Olva, of the Scandinavian line, arrived yesterday one of the most cu rious consignments of freight that ever reached this port. It comprised mainly lArctic sledges, kayaks, or Greenlcnd ca noes, and a lot of tins, looking like cake boxes, containing provisions for use in polar regions. Tho whole was consigned to Captain EJnar Mikkelsen, the Danish explorer, and formed a part of the supplies which he will take with him when he sails from IVancouver In the Spring in an endeavor to discover new land within the Arctic circle. There were in all about 250 large pack ages. Among their contents were 15 pledges, made of American hickory, which Captain Mikkelsen expects to be of great use. The tins are so filled with provis ions that each has a buoyancy of 15 pounds. Each weighs 45 pounds. "I Intend to make a trial of a vegetable filet," said Captain Mikkelsen, "and shall essay chestnuts and whole wheat. Thus I can save half the weight of meat and be able to take provisions for double the distance. I expect to leave for Vancou ver within a few days. I shall buy my .vessel there, not having made a choice, though several boats have been offered." Will Grant No Free Franchises. SOUTH BEND. Wash.. Feb. 23. (Spe cial.) At the last Council meeting It was decided to grant no more free franchises. Several have been granted from which nothing has resulted. Since the Council refused to grant an extension to Dooley & Mackenzie for an electric street rail way between here and Raymond several others have been broaching the subject, hence the action of the Council. The Council Is discussing the grading of First street at a cost of $15,000. The license fee of auctioneers was raised from 3 to $7.50 a day. Assessment to Be Increased. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.. Feb. 23. (Special.) County Assessor Harry Coonse today selected a force of deputies to make the biennial assessment of real property in Yakima. He will assess all land at 0 per cent of its market value. This is 10 per cent higher than the last assessment. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAXD. Feb. "23. Maximum tempera ture. 52 its;.: minimum, 40. River reading at S A. M., 10 feet: change In past 24 hours, rise of 0.2 of a foot Total precipitation. 5 Pi. X- to 5 P. M.. 0.20 of an Inch; total since September 1," 1005. 27.64 Inches: normal. 3L56 inches; deficiency. 3.92 Inches. Total sunshine February 22. 1900. 2 hours and 34 minutes; possible, JO hours and 45 minutes. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A small disturbance Is central this even ing off Cape Flattery. It has caused light Tains In the Pacific States as far south as San Francisco and east of the Cascade Mountains some snow has fallen. No marked changes are reported in the temperature on the Pacific Slope. The conditions re favorable for showers Saturday In Western Oregon and Western Washington, and for rain or snow In. the eastern portions of these states and In Idaho. WEATHER PORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland or- 28 hours ending at midnight. February 24: Portland and vicinity Showers. Southerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Showers. Southerly wlsfl-. HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Sseni, fl.M to J.W Tcr Day AccerdlBg to Leeatiem. 3. T. DAVEES, PresMeat. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, OR. European Plan Rooms 75c to $2 'First-Class Restaurant In Connection f HOTEL OREGON 1 CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STS. Portland' Newand Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Plan Free Bus. WRIGHT- DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Light rain or snow. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. 9 STATION'S Baker City Bismarck. ...... Boise Eureka Helena. ......... Kamloops, B. C. North Head..... Pocatcllo. ....... Portland Red Bluff Roscburg. ....... Sacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco... Spokane...... .... Seattle Tatoosh Island., Walla Walla 130,0.041 4IW (Snow Clear fj!o!lOll2SE Cloudy Cloudy .54-0.02 lZpW , 40W.OOI 41 U4lO 00 . .1 IPt. Cldy. IClftar I.. ir.o n.oRao I Isw Cloudy .VSK).0042'S ttalo.soi gisw ,l34'O.O0 4ISE .20.OS CIS J42I0.00I 8!S , .nslo-so1 sw .150 0.01114 ISW C.0'0.0S!24S .t40!O.24U2lSE O 12 S'SE Cloudy Clouay tRaln Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy ICloudy ICloudy i Rain IRaln ICloudy EDWARD A BEAIS, District Forecaster. CLASS!FIEDAD. RATES. "Rooms. "Rooms mad Board.' "HegMc keeplag Room." "Sltaatieas Wasted. IS weeds er le.s. IS ceats: 16 to SB words. SO cents; SI to 25 words. 25 ce-ts. etc. No dJ coHBt for additional lBserUeas. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "Xcw Today, SO ceats for 13 words er less: 16 to 26 words. 40 ceats: 21 to 25 words, 50 eeats. etc first lasertlos. Kach additional lasertlea. ose-half: so farther dUcooat tra der one BJeathu "NEW TODAY" fcaace BacasBre azate). 15 ceats per Use, first L&sertle-: 18 ceats per Use for each additloaal lakertlea. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The OrecealaB. aad left at this office, should alwaxs be teclosed la sealed eavelopes. No stamp Is required ob such letters. The Orecoalaa will Bet be respeaslble for errors la advertiemet take throsgh the telephone. UN-CALLED FOE ANSWERS. ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE OREGONIAN OFFICE: A 2, 83, 80. B 1. 6, 7. 17. 20. 83. C 1. 16. 17, 21, SS, 01. I) . 7. 83. 87. 88. E 5, 16. 20, 32. 93. 87. 88. F 8, 18, 85. G 3. 5. 84. II 2. 3. 8, 10. .114. 86. K 86, 87. I 14, 1C. 76. 82. M 1. S. 4. 10. 18. 82. N 2, 3, 4. 7, 16. 77. O 1, 16, 87. r t. 5, 7. 14. 17, 78, 83. 83, 100. Q S. 4. 5. 7. 14. 100. It 1, 3, 5, 16, 60., 88. . 83, 4. 6. 18. 83. 85. T 1. 14, 18. 86. V 1. 4. 5. 81. X 3. 4. 18. V 2. 4. 7. 16. 95. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson, at i!Gth and Upshur fits., at 10 A. M. J. T. Wileon. auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. MEETING OF TUB BUILDERS EX CHANGE will be held Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, room 201 Allsky bide, 3d and Mor rison. All contractors are Invited to attend. DEED. WETZEL At residence. 7fi7 Eaut 2Sth L. February 23, 11)00. Mrs. John Wetzel, aired 80 year mother of Charles WeteL Fu neral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. STEVENS Mrs. Jennie Lewis Stevens died at Echo. Or.. Feb. 22. 1006. The funeral services will be held at Hoi man's Chapel. Sunday afternoon. February 23. at 2 o'clock. Interment RlvervIeW Cemetery. AKI In this city. February 22. 1806. Carl George Akl. aged 10 years and 10 months. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Flnleys chapel at 10 A. M. today. Interment Lose Fir Cemetery. LTAMS Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral ser vices of Harry 31. I jams, which will be held at the residence of his slater. Mm. A. 1. Kcrron. of 346 Wasco st., at 10 A. M. to day. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. Ser vices at the grave private. FANNING At Scottsdale. Arts.. February IS. 1000, Earl M. Fanning, aged 21 yean. 4 months and 21 days. Friends and acquaint ances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral service, which will be held at Flu ley's chapel at 2 P. M.. Sunday. February 25. Interment Rlvervlew cemetery. CONGER At her late residence. Lewlston. Idaho. February 23. Mr. E. J. Conger, be loved mother of Mrs. J. J. Daley, Mrs F G. McCarty. of Lewi st on. Idaho, ana Mi. M. D. Mclntyre. of this city. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral service, which will be held at F. S. Dunning' chapel. E. ttth and Alder sts., at 2.30 P. M., Sunady. Feb. 25. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. EDWARD IIOLMAN CO- the leading funeral directors aad cmbalmers. 226 aad S2S Third street, corner Salsaes. hare the fiaeet establlfchmeat aad the nest reaaeaabie charges. Wo have aa experienced lady who takes full charge, of all lady eaeea. Paeae Mala 07. J. P. FINLEY SON Faaeral directors aad easbalaiers. No. 281 Sd st- eor. Madlsea. Day or sight calls premstlr attended. Ex perienced lady assistant when de-tred. Of. gee of Couaty Coroaer. PbeBe Mala 9. DUNNING, M'ENTEE X GILBAUGH. Sac ccssers to DaaBlar & Camp lea. undertakers aad eabalaers; modern la every detail; 7th aad Piae. Phase Mala 438. Lady assistaat. F. 6. DUNNING. "Undertaker. 4It 2at Alder. lady assistant, rboae East St. ZELLER-BYRNES CO- Undertake Em. balmers. S73 Russell. Xatt 1088. Lady asst. TONSETII CO- florists. Artistic floral deslgas. 123 6th st. Phoae Mate Slot. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE COMBINATION BAKERY AND candy etore, elerantly fltted. thoroughly equipped, large factory space, splendid open ing for a capable man; will lean; to rella ble person. For full Information address Xlelnaorge & Hcilbron, $05 J et., Sacramento. Cal. FOR SALE U. BLOCK. K. FLANDERS AND 7th. " Addrese owner, Lock Bex io, Shcridaa. Or. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON -Vst-Clas- Care Ktttrut Cessected WRii Hste. C. O. DAVIS, See. aa Xrau. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE CHOICE 14 BLOCK 100x100 Feet One Block Prom the PORTLAND HOTEL Price $52,500 Title Guarantees Trust Co. 240 WASHINGTON ST., (Corner Second) PORTLAND, OEEGON. SAVING AS A SYSTEM It is generally conceded that system is the foundation of business success. Systematic saving means putting aside a certain portion of your earn ings each day, week or month as the case may be. Open a savings account with this bank and save systematic ally. We pay zy2 per cent on sav ings accounts and 4 per cent on cer tificates of deposit. SAVINGS BANK OP THE Title Guarantees Trust Co. 240 WASHINGTON ST., (Corner Second) P0ETLAND, OREGON. Hartmans Thompson & Powers Chamber of Commerce. $ 5tO 3-ccre tracts. Unimproved, east of ML Tabor. S 2.0W) C-room house on Kearney- st.; very' reasonable terms can be made, -,-vO New j-room house, Knott st., near Kerby. X 2,560 Sroom house and lot on E. YamhllL S 4,460 New 7-room modern house, full lot. on Marshall st. S 5,960 7-room house and full lot, Flanders st.. bet. 19th and 20th. S 6,500 U-block. 10-room house. Grand ave. A good Investment. S 9,000 10-room house, full-ilxed lot, on 12th st. S25.060 Quarter-block on Morrison street. 35,060 Quarter-block on 7th st. $20,000 Cash, balance on time, Front-st. property bringing 300 per month. For Sale 10-room, new. modem house, large lawn, furnished or unfurnished; price reasonable; E. IKth and Belmont ets. Inquire 107 6lh t Portland Trunk Co. Burnside Street Inildc lot. central and In present line of building Improvements. Good buy. A. H. BIRRELL 202 McKay Bldg Third and Stark. ' S4e,ooo Two-story, new. sabstantlal brick. 72x05 N. IV. cor. 3d and Flanders; rents $375 per month, can be Increased. Another story would make this building a gold mine. Fig ure It out and see me. A. D. Marshal!, Agent KKm 7. MVS Third Street. Seventh Street .-,0100. short distance north of Washing ton, lacing cast. E. J. DALY 222 railing Bldg. Ffc&ne Mala 53X3. EAST MORRISON . Corner. 100x100. near Grand ave., positive ly (he cheapest property in the district. THE HEA1.Y INVESTMENT CO. 210-214 Ablngton. lOCVi Third Btreet. $11,000 1S6 feet on Russell bj- 190, paying- 6 per cent; -with small Investment could bo made to pay 15 per cent- TAYL.OR, room 307 Sherlock. MONEY TO LOAN. "K have amounts of money to loan on iaproved city property 300 and up. J. L. WXLLS CO.. fi GRAND JLVX AXCSEXZNTS. MARQUAX GRAND THEATER PHONE MAIN S9S. LAST TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY BTcaI-Priee Tealght. 8:15. Matinee. 3:15 e' Clock. Lat Time The Fames New Kmc l ad Drama WAY DOWN EAST Matinee Prices Lower floor. 75c. Entire balcony. Wc Gallery. 35c and 25c Night Prices Lower floor. $1. Balcony. 5c and 50c Gallery. 35c and 25c BakerTheater foM Tkttltf Ci., Lhiii CM.Lhsw.s1r. YaahlU aad Third SU. Fhoss Mala M7. The most popular Burlesque Theater In the West. Matlaee 2:15 Today. Last Ferfenaaace Baltimore Beauties BURLESQCE COMPANY. A real Beauty Show. Girls. Music, Glitter and Merriment. . No Performance. .Tonlght. Ev.enlng prices 25c 35cf 50c. 75c Ma.ll nee I5c 25c. 35c and 50c Next "Week. Startfsc T eta arrow Maihiee "THE HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS.' Empire Theater Milton W. Seaman. Manager. Portland's most popular theater. Oalr Twice .More Matiare Today 2:15. Teafacht 8:15. The Startling Sensation THE MOONSHINER'S DAUGHTER A thrilling tale of the Kentucky Moun tains. Entire production carried complete. Exciting raid of revenue officers. The Moonshiner's home Evnlng prices 13c. 25c 35c 30c Mati nee 10c 15c. 23c Next Attraction, starting Tomorrow .Matiare -HUMAN HEARTS. GRAND THEATER Week of Feb. 19. The original Sph erlcal Dancer. Adele Purvis Our! Assisted by Flora Allthrope. Mr. X Mrs. Arthur YoBBg: Emmeads, Emmersea & EmaBd. Tsuda. Mill Emily Nice. lUreld Uoff. Graadoscope. PRICES Evenings. Sunday?, Holidays. 10c 20c 3Cc. Matinees. 10c STAR THEATER Week of Febru ary 19. D EL-A-FH ONE. Greatest Mimic ea the Ameri cas Stage. Tho Wests. DeVoo Bros. IKRortta & Excel la. Marveless Malcolms. WIH C Hoyt. STAROscorr. Prices 10c to any seat except bo.tes. PANTAGES j Jbsr.!d Saresl A fa rvi m.ii.r. Three DaBhars. Comedians and Acrobats. Jeclado. Magician and Conjurer. La Rose Tyrolean Yodler. Leo White Popular Baritone. Myrtle Fraaks With her singing dog. Blograph Latest moving pictures. Performances dally at 2; 30, 7;30 and 0 P. M. General admission. 10c; reserved seats 20c NEW TODAY. OWN YOUR -OWN HOME Your wife and children will be happier and moae content, and you will be a bet ter citizen. The EAST SIDE has the moat HOMES, has the GREATEST population. Is prowinc the most RAPIDLY, and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Is the geographical center of the city, and is the most DESIRABLE residence dis trict, and much of this will become BUSI NESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when making Investments, and call and Inspect the property, for seeing Is believing. THE OREGON REAL ESTATE CO. ' SSI Third St.. Room 4. Portland, Or. North Portland "Wila on and 22nd Streets 100x10 feet, corner, with frontage of ICO feet on 22d St.. ICO feet on Wilson sL "Wilson &. BlacKietone Sts ICOxICO feet, corner, with frontage of ICO feet on Wilson and 10) feet on Blacklstone st. WaKefield, Fries & Co. 220 STARK STREET. Read This The only paying investment now offered for sale on the East Side, which psy 0 and S per cent net Is property known as the Logan block, cor. E. Alder and Vnlon ave: the Ockobock property, cor. Grand ave. and E. Alder, and the West building, cor. Union ave. and E. Pine st. Information for prices and Income from the above property, call and sec us at 01 Grand ave J. L. WELLS & CO. Two Snaps for Quick Sales C A K fl fl 66 Holladay ave.. 3 blocks t40UU from Steel Bridge. Good 7-room house $A Kflfl FInc suburban home, on car line (JfUUU near Sell wood, excellent 7-room bouse. 5 acres, fine large orchard, out buildings, chicken-houses and yards, fine view. For particulars address R 93. Ore gonlan. $35.06 PER LOT ON THE CAR LINE 30x100 feet each, title perfect, every lot choice and desirable, near to and overlook ing the river, healthiest spot In all of Port land. The Illbernla Savings Bank Is th owner and will sell until every lot Is sold and thre are now less than 100 lots left unsold out of 700: $33. all cash, no terms. Call at room 205. McKay bldg.. cor. 3d and h'tark sts. 4-nn modern home in Inrlagton- "uu mutt he old at ce. Itcasaa able terms. GRINDSTAF Jfc SCIIALK. 561 Stark sU Pheae Mala S9t. . FOR SALE KEAL, ESTATE. A MODERJC 7-TtOOlT DWELLING IN HOL laday psrk. furnsce and all modern coa venltacea; easy terms. By owner, X 3. Ore gon lan. HOOD TUVEU CITY LOTS. IMPROVED OR unlrnpicved. fonzale or exchange for Port land lot. H. C Coe. Hood River. Oregon. fieOO CHOICE CORNER WITH MODERN S roost house In 1est part of HolIadaya ad. d It Jon. Miller. 714 Chamber of Commerce. 15 ACRES THIS SIDE OF MOl'NT TABOR, adjoining street-car and county road. In. quire of owner. 421 Ev 12th m. SELLWOOD LOTS. 35.00 DOWN AND 13.CU a month; from $73.00 to J300.CC Sellsrood Towsslta Co. Phon East 4704. S-ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE CHEAP; 3375 down, balance In easy payments. Call or address 124S East Main su 2200 50xl CO, NORTHEAST COR. EAST STH and Halsey sts. Sewer and water; no agents. N 17. Oregonlan. I BUILD HOUSES. EASY PAYMENTS: LOTS furnished If desired. Miller. 612 Commer cial bldg. OAK GROVE TWO S-ACRE TRACTS ON" county road; 500 cords wood. 933 E. Yam hill. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. CEMENT RASE ment; bargain. Call MS E. Yamhill st. Phone East 3302. LOT FOR SALE ON CORBETT; CHavP before 1st of March; flaa location. Phone Pacific 215. FOR SALE BY OWNER IN IRVINGTON 7 room house with barn. 444 E. 13th st. X. CHOICE CITT REAL ESTATE. EASY TERMS Chaa A. Bryant, 303 Chamber Commerce. SNAP FOUR 50x100 MT. TABOR LOTS nesr car line, only 3300. R 20. Oregonlan. ' CHOICE LOT ON 22D ST. MRS. P "if. DALY the Brown. Grand and Hawthorne ave. NEW 4 -ROOM COTTAGE AT 660 MISSOURI are; terms to suit; call afternoon. JKV) BUYS A BUSINESS LOT IN ST. JOHNS M. K. Je. fCV, 6th st. A GOOD BUY ON I1TH ST. FOR 310 30a M E. Lee. fK th H. ' 3e WILL BUY ftftiMg, ON STH ST. M. EL Lee, 8H. Sth K, row sAija-iacAT. sbtatm. WAxryp mcai, bstatjk. FOR SALE BY THE PORTLAND REAL 100 CHANCES TO 1 THAT THE REAL E5- Lstate Company. C R. DeBurgh. Manager. tate Exchange. 213 Columbia building, rep- Ablngton bldg.. phone Pacific 773. rcaentlnz nearly 100 leading real estate 100x200 on East Morrison, bet. Grand Arms, can sell your property 100 times ave.. and 7th st.; Improvements. 10 balld- quicker than any one firm. List your prop- inp; Income. 6 per cent of price. This erty with the exchange Phone Main 1525. property is in the bit district on the East . Side; rapid Increase Is sure; price. $30,000. WANTED A 6-ROOM HOUSE ON WEST . ! hve eorae"1 Grand ave, close Side, north of Washington St.. with modem l tlorn- . . , M . , conveniences and In good condition, from kT hotel and U block on Lnlon 32400 to 33000. Call or phone Main G254. ae. and Clay; a bargain. 315.000: several HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO.. other choice piece on the- East Side In the 501-302 Fenton Bldg swim. We have 100 lots In MHwaukle Park: fenton mag. ?ChL 50 fare. PronJlied. Buy now WANTED LOT ON BAST SIDE. WEST OF Theie will nC.h?, Tl h-v-'H; 23t? bceen Ash and Tillamook: state lo- WdVbVn,0,ntfeeUmeV "on. prices and terms, j 8. Oregonlan. Sed"lriVo?tfIn,,V,lCsndr 1 HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES. PORTLAND .corners: FSt Sp"rennenUS,a t0T good Income. Fine 3300 lots. East Portland 1' Urfgonian- HelghU. WANTED FIVE. TEN" OR 20 ACRES IN SQUARE DEAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. mZkfn UbUrbs near car llne- V 0re 35O0 Two extra well built 8-roo.n houses. Knian- modern In every respect, tinted aad ti-Avrrn r nrr - rrlnr uniTcc ivn Piped for furnace, corner Eugene aad w lT?:. v n HOUSE AND Williams ave: best Improved street la lot, near car line. X 20. Oregonlan. Portland: S mlnutea walk to Steel " bridge. 33300 Quarter block and three modem hoees. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. one 8 and two 8 rooms, comer East 12th . and Harrison sU.. No. 381. 3S3. 383: ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP APPROVED present Income over 10 per cent. nd f?41??1- ??,11.tary bounty warrants Cheap homes Highland. North Irv- bought and sold. Colllna Land Co.. Heleaa. Ington. Myrtle Park. Stewart Park. Moat- Kern rark. Tremont Place. Montavllla. : Taborslde. Clackamas Heights; room- .. lag-houses, restaurants and large list FOR SALE. of farming property always on. hand., Rcom 303. Allsky bldg.. Phone Pacific SOL Hones. Vehicles aad Uanaeaa. Srtrt?1iI53?,i?ISlI TA3IIIILL ST.. GENTLE. WELL-BRED CITY-BROKE. 4- fii i--!?10 at 5v Ln,) markel: yearId buggy horse, weight 1 050-110O lbs.; will Increase 23 per cent In 30 days. ilee S125 0O National Market -hm v Fine S-room house, clo la onJN'e-t Side; Buiii Phon. SSt 42. must be en to appreciate; 37000. .l00!?!0 w.riS,de S0Od l0Ca" HORSES AND BCGOIES FOR RENT BY Nice m?r wLtu? rSi av.- aH cha week and month; special rates to verY JooS IwxIOO. Grand ave; and tha- business -houses. 6th and Hawthorns. TL Full lot on West Side, occupied by two EaSt t2 wn?ith-"sM00WO 5rOCm' COUag": Hore nd, vehicles bought, sold, rented or "WEERN ORBOON TRUST CO.. exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 507. 31 -Stark Street. pQR SALE) YOUNG DRIVING HORSE. In. qutre room 2. 175 10th st Phona ilaln 1078. LAIIOF Trvrc; ca .vn eon T-rtr TV "We Buy. Sell. Rent. Exchange.Horses. Wagons, L.VRGE I'ri.Kir'x E.VCH IN saddlta. harness. Hubert & Hall. 268 4th. Tlfeinv? SroP- HORSE. 7 YBAR5. SOUND AND GENTLBv . TREMONT PLACE. Orlve single or double. 331 EL Pine. Good car service, graded streets, water mains laid; 15 down and 33 per month: buy two or thre while prices are low. naaas. E. cU J& oTORKGOS' OST NEW AT LESS THAN naif price, cash or In payments. Room 10. Washington bldg. HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO. : ' For sale In North Albtna A 5-room cot- MUceUaBeeua. tage with bathroom, electric lights, fruit and berries, for 31G0O cash, or S1CO down 50 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA- aad 325 per month. chines at very low prices: Singer. Wheeler ,4 to 5-room houses la desirable locations. A Wttson. Domestic. White. Household. 3100 to I2SC0 cash or 3100 down and 323 Davis and others; to make room for new P1".!"111- C11 or Phone Main 8254. stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO., S. Slgel. 333 Morrison St.. Marbuam bldg. 501.502 Fenton Bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND FOR SALE MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE. LOT billiard and pool tables; easy payments; wa COxlCO. close to the car barns. In North Al- rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod blna; cost 31500 to build the house; can be era bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick bought for J1650. Balke-Collender. 40 3d st. Modem -(.room cottage la Multnomah Ad- dlw0n.: a j ABOUT 63 YARDS. SMALL FIGURED. Modem . and S-room houses lots 30x100. dark velvet carpet: also Wheeler & Wilson HptJ..i.na- sewing machine; both In fine condition. Ad- F. T. BERR. 4 X. 6th. Phone Hood 1633. dress B 10. Oregonlan. or phone East 1074. HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO. THREE GREENHOUSES IN GOOD REPAIR For sale on West Side An up-to-date 7- Water-heating plant, practically new. for room house, with bath, for $3500 cash, or reasonable price. Call or address H, Low- on time If taken quick. Six-room houe Itr, City Park. with modem conveniences for 33S0O; a bar- . 58 t,-r-.nJLJa,n 62M' FOR SALE LARGE ROLL-TOP DESK AND HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO., chair, large safe and table desk. Singer o01-w02 Fenton Bldg. Sewing Machine Co.. .354 Morrison st. FOR SALE. MOVING PICTURE 5IACHINE. GAS OUT- MOUNT TABOR RESIDENCE. fit. song slide, view etc.: also bought and 0OO Modem 10-room house, on lot I42x for rent. Room 1, 145& 6th st. 200. at end of ML Tabor and Sunnyslde car . line. This It a bargain and lit offered at a FOR SALE 050 FEET 0-INCH STANDARD figure 3G0O les than It cont one year ago. pipe at half of new price- M. Barde & J m. B. Streeter. rooms 222-3-4 Falling bldg.. Son. Sth and Gllsan. Portland. Phone Main 53S3. FOR SALE CHEAP WORK LAUNCH. 30 HOI. SB 10 ROOMS' NEW AND ABSO- feet. 7.8 beam 10 h. p.; good as new. lutely up to date; elegantly finished Phone Pacific 1142. throughout: situated on two lots. In best - portloa of West Side. Any one desiring an GOLDEN OAK BEDROOM SET. STAIR AND Al horn will do well to Investigate. Phone hall carpets, kitchen table, mantle bed. all owner. Mala 5S5, or call 100 Sherlock bldg. for $33. 4C8 7th. FOR SALE CORNER COVERED WITH NATIONAL REGISTER. HALL SAFE. ROLL- fine flat, nets 0 per cent on $22,000: alo top desk. Ice chest, fine oil painting. 1SS good corner for flat or apartment-noose. Third et. cke In. $11.00(1; also cheaper houses and - Iota on easy terms. ilcCoy, 271 Morrison, Typewriters, all makes, at cost; rubber stamp room goods, desks, ete Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark ACRE TRACTS WB HANDLE ACREAGE BRAND-NEW FIRE ESCAPE FOR THREE- aa a specialty, within city limits or outside. story building for sale cheap. .145 X. ISth st. Some acre with terms as low as $10 ter month with water. A. C. Churchill & Co.. Donkey engines bought, sold and rented. 324 Ine. 110 -d st. Chamber Commerce. Phone Main 2363. FOR SALE 20 NICE LOTS ON THE ST. FAMILY COW FOR SALE EAST 10TH AND Johns trar line for $2000; now get In If you Paclfie Phone East 4053. want to buy; these lots are owned by non- . resident and will bo sold at once Call room , SOS McKay bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. uSltntT MmXi ttL- htiiV1 KAILW.VY MAIL CLERKS FOR POSITIONS srl t?ta Tm2; i7?.J ,n "Son; a few more men wanted Imme- nrawrtr r t ra?h,ihi l, C:ti, nCr on dlately to fit for April examination; begln- property. C. U Carruthers. SU Johns. ninR salary $SOO. K o. Heyncn. 213 Co- RIVER VIIX.V ACREAGE. lumbla bldg.. 363 Washington st. JJ'" ??'?0r 0r? WANTED BARKER OR SPIELER WHO at tow prices and easy terms. B. a. Cook called on clothing company yesterday, call & co.. i .taer. again today; give phone for S:30 A. M. Ad- " " " " dress M 19. Oregonlan. $0000200 ACRES CLEARED BOTTOM land; dairy or stock; good 9-room how. WANTED A GOOD CLEANER AND DYER large bam. 3 miles of county seat. Box 222. at the East Portland Steam Cleaning and Kalama. Wash. , Dj.e works; good pay to right party. 143 : Grand ave. city. PENINSULAR STATION 5-ROOM COT- 77, l'nZA, J? v f fil. and flow.e- ADERTISING SOLICITORS AND SPE- "''ii'r.. chckea owner. Ia50 dal edition promoters; established publlca- Dmmreond s tlons; commission. Clyde & King, 638 Cham- 32700-NEW G-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER- l Commerce' SOtTa'nd eSdt?er"" wuf!, XOCXG MEN. LEARN A PROFESSION SLth. fir TernM- ""I "nt. Phone that pays $SO to $150 per month; easily a- learned; reasonable terms. Call 408 Steams ' building. FOR SALE FARMS'. WE WANT A NO 1 TRAVELING SALES- tiik rivp?r ciiwp n.vnr iv .r..- Inan. to represent us on the road, on a com- THE FINEST &HEEP RANCH IN OREGON. mission. , Hotel Jfc Restaurant Supply Co.. $0,000. 2W) 2d st. - 4500 acres of deeded- land, with range - . enough under control to Winter 12.0W sheep; MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; WAGES CCO acres of land. 40O acres now In while learning; position after 8 weeks. Gtll- alfaKa. and 50 In barley; abundance of man's Barber College. 627 Clay. San Fran, water, fine orchard and all necessary build- J lnfT Awf UKnf W- L a2d,Uon ,and wUI FIRST-CL.VSS CLOAK AND SUIT MAN sell H.oOO sheep and other stock at market with executive ability; fine opportunity. Ivv? n orfrVin0 ?L"!? -w, , . ... Clerks' Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison. M. B, STRBETER. roomd 222-3-4 Failing building. Portland. Phone 3taln 33S3. Any Intelligent person may earn good Income . coirespondlng for newspapers: experience un- IF YOU WANT CHEAP LAND THAT HAS neceary. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. been logged off. with some Improvements, suitable for fruit and stockralslng. on the WANTED YOUNG MAN. AGE 17 TO 21 line where the P. & a. R. R. Is being bull:. years; must have some drugstore experl- and also small bodies of Umber land suit- ence. D. J. HHIe. Castle Rock. Wash. able for piling, cordwood and small eaw- mill sites, call on or address Gua A. Love- WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- cren. Stevenson. Wash. jand an,i throughout state to solicit busl- SIX ACRES. GARDEN. FRUIT TREES Call or write 607 McKay bldg. chickens. 9-room roadhouse (receipts up to INTELLIGENT MAN WITH BUSINESS KX- $10 day) big barn, outbuilding, new. at perlence: give names, addresses of refer- depot in Marion County; $60 month position encea; state age. T 19. Oregonlan. to buyer; price $2000; state what cash you - can pay. K 10. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN ... r Z Portland and throughout state; big wages :0-C) ACRE. . $10.0tV to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. K IRRIGATED LAND. 1 Crook County. Oregon. Deed direct from WE HAVE FROM $25.00 TO $50.00 PER Stte. Wlt : for pamphlet and map. B. S. week for m-n who can sell our nick and Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st-. Portland. Oregon. accident benefits. 705 Marquam. Hn0H,S a?2.S? iVN?MB WANTED QUARTZ MINER; ONE ACCLS- SV, r iS IhImIL" frVm tomcd to development work; machine man r! Bern'" N? cui1;1 pffi &C Purred. B 1Q. Oregonlan. lcs:'- WANTED PHOTOGRAPHER. MUST BE tt-mi sntr c -T -,.. . . good operator and retoucher: steady, good 40 ACRES RICH SOIL. S CULTIVATED. wages. S01 Dekum bldg. balance easily cleared; new house on coun- ILJS mvSr 1 nntieAi?fJfity: 51 13- WANTED BOOTBLACK TO RENT SPACE. worth $2000. . J. Day. 1CS- 4th st. flne location; rent reasonable. For partlcu- FARM OWNERS-WHAT HAVE YOU IN 'a 008 Washington. ISfi? ,end.? r. ,a,?? C haye buycrs- TEN BOLTCUTTERS WANTED. APPLY Write Sottish-American Farm Lands Co.. Western Cooperage Co.. room. 303 Stearns ! M02 R Oregonlan bldg-. Portland. Or. bldg.. 6th and Morrison. 19 ACRES CLEAR; NO STONE OR GRAVEL; WANTED MAX FOR PORTER WORK (RA- house. bam. near Mllwaukle Price $4500. loon); board, room and small wagesT Ad- Box 36. Mllwankle drei C 19. Oregonlan. " WANTED TWO YOUNG MEX TO CAX- FOR eALE TIMBER XAXDS. va.. big money; mut be experienced Rem- A SNAP-MUST BE SOLD; EAST HALF OF brandt. Ablngton bldg; . section 21. township 34 S.. R 19 E. of W. tja'E YOUNG MAX AS CITY SAI.rviv M. 320 acres, good sagebrush land, la Lake uf .tatlonery? salaVy1 and nmrtS. County, Oregon. Address P. Helly. 2615 ,ion S 83. Oregonlan. mml Mallan ave., Spokane. Wash. ., v. .. . EXPERIENCED MARKER AT ONCB: GOOD 17.000 ACRES ON THE M'KENZIE. UMP- wage- to right party. Domestic Laumlrv Qua, Rogue aad Coqullle Rivera at 33.50 Co 48-50 X. 2d st. vuaarj an acre, as a whole; title perfect. Blair ' Hnrlbnt 315 Ablngtoa bldg. xwo SOLICITORS FOR CLEANING AND " dye works. 3055 Stark. Call Mondav be. Free Government land Timber claims. Irrtgat- tween 10 and 12. De ed lands and homesteads. 315 Oregonlan bid. cmgt ss "jrrHl y-gggg- FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAV FOR RENT FARMS. Address G. M. Campbell. 320 Jumtiu. Hi FOR RENT DAIRY FAR3I. 1500 ACRES; -tUe. Waah. 1000 acres of which Is Columbia River hot- t WANT PARTNER IN T?pcii-r ...JT torn land building, above hlgh-water on 1 rm bi god woVker; $130; n todINi railroad. 25 miles from Portland, steamboat nurnoidc st. todaj. 182 landing; no stock with place; rent $73 a . month. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. ci--mtv for chjustt t. 240 Washington St.. cor. 2d. Portland. Or' RrPbonoT sIdeIRlnT410 FentoE WANTED TO RENT SMALL IMPROVED Sv ANTED MEN S OLD CLOTHING SHOJIs" cff-reUl Air n-t price paid. 32 3d. COOKS' AND BAKERS' HEADQU.VRTERS TO EXCHANGE. Cal. Wine Depot. 148 4th st. Pacific asT HAVE T.B0OMt HOUSE. SALEM. STREET WKSJ2fi?tW' graded, cement walks, city water, new; will CIty- trade for lodglng-houje 23 rooms or more. WANTED ENCfEER. GRAND LAUXDRT 205i Morrison, room 3. , Co.. 17th and Qulmby sts. WOKr NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE. FULL CEMENT BOY ABOUT 15 YEARS OF AGE WANTED basement, water. erew . gas, street made. for office R 17. Oregonlan. 'a--.d cement curb aad sidewalk, for small ra&ch . a Mr car lis. OwjKr. T 19, Osl8i J. BARBER WAXTSD, 1S2 STH ST, J HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In 8 weeks; the Moler system of col leges have opened one of their famous bar ber schools In Portland. Graduates earn from $15 to $25 per week. Only reliable barber colleger a United States. Special terms to first 20 students. Be lively and get special rates. MOLER SYSTEM COLLEGES, 33 N. Fourth at.. Portland. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: discharges positively cured In from to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 233 Alder St.. Portland. MILLWRIGHTS. $4; GANG EDGERMAX. $3.25; trlmmerman. $2.73: ratchet setter. $75; band re saw man, $2.50 up; planer man. $3: yard tallyman. $2.25; mill fireman, $2.50; oiler. $2; night watch. $35: 10O others. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau. 130 First. WAXTED A VEGETABLE GARDENER; a man to take full charge of garden on ranch in Eastern Oregon Addvtss V. A. Young. Burnt Ranch. Or.. Wheeler Co.. immediately, stating wages. WANTED MALE STENOGRAPHER FOR out of town; must be competent and relia ble; give names and addresses of references; state age; steady employment. F 19, Orego alan. Men, women. learn watchmaking, engravl&g. Jeweler work, optics. EajJ terms, positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watch. maklng-Engrav'g School. 1426 4th av. Seattle. WANTED REGISTERED PHARMACIST, salary $40 per month and room; good board can be had for $12. Call personally, Esta cada Pharmacy. Bnacada. Or. WANTED MAX AXD WIFE (NO CHIL dren) to work on ranch In Eastern Oregon. Call 416 Larabee street, alter 3 P. M. or ring uo Dhone Scott 3585. HRLP W'AXTED FKM A LK. NOTICE TO MPLOXZRS CANADIAN parlors have move across the street and ar now located at 221). Morrison sr.. room 10; new matron with two years experi ence; all craers for domestic help promptly attended to; girls, call if you want work Canadian parlors. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; 4 In family; must be good cook and neat housekeeper; Swedish or Norweglaa preferred; reasonable wages. Call 233 East 3d at.. North. HOTEL COOK. $30: 3 BOARDING-HOUSE cook. $30; 2 family cooks. $30 and $25; waitresses, second girls. Hansen's Ladles' Agency, 313 Washington, corner 7th, up stairs. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK at home during spare ttme; no experience required: good pay and steady. Writ X. C Hulls. 1344 Market. Saa Francisco. WAXTED A WOMAN TO WASH AXD Iron. Apply today. Mrs. Zlegler. 309 Holla day ave.. one-story white house, near 1st; U or I car. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium, 3d and Alder; entrance 233 Alder sr.. Port land. WAXTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE sentatlvea la Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, WAITERS, cooks, chambermalda. general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WAXTED EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL, first-class family; wages $23; Swedish pre ferred. 230 Yamhill. Main 3413. PIONEER LADIES' AGENCY, 215 Morrison, cor 1st st. Phone Mala 2278. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3434 Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Mala 2632. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 1N qulre at Griffith & Bellamy's grocery, comer Grand and Hawthorne aves. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO make Fltz-Well shirts and Bosa-of-AU over alls at 75 1st st. WAXTED GIRL FOR WAITIXG AXD light housework, sleep home. Apply 117 Weal Park. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family. 252 13th St., near Main. WANTED SCHOOLGIRL. ONLY TWO IN family. 574 Tillamook st.. take Irvlngton car. WANTED SHIRT AND COLLAR STARCH er. Grand Laundry Co... 17th and Qulmby. ALL DISEASES TREATED. 5 PER MONTH. Phyalo-Therapathlc Dispensary, 411 Morrison WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work In small family. 734 Irving. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking. 170 N. 23d st. GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 629 3d st. HELP WAXTED MALE OR FE3IALK. MAX AXD WIFE, WITHOUT CHILDREN, on gentleman's place near Portland; man must understand care of Btock; permanent position at good wages; separate dwelling for couple; must have own furniture; references absolutely required. Apply after 2 P. M., Sunday 414 Yamhill st. CHAMBER3IAID. WAITRESS (HOTEL). To gether. Jap. Chinese (Condon). $30; wood choppers, housekeepers, domestics, second. Drake's, 205 Washington. SOLICIT ADVERTISING. ODDFELLOWS' and Rebekah'3 yearly pocket directory; lib eral commission; experience unnecessary. 633 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED PERFORMERS AND MUSICIANS for dramatic and vaudeville stage. Call Newman's Theatrical Circuit. J45 6th. GOOD POSITION FOR MAN OR WOMAN. Apply 305 Steams bldg.. between 9 and 5. SITUATION WAXTED MALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerks. YOUNG MARRIED MAN NOW EMPLOYED by large corporation desires to locate In Portland and would like to consider offer of position in which a wide business experi ence and a thorough knowledge of account ing would be of value. Addres Otto Fur bnnger. National Stockyards, 111. LUMBER BOOKKEEPER, YARD FORE man. experienced, open for engagement, temperate, not afraid of work; highest ref erences from past employers. F 8, Or gonian. CIGAR AND TOBACCO SALESMAN DE slres position on road or In retail store, understands window-dressing and pipe re pairing. O 19, Oregonlan. POSITION AS CLERK AND GENERAL helper In hotel by man 50 years of age. small salary. Address 1225 Michigan ave., Portland. Or. BOOKKEEPING OR OFFICE WORK. YOUNG married man, experienced In collecting; will do anything for a starter. S 20. Oregonlan. COMPETENT 3IAX WITH REFERENCES desires position aa bookkeeper, stenographer or clerk. W 18. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. CAPABLE! of taking full charge, seeks office position. W 25. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVAXTS. FARM bands and other laborers furnished. Th XIppon Employment Office, room 2. 29 X. 3d St.. city. Main 5154. P. O. Box 175. SURVEYOR SIX YEARS' EXPERIENCE municipal, trolley road and irrigation con struction. Good draughtsman. C. Ballinger. Gen. Del. Portland. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmer- also; all kinds of help, ilaln 4659. 268 Everett. JAPANESE GOOD EXPERIENCED FAMILY cook and all kinds work wants position In high-class family. B 16, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAX WAXTS POSITION IN GRO cery store as clerk or delivery man; best of references. 915 Front st.. city. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS situation in restaurant or hotel, in country ur town. F. Nishl. 71 X. 3d st. POSITION WAXTED BY YOUNG JAPAX cse boy as schoolboy In city. 334 Yamhill st. A J A PAXES E BOY. XAME GEORGE XUNO. wants any work, farmer. 247 Couch. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A SITUATION AS school boy. K. Maka. 48 N. 1st st. SITUATION WAXTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers aad Steaoographers. YOUNG LADY EXPERIENCED IN BOOK keeplng. cashier, credit and collection work, understands stenography, desires position la wholesale house. R 16. Oregonlan. Domestics. EXPERIENCED GERMAN GIRL DESIRES aituattoa lamiiy cook; where seconds kept prererred, 230 Yamhill, ilala 3113,