Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 10, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Copies of Letter and Reply
Forwarded to Him. V
Injunction proceedings this afternoon, aad
the hearing profeably will' be held tomorrow.
liCtter Prom Coos Bay Company. Calls
Demand a "Hold-TJp"-iAction
Is Likely to Be 'Taken
2cxt Thursday.
ington, Feh. 9. District Attorney BrlBtbl
will receive in tomorrow's mail a copy of
Ma letter to the Coos Bay Land & Im
provement Company, in which It is al
leged that he virtually sells out his old
clients, J. H Page and F. Hoberg, to
gether with a copy of a letter from .an
official of the Coos Bay Company denom
inating Bristol's demand upon that com
pany a "hold-up." Accompanying the pa-,
pers is a request for a prompt explanation
of the entire matter.
. Persons who have seen the original
Bristol letter say that t contains state
ments which cannot be explained. It Is
their opinion that Bristol must do one of
two things acknowledge the authenticity
of the letter and get .out of the Govern
ment service, or deny having written it
and prove that the letter Is a forgery.
These same persons arc agreed that ''the
letter 18 genuine, for the signature "has
l?en identified by those who know Brls
lol's autograph, .and this, and the place of
writing the letter appear to be strong
evidence that the paper is genuine.
. Nevertheless, judgment is suspended at
the White House until Bristol's reply is
received. As yet no word has been re
ceived here to indicato whether or not
Bristol acknowledges having written the
letter, and no intimation has come to hand
to indicate what manner of explanation
he will offer. It is generally believed,
however, that, if he admits having writ
ten the letter, he will have to go, and go
(immediately after his answer reaches the
White House.
The fact that no money was paid to
Bristol by the Coos Bay Company does not
-alter his status In the eyes of the Presi
dent; the intent Is shown and his demand
for a cash consideration from the party
with whom his clients were attempting
to transact business Is hold to constitute
a. most serious breach of legal etiquette.
If Bristol makes a reply tomorrow, ac
tion is likely to be had on his case by
Thursday of next week, unless ho should
Teply by -wire, In which event the case
"may be disposed of the first part of next
"Willcox Says Strike Commission's
Decision Should Stand.
NEW YORK, Feb. 9. David Willcox,
of the Delaware & Hudson Company, to
day made public the text of the letter
which he -wrote to John Mitchell, presi
dent of the United Mineworkers of Amer
ica, concerning a conferenco between the
mineworkers and the operators to discuss
the wage question.
In this letter, Mr. "Willcox says that
practically all matters at present involved
have already been the subject of arbitra
tion by .the Anthracite .Strike Commission.
He says that in 1902-03 th PnmmlRslnn
found that the averago hours 'actually-
woreed per day did not exceed six for the
miners and eight for the other employes,
and the present conditions are substan
tially the same. In the case of the Dela
ware & Hudson Company, during 1905, the
average number of hours worked per day
by the employes other than the miners
was about 74; the average number of
hours worked per day by the miners was
slightly over
Any suggestion of an eight-hour Iay for
the employes by the day does not, there
fore, look to a diminution of actual hours
of labor, as they do not now average
eight hours per day, but merely to a
change of wages by Increasing the rate
per hour bo. as to advance the wages
about 12.5 per cent above the standard
fixed by the Strike Commission. -This ad
vance would amount, approximately, to 8
cents' per ton of coal,- or upon the entire
product, about, $4,800,000 per annum.
Mr. "Willcox devoted much space to. an
argument tending to show that conditions
have not changed since the award of the
strike commission. He continues:
Xt is tru that the award of the strike com
mission ce&sefe to be. absolutelr controlling as
to .future condition after March Si, JS06,
but ita decision after "protracted investigation
mast be regarded by any othor tribunal and
by all disinterested persons as conclusive, in
the absence of some new facts raisins new
Questions, .
In case it Ehould be necessary to resort to
arbitration in reference to any matter not
already covered by arbitration and, there
fore, for the purpose of upplementlxi- the
award of the- commission, if thera be any
such matter. It would appear natural to re
quest the members of the strike commission
to act so that any further award mleht be
In harmony with that already made. All
arrangements necessary Jn the premises could
fce made through members of the conciliation
board, as they represent aft -part I e.
Tbe conditions established by the strike com
mission followed after very eerlous contro
versy were the result Of -probably the most
conscientious and exhaustive examination ever
given to any jabor controversy: dn the whole,
however, they proved satisfactory, and have
not even been the subject .of;jjrious criticism.
It does not, therefore, seem desirable to aban
don -the results- reached with such difficulty
and co Valuable la themselves and Tcsort to
new method which are -uncertain and diffi
cult. As already said, there is no association or
rgonlratton f the -producers of anthracite
coal, but 'tivW If there were, any arrangement
between parties purporting to represent all
the -employers upon tho one side and other
parties purporting to represent all theemployes
upon the other" side, "might be subject to th
charge of Illegality and might not commend
itself to public confidence.
The letter concludes as follows:
These suggestions are made In tho Interest
or ine puduc ana or ail tne parUco, for the
purpose of -avoiding future difficulties by con
tinuing whatever beneficial results followed
from the settlement oi the strike of 1902. It
Is earnestly hoped that- they will commend
themselves t'o tho best Judgment of all as tho
proper course, afcd as far wiser than entering
upon now and uncertain methods of procedure.
3Iincrs President Appeals to Court
Against Removal.
PITTSBURG. Feb. !. Patrick Do
lan, president .of District No', fc. United
Mineworkers of America, went Into
court today and secured a temporary
Injunction restraining- the delegates to
the district convention, now in ses
sion here, from interfering with his
powers as president of tho district
The afternoon session of the convention
was marked by much excitement when
it became known that President Dolan
had been granted an injunction. Bitter
speeches were made.-.
A resolution was unanimously passed
branding President Dolan's action as
"cowardly and unmanly," and a commit
tee of three was appointed to make appli
cation to tho court to have the Injunction
Abeut 109 delegates. were' served with the'
Hope for Settlement Yet.
NEW YORK. Feb. S. The officers of
the Clvfc Federation took the stand yes
terday that the miners arc a long way
from a strike. No appeal has yet been
made to tho Civic Federation to use its
offices as mediators.
Ralph M. Easley. chairman of the Na
tional executive' committee of the Civic
Federation, said, last evening:
Matters have not reached the .stage where
arbitration- could be called for. Both the
anthracite and bituminous miners are repre
sented In the Civic Federation. Arnog- the
anthracite operators in the Civic Federation
Is F. J. Underwood, president of the Erie
Railroad, Fraud !. Ji&bbln. of Pittsburg,
may be -aald to represent the soft-coal Inter
There seems to be a hi I si fading impression
that because the roft-coa.1 miners con vest Ion
baa adjourned without aay agreement being
reached, there may be a strtko at any .time.
There will be no strike In any case an til April
2. Tw Tears ago the conference of soft-coal
miners adjourned sine die. with the parties at
loggerhead, yet they came together two months
later, aad a settlement was reached. It is
not safe to predict that a strike will take
place where there are nearly two months ahead.
with" possibilities of a settlement.
Reject Demands of Miners.
CHICAGO Feb. 9. At a meeting of the
Illinois coal operators, which was held
today at the Auditorium Hotel, it was der
elded by a unanimous vote to refuse the"
demands mado by the United Mlnowork-
ers of America. The meeting was attend
ed by 200 coal operators from all over
the state. The decision to refuse the de
mands of the miners was reached by
unanimous vote In a few minutes after
the reading of the report of the National
scale committee had been finished. .The
question "of whether or not the mines
Woodrew "Wilson, ef Princeton.
The name of Wooflrow "Wilson,
president of Princeton University, was
presented at the recent Lotus Club
dinner In New Tork as the Ideal can
didate for the,Democratlc Presidential
nomination in the next campaign. His
name was suggested by Colonel
George Harvey and was received with
enthusiasm by the guests. Mr. "Wil
son Is a Democrat of the old school
and a native of Virginia. "When
Bryan was nominated In ISO 3 be sup
ported McKinley.
would be -operated with nonunion men -in
.the event of a strike on April 1 was not
In Illinois there are 15.000 soft-coal min
ers, who will be involved in case of a
general walkout after a wage scale dis
agreement Millions of tons of coal are
on hand for the emergency.
Miners' Strike Continues.
thousand miners of the Buffalo, Roches
ter & Pittsburg Coal & Iron Company are
still on strike, which was declared at a
mass meeting yesterday. A committee ot
the miners, headed by National Secretary
Treasurer W. B. Wilson, has been in con
ference all day with General Manager L.
W. Robinson, of the coal company. The
conference is in session tonight.
Carpenters Given More "Wages.
CHICAGO. Feb. 8. The 10,000 union car
penters of Chicago today secured an In
crease of wages of more than $1,000,000 a
year, through an agreement with the Car
penters & Builders' Association. By the
terms of the agreement the men are given
an advance from -50 to 55 cents an hour
for the first year, with an increase to 55
cents an hour for the last two years of
the agreement.
Hard Coal Conferenco February 15.
NEW YORK, Feb. 9.-The clerical staff
in most of the orflces of the anthracite
coal-carrying companies worked overtime
yesterday in preparation for the coming
conference withPresident Mitchell, of the
United Mineworkers. U the coal presi
dents have replied to Mitchell's request
for a conference, agreeing to meet him
February 05.
Doctrine Policy and Vested Interests
Arranged Final Action' Will
Bo Taken by Confederates.
DAYTON, O., Feb. 9. The Tri-Church
Council of tho Congregational "United
Brethren and Methodist Protestant
churches adjourned this afternoon after
it had concurred In the reports of the
committees on vested interests, doctrine
and policy. The committees were made
permanent creatures" of the council and
ordered to continue at work on the elab
oration of the various details that enter
into the polity of the three denomina
tions. The subcommittee on polity, composed
of two from each church, will also have
under consideration the name for the
.united organization, and this will be submitted-
at a meeting of the general coun
cil to be held within IS months,, the ex
act date and place to be later decided
upon by the council officers. The place
will probably be Topeka, Kan.
After the meeting of the council Its
final deliberation?, or, rather, the Inter
pretation and elaboration of the general
plans agreed upon at the sessions just
concluded, will be submitted to the Na
tional conferences of the three denomin
ations represented for final approval.
Thus actual organic unity will not be in
effect for at least three years.
The more difficult problems relate to
vested interests. Charters In some ca&cs
must be amended, the question of legacies
disposed of and the business conduct of
colleges and other institutions saade to
conform 'to' t&e sew .policies.
Judge Wickersham Denies tfie
Charges of His Accusers.
Wi Store r?n n , C" i . .... Store m
rM iv A3 ywvv v rvv r rv v f rinses vm
AY k M AX . J i LWi Ifil UIR OJi .A K U A a
6 P.M. f
5 A. Ml
VgT&ty jk j-i JM n7 w MM W WJ ar MZi a
Alaska Jurist Says President Ap
pointed Him After Investigation
v. . of Same Charges Senate
Committee to Act Soon,
ington, Feb. 9. Judge James Wickersham
of Alaska, whose nomination is held up
in the Senate because of various charges,
today filed with the judiciary committee a
printed - answer to all the accusations,
which fills 110 pages. He takes up each
charge separately and offers documentary
and other proof that the charges are with
out foundation. He follows Mb answer
with the statement that he is ready at
any time to appear before the committee
for cross-eiamlnatioa and also to produce
witnesses from Alaska who are familiar
with the facts to show that he Is unjustly
In presenting his answer, he says he has
not been furnished the names of his ac
cusers nor has he been confronted -with
the first bit of evidence against him, but
has only a meager statement, couched in
general terms, setting forth in general
the charges made.
Answers Charges in Detail.
In conclusion. Judge Wickersham calls
attention to the fact that all these charges
against him were examined Into by Judge
Day. sent to Alaska for that purpose, and
that the President, after reading Judge
Day's report, promptly sent his (Wicker
sham's) nomination to the Senate, which
in itself is very strong evidence that the
charges have not been sustained.
Judge Wickersham says that the charges
of favoritism, in his decisions In mining
cases, for example, are answered by the
record, which shows that during his term
In Alaska he has decided 250 mining cases
involving 5OrOD0,O00. and not a singlo caso
out of this entire lot that was appealed to
the higher court was reversed. In aa equal
ly emphatic manner he denies the charge
of accepting a present of a lot in Fair
banks; of corruption In connection with tho
opening of Gig Harbor, near Tacoma; of
appointing td office W. 11. WhlttleEcy after
the latter had been removed from an
other office for embezzlement.
Accuser Confessed Falsehood.
The old charge of seduction, which has
many times been proven unfounded. Is
again answered by producing the record
showing that his former accuser, Sadie
Brantner, of Seattle, subsequently admit
ted that she testified falsely against him
under Influence.
To the charge that he failed to regulate
saloons and gambling In Alaska, he says
this Is the duty of the Marshal, not of the
Judge. To the charge of approving false
vouchers from the Marshal at Nome for
the support of prisoners, he answers that
no false vouchers were ever presented for
his approval, and to the last charge, that
of rendering a false judgment In a mining
case, he cites the records to sustain his
The committee will probably give early
consideration to this answer and take ac
tion on the nomination,
President Awaits Action on IIcybHrn
Bill Fulton's Forestry Thin.
ington, Feb. ?. No more forest reserves
are to be created until Congress takes ac
tion one way or the other on Senator
Heyburn's bill, which denies the President
the right to create reserves by proclama
tion and restricts this power solely to
Congress. This announcement was made
today by an official of the Forest Service,
who declared that orders to that effect
had recently been Issued by President
Roosevelt- The President, Inasmuch as
his authority in this matter has been
questioned by Congress, has decided to
take no further steps until Congress shall
determine by legislation whether or not
the Executive has power to make forest
This decision has a direct bearing in
Oregon, and will, temporarily, at least,
atop the plan to create the Rogue River
jescrve In the southwestern part of the
state, as well as the Blue Mountain and
other reserves In Eastern. Oregon. It will
also postpone the creation of the much
dlscusecd Shoshone reserve in Idaho,
which Mr. Hcyburn has been persistently
fighting of late. This order Is looked upon
as a concession to Mr. Heyburn. but the
Administration believes that Congress will
turn down the Hcyburn bill and recognize
the right of the President to create forest
reserves as heretofore.
Senator Fulton is gratified to know that
the President has suspended the extension
of forest reserves, aad says that. In case
Mr. Heyburn's bill Is CQt acted upon, he
will offer an amendment to one of the
appropriation bills which will rccognlzo
the right of the President temporarily to
withdraw land for forestry purposes, but
which will give Congress the exclusive
power to create permanent reservation.!!.
His amendment will provide that land
temporarily withdrawn shall be examined,
as at present, and the recommendations
of the forest officials shall be sent to Con
gress for its guidance. If Congress falls
to create the reserve at the session "fol
lowing the withdrawal, the land so with
drawn shall be thrown ojen to entry im
mediately after adjournment that session.
This amendment, if carried, will have the
effect of restricting temporary with
drawals to a period of more than one
The Store's "Official Guide" to Bargains
Gondemsed and curtailed for hasty perusal of Busy Saturday Shoppers. Bead, and run thro' the Household duties during the early morning
hoars, while allB2faimre is at her best, allowing a-plenty of time for week-end shopping to he over hefore 6 P. M., when as you know is cus
tom with modern "Big Stores" this establishment closes its doors to allow hundreds of employes ample time for recreation and prepara
tion for Sabiath observance.
Silks Saturday Half Price
Dress Goods Too
If you miss this sale you'll miss wonderful
and very exceptional savings.
Amaex Flftk Street Flrnt Fleer.
Thousands of Remnants of Stylish. Durable
Silks and Colored Dress Goods so today
At Half Price
New Black Silk and Wool Dress Goods. In neat
novelty weaves Regular 2. J2.25, J2.50 and
52.75 values at HALF PRICE, SATURDAY.
The Voting Contest Closes
Today, at 6 P. M.
AH vete lauvt be 1st the ballot bexm before
the clenlaxr 'kbst riRjpt tonight nt 8 o'clock
Nharp. StaadiaK of the lenders at C P. M. ye
terdayt $2500 Given to Charity
Patton Hom.e ..... l5S,eee
St. Vincent's Hospital 146,878
Fruit and Flower Mlcsion I44,iet
Crlttcnton Home 134,181
Salvation Arm)' H7rS8e
People's Institute ei,s-u
Baby Home CSSt
Mount St. Joseph's Homo for the Aged.. 4Sve4
Good Samaritan Hospital -fl.471
Old Ladles' Home aese
Volunteers of America
Open Air Fund - ie,434
King's Daughters, Marahall-St. Church. 7353
Children's Home 7,563
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society
Scattering- 23,847
Total 3,W3,512
Sale of Shoes
Sixth-Street Ahbcx FiMt Floor.
We offer during- this sale about 3300 pairs of
Women's Patent Colt and Kid Lace and Button
Shoes; also some In VIci Kid and light-weight
Calfskin Leathers, made In Blucher and regular
pattern, -with heavy or light soles. All good,
stylish footwear, but short lines that must bo
closed out at once.
Women's Patent Colt Mat Calf Top Shoes.
Goodyear welt soles and Cuban heels. Plain
toes Our J3.50 value; Special Sale C7
Price, the pair l.-JW
AIko WamcH't All-VIcI Kid Xace Sheen, with
patent tips, military heel and extension soles;
stylish and serviceable; Special ale (rz
Price, the pair . ',,JW
Twenty-nve distinct styles in the lot. QX
Priced at, the pair
Three hundred pairs of Women's Slippers, In
white, pink, blue and lemon kid. In strap and
bow styles; odd lines which must be sold to
make room for the Incoming stock. These
Slippers are In all sizes, but not even size
In each style: the bargain of a Hfetlmc
Values up to 53.30; Special Sale Price, 0Zc
the pair vv.
Baby Shoes, In red and black: button or lace
styles: sizes 1 to C Our 73c value: T?f
Special Sale Price, the pair vvv.
600 pairs of Women's Patent and Kid Leather
Shoes, made with light or heavy soles on
fashionable new lasts. Thoroughly good
footwear, and very desirable patterns: com
plete line of sizes and widths. Values up
to 53.50; Special Sale Price, njr
the pair I .5J O
Mado with a fancy inserted mat kid scroll lace
stay; very dressy and a Shoe that will wear
well; sizes 6 to 11; Special Sale Price, nj?
the pair '...ilOC
Sl7es"ill to 2; Special Sale Price. j -tq
the pair ....' txJU
Odd pairs of Men's Shoes. In i?unmetal box
calf and vicl kid: in patent button and lace
styles Values up to 5.-.00; Special i-o ft
Sale Price, the pair
Choose Any V4-Length Coat Suit
in the House at Half Price
Grand Salons Second Floor.
An event fraught with interest to hundreds of women
who have heard the news from the great
Eastern fashion centers that
34-Length Suits are in Favor
tor Spring
Such Suits as we offer in this sale -will be -worn by smart
dressers thro the Spring months. The Suits: 34-length
Coats, light fitting; cheviots, broadcloths, serges and man
nish mixed suitings, all wanted colors; coats lined through
out -with silk, in most lines, hand-tailored aud made in per
fect -workmanship on correct and authoritative models.
Values up from $1S0 to $75.00. CHOOSE ANY -LENGTH-COAT
$10.00 to S20.00 Coats $3.95
Three-quarter lengths, loose-fitting and Eng
lish walking styles, tight and half-fitting
coats, Empire and Redingote models, man
nish mixed tweedish goods, beaver cloths,
zibelines and kerseys, in blues, tans, grays,
browns and mixtures; values O S
$10 tb-JO, for 3xJiJxJ
Women's Shirtwaists for Half
A special line, embracing albatross, basket
cloth. Scotch flannel aud other popular
weaves, in neat plaids and all wanted color
ings; values $3.00 to $7.50. j
baturday, to close....
:J6 Price
Dinner Sets Reduced
Third Fleer.
Dinner Sots, with one or more pieces missing;
for Oae-TMrd ott.
Decorated China Sets Our 420 value;
special at $13-33
Decorated Freack Cklat Dlaaer Set.
Our $23.50 value; special at, the set
Our J7-7.50 value; special at, the set $25.60
Our $43.0? value; special at, tho set ?2.98
Blankets and Bedroom Fitfings
Keartk Fleer.
J7.B0 Navajo Blankets W-M
$6.00 Comforters -!-.
?5.00 Pillows ,
Bed Setn Half Price.
First Floor.
Special Mile odd Tablecloth. Hack TorreU
at Oar-Fourth ofT. Dre Fabrics, YVask Staffs,
Sheetlaes nt lent than eont.
Drop-Prices in Hosiery
First Floor.
Grand Hosiery values up to $1.75 the pair;
this sale
Good Hosiery values up to 60c the pair;
this sale S7c
Women's "out size" large, full sizes Hose In
fine cashmere; regular 75c values; this sale.
the pair 30c
Children's 20c values In Black Hosiery: good.
sturdy cotton rahrlc. In strong, perfect weave;
this sale, the pair 12c
Children's Black Cashmere Hosiery; values to
40c; this sale I8e
Boys heavy, strong-, well made Cotton Hose;
tine or double ribbed: bwt regular 25c value:
this sale, the pair 15c
Saturday's Menu
Chicken Fricassee. Mashed Potatoes.
Boston Baked Beans, Brown Bread.
Potato Salud. Cup Custard.
Tea. Coffee. Milk. Chocolate. Etc.
5pecia! Notice to Students in
And those Interested In line art needlework.
Our classes for FB.EB Instruction In U1I3 work
will take their vacation season starting Mon
day next. February 12, continuing; until March
1. when the Spring? term will begin. The com
ing1 season we shall add to the course ot in
struction many new features. Including; the
Cloister. Hardanger and Berlin cross-stitch. All
interested In the work are cordially Invited to
join the class without charge. Remember, all
Instructions are absolutely FREE.
Next Wednesday
St. Valentine's Day
Get the dainty love missives and the "comics"
here all at mites o prices sure to please the
youngsters. Card Valentines, Lace valentines.
Art Valentines as you choose.
Card "Valentines at lc, 2c, two
for He, 5c, 10c up to 35c.
Lace. Valentines, 4c aad ro.
Postal Card Valentines, two for
Sc; 5c each.
Fancy Art Valentines, 5c. 10c,
25c, 35c. 30c ap to 95.0O.
"Jumping Jack" Valentines, 15c.
Unusual Umbrella Bargains
Flrt Floor.
A grand choosing' of smart and dressy Um
brellas in ladies' sizes; black taffeta, piece
dyed, with strong hut neat steel rods and
stylish, natural wood handles. Princess or
Opera shapes; 2B-lnch size and best $1.50
values; special Saturday at OSc
Men's Saturday
First Floor, Sixth-Street Annex.
Men's $2.50 "Underwear 81.00 Remnants in
Men's Fine Mercerized Underwear; values to
$2.50; special, the garment 71.00
3IenV 31.00 Unlauadered Shirt 25c Broken
sizes In Men's Unlaundered Shirts; values to
$1.00; special, each 25c
Men 25c AVool Sox 15c Men's Wool Sox in
natural, black and Oxford; regular value 25c;
special, the pair 15c
Mca'.H 20c Merino Sox 10c A line of Men's Me
rino Sox in camelshalr. black and natural;
regular value 20c; special, the pair 10c
Men'M 92.6O XIicntrobcH 70c Broken lines of
Men's Satlne Night Robes; regular value $2;
special, each 70c
Men' 20c Linen Handkerchief 10c A line of
Men's Linen Handkerchiefs with tape border;
regular value 20c; special, each 10c
Men's 5-3 -"50 Underwear 91.50 Remnants In
Louis Underwear; values to $4.50; special,
the garment 91.50
Senate Allows Her--Year's Salary
According to Custom.
ington. Feb. -9. The Senate attached an
amendment to the deficiency appropria
tion bill paying $5W9 to the widow of Sen
ator John H. MltchelL This Is In observ
ance of a custom of paying widows of
Senators who die In office the equivalent
of one year's salary. Two other widows
are similarly provided for in the bill.
Joy at Port Townsend.
ington. Feb. S. The Secretary of the
Treasury today informed Senator Piles
that he will not abandon the marine hos
pital station at Port Townsend.
MHSt Address Mail by Xarac.
WASHINGTON". Feb. 3. At the Postof
flce Department it was stated that an
erroneous Impression seems to exist In
some parts of the country regarding the
scope of rural free delivery service. Al
though the Fourth Assistant Postmaster
General has recommended that mall mat
ter be permitted to be addressed to rural
boxes according to their numbers and not
to any particular Individual, the same as
In postofflces the Postsnastcr-Gencral has
cot as yet given his approval to the same.
In a few Instances the proposition gave
riK to cosptelBt, It being alleged tfeat
the rural free delivery servlco would be
utilized by large business bouses through
out the country as an advertising medium
to the disadvantage of the local mer
chants. As the matter now stands, un
less mall Is specially addressed to parties
residing on rural routes. It will not be
Kcfusc to Pay Polltax and Beslst
Military Party.
Tho collection of the poll tax from
natives near Richmond has led to
trouble, which it Is feared will spread
and possibly develop Into an ugly na--tive-'uprlslmsr
. A
Armed natives nayo resisted the col
lection of the tax, and havo wounded
with spears an Inspector of Police and
a trooper. Fourteen mounted" police
who were proceeding to tho scene have
been attacked, and six are missing.
Cavalry and artillery and outlying de
tachments of police havo 'been called
In and are being concentrated to deal
with the recalcitrant natives.
Martial law has been declared. It Is re
ported that the natives are determined to
resist the collection of the poll tax. The
police reinforcements have found the bod
ies of the six soldiers who were reported
missing. The men had been stabbed to
death. Fighting has not been renewed,
but serious trouble Is feared.
Germans Cheer Harvard Professor.
Kaiser Gives Portrait.
BERLIN. Feb. 9. Francis Green
wood Peabody, of JIarvard University,
delivered his final lecture In Germany
today, summarizing his work here. The
lecture was delivered in the largest
hall of the university, the doors of
which had to be closed, turning many
people away. After the lecture Dr.
Studt. the Minister of Education, ex
pressed tke feearthy thanks 'and satis
faction of his Ministry at the impor
tant Inauguration of the system of ex
changing' professors, thereby Institut
ing an Intellectual bridge between two
peoples which Insured cordial rela
tions. The rector of the university. Profes
sor Diets, proposed threo cheers for
Professor Peabody, which were given
Count Schmettow, the Emperor's Ad
jutant, was present In behalf of the
Emperor, who sent the professor his
photograph, with an autograph. Pro
fessor Peabody and Mrs. Peabody and
Dr. Dickie, pastor of the American
Church here, and Mrs. Dickie will sail
for New York tomorrow on the Hamburg-American
line steamer Amoyka.
Natives Drowned in Gold Mine.
JOHANNESBURG, Transvaal, Feb. 9.
Fifty-five natives were drowned to
day owing- to the flooding of South
Rose, a deep gold mine.
House Will Send Committee to In
quire Into Discipline.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. The House
committee on naval affairs today
adopted tho following- resolution:
"Resolved. That a subcommittee of
five bo appointed by the chair to visit
the Naval Academy at once to examlno
and report upon the discipline and
management of the academy, and to
report to this committee at the earliest
possible time."
Chairman Foss, of Illinois, has ap
pointed the following members of the
subcommittee: Representatives Vree
land. New York, chairman; Loud, Mlch
lgan;Dawson. Iowa; Padgett, Tennes
see; Gregg Texas.
The subcommittee will so to An
napolis next week, but the exact date
has cot yet been determined.
SHSpend Trial of Hazers.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.Secretary
In a country where life Is worth living-, and where sweet contentment
Bmlles on you the year around?
Beaatlfnl Hood River la the spot. Everybody enjoys good health In
this valley. Life Ih worth living- when you can go to bed- at night and
dlccp like a babe, get up In the morning refreshed and ready for your
dally pursuits;-eat three square meals a day, the best food the market
affords, most of which you can grow in your own yard.
Tho reason so many people are sick is because they don't know how
to live. Cast off your worries and strenuous city habits and learn to
prolong- life.
Hood River has a different class of residents than mo3t farming
countries retired merchants and professional men come up and meet
them. After seeing- this beautiful valley you will be convinced "that
this section has a wonderful futxjre.
Now is the time to investigate. Write us for particulars.
Bonaparte has decided that, while sev
eral of the midshipmen whom the
board of investigation found to have
been Implicated In the hazing of
fourth-class men will be technically
placed under arrest, they will not be
court-martialed at once, Mf at all. The
Secretary probably bo willing to
suspend action at Annapolis for a rea
sonable time to afford opportunity for
Mall Contracts Arc Let.
ASTORIA. Feb. S.-OpeciaU Word has
b,ecn received at tho local postofflce that
contracts for carrying malls on Star
routes In this vicinity during the four
years beginning on July 1 have been
awarded aa follows: From Astoria to
Elsie, via Olney and Jewell. Audley
Gragg; Astoria to Gray's River, Max
Sklbbe; Clifton' to Albert, John Gerttula.
No official report has been received re
garding the routes from Astoria to Deep
River and Melville, but It Is understood
the contract for the Deep River route
has been- awarded to Captain PickernelL