Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 10, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL. XLVI.- NO. -14,096.
Idaho Senator Tells All
His Wrongs.
Blames Roosevelt's Forestry
Policy on Forester.
Attack Aimed' at Policy Long' Since
Abandoned Governor Gooding
No More His Friend How
Prospectors Suffer.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. (Special Corre
spondence.) President Roosevelt's forest
reserve policy will never -be more severely"
arraigned than it was on the floor of the
Senate last week by Senator Hcyburn, of
Idaho. It would be difficult to conjec
ture a more bitter attack, more scathing
criticism, more abusive denunciation. And
yet the speech will be without effect,
simply and solely because he attacked con
ditlona and practices which arc obsolete
and failed to turn his attention to tho
conditions that prevail today. His speech
was another demonstration of the fact
that ho is peveral years behind the times
and has never taken the pains to ascertain
Just what the forest reserve policy really
is and Just how that policy Is being put
into -effect. The attack was thoroughly
Don Quljcotlc; the Senator charged at.
Up to the time he made his remarkable
speech, Mr. Hcyburn had declared him
self In favor of forest reserves to a lim
ited extent; he had opposed their exten
sion in Idaho, but he would not demand
and did not advocate the utter destruc
tion of those reserves already created,
though he would have their area -materially
diminished. In "his speech lie for thft
first time declared In favor of doing away,
.tth all -forest. Tcecieg-aijunjlnjr.;
public foresta over to tbeoMhiXt('
them, either for hoicecfe? their own
enrichment. ? He .declared the Idaho for
ests would, list for air time, rngrdJes .of
whether they "were brought under Gpv
crnment protection: -he declared no stick
of timber in tho Idaho forests would ever
be wasted, no matter how loose the law
and regulations, and yet lie Instanced the
Minnesota forests as an example of what
does happen when the public timber lands
are unprotected, and followed this with a
charge that the Minnesota lumbermen"
were preparing to' pounce down on the
virgin forests of Idaho, now that they
had no timber at home.
The entire speech was full of contra-"
dictions and false arguments; tho attacks"
were based either upon obsolete regula
tions or a deliberate misstatement of the
law and the facts. In many respects tho.
speech was ' an answer to -lOwlf, at least -so
far as it will be read by men familiar
with conditions in Idaho.
Hcyburn's First Blunder.
The Senator opened with a discussion of
the state school land problem, contending
that Idaho, unlike some other states, se
cured title to sections 16 and 36 at the date
of admission, except where the title to
these sections had previously passed from
the Government. In this he was correct,
but he followed this with the charge that
the Government, In creating forest re
serves, had taken from the state sections
16 and 36 by including them In permanent
reservations. Therein the Senator made
his first error, for the title to school sec
tions in forest reserves stJR rests, with
tho state, and the state has full author
ity now, as before,, to make such .disposi
tion of these lands as it may see fit. The
Government has made no attempt to rob
tho state of its school lands.
In this same connection Senator Hcy
burn made a bold" thrust at his 'former
friend and supporter, Governor Gooding,
because tho latter, lato In the pest Sum
mer, had dropped hja fight against forest
reserve And had Joined hands. with Glf
ford Pinchot and the General Government
to further the forest reserve policy. Mr.
Hcyburn was sore because Mr. Gooding
had deserted him; it was perhaps natural
that he should be, since Mr. Gooding had
previously been one of tho most cantan
kerous enemies of the forest reserves, and
had sworn all sorts of allegiance x to Mr.
Heyburn in this light. Mr. Heyburn made
some very pointed remarks on the Good-Ing-Plncbot'
alliance. This Is how he put
on Gooding:
Tho Governor of Idaho expressed himself la
most heart- accord with tho position-1 am
taking hero up to a certain time, when tho
chief foreejer went to Idaho and itat down
coxlly In the executive sanctum and Induced
the Governor to believe that he had the
power to exchange the lands of the Govern
ment within the state for these exsctloas J 6
and "36. belonging to the state school fund,
and the Governor at once, of course, we
wreathed In smiles and said: "If you can do
that, of course I will trade you these lands,
tho title of which resides In the SUto of
Idaho, for other lands. Tou five me the
right to pelcct the other landa." And If I am
not misinformed, acting- upon Jhat. he had
actually gone ahead and selected 125,009
acres of grazing land tn the State of Idaho,
under the impression that ho can yield tip the
title of the state- to those lands, which parts M
"by virtue of the admission act of Idaho
State. And the forester, under the imprea
wlon that he can give title to "the nubile
landn of the United State, has undertaken'
to rive the Governor of the State at Idaho
the right to select public lands In lieu tfeereof.
1 should like to see the muniment of tltl
that will pass between tfece gentlemen for
tacwa &4f. I Jwte.ilke to kaew-,fcewUM
chief forester, the Secretary of the Interior,
or tho President of the United States Is
going to convey those land to the State of
Idaho, by wba.t kind of instrument.
Corrects One Blunder."
Only ten days before he made his big
speech, Mr. Hcyburn appeared before the
public lands committee of" the Senate to
protest against the forest reserve admin
istration, and on that occasion deliberate
ly charged that the Government had made
forest reserves of one-half the area of
Idaho.. He was at that- time informed
that he was exaggerating the facts, and
modified his statement in his speech,
The area of forest rcferves already created
in Idaho Is 9,8S.32 acres, or H.825 Quare
miles. The area of forest reserves proposed
to be created In Idaho In Februarr I 3,
855,500 acres, or 0140 square miles, making a
total of" 15 313.860 acres, or 23.074 equara
The total area of the State of Idaho, accord
ing to the last census. It Sf .90 square miles.
It thus appears that the lands withdrawn and
to be withdrawn for forest reserves are tcual
to 28. Dcr cent of the entire- area of the
State of Idaho..
Senator Newlands, a supporter of the
forest reserve- policy, took occasion to
ask Mr. Hcyburn If he deemed It unwltc
to reserve one-fifth of the state of Idaho
with a view to future as well as present
benefits. This seemed to annoy Mr. Hey
burn, who curtly answered:
It is not necessary that I should be required,,
because I object to the wbolcWle inclusion of
the lands of the state In forent reervea. to
.lay out new forest reserves or to designate
exactly the boundaries that I think should
mark the forest reserves. I am not here to
create forest reserves; I am -here to -control
and limit them, and to undo the wrongs that
have been done In this matter.
Ab to Just what proportion of the Btate
should be Included In forest reserves there Is
no t rale by which that may be rovernod.
From the beginning of the world men have
mado their homes preferentially In the forests
and In the mountains.
Falls Foul of kelson.
Senator kelson took Issue with the
statement that settlers seek the. forests
and mountains, in preference to the val
leys and the open country, and asked If
the Idaho reserves, in the main, did not
include mountainous and rocky country,
not really suitable for agricultural pur
poses, but whose chief value is in their
timber, and to further ask If it would not
be good policy to reserve the timber.
For whom would you reserve it?"
flared up Mr. Heyburn.
"For the-American public, present and
future.' was the reply.
"Then," snapped Mr. Heyburn, "this
land that constitutes her geography is not
an asset of Idaho, but an asset of the
peoplo of Minnesota?"
'It is an -asset of the United States un
til the United States has parted title
with it" This brought out the following
remarkable statement from Mr. Hcyburn:
Tho Vnited States has parted with the
title. The people of Minnesota and the
Senator will understand that I am making
no Invidious comparisons or attack may
have denuded their lands of timber; they
may have been wasteful of the retources that
3atur gave them, and It might bo con
venient today for them to undertake to ad
minister the assets of Idaho and to ay.
Tou shall kmd your ttlerfi out Of -these
wsw:aiBinarser, tnat we mi? come, in
tlTe r?Sa 4 ai sfly of timber to con
tinue our rosemr.
Taking up a new Jlne -of argument. Mr.
Hcyburn declared that -under the law the
President waa without authority to in
crude mineral lan-i in a forest reserva
tion, and he cited decisions which he al
leged sustained his contention. He added:
"Wrongs of Prospectors.
They disregarded the rule of the decisions
In. this respect,.- and tbey have gone ahead
inr Idaho -and Included within their reserve
4,400.000 acres of land that was suryexed,
and subdivided, which Included 241,441 acres
of public school lands. Trtey have Included
mineral landa of vast extent, and thfy -a"
that it Is entirely at the discretion of tho
department as to such inclusion: that their
Judgment controls as to whether or not land
Is more valuable for mineral or for agri
cultural or for forestry purposes. In the
light ' oT history, could anything bo more
absurd than that?
Taking up the regulations governing
prospecting anil mining In forest reserves.
Mr. Heyburn declared thai the miner did
not have the same rights, in a forts t re
serve that he had on the unreserved pub
lic domain: ho declared he was seriously
hampered by red tape. He continued:
But It Is said tho law allows a man to
prospect and mine In a forest reserve, and
we recognize his right to do It. They do
not recognize his right They -will grant him
a special privilege to do It. but he does not
stand on a par with tho American cltisen
who goes out Into the public domain of the
"Cnited States for the purpose of prospecting
and finding mines. He does not go there of
right under tho 'law: He gos tuVre by the
grace of a bureau and Its officers. He goes
there and remains there Just ro long as tho
forester consents, and he can be put oft at
any time.
He Calls Dovrn Smoot.
This last statement was so radical that
Senators could hardly believe Mr. Hey
burn meant It, but In reply to an inquiry
he repeated that after a prospector goes
on a rcservo under a permit and locates
'his claim, he' can be dispossessed, and
that he can also he dispossessed after he
has discovered ore and established his
Senator Smoot, who had been cham
pioning the cause or the administration,
Interrupted to ask:
Is it not true that many times miners, or
alleged miners, have gone upon forest re
serves In Idaho and other states and simply
located upon a piece of land, calling, it a
mineral claim, when there was no other ob
ject on earth than to get the timber within
the claim and when there was so mineral
whatever there? Is not this Instruction
given to obviate that very difficulty rather
than to have a miner expelled from the re
serve for seeking mines?
Senator Hcyburn replied:
Such is not Uie case. There Is to small a
percentage of fact -upon which to base a
question of that kind 'that' It Is not worthy
of being taken into consideration. Men do
not subject themselves to 'the hardships of
prospecting except for an earnest purpose.
They do not go out into the woods fo hunt
worthless lands. They do not go to tho
trouble to stake worthless ground. They arc
there for the earnest purpose of finding -valuable
mines. In the hope that they slay inure
to their permanent benefit.
Thinks Forests iRdcstructlkk;.
As illustrating his peculiar method of
reasoning, Mr. Hcyburn .made this strik
ing statement:
The forest reserves in Idaho this last year
produced, as I am Informed, less than fS-000.
If I .have the correct figures of the income to
the Government from that source. The min
ing Interest of Idaho this last year pro
duced more than $23,000,000 Into the treas
ure and wealth of the. country from the
various channels into which It flows. There
1 jfio comparison as to the relative tropor
tae - tao twa. "fsruU are t'2.tfeig
Strain. of Work Jo.o.Much.for
Deaf and Blind iMute
With No Senses but Touch and Taste,
.. She Has Become. Highly ' Edu
cated and rDevotcd, -Jlcr
" X!fcrto 'Afflicted
TOENTHAMMass.. Feb: 9.-Speclal.)
Miss Helen. Kellar, the j dumb, deaf and
blind girl. Is seriously ill at the -home of
J. A. Macy, whero she resides. Miss Kcl
lar is confined to her bed In a state of al
most complete physical collapse, and the
doctors say It will probably be months
before she will be again able to undertake
the work she has mapped out for herself.
Miss Kclar had Just attended a meet
ing in behalf of the deaf at Portland, Me.
The strain of the Journey and the meeting
and receptions there tendered her proved
too much, and on her way back to Boston
last Friday she fainted and was uncon
scious for three hours.'
Breakdown Climax of Strain.
"The severe strain and mental concen
tration of the last two years. It seems
said Mr. Macy. "have been too much for
her. Her affliction seems to be the cul
mination of an illness that has been many
months in developing. While Miss Kellar
has been active lately in attending meet
ings and prosecuting her work, she has
really been less active and under less
strain than during her time at college.
The strain to which she has been subject
ed for a long time past has gradually
brought on her present condition, which,
while serious, can hardly be called dan
gerous. It Is certain, however, that she
will be obliged absolutely to abandon all
thought of Work for a long time
"Miss Kellar feels" keenly the necessity
of giving up the meeting at which . &e
was to have appeared In New Tork on
March 29 in tho . Interest of the adult
blind, at which Mark Twain was to have
presided and J. 1L Choatc was to have
been one of the speakers. She realizes,
however, that. If she Is to regain her
physical strength and to become able to.
taXe un Jrer wort aalnr-3hemusl 'takefl
a1 long real,-andrihe has cheerfully con"-
&em.-a Aoiue Ruiuiti oy we ouvicc oi acr
phy6lclan and friends."
"Wild Animal Ma tie Human.
For more than 15 years, or since death
took away Laura. Bridgroan, tho first of
the world's famous students of the Per
kins Institution foe the Blind in Boston,
Helen Kellar has gained fame wherever
the English language is spoken for the
remarkable development she has shown.
Born in Alabama about SO years ago, she
became deaf, dumb and blind while still
a baby. When she came north at the age
of 9 years and was placed In the care of
Miss Annie Sullivan, a teacher in . the
Perkins Institution she was literally a
young wild animal,' devoid of nil her
senses except those of touch and taste.
"With an "amount of labor and an' ex
penditure of patience incomprehensible to
those not familiar wlththc teaching. of
the deaf. dumb, and blind. Miss. Sullivan
taught . this wild animal lO' become a.
thinking human being. . taught her to
read and write and t ben to speak In a
purely, artificial manner, and finally ,
taught her to bear, that is, with her
thumb and forefinger, on the throat and
lower Hp of the person. She can "hear"
twhat is being said to her as certainly .as
If her hearing wcro normal.
Passes Severe Examination.
Stop by step Miss Sullivan took Helen
I-aT Marr Hamlllea.
The announcement of the engage
ment of the Marquis of Graham, eld
est son of tho Duke of Montrose, to
X,ady Mary Hamilton, only daughter
of the lato IZth Duke of Hamilton
aad Brandon and tho richest heiress
In tho United Kingdom, who only at
tained her majority recently, aroused
much Interest in London. The en
gagement Is particularly popular in
Scotland, because It will result In tho
ason of the two great historic -houses.
Lady Mary, who is known as tho
Lady of Arran, Is the owner of tbo
Island of that name. The Marquis of
Graham Is himself wealthy. He Is a
Veen yachtsman. In the recent elec
tions he stood as the Unionist candl
dl- T
4ale for the House of Commons for
ftlrllagsfclre. but was - defeated.
Kellar through the studies of the pri
mary, grammar and high schools, and
then together they entered Radcliffe Col
lege In taking the entrance examina
tions. Miss Kellar encountered the op
position of the faculty, who feared they
would be required to do a great amount
of work to no purpose, should this deaf,
dumb and blind girl enter their classes,
but she passed so highly that she could
not be barred out. In the college she
look all the regular courses and gradu
ated with her class two years ago with
high honors. She studied mathematics,
Greek. Latin. French, German and all the
other subjects required' for the regular
full course, and in her final examinations
passed very highly.
litre Devoted to Blind.
After her graduation Miss Kellar pur
chased a home in Wrcntham and has
devoted-herself, to work for tho advance
ment of the blind everywhere, writing
r- y
ITclea Kellar. Deaf, I)mfe a ad Blind
Teacher of the BUad.
and speaking on every possible occasion.
It is these- constant labors which have
now caused her collapse.
Belgian Professor Says $15,000,000
, ' Derived .From Ilpbcr Trade
V CHt7to KJns's EichmcHU
TtCTTSfiKT ?. Wb. . 'ProfrtKJtnr 1?lfelAn
Calllcr; of the Free "University of Brus
sels, hast published a pamphlet on the sit
uation in the Congo Free State, which
contains several hitherto unpublished doc
uments showing that the crown domain;
which practically is King Leopold's per
sonal property, .consists of .2T3 square
kilometers, br an-area 2 times the slro
of England, bringing him proflUj on rub
ber alone of ?15,117.0CO during tho last ten
Professor Calllcr recalls the fact- that
Premier de Smet dc Msvtfr declared.. In
Vhe Chamber of Dcputfcs In 1M3, that the
profits of. the crown domain would be ex
clusively applied to tho creation of estab-
lixhmcnts of material, moral and -Intel
lectual utility, whereas the official docu
ments adduced show that the profits have
been used for the acquisition of real cs
tatc in 'Brussels and Ostend alone to the
'Valtle of as well as property in
many other towns In Belgium. Tho au
thor foresees, as to. result or all this, that
grave difficulties will arise when the suc
cession to tho throne of Belgium and tho
Congo Free State comes up.
The revelations of Professor Calllcr have
caused a great sensation. The Socialist
leader. Van dcr Vcldc, will intcrpelate the
Ministry In thcAChamber of Deputies on
Tuesday night.
London Paper's Comment on Leo-
, pold's Ill-GottW Gain's.
LONDON, Feb. ia-ThS "Standard this
morning draws attention toyho revelations
contained In a book on th Congo Fre
State published ai. Paris andBrusse'ls by
tha Belgian, Professor CalHer Indicating
that during the past decade King Leopold
has drawn an amount estimated, at 315,
0W.0M from the rubber trade Inthc Congo
crown domain, -l icre being - no trace of
this in the published accounts of the
Congo administration. - The-' -newspaper
"If it can bo verified that such an In
come was drawn, while It has been repre
sented that doubtful expedients were em
ployed In the Congo In order to avoid the
carrying on of business at a loss, the con
science of Europe will Jo-MtttTed to. Its
Judges In Minnesota Send Them
Back to Givers.
MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 9. All the judges
in Minnesota will henceforth scorn rail
road paspcs. A movement started recent
ly by the district bench of Hennepin
County has resulted in all the judges in
the state sending back their anneal
RooscTclt Dines Political Chiefs.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. President
Roosevelt entertained at dinner at the
White House tonight tho executive com
mil tee and officers of the Republican Na
tional Committee. The guests Included
Chairman George B. Cortelyou. VIcc
Chalrman Harry S. New, Treasurer Cor
nelius N. Bliss. Senator Scott, of West
Virginia. Franklin Murphy, D. W. Mul
vane, Eisner Dover, Representative J. A.
Tawney and First AsctetaaL' Postmaiter-
Gkaeral Hltc&cecJc.
- .is
New Solution of the Moroccan
Problem Is Offered by a
British Paper
Neither France Nor Germany Will
Yield, and Commercial ; Unrest,
Nob - AVar, - ."Would Result.
Others Powers Busy.
LONDON, Feb. 5. The Statist, one or
the leading financial weeklies of .Great
Britain, deals this week with tho Alge
clras conference In a long leader. The
artlclo predicts a failure to reach a con
clusion satisfactory to France, and conse
quently continued uneasiness In the com
mercial world, whllo at the same time the
writer believes that war will not result.
Tho point of the Statist's conclusions Is
that President Rooscvolt alone can s&'vo
the situation. "Just as he alone was able
to bring about peace between Russia and
Upholds French Claims.
Tho Statist, after dealing with the crux
of tho situation, namely, the policing of
Morocco, upholds France's right Xo de
mand that she should be given power to
maintain order and to maintain a police
force. The paper does not believe from
present Indications that Germany will
yield the point, that country preferring to
humiliate France, with the result of tying
up for an Indefinite period the Immense
sums of money now held inactive In
"The small powers," says the Statist,
"are afraid to meddle between Gcrmany
and France, and England cannot do any
thing that would seem contrary either to
the spirit or the letter of the Anglo
French agreement. Russia has too much
to do at home and AustroHungary is too
much distracted.
Give Job to Uncle Sam.
"Thcro remains, then, only the United
States. If the United States Is willing to
undertake the policing of Morocco', every
body will hall with Joy her readiness to
assume an unpleasant responsibility for
the sake 6f preserving the peace of the
wld Nobody Mvoalil attempt to dictate
to.we uniteu aiaTcsryet every twiy joiowh
that the United States Is im partial, and
by undertaking tho policing would pot en-
tangle nerseii in treaties, wouia not incur
any danger and would not Impose upon
herself any gratuitous expense.
"In turn, she would sweep awaj tho
danger of war between two great Euro
pean nations a war which. If It broke
out. would, in all probability, spread and
ultimately become world-wide. We trust
that, for the sake of maintaining the
world's peace, the United States will will
ingly depart from Its settled policy."
Would Confiscate Contraband to Arm
Soldiers of Morocco.
ALGECIRA9, Spain. Feb. 9. A plan for
the reorganization of the customs of
Morocco will be submitted to the confer
ence tomorrow.
The Moroccan delegates have received
the reply of the Sultan regarding the vro
posed regulations for the suppression of
trado In contraband and arms. The Sal
tan approves of the regulations except
wherein they provide for the destruction
of confiscated military weapons. He de,
mands that serviceable armament shall be
used for the equipment of Moroccan troops
and that those useless for military our
poses be- sold abroad, the proceeds going
King Charles of Itoamacla. who Is
reported s-riojsly ill. is a son of
the late Prince Karl of Uohenzollern
SUmarlngen. and was born April 20.
1S33. He flrst was elected "Domn,"
or Lord, of Roumanla In 1S6C but was
proclaimed King on March 20. 1SS1.
nia wife, formerly tne--German Prin
cess Elisabeth von Neuwsld. is better
known by her pen-name of "Carmen
Sylra." The couple are cblldles. and
the heir to the throne Is the King's
nephew. Prince Ferdinand, 'who was
bom in and who was created
"Prince of Itoumanla" In 18S0. The
complete Independence of Roumanla
from Turkey was procured through
the Russian war against the Sultan
In 1S7T. when Roumaaia threw her
forces Into the conflict In support of
the Cxar In his struggle with the
SBfcfift'SPt.'-? 't -TfPPBsBv
--- ...'
to the Moroccan treasury. The reply will
be communicated to the conference tomor
Firm on Police Question.
PARIS, Feb. 0. The semi-official
Temps this afternoon, referring to tho
Moroccan situation, said:
"There appears no doubt that pub
lic opinion in France Is unanimous
with reference to policing- Morocco.
Tho interests of others having- been
safeguarded, the hour has arrived for
the protection of the special rights of
France. No doubt the government,
with the knowledge that the whole
country is behind it, will take a firm
stand during- the discussion of this
delicate point at the conference."
Sends Warships Nearer Germany
LONDON. Feb. 10. According to a dis
patch from Malta to tho Dally Mall, four
British cruisers will soon be withdrawn
from the Mediterranean and four battle
ships from the Atlantic fleet, and all will
be sent to the North Sea. The Dally Mall
explains that the reduction of the Medi
terranean fleet Is due to the Anglo-French
entente, .and says that it Is not unlikely
France will follow Great Britain 3 exam
Ambassador Held Receives Royal
Astronomical Society's Medal for
Lick Observatory Professor.
LONDON. Feb. 9. At a meeting of the
Royal Astronomical Society at Burling
ton House today Ambassador Reld re
ceived the gold medal for 1905 conferred
by the society on President William Wal
lace Campbell, of the Lick Observatory,
The president of the society. In present
ing it, lengthily recited Professor Camp
bcH's great success in spectroscopic work,
which had greatly Increased the world's
knowledge of stellar motions. In the
course of his speech the President pleas
antly . referred to Mr. Reid's family re
lations with the Lick Observatory,
through D. O. Mills, who Is an active
trustee of that Institution.
Mr. Reld replied briefly. He said it was
a pleasure to serve as a medium for
transmitting a mark of the society's dis
tinguished approval to a countryman on
the far Pacific Coast, and the personal
circumstances to which such a gracious
allusion had been made gave the duty
s pedal zest. Professor Campbell certain
ly would value the decoration as highly
as a soldier and- a statesman would value
one sent by his sovereign.
He thanked the society in the name of
.frorcssor Campbell, the Lick Observatory
and tbe University of California.
Tb Weather.
-YESTERDAY'S Maximum -temperature. -18
orr-i minimum. o. .rrectpiiation. none.
TODA3TS Increasing cloudiness." probably
lunusra or rain sunaar. Jasteriv wind
shifting- to southerly.
President Castro's war preparation. Page 4.
United States called on to settle Moroccan
dispute br policing country. Page 3.
California astronomer honored In England.
Page 1.
Russian: Reds blow up headquarters of Black
Hundred. Page S.
Belgian denounces King Leopold for stealing
Congo revenue. Page 1.
Railroads, alarmed at public hostility,, urge
Senate to pass rate bill. Page 1.
Clash 'between supporters and opponents of
rate bin In Senate committee. Page. 1.
Patterson tries to retain eight-hour law on
Canal, but falls. Page 3.
Wallace suggests plan to anticipate bene
fits ot Canal. Page -1.
Government forwards Bristol copy of letter
to Coos Bay Company. Pago 'J.
Judge "Wlckcrsbam'3 answer to charges.
Hey burn's speesh against forest reserves.
Pago 1.
Creation of forest reserves suspended III!
Congress acts on Heyburn's bill. Page 2.
Murphy elects his man head of Tammany.
Page 3.
Cummins will run again for Governor of
Iowa. Page 3.
Helen Kellar breaks down under strain of
work for blind. Page
Paul Lawrence- Dunbar, icsro -pot, dead.
Page 3.
Preliminaries io-r church union complete.
Page 2.
Great snowstorm in Pennsylvania. Pago 3.
Lawson organizing insurance proxy commit
tee. Page 7. k
Longworth 111 In bed. but well In time for
wedding. Page 5. -
. Pacific Coast. - -
Valencia survivors reiterate former state
ments at Seattle Inquiry; testimony still
conflicting. Page 6.
Eleven Eastern Washington towns unite to
build electric railway from Dayton to Co
lumbia .Itlver. Page, 0.
Authoritative statement made that Union
Pacific will build Into Tacoma. Page 8.
"Kid" Hermann and Aurella Herrara flgat
20-round draw In Los Angeles. Page 7.
Sight hundred rabbits slaughtered In, an
nual drive on Blalock Island. Page 6.
Commercial aad Marlae.
Continued high prices for wool are expected.
Page 13.
Big deals In hop market. Page 15.
Orange prices break at San Francisco.
Page 13.
Wheat la good demand at Chicago. Page 13.
Northern Pacific conspicuous In stock trad
t lug. Page 13. .
Spring- Jobbing business Is good. Page 13.
Boat will be secured to take place of Dalles
City. Page 14.
Tortlaad and Vicinity.
Canvass of merchants In Interest of Portland
Alaska line begins today. Page 10.
Greedy gas corporation. In remorlnr meter
over dlsnuted bill almost sacrifices a life
by asabyxlatlon. Page 10.
World Fair Corporation decides to complete
monument in City Park and return stock
holders S3 per cent dividend. Page 11.
rollceman Nelson loses his star for kissing
woman whom ho was escorting home.
Paare. 10.
Captain Drohn stranded, having lost all his
money to woman with whom he was In
fatuated. Page 0.
Sir divorce decrees granted. Page 10.
Portland delegation will go to greet Chinese
Commissioners on their arrival at Seattle,
rage 11.
Address on Christian .Science draws large
crowd. Page 11.
Record of a day in the Municipal Ccurt.
Pass H.
Mining oaeratlous In Southern Oregon on a
largo scale. Page 12.
Argument on Equal Suffrago before Federated
Trades Council. Page 10.
Strong fight made in Toun? Men's Democratic
' Club agalaat Sheriff Word. Page ltf.
NTO railroad:
Public Hostility Causes
Fear of Results.
Tell Friends in Senate to Let
Rate Bill Pass.
Denunciations of Pennsylvania Hail-
road 3Icrgcr and of Pennsylvania
Coal Koads Cause Alarm.
Elklna for Compromise.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 9.-(SpecIal.)-It ix
apparent that certain railroad Interests
have become alarmed over the decided
anti-railroad agitation that is manifest'
inp; itself In Congress and in several
states, and that their friends in the Sen
ate have been appealed to to settle upon
the best rate bill they can get and get
It before the Senate for action. It is
said that the railroad Interests at large
have become astounded over the opposi
tion that has developed to them through
out the country, and that many o them
realize that graver problems than the fix
ing of a disputed rate confront them, if
something is not done to allay the .spirit
of hostility.
Some of the magnates believe that if
they can get the members of the commit
teo on Interstate commerce of the Sen
ate together on a. blir at once It will stop
the agitation that is each day growing
stronger against what are characterized
as "railroad lobbies" in various states.
The denunciation of the railroad trust
In West "Virginia by Governor Dawson In
a letter to the Senate, the offering of a
resolution in Pennsylvania to Investigate
coal-operating r.oads and the determina
tion of many members of Congress to se
cure an investigation of tho alleged trust
formed by the Pennsylvania,. Baltimore &
Ohio, Chesapeake & Ohio and Norfolk &
Western, have excited fear anions the
.friends of- railroads that a remorseless
crusade against them is about to begin.
Chairman Elkins, of the interstate com
merce committee of the Senate, who fa
vors the railroad interests, and Senators
Clapp and Dolliver. who have been fighting-
for action, held a private conference
of several hours this afternoon. It is be
lieved a basis of compromise Is being
Clapp and Dolliver Charge Obstruc
tion, Aldrlcli Hotly Replies.
WASHINGTON. Feb. The Senate
committee on Interstate commerce today
began consideration ot the Hepburn rata
bill, which passed the House yesterday.
Today was devoted to the flrst section,
which describes the kind of transporta
tion to which the act shall apply. Sev
eral amendments were suggested by Sen
ators unfriendly to the bill, but none was
voted on today.
It became evident during the discussion
of the various amendments that the ar
rangements to discuss the bill next week
would accomplish no important result,
so great were tho differences between its
opponents and champions.
Obstruction Is Charged.
Clapp and Dolliver charged that the
amendments were offered to obstruct tho
perfection of a bill that stands a. good
chance to become a law. Aldrlch replied
that the amendments had been offered se
riously, whereupon Clapp announced that
he would "waste no more time" in the
consideration of the bill, but would be
present to vote on the measure on Feb
ruary 15. He then left the committee
room. After the departure of Clapp, Dolliver
took the committee to task for its "lev
ity" In considering railroad rate legis
lation. He called attention to the fact
that the committee had been conducting
hearings since last Summer and had not
arrived at any agreement. He charged
that some members of the committee did
not appear to desire an agreement.
Aldrlch Denies Levity.
Objection was made by Aldrich to the
charge that "levity" had been displayed
and said that he had been serious in
everything that he had offered. Warm
ing to the defense of his sincerity, he
said that he would talk In any manner
he pleased In discussing the proposed leg
islation and would not be called to ac
count by Dolliver.
The Iowa Senator, who is the particu
lar champion of the Hepburn bill, with
emphasis replied that he, too, would
choose his own language and characterize
as he chose the methods that had been
resorted to. I
Chairman Elkins. who had participated
in the early dispute, rapped for order
and a few minutes later the committee
31111 Not Afraid or Rate Bill.
NEW YORK, Feb. 9. James J. Hill,
when questioned yesterday, said he did
not know what chance the Hepburn rail
way rate regulation bill had of passing
the Senate, and would not express an
opinion of its value as legislation.
"I know this much about It," he said.
"Before some of tho railroads get down
to the rates the Great Northern la charg
ing now they will all be sick and tired
ol rate regulation."