Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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7a.Ba.glBr Ealter
WB(5ay B4itr....
Cltr Editor....
Society, TEAller .,
SvperiBtendeat Bslldlar
JEast SMe prfisi!
Main 7878
...... Main 7070
Main 7070
Mala 7070
ytzTn 7070
Mala 7070
East 61
afApQUAM GRAND THEATER (Mecrlaaa si..
. Mtweea &th asd 7th Tertgfct at S:l
?.L0?k- Geont Ade's polJdoal cofaedjr,
Joe County Chairman."
Baker theater rsa s3 Tamkiu
. Miner's "Boaemlana" tonight at 8:15.
EM PI ft E THEATER f 12th and MerrlseB)
Follarfi Lilliputian Opera Compasy In "A
- Runaway Girl." at S:16 T. M.
JRA"ND THEATER, (Park awl WashlssteiO
Cestinueus vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30 aad 8
PANTAGEa- THEATER Uth and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 8
P. M.
STAR THEAT.ER tPs.rk and Washington
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7c30. fi P. M.
Graduating Exercises. The tenth
graduating exercises of Brooklyn School
will take place Monday afternoon at 3
o'clock In the assembly hall. .Members of
the class are: Louisa D. Bigger, Lizzie
2C Cereghlno, Eva I. Coddington, Phoebe
E. 'Day, Jay S. Farley, Grace E. Finger,
Bertha H. Goetten. Tillle P-, Goetten,
Leonard Xlstler. Nellie C, Perkins, Rich
mond "Wells, Walter W- White and
George W. Zipsy. Following is the pro
gramme: Song. "We'll Stand by the
Flag," biography, Lizzie Cereghlno and
Richmond Wells: piano solo, "Roosevelt
March," .Grace Finger; extracts, Louisa
Bigger, Phoebe Day, Grace Finger, Tillle
Goetten, Walter White, Eva Coddington,
Jay Farley, Bertha Goetten, Leonard
Klstler, George Zlpsy; piano solo, "The
Myrtles," Eva Coudington: prophesies,
"Nellie Perkins; address to class, Mrs. A.
S. Dunlway; piano duet, "Charge of the
Uhlans," Bertha and Tillle Goetten;
presentation of certificates. L N. Flelsch
ncr, of the Board of Education; song.
"God Bless Our Native Land." Class
motto 'Through hard work and strife
vre -win the goal of life." Roosevelt.
Herbert C. Shattuck Will Speak.
The two -weeks' local campaign of Her
"bert C. Shattuck, of New York. National
organizer and lecturer for the Loyal Tem
perance Legion, has been extremely suc
cessful and "will culminate in 'a temper
ance mass meeting at Tayjor-Btreet M. E.
Church on Sunday next at 3:30 P. M.,
when "he will be the principal speaker.
Other short addresses will be delivered by
Dr. Clarence True Wilson and Dr. Paul
Rader, president and superintendent, re
spectively, of . the State Anti-Saloon
League; Mr. I. H. Amos, state chairman
of the Prohibition party, and Mrs. L. H.
Additon. president of the state W. C. T.
U. There will also be attractive musical
features. The peculiar exigencies of the
present situation, added to this attractive
list of speakers, together with the great
importance of the matters they will pre
sent, guarantee a large attendance and
great interest on the occasion.
Members op Bar " Meet Saturdat
Xioht. Saturday night will see the law
yers of this city assembled in the Cham
ber of Commerce hall In the Chamber of
Commerce building, to form a Multnomah
County Bar Association. The committee
which was appointed to call the lawyers
together for the assembly are meeting
with great success, -the attorneys -of this
city, without a single- exception, heartily
favoring the plan, and a large and suc
cess'ful meeting Is assured. It has been
"the endeavor of the committee to see
every lawyer, but those who were not
een are also requested to attend. The
meeting will be called to order at 8
o'clock sharp, and a permanent organiza
tion will be formed immediately there
after. Anktversarv or Freedmen's Societt.
Taylor-street Methodist Church Is prepar
ing to celebrate Sunday the fortieth anni
.versary of .the founding of the Freedmea's,
Aid and Southern - Education -Society,'
which was organized in -connection with
fthe Methodist Episcopal Church to com
memorate the birthday of Abraham Lin
coln. The work of the society consisted
in ameliorating the conditions of the
colored race and poor whites In the South.
In the morning. Rev. F. Burgettc Short
will speak on "The Value of Concentra
tion," with reference to the work of the
society In the South, and in the evening
Dr. Stephen E. WIbc will gh'e an address
on the topic, "Abraham Lincoln, the
Great Emancipator."
District Sundax School Convention;
Multnomah County district convention
will open this evening at Westminster
Presbyterian Church. East Tenth and
Weldler streets, at 7:30 o'clock. Addresses
will be' delivered by Rev. W. C. Mcrrltt,
international Sunday school worker; Pro
fessor R. R. Steele, president rtate insti
tution; Dr. J. J. Wiggins, president Mult
nomah County Association; J. W. Euston,
secretary Multnomah County Association;
A. A Morse, member state executive
board; B. Lee Paget, treasurer county as
sociation; and Rev. Henry Marldttc. pas
tor of Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Making Prooresb on Sewer. Council
man RuBhlight says that good progress Is
"being made oh the Brooklyn sewer. Ho
reports that practically rights of way
have been secured from property-owners
east from Mllwaukle street. From the
Ladd tract west there will be no obstruc
tion, and the right of way will be secured
.through It. In the City Engineer's office
the details of 'the plans for his sewer
are "being compiled, and Councilman
Rushlight says that there should be
nothing In the way of Jetting the .con
tract In about a month. The right-of-way
problem has been .solved.
Talk or Appointing Woman Detective
Some persons' connected with the local
police department are said to be in favor
of the appointment of a woman detec
tive, but when Chief Gritzmacher 'fas
asked his views on the matter yesterday,
he laughed merrily. It was some "time
before he could control his mirth suffi
ciently to make reply, but when he re
covered himself, he said that It was the
first he had ever heard of such a thing
and that .he hoped It would be the last.
Notice to Passengers. On account of
fill 'being made on Grand avenue, Ihe
East Ankeny and Montavilla cars, com
mencing Sunday, February 11. with cross
the river iia the Burnsid bridge, thence
up "Burnslde street to Fifth street, up
Fifth "street to Washington street, down
Washington street to Second street,
along Second street to Buraslde - street,
returning over the Burnslde bridge. Port
land Railway Co., F. L Fuller, Presi
dent. Want Distinguished Chinese to Coke
Here The Board of Trade will endeavor
to bring to Portland the party of Ave
noted Chinese who are coming to study
thp trade conditions In the United States.
They are expected to arrive in Seattle
about February 35 on the steamship Da
kota. In case they come to Portland the
other commercial organizations will be in
cited, to co-operate in the entertainment
6f. the guests.
D. C. Burns, the Grocer. New loca
tion at 210 Third street. Here you will
and & fine line of smoked fish, baddies,
kippered herring, bloaters, codfish. Co
lumbia River salmon tips and other deli
cacies of the season for breakfast. The
real quality of the goods will remain long
after the price is forgotten. See our sale
Saturday on butter and eggs.
Reception to H. C. Shattuck, Under
the auspices of the Mount Scott W. C. T.
U. a reception will be given Herbert C.
Shattuck, national lecturer for the -Loyal
Temperance Legion, this evening. In
Lents Hall, Mount Scott. A musical and
literary programme will be rendered.
For San Francisco. Steamer Nome
City satis direct .5 p. m. Cabin, $12; steer
age. JS. meals and berth included. C. H.
Thompson, agent, 136 Third street
High-Class Oriental entertainment at
Taylor-st. M. E. Church Friday evening,
Feb. S.-fc&t 8 o'clock. Admission 15c; chil
dren lOc. '
AXTSVCa ifele W as. appreaUees
ia iaiillBry. Fraley, 214 3d, '
"The Cwrfy Chairs."
Hon. Jim Hackler. .Theodore Babcock
Tllfera "Wheeler Hermann Web
L Eliaa THgby KI chard J. Dillon
Kiley Cleaver........ George K. Calne
Wilson Pre wltt. .....Edward Gorman
Jupiter Pettaway John Gorman
Sassafras Ltvlagaton.Gecrgc Thatcher
Jefferson Brieeoe.Jamcs H. Bradbury
Uncle Eck'Mltlbury.. Charles A. Burke
Vance JlmmUon Claude Boycr
Joe Whlttaker .Will F. Phillips
Cal Barcus Joseph Daley
"Chub' Tolllrer. Harold Grau
Lucy R!gby..r..Katblene Macdonnell
3iru. Ellas Rlgby Grace Romlno
Mrs. Jefferson Briscoe.... Laura Ayers
Lorena Watklas....Zcnalde Williams
"Chick" Elzey Florida Klngeley
Tilly : Mabel LewU
HAVING had several pleasant experi
ences with George Ade's comedies
and comic operas, Portland's theater-going
public turned -out in force last night
to see his comedy, "The County Chalr
man." The piece has been here before
and it Is to be hoped It will come again.
It affords an evening of delightful di
version and to those who have bad the
extreme good fortune to live in a rural
settlement It is quite as novel and re
freshing as a visit back, "home." While
"The County Chairman" is a story with a
good substantial plot, it is the character
drawing that Interests ua most. The
types ubiquitous to the village are pre
sented with rare skill and veracity of
portrayal, the distinguishing features of
character being accented here and there,
"but only with the result of added effect.
The title role Is a picture of tho typical
country politician, and In fact there is
something of the metropolitan follower of
politics in htm. This part is In the ca
pable hands of Theodore Babcock, who
does full justice to it. Sassafras Living
ston, the indigent colored Individual so
common in ever' town cast and south of
the Missouri, and in .many west thereof,
is an excellent version of the type. This
part is well handled by George Thatcher.
Ellas Rlgby, the dignified, reserved old
lawyer whoc propensity for graft makes
him the villain, is a strong caricature of
the hypocrite. Richard Dillon, in this
part, would have drawn out hisses with
out end last night had he been at the
Empire, his work being thoroughly good.
Uncle Eck, the village wise man; Lenora
Watklns, the flirtatious milliner with a
weakness for drummers that finally leads
her into marrying a windmill agent;
"Chub," the precocious youth whose only
ambition is for good fishing and swim
ming all arc people that we have known,
and did not know It until Mr. Ade took
the trouble to point It out. For It has
been said, and truly so, that Ade's suc
cess and popularity lie In his ability to
write the things "we already knew, but
didn't know it."
The story Is fashioned about a political
contest In which Wheeler, a young law
yer, runs in opposition to old Rlgby.
Wheeler happens to be In love with his
opponent's daughter, and this fact brings
out endless situations, which are handled
in masterly fashion. The ending Is con
ventional, but of course Inevitable, and
they "live happily ever after." "The
County Chairman" will be presented again
this evening with the concluding perform
ance Saturday afternoon.
Rev. Father Cestelu's Benefit. In
addition to thejUtractlve programme an
nounced In The Oregonlan for the benefit
of Rev. Father Cestelllca rendition of the
variations of "McSorloy'j; Twins" and
"Mccarty's Mare" is promised by a re
markably elf i fid
clergyman. This priest has heretofore
ircijuenuy aengntej -private and select
parties in Omaha. Council Bluffs. Denver
and other cities. But next Saturday night
will be his first public appearance in
Portland. He will then furnish the large
audience expected with an exhibition of
his wonderful powers In the art of ex
hilarating song and tuneful music
Rev. J. w. Brougher's Salart Raised.
At -a meeting of the First Baptist
Church last night at the White Temple
the congregation unanimously ratified the
action of the prudential committee and
board of trustees in raising Rei J. W.
Brougher's salary to $4000. A. L. Veazle
made the report to the meeting for the
prudential committee and trustees, and
Captain J. A. Sladen made tho motion
for ratification, which was unanimously
carried with much enthusiasm.
Benefit Entertainment for Rev.
Father Cestellt. Baker Theater. Saturday,
Feb. 30. Tickets on sale at McAllen &
McDonnell, Goddard & Xells Rowe &
Martin drug store. Sixth and Washington.
Foellcr & O'Natl cigar store. Fifth and
Washington, and Al. Janet's, Fifteenth
and Washington streets.
S. G. Reed Chosen Chairman. The
membership committee of the Chamber
of Commerce met yesterday afternoon and
organized. .S. G. Reed was elected chair
man for the ensuing year. The commit
tee will endeavor to Increase the mem
bership from 670 to ItoO.
Wixtu Speak on Lincoln. At Temple
Beth Israel. Dr. Stephen S. Wlso will de
liver an address at S o'clock this evening
on Abraham Lincoln, the great American
commoner, Strangers are always wel
come. Lecture on Abraham J-aNOOUN. "Wil
liam D. Wheelwright will lecture tonight
at the Men's Resort. Fourth and Burnslde
streets, on Abraham- Lincoln.
For RENT.-Corner store in Lewis
building, Morrison and Park streets. N.
D. Simon, 511 Chamber of Commerce,
"Five-Rook Flat, 537 Taylor; elegant
bath; strictly modern. Graves Music
Store. 338 Washington street.
Store for Rent. A 4-story substantial
brick bujldlng. 50x100 feet, centrally locat
ed. Inquire 208 First street.
Merchant's Lunch 25c, Calumet Res
taurant, 149 7th.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; flae private apart
ments for parties. Opee all algat. 306
Washington, near Fifth. .
The best six-course dinner, with wine,
tec, 12 to 8 P. M.. at Scott Restauraat. 7th
and Ankeny. Fine" merchants lunch, Jtc.
Kteh-Grafe rtttm far Ket 1
And seld ea easy TaavmeBts. Flaat tmfM i
and repairing. H. aasbtisw. Talra St. '
Oregon if c
Purely mutual to policy holoWt.
On plans that have stood the test of time.
EcotKmkaIly and cleanly adjmJHtard.
Profits of the business belong to policyholders.
Returned to them in dividends at the end of each year.
L. SAMUEL, Manager
Mackay Bwldtat, 286 Watiaaioa Strtxk, Portkad, Ortfoa
"A Rvmwst Girt."
Flipper Master Tedcy McXasaara
Guy Stanley lllii Eva Moore
Lord Coodle Matter Jack Pollard
Profeeaor Taarln
MaUr Freddie
Slgnor Patent. .Marter Johnny Helntx
Hon. Bobby Barclay.
- ...Miss Lah TLeichner
3Ir. Creel Master Harold Frar,
Leonello Matter Itoy Smith
Pletro ....Master Oscar Helntx
Santa Cruz .....Mis Ivy Pollard
Bocacclo.... Master Sennie Mus'srove
Mike Dolorosa Miss Uly Bull
First Gendarme Mtsa May Fraser
Second Gendarme.Mlss Veronica Xurt
"Waiter at hotel M!s Alice Little
Winifred Gray Mls Era Pollard
Alice.. .WMJsi Olive Moore
CarraenltA Daphne Pollard
Lady Coodle. ...M1m Nellie Shed den
Dorothy taney..,Mts May Martrn
Mra. Creel. MUs Merle Pollard
Dolly Dudley. ..Miss Olive Thompson
Masse Brock.. Miss Glen Wilson
Grace Arlington.... Miss Ivy Pollard
Jescie Partraan... Miss Dorothy Guest
Era Grorrenor....Mls Dottle Brown
Peary Nelson Mies Midas Martrn
First School Girl Miss Irene Falls
Second School Girl... Miss Ada Helntz
Dottle Dimple Mis Elrie Guest
Flower Girls; Sabot dlrls. Postillions '
Gondoliers, eta
THE Lilliputians lose none of their at
tractiveness in "A Runaway Girl,"
which they will present the remain
der of the week, except Saturday after
noon when they produce "Pinafore." The
Lilliputians are good in everything thcy
attempL Give them "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
as their only vehicle, and they would fill
the Empire Just "tho same as they have
been doing all this week. This is not a
slam on "A Runaway Girl," as its stand
ing has been established long ago,. but It
is Intended as a splendid compliment for
the children who . have a mujfh better
right to be called actors and actresses
than many grown persons who "adorn"
tlie footlights.
Eva Pollard, as Wlnnlfred Gray, easily
carried off the honors last night. She was
almost too sweet for anything, and was
so captivating that she won the hearts of
all those present.
Daphne Pollard gave a splendid inter
pretation of Carmenlta, and made a good
Impression. Master Johnny Helntz stood
out above all the others In the comedy
TjartE- Hi -rnlrp- In ui ol- tV.o ! le
almost painful, but when ho keeps hi4
raouui ciosea ana does his acting with
his facial muscles, he is irresistibly funny.
To watch hlra wink his eye or draw up
the corners of his mouth is enough to
make anyone laugh. The scenery and;
stage settings were excellent, and the en
semble was good. In fact, almost every
thing was above criticism.
Col. Ii. Ii. Hawkins Asks That Free
Muschhi Bq Not KciB-evcd.
L. L. Hawkins appeared before the
Council Wednesday night and announced,
that somebody had requested him over
the telephone to vacate the shell room of
the City Hall In order that the space
might bo utilised by the- consolidated
Health Board and plumbing and building
inspectors as an office.
He stated that the Rors -exhibit o(
shells contained therein was one 'of tho
finest for its size Jn tho country, -embracing
several thousand rare specimens
and having a value of fully iXt.OM. At
the time he conceived the Idea of estab
lishing the free muteum In the City Hall
for the benefit of the public, he said, there
was an agreement with the Council that
It should not be disturbed, and he wished
to call the attention of the present body
to the situation in order that It might
act Intelligently In the matter. He stated
further that he had personally devoted
nine years of his life to the care and
assemblage of the free museum, in which
he took the greatest possible pride, and
he thought It was no more than right
that his position in the premises should
be properly recognised. His reasons for
appearing before the Council were based
upon a desire to have a clear-cut under
standing with the body.
Colonel Hawkins' remarks were loudly
applauded, .both by the Councilmen and
the large number of spectators present,
and It Is quite evident that he will not be
Sunday-School Convention.
Members and. teachers from all of the
SunOay schools in Multnomah Counts,
north of East Taylor street and east of
the Willamette River, will gather tonight
for the district convention in Westmin
ster Presbytenan Church. East Tenth
and Weldler streets. The programme,
which will begin at 7: o'clock, will con
tain addresses by the following Sunday
school workers: Rev. C. W. Merritt. In
ternational Sunday school Held worker;
Professor R. R. Steel, president Oregon
State Sunday School Association; Dr.
J. J. Wiggins, president Multnomah Sun
day School Association; J; w. Euston.
secretary Multnomah Counts Sunday
School Association; A. A. Morse, member
of state executive board; B. Lee Paget,
treasurer of Multnomah County Sunday
School Association: Rev. Henry Marcotte,
pastor Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Hunt Club Closed Paper Chase.
The Portland Hunt Club's ciosea pa
per chase to be held tomorrow will
start from the old golf links, four
blocks north of the Clinton Kelly
school, and finish at a point near Mll
waukle avenue. The hares for the oc
casion are W. M. DavW and J. C
Muehe. who" have selected a course af
fording trooJ footing and free frm
brush. The next event on the pro
gramme of the club will be the second
run for the Kerr cup, which is sched
uled for Washington's birthday, Feb-
ruary 22.
Will Visit MoHtavIIIa Sd nol.
A delegation from the Home Tralniag
Association will , visit the Montavilla
School this afternoon for the purpose of
orw&nlxlnsr a branch Mothers Awivit.
Hon In that neighborhood. Mrs. A. King
s sH -Nrl
! -r
ssB xlBmk' 1
Connoisseurs Understand That There Is Nothing Better
hiskey. OW, mellov and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant
Our Materials
are the best mony can buy. The skill
In dentistry whtoh Is essential In our
office Is the kind that only expert train
ing nod' years of experience can buy.
Oothlntr la too good for our patients. Our
Increasing business shows they appre
ciate It.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Falllntr Bulldinc Third and Washington.
S A. 1L to 9 P. M. Sundays, 9 to 12. Mala
Dr. W. A. Wise.
miss, who has been active In such
work, will sot be able to attend and lire.
C M. Wood will preside In her place. A
brief pro gramme will be rendered, Mrs.
W. W. Payne speaking on the duties of
parents to school and teacher, and Mrs.
R H. Tale explaining the alms and pur
poses of the Home Training Association.
Mrs. H. H. Wright will arrange music for
the occasion. The association has been
materially assisted In this undertaking by
Principal N. W. Bow I and. of the Monta
villa School, and It is expected that tho
parents of this suburb will enter the new
organization with enthusiasm. At tho
regular weekly meeting of the association
held yesterday afternoon In the City Hall.
Tr. George B. Van "Waters gave an ad
dress on "What Is Obedience and How
to Obtain It."
BsraeU's Extract ef Yaatlla
Has taketi rofd madals oxer all other brands.
Tor Infants and. Children.
Tki KM Ym Hiti Always Btngtit
Bears the
Signature of
Bargains in used pianos. We
have several slightly rased pianos,
in fine condition, which we are of
fering at about one-quarter of their
original price, and among these are
two grands, a Stelnway and a
Calckering, and several very fine
If you are looking for a snap, see
us at once.
374 MerrUoa St, cor. W. Park
Phone Main 877.
Dyspeptic People
Should send their address to the
CLIFF R00T'& BEREY CO., box 52,
Seattle. Wash.
For Rent
D Irahle metiers fire-room flat; all
my result; six blocks frem Posteffice;
best self kberbeesL Keys at 224 lOtk St
wab Printing Co.
gxr rair. xzAsaKjtstz rxiczs
New Topcoats
This season's Topcoats express the skill of the
master craftsmen; The first shipment direct from
New York custom tailors modeled under personal
supervision of our Mr. Steinbach, has just arrived
Fine cashmeres and cheviots in single and double
breasted models always popular with conservative
dressers. "Superior in Quality, Superior in Style,
Superior in . Fit," these features combined in gar
ments at prices no more than the ordinary sort.
Dr. T. P. Wise.
The Portland
Do you lovs good music? You
can select your choice from a port
folio of 5(0 pieces of popular muslo
of tha world, and Professor Am
sterdam and bis Hungarian orches
tra will render It for you.
Everything to eat and drink, and
mt no Trnr In the
Portland Hotel Kathskeller
than elsewhere In the city. Every
weekday nJtht from 3:38 to 12.
In the Northwest ts conducted at the
Behnke -Walker Business College
Elks Bldr- Seventh and Stark Streets.
Wednesday aad
No better Investment than a course in
our Departments of
We have the most modern equlpmeat
ef any college In the "West, All our
departments are in charge of experts.
m (ANTismic) w I
j it tie UiX r"tr tor aintrr si uikt w I
jfl 4ae torscic sett, sna aiMr vstac!" satl M
Iff' scytks Ittsranilr f crtaaci. la ranrsl- A
If slttaslm, k2Scj. M
in rexiAzxar H
in mrr-CLAM pealexs ever.ywhexe m
Business Suits
$15 $18
I issssssl ill! II illlilliMllI III HIM
Greatest Clothing House in
I ' AFull Line J
I THE EMERSON Laboratory Lathes, Forge Blowers, Bench I
J zz Drills and Exhaust Pans J
J Phone Main 1696. NO. 61 SIXTH ST., PORTLAND, ORE. I
. age. This is a dangerous error. A large percentage of schoolchildren need
glasses, as has been repeatedly proved by official investigations. We examine
the little one's eyes without ctiarge, and supply glasses when needed at very
j reasonable charges.
; (Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lake, Dallas, Texas; Portland, Oregon)
33 Sixth St. Successor to Walter Reed Oregonian Bid.
$40.00 Bicycles, Now S 2 2.5 O
50.00 Cushion Frame 2 7. SO
55.00 Ruby Racer - 30.00
130 Rises at fcasf price
335 Mormon St .
CI71I0S, AtiItisletajMiS.ku
lrarr. !Kone. Brease. etc. War Que, Spear. Bews.
-ii-8 J00. Mats, SkalU ef alt Katicns.
MXAlf saa HftXS ef Aalsmals. WarHeeals.
Native; Body Oraaiseats satd Dret, Attain Ktkrt
. Gwm sad KKak. Qwa, StUM. AMte&c SUvrr ai
Arswr.Sfels. Sead-for PVkw. WKoWe Dealer.
V i
1 MifsH
the Northwest.
Sale By
Careful parents in other respects
are too often neglectful of v chil
dren's vision. Not because" they
arc indifferent or careless, hut be
cause they associate spectacles with
Poor Dental Work Is Dear at any Price
The Alveolar Method as Practiced by
the Boston Dentists Assures Per?
ntanent aad Beautiful Results.
If your teeth are decayed or abscessed
or loose and falling out, or your gums In
flamed and sore, then your health de
mands that your teeth he attended to. If
you are looking- for the best work, at a
reasonable fee we would advise you to
call upon the Boston Dentists, 231 Mor
rison street, the dentists who originated
the Alveolar Method, the most-talked-o'f,
the most Imitated of recent dental dis
coveries. Examinations free. Xady attendaaC,
Skillful specialists.
Boston Dentists
"314 Morrison Street. Opp. Meier St Frank
and PostofBce.
A tZJM Fall Set
far .
Reesa 466 Deltas