POACHING ON FUND Hansbrough's Raid on Recla mation Money Wjns DIVERTED FOR DRAINAGE Senate Passes Bill Applying 1,0 00, -00:10 Xorthr Dakota Swamps. Fulton's Bin.. Against Allen , Fishermen Passes. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb. 8. To the surprise ofmany Senators, the Hansbrougb bill setting apart $LOOO.0O out of the reclamation fund for the draininge of swamp lands in North Dakota slipped through the Senate today. Several Western Senators were vigorously opposed to taking any money out of the reclamation fund to drain swamp lands and it was their pur pose to oppose this bill, but It was called up when the Senate was virtually empty and went through without opposition. Such a precedent, If once established, avlll open the "way for unrestricted on Hlaughts upon the reclamation fund and will Interfere -with legitimate reclama tion work which was contemplated by the national irrigation law. It Is ex pected that the blll.jvdll.be killed in lhc, House. M DAINTY LUNCH IN THE TEA ROOM" jP Auspices of Portland Y. W. C A. f) ( A 1 A" C YM Domestic Science Branch. I W 4 k fef VV VV "T rr( H tr W K I rV" M JLJLJX, A JLJ UJ I ALU! I tfW j JU I &1J M SHUT 'OUT ALEE??' FISHERMEN Fulton's Alaska: 'Bill' Passes, Also .Others for Pacific Coast. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash- iugton,-"Feb: iL The Senate today passed Senator .Fulton's .bill jwoTilbiting aliens, irom flsWngn: Alaskan waters. This bill was draVfti.at.-thc request of Northwest- rn ilshermcn who have' been Injured by uif encroachments of the Japanese. I Senator Heyourn's" townsite bill was J also passed. Jt authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to withdraw 100-acrc tracts under Government irrigation projects for townsite purposes and permits him to lumish water to towns for domestic and municipal uses. Money derived there from is to be paid Into the reclamation j fund. I Representative Humphrey today Intro- ! duccd a bill appropriating $100,000 for es tablishing two fish hatcheries on Puget Sound. A favorable report was made today on bills to establish a lighthouse at Cape Spencer, at the entrance of Cross Sound , and at Cape Hinchlnbrook, Prince "VVil- i nam sound, Alaska. A similar bill for Ocean Cape. Yakutat Bay. was adversely reported, the Department of Commerce deeming such a light unnecessary. RELIEVE 'FOREST SETTLERS House Passes Bill Restoring Claims j Relinquished in Error. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb 8. The House of Representa tives today passed -a bill providing that settlers within forest reserves who have relinquished title to their land since the lieu land law was repealed may recover title to their jorlglnal holdings. As mat ters now stand, these settlers can neither make lIeuvsclectlon-Jior recover the land fused to pass a bill permitting settlers of iV this class -td perfect tHcir lieu selections, i J The House also (passed Representative ! Jones bill permitting scattered Colvllle : Indians along the Columbia to- sell all ' but 80 acres of their 640-acre allotments. Ross Will Make Last Appeal. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, D. C.,Fcb. 8. Land Commissioner , Ross will tomorrow or next day present ' to the Secretary of the Interior his last appeal for the approval of the State selec tion of 53,000 acres under the Carey act In the Yakima Valley. T.hls paper will be In answer to the statement of the Reclamation Service showing the Inex pediency of approving this selection if the 1 Government Intends to build a project I in the Yakima valley. Wickcrshaiu's Answer Ready. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb. 8. Judge James Wickersham, or Alaska, has prepared his answer to the charges pending against him before the Senate judiciary committee, and will file it tomorrow. In view of this fact. It is expected that the Senate will soon take action on his nomination. Rural Route at Molalla. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb. S. Rural Route No. 2 has been ordered established April 2 at Molal la, Clackamas County, Oregon, serving 461 people and 103 houses. PERS0'NALMENTI0N, f'ity Auditor Thomas C. Devlin Is mak ing a short -visit lo Tillamook. ' i Robort W. Nelson, president of the American Typo Founders Company, was in Portland yesterday, visiting the local agency. He-leaves for California on this morning's train. NEW YORK, Feb. 8. Special.)-The following Pacific Northwest people regis tered at New York hotels today: From Spokane H. Brooke and wife, at the Fifth Avenue. From Seattle M. M. Flemin, at the Algonquin; B. Gerber, at jthe, Venrdome; W. Y. Whltten, at the Gllsey. OREGONIAN NEWS BTTOEATT Wndi. ington, Feb -te.-iCaptain L. C. Heilner. ' United States Navy, has been detached ' from duty in charge of the Thirteenth 1 Lighthouse District at Portland, Or., and will proceed to ills "home and await or ders. CHICAGO, Feb. 8. (Special.) The fol lowing Oregonlans registered at Chicago hotels today: From Portland C. A. Jordan, at the Grand Pacific; F. GJCnapp,B, B. filler, at the Auditorium; D. G. Campbell, at the Grace; A. E. Nickerson. at tha 3riggs; J. L. Fulton, Mrs. M. Pellette, at the Palmer. From Salem L. F. Stricklin, m the Morrison. -' . . Brazilian Cty Under Water. RIO DE JANEIRO. Feb. S,-Thc Par nhlba do Sul has broken its banks and inundated the lower parts of the City of Campos, 140 miles northeast of Rio Janlero. to the depth of 12 feet in some places. Many houses have collapsed, widespread damage has been done, and communication with Campos js im peded. The work -of rescuing- tho im prisoned inhabitants of the city is most "difficult. Grain Trust Ordered Dissolved. LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 8. A decision ad verse to the Nebraska Gralndealers .Asso ciation was handed down today JAy the Supreme Court, which orders the" asso ciation dissolved It had --been alleged' that the association fixed prices, leaving he farmers. to.talce .wha.t.was.'. fT e red .- SPECIAL MENU FRIDAY Clam Chowder. Escalloped Fish with Egg Sauce. Saratoga Chips. Hot JRolls. Cucumber Saiae, Green Pepper Dressing. Lemon Pie. Peach Marmalade. Tea. Milk. Coffee. Chocolate. Etc Handsome $ 1 .50 Belts for 35 Cents First Floor. These Belts are of silk in white, Persian, pink, navy, green and black; some In the wide shirred back effect; some narrow straps with gold buckles 'Values In the lot to $1.50; Special Economy Sale Price, each .35c Store Opens at 5 A. fl. Store Closes at 6 P. Ii. To those of extravagant disposition, thro whose fingers money trickles as water thro a sieve; these Friday "Econo my Sales" are of no consequence. But to , the cool, level-headed shopper who knows what Is worth knowing, it would be diffi cult to measure the usefulness of the Jay. Those who share in Its benefits realize that and act accordingly. Those who aro strangers to its advantages should also realize these facts and act accordingly. Today's 145th "Economy ,aalo" marks the passing of tho "ODDS AND ENDS SALE," the final effort of the Store's old year in record-breaking; selling. After It comes Inventory, and Saturday is the store's glad "New Year." PRUDENT HOUSEWIVES WIL.I, APPRE CIATE THESE. Savings on Kitchen Furnishings Third Fleer. Blue Enameled Ware Kcttlr 5-quart size, with cover Our -11.25 value; Special Economy Sale Price, each ............ -83c Saace J'bbo 7-quart size, with cover Our $1.60 value; Special Economy Salo Price, each , tu.ee Lipped Kettle 3-quart size Our 57c val ue; Special Economy Sale Price, ca..aSc Gray Enameled Ware Lipped Saace Paa 2 -quart size Our 25c value; Special Economy Sale Price, each ...17c Kettle 6-quart size, with cover Our 50c value; Special Economy Salo Price, each ...... SBc Muffin Pb 9-hoIe--Our 40c value; Spe cial Economy Sale Price, each 38c Brooms Good Kitchen Breams Special Economy Sale Price, each Sic Waer Palls Galvanized, 12-quart size; Special Economy Sale Price, each.... 21c VNKaUALED VALUES IX ANNEX SALONS. Second Fleer. Lunch Cloths Women's Night Robes Aprons $1.25 AND Sl.Se LUNCH CLOTHS 73c. Hemstitched Linen Lunch Cloths In two sizes 36 and 45 Inches square stamped In conventional and floral designs for, English eyelet. Mount Mclllck and French embroidery Regular values $1.25 and $L50; special, each 73c Friday Special la Wemea'a NlRMrebe-x A Vest Annex, Second Fleer. "WOMEN'S ?lX,e AND X.7S NIGHTROBES FOR 3LI8. Women's Outing Flannel Night robes; pink and blue striped; yoke neatly trimmed, edged with finishing braid; good quality and width Regular values 51.50 and $1.75; special, each 9L.18 LADIES' 3ec GINGHAM. APRONS lc Gingham Apronn In blue and brown checks; made with small bibs Regular value 30c; special, each 19c Amazing Millinery Bargains Annex Snlenn Secend Fleer. A Hundred $ 1 .50 and $2.50 Hats at 10c Each A clean sweep of the loiterers and endments of best sellers. All popular and wanted models in this lot sai lors, turbans and latest, most called for styles and fashionable colorings down-to-date ' Millinery that you want now. but wo don't, as It does the .-a stream of In coming uncs that must have room assigned immediately upon arrival. "We might give these Hats away; one reason we don't Is that the rush might wreck the department and put the fix tures out of business. So wc put the merest sperk of a price on tho Hats as a safeguard. Values from $1.30 to irk' $2.50. Friday at ,.'.vJC Another Sensation The Sale ef 50 Hats, Werth Bp te fie, for 95c Charmingly pretty, chic and stylish crea tions, conjured from silk velvets and handsomo French felts, trimmed in fancy feathers and wings. Values up to flTr $10. Friday -only at . JoC Extraordinary inducements For Men to Buy Today Special values arranged for the store's male clientele in the Annex Haberdasherie, First Floor, right handy inside the Sixth- Street Entrance, where men have a tog gery ?'deo" all to themselves and those who buy -for them. MEN'S ?L5e UNDERWEAR S1.13. An extra fine line of Men's Worsted "Un derwear; medium Spring weight: silver .gray; extra made i -and finished Regular value 5LGD; special, the garment... SL1S MEVS Sec HOSE 35c. Mcn!s. Plain Black Imported Cotton Hosei sizes 9. 10 and 10s Regular value i'Oc; special, thf pair ...,3Sc MEN'S 35c NECKTIES lc A line o Men's Club String and Bat Wing TIcf, n a large variety of patterns Regular value 25c; special, each iec MEN'S 1.5e WOOL SWEATERS Sl.eS. A line of Men's Wool Sweaters in navy and cardinal Regular value 11.50; special, each fl.es 1 1 I A Bargain In Pretty Pins Attractive Novelties In Wemea'n Dress Ac cessories -Annex, First Fleer, Jewelry Aisle 23c AND 3Sc BAR PINS iec A few dozen of White Stone Set Bar Pins; good values at 25c and 35c; Special Economy Sale Price, each ....iec Who Wants fr Sheets at 44c? Linen -.. Yxmr desires shall be gratified if you'll trend storeward today and turn your footsteps 1 9 ward the "Domestic" aisles "before the quantity is exhausted only 100 dozen in the lot. A "snap" for shrewd housewives and rooming-house folk who -want Sheets and would buy those of quality at saving prices. LINEN SHEETS, 44. IOO dozen heavy round thread Linen Finish Sheets. Special for Friday only, each .l Pourty-f our .Cents "Reorganization Sale" of Shoes ftc Populace! Sensational Slaughter of Smart Footwear Starts Today Along the "Fair-Way" but too many and continues or. 'cm. thro' the So reorganization starts today, week. It contains: Sixth-Street AnnexFirst Ploor. "Webster says "reorganization" is to "organize anew" "to reduce again to an organized condition" "as to re organize' an army." Exactly what happens today in the Shoe Stores. You see, we've changed the management there and whoever knew a manager who was entirely and sometimes at all satisfied with his predecessor's choosing or his methods? Each one thinks he can better things and generally does. Each one has his own hobbies and his own favorite lines good that's progress. And two things happen the house takes a big loss during reor ganization (making it up after by bettered stocks and con ditions), and the public makes big gains in buying under these to them favorable conditions. Our new manager says the Shoes are the best he's ever found in any stock Get your share of the bargains. Sale opens Friday at 8 A. 31., Odd Lines of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes We shall offer during this sale about 3000 pairs pf women's Patent Colt and Kid Lace and Button Shoes; also some in Vict Kid and light-weight Calfskin Leathers, made in Blucher and regular pattern, with heavy or light soles. These' Shoes are all good, stylish footwear, but short lines that wc must close out before inventory. WOMEN'S $S.50 SHOES TOR S1.98. Women's patent colt mat calf top Shoes, Goodyear welt soles and Cuban heels. Plain toes. Our $3.50 value. I Q Special Economy Sale Price, the pair Also Women's AU-Vici Kid Lace Shoes, with patent tips, mili tary heel and extension .soles; stylish and serviceable. Special Economy Sale Price, I f5Z. the pair '. .3 -JO As many as twenty-five different styles in the 1 lot. 'Priced at, the pair JW WOMEN'S FANCY SLIPPERS FOR 25c. Three hundred pairs of women's Slippers,-in white, pink, blue and lemon kid, in strap .and bow styles; odd lines which we must sell to make room for the incoming stock. These Slippers we have in all sizes, bnt not every size in each style; the bargain of a lifetime.; values up to $3.50. O p Special Economy Sale Price, the pair vJV- WOMEN'S $3.50 SHOES FOR $1.98. GOO pairs of women's Patent and Kid Leather Shoes, made with light or heavy soles on fashionable new lasts. These 'Shoes are thoroughly good footwear, and are in very de sirable patterns; complete line of sjzes and widths. Values up to $3.50.. Special Economy Sale Price, I (Z the pair mJSJ MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE KID LACE SHOES. Made with a fancy inserted mat kid scroll lace stay; very dressy and a Shoe that will wear well ; sizes 6 to 11. OXf Special Economy Sale Price, the pair vWt Sizes 11 to 2. Special Economy Sale Price, I "Q the pair I xJnJ BABY SHOES FOR SSc. Baby Shoes, in red and black; button or lace styles; sizes 1 to 6; our 75c value. Special Economy Sale "sf Price, the pair vvlL MEN'S $5.00 SHOES FOR ,$2.49. Odd pairs of men's Shoes, in guumetal box calf and vici kids; in patent button and lace styles; values up to irO $5.00. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair. . . . 3J Merciless Reduction, Prices Cut in Twa x Smart, New and Stylisb'Silks and Suitingstfor Half If you miss this sale you'll miss wonderful and very exceptional savings. Ann ax Fifth Street First Floor. ' LAST TWO DAYS OF GREAT REMNANT SALE. Thousands of Remnants of stylish, durable Silks and Colored Dress Goods go the last two days Friday and Saturday at Half-Price New black silk and wool Dress Goods, in neat novelty weaves; regular $2.00, $255, 5250 and 52.75 values, at HALF PBIOE. TBIDAT AND SATUBDAT. Choose Any 34-Length Coat Suit in the House at Half Price A Season-Capping Sale of Benevolent Fund Vote Important Notice THE VOTIN'G CONTEST CLOSES SATUR DAY AT 8 P. 31. ALT VOTES MUST BE IX BEFORE THAT HOUIU Patton Home 357,S58 Fruit and Flower ilission 150,814 Crittenton Home 13328 St. Vincent's Hospital l2S,er5 Salvation Army 116,715 Baby Home v s,18S People's Institute 58,357 St. Joseph's Homo for Aged.. 4885 Good Samaritan Hospital 41102 Old Ladles' Home . 18,8 S3 Volunteers of America 12,590 Open Air Fund 19,217 King's Daughters of Marshall-Street Church 7,S94 Children's Home 7,348 Boys' and Girls' Aid Society 3,852 Scattering 2,1,622 Total 873,452 Women's Suits Half Price! Prida7 and Saturday Grand Salons Second Floor. An event fraught with interest to hundreds of women who have heard the news from the great Eastern fashion centers that 34-Length Suits are in Favor for Spring Advices reach us that such is the case, and our buyci' now in the Xew York market is standing with her fingers on Fashion's pulse. Such Suits as ko offer in this sale will be worn by smart dressers thro the Spring months. The Suits: 34-lenjjth Coats, tight fitting; cheviots, broadcloths, serges and mannish mixed suitings, all wanted colore; coats lined thro out with silk, in most lines, hand-tailored and made in perfect workmanship on correct and authoritative models. Values up from $1S0 to $75.00. CHOOSE ANY -LENGTH-C OAT SUIT Ef THE HOUSE AT V2 PEICE. Women's Shirtwaists for Half A special line, embracing albatross, basket cloth, Scotch flan nel and other popular weaves, in neat plaids and all wanted $10 to $20 Coats $3.95 Three-quarter lengths, loose-fitting And English walking styles, tight and half-fitting coats, Empire and Redingote models, mannish mixed tweedish goods, beaver cloths, zibelines and kerseys in blues, tans, grays, browns and CIS mixtures; values $10 to $20, for ZpJvJJ colorings; values $3 to $7.50. Friday j t r and Saturday, to close 2 rl ILC Luxuries at Necessity Prices Friday inihe Jewelry Store Pirst Floor Sixth-Streetr 'Annex. , 35c WAIST PINS, i'tic An assortment of pretty Waist Pins and Cuff Pin Sets, made from the best quality rolled gold wire; set with amethysts, turquoise, sapphires, rubies, topaz, etc Waist Pins come three (3) on'a card and Cuff Pins two (2) on a card. Our 35c value Special Economy Sale Price, the set. . .".10c 15c SOAEF PINS, 10. Pretty Scarf Pins, set with finest imitation rubles,, sapphires, emeralds and ametbysts, surrounded by four white stones; a very popular design; a good value at loc. Special Economy Sale Price, each ; 10 25c, 35c, 50c BELT BUCKLES, 10c We have an assortment of Belt Buckles and Belt Buckle Sets; all our 25c 35c and 50c values, which we offer for Friday Economy Sale at, each 10 Leather Purses, Opera Bags Reduced to Close Annex, First Floor Sixth Street. 65c COIN PUBSES TOR 39c Ladies Coin Purses, made from genuine seal andsealion leath ery, with square frames of either gunmetal or gilt finish, in a very convenient size; come in black, brown and tan. Our 65c value Special Clearance Sale Price, each 39 29c FOB JEWEL POCKETS WOBTH 45c. A line of Ladies' Jewel Pockets, for secreting Jewels and money; made from the finest chamois, with outside silk covering and ribbon ties, in either white, blue or pink. Our 4oc value Special Economy Sale Price, each ....29 39c FOB 75c SILK OPERA BAGS. An assortment of pretty Silk Opera Bags, with white silk cord strings; these bags come in a variety oi designs Our 75c value Special Economy Sale Price, each 39 Popular Hints in Persian Trimmings First Floor. A lot of Persian Trimmings Values rrom ode to $1.25; special, the yard 39c TAFFETA BANDS AND EDGES. In eyelcjt work; special at. .HALF FlllCE ASSORTED TORCHON INSERTIONS K to 2 inches wide; special, the yard.... 3c Sure to be a "Bargain Counter Rush" to the Ribbon Aisle 46c RIBBONS 15c. A line of Fancy Satin Taffeta Ribbons in polka dots and taffeta moire; all colors Values to 40c; special, the yard 15c A Few of the Comforts of 1 Home AT PURSE-C03D70RTABLE PRICES. Comforters, Rugs, Curtains A Cleaa Sweep Sale of "Odtls nad Eada" la Dalaty Lace Curtalan at Half Price Fourth Floor. aso COMFORTERS J-lo Real Downallne Comforters; tize 6x7 feet: covered with best quality silkollne; yarn-tied Regular value ?3.50; special, each $2.43. ?2-0 RUGS Sl5S All-Wool Velvet Rugs; sizo 27x54 Regu lar value $2.50; special, each 1-S ODD FnS. LACE CURTAINS HALF PRICE Every one-pair lot of Lace Curtains in the house; special HALF PRICE Lamps, Brioa-Brac Lessened in Price Third Floor. ?X75 LAMPS FOR f250 Hall Lamps, with rich gold frames "and colored globes Our $3.75 value; Special Economy Sale Price, each asSO $550 TOILET SETS FOR 94.35. Decorated Toilet Sets, with jar Our $5.50 value; Special Economy Sale Price. . the set $4.35 $2.75 TOILET SETS 31 -S3. Decorated Toilet Sets of six pieces Our $2.75 value; Special Economy Sale Price, the set 31.93 PRETTY" JARDINIERES HlKBly Glazed. Our $1.25 value; Special Economy Sale Price, each 3c Our 35c valuo; Special Economy Sale Price, each , 83c Our 40c value; Special Economy Sale Price, each 28c STATUARY FOR HALF. Terra Cotta Bu.sta 23-Inch size Our $3.73 value; Special iSconomy Sale Price. each S1.SS Bread Kb Ives With 71-lnch blades Our 25c value; Speclal.Edonomy Sale Price. cgch. ..l3c Wom en's Under wear and Hosiery AN IMPORTANT SALE IN KNITWEAR AISLES First Floor. WOMEN'S 3LOO UNION SUITS Sc. Women's Pure White. Medium-Weight. Fleccc-LIned Union Suits Worth $1.25 and our regular $1.00 value; Special Economy Sale Price, the suit 6Sc WOMEN'S 31.23 UNDERWEAR 70c. Women's "Merode" Winter-Weight- Silk and Cotton Vests and Tights: Vests with high neck and long or short sleeves; TJghts ankle-length Our $1.25 value: Special Economy Sale Price, garment, 70c WOMEN'S 31.00 TTteHTS FOR Oc. Women's "Merode" Tights; white merino. Winter weight Our best $1.00 value: Special Economy Sale Price, pa!r....0c WOMEN'S 50c HOSE FOR 33c Women's Black Mercerized Lisle Hose: line Imported goods; high-spliced heels. French toes, double sole; also tine Black Cotton Hose, with white double sole Both are 50c values; Special Economy Sale Price, the pair 33c CHILDREN'S 23c HOSE 15c. Children's Fine-Ribbed. Black Lisle, Fin ished Hose; seamless Our 23c value: Special Economy Sale Price, the pair. .15c In Leather Goods Shop Flnt Floor Abrcx. LEATHER CARD CASE SOc, WORTH 31.63 An assortment of Ladles Fine Leather Card Cases, made from the best quality seal, ?ea lion and walrus leathers, with fine calf leather lining Regular values up to $1.65: Special Economy Sale Price, each sc m Friday's Bargain Melange M la Small Ware Shops Flmt Floor. vjy&i Sewing Supplies. Notions. Toilet Sun dries. Perfumes. School Supplies. Office Findings. Stationery, etc., all undcrprlced during this sale. 15c Can Sewing Machine Oil: special.... 9c 10c Cabinet Box Wire Hair Pins, special. 8e 5c Spool Heavy Black Linen Thread.. ..3c 15c T'lain White Nainsook Covered Dress Shields, special 10c 25c Imported French Tooth Brushes. 15c 35c Whisk Brooms; special 20c SOc Imported English Perfume; special. the ounce 23c 25c Box Hotel or Boarding-Housc Size Toothpicks; special 15c Tjiriri S!fi "Ponrll Prhool Tn.hlftsr special 3 for 10c m 7c Ruled, Composition Books; special. 5c 35c Box Extra Quality Fine Crash and vi JU&llGl fiuiau rbM i rtjJCi Ihcg Ul.ll value 35c; special 20c 5c Bottle Le Page's Gold Medal Mucilage: special - 3c