Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. XLVI. NO. 14,095.
President's Policy Is
Adopted by House.
"Commission Has Power to Fix
Reasonable Rate.
Hall road Accounts Must Be Open to
Federal .InspectioiiT-Jtoad 3Iay
Appeal to Courts .Against
Confiscatory Kates.
I WASHINGTON'. Feb. S. The rall-
iroad rate bill is intended and docs
comply specifically with the recom
mendations of President Roosevelt on
the rate question- It elves the In
terstate Commerce Commission au
thority, when a rate, has been com
plained of as "unreasonable" by a
shipper, to Investigate that rate, state
-whether or .not .it is unreasonable,
and if found to be unreasonable, to
name a rate, which is to be Just and
reasonable and fairly remunerative,
and which is to .be the maximum rate
to be charged.
This rate, so fixed, is to so Into
effect SO days after it is announced
by the Commission, subject, during
that time, to be set' aside or sus
pended by the Commission or by the
courts. After .it has gone into effect,
it is to remain the- rate "for three
years. During this time, according to
the opinion that has been expressed
by those who have participated in the
debate, the rate may also be reviewed
by tbo courts and, if found to be in
conflict either with the terras of the
Act or with the constitution by be
ing confiscatory, it can 'be set -aside
Jy jiej.ourts,' . i. - (
Another important fcatnref la ' &er
definition of the ord4?rarirod'r and
"transportation," in'a 'masner to in"
elude all auxiliary instruracntallUfre of
the common carrier, an4'-to - bring
them within the control of the Com
mission. This power "to name a reasonable
rate and the inclusion of the auxil
iaries within the Jurisdiction of the
Commission, are said to Je the new
features. AJ1 other provisions are
modifications of existing law. They
include -publicity of railroad methods,
which Is to be aided by prescribing &
system of bookkeeping, and enlarging
the Commission to seven members
and increasing salaries of members to
S 10.000 a year.
WASHINGTON", Feb. S. Just enough
morning business was allowed In the
House preceding the vote on the Hep
burn railroaJ-rate bill today to permit
delayed members to reach their scats
before the rollcali ordered the night
before began. Three hundred and forty
?Jx members voted for the bill. Seven,
nil Republicans, voted against It. Ap
plause greeted the announcement of
the result by the Speaker to the House,
which liad given Its undivided atten
tion to the question of Government
rate-making for seven daVs.
Those voting against the bill -were
all Republicans. They were: Littlefleld,
of Maine; McCall and Weeks, of Mas
sachusetts; Perkins. Southwlck and
Vrccland, of New York, and Sibley, of
Sullivan (Massachusetts) voted "pres
ent," and was not paired. There ."were
S members .paired, but these pairs
were generally political ones. None of
them wat made upon the bill, and
consequently did not indicate opposi
tion. Tension Bill Passed.
The pension appropriation bill, car
rying $125,000,000 for pensions and $1.
245,000 for pension administration -was
taken up, debatecUanJ passed without
amendment. The feature of the bill,
aside from the appropriation made, is
a provision making statute law of- the
famous order of .the President declar
ing age conclusive evidence of disa
bility. A number of bills were passed at the
close of the day, including one provid
ing a penalty of $5000 and ten years
imprisonment for the premature reve
lation of Government Information
which might have a bearing on the
market price of commodities, the same
penalty being provided against Gov
ernment employes who. speculate f In
commodities regarding which the Gov
ernment furnishes statistics.
Pension Roll at Maximum.
After the House had disposed of the
rate bill the pension bill was taken up
in committee of the -whole with Mad
den (Rep., 111.), in the chair. General
debate was limited to three hours and
Gardiner (Rep., Mich.), presented, the
bill to the House. Gardner detailed an
Interesting array or Information con
cerning pensions. Forty years after the
Civil "War, he says, the pension ap
propriation is at its maximum. There
arc 1,003,300 pensioners, all but 63,524
of them from that war, with an an
nual Toll of 130,000,000. In the S3,S34 are
represented veterans of all other wars
the country ever had.
The'eiyll War cost $,09,600,609. Up to
the present Um half as much again b&s
been pai3 out for, pensteas and Gardaer
predicts that before the end of its pension
rolls comes the first cost of the war will
have been equaled. In 30 years from now
he predicts the pension .rolls will contain
D&0.OW names, of which 122,414 will be
chargeable to the Spanish-American War.
At the present time, he says, the pen
sion roll costs the Government Just one
fourth of all other expenses.
In 1867, one year after the Civil War,
the interest on the public debt was ?14S,
"81,591, and the pension roll 320,93551.
Now these two items are practically re
versed as to the amount.
Gardiner compared "this pension roll of
$139,000,000 to that of France, with an an
nual expenditure of 526,000,050; Germany.
$21,000,000; Austria-Hungary. $10,000,000. and
Great Britain, $9,000,000. As to Spanish
War veterans, he said today there were
more of them on the pension rolls than
were In Shatter's entire army in Cuba.
Service Pension in Effect,
The necessity of enacting the Presi
dent's order No. 78 Into law as provided
for In the bill, was explained by Gardiner.
This order was Intended to work auto
matically and to make age the only proof
of disability. Commissioner Warner
found the order in conflict with statute
provisions and it was thereby robbed of
its operation. By eliminating surgeons'
fees, Gardiner estimated that by enact
ing the order into law, money would be
saved the Government and benefit be ex
tended to the veterans.
The order he regarded as a virtual serv
ice pension law. saying in time It would
place every soldier of the Civil War on
the pension roll at a maximum pension
of $12 a month.
The bill was read and passed without
A resolution was agreed to calling on
the Secretary of the Interior for infor
mation regarding charges of irregu
larities in the Kingfisher, Okia., Land
31118 were passed as follows:
Sale of Indian Lands.
To open for settlement 505.000 acres
of land In the Kl&wa, Comanche -and
Apache reservations in. Oklahoma and
for the establishment and sale of. town
sites" in these same reservations.
The issuance of patents to 40 acres
to Columbia and Colville Indians In the
Columbia Valley. Washington, reser
vation, tho land having, been granted
to them In 1S83 under the Moses agree
ment. Lacey, of Iowa, secured the passage
of a bill authorizing the Commissioner
of the General Land OfBce to quit claim
tho titlo conveyed to the United States
for land In forest reservations.
The Army appropriation bill was re
ported to the House by Hull (Rep., la.).
Tillman Attacks Railroad Monopoly
Rule In "VVcst Virginia.
WASHINGTON. Feb. S. There was a
gc:crLexjccUU9fr that o4&y would wit
. aesa n a r e vfval ' of yesterday's exdUng
occurrences in tW 'Scrizte- vr Patler-
so;r '&amiiu ojr;taK$K: -v
realized arid the large rcrwd attntctes'lo'
tlx: catteries was -eeHel4ed to leave la
ikteappotntment when it 3 P. JL the Sen
ate went into executive session, after a
day devoted largely to ordinary bills on
the calendar.
The Indications of the carl morning
were in the line of the popular expecta
tion, as several Senators, 'expressed a de
sire to speak on the resolution.' There
were other Senators, however, who "he'ld
the view that the caucus question had'
been sufficiently agitated, and they spent
much of the first hour of the day's ses
sion in an effort to prevent further dis
cussion. They were successful, for the
time at least, and it was soon known
that the resolution would not be called
-up today.
Tillman opened the proceedings of
the day by referring to a petition
presented by him- from. . the. Red. Rock.
Fuel Company, of West Virginia, com
plaining that the Baltimore & Ohio" Com
pany had refused to permit that com
pany to connect its tracks with those of
the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, thus, as
Tillman expressed it, "'bottling up the
He 'said that at the time Elklns had
said there was. a remedy under the State
Jaws of West Virginia. He then present
ed a letter from Governor Dawson, of
West Virginia, complaining of the dif
ficulty of administering the law. The
Governor added:
It may be that the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company doe not legally own a controlling
part of the Baltimore & Ohio Railrpad Com
pany or the Cbeaapcake & Oblo Railway Com
pany, or the Norfolk & 'Western Railway
Company, but I have no doubt that an in
vestigation will tfow that the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company practically control tbece
three great trunk lines which traverse Wat
Virginia and -which are the only means where
by the products of this state, including coal,
can be shipped to either the Lakes in tho
"West or other markets in the Tjim.
Hence It la a fact that TYest Virginia today
is in the graep of a railroad trust, which
practically rays what part of the state shall
be developed and which shall not b devel
oped,' how much coal shall be shipped out of
the state, to what points or ports it shall
be efalpped and when It shall be shipped- Of
course, it aa&kea ltavown rates and we are
The Pennsylvania Railroad is very largely
interested in the production &s4 shipment of
bituminous coal; It will naturally look after
its own interest and the interest o'f the'tfebpfe
along its lines In Pennsylvania and elsewher
first of. all, and, therefore, the interests of
West Virginia are subordinated to the Inter
eats of these others, and our railroads, upon
whloh we are dependent, are controlled by a
buviw K-viinjin-livu iiw;uttui; in vutii.tvi-
Ktlon with us.
Foraker expressed 'the hope that there
would be an Investigation along the lines
suggested by Governor Dawson. He said
the 'Governor's complaint went to tho
heart of the railroad trouble all over the
Hale, from the commit tee on appropria
tions, reported the urgent deficiency ap
propriation bill and gave, notice that he
would tomorrow ask the Senate to take
it up.
The railroad rate bill was received from
tho House t Representatives, but the
Senators generally were ot aware of Its
arrival. The bill was referred te tae com
mittee on interstate ommtrce. 1
Scott addressed the, Senate at !esn
length In support of'the bill placing tele
graph operators of the Civil War on a
pensionable status. He paid a high trib
ute to these men, saying they had been
subjected to many of the requirements M
soldiers an granted, few of their privi
lege. He stated that -while they had nec
essarily feecH entrusted with all the Ira-,'
Cb44mis4 & face
Desolate Jews. in Odessa Can
Vnot Obtain "Money 'That
Is' Sent 'Them.
Says Warsaw Is In Hands or Ticvola-
tionlsts, "Who Have. Captured
All Orders for llclicf ot
. the Distressed Jews.
According to Dr. X. 3Ioscssobn, of
Portland, tdltor of the Jewish Tribune, a
large amount of money which has been
sent from the United States for the aid of
the Jewish sufferers Iu Russia has never
been received by Uiose for whom It was
Intended. The statements made by Dr.
Mosessohn are based upon local develop
ments, together with Information which
lias been received from the Odessa corre
spondent of the Jewish Tribune It Is
said that there has been a general fail
ure of postofllces throughout Russia to
cash the postal money orders which have
been sent to Jews In that country from
the United States. Several Jews In Port
land, among them Dr. Mosessohn, have
had money orders returned to them from
.Russia, Accompanied .by. letters from the
recipients, stating that they could not be
cashed at the postofflces where they were
made payable. -
Money Orders Xoe Honored.
The advices which have been received
by Dr. Mosessohn from Odessa state that
it is understood at that place that money
orders from the -United States held by
Jews of the country are unhonored by the
postomce authorities throughout the em
pire in obedience to an order which has
been issued from St. Petersburg, on the
pretext that the money is being sent to
give aid to the revolutionists. Another
theory Is that the members of the Russian
Postal Department arc taking advantage
of the general chaos which exists In tho
country to appropriate for themselves the
funds which are sent through the mails
for the payment of postal orders.
Postmaster John Mlnto and George F.
Whiteside, superintendent of the money
order department of; the Cortland office,
are at . loss to understand why orders
w.ljlchhavc ecn .sent put, from their afp
yay Kmmd.jiimrm mctioa has been
received by them 'in regard to the situs.-,
tlofi other than' the complaints of the lo
cal people who have mailed money and
found that it did not reach its destina
tion. Complaints Made Dally.
Recently they have been hearing com
plaints of the matter almost 'dally, they
say. and In several Instances the original
order has been returned to the sender by
tho recipient, who was unable to cash it.
All of the money orders, they assert, have
oecn sent In the usual way that money is
forwarded to foreign countries, and the
refusal to meet payment In the Russian
offices must be due to the unsettled con
ditions which prevail In that country.
Since the beginning of the atrocities
against the Russian Jews, a largo amount
of money has been mailed from the Jews
of the United States to friends- and rela
tives in that country, iu addition to the
immense general relief fund. These private
subscriptions have for the most part been
sent by postal order. What proportion of
these orders has been unpaid Is not
known, but Is said to be large. Dr. Moees-s-ohn
his had two s orders returned be
cause they could not be cashed. Both
were mailed from the Portland office one
on October 17, the other on November IS.
The letter which ho has received from
Odessa gives the view of the matter from
tho standpoint of the Jews of that city.
It was mailed January 22.
"What Odessa Letter Says.
The portion bearing on the matter of
WHttam X. Sec-sty.
Charges of conspiracy have been
made against the United States Min
ister o Bolivia. 'William R. Sonsy,
of Mississippi. It is alleged that he
aided in a plot to destroy a mining
company in Eqsador by means- of
fraudulent bonds. Minister Sortby was
placed in the diplomatic service
through the influence of the late Sen
ator Quay. It was said that Sorsby
old letter and papers to the Rrpub-'
llcan Congressional Committee which
were of use in the campaign. Sen
ator Pearoe of Pennsylvania had
Sortby named .for the Sol Ivlan, post.
the failure to cask UKed States postal
money orders follows:"-. (
"When I came over tfthe postofflcc for
the money, they told iSc. that all of the
money from the United States has to pass
through Warsaw, anatat It Is kept
there for certain reassia that tho local
tvurtnfflcft does- not kns-W. I visited the
.postofflcc several times?? and every time
found there hundreds offJews with money
orders from the United Stales, and every
one given the same answer.
"It Is understood that the keeping of
money from. the. receivers Is by order from
St. Petersburg, and some of the post
officers tell to everyJcw: 'You cannot
get your money for means of keeping up
the revolution.'
"It Is openly told by everybody that
the government, not to be responsible for
the money sent to the Jews of Russlal
claims that the money Is sent first to
Warsaw, and that it Is kept there. As
Warsaw Is now In the haids of the revo
lutionists, it is understood that afterwards
the government will claim that the revo
lutionists robbed the money from the
postoSlces. In reality. It Is believed that
the postofflcc inspectors have already
pocketed the money."
From Reliable Correspondents.
This letter," said Dr. MoscssKhn, "Is
from a rellablo correspondent, and I am.
sure that conditions arc 'just as he rep
resents them, which Is still further sub
stantiated by the return of money orders
to the senders In Portland. I believe that
there is a general movement on the part of
the Russian government to suppress pay
ment of these orders. After the revolu
tion, the government will doubtless claim
that the revolutionists seized the money,
and thus shift the responsibility from It
self. "I regard the matter as very serious,
and shall at once communicate with the
Postmaster-General of 'the United States
and other Federal authorities In Vegard
to IL 24any of the Jews In Russia are
still In very destitute circumstances, and
the only sure way of relief Is by means
of money sent from friends and relatives
In the United States. If this Is Inter
cepted by the Russian authorities. It will
result In much suffering."
Postmaster Mlnto Is unable to shed any
light on the situation.' "The method of
sending money by mail to foreign coun
tries." he said, "Is first to send an ad
vice to New York. There lists of money
orders for each country are made out. This
is the method which has been employed
(br years, and I cannot tell why tho or
ders which have" been returned were not
paid. If payment Is being held up by or
der .of thq Russian government. It would
be a very serious matter, and doubtless
would be taken up by tho authorities at
Foreirrr Residents "Want Tlvemp fo
Stay China Demands Bassla.
Withdraw Her Forces.
PEKXN. Feb. S. The trend of events in
China since the powers assented to
Krapcror William's proposal to with
draw their troops from that country has
Induced them to reconsider the matter.
"All tho governments except Germany
naving forces in North China, their with
drawal .is now an open question. Their
decision will depend upon tho develop
ments of the next few. months.
The foreign residents In China strong
ly oppose the withdrawal of the troops.
The. proposals of the Chinese In the ne
gotiations with Russia include fixing a
date for the withdrawal of the railway
guards, the evacuation of Harbin, the re
linquishment of certain lands and mines
In Manchuria, which they claim that Rus
sia appropriated, and the repayment with
Interest of S,e.B) taels, which China con
tributed toward the organization of tho
Russo-Chlnefie Bank, through the influ
ence of the late IA Hung Chang and
which ahe since bas made several at
tempts to recover.
Minister Discusses Agitation and
American War Preparations.
BERLIN. Feb. 9. General Tchang
Tcheng. the Chinese Minister to Ger
many, In the course of an Interview with
the Tagcblatt's- correspondent on the dis
quieting rumors from China, said that
China needed reform In her head and
limbs. Europe, he said, had been sur
prised that Japan had become greater
than China, whose soldiers, and eipcc!ally
than In the northern part of the empire,
compare physically with the Prussian
guards. Money for army and navy ex
penses, he said, should not be considered,
as the population of over 400.CO.OCO could
easily contribute a milliard where vital
Interests were touched.
China, the Minister continued, strongly
wishes for commercial dealings with for
eign countries, but prefers thorn without
Chinese colonics. The missionaries, he
added, cause hatred of foreigners by their
tactless proselyting and the fighting be
tween Protectants and Catholics.
The Minister was asked If the navy and
army reinforcements which the United
States is sending to the Philippines In the
expectation of difficulties with China
might rouse the Chinese dragon. He re
plied: "If the American Government sends re
inforcements, who can say It fears dif
ficulties with China? It la all nonsense.
I believe the armaments arc- prepared
against somebody eleI cannot express
myself more definitely."
Packers Will Bid on Supplies for
Possible Chinese Campaign.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb. . Kansas
City packers have been asked to offer bids
on 236.05' pounds of emergency rations for
the United States Army, according to In
formation given out here tonight. The
bids are to be opened in this city Feb
ruary 16. The rations "consist of such food
as Midlers uc while marching and In tho
Held. It Kb surmised that the rations arc
for use "In the TosslMe event that serious
uprisings may ocur hi China.
Japan Will CobUhhc War Taxes.
TOKIO Feb. S. After a prolonged and
anlajaiedi Mb cw acton ..t kg - bill for continua
tion 'of the war. taxe passed the Ifoue
of RefK'eMftUAtvec-today by avoie of
ate lae
Council Passes an Ordinance
Making lt"Eightyt-Five
Mayor Dunne Xon-Conimlttui, but
3IaJority ' Is Targc Enough to
Overrule Him Companies .
vAUowed to Combine.
CHICAGO. Feb. s (Special.
Sittent 'features- ot the S3-ccnt gas
t Maximum charge for the next Ave
year. S3 cent for each thousand
cubic ft of 22.eandIcpoH-cr gar.
Compensation to the city fixed at '3
per cent of the -gross receipts-
Does not extend the franchises of
the existing companies; consolidation
of the companies allowed.
Itepeals the -73-cent ordinance of
ICOO. but dees not affect the pending
eaaca or existing rights for the recov
ery of overcharges under that or
dinance. Takes effect February 1. 100C. un
less the Mayor vetoes and the Coun
cil sustains the veto.
CHICAGO, Feb. S.-Special.)-By tho
overwhelming majority of-5S to 9. the S5
cent gas ordinance was passed tonight by
tho City Council in special session. The
measure that. means a saving of 51.SCO.0CO
a year to Chicago consumers rode through
smoothly, without -fireworks or oratory.
In case the measure is not vetoed by
the Mayor and killed at the next meeting,
which is set for next Wednesday after
noon, it will have a retroactive force and
will bo operative from February 1, 1S0S.
according to the agreement with the com
panies. This will mean that gas bills for
February will be based on the rate of S3
cents for each thousand feet.
Veto Would Be Overruled.
The attitude of Mayor Dunne on the
veto question. Is purely conjectural. He
was noncommittal after the. aieeting. and
jiol state whether he wouhCexer-
'cw.tis. prtrocauvci Tm attitude taken
'byi AlttermcrirDyer, "Finn "W"erno, BradJey
tho closest mends of the mmit ration
on the floor however, is construed as van
Indication that the executive may try to
effect some changes in the ordinance.
The overwhelming strength of the vote
by which the ordinance was passed. In the
eyes of the Aldermen indicates the fate
that would befall a veto, unless, it sought
to amend the measure only In minor de
tails. It takes 47 votes, a two-thirds ma
jority, to pass over a veto, and the ordi
nance on its passage tonight secured 53
votes, or 11 more than a two-thirds ma
jority. Tho passage of the measure- that
squeezes IS cents out of the. old rates for
gas -was witnessed by attentive crowds.
Provisions or Ordinance.
In brief the ordinance, as finally amend
ed, provides that for the next flve'year3
the price of gas of at least 22-candle-power,
shall not be more than S3 cents a
thousand cubic' feet. An additional charge
of 10 cents a thousand Is allowed in cases
where bills are not paid within ten days,
but the city is exempt from this addition,
no matter how long Its bills may run.
In case the companies removo meters
from the premises ot any consumer who Is
willing to pay tho gas rates, or If the
companies refuse to sell gaa at S3 cents,
or If the quality falls below 22-candIe-power,
a fine ot from $23 to 5X0 Is pro
Dr. Alexander Graham B411. the
famous Inventor, believes that the
solution of the problem of aerial
navigation Is at hand. The task
stni remalnlngno be done, he said
In a recent Interview, In which he
discussed the whole field of aero
nautics. Is to perfect the solutions
which have been obtained before
Q. E. D. Is put to a theorem which
haa, enchanted the mind of man
since be first saw a bird fly in the
air. He asserted that the solution
Is Immeasurably nearer at hand
than ever before that. In fact. It Is
already solved, requiring only per
fection, as havo all great Inven
tions. He believes American aero
nauts will be responsible for the
establishment of the airship on x
practicable basis. 1
iiiiiiiHHIBEaMiiiiiiH t
I sIziiisiiH t
vided. The measure repeals the 73-cent
ordinance of October, 1SCO. with the ex
ception that the repeal shall not affect
any "suits now pending or rights exist
ing" for th.e recovery of overcharges since
the passage of the 73-cent ordinance.
Companies 3ray Consolidate.
Consolidation of the companies Is provid
ed for In a section that permits any com
pany to lease or use the pipes and plants
of other companies, and in another sec
tion that repeals the sections in the fran
chise ordinances held by the Ogden Gas
Company and the Universal Gas Company
forbidding such leasing or demising of
pipes or plants.
American Finds Plan of Bcconeiling
French and German Claims.
AL.GECIRAS, Feb. 9. (Special.) It was
reported last night that the Moroccan
conference Is practically agreed upon a
plan which will "save the faces" of both
France and Germany and will adopt an
agreement whereby It will be recognized
that France Is to have political control
over Morocco, subject, however, to Inter
national supervision.
It is stated that Mr. Whlte. the Amer
ican representative. Is responsible for this
plan, which meets the approval of the
French and German delegates.
Losing: Hope ot Agreement at Alge-
' ciras Conference.
PARIS, Feb. 8. Opinion concerning the
progress and final outcome of the Alge
dras conference has become rather more
pessimistic here In consequence of semi
o'fllcial declarations that neither France
nor Germany will recede regarding the
question of the Moroccan police. It Is
considered that a point has been reached
where further concessions on the French,
side are impossible.
Xoangr Cudahy Tells Experience, but
Does Xot Recognize Kidnaper.
OMAHA. Feb. S. The jury to se
cured today for the trial of Pat Crowe,
charged with robbing Edward A. Cu
dahy of $25,000 in connection with the
kidnaping of the latter's son, Decem
ber 19, 1900.
The Introduction of testimony wa3
begun just before adjournment, Ed
ward A. Cudahy, Jr... the boy who was
kidnaped, being the first witness called.
He gavo an account of his experience
while a. prisoner, and was still on the
stand when court adjourned for the
Toung G;adah has not been to
503jtlvely Identify Crowe as one. of
tk -kldnapers.v-iCrawen'a; 'alleged to
have changed very much In "appearance
in 'the past five years. f
The Weather.
TEST ERDAT'S Maximum temperature, S
deg.; minimum temperature, 40 deg. Pre
cipitation, none. ,
TODAY'S Fair. Easterly winds.
Talgny discusses Castro and his country.
Pag 4.
Powers may not withdraw troops from
China. Page I.
Russian workmen resort to bombs and assas
sination. Page 8.
French police taken In ambush at church.
Page 3.
Ambassador White finds way to reconcile
Franca and Germany. Page 1.
House panes rate bill and pension bill.
Page IV
Senate hears how Pennsylvania Railroad mo
nopoly works. Page 1.
More evidence about Mormon oath of ven
geance. Page 4.
How Marcus Braun caused trouble in Hun
gary. Page 3.
Senate passes bill diverting money from re
clamation fund. Page 2.
Canadian Pacific Railroad Issues new stock
for Northwestern extensions. Page 3.
-New York Life investigating committee
scores McCall and Hamilton and recom
mends suit for wasted money. Page 1.
Chicago Council . passes S3-cent gas or
dinance. Page 1.
How Standard Oil got control of Waters
Pierce Company. Page 3.
Explosion kills 2S Weat Virginia miners.
Page 5.
Three churches arrange terms ot union.
Page 3.
Paciac Coast.
Valencia inquiry before National Commission
will begin at Seattle Thursday, probably.
Page 7.
Washington Railroad Commission in argu
ment with Harriman not to order joint
tarhT on- wheat. . -Pagc-'B.-
Dafoe II. Sherk. of Huntington. Or., a grad
uate ot State University, kills himself In
Seattle. Page 6.
Boise. Idaho, High School boy turns bandit
and lands in JaiL Page C.
Chehalls Cltixena Club holds "Greater Che
halls" banqaet. Page 6. -jr
Masters' and Pilots Association demand In
vestigation of naturalization frauds on
Pvgat Sou ad- Page C
Commercial asd Marine.
Hoi) market very strong- and' active. Page 13.
Onions demoralised at San Francisco.
Pago 15.
Iron market unsettled by strike question.
Page 15.
Chicago wheat market lower on weather re
ports. Page IS.
New Tork stock market dull. Page 13.
Steamer Dalt- City sinks in the Upper Co
lumbia. Page 14.
Scarcity of sailors delays shipping on Puget
Sound. Page 14.
PertlaBd aad Vicinity.
Grace Methodist Church official board passes
resolution asking pastor to rebuke Coun
cilman Masters. Page 10.
Total eclipse of moon seeaJn -cloudless" night
sky at Portland. Page 10.
The. trial or A. E. "Kfrn. for attempted ex
tortion is begun. Page 18.
Child's eytslght saved and destitute mother
helped. Page 16-
Candldafe . far JKUiature begin to pledge
themselves to support people's choice for
Vailed States Senator. Page 10.
Maaey orders sent from Portland for relief
- of persecuted Jews not paid In Russia.
Page 1.
Effort to secure Alaska trade takes definite
shape. Page 14.
North-Bank road wins victory in Vancouver
court and its rival road is refused injunc
tion. Page 4.
Record of a day in the Municipal Court.
Page 12.
Brother sues wealthy Portland woman for
support. Page 11.
Committee sent by Port of Portland to East
, ira. cities-Isnocts aaasy bridges Page .11.
McCall and Hamilton
Severely Arraigned.
New York Life Committee
Shows No Mercy.
Xo Account or 3Ioncy Paid .Lobbyist,
"Who Itefuses to Return and Ex
plain McCall Too III to
Discuss Business:
NEW YORK, Feb. S. John A. Mc-J
Call, ex-presldent of Jfew York Life
Insurance Company, is again reported a
to be ill at Lakcwood, 2. J.
...... ... 4
NEW YORK; Feb. S. The special com
mittee appointed by the trustees of tho
New Tork Life Insurance Company to in
vestigate the affairs of the company to
day made a partial report of its labors
to the directors. This report, vhich was
adopted unanimously by the trustees.
J oka A. McCall. President of New
Tork life Insurance Company.
deals only with the relations of Andrew
H. Hamilton, the legislative agent, with
the company, and Is a severe arraignment
of. his methods. John A. McCall. late
president of the company, also comes in
for a share of the committee's criticism.
He is blamed for his methods in connec
tion with the "bureau of taxation and leg
islation" during the last ten years, and
for allowing Hamilton to pay out vast
sums-of money without a proper accounting-.
Special attention is called to remittances
of $10,000 to Mr. ilcCall In London, and
$134,500 to Mr. Hamilton In Paris in 1900.
The purposes of these remittances the
committee says it has been unable to as
certain, and recommends that proceedings
bo Instituted against Hamilton and Mc
Call for an accounting or repayment.
3IcCalI 111, Hamilton Xot.
The committee adds on this point that
application has been made to Mr. JfaCall
for Information regarding the transac
tions, but that it Is informed by Mr.
McCall's family that his physical and
nervous condition is such that the subject
cannot be taken up at present. A3 to Mr.
Hamilton's health, which has been report
ed as bad, the committee says it has been
Informed that he was physically able to
travel, and has exerted every effort to
Induce him to return to make a full dis
closure of his payments, disbursements
and transactions, but without success.
The committee also holds Mr. McCall
and Mr- Hamilton responsible for $33,000
advanced to' Mr. Hamilton to pay tho
state tax. which the committee declares
was used by. Hamilton for his own pur
poses. The committee is advised that
both are liable for this sum.
Perkins Iiiablc for $59,3.10.
The committee maintains also that it Is
a matter for legal adjudication as to
whether George W. Perkins, of the Arm
of J. P. Morgan & Co.. Is not liable for
the payment of Mr. Hamilton's notes for
$39,310. Mr. Perkins paid this amount, the
committee holds, out of the New Tork
Life Insurance Company's share of profits
in Its participation in a United States
Steel Corporation syndicate. The com
mittee holds also that the payment of
these notes by the company was unwar
ranted. It Is only just to Mr. Pcrkln3 to
say, the report adds, that he acted in the
matter in entire good faith, that ho de
rived no benefit from the transaction, anil
that his liability, if any. is technical.
The committee recommends -that the
law department of the committee institute
appropriate legal procedings to -carry into
effect the nndlnsrs and conclusions of this
The report condemns the former man
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