. TTTE, . JXLOHKnsGr. dlEGOKLL8 THURSDAY, PEBRHABY 8, 190ff, TELLS SECRET OATH Apostate Mormon Testifies Against Smoot, VOW VENGEANCE ON NATION Professor Wolfe Exposes JnncrSc- crcts of Church to Senate- Com- - : y ' mittec-Pol ygkmy , Continues' i ' '' - - knd -It Is.'Increaslnp: u '- .. " WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Hearings In the case of Senator Reed Smoot -were resumed today rbef ore the Committee on Privileges and Uieciions. The In vestigation" oT -the protests made against the Utah Senator retaining his seat continued through two sessions of Congress and today marked the be ginning of meetings -which the com mittee Is likely to hold intermittently throughout the preserit session: The flrstwitness "was.PTjDt36sor Wat tcr N. Wolfe, former teacher of the ology in Brlgham Young College at Logan, Utah, and apostate from the church! John G. Carlisle, or 2Jew York, conducted the prosecution and A. S. Worthlngton, of -this cltv defended the Senator.. Professor Wolfe testified that he had been a Mormon until January 1, this year, when his connection was severed through failure' to comply with the demands for tithes. He was asked to tell what he knew of the alleged plural marriage of Professor Benjamin ClufC and Florence Reynolds, 'both teachers at Provo." This case occupied -a- promi nent place In tho former hearings. In detailing' what' lie 'knew of their re lations, he told of a Mormon expedi tion to Mexico. He had been Informed at that time by Cluff that he was mar ried to Florence Reynolds and that they' lived together on that trip. Pres ident Smith, he said, referred to Flor ence as-"'Sister Cluff." TooirEndovmcnt Itouse Oatlii . - m "Twelve tlnies," answered Professor Wolfe, when a'ske4d-how many timeshe had been ..through the Endowment House of Temple. He "explained that the Endowment -House was torn down many years ;ug.o. 'DId ' vou take any obligations or oaths when ypu -wSrit through Tasked Mr. Carlisle.. 4 . "Every time", lie. .replied. Asked to detail them, he said there had been obligations of chastity, sacri fice "and vengeance. "What do you mean by vengeance?" asked Dr. Carlisle. "Do' you mean that there was a promise or pledcq given to avenge something?" Oath of Vengeance on station. The -witness then said that this oath had foeen taken: "You and each of you do covenant and pray and never cease to pray God to avenge the blood of the prophet on this nation." The oath, he said, was taken standing, and at the conclusion each one who took it was required to bow his head and say: "I do." After giving many other details of the ceremony, such as the manner of anoint ing, he was'asked concerning a trial had by the board of Brlgham Young Academy as to the reastfns for the long absence of Cluff from thqxIexlcan expedition. This, 'witness said Apostl6 Reed SmooC was. among those In attendance, and that he liad heard testimony given by the wit ness himself that the reason for Cluff's absence was that he was Hying apart with a plural wife. Another plural '-marriage was spoken of by the witness. This was between Ovena Jorgenson, a student at Brlgham Young Academy and "Brother" Okey, with whom the girl became enamored, according to a confession she Is alleged to have made to Professor Wolfe. He said the girl came to his house and gave as an excuse for an absence from school that she had gone to Juarez, Mexico, and had been married in polygamy. This had been with tho consent of Stake President George Q. Cannon. The girl came back to tho school and graduated In the class of 1500. said the witness. Trick to Beat Devil. On further examination conducted by Chairman Burrows, Professor Wolfe said that In Southern Utah "and New Mexico polygamy is talked with some freedom. He quoted" Apostle John Henry Smith as having said concerning the manifesto: "It Is a trick to beat the devil at his own game.' He quoted John Wilson, of Logan, a prominent Mormon, as saying: "The mani festo enables the church to exclude men who ought no.t to have more than, one wife, and gives worthy men an opportu nity to take plural -wives." Both of these statements, the witness said, were made in his church. .Increase of Polygamy. "To the "best of my knowledge," said Professor Wolfe, "polygamous cohabita tion has Increased very materially since Utah was admitted as a state." On cross-examination, Mr. Wlrthlngton produced the official charges, .brought against Cluff by Professor Wolfe and other members of the Mexican expedition. The witness was asked why he had re frained from making the charge Ahat Cluff was living In Mexico with Florenco Reynolds. "For several reasons," replied Wolfe. . "The chief one was ..that polygamy was not a crime In the'' eves' "of the church." When asked concerning Intimate details, he said there .was a gentleman in the room who was better qualified to an swer. ' ' "Who?" asked Mr. Worthlngton. "The Senator from Utah," he replied. After stating Mr. Smoot had not been a.vmembjer of the Senate, committee-making the Investigation, Mr. Worthlngton asked the witness concerning his habits and whether he had been discharged from his position- M a' teaoher because of drunkenness. He said his resignation had ?been "Involuntary voluntary" and explained that he had drunk for 20 years, and there had "been ao change in his habits all those years, but that after re fusing to pay 'tithes he had been asked to resign on account of having been intoxicated-on a Sunday early in January of this year. He. said he knew the conse quence of refuslhg-to'pay tithes. Senator Hopkins asked if the charge liad been true that he was drunk upon the Sunday referred to. v "No, sir: if the charge had. been-made the next day It might have, been true," the witness replied". -Why He Lett .Church. Mr. Wolfe's dissatisfaction, with the church had been a growth since the hos tllltjj that .seemed to rise up between the cnurcn ana tnc unitea states uovern mcnt, but he had not lost his faith until late In 1904. He was asked concerning the hostility In the church to the Nation and where the lines were drawn. He thought the lines were between those living in polygamy,-and those not. He said that a number of hymns of the church breathed 'hostility, and these were favor ites in the 'church. w Mr. Worthlngton asked ..concerning the oaths In the temple, and the witness said he believed -that In the ".obligation of ven geance the 'seed of treason is planted." He said be realized that within an hour after he had taken the oath and bad taken it only once for himself. The other eleven times, he said, had been for dead persons. An ' effort was made by Mr. Worthington'to procurc'an unquali- ,fied answer as to whether there was anything. In the Endowment House cere mony which would Interfere, with anyone taking it and serving In the United .States Senate, and whethersuch person a duty to the church and country would jconfllcL The wltnes declared that every Mormon's first duty is to the Church of Latter-Day Saints. No Halo AroHHd SiHObr. "Replying tOQUcsUo-riS"Tj'Mr. Burrows, the witness gave & description of, the In terior of the tempte. Hp salfc thatin the secret annex or chjipeTAh ere- were paint ings, fn It(D1 of President Smith and 'all tnc . apostles, senator smoors pjcture was there and Senator Knox asked if there -were any .halos-over ,them. Tire- witnessed replied that the pictures wjsre-; unvarnished. - The -witness said ho had told C. M. Owen, who la assisting in the prosecution. In October of "ast year, that he was be coming dissatisfied with the -church, be- cause the laws of the land had been broken, and would not Tcmaln In it much longer. He had told of the Cluff case, he said, and believed that was what he was called for. The committee adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow. MERRILL LEAVES JfIXE WIVES. Death -Snatches Mormon postle Away From Smoot Inquiry. SALT LAKE. Feb. 7i Marrlner W. Merrill, an apostle of the Mormon Church, died late last nlcht at Richmond, Utah, aged 74 years. Apostle Merrill twice has been subpenacd as -a witness before tho Smoot Investigation in Washington, the, last subpena having been served, but -a few days ago. He was wanted to testify in relation-to; reports that he liad Jaken a plural wife since tho Woodruff mani festo. Apostle Merrill was ono of the wealth iest men In the'Mormon Church,, and was the richest citizen of Cache Connty. Ho had been married nine times, and at the time of his death had seven living wives; each of which was maintained on, a. sep arate estate. He leaves 49 sons and daughters, 140 grandchildren and reveral great-grandchildren. BRIEF TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Windsor. Is. g. Ttavid Fisher.- hUi aon and George Stanley, have been arrested on u nlclon of murderlnr rVectnan HttTvlc. whone JecomjoseB and - dismembered body wan found in ma cenar. SI an Hat The internal revenue report for 1005 siio-ro that the lulnes of the Philip pine Iskrrda amounted 'to f 10j.O00.O00 In Bold. The Amount of taxes collectfd was J4.oo6.O0O In gold. Trenton. J". J. Governor Sloket' has craut ed Mm. Antoinette Tolla. thfev Hactte-tfock murderess, the further reprieve of 60. days in order tb allow her counsel to present fur ther evidence for a "flew trial. N'pw YnrV. -Muriel, rfnuirhter of Mr. and Mm Harold McCormlck. of tThlcaeo. and Brand-daughter of John O. Rockefeller, la rapidly recovering: from an operation for ap pendicitis performed last week. Berlin. An -attempt to compel Colonol Goedkc. the military correspondent, to aban don the title of Colonel failed, the court ac- auittlnj- him of wroncly using it and over ruling an order of the Kmperor. New York. The safe of Mrs. Josef a Nell- aon Osborn at her residence was opened by an expert -safe-breaker under a -writ of re plevin obtained by Miws X. L. Munro, her former partner, and 210.000 worth of jewelry seized. Vwr Ynrlr Vrnm drlnklnr too freelv of wood-alcohol, which had been smuggled Into Castle William, the military prison on Gov ernor's Island, one soldier is dead, another Is dying., and eight are seriously 111 In the hospital. London. The craves of Charles Dlekcna and Sir Henry Irving- In Westminster Abbey were most lavishly decorated with flowers Wednesday In commemoration of their birth- flayt, though Irvine's anniversary reauy ian on February C Omaha. The trial of Pat Crowe, charged with robbing E. A. Cudahy of $25,000 In con nection with the kidnaping of K. A. Cudahy. Jr., five years ago, was begun In the Dlstriot -Court Wednesday. It -will take several days to secure -a jury. JDolhan. Ala. -Weltering In jl pool of their own blood, their headti almost severed from their bodies, the corpses of J. M. Christmas, his wife and son. were discovered Wednes day at their home near Cototnwood, Ala. They had been murdered by robbers. Cleveland. Lawrence B. Cumlngs. es-book- keeoer for the firm of P. R. Kahey & Co.. rtock and grain brokers, has been placed in the county jail on the charge or embezzlement. The failure of the firm two weeks ago was fald to be largely due- to Cumlngs' embez zlement. Chicago. An ordinance against cigarette smoking by minors has been prepared for the City Council. It provides fines for smoking by minors, for selling or giving cigarettes to minora and for keeping places wnere tney smoke, heavier flnoa being Imposed for re peating tho offense. Chicago. "William Glenn Vollva, of Mel bourne. Australia, has been made deputy general overseer of the affairs of xion throughout the world. This places him above all other officers In the church' save John A. Dowlc himself. He Is expected In Zlon City next Monday. New York. The gift of $150,000 recently received by Columbia University was given us the result of the university's action In abolishing football It was given by Mrs. Maria 1L Williamson, of New York City, to endow a chair for Instruction in the origin and development of civilization. St. Petersburg. Simon Lake, the Inventor and bulldpr of submarine boats, has arrived here to submit to the admiralty for Its ap proval the final plans for four big "cruiser" submarines for Russia, of the largest ton nage. Russia will then have the largest sub marine fleet, with one exception. Peoria. III. The bank situation was great, ly relieved Wednesday. The basks of the city came to the relief of the Interstate Sav ings & Trust Bank and accepted its paper at par. They mot evco" demand for deposits, and the run has stopped. The People's Bank will not open until the estate of Dr. Simmons has gone through the Probate Court. New York. A number of prominent manu facturers and represenetatives of various In dustries interested In seeing the removal of Interna; revenue tax from denaturalized alco hol have gone to Washington to attend the; public hearing before the Houe committed on ways and meanfl. on the varlouA bills sow pending In Congress, providing tor removal of the tax. Cbefoo. Douglas Storey Bays be has ob tained from the Emperor of Corea a docu ment denying that he signed or approved the treaty with Japan or consented to the ap polnVnfetfit of a Japanese resident, and in which he "invites the great powers to exer cise a Joint protectorate over Corea for a period not exceeding five years with rPect to the TJorean foreign affairs." Buffalo. N. Y. Tuo farm hands Tuesday found a woman unconscious In a cove on the Niagara River near La Salle. She was most exquisitely dressed, wearing, among other things, six suits of the finest silk under wear. Doctors cay ebc was exhausted by nunger. tne naa oniy i- cents on ner per son. but had many advertisements of New York dealers In old gold and diver, New York. France & Whttthouse. wire of William Whitehouae andv a niece of "William B. Ogden. has begun -proceealngs to have pet aside the court's approval of accounts of the Ogden efctate, Mrs.- Whltf houee ba&es her application on the admissions made by a clerk In the employ of the late Andrew C Greene that he had forged certain deeds and mortgages and eo defrauded the estate out of about $110,000. Louisville. Ky. A turf combination has been formed by Matt J. Wynn. president of the (American Association; Congressman Jo seph Rhinock. of Kentucky, and Edward Cor" rigan. owner of the. Kansas ClrjV Hawthorno and City Park (New Orleans) race- tracks. They will buy the Churchill Downs, Louis ville; Latbnla, Covington. Ky.; City Tark. New Orleans: Kentucky Association and Lexington. Xy., tracks. Kansas City. Mo. M. M. Letts, who while agent and operator for the Santa Fe Rail way at Princeton, Kan., stole several thou sand dollars' worth of tickets and then set fire to the dpot to hide the robbery pleaded guilty Wednesday and was eenteneed to Ave year in the penitentiary. Two years ago Letts ma'de a 'sensational escape. He was arrested a month ago at Panama and brought back to the. United States. Washington. The War Department is making ready to test tolhe utmost Its right to protect tho soldier who, la the execution of lawful orders, kills a civilian. The test will come in the case of Sentinel Down who, wltl. his officer. Lieutenant Ralph .W. Drurr. was indicted for killing a young man named Crowley two years ago last September, while the latter was stealing copper from the Al legheny Arsenal, at Pittsburg. Will Act for Castro In France. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. The Yenex uclan government has requested the Gov ernment of the United States to take charge of Its consulate in France. Secre tary oot has decided to comply with the rcquesOind will give the necessary In structions to the American Ambassador in Paris. HILL IS WIDE AWAKE Will Spend $20,000,000 in Building New Lines in West. TO HEAD OFF MILWAUKEE 5Tew Jibrtlicrn Pacific Stock to Be ''.Sold to itxlsc -Uunti's Canadian -, pacific I EIhhs ?Isshc of NEW YORK, Feb. 7. (Special.) A story is in circulation here that the Northern Pacific is going to issue J0WO of new stock, the flrwceecXto be used to pay for jcxlcnslons Jnihe Clearwater country, and to build new lines in the West, particu larly at points where the Milwaukee rail road Trill come into close competition with the Hill road. Hill is fully alive to the extent of the competition his roads will have to- face within the next few years. - Harriman has a hold In, Oregon and Washington, but will Increase his In fluence In both .states, and will tap the Hill country to a serious extent. The Milwaukee road will be a very close com petitor of Hlh's 'all the way along the new extension 2rom Lolo Pass -to Seattle, it will run only a short distance to the C0UNTESSDE GASTELLAKE AND HUSBAND WHOM SHE IS SUING mrsi.mi r Const Bob! de Cafrtellnae, north of the North Pacific and "will ' compete for local as well as through traffic Hill. It is believed, will take every , possible step to protect his position. j It Is rumored here that the Canadian 1 Pacific altfo will increase its authorized common stock to 51S3.0,O from the present figure-of JUO.COO.OW. The company still has JS.C00.OX) of authorized stock un issued, so it will be In a position to Is sue, over J23.O00.00CO to pay for .new. ex tensions. i WHAT DOES CASTRO WANT? Talgny Says Venezuelan President Does Sot Know Himself. NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Oliver Talgny, formerly French Charge d Affaires at Ca racas. Venezuela, who arrived here last nlgbt on the steamer Zulla from Curacao, talked briefly upon landing today of con ditions In Venezuela. He expressed the opinion that the industrial classes In that country are not giving active support to the government's position on French af fairs. "The people of Venezuela," he con tinued, "were quiet when I left there, and. their interest seemed to me to center principally in bettering their condltcns industrially." He said that until he could confer with French Ambassador JUsserand at Wash ington he had no opinion to express con cerning the conditions, under which he was forced to leave Venezuela, "I received no passports," he said, "and no written orders from the Venezuelan government ordering mo to leave It was because the Venezuelan police prevented me from landing at La Guayra that I left the country. "The difficulties with Venezuela," he continued, "began on September IS last, when on behalf of my government I pro tested against the seizure of tho offices of the French Cable Company." Asked to explain what President Cas tro's objects are in the present contro versy. M. Talgny said: ' "1 do not know. Perhaps President Cas tro does not know himself." Asked whether he believed Castro used duplicity In his statements, he replied: "Yes. that is IL" M. Talgny said he would proceed to Washington Immediately. IS BEER A FOOD PRODUCT? Department of Agriculture Takes Up Investigation. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. That beer Isva food product and that it is fast coming to be classed with the least harmful bev erages, is a claim now receiving the close attention of the Government experts con nected with the Department of Agricul ture The Department of Agriculture is, and has been for some time, pursuing an Investigation of "the nature, effects and value of beer. ' Dr. W. H. Wiley, Chief of tho Bureau of Chemistry; of the Department of Agri culture, Tb -specially Interested in the subject, having referred to it frequently In lectures. Dr. Wiley is not yet ready to make any statement or report on the question as to whether" beer is a food product. -T "I will say this much." he said today, "that the use of beer and wines aids In the work of temperance To Illustrate, there is net near so much Intemperance in Germany, where wines and beer are used to such a great extent, as there Is in Scotland, where "spirituous liquors are principally used." Germany, Great Britain and the United States, in the order named, are the larg est producers of malt beverages, and the general good health of the Germans, Eng lish andAmericans Is pointed to as strong proof of the argument that beer is a food product, and that its consumption aids. Instead of retarding, the work e temperance Minister Charged With Crime. CHICAGO, Feb. 7. Rev. JuBtin G Wadr pastor of the First Congrega tional Church of Waukegan. 111., was arrested today by postoffico officials. upon the charge of sending obtceac letters through the malls. When ar raigned' by Commlnlener Foote, the minister said the handwriting of the letters was. similar to his. bat be could not remember writing: those particular letters. lie also said that insanity ran in his family. The arrest of the minister was based on two letters sent to Andrew Keho. a boy living in Bloomington. I1L. and ln ,vlted him to come to Waukegan to visit the writer. The boy was arrest ed some days ago in this city while acting In? a suspicious manner, and the letters which led to the arrest were found in his pockets. HEROES OF JAPANESE NAVY Officers of iost Warships Going to Command Xcw Ones. - "VICTORIA, B. a. Feb. 7. -The steamer Shlnano Mara, recently re leased from the Japanese Naval Aux iliary service, arrived this morning on her first trip since she resumed the service to the United States, bringing the officers of the new Japanese bat tleships Katorl and Kashlma, being constructed in England. Captain Sakamoto, who will com mand the Katorl. was in command of the battleship Yashlma. . which was sunk by a mine off Port Arthur on May 15, 190, when the battleships Hatsuse and Toshlno were also lost. He said Itwwas then considered policy to' keep secret the news of tho loss of the Tasblma, which foundered In day light after hitting a mine 12 miles from shore. All -her crew was saved. Captain IJichi of the Kashlma was f&rncrly in command of the cruiser Idsumo. Among the party, which in cludes IS officers and seven warrant officers, is Chief Engineer T. Kurlta. who was engineer of the steamer Fu kul Maru when she was sunk in the FOR DIVORCE Ornate de Castellaae. formerly Abu Gould. fairway of .Port Arthur by Commander Hlrosc, since worshipped as a Jiero in Japan, who lost his life with many of ficers in thcN blockading expedition. Tho Japancso officers proceed via Seattle and the United States to New York on the way to London. The Shlnano Maru. which was in the fleet that; landed Oku's army at Plt sewp -for the attack on Nanshan and Which was the first steamer to sight the Russian fleet k Tsushima "'when she "acted- as nn auxiliary crdlser of the scouting' fleet, will now continue regularly in her old service. CROFTERS SEIZE ISIiAXD. They "Want to Raise 3Ienf "Sot Game, " on Vatcrsay. EDINBURGH. Scotland, Feb. 7. The crofters of Barra Island, Hebrides, have seized the neighboring Island of Vatcrsay and declare their Intention to resist by force of arms any attempt to dislodge them. A regular expedition was fitted out by the Invading Island ers, who collected a fleet of boats and soon 'effected a bloodless landing on Vatersay, hitherto used as a game preserve The Barra men for years have claimed the right to cultivate Vatcr say. but have been unable to get per mission from the authorities, and now they have seized the Island, have ap portioned It Into small farms and have distributed them among them selves. There are no police or troops in the immediate vicinity, so that the Government's action is hampered. Pcjerrary Defends His Emperor. BUDAPEST. Feb. 7. The hunger for sovereign power and the attempt to re strict the constitutional rights and func tions of the. Chief of State In such a way "as even tho President of a republic would not submit to are declared by Premier Fejervary to be tho real causes of the crisis In Hungary- The coalition, he says, in an Interview, wishes to restrict the legal, sovereign rights of the King In re gard to the control and organization of the army and make them dependent on the discretion of changing parliamentary authorities, whereas the right of Parlia ment is limited by law to approval or re jection of votes for army credits and the annual contingent of recruits. Anti-War Agitators Arrested. PARIS, Feb. 7. Twenty-ono prison ers sentenced to various terms of im prisonment In December last for in citing recruits to disloyalty and insur rection were rearrested today, their appeals having been rejected. Tho prisoners Include a number of well known political agitators. Eleanor Dusc In Ibsen's Play. CHRISTIANA. Feb. 7. Eleanor Duse played "Rosemeres"at the theater here today before an enthusiastic audience Henry Ibsen, the author of the drama, who will never be able to appear In pub lic sent an enormous wreath of laurel to the -actress. Edward Going to Dalmatla. VIENNA. Feb. 7. It is reported here from sources which It is declared are re liable that King Edward will visit Dal matla In the Spring, when he will meet Archduke Franz Ferdinand and "his wife . Hero of Port Arthur Honored. TOKIO. Feb. 7. Captain Kurml, who commanded tho Japanese naval guns at the siege of Port Arthur, has been ap pointed nay-al attache at the legation of Japan in St. Petersburg. Salvlnl "Will Xot Como to America. FLORENCE. Italy. Feb. 8. (Special.) Tooaaso Salvlnl. Italy's foremost trage dian, and without doubt the best In his line left en the stage in Europe, has successfully resisted an attempt to have aim vMt the U sited States for a fare well tour. He last night positively de clined te ces44eran offer of 132,034 for a sfeert trip, and told Mr. Wilkin?, who apfTOAChcd him, that he "was too old for exi4d travel." V 611 AT MONOPOLY Coal Railroads Ajccused of Vio lating Law. BY OPERATING THE MINES Legislator proves That Legal . Pro ceedings Begin to Prevent Fur ther Violation of Constitution -In Anthracite Region. HARRISBURG, Pa.. Feb. 7. In the House tddky Mr.- Creary of - Columbia County, offered a resolutions as follows: Whereas. The constitution of Pennsylvania provides that "no Incorporated company do ing Ihe'bujln ess Of a common carrier shall directly or Indirectly prosecute or" engage In rnlntng or manufacturing articles for trans portation over Its works; nor shall such com pany directly or indirectly engaga la any other business than that of common carriers, or hold or acquire lands, freehold or lease bold, directly or Indirectly-, except such as shall be necessary for carrying on Its busf nesj but any mining or manufacturing com pany may carry the product of Its mines and manufactories on its railroads or canal not exceeding 50 miles In length"; and. Whereas The greater part -of the anthra cite, coal lands are owned -or leased either directly or indirectly by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the Reading Company and the Delaware & Lackawanna Railroad Company, and that said mining companies are mining said coal either directly or indi rectly for .the purpose of transporting the same over their several railroads, thus giv ing said railroad a monopoly In its trans portation market; and. Whereas. It Is alleged by the coal miners that the price of sold coal has been raised slnco tho last anthracite coal strike SI to Sl.ZZ per ton: yet tho so-called operators are refusing to allow the miners any Increase In wages, and thus another strike Is threatened; therefore, bo It Resolved. That the Attorney-General Is hereby Instructed to make careful Inquiry, and If. after such Investigation, he shall find any of said railroad companies or any other railroad company In this commonwealth di rectly or Indirectly violating the afore-raen-tloned section of the constitution, he shall proceed forthwith in the law or equity courts of the commonwealth to prevent such -violation of tho constitution of the state. Discussion was ruled out on a point of order that resolutions were In order only on Mondays and Fridays. "WELL PREPARED FOR STRIKE. Anthracite Coal Operators Have Large Reserves in Stock NEW YORK. Feb. 7. Following the meeting of presidents of several anthra cite coal roads yesterday, there was an Intimation given In quarters friendly to the operators that the anthracite which had been mined was so much In excess of the demand that a shut-down In the mines may be necessary it there Is no strike on April 1. Henry S. Fleming, secretary of the Bi tuminous Coal Trade, which Includes most of the large soft coal firms, and the sec retary of the Anthracite Coal Operators' Association, made public estimates which he had been collecting as to the probable proportion of miners who will obey the strjke order. In the anthracite district, netsald. SO per cent joC the miners would strike. In tho soft coal districts, he found that miners were much weaker In organ ization than was usually supposed, and he based his calculations on the proposi tion of nonunion men and the result of former soft coal strikes. "As to anthracite," he said, "the aver age Summer consumption Is 2.GGO.0CO tons a month, and the average Winter con sumption throughout the country Is 8,000, 000 tons a month. Up to the present time the consumption has been far behind the quantity mined. About 16.O0O.CCO tons of anthracite, have been mined In excess of the demand, and there are nearly two months before April 1. In which coal can be mined. For some time back the rail road companies have been stocking up anthracite, and they never had any such large supply before." Mr. Fleming estimated that even al lowing for cold weather, there would be easily a Ave months' supply of anthracite on hand on April 1. Reform at Junction City. JUNCTION CITY, Or.. Feb. 7. The re form forces of this place claim a sweep ing victory In the conviction of four men and the proprietor of the Whlto Front sa loon now closed for running a poker game Sunday evening. Informations were filed Monday and after a spirited trial lasting all day, J. H. Enlcston was convicted for running a gambling-house, and S. O. Starr, J. M. Cook, C. Q. Fairer and David A. Johnson were convicted for playing a game of poker and fines totaling 5350 were fixed. Such cases have been tried here before and failed. Notice of appeal was given. North Coast Limited Ditch. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. Feb. 7. The North Coast Limited, No. 2, east bound, was ditched at Byron, a short distance east of Mabton. about 5 o'clock this morning. The diner, two Pullmans and an observation car were derailed. One passenger was slightly injured. The train was running at a. high speed -when the accident occurred. It is supposed a bad rail was the cause of the trouble. Chicago Lays in Coal Supply. CHICAGO, Feb. 7. The greatest supply of coal in the history of Chicago-is being gathered here In anticipation Of coal miners striking, April L Within the next 60 days, if the preparations that have been made are carried out. It Is estimated that nearly a million tons of coal will have bee,n stored away In Chicago. WILL MEET "AT SEATTLE Christian Endeavor Trustees Choose Scene of Convention. NEW YORK, Feb. 7. At a meeting to day of the trustees of the United So ciety of Christian Endeavor, Seattle, Wash., was unanimously decided upon as the place of the next general convention In U07. Four cities were. In the racet Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Kansas City and Seattle. - Seattle had the indorsement of many of the leading state, civic and church or ganizations throughout the country, and the personal recommendation, of Vice President Fairbanks. N ALMOST AFRAID TO EAT. "Wiley's Terrible Picture of Poison in Everything. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. That more than I.reOjOCO infants have been killed by Impure milk was the decUratloa made last, night by Professor H. W, Wiley, Chief of the Chemistry Bureau of the Department of Agriculture. "We do not know anything about the milk we have left at our homes, or the coadltions under which It is produced," he added. "There are a thousand and one possibilities which might have com bined to make what Nature Intended, for a food the most virile poison that chemis try can produce. "I have found that the foods we dally consume are so filled with germ life of a harmful nature that I am almost afraid to go to the table. The butter Is painted; there is little other than painted butter to be found anywhere.; . "Canned goods are kept years and sold for the genuine article. I speak par ticularly of condensed milk. If we know nothing of the fresh milk we get. surely our knowledge Is more limited as to the product that is put in cans. The Lord In tended us to resort to cans only to tide over one season, until green fruits could be had again. but"'the canneries don't know this. There Is no law requiring them to stamp the date upon their goods; if they did it would kill tho sale." 'KILLED IN COLLISION. JPascngcr Fatally Injured in Street Car Accident at Seattle. - SEATTLE. Wash., Feb. 7. Running -at an estimated speed -of SO miles an hour, through a dense fog. a Ballard car-and a Fort Lawton car of- the -Seattle. Electric Company collided head-on this morning on the trestla -between Inter Bay and-the Smith-street siding, on the Ballard - line. -xQne passenger, Henry Slmonson, , a marnea employe ot tne street-car. com pany, 1 dead from injuries he received, and motorman John Hjerron may die. Three others were badly hurt. STEAMER PORTDAXD FLOATED. Will Come SoHth From Ketchikan Under Own Steam. SEATTLE, Feb. 7. Special.) The steamer Portland, which went ashore on Spire Island last December and was aban doned by her crew, will be able to come from Ketchikan by her own steam. After the Alaska Commercial Company had abandoned the Portland the underwriters sent Captain Glbbs North with the steamer Samson and wrecking apparatus to float her. He managed to get the boat off the rocks and tow her Into Ketchikan. Temporary repairs were made and the steamer is now able to start South under convoy of the Samson. The underwriters will repair the boat and turn her back to the owners. r Harriman Puts Tip the Coin. SEATTLE, Feb. 7. Spec!al.-Checks were delivered today by John Davis & Co., the real estate Jirm which bought four tideland blocks for Joseph Hellen, said to be Harriman's private secretary, to the men who sold to the railroad. C. B. Bussell was given the largest check, a payment of 5315, COO on his $350, OCO sale. All together Ja7,0CO wag paid out today and other sellers are to bo closed with to morrow. Burlington Denies Giving Rebates. CHICAGO. Feb. 7. Pleas of not guilty to charges of granting Illegal rebates were entered today before Judge Bethea by representatives of the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy Rail road Company. The Indictment was based upon the charge of granting il legal rebate to the United States Steel Products Exporting Company, one of the subsidiary companies of the United States Steel Corporation. Judge Bethea accepted the pleas. Recommends "Meriwether's Pardon. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7; Secretary Sonaparto today recommended .to the President the ,pardon' of Midshipman, Minor Meriwether. Jr., convicted of haz ing and sentenced to dismissal - from -the Naval Academy. No further action, will be taken by the Navy Department until the President reaches a decision on this recommendation. EriMt taiirc Praisi its Iijrwfliats. We refer to that boon to weak, nervous, suffering women known as Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription. Dr. John Fyfe one of the Editorial Staff of The Eclectic Mepicll Review says of Unicorn root (Hctonias Dioica) which. Is one of the chief ingredients of the "Fa vorite Prescription0 : "A rsBwdy -which Invariably acts as a ater Ine iarUrorator makes for normal ac tivity of the entire reproductive system." He continues "la Helonlas we haTe a medica ment which more fully answers the above purposes than any other drug trtth trfckA I am acquainted. In the treatment of diseases pe culiar to women it is seldom that a case is seen which does not present some Indication for this remedial ent." Dr. Fyfe farther says: "The folkmlng are among the leadlmr Indications for Helonlss (Unicorn root). Pain or aching In the back, with lencorrhcea; atoalc (weak) conditions of tho reproductive organs of women, mental depression and Ir ritability, associated with chronic diseases of the reproductive organs ot women, constant sensation of heat in the region of the kld ne7s;iaenorrhaia (flooding), due to a weak ened condition ot the reproductive system; ameaorrhoea (suppressed or absent monthly periods), arising from or accompanying an abnormal condition of the dUrestlve organs ana anemic (thin blood) habit: draffainff sensations in the extreme lower gart ot the II more or less of the above symptoms are present, no Invalid woman can do better than Uke Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, one of the leadinglngredl ents of which Is Unicorn root, or Helonias, and the medical properties of which it most falthfully.representp. Of Golden Seal root, another -prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Pror. FInley Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "It is an Important remedy in disorders of the womb. In all catarrhal conditions and gmeral enf eeblement, it is useful9 Prof. John J. Scndder, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "In relation to its general effects on the system, then it ho medicine in mm about uhit'i there it ruch general unanimity of opinion. It k imfMrsoily regarded as the tonic asel 1 la all debilitated states." Prof. Bartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says of Golden Seal : "Taluable in uterine hemorrfaagaj- mecor rhagia (flooding) and congestive dysmenor 7 heel (paurimmenstrustlon)." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith fully represents all the above named In gredients and cures the diseases for which they ara recommended. HAND SA'POLIO POg TOILET AND BATH DeBcatt enough for the softe skis, and yit efficacious in removin any itala. Keeps the ikis In p erf eel conditio nv In the bath fives all tha desirable after-effects of a Turkish bath. It should be on every wask stand. LL GROCERS AMD DRUGGISTS badly bleaefced Hair. iMparla. Hair Rftgmraltf will remedy this. Aar sb&de from Black to XMo lightest Ash Blende produced. Colors are durable. Eas ily applied. Absolutely harmless. Baniwa &t hair colored free. Car- .rasBOftdeececanfideatiaL. WPEJHAL WOOU.MfG. C8..I35 W.2J4Si.NTcYKk. SORB COVERED L MBS Little Girl's Obstinate Case of Eczema Instantaneous Relief By Cuticura Little Bos Hands and Arms Also Were a Mass of Torturing Sores Grateful Mother Says: "CUTICURA REMEDIES A HOUSEHOLD STANDBY" "In reply to your letter I write vou my experience, and you are privileged to use it as you see fit.. Last year, after having my little girl treated by a very prominent physician for an obsti nate case of eczema, I resorted to the Cuticura .Remedies, and was so welf pleased with the almost - instantaneous relief afforded that we discarded the physician's prescription and relied en tirely on the Cuticura Soap, -Cuticura; Ointment, and Cuticura Puis. When we commenced with the' Cuticura Rem edies her feet and limbs were covered with running sores. In about six weeks we had her completely 'well, and there, has been no recurrence ot the trouble. "In July of this year a little boy in our family poisoned his bands and arms with poison oak, and in. twenty-four hours his- hands and arms were a mass of torturing sores. "We used only the Cuticura Remedies, washing his hands and arms with the Cuticura Soap, and anointed them with the Cuticura" Oint ment, and then gave him the Cuticura Resolvent. In. aoout three weeks his hands and arms healed up; so we have lots of cause for feeling grateful for- the Cuticura Remedies. We find that the Cuticura Remedies are a valuable household standby, living as we do twelve miles from a dpctor, and where it costs from twenty' to" twenty-five dol lars to come up on the mountain. Respectfully, Mrs. Lizzie Vincent Thomas, Fairmount, Walden's Ridge, Tenn , Oct. 13. 1905." Complet External and Internal Treatraint for tt7 Humor, from Pimplea to Scrofula-. from-lmney to' Age, eomlitinjc of Cuticura Soap. JJc, Olntaiant. JOc-, RetotV nt,40c(ln form of Cbocolat Coated Sc. per -rial of 60), mar be had ct all druijlftj. A ilarlt let oftea core the moft dlitreulns eaaea wbto all tlie fail. Potter Druj t Chesi. Corp., Sols Propt Boston. Mati. aar-Mailed Free. "How to Cora Tartarian, DU2ariBr Burner," aadMXla Qrtat Skin Book." All ExDerience Points to IIEBIGCOHPANYS Extract of Beef as ihe finest sick-room ' strength food. , It gives results ia i iicaiui. .r Mir? signature in blue or it's not genuine. UNPRECEDENTED -SUCCESS OF . C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese Doctor, At No. 162 First St Cor. Morrison No misleading statements to the afflicted. I guarantee a complete, safe and lasting: curi In the Quickest nassihln tlm. nnrl at th ! lowest cost possible lor honest and success ful treatment. X cure catarrh, asthma, lane. throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidney and lost manhood. IKMALK IBOCBU58 AND ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. My remedies are harmless.- composed ot roots, herbs, buds and barks especially se lected and Imported direct -by us from thi Interior of China. IP XOU ARE AFFLICTED DON'T DELAT. DELAYS ARE DANOEROUS. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents. In stamps. CONSULTATION" FREE. The C. Ge TVo Chinese) Sledlclne Co., 162H first St.. Cor. Morrison. X'ortlaad, Or. Please mention this paper. (Established 1S79.) " Caret While You Sleep." Whooplng-Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Confidence can be placed .in a rem edy, which for a quarter of a century has earned unqualified praise. Restful nights are assured at once. Cresofens Is a. Boon, to Asthmatics All Druggists ' Send iostal for de' scrtptive boektet. Cresolene Antiseptic Throat Tablets for tho irritated throats of your druggist or from US'. 16c. in stamps. Tbe Vapo-Gresofeiw Co., 180 Faitsa St., ti. Y. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forevei T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES Retaorei Taa, Pimples. Freckles, Mota Patc&K, Baah, ud skia D!irajHL aaa every aiemus on beaaty, sad da lles detection. It ass stood tbe test of 67 years, asd U so haraleil w( taste It to be sure 11 Is properly made. Accept no counter felt of tiffliUi nase. Dr. L. A. Barra said to a lady of tha hint tea (a patiest)t "As you lsdlM trill use thtm, T TioQDmtail 'Gattraad'a Crenm as tha Isaat harsfal of all tha ikla prtparaitoas." For sale by all draariats and Faaey G00& Dealers la the United States, Canada aad Europe rnii.T.iMiiis.'Vn.. 37 .h," KwTwi r MALM MX VTQQDAMD, CLAMXM SCt i