THE JCOKNiyG ORSGONIAy, THUItSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1900. MAKE IT THOROUGH President's Orders for Inquiry About Valencia. COMMISSION LEAVES TODAY Action, of Officers and of "Rescuing Steamers and of Owners to Be In . iquircd Into, Also Provisions ftf Por Life Savins. ' "WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. Formal di- TOCtlOnK IftSllori tnnli. V.V Pi-oi-l- dent Roosevelt for an investigation of ine Valencia disaster, which occurred recently UDOn the NnrMi "Purine Pna. The instructions are contained In a letter to Secretary Mctcalf, of the De pdrimem oi Jommerce and Labor President Roosevelt's letter follows: Tou tie hereby directed to Instruct 'Law rence U. Murray. Assistant Secretary of Com merce and Labor, and Herbert Knot Smith. JDcputy Commissioner of CorooraUonR. an writ a Captain William T. Burwcll, United States Javy. wno will He detaUed for service In your oepartmcnt, to proceed to Seattle. Wash.. ana mcro man thorough and complete In vestigation of all the circumstance attend. Ing the wreck of the steamer Valencia and the cause or causes thereof, and any misconduct, negligence or dereliction of duty upon the part of anyone related thereto and havinc ov bearing: upon the loss of life occasioned by eaia disaster; and also, as you may direct, to ' Investigate such other matters bearing upon the safety of traffic in navigable waters of the United States In. that vicinity and the cHccuvcness and sufficiency of the present aids to navigation along said waters; and to mane iuu report thereon, with recommenda tions for such deDarlmental nr lorUlatlv. action as may be Indicated by tald report ana Endings. Messrs. Murray and Smith will leave here tomorrow morning: and go direct iu oeatue. Admiral Burwell, com mandant at the Bremerton Navy Yard, win meet tnem on their arrival. In anticipation of the work of the com mission. Secretary Metcalf has wired mo omciais or the .Department In Se attle to secure accommodations for the Hearings and to nave ready all the testimony, evidence and the exhibits as described at the Inquiry of the lo cal Inspectors. Wide Powers of Commission. The orders of the Secretary to the commission issued today direct it to investigate not only the question of the conduct of licensed nfflrorc nt vAwia upon the "Valencia, Queen, Topeka and uLuura connected witn tno disaster and the relations of the steamboat in spection service thereto, but also o the general management of the Valencia, ner equipment and operation and the relation of her owner, the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, to the district, and also to the conditions of the coasfand of the Strait of Juan de Fuca In the vicinity or the place of the wreck with a view to the sufficiency of the present rdds to navigation in tint -u'Mnit-.- ,.,. any needed improvement that may be luuna to De essential ror the safety of traffic. Every available witness will be ex amined, and the Department desires all those having knowledge of the disaster to aid the Commission by giving testi mony. Frye Will Act Vigorously. President Roosevelt received Information iS?1 Jed Wpi to. believe, that United States District Attorney Frye believed it undesirable to go further Into the "Valen cia, investigation than he had already gone. The President sent to the Attorney General peremptory orders to place blm seir at the disposal of the special com mission appointed to make an inquiry into the Valencia, disaster. Today the follow ing telegram was received from Mr. Frye by the Department of Justice: Seattle. Wash.. Feb. 7. The Attorney-General. Washington. D. C.: Authorize you to say to tho President that I did not state that I had been brought Into the Valencia investigation too late to be of practical serv ice. I did not say that I found it would be necessary to recall nearly every witness to make tho investigation thoroughly, which fact I regretted, as witnesses were scattering Criticised no one. Expect to conclude Ta coma grand Jury term next Thursday. Will then proceed with vigorous Investigation of the Valencia disaster. FRYE OAT 801 MY EASILY SURVIVOR SAYS LOSS OF LIFE FROM VALENCIA NEEDLESS. F. A. Campbell Gives Sftrong Tcstl mony Before Board of Inquiry "at VictoriaNo Discipline. VICTORIA. B. C. Feb. 7.-Afler nvnm ining the liferaft brought from Turtle Island and somo life preservers both of core anu tuie, tho Canadian government commissioners this morning heard the evi dence of F. A. Campbell, a commercial traveler, who lost his wife and daughter vtiuucia disaster, to tho effect that 30 minutes elapsed after the" steamer struck until No. 2 boat, in which ho with wo iic ana daughter and 12 others left K?.8801.!?18 lowcred- The boat had no trouble ccttine awnv tmm 1. , the 20 minutes ho looked for officers to ju.u wnat to do, but found none. There was no panic, but a total lack of jnanagement. No -one seemed to direct things. Ho had no idea who ordered the juiB w ine ooats. There was no one n arS Th0 nly member of the crew in tho boat was a fireman. The boat's Plug did not fit. and .hr. .ts not good, breaking after tho oars had been ,U,1J" WJ"1 iimcuny, and letting an oar drift away. Tho boat became 'unman ageable, was tossed into the breakers and turned over, drowning his wife and dau-h a.nd five others. He managed to get Had there been an officer in charge of the boat, he thought it could havo ridden out to sea. The sea was not heavy, and tho seven drowned when it was driven ashore would probably have been saved Ho saw no rockets fired, except one. which water a Sma" CirClC and fCl1 ,nto,the hU settJS ashore the ship was under of i tl,n' tandl with tne exception of the few minutes he was in the break er, flr?!fUldJjaV seen pockets had they been fired. Flares were burned on the after end of the steamer. There was "not TheCIdnnot,, tmune P MpMw thk themselves in danger. Ulchley, a fireman of tho Valencia, save evidence at the Investigation this aftjoon, corroborating CamS 52 Commerce will memorialize CencrreM to grant the recommendations made' by a subcommittee today, the substance of which follows: Beginning at Gray's Harbor, we think that from there up to Cape Flattery a proper road ehould be built so that tho coast may be accessible for life-saving and salv age purposes. We also recommend that the wireless telegraphic service to connect with vessels at iea be Installed by the Govern ment, as well as telephone communication along the shore. We find there is a distance of more than 00 miles north of Gras-a Harbor with no lhrht protection every 30 miles. We recoram mat a proper lighthouse be secured nt Point Granville. . In reference to lbe present telegraph line at iaioosh. we recommend that it be Im proved and that such force be maintained that. fh 'Sam mBV b rolled nnon SBM all times, or that proper connection be msoe with the Alaska cable to supplement the present service. We understand the fog signal station at Tatoosh 1b out of date and that, on account of the small appropriation available, the for horn Is put in operation only when the- fog nas actually settled close la to tho station, but the Xog horn should, be ODcrated when ever there is a possibility or Its being of service to ships within the zona reached, by tne horn. We recommend that the Government build and equip and constantly maintain at Neah Bay as a basis, a vessel suitable for life- saving and salvage purposes with the most xnooern equipment of all kinds for the pur pose of cruising tbo coast Xrom Gray's Har bor to Cape Flattery. LBN IN CONTROL Says His Proxies Will Rule Two Big Companies. WANT TO HELP IN INVESTIGAT ING SOCIAL PROBLEMS. Mrs. Shaw Gives President Illnts-on Marriage and Birth Rate at Woman Suffrage Gathering. WILL APPEAL TO CONGRESS. Seattle Chamber of Commerce to Aid Coast Shipping. SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 7.-(SpccIal.)-For the better protection of shipping along the coast from the mouth of the Columbia north the local Chamber e-f BALTIMORE!. Feb. 7. Th lhlrrv eighth annual convention of the "Women's fcunrace Association beiran here lodav and will continue until and Including Feb ruary 13. The meetlnc is one of the most numerously attended gatherings ever held by tne suffragists in this country, nearly all the prominent leaders of the cause being present. Precedinir the assemblage of the convention, there was a meeting of the executive committee and a council of state presidents, which was presided over by Harriet Taylor Union, of Ohio. and was attended by the officials of the national association and the chairmen of various committees. The evenintr session brourfit forth a disappointment in that the honorary president, aiiss Susan B. Anthony, who was to have presided, was still loo in disposed to attend, the t resident of the association. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, filling the vacancy. Governor FJrtwln Warfleld delivered an address of welcome. The response was made" Jointly bv Mrs. Julia Ward Howe and Miss Clara Barton. aiter wnicn the president's annual ad dress was read by Mrs. Shaw, who said: While it Is true that marriage and the birth rate have decreased In recent years, before tho results are charged to the participation of women In industry one must answer many questions. As a matter of fact. It Is no new thing for women to be engaged In Industrial pursuits. From primitive times women have been great industrial factors and modern eco nomic conditions. Instead of Introducing them to Industries, have introduced to the world's markets the Industrial In which women from the earliest times have been engaged with ever-widening circles of actlvr, as Inventive genius has do-eloped and civilization pro gressed. If conditions surrounding their cnmlovment are such as to make -It a ''social aunntinn or the, lrt importsLnct.'xit Is unfortunate that-1 President Roosevelt did not see that women. the most deeply Interested factor In the prob lem, should constitute at least a part of any commission authorized to Investigate it- trust that a resolution will be nasaed bv tM convention petitioning the Government to place women on every commission which investi gates tne conditions which no deeply affect their lives and the lives of their children. One can but wish, with the reorganized de sire lor "lair play." and his polio1 of i 'juare deal," it had occurred to the Tri dent that, it 6.000.000 American women are employed m gainful occupations, every nrln- clple of Justice known to a republic would aemand that these 5.000.000 of tolllnc women nhould be enfranchised to enable them to secure legislation for their own protection. Mrs. Shaw then made a nlea for sunrage. Investigate Cincinnati Affairs. COLUMBUS. O.. Feb. 7. The lnvrtt lo tion ol Cincinnati municipal affairs will bo made by a committee of the Ratik. instead of a Joint legislative committee. APPIAN WAY OF AMERICA Perfect Road Will Be Built Straight Acros Ohio. CLEVELAND. Feb. ".-Within a vcar work, will be begun by the National Good Roads Association on a great hixrhwnv extending clear across the State of Ohio. from the Pennsylvania, in i,n t.m-, line, that will be one of the flnrt i world, and, like the AppiaJn Way. will be uunt io last lor ail time to come. This Is the information given out today by Colonel W. H.Moore, president of the association. The road, which will be the first to bo uuui across a state under the authority of an organization since the old Fed eral roads, will cost si.voorv or v.. amount. Colonel Mooro says 5750,000 lias aireaoy oeen put up by certain interests that he will not now reveal, and the re mainder will be secured from the counties through which it will pass. HAS CARD 1P HIS SLEEVE Financier Names-Four Mcr as .Com mittee to .Vote at ' New York Lire and 3IatHal Life Elections. ST. PAUL, Tcb. 7. Thomas W. Lawson, of Boston, held a four-bouc conference with Governor Johnson. at tlie Canltol to day. Immediately afterward he left for Chicago. The subject of the conference was the forming of a committee' of Gov ernors and otfier prominent men to ln- vesticati the affair of ihn Ver "VnrV Life a'nd the Mutual Life Insurance Com panies. At the close of the conference Mr. Lawson stated that his interview with Mr. Johnson had been very satls-lactorvr "Governor Johnson hu rflnsntpfl to re main, as a member of the committee I havo had in mind," said Mr. Lawson, "and the other who -will make un a nart vi tho committee are Governor Broward, of Florida; ex-AUorncy-Gencral Frank S. Monnett of Ohio and "FVemonf fiMpr munnrlnp- r-AUnr of this Kan Fninr!.vn Evening Bulletin. I am not yet ready to announce tne omer names. "I have e-nnuirh nrnxles rlrht now to give me votlmr control of the New York uie and -the Mutual Lire." Mr. Johnson said to the Associated Press after tho conference that he had agreed to remain on the committee, "al though I refused to act as chairman of it, as .sir. iawson urged me to oo, as it would take too much of my time away from tbo state." "Ha Mr. Ijiwsnn the neeeKsarv nroxle from nolIevhoHera to r-nrif ml the votlnir in tne two nig uic insurance companies! was asked. 'I Velleve from thn hnwrfn- he maHe this afternoon hafr he ha." renllen" the Governor, "and I believe Mr. Lawson has a cara up bis sleeve that win astonisn uie folks." Artistic Pictvre Framing lift-Gnii Witch Keptiring Very Rttsmble Prices DpmatvCUoffe$go, Free Lessons in ART EMBROIDERY Every Day . 5000 New Spring Samples Ladies' Neckwear at Half-Price And Less Than Half-Price Mr. Chu. E. EUdagton, onr neckwear bnyer, purchased the entire new Spring maple neckwear from the greatest neck wear manufacturer in the United States. Eyery piece is new, fresh, stylish, up to date. This Great Neckwear Offering Includes Most Everything Known in the Neckwear World Look at This for an Amazing Bargain List "$2.25 to $4.25 Ladies' Neckwear At 98c BAILEY APPLIED LASH. (Continued From Pase L) JAIL-BREAKERS ARE FOILED Nevada Deputy Slicrlff Catches Them at Tunnel-Digging;. RENO, No'., Feb. 7. Jamos "Watson, Frank Sterling and Wesley Gardner, the latter a negro, in jail at Elko, on a charge of burglary and reputed to be three of the most desperate men in the Eastern portion of Nevada, were caught in the act of digging their way out of prison today. Tho discovery was made by Deputy Sheriff Weathers a. few mo ments before the men wouJU have been at liberty. At the point of a gun he drove them Into another cell and this afternoon filed a charge of attempted Jail-breaking against them. It is believed they received aid from outside sources. Mrs. Coleman and Stanley Tree. NEW YORK. Feb. 7.Mlss Mabel Colo man and Frank Stanley, who were ar rested last night, charged with the lar ceny of $50,000 worth of gold mining stock, were released today after an. examina tion in Police Court. The charge was made by tho woman's husband. Georgo C. Coleman, who is said to be tho presi dent of a gold mining comnanv In r,nM. Held, Nev. Cummins Wants Third Term. ST. PAUL. Feb. 7.A aneHnl frv, Prim Khar. Iowa, savs Governor Onmi. Is ready to accept a tldrd term as Gover nor and win niRKe an official announce ment soon.- fart that "Patterson Vino" lteen nreuent and had participated in the Democratic Sena torial caucus In 1303. in which the rule binding Democratic Senators by a two thirds vote of the caucus had been adont- d. Evidently the suggestion took Patter son bv KUrnrlRe. We rtlii not nnnear to re- Call the facts, and said there must be some mistake, because be had always held the views now held bv him. Bailcv insisted that he was rlrht In hln statement, but he vouchsafed the added remaric tnat ne was at tne same time sat isfied that Patterson had not misrepre sented whfcn he said he Hid not recall the caucus. He was proceeding to state his reasons ror nellevlnsr Jatternn in have Deen nresent. when he was InterninteH by his colleague, Culberson, who rose with a typewritten paper in nis nana. tAiiuer- son veniied nancy's memory. "My colleairue'a statement ! correct. he said, "and I have here the record of the caucus action verlfvlntr It. Thev show that the Senator from Colorado voted lor the resolution. i -Admks His Inconsistency, a Patterson manlfeetefl nmi e-reltement in manner and his face wa much fltithvi out his words were deliberate. He said It wemi that amnlc nrenaratlon ha bn made to overwhelm roe by reason of the tana I have taken. I will not galntay the record: it la not impossible that, without due renection, I did vote for the binding resolu tion. If so. the vote was cast without due renection. That circumstance cannot, how ever prevent a chance of court when, after due Investigation, I became satisfied that the demand of the caucus Is In conflict with my sense of Justice and antagonistic to my duty as a Senator. Whether inconsistency may be snown. I am content to let it stand: I will bear cheerfully the censure nr mfttnrfr. standing of my course. The rule does net cnange the eternal truth or the obligation of Senators to observe their oatha of nfnV Rcnlvlnr. Ballev said that 0.ittnrnn rlt.l himself an injustice by Intimating that mere naa oeen a conspiracy tor the pur nose Of accomnlishlnir hi discomfiture lie attributed the fact that Culberson wac equipped with a copy of the caucus pro ceedings to his colleague's habit of being always prepared for any emergency. For the rest, he was willing to accept Pat terson's explanation, for he believed tho tocnaior to oc an nonest man, although an emotional one, who, being in error. persists in it. Patterson said he did not care so much for the position in which he was placed as ror tne fact tnat he feared that the issue would be clouded bv this inddent. Tnat, lie said, mortified him. Advised to Change Parlies. Chemisettes and noreltv neckwear in venisc lace, linen and silk novelty em broidered styles. $5.00 Ladies' Neckwear At $1.98 Heal Bruges and Russian lace capes, collars and re rers in a large variety of styles. $1.35 to $2.00 Ladies' Neckwear At 68c Ladies' chemisettes and novelty neckwear in. tabs, jabots, lace and silk effects, etc 85c to $1.50 Ladies9 Neckwe'r At 37c 50c to 75c . Ladies' Neckwear At 25c Tabs, turnovers, novelty effects, etc, in white, black and colors. Novelty neckpieces and chemisettes in all the new est designs. This great neckwear event worthily represents the Lipman-Wolfe style of doing business. When you come today you will find the Lipman-Wolfe Neckwear Dept. ready with thousands of wonderful neckwear bargains. The true measure of a bargain is not what you pay, but what you get. These neckwear bargains are true bar- gains of the first magnitude, for you will get splendid neckwear at a fraction of prevailing prices. insrton. -Feb. 7. The Senate fTnmmlttee on Territories todav favorahlv rennrted thn bill prohibiting aliens from fishing in the waters or AiasKa. Tills bill is aimed at the Japanese who have lately operated extenpivelv In Alaskan waters, to thn detriment of American fishermen. HErnURX IS MUCH BETTER. "Will Have Operation for Appendicitis IVlicn Health Permits. ORBGOXIAX XWS BUREAU. "Wash ington, Feb. ".Senator Heyburn is very much better today. He suffers no pain. and, unless a setback should occur, ex? poets to go out in. a few days. He has not, however, abandoned the idea of un dergoing an operation- to have the aDoen-' dix removed when his general health will permit. PHOTOGRAPHED US BRIDE MISS ROOSEVELT "WILL GITE PIC TURES TO FRIENDS. Bailey then suggested to Patterson that tnero was but one proper recourse left to him and that was to chance nartic and to this suggestion Patterson replied that neither the sneers nor the innuendos Of BailCV WOUld CaUSC lllm to swerve from his intention of following his inten tions rather than the behest of a nartv. He had. he said, wanted only to lmnres on the country the size of the danger that lurks in caucus dictation and he added that if ho had succeeded In ac complishing that result, he would feel satisfied. He had no reeret for xehut he had done. Ho had no doubt that the action of the caucus had been taken for tne purpose of placlnr him before hi own constituents as a bolter. ' and he characterized the action as "the ghost of antebellum days rising to drive Senators from their nense of duty." The reference to tho old times Bailey and he declared with a perceptible show of scorn that ho "would waive the reference as unworthy of notice." "it must." he added, "bo an anneal to the Republican side to vote for Patterson's resolution. Xo Southern Democrat would hesitate to defy his party when It came to a. conflict between naHv and con science, but. having done so, he would Know tnat nc must at home risk the con sequences of putting his own Judgment against that of two-thirds of his party." Twenty Senators Not Party. "The Senator makes a mistake in posing twenty Senators tn be the rtm. cratic party.""sald Patterson, and Bailey replied that it Is more nearly so than Patterson standing alone. Patterson replied briefly. filVln- that he was thoroughly satisfied that he was correctly representing his constituents; indeed, he declared that he would mis represent and betray them If he should take any other course than the mnK. he had pursued. He was satisfied that all ngnt-minded Democrats in Colorado would sustain him. The debate concluded at 4 n ,i tho Senate went Into executive The galleries were cleared of the throngs that had packd them and the doors were closed. Fifteen minutes later the Senate adjourned. Xo Foreign Fishermen la Alaska. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash- j Examine Fort liawton Officers. OREGOXIAN' NEWS BUREAU. "Wash ington. Feb. 7. Tho following board has been appointed to meet at Fort Lawton. Wash., for the examination of officers for promotion: Major Henry B. Moon. Tenth Infantry; Captains Louis T. Hess and Elbert E. Persons, assistant sup geons; Captains James T. Dean. Maurice Cralle. Tenth Infantry: First Lieutenant William Taylor, Tenth Infantr recorder. AGREE ON CUSTOMS DUTIES Delegates at Algeciras AVI 1 1 Raise Tariff In 3Iorocco. , ALGECIRAS. Feb. 7. The dnlecratea to the Moroccan Conference Imlnv rile. cusscii inc customa- (iiitiet nr Mnrnonn and settled a number of details refer ring to various articles, but- postponed deciding the question of Increasing the Kcncrai rate to i-'n per cent, aci va lorem. Morocco's request to raukc to bacco a state monopoly was approved. inc conference aujournca until Sat urday. CONFERENCE MAY NOT AGREE. Germany Fears Split on Morocco, but Not War. BERLIN, Feb. 7. While government circles maintain an outwardly hopeful attitudo regarding the conference at Algeciras, the Indications aro that mucn concern is icit aoout the out come. Kven a failure to rench nr agreement on the police question is regarded as probable. This Infcrcnco is arawn irom inc tact mat tne in spired press has begun discussing tho probable results of a failure to reach an agreement. Theso papers assert that a failure would not Involve tho danger of war, so far as Germany is concerned, and they arguo that France would never go to war on account of Morocco. Theso papers Interpret the warning of the Havas Agency against "excess ive optimism," as proving tho pacific intentions of the French Government. The result of a failure to reach an agreement would be, according to Ger man inspired utterances, that Moroc can affairs would continue to bo regu lated under the arrangement of 1SS0. More critical observers point out that the controversy of 1S90 originated de spite that arrangement, and that tho conference, being due to German In itiative Its fnlltire -R-nuld Involve aerl. xjus damage to German prestige. ine Hamburger isacnncnten says a failure of the conference would inten sify the friction between flermnnv and France and compromise Germany's po sition. France Will Not Give In. PARIS. Feb. 7. The tone of tlie Oer- man comments relative to the question of tho control of the police of Morocco Is aro us Inc- considerable attention in ministerial circles, where It is remarked nat tne suggestion that the Sultan bo permitted to organize the police under the control of the nower f dnnmt frn failure. France will not relax her de termination to retain paramount In-' Ilucnce in Morocco. THnlnmnts hern regard tho discussion an belne- f nt lie- unless Germany's proposals aro made i'rancc is satisfied to await this, re serving arguments Jn,favor of her view until a tangible proposal calls forth her reply. Many Dtaapnolated Who Expected la vltntioaa to "Wedding Splendid Ulfta From France aad Cuba. CHICAGO. Feb. 7. A dispatch to the Record-Herald from Washington says: MJss Alice Roosevelt spent another busy day shopping yesterday. She"had a fitting of .her wedding gown, and It is unaersiood tnat the entire outfit will oe renay oy tne end of this week. Miss Roosevelt has heen imnnrtnned for photographs In her bridal finery. ana sno has partially promised several xnenus tnat she will consent to this or deal. It was stated at the White House that all details about the trousseau of tno president's daughter will bo made public beforo the wedding. This will inciuac a full description of the ma terial, which was socclallv desltmed A list of tho most important weddlns guts win also bo made public The presents are catalogued as thev arrive and then sent to the attic Tho most valuable of plate and Jewelry will be transferred to a bank vault. In the dlnlomatic comt there k in aggrieved feeling because only the noaus or cmoassteK and legations and acting Charge d'Aff aires have been asked to tho wcddinir. Even the daughters of the British and Russian Amuassaaors, jiiss Josephine Durand and tho Baroness Elizabeth Rosen. havo not been Included, although the giris are on xricndiy terms with the bride-elect. In society as well as amonrr the rel atives of tho family the "President Mrs. Roosevelt have observed the rule of asking only two out of each family. Only those girls who are the intimates of tho bride aro to be nresent In the blue room. The ceremony will occur at a temporary altar erected between tho Biwn wjhuuwb wnicn race tne east. FRENCH GIFT IS RECEIVED. Splendid Piece of Gobelin Tapestry for Miss Roosevelt. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Miss Alice Roosevolt yesterday received the wed ding present which the French ment had intended for her. The rl ft con sists of a beautiful Gobelin tapestry, rep resenting -justice." and was offered to SIlss Roosevelt by M. Jusserand. the French. Ambassador In this city. It Is understood that President Roose velt had informed several European pow ers that It would not be asreeablu If thev sent especially expensive gifts and ac cordingly most European governments are cxpectca to sena small girts, merely to express their good will and wishes to the daughter of America's tlrst citizen, hut tho French government had already given orders for tho manufacture of this raro piece of tapestry. The piece, though not very larce. Is invaluable, a that no re ticular kind of Gobelin Is solely mado for tno Jrrcncn government on special occasions. Collar of Pearls Cuba's Gift. HAVANA. Feb. 7. Dr. Kerra. the Cu ban Minister to Paris, reports that he has purchased a collar of pears as Cuba's wcaoing girt ror Miss Alice Roosevelt, and that the gift will be forwarded to Mr. Quesada. Cuban Minister at Wash ington. WILL DEDICATE MEMORIAL American Officials Will Join Cu bans at El Cancy Battlefield. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. The Armv transport Sumner will sail from New York tomorrow mornlntr at 10 o'eloelc. earrvlnir a party of distinguished offlcers of the United States Army and Navy to partici pate in the exercises attending the dedica tion of the battle monument at F3 r?anev Cuba. The Programme In 9.mtIaro Includes an official banquet by the Cuban government to the American officials on February H. followed by a ball at the Union rintv in Sfantta-gQ. On February IS the BattUfleld Commission probably will go to Daiquiri to assist In the dedication of the monu ment erected there by the Spanish-American Iron Company, and the officers will entertain the Cuban officials February 15. The return trip of the Sumner will, in all probability, cover the route westward along tho south coast of Cuba followed by Admiral Clark In his 40-mile chase of tho Cristobal Colon on July 3, 1SSS. At the formal e-rerclea nn thn hattle- Held Colonel Webb C Haws, chairman of the Battlefield Commission, will present -uieutcnant-ueneral Chaffee, the president of the Society of the Army of Santiago de Cuba. There will be an address hv t.Ipii. tenant-General Young, who attends as the special representative of the President of the United States. Addresses will also be made by General Anaraae, representing President Palma; Brigadier-General A. L. Mills, represenU "is tne i?iitn Army corps in the Santiago campaign; uenerai uarcia velez, repre senting the liberating army of Cuba; Rear-Admiral Hleirl nsnn rpnrpon(1no t)m American fleet In the naval battle, and Colonel C. A. Sharpe, secretary of the So- vjcij- ut inc Army oc Santiago de Cuba. Roosevelt Sees Clark's Pictures. WASHINGTON. -Feb. 7. President Roosevelt, accompanied by Senator Clark, of Montana, visited the Corcoran Art Gal lery today to obtain a view of the Mon tana Senator's collection of paintings. Mr. Clark made the collection for the adorn inent of his mansion in New York. As that Is not ready for occupancy, he has lent the collection to the Corcoran Art Gallery. The collection consists of about 60 paintings, and contains works of the greatest of the world's masters. SHUFV-ON Get Rid of Scrofula Bunches, eruptions, inflammations, sore ness of the eyelids and ears, diseases of the bones, ricicts, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting, are only some of the troubles it causes. It is a very active evil, making'havoc of the whole system. Hood'sSarsaparilla Eradicates it, cares all Its manifestations, and builds up the whole system. Accept no substitute. We are headquarters for Shur-On Eye G lasses. Toric Lenses and Invisible Bi focals. Oregon Optical Co. 173 .Fourth St, Y. M. a A. Bldg. CARTE ITTLE IVER PILLS SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by tliee Iiittle Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dysperma. Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongu Pain in the Side. TORPID UVER. Thef Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dom. Small Price. EftUb.islied 1870. Scad for catalogue. G. P. Rammelin 6 Sons 12S Second St, Bet. Washington and Alder SU. FURRIERS Ermine Ties, Mink Ties, Chinchilla Neck wear, Black Lynx Scarfs and Stoles Fur Boas and Stoles In Sable, White Fox, Alaska Beau Sable Fox, Etc Fur Coats Fur Muffs Fur Robes and Rusrs LEADING AND RELIABLE FURRIERS Highest Cash Prices Paid For Raw Furs Coupon Free Yellowstone Park Trip fM JITTAMfC 111Mtnrni itm. ALONG THE COLUMBIA RIVER, THROUGH. BOISE AND SALT LAKE, VIA O. R. & N. One Vote for....... THIS COUPON MUST BE VOTED ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY 15, 1906