Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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Better Movement Is Expected
Later in the Season.
Hcvival of. Export Flour Demand
Would Strengthen Prices In the
Northwest, Where Stocks Arc
Small Foreign Conditions.
"WHEAT Improved demand- expect
ed later In season.
HOPS Market very firm and active.
VEGETABLES Liberal supplies ar
rive and about due.
FRUIT Scarcity of large-size or
anges. EGGS Break Jn prices expected.
POULTRY Strong market lor
LIVESTOCK Cattle coining forward
DRESSED MEATS Veal, pork- and
beef strong.
PROVISIONS Advances In hams,
bacon and short clears.
Local "wheat prices do not show any ma
terial change from those quoted a week ago.
"While the Chicago and Liverpool markets
have advanced somewhat, San Francisco has
ahown a, decline, owing to the wet weather
and .better prospects for tho coming crop.
How thfr weather conditions can affect 1003
wheat, however. It Is difficult to sec. The dull
nets of the California market Is explained by
the tact tliat the rolllj have shut down owing
to the lack of export business. Sufficient
stocks of wheat are carried there for flour
grinding for present homo requirements, but
It is believed more will be needed for this
purpose before the new crop Is ready. Any
revival of tho export flour demand, even a
small one, would quickly strengthen the po
sition of wheat holders In the Northwest.
Stocks of unsold grain are small and In O. R.
fc 2. territory very little Is to be had.
Besides a continuance of the past firm
ness, there are no new development In the
markets for oats and barley. Stocks are not
heavy and trading is only moderately active.
The latest weekly foreign crop summary
of Broomhall'u says:
"United Kingdom The condition of the
crops continues fair. France The crops are
in fair condition; supplies of good wheat are
very scarce and there Is more talk of im
porting foreign grain. Germany Snow has
fallen and the recent weather has Improved
tne condition of tho crops, but still some com
plaints are heard; there is also talk of a
ehort acreage, as well as reports stating that
loreign purchases will continue to be made
after March 1. Hungary Snow has fallen.
Roumanla The condition of the crops is fa
vorable. Russia The weather is milder, with
rains In the south, otherwise the situation ia
favorable: the movement is fair."
Market Is Again Lively, and Full Prices Arc
. jrh nop market was lively -asuin' yesterdirr-
though the transactions did not reach the
record volume of those on Tuesday, when
close to 2000 bales changed hands. Reporto
were received yesterday of sales aggregating
ji oaies. ana it is believed 200 or 300 bales.
more were disposed of at points up the val
ley. Besides this, a number of transactions
took place "between -local dealers.
At the rate that hops have been selllnir in
! the last few days, the Oregon suddIv will
not last more than a week or so longer,
as well-posted men in tho trade say there are
only 12,000 to 14,000 bales left in rowers
I hands in the state. This explains well enough
the pressure to buy on tho part of many of
tne dealers. It Is also probable that some
of them are trying to anticipate the consign
ment plan that M. H. Durst has submitted to
the growers, which, if carried out, would
take a good ehare of the hops out of th
country and leave only an Insignificant quan-
Itity remaining to fill tho requirements of the
I shorts.
Julius Plncus. of Lachmund & Plncus. of
j Salem, believes the Durst plan would be an
excellent thing for the market. "'It is
grather late to work it now." he said, "but
if it goes through it is bound to have a
I good effect on prices of the coming cron. I
I hope it will be successful."
The heaviest buyer yesterday was the iz
Clemens Horst Company, which secured "on
Ibales from Joe Harris, of Salem, at jiu. ..
land paid Rubens, of Fairfield, 10 cents for
90-bale lot. H. J. Ottenhelmer bourtit th
Armes lot of 131 bales at Woodburn at 9V4
loents. Lachmund & Plncus made several
purchases aggregating 130 bales at 0 and 94
cents, demand for old hops continued
Igood and one lot of 100 bales was disposed of
for C cents. The hops belonged to Martin
Vdams, of Overton, and the purchaser was
Backus, of Milwaukic.
Jut Dressed Meats Sell 'Readily at Top
The livestock market has ruled rather auiet
tor several days. Very few cattle are com
ing forward and the demand for them is
limited. Hogs are very etrong at full prices.
Sheep are steady 'at' quotations.
The dressed meat .market is in good ahan
Ivith moat of the list strong. Receipts of
1-eal have been heavier th!n wppV nt
Wth ready sale. Good pork has been In light
pupply. Mutton is very scarce, but the few
that came in sold quickly, though prices are
beyond the average buyer. Beef is steady
md in good demand.
o More Eggs Expected t Go NertttfUatll
Navigation Opens.
Taking Front street as a whole, supplies
K egga were not heavy yesterday, and the
larket was steady. General quotations were
324 cents. The market has been helned
hi the past two days by shipments to Seattle
ind Alaska, but they are practically over
pith now, and no more are expected to go to
ac Far North until navigation opens In tho
ate Spring.
1 The poultry market was In better shape aa
locelpts were very .light.' Thedemand for
Ihlckens was strong, and a good market on
lem is expected for the remainder of the
reek. Ducks, geese and turkeys were slow.
.mere was no cnange in the butter market.
Receipts of Vegetables.
A car of California celery arrived yester-
1 17V and another car is due today. There
rill also be a car of sweet' potatoes today
ad a mixed car of cabbage and cauliflower
.erpected tomorrow.
uhe orange market rules very Arm. with a
alne .of es on the street juid none due to
rlvo before Monday. Apples are ia streag
request, and are bringing remarkably good
prices, considering the quality of some of the
Advance la PrerlftteBs.
A new price card on provisions was Issued
yesterday by the Union Meat Company, -which
quotes a general advance of from '4 to !j
cent on hams and bacon and- cent on reg
ular abort clears, .dry salt and smoked. These
advance are in lino with the higher price
ruling on hogs.
Bank ClrariBgs.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balance.
Portland .3 em,m JoC18
Seattle " on? r&7.?aa
Tacoma 650.781 " 22.181
Spokane 757.W3 2S1.S53
' Grata, Ftear, Feed Etc
FLOUR Patents. 3i04.70 per barrel;
straights. $3.80 4.10; clears, $3.C53-S0;
Valley. 33.G03.0; Dakota hard wheat, pat
ents. $5.t0(C; clears, (5; graham, 3.258
3.75; whole wheat. $3.75 4; rye Hour, local,
35; Eastern, f 5.25 5.35; corcsacaL per bale.
"WHEAT Club. 70071c; blucstem, 72072 He;
red. 67(6 08c; Valley. 73c
OATS No. 1 white feed, f2629; gray,
J27.SOfj3S.50 per ton.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, city, $17: country,
$18 per ton; middlings. $24.50; shorts, city,
$18; country. $10 per ton; chop, U. S. Mills.
$17.50; linseed dairy food, $18; acalfa meal.
$18 per ton.
CEREAL FOODS Relied oats, cream, 90
pound sacks, $8.75; lower grades. $5.25 0
6.C0; oatmeal, steelcut, 50-pound sacks, $3
per barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale:
oatmeal (ground), 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale; spilt
peas, $5 per 100-pound sacks; 25-pound
boxes. $L40: pearl barley, $4.23 per 100
pounds; 25-pound boxes. $1.25 per box;
pastry flour. 10-pound sacks. $2.50 per bale.
BARLET Feed. $2324 per ton; brewing,
$24: rolled. $24025.
BUCKWHEAT $2.25 per cental.
HAT Eastern Oregon timothy, $13.50
14 per ton; Valley timothy. 59 10; clover,
37.508; cheat. $768; grain hay, $768.
Vegetables, Frails. We.
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apple, common, 73a
$$1 per box; choice. 3L25&L50; fancy, $29
$3; pears. 31.25ffl.50 per tox- cranberries,
$13 13.50 per barrel. x'
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, $2 3.30 per
box; oranges, navels, $1.7582.75 per box; Jap
anese, 60c per single box; tangerines. il.Sb
per half box; grapefruit. $2.7533.25: pine
apples, $3.754. per dozen; bananas, 5c per
FRESH VEGETABLES Artichokes, $1.35
per dozen: beans, nominal: cabbage. 2024c
per pound; cauliflower, $1.85 per crate:
celery. $3 50 per crate; cucumbers. 3I.25&
1.75 per dozen: head lettuce, 37H40c dozen;
hothouse. $1.2501.50 box; , peas, 12 '.4 15c;
bell peppers. 25c; pumpkins. iilc per
pouna; radishes. 25c per dozen: tomatoes.
$2.25 2.40 per crate; sprouts, 0 87c per
pound; squash, 1 hi HI hie per pound: parsley,
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. 0c$l s
sack; carrots. G575c per sack; beets. 85 e
$1 per sack; garlic 1012y,c per pound.
ONIONS Oregon, No. 1, $1,100:1.25 sack;
No. 2. 70c!?fl.
POTATOES Buying prices: Fancy graded
Burbanks. 00c per hundred; ordinary, nomi
nal; sweet potatoes. 2462"aC per pound.
DRIED FRUITS Apples. 11 12c per
pound; apricots. 1212c; peaches. 104
12c; pears, none; Italian prunes, sii 9
OUc; California figs, white, in sacks. 5iC
pound, black. 45c; bricks, 12-14 onnca
packages, 7385c per box; SS-ouncc $29
2.40; Smyrna, 20c per pound; dates. Per
sian, S&$Gc pound.
RAISINS Seeded,- 12-ounce packages, 8$
Sc; 16-ounce. 910c; loose muscatels.
2-crown. 77i4c; 8-crown, 77$ic; 4
crown, 88"t4c: unbleached seedless Sultanas.
67c; Thompson's seedless unbleached, 89
Sc; Thompson's fancy unbleached. 12V
12 c; London layers, 3 -crown, wbolt boxes
of 20 pounds. $L75; 2-crown, $2.
Batter, Eggs. PoHltry, Etc
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery, 3032Vsc per pound. State creameries:
Fancy creamery. 27156300; store butter, 163
EGGS Oregon ranch, 23fl24c; Eastern, 20 Q
22c per dozen.
CHEESE Oregon full cream, twins, 14
15c; Young America, 15 0 16c
"POULTRY Average old hens, 12012Uc;
mixed chickens, llM2c: broilers. ICSl&c:
young roosters, 10912c; old roosters. 910cr
cressea cmcKene, wa'nc; turkeys, live, iDtf
17c; turkeys, dressed, choice. 18fif20c; geese,
live, pound, Be; geese, dressed, per pound,
12ftl4c; ducks, ICSflSc; pigeons. $12; squabs.
$2Q3. . , . .W,
Greecrles, Nats, Etc
COFFEE Mocha, 262Sc; Java, ordinary,
18922c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; good,
ICO 18c; ordinary. 10022c per pound r Co
lumbia roast, cases. 100s. $14.25; 50s, $14.25;
Arbuckle, $10.38; Lion, $10.38.
RICE Imperial Japan. No. L 3c; South
ern Japan. 5.35c; head. 7c
SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound talis,
$1.75 per dozen; 2-pound talis, $2.40; 1
pound flats, 51.83; fancy 1 to 1 -pound flats.
$1.80; -pound fiats, $1.10; Alaska pink. 1
pound tails, 00c; red, 1-pound tails, $L25
sockeye, 1-pound tails, $L70.
SUGAR Sack basis, 100-pounds: Cube,
$6.05; powdered. $3.80; dry granulated.
$5.70; extra C. $5.25; golden C $5.10; fruit
sugar, $5.70. Advances over sack basis as
follows: Barrels, 10c; i-barrels, 25c; boxes,
50c per 100 pounds. Terms: On remittances
within 15 days deduct hie per pound; If later
than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct ac;
sugar, granulated, $5.50 per 100 pounds:
maple sugar; 15 & 18c per pound.
SALT California. $11 per ton, $1.00 pet
bale; Liverpool. 50a. $17; 100s. $10.50; 200s.
$16; -pounds, 100s, $7; 50s. $7.50.
NUTS Walnuts, 16 He per pound by sack;
Uc extra for less than sack. Brazil nuts,
lCc: filberts, 16c; pecans. Jumbos, lCc: extra
large, 17c; almonds, 14 15c; chestnuts,
Italian, 12 10c; Ohio, 20c; peanuts, raw,
7c pound; roasted. 8c; plnenuts, 10 12c;
hickory nuts, 7Sc; cocoanuts, 33 00c per
BEANS Small white, 4c; large white,
Zhic: pink. 2vic; bayou, 4c; Lima, 53ic;
red Mexican, 5c
Provides and Canned Meats.
HAMS 10 to 14 pounds, 12 c pound: 14
to 16 pounds. 12c: 18 to 20 pounds, 12c:
California (picnic). 8c: cotUge hams, oiJc
shoulders. 8c; boiled ham, 18c; boiled plc
nlc ham. boneless, 14c
BACON-Fancy breakfast, 18 c per pound:
standard breakfast. 10c; choice. 15c; Eng
lish breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. 14ic: peach
bacon. 13,ic.
PICKLED GOODS Pork barrels. $18; -barrels.
$9.50. Beef, barrels, $12; -barrels,
SAUSAGE Ham, 13o per pound; minced
ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17 c; bolog
na, long, 5c; welnerwurst, 8c; liver, 6c;
fiork. 0&10c: headcheese. Cc; blood. Jc; bo
ogna sausage link. 4 He
CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pounds,
per dozen, $1.25; two pounds. $2.25: six
pounds. $7. Roast beef. flat, pounds, $1.25;
two pounds, $2.25: six pounds, none. Roast
beef, tall, pounds, .none; two pounds. $2.33;
six pounds, $7. Lunch tongue, pounds. $2.73.
Roast mutton, six pounds. $8.50.
DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears,
dry salt. 10$4c; smoked, lHic; clear backs,
dry salt. 10c: smoked, llc; clear bellies,
14 to 17 pounds average, nose; Oregon ex
ports, 20 to 25 pounds average, dry salt. 11c;
smoked. 12c; Union bellies, 10 to 18 pounds
average, none.
LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierces.
10c; tubs, 10Kc; 50s. 10c; 20s, 10c;
10s. llc; 3s. 11 He Standard pure: Tierces,
8c; tubs, OSc; 50s, 9c; 20s, &c? 10s.
10c; 5s. lOUc Compound: Tierces, c;
tubs. Cc; CO. 6c; 20s. hic; Ss, 7 He
Heps, Wools, Hides. Etc
HOPS Oregon. 1003. choice 10011c:
prime. Sl)c; jnodlum, 7Sc; olds. &7&
HIDES Dry bides: No. 1. 16 pounds and
up. 16c?lSc per pound; dry klo. No. L 5 to
11 pounds. 15lCc per pound: dry calf. No.
1. under 5 pounds. 17 10c; dry salted, bulls
and stags, one-third less than dry flint;
culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, mur
rain, hair-clipped, weather-beaten or grub
by. 23c per pound less. Salted hides:
Steers, ound. 60 pounds and c--er, 10 S 11c
per pound: 50 to 60 pounds. 810c per
pound; under 50 and cows, 6910c per pound;
salted kip. sound. 15 to 30 pounds. 9c per
pound; salted veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds,
fl10c per pound; salted calf, sound. 10 to
14 pounds. 10911c per pound; (green un
salted. lc per pound less; culls, lc per
pound less). Sheepskins: Shearlings. No I
butchers' stock, 25930c each; short wool.
No. 1 butchers' stock, 40 50c each: medium
wool. No. 1 butchers stock. 60980c; long
wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, $19L50 each.
Murrain pelts from 10 to 20 per cant less or
12914c per pound; horse hides, salted, each,
according to size $191.50; colts hides. 23
950c each; goatskins, common. 109 ISo
each; Angora, with wool on. 25c J 1.50 each.
WOOL Eastern Oregon average best. 16
21cr Valley. 2426c ner pound
MOHAIR Choice. 30c per pound.
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. 209
22c per pound.
FURS No. 1, according to size: Bearskins.
$8930 each; cubs, half price; badger. 109
50c; wildcat, with head perfect, 15c9$1.25;
house cat. 10920c: fox. common gray, 50c 9
$1.25; red. $295.50: cross, $6915: silver and
black. $1009300: Others. $3910: lynx. $39
10; mink, according" to size, $1.7593: mar
ten, dark, according to size and color. $2.30 9
18; Riwkrat. large. 8998c: skunk. ScS2;
civet or polecat, 18922c; otter, $S9M;
panther. $198; raccoon. 0c9$3.34: Moun
tain wolf, with head perfect. $1.75 CS: cor
ote. &0c9$L30: wolverine. $499; beaver. $1
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 293c;
No. 2 and grease. 293c
CASCARA SAG RAD A (cblttaxa bark) 2
93c according to sjsallty.
TURPENTINE Cases. 88c per gallon.
COAL OIL Cases. 20c per gallon; tataVn.
14c per gallon.
GASOLINE Stoi-s gasoline, cases, 25 c;
72 test. 27c; 86 test. 35c: Iron tanks. 18c
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. Kc; 300-pound
lots. Sc: less than 500-pound lots, &Mc .(In
25-pound tin pails, lc abovo keg price; 1 to
0-pound tin palls, lc above keg price i 1 to
3-pound tin cans. 100 pounds per case, 2c
per pound above keg price.)
LINSEED OIL Raw. in barrels. 57c: in
Leases. 62c; boiled, in barrels, 39c; la cases,
04c; 250-gaIlon lot, lc less.
Dreed Meats.
BEEF Dressed bulls. 292c per pound;
cows. 3t?4c; country steers. 4 95c
MUTTON Dresneo. fancy S68 per
pound;-ordinary. 4 ft 3c: lambs. 7tr7c
VEAL Dressed. 73 to 123 pounds. S9Sc;
123 to 200 pounds. 4 96c; 200 pounds and
tip. 3 4c
PORK Dressed. 100 to 150 pounds, 79
7c; 150 and up. Cr?6c per pout.
Strong Demand In That Section for
Olds and the Cheaper
Grades of Hops.
GERVAIS. Or.. Feb. 7. (Special.) There
have been two sales of 1005 hops In this sec
tion In -the past few days. Elzard Dupius
sold 123 bales at 10 cents to McKlnley Mitch
ell, and John Halemann 25 bales at 9 cents to
Salem dealers. These lots were of choice
quality. There yet remains several ' more
large lots, which the growers are holding for
advanced prices, and dealers are negotiating
for several other lota hereabouts at ruling
prices. There Is qcjte a demand, at a price,
for olds and cheaper grades: in fact, the best
demand appears to be for the cheaper kinds.
The weather conditions are the very best
and bopgrowers are rapidly clearing up their
yards of old vines and burning them. There
will he no hopyards plowed up In this sec
tion. There are fewer changes In tbore rent
ing yards thsn usual, bur a number of new
yards are finding renters. John C Barnes
has rented of Julius Wolf, of SUverteon. 50
a crw of growing hops, or what Is known as
the Belgian Hill yard. The roots appear to
have come through the Winter in excellent
shape. .
Coatrct at 12 Ceat.
TACOMA. Ftb. 7. The flrit hop" contract
for the coming crop of 1006 was placed pn rec
ord today. Fremon Annls. of Alderton. con
tracts to Kll 6pO pounds of hops at 12
cents, October delivery.
Prices QBOted Locally ea Cattle, Sheep asd
The following livestock prices were quoted
yesterday in the local market:
CATTLE Good meers. f3.734; fair to
medium. $2.73$3.25; cows, good fl 23.25; me
dium. $2.5002.75: calves, light, 130 to 173
pounds. $4.3004.75: calves, heavy, $333.25. ,
HOGS Best, suitable for packers. 5GQC25;
fair to medium grades. $5.30; light fat
weights, 120 tq 140 pounds. $500.25.
SHEEP Good fat sheep. $5.5065.78.
Prices Current at Kaasas City. Omaha aad
CHICAGO. Feb. 7. Cattle Receipts 16,
000; market steady. Beeves, $3.7566.35;
stockers and feeders, $2.6094.30; cows and
heifers. $L50g'4.85.
Hogs Receipts 40,000; market steady.
Mixed and butchers. $3.3095.82; good to
heavy. $5.703.S3;- Tough heavy. $3.-30Q)
5.05; light, $5.5003.73: pigs. $3,1505.50;
bulk of sales. $5.6093.80.
Sheep Receipts 17.O00; market steady.
Sheep, $3.4393.25; lambs. $5.2397.30.
SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 7. Cattle Receipts
3300; market active and strong, 10c higher.
Native steers, $3.7593.50; cows and heifers,
$2.7594.15; cancers, $L75 92.30; stockers
and feeders. $2.75(5 4.33; calves, $396.30;
bulls, stags, etc. $2,5093.13.
Hogs Receipts 3300; market 2c higher.
Heavy. $5.5595.05; mixed. $5.5395.37:
light. $5.45 9 5.57; pigs. $4.7593.33; bulk
of sales, $5.53 ?3. 57.
Sheep Receipts 5200; market strong.
Western yearlings. $5.50 9 6: -wethers. $3.23
93.60; ewes. $4.50 9 3; lambs, $3.4097.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. 7. Cattle Re
ceipts 10.000; market steady. Native steers.
$493.00; native cows and heifers. $2,239
4.05; stockers and feeders. $394.75; "West
ern cows. $2,50 94: Western steers. $30 &
3.50; bulls. $2.3093.80; calves. $397.
Hogs Receipts 14,000; market steady.
Bulk of sales. $5.6095.70; heavy, $5,659
3.72; packers. $5.00 93.70; pigs and light,
$5.30 9 5.62.
Sheep Receipts 6000; market 10c higher.
Muttons, $4.23 9 3.25; lambs. .$5.7597.10;
range wethers. $4.3096.13; fed "ewei, $4.50
MIbIb Stock.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7. The official
closing quotations for mining stock today
were as follows:
Alia $0.01 Justice $0.01
Alpha Con 07 (Kentuck Con... .01
.14 IL. Wash. Con.. .06
.12 (Mexican L30
Best & Belcher 1.25 iOccldental Con. .02
27 !Onhlr ....
'.44 lOverman
Challenge Con. .16 Potosl
Chollar 11 'Savage
.75 jscorplon
Con. CaL at V. 1.20
ISeg. Belcher.. .07
Crown Point.. .Od iFlerra Nevada. -33
Eureka Con... 3.23 JSIlver Hill. 83
Exchequer ... .40
union won..... .at
Utah Con. .... .54
Yellow Jacket. .09
Gould &. Currle .14
Hale & Norcr. .91
Julia ......... .07
Adams Con... $0.20
Alice 3.00
Breeco 40
Brunnwk. Con. .50
Comstock Tun. .00
Con. Cal. & V. L30
Horn Silver... 2.10
Iron Silver.... 4.63
Leadville Con. .07
7. Closing quotations:
1 Little Chief ...$0.08
lOntarlo 2.50
lOphlr 5.1S
'Phoenix ...... .02
il'ototl 03
Savage 40
Sierra Nevada. .32
ISmall Hopes... .10
Standard ..... 4.50
BOSTON. Fb. 7. Closing quotations:
North Butte$ E7.00
Adventure .. 0.23
Allouez .... -40.23
Amalgam't'd 114.00
Am. Zinc .. 14.00
Atlantic ... 23.00
Bingham .. 48.30
CaL & Hecla 710.00
Centennial . 28.00
Cornier R. .. 2.00
Mohawk . .,..$ LS.00
Mont. C. t x ?
Old Dominion 37.23
usceoia 10 LOO
Parrot 40.75
Quinrr in-. wi
Shannon .... G.37
Tamarack .. 107.O0'
Trinity 10.30
l nlte1 Conn. T.Vfta
Jjaly west. .
Dominion C
Franklin . . .
Granby . . .
Isle Royal e.
Mass. Mining
U. S. Mining. 60.30
v. J5. Ull
j Winona ...
Dairy Produce la the East.
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter, market was firm:
creameries. lSQ2Cc; dairies. 17923c Egga
firm at mark, cases included. 17918c; firsts.
18c; prime firsts. 10c; extras, 21c Cheese
Bteady. 11 5i 9 13c
NEW YORK. Feb. 7. Butter Firm;
Western factor, common to firsts, 14917c;
do imitation creamery. 20c; do firsts. ISc
Cheese, firm, unchanged. Eggs, easier; West
ern, firsts. 20c: do seconds, 18 919c
CedTee asd Sgar.
NEW TORK. Feb. 7. Coffee futures closed
steady at unchanged prices' to a decline of S
points. Sales were reported of 110.260 bags,
including March. 6.80$C93c; May, 7.1097.15c:
July. 7.30c; September, 7.DO7.3&c; December,
7.7397.80c; January, 7.S0C About S8.000 bags
of the sales reported consisted of switches.
Spot Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice. S 7-1 Sc; salld,
Sugar Raw, noaalnal; fair retelng. 2
213-lSc: centrifugal, teat, 3?ic Molasre
ryar, 2K921M6c Reeed, steady; crushed,
$.40; powdered. $4.68; s-raalated. $4.78.
Uncertainty Over Strike Mat
ter a Repressive Factor.
. i
Outlook for Another Poor Bank
Statement Saturday Rumors of
Gold Engagements TJafoundcd.
Amalgam a ted Is Pressed.
NEW TORK. Feb. 7. There was further
falling off of business at the Stock Exchange,
today, aad the general list fell Into a rendi
tion, of neglect. A flip of speculative activity
In a few of the recent favorites redeemed the
market from a condition of mid-Summer dull
ness. . Aa It was, the ticker was practically at
standstill at some periods of tse dy. There
was no marked evidence of depression, but
there was equally an abiencc tf demand.
Less apprebe&Moa was felt over the outcome
of the wage controversy In the coal fields
and that feature ceased to Induce any active
selling of stocks. But it is realized that the
definite decision, of the question of a strike
must remain suspended until the outcome of
the consultations arranged for next week in
New York. Until that definite, outcome, the
uncertainty of the matter is expected to ex
ercise a repressive .Influence on speculation.
This probability had as much to do as any
one thing with the unwillingness to make
speculative commitments ia the market.
The outlook is for another poor bank state
ment on Saturday and with a holiday follow
ing on Monday, the Inclination to defer ipec
ulatlve operations is emphasized. The sub
Treasury's absorption of funds since Saturday
rote to nearly $3,000,000. according to today's
statement of operations. There Is general
agreement also among bankers that last Sat
urday's bank statement understated the de
crease in cash, which makes it probable that
the effect wilt be thrown over onto this
week's statement under the working of the
system of averages.
Foreign exchange continues to rule firm
and the report gained circulation this morn
ing that gold bad been engaged for export
to a large amount. Stocks weakened upon the
rumor, which proved unfounded, however.
Discounts were firm in London and Berlin, but
eased slightly at Paris.
The expanding tendency of bank. loans here
Is attributed partly to the recall of credits
placed here by Interior institutions while
money rates were firm. The present period of
the year, however. Is one of normal loan ex
panKon, owing to the custom of deferring
large financial operations at this season,
when currency la likely to be flowing back to
reserve centers. The likelihood of require
ments -upon available capital Tor Intended
financial projects comes in for consideration
In the money market and banking outlook.
The few movements of any note In today's
market were due to special causes. Those at
fectlng the Hill roads and the Pacifies went
well understood. Amalgamated Copper was
subjected to some pressure, presumably by the
yielding tendency of prices of the metal.
The closing showed an easy tone and the mar
ket generally was quiet and In spots easier.
Bonds were Irregular, Total sales, par value,
$4,163,000. United States bonds were all un
changed on call.
Sales. High. Low. Close
Adams Express ... ..... S4o
Amalgam. Copper.101.100 110
44 Ji
Axaer. Car Jfc Fdry. 4,300 43 U
do. preferred... 300 ira
Am. Cotton Oil KO 33
American Exnresa. ...... ..... .....
Am. Hide & Ll. prf.
American Ice.... 1,000 44 44V
Amer. Unseed Oil. 400 33 24
do preferred 100 46 46
Am. Locomotive.!. 28,300 77 ii ' 75S
do preferred....
Aim ame!t.--RfC 13.8 -1TS182- -!-
do preferred....
Am. Sugar Refining
Am. Tcb.. prf. ctf.
Anaconda Mln. Co.
do preferred.....
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltimore & Ohio..
103 .
84 i
43 1;
do preferred...
Brook. Ran. Trans. 12.100
Canadian Pacific... 3.eO0
N. J. Central 00
Central Leather... 2.100
do preferred.... 400
Chess, it Ohio 5,300
Chicago & Alton
do preferred..... ...... .....
Chicago Great W.. 3,200 22
C & N. W. W0 234
C. M. & St. P.... 10.800 lS5i
Chi. Term. Sc. Tr.
do preferred
C. C a & St. L. 300 106
Colo Fuel & Iron.. 12.G0O 74
Colorado Southern. 1,003 34
do 1st preferred.. ......
do 2d preferred
Consolidated Gas .. ICO 173
Corn Products .... 600 10
do preferred SCO 33
Dela. & Hudson... 703 213
DeL. Lack & W.
D. & R. G 2,000 48
do preferred 200 83
Distillers "Sector... 4S.7CO 50
Erie 12J03 46
do 1st preferred.. 1,000 79
do 24 preferred. 1.203 73
General Electric .. 03 17a i
Hocking Valley
Illinois Central.... 3.000 17S
175 i
International Paper
do preferred
Internatlon. Pump.
Iowa Central
do preferred.....
K. C Southern...
do preferred....
U Jfc N
Manhattan L. ...
Metro?. Securities.
Metrop. St. Ry....
Mexican Central...
Minn. & Ct. U....
M.. SL P. i S M.
do preferred.....
Mlfsourl Pacific...
M.. K. i T.
do preferred
NatloryU Lead ....
Mexican Nat., prf..
N. V. Central
N. T.. Ont. & W..
Norfolk 4c Westers
do preferred.....
North American..
000 21 23
2CO 3d" 2i"
400 32 32
4O0 00 01
1.000 31 30
LOCO 02 61
600 151 130
bOO 160 100
700 71 71i
S00 121-; 120;
S.6CO 3S 20
SCO 78 U 7S
100 133 133
101 u
65 V
43 A
2t t;
Northern Pacific... 23.203
Pacific Mall . .. 3.S0O
Penntylvania 1.000
People's Gas.. 403
P., C C 4c St. L.
Pressed Steel Car.. 3,700
do preferred .... 203
Pullman Palace Car
Reading 36,503
do 1st preferred,. 30
do 2d preferred..
260. 100
Republic Steel..... 1.800
5 1
do preferred 449
Rock Island Co.... 1.763
do preferred 4.400
St, L. & S. F., 3d 1.303
St. L. Southwestern 1,003
do preferred..... 403
Schloss Sheffield.. 100
Southern Pacific... S,7i0
do preferred..... ......
Southern Railway.. 30,703
do preferred 203
Tenn. Coal & Iron. 300
Texas & Pacific... 3,363,
T.. St, L. i WeH.4 30V
do preferred 500
Union Pacific 123.303
A preferred. 1,003
V. S. Express
V. S. Realty 103
U. S. Rubber..... 603
do preferred...
U. S. Steel.. 73.e&0
do preferred 13.003
Va.-Caro. Chemical 2,303
do preferred..... 300
Wabash g.eeo
do preferred 8.693
"Wella-Fargo Exp... 103
WeAlnghouse BCec
Western Union....
WbeeL & L. Erie.. 2.1 CO
Wisconsin Central. 4W
do preferred ioo
Total sales, 776 scares.
U. S. rtf. 3s reg.163
do coupon. ...103
U. S. 3s reg. 102U
do coupon. ... 102
U. S. new 4s reg.l2
do coupon.. . .1241
V. S. old 4s reg.lM
do coupon.... 1M
A ten. aJt.4... H
D. A R. G. 4s.. 100
N.T. C gen. 3s OSH
North. Pacific 3s 70
do 4s 103
South. Pac 4s.. 04
Union Pac 4a... 105.
Wis. Central 4a. 03
Japanese 6.....100
4a n
S4ecks at Lc4m.
LONDON, Feb. 7.- CosWeli far
: for aeeoaat, MS. Qtaties:
AxacesHla 14 I Oat. & Wera, U
94Norf. "Western 9li
10G do preferred.. 94 '
117t (Pennsylvania ... 73
177 Vit Rand Mines 7
01 Reading 71
22i! do 1st pfd 47
1 DO i do 2d pfd 51
1SK Southern Ry.-.. 42
, 92U
133 U
da preferred. .104
Southern Pacific 70 H
Union Pacific... 160
do preferred.. 100
U. S. Steel 4S
do preferred.. 114
Wabash 23
do preferred.. 47
Spanish 4s 91
Mosey, Exchange.- Etc
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Money on call easy;
highest. 4 per eot: ruling rate, 3i: Iow
tt, 2. Last loan and closing bid, 3 per
cent. Time loans, steady; 00 and 03 days,
and six months, 4 per cent. Prime mercan
tile paper. 4 per cent. Prime mercantllo
Pper. 4 95 per cent.
Sterling' exchange firm, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at"$4.873Ofl4.S730' for
demand, and It $4.S3S364.S4 for 60 days.
Posted rates; $4.S4( Commercial bills
Bar sliver. 65c
Mexican dollars. C0c
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds,
LONDON. Feb. 7. Bar silver firm. S03-1GJ.
per ounce Money, 3464 per cent- Discount
rate, short bills, 315-1064 per cent; three
months' bills, 3!i per ctnt.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 7. Silver bars.
C3ic Drafts, sight. 10c; telegraph, 12c
Sterling. CO day. $1.54; sight. $4.S7.
Dally Treasury- Statement.
"WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Today's statement
of the Treasury balances shows:
Available cash balance $147,445,730
Gold coin and bullion 74.383.S32
Gold certificates 30,162,370
Caused by Xews From Australia of
Increase In Crop of
That Country.
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. During the early part
of the session, the feeling In the wheat pit
was steady. Numerous reports of damage to
the crops In Nebraska. Kansas and Missouri
wero received, but these dispatches did not
offset the fact that prices in Liverpool did hot
reflect the interest shown in yesterday's mar
ket here. A cablegram from Argentina re
porting a reduction of 13 per cent in the
surplus for export in that country encouraged
the bears. Later In the day, however, a dis
patch was received from Australia placing the
wheat crop of that Island at 68.000,000, against
53. COO. 00O bushels last year. This caused ac
tive selling by commission houses and prices
declined steadily, closing almost at the low
est point of the day. May opened unchanged
to a shade higher, at &3QS&c sold between
84T40S3C, and Sdc cloning off CSc, at
Liberal local receipts and a poor demand
for cash grain weakened the corn market.
May closed c off at 44244c
The eats market was steady. May closed
unchanged- at S0?c
Provisions were strong because of a 5c ad
vance in the price of live hogs. At the close
May pork was up- 17c lrd was up 2
&C and ribs were 67c higher.
Open. High. Low. Close
May 85 S3 Si S3
July 84 84 83 83
May ..... 44 44 44 44
July ..... 44 44 44 44
Sept. .... 44 44 44 44ri
May 30 304 33
July 23 23 23
Mayr,.,U.73- - H.0O. $14,75 - ?14-fi7
July 14.60 i4.tT .asr
May 7.70 7.75 7.67
July 7.S2 774 T:77
May 7.87 7.00 7.83 7.03
July 7.07 8.02 7.05 8.02
Flour Steady.
Wheat No. 2. S3QS3c: 'o. 3, 73t2S4c;
No. 2 red. SCQS6c
Corn No. 2, 4lc; No. 2 yellow, 4142c
Oats No. 2. 30c; No. 2 white. 31e32c;
No. 3 white. 29H631C
Rye Xo. 2, C3c
Barley Good feeding. 33Q39e; fair to
choice malting, 42Q60c
FlAxseed No. 1. $1.09; No. 1 Northwestern,
' Timothy Seed J3.23ff3.C0.
Mess Pork Per barrel. X14.03514.70.
Lard Per 100 lbs., 7. 3337.57.
Short Ribs (Loose), $7.7097.50; short clear
sides (boxed). IS.1S&S23.
Whisky Baals of high wines, 31.29.
Clover Contract grade, $13.50.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 54.100 65.600
Wheat, bushels 24.000 47,700
Com. bushels 420,300 160.300
Oatii bushels 331,300 339,400
Rye. bushels 13.000 -20.003
Barley, bushels 139,200 24,300
Grala and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. Feb. 7. Flour Receipts, 13,
700 barrels; exports, 16200. Quiet and barely
Wheat Receipts. GOOO bushels; exoprts .64,
100 bushels. Spot, easy; No. 2 red. 90c
elevator, &2c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 North
ern Duluth, &3c f. o. b. afloat. After a
slight decline at the start, due to pop'r cables,
wheat advanced and ruled firm on crop dam
age news from Kansas and Michigan, small
receipts and a better cash demand. Later
prices broke again under liquidation and
closed &c net lower. May closed 93c;
July. 0c; September, S7c
Hops Steady.
Hides Firm.
Wool Quiet.
Grain at Sara Ifrsadtco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 7. Wheat and bar
ley, easier. Spot Quotations:
Wheat Shipping, ll.331.40; milling,
Barly Feed. ll.lgfrL20; brewing,
Cat Red. S1.231.63: white. 31.55ffl.70;
blackf 11.2081.70.
Call board aales: Wheat May. 31.33.
Barley May, 31.10. Corn Large yellow,
M La e pells Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 7.-rWheat May.
539S3c; July, 85c; No. 1 hard. S3c;
No. 1 Northern. S2c; No. 2 Northern. 81c
Wheat at Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL. Feb.' 7. Wheat March. 6s
10d; May. 6s Sd; July. Os Sd. Weather
fair and cold.
Wheat t Tacoma.
TACOMA. Feb. 7. Wheat 3c lower for
bluestem. Quotations: Export blueatcra. 72c;
club. 71c; red. C8c
Metal Markets.
-NEW TORK. Feb. V. There was a fur
ther decline In the London tin market, with
spot quoted at 104 10s and futures at 163.
Locally the market was weak and lower with
spot quoted at 33.03S36.13c
Copper was unchanged in London at 77
for 1 pot and 75 for futures. Locally un
changed. Lake and electrolytic 17.62 9
18.50c. and casting. 17.30 1? 17. C2c. The
outside price oa Lake and electrolytic rep
resent the aaklng prices of large producers.
Lead was unchanged at 3.60 6 5.73c In the
local market, but declined 3s 0d to 16 5s
In London.'
Spelter advanced 5s to 26 17s Cd In Lon
don. Locally, the market was unchanged at
0.03 06.15c.
Iron was lower, at 30s 9d for standard
foundry and 3a 3d for Cleveland warrants
la the English market. Losally. there was
no change
New Yerlc C44b Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 7. Cotton future closed
steady, at a net advance of lltflS points: Feb
ruary, 10 64c: March. 10.74c: April, 10. Wc;
May. IO.sOc; July. 11.01 c; Dcceaeber, 10-3&C.
Atchison ,
do preferred,.
B. & 0 1
Canadian Pac-..
C & o
Chi. Gt. West..,
St. Paul ,
De Beers
D. & R. G
do preferred.,
do 1st pfd...,
do 2d pfd
Illinois Central,
L. & N. ,
M.. K. & T....,
N. T. Central.,
San Francisco Market Is Again
Stocks Are Accumulating- and Spoil
ing In the Warehouses and on
Wharves limited Demand for
Strictly Fancy Burbanks.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7. (Special.)
Large dealers In potatoes report a greatly de
pressed market. The lower grades of river
and Oregon stock are almost unsalable with
the quantity accumulating and spoiling on the
wharves and In the warehouses. There l a
limited demand for strictly fancy, but even
that grade shows easiness. About five car
loads of Oregon potatoes arc on the railroad
track awaiting sale and a considerable part
of the receipts by the last steamer are on
the wharf unsold with a steamer due tomor
row with fresh supplies. The best Oregons are
hard to sell above 31.10. though occasional
small lots of extra bring $1.151.20.
Onions are also very weak. Fancy Oregon
are freely offered at 31.15 and some sales are
reported at 31.10. Larger supplies arc re
ported to be on the way.
Unexpectedly larger arrivals of oranges. In
cluding much poorer stock, have greatly weak
ened that fruit, except stanenrd navels,
which are not plentiful. The auction salo
scheduled for today was again postponed,
owing to the absence of buyers. Fancy ap
ples are firm. Bananas are abundant.
Grain futures had a sharp little riso on
short covering. Caah prices for all cereals
were easy. Spot wheat Is 1 cents lower.
Crop prospects are favorable.
Hops are moderately active and steady, at
8312 cents.
Wool Is, dull and nominal.
Dairy products are weak. Extra butter Is
cent lower. Fresh eggs declined 11
cents. Cheese Is unchanged. Receipts, 28,
000 pounds butter, 1S00 pounds cheese, 46,110
dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 23c31; garlic,
5GCc; green peas. 3-3 7c; string beans. &815c;
asparagus. 40gG0c; tomatoes. 31.25421.75.
POULTRY Turkeys, 15ISc; roosters, old.
34.3085; roosters, young, ?&37; broilers, small,
3288; broilers. large. 3465; fryers, 55S6;
hens. 34.506.SO; ducks, old. 336; ducks,
young. S67.60.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 28c; creamery
seconds, 24c
EGGS Store, 20 21c; fancy ranch. 22c
CHEESE Young America. 1314c; East
ern. 16c; Western. 14?14c.
WOOL South Plains, and S. J., 1013c;
lambs. 01?! Sc.
HOPS 812c
MILLSTUFFS Bran. 310320.50; middlings.
HAY Wheat, $ll16; wheat and oats, 39
614; barley. 3&011; alfalfa. 3HG13.30: stock.
36.5037.30; straw, per bale, 30Q53c.
FRUIT Apples, choice. 32; common. 30c;
bananas. 75cS3250; Mexican limes, 35.5036:
California lemons, choice. 32.30; common. 75c;
oranges, navel, 31.2582. 73; pineapples, 31.50
POTATOES Early Rose. 31.2501.40; Sa
linas Burbanks. 311.50: sweets. 75cg31: Ore
bon Burbanks. 70c3I-35-
RECEIPTS Flour, 32,116 quarter sacks;
wheat. 15,873 centals: barley. 1318 centals;
oats. 105 centals: oats. Oregon. 393 centals;
beans. 403 sacks: corn. 1S0O centals; potatoes.
4764 encks; bran, 29,941 sacks; middlings, 375
sacks; hay. 395 tons; wcol. 48 bales; hides.
Dried Trait at New York.
. ,NEW,YORK. Feb. 7. The. market for evap
orated apples Is unchanged. Common are
quoted at 7?Sc; nearly prime. 89c; prime,
0c; choice 10c; fancy. llllc.
Prunes are In fair demand on spot with
quotations rangins from 4c to 8c according
to grade.
Apricots aro In good demand for small lots,
and prices aro firmly held with choice quoted
at 1010c. Extra choice, 1010c; fancy,
Peaches aro selling a little moro freely,
with extra choice- quoted at 10c; fancy, 10
llc; extra fancy. ll13c
Raisins are moving slowly.
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 7. Wool Steady; me
dium grades clothing and combing. 23 29c;
light fine. 2221c; heavy fine, IS 20c; tub
washed, 33941c
Marriage Licenses.
ocks, 45, 465 Gllsan street; Yetta Walocks,
Richardson. 22. 873 East Couch atreet; Lily A.
Travllllon. 23.
.MTVBR-KEY& Dan Jlclver, 39; Delia
Keys. 33.
22, 2S3 Vancouver avenue; Ella Bertrand, 22.
GESNE-ANDERSON Christian Gesne, 51.
Lents; Augusta Anderson. 32.
WOOD-CALBF J. Mcl. Wood. 31; Almyra
Calef. 31.
BuHdlnr Permits.
H. D. HILL Dwelling, Albermarle avenue,
between Kllllngsworth avenue and Church
street: 31000.
DAVID MUm Dwelling, East Morrison
street, near Eatft Thirty-eighth; 31SCO.
C B. KING Dwelling, East Eighth, be
tween Mason and Shaver; 32000.
C. B. KING Dwelling. Hawthorne avenuo.
between East Twentieth and East Twenty
first; 32CCO.
C. B. KING Dwelling. East Madison street,
between East Twentieth and East Twenty
first: 32000.
OTTO A. ANDERSON Dwelling. Sumner
avenue, between Alblna and Borthwick: 3130.
E. H. FITZGIBBON Dwelling. Williams
avenue, between Fremont and Beech streets;
M. E. KELLOGG Dwelling-. Bast Salmon
street, between East Forty-third and East
Forty-fourth: 3S00.
G. W. SIMPSON Warehouse, River atreet,
between Hart man and Randolf; 3600.
WEINHARD ESTATE Engine-house. Couch
street, between Eleventh and Twelfth: 31300.
DR. THOMAS DARUNG Dwelling. East
Main street, between East Twenty-ninth and
East Thirtieth: 31200.
Main street, between East Twenty-ninth and
Bast Thirtieth; 31200.
Main street, between East Twenty-ninth and
Eat Thirtieth: 31200.
B. MORTTZ Dwelling. Monroe street, be
tween Williams and Rodney avenues: 31600.
ing. Union avenue, between Sellwood and
Stanton streets; 3150. j
DOUGLASS At Portland Maternity Hos
pital. January 30. to tho wife of Frederick
H. Douglass, a eon.
RiLBY At St. Vincent's Hospital, February
7. Mrs. NUIe Riley, a native of Ireland, aged
59 yeart: Remains removed to Walla Walla,
Wash., for Interment.
HASKILL At St. Vincent's Hospital. Feb
ruary 6, Stephen V. Hasklll. a native of
Buffalo. N. Y., aged 63 years. 4 months and
30 days.
Pendleton. Or. Judge W. R. Ellis has
overruled the motion for a new trial filed by
the attorney for C P. Davis the convicted
Deputy Sheriff.
'San Francisco A charge of manslaughter
has been placed against "Cblefle" Johnson,
who killed Alex. Dobbin, another boy. in an
unlicensed prizefight.
Eugene. Or. Tho First National Bank of
Eugene plans soon to enlarge Its banking
house to nearly double Its present capacity.
The bank has purchased an adjoining lot.
Oregon City, Or. E. Warner, of tfils city,
has received newa of the death of his daugh
ter, Mrs. Angus Mackay, at Jollet. 11L, on
January 24. Mrs. Mackays home was In
Chicago. She was burled in Jollet.
Walla Walla. Wash. Corbet t Griggs, 15
years old. accidentally shot his 12-year-old
brother, Eagene Griggs. Wednesday. The
boys were playing with a revolver. The bul
let struck the younger boy in the nose. He
will probably die.
Colfax, Wash. Three yeuag saen atteaapted
to hold up James Anderson Tuesday night.
He succeeded in beating them off. Later
William Nelll and Charles Lyon, young men
living In Colfax, were arrested, charged with
the crime..
Eugene. Or.. Feb. 7. Tho First Presby
terian Church added 59 to its membership In
1903, making a present total of 233.
San Francisco Thomas B. Bishop, one of
California's most prominent lawyers, died
early this evening. He was a pioneer of the
Pendleton. Or. The practice of allowing the
Umatilla Indians to "informally" lease their
lands has been stopped by the Govern
ment. Rainier. Or. The City Council Monday night
granted a 25-year franchise to W. P. Ely for
an electric plant. Mr. Blyx guaranteed to
have the plant In operation in 60 days, and
it is to be modern In all respects.
North Yakima. Wash. The County CommlSt
a loners have sold the 3SO,000 Courthouse bonds
to N. W. Harris & Co., of Chicago, at 4 per
cent and 3100 premium.. The bonds are to run
20 years, with option to pay off in 15 years.
Belllngham. Wash. Roy Otley, 9-year-old
son of-John Otley, a farmer near Custer, was
rhot and killed Tuesday afternoon by the acci
dental firing of a rifle In the hands of a play
mate. Claude Darrlsh. ot about the same age
Baker City. Or. After awaiting payment
on a promissory note for 20 years, James T.
Wisdom has filed action against James F.
Ferguson. A note for 3300 was given Janu
ary 1. 1SS6. and excepting the sum ot 350.
paid in 1900, it has not been settled, the
plaintiff alleges.
Chehalla, Wash. W. D. Sheldon has bought
Interests of Miller Bros. In Chehalis coal
mines on Coal Creek, and has taken over their
leases. Sheldon will sink a shaft to tho
300-foot level In order to reach a better grade
of coal. In six months ho will handle 100
tons of coal a day, which he expects to ship
to Portland and the Sound cities.
Butte. Mont. Plans are on foot to estab
lish a 31.000,000 packing plant In Montana..
It Is stated that the enterprise has been
offered sites at Race Track and near Deer
Lodge. Montana beef will be dressed In thli
wtate. Instead of being shipped to Chicago, St.
acquis ana otner points. The new company
will not be allied with the beef trust.
Deaf to Appeals ot Do Castcllane
Family for Peace.
PARIS. Feb. 7. Strong- efforts con
tinue to be made In behalf of the Cua
tcllano family- to bring: about the
abandonment of the divorce suit begun
by the Countess de Castellane, but up
to the present the desired result has
not been achieved. An attempt made
to obtain the Countess' assent to a
judicial reparation without an abso
lute divorce has also been unsuccess
ful and probably the case will be heard
three weeks hence.
According to the French law there is
no further necessity for the defendant
to appear unless the Judge decides that
his evidence is essential. The pro
nouncement of a decree releases any
contract relating- to marriage settle
ment, each party resuming- control of
his or her own property. A divorced
woman may not remarry within ten
month3 after a judgment, while an
appeal against a decision must be
lodged within six months.
A report which cannot be confirmed
says that Count Bonl lias entered a
counter pica, claiming- heavy damages.
The Portland H. T. Walsh. Denver; A. N.
Lee. Chicago; W. S. Garrett, San Francisco;
T. S. Ryan. Seattle; A. L. Hllbon, Tacoma;
H. Frund, San Francisco; W. Y. Greene,
New York; I. 3. Hurst. San Franctoco; L. F.
Hayward. Holyoke, Mass.; L. Desseet and
wife. Wisconsin: C. D. Helwlg, Kansas City.
Kan.: G. R. Harms, Cincinnati. O.; Ev T.
Staples, Ashland: W. J. B. WUson. Nelson;
J. M. Ferries, Jr., Miss E. E. Ferrlua. Ta
coma; B. Llchtlg; D. G. Curtis. Erie. Pa.;
J. E. Blythe and wife. Mason City. Ia.; J.
S. P.oaen field. Chicago; William Hanley and
wife; J. Miller. Baker City; D. F. Klze'r,
Spokane; Dr. A. Kinney. Astoria: Miss Elis
abeth Bush, Miss Sally Bush. A. Bush. Satem;
E. B. Hazen and wife, Astoria: J. H. How
ard. Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; H. A. Bronson.
Spokane: E. Hartrlch. Illinois; N. Phillips.
San Francisco; W. Brown and wife. Salem;
Mrs. G. Frlnk. Seattle; S. G. Bennington and
wife. Kansas City; W. Rea. Jr.; St. Paul; C.
H. Kelmbeck and wife, Geneva, 111.; W. H.
Hancock. Valdes; S. H. Friendly. Eugene: H.
F. Prael and wife, Astoria; T. B. Nicholson:
E. Rayfleld. Chicago; Major Bannister. Jeffer
son Barracks. Mo.; L Wcrnstead. Washington.
D. C; M. P. Martin, C. C. Barker. W. C.
Barker. Tacoma; F. S. Davis. San Fran
cisco; H. R. Mennleke, Cincinnati. O.; P. A,
Fusz. Granite; Mrs. Williams, Mooaeaw.
Tho Orrxon. p. A. Young and wife. Al
bany: A. E. Frost. St. Paul: B. O. Rlggs,
Aberdeen. Wash.; F. S. Ramsey. Dallas. Or.;
W. J, McKlnney and wife, Vancouver, Wash.;
C. E. Veeder. Pasadena, Cal.; Arthur J. Kcet.
San Francisco; W. B. Klllle. Seattle; Grace
Gatcfa, G. M. Gatch, Corvallls; M. L. Davis,
Kansas City; Edward C Finch. Aberdeen;
Mrs. H. J. McDonald. Miss B. Erdman, Seat
tle: Alfred C. Schmidt, Albany; M. F. Cran
dall, W. A. Campbell. St. Louis; E. T. McDon
ald. Seattle; Abe Hyman, San Francisco;
Amanda Callahan. Portland; Sol Jacoby. A.
E. Greer. EL A. Evans. San Francisco; S. C
Thompson. St. Paul; N. H. Smith, Duluth: N.
H. Chance. Tacoma; Jos. Breck. Seattle;
Julius Jacoby. J. B. Flkc. Chicago; P. R.
Gibson, Buffalo; E. F. Rock fellow. New York;
H. G. Parchen. Helena. Mont.; M. F. Gose,
Pomeroy; C. E. Wlgglnton and wife. Seattle;
B. H. Parish. Castle Rock. Wash.; H. Haas.
Son Francisco; S. H. Cranston. Seattle;
Charles Hanley, Chicago; O. E. Famswortb
and wife, Heppner; D. Alexander. San Fran
cisco; Paul Aozame ond wife. Boise: Franlt
E. Bond, St. Paul; Charles B. McChesney, So.
Dak.; R. M. Pringle. St. Louts.
The Imperial James E. Blythe and wife.
Mason City. Ia.: J. H. Raley. Pendleton; W.
A. Butterfleld, San Francisco: A. F. Toner,
Dallas; R. M. Waston and wife, city: W. D.
Yates and wife. Denver; William J. Mlchell
net. F. A. Seuferi W. J. Seufert. The Dalles;
William Sheffert. Washington. D. C.; E. E.
Allen and wife. Myrtle Creek; Mrs. R. A.
Booth. Eugene; C. E. Cochran, Union; H. D.
Morton. Grant's Pass; J. R. Macmaster, Pom
eroy: Frank N. McCandless, Tacoma; Angus
Hebb and wife. Bamford. Ala.; Gladys Hart
ley. Hood River: Miss M. Shannon. Forest
Grove: C J. Smith. Pendleton; C M. Can
non. Mrs. A. M. Cannon. Salem; Miss Estella.
Price, Forest prove; A. T. Knlsely. Corvallls;
H. G. Kahlo. city; T. M. Henderson. New
York City; C. B. Oliver. San Francisco; J.
M. Porter, Corvallls; J. P. McCann, Superior,
Wis.; O. W. Ruback, Belleville, III.; Don
Steffa. Prlnevllle: H. C. Albert and wife.
Salem; Miss S. Dorrls. D. B. Hopkins. Eu
gene; B. Oswald, Mount Angel; John W. Ro
land. Salem: G. Wlngate, James Finlayson.
Astoria; J. W. Condon. The Dalles; A. T.
Jones, Pendleton; Mrs. T. H. Mitchell. Butte:
H. G. Van Dun. Astoria; A. J. Wendler,
Canyon City; F. W. Thornton, wife and
daughter. Independence; W. II. Flanagan.
Grant's Pass: James F. Robinson, Eugene:
Clara Preston. Logan, Neb.: Mrs. R. C. At
wood. Wasco; Miss La Rant. Wilbur; D. C.
Webber. Denver: J. J. Foster, River Falls,
Wis.; Nathan Tryon, oJseph; T. W. Tain,
Gaston; H. W. Craig. Tacoma.
The rerklna F. E. Slater. Chemawa: W.
F. Austin. Belllngham: George Carroll. San
Francisco: H. J. Haines, B. M. Hutchinson.
Dallas. Or.: J. S. Griffin, Chicago: Miss Anna.
Shannon. Mrs. A. Case, Tiffin, O.; Sot Ear
ned, Welaer, Ida.; L. Peane, Jefferson. Or.;
J. A. Strong. Dayton, Wash.; Thomas Hutch
ison. Gertrude Brown. A. Bogwell. Chemawa;
Wtllard Case. Henry W. Crawford. St. Louis;
R. K. Mosstasees, II. R. Wlaoone. Seattle;
W. J. Hayes. Walla Walla: W. J. G argon.
Son Francisco; O. J. Gotfin, Moro; C. S.
Williams. Eugene; W. B. Presby. B. J. Taylor,
Gotdendale: C Brown, Mr. and Mrs. O. K.
Baldwin. Frank Scully. Seattle; W. C. Ma
son. The Dalles; A. O. Seely, Blaine; Mrs.
Lockwood, Sbamakowa: James- Lee, Tacoma;
M. A. Davis. Seattle; R. C. Simons, city; W.
S. Flrsan. Seattle: John Wesley, Sckr. Or.;
George FIston, J. C. Bannard, R- Schohfield,
R. Johnson. N. Sowers. C. B. Worsnop,
Thomas Jenkins, O. C. Sowers. R. P. Wood
ward, L. Thomas, L. Hopkins. D. Ritchie.
J. Loftus. H. B. Irving. AV. O. Templeton, E.
Marpote, E. Marshall, H. E. Springer, J. W.
Sharpleaa. J. J. Botteger. Vancouver. B. C
Rugby football club.
The St. Charles R. a Wilson, city; I. J.
Keffer. Grass Valley:' A. L. Stetson, H. T.
Stetson. Northeast. Pa.; A. C. Clawson and
wife'. Echo; C. Hendricks, H. Hendricks, city;
W. M. Clausaen; W. O. McAboy. Clatskanle:
T. P. Goodln. Hillsboro; B. J. Walters and
wife. Astoria: D. F. Howard. Stella: Bertha
Herman. Hickory, N. C; A. J. Douglass,
Deppe; P. Cadeon. Cathlamet; W. G. Mason,
L. G. DeWcolf. The Dalles: F. W. Elliott.
Tillamook: B. Heacock, Newberg; O. F. Has
kell. Woodburn; D. H. Pope, Houlton; C. B.
MasFarlane and wife. Vancouver: C W. Hen
ry. W. W. Henry, Salem; W. Ryan, Mrs. B.
Harrison. Tillamook; J. Dethman. city; J.
Dunn; C. L. Sperling. A. Quaedorf. A. L.
Sperling, Independence; P. Mosler. clty;lG.
Watson. Albany; M. B. Llndh. Vancouver;
A. L. Draper, city; T. McNlsh. Dayton;. F. E.
Hatch, Castle Rock; G. Edgar. Tillamook-.
E. R. Ballard. L. Sing, city; J. McMahon.
Vancouver: F. Moore; L. Banlch; G. J. Sher
man. N. P. Ry.; Mrs. J. F. Beauchamp. Mrs.
S. E. Llzer. Carye Donaldson, Hillsboro;
J. P. Hollman. South Bend; A. L. Boaarth.
Woodland: A. ,T. Peters. Toledo; A. Adams and
wife; J. F. Taylor and family, Prlnevllle; C.
J. Littlepage. Latourell; W. J. Tunrldge.
Crabtree; R. Holland. Sheridan: L. M. Martin;
G. W. Taylor. Castle Rock; J. Wolford. Silver
ton; G. H. Goerlg. Woodland; C. E. Mac
Farlane. Vancouver: Mrs. R. Crate,' St. Paul;
F. Wannatsay. Kelso; W. W. Nichols. Shaw;
Mrs. M. M. Gibbons; W. F. Coulter. T. Hen
drixon, Carson; A. J. Douglass; H. Coatea,
Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. Washlagtos.
European- plan. Rates, 73 cents to 32.59
per day. Free 'bus.