THE MORNIN(x QREGONIA3T,- THURSDAY,- FEBRUARY 8, 1906. 11 . WANTHD AGENTS, AGWCT8 NEW "MONEYMAKER; HOUSE hold neceselty; 2,000.080 sold; costs 6c sells 26c: outHt free. .Domestic Mfg. Co., Minne apolis, Minn. , GENTLEMEN" AGENTS IN PORTLAND AND thr0Bg1' fltate; big wages. 410 Fen ton bldg. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED TO 'RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES, FLATS. ROOMING HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our renL'J department had been enlarged and provided with additional staff. We invite listing from LANDLORDS. cer personal attention to and continuous eupervielon over all property intrusted to eur cure. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. EL Cor. Sd and Oak iU. Phone Ex. 72 "WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTIES 3 or 4-room unfurnished flat, -walking distance from Oregonlan bldg.; rent must be xeason--able. . .Phone East 4917, D SO, Oregonlan. "WANTED TO RENT MODERN ROOM IN G house. -newly furnished or unfurnished, In first-class location onlyj state price, rent and clearings per month; if leased or not. Address R 87, Oregonlan. WANTED. TO -RENT 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR boarding-house. E 87, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID TOR FUB nlture in any quantity; 'also take suae op commission and. guarantee best results. The Portland Auction Rooms, A. Schubach, prop. Phone Main. 6C55. 11 1st sl SECOND-HAND MACHINERY. BOILERS, engines, pumps, pulleys, belting, shafting, bought, sold., rented "or exchanged. Westernr Salvage Co., 827 Washington sl Pacific TUX WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and sboesr highest price paid. Cal' at the "Fair Deal,"' 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 617. WE NEED FURNITURE AND WILL PAY .full value. Western Salvage -Co., C27 Wash ington Ht, ANYTHING CAN BB STORED WITH PORT land Warehouse & Trans. Co. East 5607. WANTED USE OF PLANO FOR" STORAGE. Good care given. V 82. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOB KENT. Rooms. 'THE ANTLERS THIS ELEGANT NEW hotel will 'be opened to the public about February 10 under new management. The hotel while closed has undergone very ex tensive alterations and almost entirely re furnished, those desiring a comfortable home with all modem conveniences In the swellest location in the city will find it here. Rooms with private bath, single or n suite, rates reasonable. Telephone Main 2333. Mrs. F: "ii,. Powers, Tirop. FURNISHED ENTIRELY NEW THROUGH OUT and Just reopened under new manage ment 75 elegantly furnished rooms and suites in new brick building; 6trictly up-. to-date and respectable; etcam heat, hot ana cold Tunning water, electric lights, call bells, etc;; some elegant front suites, with or without private baths, at very reason able rates. The Oxford, cor. 0th and Oak. Phone Main 88. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. 12 per week up: eteam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone: dining-room In connection; transients solicited; open all night; best location In the city: office and . reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3d st. bet. Taylor ic Salmon. 1 blk. south Baker Theater Ele gant .furnished brick building, steam heat, hot and cold running water in rooms, free baths, rooms with private baths; elevator; 60 c day, 33 week up; reasonable monthly. SWELLEST ROOMING-HOUSE IN PORT lard Stone and brick bldg.. elegantly fur nished; electric lights, hot and cold water, furnace heat, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar menius, 410 -Morison cor. J 1th. Main SS63. HOTEL KENYON. NEW. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, gas. electric light, hot and cold water in rooms., steam heat, tree bath, l&th and Washington. Pacific 400. NICE FRONT ROOM WITH RUNNING water and furnace heat, free phone and bath-; also connecting side room; reasonable. 403 Morrison. FOR RENT ONE " UNFURNISHED ROOM, large, with bath. Oak 'and 7th; suitable for two: -rent $10. Apply G. N. W. Wilson Co., tun st. 9t&atfair-;neW brick elhgant- 1- furnished; nothing .to equal it In Port land; very central; 6th aha Stark' sts. "Mala 2007. 258 13TH PRIVATE FAMILY, 'KLE gantly furnished rooms, house new. every convenience; gentlemen only; reasonable. FURNISHED BOOMS. SINGLE BOOMS OR en suite, modern, well furnished, board if desired, 33 N. 17th St., cor. Couch. THE TEMPLE, 343 YAMHILL. OPPOSITE Hotel Portland Furnished rooms, double and single; restaurant In connection. NEWLY FURNISHED BOOMS; CENTRALLY located: electric lights, bath, phone; prices reasonable. 108 4th, near Morrison. 408 TAYLOR, NEAR 13TH TWO NICELY fornlfehed front rooms; furnace heat, mod ern conveniences; rent reasonable. LARGE AIRY - ROOM. EXCELLENT neighborhood: bath, gas, phone, heat. 180 14th, near Yamhill. No sign. PLEASANT .FRONT SUITE IN PRIVATE bouse, four blocks south Hotel Portland; home comforts. 250 Sixth. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM. BATH, heat, phone; suitable for one 'or two: good location. 220 13th. NICE. SUNNY. PLEASANT FURNISHED room, with nil modern conveniences. 193 13th, corner Taylor. FINE COMFORTABLE ROOMS. MODERN house. Inquire 201 10th, cor. Taylor. Phone Main 4304. 884 ALDER ST.. COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR nlshed suite and single room; bath. heat. Jlght; . reasonable. . NICE OUTSIDE SLEEPING ROOM. HEAT light, bath, phone; $12 a week. 72 N. 14th! THE COSMOS Furnished, unfurnished rooms' transients solicited. 26S Morrison, cor. 4th! FINE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, HEAT light, bath; 510 per month. 28 N. ICth st! FURNISHED -BOOM. ALL MODERN CON venlenccs, close In, price moderate. 307 3d. CICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM VERY reasonable: all .conveniences. 188 -W.-Park. FURNISHED ROOMS MODERN CONVEN jlesees. 200 14th. Phone Main 3S93. FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE GENTLE man. 301 W, park. Phone Alain 3978, Rooms With Board. PLEASANT BOOMS. WITH BOARD. MOD rn conveniences,: convenient to car, rea sonable rates. 145 E. 12th st. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD IN PRI ratc family;, -every convenience, -walklne distance. Phone Main 1183. PLEASANT. LARGE BOOM AND BOAfin modern conveniences. Reasonable. Private T.ATnv5 TnrvvT norms tvtttt ' tvmt modern convenlepces, private family. JS2 iiui. .rii one .uijiu v'. "TOURAINE." 18S 7TH. '..-BET. YAMHILL uiu xayjor jtogxns wiui ooaro, reasonable; table board; $4 .week. THE HAWTHORNE, 221 13TH BOOMS with good hoard, reasonable; monthly" rates xo permanent .people. THE SANTA CLARA 295 10TH PLEASANT room, nicely furnished, with or '.without Doarc; reaaonaoie. BRIGHT ROOM WITH BOARD. .QUITE tnodpratK.. mod neighborhood, vrr. N." latn 3001. ' SINGLE FRONT ROOM OR SUITE OF rooms, moacrn, nrst-ciaes table board. 33 N. 17th sl - 73 188 10TH LARGE HANDSOME FRONT room with board, $50 "for two gentlemen: side room. THE SOUTHERN ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN suite, with- board: reasonable rates. 370 a5 12TH ROOM AND BOABD FOR 1 OR 2 modern Improvements; private family; rea sonable. Front suite, nice for S; also single room, porcelain-bath, good table, r'sonable. 384 Columbia ISO- 18TH. CORNER GLISAN FIRST-CLASS reem and board, modern.- private home. 86- MAIN ST.. NEAR fiTH 4 FURNISHED THE O&ARK, 235 11TH ST. ROOMS AND beard; het, cold water; UMe board en, $OR XKNT. Reams WMk Beard. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO- tei. iw joth su, cor. Morrlsen: most con venient; first-class location in city for bust nes people; fine rooms, nicely furnished; steam heat, porcelain baths, plenty of hot water, handsome dining-room: Eastern cook ing, with flrst-claes table service at reas onable rates to permanent people; tabls boarders accommodated. THE CARLETON. jewly and elegantly, furnished: excellent cuisine and service; apartments for bach elors; attractively located at 13th and Al der sts. Phone Pacific 1247. AN INNOVATION FOR G ENTLEM EN 389 has been thoroughly renovated and refur nished In elegant style by Mrs. A. "Monk; board supplied ir dered; "the best of Eng lish cooking"; satisfactory references mut be furnished. THE COLONIAL DINING-ROOM. COR. 10TII ana Axarrison sts. Open to table boarders; centrally located; -with direct street entrance; 5 per week; table and service first-class. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR: rooms with board; -use ef sewlnc-room: us of Uferary; Womaa's Sxchaage. Address Mrs. K. B. Hamlin, Supt,. S10 Flashers. BLAKE LY HALL, 570 TH ST. NICE rooms with first-class' board: terms reason able; one of the best private boarding houses, in city. Phone Main 283L BOOMS WITHEXCELLENT TABLE BOARD, home cooking; reasonable. 175 14th. MODERN HOMELIKE PLACE, FINE Resi dence. Phone. Pactftc S22. Plata. FOB RENT MODERN JfEW UPPER 7 room fiat; -also. G-roona fiat near High School. 100 17th sL, near Yamhill. Inquire .189 10th st., near Taylor. 5-ROOM FLAT, ENTIRELY SEPARATE, elegant bath, strictly modern: rent reason able 551 Taylor. Inquire Graves' Muslo Store. 828 Washington -st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN FLAT WITH gaa range and water heater Installed. 30 " E. 8th st. Apply phone Main 20L Page & Son, 120 Front st. NEW 5 AND 8-ROOM FLATS WITH ALL modem conveniences, to rent at reduced rent. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablng ton bldg. MODERN 0 BOOMS, 651 WASHINGTON ST., flat A, steam heat. Inquire Dr. Templetcn, room 10, Hamilton bldg. Phone Bed 310U 521 XVERBTT THOROUGHLY MODERN 5 room steam-heated flat, excellent neighbor hood. Morgan, 613 McKay bldg. IOWER OR UPPER PART OF HOUSE, furnished: gas, phone and furnace. Call afternoons, 703 Irving st. SIX-ROOM UPPER FLAT, MODERN CON venlences, corner East 12th. and Ankcny. Phone Main C510. FOR RENT BASEMENT OF 3 ROOMS, rent $10. Oak and 7th. Apply G. .N. W. Wilon Co.. 72 0th. MODERN FLAT. 7 ROOMS. ALL LIGHT, sunny.; porches, attic, lawn. . 741 Overton. Phone Pacific 1249. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT ONE BLOCK north of Steel bridge, fronting river. Inquire 2S8 Larrabee. FOR RENT MODERN FLAT. 2 BLOCKS from Portland Hotel. Call 305 Washington st. 547 MORRISON UPPER 4-"ROOM FLAT, light and water included. Phone Main 5033. MODERN 6-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT FOR rent. 390 4th st. Phone Pacific 025. 5-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT. 3 BLOCKS from Portland Hotel. Phone Main 150. HoatiekeeBlsc Rooms. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hill New house, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; eteam heat, baths; free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms in best brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc; no transients; prices moderate. Logan block, 108 Union re corner E. Alder. Phone East 4624. THE JEFFBRSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON ST. Strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished housekeeping apartments, freo phone, fur nace heat, plenty hot water, elegant porce lain bathtubs; outside rooms. si.59 . Week new. clean furnished .-fcettjukeeping room1,- trUli iuraace heat, laundry, hath, lots- of hot water; gas range, large yard, corner Commerplal "and Stanton bus.; Alblna, a LARGE. LIGHT. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 3 closets," pantry, phone, water and . bath, use of attic; large yard, pleasant neighborhood. $15 or 2 rooms tlU 718 Hood st. THE YALE, 201 GRAND AVE. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; gas and wood stoves, walking dis tance from business center. Phone East 4301. 247 5TH. ABOVE MAIN. FIRST FLOOR, 2 and 3-room front housekeeping suites; all light rooms; also suites on second floor; electric lights; prices low. $20 FOUR FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, central, clean and attractive; good location: bay window, gas range, bath, 270 Montgomery- Main 4400. 651 WASHINGTON SI. NICELY FUR nUbed, with gas range, free phone, hot water all the time: suites $10 and $12 per month. FOR RENT THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; Tery convenient modern house. 309 .Madison st. FOUR LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, modern conveniences, fine loca tion; $10 per month. Phone Pacific 900. $1.75 PER WEEK LARGE, CLEAN FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, laundry aad bath. 184 Sherman, South Portland. 2 CLEAN, NEATLY FURNISHED HOU6E keeplng rooms; bath, phone; gas, furnace, pantry; reference. 005 Irving st, 215 10TH BEAUTIFUL FRONT AND BACK parlors, connecting; kitchen nicely furnished for housekeeping; ground floor. BAY - WINDOW HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, first floor; gas range, furnace heat. 140 N. 10th. Phone West 2SSL THE CLAYTON 15 10th. TW(K BLOCKS north of Washington. Housekeeping rooms. Phone Pacific COL THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED HOUSB keeplng rooms, sink, hot and -cold water. Phone Main SCS7. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND SLEEP ing rooms, close In; $1 weelc'up; bath. 60 ICth, near Stark. TWO FINE HOUSEKEEPING SUITES, NBW ly finished, fine location. West Side. 420 Commercial bldg. 435 1IAIN. COR. 12TH. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, first-floor, central, gas, bath, shone. ONE LARGE WELL-FURNISHED FRONT room for housekeeping; no children. 483 Everett st. FURNISHED ROOMS. FRONT. MODERN private family. Phone Mala -4415. 55C Yam Hill at. SAVE TIME AND CAR FARE: BRICK building for housekeepers. 211 2d and Salmon. TWO ICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, with bay window. 235 3th st. NEWLY AND .COMPLETELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. ' 527 Montgomery. tS BLLA ST. Furnished fesaaexeeplac T&amn, all conveniences for hasaellke people. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOU8E keeplng rooms. 321 7th. cor. Clay. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS The Jefferson. 5th and Jeffersoa. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AT the Otis. 371 E. Bnrnslde. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS reasonable. 105 E. 6th eU . 435 ALDER ST. FURNISHED BASEMENT. Call afternoon. Kettse. HOUSE, S89 HARRISON ST., MODERN, 8 rooms; fiat 173 East 15th sL. modern 5 rooms. Apply owner, Falrchlld, 232 Sher lock bldg. SIX-ROOM HQUSE FOR RENT. 30 EAST Madison st. Apply Grant Phegley, 83 7th su $15 FOR RENT. NEW-. MODEDN 5-ROOM cottage, 540 E. 18th, cor. Taggart. Main 77sV FOR BENT S-ROOM HOUSE. S. E. COR. 1st and Meade. Inquire 7"lst at. FOR RENT HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS WITH bath. Inquire 426 7tla. FOR RENT. HOUSES FOR RENT. $7 &6 Wood St.; cottage 4 rooms. $10 S65 EL 12th st. N.; Cottaxe-2 rooms. ?10 Jw7 E. 12th st. N.; .cottage 5 rooms. $12852 E. 11th su N.; house" 2 stories; bath, basement. $151191 Taggart st.; house. -S rooms; both, etc; one block from terminus of Rich mond car line. $16 892 Tburman st.. bet. 26th and 27th "Bis.; cottage 5 rooms. $16789 Williams ave, near Beech St.; modern cottage, S rooms. $15 05 E Davis aU. bet. E. 23th and IX 30th; new cottage, C rooms. $20 149 E. 13th st. N., bet. Tillamook and Thompson sts.; house. 7 rooms, bath, etc $30 House 11 rooms with i-acre of land; Base Line and Spring st. tMt. Tabor car Unci $40-54 15th st. N., corner Davie st. (West Side): -modern flat, 6 rooms. THE TITLE GUARANTEE Jz TRUST CO., 240 Washington St. Cor. Second. GOOD HOME. Owner racatier attractive home of nine rooms, fireplace, gas, two nice bedrcoccs downstairs, yard, playhouse; cheap to right person; walking distance to business center. Portland Trust Co. Phone Exchange 72. FOR RENT MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE, close la. 54 E. 7th st. N.. near E. Everett. Inquire at SO E. 7th. Price $25; nicely lo cated. Phone at 31 41. FOR. RENT MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE, corner Hassalo and Adams .ets.. -near Steel bridge. The Oregon Real Estate Co., room 4, SS 3d at. KADDKRLT TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT aad reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 166, Office, 110 N. 3d si DONALD O. WOODWARD, 34 STARK ST. Rests and lnseraace. Phone Main 94d. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. $1S-NEW. MODERN, 0-ROOM HOUSE; range, gas, porcelain plumbing, stationary tubs. 65 Fargo st. Phone Red 23S2. FOR BENT FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. 1SS 17th t.t. near Yamhill; yard. Inquire IK) lCh U, near Taylor. NICE 6-ROOM COTTAGE. lOTH ST.. WEST Side; choice location: reasonable. Inquire 328 Park st. A MODERN COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS. IN good condition, 309 College st. Inquire 315 College .xt. 10-BOOM HOUSE WITH BATH AND GAS, 370 12th st., rent $30. Inquire 433 Mont gomery st. $1C.0 6-BOOM COTTAGE, LARGE COR ner lot, E. 11th and Market. Inquire 247 W 5th. FOR RENT NEW MODERN 5-ROOM COT tsge. Holladay Park. Fred H. Strong, 242 Stark st. O-ROOM HOUSE, CS1 2D ST., $22 Inquire 405 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Maln 5563. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE YARD, -fine view. Inquire 913 Kelly u; take S car. MODRRN HOUSE. 6 ROOMS 224 E. 2ND N. Apply room 381. Dekuss; $241. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE, 414 10TH ST. Apply 328 7th. HOUSEL 056 GLISAN ST., FOR RENT; good location. FOR 'RENT, $25 7-BOOM HOUSE. 24 th ct. N. $l&-4-ROOM COTTAGE. C2S E. CLINTON st. FOR RENT 7-BOOM HOUSE. 529 YAMHILL at. FtsrBlssed neases. NEATLY FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE Large -ard. flowers and fruit; fine view; near car; .water; rent $20. Call 432 Man zanlta ave.. Woodlawn. FOR BENT MODERN NICELY FURNISHED C-room cottage la Sellwood. 100 feet frost car line. Madden, printer, 1st and Alder; NEW. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED MODERN 6-room house; will i-ewve one room; fine location. Phone East 2523. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. 3" LARGE rooms, nice grounds, good location; near cars. 401 12th si FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED C-room modern cottage, rent $25. Phone East 4672. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC trlc lights, bath, central. Inquire 273 7th. Hewn Fer Rest raraHwre rclr. NEW OAK FURNITURE. EVERYTHING complete, of modern 5-room fiat for sale, bent location: refit reasonable. Call be tween 2 and 5 P. M-. 173 Green ave., block from 23d and Washington sts. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM house, complete: cheap; evrytalng best; party leaving city; house can be rented very cheap. If desired. 409 Stark, between 10th and 11th. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FURNITURE of an S-room house, business center, on Cth si; rent $30. F. T. Berry, 4 N. Oth. Phone Hood 1G33. $40 CHEAP. OAK BEDROOM SET. FOLD lng bed. kitchen table, stair and ball car pets. 460 7th si AT A SACRIFICE FURNITURE OF S-ROOM house: must sell; excellent location. 527 Taylor si FURNITURE OF 9-BOOM HOUSE. DESIR able location. 195 ICth si, corner of Tay lor. Stores. 4-STORY SUBSTANTIAL BRICK BUILDING. 50x100 feet, with basemenl centrally lo cated; suitable for wholesale jobber or man ufacturer. Inquire manager, 2CS First st. Offices. FOR RENT 3 OFFICE ROOMS, FIRST floor. 50- fet street front: also lodge ball, 85x44, Wednesday and Sunday; Auditorium bldg., 208 3d si Apply at the elevatsr. DESK ROOM TO RENT IN THE BEST Lo cation in the city. Apply S. E. cor Cth and Washington, second floor. DESKROOM. USE OF PHONE AND OTHER conveniences. C S3, Oregonlan. LODGE HALLS AND OFFICE ROOMS. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON lan will say $10 rctrard Tor the arrest and conviction of anyone caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of its subscrib ers. Circulation Manager. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated aad returned sazse day. Mais 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST JAN 29. PAIR EYEGLASSES IN A case. Return xo Feldcnhelmer, 3d and Washington: reward. DIAMOND STUD FROM MODEL CAFE ilOR rison to Cth to Stark to 4lh; reward. Phone Main 1506. LOST BLACK OVERCOAT; SUITABLE RE ward. 324 Johnson si, opposite -depol LOST MONDAY. PAIR RIMLESS GLASSES. Phone Main 6346. PERSONAL. WANTED PRESENT ADDRESS OF HANS P. Anderson, formerly of Alaska, now in Oregon: have Important papers far him. Address -C V. White, Hancock -bidg,. Se attle. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DISEASES of women. Private roesis. Call or write. SI Louis Sledical and Surgical Dispensary. 230 YnbU!V cor. 2d. Portland. Or. "BOOK OF NATURE," "AGNES." "DROLL Stories." "Her Hidden Charms." "A Hot Tajnale." "A Modern Lover," 50c ea. Lists free. A. W. Schxnale Co., 220 1st. FINE DAT BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las; repairing and recovering: two scores Washington and 6th and Morrison aad 5th! 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR name, 50c, 50 for 35c; 250 busl&ea. caraa. U. .Schxnale Cx, 239 .1st. N YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP xnaseage. The Cosmos. 308 Morrison st. parlor 12 and 14. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 456 E. Selsaonl Phone East 4034. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP BULsaage. The Taooma, 298 Stark, parlor 27. DR. AUSPLUND, DISEASES OF WOMEN and surgery. 306 Allsky bldg.. 3d & Morrlsen. DR. PAUL- CROMWELL. THIS "COLORED .Specialist Saaltarlwa 127 N. 12th. Main 547S. TWO LADIES. BATH. FACE AND SCALP massage. 398 tiX bei Taylor and Salsson. SOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the Old Roak Stare. 239 Taa&hlU si TWO TOUNG LADIES GrV'E FACE AND scalp massage. 1W 4th si, cor. Wash. PERSONAL. CONFIDKNTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE TO roe-w treat diseases t wosaea ex clastretr. cartas with uvrytC success all female aliases la from the slightest local Ir xitaUoa ts Um most comcUsated internal troubles; maternity casts glvea special at. teatlca. private kosUal acecmmodatlon; professional lady sune la attendance; con sultation aad advice free. X-Radlum Medi cal InatltrMe and Saaltarlam, 3d and Alder at., entrance 2S3 Alder sC, Portlaad. JO-HE, A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL from Texas. Moat, wonderful discovery ox age; puzzles medical world. Rheumatism, paralysis, spinal affections; Erysipelas, neu ralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores yield to this oil like magic; cures In 8 to 20 days; sample can, SOc. postpaid; testi monials free: agents wanted. M. E. Clin ton. 515 E. Coses si, Portland. Or. Phons Mala 3452. PROFESSOR WALLACE, World-famed dalrroraal palmist and splrlt uallat, will positively make so charge for his services unless you are entirely satis fied and find him superior ts any palmlsl medium or clairvoyant who has ever been here; readings daily, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., car lora 2 and 5. The Cosmos, 2dS Morrison. Detective Agency Confidential l&YMtlgatioasr reports made oa any indlvldeal, business or property; miming relatives faesd; bad debu collected; charges reasonable; correspondence solicited. Oregon Detective St trice. 314-315 Columbia, bldg.. 365 Washington. Main 5915. BE YOUR OWN BEAUTY "DOCTOR! Free information aad anatomical chart, tha masterpiece of perfection. Keeps circulation moving and muscle young. Complexion like a rose. X. Z. Cauffatan, Speciallsl 1401 First ave., Seattle. SWEDISH TRAIN BD NURSE. HELSING- nervous disorders aad stomach troubles by hand-rahblng, -?", sweat and tub baths; -both sexes. 7 E. llth si. two doors from E. Ankeny car line. Flume Bast 200. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT 50C To the visitors of Portland hotels and to the public at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tallor.'s. 106 Sixth si. next to the Quelle. Ladles skirts pressed, SOc Phone Clay 303. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a. month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and -deliveries. Uniqno Tailor ing Co.. 309 Stark, near 6th. Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberta Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. $2; 3 months', $3. Sent securely scaled by mall Agents. Wcodard. Clarke & Co.. Portland. BROTHER WILLIAM, THE CLAIRVOYANT, palmist, medium, can be consulted on all affairs of life; tells all things; private resi dence next door Hotel Oregon, 7th; low fee. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great pr. Lorenz Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25a a box. Write or. call at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison si, bel 1st and 2d. MRS. STEVENS. 10 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant. 169,7th. ops. Ho tel Portland. Readings dally. Pacific 714. WOULD MR. A. HORNB CALL AT THE Building Inspector's office between 1 and 5 P. 1L and oblige. Building Inspector? WE HAVE BEHOVED TO THE ELKS building. 94 7th al Northwest Electric En gineering Co. MISS EFFIB HILL, SCIENTIFIC CARD reader. 25c. 169 7th. opposite. Hotel Portland. WATER-PROOF HALF SOLES. SOc UOLLA baugh'a. 287 Taylor, bel 3d and 4 th. ONE-MINUTE TOOTH A CHS DROPS CURE instantly. 15c; family size. 23c SPECLVL NOTICES. l'repesaxs i&vlterf. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF THE franchise and property of the Oregon Traction Company. Notice is hereby given that the stockholders of the Oregon Trac tion Company hare adopted a resolution au thorizing and directing the .dissolution of the said corporation and the disposition of all its property. Pursuant to sold resolution and the reso lution of the board of directors authorizing and directing the sale of all of the property belonging to the company, 1 will, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. on Thursday, the 15th day of February. IfeOti, at the front door of the County Courthouse, In the City of Portland, Multnomah County. Oregon, of fer at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the franchises, roadbed, track, right of way and contracts for right of way, to gether with alt maps, proaies. office fix tures and furnltcrr. and all property of whatever hind owned by said corporation. The said property will be sold In bulk, and as an entirety. The said franchises of said company re ferred to are as follows, to wit: A franchise authorizing the construction fcf a railway line through the jCtty of HUIs . arp, as4. -fraoclte. graatteg ih rgot-to construct a. railway on, and ovr" certain streets In the City of Forest Grove. Wash ington County, Oregon, and a franchlas granted by the City of Portland. Or., by ordinance No. 14.564. entitled. "An ordi nance granting to the Oregon Traction Com pany, us saccesuors and assigns, the right to construcl lay down, maintain and operate railways and poles and wires and underground condoiu in the City of Port land, Or.' (Approved by the Mayor of said city on the 6th day of April. 1905.) The constructed track belonging to aHd company consists of about 3360 feet of double track laid on Twelfth street. In the City cf Pot Hand. Or., between Bumslde and Overton streets. In said city, and 260 feet of double track on Pettrgrove street, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, in said city, and three crossings on Six teenth. Twenty-third . and Twenty-fifth streets, at the Intersection of Petlygrove streel The maps and profiles referred to i-how the survey of the projected eletcric railway line of the company from the City of Portland. Or., to the City of Forest Grove. Oregon. For full information as to all property of the company. Inquire at the ocice of the company, room 62. Union block. City of Portland. Or. The said corporation is T.ftw Indebted In about the sum of $35,000. Of said sum about the amount of $3500 is due the GermAnla National Bank, of San" Francisco. Cal.. for which $100,000 par value in amount of the bonds of the company secured by a mortgage cr deed of trust on all the prop erty of the company are deposited as col lateral and of which said total amount about the sum of $14,700 I (cured by me chanics liens cn the franchise, roadbed and constructed track of the company In the City of Portland, the remainder of said Indebtedness being unsecured. The said property shall be sold to the hlcheft bidder. The purchase price shall be paid in full, in cash, or by acceptable certified check at or before 3 o'clock P. M. of the day of alc Payment, to be made to the undersigned at the office of the com . pany. Union block, Portland. Or. If the ' person offering the highest bid for all of said property shall not pay tha entire pur chase price by 3 o'clock P. M. of said day of sale, the person offering the second highest bid shall be entitled to the convey ance of said property. If he shall pay the entire cum bid by him before 4 o'clock P. M. of said day of sale: and if neither the eald highest or next highest bidder shall pay on said day of sale the amount bid by him. the directors of the company at their option may sell said property to any person bidding at said sale who make full payment on the day of said sale of the sum bid by him. The right to reject any and all bids la reserved. By order of the board of directors. " W. L. GOULD, Secretary Oregon Traction Company. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE seaiea oias tor a siock ai Diflniaaeoui mer chandise, consisting of drygoods, furnishing goods, boots" and shoes and groceries, to the amount of about $4900. together with fixtures amounting to about $450. located at Walu inrr. Wash., ua to Thursday noon. Februarr 15, 1106. A certified check for 10 per cent Of the amount oa mesi accwapuy eaca oi fer. and the right la reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock may be inspected at Walts burg. Dated at Portland, Or., February 3. JfcOO. R. L. Sabln. Front and Ankany its. Receiver's Notice. RECEIVER'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HERE by given that the undersigned has been ap pointed by the honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County, receiver of the property and business of Whiteside i Co., proprietors of the Palm Buffet, 326 Stark st.; has qualified aa such and is now in charge of same. All persons having claims against said Palm Buffet must present tnem. cuiy venneu, to me. jonn E. Kelly, receiver. SUsceUaaeeas. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED FURNITURJC aad Blaae-mavers. wilt require the paymeat ef all charges spaa delivery of goods artsy December J. 1908: H. C. Haack. C. F. Har der. O. F. Hassey, Cssgrere Bros.. PorUand Deltvery Co.. Past Special Delivery Co., Package Delivery Co.. Holmaa Transfer Ca.. Nsrthweatera Transfer Co.. Oregon Aat Dispatch Co.. Jeha Hampton. James MeLta Acs. Owes MeLIsdes. Pacific Trassfar ri Oregon Transfer Co.. Portlaad Van 1c Stor age Co.. W axeman. Morse Transfer Co.. Base. Side Transfer Co.. C O. Pick Transfer & Storage Co.. C M. Oisea, Baggage Ji Osaai its Traaafsr Ca.. A. J. Murphy. Kadderly Transfer L. CommUtOn Co.. John A. Lavs, Andrew J. Murphy. F. M. IreUad. T. Mil lar, Finch A Henderson. MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS COLUMBIA River & Oregon Central Railroad Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Colomhia River A Ore gon Central Railroad Company will he held Monday. February 2d. 1906, at 12 o'clock noon, at the office of the cosapaar. 543 Worcester bwUdteg, Portlaad. 0r.( for the purpose of etectteg directors and traaaaet iBg any other- bus ami that may come before the meotig Dated Fomaad. Fehroary 3, 1S. ii. F. CONNRR, , Secretary. BUSINXtig CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. W. H. Taf I TAFT & CO. J. H. Dletx. Below Is a carefully selected list ot room ing and boarding-houses and every one of them wilt bear the closest Investigates, both- morally and financially. If you are In the market It Is to your most vital in terest to see us before you buy. TAFT & CO. Mala 136. 275 Stark Si. a of a -Bldg. HERE IS A GOOD ONE. 40 rooms, nicely furnished, on Alder si; cheap rent; steam heat; all outside rooms; sunny corner: clearing $200 per month, and the price la only $3200. TAFT Se CO. Mala 136. 273 Stark SU C of C. Bldg. BEST HOUSE IN CITY. 40 rooms, l block from Washington si. corner, brick, steam heal running water In all rooms; cleared last month above all expenses $510 and will clear- as much this month; rent, including boai, $200 per month. For price and terms please call. ,r . TAFT & CQ. Main 336. 275 Stark SI. a of a Bldg. 35 rooms. 'exquisitely furnished' with Mis' ran xurniiure ana Axminster carpets; large verandas, beautiful lawn; hon ton location: large sunny rooms, steam heat and positively clearing $250 per month. If you are looking fcr something out of the ordinary, see this. The price Us la reach of anyone. For price and terms please call. TAFT & CO. Mala 156. 275 Stark SI. C ot C Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. 35 rooms, rent $135; good long tease; very finely furnished and clearing $140" per month: hot and cold water U .through the bouse; price $3150. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark SI. a of a Bldg. 24 rooms, on 6th si. near Washington al Steam heat, extra well furnished and clear ing $100 per month; an extra good buy for $1750. TAFT & CO. Mala 130. 275 Stark SU C. of C. Bldg. FAMILY BOARDING-HOUSE. 22 rooms, furnished elegant and. aa clean as a whistle: very fine location for the best trade; wa cannot recommend this, house too highly: price reduced" to $1699. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark SI. C. of. C Bldg. Remember, we guarantea an titles, look after both buyer and seller, have plenty of money to loan on anything we sell. , TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark SI, C ot C Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALBL " ' 31 rooms All on one -floor, brick building; 1 block from Portland Hotel, steam heat; hous clears readily from $150 to $200 pec month; price. $1800. 22 rooms Location near. 14th and Alder, every room Is occupied but one, and house in clearing about $110 per month; price only $2000. 23 rooms On North 7th si. near Union Depot; rent only $70. lease; this house Is clearing about $75 per month; price $1100. 18 rooms Located near City Hall; rent $75; house .will clear readily $100 per month; owner not able to attend to the place and offers It for $Sqp. 10 rooms One block' from Baker Theater, rent $25; you can clear 3 CO per month here easily; price $450. 0 rooms Yamhill si, closo In; rent $25; price only $500. 11-room house. located near North Alblna car bam; full of steady boarders from car barn; rent "only $25 per month: price $450. This house will clear any one $75 per month. The above Is only a partial llsl Remem ber, we have the largest list .of rooming houses la the city,- aa we make them a specialty. WE GUARANTEE ALL TITLES AND PROTECT BUYER A3 WELL A3 SELLER. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 133 5th st.. cor. Alder. Phone Mala 6113 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESTAURANTS We have two A No. 1 propositions: both well located, one on Mor rison si. and both doing s good business; best of reasons for selllnx. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS Loca tion tiptop; fine soda fountain: 3 rooms, nicely furnished; more than pays the -rent and expenses; gross receipts last year were almost $3000; price SHOO. GROCERY STORES We have -wo first class propositions la this line, situated la the very beat residence dtstrlcl If you are looking for a business of any kind, see us. WE GUARANTEE EVERY THING WEt SELL. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 333 5th si. cor. Alder. Phone Main 6118. $7300 A SNAP FOR RIGHT PARTY; Al stock general merchandise, all staple goods, groceries, hardware, dry goods, boots and shoes at AumsvlIIe. Or., the best produce town In Willamette Valley; will sell lor cash or exchange for Al city prop erty or timber land heavily timbered: will Pay cash difference or will take security bearing Interest for part; this will make money for right man. Call at La Grande Crenmgy, , 2C4 Tainhip. fprjlapd ' .J ON "ACCOUNT OF. SICKNESS I WILL SELL out my entire business. livery, hack and boarding stable, 20th and Washington, larg est barn la Northwest; low rent; barn is full ot boarders. For Inspection call at Fashion Stables. 20th and Washington sts., Portland. Or. Main 45. ROOMING-HOUSE .FOR SALE. IS rooms, Tery centrally located, furni ture almost new; splendid location for transient trade; $1500. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Ablngton. 106 Third SI THE GREATEST RAILROAD SWITCH IX ventioa of modern times is now on exhibi tion at 206 McKay bldg.: stock in this corporation can be purchased at a big dis count by calling on W. J. Curtis. 215 Com mercial block. Phone Main 53S4. FURNISHINGS AND LEASE; SELECT board Ing-house, right downtown; guaran teed clearing $140 monthly; no reasonable offer refused; owner going East within week; terms. T 87. Orexonlan. SALOON. One of the swellrst In the city and doing a nice business, but owner must sell; don't fall to see this; good location and cheap rent; price $1000. Taft & Co., 275 Stark. Chamber of Commerce. EXCELLENT GROCERY STORE. CLOSE IN. location East Side, fine new stock, delivery wagon: sell at Invoice, about $1500; cheap rent; receipts $SO0 a month. Ellis & Kah ler. room 21. 204 Morrison si WANTED TO CORRESPOND WITH PARTY who wishes to become Interested in Ice manufacturing business In Portland. Best Investment In city. References with an swer. G 87, Oregonlan. CORNER CASH GROCERY. ONE OF THE best locations la the city, now doing a busi ness of $40 dally; will be sold at Invoice on account of retiring from business. Apply 156 3d si. room A FINE- OPPORTUNITY FOR FIRST-CLASS photographer la Elleneburg. Wash.; good gallery; rent reasonable. Inquire of Wash ington Sfcxte Bank. Ellewhurg. Wash. PARTNER WANTED IN MACHINE SHOP to attend to books, collecting and banking; will guarantee $100 per month: $1400 re quired. Apply 165 3d si. room A. PARTNER WANTED FOR A WOOD AND cool buslnces; will pay purchaser $150 to $200 every month. References furnished and re quired. Particulars 248 Stark si WOOD AND COAL YARD OLD ESTAB 1 lined business, clearing $3CO monthly. $32O0: full Investigation and few days trial it re quired. Apply 1CS 3d si, room A. MUST SELL MILK ROUTE. TEAM. DELIV J ery rig. cans and bottles. $3CO; milk route only, with 70 customers. $100. Call quick, 221 Morrison si. room 10. CORNER CIGAR AND FRUIT STORE, really the best position in the city, for sale, aa I have to leave; first reasonable -offer gets 11 G 85. Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MEN Good openings In alt lines, 'city or country; detail at offices of the Asses Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. PARTNER WANTED TO ACT AS CASHIER in restaurant who will be satisfied with- $18 per week and board; $300 required. Apply 163 3d si. room A. SEATTLE WHOLESALE PRODUCE HOUSE wants managsr for Portland office with $2500 to $3500; salary and good profits: S 81, car Oregonlan. IF YOU HAVE $2000 TO INVEST IN Busi ness and are casable to keep - books in the best-paying business la the- city, address X SS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 2S-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE, good furniture, good lease, good location; rent $70: ay terms; price $900. Owner. R 85, Orsgonioa. BARBERSHOP FURNISHINGS FOR SALE Shop and three rooms for real good location. Apply Jameson. 501 Rodney ave. Phone Scott 6418. BUTTER AND EGG STORE THIS BUSI nem will pay you $5 to $7 a day over all expenses; $400 required. Call 243 Stark si FINE TEA. COFFEE AND SPICE STORE. In good location; cheap rent; price $1500. Ellis te. Kohler, room 21, 234 Morrison eC HOTEL, WITH OVER 2 YEARS LEASE, doing good business. Will trade for real estate or farm, property. B 81. Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW 2 4-ROOM COMPLETELY famished hotel, doing good business, bar - gain. Address Box 154. Clatskanle, Or. BARGAIN FINE HOTEL, VERY CHOICB location. See M. E. Lee. 98i th st. BUSXSSS8 CHANCES- BEST HOTEL IN ONE OF THE MOST LIV31 AND ACTIVE CITIES IN THIS STATE 55 rooxs, all nicely furnished, cost 3 years ago about $15,000 and baa been wen taken care of. This Is aa American plaa hotel, large brick building, high-class bar. big dining-room. 17 private baths; also public baths; electric lights and gas. steam heal good sewerage, hot and cold water In many of the rooms. We can show this up to any one that It la doing a business of $3000 per -month. - Price only $5000. Any thing further, call- TAFT & CO.. 275 Stark Si, Chamber of Commerce. MANUFACTURING ; WANT A RELLVBLB partner; .duties .easily learned. This busl. ness la now paying each partner $200 a month; $2100 required. Call 243 Stark st RESTAURANT. WORTH $400, WILL SELL for $200, If sold this week. Owner leaving city on account of other business. 45 N. 6th l SPECIAL GROCERY; HAS NICE LIVTNG rooms; good corner, cash trade, and a busy store; price $450. Call 243 Stark si $1400.00 WILL BUY BUSINESS CLEARING, over $10O per month: will stand close in v tail gallon. Address 500, Oregonlan. $350100 WILL BUY 11-ROOM ROOMING hoose: central location; low rent; lease. See M. ELiLee; 934 6th st. RESTAURANT ON WASHINGTON ST. Good trade; a snap ar $200. Call 383 Mor rison st. - STORE FOR SALE CLOTHING AND shoes, 173 Front si, between- Morrison and Yamhill. 19.000 PER CENT PROFIT: BIG TNVKN tioa; sraall capital, 213 Commercial blk. FINANCIAL, AN UNPAID BILL MEANS WORRY Why worry when you can get the money front us to pay bills that are pressing you? We will loan you $10 to $100 and you eas .repay la convenient weekly or monthly .payments. . Money advanced oa salaries "by giving us your plaia note without' indorser;' also loans oa furniture, pianos, etc. at lowest- rates. When la need of money get It from us on PAYMENT PLAN; It coats you. less and gets you. out of debl Open Tuesday and Saturday until 8 P. M. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. .- -512 (5th floor) Dektim bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden. tlal; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOA'N & TRUST COMPANY, .-: 205 Ablngton Building. MONEY TO LOAN. On improved city property or for building purposes; for from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year. Loans approved from plana and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent, 212 Stark Streel THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42S-42 MO hawk btdg., 3d and Morrison, loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, motormen, conductors or other salaried employes. Just ca his note, in sums of $10 to $100. Return able In convenient weekly or monthly pay ments.' Payments suspended in case of sick ness. Confidential. No inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential) Month, -month. Week. $50 Repay to us. ..313.33 orS6.65 or $3.23 $25 Repay to us... $ 6.05 or $3.23 or $1.63 $15 Repay to us...$ 4.CO or$2jO or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102 THIRD. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL arled people at lowest rates; strictly confi dential. Employes' Loan Co.. room 716 tha Dekura. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy payments. Offices in 53 principal cities. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106 3d si MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND other good securities; small building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn. 552 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 525). COLUMBIA LIFE &. TRUST COMPANY., sixth lloor. Concord bldg. Loans desired on" first mortgage business or residence prop- - erts. - . i MONEY LOANED IN" SUMS OF $3 AND UP oa all kinds ot security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON Frame, 514 The Marquam. Phone Hood 993. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 43. Washington bldg. Phone Main 6IUO. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $500 on all securities. R. I. Bckerson & Co., room 6. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. $1500 WANTED AT 10 PER CENT ON 640 acres of timber land. Address 17 Washing ton bldg. MONBY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF Se curity. Wm. Holl. no, 9, Washington bldg. State- funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agl. Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. LOWEST RATES ON FURNITURE; PIANOS and other security. 449 Sherlock. Qlay 523. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307, the Falling bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accent! era Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 801 MARQUAM. BLDG. Accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Assayers and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD, ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineer. 204 Wash ington si MONTANA ASSAY" OFFICE. 180 MORRISON si Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust boughl 00 1st si Attorneys. J. S. WINCHESTBRj ATTORNEY AT LAW. notary .public 30 Washington bldg. BoatbuIIder?. GRAHAM'S BOATYARD. FOOT E, PINE at.; gasoline launches a specialty. Agent for the Standard gasoline engine- Carpet- Cleaning, . Sanitary Carpet Cleaning. Suction and Com pressed air combined. Carpet cleaned on floor without removal Main 5534.. Eait 4239. Carpenters and Builders; New honsea bulll. old ones renewed, prop erty, bought and sold. Gordon. 208 -4 th. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general lobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 53S1. Chirepodlst and 'Manicuring, WM. DEVENY Ss ESTELLE. DEVENY. THE. only scientific chiropodist, parlors room 203 Drew bldg-.. 162 2d si Phone Main 130L This is the. long'halred. gentleman. He Is tha man you are looking for. J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist; all Instru ments sterilised. 7U- Marquam. Stain C236. Coal Dealers. BAN FIELD VEYSEY FUEL CO., 8 3D ST.. will rtMlvpr- short srrten 1nhtrrvH nn t. CoBunbsien Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. 'wool, .mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and. general com- i mission Yncrchanl Front si. nr. Main, Port, land,-Or. Cash advanced on "consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission- merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or. ALLEN .Sc. .LEWIS. . COMMISSION .AND produce merchants. Front aad Davis sts.. Portland. Or. DaBciar. WOODWARD'S" DANCING ACADEMY Western Academy of Music Hall. Monday and Thursday; gents. 12 lessons. $3; ladles. 19 lessons. $2.50. Cor. 2d asd Morrison. MATTINGLT ACADEMY OF DANCING. 249 14th. nr. Jefferson; private or class lessons. Gardeners. PLANTING OF ROSES AND -TREES AND care of lawns by experience! landscape gar dener. A, I. Anderses, 41 Ella si. Mala 1094. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Karnes. and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WK OLE- sale saddles and harness mfrs., leather ana saddlery hardware. 80-86 lsl Main 226.- Jank. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OF HIDB6. pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, met als and sacks. 312 Front si Klndergarden. THE MATTKSGLY KINDERGARTEN AND primary acnooi. u'J i-tin. near ueiiersoa. Leather aad Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S5S. Leather and findrags: Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumboa. 189 Front si Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING, SAW mlll. logging machinery; hydraulic-pipes. - casting; all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. C. ALB EE CO.. SECOND-HAND macninery. sawmills, etc -m urana ave. Musical. MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PUPIL SHERWOOD. Chicago: nihno lessons. 50 cents. Studio. ' -406.7th si. near Jackson. EMIL THTELHORN. pupil ot Sevclk. violin teacher. Studio 195 Oth. Tel. Main 3965. Northwest Vlavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND - MORRISON sts. Call or send stamp for Health Book, Osteopathic Physicians. DRS. ADIK & NORTHRUP. 413-16-17 DE- Kum Wag., za and Washington. Phones: Office. Main 349; residence-. Main 1503; East 1Q28. Exams, free. Sun., by appolntml DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregon; graduate Klrkvllle. Mo. 409 Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242: res.. M. 2752- Falnts. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils. glass, sash ana-, doors, cor. 2d ana oyiqr. F. E. Beach & Co.. tne Pioneer Paint Co.. window glass and glazing. 135 lal M. 1334. Palmistry. MME. DREYFUS. PALMIST AND CARD reader, offices 291 Morrison si. cor. 3th. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases. 604 Dekura. Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH 8 Inch thick doors, fire and burglar-proof work, deposit vaults. Jail and prison work; lockouts opened; repairs. J. E. Davis. C0-3C- THREE SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE cheap. 84 3d si Showcases. Bank aad Store Fixtures. R. H. Blrdsall. designer; agl M. Winter Lum ber Co., 7 Hamilton- bldg.. 131 3d. M. 5530. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR 6th and. Hoyl Phono Main 14 OS. PORTLAND SHOWCASE Si FIXTURE CO.. 348 1st. near Markel Phone Clay 1044. Slga Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DOORS AND WIN dows lettered at cut prices. ZIrngiebel, 213 Washington si Phone Pacific. 1453. Spiritualists. A FAMOUS ORIENTAL CLAIRVOYANT. ST. George Ormonde, seer of Egypt, tella you of marriage, love, business, sickness, how to Invest money, speculation, buying, selling, partners, friends, enemies; cures all nervous diseases, weakness of every kind, settles lov quarrels, reunites tha separated, hastens marriage, locates mines, burled treasures, mlwlng ones, papers; renews youthful vi tality, gives magnetic secret powers ot con trol. 288 Washington. MME. ADWARD, SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can be consulted on business, lawsuits, love, matrimony; unites the separated, no mat ter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaranteed: readings, 50 cents. Hours. 10 A M. to 8 P. M.. dally and Sunday. Par lor 3, The Berkshire, 232 Is. St., corner Main. No sign. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND! S most reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all attain of life, business, love, troubles; abenl friends a specialty. 2SC Taylor st. Hours. 3AM.to8P.3L MRS. S. B. SEIP. noted prophetess and pa choraetrtst, 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th; readings dally; circles Tues. and Fri. op. M. Pac W MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON suited. 53 Selltng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 0171). MRS. STEVENS, Portland's leading palmlsl spiritual life reader. 1C9 7th, opp- Hotel P. Storage aad Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED packed ready tor shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office. 123 lsl C M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 83 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 506. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipment: com modious brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 34 N. FRONT sl. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE grocery, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or BANKS. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President. r. l. DURHAM - ....Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRAN3ACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters ot credit issued, avail able in all carta of tho world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established in 1864.) HEAD OFFICE; San Francisco. Cat. President j HOMER S. KING Gen. Man. of Branches.... W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $9,770,143 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters ot credit issued available In all parts of the world. Interest paid oa time denoslts. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward. WM. A. MACRAE. Manager J. T. BURCHAELL Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business.' Drafts Issued, available In all cities of th United. States and Europe, Hongkong anil Manila. Collections Made oa Favorable Terms. Prestdent J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President - W. K. AYEIt Vice-President .R. LEA BARNES Cashier ......R. W. SCHMESR. Assistant Cashier ..A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier. w. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL . BANK OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of tha United States. President., A. L. MILLS Cashier ...J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier k W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier.... B. F. STEVENd Letters of credit lusued available la Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange, and telegraphic transfers sold on w York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. Sl Paul. Omaha. -San- Francisco and the prin cipal points of the Northwesl Sight and time bllla drawn In sums to suit on London. Parts, Berlin. Frankfort-on-tHe Main. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Christionla. Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Moi cow, Zurich, Honolulu. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. PORTLAND. TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,330,000. General banking. Exchange on all parts ot the -world. Savings accounts. Time certifi cates, 3 to 4 per cent: short-call special cer tificates, $500 or over. 3 to 4 per cent. Call for Book ot "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Private Exchange 72. S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. I. COHEN ...President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TTLTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. . Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit IsBued available la Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St Louis, Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington aad Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris, Berlin, Frank fort. Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila, and Hoao-lulu.