Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. XLVL !NtO. 14,094:.
Leader Rebukes Pat
terson for Bolting.
Had Voted in Caucus Support
ing Two-thirds Rule.
Senate .lias -Unique Spectacle of At
tempt to Administer Party Bis-'
cipline Patterson Denies
- Agreement "Willi Roosevelt.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Today for the
first time In many years, the Senate
chamber "was made the scene of an effort
to administer party discipline to a mem
ber of that body and the occurrence was
one of so many dramatic details that the
many witnesses will not soon forget It.
-Patterson was the subject of the effort
and Bailey, to whom, In the absence of
jOrman, Democratic leadership is con
ceded, -was the instrument of his party in
the incident ,
The proceeding arose in connection with
the consideration of Patterson's resolu
tion of remonstrance . against caucus-
action on treaties with foreign nations.
The Colorado Senator today called up.hls
resolution immediately after the conclu
sion of the routine morning business and
addressed tho Senate upon it. The facts
concerning the caucus proceedings of Sat
urday and his withdrawal from the cau
cus were fresh in the minds 6f Senators.
Patterson's speech was In the main an
elaboration of his resolutions and he con
tended stoutly for the right of a Senator
to follow the dictates of his conscience'
rather than the demands of his party In
all matters regarding which the two may
"be in conflict. ' It was not uhtn after, he
bad concluded that Uieproceedlngs tool:
tnh -alr'f :in'ensly : 'amLe$cilncnt4
Ballcy Iiashes Patterson.
t 4 .
Bailey, as had. most-of .the members e.
3ils party, had Interpreted Patterson's reso-.
lutlon as a deliberate reflection upon, the
Democratic caucus, and from the moment
that Bailey arose ho assumed an ag
gressive -and somewhat taunting manner
toward the Colorado Senator. His speech'
was -based upon the theory that all Sena
tors are under obligation to obey con
science rather than caucus, but .that lu
doing so. they antagonize their party and;
should not hold themselves responsible to
tr- party, but the speech was more
n4ble for its arraignment of Patterson
for his . course than for its adherence to
any line of argument. Bailey charged the
Senator from Colorado with having been
a party to the adoption in a previous
caucus of the rule binding Democratic
Senators to the two-thirds rule. This
charge and Patterson's response to It.
constituted a most dramatic incident and
the feeling throughout the Senate cham
ber was very tense until the climax was
Patterson failed to recall the proceed
ings of the previous caucus, but Bailey's
colleague, Culberson, was prepared with
a copy of those proceedings, and when he
had exhibited It. Patterson said that he
would not undertake to dispute the
record. He was inclined at first to charge
complicity to disparage him before his
colleagues in the country, but afterward
said he was not so much concerned over
the apparent Inconsistency on his own
part as he was over the effect that the
springing of the matter would have upon
the main issue, which was to exhibit to
the country the danger there is in caucus
Patterson Resents Slurs. '
Patterson said he had supposed his
speech in favor of the Santo Domingo
.treaty would be passed over, but the
caucus action was a censure on him. He
had made up his mind prior to the caucus.
He denied that he had any understanding
with lhe President about patronage or re
election, and said he liad only asked for
one appointment, which had been refused.
He expressed friendship and admiration
for the President. He thought the treaty
should be amended and. If it were not,
should take the new conditions Into con
sideration and vote accordingly. He de
nied he was in the habit of changing his
party, though admitting he left the Demo
crats in 3892 rather than support Cleve
land. He twitted Tillman with having
eaten crow and admitted having done so
himself. He had bolted nominations at
home and expected to do so again. He
called the caucus resolution reflncS
cruelty, stripping Senators of their inde
pendence and bringing tho Senate down
to the level of ordinary political meet
ings. Caucus rule ignored a Senator's
own connections and was a declaration
that Senators who could not be reached
by reason could be by fear. A Senator
who surrendered his convictions in hope
of patronage and the President who
promised it were guilty of bribery. Ho
reiterated that caucus rule deprived a
state of Its proper representation. Ho
would accept exclusion from party coun
cils, but expected to Join in nominating
a candidate for President who would
make as brave a fight for the people as
Mr. Boosevelt Is making.
Bailey Defends Caucus.
Patterson spoke for about an hour and
a half and was followed by Bailey. The'
Texas Senator began by saying that Pat
terson had proceeded thruaowt Ms.
speech on the false hypothesis that 'tho
Democratic .party had sought to cerce
him in the matter of casting his vote oa
the Santo Domingo treaty.. He also de
clared that Patterson bad-failed to unkr
stan the purport of the caucus reolu
Uon and his relationship tohis party
The caucus had simply defined-the duty
of Senators as members of the Democratic
party: it must be for him to determine.
his duty as a Senator In contradiction to J
ms duty as a Democrat,
Bailey then took up the defence tjf the
caucus system andf after calling attention -
to the fact that most candidatesilor elec-
tlve offices were chosen by caucuses, road
the proceedings of the caucus by which
Patterson was nominated and asked If he
considered that the samtf objections whichj
he had made to Senatorial . caucuses
should apply to caucuses for the choosing
of candidates.
Patterson replied that the caucuses were
not on the same footing because no oath"
.was taken In the caucuses for the" choos
ing of candidates.
Bailey did nol accept as valid the dif
ference. He said, that the members of
the-Colorado legislature must have ' tak
en an oath to perform their duties, in
cluding the election of United States
Senator. , . '
"If the reasoning of the Senator fronv
Colorado is -to be accepted every Senator
who holds his seat in thtfir-iiamfeer' as
-the result of a caucus is violating the
constitution," he" declared, adding that
almost all the Senators were bo chosen.
Had Bolted at Denver.
He said that Patterson himself had dis
proved the truth of his assertion that
caucus action was a cruel outrage, for
which 30 years after he h5d walked out
of a Democratic convention he had been'
chosen as a Democratic Senator.
Bailey called attention to Patterson's
statement concerning his Indorsement of.
a candidate for a chaplaincy in the Arm'.
His man was an Episcopalian and Pat
terson said that the President's secret
tary had replied that, as the man whose
place was to be filled was a Methodist, a
Methodist must be appointed to succeed
him. Bailey Jocularly took exception to
this As a violation of the constitution, de
claring that It was religious discrimina
tion. "I knew," he said, "that the country Is
divided on political, but did not know
that it was divided on religious lines.
Possibly that accounts for the large
church vote received by the President."
Roosevelt's Doctrine of Strife.
He then declared that Mr. Roosevelt
was tlie first President, living or dead,
who had declared In favor of strife as a
philosophy of life. He therefore consid
ered as an anomaly the support given to
the President by the Christian people.
Contending for the' necessity of unity in
party action. Bailey read a letter from
the President commenting on the Ulvided
counsels of the Democratic party.
"He practically says from start to fin
ish," said Bailey, "that, if the Democrats
believe what they say they do, fh'ey aro
fools; If not, they are liars."
Ho also quoted Irom Mr. Itoosevelt's
"Life of Beaton," a characterization of
Andrew Jackson as ""Ignorant and strong
hefcfed,' saHShe would, loarc It to
Patterson ib decide,whetber the Prcsi; !
.deal Vould .J'cieitcpnjpllBiented over the:!
Colorado Senator's coTnpartson of, lilm
' self' 5b -Jackson.
"Never 1cfore," said "Bailey, "'had a
President given such an. offense to Demo
crats as had the present occupant of the
White House and never before had politi
cal opponents been so ready to come to
the defense of a President."
"Lesson From Other Party.
He referred to the newspaper charge
that there was a conspiracy to defeat the
President's railroad rate bill. He was
himself pleased that the President Etood
for that policy asi lie was .willing to
say that but, for his advocacy, the ques
tion would receive scant attention,' yet he
must remind the country that the policy
was a' Democratic policy. That being
true, the Republican unity was remark
ablea lesson In party loyalty for Pat
terson. True, there were evidences of
independent action in the Senate.
"But," declared Bailey. "I predict that
the big stick will be waved in such a man
ner that a majority of the Republican
Senators will be brought to support the
President's railroad policy, even though it
be taken from a Democratic platform."
He expressed the opinion that the Pres
ident must have used very persuasive fig
ures to secure the .support of Patterson.
Bailey confessed himself to be a partisan,
contending that the majority In any party
must be permitted to prescribe party pol
icy, always leaving to the individual tho
right to leave a party with which he af
filiates. Not only does majority rule gov
ern In party management, but In business.
In the religious denominations and in all
other matters.
Majority Rules Everywhere.
"There Is not an organization under the
sun which does not subscribe to the ma
jority rule," he said, adding that he him
self subscribed to this rule, reserving the
right to withdraw.
Bailey then became somewhat more per
sonal toward Patterson, repeating a re
port which he had heard to the effect that
Patterson had bolted the last Democratic
caucus for Denver offices.
Patterson replied that the report was
entirely correct, saying that the Demo
cratic organisation was simply the tool of
the utility corporations of the city: that
these corporations nominated both the
Republican and Democratic tickets and
then blended the two. all the candidates
being pledged to continue the franchises
of the corporations.
Patterson Defends His Bolt.
"Without hesitation I bolted," he said.
"I refused to support that ticket, and did
the best I could to elect another ticket."
He declared that the ticket he supported
had been elected by a majority of 5000 or
6000, but that this result of the election
had been.prevented by raids on the ballot
boxes, resulting In great frauds.
Bailey interpreted the statement as an
admission that the Democratic parly was
composed of "rascals," but Patterson was
prompt to resent the use of the word. He
characterized It as an "insult." He de
clared tliat 90 per cent of the Democrats
of that city were honest, and Bailey re
plied that, if 90 per cent of the members
there allowed themselves to btf controlled
by 10 pec cent, the 90 per cent must be
fools, and he said: "I would as lief deal
with a rascal as a fool.'
He added the suggestion that the Sena
tor should not feel offended when he said
that "the Colorado Senator Is falling into
the habit of bolting, and that he did not
do what he has done as the result of a
principle of conduct."
Patterson replied that he did not feel
offended. "I have rccclvod the ukase of
the caucus," he said, "in perfect equanim
ity." He added that when "the caucus
undertakes to dictate to a Senator no as
to compel him to violate his conscience.
It is overstepping tho bounds of its au
thority." Patterson's Record Spmnp.
It was at .this juncture that the climax
of the day's proceedings, was reached.
Tills consisted In Bailey's bringing oat thV
.. XCeatlaued e& Fsgc i.)
Council by Majority Vote Rer
H fuse&.to1 Cancel
1 Permit. - -
Resolution Is Adopted Authorizing
rthe Mayor to AppolnCa Comrnlt-
tec of Three to Investigate
' Purthcr and Report.
v '
First Council refuses to eonnrxn
mtojrlty report of liquor license
committee reklng license of Rich
ards' place, and adopts minority re
port, empowering Mayor appoint
committer of three to hold another
Second Box ordinance referred
back to liquor license committee.
By a vote of S to 6, the City Council
last night decided to grant the Richards
place a temporary lease of life by re
fusing to confirm the report of the ma
jority of the liquor license committee
taking away the license. The question
came up on the adoption of the majority
report, Bennett, Masters. Rushlight,
Vaughn, Wallace and Wills voting to sus
tain It and put the establishment out of
business, so far as selling spirituous
liquors Is concerned, while Annand. Bel
ding, Dunning, Xellaher, Mcnefec, Pres
ton, Sharkey and Shepherd were in favor
of the minority report, which, after re
citing that the signers were not satisfied
that the evidence was sufficient to justify
revoking Richards' license, requested the
Mayor to appoint a committee of three
from the Council with full power to In
vestigate every detail of the situation
and report back. Councilman Gray was
absent, having gone to Los Angeles.
The minority report was signed by An
nand and Shepherd, of the liquor license
committee, while Masters, Vaughn. WHls
and Wallace had attached their signatures
.1o the .Andlnra of the inaJorltv. . As boon
as tho two reports wcretrcL. Vaijxhn
Tnoved"it;adoptJn-ot tho 'majority UiKln
Rushlight seconded.
Shepherd? moved to amend by substitut
ing the minority report. Preston second
ed. The discussion that ensued was of
an acrimonious charactcrjlo a large ex
tent, both Council men Vsojchn and Shep
herd being exceedingly ffrec with their
satirical shafts in each other's direction.
While the former was In the midst of one
of his rhetorical flights, the latter called
him to order on the ground that he was
talking to the galleries Instead of tho
Vaughn resented this in heated fashion,
and after accusing Shepherd of ignoring
conclusive evidence In the Richards' case,
exclaimed, "I don't wonder that he comes
back with the slur that I am talking to
the galleries."
Municipal Association Delegation.
A big delegation from the Municipal
Association present applauded Vaughn
vociferously, and their moral support had
the effect of encouraging him to proceed.
He could cee no use for the members of
the Council deceiving v themselves any
longer by asking the Mayor to appoint
a new committee, he said.
"If we have no Intention of revoking
Richards' license, let us come out like
men and say so, and not take up the
time of the Council in quibbling any
Masters got the floor and was cheered
loudly by the audience, among whom were
Revs. F. Burgette Short, Clarence True
Wilson, W. E. Nelson Allen, H. W. Stone,
Secretary of the Y. M. C A.; John Bain,
H. D. Wagnon. A. S. Pattullo, J. A. Pat
erson, EL H. Habighorst and Mrs. Wood
cock. The Councilman said that the mi
nority report had a tendency to create the
Inference that there had been no Inves
tigation In the Richards case, whereas
Richards himself had testified at the hcar-
Claude A. Swaatea.
Claude A. Swanson was inaugu
rated as Governor of Vlrslnla on
February- 1, succeeding Andrew
Jackson Montague. He rave up the
office of Representative in. Congress
to take the Governor's chair. The
new Governor, advocates: state regu
lation ' of railroad4 rates "aad Inaur-'ance..
Ing and had been afforded the opportunity
of calling witness, the evidence Wing
sufficient in the minis of a Majority of
tho committee that the licence ought to
be revoked.
"I am on record to cancel the license."
ho exclaimed, "and-nroald vote the same
way again If neceseary-r; remark that
elicited renewed applause" from the big
crowd-of spectators present;.
Annand contended that no conclusive
evidence had been presented -to the .com
mittee that any wrengfur kctKadibecn'
committed, and at tills" Juncture' Shepherd
got tho floor.
''As I am the sole champlonof vice In
the Council," said he, "and as my fellow"
sufferer in Iniquity (referring to Masters)
has Just been absolved from evil, ' I will'
undertake to tell the members or this
body that, they -was not enough' cvlfenecj
produced oeiore tne comnuuee 10 nang a,
yellow dog." ' '-r" . r
Vaughn May I ask. you a question?
Shepherd No, sir. j
Vaughn Then I shall refrain 'from ask
ing you why you would be willing to ac
cept the report of the special committee
appointed by the Mayor any more than
you aro averse to adopting the report of
tho liquor license committee.
Shepherd Oh,. I thought you were going
to ask rcc something about hydraulic
rams, or something equally irrelevant.
.Calls Investigation Farce.
Shcpbtrrf-tbcfKen.Uo5'Rnd denounced
the Richards investigation as a farce, say
ing that H. D. Wagnon and Mrs. Lola O.
Baldwin, while ready enough to tell what
they had heard about the Richards place,
were unwilling to give the committee the
names of their Informants or put the
body'in'a position to secure any testimony
except of a hearsay character.
'They all claimed to have positive evi
dence In their pockets," he exclaimed,
vehemently, "but they kept It there and
expected the committee to tako their
words for it."
Upon a voto being taken, the majority
report was' rejected and that of the mi
nority adopted as a' substitute.'
Power to Suspend.
Under a suspension of the rules, the
Council passed Shepherd's ordinance
clothing future investigating committees
of the body with power to subpena wit
nesses at hearings and force them to tes
tify under penalty of misdemeanor pun
ishment. This measure was intended to
fit the Richards case, and will probably
be utilized at the hearing unless it should
fall to become a law.
Mayor Lane did not Indicate last night
wiom he would appoint as the special
coxAmlttee of Investigation, and In any
event Richards has been given a new
lease of life by the action or the Council.
. Xot Satisfied With Proof.
Annand stated afterward that he did
not wish it inferred that be would not
vote to cancel the license, providing satis
factory proof was presented. Ho safd
"that he was not ready to yield to public
clamor and take sncp Judgment on any-bd-
feu t if ffood and sufficient evidence
"was'Soiiuecd and Richards was given
dftf IfhU. sjb; wcld vine as quickly, a J
anybody to revoke his license It he con
sidered him guilty. Preston also accord
ed with Annand's - views in the matter.
When' asked If" he wished' to make any
statement. Thomas L. Richards, proprie
tor of the establishment that has lately
occupied so much public attention, last
night declared that he was willing to
rest his case in the committee's hands.
Box Ordinance Re-Referred.
The box ordinance submitted by the
liquor license 'committee was referred
back to that committee and the commit
tee on health and police by the following
voto: Ayes, Annand, Boldlng, Dunning,
Kellaher, Mencfce. Preaton, Shepherd;
nays, Bennett. Masters. Rushlight,
Vaughn. Wallace and Wills, The mem
bers of the Council were not sufficiently
familiar with the ordinance to put It upon
its final passage. In effect it Is the
present box ordinance, with the hotel
clause eliminated.
lie Makes Comment on Dr. Brough-
cr's Latest Statement.
The statement from me published in
this mtrning's Oregonian following'
the statement of Dr. Brougher might
be understood to refer to the latter,"
said Councilman Masters last night,
"when, in fact, I did not sec the doc
tor's statement until I read it in The
Oregonian this morning. I am perfect
ly satisfied to consider the incident
closed. There is one qualification I
want to make In closing the matter,
however, and that Is that I do not
thereby agree to accept the hobby of
every crank and fanatic that attempts
to pose as a reformer In this commu
nity. 'The official member of Taylor-Street
Church to whom the doctor refers
will probably continue to contend that
I am countenancing the ungodly li
cense policy by serving on the liquor
license committee in the Council, al
though his resolution to that effect
was overwhelmingly tabled by the of
ficial board of the church, and from
following the lead of such fanatics I
shall at all times expect to be excused."
"Wrecked Steamer Maricdian 'Drifted
800 Miles Before Gales.
SEATTLE, Feb. ".A talc of drifting
SM miles at the mercy of the sea. cov
ering a period of over 30 days. Is told
by Nee Quo!, a Chinese boatswain, res
cued from the wrecked steamer Marie
cnan In False Bay. on the Alaskan coast,
is one of the most marvelous stories of
drifting known to mariners on tho Pacific
Coast. The Mariechan encountered her
first difficulty about miles off Capo
Flattery, when she suddenly sprang a
leak. Work on the pumps was interrupted
by clogging and for days the boat drift
ed, while the crew worked night and day
with hand buckets to keep the ship afloat.
From December 23 to January 28 this
work was kept up and the engineers were
soon able to use the upper boilers. Small
headway was made and then the awnings
were sewed together into a large sail.
This ae almost enough headway for
steerage room, but not sufficient to keep
the Mariechan from striking in Chatham
Straits In a heavy northwest gale.
Thirty-nine members of the crew suc
ceeded. In making the shore, where they
lay for four dayealjaest perishing in the
cold, finally beteg rescued by the Georgia
and taken to. Jaseau. From there the
refugees were tikn to this city, where
they were allowwitev huML EastT night
tbey -left. forPsrt Towasend oa the
steamer d , .
'Chamberlain Issues Manifesto
Concerning British Tar-
" iff ?Questiori;
protcctionbe Leader Denies He
Wants to Oust Balfour, But Ad-Bilts-PJans
for Separate Organ
ization in Commons.
LONDON. Feb. S. (Special.) Joseph
Chamberlain apostle of a protective
.tariff for Great Britain and the only one
of tho great leaders of the Conservative
party to secure election to tho next House
of Commons by an increased majority,
gave the He direct to ex-Premier Balfour
and his friends last night, when he Issued
a statement denying in toto the charges
of tho Balfourltes that he aspired to the
leadership of the party In the next
Wants Balfour to Speak Out.
His statement Is a lengthy document
and was made public through the medium
of Lord Ridley, chairman of the Tariff
Reform League. Mr. Chamberlain sounds
the keynote of reorganization when- he
demands a caucus of the party leaders
who can discuss question of policy and
decide who shall have the responsibility
of leading the forlorn hope against Sir
Henry Campbell.-Bannerman. He asks that
Mr. Balfour regain the confidence of the
Conservative party by making a clear
statement, showing that the question of
tariff reform will not be dropped, but
indicating in unmistakable terms that it
will be tho programme of the future un
less the majority of the party favor some
other measures.
Will Continue the Fight.
Mr. Chamberlain declares- that he will
continue to advocate his policy and keep
it before the people, not only in the
House of Commons but also at all by-
elections that may be held to fill va-.
cancles. He urges a more democratic
system of control of the Central Con
servative organization, so as to make less
autocratic- the non-representative mem
bers. The manifesto; it la thought, will only
intensify and nbc-cfear.'up the dlr-jgBlotr-i
in th6 Conservative' party. It pwceMr. j
Balfour on tho horns of a dilemma, as ho
has got to choose between Chamberlain
and the. older members of the Conserva
tive organization, and no matter which
way he decides a party split seems sure
to. result.
Agrees to Chamberlain's Wish Pro
tection Leader's Letter.
LONDON, Feb. 7. A. J. Balfour has
Anally acceded to Joseph Chamberlain's
wish that a call be mado for a general
meeting of the ynlonlst party, which it
Is expected will be fixed for February 15,
though no details have yet been settled.
In the meantime Mr. Chamberlain has
issued an Important manifesto, which,
while accentuating rather than lessening
the party tension, still leaves Mr. Bal
four a bridge over which to cross Into
the tariff reform camp. Otherwise, be
yond exactly defining Mr. Chamberlain's
position, the letter leaves matters much
as they were before.
Cbamberlalnlte newspapers this morn
ing apparently assume that Mr. Balfour
will cross the bridge, for they head Mr.
Chamberlain's letter, "The Crisis Ended."
"A United Party," etc, and editorialize
in the same strain: The suggestion, how
ever, is made by the Chronicle that Mr.
Chamberlain has abandoned the frontal
attack on ' Mr. Balfour In favor of an
enveloping movement in an attempt to
capture th6 party machinery.
That Mr. Chamberlain has no Idea of
abandoning tariff agitation is shown by
his declaration of an intention to form
his own parliamentary group. He also
in his letter suggests that questions of
social reform now arising will require
large revenues, the raising of which may
SB(er Eareae Hale. ef MaJae.
Senator Eugene Hale, of Maine,
is said by Washington correspond
ents to hare succeeded Senator Aid
rich as Republican leader -in the
upper house. His speech in aaswer
to Senator Tillman's "pitchforking"
the- President, attracted much Botlce
be Indirectly connected with tariff pol
icy. This Is regarded as a bid for the
support of the new Labor party.
Mr. Chamberlain says:
AH that there is In the proposition Is
which- policy the; Unionist party proposes to
adopt for the future. It is- absolutely untrue
that any ultimatum has been presented to
Mr. Balfour on this subject, either by me
or by any one else. I have asked for a
meeting of the party In order that there may
be a frank and friendly discussion of the
matter, because to me It always seemed es
sential to successful leadership that the Iead
.er should be thoroughly and personally ac
quainted from time to time with the views
and wishes of his followers. ,
Mr. Chamberlain describes the various
shades of opinion among tariff reformers,
denies that an attempt was made to im
pose on Mr. Balfour, as a condition for
the union of the party, the exclusion -of
those declining to accept" the whole pro
gramme of the tariff reformers, but he
adds that it would be dishonest to pre
tend that the free-fooders, who, while
nominally supporting Mr. Balfour, op
posed' his policy, are in the same net
-with the tariff reformers and retallation
Ists. Later on Mr. Chamberlain says:
My own belief Is that the great majority
of the party. If. not all. are perfectly ready
to accept Mr. Balfour's genera! leadership.
I think it probable, however, that the ma
jority would welcome a declaration by Mr.
Balfour which would show clearly that tarlf?
reform trill not be dropped, and which would
Indlcata a definite and unmistakable pro
gramme for the future to which they could
give hearty support.
Opposed to Split in Party.
Discussing the possibility of tariff re
formers being associated with the mi
nority as a party, Mr. Chamberlain says
it would be unnecessary and unwise for
them to separate themselves from the
party as a whole or from the general
leadership. "They may. however," he ex
plains, "properly constitute themselves
Into a parliamentary group or commit
tee." ' He suggests that they meet at the call
of their own whips, and agree as to what
action is to be taken, and when they
might properly ring forward their views
before the House, adding significantly:
"These occasions probably will arise
more frequently than supposed." Con
cluding his letter, Mr. Chamberlain says:
"Tho taV.ff reformers cannot accept a
policy of inaction and mystification in re
gard to the main subject of their political
Service in. Rosklidc CathcdraLAva-
lanche of Flowers. -
COPENHAGEN, Feb. 7. The jn con
taining the body of King Cr .an will,
at the beginning of the sr t at Ros
klldc. the former capltr Denmark,
be placed before the Jr altar of the
cathedral, whence it be carried by
dignitaries of the kii.,uom to its resting
place on the east side of the church.
Here it will be deposited within a hand
some sarcophagus.
The coffin is of massive oak with two
bronze plates inscribed with passages
from the Bible. At the foot of tho coffin
Is King Christian's monogram affixed In
bold characters. It Is flanked with palms.
There is a constant stream of cabs and
vans bearinsr wreaths of flowers to and
from Amallenberg, A number of sliver-
wreaths have been received and subscrip
tions haye been opened for a golden
wreath to be laid on the bier by school
children. The royal chamberlain is over
whelmed with the work of arranging the
details for the reception of foreign guests
on the day of the funeral.
The Slotskierke, a somber building ad
Joining the burned Chris tlanborjr Palace,
is being prepared for the public lying-Instate.
The Weather.
TESTERDATS Maximum temperature. 52
deg-.; minimum. 3S. No precipitation.
TODAY'S Increasing cloudiness; easterly
Chamberlain Issues manifesto denying he
wants leadership, but Insists on tariff Issue.
Page 1.
Russia fears American encroachments in Si
beria. Page C
King Christian lying In state Page 1,
Patterson and Bailer have warm colloquy In
Senate about caucus action. Page X.
President gaining adherents and will carry
all Important bills through Congress.
Pag 1.
President orders rigid inquiry into Valencia
disaster. Page 3.
House- closes debate on rates and will vote
today. Page 2.
Apostate Mormon testifies strongly against
Sraoot. Pago 4.
Wallace gives Cromwell another hit. Page 2.
"Wooster admits Collier hired him to testify
against Mann. Page 8.
Northern Pacific to Issue bonds for tight with
St. Paul road in Clearwater valley.
Page 4.
Move to prosecute coal railroads for engag
ing in coal mining. Page 4.
Lawsoa claims control of New Tort Life and
Mutual Life. Page 3.
Woman suffrage convention opens. Page 3.
Portland man robbed at 1 Paso. Page S.
Pacific Coast.
Eight Farmers Institutes to be held In Rogue
RlTer Valley thla month. Pag? 5.
Cruiser Marblehead's crew mutinied while in
Southern seas. Page 5.
Drunken sailors mutiny aboard steamer
Indianapolis at San Francisco. Page 3.
Policeman shoots would-be bad man at Sno
homish, Wash., In Btreet duel. Page 5.
Attorney-General holds law of 1005 comoels
. appointment of County Health officers. Page
Valencia Inquiry continues at Victoria: Seattle
Chamber of Commerce demands protection
for North Coaat shipping. Page 5.
Crew of ship Challenger, burned on Japanese
- coast, reaches Seattle. Page 5.
Commercial aad Mariae.
Wheat trading dull In local market. Page 13.
San Francisco potato market demoralized.
Page- 13. i
Stock dealing slow at New York. Page 13.
Active selling weakens Chicago wheat market.
Page 13.
Lighthouse Board asks for new specifications
and bids on lightship No. 57. Page 12.
Bottle thrown from steamship Roanoke drifts
assore near mouth pf Slletz River. Page 12.
Portland and Vicinity.
Mysterious person senda damaging evidence
against W. C. Bristol to Washington. Page
Council refuses to revoke Richards license.
Page 1.
Ceroaers Jury finds train wreck at Bridal
Veil was unavoidable. Page 9.
Gas as distributed la Portland a menace to
life. Psgc S.
Rival roaila on north bank In the Vancouver
"" Court over right of way. Page 8.
Health Board will ask Legislature to ecKab
. iLsfi - opes-alr sanatoria for consumptive.
Page. 12i
Maud Sheek adults telling untruth about
assault. Paga 0.
Grangers advised not to buy fake stock food.
Page 12.
St. Johns Council votes against liquor license.
Page 7.
Writer of sens for Insurance company awarded
9SiO in suit for compensation. Page 12.
Story of tho killing- of Mah Sntf told at inquest.
Page 19.
Multnomah Democratic Club decides to work
fer eadlnr of perpetual franchises, espe
cially that at the Portland Gas Company.
Pag 14.
MaUaosftfch Republic Leagse organized for
the oafapaigB. Page 3-
Congress Will Pass
"VVhole Programme.
Democrats Only Serve to Unite
Bate Bill Iiikcly to Puss Senate and
Dominican Treaty Be Ratified,
Thanks to Tillman undr
Bailey's Speeches.
jfcgton, Feb. 7. President Boosevelt Is
gaining strength day by day, his influ
ence over legislation is becoming greater
and greater, and the prospects are that
by the end of the session he will have
secured practically everything that he
asked of Congress. His whole programme
Is likely to bo carried out.
Democrats Make Votes Tor Him.
Nothing is strengthening the President
more than the repeated attacks by Demo
cratic Senators, such, for instance, as
the assault made by Bailey today. It Is
not to be denied that there has been a
strong feellns against the President on
the Republican side of the Senate, and
there has been a suppressed feeling of
resentment at hla attempted Interference
In the work of Congress, but the tactics
pursued by tho Democrats, intended to
align Republican Senators against the Ad
ministration, have quite an opposite ef
fect, and are steadily strengthening the
hand of the Administration. The re
peated assaults of the Democrats are lit
erally driving Republican Senators into
the Roosevelt camp.
Probably the greatest good that will
result from this move will bo the passage
of a railroad rate bill along the general
unc3'Ialnrawn-by- the President in his
annual message. Democratic chastise
ment has made It Impossible for Repub
lican Senators to stand out against the
President and his plan, and what is true
of the rate bill applies with equal force
to other Administration measures, partic
ularly thtf Santo Domingo treaty.
Bailey's Assault Helps Him.
It is acknowledged by prominent Sena
tors, who have been, out of harmony with
tho Administration for the past few
months, that the course pursued by the
Democratic Senators recently has made
the President stronger than ever before,
and the more the Democrats assail him
the more stanchly the Republicans will
be compelled to support him. Senator
Bailey's speech today, which was a more
severe arraignment of tho President than
even the fiery speech which Senator Till
man delivered a short time ago, was un
expected campaign material for the
friends of the President. It will make
solid Republican vote3 In places where
the Administration has been receiving
little support and no sympathy.
Oregon Sheepmen Say They Are
Driven From Wenaha Reserve.
ington, Feb. 7. Forestry officials ore con
fronted with a grazing problem In Oregon
the solution of which will have general in
terest. When the question Is settled,
stockmen will know how they are to pro
ceed ' in settling questions of fact be
tween forest officials and those seeking
tho right to use the range.
Recently the Umatilla County Wool
growers Association sent a protest to
Senator Fulton against Washington sheep
on the Oregon side of the Wenaha re
serve. Forestry officials said the rule
adopted was to allow stock from a neigh
boring state to cross the stato boundary ,
In a reserve, where such stock had been
accustomed to range there prior to estab
lishing tho reserve.
Replying to this, th Umatilla sheepmen
have sent to Senator Fulton a statement
that jnuch range used by Washington
stockmen on the Oregon side in the past
has 'been through wrongful invasion of
Oregon territory. They allege that Wash
ington men who have been running sheep
across the line havo 174,000 sheep on the
reserve, while Oregon men have but 25,000.
Large bands of Washington sheep have
been run far south on this tract before
Oregon men could get to the ground In
the Spring, and when the Oregon herders
arrived they were kept back, say the
stockmen. As a result of the department's
action they hold that at least 37,000 Ore
gon sheep entitled to the reserve are kept
Tho case is one of fact, and it is the
purpose of Senator Fulton to have the
stockmen present their case with such
force as to prove their contention. It will
be a contest between stockmen and the
forest supervisor, who has made the rec
ommendation to the department.
Improve Willapa River.
ington, Feb. 7. The Secretary of War to
day sent to Congress a report on tho
project for the improvement of Willapa
River, Washington, from South Bend to
Raymond. He concurs in the recommen
dations of the Army Engineers that $23.
000 be expended In providing a 12-foot
channel In thl3 stretch of river, and asks
for an annual allowance of 5S0O for maintenance