THE MORNING OBBGONIAN- WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY T, 1906. 13 WASTED AGENTS. A.GKCTS NEW MONEYMAKER: HOUSE hold necessity; 2,000,000 Bold; costs 6c sells 2c: outfit free. Domestic Mfff. Co., Minne apolis. Minn. WANTED TO KENT. wanted to rent houses cottages, flatsTrooming houses. Stores, etc. Our rental department has been enlarged and provided with additional staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer pemoaal attention to and continuous turrvleton over all property Intrusted to our Care. Portland TRUST company of orbgon. E. K. Cor. Sd and Oak sts. Phone Est. 72 WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTIES S or 4-room unfurnished fiat, walking distance from Oregonlan bids.: rent must be reason able. Phone East 4917. D SO, Oregonlan. "WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES, flats, rooming-houses, stores, etc Sherwood & Boyt. 205& Morrison St., room 3. Main 4782. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Highest cash price paid tor fur- niture In any quantity; also take a&mo on commission and guarantee best results. The Portland Auction Rooms, A. Schubach, prop. Phone Main 5055. 2U 1st St. SECOND' - HAND MACHINERY. BOILERS, engines, pumps, pulleys, belting:, chatting-, bought, eold, rented or exchanged. "Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington St. Pacific 70S. ."WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHIMJ and shoes; highest price paid. Call .at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 51.. fWE NEED FURNITURE AND "WILL PAY full value Western Salvage Co.. 627 "Wash inxton fit. ANYTHING CAN BE STORED "WITH PORT land "Warehouse & Trans. Co. East 5007. ."WANTED USE OF PIANO FOR STORAGE. Good care given. "V 82, Oregonlan. "WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT 11 e of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR BENT. Rooms. THE ANTLERS THIS ELEGANT NEW hotel will be opened to the public about February 10 under new management, 'lae hotel while closed has undergone very ex tensive alterations and almost entirely re furnished, those desiring a tmfortable home with all modern conveniences In the ttntlMl IriMLtlnn in the cltv will find it here. Rooms with private bath, single or n "suite, rates reasonable. Teiepnonc juain 2833. Mrs. F. II. Powers, prop. FURNISHED ENTIRELY NEW THROUGH out and Just reopened unCer new manage ment 75 elegantly furnished rooms and suites In new brick building; strictly up-to-date and respectable; steam heat, hot and 'oia running water, electric ugnts, cjui bells, etc; some elegant front suite?, with or without private hathE, at very reanon able rates. The Oxford, cor. 6th and Oak. Phone Main 88. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. 12 per week up: eteam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone: dining-room In connection; transients solicited; open all night; best location in the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. THE AUDITORIUM. 2084 3d St.. bet. Taylor si baimon. l bik. eouth Baker Theater Ele gant furnished brick building, steam heat, hot and cold running water in rooms, free baths, rooms with private baths; elevator; Wc day, $3 week up; reasonable monthly. BWELLEST ROOMING-HOUSE IN PORT Isxd Stone and brick bldg.. elegantly fur nished: electric lights, hot and cold water. furnace heat, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar- jnenius, 410 Morison cor. nth. Main ssra, HOTEL KENTON, NEW. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, gas, electric light!, hot and cold water in rooms, steam beat, free baths. IStb and Washington. Pacific 496. NICE FRONT ROOM WITH RUNNING water and furnace heat, free phone and bath: also connecting side room; reasonable 403 Morrison. FOR RENT ONE UNFURNISHED ROOM. large, with bath. Oak and 7th; ul table for two; rent 510. Apply G. N. W. Wilson Co., 2 cm st. THE MAYFAIR NEW BRICK. ELEGANT- ly furnished; nothing to equal It in Port' land; very central; 5th and Stark sts. Main 2057. 25314 13TH PRIVATE FAMILY, KLE gantly furnished rooms, house new, every convenience; gentlemen only; reasonable. FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE ROOMS OR eu tsulte, modern, well furnished, board if desired. 334 N. 17th st., cor. Couch. NICELY FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms; private house, right down town; nice residence district. 308 Salmon. 4CS TAYLOR. NEAR 13TH TWO NICELY furnished front rooms; furnace heat, mod ern conveniences: rent reasonable LARGE AIRY ROOM. EXCELLENT neighborhood: bath, gas, phone, heat. JSC 14th, near Yamhill. No sign. PLEASANT FRONT SUITE IN PRIVATE house, four block. South Hotel Portland; home comfort. 2504 0th. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM, BATH, heat, phone: suitable for one or two; good location. 229 13th. LARGE FRONT ROOM, 54 PER "WEEK, 3 windows, furnace heat, private family, cen tral. 394 Yamtill. PRIVATE RESIDENCE, WALKING Dis tance, front rooms, new beds; $2-$2.50 week for two. 292 10th. NICE. Sl'NNY. PLEASANT FURNISHED room, with all modern conveniences. 105 loth, corner Taylor. FINE COMFORTABLE ROOMS. MODERN house. Inquire 201 10th, cor. Taylor. Phone Main 4394. 39 ALDER ST., COR. 1 0TH NEWLY FUR nlshed suite and buikIo room; bath, heat, light; reasonable. ONE ALCOVE AND ONE SINGLE ROOM for rent reasonable at 147 10th st. Phone Main 5590. NICE OUTSIDE SLEEPING ROOM. HEAT, light, bath, phone; 512 a week. 72 N. 14th. THE COSMOS Furnished, unfurnished rooms: transients solicited. 26814 Morrison, cor. 4th. FINE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, HEAT light, bath: $10 per month. 2S N. 16th st. FURNISHED ROOM. ALL MODERN CON venlcnces, close In, price moderate. 3C7 3d. FURNISHED ROOMS MODERN CONVEN lences. 203 14th. Phone Main 3S03. FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE GENTLE man. 301 W. Park. Phone Main 3978. Rooms With Board. TOURAINE." 1SS 7TH, BET. YAMHILL niui uiMira, reasonable: table board; $4 week. XHE HAWTMUKMS, 221 13TII Tirwurc with good board, reasonable; monthly rates THE SANTA CLARA. 295 10TH CT.Ptfl a-n?t room, nicely furnished, with or wlthour Doaro; rearonaoic BRIGHT ROOM WITH BOARD. QUITE T - E INGLE FRONT ROOM OR SUITE OF rooms, modern, first-class table board. 33x4 N. 17th st. BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO. PRIVATE family. $45; 4 blocks Portland Hotel. Phone .11 am it3. 16SVj 10TH LARGE HANDSOME FRONT D95 12TH ROOM AND BOARD FOR 1 OR 2; modem improvements; private family; reosonaDie, THE SOUTHERN ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite, with board; reasonable rates. 370 lamhill. uOOD HOME. BEST OF CARE GIVEN AGED or in valid ' lady. For particulars phone -Main Front suite, nice for 3; also single room, porce lain bath, good table, rsonable. 391 Columbia ISO 1STH. CORNER GLISAN FIRST-CLASS iw uu dihltq, sioaera. private nome. NEWLY AND COMPLETELY FURNISHED houseKeepmg rooms. 227 Montgomery. tHB OSARK, 225 11TH ST. ROOMS AND wem, , "jiu naicr; uiDia ooaraers. ItO&MS WITH EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD home cooking; reasonable 175 14th. MODERN HOMELIKE PLACE, FINE RBSI descc Phone Pacific 022. FOR RENT. Keens WtUt Bear. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. J 30th rL, cor. Morrison: most eon venlent: fitm-class location in city for busi ness jwetde; fine roosts, nicely furnished; steam seat, porcelain bathe, plenty Ot hot water, handsome dining-room; Eastern cook ing, with first-class table service at reas onable rates to permanent people; table boarders accommodated. . THE CARLETON. Newly ana elegantly furnishes; excellent cuisine iand service: apartments fer bach elors; attractively located at 12th asd Al der eta. Phone Pacific 1347. AN INNOVATION FOR GENTLEMEN 389 Aider st., "adjoining the Arlington Club," has been thoroughly renovated and refur nished In elegant style by Mrs. A. Monk; board supplied If desired; "the best ot Eng lish cooking"; satisfactory references must be furnished. THE COLONIAL DINING-ROOM, COR. 10TH ana Morrlran st. Open to -table boaraenr; centrally -located: with direct street entrance; $5 per week; table and service first-clans. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YJEAR; rooms with board; use of eewing-rooa; use ef library; "Woman's Exchange. Adres Mrs. 22. B. Hamlin, SupL. 10 Flanders. BLAKELY HALL, 270 CTH ST. NICE rooms with first-class board; terms reason able; one of the beat private boarding houses In city. Phone Main 2631. PLEASANT. LARGE ROOM AND BOARD, modern .conveniences. Reasonable. Private family. 467 E. Ankeny-flth. , Flats. 6-ROOM FLAT. ENTIRELY SEPARATE, elegant bath, strictly modern: rent reason able 551 Taylor. Inquire Graves. Music Store. 328 Washington st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN FLAT WITH gas range and water heater Installed. 303$ E. Sth st. Apply phone Main 20L Page & Son, 120 Front st. NEW 5 AND 8-ROOM FLATS WITH ALL modern conveniences, to rent at reduced rent. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablng ton bldg. MODERN 6 ROOMS, 551 WASHINGTON ST.. flat A, steam heat. Inquire Dr. Templetcn, room 10, Hamilton bldg. Phone Red 3191. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT . WITH BATH and laundry.-room. 7th and Oak sts.; $35. Apply G. N. W- Wilson Co., 72 0th st. 621 EVERETT THOROUGHLY MODERN 5 roem steam-heated flat, excellent neighbor hood. Morgan, 513 McKay bldg. ' FOR RENT MODERN NEW UPPER 7 room flcn 190 17th St., near TaaabUL In quire 169 16th st.. near Taylor, COMPLETELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM FLAT, close in: reasonable to desirable parties. Main 4144. 425 Taylor st. LOWER OR UPPER PART OF HOUSE, furnished; gas, phone and furnace. Call afternoons, 703 Irvine st. SIX-ROOM UPPER FLAT. MODERN CON venlencos, comer East 12th and Ankeny. Phono Main 654C FOR RENT BASEMENT OF 3 ROOMS, rent $10, Oak and 7th. Apply G. N. W. Wlbwn Co.. 72 6th. MODERN FLAT, 7 ROOMS. ALL LIGHT, nunny; porches, attic, lawn. 741 Overton. Phone Pacific 1249. BEAUTIFUL 3-ROOM FLAT, ELEGANTLY luroisneo, modern, central. 428 so. 2 to a, 547 MORRISON UPPER 4-ROOM FLAT, light and water included. Phone Main 5033. MODERN 0-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT FOR rent, 390H 4th st. Phone Pacific 625, 5-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT, 3 BLOCKS irom poruana iioteu I'none .Mam FLAT, 201 PARK ST. CALL 305 WASH lngton U Hontckeeplnr Roeras THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hlll New house, elegantly famished apart ments, in suites of 2, 8 and 4 roosts; hot and cold water: gas range la each kitchen; eteam heat, baths; free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms In best brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc; no transients; prices moderate. Logan block. 1084 Union ave., corner E. Alder. Phone East 4624. THE JEFFERSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON ST. btrictir -modem Z ana s-room furnished houqekeeplng apartments, free phone, fur nace heat, plenty hot water, elegant porce lain bathtubs; outside rooms. $1.50 WEEK NEW, CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with furnace heat, laundry, bath, lots of hot water: gas range, large yard, comer Commercial and Stanton sU., Albino. 47 STH. ABOVE MAIN, FIRST FLOOR, 2 and 3-room front housekeeping suites; all light rooms; alRo suites on second, floor; electric lights; prices low. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS for light housekeeping; batn and gas, for respectable couple or 2 ladles; $12 per month. 403 let St.. Flat F. FOR RENT TWO LARGE ROOMS, UNFUR- nisnea, on let noor, moaera; no children; suitable for housekeeping. ICS N. 12tb, near Irvine. C31 WASHINGTON ST. NICELY FUR- nishea, with gas range, tree phone, hot -water all the time; suites $19 and $12 per month. TWO UNFURNISHED: ALSO SINGLE FUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms; water, sink, pantry. 67 N. 9th. Landlady. 101 30th. 51.75 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FUR- nisnea Housekeeping rooms, laundry ana bath. 181 .Sherman, South Portland. 2 CLEAN. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms; bath, phone; gas, furnace, pantry; reference. 053 Irving st. TWO CONNECTING FURNISHED ROOMS, ras ana wooa stover, cneap to gooa tenant. Phone Front 191. 322 14th ht. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms, water, phone and bath. 173 E. Cth st.. comer Yamhill. 215 10TH BEAUTIFUL FRONT AND BACK parlor connecting kitchen, furnished for housekeeping; ground floor. THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED HOUSD- keeplng rooms, sink, hot and cold water. Phone Main 3CS7. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING. AND SLEEP- mg rooms, close in; ?i week up; bath. Su ICth, near Stark. 327 3D ST. TWO OR THREE ROOMS. FUR- nishca tor noutCKeeping, ground floor, very convenient; cheap. TWO FINE HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. NEW- ly nnwheo. one locauon, vest side. 420 Commercial bldg. LIGHT. CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, clncle or en suite, close In; gas, phone, bath. 241 Ctu. ONE LARGE WELL-FURNISHED FRONT room for housekeeping; no children. 4S8 Everett st. SAVE TIME AND CAR FARE: BRICK building lor housekeepers. 211& 2d and Salmon. 335 CLAY. CORNER 7TH NICELY FUR nl&hed housekeeping rooms. Phone Main 4511. THREE SUNNY FRONT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 447 Montgomery at.; references. 3 ELLA ST. Furnished houseKeeplag roosas, all conveniences for homelike people. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE- Kcepinir rooms. 321 7th. cor. Clay. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms. 492 Market st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING reasonable 105 E. 6th sU ROOMS, 435 ALDER ST. FURNISHED BASEMENT, aiiemoon. HeHses. 16 NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. PORCE laln plumbing. 746 E. Clinton st. Phone J&8t OA31. fine view. Inquire 913 Kellj" L; take S SEC-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. G30 EAST aaoison sx. Apply .urant Phegley. 9 7th et. TTrtTICnS TTOTJ T?VVT 1PTTTTt Btrtm svo tt- furnished. Hatfield & Smith. 1854 4th it. 5-ROOM HOUSE WITH GAB AND BATH. 325 lwtn su. near jaarxet. Phone Main 8913. $15 FOR RENT. NEWV XODEDN 5-ROOM cottage, iMu x. iam. cor. iaggaru Main 6779. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE, S. E. COR. 1st ana Mcaae. inquire 709 1st st. FOR RENT HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS WITH bath. Inquire 425 7th. OR KENT. A MONEY-MAKER. 25 rooms. 545 Washington at.. 2d and 34 floors of Kubstantlal brick building: this has been a money-maker at $100 per month; rent now $75 per month; lease if desired. Two good rtorerooms, Washington St., each $25 per month. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, s. E. Comer Third and Oak. Phone Ear change 72. GOOD HOME. Owner vacatlnc attractive home of nine room, fireplace, gas. two nice bedrooms downstairs, yard, playnoace; cheap to rixht person; walking distance to business center. Portland Trust Co. Phone Exchange 72. $17 5-ROOM HOUSE. NEWLY PAINTED and papered: porcelain bath, modern, us Marshall, bet. 17 th and ISth. Inquire Barton. Oregonlan business office. FOR RENT MODERN G-ROOM HOUSE. close w. b li. tUi st. near a. i-vcrcii. Inquire at S3 E. 7th. Price $28; nicely lo cated. Pbcne East S11L HOUSE, S89 HARRISON ST.. MODERN. 8 rooma; Cat 173 East 1 5th sC. modern. 5 rooms. Apply owner, Falrchlld. 232 Sher lock bide KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 1665. Office. 110 N. 3d st. DONALD O. WOODWARD, 26 STARK ST. Rests and l&suranoe. Psoas Mala ADMINISTRATOR OF jraTATSW. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 394 JACKSON sj.. $55; furniture for sale. 7-room modem houM:. 403 10th- St.; $30. flOOO 6-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE COR ner lot, E. 11th and Market. Inquire 2174 W. 5th. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE, UNIVER slty Park, on car line. 323 Ablcgton bldg. Phone Main 3129. NICE 6-ROOM COTTAGE, 10TH ST.. WEST Side; choice location; reasonable Inquire S28 Park st. A. MODERN COTTAGE OF C ROOMS. IN good -condition, 309 Collere st. Inquire 315 College sU MODERN HOUSE. S ROOMS 221 E. 2ND N. Apply room 901. Dekem; $m. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. 414 10TH ST. Apply 328 7th. HOUSE. 656 GUSAN ST., FOR RENT; good location. FOR RENT. $25 7-ROOM HOUSE. 14S 21th st. N. $15 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 628 E. CLINTON st. FnrirtrPd Reases. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. SOUTH SLOPE, modem 7-room cottage, city water, bath, gas, furnished cr partly furnished. Phone Pacific 1310. FOR RENT MODERN NICELY FURNISHED 5-room cottage In Sell wood. ICO feet from car line. Madden, printer, 1st and Alder. NEW. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED MODERN 6-room bouce; will reserve one room; fine location. Phone East 2523. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE, 5 LARGE rooms, nice ground, good location, near cars. 401 12th st. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC trlc lights, bath, central, inquire 273 H 7th- Heases Fer Rest FHraltaro fer Sale. NEW OAK FURNITURE, EVERYTHING complete, of modem 5-room flat for sale. best location: rent reasonable. Call be tween 2 and 5 P. M.. 173VI Green arc, H block from 23d and Washington sts. NEW OAK FURNITURE. EVERYTHING complete, or modem 5-room oat for sale. best location; rent reasonable. Call be tween 2 and 5 P. M.. 1T3H Green eve.. block from 23d and Washington et. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 5-ROOU house, complete: cheap: eevrythlnc best: rarty leaving city; house can be rented very cheap, if desired. 409 Stark, "between 10th ana iitn. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FURNITURE of an 8-room bouse, business center, on 6th St.; rent $30. F. T. Berry, 4 N. 0th. Phone HOOd $40-CHEAP. OAK BEDROOM SET. FOLD- ing Deo. Kiicnen tatiie, stair and. .call car pets, UG 7U sc. AT A SACRIFICE FURNITURE OF- P-ROOM house: must sell; excellent location. 527 Taylor st. FURNITURE OF 9-ROOM HOUSE. DESIR able locauon. 195 16th St., corner of Tay lor. 19 ROOMS. ALL RENTED; RENT REASON- abie; a bargain. Phone Pacific VK51- teres. URTORT RTTRSTATCTTAT. TtTTICV TTTTTT TITVT! 50x109 feet, with basement, centrally lo caiea; euitaoie tor wnoiesaie joooer or man ufacturer. Inquire manager, 20S First st. Offices. FOR RENT 3 OFFICE ROOMS. FIRST noor. fj xeet sxreci. zront: aiso lodre naiL 5x14, Wednesday- and Sunday; Auditorium oiag., iMSj sa su Apply at the elevator. DESKROOM. USE OF PHONE AND OTHER conveniences, u bo, Oregonlan. LODGE HALLS AND OFFICD ROOMS. AwsKyoicg., aa ana lornson. 1VOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON lan win pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors oflu subtcrlb- LOST YOUNG WHITE BULL TERRIER cog, had on crown ctrap collar, crown pot on one ear; reward If returned to IDS King FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses reus rates ass returned same day. Main 474. rartiana curiea-ualr Factory. LOST GOLD CUFF" BUTTON. LOVER'S LOST JAN 29. PAIR EYEGLASSES IN A cabe.. Return to reiaenneimer, 3d and vasnmgton; rewaro. LOST GOLD BRACELET WITH SMALL diamond. Finder please return 410H Mor rison sr.: rewaro. LOST BLACK OVERCOAT; SUITABLE RE- ward. 3 jonnssn at,, opposite depot. PERSONAL. WANTED PRESENT ADDRESS OF HANS P. Anderson, formerly of Alaska, now In uregon; nave important papers xor him Accress s. v. White, luncock hicg s atue. WB MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DISEASES of women. Private rooms. Call or write. Et, Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary, 230 xamnui st., cor. 3d. Portland, or. BOOK OF NATURE," "AGNES." "DROI Tamale," "A Modem Lover," 60c ea. Lists iree. a . ecnmaie vo.. sj jsx. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorens Nerve Tonic Tablets; 2fto a do i. rite or csui at jsseu s marmacy. i jiomton fx., ueu hi ana a. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las; repairing and recovertng; two stores; Waahingtcn and 6th and Morrison and 3th. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT, 50c ljats Eiurus prcasro, r.c uuoert, 10S otn at., next to ine vraeuc Jk'none Clay 31 100 NEAT VJSITING CARDS WITH YOUR ninL 50c 50 for 35c: 220 tint'iuu 1 . 1. . Qt-IUIIM Q WOt., i. CHIROPODY. MANICURING AND ELEC trlc treatments, lady attendantv 145J1 6th, cor, Aiun, two - YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP massage. n io uwdm, --vo Jaornson et.. WE HAVE REMOVED TO THE ELKS ..u, - - - . "vvuit ca ..In. .rttir Pfl BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP and surgery. 506 Allaky bldg., 3d & Morrison. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED Specialist Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Main 5I7S. TWO LADIES. BATH. FACE AND SCALP jBaseage. zus eia, oeu layior ana Salmon. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND 'EXCHANGED at .me uu jkkme tore, xzstiu. . teb&onal. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE TO women We treat ateeasea ol, wemen ex clusively, csrlnr with wvarytar acces all female aflaeata rosa the slightest, local ir ritation to the most cecallcale4 Internal troubles; maternity cases given special at tention: private hospital accemmodatioa; profeenonal lady aurse 1b attendance; con sultation and advice free. X-Rafiluia Medi cal Institute and SanUarlne, Zd and Alder ata.. entrance 363 Alder st-.' Portias 4. CAN YOU MAKE A KBW MONTHLY PAY- xnenss of $5 or more for protectee interest In established co-operative boslaeasv se cured by clear real estate held In trust, now paMng 10 per cent (8 per cent guar anteed) dividends? Expects soon to pay up to 22 per cent; nearly 3000 persons now re ceiving profit; send postal for free illus trated booklet. Address. "A Life Income." 701 Drexel bldjc, Philadelphia, Pa. PROFESSOR WALLACBX World-famed clairvoyant, pelmlet and spirit ualist, will positively make no charge ' for his eerrices unless you are entirely satis fied and find hlrn aaperlor to any palmist, medium or clairvoyant who baa ever been here; readings dally. 8 A. M. to 0 P. M par lors 3 and 5. The Ceeeaee, 336$ Morrison. Detective Agency Cesaeentlal lavettl rations; irpwu isaao on any iB&iTiauAi, oububo property; missing relatives found: bad debts collected; chargta reaaoeable; correspondence solicited. Oregon Detective Service. 314-313 Columbia bldr.. 345 Washlagtoo. Main. 5415. BE YOUR OWN BEAUTY DOCTOR! Free lnforssatlon and asatotnlcal chart, the masterpiece of perfectloa. Keeps circulation moving and muecles young. Complexion like a rose. X. Z. Caufaaa. Specialist, H01 First arc, Seattle SWEDISH TRAINBD NURSB. HELSING- rors graduate, positively cures rneumauam, nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing, steam, sweat and tub balhr; both sexes. 7 E. 11th st-, two doers from E. Ankeny car line. Fhose East 240. NEPHEW OF MR. JAKOB LINK. FROM Schura Co.. Proralngen.- urtemberg. Ger many, would like to know of his where abouts. Lewis C. Jocher. care Henry Sav age English Grand, Opera Co., MaruamThb ater. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT; ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned ana pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 303 Stark, near 6th. Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve uioouiea, use roosters treatment. . a months', $5. Sent secure W sealed by mall. Agents. Wocdard. Clarke Co.. Portland. BROTHER WILLIAM. THE CLAIRVOYANT, palmist, medium, can be consulted on ail affairs of life; tells sll things; private resi dence next door Hotel Oregon. 7th; low fee. MRS. S. B. SEIP. most reliable seeress and propneteta in town. 313 ft samniu. nc iuu. TWO YOUNG LADIES GIVE FACE AND scalp massage 1105 4th st-. cor. wash. WATER-PROOF HALF SOLES. SOc HOLLA- baugh'a, 237 is Taylor; bet. 3d and 4th. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS CURB Instantly. 15c: family size. 25c SPECIAL NOTICES. lTspesats lnvkeeL NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF THB franchise and property of the Oregon Traction Company. Notice Is hereby given that the stockholders of the Oregon Traction-Company have adopted a resolution au thorizing and directing the dissolution of the said corporation and the disposition of all Its property. Pursuant to said resolution and the reso lution of the board of directors authorizing and directing the sale of all of the property belonging to the company, I will, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. on Thursday, the 15th day of February, 1906. at the front door of the County Courthouse. In the "City of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, of fer at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the franchlres. roadbed, track, rights of way and contracts for right of way. to gether with all maps, prcalex. office fix tures and furniture, and all property of whatever kind owned by said corporation. The said property will be sold In bulk, and as an entirely. The said franchlfes of cald company re ferred to are as follows, to wit: A franchise authorizing the- construction of a railway line through the City of Hills Doro and a franchise granting the right to construct a railway on and over certain streets in the City of Forest Grove. Wash ington County. Oregon, and a franchise granted by the City of Portland. Or., br ordinance No. 14.564. entitled. "An ordi nance granting to the Oregon Traction Com pany. ts successors and assigns, the right to construct, lay down, maintain and operate railways and poles and wires and underground conduits tn the City of Port land. Or." Approved "by the Maydr of said city, on the 6:h-Mar of April. 1905, The constructed track "belonrtns to said company consists ot about 3360 feet of double .track laid on Twelfth street, in the City ot Portland, Or., between Buraside and Overton streets, in said city, and 260 feet of double track on Pettygrove street, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. In said city, and three crossings on Six teenth, Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth streets, at the Intersection ot Pettygrove street. The maps and profiles referred to show the survey of the projected elstcric railway line of the company from the City of Portland. Or., to the City ot Forest Grove. Oregon. For full information as to all property of the company. Inquire at the office of the company, room $2, Union block. City ot Portland, Or. The said corporation is now Indebted In about the sum of $35,000. Of said sum about the amount of $3500 la due the Germania National Bank, of San Francisco. Cal.. for which $100,000 nar value In amount ot the bonds of the company secured by a mortgage or deed ot trutt on all the prop erty of the company are deposited aa col ls teral and ot which said total amount about the eum ot $11,700 Is secured by me chanics Hens on the franchise, roadbed and constructed track ot the company In tho City of Portland, the remainder ot aalJ indebtedness being unsecureo. The said oroscrty shall be- sold to the hlchett bidder. The purchase price shall be paid In fall. In cash, or by acceptable certified check at or before 3 o'clock P. M. ot the day of sale. Payment to be made to tho undersigned at the office of the com nanv. "Union ' block. Portland. Or. If the perron offering the highest bid for all ot said property shall not pay the entire pur chase price by 3 o'clock P. M. of said day of sale, the person oSerinx the second highest bid shall be entitled to the convey ance Qt-ald property! If he shall pay the entire eum bid by him before 4 o clock P. M. of said day ot sale: and If neither the eald highest or next hlxbest bidder shall tvar- on said day of sale the amount bid b -him, the" directors of the company at their option may sen saia property 10 any person blading at said sale who make roll payment on the day of said sale of the sum bid by him. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. By order of the board of director. v. 1 qould, Secretary Oregon Traction Company. THE UNDERSIGNEO WILL RECEIVE sealed bids for a siock oi.mxceiiancous mer chandise, consisting ot crygoocs. rurnismng roods, boots and shoes and groceries, to the amount of about $4900. together with fixtures amounting to about $450. located at Walts Vmrr Wash., ud to Thursday noon. February 15, 1506. ' A certified check for 10 per cent Ot thO amount did musi accwnpjuij- cacit ( tr- and the risbt is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may bo seen at my office and etock may be Inspected at Waiu- burg. Dated at roruona, ur eoruary a. JtOS. R. L. Eabln. front ana Ankeny sts. wi nnu Tini'CV 1VKWV PnilTT.lVn fttt Feb. 5. 190-1 Sealed proposals will bo re ceived at this building until 2 o'clock P. M., February 27, 190C for furnishing fuel, lights, ir.trr it miscellaneous supplies, washlnx towels, hauling anhes and sprinkling streets for this building during the fiscal year ena lnr June 30. 1907. or such portion of the 3ear as may be deemed advisable. The right to reject any and all bids la reserved by the Treasury Department. I; L. Patterson, Cus todian. Receiver's Notice. vrrctYEn-K NOTICE NOTICE IS HERE. by given that the undersigned has been ap pointed by the honorable Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Multnomah County, receiver of -the property and buslnesn ' of Whiteside & Co.. proprietors of the Palm Buffet. 326 Stark su; has qualified as such and Is now in charge of same. All persons having claims against said Palm Buffet must prcsest them, duly verified, to me. John IX Kelly, receiver. MUceUaseeas. WE. THE UNDER8IONBO FTJRNTTURB ana piaao-SBOTers. win rcau-e u payment ef all charges upon delivery cf goods after DecesBber I. 1905: H. C. Haack. C. F. Har er. a F. Httseey. Cosgrere Bros.. Portland Delivery -ro jjcuvery to., P.rkir. Delivery CO.. Hoi Ml a Transfer f Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregon Ah to Dispatch Co., John Hassptea. James McLUi- ten. owes sacuiaaes. jtiuhms raaster (Jew, Oregon Transfer Co.. Portland Van & Stor age Co.. Wakessas. Morse Transfer Co.. Bui Else Transfer Co., C O. Pick Transfer A fHorare Co.. C x. Oisea. aaggage tt oasal bus Transfer Co.. A. J. Marphy. Xadderly TrriM- Jfc communes Joan A. Love. Andrew J. Murpky. F. M. IreUnd, T. Mil lar, Finch &. Headerses. MEETING OF STOCKHOLDSRS COLUMBIA River s5 Oregon Central Railroad Notice la hereby given that a meeting of the stock holders of the Columbia. River & Ore gon Central Railroad Costpasy will he hold Monday. February 25, 103, at 12 o'clock noon, at the office ot the company, 513 Worcester building. Portland. Or., for the purpose of electing directors asd transact ing any other basinets that, may cosae eefore the xseetlnx. Daieit Portland. February 3, 1S0C . H. F." CONNZB, Secretary. BUSINESS CSANCXS. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. 31 rooms All on one floor, brick building, 1 block from Portland Hotel, steaas heat; house clears readily frost $150 to $200 per month: price S1&00. 33 rooms Located 2 blocks from Portland. Hotel, steam heat; this house Is sumptuous ly furnished, new 2 years ago; every room. Is occupied and the house Is clearing $150 per month easily: In order to close up a partnership Interest, will take $1S00. The furniture alone would auction off for this much easily. 22 rooms Location near 11th and Alder, every room Is occupied but one. and house Is clearinj: about $110 per month; price only $2000. 23 roc ma On North 7th St.. near Union Depot; rent only $70, lease: this house la clearlns about $75 per month: price $1100. IS rooms Located near City Hall, rent $75; bouse will clear readily $100 per month: owner not able to attend to tho placer and offers It for $S0O. 10 rooms One block from Baker Theater. Tent $25; you can clear $60 per month hero easily; price $150. 9 rooms Yamhill st., close In; rent $25; price only $500. 11 rooms 12th and Morrison 7 yon can make all your llvlns expenses out ot this house and occupy 3 nice rooms yourself; price reduced to $500. 10 rooms Location Main st-. dose in. near Courthouse; there is not a vacant room la this house: price only $550. 11-room house, located near North Albica car hero: full of steady boarders from car barn; rent only $25 per month: price $150. This house will clear any one $75 per month. The above la only a partial list. Remem ber, we have the lamest list of rooming houses In. the city, as we make them a specialty. WE GUARANTEE ALL TITLES AND PROTECT BUYER AS WELL AS SELLER. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 133H Sth St.. cor. Alder. Phone Main 611S. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIKS. RESTAURANTS We- have two A No. 1 proposition; both well located, one on Mor rison at-, and both doing a good business; best of reasons for selling. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS Loca tion tiptop; fine soda fountain: 5 rooms, nicely furnished; more than pays the rent and expenses: gross receipts last year were almost $3000; price $1100. GROCERY STORES We have ;wo first class prepositions In this line, situated in the very best resldenco district. If you are lookln; for a business of any kind, eue us. WB GUARANTEE EVERY THING WB SELL. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 1334 3th st,. cor. Alder. Phone Maln.GUS. BEST HOTEL IN ONE OF THE MOST LTVB AND ACTIVE CITIES IN THIS STATE 55 room, all nicely furnished, coat 3 years ago about $15,000 and has been well taken care of. This Is an American plan hotel, large brick building, high-class bar, big- dining-room. 17 private baths; also public oaths: elecirio lights and gas. steam heat. good sewerage, hot and cold water in many of the rooms. We can show this up to any one that It 1 coins' a business of $5000 per month. Price only $5000. Any- tning runner, can TAFT Sz CO.. 275 Stark St., Chamber of Commerce. $7500 A SNAP FOR RIGHT PARTY; Al stock general merchandise, all staple gooas. groceries, hardware, dry gootis. boots and shoes at Aumsvltle. Or., the best produce town In Willamette Valley: will sell for cash or exchange for Al city prop erty or timber land heavily Umbered; will pay cash difference or will take security bearing interest for part: this will make money for right man. Call at La Grande CTeamery. 264 Yamhill. Portland. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS I WILL SELL out my entire business, livery, hack and Doarainr staoie. 20th and w aahington. larjr est barn in Northwest: low rent: bam Is full of boarders. For inspection call at Fashion Stables. 20th and Washington sts.. Portland, or. Main 45. SALOON. Owner must sell this week; that means a good saloon at your own price; for partic ulars can TAFT & CO.. Main 156. 275 Stark st., Cham. Com. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE. IS rooms, verv centrally- located, furni ture almost hew: splendid location for transient trade; $1500. v THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO., 210-211. Ablngton, 106i Third St.- THE GREATEST RATLROAt. SWITCH IN venuon or modern times is now on exhibi tion at 200 AlcJtay biag-.: stock in this corporation can be purchased at a bl? dis count oy calling on w. J. curus. 210 com merela! block. Phone Main 5384. FOR SALE IN SOUTHERN OREGON ON the ral!road Furniture and housefumlahlngs business for cash only; best of reasons and references only to parties who mean busi ness; a good-paying- business, well estab- ilineu. Address A 77. Oregonlan. FURNISHINGS AND LEASE. SELECT boardlnr-house. right downtown: xuaran teed clearing $140 monthly; no reasonable oner reiuaea; owner going jast witnin wees; terms, t a7. urcgonian. ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED CIGAR AND confectionery stores in the city, with liv ing rooms, which will make purchaser $d dally; can be bought If sold at once, fer atwo. Apply ia 3d st., room A. EXCELLENT GROCERY STORE. CLOSE IN. location East Side, fine new stock, delivery waron; sen at invoice, about $1200; chean rent; receipts w a month. Ellis & Kah ler. room 21. 2tH Morrison st. WOOD AND COAL BU31NESS PARTNER wanted for an old-established yard, able to furnish bank references: will pay you $150 atarx at. 15-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED. near Portland Hotel: any reasonable offer considered, or will exchange for city prop erty, iiatneia & smitn. ie 4tb s. PARTNER WANTED IN WOOD AND COAL yard to tend offlco and check wood; $700 required, fully secured; will pay $100 monthly. Apply ieo. za sr.. room a. MUST SELL MILK ROUTE, TEAM. DELIV- ery nr. cane and bottles. milk route only, with 70 customers, $100. Call quick. 221 J5 Morrison st., room 10. CORNER CIGAR AND FRUIT STORE. really the best position tn the city, for sale, as I have to leave; first reasonable o; fer gets it. G S5, Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY FOR BU3INESS MEN Good openings In all lines, city or country: details at offices ot the Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. SEATTLE WHOLESALE PRODUCE HOUSE wants manager tor Portland office with $2500 to $3500; salary and good profits. 3 81. care oresoman. HERE'S A CHANCE TO GET INTO A CASH business that will pay you $( a day; ex perience unnecessary; $150 required. Call 2f3to stara st. IF YOU HAVE $2000 TO INVEST IN BUST neas and are capable to keep book la the best-paying business. In the city, address X 83. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 2S-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE, good furniture, good leaae. good location; rent $70; easy terms; price $950. Owner. R 85. Oregonlan. . AJt OLD ESTABLISHED FEED AND boarding stable, nettlnc $2000 yearly: cheap rent, fine location; $3500. Apply 163 3d st.. room A. $30 WILL BUY A LEASE AND SOMB Fix tures for cigar store and knife rack; must sell today. F. T. Berry. 4 N. 0th. Phone Hood 1C35. YOUNG MAN WITH $300 CAN OBTAIN AN interest In a good-paying -business, jmar&n teelng $75 per month. Apply 1654 3d st., room A. FINE TBA. COFFEE AND SPICE STORE. In good location: cheap rent: price $1500. Ellis Kahler. room 21. 204 Morrison st. HOTEL, WITH OVER 2 YEARS' LEASE, doing good business. Will trade for real estate or farm property. B 81. Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW 21-RCOM COMPLETELY furnished hotel, doing good bustneca. bar gain. Address Box 154. Clatskanle. Or. SPECIAL GROCERY HAS NICE LIVING rooms, good comer; cash trade and a busy store; price $150. Call 21SV4 Stark st. $150 MEAT MARKET. FIXTURES COM plete; good location; cheap rent; -must eell on account sickness. W 81, Oregonlan. FINE BUSINESS CLEARING OVER $250 per month; will stand close Investigation, for $1500. Address D S3. Oregonlan. HALF INTEREST IN ESTABLISHED. PAT lnr business; $2500 cash or city real es tate; no brokers. N 85. Orezonian. 90 SHARES FILLSBURY'S CANADIAN Wheat Land Co. stock for sale cheap. Room C0Q, Chamber of Commerce. If.eeO PER CENT PROFIT: BIG INVEN 4m; small capital. 213 CcamercUl Wx. BrHXSSo CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. W. H-Taf t- TAFT & CO. J. H. Dletx. Below Is a carefully selected list ot room ing and boarding-houses and every one of them -will bear tba closest investigation, both morally and financially. It you are In the market it Is to your moat vital In terest to see us before you buy. FAMILY HOTEL. CO rooms, steam heat, hot and cold run ntnc water In every room; house full or good, steady boarders at good prices. This bouse Is worth $6000 of anybody's money, but will sell In the next week or 10 days for $3300. TAFT & CO. Mala 158. 275 Stark; St.. a of a Bldr. HERE IS A GOOD ONE. 40 rooms, nicely furnished, on Alder st.: cheap rent; steam heat: all outside rooms; sunny comer: clearing $200 per month, and the price is only S3200. TAFT & CO. vMaln 156. 275 Stark St.. C of C. Bids. BEST HOUSE IN CITY. 40 rooms. 1 block from Washington st, corner, brick, steam heat, running water In all rooms: cleared .last month above all expenses $510 and will clear as much this month; rent. Including heat, $200 per month. For price and terms please call.' TAFT & CO. Main 153. 273 Stark St.. a of a Bldfr. A LITTLE GEM. 35 rooms, exquisitely furnished with Mis sion furniture and Axmlmrter carpets: large verandas, beautiful lawn: bon ton location; large sunny rooms, steam heat and positively clearing $250 per month. If you are looking for something out of the ordinary, see this. The price la In reach ot anyone. For price and terms please call. TAFT & CO. Mala 136. 275 Stark St.. a ot a Bldff. APARTMENT HOUSE. 35 rooms, rent $135; good long lease; very finely furnished and clearing $140 per month: hot and cold water all through the house: price $3150. TAFT St CO. Main 150. 275 Stark St.. C of a Bldg. 24 rooms, on 6th St.. near Washington sr. Steam heat, extra well furnished and tlcar lnc $100 per month; an extra good buy for $1750. TAFT & CO. Mala 156. 273 Stark St.. a of C Bid. FAMILY BOARDING-HOUSE. 22 rooms, furnished elegant and as clean as a whistle; very fine tocatlon for the best trade: we cannot recommend this house too highly: price reduced to $1600. TAFT CO. Mala 136. 275 Stark SU C of a Bldg. SPLENDID BUY. 20 rooms, new, comer building, steam heat, new furnishings; house full of good, steady roomers; a pick-up for $1400. TAFT &. CO. Main 156w 275 Stark St.. C ot C. Bldg; Remember, we guarantee all titles. look after both buyer and seller, have plenty ot money to loan on anything we sell. SALOON ANYBODY CAN MAKE 24 TO $6 a day clear over all expenses and only $550 required. Call 2184 Stark st. DELICATESSEN. DOING A BUSINESS OF $50 dally, centrally located; $1200 required. Apply 165tt 3d ST., room A. HURST SWITCH STOCK WANTED I WILL buy a, block of this stock for cash at once. Address L 85. Oregonlan. ' 2 HOUSES AND LOTS IN SALEM. WORTH $3000; whl trade for .a home in Portland. K 86, Oregonlan. FOR RENT OYSTER AND CHOPIIOUSE. good location; rent reasonable. Apply 240 Yamhill st. FINANCIAL. AN UNPAID BILL MEANS WORRY Why worry when you can get the money from us to pay bills that are pressing you? We will loan you $10 to $100 and you can repay la convenient weekly or monthly payments. Money advanced on salaries by giving us your plain note, without indorser; also lcanti on furniture, pianos, etc. at lowest rates. When In need of money get it from uts on PAYMENT PLAN; it costs you less and gets you out of debt. Open Tuesday and Saturday until 8 P. M. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 (Sth floor) Dekum bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible tlal; ala CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngton Building. MONEY TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for building purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all er part ot loan after one year. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent, 212 Stark. Street. THB CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42S-123 MO hawk bldg., 3d and Morrison, loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, motormen, conductors or other salaried employes. Just on his note, in turns of $10 to $100. Return able la convenient weekly or monthly pay ments, payments suspended in case of sicic neea. Confidential. No Inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (confidential) Month, -month. Week. $50 Repay to us... $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.23 225 Recav to us.. .5 6.03 or $3.25 or $1.63 $15 Repay to us...$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAT BLDG., 102 THIRD. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL- arled people at lowest rates; strictly confi dential. Employes' ioan Co., room 716 the Delcum, 3d and asa, sts. Phone 224. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 53 principal cities. Tolman, 223 Ablngton Did?.. 1UU55 3d st. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND other good securities; small building loans a .1.1. ,T. IT N'imn fjf KM. COL.UMBLV LIFE & TRUST COMPANY. sixth floor. Concord bldg. Loans desired an first mortgage business or residence prop erty. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP on all kinds ot security, w. A. Hathaway, room 10, waeaington Diug. pnone Clay 415, MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON chattel security. ro puDiicity. R. A. Frame, 514 The Marquam. Phone Hood 693. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45, wasningxon mag. .mono jiain 0100. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 on all securities. R. L Bckerson & Co., room 3. AVashlngtan bldg. Phone Clay 73. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- curity. Wm. Holl, rm. 0; Washington bide State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state ast.. Multnomah Co., 400 Cham. Com. LOWEST RATES ON FURNITURE, PIANOS and other security. 419 Sherlock. Clay 528. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PBR CENT. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayers and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL cacmuui. uwuux .uhuch. .via tvaaa- MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 186 MORRISON at. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. 90 1st st. Attorneys. J. S. WIN CHESTER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. notary puouc wasnmgton bldg. Boatballders. GRAHAM'S BOATYARD. FOOT E. PINE St.: gasoline launches a specialty. Agent Carpet Cleaning. r. t n r. M-i.t- riMnfnff Cti.tlon ,..,1 - prttised air combined. Carpet cleaned on floor ramnvil. Jvxi Carpenters and Ballders. New homes built, old ones renewed, prop erty bought and sold. Gordon. 203 4 th. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 588L Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. D EVENT & ESTELLE DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors room 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301. This is the long-haired gentleman. He Is tne man you are looking for. Dot; and Hersa Hospital. Dr. C E. Brown. D.V.S-. D.C.M. Dog. horse hospital. 2oi jjumsiae. i&&ux 40so. Pacific 340. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO Efi tabllrhed 1558. Leather and flndlnrs: Stock ton solo leather and cut stock; full line lastern jumooa. iw J? root at. Northwest Ylavi Co. LEWIS BLDCC. "PARK AND MORRISON sts. can or send, stamp xor Health Book, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dan das;. WOODWARD'S DANCING ACADEMY Western Academy of Music Hall. Monday and Thursday: gents. 12 lessons. $5; ladles. 10 lessons. $2.50. Cor. 2d and Morrison. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wooL mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general com- - mission merchant. Front St., nr. Main, Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Or. ALLEN .& .LEWIS. .COMMISSION .AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Portland, Or. Gardeners. PLANTING OF ROSES AND TREES AND care of lawns by experienced landscape gar dener. X L Andersen. 41 Ella st, Main 1001. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WH OLE sals saddles and harness mfrs.. leather and saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. Main 226. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, met als and sacks. 312 Front st. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN Jfc CO.. MINING, SAW xnllL logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, casting; all kinds repaired. 101 N. 4 th. THE H. a ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc 218 Grand ave. MusIcaL MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PUPIL SHERWOOD. Chicago: piano lessons. ,30 cents. Studio. 1C6 7th st.. near Jackson. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil of Sevclk, violin teacner. studio 193 6th. Tel. Main auba. Osteopathic Physicians. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 115-16-17 DE- Jcum bldg.. 3d and Washington. Phones Office. Main 310; residence. Main 1505. East 1023. Exams, free. Sun., by appolntmt DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregon; graduate Klrkville. Mo. 403 Oregonlan bldg-. Main 1212; res.. M. 2752. Palats. Oils- and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors, cor. 2d and xayior Palmistry. MME. DREYFUS. PALMIST AND CARD reader, offices 121 fa Morrison st.. cor. atg Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases, uu-i uesum Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH 3- Inch thick doors, fire and burglar-proot work, deposit vaults. Jail and prison work; lockouts .opened r repairs. J. E. Davis. 66 3d THREE SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE cheap. 84 3d st. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. R. H. Btrdsall. designer; agt, M. Winter Lum ber CO.. 7 Hamilton Diag., iai u. sa. omo. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR- 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main nus. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO., 318 1st. near Market, pnone ciay Sign Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DOORS AND WIN- dows lettered at cut prices, .irngieoei. 213 Washington st. Phone Pacific 1455. Spiritualists. A FAMOUS ORIENTAL CLAIRVOYANT. ST. Georgo ormonae, seer ot jtgypt. icua you marriage, love, business, sickness, how to Invest money, speculation, buying, selling, partners, friends, enemies; cures all nervous diseases, weakness of every kind, settles love quarrels, reunites tho separated, hastens marriage, locates mines, burled treasures, missing ones, papers; renews youthful vi tality, gives magnetic secret powers ot con trol. 288 Washington. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium: an in trouoie cai and tret her valuable advlco on alt affalri ot life, business, love, troubles; absent, friends a specialty. 2S6 Taylor st. Hours. 9 A. M. to S P. M. MRS. S; B. SEIP. noted prophetess and p- chometrlst, 34a lamnui, cor. un; iwui-.w dally: circles Tues. and Frl. 8 P. M. Pac. W: MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON sulted. 53 Selllng-Hlrsch bldfr. Main Ct7'J. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmis spiritual Hie reauer. iua tin, oiv- Storage and Transfer. 8AFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED packed ready tor snipping ana snippeu; an work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office, 123 1st. C. M. Olaen. Phono Main 517. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. pnono auo. I'lanos ana urm ture moved and packed for shipment; com modious brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st. household gooas ana xurmiure. piaou; -trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE grocery. COr. r. rTOUl ana Dvu hu.. r m nnma. ji BANKS. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at points on favorable . t. nf rnIlt tamiod avallahlA In Europe and all points in tho United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers nold on New York. Washington. Chlcago.i St Louis Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington ana Idaho. Montana and British Columbia, Exchange Oil Jonaon, fane, uernn, rraos fort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila and Hono lulu. j( MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DUKHAJl -. v ice-t-rcaicent R. W. HOYT Cashiei GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters ot credit issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THB BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established in 1864.) HEAD OFFICE. San Francisco. Cat. President HOMER S. KINO Gen. Man. of Branches W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $1,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $9 770.148 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit lseued available In al parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. gjyjjjQg DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums ot $10 and up- A. MACRAE..... Manager J. T. BTJRCHAELL Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Comer Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued, available In all cities ot the United States and Europe, Hongkong- and Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. President J- C. AINSWORTH Vice-President -. W. B. AXE Ft Vice-President.- .R. LBA BARNES Cashier It. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier .. .A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier...... W- A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILtlS Cashier.... .... J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier ...W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier.... B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available in Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphio transfer sold on New York, Boston, Chicago. St.' Louis, St, Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and Jho prin cipal points ot the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to sul on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-tha Slain, Hongkong, Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrlstlanla Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Mos cow. Zurich, Honolulu. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. PORTLAND TRU3T COMPANY OF OREGON, The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER 51.330.000. General banking. Exchango on all parts o the world. Savings accounts. Time certifi cates. 3 to 4 per cent; short-call special cer tificates, $500 or over. 3 to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Private Etxchanze 72. S. E. Comer Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary JJ. .0. G0LXRA-. Aaalntant Seoretazx