Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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bee Chung Shoots Mah Shue
; Through Jealousy Over
a Woman.
3Iurdcrcr Is Captured and Wounded
Woman Is Sent to Hospital,
-"Where Her Injuries Arc
Pronounced Slight.
aiah Shue. a wcll-to-fio Cliincsc, about
"SS jycars of age, was murdered at his
rooms in the Cook building: about 6:30
oiclock last evenhijr by a fellow-country-
lctter office at one time or another, but
so far as is known yesterday occurred
the first instance of & person depositing
in the mail Jewelry unwrapped and with
out address or other indication of the
sender or intended recipient. In sorting
over the mail at the Portland Postofflce
yesterday morning, the clerk came upon
a lady's gold-filled watch and fob which
had Teen dropped into the aperture where
the packages are mailed. The watch was
turned over to Postmaster Minto. who is
somewhat at a loss to account for the in
cident. At first glance the watch appears
to be a valuable timepiece, "but upon clows
examination it is found that the works,
arc of no account, and that it is probably
worth not more than $3. Mr. Mlnto be
lieves that some sneak thief snatched it
from a woman's dress in the crowded cor
ridors of the PostoSlcc building, and,
finding that it -was valueless, dropped it
in the mall as a safe way of getting rid
of it. The watch will be held at the
Postofllce. to be turned' over to the owner
if she will call and describe lu
W. X. Matlock Takes Two Shots at
. Mini.
Clayton Gardner, of 67 Third street,
ejected "W. N. Matlock from the New
Rosamond House, located at that num
ber, at 2:33 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
and Matlock hurried to' the Reliable Loan
Office, secured a loaded revolver, re
turned to the liouse and began firing at
Gardner. He had but time to shoot twice
when Patrol Driver Isaacs, attached to
man named Look Fung Cheng, also
-known as Lee Cheng, and his companion,
a pretty Chinese girl, was stabbed but
not fatally injured by the murderer.
Lee Cheng was captured by Watchman
Childress and lodged In the City Prison.
According to the girl, who was present
.when the shooting occurred, the murdered
man and his murderer became involved
in a quarrel over her affections, and
Chung pulled a revolver and fired throe
shots, two of which took effect In Mah
Shuc's body, penetrating the right breast
just below the nipple, and passing through
the lungs, lodged in the back. One ' of
the bullets is believed to have pierced
tJic heart, for death was almost instantan
eous. After shooting Shue, Chung turned
Jils attention to the girl, and stabbed her
Jn the right breast with an eight-inch
bowie knife, and after throwing his
weapons in the adjoining bedroom, fled
down stairs and into the street.
Quong Gee Follows Murderer.
Quong Gee, a friend of the dead man
having rooms up stairs, heard the shoot
ing and rushed down stairs, and seeing
Chung running, gave chase and was al
most abreast of the murderer when
Clarence Childress intercepted the fleeing
man. Quong told Childress of the shoot
ing, and that Chung was probably the
man who had done it, and the watchman
escorted both to the station, where
Chung was searched and locked up. Jailer
Robson noticed the prisoner in an effort
to wipe his left hand, and seizing him
by that wrist, examined the hand, and
found the palm to be powder-burned and
to have several spots of blood on the
The Chinese girl who was In the apart
ments of 'Shue Is said to be his sweet
. heart. Her name was given as Jen
Yeng. and she Is about 23 years of age.
The weapons used by the murderer were
a 41-callbcr revolver of the six-shooter
type, and three of the sheila-were found
to have been exploded, two of which
found lodgment in the body of the vic
tim, while the other went through one
of the windows of the room and lodged
in a. casement across the street.
VJctlm Is Wealthy.
The dead man is supposed to have been
wealthy, and is said to have owned sev
eral hop farms in the "Willamette Valley.
His slayer worked for the Chinese firm of
Hop Slug Hong, at Second and Pine
At the time of the sh6oting It was
thought that another tong war had brok
en out, and all the available officers were
sent to the scene by Acting Chlfcf Gritz
machcr. Detectives Carpenter. "Welch.
Murphy. Hartman. Relslng and Vaughn
wcrc.JiIso sent to the scene of the murder.
Jon Ycng, the injured Chinese girl, was
taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital,
whore her injuries wcro found to bo
merely superficial wounds, and not dan
gerous. t District Attorney Manning vis
ited her there with an interpreter, and
faocured her statement of the murder.
Deputy Coroner Arthur Fiuley took
charge of the corpse, and secured tho
names of the witnesses, Quong Gee, "Wall
How and Jen Yeng. and will have them
appear at the inquest, which will be held
today, providing the wounded jrlrl is able
to be present.
Watchman Clarence Childress, the man
who effected the capture of the murderer,
is a former special policeman, who was
'deposed by Mayor Lane In- order to make
room for his pet, the former gambler, Dan
Wagnon. Childress recently captured a
burglar, who was found guilty tind sen
tenced to five years In the penitentiary.
Kinds Watch in IiCttcr-Chulc.
Packages containing nearly every kind
-of article imaginable drift Into the dcad-
the first relief of police, rushed In and
took both men to headquarters. Matlock
was locked up on a charge of assault
with a dangerous weapon, and spent the
night in jail, as he could not furnish ball
of $250.
Gardner was not injured, but considers
his escape miraculous. He thinks he
missed deatli by a very narrow margin.
As soon as he saw Matlock approaching
him with the weapon, he closed In on him
:ind tried to wrench it Xrom Matlock's
hand. This he was unable to do until two
shots hsd been fired. Driver Isaacs
chanced to be passing, and without wait
ing to draw his revolver rushed In and
placed both men under arrest. His act
was praised by his suporior officers and
those who witnessed it.
Matlock was drinking yesterday and
was said to be quarrelsome. He persisted
in remaining In tho hotel and causing a.
disturbance, and Mrs. Levins bad Gard
nor eject him. This was what angered
Matlock. Late last night Mrs. Matlock
called at police headquarters and talked
with her husband, after which she called
up Mayor W. F. Matlock, of Pendleton,
in an effort to secure ball. The case will
come up this morning in the Municipal
E. B. Colwcll Files Xollcc for Elec
trical Corporation.
Notice or appropriation of 300,000 min
ers' inches or tho waters pf the Sandy
River to furnish electrical power and
energy for light and other purposes was
filed In the County Clerk's office yester
day by K. P.. Col well. The appropriation
Is to take a continuous flow of 350.030
cubic feet of water a minute over and
past a iolnt near the southeast corner of
tho northeast quarter of wctlon 23, town
ship 1 south, range 4 cast. In Clackamas.
A canal is to be constructed feet wide
on the botton and ten feet In depth, to bo
called the Oregon Canal. The total length
of the canal will be seven miles, and it
will run into Multnomah County. There
will be six reservoirs, one of which shall
consist of a dam acroos the Sandy River,
63 feet In height, and the right is
claimed to back the waters of the Sandy
River over such lands as may be neces
sary for the construction and mainte
nance of the dam and reservoir, at or
near the point of intake of the canal.
Another reservoir is to be constructed on
the south bank of the Sandy River, near
the lower terminus of the canal, and four
reservoirs along the line of tho canal at
such points as are deemed desirable.
Mr. Col well is one of several persons
who desire to supply Portland with elec
tric light
Two Criminal Informations Filed.
District Attorney Manning yesterday
filed an Information against Thomas
Prlco in the State Circuit Court, charg
ing him with holding up George McDon
ald at the muzzle of a revolver on the
nlghUof February L and taking from him
$2. The extreme penalty for tills offense
Is Imprisonment In the pcnltontiary for
20 years.
The District Attorney filed an informa
tion against Ben Osclta, a Japanese,
charging him with embezzlement of $ti3
from his employer, IL Kumamoto. Osclta
was foreman of a railroad construction
gang, and was given the money to pay the
wages of men under him. Instead of do
ing so. It is charged, he fled to British
Columbia. He is now under arrest.
ItcliJnc. HUnd. KlJlnjr er ProtmdJuK riles.
Your dxusctsi will refund money !-Pao Dim
mest tails to cure jou la 8 to 11 Cii)
The Meier Frank Store's "Rummage Sale"
Attracted thousands of eager buyers yesterday-Today's list should bring another crowd bright
ana eany mis morning-we are cleaning up stocks by offering the greatest values ever known
$20.00 Suits for $6.85
Special lot of women's black cheviot Long-Coat
Suits, also Short-Coat Suits in Eton and blouse
styles green, gray and black, plaited and
tucked skirts; $20.00 value for $6.85
$ 1 .50, $2.50 Gloves 93c
Great "Rummage Sale" in Glove 'Department;
broken lines in glace and suede; good styles
and shades; few have slight imperfections;
best makes, $1.50, $2, $235, $2.50 values 93
$8.00 Skirts for $2.98
An up-to-date line of women's eta mine and
cheviot Walking Skirts; blue, green and black;
made in the new circular and panel effect; but
ton trimmed; regular $S.OO values 2.98
$12.00 Coats for $4.85
Women's three-quarter length Coats in fancy
mixtures and black; loose effects, also medium
and short length coats in tight and loose
effects; $12.00 values at the low price $4.85
$2.25 Waists for $1.18
Albatross and Nunsveiling Waists; light blue,
navy, green, black, gray, tan; $3.25 at $1.18
Quilted Dressing Sacques and short Kimonos;
best colors. Values up to $9.00 for. $3.85
$22.50 Coats at $8.75
Women's three-quarters length Coats, loose or tight
fitting, coverts, tweeds, cheviots and broadcloths,
tan, gray, black and fancy mixtures; values np
to $2250 each, at this low price S.75
Children's Undermuslins
Odd lot children's Cambric Gowns, trimmed in em
broideries, lace and tucks, ages 1 to 12 years;
$1.00, $1.35 values 73p
Children's Drawers, lace and embroidery trimmed;
regular 75e values for, pair ' 39p
$4.00 Napkins $2.90 Doz.
Special lot of 50 dozen all linen satin Damask Nap
kins, table size, best patterns; regular $4.00 values
on sale at this low price, dozen $2.90
Only 50 dozen Better come earl.
25c Towels at 15c Each
65 dozen all-linen Damask and Huck Towels, very
best styles and sizes: regular 25c- values at 15
$3.00 Bed Spreads $1.54
Special lot of Marseilles Bedspreads, full size, pink
only, best patterns; regular $3 values at $1.54
Silks, Dress Goods Rmts.
Great Rummage Sale" bargains in remnants
of Silk Dress Goods. Black Goods, Velvets, etc.,
all lengths, all grades, all sizes, great variety to
select from.
Wash Goods Rmts. V2 Off
Thousands of Wash Goods Remnants, of all
lengths, styles and quality at one-half regular
prices; extraordinary bargain opportunities
await the shrewd buyer ONE-HALF PRICE
Nickel Pit. Kitchen Goods
Slightly Discolored by Water Basement.
90c Coffee Pots.. 60 $1.00 Coffee Pots 65p
$1J0 Coffee Pots 70$ $1.25 Coffee Pots 7o
$1.10 Teakettles.. 65 $1.35 Teakettles. .80
All Damaged Kitchen Goods One-Half Price.
Leather Goods at Vz Off
Our entire stock of Handbags, Purses, Traveling
Sets, and Leather Novelties of every descrip
tion on sale during this Rummage at 1-3 OFF
Remnants Table Linens
Remnants of Table Linens of all grades, odd
dozens of Napkins, soiled Doilies, Traycloths,
etc., are on sale at extremely low "Rummage
Sale" prices. Many grand values in the lot.
50c, 65c Ribbons 12c a Yd.
Broken lines of high-grade Ribbons, satin nierveillieux and
fancy brocades in the best designs and colorings; extra
wide widths; regular 50c and 65c values fs.
on sale at this low price, yard ,
Women's 25c Hosiery 12V2C
Special lot of women's black cashmere Hose, all ribbed and
plain with ribbed top, all sizes; regular 25e values 12,-
Odd lot of misses' lace lisle Hose in black; 35c values
are being cleaned up at the low price of, pair 15
Bargains in Curtain Materials
Cnrtain Swiss, dots, stripes ,and figures, in iy2 to S-yard
lengths; regular loc grade on sale at low price, yd." 8
Remnants of Cretonnes, light and dark grounds, 1JJ to 6
yard lengths; regular 20c value for, yard ..10
Embroideries and Laces, Etc,
Remnants of laces, allovcrs, fignred nets, chiffon and 'cm
broideries on sale at low prices; odds and ends in
Venise and Point de Paris Laces and Insertions; great
values at 20 C; Laces 5 yard; 45c values 12 -yard
Men's $4.00 Shoes $2.65 Pair
Men's box calf, velour calf, xici kid and patent leather Shoes
in the very best styleh. all sizes and widths; regular $3.50
and $4.00 values; your choice at this v
low price $4?00
Children's $8.50 Suits $2.98
Special lot of Children's Sailor Suits in red, blue and
brown serge, trimmed with braids; ages 6 to 12 years,
very pretty styles; regular $5.00 to $S.50 values on
sale at the exceptionally low price of $2.98
Big Bargains in Embroidery
Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries, Edges and in
sertions; best designs, all widths; wonderful bargains
at these prices values to 20c at 8 yard; values fo
30c at 12 yard; values up to 45c yard for 19p 3'ard
Boys' $ 1.50 to $3.50 Shoes $ 1
Boys', youths' and little gents' shoes in broken sizes, all the
best styles and leathers: shoes selling regularly from $1.50
to $30 a pair on sale at the wonderfully low 1 ff
price of, pair P I Jj
$3.00 to $6.50 Dresses $ 1 .78
Special lot of Children's Dresses in "Buster Brown' and
other good styles red, blue and brown serge trimmed
with plaits and braids, ages 4 to 12 years; regular $3.00
to $6.50 values on sale at $1.78
50c Neckwear 19c
100 dozen men's Four-in-Hand
Ties, light and dark colorings:
very best patterns; 50c values
at the low price of 19
25c Wool Sox 15c
Men's Wool Sox, natural and
camelshair, in all sizes; best 25c
values buy all you want at this
low price of, pair 15d
$1 Shirts at 37c
Odds and Ends of men's and boys'
Golf Shirts, also stiff bosom
shirts; good styles, big variety;
$L00 values on sale at 39
$1.50 Gloves 50c
Odds and ends of men's Kid
Gloves in sizes C, 7 and 71
only, good styles and shades;
regular $1.50 values at, pr. 50
"Rummage Sale" of Men's Clothing
Best Values Ever Offered
Men's all-wool, fast color, blue or black serge Suits, single
and double-breasted styles; all good, desirable clothing for
Spring wear. Your choice at
$10 Suits $5 $12.50 Suits $6.25
$15.00 Suits $7.50
Blue serge Coats and Vests in the best styles
$8 Values $4 $10 Values $5-$I2.50 Valnes $6.25
Blue serge and black clay -worsted Trousers; made (Pi fff
of all-wool materials: $3.50 values on sale for fr I O
Men's $30.00 Dress Suits $15.00
Special lot of men's fine Full Dress Suits, finely finished and b
workmanship. Styles arc desirable, about 35 p rf
garments in the lot. $30.00 values 4 IO.UU
Boys' all-wool Sailor Suits, serges and fancy mixtures, 3 to 10 r r
years, $4.50, $5.00 values 2j.DO
fm . m Young men's single breasted, all-wool suits in good serviceable mix- e e
LrlOtning tures, ages 15 to 20 years. Reg. $7.50 to $10 values, on sale at $OmOD
Boys' $1.25 Flannel Waists for, each 63
Special lot of long Kimonos in
lawn and flannelette, figures and
fancy stripes, red, navy, black,
white; val. up to $1.75 at 87
Great odd lot of framed pictures,
all sizes and subjects; values up
to $1.75 each, on sale at the
low price of 7o
$3 Pictures $1.1 9
Odd lot of framed pictures in good
subjects,' all sizes; values up to
$3.00 being cleaned up at the
low price of $1.19
Matted Pictures
Matted Pictures 20x20 In. and
15x20 In., manr nubJects
Soiled Passepartout Binding; at Or
roll C
Oil Paintlnffs at $1.43 each. Burnt
"Wood Posters 16c each.
Women's Cambric Underskirts, trimmed In embroideries,
lares, tucks and Insertions; best 51.25 A'alues. on a!e for.S3c
Odd lot of Underskirts, trimmed In embroIderjC 1 HI
lares and plain tucked flounres: $1.30 and $1.75 val P
Women's Cambric Underskirts; wide flounces; lace CI
and embroidery trimmed; $2 values, for
$2.00 HANDBAGS 98c
Special lot of women's high-grade Haudbags in seal, walrus
and alligator, black, brown and tan, fitted with card
case and coin purse; regular $1.30 and $2.00 QO
values being closed out at vOC
Special lot of about 150 pairs infants' all-wool Hose,
black, small sizes only; regular 20c values C
for, pair C
Misses' ribbed Cotton Hose in all sizes; great value 11
Cambric and Xainsook Gowns, Jacc and embroidery
trimmed; $L50 and $1.75 values for only $1.19
Women's Cambric. Nainsook sorns trimmed In lace, em
broidery, tucks. Insertions; high V, square necks 87c
Odd lot of men's Woolen Underwear, shirts and drawers, in
many different styles; values up to $2.00 a garment arc
being closed out at the special low 9
pnee ol
BOY'S $3.00 SUITS FOR. $1.29
Special lot of boys 2-piece Suits in dark and light mixed
cheviots and tweeds, very best styles; regular $2.30 and
$3.00 values chance to buy the boys' new school suits
at half their value only $1.29
Corset Cover Bargains
Odd lot of cambric and nainsook Corset Covers,
trimmed in laces, embroideries, tucks and
insertions; regular 50c-60c values for.... 37
Odd lot cambric and nainsook Corset Covers,
trimmed in laces, embroideries, tucks and
insertions; 25c values X6$
$2 Dressing Sacques 59c
Odds and ends in women's Dressing Sacques;
la'vyns and flannelettes, light and dark color
ings, white lawn, lace trimmed, etc; splendid
styles in great variety; values to $2 at 59
$2.25 Wrappers at 79c
300 women's Percale and. Flannel Wrappers,
made up in the very best styles, all sizes.
Values up to $225 each, on sale at 79
Great Bargains in China
75c to $1.25 covered Vegetable Dishes 49?
05c open and round Vegetable Dishes 39j
G, 7, S-inch Plates; 15c, 20c values 9
Blue Abbey Cups and Saucers, each 8p
Covered Butter Dishes, SOc values 50p
G and 7-inch while semi-porcelain Plates 5
Women's Neckwear Spcls.
73c fancy beaded and Chiffon Stocks, very pretty
effects; great values at the low price of 48
Maline and Point de Esprit Huffs in all colors;
values up to $5.00 for the low price of 98
Silk Bow Tics, values to 25c; each 5d
Women's Neckwear Spcls.
Butchers linon 'Turnovers and Buster Brown Col
lars; values up to 25c at low price of 3
Black Stole Ruffs made of accordion plaited Liberty
Silk: $H.-00 values at unheard of price of.. . .49
Soiled Neckwear at Very Low Prices.
Lace Curtains Half Price
Odd Pairs of Nottingham, Irish Point, Brussels and
Arabian Lace Curtains; best designs; values Hing
ing from $1.50 to $45 a pair, on sale at exactly
one-half regular price 3rd Floor. .HALF PRICE
Specials in Fancy China
75c to $1.00 Plates, each 59
75c to $1.00 Cups and Saucers 59
German China Plates; 20c value lli
$1.75 Sugar and Creamers for, pair S1.15
$1.50 Sugar and Creamers for. pair $1.05
All Japanese Vases at One-Third Off Reg. Prices.
$ 1 .50, $ 1 .75Blouses89c
Little boys' fancy Blouses in blue or pink
stripes, pique collars, ages 2l2 to 8 years; all
the very best styles in good assortment,
$1.30 and $1.75 values at low price of 89f
Great Values in Boys' School Suits.
Drug Sundry Specials
Back and Side Combs, extra special ,ll
Hair Brushes, 9Sc, 69c, 39c, 19c 8
Whirling Spray Syringes at $1.59
Goodj'ear's all-rubber S3ringe, each 49
Royal Tooth Powder for, can 5
Toilet Articles, BigVals.
Violet de Parma Toilet Water .33p
Purity Violet Cream 12, 19C
3-qnart Premium Hotwater Bottles 98
Scissors and Shears, all sizes, pair
All Souvenir Spoons at One-Half Regular Prices
Bargains Fine Stationery
75c Box Papers, best linen i2 PRICE
35c Linen Papery, all colors. y, PRICE'
Fancy Crepe Papers. 20c value... ..10
Bead Necklaces: great value, each 19
Solid Gold Pins at, each ; $1.33
All Lines of Jewelry at Low Prices.