Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 02, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Counting-Boom MaJn 7878
Managing Editor Main 7879
Sunday Editor Mala 7876
City Editor Main 7078
Society Editor Main 7870
Composing-Room ...Main 7870
Superintendent BeUdlnt. Main 7878
East Side Office East 61
BAKER THEATER Sd and Tamhlll)
Miner's "Americans." Tonight at 8:18.
EMPIRE THEATER 12th and Morrison)
"Hooligan In New Tork"; tonight at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville, 2:88. 7:88 and 8
P. M.
VANTAGES' THEATER (4th and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:80. 7:80 and 8
P. M.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:38. fl P. M.
Committee Organizes for Busg-'eeb.
B. Slnnott, J. D. Lee, H. H. Newhall.
Henry Myers and H. A. CallfC. depart
ment store committee from the East Side
Improvement Association, met yesterday
afternoon at the East Side Bank and out
lined a plan of action. The committee
-was appointed for the purpose of investi
gating systematically the feasibility of an
East Side department store, centrally lo
cated. The committee went Into the ques
tion exhaustively, considering all Its.
phases, from the combination of small
stores under owe management to a com
plete big concern. It was decided to com
municate with Eastern Arms. J. D. Lee,
who has been connected with the "Port
land Board of Trade, and Is familiar with
methods of reaching the centers of capi
tal, was authorized to prepare and have
printed a circular letter setting forth the
situation and what Is wanted. These win
be sent to trade centers. Also the large
trade journals will be used. By this means
the committee expects to obtain substan
tial results. The other committee, on stop
over street-car tickets, composed of C. A.
Biglow. H. Baumer, Mr. Danke, D. Kel-
laner ana w. 1j. uoise, nas not yet taKen
Mission at Rosart Church. Two oral
ncnt Dominican missionaries. Fathers Ca
hill, O. P. and O'Connor, O. P., of New
York, arc coming to Portland to conduct
a week's mission in the Rosary Church,
Union avenue and Clackamas street. The
mission will begin Sunday morning, Feb
ruary 11, and close Sunday evening, Feb
ruary 18. These missionaries are dlstln
gulshed orators and well known In this
country. They have been holding mis
sions in California for several months.
Their Portland mission will be then- last
appearance on this Coast. The order of
services on week days will' be: Masses at
5, 6. 7, 8 and 9 A. L, and each morning
during the mission the Rosary will be re
cited before the 5 o'clock mass. Instruc
tion in the Catholic faith will be given.
Grand Exhibition of Japanese Art
Objects. Today a number of valuable
pieces of Japanese high art are on display
for public Inspection on the premises of
the Japan Art Trading Company, 267
"Washington streets, between Third and
Fourth streets. Everybody who has is-
Ited the store proclaims It to be the most,
elaborate exhibit of Oriental art ever seen
in Portland. Lovers of true art are cor
dially Invited. "Come today and you will
And It Interesting and profitable." An ar
tistically printed and beautifuuy illus
trated catalogue free on application. The
entire collection will be sold by public
auction, commencing Monday, February
5, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Must Register in St. Johns. Those
who want to vote at the municipal elec
tion in St. Johns, April 2. will have to
register. As the town has 2500 people now
it comes under the operation also of the
direct-primary law. Registration books
have been opened at the office of Mayor
TV. H. King, and are In charge of E. C.
Hurlburt Voters may register either in
St. Johns or at the County Clerk's office.
There are left two months in which to
register for the St. Johns election.
Frederick W. Goodrich Honored. It
will tjjeasc the many friends of Frederick
YV. Goodrich, the organist and choirmas
ter of. St David's Protestant Episcopal
Church, to know that the management of
the Lewis and Clark Exposition" has Just
conferred upon Mr. Goodrich a diploma
for valuable services rendered at the Ex
position. At tho latter, Mr. Goodrich was
in charge of the Oregon Music day, and
he gave organ solos daily in the Oregon
Forestry building.
Services for Pousn People. Rev.
Father Eeroski, of Sublimity, Or., will
conduct services at St. Francis Church,
East Eleventh and Oak streets. Sunday
forenoon, for the benefit of Polish people.
There will be masses at 6. 7, 8:40 and 10:30
A. M. There will be no sermon, but Fath
er Seroskl will address the Polish pt-ople
In their own language after the 10:30
mass Sunday. People of this natlonallty
wlll receive a welcome to the church Sun
day forenoon. .
School Entertainment. The pupils of
the Williams-Avenue School will give an
entertainment this afternoon at 2 o'clock
and also this evening for the benefit of
the library. An Interesting programme
has been prepared. There will be drills
by groups of pupils. Thirty boys compose
one chorus. Stereoptlcon scenes of the
Civil War, and Egyptian scenes will be
Rbv. Gillian Parker Arrives. Rev.
Gllman Parker, of Alameda, Cal., arrrlved
yesterday morning to enter on his work
as pastor of the Montavilla Baptist
Church. He will hold his first services
Sunday. Rev. Mr. Parker was superin
tendent of missions for several years.
He had been absent from Oregon about
six years.
Buried in Portxand. F. W. Dunkle,
aged 29 years, died at Winncmucca, Xev.,
Jan. 28. The body has been brought to
Portland, and the funeral will take place
from the home of his father, J. P. Dun
kle, 47 East Fifteen tli street, today at 2
P. M. The young man had lived at Wln
nemucca for the past nine years.
Pioneer Fatallt Ilu Henry Holt
grieve, a pioneer living on Columbia
Slough, is hopelessly ill. His health has
been failing for some time. Yesterday he
was not expected to live more than 24
hours. Mr. Holtgrieve Is one of the best
known settlers in that district.
At Tempix Beth Israel. "The True
Optimism; or the Scorn of Consequence,"
will be the subject of the sermon to be
delivered at 8 o'clock this evening by Dr.
Stephen S. Wise, at Temple Beth Israel.
Strangers are always welcome.
Columbia Cocntt Pomona Meets. Col
umbia County Pomona Grange, Patrons
of Husbandry, will hold its quarterly
meeting tomorrow at Warren. W. P.
Young Is master. Business of importance
Is coming up at that time.
S. Bahler Improving. S. Bahler a pio
neer East Side furniture dealer, who was
stricken with paralysis Saturday night,
was reported yesterday to be slightly im
proved. Tenant wanted for part or an of a
three-story brick to be erected to suit on
southwest corner of 5th and Oak. Dam
meler, 638 Chamber of Commerce.
Lost. On Williams avenue, between
Cherry and Tillamook, three sheets de
tail plans for residence. Reward. Return
417 Chamber of Commerce.
Five-Room Flat, 557 Taylor; elegant
bath; strictly modern. Graves Music
Store. 328 Washington street
Go to Hear Miss Hurley. Miss Connell
and Mr. Street at Grace M. E. Church
tonight at 8:30.
Carnations, lilies and elegant floral
pieces reasonable. Burkhardt, 7bi Glisan.-
Dr. Marshall has returned. Marquam.
liovrer Tariff to Southern Oregon.
Southern Pacific freight officials an
nounce a new rate of 75 cents a hundred
on furniture from Portland to South
ern Oregon points, with a minimum
of 1200 pounds In cars 40 feet or less
in length. The new rate is tho result
of advices from Portland Jobbers and
dealers In the southern part of the
stato that the present .minimum -of 20,-
000 pounds is too large to give the
best results. The new freights will
permit buying In smaller lots and
will enable dealers to keep better
stocked. The new rate Is effective Feb
ruary 10. The Southern Pacific will
also make smaller shipments of cereals
and breakfast foods profitable to the
same territory. To Grant's Pass the
rate will be 40 cents per 100 pounds, with
corresponding rates south of that
point. This tariff Is on less than car
load lots. At present this merchandise
Is moved in carloads, but tho freight
men recognize the desire to increase
the quantity moved from Portland In
smaller lots than ar now handled.
This rate will go Into effect February
What the Press Areata Say.
Scats Arc Now Selling at Box Office
of the Marquam.
Scats are now selling for Verfii's tuneful
opera, "Rlroletto." which the Savage Grand
Opera Company will give at tbe Marquam
Grand Theater aart Tuesday afternoon, Febru
ary 6, at 2:15 o'clock. It was definitely de
cided day before yesterday to produce this
opera In order to give tbe hundreds of music
1 overs who were unable to purchase seats for
the operas previously announced an oppor
tunity of hearing this great company. Tbe
tickets are entirely rone for every perform
ance with the exception of "Rigoletto."
"Americans" at the Baker.
There will be but two store performances
of Miner's "American Burlesque Company" at
tbe 'Baker tonight at 8:15 and tomorrow mat'
lnee. There Is no performance tomorrow
nlcht, and though this fact Is published time
and time again, there are many people who
come to tbe Baker every Saturday teeming
amazed when they nsd there Is no s&ow. The
company leaves after the roatlne for San
Francisco. Miner's "Americans" will repay
any one for attending this week. The music
Is tuneful and orlrinal, tbe scenery artistic,
glittering and surpriHlnrr "tha--, costumes beauti
ful and the electrical displays xrvsl and be
wildering. v
Crowds to See "Happy Hooligan."
"Happy Hooligan" has drawn large crowds
to the Empire all this week, and they have
laughed at his many eccentric adventures in
the great City of New Tork, where, with his
wonderful dog Flip, he appears In the role of
a protector for a much-persecuted blind flower
girl. "Hooligan In Xcw York." contains a very
strong melodramatic plot and thrilling and ex
citing scene! galore. It Is a good show and
Portland has followed the lead of ail other
cities where It has played this iason and
taken It up strong. The last three perform
ances will be given at the Empire tonight, to
morrow matinee and tomorrow sight.
"The County Chairman" Coming.
The quaint plcturesqueneoi and homely hu
mor of George Ade's comedy, "The County
Chairman," has endeared It to a score of theater-goers.
This admirable light comedy ap
peals particularly to lovers of refined, clean-
cut characters taken from everyday life and
portrayed by a cast of players up to tbe
standard of excellence maintained by all com
panies bearing the Henry W. Savage trade
mark. Mr. Ade has transcribed from nature
a fund of graphically true situations that
strike a responsive chord. Essentially Ameri
can in tone, "The County Chairman" bids fair
in a few years to rank as a classic "The
County Chairman will be presented at the
Marquam Grand Theater for two nights, begin
ning Thursday, February 8, and the engage
ment terminating with a Saturday matinee.
The advance sale of seat will open next
Tuesday morning, February 6. at 10 o'clock.
Pollard's Famous Xillipatlans.
Joseph Muller, representing the Pollard Lill-
putlan Opera Company, la In tbe city. Mr.
Muller "Is Just as enthusiastic as ever over
the half-hundred little Australians whose the
atrical destinies he directs. He says that the
tour of Eastern Canada brought tbe children
a host more friends and admirers. Tbe people
of Montreal In particular took the "klddlea"'
to their hearts and were loth to let them go.
Mr. Muller says there has been some weed
ing out of the older and taller children, these
having been sent back to Australia, and he
has replaced them with the smaller ones.
The engagement here will open Sunday af
ternoon In their favorite opera, "The Belle of
New Tork."
Miner's "Bohemians" Xcxt "Week.
Tom Miner's "Bohemian Burlewjuerri."
billed to appear at the Baker all next week,
starting Sunday matinee, la one of the really
good burlcsaue shows. It In always In ths
vanguard and this season Is the acknowledged
leader, and the first to produce a real musical
farce extravaganza, modeled and constructed
along the lines of a regular Broadway produc
Ralph Cummings at the Grand.
Tho who delight In a clever bit of acting
In a vaudeville entertainment will find exactly
what they like In "A Game of Hearts." as
played at the Grand by Ralph Cummings and
hlfl company. This Is a comedy condensed to
a single short act, but it Is as dainty and
-unique as though expanded to three long acts.
Tbe histrionic talents displayed during "A
Game of Hearts" are the best yet. Tlnkham
and company are Introducing a cycle whirl,
which la a new variety of the sensational
whirl acts seen here In tbe past. It Is reek
leas, breakneck performance which never falls
to arouse' the house to the highest pitch of
enthusiasm. Caprice, the change artist, who
has played. all the big circuits of the East, Is
a strong attraction on the programme, and
George DelmaH. with his mld-alr feats. Is an
other. Gavotte Brothers are violin virtuosi
and Master Hoft and startling moving pictures
complete the entertainment.
Parisian Acrobats at the Star.
There Is a vast difference between Ameri
can and Euorpean vaudeville performers and
this Is demonstrated thisweek by the Marti
net tl Trio, acrobats, direct from Paris. The
European acts have an artletle and polished
appearance which Americana generally fall to
grasp. This Is one reason why Buropeas acts
are always headltners, and tho Martlsettl
Trio hold this position at the Star this week.
The Carnell sisters; two little girls, will be
great favorites with the children who attend
the matinee tomorrow. Vontellx and Jflna
work In the air on a pair of flying Roman
rings, doing also Impossible feaU far from
the stage. Smith and mils have a comedy
turn and Gibson and Gibson present a playlet
called "A Burglar's Kit." Mr. Hartford's
song and pictures of Paris on the Staroscope
round out the programme.
In tho high-class restaurants and hotels.
In the home of the able provider, in fact
wherever a cood palate serves as a guide,
the selection of M.oet & Chandon "White
Seal," vintage of 1900. Is positively mani
fest, and this delicious product Is pro
claimed the "champagne of the day." No
less than 99,287 cases of Moet & Chandon
champagne were brought into the Port of
New York during 1995, which amount Us
over 50 per cent greater than was Im
ported by the house second on the list,
as compiled In the Custom-House statis
tics, At all social gatherings, prominent
functions, and banquets, the feature
proper is "White Seal." vintage 1900. and
the great Increase of its sales is evidence
of Its continued popularity.
Mrs. August Kratz Is Bead.
Mrs. Elsie V. Kratz. wife of August
Kratz, died early yesterday, morning at
her home, 141 Eleventh street, of tuber
culosis. She was 36 years of age.
The Parity of BrtbcU'c VaaJUa
Is sever quesUcaed by any pure food cemssss-loa
Consumers Annoyed at Exces
sive Charges.
Pays Xcarly FourJTimcg, as Mach an
He Did LAsybitmmcr, Though
JlSPls Using IjCSS Gas
Vow Titan Then.
Renewed protest at the exorbitant
charges of the Portland Gas Company
were heard on all sides yesterday, which
was the first day for the payment of "West
Side bills for the month of January- In
many cases the bills for the past month
were even higher than those of December,
which raised such a storm of protest, and
the sentiment of consumers, who are par
ing higher prices thari residents of other
cities, and for an inferior article, shows
that they would gladly welcome an oppo
sition company or any other Influence
which would assure reasonable prices or
better gas.
Dr. F. Burgette Short, pastor of the
Taylor-Street Methodist Episcopal
Church, was most outspoken In his dis
satisfaction with the charges of the gas
Voices His Protest.
"It is not the amount of my bill which I
mind," he said, "but the fact that it has
been constantly increaslngSgrhereas I am
now burning less gas thatttit other times
when I have been charred less. The bill
for gas in my residence at 221 Eleventh
street Is 3.B5 for the past month, and was
only $3.15 for January, 1905. Now, as a
matter of fact. I used much less gas last
month than I did then. Last month I was
out practically every night conducting re
vival services, so that the gas was burned
very little in the evalnjr. I am entirely
at a loss to account for the site of my
bllL It is perfectly evident that I am pay
ing more and burning less gas than I did
one year ago. And yet the gas company
Is supposed to have reduced its prices la
that time. I suppose if It had put prices
up my gas bill would have gone down.'
"It would appear that the charges for
gas also varies with the season, for last j
Summer, when I was burning a large
amount of gas for cooking purposes, my
bill was only JL60 a month. As & usual
.thing we cooked both breakfast and din
ner on a gas range in the hot months, and
it must have taken considerable gas. That
I should have to pay little more than $1
for it then, and more than to last month,
when we were very seldom at home in
the evening, is peculiar."
Xecd Opposition Company.
Dr. Short Is of the opinion that an op
position gas company is needed. "It cer
tainly Is the remedy for the present condi
tions," he said. "Xet us have a little com
petition, and we shall see prices go down
with a rush."
The case of Dr. Short Is simply an ex
ample of the way in which thousands of
customers have been overcharged for the
airy mixture that the Portland Gas Com
pany is distributing over the city. How
the bills have been going up while prices
have nominally been reduced are well
shown by the bills of Dr. Short for th,e
past IS months. Taking them in order,
beginning with last month, they are: Jan
uary. J3.S3: December, $30; November.
JU5; October, J5: September. 5.75; Au
gust, ;Lq; July. J1.50; June. JIJO: May,
L73: April. JU6; March. J3.23; February,
J2.10: January, J.15.
Ready to Invade Portland.
Within two month at hi mntf- tVin
"United Cigar Stores Company will open
up three cigar stores In Portland. H. S.
Collins, one of the moot prominent men
connected with the company. Is now a
guest at the Hotel Portland, and last
nlsht stated that thev -nrmiM
business within that length of time.
The principal location of tho company
will be at Fourth and Washington streets
in the Washington bnlldlnc Tho nthi
two stores will be on the main streets of
Fortland. Mr. Collins stated last night
that within a few days he would be In a
position to clve out the nlan of tho
pany for Portland, which have not been
quite completed as yet.
Talks on Mother's Influence.
Mrs. C M. Wood spoke before the Home
Training Association yesterday afternoon
on "When Does a Mother's Influence Be
gin V The speaker had much to say both
of the mother's and the child's character
and necessary training, and made it clear
to every parent present that her Influence
begins even before the child Is born.
One of the speaker's expressions seemed
to make all mothers think. She said:
"Motherhood would be more popular and
more Joyful If children caused less care
and were more grateful: and were the
mother educated In this phase of her life.
sue could have her Ideal child Just in ac
cordance with her own effort."
Oppose Stark-Street Extension.
The Ubrarv Association of Portland-
through C A. DolDh. lt president, to.
gether with the Falling and Corbett
estates, cross filed a remonstrance
with the City Council against tho pro
posed opening of Stark street In its
present westerly course and -width
from the -west line of Twelfth street
to the east line of Thirteenth street.
Protestants set forth that no benefits
will accrue to the property they repre
sent by reason of such extension.
Dr. C. H. "Wheeler Appointed.
In conformity with the general plan of
reorganization of the City Health De
partment, the Board of Health yesterday
appointed Dr. C H. "Wheeler" as the head
o( the local bureau at a salary of $K0 a
month, and gave Dr. Hay Matron, pres
ent Health Officer, the position of City
Physician, made -vacant by the recent
resignation of Dr. Cauthorn.
Oregon if c
Fifth Koor, Macle&y Building, 286 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon.
Phone Main 6335. L. Samuel, 3Aanagr. Examine the lower rates and superior
business metko4s of this Company before you sien an anDlieation for Life
Insurance anywhere. Purely mutual:
CJ- -4 iT. - I ; . ,t
prouui ui. me ousiness paia to mem in amaenas at tne ena oi every year.
Operating; on safe, conservative plans that have stood the test of time. You
cannot afford to have any one try experiments -with your Life Insurance.
Connoisseurs Understand That There Is Nothing Better
Whiskey. Old, mellow and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant
Traction Company Will Ignore
Front Street.
Right of Way on Columbia Street
to Third WJ11 Be Sought by
Willamette Valley Trao
. tion Company.
The petition of the Willamette Valley
Traction Company for a franchise on
Front street -will be -withdrawn at the
meeting- of the street committee this
afternoon, and In its stead a franchise
on Columbia street to Third street
-will be asked. The Willamette
Valley Traction Company will not.
however, abandon its project to
operate a line down Front street, but
will later ask for the right to run
freight cars h that street at night
only. The promoters f the company
realize there' is se&slaerable opposition
to the iffajitlg ef & franchise on
Front street mUte prt ef the prop
erty owners, ana tisr to overcome this
will require time. They hepC'to secure t
the right f rem the City Council to run
cars on CeluHthia to Third, -where they !
-will take chances en gettinsflhe right i
to run passenger cars over cither I
First, Second or Third streets In con- I
nection -with either the Portland Con-
solldated or the Oregon Water Power i
tracks. They -will make the change In :
the franchise asked In order to begin
construction wr.rk at this end of the
line at once.
But one of the great annual clearance
sale. Stocks complete In standard goods
and we guarantee the best values. Come
today and see the values In white lawn
waists, muslin underwear, corsets. Mount
Hood shirts at 25c 2c and SOc. Unens
and curtains. McAlIen &. McDonnell.
Will Build Three-Story Brick.
George Damraeler has secured a 12
years' lease on the property at the south
west corner of Fifth and Oak streets, and
In a few weeks will begin the erection of
a three-story brick building. The prem
ises are at present occupied by a frame
owned by tbe policv-holders. All the
i . .. . o
Delayed Shipment
seasons" when everyone
Take advantage of these
bbbbbbKbsW im
structure which will be removed to make
way for the modern building. The ground
floor of the proposed new building will be
used as stores: The work of excavating
will begin as soon as several pending
agreements ran be satisfactorily adjusted
with proposed tenants. The cost of the
structure Is given as J1S.0CO.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for parties. Open aU night. 305
Washington, near Fifth.
The best six-course dinner, with wine.
50c 12 to S P. M.. at Scott Restaurant, 7th
and Ankeny. .Fine merchants lunch. 25c.
Mihvaukie Country Club.
Los Angeles and Oakland races. Take
Sellwood and Oregon City cars. First -and
His h -Grade Fleae for Keat
And sold on easy payments. Piano tuning
and repairtnsr. H. Slnsbelmer. 73 Third St.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havi Always' Boigkt
Bears ths
Sigaatcra of
Tou will find that a piano U always
satisfactory If It Is a good Instru
ment, and the purchaser receives
rood treatment from the house
from which he bought It. We carry
none but honestly-made, reliable
pianos and our earnest desire Is to
please our customers. AsJc any of
them if they are not satisfied with
their dealings with this house. A
satisfied customer Is the cheapest
and best way of advertising.
We cordially Invite yon to inspect
tho many different makes of fine
pianos we carry. Also a complete
Una of piano players and playtr
Maaufactarers AgeaCs,
374 Morrison St, cor. W. Park
Tea and coffee go" by taste
alone; and tastes are many.
Schilling's Best teas are five,
and coffees four; all different;
money back all; at your grocer's.
It ensures an enjoyabie, inyfgor
sting bath; makes every port
respond, removes dead ski,
starts the circulation, and leaves
t gknr equal to a Tmridsh bath.
of Men's Trousers
Owing to a delay, a large shipment of fine Trousers that should
have been here a month ago, have just arrived. Very desirable
weight in neat patterns all sizes. This is the "between
needs an extra pair of trousers.
extraordinary price concessions.
Our sale of Men's Fine Suits will continue during this week;
Regular $20, $22.50 and $25 Suits $16,85
A Full Line
THE EMERSON Laboratory Lathes, Forge Blowers, Bench
Drills and Exhaust Pans
For Sale By
2 Phont Main 1696. NO. 61 SIXTH ST., PORTLAND, ORE. I
branch here, purchasing the business, prescription books, etc., of former
Optician Walter Beed. Under Manager Tloyd F. Brower's supervision an
optical plant, unequaled in the Northwest, was installed and the new house
opened for business Not. 1st, 1905.
(Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lake, Dallas, Texas; Portland, Orejem)
133 Sixth St Successor to Walter Reed Oregonian BIrJg.
That's one of the mottoes of our office.
Not a motion made thoughtlessly. Expert
dentists must know what they are doing
all the time, it's necessary In painless
dentistry. Nineteen years In dentistry.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Falling Building-. Third and "Washington.
A. M. to 9 P. M. Sunday. 9 to 12. Main
Br. W. A. Wis.
In. the XorthTreit Is conducted at the
Ichnkc-Walker Business College
Elks' Bldr.. Seventh and Stark Streets.
Wdaday aad
No bttr !nvstmnt than a ceurs In
our Departments cf
We tuLvt the most modern equipment
of any coUg in ths West. All our
departments are In charge of experts.
The Portland
Do you love, good music? Tou
an select your choice- from a port-
folio of SCd pieces of popular musta
ef ths world, aad Frofesser Aa
terdam and his Hungarian areas
tra will render It for you.
Everything to eat and drink, and
! costs no mor In the
Portland Hotel Rathskeller
than elsewhere In the city. Every
weekday sight from $ 38 ta li
chwab Printing Co.
mist proxz, xzAseviLz rxiczs
After a careful survey of the new
territory the Columbian Optical
Company selected Portland as best
adapted to its requirements and
asta'hHs'hfirl its "NVitTi 7i;fi
Dr. T. r. Wis.
Poor Dental Work Is Dear at any Price
The Alveolar Method as Practiced by
the Boston Dentists Assures Per
manent and Beautiful Results.
If your teeth are decayed or abscessed
or loose and falling out, or your gums in
flamed and sore, then your health de
mands that your teeth be attended to. If
you are looking for the best work at a
reasonable fee we would advise you to
call upon the Boston Dentists. 291i Mor
rison street, the dentists who originated
tbe Alveolar Method, the most-talkcd-of.
the most imitated of recent dental dis
coveries. Examinations free. Idy attendant.
Skillful specialists.
Boston Dentists
Morrison Street. Opp. Meier & Franlc
and Postoftlce.
Great Fire Sale
Consisting of Ladle' and Children's whtt
roods, hosiery, corset. lace, embroidery and
fancy goods; custom-made ladies silk un
dergarments, wraps, waist, etc
Everything at Cost Price
Zi. MIKO & BROS.. S3 ttTH ST.
CUXI0S. Aatisrmitiis, Iemt ax 5lc
Indian Stoee Kmvc. Relics, Carvings and Idols in
Ivory. Stone. Bronie. etc. War dubs. Spears. Baws.
Masks, Baslctts. Bolox, Mats, Skulls of all Nation.
8XOS aasl II SINS af Aalsaals, War Mak.
Native Body Ornaments and Dress,. Anaent rkat
Guns and Pistols, Coins, Shields. Antique Silver aad
Armor, Saells. Send for Photos. Wholesale Dealer.
A 91S.M Fall Set
for 9600
Room -446 Dekuna