Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 02, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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Durst Will Lay a Proposition
Before Oregon Growers;
Pledges Ills jTeavy nqlillngs,;for the
Ibvemcnt Local Market Shows
; ' More Activity Conditions
in Produce Trade.
HOPS Callfornlan will propose a
plan to Oregon growers for improve
ment of market.
POTATOES Slump may mark end
of shipping season.
ONIONS--Scconds offered at 50c.
VEGETABLES Two. mixed cars ar
rive from. Los Angeles.
EGGS Market 1 cent lower. - "
POULTRY Chicken prices demoral
p UTTER Steady and unchanged.
;MEATjS All kinds strong.
M. H. Duiet, the 'Wheatland (Cal.) hop
grower, writes to The Orcgpnlan that he will
tart for this state in a few days for the
purpose of meeting the Oregon growers and
laying' befOro them a plan for the material
improvement of the hop market He is con
Cdcnt that the proposition he will make will
prove .effective, and believes it will be ac
ceptable to the growers. He states thatj he
stands ready ,10 put in the Durst hops on the
arae basts as those of other growers.
The market for sometime hasbctn In a
very, evenly balanced position, and It has been
appsrent fo;faH .that It would not require
much to start It off, cither in an upward or
downward direction. Mr. Durst's proposition.
of course, is 'intended to elevate prices, and it
Is needless to buy that the growers of this
state -will heartily Indorse any project that
will put the market where it should be.
Trading was quite brisk yesterday, but, as
has boen the case lately, most of it was be
tween dealers, as It is exceedingly difficult
10 get nops out of first hands. The prices
paid ranged in most Instance from 9 to 9
cents. Some of the dealers look for a very
active market in the coming week, as several
of the short sellers, with February contracts
on hand, are anxious to cover as soon as pos
Some Dealers Think the Big Slump Will
Wind Up Shipments.
Potato shippers are of the opinion that the
big slump In tho San Francisco market, which
was reported on this page yesterday, marks
the wind-up of the shipping trade this year,
so far as the potato speculators are concerned.
Later advices from San Francisco hold out
no hope for the future, unless It be for a
brlof well near the close of the season. If
these facts are correct. It will not be pleasant
news for the potato-growers', who are still
carrying, according to some estimates, nearly
half of the production of the state.
Shipments or some kind will, of course, be
made, as lone as there arc potatoes to move.
but no heavy business Is looked, for by the-
Ms dealers. It Is said that tho Sound mar
kets are-also in poor shape and will only take
fancy offerings, as there are plenty of Taki
Jnas left., also Oregons in storage. Shippers
yesterday quoted the local market as prac
tically nominal with CO cents as about the
value of the best stock. No price at all waa
made on common potatoes.
Onions continue weak and dull with Job
bing prices ranging from 75 cents to $1.25,
according to quality. Two or three cars were
offering on the local market yesterday, some
of the poorer lots at 50 cents a sack, with no
takers. A number of poor cars are ready for
shipment South and it is said that several of
theee have already been rejected.
One Cent Day I the Present Kate of De
cline In This Market.
The egg market continues to slide down
's aro at a unirorm gait. Twenty-four cents
flat waa the price at which Jobbers held their
stocks yesterday, but this reduction of 1 cent
from the previous day's price was no tempta
tion to buyers and trading was therefore very
The chicken market waa. thoroughly demor
alised. Good hens were nominally worth from
11 to 12 cents, and some sales were made in a
email way at that price, but business was also
transactfcd below the lower figure. Mixed coops
-were' generally held at 10 cents. Ducks, geese
Jid turkeys were Also alow.
The butter market was steady and un
changed. Celery and Cauliflower Arrive.
Two mixed cars of celery and cauliflower
that were delayed by tho Southern Pacific
-wreck reached "Hown yesterday and found a
rood local and shipping demand. The Inquiry
for other lines of vegetables was also fairly
good. Choice bananas are becoming scarce and
sjo more are expected until Monday, when two
cars should arrive.
.Canned Tomato Situation.
Commenting on tho tomato situation in the
East, tho American Grocer aays: 'The situa
tion statistically is unusually strong. There
are requirements to be me.t for Ave months'
consumption, which are estimated at 3.000,000
td S.500.O00 cases. To supply this there are
not in possession of the eradicate and outside
holders 60 per cent of the quantity required; '
m u gaiion tomatoes are practically put of
the market there seems to bo a clear track
for the syndicate, which gives evidence", of pos
scssing brains, nerve and cash."
Dressed Meats In Demand.
The demand lor all kinds of meats contin
ued very brisk yesterday. Receipts ot veal
were large -and a plentiful supply of pork also
came In. but all mov ed off at top prices. Mut
ton and beef were fcarce and firm.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
fl.-u . Clearings.
AtUo 1.201.S01
ma- 561.571
Spokane 512.9G2
$ 92.170
Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc
FLOUR Patents, $4.304.70 per barrel;
straights, $3.804.10; clears, $3.63 3.80;
Valley. $3.603.00; Dakota hard wheat, pat
ents, $5.500; clears. $5; graham, $3.25
3.75; whole wheat, $3.754; rye flour, local.
$5; Eastern. $5.255.35; cornmeaL per bale.
"T'FiSr; 71"2c: hluestem, 7S74c;
red, 6S60c: Valley, 73c.
OATS No. l white feed, $28; gray. $27 per
MILLSTUFFS Bran, city. $17; country.
$18 per ion: middlings. $24.50; shorts, city,
$18; country. $18 per ton; chop, U. S. Mills.
$17.50; Unseed dairy food, $18; acalta meal.
$18 per ton.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 80
pouad sacks.. $6.75; lower, grades. $5.23.
6 -SB; eataaeal. steelcut, 5 pound sacks, ff
per barrel: 18-powid sacks. $4.25 per bale:
oatmeal (ground), 50-pound racks, 17-5 pr
barrel; 10-pound sacks, 4 per bale; split
peas, $5 per 100-poand sack; . 23-pound
boxes. SL40; pearl barley, $1.25 per 10
pounds; 25-pound boxes, $L25 per box;
pastry flour, 10-pound sacks. $2.50 per bale.
BARLEY Feed. S23U23.50 per ton; brew
ing. $23.50324: rolled. $24 (if 25.
BUCKWHEAT $2.23 per cental.
HAY Eastern Oregon .timothy. $ 13.50 9
14 per ton; Valley timothy, X9l6; clover,
$7.508; cheat. $.78; grain hay. $7fS.
Vegetable. IraK. Ztc
DOMESTIC FRUITS Appjes. common, 75e
ffll per box; choice, SL25&L50; fancy, $20
2.50; pears. $ 1.23 f 1.50 per box; cranberries,
$13913.50 per barrel.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemoac, $2R.50 per
bojc; oranges, sards. $22.75 per box: Jap
anese, 60c per single box; grapefruit. $2.75
3.25; pineapples, $41.50 per dor en; bananas,
Cc per pound.
4T1.50 per dozen; beans, nominal; cab-.
cage, -v-itc per pound; cauunower. $z per
crate: celery, $3.50 per crate; cucumbers. $L25
L75 dozen; head lettuce, 33640c dozen;
hothouse, J 1.25 01.50 -box; peas, 12li15c;
bell peppers. 35c: pumpkins, 3ilc per
pound; radishes. 25c per dozen; tomatoes,
$2.252.40 per crate; sprouts, QMQ'c per
pound; squash, m&l'.ic per pound; parsley,
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. 00c $1 a
sack; carrots. 65 075c per sack; beets, S5c
$1 per sack; garlic 10124e per. pound.
ONIONS Oregon. No. 1. $1.1091.23 sack;
-No. 2. 70c$l.
POTATOES Buying prices: Taney graded
Burbanks, 60c .per hundred, ordinary, nomi
nal: Fwcft potatoes. 02;e per pound.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, 11 12c per
pound; apricots, 1212Hc; peaches. 10 i
12Hc; pears, none; Italian prunes,
64c; California figs, white. In sacks. SUc
pound; black. 45c; bricks. 12-14 ounce
packages. 75S5c per box; 5S-ounce, $2
2.40; Smyrna, 20c per pound; dates. Per
sian. 5?i Cc pound.
RAISINS Seeded. 12-ounce packages, 8
SMc; lG-ounce. 914 10c; loose muscatels.
2-crown. 77Hc; 3-crown, 7U373ic; 4
crown. SffSVic; unbleached seedless Sultanas.
07c; Thompson's seedless unbleached, 85
Siic; Thompson' fancy unbleached. 12
12J4c; London layers. 3-crown. whole boxes
of 20 pounds, 51.75; 2-crown. $2.
Butter. Eggs. Poultry, Etc
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ers'. 30H32"4c per pound. State creameries
Fancy creamery, 27 H 32 lie; store butter,
EGGS Ortgon. ranch. 24c; Eastern. 20322c
jcr uuzen.
CHEESE Oregon full cream, twins, 14 Vt
(fliucit, xoung America, JO't ISc.
POULTRY Averare old hens. 11S12e
mixed chickens, 10i0ic; broilers. 153 17c
dressed chickens. 13tfUo: turkeys, live, lot?
ic; lurKeys. crceseo. cnoice. isasnc; gees.
live, pouna, ajjioc: geese, dressed, per pound,
12SI14C; ducks. lCjflfvc; pigeons. $12; squabs,
Groceries, Nuts, Etc
COFFEE Mocha, 2C2Sc; Java, ordinary.
iu&xxc; costs, iuca, zancy. is20e; good
iuqjjsc; orainary. isr"c per pound: Co
jumoia roast, cases, loos. $14.25; 50s. $14.23
Arbuckle, $10.38; Lion. $10.38.
RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1, 5c; South
ern Japan. 5.35c: head. 7c
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails,
per dozen. 2-pound talis, $2,40; 1-
pouna nats, si.s5; fancy. 1 to lt-pound flats,
i-M): -pouna flats. $L10: Alaska nlnk. 1
pound talis, 00c; red. 1-pound tails. $L25
sociceye, i-pouna tans. $1.70.
bUG AR Sack basis, 100-pound: Cube,
SG.U5; powdered. $3.60; dry granulated.
$5.70; extra C, $5.25; golden C. 15.10; -fruit
sugar, $5.70. Advances over fcaek b!
joiiows: .Barrels, iwc; -oarreis, 25c; boxes.
vt uw xw mjuuue. icnni: un remiiiancea
within 15 days deduct ner sound: if tutor
iuui io us; ajiu wuoin u aays, oCQUCt HC;
sugar, granuiatea. o.&o per 100 pounds;
maple sugar, 1518c per pound.
"Alt California. $11 cer ton. nsr
naic; jverpooi, wte, fi; 109s, $16.50; 200s,
$1C: 4 -pounds. '100s. $7: 50s. $7.50.
TCTTTC 1Vntn..l. ttl'. . j . ...
-. v w ...Uuu, .uTii; yvt yvunu oy saca;
lie extra for less than sack. Brazil nuti.
lCc: filberts, 16c; pecans. Jumbos, 16c; extra
large. 17c: almonds. 140'lSe: chestnut..
Italian. 12U16c; Ohio, 20c; peanuts, raw.
7c pound; roasted. Oci plnenuta. I0l2c:
hickory nuts, 7it8c; cocpanuts; 35990c per
BEANS Small white. 4c: larra white.
-c: pmK, -;c; oayou. mc; Lima, 3"ic;
Prerisleas and Canned Meats.
HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 12 Uc nound: 14
to 10 pounds, 12Uc; 18 to 20 pounds. 12 Uc:
California (slcnic). Sc: cottar ham u.-
snouiaers,, oc: Donca nam. lbJac; boiled pic
nlc ham. boneless. I3c
iJACO?. Fancy breakfast. ISc ner nound:
standard breakfast. 16c: choice. 15e: Eng
lish breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds. 14c; peach
PICKLED GOODS Pork barrels. SIS: 4
barrels. $0.50. Beef, barrels, $12; H-barrele.
SAUSAGE Ham. 12c per pound: minced
nam, iuc; bummer, choice dry, 17c; bolog
na, long, 5c; welnerwurst, 8c; liver. 0c;
fiorn. uiffiuc: neaacneere. uc; mood, oc; bo
ogna sausage. Jink. iHc
CANNED MEATS Corned beef, counds.
per oozen. si.vs: two pounds. J 2.23: six
pounas. i. itoast Deer, nat, pounds. $L25;
two pounds, (2.25; six pounds, none Roast
beef, tall, pounds, none; two pounds, $2.5;
six pounds. $7. Lunch tongue, pounds. i2.75.
atoast mutton, six pounas.
DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears.
dry salt. 10c; smoked, llic; clear backs,
dry salt. 10c; smoked. llc; dear bellies,
14 to 17 pounds average, none: Orccos ex
ports. 20 to 25 pounds average, dry a!t, lie;
smoKea. i-'c; union tie nice, jo to 18 pounds
average, none.
LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierces.
juc: tuns. ioc; 50s. 1051c; 20s, 10Kc;
10s. HHc; 5. lliic Standard pure: Tierces.
OHc; tubs, 9Hc; DOs, OHc; 20n flic; 10s.
10Hc; 5s. 10Uc Compound: Tierces. IHc:
tubs, 65ic; 30s, 6c;20s, 7Uc; Se. ?c
Hops, Wools, Hides. Etc
HOPS Oregon. 1805. choice, 10011c;
prime. SH0c; medium. 7Sc; olds. 37c
HIDES Dry hides: .No. 1, 10 pounds and
up. 16H18c per pound; dry kin. No. 1. 5 to
11 pounds. 1510c per pound; dry calf. No.
1. under 5 pounds. I710c; dry salted, bulls
and stags, one-third less than dry flint;
(culls, moth-eaten, badly cut. scored, mur
rain, halr-cllpped. weather-beaten or grub
by. 23c per pound less). Salted hides:
Steers, sound. 60 pounds and over, 10(5' 11c
per pound: 50 to CO pounds, SH10c per
pound; under 50 and cows. 8010c per pound;
salted kip. sound. 15 to 30 pounds. te per
pound; salted veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds,
ft310c per pound: salted calf, sound. 10 to
14 pounds, 10llc per pound; f green un
salted, lc per pound less; culls, lc per
pound less). Sheepskins: Shearlings. No. 1
butchers' stock, 25 (g 30c each; thort wool.
No. 1 butchers' stock. 40 50c each: medium
wool. No. 1 butchers stock. 60 80c; long
wool. No. 1 butchers stock. $11.50 each.
Murrain pelts from 10 to 20 per cent less or
1214c per pound; horse hides, salted, each,
according to sl2e. $1L50: colts' hides. 23
50c each; goatskins, common. 1013c
each: Angora, with -wool on. 23c S J 1.50 each.
.FURS No. 1, according to size: Bearskins.
$S30 each; cubs, half price; badger. 10
50c; wildcat with head perfect, 15c $1.23:
house cat; 10 20c: fox. common gray. 50c
$L25; red. $25.50; cross. $6015; silver and
black. $100200: fishers. $310: lynx. $3
10; mink, according to size. $1.755: mar
tea, dark, according to size and color, $2.50 tf
10; muskrat. large. S20c; skunk. 85c$2;
civet or polecat, 1025c: otter. $520;
panther. $18; raccoon. 50c$3.50: moun
tain wolf, with head nerfect, $L75S; coy
ote, 50c$1.50; wolverine. $40; beaver, $1
WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 18
021c: Valley. 2426c pet pound.
MOHAIR Choice. 30c per pound.
BEESWAX Good, clean and. pure. 20
22c per pound.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 3H3c;
No. 2 and grease, 23c
CASCARA SAGRADA (cblttam bark 24
3c. according to quality.
TURPENTINE! Cases. 89c per gallon.
COAL OIL Cases. 20c per gallon; tanks.
14 He per gallon.
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 23 He:
72 test. 27c: SO test, 35c; Iron tanks. IPc
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7-ic; 500-pound
lots, 8c:1ess than 500-pound lots. 8Uc (In
25-pound tin palls, lc above keg price; 1 to
5-pound tin pails, lc above keg price; 1 to
5-pound tin cans. 100 pounds per case. 2 Vic
per pound above keg price.)
LINSEED OIL Raw. In barrels. 57c; la
cases. 62c; boiled. In barrels, 59c; in cases.
64p; 250-galloa lots, lc less.
Drested Meats.
BEEF Dressed bulls. 22Uc per pound;
"ud. 34 4c
MUTTON Dressed, fancy. fiSVic
pound: ordinary. 45c; lambs. 77Hc
PORK Dressed. 100 to 150 pounds.
7ttc: 150 and up. 60Hc per pound.
Dairy Prod ace la the Eat.
CHICAGO. Feb. 2. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was steady;
creameries. lS5c; dairies. lS23c Eggs
firm at mark, cases included. J5c; firsts.
15V4c; firsts. lSVic; extras, 3Sc Cheese
steady. 1113.
NEW YORK. Feb. 1. Butter, - xheese and
eggs- firm. - "" : - -. ., .
Constant Fluctuations in New
York Stock Market.
Km mors Concerning Union . Pacific
nuti Coppers PJar an Important
Part in the Speculation.
.. 3ioncy Continues Easy.
NEW YORK. Feb. 1. It Is rarely that
prices fluctuate o widely and to constantly
as Teas the case on the stock exchange today.
Half a dozen timer qr more- during the day
the current of the market changed its course.
Neither declines nor advances "were long pur
sued. Tranmctlons were large la a few ac
tive stocks, but the general list was compara
tively dull. It wan asserted that some large
tranractlon on either side ot the market In
the prominent stocks were closed out within,
a brief time.
Great play was made upon the assumption
that negotiations were la progress for a set
tlement ot the long-standing disputes In tho
copper trade. Copper opened both upon the
stock exchange and upon the curb with a con
tinuance ot the upward rush la force at the
closing last sight. The abrupt reactions due
to the heavy unloading which met these ad
vances daRhed the speculative confidence. -The
reports were revived in all their -variety. In
cluding an alleged plan for a wholesale mer
ger of copper, Kmelting, mining and lead com
panies. Reading was an active ceater of specula
tion, and moved as uncertainly as -the cop
pers. The circulation of a report that a Con
gressional resolution was in prospect for In
formation upon the Unlcn Pacific control of
the Southern Pacific was responsible largely
for the early heaviness in that group. The
Northwestern Pacific were strong throughout.
The United Eta tea Steel stocks made good re-,
slstance to the heavy celling early.
Money continued easy, and foreign ex
change yielded further. The speculative taste
for dealing la rumors asserted Itself la the
late buoyancy ot the Pacifies and the Irregu
larity of the market was maintained by re
newed selling of Amalgamated Copper under
cover of this movement.
' Bonds were steady. Total sales; par value,
$2.t0.000. United States bonds were un
changed on calL .
Sales. High. Low.
Adams Expnet .....
Amalgam. Copper.59.700 116c
Car & Koun. 7,000 4oU
do preferred...
4.500 1034
7tO 234
300 210
4O0 3SH
3.700 45li
l,0Crt 28i
1.000 S
1.703 75i
Amer. Cotton Oil.,
do preferred
American Express. 300 210 243
Am. Hd. & Lt. pL 4O0 3S4 3S
American Ice 3,700 434 454
Aror. Linseed OH. l.OCrt 284 254
do preferred 1.000 S 4S
Amer. LocomotU'c. 1.703 75i 74 75 4
do preferred 400 117 1164 4
Am. bmelt, & Ref. 64.900 199 1444 1674
do preferred 3.000 12S 1264 127.
Am. Sugar Refin.. 59.500 14S 1474 1474
Am. Tobacco Dfd... 500 106. 103i 106U
jvnaconoa jam. uo.. m.&jo sC4
Aicnwn .......... r,tw t-v
do preferred 300 1044
5f 4
Atlantic Coast Line 300 1C34
Baltimore & Ohio. 13.KO 1164
do preferred 100 SSO
a rook. Rsp. Tran. 21.500 S4"
Canadian Pacific .. l.OOO 1734
Cent, of N. Jersey
Central Leather .. 3.PO0 47i
do preferred 1.000 1074
Chesapeake & Ohio. 6.500 6O4
unicago c Alton.. 500 3:4
do preferred...,. 10.600
Chi. Gt. Western. 10.000 23
Chi. k Northwest. 3.900 236
Chi.. MIL & St. P. 36.CO0 lfV,
Oil. Term. & Tran. 200 164
do preferred 200 41
C. C. C & St. L
Colo. Fuel & Iron. CO.KO 7S;
Colo. & Southern. 4.900 334
no 1st preierrea.. too 714
do 2d oreferred.. ....
Consolidated Gas
Corn Products ... 9.900 19;
oo preierrea..... vw un
Delaware & Hud. 000 2194
Del.. Lack. & W
Denv. & R. Grande f.500 51
00 preierrea 100 &04
Distillers- Eecur... l.soo fa'
Erie 13200 4S4
do 1st preferred.. 4O0 SOU
do 2d preferred.. 100 74
General EJectri.c. 600 1704
Hocking Valley... .
Illinois Central ... 300 1744 174 174
International Paper 3,000 24 ' 244 244
uu lucicrrra..... as bl'
International Pump 500 344 331 30
do preferred .'. go
Iowa Central 32 .
do preferred reu
Xamu City .outh. POO 294 304 314
do preferred 300 614 61 " 004
Loulrr. & Nashv.. 3,3C0 1524 15IU 132
Manhattan L. .... 200 160; 160 160
Met. Securities.... 500 72 72 714
Met, Street Ry.... 7,300 122 4 120X 1214
Mexican Centra.!,. 18,800 234 24 244
Aii441 CK 3L. UDU1B. ......
M., St. P. & S.S.M. 1.400 15S
do preferred.....
Missouri Pacific... 13.6A0 1034
03 U.
&6 "
26 I
do preferred 300 71 u
National Lead ... 11,700 &04
Mex. Nt- R. R. pf. 700 23'
New Vork Central 15.000 1314 150
N. T.. Ont. & W. 3.100 kv; Rtt:
Norfolk & Western 12,400 934 924
do Dref erred.....
Northern Pacific... 14.100 2IO
North American .. 1,400 102K
Pacific Mail 300 474
Pennsylvania 133.O00 1444
People's Gas 900 100
P.. C. C. & St. L. -
' 624
Presoed Steel Car.. 2,400 C2i
00 preierrea 1.3O0 103
Pullman PaL Car.
Reading 171. S00 H4
do 1: preferred.. 300 84
do 2d nrrfcrred.. 101
Republic Steel ... 10.000 354
do preferred 2.500 1074
Rock Island Co... 20.3'O 264
do preferred 3,200 1154
Schloss-ShelTleld . 1.100 SS4
SC L. & E. F. 2 pf. 2.200 4K'
St. LouIa Southw.. 200 234
do preferred soo 5S
boutnern racjfic... 24.SO0
do preferred..... 200 URil
Southern Railway. 34.700 42U
do preferred.....
Tenn. Coal & Iron 1.200 1574
Texas & Pacific... 2.0UV sri:
Tel.. St. L. & W.. 600 35
do preferred...
Union Faclfle ....231.700 158
do preferred
tT. S. Express
V. S. Realtv nnv.
U. S. Rubber 2.200 54 ;
53 K
U. S. Steel "Il37.600 464
444 46-
111X 1124
50 504
irg.-aro. enra..
4.100 0Oi
flo prererred
6."700 25 24
2.400 6 444
"'2O0 1694 1674
do referred
Wells-Farro Exn.
Wetttinghouwe Elec
Wekttrn Union ...
Wboel. & U Erie. l.fOO 204
Wisconsin Central. 100 9
Total sales for "the day. 1.60C100 Shares?
00 preierrea 4O0 za
XEW YORK. Feb. 1. Clorinc-
U S- ref. 2s reg.103 ID & R. G. 4....1004
do coupon 1024 N. T. C. G. 34s. 09
U. S. 3s reg 1024lNor. Pacific Ss.. 774
do coupon 1024 Nor. Pacific 4s..l(W4
U. S. new 4s reg.l29UBo. Pai-iflr . Zln
dO COUOOn l?91I,irTnlnn r.-i- . .
U. S. old 4s reg.103' fwis. Central 4s.I P3
do coupon 103 llap. 6s. 2d ser 1fV
Atchison Adj. 4s 964!Ja?; 4 4aTcerf:: 5
Stocks at Lead.
LONDON. Feb. L Consols for
904: consols for account, 90 9-16
Anaconda ...... 144'
Norfolk Sc. Wst. 945
do preferred... tut
Aicaison ....... 90
do preferred.. 107
Ontario & WesU 364
Pennsylvania ... 731;
Rand Mines 74
Reading 724
Baltimore & O..IISV
Can. Pacific. ;...I764Rand Mines..
t-ne. t unio...
C Gt Western. 23
ao 1st -pref. ... 484
do 2d nref jau
C. M. & St P.. 191
De Beers ...... 184
So. Railway..... 4su
a 50,?J a r'rred...l044
Erie 49 (Union Paelfie.. 'irs
v4V4cana.. M9na finnr w-f t
do 1st pref S24J do preferred... 1004
do 2d nref 76U1IJ. K Rt.i 1--
Illinois CentraL179 t do Breferri. "nr.
ouls. & Naih...l5543Wabah 134
io.. ii-as. & x.. as do Drtferred... 4T "
. T. Central ... 1 54 4 (Spanish Fours... 91U
Mor. Exchwge. Jltc.
NEW TORJC Feb. 1. Moaer on call
steady; highest, 54 per cent; loweM, 34;
rulteg rate 4; 1K lean. $4: closing bid. 34
offered at 6. Ttane loafu Mcady; 60 and So
days axd tlx month. 44 Pr cent. Prime mer
cantile paper. 4;4 per cent.
Sterllsg exchange, easy, closing steady, with
actual btM-teess la bankers' bills at J'.S72oe
4.S72C for deraaad aad at $4.S390t4.V&5 for
$9 days. Posted rates. $4.S4-ITL Coamcrcial
bills. $434.
Bar sliver. 664c
Mexican dollar, 54Hc
Bob 4a Gcrer-uscst and railroad, steady.
SAX FRANCISCO. Feb. L Silver bars,
Mexican dollars Nominal.
Drafts Sight, 19c: telegraph. 124c
Sterling Sixty days. $4.54: sight. $I.8S.
LONDON. Feb. 1. Bar silver, steady. 20 4 d
per oance. .
Money. 4 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market for
short aad three months bills Is 34 per cent.
Daily Treossry Statcaaemt.
WASHINGTON. Feb. I. Today's statement
of the Treasury balances la the general fund
Available cash balances fl43.185.0S3
Gold coin aad bullion 7P.10O.1S7
Gold certificates 30.633,320
Stocks of Grain In Excbangc'-AVarc-
houscs Hops Ilcltl 1'lrmly, but
Quiet Potatoes Inactive.
AN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1. (Special.) Stocks
of grata in regular warehous of Merchants'
Exchange February 1 are as follows: Wheal,
68,359 tons; barley, 26.254 tons; oats. 2936
tons; corn. 720 ton?; brae. 1037 tons, and
beans. 15517 sacks. Compared with & month
ago. the following decreases arc shown
Wheat, 1047 tons; barley, 3(53 .tons; oats. 237
tons, and beans. 16,495 sacksc Corn lncrtaied
62S tons and bran 1S2 toss.
Wheat options locally were stronger, follow
ing Chicago, but there was little trade. Bar
ley futures sympathized with wheal, and had
a small gain. Cash prices for both cereals
were easy, offerings exceedlsgr reoulreroenl.
Handlers of oaut rcsvaft a rood demand and
rm prices. Fredstcifs are quiet and steady.
nope are firmly neld at -arI2 cents, but
trade is quiet J
Wool Is lnactlve'and nominal, nendlnr fh
arri-al ofvthe Spring clip.
iteceipu or granges were much lighter, but
me roarxei was liberally stocked, chiefly tlth
choice aad fancy navels, from the recent
free arrivals, and taoe grades were eajy.
Storks of atandards are small, and price rela
tively firm. bmall lemons aro weak and
large steady. Five carload of Central Amer
ican bananas arrived upon a well-stocked and
easy market Fancy apples are firm.
Potatoes and onions were Inactive and de-
Fresh eggs wero 12U cents lower. Butter
wa steady and unchanged. California cheese
wa I cent lower. Receipt. 62.100 Pounds
Duuer. ii,h pound cheese. 21.270 dozon
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 75c$1.50: car-
He, 55 Cc; green peas. 57c; string beans, 2?c;
tomatoes. 513 1-50.
POULTRY Turkeys. 17019c: roosters, old.
Vi; roosters, young. $07; broilers, small
Vi; oroilers. large. $4f3; fryers, $566;
hens. $4.5086.50; ducks, old. 1506; dueks.
young, W,.jq.
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 31 lie: creamery
EGGS Store. 26027c: fancy ranch. SO.
CHEESE Young America. 13915c; Eastern.
jaoibc; western. 14l44c
vtooL south Plain and S. J., 10813c;
jam os. J 1 OC.
HOPS 5rI2c.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. 110920.50; mlddllsgr.
HAY Wheat, $U16: wheat bnd oatj -
14; 'barley. $Sfrll; alfalfa. $11 13.50; stock.
Mtf,.u; straw, per bale. 30fi55c
FRUIT Apples, choice. $2; common. 40c;
bananas. $12.50; Mexican limes. $5.5006;
California lemons, choice. $2.50; common, 73c;
oranges, navel. $1.233: pineapples. $2fi4.
POTATOES Early Rose. $L25f?1.40; Eell-
oas uuroaaica, $1.2501.65: sweets. 50cC$1.23;
Oregon cunanu, 70ce$1.03.
Mour. T22S quarter sackit;
wheat 73.354 centals: barley, 3200 centals;
eats. 673 centals; cats, Oregon. 900 centals;
beans, 562 sacks; corn. 19CO centals; potatoes.
4400 sacks, bran. 470 sacks; middlings. 200
w; nay. ess tons; wool, 22 bales; hides.
Prices Quoted Locally oa Cattle. Sheet aad
The following livestock prices were quoted
yesterday In the local market;
CATTLE Good Meers, $3.5033.73; fair to
xneoium, $2.5&8; cow?, good. $383.25; me
dium. $2.5062.75; calves, light,. 150 to 175
pounds, $4.5091.75; calves, heavy, $3635.
HOGS Best suitable for packers, 3606.23;
fair to medium grades. $5.50; tight fat weights,
120 to 140 pounds, $365.23.
SHEEP Good fat sheep, $&Q5.23; chelee
lambs, $5.50. ,
Prices Carres t at Kaassa City, Omaha aad
CHICAGO. Feb. I. Cattle Receipts,
7500; steady; beeves. VJ3.S56023; stackers
and feeders. $2.C0 O 4.30jcojrs and heifers.
Hogs Receipts today. 30.000; strady; to
morrow estimated 2S.000; mixed and butch
er. $3.40 ti 6.50; good to heavy, $3.53 3.70;
rough heavy. $5.4095.50; light 45.1095.00;
pigs. $4.9095.10; bulk of sales. J3.3396.05.
Sheep Receipts. 13.000; steady; sheep.
$3.5095.65; lambs. $5.4097.30.
SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. L Cattle Re
ceipts. 2500; market higher; native steers.
$3.2393-30; cows and heifers. $2.754; can-
ners. $1.7592.50; stockers aad feeders. $2.75
04X5; calves, $2X096; bulla and stags, etc.
Hogs Receipts. 12.000; market strong;
heavy. $3.42493.50; mixed. $3.45 8 3.474:
light $3.55 9 5.45; pigs. $4.5095.10; bulk of
ale. $5.4095.45.
Sheep Receipts. 500; market, steady:
"Western yearlings, $5.5086.10; wethers. $5.60
66.10; ewes. $4.3005.13; lambs, $6.7397.
KANSAS CrrY. Ma, Feb. 1. Cattle Re
ceipts. 5000; market steady to 10c higher;
native steers, $4 96; native cows and heif
ers. $225f5: stockers and feeders. $3 6 4.75;
Western cows, $2.5094; Western steers, $3.50
93.50; bulls. $2.5093.90.
Hogs Receipts, 9000; market steady to 5c
lower: bulk of sales, $3.5593.574: heavy.
J3.3095.574; packers, $3.4595.524; pigs
and light $3.2595.50.
Sheep Receipts. 5000: market steady;
muttons. $4.2595.75; lambs. $5.5097; range
wethers. J 3.23 90.23; fed ewe, $1.3095.25.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Feb. I. The London tin mar
ket was higher again, with, spot closing at
100 J2s 6d. and futures at UOi. Locally, the
market wan quiet; spot 3&459Sa0c
Copper was unchanged at ITS 10s for spot
In the London market but futures were a
shade higher at 77 3-u Locally, no change.
Lake and electrolytic are more or leas nomi
nal, lftf 18.50c. and casting. 19c
Lead was unchanged at 16 5s in London
aad at 3.60S6.EOC la New York.
Spelter waa unchanged locally, but &t lower
la Loadon. Spot. 26 17s 6d.
Iron was higher abroad, with standard
foundry advaadng to 52s 44. and Cleveland
warrants to 33 54d in the Eagilsh markets.
Locally, there are reports of coacessloas la
some directions.
Dried Trait at New York.
NEW YORK, Feb. I. The market for evap
orated apples Is quiet. Common. 749Sc;
nearly prime. S494te; prime. 94c: choice.
10c; fancy, 119114c
Prunes are a raj; quotations, range from 44
8 Sc.
Apricots arc uschanced; choice. 109104c:
extra choice. 1849104c; fancy, 11812c
Peaches are ton; extra choice. 10c: faaer.
104811c: extra faacy. 114913c.
Rama, let
Improvement in Wheat Prices
at Chicago.
5 .
Forecast of Cold "Wave Is. Strongest
Factor Increased -Export De
mand at- cw York All
Offerings Absorbed.
CHICAGO. Feb. 1. Sentiment in the wheat
pit was bullish throughout the day. A nura
ber of tho leading cornmtiaioa . houses wcro
active Diaccrs from the start andT all offer
Ings were readllr absorbed. The "forecast of
a. cold wave for the principal whtat-growlur
mates as far south as Kansas and Nebraska
waa -the chief 'feature affecting the market
early in the day. Later, the market was
strengthened by a repot from New York o
Increased, export demand. The highest point
or the day was touched at &48S4Hc, May
closing firm and 4c up at S44c
Despite weak cables the corn market was
firm all day. May closed' 4c un at 444'c.
The oats market was firm. May closed He
up at 5049504c
Provisions were weak early, but offerings
were readily taken by local packers and Eng
l!ih houses. Final quotations on May pork
were up 5974c; lard was up 74c and ribs
"were 74910c higher.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low.
.$ .SI 4 $ .844 . $ 44
. .S3H .834 -34
$ .S44
. .444 .444
. .44 4 .44 S
. .414 .444
. .204 .304
. .294 .204
-4 i
May 14.00 14.12U
July 14.00 14.224
.. 7.53 7.624
.. 7.63 7.724
.. 7X5 7.65 7.524
.. 7.63 7.75 7.624
May ..
(.asn quotations were as follows: .
Flour Steady.
Wheat No. 2 Spring. S4c: No. 3. 70S3c
No. 2 red. S54fiS6c.
Com No. 2. 4t4c; No. 2 yellow. 41lc
Oats No. 2. 294c: No. 2 white. 3046304c:
f0. 3 white 2049314c
Rye No. 2. C5c
Barley Good feeding. 39 Uc: fair to choice
roaiunr. 43950c.
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.09: No. 1 Northwestern.
Timothy seed Frirae. $3.3093.33. -Mess
pork Per barrel. J13.S0.Q isf$5
Lard Per 100 pounds. $7.4097.504.
Short ribs siden Looee. $7.4097.50.
Short clear side Boxed. $7.73!
Clover Contract grade. $13.50.
Flour, barrels .
Wheat bushels
tarn, bushels .
Oats, bushels .
live, bushels
Barley, bushels
Grata aad Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. Feb. 1. Flour Recelats. 35.
300: export. 6600: aulet and steadv.
Wheat Receipt. 31.000: exports. 19.90a
sale?. 2.2CO.000 futures. Spot firm; No. 2
reo, fc,c elevator and 814c U o. b. afloat;
No. 1 Northern Duluth. 944c T. o. b. .let.
On the whole, wheat displayed considerable
strength today, making response to better
easn demand, rears of another cold wave.
strong outside markets. Wall street buying
and a demand from shorts-. Reactions were
rw and unimportant, and the market closed
4C net higher. May. SO 0-I600c rlna.,1
K4c: July. SS 13-1608&C. closed SS4c; Sep-
icmoer ctcaco t;ic
Hops Quiet
Hide Firm.
Petroleum Steady.
Wool Quiet.
Grata at Saa Frasdsce.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1. Wheat and bar
ley firmer.
Spo? quotations:
Wheat Shipping, $1.3591.40: mnilnr.
Irley Feed. $1.2091.224: brewing. $1.25
Oats Red. $1.2591.63: white. 31.33i7n-
Call board tales:
Wheat May, $1.35 asked.
Barley May. $1,204; December, 054c
Corn Large yellow. J1.25S-1.274.
Wheat at Taceaa.
TACOMA. Feb. I. Wheat unchanged: .
port oiuestem, 7S4c; club. 71 Kc: red. 6$Hc
Winter Wheat Not Injared.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. The Weather Bu.
reau'a general summary of crop conditions for
January says Winter wtieat escaped serious In
jury ana. at the close of the month was gea-
nuiy in a promising condition.
Mtalar s'tocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as xouows;
AJt $ .02 Julia $ .03
Alpha Con 06 Uustlce 02
cde 17 (Kentucky Con. .01
Belcher ...... .14 Mexican 1.20
Best & Belcher 1.10 Occidental Con. .f2
Bullion .21
Ophir 6.37
Caledonia. 47
Challenge Con. .18
Chollar 12
Confidence .75
t&corplon ......
.13 y
Con. Cat V. 1.23
bc. Belcher...
Sierra. Nevada.
Union Con.....
Utah Con
Yellow Jacket..
Crown Point. . .00
Exchequer ... .27
Gould fc Curry .17
Hale &. Nor... .45
1. Closing quotations:
Adams Con. ...$ .25
Little Chief .$ .074
Ontario 2,73
Ophir 3.S74
Phoenix 02
Potosl 11
Alice 3.50
B recce 13
Brunswick C. . .55
C&mstock Tun. .00
Con. Cal. tc V. 1.40
Horn Silver... 2.00
Savage 46
Sierra. Nevada. .33
iron silver. ... 4.50 small Hot-...
Leadvlltfi Con. .07 iStandard ...... 4.43
BOSTON. Feb. 1. Closing quotations:
Adventure ..$ 3.624 Mohawk ....$38.00
Alloues 42.00 'Jlont C. & C 5.23
Amalgamatd 114.50 jOld Dominion 3S.23
iii". . .. . ii.w uiccoia ..... iu:i.30
Parrot 42.23
tQulncy 104.00
Shannon .... (Ll2ix
Bingham ... 30.23
Cat Sc. Heda 710.00
-jv iiamaracx ... 107.00
S3. 00 (Trinity
17.00 'United Cop.. 75.08
70.75 'TJ. S. Mining. 60.75
10.00 TU. S. Oil.... 12.75
10.00 jCtah 6.00
26.00 I Victoria .... 7.00
Cop. Range..
Dalr West. .
Dominion C.
Franklin ...
Granby .....
sie Koyale. .
3Iass. lllnlnr
10.00 1 Winona .
( Winona 0374
Wolverine .. 132.00
Michigan ...
Coffee aad Sogar.
NEW YORK. Feb. 1. The market for cof
fee futures was steady at the close; total
sales. 5300 bags. March. 6w8fr87c; May. 7.15
7.20c ; July. 7.45c; September. ?.S0H7.55c
Spot Rio steady. No. 7. S 7-16c; mild steady.
sugar 1 taw nominal; ratr rennlng. 3c: cea-
trlfugal. W tese. 3 15-3224c: molasses ra-
gar. 24c Refined steady; crushed. $5.40;
powdered. $4. SO; granulated. $4.70.
' New York Cettoa Market.
NEW YORK, Feb. 1. Cotton futures
doped steady at x net decline ot 1 point to
aa advance of 1 point. February. 19.72c;
March. 10.S6c; May, 11.03c; Juae. 11.06c. aad
July. 11.11c
Lea ilea Wool Sales.
LONDON. Feb. 1. The first series of the
10O6 wool auction sales closed today. The
sale opened fairly strong, with merinos
slightly below the December average The ir
regularity soon d Li appeared, aad la raaay
casea Improved 10 per cent. During the clos
ing day values were at times a fractlca over
Downing, Hopkins & Go.
Established 1893
Room 4, Ground Floor
the December rates. There was a large at
tendance from all parts of the world, and
competition waa animated. Medium cross
bred advanced, stimulated by American de
mand. During- tho sales. 164,000 balea were
available, of which 162.387 were catalogued.
Home baying secured 77.000 bales, the Con
unent 7S.00O, America 55,000. and about
4000 bales were held over for the second
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 1. Wool Steady: terr!
tory and Western medium. 2630c; fine me
dium, xagc; nne. irS21c.
Marriage Licenser,.
ENYDER-GARRIGUS J. R. Snyder, 27, 3iS
Lexington avenue; Nlaa Garrigus. 19.
LANDSBARG-HUNMO Chris Landsbarg,
o, 03 North Third street; Sofe E. Hunmo,
34, Clackamas; Tllllc Anderson, 35.
MOWER At 304 Marxuerite avenue. Jan
uary 30, to the- wife of Charles W. Mower, a
BAXTER At 616 Northrup street. Janu
ary 22. to the wife of A. V. Baxter, a son.
JOHNSON At 360 Stanton street- Janu
ary 12. to the wife of Gustavo A. Johnson, a
ArrciuiOM- At 207 Clackamas street
January 30, to the wife of William R. Ap
person, a son.
BLANCHET At 415 East Twenty-fifth
street North. January 3, to the wife ot James
W. Blanche t, a son.
DOUGLAS At Portland Maternity Hospi
tal. January 31, to the wife of Frederick H-
juougias. a son.
KNIPPEL At 70O East Twelfth street
ortn. January 24. to tho wife ot George
Kntppel. a son.
YEOMAN At 642 avenue. Janu
ary io. to ine wire or c c Yeoman, a son.
SULLIVAN At 340 Rodney avenue. Janu
ary 10. to the Wife of P. E. Kullivun a
DONALDSON At 423 San Rafael tret-t
January 2. to the wife of George W. Don
aldson. a daughter.
LARSON At 363 Pettygrove street. Janu
ary l. to the wife of John Larson, a son.
KOSHAK At 7644 Missouri avenue. Janu
ary 27. to the wife of Frank Roshal. a
BENNETT At 70 East Twenty-ninth
street North. January IS. to the wife of
Frank S. Bennett, a son.
LOCXWOOD At 333 Broadway. Januarv
jv. 10 ine wire or fcamuei p. Lockwood..a son.
otRG At 330 Stanton street. January 10.
o me who oi u a. berg, a daughter.
KRATZ At 1414 Eleventh street. Febru
ary 1. Jlrs. El V. Kratr. a native of Penn
sylvania, aged 27 years, it months and 26
ANT EN ONE A t St Vincent's Hosnltal
January 31, Mrs. Mary Antenone, a native ot
.iiaiy. ageu years and 3 days.
LUM TING At 644 Second street. Janu
ary 31. Lum Ylng. a native ot China, aged
43 years.
RU8HTON At 483 East Morrison street.
January 30. Mrs. ilary C. Rushton. a native
or Indiana, aged 5. years. 10 months and IS
BalldlBg Permits.
F. J. BROWNING Repair of dwelling. 630
Belmont street $400.
FIDELITY TRUST CO. Dwelling. Wilson
avenue, between Blackstone .and East Twen
ty-first streets. $1700.
Tweaty-flrst street, betweea Wilson avenue1
aad Vaughn street. $1700.
M HOLLAND BROS. Dwelling. Couch
street between Twentieth and-Twenty-first,
HARRISON Dwelling. Tillamook street.
between Kodaey and Union avenue. $1530,
N. A. BERNSTEIN Roomlnc-house.
Twenty-second street, between Hoyt and
irving; 5 law.
Real Estate Transfers.
Arthur EL 3IcBreen to King Estate.
S. 20 feet lot 2 and N. 0 feet lot 3.
block 152. Caruthera Add. x l.SOO
w. ti. r.unn aad wire to James
Keane et al.. E. 45 feet lots 13. 14.
block 5. subdivision Proebstel'a Add 630
Arleta Land Co. to O. N. Blatr. lot
16. block C. Arleta Park No. 3.... 125
E. P. Robinson and wife to John Hag-
ens, iota 14. 15. block 3. Mount
Scott Park 540
Erie Helraer and wife to James Wat
son. lot 10. block 31. Alblna 4.000
The Land Co. to William C. Klltz. lota
7. 3. block 7. City View Park 1,150
ii. w. wiiDur ana wire to Christian
Meyer. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. block 1. Sun
rise Park 200
ueorge W. Bever and wife to Ora L.
Adklns. 1 acre beginning 150.S3
feet E. of NW. corner lot 1. Lamar-
gent Heights 100
George W. Bever and wife to Mrs.
31. J. Adklns, 1 acre beginning
NW. corner lot 1. Lamarsrent
Heights 100
R. C Wright to Loren Seward. SW.
H section 34. T. 3 N., R. 2 W..
and N. 4 SW. 4. section 34. T. 3
N.. R. 2 W 1
William Nlcolal and wife to W. L.
Johnston and wife, lot 3 and W. 13
feet lot 7. block 14. Holladay Park
No. 2 1.300
Macleay Estate Co. to Lottie H.
Sewatt. lot IS. block 1. Ardmore... 4.50O
Henrietta F. Jarvls and hoaband to
W. H. Nunn. E. 00 feet lots 13. 14.
block 3. subdivision Proebstel's Add. 1,000
. C Staggs and wife to A. S. Shaw.
60 acres. NE. 4 ot NE. 4 and E.
4 of NW. 4 of NE. 4. section 7. -
T. 1 S.. R. 3 E 6.000
Claud I. Scofflns and wife to Mildred
8. Turner, lot 10, block 3. Scofflns
Add. 200
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to John
Heagney. lot 3. S. 4 lot 4. block
13. West Piedmont.... 300
Same to George G. Marcy. N. 4 lot
. ail lot o. block 13. West Pied
mont 300
Christian Godskesen and wife to Axel
C. I. Christensen. lot 3, block 33.
Multnomah 740
Nettle Olhus to Jerome B. Smith and
wife. lot 7. block 1. Adams Add.. 500
A. D. Marshall et al. to George W.
Marshall, parcel land beginning
S63.15 feet N. of corner of sections
15. 16. 21. 21 T. 1 N.. R. 1 E 1
George W. Marshall et at. to A. D.
Marshall, parcel land, beginning
659.S feet N. of corner sections 13,
16. 21. 22. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E 1
. D. Marshall et al. to William H.
Marshall, parcel land, beginning
lf)6J.8 feet N. of comer sections 13.
16. 21. 22. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E I
Lucia H. AddRon and husband to the
Public parcel land 30 feet wide
lying N. side S. 3 parcel land be
ginning 13.06 chains N. of center
section 16. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E 1
C. F. Prose h and wife to Margaret
Schumacher, lot 7, block 13. City
View Park
. G. Keyt and wife to Bernard
Morttx. lot 10. block 24. Alblna
Edward Byrnes to Mrs. F. M. Roman.
a acres, beginning z&i reet W. of
NE. corner lot 6. Byrllne
A. E. Carter et al. to F. A. Sweeney.
W. 2-3 lot 14. block 264. Couch Add.
Miller Murdoch and wife to Sarah A.
Creekpaum. lots 1 to 8 Inclusive.
13. 14. block S: lots 16 to 20 inclu
sive, block 9. Marchmont Add
K 350
H. G. Colton and wife to Frances F.
Eshelman. lot 4. blk 47. Woodstock
The Burrell Investment Co. to John.
Spady. lots 5, 6, block. 14. Alblna
Homestead ......
Alice H. Doddl to J. F. Mayback.
10.3 acres, beginning at S. line of
the Cuthbirth and Perlini Stump
D. L. O. section 6. T. 1 N.. R 1 E. 1
Willamette University to John Par- "
sons, trustee, lot 8. block 103. Couch
Add. ; 14.000
Hattle Salmon and hustfand to Sarah
C Berggren. lots 1. 2. block 2. Al
blna Heights 10
William M. Killlngsworth et at to
Hazel N. Whitney. lot 10.- block 4.
Walnut Park 600
Tyler Woodward and wlfa to U. S.
national Banir. lots 11 to 17. block
10. S. Portland l
Martin Foster and wife to Orange
S. Calllson. W. 30 feet lots 12. 13,
block 23. Alblna.... G30
Clara. Kane and husband to Fred Mc-
Slllott lot 10. block 2, Mount Hood
Add. to G res ham 175
El Ira E. Metxger and husband to
Clara. Kane. lot 0. block 2. same add 100
Charles M. Whltcomb and wife to
Frances F. Eshelman. lot I. block
47. Woodstock 1
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to Charles
V. Emmett et aL. lot 4. block 1.
subdivision lot 1. 2. 7. 8. 0. 10.
North St Johns ncn
AUxander Strong to George H. Weiss.'
lot T nlivt "ft T.frtlo TJ...V -.'.
Add. 2,330
" Chamber of Commerce
TJalsy A. Holman and husband to
Johanna C Rummelln. part of block
163. beginning In W. line 100 feet
S. of NW. comer block 168. Couch
James W. Cook and wife to Peter A.
Jullum, lot 12. block 17. Cook's
Add. ........
Multnomah Real Estate Association
to Edna Rachel Gates, lot 3, block
26, Willamette
The Portland J. M. Pool. New York: A. J.
McCormlck. San Francisco; Miss N. FlavaL
Miss K. Flavel. Astoria: C W. Booth. New
York; A. M. Drake. E. F. Batlen. Bend: F.
E. Bronson. Portage, Wis.; A. J. Dlehl. Ana
Afoor. Mich.; F. C. Brown. New York; A.
Weller. San Francisco; G. S. Fernold. Chi
cago; W. D. Embree. C. T. Goddard. Saa
Francisco; J. H. McNary. Salem; H. S Cole
man. Seattle; H. B. Scott. Burlington; II. A.
BIdwer. ancouver; F. L. Walker. Washing
ton. D. C; F. B. Thayer. St Paul; H. G.
Scovern and wife. San Francisco; Mrs. S.
tranenthal. Miss Hilda Franenthal; J. W
Lorell. New York; William Rea. Jr.. St
Paul: F. C. Robertson. Montana; D. H. Law
rence and wife. Two Harbors. Minn.: G. W,
Miller. Seattle; J. N. Fox. Cincinnati: J. J.
Wlrtner. San Francisco: Al Grltzner. New
York; F. G. Taylor. Seattle: C. A. Maydwcll.
L- E. Bibbins. A. H. Bullion. H. S. Collin.
San Francisco: R. H. Parsons. W. Wilson.
. D. Hopkins. Seattle: I. N. Peyton. Spo
kane: J, L. Baker. Chicago: M. Herzog. San
ranclsco: J. Carroll. Seattle: R. Cooper.
Great Falls. 3tont: Miss Ellse Fortlouls, H.
Doyle and wife. Vancouver. B. C: A. W
Williams. San Francisco; H. E. Patterson.
Chicago; A- C. Morrison. Philadelphia: Mrs.
Powers. Miss Ludlngton. Seattle: C. W
Armes. Jr., J. E. Alexander. San Francisco;
r. L. Edenharter. Indianapolis: H. Dagg and
wife. Tacoma; S. J. Burns. J. J. O'Brien.
Pueblo; J. Dickey. Chicago; C. L. Wall. Den
ver: N. Poston. Seattle: S. Lester. M. Lester.
New York: B. H. McCain. Chicago.
The Oregon H. W. Leonard. W. C Smith.
E. T. 3IcDonaId. Seattle; J. W. Robinson.
Olympla. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Kola Nels. Al
bany. Or: I. L. Cohn. Ashland, Wis.; Charle
Henley. St Paul: George J. Helm. South
Bend; W. C. Smith. Jr.. San Francisco; R. A.
Hogg. Dayton. O.; D. W. B. Sanch. Seattle.
Z. J. Rlggs. Salem; F. T. Williams, St Louts;
S. BIssInger. city: W. O. Barnes and wife.
Astoria: J S. Houseman. San Francisco:
Mrs. Dwlght Darling and child. Everett: Al
bert Holmes. Vancouver; Gus Gelles. Chi
cago; C O. Kahle. S. J. Seattle;
Mrs. M. w. Jones. Spokane; Milton Ewing.
San Francisco: 31. 31. Egan. Tacoma: R. C.
Hodgdon. Seattle; E. H. Clarke. Pendleton:
v. B. McDonnell. Colfax. Wash.; C. D. Ema
helser. Omaha. Neb.; A. F. Jones. D. W.
Ferry. Chicago; Frank Patton. Astoria: T.
O Neal. city; A. E. Green. San Francisco: T.
S. Hamilton and wife. Bcllingham: G. W. C
Blakely. The Dalles; E. B. Quick. St. Joseph.
Mo.: Henry W. Meyers. Salem; A. Selduer.
New York. George C. Cattlett. San Fran
cisco; L. W. Brundage, Tacoma.
The Perkins E. Westfall and wife. Brook
lyn, N. Y.: W. F. Chase. New York; J. C. Al
ien. Seattle: J. E. Campbell. G. W. War
.worth. wife and daughter. Tacoma: G. Kent.
Ogden; R. Seffert. Victoria. B. C: A. Chrls
tenson. St. Johns; B. L Ellis, city; Mrs. O.
A. Darmenson. Clear Valley; 31. J. Anderson
Cascade Forest Reserve; G. W. Thomas. La
Grande: A. E. Lake. The Dalles: J. B. Ben
son, city; E. Jeffon. Plttsfleld. Mass.: H. E.
Mitchell and wife. V. S. A.; W. J. McCon
nell. R. W. Bell. Seattle; W. S. Lysons.
Kelso; J. I. Smith. The Dalles; A. R. Up
right. Tacoma: W. A. Johnson. The Dalles:
W. H. Wehrung. Hlllsboro; R. W. Harrold.
owoerg: Mrs. c. A. Lyon. Hoqulsrn: l ..
E. Miller and wife. Kalama: William Dunn.
Watervllle. Wash.: Mrs. J. Larson. 'Mrs. A.
E. watch. Kalama: Mrs. 31. J. Allen. Shedds;
E. W. Shattuck and wife. Eva Jordan, Mer
lin; M. V. Snyder. Hoqulam: E. W. Elrod.
rtra.. "Vallo.- T XI Pol.-.. It.....
Wash.; J. H. Prairie. Seattle.
The Imperial J. 31. Hager. Heppner: J A
Renter, The Dalles; J. I. Jones. Cottage
Grove: Anton Fried. Jamestown. N. D.: W
H. Byrd. Salem: R. E. Lee Stelner. Lake-
view; L. L. Jlallt Ashland: H. P. McGulrev
Seattle: G. E. Hallberg. Miss Hallb-rg. War
ren. Minn.; Dean Blanchard. Rainier; Chanes
C. LIghtfoot. AVllllam Comstock. Astoria: A
J-. Cooper. V. S. A.: S. D. Stoddard. New
lorK; Dr. II. T. Hoople and wife. W. IT.
Smith-, city: George G. Bingham. Salem; E.
M. Brenswln. McMlnnvlIle: J. N. Fordrce.
Moro: O. W. DeHuff. The Dalles: Lewis Kin
ney. Heppner: F. E. Encloe. J. C. Smith. La
Grande: A. N. Burgawn. G. T. Bunns. The
Dalles; E. A. Barns, city; J. S. Cooper. Inde
pendence; D. T. Lawton. Medford: A. T
Kelllher. Salem; R. G. Butler, city; J. IL
O'Connelt. Astoria: J. C. Clinton: R. A.
Blair. Cathlamet. Wash.; Phil Metschan. Jr.
Heppner: H. H. Buddlngton. San Francisco;
C. B. Simmons. The Dalles: F. E. Ramsey.
Thomas O'Neal, city: Frank 31. Brown.
Salem: R. A. Booth. Eugene; W. IT. McCall.
Joe Johnston. Salem: MiS3 O. Naas. San
Francisco: F. E. Rhebeck. Seattle; F. T
Rose. Denver: J. A. Veness. WIntock: J. W
Thompson and wife. Granite Falla. Mo.: Tt
W. Bell. The Dalles: Bruce Palworth. Cath
lamet. Wash.: W. F. Graves. Corvallls: G.
Albers. Seattle: S. H. Cobb. O. R. &. N.; Sis
ter 21- Hehaiester. Emma Thomas. Condon;
C. H. Warren and wife. Cathlamet: A. L.
Conger. San Francisco; Fred J. Blakeley.
Roseburg; MUs Jeanette Wheaton. San Fran
cisco; T. P. Talklngton. F. W. Durbln. Salem
Wllllam J. Clarke. Gervals.
Tle St. Charles F. U Bayley. Kelso: B.
Lane. Carrollton: A. N. Armer. Woodburn: J.
Freeland. Ontrander; J. R. Jacobs and wife.
Seattle: E. Hadley. F. Eloal. Tillamook: ills
Tora Miller: T. Storey and wife. Stella; J.
Stltt. city: F. S. Lyon. F. Herrtford. Toledo;
F. G. Kelly. Warrenton: N. O'Conncll: W. H.
illller. Corvallls: G. L. Street, city: R. S.
Colvln, Toledo: Ogden brothers. Kuhn; L. Ham
ilton: W. II. crabtree. u. 31. Miller. R. G.
Shanahan. city: F. EL Hamilton. Cleone: T.
Cralne and wife. Brookfleld; Mrs. L. Holden,
Grays Rivar; H. O. Smith. Astoria; M. F.
Harless. Pocatcllo; Minnie Shubert. Rose Shu-
bert. Yankton: 3Irs. Grelan, Mtsa Grelan. St.
Paul: Mrs. Nettle JIulr. H. Mulr. Victor: A.
N. Davles and wife. Sara: C. Phillips. J. Leon
ard: C. F. .Lansing. Salem: B. F. Watklns;
J. C. Pope. Elaie; W. Tyacke. Prosser: S. A.
Wright. Heppner: 31. Pederson. 31. Beck. Mc
MlnnvlIle: J. W. Bethoe. Cape Horn; IT
Kosen. city: C. W. Walker: W. IT. Bonson.
city; F. D. Green. Stockton: C. E. McFar
lane, Kalama; T. A. Rltchey. Forest Grove.
Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. Washington.
European plan. Rates. 75 cents to $2.59
per day. Free 'bus.
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