12 THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, FRIDAY. FEBRTHJfcY 2, 1906. HE SELLS BEAUTY Why Professor Felix Cristion Lectures. CROWD GATHERS TO HEAR Tells His Audience "Where to Buy His Lotions and Then He lakes the First Train Out of . Portland. Professor Felix Cristion left Portland on ilic first train after his beauty lecture yes terday, again proving lilmeclf. an artist, ralonslcur is a man of deep feminine un derstanding and evidently realizes that part of the women, like Lincoln's people, can be fooled all of the time, and all can "be fooled part of the time but all of them all of the time? Non! Non! Yet it rather looked that all of them -were in for it yesterday when 1500 crowded the Jvlarquam at 50 cents per, hungering for beauteousness and thirsting alter pny-1 ileal perfection. They began to gather as early at 2:30 o'clock and each of the 3500 brought her little pad and . pencil. Just as Monsieur had directed "to take down some of my valuable formulae" Big Primer Class. The big primer class was called to order in due time and the suave teacher had them write down the hotel address and office hours of the woman who will re main here to pell his wares. They all did as he bade them, even to putting the pads away after that and promising not to write any more. Many countenances wore disappointed expressions, but no one presumed to question the Professor's au thority, so the pencils disappeared. "I will give you these printed prescrip tiona as you leave the theater," he said, "but now I will tell you of them and how to use them." And he told but somehow nearly all of them had to be purchased from Madame who remains to sell. Most of the Ills the Tiuman flesh Js heir to can be repaired with a wonderful oil which Professor goes his length on. It is made of an unpro nounceable nut which grows in the Gar den of Gcthsemene or Palestine or some where in that neighborhood, and a small bottle at $3 Is guaranteed to reconstruct the homlicst female this side of Jericho. It must be rubbed on a certain way "just so." Monsieur demonstrated and the oil will do the rest. Several who came early to avoid the rush improved the shining hours by doing a little sewing or embroidering, and one kindhcarted creature Just couldn't bear to leave Fido at home, so she brought the darling with her and he didn't seem to care- a snap about beauty culture cither. 3t was noticeable, however, that while more than half of the audience were past middle age and evidently women of fam ilies, not one brought the baby along. Old-Fashioned Hecelpts. ' The recipes which were given out in printed form contained some old-time sure-cures with which many were fa miliar. More than one in the house had Temoved freckles with strawberry Juice, and some had heard that the saliva of a garden snail would remove the detested mole, but that patient application of lime water, night after night, would efface the birthmark was a new one. Perhaps some of the celebrated surgeons of the country will appreciate that knowledge. Cider vinegar seemed simple for warts and beef marrow fat is cheap enough for any woman to use in growing long and beau tiful eyelashes but the knowledge most craved by the 1500 eager came in bottle ranging in price from 51.50 to 53.00. Again professor told his -primer class that it was sinful to be negligent of per sonal appearance again he admonished them to be girls instead of old women to use his wonderful oil and grow either lean or fat, tall and beautiful. And just to show that there was no desire on the part of the management to take advan tage of the girls, he refunded everyone present her ticket not the money, but the ticket. "Now girls," he chirped, "when you make your purchases of Madame, those tickets will count for 50 cents on your 5)111." Will they bite again? It's dollars to doughnuts that they will. TAX PAYMENTS BEGIN.. Sheriff AVord Is the First to Get Receipt. Sheriff "Word was the first taxpayer yes terday and 115 receipts were issued as compared to SI on the first tax collection day a year ago. The amount taken In was about 53500. County Clerk Fields has completed the 3B05 tax roll distribution, which shows the following results for the principal funds: Poll. fitate County State school Tload Library ........ Port of Portland City of Portland City of St. Johns city of Gresham School District No. 1.. School District No. 2. The total amount of the tax $2.07C,9G1.3L roll is Woman Accuses Patrolman. Patrolman William Nelson, attached to the second relief of police, stands suspended from duty, pending the in vestigation of charges. preferred against him by Mrs. Emllic Weiss, liv ing at East Nineteenth and Pacific streets. She alleges In her complaint, which was filed with Chief Grltz macher, that the accused officer, while accompanying her home from head quarters last Tuesday night, insulted her, felled her to the sidewalk, hugged and kissed her and behaved himself in a most unseemly manner. Nelson is one of the latest additions to the force. His badge was taken from him by Cap tain Bailey yesterday morning, and the charges will be Investigated this afternoon by the police committee. Want Postofflce Retained. GRESHAM, Or., Feb. 1. (Special.) A petition has been circulated at Ori ent asking the Postofflce Department to retain Orient postofflce and rural route as nt present, instead of discon tinuing them and establishing the ru ral route from Boring, as recommend ed by the department agent. The peti tion contains about 300 names, nearly all of whom are .patrons of the Ori ent office. Bulletins have been posted asking for bids to carry the star route to Sandy, and the department can save one-half of the present cost by start ing from Boring instead of Gresham. Ordinance to Regulate Stables. An ordinance regulating local stables of more than six stalls has been pre pared by Attorney Ralph W. Wilbur and will be submitted to the health and police committee of the Council at Its meeting this morning. TODAY AND TOMORROW Only Two Days Left Of Our Annual Clearance Sale Do your buying Today or Saturday. Carpets will cost more next week. PRICES Bigelow Axminster laid - $1.78 Extra Axminster - - - .1.38 Saxony Axminster - - 1.30 Velvets ----- 1.30 Body Brussels - - - 1.42 Roxburg Brussels - - - 1.10 Best Inlaid Linoleum - - 1.50 Printed Linoleum - - - .65 Exclusive Carpet House J. a MAGK & CO. 86-88 Third Street VllLLt ET8CKAJf, Pre. Seventh and Washlngrten European Plan THAT GOOD FAITH BOND POSITION OF THE CASCADE POWER C03IPAN3T. In Asking for a Franchise, A. Churchill Thinks It Should Not Be Required. C. The question of compelling applicants for future franchises to furnish a substan tial bond as an evidence of srood faith, has created no little stir among: the promoters of the several measures of this character now pending before the City Council. A. C Churchill, of the Cascade Power Com pany, referring to that company's .applica tion for a franchise and the discussion in the papers and otherwise about the desir ability of exacting a bond therefor, states: "Our understanding Is that this bond Is exacted solely as a showing of good faith and Intention of our company to go ahead with construction. TVe shall. In all can dor, give the position of Uic Cascade Power Company as to Its present condi tion and financial arrangements. At no small expense a few local people have fur nished the money to acquire the water rights, employ the engineers and complete all preliminary work necessary for a fair estimate of possible power development and cost of same. "This preliminary work, on completion, was submitted to E. R. Richardson, now of Portland, recently of New York. He is a man of large means, has confidence In Portland, and has invested upwards of 5100,000 in city property within the past few months. He also has a general knowl edge of the value and Importance of power in development of a country and city and their Industries, and was particularly Im pressed with the natural advantages sur rounding the company's water rights in the features that cheapen, construction and give a maximum of power at a mini mum of cost. "Mr. Richardson -was more than pleased with his personal investigation, and the report of our engineer, "William B. Chase, as well as that of J. B. Ross, City Elec trician of Seattle, who planned, construct ed and now operates Seattle's power and lighting plant. Mr. Richardson agreed that he, with Eastern associates, would take the bonds of this company on two conditions first, that a franchise Is se cured for a market; second, that an cn gineer representing the bond purchasers Lory, mills. !ooi4 .. .0021 .. .0021 .. .0000 .. .0001 .. .0005 .. .0032 .. .005 .- .005 .. .0025 .. .0056 Valuation. 3 143.803,088.00 143.S03.0S8.00 143.S03.0R8.00 143.6(13,088.00 143.SU3.OSS.00 140.07B.10300 131,431,516.00 1.30P.570.00 104.240.00 lS0.432.77n.00 1.C43.3S0.OO Tax. 3 2,440.00 201.40S.S2X2 302.112.4SIS 302.112.4S4R 80.317.8328 i4.::so.:tws 112.003.2S24 GS3.443.SSn2 6.002.85 521.20 326.0S1.04 5.0 10. 1C0 approve our preliminaries, survey and estimates. "Richardson and associates who furnish the capital will have their lawyers most thoroughly investigate the legal aspect of this franchise, then expert engineers will most carefully examine the property, and, while we have advised our people that If the franchise is secured, it will In every respect be legal, and, while preliminary estimates and maps have been submitted, this Investigation will take time. "Consequently, a demand for a bond at this time is simply an obstruction, and we feel that its requirement Is wholly and absolutely unnecessary. Competition in light and power in this city Is needed: granting a franchise to the Cascade Power Company will give the people of this city competition and the city com pensation. We have to expend on .our plant before we reach the city at all $500. 000. "It is required that we bring in not less than 10,000 horsepower: if we do not do this within the time provided for in the franchise, we will forfeit all our rights thereto." Consideration of the different lighting and power franchises will occupy the at tention of tho streets committee of the Council this afternoon. Will Inspect Thirteen Horses. Secretary Shanahan, of the Oregon Humane Society, will today Investigate tho condition of 13 horses, now at tached to the Portland Police Depart ment, in the mounted squad and patrol-wagon sen-ice. Chief Grltanacher has' stated that the animals arc In a pitia ble state, and that the city Is guilty of cruelty to animals every time tho horses arc taken out for work. Spring humors, pimples and boils are cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. the great blood purifier. TODAY: C W. K50WLES, Xcr Street, Pert! sad, Oreren. $1.00, $1.50. $2.00 ptr Dy. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 1. Maximum tempera ture, 54 deg.; minimum. 42. River reading at 8 A. M, 4.1 feet; change In past 21 hour, fall. 0.2 of a foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to J P. M none; total since Septem ber 1. 1003. 22.C0 Inches; normal. 26.70 Inches: deficiency. 4.01 Inches. Total sun shine January 31. 1000, 5 hours, and 19 min utes; possible, 9 hours and 41 minutes. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. TTATIONS Baker City Bismarck. . .I24JO.OM Bolre soi T Eureka Iff'ftndl 41V Helena ',44'o.ooj 4JW Kamloops, B. C... UOiO.001. .'. North Head... jOl'O.OO 4E IClear Pocatello aoaOO 4!SW IClear Portland tr.4O.00 12'E JCiear Red Bluff 7C:o.OOjlOiNW iciear Roteburg. ......... 4'O.O0 4NE SClear Sacramento .ICS'.O.OOl 4ISE Salt Lake City.... 128, T ( 4iW San Francisco '70!o.00 41NE Spokane 142V.00J 4JNE Seattle '500.00 4CC '"I T- !doudy IClear JPt. Cldy, '.Clear 'Clear i Cloudy Tatooth Island. . . . UGI0.00.361E Walla Walla. H2O.O0 4 IN T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure conditions show practically no chance since yesterday and fair weather con tinues In all portions of the Pacific Slope. The temperature is decidedly above normal in California, but elsewhere It Is about nor mal. The indications are for fair weather In this district Friday with but slight change in temperature. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 25 hours ending at midnight, February 2: Portland and vicinity Fair. Easterly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Fair. Easterly 'winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55. A. F. & A. 11- A stated communication will be held this CFrlday) evening, February 2. at 7:30 sharp. Work In E. A. decree. Visitors welcome. Hv order W. II. I. W. PRATT. Secretary. MULTNOMAH CAMP. W. O. W. Meets every Friday evening at East Alder and East Sixth street. All Woodmen cordially Invlted to meet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. GEO. WRIGHT RELIEF CORPS. NO. 2. will give a progressive whist voclil tealght at G. A. R. Hall, northeast comer 2d and Mor rison. Admission 10 cents, DELLA G. MICKLEY, Preftflent. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. IS. R. A- M. Special convocation this (Friday) evening. February 2. at 7;S0 o'clock. Maxjnle Halt. Burkhard bldg. Royal Arch degree. Members urged to attend. Visitors welcome. Ry order E. H. P. E. K. SHARON, Secretary.- . ROSE CIT "fegT O. E S. A JtfjV thU (Friday) mfm K. P. Hall. I order W. M ROSE CITY CHAPTER. NO. SS, .v regular communication evening at 8 o clock. Marquam building. Uy SARAH B. GUERIN. Secretary. DEED. UPTON At Walla Walla. Wash.. January 3L 1906. Charles B. TTpton, aged CO years. KRATZ In this city. February I. 1906. at the family residence, 141H Hth st.. Ehe V. Kratz, aged 27 years, 11 months and 26 dayrt. Funeral notice bersafter. ANTENONE In this city. January SI. 1803. Mary Antf-noae, aged 27 years and 3 days. Funeral notice hereafter. FUNERAL NOTI CES. DUNKLE At Wlnnemucca, Ner.. January 23. 1900, T. W. Dunkle. aged 29 years, a months and 7 days. Funeral will take place today February 2. at 2 P. M.. from the residence of his father. J. P. Dunkle, 47 East 15th rt. Friends Invited. HILL In thbi city. January SO. HOG Henry Hill. Sr.. aged 69 years. Funeral will take place Sunday. February 4. at 2 P. M from F. S. Dumping's chapel, comer of East Al der and East 6ih ta. Frlenci Invited. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., tbe leading f bbctjU directors and embalmer. 228 ad 222 Third street, corner Salmon, hare the ftneikt establishment and tbe" most reaaOBable charges. We have as experienced I&dj- WfIS takes faH charge ef all lady caaes. Pfeeaa Mala 567. J. P. HXLEY A SOi Fwcral tHreeters and ealmers. No. 261 34 st. ear. XitHmn. Day or afacbt calls premetlr attended. Ex perienced lady asuisUBt when desired. Of fice of Conntr Coroner. Phone Main t. DUNNING. MENTE Jt GILBAUGH. Sne cesfor to Dsnntnc Campion, nndertakera and embalmerst modern In every delaHi 7th and Ptae. Phone Main M. Lady assistant. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 &t Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East J. ZKLLKR-BTRNS8 CO, Undertakers, Km balmer. 27S Rasself. East lfrBA. Lady nas't. TONSETK CO, fterlsfs. ArttsiJe floral desJcms. 13S Ctk at. These Mxht SIM. s 3 2 S Wind. JL H 1 -r 2 a 3 Z. o ! V 5 a - 4iS ' ICloudy 4IW Shoudy IClear iCIear Cloudy AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater GRAND OPERA , SEASON EXTRA Tuesday Afternoon, February 6 2:15 O'CLOCK RIGOLETTO" Suti Now on File at Box Office. BakerTheater CM.Liiw.ar. Taiahlll and Third Sts. Phone Main 1907. The Home of Musical Burlesque. TONIGHT. TMtmw MttiMS is tM Ixt FflrfifrWfiCB MINER'S AMERICANS. Burlesque and Extravaganza Company. la the funny musical farce. -THE YANKEE DOODLE GIRL." Matinees Saturday and Sunday 15c. 25c. S5c and 50c Evening prices 25c. 35c. 50c, 75c Evenings at S.1S. A wealth of pretty girls, music and merri ment at the Baker always. Next Week. Starttatr Sandfly Matinee, -.MIXER'S BOHEJlLVNS. Empire Theater DM Kill 1U MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. Portland's Popular Playhouse. Only Thre. More Times Matinee Tomorrow The Only Real "Hooligan" Play of the Season. Fraxee & Browne present HOOLIGAN IN NEW YORK The clever comedy-drama, with an excelUnt company. Special scenery. Everything new and novel. Don't miss it. Evening prices 15c. 25c, 35c 50c Mati nees 10c. 15c, 25c Next Week. Starting Sunday Matinee, POLLARD LILLIPUTIAN OPERA CO. STAR Veatelta and Nlan Smith and Ellis. Caprice. GHen and Gmes. W. If. Hartford. Stare cope. THEATER Week of Jaaaary 29. THE MARTINETTI O. Mreet' Prices 10c Kaay seat except boxes 10c GRAND THEATER. Week of January 29. Ralph Cnmmtngs and his cstnpaay la "A Game of Hearts." Tiakbam & Co. Gavotte Bros. Gee. Delmas Camell Sitters Harold Hon" Grnndocopo Prices Evenings and Sundays. 10c. Oc 30 c; matinee. 10c to any seat except boxes. Fourth and Stark Sts. PANTAGES Great Feature Week. CAPT. HOLTUM, In a Sensational Cannonball-Catchlng Act. Tho Sconeids. Crawford and Duff. Widow Carter. Mickey Feeley. Jones and Barton. Leo White. Moving Pictures. Performances dally at 2:30. 7:30 and 0 T. M. General admUilon. TEN cents. Re served seats, 20 cents. EDUCATIONAL ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Tour Through Norway By O. J. SAERVALD. B. A . ARION HALL. TONIGHT. S.15 O'CLOCK. Auspices of T. P. S. Norwegian Lutheran Church. CLASSIF!EDAD. RATES. "Rooms "Rooms and Beard. "IlaBie beeping Rooms.' S!taat!ens Wanted. 15 words or less. 15 cents: IS to 241 words. 29 cents: 21 to 25 words. 22 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "Now Today. 30 cents for 15 words or les: 18 to 29 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 tvordf. 50 cents, etc drst Insertion. Each additional insertion, ear-half : bo further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gasge meat are 'agate). IS cents per line, first Invert! oh: 19 cents per line for eack additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregoklan. and left at this office, should always be bac!eed In sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlaa will net be respontlblo for errors In advertisement taken throngh the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. Sale at Newell Academy postponed by court. S. L. N. Gllman. Auctioneer. At the Iortland Auction Rooms. 211 1st at. Sale 2 P. M. C L. FORD. Auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson at 'alesroom. IK) First t. at 10 A. M. j. x. wiuon. Auctioneer. At Gllman' Aurtlon Room. 413 Washing ton su. at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllman. Auctioneer. NEW TODAY. $1,350,000.00 ASSETS Protect our depositor, who receive f per cent Interest compounded twice a year on COUPON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT A new and Ideal form of savings Investment- Interest paid by cutting off coupons. Best collateral Call or write for Information about these coupon certificates and about our Special Certificates bearing 3 to 4 per ce,nt Interest, payablo on 10 to 30 days call. IN BUSINESS NEARLY 19 YEARS. & E. Cor. Third and Oak Streets. Phone Exchange 72. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. M2-S MeXay bldg. Third and Stark sin. OLD GOLD. JEWELRX. BOUGHT. MAD 9 ever, exchanged: dlasccnds. precious stones, looco and mounted: watches. Jewelry, re pairs. Unci Myers, jeweler. 143 Sd-AMer. jav 2 ACRES NEAR ANKENY CAR line. Inquire F 79. Oregonlan. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE COOS BAY homestead relinquishment or other proper ty. 1 buslseM lot and store In SnocoinUh County, now rented. W . Oregonlan. EBLLWOOD LOTS. 96.00 DOWN AND 36.90 a month: from 37S.ee to 3390.09. gUwaod Tewarfto Co. Phose Eat 4794. ACRE TRACTS ON OREGON CITY CAR. sear Mllwaskes: all dear. Y 71. Orsgonlaa. H-2!4 ACRES. NEAR EAST 43D: 3313 UP; let South Portland. 3360, 419 McKay bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GOOD. SUBSTANTIAL BAR GAIN 5 IN FIRST-CLASS HOMES. 4- roem cottage and full lot on E. 9th SU. N.. all fenced and in lawn: price, .1900; easy terms. 8-room cottax and full lot on East 12th su. N., Highland Park Add.: house modern: price. SI500; terms. $500 cash, balance monthly. 7-room house and lot on Blandlna t-. Upper Albtna; all In lawn and fruit: a. very pretty little home; price. 51500: terms. 3500 cash, balance monthly. 5- room cottage and lot cn E. Alder rc. Sunnyslde; bcuie brand new and atrletly modem; price. 11550: terms. 3350 cash, balance monthly. 6- room bouse and lot. 4x$8. comer, in Raffertys Add.; price 3120O: easy terms. 7- room house. 5 lots on Patton Ave., all in fruit and lawn; bouse modem, furnace, etc; price for a quick sale. 3325a VACANT LOTS. Full lot on Hancock sr., ,HoHiday Add.: price. 990O, one-half cash. Full lot on Michigan are.. Multnomah Add.; price. 3400. A very fine half block In the best part of Ho!Iadays Add., or will divide. Lot 50x66 2-3. on E. Washington. St., near 21st.: price only 3550. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 1334 5th ct.. cor. Alder. Phone Main S11S. WE HAVE A NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE ON West Side; lot 33xlfO fet. that we can sell today for 32500. This Is the cheapest buy In Portland. Don't overlook thL chance of getting a West Side home for !tn money than you would have to pay on the Eat Side. . Good S-room howe near Steel brldg; easy walking distance: strictly modem: 334O0. A good buy. Fine a-room house, nearly new. on car line; lot 100x100: nicely fenced: 32600; very easy terms. Nice lot. 50x125 feet. Mount Tabor Villa; only 3250. We have a few choice lots In InrlnRton; each. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY. 201 Stark Street. TWO BIG BARGAINS. Two 5-room cottage, all on one floor; built "bungalow style; brand new. never occupied; ntrlctly modem, mantel and grates, full concrete basement and cement cellars; In fact, everything up to date. These houses are well situated near East 39th and Clinton sts.. Richmond. Price 31SOO each; terms 350O down, balance 320 per menth. These houses are certainly bargains. Owner has been offered 320 per month rent. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY.. 133Vi 5th ot., cor, AWer. Phone Main Q11S. THIS IS THS BEST EVER. We have on of the most sightly loca tions In the city.- It Is In the finest part of Hawthorne ave. and the lot Is 100xl2S with one 7 and one 4-room house on It. The price Is right and If you are looking for one of the best lots on Hawthorne you had better come and see us at once. GREGG BROTHERS Phone Main 30S. 317-18 Fenton Bldg. St Sixth Street. ST. JOHNS SPECIAL. 32250 will buy 12 lot. GOxICO; nicely lo cated In Oak Park Add. No. 2. Remember these lets are close to the large tract Ju.t bought by the Swift Packing Co. This Is a fine buy. and It will pay you to ee us about them. GREGG BROS.. 317-318 Fenton Bldg. Phone Main CTC. FIRST-STREET INVESTMENT. Comer 75x100. very centrally located on 1st St.; pays good Income; only 520.000 cah down, balance easy terms at 5 per cent In tercut. THE HEALT INVESTMENT CO, 210-214 Ablngton. lOOVi Third -St. ONE OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE HOMES In Portland, built only one year ago by day work: 7 rooms and all modem conveni ences; price. 35000 on eauy termat. Apply to owner on the premises. 6(11 Clackamas it., bet. E. ISth and 19th at.; take Broadway or Irvlngton car. HOUSE 10 ROOMS: NEW AND ABSO lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lota, in best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phose owner. Main 555. or call 109 Sherlock bldg. COLONIAL HOUSE. ALL THE LATEST Improvements, handeome tinted walls, re ception hall and 6 rooms, a swell borne, the bet residence district. East Bumslde. 34650. any terms. F 7S, Oregonlan. ACRE TRACTS WB HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as 310 ner month with water. A. C Churchill Is Co, "Inc." 110 2d rft. FOR SALE LOT 50x100 AND A TRACT Jmt bsek of It. 133x20 comer Multnomah and 23lb sts, Hol!adays Add.; must be sold at once; make me an offer. E 78. Oregonlan. S-ROOM FINE UP-TO-DATE HOUSE. LARGE attic, fine furnace. large porch, everything new. good lawn. East Bumslde. near 18th: cash payment and easy terms. D 70. Orego nlan. A FINE S-ROOM AND BATH COTTAGE AT lit. Tabor for sale at a sacrifice; must be sold at once; owner going East; price 32COO: cost 33000. Address H 70. Oregonlan. ACRES CULTIVATED. SMALL HOUSE; 31200; near car. Quarter block. Patton Addition. 3350 to 450. Room 410 McKay bldg. NEW SWELL HOME IN IRVINGTON. CE ment walks, modem. 52S50: cost 33500; 360O cash, balance 5 per cent. Inquire 193 H 4th. cor. Taylor. 11725 NEARLY NEW B-ROOM HOUSE. full basement, lot 50x125, Stanton nt, near Union ave : a. oargain. atate investment Co, 118 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL cement basement, good plumbing, nice lo cation. 31650; easy terms. O. M. Smith. 730 Cham. Commerce. FOR SALE H ACRE AT MT. TABOR. WITH new 4-rocra cottage; water on premises; price 31- Inquire 381 East Morrison or phone East 2S7. FOR SALE 5 ACRES EAST OF MT. TA bor; some good timber: well located for country home, or to sell in acre lots. Phone Pacific 1321. S-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE ATTIC. BASE ment. fireplace, fine vlow. East Side; 32150; 3u hovd, luuuiuijr. Auuress u oj, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. 32700 NET NEW G-ROOM house; furnace, bath. gas. electricity, fire place. E. 30th and Main. Terms. Dr. Darling. SIGHTLY BUILDING LOTS. NEAR BAN croft ave. South Portland; 3350 to 3550. Inquire 410 McKay bldg. A GOOD TIECB PROPERTY ON FRONT st, by owner; good location. Address Y 79. care Oregonlan. 33trO NEW. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, near Steel bridge, cement sidewalk. 714 Chamber Commerce. 31 MO WILL BUY VERY CHOICE CORNER, lot In Holladay's Addition. 51. E. Lee. 03 Vi Cth su WEST SIDE HOUSE AND LOT TO TRADE for farm. Inquire 193.H 4th. cor. Taylor. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. S3ICO-A RARE OPPORTUNITY 3310O. To secure a good home at a bargain; elec tric light, furnace, cement walks and 60 choice roses, worth 34CO0; must be sold; owner leaving city; see It today. 23d near Division st, Woodstock or Richmond car. Phone Union 3A3S. BRAND-NEW HOUSE. WIRED AND PIPED gas and electricity; good Boy n ton furnace; Just completed: modem In every respect; full lot; on two car lines; half cash, bal ance 3 years at 7 per cent. Call at house. 302 E. 1 1th S, cor. Harrison. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT THE FOLLOWINO: We want house and lotWest Bide, south of Taylor st. Cash customer waiting. We want house and lot. East Portland, or vacant lot. We want 0-room house in Upper Alblna or Alblna Homestead. We want vacant lot. Upper Alblna. right away. We want vacant lot or K-block. Irving ton or Holladay Addition. We want some small places. 3 to 3-room cottages, on easy payments. We want place of acreage that would be suitable for platting In cheap lots. Let us know what you have. TAFT & CO. 275 Stark St, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED VACANT LOT OR HOUSE AND lot. within 10 minutes walk ot the Steel bridge, on the payment plan; some cash. Address J 7S, Oregonlan. WANTED 5 TO 7-ROOM HOUSE OR COT tage, west of 12th and south ot Washington st.: some cash; balance payments. Address H 78. Oregonlan. WANTED TWO LOTS. VACANT OR WITH 12-room house. Portland Heights or west of 0th, south of Morrison. H 78. Oregonlan. WANTED LOT OR.V PORTION LOT WEST Side; state price and location. V 79, Ore- gonlan TOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. SELECTIONS FURNISHHD FOR ALL clssses of U. S. Governmcat and stata lands; also best bargains in deeded lands of all classes and la any quantity at lowest prices. Write W. T. Buraey. IT Wash, bldg, city. WANTED FEW 11 SECTIONS TIMBER, fir; owners only: Columbia has la Ipref erred; state lowest cash price. R fl. Orexonlan. TOR SALE FARMS. 160 ACRES. 100 ACRES CLEARED. RICH bottom. CO acres timber, will cut 700O corda; spring creek through place, large bam. a splendid dairy farm. 4 miles Fisher's Land ing: price 312.000. easy terms. 48 acres 17 cleared, small family orchard, new 9-room hou big bam. best ot soli; a well-Improved farm. Implements, 2ri00 pound team, two cows, good wagon, go with place; Improvements cost over 37000. UHi miles from FIhers. Price 38500. 79 acres 30 cleared, 10 slashed and In grass. 39 good timber, family orchard, new S-room house, good well, bam. Implements, two cows, wagon: good soli, 3 miles from Fisher's: price 35500. Theee three farms are ten miles from Vancouver, In Clark County. Washington: three boats dally. BLAIR & HURLBUT, 315 Ablngton bldg. THREE BARGAINS 85 ACRES. PARTLY Improved, near Boring. 6 acres near Gresham: all In cultivation; good house. S acres, uj mile from Gresham, partly Im proved. For particulars, write to Gresham Real Estate Co, or call on D. M. Roberts, Gresham. Or. FARM OWNERS WHAT HAVE YOU IN farm lands for sale7 We have buyers. Write Scottish-American Farm Lands Co, 402 R Oregonlan bldg, Portland. Or. 40 ACRES. RICH FARMING LAND. HEAV Uy timbered, mile south of Gresham. on O. W. P. Ry, 31000. Beawlck. 250 Oak t. TOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY RANCH FOR RENT. 430 acres In Clark County, on Lake River. 245 acres, bottom land. 1S5 acres upland. 20 acres under plow; large house, fair outbuild ings: 300 per month; no letters: If Inter ested, call. A. L. Parkhurst, Rldgefleld, Wash. TO EXCHANGE. 1000-ACRE STOCK RANCH. EASTERN OR- egon. well watered, cuts 1O0O tons nay. Winters TOO head stock: $22,500; will trade for city property or valley farm; health compels. E 79. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES FINE FARMING LAND ON RT, river. 5 miles, good town, mile station, j acres bottom, nearly all tillable; will trade for city property; $7.50 acre. B 77, Ore gonlan. WANTED CONTRACTOR TO ACCEPT house and lot on West Side as payment to build 5 or G-room cottage In St. Johns. In quire 103H 4th. cor. Taylor. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed. mineral lands, titled, public land prac tice. We buy military bounty and war rants. Collins Land Co.. Steams bldg. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month: special rates to busi ness houses-, 6th and Hawthorne. Tel. East 72 HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day. week and month; special rates to busi ness houses. Cth & Hawthorne. Tel. East 72. FINE BLACK DRIVING HORSE 6 YEARS old. well broke and gentle, very stylish and good roadster. 3C0 Front st. A FINE TEAM OF 3-YEAR-OLD PONIES, well broke; can be driven by lady. Inquire 669 Gllsan st. HORSES and vehicles bough., sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 507. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. RENT or exchange. Hubert & Hall. 260 Fourth. Miscellaneous. 50 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chlnes at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic. White. Household, Da vis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Slgel, 333 Morrison st, Marquam bldg. 3 CONTRACTS IN THE CALIFORNIA Home Builders Association, at a good dis count: low numbers; will mature soon: here Is a chance to double your money In a short time. For particulars write N 7S. Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod em bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. WOLFF-AMERICAN BICYCLES. CLOSING out; 340 bicycles at $23; 355 racers, $30 for cash: 130 rims. 50c on the dollar. S. S. Slgel. 335 Morrison st. CHOICE. YELLOW NEWTON PIPPIN AND SplUenbcrg apple trees. Address Mllwaukle Nurseries. Mllwaukle. Or.; send for prices. YORK. BAND INSTRUMENTS. AGENCY. 07 1ST ST. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS SAFE. BEEN ured only one year, a bargain. Calcf Bros, 3Crt E. Morrison st. FOUR 6-FT. SHOW CAS ES. TWO PANELED IS-ft. counters and two wall cases for sale cheap. 51. L. Asher. 50 N. 3d st. FOR SALE ONE 5-TON TRUCK. NEW. AT Theatrical Baggage Transfer Co, 307 Stark street. Typewriters, all makes, at cost: rubber stamp goods, desks, etc Coast Agency Co, 231 Stark FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM ber ot Commerce, or phone Main 2363. FOR SALE A NEW SINGER SEWING MA chlne. cheap. Phone Main 2232. HELP WANTED MALE. Men, women. learn watchmaking, engraving. Jeweler work, optics. Easy terms, positions guaranteed: money made learning. Watch-maklng-Engrav'g School. 1426 4th av, Seattle WANTED YOUNG MAN 20 YEARS OLD as salesman and collector; opportunity for advancement. Address. In own handwrit ing, with references. T 7S. Oregonlan. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN TO carry side line coffee, tea and spices; sell hotels and restaurants. Standard Coffee & Spice MUls. 209 2d. WANTED CITY SALESMAN ON COMMIS ston. established line: must be a hustler; give age, experience, references. D 76. Ore gonlan. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; WAGES while learning; position after S weeks, GUI man's Barber College. 627 Clay, San Fran. Any Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y. 325 TO 365 PER WEEK MADE WRITING sick and accident Insurance for American Mutual Benefit Association. 210 Allsky bldg. SOLICIT ADVERTISING ODDFELLOWS and Rebekahs' yearly directory. 35 dally up easily earned. 633 Chamber Commerce. TWO R. R. CAMP BLACKSMITH, 33 TO 33.50. free fare; 2 rough carpenters. 33. Gov emmen contract. Hansen; 26 N. 2d. HERE'S A CHANCE TO GET INTO A CASH business that will pay you 13.50 a. day; 3150 required. Call 24S4 Stark t. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALES 51 EN IN Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers. 203 McKay bldg. TEN BOLTCUTTERS WANTED. APPLY Western Cooperage Co, room 306 Steams bldg, 6th and Morrison. UNION HOTEL FOR ROOM AND BOARD; rooms $1: board. 33.50 per week. 81 N. 6th st. J. Anderson. Prop. WANTED MAN TO WORK IN RESTAU rant who can Invest $250 In business. M. E. Lee. 93H 6th st. SALESMAN ON ROAD TO HANDLE LIB of stationery from fa.cO.-y on commission. N 77, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address G. M. Campbell. 320 James st, Se attle. Waaa. WANTED ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTS man. Inquire Jos. Jacobberger, 608 Mc Kay bldg. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 50 3d. Phone Pacific 46. SALESMEN FOR CHRISTY HOE SAFETY Razor: bonanza elde line. 410 Fenton bldg. WANTED SOLICITOR FOR BROKERAGE firm. Apply to room 504 Dekum bldg, city. GOOD COOK WANTED FOR MILL CAMP; 350 per month. Call Hotel Rhelnphals. WANTED AT ONCE. 40 EXPERIENCED shoe salesmen. Roberts Bros. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In 8 weeks. The Mohler system of col leges will open one ot their famoui barber schools In Portland about February 10. Grad uates earn from 515 to 325 per week. Only reliable barber college In United State. Special terms to first 20 students. Bo lively and get special rates. Address, MOHLER SYSTEM COLLEGES, Portland. Oregon. WANTED CAMP COOK. 350; MACHINIST. 33; benchman. framing. 33; man to work In lathmlll. 32.25: 25 mill and yardmen; 32 up: falters, buclcerp. swampers, others. We are now open for business In our new ground-floor office. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. 150 First Street. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BOD-led unmarried men. between ages ot 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to Recruit ing Officer. AInsworth block, 3d and Oak ts.. Portland. Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from, 3 to 5 days; consultation free and sfrlctly confldentlal; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Alder sr., Portland. MAN UNDER 35 FROM PORTLAND OR Vi cinity to prepare for good position as rail way mall clerk; beginning salary S00 per annum: gradual promotion: examination April 21. E. O. Heynen, 213 Columbia bldg, 365" Washington st. 5IEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR ber trade: eight weeks required; only re liable colleges In the world: free fare to students. Moler System College. 215 Occi dental ave, Seattle. Wash. WANTED 51 AN OF GOOD APPEARANCE to Introduce In Portland: the best of all fire extinguishers, the "MInlmax." Salary and liberal commission. Railway Equipment Co, 324 Chamber of Commerce. FIRST-CLASS BUSHELMAN AND PRESS ER at once. F. C. Stone, 203 E. 7th. Vancou ver. Wash. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAK ber trade. O 53. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS CANADIAN parlors have moved across the street and are now located at 221 Morrison st, room 10; new matron with two years' experi ence; all oraers for domestic help promptly attended to; girls, call If you want work. Canadian parlors. WANTED FEMALE. STENOGRAPHER who understands bookkeeping. Address, in own handwriting, giving age. experience and references, S 7S. Oregonlan. LADIES HAVING TYRE WRITERS ; SPECIAL edition newspaper work; reporting and com posing; experience unnecessary. 63S Cham ber Commerce. SEWING GIRL (BUSHELING); HOUSE keeper (help shooting gallery): office girl. 33; waitresses, domestic. Drake, 2Uts Washington. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER BETWEEN 17 and 39. for a retired capitalist. Apply at lOtl Willamette boulevard, between 11 and 12. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder; entrance 253 Alder at, Port land. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE sentatlvcs in Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. WAITERS, cooks, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 2304 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework, small family. Call 607 B. Taylor, or phono East 102S- PIONBER LADIES' AGENCY. 215 Morrison, cor. 1st st. Phone Main 2278. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 3434 Washington st, cor. 7tb. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. COMPETENT OPERATORS ON POWER machines for tailoring. Ritchie & Greene, 550 Washington 6t. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 84S Mellnda ave, head of Johnson st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL TO TEND store In bakery; good worker. Apply N 79, Oregonlan. GIRL WANTED FOR DINING-ROOM: NO experience required. Zlnsley Restaurant. 230 1st st. WANTED. AN OFFICE GIRL AT THEAT rlcal Baggage' & Transfer Co, 307" Stark st. WANTED COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. Remington machine used. C 79. Oregonlan. WANTED 3 LADY CANVASSERS: SAL ary. Hotel Antlers, room 44, hours 1-6. WOMAN FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK: NO objections to smalt child. Q 79. Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. Apply 706 Flanders st. WANTED A NICE YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE care of 2-year-old baby. Apply 414 7th. NURSEGIRL FOR HEALTHY 2-YEAR-OLD child. 346 Clifton. Phone Main 5016. MAID TO DO HOUSEWORK. INQUIRE 2S7 N. 23th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. IF YOU WANT A GOOD PERMANENT SAL aried position In Oregon City or Vancouver, Wash, apply at once or address Commer cial Hotel, room 39. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. WANTED I5IMEDIATELY. PEOPLE FOR dramatic and vaudeville stage; good oppor tunity for amateur actors, singers, dancers, musicians, etc. Room 1, 145 Vi 6th. REPORTERS. LITERARY WRITERS. WHO can use typewriters or otherwise; special edition work. 638 Chamber Commerce. WANTED LADIES OR GENTLEMEN TO represent large business firm; good salary. Address L 58. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALB. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION BY EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP er and stenographer; thoroughly capable and reliable. 51 78. Oregonlan. SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER HAVE bad 5 years' experience, and not afraid of work. W 79. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. FARM hands and other laborers furnished. The Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 29 N. 8d st, city. Main 5154. P. O. Box 175. WANTED POSITION IN COMMERCIAL house by young man of 21 with chance fo advance; good references. Address 551 Washington, flat C JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds ot help. Main 4659. 288 Ever ett St. WANTED POSTION IN WHOLESALE house, age 20: good references. Address J.' E. Gheen. 551 Washington, flat C GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION, small family, cook, or housework. 273 Bumslde st. A FIRST-CLASS CHEF WANTS EMPLOT ment In a camp or country hotel. X 80, Oregonlan. WANTED BY JAPANESE BOY. WORK OF any kind. Tel. Pacific 9S6. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. NEAT. EXPERIENCED SWEDISH GIRL desires situation, second work, first-class pri vate family. 230b Yamhill. Main 5413. A YOUNG LADT ATTENDING NIGHT school wishes general housework In fninlt family. Phone East 643. EXPERIENCED SWEDISH GIRL WANTS second work In private family. 670 Wilson street. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED 2D girl. T 79. Oregonlan. Housekeepers. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER In first-class hotel or rooming-house. Ad dress l uregonian. Miscellaneous. AN EASTERN LADY, JUST ARRIVED. DE slres position in gentleman's home: good housekeeper: can teach vocal and Instru mental music and Italian: good nurse; city or country. E 72. Oregonlan. WORK WANTED FOR CHAMBER5IAIDS. cooks, waitresses, housekeepers, domestics, nurseglrls (Chinese. Japanese). Drake's, 2054 Washington. SITUATION WANTED. EXPERIENCED woman cook, hotel, boarding-house, house keeper, boy 5; nurse. 230!4 Yamhill. Main 5113.