Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 02, 1906, Image 1

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VOI. XLV.- 3STo7l089?
Hostile Inspectors Are
Moved to Tears.
Wife arid .Child Torn From His
Embrace by Waves.
"Wretched -Party of Refugees Makes
Telegraph Hut With the News,
but Members Arc Too'
Worn-Out to Kctarn. '
Inspectors Whitney and Turner at
Seattle yesterday received the follow
ing instructions from Secretary Met
calf; "Make thorough and searching In
vestigation of Valencia; also full In
vestigation of conduct of officers on
steamers Topeka and Queen, pursuant
to sectlpn 4450, Revised .Statutes. Also
investigate all 'causes of wreck, the
Iocs of.' life and any misconduct or
neglect- -of ; duty on the part of any
connected therewith.
' "Give public hearings and take testi
mony of all available survivors of
Valencia and of any witness who may
desire to be heard. Toiir investiga
tion must be thorough and complete
and your report with all evideSce for
warded to the department. .Iso for
ward mo Immediately full preliminary
reports of facts as now understood."
This Is probably the basis for an
Associated Press dispatch sent oift
from -"Washington today to the effect
that a thorough investigation had
been ordered, though In a private tele
gram to the Commercial Club, Secre
tary ix)Cb. says
id er a. "complete
the local Inspectors is practically an
"tshea. '
running through the surf with Captain
Kllgoro's feo&t from the Grant trying: to
set the bodies off the beach."
Bunker came to Seattle today from Vic
toria and asked City Superintendent F. B.
Cooper to let him" begin his school duties
at once, to try to forget .hi experiences
on the Valencia in an active school life.
He also asked to be allowed to drop out
of all future Valencia agitation.
Aside from the Bunker testimony today
the Valencia hearing was confined largely
to a defense of the crews of the wrecked
steamer and the Queen. B. P. Gill, busi
ness agent for the Sailors Union, declared
all members of the Valencia crew were
union men who had passed an examina
tion In seamanship. Chief Cook Samuel
Hancock declared there was order Among
the crew on the wreck and Max Stcnsler.
a sailor, corroborated him. Captains
Bcecher and Langley Justified the Queen's
Graphic Story of Wreck.
Because of his prominence. Professor
.Bunker s story this afternoon was taken
In. greater detail than that of any other
witnesses. He told of being called by;a
member of the crew who took one of his
children to a lifeboat. Professor Bunker
with the other child and his wife, fol
lowed. Continuing his story. ProfesW
bunker saldf
VMcn had hold of ropes "to tower the
boat and the boat was Rwincinr out and
m towards the Valencia. The lifeboat
crashed against the Valencia as we cn
tered it and it was banged against the
side of the wrecked steamer several
times an we were lowered away. The life
boat was not lowered evenly. Sometimes
one end was tipped up and then the other
aad this, with the constant smashing
against'the side of the Valencia convinced
me that the lifeboat would never reach
A man with long rubber boots on had
an oar with which he tried to keep the
nienoat clear of the side of the Valencia.
I aleo had an oar and shoved with all
my might to keep the boat from being
oasneu to pieces against the steamer.
Son of pead Millionaire Dis
credits Marriage of
The relatives, however, believe there
was a much deeper motive.
Big Game, but Bungled.
U "It wa a. bijrvrame." they assert.
."and the people yfng it kriew what
they wanted, but they have bungled."
a. striking feature of the wedding;
mystery is the fact that Mrs. Yerkes
did not notify any of her friends of her
approaching marriage. She did not I
breathe a hint of It to her doctor, her
;Uwyer or any others who might have
a, natural interest in such an Important
step. All those actively engaged In
tho reported marriage ceremony wet
Intimate friends of Mr. Mlzner, cvei
Including Mrs. GoodsclL r;
Insists Tlicy Arc -Married.
wars, especially when the judiciary and
legislature were at stake. Underground
battles were fought In the Butte mines,
and not a few Uvea sacrificed. But all this
has ceased, and everything Is as calm on
the surface as a billiard table.
Again, In none of the official organs of
the parties do there appear denials of the
Clark Also In Deal.
Amalgamated and Heinze Are connectcd with the -settlement." it being
p ' ; t il -"tea mat, as part of the deal, he Is to
UOmmg I Ogetner in rraea to the Senate next year, while
is -Mill J -rieinze is to become general manaccr of
xnUlliaria. I the Amalgamated properties.
Heinze came to Montana practically
penniless 13 years ago. found employment
as. an, engineer In the Amalgamated mines.
Balks Against the Rate
aiierea victim and that hr minion. ..
Woman Leaps Oat of Lifeboat, H!81 tne strong motive for the schemS
"As we neared the waten'lhe big waves
washed Into the lifeboat arid we had hard
work to keep her clear of the wreck. One
woman in the boat, frightened by the big
waves and the constant danger of smash
Ing against the Valencia, got up on the
seat of the lifeboat Just before we struck
the water, and leaped to catch the rail
of the Valencia. She clung for an. in
stant, and men on board the Valencia
pulled Jier back to the wrecked vessel. A
moment later a man wearinc rubber
ooots m our boat leaped upward . and
caught hold of the ropes, pulling himself
wick to the Valencia.
"The lifeboat was In the trough of the
sea. we had only two oars, and they
were used on one side of the boat- We
finally pushed ourselves clear of the side
of the Valencia and moved under her
bow. a few yards out to sea. A bic
te resident 2&i&pr A I fno In. b)te ' vr v arid cap.
inquiry. -Theuwork of 7 l ca -cur ooax. nvhtn 1 oame UD'lcouId
see the baat, though It was' very dark, far
tne oo&t was 'painted -whit t
i nvfl rjfl It aii J. ..... I. . ,
-i i - aniurer mis wave wasneo.
ii tawara me. i tried to. climb on too of
SEATTLE, Wash.,. Feb. L-(SpeclaL)- It but could only get a finger hold.
The Inquiry conducted by Inspectors Whit
ncy and Turner into the causes of the Va
lencia wreck and the steps taken by. the
crew and the Pacific Coast Steamship
Company to save the passengers will
Finds Wife After Upset.
While 1 was clinging there another big
wave dashed over me and turned the boat
completely over again. The boat was
now right side up, but filled completely
probably end tomorrow. Captain Cousins, w,tn water. I climbed In. and much to
of the steamship Queen, which sailed my surPri6e, I found my wife clinging to
away from the wreck, will be one of the a seat
last witnesses, uoolc for the children sho said.
Captain Cousins should reach Seattle to- .wnen wo entered the lifeboat I had
morrow morning, and he will be subpe- put J --year-old boy under the scat, so
naed Immediately.- Captain-Cousins has - tat he Tou,d be out the way of the
alleged that he left under orders from As- 1 oars" 1 Ielt m tne "ater under the seat
sistant Manager J. E. Pharo. Mr. Pharo and felt h,s little bod'- 1 lifted Wm out
himself is at Bamfieldbut General Man- ut he send to toe dead. I laid him
ager W. E. Pearce. of the steamshln race down on m' knees and rolled him.
Company, declares officially that after J f'11 to set the water out of his lungs,
the Topeka. a lighter draft boat, arrived. He soon tsan to cry, and I knew that
Cousins should have left. Pearce ap- 116 was "im
proves his sailing. 1 heard the voice of a man in the dark-
The first witnesses from the Queen tes- ncss oylnff for help, saying that he could
tlfied today. Both of them. Captain not hold out much longer. A wave brought
Beecher, a company pilot, and Captain n,m nearer, and I grabbed him under the
Wallace Langley, an old Puget Sound arms and uragged him Into the boat. I
navigator, swore the Queen could not get dld not. know the man then, but learned
In close enough to the Valencia and that afterward that it was Mr. Richlcy.
lifeboats could not pull out from the "My wife complained of belnjr very cold
wreck to the waiting boats, If they sue- and said she could not hold up much long
ceeded In reaching the doomed vessel. er. I glanced up for the first tim on
Captain Langley, Incidentally, declared saw a bis shadow arainist th v-v
the Queen steamed away first to notify concluded that we were near the shor
the tugs Czar and Salvor of the wreck's
location. He stated, too, that the Czar
claimed to be under orders from the SaJ
vor and could not go in without specific
instructions. He said the Czar did not go
I told her to hold on, for we must be near
the beach.
Slammed Up on the Beach.
"We were dashed in close to the edge of
as close to the wreck as tne Queen and tne surf by this time, and the next big
reported after one look that there was no
life aboard her.
Bunker Defends His Actions
roller shot us through the surf at a ter
rific speed. The boat was crashed into
the rocks and turned partly on one side
tnougn it aid not turn over. I clung to
my wife and baby boy. My little girl had
been washed overboard the first time the
lifeboat capsized, and I did not. see her
Another giant wave sent us with awful
force against the rocks and something hit
me on . the head. The rest of -what hap
pened then is something of a blank to me.
iiy next recollection Is that of bolne-
Dlspa'hcs tonight from KewtYork
U1U SHfc ' mAnnT MIZNER7 "Lf "'L110- wlth-J-. iff dRKv Al on TMTtrDtro-rr-n and ?tcr went to h'3 fr ork
. oimou, Tviinvnscu fne cercraonj', riw lit I UilUO 1 LU I "rsanizcd a company which has hemm
possessed of valuable nrooertlM
could not be located. His wife, how
ever, while sho did not witness the
ceremony, talked freely of iL
"All this talk about a plot Is ab
surd." said Mrs. Bruglerc. "I do not
know Mrs. Ycrkcs. and have never been
In her house, but my husband, as-a
-friend of Mr. Mlzner. certalnlv
jif the witnesses to the ceremony Tucs-
Jday night, when Mrs. Ycrkcs ;was mar
ried to Wilson Mlzner. I cannot under
stand Why hese dentals or Hin-
-jwvy, xoa. opcciai.; - xncre is made, but there Is no plot. I know
She.SajSjXoTjHt Mlzner and Wit
Jiejci5.Say Yes Qiiarrcl Has
- Sci; Rcsalt Anotbcc Wo
; 1 1 V 'ft. . -C
-JaH ClalHM5'3Ilzncr.
urcai contest or Litigation Which
"Has 'Torn Montana for Years to
Bc Ended by Deal Involv
j .. ing Smelter Trust.
Charles R Yerkes, son of the late trac- I Cn,ca'"o relatives were akl tenHcht Hhe, famed copper war Is at an end are
"".wi. . proved a veritable thorn In thr.
side, of the Amalgamated. Montana pro
duces nearly one-fourth of the world's
copper supply, and this is practically all
mined at Butte.
Amalgamated, Guggenheim, Ameri
can Smelting: and Helnit Tnvnlrtul
an amazing plot at the bottom of all this, that much of the affair. The marrfag' JL i.-l&pcclal.)- .NEW iORK, Feb. l.-(SpeclaI.)-Amal-
THO fJUhllr ma V not im1initan If tf If I Q ISKC -BIACC Tnn v- K cu- ' nflki r --o uia, i vwaj- was Very active.
Is'lalrly plain to the relative RM that." " .Bton and other financial centers that 0Ter f0'000 shares changing hands. Hold-
juu.a were somewnat dls
appointed o-er the fact that th m..nh
talked-of favorable announeement affect
ing tne Amalgamated and Heinze
panles was not forthcomlnir.
In excellent circles a bic-
deal covering the properties affects
and American Smelting, to be financed
through tVi xr .i ft -
.. .iuuu v.uj- uanK. is ex
pected to develop shortly. It was au
thoritatively admitted tonight that the
Guggenheim interest at least had become
much Interested in United CoDDer. WhHo
Amalgamated shares dropped Ts today.
umicu copper common rose 2 points
mnrp nn th. . ....
... . uc iuiu LU to. At tn vnrv
least, a settlement will be reached, ac
cording to a Guggenheim authority, by
whlch Amalgamated and United Conner
wu cease tneir fighting.
The statement that, as -k result of the
present deal, the united conmanv will
on juiy l ue able to show J20,X,X cash
on hand Is believed. A large part of this
money will, it Is supposed, come from
of Adjourning Without
Action on Bill.
I V. 1 J . . i - 3
. ,.. ... , I uiu usisc iicm 19 mut tn
Pu,.ns .H.Uon .New To. ZSZZfJ2$Z&t
wuo. jviau pcraisieuuy ocnies anotner I marriage had txkwt " b1JW mi at
marriage, while Wilson Mlzner, the 1 some mock affair' U .f wimmr .ttie MMlj
bridegroom, the minister who performed I of a conspiracy wrti WfKtwe o th
the ' ceremony and two witnesses ara I widow as the mtIbb .
" 'jr. !-
and two witnesses
equally positive she did become the wlfi
of Mr. Misnen
Chicago relatives say the wide publicity
of the whole affair is part of the plot or
conspiracy of which -Mrs. Yerkes Is Mm
- - - -
jaizner g
Dispatches received here tonight say she
is now ulte Ul and In strict seclusion.
Preacher Conceals Hecoid.
JJr. Sdward Sternbcrger, her phy
sician, says he has not the slightest douK
of her statement that she was not mar-,
ricd to Mr. Mlzner. When Dr. Stern-
bergcr was Informed that Rev. Mr. Gillies,
who perfotThed the- ccrembny, refused to
permit ztearone to see the record of the
marriage, he said that seemed to bear
out the statement .of Mrs. Yerkes that'
she had not been married.
It is jqild that one of Mr.
friends. In his anxiety to give a sensa.
tional paper a 'sc6op,', gave up what was
puppostd to be strictly private isform
uon tnat the wedding was to take place.
but the paper secured this Infonnatloa
several hours before the date for the wed
aiag. It Is kfso "said that on he" eveolnf
waen .rBC-weddiBc. aapoeel to hav
tahea pktsc Tthc Aoaee atrvaats at
lerxes mansion were all sent to a nous
across the street, with orders to remaia
there until -sent for. They were su-
moned pack .after the cere cony had takeit'
Publicity Causes Quarrel.
There Is. also, a story Jn circulation ta
the effect that Mrs. Yerkes and Mr. Mlz
ner have had their first serious quarrel
due to the fact that the -marriage was
Well Xmwr In Trtcrioln,
Xa4tc Attswfpt as Actor.
Wj., Feb. 1. SpecIaI.
ta er." groom of Charles T.
X"1 f. an1 erstwhile tenderloin
lty taaif thane, was well-known here
a.. MtMt., aa under the cognojeen of
"Llttte ynmtT Mlzner. Old Havers say he
wa qHe a character around the red
Kght dMcrloc, having dazzled that sec
tiM wr Wc actions.
At - - trow he took part In a local
Wiatrteal,aliaw,rIn the role of an animal
. Mns guyed fiercely, was
retire from the stage. Being
pa-modern Apollo 30 years of age.
Ired by sportsmen In gen-
aprf'gftecd by women of all classes.
nBimwSfri physique, a singer of no
M well as a piano-player, he
9 . Bmmmt a favorite, and frequenters
M- tfm Lswrij variety hall are not sur-
ma of his success In winning zfVen vin- n-Monn, ir, tnnt
,4- e , . i mii. ui mi; nut. iiaa wcu uic scene
f af;: Z Zr OJ at might with propriety be termed
TZzt I the most far-reachlns: feud In the Wstonr
of 'any state in the fnion. Practically
every Industry, society. Judges, courts,
commerce. Legislatures, and. In fact, the
very life of the state, have been Involved
In the quarrel, and even' lives have been
Heportcd Decision on Such Coarse
Kouscs Dignity of Xoble Lords..
Roosevelt, With Laugh, De
nies Threatening.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. - (Sncel&M
Grave rumors are current tonight that the
aenate nas fully made up its mind to balk
against what it declares to be unbearable
coercion on the part of the President in
connection with railway rate lesislation.
There are modified whispers that the lead
ers pf the majority have decided to put
tnis legislation last on the Senate pro
gramme, and then, If the opposing forces
cannot agree upon a measure, adjourn
without action, as it did last Congress.
Threat of Extra Session.
The Senate has become really defiant
the AmaleamatPrf " puuiicauon or. a report that the
.f r7,Z" . p -resident has decided
mnt tr.y tt. ... " I -". uwiucu uuua an extra ses
... -'" mmuiK claims ana nart- i oi n .......
in payment for a legally defined division legation givlng to
of territory- tw. .tfi. v. .1' v-ommerce commission the
rf - wfc.awMciib iitLviiiir ueen
reacneu, it 13 stated a general comblna
P. Aaxatas He laze. Wlaaer of Cep
Pt War.
tion of the sort above referred to mav
power to fix a contested rate Is not enacted.
Some of the Senators affirm that the
President inspired the announcement.
They declare that It Is a reflection upon
tneir well-known characteristics of wise
deliberation to prejudge action by an un-
fMrmmxiu Bc1ativc3.hbwBver
"Mm 'aaatetaace aad. on being re-
a:ls reported to have gone to
It Is said, he prospered.
Elcapjr Robson In Xcw Play.
j i-cd. i. Before a
large and fashionable audience tonleht at calIed-for threat. They say there are
tne .Euclid Avenue Opera-House. Miss montns of time ahead for action and In-
Ete9cItobon appeared in the new com- sl3t that lt would be more becoming to th?
edy written for her by Clyde Fitch, en- d'snity of the Senate for the Executive to
tiuedi "The GIrL Wha Has" Evferythinsr.' walt untu- its demonstrated that the
Miss Kobson assumes the part of 3ylvia "PP61 oody of Congress had failed In Its
i-ang in Uie new: plai which presents a Purpose.
- . V.
'XfzoMr Titrcatencd With Brcach-of-Promisc
Suit by Edith Crater.
pretty loVe story with many unique and
numerous situations,
Makes Roosevelt Laugh.
Frlend3 of the President lauch at the
charge. They declare that the President
has not made any threats, but explain
W. Va.. Feb. t rw ,. j......
miner was killed and th othnr, 13 earnest and say they
Litigation Is Suspended
The reports are given every credence in
this, the most Interested state, and the
ie ,We th s being blXofuSe8 FCb' -S- for th,s 'ound principally Knob mine No. 2 taStf It tiTt3i ca,,cd' " the attempts to thwart
upon SrSrnmSSf ?i!TtsL beautiful Denver girl now In the fact that, while there are pending that other victims still i underground I ?c wishes.
to In the lower courts recovery suits to the P"g"q. It Is significant that the Senate is doine
All the time Is occupied
upon the. presumption, .that. tAey . were nvi .
Explosion Jvllls Several Miners.
l aim LuiLT otnnra iArinria. I -
ly Injured by an explosion ih th tm nave " aouDt an extra session will be
Clarence Knlcht or thi - ine Mrnia amount or nearly W.OW.00O, and the value
rears eonflcfcmHal snra,v r hV ilil m.iran "l40- Dose marriage to Mrs. of tho property, amounts
ears confidential attorney of the late
Charles T. Yerkes, and now of his
widow, reiterated his declaration to-
young Call- I gatlon between the elements to the quar
rel F. Augustus Heinze and the Amal
gamated Copper Company the Supremo
... iwk. piace in .-sew iw, yet ror nearly a year not a step has
lor eonesday. defendant In a breach- been taken to prosecute a single one of
day that the story of her marring to ' a tne numerous suits. Because of the lltl
Mizncr was preposterous and an out- ,n,ZS, JSLTJ
rage. He Intimated that Mr. Mlzner wa. v L- JL
whISS?fc S SCnsat,n-mocr' marked attenUon to m! Crater has beeJ
7t U?n?' B81r70lVhi.PU,?Oue kno Ia Dcnr. California and
of bringing himself into the limelight. York for lndod
a year ago a report vras current that he
hzdf married her and e. relative of Miss
Crater Is authority for the statement that
about that time several packages sent to
the Denver actress In this city were ad
dressed to "Mrs. Edith Mlzner."
The Weather.
iMiuiuAi s .Maximum temnerature. Si
minimum. 42. Precloltatlon.' nnm.
.iuj,Yi a irair. Easterly winds.
ver' Httle now.
In discussing the ship subsidy bill, which
wui not pass, the House. It will soon be
time for the appropriation hills.
are 11 great supply bills. One has passed
the lower branch.
Frank F. Bunker, the assistant supcrin
tendent of the Seattle public schools, who
was saved, testified this afternoon.' Tho
Inspectors at first gave him a hostile hear
ing, but 'toward the close he was treated
courteously. Bunker made a statement in
his own defense before he left the room.
"I -understand I have been criticised se
verely for not standing by tne wreck I
understand it has been aald that I had sucked toward the sea by the undertow
stated that my wife and babies were lost ana slrusrgHng desperately to get a finger
in tne wreck and that I had no further 1 DOia every time I was hurled upon the
interest in humanity. Jf those statements rocks. I finally got hold, and, only half-
nave teen credited, I do not like them to conscious, I held on until a big wave re.
stand. But I think the parties making ceded, climbing up a few Inches before the
tnem oid not understand, and In charity I next wave came In
do not want to criticise them." "When I finally got out of the reach of
xne inspectors assured roressor Bunk- the waves. I tried to stand up and walk.
cr uiai me cnarges were not credited and but 1 fell down. I. broke the strings of
he added he would not answer them in my llfc-prescrver, for it was so heavy that
d'S?r Jf hC 8tated: U ,mpeded my I crawled on my
... . .. .v, iur numan- nanas and knees for quite a distance
ity I do not think I should have remained looking for my people. It was very dark!
. .wc wv uuuics oi and i did not find them.
and fearing every moment the bruised and IIudd,cd TogcUicr to Keep Warm.
broken bpdies of my loved ones might "When I reached the foot of the bluff I
wuuu ui. i uraun me voice a man shouting. I
"I don't think, if I cared nothing for answered, and soon the Ine survlvora of
numaniniy. mat I would have taken off the two boats were gathered at the foot
my coat at nignts to cover some poor un- of the bluff. There was a strong wind,
fortunate who needed It worse than I did. and this, with the heavy rain and some
Fought Surf for Dead Bodies. sleet, chilled us all to the bono. We
"J do not think I would have attempted cl,mbcd, to a 5501111 bWnd the reach of
to swim across the Darllmr. which anv h,sh Ude ana hutMled together for
one who knows that stream can imflr. trarmth' Paying for daylight.
stand was then a raging torrent: foucht .oeiore oajngnt. nowevcr, T crawled
'ut through the surf to get over and reach back to our rurned lifeboat, hoping
Logan and his party to help them save a&int hope that I would find my wife
the dead bodies washed in to the beach anQ 1 elt nd.r the boat, but .found
-through tho surf. nothing but kcaa teshe te the -mat. I
"If I cared nothing for humanity I do took this back to .where t ray corapaaloas
ri uiwk x would have risked my life
Court calendar. rirnniu1 yUm t..ij I . ...
. , . "T -rr-..nv.J..uUuU, x.ntorcement ot church separation bill causes
" iuuc is' not v .single. suit De- I now in r mace, rase s
mn tnem pending m that -court.
War of Words and Bludgeons
Both principals to the quarrel have for
years maintained .dau newspapers In -the
principal cities to exploit their respective
Britain may have to reform army to please
Japan. Paie- 5.
Vladivostok rebels drive out Cossacks and
caiorco arcnea truce. Fage 5.
Roosevelt Confers
Who Favor Rate Bill.
WASHINGTON. Feb. l.-Scnators Dolll-
ver and Clapp, authors of one of the sev
eral bills for the regulation of railroad
Seot.,.v'? tha,k. at !,ate b'!1- accusln rates which are pending in the Senate, to-
IIIlBels Member Paste CrtU of Heart
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Itepreiea'.
tatlve R. R. Hltt o. Illinois, who has
bta III at his home for more than a
week put. Is reported to b Improv
ing, having; patsrd the crlsU of the
heart disease. recovery Is now
looked for.
(Conjrrersman Robert Roberts Hltt.
chairman of the House committer on
foreign relations, who announces his
retirement from public life with tha
expiration of his present term, has
been a member of Congress continu
ously since 1SS2 frorn -what Is now
tht lth Illinois Ulrica When
elected to 311 the vacancy caused by
the death of R. It. A.' Hawk he al
ready had tee first seereUry of tho
legation at Paris and Assistant Sec
retary ot State under James G. Blaine.
In Congress his achievements have
been In connection with the foreign
relations committee, of -which he has
been a member since the -IBth Con
gress. In the Cutting cao he saved
Congress from a mistaken menace
against Mexico and has rendered bril
liant service in numerous other dip
lomatic crises. His first work was as
a newspaper reporter in Chicago; then
he .became official reporter of the
State of Illinois. He was born In
Urbans, O.. in ?S35; but was reared
In.Mount Morris. 111.) .
"- " vj w uikut respective I p,,r,i, r .s. , I ' " ie ocnaie, to-
sides, and. while these are still published, yi5 Lt JZ, l ol Tate bin U lT, Resident Roosevelt
no charges ot.'any kind are' now ven: Z" a "t0 bU1 ,a Ho 1
terance. whereas befora dlctinnario I Senate passs Alaska. delera.t hiu p. a
unable to supply adjectives Impressive roMon"' "veral GeneraU Ket Pro1
Son of Yerkes Receives a Message WOOK" lo cney tne desired condemna- Report of Philippine Commission. Page 8.
-EVom . , ... elections pecame miniature pwin tesiinej In packerV trial. Page 4.
CHICAGO. Feb. I. Charles Ts
Yerkes, early today, in response to a
telegram sent to Mrs. Yerkes (Mlzner)
last fiigflt received the following:
XEW YORK, Feb. 3. Telegram re
ceived. Story Is simply ridiculous.
After reading the message, Mr.
Yerkes said:
"That is in response to a message
sent b me. We are sure now that this
great publicity Is being played as a
game In Ncv York by some people who
are conspiring a certain end."
TVTiat is their motive. If their story
Is not truer he was asked.
"I cannot discuss motives." said Mr.
Entertains Aged Eather at Home in
Pocanto Hills.
KEW YORK, Feb. L The Herald today
. John D. Rockefeller is at Boxwood, his
home In the Pocanto HULs. and has a
guest who is 'understood to be his father.
William Rockefeller. John D. Rockefeller
has been reported recently as in the South
and at various Winter resorts, but It was
learned positively last night at a recep
tion to the Bible class of his son that he
was at Boxwood.
Little has been known of the father of
John D. Rockefeller for many years. He
has been reported as living on a ranch
In North Dakota with one of his sons,
Frank Rockefeller, and also as living on
a ranch In South Dakota.
PIncro's Xcw Play a Sacccss.
LONDON, Feb. L-Arthur Wing Plnoro's
new play. "His House In Order w-
produced here tonight with George Alex
ander ana irene vanBrugh la the princi
pal rdlca. The audience was extremely
enthusiastic aad repeatedly recalled the
prlnclfials.' Mr. Plnerowas called before
the curtain and trfven an .avatlnn Th
play deals with the proMesm confronting
the second wife of a. mas who-reveres the
"Mwory of his first wife. The critics are
UnMimW-R.!nbtOwinr.ltnwl!n,1 nnta
on th play. ,-rwHlEg " it as 'a. return to
Mr. PBreV style. " . "
r i
Grat contest of millionaires for Michigan
utuaiuuuiii. rage 1.
insurance convention, opens in Chfeam
Graft in Pennsylvania Insurance department.
Livestock convention Indorses rate bill and
reciprocity, .rage iv.
I Mrs. Terkes- friends deny marriage to Mlzner
una say mory is pari ot plot against her.
rage -
Heney will try land-fraud cases
missing witnesses. Page 6.
Probable strike of all coal miners In United
siaies. .rage 3.
and the prospects for favorable action on
an Administration measure.
ine resident took the position that
there should be no compromise with th
opponents of such legislation.
Tomsuue Salvial.
Tommtio Salvia, who recently won
a verdict of J20.000 In the Supreme
Court against Uebler & Co., theatri
cal agents, for breach of contract. Is
one of the most famous living actor.
He was born at Milan. Italy, in 1S30.
and at the age f-14-Joined -the cele
brated Italian actor. Gustavo Modena.
By earnest study and application he
rose rapidly in his profession, and,
wrSn comparatively a young man won
distinction In his native country. He
has traveled all over the world and
has been decorated by the Czar and
by the monarcha ot Italy. Roumanla
and Portugal. When Dom Pedro ruled
In Brazil he also conferred -an order
on Salvia!. He lives In Florence, and
has not appeared In public for some
time. The burning of the Iroquois
Theater In Chicago was In part the
cause of the annulment of the con
tract and of the damage suit Just
decided In his favor. 0
Amalgamated Copper Company and Heinze
uoui to ecu war. nr. j.
Pacific Coast.
Professor Bunker tells his story of the wreck
ot tne v aiencia. i are J.
Three persona are killed In fire on the trans
port jdeacie at san Francisco. Page
Mayor Wright, of Tacoma, is exonerated by
im K.iiy vouocu. rage u.
Edmonds. Wash., woman fleeced by alleged
messages in tne aeao. rage o.
mcago and .ortft-arestern Universities de
clare xor retormed football. Page 'i
Motorboat races at Palm Beach. Pas
Commercial and Marine.
California hopmen will lay proposition be
Alger Has nill and 3Ic31Ilian for
Rivals In Michigan, and Money
bags Are Trumps.
DETROIT. Mich.. Feb. l.-.rsnMfoi.i
The Michigan senatorial
leading up to the election hv
Legislature of a Senator to succeed
General Russell A. Alsrcr. the nre.nt
Incumbent, promises to be a battle r
the millionaires which will rival thA
famous, struggle In which A. T. Bliss, D.
M. Ferry and Justus S. Stearns fought
It out for the governorship In 1300.
General Alger has formally an
nounced that he Is in the field and has
been campaigning at Washington for
several weeks. Arthur Hill, a lum
ber baron of Saslnaw. declares that v.
has gone too far to turn back, although
fn Hr.rnn -,r. f V... - I . . . - " u u
market. Tht 1K V. . " uou it wu3 inougnt
Chicago wheat market gains a quarter-cent.
rage lo.
Wheat options stronger at San Francisco.
fage io.
Wide fluctuations In stock prices. Pare is
Portland will ship large quantities of lumber
uunng rcoruary. .rage 14
Steamer Columbia cuts log raft In twain, but
co.jca injury, i'age n.
rortlaad aad Tickdty.
tnat Alger would not be a candidate
for re-election. The latest asnirant t
W. C McMillan, oldest son of the late
Senator James McMillan and the head
of the vast McMillan Interests In Mich
igan. .His formal declaration was
given out today.
During his father's campaigns -rr
MIHan bore an important part In the
direction of political,, machinery, and
in apiio ui me xacu mat many ot the
Elks dedicate their temple with Impressive present Federal ofIicial3 owe their of-
-v.,. .-. ,v . nce3 lo AiKer. it is neiicved that the
Nurse-discovers that patient dying In her I remnants of the old McMillan appa
ward at St. Incenfa Hosplui la her ratus would more than offset thl in
To a great extent the campaign will
undoubtedly be foucht in the Rmih-
Hcan primaries throusrhout the stat
when State Representatives and Sen
ators are chosen.
isutct. rug; xi.
Gas Mils for January bigger than ever
Page 3.
Willamette Valley Traction Company will
withdraw application for Front-street
franchise and will ask for one on Colum
bia street. Page 0.
Professor who lectures on beauty leaves
Portland on first train following his talk
Page 12.
Lawyers who resort to technicalities re
buked by Judge Frazer. Page 11.
Tax Commission propose to make net earn
ings, ox corporations basis ot taxation and
to follow the Washington law regarding
dclLaeaeat taxes. Page 18.
Disapproves Shaw's Plan.
NEW YORK, Feb. l.-Secretary Shaw's
plan for the relief of the occasional
stringency of the money market was dis
approved by a committee of the Chamber
of Commerce which made its report today.