Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 26, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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CountltiB-Room Main 7070
Managing Editor Han i2i2
Sunday Editor
City Editor Main 7070
Society Editor Main 0.0
Composing-Room. .....Main oo
Superintendent Building Main .OiO
East Side Office Ea8t 01
BAKER THEATER 3d and Yamhill)
Watson's Orientals. Tonight at 8:15.
EMPIRE THEATER U2th and Morrison)
"The Little Church Around the Corner.
Tonlftht at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville, 2:30. 7:30 and 0
P. M.
PANTAGES- THEATER (4th and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:80 and 8
P. M.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. g:30. 9 P. M.
Sodalities' OrncBns. The following
arc the new officers for the several so
dality societies of Su Mary's Church. Al
bina: Senior Sodality Prefect, Miss Kate
Cauley: first assistant. Miss Kate Mar
ion; second assistant, Miss Elizabeth
Theis: secretary. Miss Anna Stewart; as
sistant secretary. Miss May Major; treas
urer. Miss Hanna Skelly. Junior Sodality
Prefect, Annie Murphy; first assistant.
Agnes Smith; second assistant, Monica
Curtln;' secretary. Minnie Logus; assist
ant secretary, Kathryn Miller; treasurer,
Eva Hlnklc; assistant treasurer. Miss B.
VanPatton; librarian, Mary Marpert. Al
tar Boys' Sodality President, Herman
Doragish; vice-president, Willie Hogan;
secretary. Orlo Wascher; treasurer,
Charles Kennedy. This last organization
is formed to teach boys how to serve at
the different ceremonies of the altar, and
give them a thorough knowledge of the
Gregorian chant.
Want Improvement Expedited. There
is much indignation over the delay In the
proceedings for the improvement of East
Burnsidc street between Union avenue
and East Tenth street with bitulithlc
pavement. The petition has been filed for
some time, and yet it has been held up
or pigeonholed. "We cannot understand
why the proceedings for this improve
ment have been delayed." said a property-owner
yesterday," and the people In
terested are up in arms over this mat
ter. They want the proceedings expedited
and It there is further delay we will be
heard from. The improvement is needed
greatly, and the property-owners say
they are willing to pay for it. and do not
want the improvement held up any
Woodcraft Officers Tnstalijed. Ore
gon Circle, No. 171 Women of Woodcraft,
installed the following officers Monday
evening at Lions' Hall, Williams avenue
and Russell street: Eva Mason, guardian
neighbor; Emily Bradley, adviser: Bertie
Van Aucker, magician; Mary Randall,
clerk: Louise Menefec, banker; Mars
Sleepy, attendant; Mary Slater and Eva
Granncl, inner and outer sentinels. The
Installing officer was Minnie Gleason. The
hall was prettily decorated with Oregon
grape and ferns, and a programme was
given at the close of the installation, and
the evening ended with dancing. About
2W guests were present.
Wiul Talk on Richards Puaci. The
Richards case is to be the theme for a
discourse by Dr. J. Whitcomb Broughcr
at the White Temple, next Sunday eve
ning. Dr. Brougher's subject for the eve
ning is "Richards' H 1 and 'Others.' "
Whether "h 1' has the usual meaning of
an h with a dash after It, or only means
"hotel," remains to be seen. The dis
course is the first of a series on the sub
ject, "The Gates of Hell in Portland."
On the same evening. Dr. Clarence True
"Wilson will deliver a sermon at the Grace
Methodist Episcopal Church on the sub
ject, "Did the Mayor Do Right?"
Farmers' Meeting. The Multnomah
Grange. Patrons of Husbandry, will hold
an all-day meeting at Pleasant Home to
day, and part of the time It will be open
to the public. J. J. Johnson, of Portland,
will deliver an address on the benefits of
the Grange to the farmer. An open meet
ing will be held, in the hope that the
farmers of that section may come out
and hear Mr. Johnson on this topic and,
join the order. Orflcers for the ensuing
year will be installed at this meeting.
Will, Give Masque Ball. Portland
Lodge. Xo. 209. Fraternal Brotherhood,
will give its annual masque ball on the
night of February 14, at Foresters Hall,
Sixth and Washington streets. This lodge
has a reputation of giving unusually suc
cessful social events, and many look for
ward to the masque ball of February 14
with much anticipation. It will bo at
tended by several hundred persons.
Will Hold Indignation Meeting.
The committee appointed jby the People's
Forum to investigate the Richards case
held a meeting yesterday, but had noth
ing to give out. It is understood, how
ever, that the committee has decided to
hold a public indignation meeting. It is
said that some very startling testimony
has been received by the committee.
Defers Consideration of Smelter.
The promotion committee of the Portland
Board of Trade did not meet yesterday
afternoon, as previously announced,
owing to the unavoidable absence of sev
eral of the members. The matter of se
curing a smelter for Portland was to
have been taken up. The committee will
probably meet some time next week.
Funeral of Hattie Harrison. The
funeral of Hattie Harrison will take place
this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from Dun
nlng's undertaking chapel. East Sixth and
Alder street. Miss Harrison was born in
Portland 30 years ago. She died In Seat
tle, Wash.. January 23. She had been to
Phoenix. Ariz., and elsewhere in search
of health, but realized no benefit.
Interest Increasing. Interest at the
revival under wayNn the First United
Evangelical Church, East Tenth street,
continues to Increase. The discourses of
Rev. Guy Phelps, the conference evangel
ist, are plain and forcible. Special' music
Is provided. Rev. A. A. Winters, the pas
tor, says that it is not decided how long
the meetings w;lll be continued.
Both' Club Will Entertain. An en
tertainment will be given tonight at S
o'clock, at the Fourth Presbyterian
Church, by the Boys' Club of South Port
land. This is the first entertainment to
be given by the boys. The entertainment
will be free, and a cordial invitation Is
extended to all.
Contributions for Littlb Sammt.
Contributions for Little Sammy, the crip
pled newsboy, who is raising $250 to get
himself a pair of artificial limbs, still con
tinue to be received at The Orogonlan.
The contributions received yesterday are:
Lynn Tower, a 3-year-old boy, 25 cents,
and $1 In cash.
Mr. R. Knoll, pioneer liquor merchant,
has resumed charge of his old liquor store
at 370 Washington street, and will con
duct the same, with the assistance of H.
M. Knighton. Thanking the public and
my old friends for past favors, and I will
be pleased to have them call on me in the
Mothers' and Teachers' Club Meets.
The Mothers' and Teachers' Club of the
Brooklyn School will meet this afternoon
in the assembly hall. An Interesting pro
gramme is being prepared. A large at
tendance is desired. Refreshments will
be served.
Dr. Wise at Temple Betk Israel. At
Temple Beth Israel, Dr. Stephen S. Wise
will preach this evening on the subject,
"The Service 'of the Preacher to His
Age." The sen-Ice begins at S o'clock,
and strangers are always welcome.
Warehouse on Switch to Lease. We
will build brick warehouse to suit tenant
on the southwest corner of Eighteenth
and Upshur street; long lease. Rountreo
& Diamond, 211 Stark street, corner Sec
ond. Burns' Anniverrajit Tonight.
Concert and Dance,
Ariotn Hall, S P. m.
Auspices of Clak MAclbat.
All graduates of Portland High School
Invited to attend meeting at High Sefeeel
tonight. 8 P.M.
P. H. S. Alumni meeting at Sigh School
Robes, best kinds, 2 and 3 years old, 25c,
at 112 23d street. Phone Main GC8.
What the Press Agents Say.
Coming: of Savage's Great Company
Arouses Interest.
Hundreds of mall orders from both in and
out of town are pouring Into the box office
of the Marquam Grand Theater for the Sav
age grand opera Mason, which begins- Mon
day night, February 5, when Wagner's "Tann
haeueer" will be the first opera presented.
Tuesday night. February C. Puccini' "La Bo
hem e"; Wednesday matinee. Wagner's "Lo
hengrin"; Wednesday night, Gounod's
"Faust." Season orders take preference over
single opera orders. Mall orders for season
tickets are taken out and returned before win
dow eale of season ticket?, January 28- Mall
orders for single operas are taken out Tues
day. January 30. and returned before regular
single Jale at box office. Thursday. February 1.
Address orders and make checks and money
orders payable to W. T. Pangle, Marquam
Grand Theater. Inclose a eolf-addrcssed
stamped envelope or safe return.
Allleen May.
If we could only keep Allien May, the
handsome young leading woman with the
Charles Taylor Company. In Portland for a
reason, she would become without a doubt the
most popular of all the stock actresses who
have played hero. Her powerful histrionic
abilities, beautiful face and JIgure, her mag
netic qualities and charming personality, all
unite to make her a universal favorite, and
It Is with supreme regret that her engagoment
murt close this week. The entire Taylor com
pany Is popular, and "The Little Church
Around the Corner" has drawn crowded hous
all week. There will be hut three more per
formances, tonight, tomorrow matinee and to
morrow night.
Tomorrow matinee souvenir pictures of Lit
tle Edythe Raynor will be given to every
one who attends the performance.
Rush at the Baker.
That's what It is this week a. rufch to
see the biggest and best burlesque show of
the season. Waton's Orientals. Those two
wonderful Japs alone would cawe a sensa
tion by their thrilling act. but that Is but
a small part of the attraction. There arc over
a score of the prettiest girls that ever graced,
a stage, glrl who can sing and dress and
dance. The work of the comedians Is all new
and original, and two burlesques are dreams
of Oriental splendor in their gorgeous set
tings, and no wonder Wat6ons' Orientals have
created a sensation In Portland. They do ev
erywhere they have appeared. There Is no
performance tomorrow night, and tonight and
tomorrow matinee arc the last two chances
left to see thorn.
"Hooligan in New York" Will Open
Engagement at Empire Sunday.
A feature In which the management or
"Hooligan In New York" takes groat pride
Is the number of high-class specialties to be
wen in the production. The stereotyped song
and dance and the "coon" song with the
chestnut flavor with which a long-Buffering
public has been inflicted so often, are tabooed.
There in dancing, plenty of It. but It's differ
ent. The Marion sisters, who arc with the
company, wear gold medals VhJch they won
In a contest at Tony Pastor's theater for
novelty dances over all competitors. Forty
two teams were In the contest, and the Mlwes
Marion were unanimously awarded the prize.
They will positively appear with "Hooligan
In New York" at the Empire all next week.
Miner's Americans Sunday.
Next week's burlwnue at the Baker will
be the famous Miner's Americans, and a real
treat Is promised all the "steady" attendants
at the popular form of amusement. A change
Is noted In that a two-act farce will be
-rendered, and one with a real plot, and an
Interesting one. It all deals with the at
tempt of a wealthy American farmer to wed
his daughter to a foreign nobleman with a
title, and much wit and satire I vented
upon this great well-known weakness. There
are all pretty chorun girls with the Miner
show, and the costumes arc beautiful, tho
vaudeville olio marvelous and the comedians
funny. It Is a burlesque how no other
kind cf a show and all burlesque attractions
are constructed alike, only some are better
than others. Miner's Americans is one.
Tickets for Benefit.
The box office of the Marquam Grand
Theater will open next Monday morning,
January 29. for the exchange of ticket bought
from members of the Musicians' Association
and the several stores about the city for
the grand concert and monster vaudeville
benefit entertainment to be given at the aboe
theater next Wednesday night, January 31.
Panlagcs' Great Show.
The very best show of the f-eason that Ui
the undivided verdict of those who have at
tended Pantages Theater this week, and the
verdict Is well founded, for there Is a lib
eral allowance of good things and large audi-
ences have been receiving the offering with
enthulaem at every performance. At the
head of the list of good things are the Weber
family, ranging In height from two feel to
six. They do all sorts of difficult gymnastic
and acrobatic 'feat. manyof which eeem Im
possible of accomplishment. Pearl and Flood
Infuse a lively lot of wholesome fun Into the
programme; the swcct-volced Golden Gate
Quartet sing new and old songs most picas
Inly: Arneldo does an amazing equllbrlst act:
Meadow and Larsare supply a good com
edy sketch act. and all the other features are
of a high order. Don't miss It If you wish
a vaudeville treat.
"Phroso" at the Grand.
The secret of "Phroso" will be revealed by
its owner at the Grand next Sundnv. Th
mystery has excited no little comment, and1
everybody who has attended the Grand dur
ing the past week la guessing whether It is
a man or a machine. Opinion Is about evenly
divided, and It will be up to the' owner to
sottlo the question during the performance
Sunday. The attendance at the Grand this
week has been very large because the theater
is giving a programme of all-around excel
lence. Annie Abbott at the Star.
Have you tried to lift Miss Annie Abbott
from the stage at the Star this week? Six
men cannot successfully perform this appar
ently simple feat, unless the performer Is
willing. One man can lift the Illtle woman,
but when six attempt to do. ,so they fall.
This Is becouse Miss Abbott has some strange
power which scientists have been unable to
All the delicacies f the season at tha
Portland Restaurant: aae, private apart
ments for parties. Opea all Bight. 385
Washington, sear Fifth.
The best six-course dinner, with wise,
60c, 12 to S P. at Scott Restaurant, 7th
and Ankeny. Fine merchants' luncH. 26c.
EpleBdld Weather at This Feptdar PacMc
Ceast Xesert.
Delightful in every particular Is the
weather at Newport, and the Southern
Pacific and the Corvallis & Eastern rail
roads have' resumed their cheap rates to
this place for the Wlater. Particulars by
asking: at Third and Washington streets.
The delights of the South Seas have
been discoursed upon both bv Rob-lason
Crusoe and Robert Louis Stevenson. Ta
hiti is the embodiment of the wildest ef
our childhood's dreams as to abundance
the land of the beautiful rivers. moun
tains, fruits and Sowers and the most
renrous and hospitable ef natives. S. S.
Xariftose. sails for Tahiti February 3. Re
duced rate of 51 re-imd trip will he made
for this -rsyage. Se for circular, 632
Market street. Sea Fraftctec.
Highwayman Refuses to Take
His Money.
Rev. G. I. Tufts Tells of Bis ExpcrU
ence With a Footpad Who De
clined to Take Small
Sum of Money.
A magnanimous highwayman, evi
dently richer fhan Rev. G. L. Tufts,
who is known to the clans as a terror
to saloonmen, being a prominent (mem
ber of the Anti-Saloon League, refused
to take CO cents and an old-fashioned
watch from the preacher after he had
held him up at First and Curry streets
at 9:2U- o'clock last night.
Rev. Mr. Tufts was confronted by an
unmasked highwayman "While on the
way to his residence. At the muzzle of
a revolver he was commanded to hand
over his money and valuables. The
minister dug down into his trousers
pocket and fished up a purse contain
ing 50 cents. He pave It to the high
wayman, but It was spurned and re
turned disdainfully. The preacher then
permitted the generous robber to ex
amine an old watch which Rev. Mr.
Tufts has carried for 20 years and
which he values highly. After looking
at the works closely the man returned,
it with degrading comments on the
Methuualeh make of the timepiece.
"I walked about half a block with
the highwayman," said Rev. Mr. Tufts
last night. "He asked me how much
money I had. I told him that I had
only a little change. He wanted to see
it and I gave him my purse. "When he
saw that it contained only SO cents he
gave it back. He did not take a watch
which I carrieJ although he examined
It closely. I have carried the timcplece
for 20 .years, and I suppose the high
wayman thought it was not worth
much. When he got through with me
he told me to move on, which I did
Strange Feature Is That Bidder
Whose OfTcr Was Lower Is
Allowed to Withdraw.
The City School Board yesterday decid
ed to adopt Tenlno blue sandstone as the
material for the construction of the East
Side High School, and awarded the con
tract to M. E. Freeman for SSO.OW.
Bids on the edifice were opened January
20, and separate proposals were received
from each contractor, based upon Tenlno
sandstone and pressed brick as the ma
terial that would enter into the construc
tion of the building. Unon that oriractnn
J. B. Bridges submitted the lowest bid.
n.hj, ror Tenlno sandstone, but on the
following Monday asked the Board of
Education for the privilege of cither
amending or withdrawing his proposal,
claiming that H. A. Hcppncr. agent of
the Tenlno Sandstone Company, upon
whom he had relied for the material, had
disappointed him in some way. and he
was therefore unable to count upon a sup
ply. The Board' of Education obligingly
complied with his request, although there
was a, certified check on deposit with it
covering 10 per cent of the amount of rhr
bid, which was returned to Bridges.
a. peculiar feature of the transaction
exists in the fact that M. E. Freeman, to
whom the contract was awanlni vector-
day, ahd who was the next lowest bidder,
had originally bid $$6,730, but upon his
agreeing to shave $5750 therefrom, besides
promising to furnish certain copings not
called for In the specifications, he was
given mo contract. Freeman was also
the successful bidder for the basement
work on the building when It was let a
few months ago. and upon that occasion
was so much lower than anv of h mhnr
bidders that he put up a poor-mouth story
about his Inability to comply with the con
ditions of his bid. claiming that H. A.
Heppner.. agent of the Tenlno sandstone
quarry who figures all the way through
as a sort of "Partner Levi" Jn these
transactions had refused to guarantee a
supply of the material.
The Board of Education obliged Mr.
Freeman in this instance to the extent of
allowing him about J3SW in addition to his
J21.000. Wd for the work, and he got the
basement job. although he likewise had
up a certified check for 10 per cent of his
It appears that no effort has been made
to declare any of the certified checks for
feited, or to force the bidders to comply
with the terms of their original proposals.
3Irs. 3roblcy Is Acquitted.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. Jan. 25.-Spe-clal.)
The jury in the Grace I. Moblcy
case returned a verdict of not guilty late
tonight, after being out almost seven
hours. She was tried on the charge of
being an accessory to the crime of crimi
nal assault committed by her husband.
Max Mobley, who was convicted at the
last term of court and sentenced to life
imprisonment On the first trial of Mrs.
Mobler on the same charge the Jury dis
agreed. The trial of the case has been
on Elnce last -Monday.
Anniversary or Barns.
Leading musicians of Portland will par
ticipate in the annual concert of Clan
Macleay next Friday evening in Arlon
Hall, In observance of the anniversary of
Robert Burns' birth. Mrs. Walter Reed.
Miss 'Kathleen Lawler, Arthur Alexander
and J. Adrian Epplng are among those
who will smjr. The programme will bo
followed fcy dancing.
All the "profits earned by the Oregon Life Insurance Company
go to the policy-holders and are distributed to them in cash -as a divi
dend at the end of each year. The company is- purely mutual, with
the additional advantage of having a guarantee fund of one hundred
thousand dollars to start with. This sum is unselfishly furnished by
Oregon's most prominent business men. Investigate our superior
methods -and lower rates before you sign an application for life in
surance. Fifth floor, Macleay building, 286 Washington street, Port
land. Or. L. Samuel, manager.
Keep Your Money in Oregon
January Clearance Sale
aV "aBsskJ StisaEaaas' KBaaaaa
Connoisseurs Understand That There Is Nothing Better
Whiskey. Old, mellow and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant
Trilhvood Shot KInniath County Man
In Dispute Over .Wages
Seven Years Ago.
SALEM. Or.. Jan. 25. (Special.) After
cpendlng seven years In the Penitentiary
for shooting a man because of a quarrel
over $1.50. A. B. Trillwood was released
this morning. He had planned to return
immediately to Klamath County -and
complete the murder he had attempted
Feven years ago. but when he .stepped out
of the prison door he was arrested by the
Sheriff of Klamath County and will be
taken back there for trial. The man Is
evidently Insane.
Trillwood wag a laboring man and se
cured work on a ranch owned by a man
named Adams, in Klamath County, over
seven years ago. When they settled up
there was a difference of ?1.S0 In their
opinion of the amount due. After a brief
dispute Trillwood whipped out a revolver
and shot Adams in the shoulder. He then
turned and shot a young son of Adams
In the back and fired at Adams wife, but
missed her. He was- Indicted on three
charges and was convicted of assault
with a dangerous weapon.
During his seven years Imprisonment
Trillwood has been anxiously nwalting
the Ume when he could go back and de
mand tho JL50, and In default of pay
ment take Adams life. When his per
sonal belongings were given to him this
morning he was particular to see that
his account book. In which he kept his
time, had not been overlooked.
The man will now be tried for the
Fhootlng of the boy. it Is understood
that ho has been confined In insane asy
lums In Eastern atatcs.
Saw No Floating Ijumbcr.
VICTORIA. B. C. Jan. 23. A mcsrage
received here tonight from tho Puget
Sound Tugboat Company, dated from
Ncah Bay, says the Pioneer, on arrival,
did not report any floating lumber, as
stated in a Seattle dispatch, and denied
having reported a schooner floating bottom-upwards
near Cape Flattery.
Celebrate Burns Anniversary.
SAL.EJI. Or., Jan. 25. A number of
Scotchmen In this city met this evening
to celebrate the anniversary of Bobby
Burns. Among those who took part In the
exercises were John Bayne. John Mlnto,
P. H. D'Arcy and Frank Davcy.
Ran Into a Rock Slide.
SPOKANE, Jan. 23. Northern Pacific
train No. 16. due in Spokane at 6:23 this
Extraordinary Special!
Our Cheviot Suits and Overcoats most
desirable for business or street wear;
complete line of sizes in handsome pat
terns and fashionable models. Superior
in Fit, Quality and Style.
$12.50 sale
$15.00 SPECIAL
Children's Suits
Stunning values in our Children's Departments. Regular
$5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 Suits, tffc Q Q C
Sale Special pjOU
morning, only ran as far as Pasco. The
train ran Into a rock-slide In the Yakima
Canyon, disabling the engine. Officials
here state no one was hurt.
llilwauklo Country Club.
Castern and California races. Take Sell
wood and Oregon City cars. First and
Tilth -Grade Flaao for Beat
And sold on easy payments. Piano tunlnx
and repairing. H. Sinshelmer. 73 Third St.
Dnrsett'd Extract of Vanilla
I the b0t. prfecUy pure, hlchly concentrated.
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Sign a tars- of
Tou will find thxt a piano Is always
ratiefactory If It Is & good Instru-
ment and th purchaser receives
Rood treatment from the house a
from which he bought It. "We carry
none but honestly-made, reliable
pianos and oar earnest desire Is to
please our customers. Ask any of a
them If they are not satlsned with a
their dealings with this house. A m
satlsfled customer is the cheapest Z
and best way of advertising-. T
We cordially Invite you to Inspect Z
the many different makes of fine ?
pianos we carry. Also a complete
line of piano players and player
Manufacturers Ageat!,
374 Morrison St, cor. W. Park
This is a better country to
live-in, because Schilling's Best
ris m it.
Yosrtrocrr'; maseybadtk
fa the watchwerd for health and rtrc
cMrfort aod beauty. Mankind Is birnUaf
Mtalytfa.e necessity bat Iht Iaxary ol
ckaatlness. SAPOLIO, which hat
wreht sach chaaies In th hMft, aa
hock her sister trTuapk
A sfedal sip which accnlM th wfctto
ar, starts t& droilatka and kavts
Kniuraoaz xtow. m
Electric Coffee Machine
Every man Is a crank about his coffee. It
Is next to Impossible to make satisfactory
coffee In an ordinary pot, hence we have the
French coffee percolator. In the Electric Cof
fee Machine the beverage Is made by thn
percolator process and the result Is clear,
fragrant. French Coffee, with the full, rich
nroma of the berry. It is always the same:
r.lwayss just right. With this machine, it Is
not only a great convenience, but an actual
saving of time to make the coffee at the
table, for breakfast as well as after dinner.
The machine heats in half the time required
for alcohol, and at a mere fraction of the
cost. It Is of very graceful design, and beau
tifully finished in highly polished heavy
nickel, with ebony handles.
PRICE $15.00
No. 61 Sixth St. - - Phone Main 169S
(Denver, Omaha, Kama. City, Salt Lake, Dalla, Texas; Portland, Oregon)
133 Sixth St Successor to Walter Reed Oregonian BIdg.
Tcs. a dentist must have a Rood supply
all the time. It means quieting- a patient
when he comes after a night of suffering-,
perhaps. We never let ourselves run out
of patience It's too Important a part of
real painless dentistry to be neglected.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Falllnsr Bulldlnsr. Third and Washington.
& A. M. to 9 P. M. Sundays, 9 to 12. Main
sssK " isssssssssl
Dr. W. A. Wis.
In the Korthwest is conducted at the
Behnke - Walker. Business College
Elks' Bid?.. Seventh and Stark Streets.
Wedaesday and
No btter Investment than a. course in
our Department of
We have the most modern equipment
of any collece in the West. All our
departments are In charge of experts.
The Portland
Do yoa lova zood xnusto? Tea
can select your choice from a port
folio of see pieces of popular Biiurfe
ef the world, and Professor Am
sterdam and his HuHgarlas. orehu
tra -will reader It for you.
Everythias; to eat aad driak. u4
It costs no more in the
Pftrtlaxd Hetel Batbskeller
than eteewhere la the ojty. Xvry
WMkiiy sight fro hi M ta 13.
chwab Printing Co.
Dr. T. P. Win.
The Boston Dental Parlors, 291
Morrison street, are giving their annual
December reduced prices for the pur
pose of advertising; their American Sys
tem of Painless Dentistry.
Come at once and have free examina
tion .
TJatll January X vre will extract teeth
free; silver ftlllas, 35c Hp; geli zHUagrs,
75c apt met of teeth, $4.0d; beet met,
SS.e0; sold crorra, S3. 00; rrhlte cxe-tms,
All "wonc guaranteed for ten years.
Lady attendant always present. All
work done absolutely without pais by
specialists of from 12 to 20 years ex
perience. Boston Painless Dentists
Merrisea St.. Opposite Meier A Fraak
aad Postofflee
HOURS 8:30 A. M. to S P. SL Sun
day. 8:30 A. M. tp 12:30 P. M.
Great Fire Sale
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dergarmentj. wraps, waists, etc
Everything at Cost Price
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CUXIOS, Aatltraititsf fevsjfct a4 Uim.
ladUn Stoee Xnire Reiks, Carri&gs and Irfokia
ll2IT'.S'2Sr?I2??i5tc- Wr C!ub. Seeaw, Bows.
Nkaks. Baikets. Bo!o Mats, Skulls of all NaHew.
MAIS ; ibA MlJiS mt Aalatal. WarMefe.
JTatrre Body Oman) em J aad Drew, Aadeac KXot
GtHM aad Raefe, Coi, Shkkk. AntUe Sttvrr smd
Aimer, Sheik. Sesd for Photos. WlxilcsaM Dsaioc.
Uiu JKefi,iWlfcreiaitSt,S.RCJ
A.S12.e Full Set
far ..
K09BI 46 Dekaxs-
, ,. ,. , i n 1 1 1 i in KnggPP