Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Patronize Tthome industry"
and induce your friends
to do likewise. Ask your
dealer for home-manu
The unbroken prosperity
and growth or any state
or section of country is
very largely dependent
on the success of its man- -uf
acturing industries.
factured goods and
sist on having them. '
What Is a Knocker?
A "KNOCKER" is a
coward whose fears
malicious -;v
innuendos -
and dire
of a
of the
understanding, and
business to
other minds
word pictures
of the
the , . :
and "
which he thinks
on all sides.
You a
Perhaps you were born so;
Perhaps you achieved the
distinction through years
of assiduous practice ;
Perhaps it was thrust upon
you by associates who
"knock" habitually, per
petually, incessantly.
When YOU SEND your
money to other states
for goods, it will be a
long time in finding its
way back.
Are You a Knocker?
Yes, YOU arc a "knocker" if you do not thiiik and speak well of your fellow-citizens,
your city, your state and your country.
YOU are a " knocker ' if fear and folly and foulness are more real and more evident
to you than courage and good sense and cleanliness.
YOU arc a "knocker" if you voice an ominous croak or savage snarl against every
upward and forward movement that is proposed in your community.
YOU arc a "knocker" if you protest against the building of a railroad bridge across
the "Willamette River you are so jealous of individual benefit you fail to sec that
the best interests of the entire community are served by such a structure. If
"knockers" had had their own dismal way, Portland today woidd be without a
bridge across the Willamette River.
YOU are a "knocker" if you call Oregon the ""Wcbfoot" or "Mossback" state. You
arc a "knocker" if you do not appreciate our splendid climate, our beneficent rains
and all our other natural advantages, and do not speak proudly of them at all times
and in all places.
U are a "knocker" if you cry down and belittle every new enterprise that is pro
posed, because you think you have discovered "graft" and "dishonesty" back of
its inception.
YOU are a "knocker" if you do not believe and say that our city and state offer the
greatest possible inducement to capital to invest in industrial and commercial en
terprise. YOU arc a "knocker" if you disparage successful enterprises and whiningly complain
that such are monopolized by the "rich," and that "the people" never have an op
portunity to share in the profits of lucrative, legitimate enterprise.
When, for any reason, success and prosperity do not attend commercial and industrial
enterprise, YOU arc a "knocker" of the 33rd degree if you say "I TOLD YOU SO!"
YOU are a hopeless "knocker" if you do not know that even the unsuccessful attempt
to use our vast natural resources and stimulate industrial .activity is a vital and in
spiring contribution to progress compared with your mournful and abortive con
clusions. Are You a "Knocker?"
Manufacturers' Association
Not for Knockers
in the
the best
ever offered
for it
You can't
miss this
It is the best
you have
"of profit"
of the Refinery
shows an
annual net gain
on a total
Do you
know of
anything better?
It is an industry
44 established"
by the people
for the people.
Get the
and all information
"you desire"
at the office of
Colin H. Mclsaac, Secretary,
Manufacturers' Association,
308 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
When you buy home-made
goods your money circu
lates at home, gives em
ployment to home people
and enriches the entire
community, ,
Autos in Florida Reduce Time
for Five Miles.
Cuts Limit for Five Miles From 3:17
to tl:47 1-5 Every Machine in
Heavyweight Class Beats
Former Time.
ORMOND. Fla".. sJan. 24. The second
day's events In the automobile tourna
ment wore marked by an establishment
of new and extraordinary world's records
for Jive miles.
McDonald's record of 3:17 for live miles
was reduced by Marriott In the little
steamer to 2:47 1-5. In the heavyweight
class every car that finished went under
the former world's record. Lancia went
over the course in 2:54 3-5. Fletcher In
3:02. and Clifford Earp. in the contest of
gasoline cars only, in 2:56. The winners
Five-mile open championship First
heat. Lancia, 110-horse power gasoline;
time, 2:54 3-5. Second heat, Marriott. 20-30-horse
power steam; time. 2:47 1-5. Final
Ianela; time 3:01 3-5.
Five-mile middleweight championship
Cedrlno, 24-30-horsc power steam; time,
3:53 3-5.
Five-mile heavyweight championship
for gasoline cars only Earp. 80-horse
power; time. 2:56.
won. Banker second, Gilpin third; time,
Six furlongs Lacene won. Big Bon sec
ond. Hester W. third: time. 1:12.
Futurity course Hilona won, Huachuca
second, Ralbert third: time, 1:10.
At Oakland.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 24. Oakland
race results:
Three and a half furlongs Tawasontha
won, Grace G. second; Blue Bottle third;
time. 0:42.
Five furlongs Massada won. Marie H.
second. Chablis third: time, 1:0S.
Seven furlongs Nltmaisquaw won. Laura
F. M. second. Yo San third: time. 1:2SVJ.
Mile and a sixteenth. Horoscope handi
cap Dcutsehla ml won. Bannock Bolle sec
ond. Massa third: time, 1:47.
One mile Bonar won. Major Tenney
second. Chief Bush third: lime. 1:2.
Six furlongs Martinmas won. Darcin
second, Hugh McGowan third; time. 1:13.
At Xcw Orleans Fair Grounds.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 24. Fair Grounds
Three and a half furlongs-Frank Lord
won. Zlck Ahrams second. Friction third;
time, 0:44.
Mile and 70 yards Friendless won. Im
boden second, Lady Free Knight third;
time. 0:49 3-5.
Mile and 70 yards Joe Lesser won, Hor
tensia second. Dr. Hart third; time.
1:45 1-5.
Six and a half furlongs, handicap Guid
ing Star won. St. Valentine second. South
ern Cross third: time. 1:21 1-fi.
Five and a half furlongs Vannoss and
Columbia Girl, dead heat, purse divided;
Elastic third; time. 1:07 3-.
Mile and 70 yards Henry O. won. Chub
second, Arabo third; time. 1: IS 2-5.
Takes Place of Tacoma in Pacific
Coast League.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 24. At today's
session of the directors of the Pacific
Coast League, the fourth California city
to be represented in the league games was
decided upon. Fresno was selected, and
A. B. Evans, a business man of that city,
was eleted a director to represent Fresno
on the board.
The admission of Fresno to the list of
playing places drops Tacoma, as "hence
forth there will be but two cities In the
north Seattle and Portland. The season,
otherwise decided, will be shortened to
six months duration, beginning Saturday.
April ,7. It will open as follows on that
day: Seattle will play San Francisco, at
San Francisco: Oakland and Los Angeles,
at Los Angeles, and Portland and Fresno,
at Fresno.
The league officials were in session up
to a late hour tonight on a schedule for
the season. President Bert said there tvrs
nothing new in the matter of the manage
ment of the San Francisco team.
At Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 24. Ascot race re
sults: Futurity course Montezuma won, Ten
der -Cest second, Gondolus third; time,
Four furlongs Esther B. -won; Miss
Fidgety second, Blanche C. third: time,
Mile and a sixteenth Lucian won, Hot
second. Chlcadee third; time. 1:47V-.
Handicap, mile asd an eighth iVIreln
At New Orleans City Park.
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 24. City Park
race results:
Five and a half furlongs Margaret An
gela won. Gentian second. Minnehaha
third; time. l:0S2-5.
Six and a half furlongs Jack Adams
won. Orient second. Henry Ach third;
time. 1:22.
Short course steeplechase Onyx II won.
New Amsterdam second. Fixing Rain
Cloud third: time. 3:201-5.
Mile and 70 yardR Orly II won. Alma
Dufour second. Attlla third; time. 1:451-3
One mile Emergency won. Jack Dolan
second. Gold Mate third; time. 1:40 4-".
Mile and 70 yards Padre won. Del Ca
rina second. Morendo third; time. 1:45 4-5.
Five and a half furlongs Sybil A. won.
Brick Top second, Prictpla third; time,
1:09 3-5.
Difference Between France
and Germany Radical.
She Champions Equality of Nations
in Morocco and Wins Support of
Neutral' Powers Interna
tional Control oT Police.
ALGECIRAS. Jan. 24.-Thc confidential
exchanges now going on among the rep
resentatives of the powers in the Moroc
can conference disclose the extreme dif
ficulty of arranging an agreement that
both France and Germany would accept.
The German delegates put forward the
attractive principle of disinterestedness
and equal lights for all countries. The
French delegate?, on the other hand,
maintained that France cajinot be disin
terested. They affirm that, having fol
lowed an active policy in Morocco for
eight years and having obtained numer
ous advantages. France should not now
be asked to. take the same position as all
the rest of the world.
The real struggle, however, is over the
political future of Morocco. France
would rather withdraw from the confer
once than tic up the political destiny of
Morocco by international control. The
French delegates appear to realize that
the current of the conference is against
them, because neutral powers such as the
United States lean toward the Idea of
disinterested equality rather than toward
France's special geographical and histor
ical paramountcy.
France therefore may strive for a nega
tive result so far as political questions
go. accepting fully commercial cqunlity
and joining in the effort to reach just
economic conclusions, but resisting sug
gestions for the internationalization of
any or the. public services of Morocco.
Germany will press for the internation
alization of the police, a semi-military
body, which is to exercise a powerful gen
eral control.
The conference today accepted all the
articles of the report of the committee on
"contraband arms, and passed to the con
sideration of economic questions. The
Spanish delegation, as previously agreed
upon, presented all the preliminary pro
posals submitted today. The conference
will meet in committee of the whole to
morrow to examine the economic project.
France Will Act Aaint Venezuela
When Ready.
PARIS. Jan. 24. Ministerial circles here
are much annoyed over the published re
ports relative to France's alleged hesita
tion and nervousness regarding the Vene
zuelan question. A highly placed official
of the Foreign Office today protested
energetically against the statements made
on the subject, saying:
"France has always been and still is
determined to obtain the fullest satisfac
tion for past and present affronts from
Venezuela. She, however, will select her
own time for action, and will not stir up
the present wasp's nest to which Caatro
has shown the way until her general pol
icy leaves her free to do so.
"France will not act at any one's bid
ding. She will choose her own hour and
moment, and then will act as beseems
her with absolute resolve to have her
rights respected."
To a question whether a blockade had
been ordered a direct negative was given.
A dispatch from L'Orient says that or
ders have been given to the arsenal there
to dispatch large quantities of ammuni
tion to Fort de France. Island of Martin
ique, for the Atlantic division of the
French fleet now cruising in Venezuelan
Irish Fall to Beat Him Liberal Ma
jority Growing.
LONDON. Jan. 24. Lord Dalmeny. tho
Earl of Rosebcry's eldest son. has been
elected to Parliament from Midlothian.
Scotland, by over 3000 majority in spite
of the opposition of John E. Redmond,
who. on account of Lord Rosebcry's op
position to home rule, asked the Irish
not to support Lord Dalmeny.
Among the re-elected are R. W. Perks,
chairman of thte Yerkcs Underground
Railway, and Harry Marks, the latter
winning a three-cornered fight in which
one of the defeated candidates was I. G.
Chinook Sweeps Off Snow.
CONDON. Or.. Jan. 24. A chlnook
swept over thl portion of the country
Monday night and today removing almost
every' vestige of snow, except in the can
yons and on the north slopes. "While it
will save a good many tons of hay to the
county for those who were obliged to
feed their stock while the snow laid on
the ground, It will also prove disadvan
tageous to the wheat crop of Gilliam
County, as the ground Is now entirely
exposed. Much moisture resulted from
the recent snows.
University Librarian Resigns.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. Jan. 24. (Special )
The resignation of Librarian H. C.
Coffman. of the State University at Seat
tle, is announced. Mr. Coffman will move
to Cbehalls and engage In business here,
becoming a partner in the firm of A L.
Coffman & Co. He has held his position
at Seattle for .a number of years, and the
splendid condition of the university libra
ry is largely due to the effort which Mr
Coffman has 'expended In working It up.
Kidney Taken Out and Put Back.
NEW YORK. Jan. 24. A patient at
the Roosevelt Hospital, who was suffer
ing from a stone In the kidney had his
kidney removed by surgeons yesterday.
The stone was loetade with the X-rays
and removed. Then the kidney was re- I
placed and within seven minutes the i
slit in his back sewed tap. The mirgeons
believe the liver might be removed and j
examined In the same manner. J
' IrlaBrB 1
...... ..
M. Goodhcart. who married Miss Mc
Cormick. of Chica'go.
Today's returns show that the Liberals
have geined Id more seats and that the
Laborites have three additional seats to
their credit. The totals now are:
Liberals 311. Unionists 139, Irish Na
tionalists SI, Laborites 47.
Appoints and Promotes Members of
Legion of Honor.
PARIS. Jan. 24. The following promo
tions of decorated Americans and appoint
ments of Americans to be Chevaliers of
the Legion of Honor will appear In to
morrow's official journal:
The Duke of Loubct. of New York, pro
moted to be a commander of the Legion of
Lewis S. Ware, the well-known engineer
of Philadelphia, promoted to be officer of
the Legion of Honor.
Laurence V. Benct. director of an
American ordnance company, appointed
chevalier of the Legion of Honor.
F. J. Parsons, the prominent electrical
engineer of this city, appointed chevalier
of the Legion of Honor.
Grooves In Indian Arrows.
Southern "Workman.
In making the Indian arrow three
small undulating1 grooves are cut on
the shaft, running down to the head from
the lower end of the feathers. This has
attracted the attention of some of the
ethnologists, who gave the matter consid
erable study and wisely concluded that
the little lines were made for the blood to
run through, or that they represented
An old Omaha who had the reputation
of being very skillful in cutting the
grooves In arrow shafts was called by
the chief to do that work for him on
some arrows he was making. The chief
himself was a fine arrow-maker, but he
recognized the skill of the old man in
this particular line. While the work was
In progress the chiefs son. who had
reached the inquisitive age. and was look
ing on with wide-eyed Interest; suddenly
asked. "Venerable man. why are you mak
ing those crooked lines?"
The chief gave a hearty laugh, and said:
"Father, telt him. for he will be Vnaking
arrows himself some day, and he should
"Every sapling." answered the old man.
"out of which the arrow Is made has
some defect, however faultless It may
appear to be. The good atrowmaker takes
a great deal of pains to smooth out and
straighten the Imperfections by oiling and
heating. But the wood. In time, will
spring back because of Its Inherent de
fects, unless these grooves are cut in the
shaft soon after seasoning and straightening."
No Buying Presents Back.
Atchison Globe.
The distressing feature about a bride
having all her furniture given her Is that
there will never come a time in all the
dark year? ahead, no matter how old and
scratched the furniture becomes, when It
will be proper for her to sell it.
Tlit rortlaad A. K. Grant. Faribault.
Minn: G. E. YouIp. Seattle: J. W. Dempsey
apd wife. L. T. Dnpsy. Michigan: E. P.
Jamison. Seattle: W. Stevnson. IJew Tork;
Dr. T. F. McMurdo. Virginia: C T. Goddard.
San Francisco: S. Kroneberjcer. Nw Tork:
Judge F. D. Henry. C. F. Manning. Chicago:
Tt. Brumbaugh and wife. Fairbanks: A. J.
Howelt. San Francisco: A. J. Waldman. Xew
Tork; jr. Lincoln Green. Boston; S. H. Bern
stein. New Tork: E. M. Krurap. Chicago:
F. H. Mantor and wife, Seattle: P. S. King.
Troy. Pa.: X. Mortxmanu. Chicago; E. C
Bchoene. SU Paul: F. Robertson, city; J.
Bagley. Tacoma; E. Allen. C. M. Beyan. San
Francisco: A. H. Armstrong. Schnectady.
N. T.; F. W. Eckstrom. San Francisco: F. R.
Silversmith. New Tork: Jf. B. Martin. Du
buque: C. V. Brown. Astoria; J. R Xorris.
Chicago: J. J. Hall. Denver; W. J. Hllands
and wife. Chicago; F. L. Selleck. Tacoma:
D. J. Smith. San Francisco: W. Dent. Se
attle; W. A. Miller. Cincinnati. O.; J. E.
Gllcn, P. M. Hooper. West Chester. Pa.;
H. A. Buell. Milwaukee; Mrs. B. Gordon.
North Bend: H. Heller. J. U O'Brien. Chi
cago; L. O. DUIman and wife. Seattle.
The Oregon O. E. Farnsworth and wife.
Mrs. E. D. Petit and child. Mrs. Amanda Mc
Atee. Ida Howard. Heppner: Mrs. B. Oppen
hcimer. San Francisco: F. J. Saxc. Seattle.
T. H. Austin. It. G. Weaver. H. Adam. Dlx
well Davenport. San Francisco; W. G. Har
trauft. Seattle: T. E. Flaherty, Philadelphia;
W. L. Stevenson. New York: Mrs. F. A
Borchert. Oakland: G. W. Dorman. J, S.
Templln. H. L. Metzger, St. Paul; J. G
Blake. Seattle: W. C Swain. San Francisco.
M. M. Davis. New York: F. Peiton. St. Paul;
M. P. Burnett. Corvallis; J. H. Dunlap. Cas
cade Locks; J. W. Twohy and wife. Spokane:
F. W. Waters. Salem: J. F. Rowe. John
Rutherford. E. G. Smith. San Francisco.
The. Perkla Miss Hall. The Dalles: J. W.
Henderson. Prlneville. Or.: F. C Balin. B.
M. Vanutosher and wife. Bralnard. Minn.;
Albert Gibbons. North Powder: M. Fitz
maurlce. Corvallls; E. E. Lyon, Wasco. Or.;
W. B. Presbv Goldendale; John F. Uhlhorn.
San Francisco: Harry White. M. A. Green.
Seattle: M. A. Goodman. Wasco. Or.; Judge
J. H. Guerry. W. L. Loder. North Bend. Or.;
A. It. Condon and wife. Cathlamet; W. C
Barbour. Eugene; Charles Bohman. Wasccv
Or.; A. C. Powers. Cottage Grove: IT. D
Wood. B. Grlbble. G. Berger, Dakota Clt .
Neb.; C. E. Gaddls, Rosburg. Or.; F. B.
Reeder and wife. Aberdeen: Charles A
Payne. Chinook. Wash.: H. A. Rands. Oregon
City; F. M. Barr. Salem; F. M. Scaton. The
Dalles; E. A. Annbo. Helena: Daniel Bass
chert. San Francisco: W. H. Babb and wlf.
W. E. McCord. Pendleton; O. J. Peterson.
Kansas City. Mo.: C. F. Owen. Tacoma: H.
A. Smith and wife. Spokane: F. L. Morrow.
James B. McElroy. Wasco. Or.; L. V. Car
ruthers. Baker City: J. R. Stevens and wife.
J. R. Hall. Colvtlle. Wash.: I. N. Brum
baugh. Aberdeen: W. W. Mitchell. Pocatello.
Idaho; F, J. Herscher. Minneapolis. Minn.:
M. Moore. Durkee. Minn.; H. Erwln. Pay
ette. Idaho: C E. Wood. Genessee, Idaho;
N. A. Davis. Eugene: A. J. Preston. A. A.
Walker and wife, Portland; T. J. Ennls.
Walla Walla; E. J. Farrow. Corvallls. Or ;
J. S. Dllllnger and wife. Astoria; Virgil E.
Walters. W. C Mills. Corvallls. Or.: T. J
Pearce and wife. Gold Hill: Mrs. J. H. Dot
terrer. Ostrander: Eugene France. Aberdeen;
A. J. Newsome. Salem: V. A. Hancock. Ta
coma; W. P. Cursey and wire. South Bend
Wash.: R. W. Taylor. The Dalles: J. H. GUI
and wife. Monmouth. Or.: W. N. Fcrrin. For
est Grove; E. H. Ingham. Eugene.
Tho Imperial C. R. Bcrtcs. Grass Vallej.
Ore.; W. G. Waswnann, Benicla; Mr. and
Mrs. Pound. Wasco: A. S. Clare and wife.
Blard; P. Metschan. Jr., Heppner; A. R.
Byrkett. BIngen: E. B. Seabrook. J. S. Coke.
Marshnetd; E. Pollock, Grant's Pass; E. M.
Rand. Vancouver: W. A. Moore. The Dalles.
W. A. Elgner Astoria: W. H. Brunner, Seat
tle. J. A. Fee, Jr.. Pendleton; J. W. John
son. Dallas: G. B. Bollns. San Francisco; W-
G. Rowland. Tacoma; R. Forbes, wife and
child. S. K. Bowers and wife. Aberdeen: Mr.
D. Mitchell; Mrs. A. B. Clayton. Cape Horn.
S. S. Bush. Bay Center: C. O. Donason, Spo
kane: B. W. Haines, Forest Grove; Mrs. S.
C Cloutler. Chemawa; S. T. Roberts. Spo
kane: P. N. De Fries. Boise; J. M. Steven
son. Cascades; J. Wooding. Auburn: N. Alex
ander, Pendleton: H. T. Gerow. Seattle: R.
H. Lacey. Cotfax; W. F. Mattock. Pendleton.
G. A. Mead. Stockton: F. S. Bender, Walla
TValla; J. H. Smith. J. J. Klrby. San Fran
cisco; H. H. RuDPert. Mexico City; M. J.
Kelly. Heppner: Mrs. A. J. Jennings, Chi
cago; Mrs. B. Oppcnheimer. San Francisco;
Mm. B A. Booth. Eugene: S. T. Griffith.
Salem: H. D. Blrnle. Cathlamet; If. P. Cas
per, Dallas: Mrs. W. J. Hamilton. Cascades;
P. Gavin. Vancouver; G. F. Shelly. Denver;
H. A. Robb. O. R. & N. Co.. Elgin; G. C
Morris, Roseburg; H. P. McGulre. Seattle.
C. Gatke, Coeur d'AIene; A. Mitchell. Che
haila: D. Shondv. city: R. A. Booth: K.
Lackey, B. P. Wren. Tacoma; D. Lyon. Su
Louis: D. Bosschart. San Francisco; P. IV.
De HoSt and wife. The Dalles: H. W. Van
Der Voort. San Francisco; Miss Heldlman.
C. J. Heldlman. Fossil; J. M. Hager. Hepp
ner; H. T. Price. The Dalles: C. F. Peterson.
Tacoma: G. W. Thomas. O. H. Rogers, Day
ton: R. G. Shaw. Spokane.
The St. Charles J. B. Loregren, Clats
kanie; C E. McFarlan. Kalama: A. Straub.
city: T. Nutter. Castle Rock: J. H. Busing.
Porter: G. W. Bacon, Forest Grove: S. Bar
ber, city: A. Wallace. Rainier: C Brlggs. W.
T. Wilson. J. Dettlman: B. Lane. Carrolton
J. J. Hess, Wood bum; E. Mettier. Fossil.
Mrs. Gussle Patton, W. Patten: J. W. Craig
and wife, Tacoma: Mrs. K. EL Colvln, Marsh
land: A. D. Hasklns. McMlnnvllIe; F. M.
Griffin. lone; Mrs. J. Thornton and son. La
Center; Mrs. R. E. Cook, Mrs. C. B. Cook.
Cornelius; P. ZImmering and wife, Aurora;
F. Morrow, Wasco: V. E. Cllne. Boxeman;
R. A. March. Lisbon; P. W Dillon and wife.
Keloo: W. C. Beyer. Bclltngh&m; W. F. Piper,
Scappoose; C. J. Lewitt. Newberg: C. E. Mc
Farlane. Kalama; G. E. Lilly. A. K. Ml!
ner, Corvallls; W. Baker. Cathlamet; R Ma-nary-
cltr: Mrs. EL Horton and son. Kalama;
A. O. Hovey. Eugene: J. S. Crumbly, city:
A. Hessler. Dufur: E. It. Handley and wife,
Lamoille: J. H. Van Meter. Redfleld; E. It.
Taylor and wife, J. F. Taylor and family..
Okmulgee: Mrs. W. J. Tlbbetts and child.
Marshnetd: W. A. Shaw, Orient: C. O. Goebel.
W. J. Tlbbetts. Marshfleld; J. S. McCrady. A.
W. Cooper, Independence; R, Y. HcCotar,
Hotel Doaaelly. lacnma Wasfelagtea.
European plan- Bates, 73 ceati ta
per day. Free 'bus.