Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Doctor Admits He Drugged
Hopeless Sufferer.
Gave Fatal Dose or Morphine to AVo
jnan Roasted Alive and Priest
Approved Act He Suggests
Safeguards for Law.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Jan. at. (Special.)
Dr. Walter Kompstock. of Milwaukee,
not only advocates the Ohio bill provid
ing for putting hopeless sufferers out of
misery by administering drugs, but ad
mits that lie has followed the plan In his
practice. Today he gave full details of
ihe case. Dr. Kempstock is prominent In
his profession, he was an export -witness
in the trials of Czolgolz and Guiteau.
assassins of President, and was sent by
the United States Government to all parts
f the world as a special commissioner
lo study bubonic plague.
"On one occasion during my practice as
a physician I took upon myself the re
sponsibility of putting a patient out of
her misery, and I believe that God will
justify the act," said Dr. 3Ccmp3tock to
the Publishers' Press correspondent. "The
case was that of jt woman who had at
tempted suicide. The was the wife of a
Colonel in the Army. The woman had
taken all the woollen blankets and slow
burning material ofT her bed and, lying
on a heavy straw mattress, had set fire
lo It.
Killed AYoincn Hoastcd Alive.
"I -was called In consultation and she
was a horrible sight to behold; she -was
literally roasted alive.
" 'What are you going to do?' I asked
of the attending physician.
" 'I. think we had better inject mor
phine ho replied.
" How much?" I asked.
" 'About ten drops?'
" My God. man, III the syringe!'
" I don't like to take the responsibility,'
Dip answered.
" 'Give It to me. then!' He gave me the
syringe and the drug, and I rclioved her
of her intense suffering. The woman was
h aCtholic. and the priest, who had called
lo oe her. when I told him what I had
done, remarked:
" 'Doctor, you did right
lropcr Safeguards Needed.
"Such a law. properly safeguarded,"
said Dr. Kempstoek, "would, in my judg
ment, be a good thing. The Ohio meas
ure, however. Is unsafe. Jt provides that
a person of sound mind, who Is sick unto
death and who is suffering unbearable
aqony. can ask a physician to end his
life. Before carrying out this provision
the physician must consult three other
physicians. Now, the question Is, who
are the physicians competent to pass
judgment in cases of this kind? A man
may have the wind colic and suffer untold
agony, and your group of physicians may
decide that he is suffering from an in
curable disease and, at the patient's re
quest, which is one of the provisions of
the Ohio, proceed to put him to death.
"There ar6 others to wriom such -a law
might be applied with benefit; there are
nertolc who are a burden to themselves
"o the state, and. who can never hone
r. e anvthimr olsr so lonrr aa thnv ih
iJrHiHch n. measure is contemplated, it
should include in Its provisions such
members of the community as arc suffer
ing from incurable disease, for whom
tbero Is no hope, and It' should include
lunatics and Idiots."
(Continued From I'ape 1.)
olthor Colonel Mann or Justice Deuel's
being responsible for what Ahle said to
Mr. Post, bocausc the connection Is not
close enough."
The Society Editors' Association was
the reputed publisher of America's Smart
Set. Justice Fitzgerald ruled that Mr.
Post's evidence -was not admissible and
all of It was ordered stricken from the
Mr. Post then lert the witness-stand
and Charles S. Wayne, formerly man
aging editor of Town Topics, -was re
called. He identified some anonymous
paragraphs published In that paper In
'1002 and 3903. and said they had refer
ence to Di. Seward Webb, E. J. Berwlnd
and James V. Girard. Jr., and to the
President's daughter. He said there was
i key - system by which one paragraph
referred to another and that Jt had been
in use three or four years.
Gause-of Travcrs' Suicide.
Mr. Jerome cross-examined Mr. Wavne.
Uc asked:
"Who wrote the article that caused
Billy Travcrs to commit suicide?"
"Rowc, the Xewport correspondent."
The witness said that "Mr. Gould was
one of the correspondents at Bar Har
bor." Among the contributors of club news,
he said, was James B. Townsend, a mem
ber of the Calumet Club and a daily
newspaper writer. Mr. Allen had helped
to get club and society news., he said.
Others who. had helped were W. 1; Rob
inson, William Binlnger and Mr. Fech
helmer. "Did Mrs. Wade Hampton contribute?"
"Yes, articles about Southern people in
New York."
Some of the Contributors.
O'Neil Sovier, Belmont Purdy, Harry
O. Smith. Mrs. H. L. P.obbins. Edward
Zeigler. Acton Davies, James Huneker,
the musical critic, and Oscar Colton were
writers for Town Topics, continued Mr.
Wayne. He also gave the names of a
number of out-of-town correspondents,
many of them connected with newspa
pers. 1
"How about Harry Lehr.?"
"He never wrote anything for the pa
per, but contributed Information."
"How do you know that?"
"Bowe told me that Lehr gave him so
cial information, and Colonel Mann
stated that" Lehr promised him informa
tion." Wayne said that Burton Harrison wrote
an article for the Christmas number of
Town Topics; that Abraham Hummel, the
lawyer, contributed social matter: Mrs.
Slmbons was a contributor, Mrs. Goolet's
servants furnished information through
Ttachacl Tcchman; Mrs. George Kemp
jurmsned Information about herself: Rev.
V. De Lyon Nichols was a Newport con
tributor of social news about Newport
society and of anonymous paragraphs un
der the head of "Sauntcrlngs," but the
witness said he did not know that Mr.
Nichols had a parish.
"Did you ever know that Judge Deuel
had anything to do with blackmailing
sencmes connected with To.wn Topics?!'
"I did not," replied Mr. Wayne.
Did the Immuncs Pay?
Mr. Wayne said he did not know
whether the "immuncs" paid for their
immunity- from criticism, but that there
was -plenty " of free criticism regardless
of any. consideration. Before the article
-werfe 'published, witness said, he tried to
ascertain facts.
"You suppressed paragraphs prepared.
for the printer at the office of Town Top
ics, because the persons referred to were
subscribers to 'Fads and Fancies'?" asked.
Mr. Shepard.
"I did."
In reply to other questions by Mr. Shep-,
ard. Mr. Wayne identified an article
which appeared In Town Topics In l&CG as
having referred to Harry Lohr. The wit
ness said he composed the article except
four lines of It, which wore dictated by
Justice Deuel, whom the witness had con
sulted about It. The witness said that,
ho told Justice Deuel that the publication
of the item might prevent a lady's mar
riage, and he consented on that ground.
He said that Justice Deuel never objected,
to tho publication of any article on the
ground that It was brutal or Indecent, but
on legal grounds, from fear of libel.
J Tarry Iichr's Troubles.
Harry F. Lehr was the next witness. It
was stated that he testified at hlB own.
request. Ho said that Town Topics had
been printing articles about him ever
since he came to New York eight years
ago. Subsequently to Ids marriage in,
1101, Lehr said he wont to sec ColoncL
Mann at his ofllec and ask him to leave,
his name out of Town Topics, explaining
:hat the attacks in the paper were ex
tremely distasteful to himself and his
"He promised to do so." said the wit
nesf, "saying he had no ill feeMng toward
me, and suggested that I ought to con
sider myself complimented at the fact
that Town Topics printed notices about
Mr. Lehr said the following Summer he
subscribed to "Fads and Fancies."
"After Colonol Mann promised to let up
on you, did he do it?"
"He did."
"And at the time you sobserIled for
'Fads and Fancies.' it was understood
that th request came from Colonel
"It was."
"In 1302. did you have a talk with Colo-,
nel Mann?"
"Yes. a long one. He asked far a full
slzed photograph of myself, a description
of niv town house and of my fads. 1
then told him I objected to being ridiculed
In putting me in the same book with such
prominent men. He answered tlrat I was
right and said he would leave me out of
tho book'
AVIiy Did He Xot TlirnslJ 3ann? .
"How had Town Topics been treating
"Sometimes not very well, and at other
times otherwise."
'Did vou ever sec Rowc. the Newport
correspondent of Town Topics?"
"Did you ever give him information on
social matters?"
'No. and I was nevor askwl Jo do so."
"When you saw Colonel Mann, what did
you say to him?" asked Mr. Jerome, on
T told the Colonel that after those at
tacks on me in Town Topics I felt very
badly about them and was ashamed to
go among my friends."
"Why did you not sue him?"
"They were not serious enough for
"Why did you not thrash him?"
"It nex'er occurred to me to thrash
Colonel Mann."
Here Mr. Osborne said he was aston
ished to hear the District Attorney advo
cating the thrashing of a man. He said
it was criminal to thrash anybody. Mr.
Jorome. turning with a smile lo Mr.- Os
borne, said:
"And you arc from the South?"
Mr. Jerome then called George Creigh
ton Webb. In answer to questions put to
him. Mr. Webb said he had never beon
blackmailed by Town Topics, and had
never paid any consideration for anv ar
ticles appearing in It.
Mr. Osborne asked: "Did you not go
to see Colonel Mann because vou had
been badly treated?'
I did." ,
"Did you make any .physical threat
against tho Colonel?" asked Mr. Jerome.
x torn mm j would take measures."
Operator Stole Secrets.
Here Mr. Webb was excused and Robort
Rowc was called to the stand. He gave
his occupation as the Newport corre
spondent of Town TopIch.
"You were a-telegraph oporator whllo
acting as Town Topic' correspondent?"
Mr. Osborne asked if the information
he obtained through being an oporator
was givon to Town Topics. The witness
admitted the fact to be true.
"Did you not go to a function at New
port disguised as a violin player?"
"What was it?"
"The Duchess of Marlborough ball."
"Did you report it to Town TopIc?"
The witness- admitted he had gone to
a school disguised as a professor of math
ematics and had reported the school to
Town Topics.
The witness said he had resigned as an
operator, though he was not the only per
son in Newport giving the telegraph com
pany's news to Town Topics.
Ruthin Soldiers Take Bloody Kc
venge for Uprisings In Mos
cow and Livonia.
ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 25. A lively
storm of protest is flowing in against the
summiry execution of revolutionists, even
If caught with arms In their hands, such
actions being declared contrary to all
forms of Russian law.
In the Molva (formerly the Buss), a
student describes the proceedings at. Mos
cow. The suspects there, he says, after
"being, forped to ru nthe gauntlet of the
soldiers' clubs and whips and being badly
"beaten, weer brought before an Informal
tribunal, where they were rapidly sepa
rated Into three groups. Those sent to
the right wore destined for execution,
those to the left for the bastinado, while
the third group, in which were those will
ing to denounce th.elr associates, was set
at liberty.
A dispatch just received reports the ex
ecution of 45 revolutionists In one -village
in the Province of Livonia on Sunday
last, under what the dispatch calls the
coneniont fiction that they were shot while
trying to escape.
Russian Armies Advance Steadily
Into Rebellious Country.
T1FLIS. Jan. 24. On account of the re
sumption of hostilities between the Ar
menians and the Tartars in the Province
of Elizabclhpol, and the attacks of armed
bands on the troops and the peaceful
population, a strong military force of all
arms has been dispatched to Elizabcthpol
with Instructions to restore order and de
stroy the revolutionary organizations.
Reports from Kutais Province Cau
casia, where martial law lias been de
clared under General Alikanoff. say that
the punitive expedition is steadily fighting
Its way westward, clearing the revolu
tlonlsts from the railroad, driving them
northward to the mountains and inflict
ing on them considerable losses.
Troops sent by water have, occupied
Tuapce and Sochi, on the sho're of tlfe
Black Sea, which are being used as bases
for further operations and to place the
Kutais revolutionaries between two Arcs.
The revolutionists of Sochi and Tuapce
have surrendered their arais
Lodge's View of President's
Course on Morocco.
Those Who Call Roosevelt Usurper
Informed They Got Answer at
Polls Action Necessary
In Santo Domingo.
WARUIXfiTOK. Jan. 24. Mr. Lodze to
day presented in the Senate the policy
of the administration in the matter of
the Algcclras conference over Morocco
and also with reference to Santo Do
mingo. He defended the course of the
President in both instances, contending
that our representation at tho Moroccan
conference was essential to the protection
of American commercial Interests and
that only by the course pursued In Santo
Domlnni rnuld foreign nations be pre-
.vontni frnm srlzlnc- the Custom-HoUSCS of
that country and securing a position there
winch mignt tnreaicn uic approaches io
the Panama canal, in cio?mg, j-oasc
ThfLC Dttaiv Mr. Trrd Jpnt. are aimed.
at the President of tb United States with
tho 1i9 unnaiwnllf nt Crcalllir IB ImnreS-
j4oa that he U a usurper Klnic to break
tnrougn tne constitutional jiraita-iions nmcn
nave been drawn about his great office.
TW. aarnn nhirra VB mad during the
campaign when he was a candidate for elec
tion to the I'resiaency. it as mauc
main Issue that he was a dangerous man,
disposed to break down and disregard the
constitution ot the United States. The que.
t!oa was fought out befor the people of the
United States and those who made the
charge got their answer at the poll.
in Trnldent lias taken has
been In the Interests of peace, our own peace
ana mat or tne worio.
Tullrr followed Lodce in defense of the
privileges of the Senate In the matter ot
(rafL Hn romnlaineri of what he
charged was a tendency to refer to oppo
sition to a treaty as an attack upon the
ITesIdent. He contcnaca tnat m riuo
Dnmlnen Un -President had attrmoted to
do what only an act of Congress could
The Senate at 3 P. M. went into execu
tive Rwrfnn ai 2:15 P. M. tho door were
-rofnonr and th Snatr took un the pri
vate pension calondar and at 4:12 P. M.
Italians In Pennsylvania Combine
lo Slay.Pcnnypackcr and Others.
"WASHINGTON. Pa.. Jan. 24. In hunt
ing for the murderers of Michael Car-
razola. a wealthy Italian, who was shot
at Dunlevy last week. Washington Coun
ty authorities liave unearthed a plot to
assassinate some of the leading men of
tho country. They have secured evidence
that among those marked for death was
Governor Pennypacker, of Pennsylvania.
Letters and papers are also in the hand?
ot the authorities which decree the death
of other leading men.
The existence of this band of anarchists
was unoarthed when jCoroner Schee and
Chief of Police Logan, of Monongahela.
discovered In a squalid shanty near the
mining village of Baird. three miles from
Monongahela City, papers .and docu
ments pointing to a wholesalo assassina
tion scheme. AnarchLs in many parts
of the country are Implicated, and ar
rests In many sections arc looked Tor.
John Splda. the alleged president ot the
society, has been arrested.
All Members of House Committee
"Will Oppose Amendment.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. Final plans
for the presentation of the Hepburn rail
road rate bill to the House were unanl
moustly agreed on today at a meeting of
the oHuse committee on Interstate and
foreign commerce. The committee's unan
imous opinllon Is that the bill will be
considered not later than Tuesday.
A rule to limit debate will be sought by
the commltttec. unless there be objection
lo the consideration ot the bill by unan
imous consent. If, after the bill has been
discussed for a day or two, the members
feel a livc-mlnutc rule Is desirable, all will
Join in asking it. It was agreed that all
the members of the committee will oppose
any amendments to the bill which the
committee Is unwilling to accept.
Hepburn rcrlntroduced the bill today as
amended by the committee, and his report
probably will be submitted tomorrow.
Thanks Bonaparte for Sympathj-.
WASHINGTON, Jan. -4. Secretary ot
the Navy Bonaparte has received the fol
lowing cablegram from Vice-Admiral Julio
de Noronba, Brazilian Minister of Ma
rine: "In the name of the Brazilian navy and
In my own. I thank your excellency for
your "feeling of sympathy expressed for
the loss of the Ironclad Aquldaban. Please
accept and extend to the American Navy
the most grateful thanks of the Brazilian
Getting Money to Y.y Canal 3Ien.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. Secretary Taft
was before the Senate committee on
finance today to explain the monetary
agreement entered into by the Secretary
and the Isthmian Canal Commission with
certain bankers on the Isthmus. Under
the agreement the commission is supplied
with currency by those bankers as it Is
needed for tho payment of salaries and
to meet other urgent demands, which
relieves the commission of the necessity
of shipping currency from New York. The
A Mlghtr Good Sort et NeljfhW to Hare.
"A little widow, a neighbor of mine, per
suaded me to try Grape-Nuts when my
stomach -was so weak that It would not
retain food of any other kind," writes a
grateful woman, from Ean Bernardino
Co.. CaL
"I had been 111 and confined, to my bed
with fever and nervous prostration for
three long months after the birth of my
second boy. We were In despair until the
little widow's advice brought relief,
'I liked Grape-Nuts food from the be
ginning, and In an Ipcrcdibly short time
it gave me such strength that I was able
to leave my bed and enjoy my three good
meals a day.- In two months my weight
.increased .from 93 to 113 pounds, my
nerves had steadied down and I felt
ready for anything. My neighbors were
amazed to see me gain so rapidly, and
still more so when they heard that Grape
Nuts alone had brought the change.
"My -4-3' ear -old boy had eczema very
bad last Spring, and lost his appetite en
tirely, which made hhh cross and peevish.
I put him on a dlot of Grape-Nuts, which
he relished at once. He Improved from
the beginning, the eczema disappeared
and now he is fat and rosy, with a de
lightfully soft, clear skin. The Grape-Nuts
diet did it, I will willingly answer all In
quiries." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek. Mich.
There's a reason. Read the little book.
"JTha Road to WellYllle: la pkgs1
Secretary said this agreement expired In
April, and would not be renewed by the
bankers unless a higher rate of exchange
Is paid, as there was difficulty In securing
so much money in a "country where there
is a tendency to board silver.
"Want Chance for Their Wine.
WASHINGTON. Jan. !. Senator Per
kins, of California, accompanied by Percy
T. -Morgan, president of the California
Wine Association, called on the President
-today to enlist his influence to secure
tho promulgation of a regulation by the
Treasury Department that would be less
of a hardship on the wines produced In
California, than arc the present regula
tions of the Internal Revenue Bureau.
Mr. Fcrklns and Mr. Morgan explained
that it was not their desire to obtain
preferential Internal revenue taxes, but
merely the adoption by the Treasury De
partmnt of such regulations as would not
embarrass the wine-producers. The Pres
ident referred bis callers to Secretary
Shaw and later In the day Mr. Morgan,
Senators Perkins- and Flint and other
members of the California legislative del
egation discussed the question with the
Amend Exclusion Law.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Representative
Foster of Vermont Introduced a bill to
day modifying the provisions of the Chi
nese exclusion act so that merchants,
students and other classes entitled to
enter the United States may do so with
out being subjected to the alleged indig
nities complained of by the Chinese gov
ernment. The bill provides that after
Chinese have been admitted to the United
States they arc entitled to trial before
they can be expelled by Immigration of
ficials. nigclou Given More Time.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 24.-ChIet Engl
ncer John F. Stevens. In charge of tho
construction of the Panama Canal, to
day concluded his testimony before the
Senate committee on Interoccanic canals
and intends to start for the isthmus to
morrow. Poultncy BIgclow. the magazine
writer, has been excused for a week.
Fruit Cases In Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. The citrus
fruit cases, involving the right of the rail
roads of Southern California to say over
what lines oranges shall be shipped east
of their own terminals, were argued In the
Supreme Court of the United States to
day. Meet Again nt Indianapolis.
INDLVNAPOLTS. Jan- 24. The conven
tion ot the United Mlneworkcrs ot Amer
ica, in its closing session today made
several slight changes In the working
card ot the union.
The convention instructed its delegates
to the International Mining Congress to
work for definite and practical arrange
ments regarding working cards.
Indianapolis was selected for the next
convention of tho United Mlneworkcrs of
America, one year from now.
The convention adjourned at 2:10 this
afternoon, subject to the call of President
Mitchell. -
Enlarge Powers of Doumu.
ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 24. Not
wlthstandlng their victories over tho
revolution and the apparent oppor
tunity to turn their backs on the re
cently promulgated reforms, the Em
peror and his advisers have taken an
other long step in the direction of con
stitutionalism by deciding to intrust
the first imperial Douma with a large
measure of constituent powers.
Bring In the Hill Road.
PORTLAND. Jan. 24-(To the Editor.)
The question of the Willamette River
bridge, as proposed by the North-Bank
line, should arouse in every citizen of
Portland a spirit favoring this great en-
largest seller of its class in the world.
It means a great deal more for it to remain so, year
after year. There may be many reasons for the first
there can be no reason for the second except distinct and
J 1 "-..
sustained superiuruy.
have been almost from their introduction, are to-day
and bid fair to remain, the largest-selling Turkish
Cigarettes in this or any other country.
You'll understand why when you try them. ,
THE FLAG GlRl- Exquisite reproductions of large size (6x9 inches) in four
tun colors, of the famous paintings; series of 25 beautiful women in characteristic
national costume. Effective decoration for den, club-room or cafe. The whole
series sent postpaid for 25c.
TJae' Smith Premier is the most silent typewriter-
on the market. The action is
tcrprise: but, strange as It may seem,
there is an clement always ready to
oppose every needed Improvement. Hence
we find in this movement suggestions
that are unreasonable In the "extreme,
such as the building of a bridge GO feet
hlsht. and another to cross the river at
the steel bridge, knowing full well that
If they were forced to this point, they
would never cross the river. At the pro
posed site near Swan Island the condi
tions would be perhaps more favorable
.than at any other point In the river, as
the channel Is straight for a long dls
tance, and It is a natural site for a
Tr mpanc QnrnfViirio" for an
111 Fifth Avenue, New York,
no shift key, Endorsed
mechanical experts.
Saiith Premier Typewriter Co.
Syracuse, N. Y.
Branch Stores Everywhere.
bridge. All objections to this location
are only an effort to block the Hill roud.
Oregon has been clamoring for years
for more railroad transportation, and wo
should in ever' possible way encourage
this movement. The Lewis and Clark
Fair, as everyone knows, was of untold
benefit to Portland, and all Oregon as
well. But the Fair Is over, and we ap
peal to every business man of Portland
as to the cause of the increased activity
in business and the marked advance In
real estate. Every reasonable man will
admit that the prospect of the Hill road
has contributed largely to the present
article to become
conditions. Therefore -we should take off
our hats to Jim Hill and say we "bid
you -welcome to build your bridge and
cross It, and the sooner the better."
In Scotland.
Minister "Can ye tell me. Donald, my
man, why the Shepherd left the ninety
and nine shec to seek for the one that
was lost?"
Donald (cantsously) "It maun ha' been
a prize-winner,'"
ft 'I.