Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1906, Page 20, Image 20

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Resolution Calls His Richards
Case Letter Intention
ally Misleading.
Follows Reading of Communication
J-rom Chid Executive In Refer
ence to Matter "Absolutely
Untrue," "Wills Declares.
Open warfare was declared last night
In the Council Chambers between Mayor
Iane and 13 members of tho municipal
legislative body, and from the standpoint
of results. His Honor came out a close
second. It may be some time before the
breach Is healed. If ever, and at all events
the wounds. Inflicted in tho heat of the
strife will leave pears that shall be an
everlasting reminder that the Mayor and
Council were not always In harmony.
The contributory cause of the serious
rupture was the report of the special
committee appointed several weeks ago to
investigate the situation with reference
to Patrick Bruin's appointment as a Cap
tain of Police by the Municipal Civil Ser
vice Commission. Trouble has been brew
ing, however, ever since Mayor Lane as
sumed the reins of municipal government
and undertook, by high-handed methods,
to run things In his own peculiar way.
The Council almost as a whole has re
sented his encroachments upon Its rights
and in consequence there has been more
or less friction ever since the Lane ad
ministration began.
Mayor Starts a Backfire.
Upon the hypothesis that the best way
to head off a destructive conflagration is
, to start a backfire. Mayor Lane antici
pated the report of the Civil Service In
vestigating Committee by submitting two
communications, which took precedence
under the rules over all other proceed
ings after roll-call. No sooner had Audi
tor Devlin finished with the last-named
task than the reading of the Mayor's two
letters followed. The first related to his
alleged notice served upon the Council
as to the "Richards Place." and was as
To the Honorable, the Council Gentlemen:
An a meanure ot much Importance looklnc
toward the proper and decent conduct of the
city's attain1. I would respectfully ask or
your honorable body that you take away the
hotel and liquor license of the "Rlcharde
Place," situated at the corner of Park and
Alder streets. It being a resort of evil repute.
The protection riven thin place by 'the lo
ruance to it of a license to sell llauor. and.
mor particularly to operate as a hotel,"
hui Riven the Police Department much trou
ble in the past, and it should be deprived of
all official protection and recognition at the
hands of the city. You will no doubt all re
member that I made complaint to you of thin
resort at an early period In my administra
tion, and set forth, to you at that time Quite
fully the facts and the character or the place,
and the manner in which it was conducted as
well, and also what would be my course of
action toward this place. This was done at
a meeting- held to discuss the box ordinance,
which meeting was held in the large reception-room
adjoining the Mayor's office, in the
city. As long aa the place Ih protected by
license it will render it extremely difficult for
the police authorities to break up what has
been proven to be a real evil.
Sincerely hoping that you may see your way
clear to grant this relief and asking It only
In the name of the good order and decent
government of the city, I am. very respect
fully yours, HARRY LANB.
He Wants Boxes Abolished.
"I would respectfully suggest to
you," said the Mayor In the other let
ter, "that there Is at this time an im
mediate necessity for the passage of
an ordinance providing1 for the entire
abolishment of all 'boxes' from saloons
and restaurants within the city.
"The 'boxes' in restaurants have no
claim upon the forbearance of this
community and are destructive to good
"The 'boxes in saloons in many in
stances are but mere 'hiding grounds
for criminals and hamper greatly the
police force in Its efforts to check the
epidemic of "hold-ups' and 'house
breaking from which we are now suf
fering. "Asking this of you in the name of
that portion of the community which
faros Its living by honest effort, yet Is
the prey of the outlaw class."
The reading of these two letters was
the signal for trouble. Bennett was
on his feet Instantly with a motion to
table them, but before the vote was
put, Wills got the floor. He arraigned
the Mayor, sarcastically stating that
only a short time ago when the Bennett-Wills
box ordinance was up to
His Honor upon a tic vote proposition,
the opportunity was offered of knock
ing out every saloon box in town by
favoring It, and that the Mayor had
dodged the issue by taking It under
advisement, thus defeating the pur
pose of the measure.
. Iile Passed In Genteel Way.
Under the circumstances, "Wills
thought It wa a little bit out of order
for the Mayor to pose as a great re
former, and declared it to be a "posi
tive untruth" that His Honor had tried
to secure the passage of any ordinance
aimed at Richards place, and at no time
was any such ordinance presented to
the Council or any committee thereof.
Mayor Lane retorted with equal vim.
He is a pastmaster In the use of cut
ting expressions, and he exercised Ills
arts with skill.
"I will state, for the edification of
Mr. wills and others," he retorted, with
the accent on the others, "that I had
never seen, the so-called Wills-Bennett
ordinance prior to the tie vote on its
passage, and was therefore in no dosI
tlon to decide intelligently. The names
of Its authors did not Impress me very
lavoraoiy ana under the. circumstances
I could not act offhand."
"Jf you could read you could see for
yourself what Its provisions were
without malting weeks to decide the
matter." wills shot back.
"Emanating from any other source I
should have considered that phase of the
situation," replied the Mayor frostily.
Vaughn Set Into Eruption.
The discussion had the effect of start
ing Vaughn In eruption, and for more
than 20 minutes he poured forth a vol
cano of denunciation against everybody In
general that favored the boxes, and the
seven members of the Council in partic
ular who had voted to sustain the Wills
Bennett ordinance. The Councilman from
the Tenth Ward is not nearly so keen in
his satire as the Mayor, and some of his
words fell among the other members like
huge boulders, and were about as harm
less in their explosive effects. On the
other hand, the Mayor has a way of using
harsh language that harmonizes so neatly
with the eternal fitness of things that
the victim of ms oily wrath always re
turns lor a iresn supply of. vituperation.
Vaughn finally succumbed to sheer ex.
haustion, which can best be described by
the turf expression that he "blew up in
tho stretch," and Gray's motion to refer
the Mayor's communications to the liquor
Uobm committee prevailed.
and -the Mayor followed the Introduction
of a resolution censuring Mayor Lane for
his letter published in The Oregonlan of
Sunday, January 21. Mayor Lane declared
that he had called the attention of the
Council to the Richards resort, and as
serted that tho resolution was not Justi
fied. A motion by Councilman Shepherd
to continue indefinitely tho consideration
of the resolution, seconded by Vaughn,
was put and lost, and a motion by Ben
nett to adopt It was passed.
During the reading of the resolution
Mayor Lane began to sit up and take no
tice. Looking around the room at the
members of the Council who had signed
the document, he stated with some heat
that he had called the attention of the
Council to the nature of the Richards
hotel at a certain session shortly after he
was elected. At that time they were con
sidering the passage of a box ordinance.
"I told you gentleman It was the vilest
joint in town." he exclaimed. "Don't you
remember, sir," pointing a finger at Ben
nett, "the conversation we had on the
"I, for one," said Bennett, "cannot see
why the executive head of the city at
tempts to throw the responsibility ot this
on the Council."
"I remember the session spoken of by
the Mayor." said Councilman Gray, "and
I am free to say that I did not think we
were treated with much courtesy. You
told us plainly. Mr. Mayor, you wanted
the box ordinance to stay as It was, but
the majority of the Council did not agree
with you on that subject. I expressed
then my opposition to the exemption of
hotels, and when Richards' place was
spoken of. you said: 'Leave that to me: I
will tend to Richards.' Those were the
very words you used."
"There Is a difference In the facts and
that resolution you make there," said the
Mayor, heatedly. "We have had evi
dence of fake auction houses, where
farmers coming to the city were tricked
and robbed, but we could not get the
license committee to revoke their licenses
and we had to put the police In those
"Convict Him," Says Gray.
'The license committee ha rivn trrv
Case broucht before It an Imnarilnl hoar.
ing.' said Gray, "but Richards has been
tnea ana acquitted. What right have we
to try him a second time If you have
the facts, convict him and we will take
away his license."
I have the evidence." said Mayor
Lane: "but !n nrHr tn mnvii) Mm r
would have to ruin the reputation of
certain young girls. I have the evidence
here In my ppeket evidence that I will
lay before the J micros of thn Stnto rnnrt
but I will not produce It In court."
councilman Vaughn said If ever there
was a farce enacted heforo n inrv tho
Richards trial was one, and that at the
next meeting of the license committee he
would be ready to move that Richards'
license be taken awav. f! Khun.
herd tried to pour oil on the troubled
waters and moved to postpone considera
tion of the resolution. Tout h wn vntwi
The resolution was then adopted, Ben
nett saying he believed It should carry
In order to have the Council set right In
the face of Mayor Lane's open accusa
tion. The resolution, which was signed
by Councllmen A. N. Wills, John Annand,
H. A. Bcldlnir. Georirr n nmnini.
Thomas Gray. Dan Kellaher, R. E. Men-
eiee, jt. jv. i'reston. Hugh W. Wallace
and Frank S. Bennett, and which was
adopted by the vote of all the members
with the exception of Vnmin rnc a
Text of the Itcsolutlou.
Whereas. His lmnnr . 1. 1 i...
published or caused to be published In The
Sunday Oregonlan of January 21. 1900. and
other newspapers of this city a letter over
,Ji D,"lure in wmcn ue attempt to ex
plain td the public of the city his actions
With relation tn tho nrr or.. I
of the proprietor of a hotH designated by
a Jucnara's i-jace" in this city, anil
in which letter he states, "And If. after X
have appealed to your Council to take away
the llcerse of the place, which permits uch
Horh. io go on. ana nave appealed to that
Council in vain. It w falls out that I en
deavor tn clean nut tti nlnt n ..
hook and to the best of my ability, with
me use oi sucn implements as you have pro
vided me with for that purpose, etc.," and
which implied that th v, t...
the reputation of the said "Richards Place"
io mis council and has requested the
revocation of the liquor license granted to
the oronrletor thereof, nn tVio. ,- n
has refused or neglected to comply with
such request: and.
Whereas. It Is right and proper that the
public of the city should know the facui in
this and all other public matters: therefore,
be it
Resolved, That the following statement of
facts Toe and is hereby adopted and approved
and confirmed by this Council as the truth
and that the bame he given to the press or tho
city for publication:
First No complaint has ever been filed
with the Council during the present admin
istration against "Richards' Place." or Rich
ards Hotel, located at the southwest corner
or West Park and Alder rtreeta. In the city,
either by the Mayor or the Chief of Police or
any other person or perrons.
Second The Mayor has not at any time
requested the Council or the liquor-license com
mlttee of the Council to revoke or take away
the liquor license granted to the "said Rich
ards. Third It has been customary for the Chief
of Police to report to the Council or to the
llauor-license committee of the Council, dis
orderly places, or places detrimental to the
peace, morality and good government of the
city, and to request that the liquor license
for such places be revoked, setting forth In
writing the reasons therefor, but no such re
port or request has e-er been presented to
the Council or the llauor-license committee
thereof relative to the Richards place.
Council Heady to Act.
Fourth The Council of the city has acted
promptly upon such reports and requests in
tne past, and Is at all times ready and will,
ing to receive reports concerning the charac
ter of places of public resort, and to hear
evidence relative thereto, and to take such
action a3 is within its power to eradicate the
evils complained of and to protect the virtue
and good character of its people and the fair
reputation of this city, and to do so without
unnecessary publicity or scandal affecting the
reputation or any one.
Fifth During the early part of the pres
ent administration and during the time the
first of the ordinances known as "box or
dinances" were under consideration, a dele
gation of the Council of about 10 members
waited on thp Mayor for the purpose of hav
ing said ordinance apply to hotels. The
iiayor desired the exemption of hotels and
in the course of the argument Councilman
Gray asked what would be done with a
hotel like Richards', and the Mayor replied:
"Leave that to me, and I shall attend to
him." There were rumors relative to the
place at that time, but no report was made
to the Council by anyone, no request from
the Mayor and no evidence to substantiate
any .rumor relative thereto.
Sixth That the published statement by
the Mayor is misleading and we believe In
tentionally so, and is therefore resented and
Council Will Proceed Slowly in. the
Matter of Granting Franchises.
Action , on the three ordinances
granting franchises to the Banflcld
Vcysey Euel Company, the Mount Hood
Electric Conmanv and the rrnrt
Power Company was postponed by the
council last nignt until they can be
further considered by the streets aim
Judiciary committee, to which they
were re-referred. The members of the
Council will be furnished with copies
of the ordinances in the meantime, to
gether with whatever amendments may
oe suggestea ny tne committee.
Several Councllmen expressed them
selves that caution In the granting of
franchises should be the rule of the
body and it should tap sure tho itv
will get what -the franchises are worth
trom tne mrrerent corporations befo
granting; them.
The franchises will come up at the
next meeting, when the street commit
tee will submit Its report
6pes a Cs.7 2a Salt Lake City. aa &a
etkar la Colorado Spriaga or Dearer. Yes
feave thla privilege If your tiakeU read via
the X sever & Rl Grande, ges Coler&Ws
funem peaks asnl gorges la their Wlatar
K&rb. Call hm r write W. C, XeBrlaa.
"Willamette" Sewing Machines at Clearance Sate Prices Fifteen Models $15 to $35
"Peninsular" Stoves and Steel Kanges Fifty Models Every Good Size and Style
The Meier Frank Store
Xtra Spec'l Muslin Underw'r Bargains
75c, $1 Corset Covers 59c 35c, 50c' Drawers 25c
$1.00, $1.25 Gowns 69c 35c Corset Covers at 18c
The Muslin Underwear Department is doing the banner business
of its history New selling records are being established every
day The reasons for it art not hard to find if yon will investi
gate -the Clearance Sale values we are presenting in all styles
and grades Great variety, line-quality, lowest prices 2d Floor
"Women's nainsook and cambric Corset Covers, trimmed in Valenciennes
laces and embroideries, beadings and ribbons; very pretty pq
styles; regular 75c and $1.00 values on sale for the Ioav price of. .-C
Special lot of -women's cambric and nainsook Drawers; lace and em
broidery trimmed; very pretty styles; our best 35c and 50c CT
values; your choice at the exceedingly low price of, pair..C
Special lots of women's cambric and nainsook Gowns, round and V-shape
necks, long and short sleeves, trimmed in torchon lace, val lace Lf
and embroideries; all sizes; regular .$1.00 and $1.25 values, each. .O -7C
Great special lot of Corset Covers in nainsooks and cambrics, trimmed in
torchon lace, insertion and tucks; all sizes; best 35c values for. . ..18
Special lot of women's white Underskirts, trimmed in laces, embroideries
and plain tucked flounces; very attractive styles: 75c to $1.00
values on sale a't the exceptionally low price of, each. .5 -C
Xtra Specials in Infants' Wear
Special lot Infants' Moccasins; 35c values for, pair ITc
White embroidered Flannel for children's d
skirts; $1.75 values for the low price of, yard. .V
Special sale of White Flannel for infants' sacques and
wrappers; pink, blue and white silk dots; reg- no
ular $1.35 values on sale for the low price of, yard. . -OC
Bear brand Shetland Floss, white only; value $1.25 9 e
a pound, on sale at the special low price, pound..
Infants' hand-crocheted Sacques, silk-trimmed 1 A9
edge; white, pink or blue; all sizes,; $2" values. .
Arnold's Knit Gowns. 69. Arnold's Knit Diapers, 19
Infants' French Flannel Kimonos; $1.50 values for sale at the exceptionally low price of S1.19
Stockinet Sheets, size 36x60 inches; $2.50 values for the very low price of, each $1.63
$3.25 Cross-Stripe Madras Curtains $2.38
Special lot of 100 pairs of cross-stripe Madras Curtains, ecru and white grounds, with tf4 5 O
green, blue, yellow or red stripes, 3 yards long, 40 .inches wide; best styles; $3.25 vals. .
100 Fire Screens, one panel, silkoline filled, 29 inches high; every home can use one or on
two of them; regular $1.50 values on sale for the exceptionally low price of, each..OC
3000 yards of colored Swiss for bedroom Curtains; all colors; 20c values at, yard 12Vs
Entire stock of fine Lace Curtains on sale at low clearance sale prices. Window Shades, Cur
tain Poles and Fixtures, Curtain Materials, Tapestries, Yelours, Silks, Swisses, at clearance prices.
A Great Clean-Up Sale of Millinery
Women's Dress Hats, in desirable styles, leading m
shapes and trimmings; all colors; values up to $8 for. .
Women's ready-to-wear and nntrimmed Hats, all this season's
shapes, in black, navy, pearl, gray, champagne, Alice q
blue and green; values up to $2.95 for the low price of . -C
50 children's and misses' Napoleon Hats, in all colors; prettily
trimmed with pompons, wings, silk and quill ; values qv '
up to $2.95 on sale at this extraordinary low price of. .0C
Special lot of 100 children's and misses, Hats in assorted
colors; values up to $1.25 each on sale today at, each.
New line of Caps in all the best styles 85? to $2.95
All our fine Dress Hats on sale at low clearance prices.
Wonderful Values m Women's Fine Shoes
600 pairs of women's box calf, vici kid, patent-tip Shoes, light or heavy soles, lace styles, all sizes
and widths; shoes of equal styles and grade are sold at other stores at $3.00 a pair $1.79
1200 pairs of women's patent leather, vici kid, velour calf Shoes; all this season's very best styles
in lace and Blucher; button, lace and college cut; all sizes and widths; Johnson tf?3 C
Brothers' splendid footwear; every pair guaranteed to give satisfactory service; pair. . I J
All our J. & T. Cousins' fine Shoes for women on sale at clearance sale prices.
Johnson Brothers' and French, Shrincr & Urner's fine Shoes at low clearance prices
Misses' vici kid, patent-tip lace Shoes; best values ever offered at:
5 to 8 at, pair $1.02 8 to 11 "at, pair $1.22 11 to 2 at, pair $1.52
All our men's, boys' and children's Shoes at low clearance sale prices.
Clearance Sale Blankets, Comforters
200 pairs of 10-4 white wool Blankets, blue and pink borders,
full weight and exceptionally good values at, pair $4.45
200 pairs of white wool Blankets, in full size and weight, pink or
blue borders; best $6.50 grade on sale today at, pair. . .$5.40
Extra-large size natural gray wool Blankets, fancy colored
borders; our best $7.00 values on sale at this low price. .$5.85
All our gray wool Blankets at clearance sale prices.
All our white wool Blankets at clearance sale prices.
Goose-feather Pillows; regular size; blue and white striped;
heavy tick covering; best $2.00 values on sale at $1.29
Entire stock of Comforters in all grades marked at low clear
ance sale prices. Immense variety to select from.
Beds, Mattresses and Springs at low clearance sale prices.
Very Best Hosiery Bargains in the City
900 pairs of women's fine 40-gauge imported German Cotton Hose; double sole; all sizes i q
fast color; the best 30c and 35c values on sale at the ridiculously low price of, pair. . I OC
Women's and misses' fine lxl-rib lisle Hose; seamless; sizes 8 to 10; every pair in the io
3ot regular 35c value; your choice at the very low clearance sale price of, pair..OC
Women's fine black gauze lisle Hose; double sole; dull finish; fine gauze; all sizes;
everypair the regular 50c values, on sale at the extraordinary low price of,, the pair. MtC
Women s 2xl-rib Cashmere Hose; all sizes; t50c values on sale at, the pair.." .27
Women's Cotton Hose; fine gauge; double sole; regular 25c values on sale at, the pair 17d
Children s fleece-lined Hose; light weight for misses, heavy weight for bovs; all siies; " f r
fast color; the best 25c values on sale at the extraordinary low price of, the pair.."C
Misses fine rib light weight Lisle thread Hose; -all sizes; on sale at, the pair 19
Artistic Picture Framing at Clearance Prices 2d Floor
Cnstom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty
The Meier & Frank Store
Women's $ 1 Vests 79c Ea.
Special lot of 25 dozen women's im
ported Swiss ribbed, heavy cotton
Vests; high neck and long sleeves:
white or ecru; all sizes; ffQ
standard $1.00 values at.'. -JC
Women's fine ribbed merino Vests
and Pants, in cream color only;
all sizes; well made and finished
Underwear; regular $1.25 qo
values for low price of. . -JOC
Women's heavy wool mixed Vests
and Pants; gray or white; all
sizes; best 75c values on cq
sale for the low price of. -7C
Women's fine .white mercerized
Vests and Pants: medium weight;
handsomely finished gar- qq
ment: $1.25 values for. .-OC
Munsing's flesh-colored mercerized
cotton Vests and Pants for women
heavy weight; all sizes ; l AG
best $2.00 values for-V I 40
Children's ribbed cotton Union Suits, uatural color; Qi
ages 2 to 14 years; 50e values for the low price of. .V-'V
Entire stock of women's and children's Underwear on
sale at low clearance sale prices.
Drug Sundries Stationery Specials
Purity Violet Cream whitens the
hands and clears the com- I O
plcxion ItfC
Williams Shaving Soap.
"Quick and easy" kind
Bathaswcct for the bath and toil
et. Great special value
Eastman's Talcum Powder. .. .12c
4-lb. bars Castile Soap 54c
Sapolin Furniture Polish 10c
Chamois Vest and Chest Protect
ors; can be washed SI. SO
35c to 65c fancy BaekCombs. .lie
2'ic hand Scrub Brushes 10c
4-row Imported Tooth Brushes. 8c
it 51.00 solid back Hair Brushes.
good stiff bristles. Great val.eOe
I Okayed Toilet Paper
i 33e dozen rolls: 9250 case of 100
Eagle Fountain Syringe 53c
hemstitched riting .Paper.
Memo Books at 'A off reg. prices.
Paper Napkins, per hundred... Tc
Box Papers, 24 sheets of paper.
envelopes to match, box Sc
Wire Picture Racks, each Sc
Leather Souvenir Postals, eacn 8c
All Stationery reduced.
j Best linen paper made.,.
25c Hntn Writing Tablets.
Children's $3.50
Coats 98c Each
Special lot of 30 children's Coats; ages
6 to 14 years; tan, red and blue
cheviots ; full length, double-breasted,
trimmed with capes; coats in the lot
worth from $2.75 to $3.50 qo
each, on sale at the low price. .'OC
Children's Coats,: full length, of blue
cheviots, military cape, trimmed with
velvet piping and brass buttons; ages
10 to 14 years; regular tf qo
$4.50 values on sale for.. V .
Entire stock of misses' and children's
Coats, Suits, Dresses and Raincoats on
sale at low clearance sale prices. In
fants White Coats at low prices.
Women's Neckwear Low Priced
Heavy white lace Circular Cape Collars: three designs; seven to
ten inches deep; also linen cut work and pique sailor collars
for Peter Thompson suits; very handsome styles:
regular $1.00. $1.25 values on sale for low price of. .'r-rC
Coat Kever Sets with wide cuffs; sheer linen eyelet em
broidered in mercerized cotton ; also heavy blind fl q
embroidered effects; reg. $1.75 and $2.00 values. .
Silk Crochet Shawls and Head Scarfs, trimmed with fLQn
lace edgings; cream and white; regular $1.25 values.
Xew line of Buster Brown Ties; navy and white, black and
white Shepherd plaids; fo.ur sizes of checks and
dots in best colors, on sale at the low price of, each.
White washable Dickies for surplice waists: machine
hemstitchirig: val and mechlin lace-trimmed; 50c val. .
Broken lines of Turnovers, silk and linen stock and
ready-made bow ties; regular 25c and 35c values..
Clearance Sale of Ribbons
3000 yards of all-silk Dresden
Ribbons in beautiful styles
and great assortment, 7 to 8
inches wide; regular $1.00,
$1.25, $1.50 values at Q
the low price of, yard.0-rC
Immense lot of Satin Merveil
lieux Ribbons, satin brocade
' ribbons, Roman striped rib
bons and moire ribbons; also
pin stripes and checks; rib
bons worth 35c to 8ac a
yard on sale for, yard. .15?
3500 yards of print warp Rib
bons and Dolly Varden rib
bons, 5 to 7 inches wide, all
silk; very best styles and col
orings; regular 50c to 75c
values on sale at ,yard. .33
9000 yards of all-silk Taffeta
and Satin Taffeta ribbons in
variety of 20 of the leading
shades ; full 5 inches wide ; extra heavy quajity ; best 1 -35c
values on sale at the special low price of. yard.. y
2500 yards of hand-embroidered Ribbons; polka dots on all-silk
satin, chiffon and taffeta ribbons ; best 65c values, yard. .25
Dinner Set Sale in the Basement
60-pIece German. China Dinner
Sets; blue violet decoration:
$17.59 value on sale at $12.60
183-piece Net same as above 9186
Haviland China Dinner Sets: pink
rose decoration; .open stock pat
tern 5
6-piece met on sale for set $17.18
lee-ylece ste& sale for set $3X95
Haviland China Dinner Set; purple
and green decoration; stippled
gold edge: special values at
these prices
09-aJece set ea sale Xer. .. .$39.42
lM-plece set ea sale for. ...$436
Haviland China Dinner Sets: blue
forget-me-not pattern: gold
edge: great values at these
ae-plcce set ob sale for. . . .$29.25
l0-plecc set ea sale for. .. .$4&20
Mrs. Potts nickeled Sad QO.
Irons: 51.25 value, set....OV
Nickel Lamps; 10-inch write dome
shade: central draft burner: ex
traordinary value at $1.44
The Grlswold Food Choppers,
chops all kin.ds of meats.-raw or
cooked: fine, or coarse; chops
vegetables, dried fruits, etc..
etc; three sizes; great values
at these low prices
. $1.80 six?. 64ci 91J2T, size, SSe
h - sixe, eec. ,.