2 THE MOBXISG- OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY : i vu5 i " : i . i L . 1 1 r 1 ii ! i l 1 1 i .1 i. I I; I - " I ifrru I limrrr -i i - nrrrr. mum , i , - - umi WM l . Z OPPOSES CHANGE all reason and It is the belief of those present that the selection will be turned down. When this action is taken thc Jast serious! obstacle In the way of the Government project in the Yakima Valley will be. removed Senate Committee Proposes Repeal of Timber and Stone Law. FAVORS SALE BY AUCTION Appraisal and Sale to Highest Bid der by Secretary of Agrlcul turo Recommended House - Committee Concurs. OREGONJAX NEWS BUREAU, "Wash ington, Jan. 24. The Senate committee on public lands today tentatively decided to report a bill providing for tho repeal of the timber and stone act and the substi tution of a lau to soil timber aa well as stone and marblo on public land at auc tion at not less than their appraised value. Tho decision of the committee was practically unanimous, the only exception being Fulton, who opposed the repeal of the timber and stone net, which, he said, was necessary for tho development of the timbered areas of Oregon. Considerable discussion arose over deter mining which department of the Govern ment should have the administration of the proposed new law for disposing of the timber on public land. It was finally decided that the law should be adminis tered by the Secretary of Agriculture, the matter properly being an adjunct of the Forest Service. llansbrough Bill the Basis. The basis of the proposed plan of dis posing of timber products is tho bill in troduced early in the session by Chairman Hansbrough. of the public lands commit tee, which provides that the Secretary of tho Interior shall be authorized to sell to the highest .bidder at public auction the rJght to cut and remove any timber from unappropriated, nonmlneral public land chiefly valuable for timber, after flrst hav ing the timber duly appraised, and after giving public notice of the terms, time, manner and place of such sale. At the suggestion of Flint of California, the bill will also provide for the sale at auction of the right to use stone or mar ble on public land. House Committee of Same View. A subcommittee composed of Hans brough, Carter and Newlands was ap pointed, with instructions to frame a bill along the lines which today's discussion indicated to be the views of the commit tee, and to report it for consideration of the whole committee at its next meeting. The House committee on public lands will next Wednesday consider and probably recommend a bill along these same gen oral lines. It being the opinion of the ma jority of the members that the timber and stone act should be repealed. Sir. Fulton is opposed, to the repeal of the timbcr-and-stone act because he fears that no substitute law will be enacted which will give as ready access to public fimber land. He docs not Insist upon the present law, and may support a bill which will enable purchasers to acquire timber at a moderate price. He is afraid that, if the tlmber-and-stone law is repealed, drastic legislation will be substituted which will make it difficult to get public timber, and thereby retard the develop ment of Oregon's timber resources. Ho may support the bill agreed upon by the Senate committee. ALL FRIENDS OP ARIZONA Pacific Coast Men Want Territory Given Choice on Statehood. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. 24. The Pacific Coast Repre sentatives are all In sympathy with Ari zona in the statehood fight. Arizona is not asking admission, but is content to remain a territory. Western men, except Dixon, of Montana, believe this is fair. They are willing to compromise by allow ing the people of Now Mexico and Arizo na to vote on the statehood issue, con vinced that Arizona would overwhelming ly vote down any plan of joint statehood. Pacific Coast men all favor the admis sion of Oklahoma and Indian Territory as one state, but they will not be allowed to vote on this proposition alone. There fore, they oppose the entire statehood bill. OPPOSES JOINT STATEHOOD Hermann Totes With Insurgents Contrary to Expectation. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. 24. The unexpected hap pened t6day, when Representative Binger Hermann Joined the insurgent forces and voted against the adoption of tlie rule which means the passage of the joint statehood bill through the House. The insurgents had not sought Hermann's vote and, in view of the recent consideration shown him by tho Speaker, It was expected he would vote with the House leaders. His vote was virtually a vote against joining JSTew Mexico and Arizona as one state. The "Washington delegation stood fast with the Insurgents opposing joint statehood. ROSS MAKES HIS. IjAST PLEA Wants Government to Irrigate Yak ima Land for State. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. 24. Secretary Hitchcock today gave a hearing to Land Com missioner Ross, of Washington, that he might present arguments showing why the state selection of 55,000 acres in the Yakima Valley under the Carey act should be approved. Mr. Ross had no new arguments to present, and to the surprise of all stated to the Sec retary that, if the state selection would operate to drive the Government out of the Yalcima Valley, he would consent to have it cancelled. He, how ever, believed the Government would do the square thing- by irrigating this land and then permit tho state to real ize a profit of $10 an acre, as it had expected to Jo, had its selection been approved. t This" requeet.appeara to be out of PILES RECOMMENDS VILAS. Names Choice for Seattle Assaycr to Succeed Wing. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. 24. Senator Piles today recommended the appointment of Ca! vin E. Vilas as assaycr at the Seattle Asfay Office to succeed Frod A. Wing, resigned. .New Oregon Postmasters. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Jan. 24. Oregon postmasters appointed: Mercer, M. G. Dahlln, vice B. G. Dahlln, resigned; Simnasho, James A. Speer, vice A. B. Ashcnhurat, resigned. TOO MANY FEEDING STOPS Stockmen AVant Time Extended Thirty-Six Hours. to OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. 24. western stockmen are busy about "Washington trying to oecuro an amendment of the law regulating the shipment of livestock which requires vn loading every 28 hours for feeding and watering. This law Is objectionable to stock Interests from all parts of the West, and stockmen from practically even.' Western State are in Washington. appearing before tho committees of Con grcss, and before the departments, and trying to secure a modification. Tho existing law was enacted in good faitli and to accomplish what was be lieved to be a humane purpose. But the stockmen arc unanimous In declaring that it fails to accomplish its purpose. It is the testimony of these men that live stock, particularly sheep, when unloaded every 28 hours, eat less on a journey from the ranch to market than they would If unloaded at less frequent Intervals, and therefore reach market In worse condition than if the feeding periods were farther apart. This is explained on tho ground that frequent loading and unloading disturbs the stock, worries them to an appreciable degree, and as a result they frequently refuse to feed when opportunity Is of fered. The result Is that Instead of eat ing each time they arc unloaded, the 'hecp particularly eat only at alternate stops, and thus feed only once in 56 hours. But there is another objection to the present law. There Is a material loss of time resulting from stops at intervals- of 28 hours, for. while the law requires that the stops shall be of at least five hours. experience has demonstrated that each stop is virtually for a whole day, due to the time required for unloading and re loading. The fewer stops the less time will be consumed In getting livestock to the stock-yards. Stockmen are not unanimous as to how the law should be amended. Some ad vocate stops at Intervals of 30 hours; oth ers 36 hours: still others 48 hours. But the advocates of the various plans will be heard and the committee will agree upon a time, for it appears as though the law would be amended in accordance with the universal demand of the stockmen. Fred W. Gooding, who heads a delega tion of Idaho stockmen, is advocating a 36-hour law. He believes that after a 36 hour ride, the sheep will be so hungry that they will eat when unloaded. Look ing at it from another standpoint. Mr. Gooding says a 36-hour law would make a difference of two days In the time re quired to ship sheep from the Idaho range to Chicago, as two feeding days would be saved. He says that experience has dem onstrated that sheep unloaded once every 36 hours- reach Chicago In better condi tion and weighing more than sheep that are unloaded every 2S hours. Indeed, ac cording to his statement (and he is an experienced sheepman and can speak by the card). Idaho sheep that are unloaded once in 36 hours will bring from 10 to 20 cents more a head in Chicago than the same grade of sheep that go through un der the 28-hour law. It Is estimated that this 28-hour law actually costs the sheap mon of Idaho 5200,000 a year. The same sort of testimony corner from practically every other Western State that is repre sented. The Agricultural Department, which is charged with the enforcement of the 28 hour law, is convinced that it should be .changed, and inclines to the 36-hour sub stitute proposed by the Idaho men. It is expected that Secretary Wilson will ap pear before the committees of the Senate and House along with the sheepmen and lend his aid to secure the necessary amendment. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY We are now offering a few pianos at a reduction of about 100 on each instrument. Tie pianos are all brand new; are new-style cases and are in perfect condition. The list is composed of in struments known world-wide for superior merit. This is the list: 1 Mason & Hamlin 2 Everetts 1 Hardman 2 Smith 6 Barnes 1 Wellington 1 Willard 1 Conover 2 Fischers Sale now open. Particular attention paid to out-of-town trade. Write or telephone Store Opens at 5 A. M. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE Store Closes Daily at 6 P. M. Allen 6 Gilbert Ramaker Co. SIXTH AND MORRISON The Oldest, Largest and Strongest Piano and Organ House in the Pacific Northwest. The "Different Store" riffh, Sixth and Washington Streets GOOD HEWS FOR "DESIGNER" READERS PIUCE ItBDUCED. Tne subscription price to the De signer tho favorite fashion magazine is now .0c the year, instead oC eOc. Pattern department. Fifth-street An nex. First Floor. Subscribe now. But Nine More Days Remain of 1906 Clearance Sales; Absolutely Every Article in House (Not Controlled by Contract) Is Substantially Reduced! Our Mai! Order Service If you can't come to the store, order by mall, or phone "Private Exchange 12." All orders tilled promptly and carefully by an expert corps of trained stoie shoppers. Extra! Great Clean-Up Sole of Women's Fine Hosiery first Floor. 50c, $1 Hosiery 33c $2.00 Hosiery 69c Women's 50c to S1.00 Hose for 33c. Women's Hose, some in lace weaves, but mostly fine eot- ton fabrics m stylish, prettv fancy effects. All from our regular importations and high-class stocks. The lines are somewhat broken, but if. you find vour size you're sure of a great bargain, for all are selected from our oOc to $1.00 values; special sale 9 price, the pair 33p Women's $2.00 Hose for 69c Women's black lace and fancy Hose, extra high grade: a big selection of odds and ends, all good styles, values in the lot up to $2.00; special sale-price, the pair 69 HEYBURN STRIKES SNAGS Arouses Antagonism Which Kill Pure Food Bill. May OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU Wash ington, Jan. 24. The pure-food bill, that had a fair prospect of passing the Senate a week or ten days ago. may Jlnd rough sledding before it gets through. Senator Heyburn. who has the bill in charge, made an able presentation of his case when first he-called it up for consideration; he met all objections and did it in a friendly way. But several times since, when the Senator has brought the bill before the Senate, he has made unfortunate replies to criti cisms, and has aroused antagonism. The Senate cannot be driven: no Senator can compel the Senate to act in accordance with his wishes. Tt in a case -where more votes are caught by sugar than by vine gar, 'inis fact has apparently escaped the attention of Mr. Heyburn. Indeed, the junior Idaho Senator, in talking -with his colleagues, has stated boastfully that he does not propose to bend to the managers of the Republican party In the Senate: he will not obliterate ms individuality, but will assert himself and by sheer force put his pure-food bill through. This is an unfortunate attitude for once the Senate becomes satisfied that wr. Heyburn proposes to ride over It roughshod, and drive his colleagues into line, just that soon the Senate will dem onstrate that the power of a single Sena tor in igislatlon Is very small, nartlen. larly If he be a comparatively new Sena tor. Unless Mr. Heyburn chnnroc m. at titude and "stands in" with the leaders he will not get his bill through. Yakima Imnd for Irrigation. OREGONIAN NEW SBUREATT TPoni, Ington, Jan. 24. The Secretary of' tho In terior has temporarily withdrawn from any form of disposal under the public land laws the following described lands for use In connection with the Yakima irrigation project, wasmngion: Willamette Meridian T. 13 X.. H ICE sections 13. 23, 2t, 26. 27, 31, 35; T. 13 N. r! 18 R. section 30: T. U JJ.. R. 16 E amo tions 2, 7 to 11 inclusive, 14, IS, 23, 26, lying south of the Tleton River: T. 14 N R 17 E., sections 4. 3. 10. 14. 23. 24. 25, lyine south of Naches River; T. 14 N. R. IS E section 31. lying south of Naches River: T; 15 N R. 17 E., section 3L lyinp south of Naches River: T. 20 N R. 14 . sec tions 13 and 14; T. 20 N., R. 15 15.. sections IS to 22 inclusive, 25. 29 to 31 inclusive; T. 22 "Jh 3i Kr sobs 36 to 30 Inclusive. 23 to 35 inclusive. ' Kept 18,000 Cigars 44 Years. Philadelphia Record. Internal Revenue Collector SlcCoach yesterday instructed Deputy Collector Fred Cranston, of Berks County, to per mit the widow of Reuben Keinert. of Chubbs. Church, to pay taxes and to ?cll 18,000 cigars and to dispose of . great quantity of leaf tobacco, which her hus band had in his possession 44 ycan. be cause he did not believe the Government was justified In levying a revenue tax. Keinert died about two weeks ago. He had been a tobacco grower and manufac turer before the war and had in his pos session some 1S.0W cigars and a lot of tobacco when the Goxernment levied the revenue war tax in 1S61. He refused to pay the tax and the Government would not permit him to manufacture cigars of his tobacco or to sell those he had made unless the tax was paid. Keinert was ob durate, and after the war he kept the cigars and tobacco, believing tlmt after a time the tax would.be lifted. When he died his widow asked Deputy Collector Cranston if she could not dispose of the cigars and tobacco. Kelnerfs stock was examined by Crans ton, under instructions from Collector Mc Coach. and found to be well preserved and salable, and yesterday the deputy collector was instructed to give Mrs. Keinert permission to sell the mock. She has agreed to pay the Government tax of ?3 a thousand, or on the cigars, and the collector has given permission to her to sll the tobacco to a manufacturer under the watchful eye of a revenue agent. The Best Silks and Dress Goods In a $60,000 Stock Are in this Sale! Any user of Silks or Dress Goods who is within reach o this store today misses a point of personal interest if she fails to go to the Fifth Street. Annex, on ground- floor, and know how large and how complete in every detail is the assemblage of fashionable fabrics which forms the composite of this great sale. We have planned that not a single good sort shall be lacking that any buyer has a right to expect. We believe there is no such lack. We are confident that nowhere on the Pacific Slope is there a superior stock of Silks or Dress Stuffs, prob ably no one that equals it. And wc arc sure that nowhere else are prices uniformly so low. The department is rapidly rounding into shape for Spring business. We print here merely a few sample re ductions on Silks and Dress Goods, both black and colored. Bear in mind that the gist of the story is Everything in the Department Reduced. 190G Swagger Novelty Silks, suitable for Waists, Skirts, Trimmings and Shirtwaist Suits; also plain taffetas in colors and blacks, divided in two monster lots; regular values $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. at, the yrl 57 and 69 These Silks are all down-to-date weaves, colors and patterns not an accumulation of years, but all new, desirable Silks. BLACK DRESS GOODS. $6000 worth of swell Black Dress Fabrics, in three big lots, at prices never heard of heretofore on general .qualities in the history of Dress poods Selling in Portland LOT 1 54-inch Black Novelty Panamas. Herringbone Cheviots, etc.; regular $1.75 values, special" at, the yard $1.26 LOT 2 44-im-h Imported Silk and Wool and Mohair and Wool Nov elties, all new weaves; rcinilar values $2.25 and $2.50, special at, tl'c .vrd ...$1.53 LOT 344 and 4b"-ineh Silk and Wool Novelties, such as Pointello, Poplin dc Chine. Cree de Paris, Caritas etc.; regular $3.00 and $3.50 values, special at, the yard $2.09 THE FAMOUS "BONNET" SILKS ALL REDUCED IN PRICE. DRESS GOODS COLORED. By special request wc continue the Half-Price Sale Today but for to day only. Wc offer our entire assortment of Colored French Silk and Wool Crepe de Paris, the prettiest fabric made for dressy wear at HALF PRICE. $1.50 grades for, yard 75p $1.75 grades for, yard 87Vn $2.00 grades for. yard. . . .$1.0O $2.25 grades for, vard. .$1.12'. All street and evening shades are included in these different grades. Novelty Suitings in all new colors and weaves; regular values 50c to $2.25 the yard, at yard 23, 49, o9, 89?, and $1.26 When Iiincoln Had Few Friends. H. T. Peck in the Bookman. Tn ISSt Lincoln was of all men the least commended by the Republicans in Ctan gresR. On one occasion an editor visiting "Washington akcd Senator Thaddeus Stevens fo Introduce him to rome mem bers of Congress who were favorable to "Lincoln's re-election. Stevens led him to the desk of Mc. Arnold, of Illinois. "rnerc." said he. "Is the only Uncoln , member of Congress that I know!" Stcv- , ens himself regarded Lincoln as incom- j petent and weak. Henry Wilson, after- f ward Vice-President, spoke of him as politicAlly a failure. Greeley hrfd a low i opinion of his ability. His personal I friends, such as Washburn, Raymond and , Thurlow Weed, believed his re-election i an impossibility. Even Lincoln himself at ono time doubted 1L i-: t Colorado Land Fraud' Guilty. DENVER. Jan. Tt. Guilty of perjury on all four counts contained In the Federal ' indictment charging him with complicity in the extensive land frauds in Eastern Colorado was the verdict returned against David W. Irwin by a jury In the United State District Court today. He was sen tenced to Ave years in the penltentiarv and a tine of 00. Irwin is an Akron real-estate dealer. , Liver and Kidneys It Is highly Important that these organs sbould properly perform their functions. When they don't, what lameness of the side asd back, what yellowness of the skin, what constipation, bad taste in the month, sick headache, pimples and bkXihea, and loss of courage, tell the story. The great alterative and tonic Hood'sSarsaparillti Gives these organs vigor and tone for th proper performance of their rancikras, ant ceres all tMr ordlsarr subsets. Take It The $50 Paris Pattern Hats $10 TRIMMINGS ALONE COST MORE. Thursday's Magnetic Attraction in the Millinery Salons Annex, Second Floor. iV few more than a dozen in num ber, as beautiful hats as ever crossed the seas. Hats from makers to whose names all the world of Fashion bows: names you find inside the hats of roj alty, that have no equals outside of Paris for prestige. When you look at them the feeling that these are the best art. the best materials, the best talent in the whole world is impressed upon you. The satisfaction of possessing such a hat has no limits. But they have served their purpose here and must work out their future usefulness for new owners. Such an oppor tunity is sure not to offer again in months. The values ranee ur to $50.00, and without exception the plumes -and trimmings alone that beautify and adorn these magnificent creations are worth far more than today's price. As printed above, you may select one of these aristocrats, today only, for $10.00 Important Sale of Blankets Fourth Floor. Owing: to the rapid and continuous four-year rise In -wool, every value quoted a regular prices below Is actually -worth today from 15 to 25 per cent more than stated. Figure the Importance of the savings on -this basis. These blankets are extra fine, all-wool, in white only, slightly wounded by being: soiled a trifle In some cases by handling;, showing; or window display. The values are unprecedented. Read: 1M1 Valae? Special Teday Value Special Todar Sep' ! va,lue special $ Re. $7.30 value, special 9 5.25 Keff. I 8.50 value, special S liejr. $10.00 vulue. special 7J5 Res. $13.00 value, special S 8.7.1 Reg: $15.00 value, special SI 9.23 Regular $20.00 value, special 81X75 THE SPECIAL SALE OF LACE CUUTAIXSvAXD PORTIEUES CONTINUES Shoes: A Big Bargain for Men Sixth-Street Annex First Floor. VALUES TO $6.00 AT $2.89. A large assortment of Men's Stylish Footwear, in patent and dull leathers, for street wear and dress. All newest lasts and smart shapes. Broken lots, values up to $0.00. All sizes, special $2.89 ANOTHER DAY OF UNUSUAL VALUES IN Women's Smart Attire GRAND SALONS Second Floor. Largest apparel establishment, for women, west of Chicago. Absolutely every garment and article in the great salons is sub stantially reduced. Extra Special Today: IMPORTANT SALE OF RAINCOATS. $7.95 FOR COATS WORTH 12.50 TO $16.50. Trim and graceful, the swcllest, most swag ger Haincoats in town. Nowhere, in fact, on the Coast will you find such variety in correct and appropriate "styfes, so many and so different that one is sure to find a coat with lines and coloring cspeciallv becoming. In today's offering you will find stylish, well-made Raincoats, the product of America's best makers of rainproof garments popular models, in cluding the loose, half-fitted and Empire effects, in cravenetted materials; tans, grays and attractive mixtures; to close today regular $12.50, $lti.o0 and $20.00 Coats marked choice for $7.95 OTHER IMPORTANT SALES! $6.50 AND $8.50 WALKING SKIRTS $3.98 -io ciose, popular round lengths; trim, jaunty styles, best wearing materials, embracing cheviots, mohairs, figured and plain, and mannish mixed tweedish stuffs, plain colors and mixtures; made up in best work manship; $G.o0 and $S.50 values, special at $3.9S $5.00 AND $6.50 SILK PETTICOATS $3.95. Handsome, rich and dressy Petticoats, splendid rustling taffetas, in accordion-plaited styles, all wanted eolorings 'and changeable effects. As above, $5.00 and $0.30 values, today. S3.95 Bargain Gems in Jewelry Shops Annex First Floor Sixth Street. Pretty little conceits and deceits both excusable in those little luxu ries which lend such beauty and style touch to dross. 'Tis easy indeed to deceive an expert, as well as oneself. In many of the imitations of rare pieces, gems and Jewels, to be fourtd in the Jewelry Shops in the annex. Try It your3clf. Blg values today Among ouie.-s Beauty Pin 30c Rolled-gold plate clearance sale price, the pair Beauty Pins of good quality. Special tOe m,i t3?i. eckcI"i1? A,n assortment of pearl bend Xeckchains for little girls, a variety of styles to select from: regular values from ISc to 3oc. Special clearance sale price, each ...life Boy. 31.00 AVatche SOe Boys open-face nickel patches, key wind a srood timekeeper and best boys' watch made: sold everywhere for si 00 Tomorrow we offer them, with leather chain attached to each, at the special clearance sale pMce of. each -oe Scarf PIbm ISc An assortment of Scarf Pins designs. In silver and gold tlnish; our if.c value price, each . in a great variety special cicaran none Collar Button Sc Dozen tine quality, one dozen on card. -White Bone Collar Buttons, Special at, the dozen , of IN ANNEX CORSET SALONS-Sccoml 1'loor, Special Today. $5 Corsets Today at $3.67 Royal Worcester Bon Ton Corsets, one of the latest creations in hih bust and long hip style made of imported white coutille, sizes IS to 20; our $3.00 value, special at $3.67 January Sale of Undermuslins IS MOST IMPORTANT Annex, 2d Floor It required but the mere announcement o this sale to arouse "keenest interest. "Women here in Portland know full well they may de pend on the muslin underwear this store sells; know every stitch and every thread will bear closest scrutinj-. We arranged one of the greatest and best displays of sheer, white undergarments this week that we've ever shown. It doesn't, lie within the heart of "woman to resist the fluffy daintiness and be witching charm of these exquisite garments. The bargains offered are destined to be re membered among the most wonderful values ever extended the women of Portland and ad jacent towns and cities. 65c and J5c Chemises for 39c Women's fine cambric Chemises, trimmed with fine embroider)- and tucks and with or without flounce; our 03c and 75c values at....39 ?1.00 Corset Covers for 69c Women's Corset Covers of good quality cambric, neatl) trimmed with fine hemstitched tucks and embroi dery; either tight or loose-fitting styles; Our $1.00 value, spec. 69p $1.25 Drawers for 73c Women's fine nainsook and cambric Drawers, trimmed with clusters of fine tucks and Avide flounce of fine cm broidery; our $1.25 value, special at 73$ 1.25 Nightgowns for 93c Women's muslin and cambric Nightgowns, of excellent quality; made with V-shape or round neck, long or short sleeves, and trimmed with fine tucks, embroider', lace, beading and ribbon; our $1.23 value, special at J93$ Women's ?2.00 Petticoats for 1.59 Splendid bargains, women's fine black Satine Petticoats of good quality, sunburst flounce with six rows of fancy stitchingand finished with small ruffles; our $2.00 values, special sale price, each $1.59 ft The Vote Votes- must positively be gotten at time of purchase. None will be issued after, either on duplicate checks or otherwise. This is absolute. Ask for your votes at time of purchase. N VOTE FOr- BENEVOLENT PUND DISTRIBUTION AT 4 P. M. WEDNESDAY. Patton Home . .' . 112,951 Crittenton Home 112.07S Fruit and Flower Mission , 107,922 Salvation Army ; 79.227 St. Vincent's Hospital 72.202 People's Institute 51,463 Baby Home : .7. 49 311 Mt. St. Joseph's Home for the Aged 37.566 Good Samaritan Hospital 25,451 Old Ladies' Home 16.135 Volunteers of America s 11.5G4 Open Air Fund 9.400 King's Daughters of Marshall-Street Church ; 6902 Children's Home : 6,044 Visiting Nurse Association ; j. . 4,971 Scattering ". 23.3S4 Total 726,593 i . TEL: