Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1906, Page 18, Image 18

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Attitude of Public Mind Is Re
vealed by the Librar
ian's Report.
Jliss Isom Sums Up the Good Work
Accomplished During the Past
Year by Portland's Pub
lic Library.
Miss Mary Francos Isom, Public Libra
rian, has made hor fourth annual report
to the directors of the Portland Library
Association, detailing the work of the
Association for its forty-second year. The
reports shows the year to have been one of
keen Interest and accomplishment. The
renovation and rearrangements of the sec
ond floor of the Library, doubling the
space available for library purposes, and
the annual conference of the American
Library Association, are mentioned as
two matters of Importance. In every de
partment the Library shows rapid and
substantial growth, and the extension
work has brought on the end of establish
ing It as a county Institution In the minds
of all residents of Multnomah County.
Miss Isom's report is lengthy and full
of interesting detail, a ss-nopsls of which
will give the public an Idea of the splen
did work being accomplished under her
Intelligent and careful guidance. Begin
ning with the various departments, the
report says, in part:
Circulating Department.
It is a matter of congratulation that,
iiotwithstanding the distractions of the
Pair without, and the many Interruptions
within, the Library hs more than held its
own in every department during the past
vear. The circulation is 177.07G. against
174.3S5 in 1P04, and this in spite of the fact
that six duys must be discounted from
the usual number; first, because of the
resolution to close the fiscal year on De
cember L7, thereby throwing the last days
of the month Into 190C: then the Library
was entirely closed to the public a day
and a half for the purpose of Inventory,
the day of the opening of the Fair and
wiie-half day on Portland day of the Fair.
The statistics of the reference depart
ment in some respects are unsatisfactory
this year, due to the chunge of conditions,
which necessitates different methods. The
attendance, for Instance, thas been accu
rately kept only since the first of July:
before that It was estimated. The new
reference-room was opened the 1st day of
July, and the orderly quiet, the comfort
and the "possibility of reserving books and
a special table day after day have been
delightfully appreciated, and more solid
work has been done by students than ever
The results of the year's work In the
children's department are particularly
gratifying. In spite of the cramped quar
ters which existed until July and of no
adequate increase of the number of books
on the sholves. there are 1C09 more mem
bers than in 1904, and an increase in cir
culation of 142S. The addition of more
books to this department of the Library
is one of the most pressing needs to be
considered during the coming year. There
are now 310C volumes for the use of 31&9
children: these books were drawn for
home use 40,050 times, an average of near
ly 13 times for each book.
In the Periodical Room.
The attendance in the periodical-room
department Increased by leaps and bounds
as soon as the new room was thrown open
and shows an increase of S573 over 1904.
During the noon hour, and often In the
evenings every seat In the room Is occu
pied. Eighteen new magazines, largely
technical, were subscribed for last year:
five were dropped. Papers from all over
the State of Oregon are generously sent
tree to tnc Library, and are mucn used
The Increased size of the room, permitting
the newspapers to be added to this de
partment, thereby doing away with the
unsupervised newspaper-room m the oasc
m en t. is a jrreat satisfaction. The faith'
ful friends of the newspaper have followed
It upstairs, and there is no diminution of
Its use. while there is the possibility of
Its readers being won to less ephemeral
literature by the dally Influence of the
books about them. The directories are
shelved in this room, and the small col
lection has been uenerouslv increased bv
a gift from Mrs. Clinton of 15. seven from
uregon towns and elcht from cities out
side the state. Exchanges also have been
made with San Francisco and Omaha.
Many Gifts of Books.
The Library has been abundantly re
membered by Its friends during the past
year. Miss Mary F. Falling has continued
ner generous gift of $500 a year for the
purchase of art books for the Henry Fall
ing art nnrary. this year tne purchases
have been in Japanese and Encllsh art.
the subjects under consideration bv the
art classes. The Portland Lodge of B'nal
CB'rlth has presented the Jewish Encyclo
pedia, the Oregon Medical Society has
given S8 volumes, and H. M. Brereton ten
volumes of the Proceedings of the Insti
tutes of Civil Engineers. The Library has
received irom individuals, universities.
colleges, schools and other institutions
from libraries, publishers and firms, and
from the various departments of the
united fatates Government 1011 baund vol
times, 115 current periodicals, 30S library
"bulletins. 1153 pamphlets. 126 single num-
bors of periodicals a total of 2615. The
Library is indebted to the dally papers
3or space given lor nook lists and notices.
A list of individual donors to the Library
is appended to tins report.
"With no special Incentive from the Li
brary, and. In fact, almost neclected dur
ing the busy Summer, the county sta
tions nave continued to multiply and to
read more and oetter nooks. The libra
rians in charge, whose services are vol
untary, have almost without exception
shown a delightful Interest in their small
collections, and have taken pains to bring
to the Library for exchange packages of
book little read or of books thoroughly
read, thereby keeping their collections
alive and interesting.
The talks to the first-year pupils of the
High School on the use of the Llbrnrv
have been continued this year, -with a
some what different plan. Three lectures
have been offered Instead of one the first
Tipon tne arrangement or the books upon
the shelves and the classification: the sec
ond upon the catalogue, and the third
upon tne periodical indexes and the bib
Xeed of Branch Stations.
The limit of book distribution has not
yet oeen reached m the Portland Llbrarv
but It soon will bo. and it will be -well to
anticipate the demand and to sunnlv the
needs of this growing city by establishing
nrancnes ana aenvery stations in the most
prominent centers of population. The
quality of the books read has lmnroved.
In the month of December, the fiction per
cent fell to 5S, which, perhaps, is a happy
Indication of the Winter's reading. The
apparent decrease In the use of the Li
brary by the schools is due to the fact
that from the first or tne year both teach
ers and pupils were so absorbed in the
preparation of their exhibits for the Fair
that the regular work was necessarily
neglected. Since the opening of the
schools In the Fall, the Library has been
straining every nerve to meet the dc-
mands made upon it.
In December, encouraged by the nromn
co-operation of Fire Chief Campbell, the
Library offered small collections of books,
apportioned to the number of men to the
engine-houses. The flreboat, Engine No.
5 and Hose Company No. 3 immediately
availed themselves of this opportunity.
The first of the year will, doubtless, see
ail the engine-nouses supplied with good
and entertaining literature.
Books for Blind People. ViaH n Txilnr? in establish tViie Tnll
of Collegiate Alumnae. Arr&Hgaraents
1mve "been made with llr. Jones, superin
tendent of the Asylum for the Bund at
Salem, to borrow books In embossed type,
which will obviate the necessity oC In
creasing the small collection of the Li
brary. Readings will be given weekly In
the patent-room of the Lrlbrarr. beginning
with the first of the year.
Purchasing Association Hcports Xcw
System a Success.
TVrmlnra nf fhn Ttallrrvul Emnloves'
Purchasing Association met at the Hotel
Perkins last night and re-elected, the fol
lowing officers for the coming year:
President, A. O. Sinks, of the Southern
Piirlfip? vlro-nrofildnnt- J. S. Winchester.
of the Portland Consolidated Railway
company; secretary, w. a. ccks, ot tne
Northern Pacific Terminal Company;
frnastircr. O S. Dou-nlntr. of the Southern
Pacific The board of directors of the or
ganization Is made up of the following
Pnrtland railroad men: T. W. Younger.
Southern Pacific: II. IL Bancroft. North
ern Pacific; J. s. wincnester ana x. ji.
Osborne. Northern Pacific Terminal Com
pany; B. F. Boynton, Oregon Water Pow
er & Railway company; a. u. xirows,
O. R. & N.; A. O. Sinks, Southern Pa
cific; T. van Heckeren, (. xv. ec n.i w. a.
Weeks, Southern Pacific
Other matters before tho meeting were
those of auditing tho accounts and de-
t(1n nf Internal ridllistmcnt comlnc UD
rftiHnrr iYio. rpar. Tho session was tho
12th annual gathering of the officials of
the association, which is intended to pro-ciiT-o
fnr ihn mftmhers tho benefits of co
operative purchasing, making It possible
for those holding a memDersnip caru to
hnv commodities of all kinds at a sub
stantial per cent below the retail prices.
Membership is not connnea to employes
of the railroads alone, but those connected
with any street-car, steamship" or other
lmnsnnrijitinn company are eligible, and
nearly 500 Portland men arc members.
The total amount saved during a year to
this number on all their purchases is saiu
to be large.
By means of arrangements with mer
chants In all lines in Portland, the asso
ciation Is able to trot less than the whole
sale quotations, and each member Is fur
nished a card, showing his connection
arUh thA association, which, when pre
sented to merchants at the time purchases
are made, secures a reduced price. So
well satisfied are tho promoters ot tne
organization that they point to Increased
membership with each passing year as
evidence that the plan is a money-saver
for the railroaders.
Oregon Railway & Navigation Conpany
rnnrliirtnrR havo a somewhat similar or-
pnniKitlnn. made un of the men who
manipulate tho punches for that road In
both Oregon and Washington. Directors
of this association met yesterday at tne
"Porlrlns unci ohnsi H. C Grady. Of La
Grande, president for the coming two
years. Directors of trainmen of the same
company held a meeting at the same
tlmo nnil lnr1r1 V. V. ProsH. also Of La
Grande, president of that organization for
the next two years.
Local Anti-Saloon League Welcomes
Its New State Superintendent.
The reception given Rev. Paul Rader.
superintendent of the State Anti-Saloon
League, and C. M. an Pelt, attorney of
that organization, at the vhlte Temple
last night, was well attended, and proved
an enjoyable social affair. Short ad
dresses were made early In the evening.
Dr. Clarence True Wilson presided as
chairman. Mr. Van Pelt and E. J. S. Mc
Allister both spoke beforo Dr. Rader was
Introduced, and both strongly Indorsed
the stand taken by the Mayor In his ef
fort to make saloons comply strictly with
the regulations as to early closing and
wlnerooms and boxes.
Dr. Rader look tho most determined
stand in this regard, and referred to a
conversation had with Mayor Lane yester
day morning.
"The Mayor told me," he said. I : refer
ence to the Richards case, "that if the
Council does not grant his request about
closing that place, he intended to put a
big light on the corner and surround the
place with officers, so that every one who
goes Into the building will be publicly
"Three cheers for a Mayor like that, I
say. I admire a man with a backbone
we all admire a man who does what he
says ho will do."
Dr. Rader referred to the privilege vot
ers have In Oregon ot voting for exactly
what they want a privilege not shared
by ever' state. He said It was the busi
ness of the Anti-Saloon League to let peo
pie know both sides of the liquor problem.
and that he was sure that Americans
could be trusted to do the right thing if
thej- once understood it thoroughly.
"Vnr!l numhors wurn rrnrirv1 hv hi
members of the White Temple quartet
choir, and the members of the Ladles' Aid
Society served cakes and Iced lemonade
to the many guests present.
Claud 3forsran Saves Valuables by
Drawing a Ticket-Punch.
At the rfght of a .street-car conductor's
ticket punch a highwayman, supposed to
be the same one who held up and robbed
Mrs. Dr. K. C. Manion and Annie Regan
at 4 o'clock Sunday morning, fled for fear
of his life from Claud Morgan at 2 o'clock
Sunday morning near Thirty-first and
Division streets.
Seeing that the report of the hold-up of
Dr. Manion and Miss Regan was dls
credited. Morgan, who Is conductor on a
Mount Tabor street-car. did not attempt
to make a report to the police and it
was only through friends of Morgan that
the department became informed of the
attempted hold-up.
Near where the hold-up of Dr. Manion
and Miss Regan occurred Morgan was
stopped by a man answering the descrip
tion of the highwayman given by Dr.
Manion. and was asked what time it was,
a common question with thugs.
Recognizing the man as a probable
highwayman, Morgan answered that It
was early and drawing his ticket-punch
from an overcoat pocket he flashed It
before the eyes of his questioner and
told him to go. The shining metal of the
punch convinced the thug that Morgan
had the drop" and he obeyed the com
mand. Morgan ran In tho opposite dlrcc
A report of the experience of Morgan
was given the police yesterday morning,
but. having discredited tho report of Dr.
Manion. the pollco suppressed the Morgan
Cede Isle of Pines to Cuba.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. The Senate
committee on foreign relations today
voted to report the treaty with Cuba
ceding the Isle of Pines to that re
public The treaty was not amended.
If Yeu Fear Diphtheria Beware of a Cold,
The best authorities now agree that the
chances for contracting diphtheria are
greatly enhanced by colds. If the child
has a cold it Is much more likely to con
tract diphtheria. The same Is true of any
or tnc mucn-ureaaeo, catciung diseases.
The cold prepares the system for the re
ception and development of the germs of
these diseases; that Is why ono child will
contract a disease, and another exposed
at the same tlmo will not take it. Tho
one that takes it. as a rule, has & cold.
Even slight colds are dangerous, and
should have prompt and Intelligent atten
tion. Whether for a child Kr an adult
you will find no better preparation than
Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. It can al
ways be depended upon to effect a quick
cure. There is no danger In giving it to
children, as it contains no harmful drug.
x or se w. oraspm.
Argued by Lawyers and Taken
Under Advisement by Court.
Attorney fcndcnhall Tells Judge
CIcland Aged Mother Could Xot
Have Given Good Description
Without Memorandum.
"A -woman 73 years old who had been
ill for a long time, and confined to her
bed, could not bo expected to describe
from memory boundaries by motes and
bounds of 140 acres of land of a quarter of
section of land which sho owned."
This statement was made by Attorney
Al Mcndenhall beforo Judgo Cloland yes
terday In his argument In the case of
F. B. Recder and various other brothers
and sisters against their brother, J. L.
Recder. to set aside a deed executed In
favor of J. I Reeder by Catherine Recder.
the mother of the litigants.
S. H. Haines, the attorney who wrote tho
deed, testified that Mrs. Reeder gave him
the description and used no memorandum.
Mr. Mendenhall argued that this was Im
possible, and said there was not a per
son In the courtroom who could, after
having read the description over a num
ber of times, repeat it from memory.
He said the deed must have been pre
pared In J. L. Recder's house before Mr.
Haines went to see Mrs. Reeder.
J. L. Reeder under this deed gets all of
the land his mother owned except 20
acres. The other children assert that he
took advantage of his mother's falling
mind to Influence her to sign the deed.
A witness to the instrument testified that
Mr. Haines did not read it to Mrs. Reeder,
and Haines testified that he did read it to
Mr. Haines said ho told J. L. Reeder
about the deed, and J. L. Reeder testified
that he did not remember that Haines
told him that Mrs. Reeder executed the
deed, and did not know about the deed
until long afterward.
A large number of witnesses were called
on both sides to testify concerning the
mental capacity of Mrs. Catherine Reeder.
The defendant called 15. who testified
that her mind was as good as ever up
to the time of her death, and contradicted
evidence of plaintiffs to the contrary.
Wallace McCamant, attorney for J. L.
Reeder. made a good fight In his behalf.
and endeavored to convince the court that
under the law and evidence, the deed
ought to stand.
Judge CIcland took the case under ad
J. K. Adcox Declares Fraudulent Pa
pers Were Served Uion Hint.
A copy of a writ of attachmont pur
porting to have been Issued out of the
Eat Side Justice Court, is made the
basis of an action for damages against
iVttorney M. B. Mcacham by J. E. Ad
cox in the total sum of $la5. In the
complaint it is set forth that "It is
fraudulent and malicious." It is set out
in the papers nf the damage suit that
the plaintiff. J. E. Adcox. owned cer
tain trunks and contents, containing
clothes and work tools of the value of
$24S; that on January 15. 1906, he
caused said trunks to be stored In the
keeping of S. J. Nelson. Portland. Mult
nomah County: that January 1C. 1906.
M. B. Mcacham. a duly licensed attor
ney, maliciously and fraudulently
caused S. J. Nelson to hold said prop
erty on account of an alleged Hen.
January 16. 1906, notice was served
maliciously, fraudulently and unlaw
fully on S. J. Nelson, who believing
said order to be Issued out of the East
Side Justice Court refused to deliver
the trunks to the defendant on demand.
The plaintiff claims 530 direct dam
ages and 1100 for anguish of mind and
humiliation, and T23 for attorney's fees.
There has been no suit started In tho
East Side Court entitled "William
Reischman versus J. E. Adcox," and no
writ of attachment was issued out of
the court. When the writ from Attor
ney Mcacham was served on Nelson to
retain possession of the trunk the at
torney for Adcox telephoned to Clerk
James Cralb-to find out if there was
such a suit Instituted and whether the
writ came from the East Side Court, to
all of which he said there was no such
case nor had sucn a writ of attachment
been issued. Not satisfied with this
Attorney Watt was shown that the
records of the court contained no such
a case as is referred to in the order
or attachment Issued by Attornev
Meacham. J. P. Watt and T. B. Mc-
uewtt are attorneys for Adcox. A
warm trial will he- had at the hoaring.
Caroline Ban in Commences Another
Suit on Old Attachment Bond.
Caroline Baum and her attornv s n
Spencer, arc still nursulnxr O. M Smith
to compel him to pay a Judgment of JT0
obtained against Smith and his wife.
Ella M. Smith. February 14. 1U At it,.
tlmo the judgment was obtained against
the Smiths, an attachment was placed on
lots t ana t. diock .Dunn's Addition.
Tho attachment was released unon Smith
and wife filing a bond In tho sum of
In a suit just filed by Mrs. Baum, It is
alleged that tho bond -n-as zrlvon n-MVi in
tent to deceive, and that the Hen of at
tachment sun noids.
The case was recently tried before Judge
ucorge, ana nas not yet been decided.
Mrs. Bernard Staudcnmycr Wants
Divorce, Alleging Cruel Treatment,
Bernard Staudcnmycr, proprietor of the
Portland Brewing Company, has been sued
by his wife. Clemcnco Staudemnyer, for
a divorce, because of alleged cruel treat
racnt. Mrs. Staudenmyer says that on
January 21 last he locked bcr in a room
and threatened to kill her, and has also
threatened to take the life of their child.
She further alleges that he has been
harsh and cruel, has called her vile names.
falsely accused her of infidelity -and in
many ways has rendered her Hfo miser
The plaintiff states that her husband is
worth 905,000. and she asks the court to
allow her $503 suit money, J150 per month
alimony, and to grant her the legal cus
tody of the child. J. C Moreland appears
as her attorney. The litigants were mar
ried on August 22, 1904.
Will Attack City Ordinance.
Wells, Fargo & Co. yesterday filed a
motion to dissolve tho Injunction obtained
by William Jacobson in the State Circuit
Court restraining tho company from
building and conducting a stable at Sev
enteenth and Northrup streets, on the
ground that there is no basis for the is
suance of the same. Accompanying the
motion is an affidavit of Eugene -Shelby.
managing agent of the company, stating
that the stable Is necessary for the com-
JSns korseft &a4 Vkhicl, a&d that tae
lift Ml
Absolutely Pure
A Cream of Tartar Powder
freefrom alum or phos
phatic acid
company was compelled, to sen property
formerly used as a stable to the Portland
&. Seattle Railway Company. The further
statement Is mado that the new location
Is in the midst of planlng-mllls. sash and
door factories and other fnctorles, and
that the stable will not damage the sur
rounding property. Snow Sc. McCamant
appear as attorneys for Wells, Fargo &.
Co. They will attack the constltutionallty
of the city ordinance which provides that
no stable containing more than six horses
shall bo maintained without the consent
in writing of all those owning property
within a distance of 200 feet of the same.
Who Owns These Articles?
To have determined who Is the owner
and entitled to the possession of various
articles of furniture and household goods.
C. O. Pick, doing business as C. O. Pick
Transfer &. Storage Company, yesterday
filed a suit in tne state lurcuu uoun
against Daisy May and Minnie Anderson.
Daisy May. on December 3. iau. siorea
the goods In plaintiff's warehouse. Min
nie Anderson, claiming to' hold a chattel
mnrlnri nn th tirOOCrtV. CaUSed W. E.
Jackson. Constable, to seize it upon fore
closure proceedings. The goous were soiu
by the Constable ana purcnasea oy ohu
Hnilntroll said to be acting for Minnie
Anderson.' Mr. Pick alleges that Daisy
May also demands possession ol mc
nrnrwtriv Mr. Tlrk doslres the COUrt tO
settle the controversy, and to appoint a
receiver to take charge of the goods. He
demands 512.D0 storage and attorney's fee.
Ireful Briefs,
cuctn a Airfrnskpv. tiled an amended
complaint in the State Circuit Court
vesterday In her suit ior uivuu-b
against Ellsworth P. McCroskey, an
employment agent. She says he earns
f500 per month and noiwunsuinuuis
thfa has refused to provide for her and
their minor children. She says he wrote
to lier from San Francmco on ucccmoT
10, 1905. telling hpr to get out and
T-iiKtin hk he had to do. She alleges
tnat she left Portland Ip December.
io.i" fnr tin. henetit of her health, and
during her absence McCroskey was un
true to her. A. woman namca juiner is
nameM as corespondent.
nnhxn IT. Mnnarv has sued Ethel
Manary for a dissolution of tho mat
rimonial bonds on account ot desoruon
In November. 1904. five years after
Articles of Incorporation or the liut
tnn f"rdlt Oomnanv were tiled in the
fount v Clerk's office yesterday by
Jeanctte A. Hutton and AV. A. Ilutton.
of San Francisco; uoulso u. coenran.
nromn rMtv- and O. I a. Thornton and
Morris Walker. Portland: capital stock
JuOJO. The objects announced are to
conduct a general loan business, etc.
nmllrv Evans Hied a petition in the
County Clerk's office yesterday for
election as KcpuDucan committeeman
In precinct No. 23, and B. F. Preston
for committeeman of tho ame party
at uriaai veil.
"Well-Known Portland Business Man
Succumbs to Heart Disease.
D. "U Fisher, an old and well-known
resident of Portland, died suddenly at
his home. 394 Third street. Tuesday
night of heart disease, lie had been In
disposed and had retired. Soon after
ward he told one of his sons that ho
was resting comfortably. Fifteen mm
utcs later the young man stopped Into
the room again and found that hlB
father had passed away as peacefully
as if he had merely fallen asleep.
Mr. Fisher was born 63 years ago In
Poland. When a" mere boy he left his
native land In order to escape being
drafted Into the army of the oppressors
of his people and came to America, at
Oie beginning of the Civil war. He cast
his fortunes with the Confederate cause
and fought through the entire struggle
with the loulslana Tigers.
After the war he came West and
went Into business at Ias Vegas, X. M
whore for many years he kept a large
curio store and maintained in connec
tion with it a museum of western cu
rlosltlcs. About 1-t years ago bo sold
out and came to Portland, where he cs
tabllshcd a curio store at Fifth and
Washington streets. At the time of his
death no was in the employ of Meier &
Mr. Fisher leaves a wife and five
sons, S. B.. Caron. Gus, Ellas and
Harry Fisher, all residing In this city.
The funeral will be held this after
noon at - o'clock from the family resi
lience. Rabbi Abrahanvson officiating.
Travel Now and Fifty Years Ago.
DRAIN. Or.. Jan. '3D. To tho Editor.)
Fifty years ago we old pioneers were glad
to hear the bell of the bell mule and pack
train coming into camp, with freight 4
to 6 cents a pound. Then came, ten years
later, the wagon, and freight 1 to 2 cents
a pound; and now railroads at Vi cent a
pound and less for same distance. In
those days wc rode horseback. After a
while came the stage, fare 10 cents a
mile, and hotels, cold and uncomfortable.
Now we have railroads, 3 cents a mile.
with cushion seats or chairs; also for a
little more cost a bed In a Pullman. You
even get meals as you go along in a
dining-car. Much difference In 50 years
and less. To read the growls on rates and
so on It would seem we soon forget.
Probably in the next few years $50,000,000
will be expended on new railroads, and
I think we ought to encourage Instead
of putting stumbling-blocks In the way
of these new railroads. Fare in New
York State Is 2 cents a mile, here 3 cents:
and we have only a handful of popula
tion, and In time competition and larger
population win matce things as cheap here
as there. james w. STERLING.
The old-ityle sfearp-seiated hoe of Saanih
origin Marly dtaasjware In Mexlcs. hav-
H. D. Hogg Admits Selling Mor
phine Without Prescription.
First Case of Kind in Ttcccnt Years.
Burglnry Suspect Makes Sensa
tional Statements Police
Mill's Grist.
For the first time In recent years a
druggist was yesterday convicted of sell
ing morphine without a prescription, and
Municipal Judge Cameron, before whom
a plea of guilty was entered, fined the
defendant $50. Clerk H. D. Hogg, cm
ployed by the Red Cross Pharmacy, Sixth
am! Oak streets, was the man who
pleaded guilty to selling the drug without
a prescription.
Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald caused
Clerk Hogg's arrest. It resulted from
information furnished by Archie Ray. a
police character now In the last stages
of the morphine habit. Ray was ar
rested by Patrolmnn Goltz last week,
and was before Judge Cameron on a
charge of having morphine In his posses-
Ion. A bottle of the drug was taken
from him and when he was asked where
he purchased it, he said at the Red Cross
Mr. Fitzgerald then consulted with l ap-
tain of Detectives Bruin, who assigned
a member of his staff to go with Archlo
Ray to the pharmacy and witness
whether Ray could purchase such a bot
tle as that In evidence without a pre
scription. Ray had no trouble securing
the morphine and Detective Mears saw
the transaction.
So complete was the evidence against
Clerk Hogg that he came Into court and
entered a pica of guilty.
"Oae of you blankcty blank cons camo
mighty near last night," was
the first sentence uttered, bp Harry Green.
when he surrendered to Patrolman Phil-
Hps at an early hour yesterday morning.
upon being covered by the officers re
Coupled with the fact that Green had
In his possession a set of burglar's tools
ami that with a companion he wa at
tempting to break into a imams avenue
saloon, the young man's peculiar utter
ance seemed peculiarly significant. His
comnanion escaned the officer firing sev
eral shots at him. dreen was arraigned
In court, examined at some length and
had his cos continued until today.
"That fellow has drunk so much China
cln that he has become Orientalized and
he Just had to celebrate China New
Year." said Deputy City Attorney Fitz
gerald to Judge Cameron, speaking of
Frank Hale, who was before the court on
a charge of being disorderly.
"1 will clve you 60 days as per my for
mer agreement with you." said Judge
Herman Schrader. having a saloon at
473 Williams avenue, was fined 523 for
violating the 1 o'clock closing ordinance
He was arrested by Patrolman Black-
Tin. case of the city against Deputy
Plumbing Inspector Colburn Barrcll
and Adolnb Scholz. charged with Hie
gaily disconnecting a sewer in Alblna.
was continued until Feoruary la, in
order to give counsel opportunity to
secure witnesses. The family of Robert
Laasch. S77 Mississippi avenue, are 111
and attribute their condition to the
breaking; or the sewer.
"I am stopping at tho Workingmcn's
Home, said James Riley, charged with
"You are mighty badly out of place
there." replied Mr. Fitzgerald.
Riley tailed to convince the court
he was a laborer of the right stripe.
and was given ten days in Jail.
R. G. Baker was sentenced to 91 days
In the County Jail for embezzling 53
from the Fidelity Press.
A charge of larceny that was pre
ferred against Madge Laboin by E.
Davidson, was dismissed, the complain
ant paying $10 costs. Davidson Is a
Umatilla farmer and claims be spent
a largo sum trying to win the girl s
Field's Provision for Bride.
LONDON. Jan. 24. The late Marshall
Field, of Chicago, the day after his mar
riago In London. September 5 last, to
Mrs. Arthur Caton. executed a codicil to
his will, presumably making provision for
bis bride Second Secretary Craig Wads
worth, of the American Embassy, with
the Rev. Dr. Samuel Klrkbaum. who
witnessed the document, will proceed to
Chicago almost immediately to prove the
document. Dr. Klrkbaum Is one of tha
clergymen of St. Margaret's Church,
Westminster, where Mr. Field and Mrs.
Caton were married.
USELESS rrxxg.
If Baby la Cstttas TMtfc
Be Nft a4 km tXat eld aad well-tried res-
r. Krs. WtalWa Se titer 8ti-h. tor
rea tecUdar. It Met taa eUM. aftM
All Druggists
Dr. Earl S.Sloan
Dr. W. Norton Davis
We treat successfully all orlvate nerv
ous and chronic diseases of men, also
mood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and
throat trouble. We cure SYPHILIS (with
out mercury) to stay cured forever. We
remove STRICTURE, without operation
or pain. In 13 days.
" c stop drains, spermatorrhoea and
night losses by a new method. In a short
time. We can restore the sexual visor of
any man under 50. by means of local treat
ment peculiar to ourselves.
The doctors of this institute are all reg
ular graduates, have had over 20 years'
experience, have been known In Portland
for many years, have a reputation to
maintain, and will undertake no case un
less certain cure can be effected.
We cuarantce a cure In every case we
undertake or charge no fee. Consultation
free. Letters confidential. lustructivo
BOOK FOR MEN mailed free In plain
If you cannot call at office, write for
question blank. Home treatment success
ful. Office hours, 9 to 3 and 7 to S. Sundays
and holidays. 10 to XL
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Offices in Van Noy Hotel. 52 Third st.
c orner x'ine. .roriianii. ur.
Bill Ctlifsrnlt Dimiaai Bitters is a ercat rcstor.
atiYe, Inyisorator and nervine. The mcstwonderfal J
aphrodisiac and special tonic for the sexual orzaas '
ot both sexes. The Mexican remedy for diseases of
the kidneys and bladder. Sells on its ourn merits.
323 Market St., San Francisco. Send for circular.
For sale by all druggists cr liquor dealers.
Tho rant Mall
Leave. Portland Arrive, j
Dally. Time Schedule. IDaUr. j
To asd from Spo-J i
8:30 am kane. St. PauL 7:00 am
11:45 pm Minneapolis. Dulutn 8:50 pm
and All Points East
Via Seattle.
To and from St. i
. Paul. Minneapolis.
8:13 pa Dumth and All 8:00 aj-
Polat East Via
Gnat Northern Steanuhlo Co.
Sailing from Seattle for Japaa and
China ports and Manila, carrying
paMensera and freight.
8. 8. Minnesota. I'ebniary 1.
S. S. Dakota. March IS.
(Japan Mall Steamship Co.)
S. S. SHTNANO MARU wilt sail
from Seattle about Feb. 20 for Ja
pan porta, carrying passengers and
For tickets, rates, berth reaerra
tlcns. etc.. call on or address
City Passenger & Ticket Agent.
X22 Third St. Portland. Or.
Wain ASA
Sesaxt. Arrlrm.
City-St. Louis Special
far Cteehalls. Contrail.
OljTHpU. ara7s Harbor.
South Bead. Tacoi&a.
eatUa. Spokane. Lew
Utee. Butte. BlUlaga.
Denver. Omaha, Kaa-
c T mi ! nan
Sutheaat 8:Mm 4;Ms
North Ceast umitea.
electric lighted, for Ta
ccma. Seattle. Spokane.
Butte. M lan ea poll. St.
Paul and the East 2:09 5-:
Facet BOlLuu. tur
Che hall. Centralis. Ta
eoma asd. Seattle oalr.. 4:36 9m 19:03
Tvla Cltr Express far
TacoEia. Seattle. Spo
feaae. Helena. Butts.
Tellowstone Parle. Mla
ui1U. St. Paul tad
ta East U:4Spm 8: 99 pal
a jx Charltoa. Aiataat Oeaeral Passea
gar Axeat. 25 Morrtsoa it. crar TairdU
North Pacific S. S. Cos
Staunch S. S. Jeanie
Sails far Saa Frsaclsce aad Los Asgeles
Direct. Thursday, Jajaaary 23, at S P. M
from Columbia Dock No. 1.
Fare San Francisco, flrst-claas, $12: second-
class. 53. Los Angeles, first-class. $21.30;
s-econA-claM. 315.
Ticket Office. 221 WatIrea St.
H. JOUNG. Ageat. Phono Xal& 1314.
Shoot UNE
Union Pacific
i Through Pullman standards and tourist
Bleeplng'cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spo
kane; tourist sleeping-car dally to Kaaais
City through Pullman tourist sleeping-car
(personally conducted) weekly to Chicago.
Becllnlng chair-cars (seats free) to th East
SPECIAL, for tea East
via Huntlncton.
0:15 A. M.
5:23 P. M-fiV;
tFbr Eastern "Washington. "Walla "Walls, kVK
Lewtaton. Coeur d'AIece and Great Norther
for the East via Hunt
'nrton. 3:15 P. M.
7:15 A. It- 1
8:00 P. M.
5:00 P. M. Vl
wuy points, connecting
10:00 P.M.
with steamer for llwa
co and North Beach.
Sunday. 1 ;
steamer Hassalo. Ash
st. dock (water per.)
7:00 A. M.
5:30 P. l.rji.
gon City and Tamhlll
River points, Ash-st.
dock (water per.)
Dally, i:Mv
For Lewlston.
Idaho, and way points froiar
Riparia. Waah
Leave Riparia
ia 5:40 A. M. or upon arrivalvJ'
dally except Saturday. k'- 'sfV
la 4 P. M.. dally except Frlday-L.-v
train No. 4
Arriv6 Riparia
Ticket OfHce. Third and Washington.
Telenhono Main 712. C. "IV. Stinger. Clty
Ticket Agt; A. L. Craig. Gen. Passenger Agt.1
for Salem, Roae
surg. Ashland.
Sacramento, Ox
Jen, Saa Francis
co, Molave, Los
Angeles, HI Paso.
New Orleans aad
the East.
. Morning train
Connects at 'Wood
burn dally except
Sunday ith train
for Mount AngeL
jllverton. Browns
ville, Sprlnsfluld.
(Vendllng and Na
tron. Eugene passenger
jonnecta at "Wood
urn with Mt. An
gel and Stlverton
;orvallls passenger
jnerioan passenger
Forest Grove
8:45 P. M.
7 3 A, Mi
8:30 A. M.
5:55 P. Ml
4:15 P. M.
10:33 A. Mi
T:30 A. M.
4:50 P. M.
3:50 P. MlS
8 .23 A.
tl0:43 P. M.
11:50 P. Mj
Dally, t Dally except Sunday.
Depot. Foot of Jefferson Street-
Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7&a9H
ii-rirt v m. Dally exceDt iunaay. ou. o.j
S.33. 10:23 A. M. Sunday only. U A. M.
A.n-u. B-jn A M r ltS5 3:05. 5:06. 6:15. 7:3
Sunday. BU. 10. uu, -ivea
onlx. 10 A. M. . . PiitiV
t ' m riannt fnr- TtalL&a and IE
Th fndeDendence-Monmouth Motor Liar
operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. cot
nectlng with S. P. Coa trains at Dallas an
mnto and San Francisco. J20. Berth.
c-i.T,H.riaaa fare. 315. Second-class carta
Tickets to XL,OBiern pgiau
. .
Japan. China, iionoium ana aiuuiuu.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third an
Washington streets. Phono Main 712.
City Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Astoria and Columbian
River Railroad to.
For Maygers. Rainier.
Clatskanle, Westport,
Clifton. Astoria. War-
renton. FlaveU Ham-
ftrtO A. M.
mono. Jtort Stevens.
Gcarhort Park. Sea
side, Astoria and Sea
Express Dally.
Astoria Express.
70 P. M.
9 X0 P.
Coom'l Agt.. 248 Alder st. O.F.AP.A,
Phone Main 00-
Operating the Only rassenger Steamers 1
Snn Francisco Direct.
Sailing dates from Portland S. S. Sen
tor. January 2tl; February 5. 13. 23; March
Columbia, January 31; February 10. 2
Berths ami McuIr Included.
rhone Main 268. 218 "Washington J
For South -Eastern Alasid
Steamers leave Seattle 0 P.3
S. S. Cottage City, via Val
:ouver and Sitka. Jan. 10. 2j
For San Francisco direct
fQueen. City of Puebla. Uml
tllla. 0 A. M- Dec. 23: Ja)
AtoTXVS 3. 8. 13. 15. 23. -S-
PorttadOtte.. 249Thlngton st. Main 2j
a D. DUNANN. a- iu w
CorvalUs. Albany. inCependenca and Salej
Steamer Pomona -l --
day. Thursday ana oaiuruajr. ur un
Steamer Altona leaves 6:43 A. M., Moniai
Wednesday aad Friday.
Office and Dock Foot Taylor St.
4JetXersB,, January 3. IT and 3L 9
P. M.. via WrangeL
"ParaUaa," about Jan. 7. 26. 9 P. M
Ob excursion trips steamer calls at
Eltka. Metlakaatla. Glacier. WrangeL
etc.. in addition to regular ports of
or send for "Trip to Wonderful
Alaska." "Indian. Basketry.' "Toteaa
Frank Wooteftr Co.. Areata.
283 Oalc SC. Portland. CH
vv j ser
JssfiisVisssssssssssBssssssssssssssssssssssssssslKre - f