11 LEAGUE FORMED 8Y REPUBLICANS BRIDGE DELAY GROWS SERIOUS THE MORNING- OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1906. Object Is to Maintain and Pro mote Principles and Suc cess of Party. ENTIRE COUNTY EMBRACED One Hundred Patriots Assemble-in i A. O. "C. W. Hall to Hold Love Feast Dr. O. P. S. Plum mer Chosen President. 1EAOL'K FORM EI BY RE PUBLICANS. Multnomah Republican Iyeapu or ganized last nlcht to cement together tfic party elements for ejection of pri mary nominees and clcciod the fol lenins officer: President Dr. O. r. S. Dummer. Vlcc-pre-ldents, one from each of the 00 county precincts To be elected at next meetlnr. Secretary Allen R. .ley. .Assistant Secretary William IL Gal vanl. Treasurer John Gill. Executive Committee louls Kuehn, Ward 1; 31c Slchel. Ward 2; D. J. Cjuimfcy. Ward r,; Dr. Charles A. Mr crum. Ward 4; Dr. Bmmot Drak. "Ward fi; Peter Ilobklrk. Ward : K. A. Cooke. Ward 7; J. E. Magcrs. "Ward 8: K. P. Dornbecher. Ward ; N. D. lieutsen. Ward 10: W. J. Jill 1t. Llnnton; John Hoffman, Bertha; 11. C. Smith. Woodrtock; Thomas Cor der. Troutdalc; Charles Cleveland, Gresham. Objocts of leapue "To maintain and promote the principles and success of the RopuMlcan. party." Next meeting Wednesday, February S V. M. . Candidates Primary nominees. One hundred Republican patriots in A. O. I. W. hall, Sellins-Hlrsch building, banished the word 'faction" from their conference, resolved to put away old scores and formed a league to which all Hepubllcan. can gain admittance and which should boost no particular man's candidacy for any office, but all primary nominees for the election. For two and one-half hours the brethren tasted harmony's sweet nectar, nor were Their tongues once soured with discord's vinegar. Both old-time factions were rep resentedSimon and Mitchell and there werf many irewcomon. unscarrcd by .the factional wars of the last ten years. The meeting was the largest and most smc (oyrcful of tho "new deal," "reunion," "harmony"' gatherings that have marked the effort to consolidate the party in Multnomah County in the past twelve month. The league is the product of the har mony endeavor of the Portland Republi can Club, of which F. E. Beach is presi dent ami Charles K. Lockwood secretary. S.me 320 men had been, invited 50 in the county at large and three from each pre 4hc by a committee of 20 men, dele gated by group of 40 lovefcasters at a Commercial Club dinner some time ago, who had been invited to the feed by the Portland Republican Club. Prominent Men Who Attended. l-ast night's conference was presided over by F. E. Beach and C. E. I.ockwood acted as secretary. Among the conspicu ous men preent were: l'hll Mfiscben. s. Hoaeh. S. H. firabor. O. V. Taxton. Allan R. Joy. Or. Willis in Plunder. I). J. Qulmbj. B. F. '.Jones, t". M. Idlf-mmi. W. I.. IJghtner. K. l)t Curtlf. William Held. A. B. ("roa snian. .1. C. Bayer. Dr. Emmet Drak. s. n. Frledtander. JL-J1V..n?r- u- Galvanl. Werleln. .1. n. Meyer. W. p. Keail; . Wnldemar Seton Teter Bobklrk. .1 U. A. .1. Capi'QH li. H. Northup. Willis FlKhr. .. r. Beach. R. "IV. Mnyt. .. .m. Mann. L.. M.-f'httvn. u. r. Hatch. N. 1. n-Mtcen. I-- j.ockwood. A. G. Bavhrm'i. v. j Miller Dr. II. M. TIumii-. it. H. Sfvnll. f. M. MoMwohti. Albert Kerrera. .MCKiniry Mtu-he.l. Max G. Cohen. J. E. Masw. .lohn GUI. The league adopted a constitution and elected oflktMs. including an executive committee ,f 15 members, deferring un til the next meeting the selection of SO vice-presidents. The constitution was drafted by a committee consisting of W. J I. Galvanl. chairman: S. H. Gruber. sec retary, andf Louis Kuehn. C. E. Lock wood, Dr. Emmet Drake. Willis Fisher. M. R. Johnson. S. I,. Woodward, A. J. Capron. S. C. Beach, all of Portland: C. A. "Wood, of St. Johns: "W. U Ughtner. of Ivanhoe: Thomas I.. Evans, of Cor betfs: "W. J. Miller, of Linnton: John Hoffman, of Bertha; Charles Cleveland, of Gresham, and Charles Llttlepage. One Contest Tor Office. In the election of officers the only com petitions were between Joy and Galvanl for secretary, in which Joy received 37 votes against Galvani's 31, and between ten men for membership on the execu tive committee. The unsuccessful candi dates for the committee were: T. 1 Evans, of Corbett's. 15 votes; W. R. Hud son, of Bridal Veil. IS; O. F. Cooke, of Sylvan. J8: James SherringhauEcn, of Rockwood, 7. The vote for the successful candidates was: Miller, 21; Hoffman. 31; Corder, 24; H. C. Smith, 25; Cleveland, 20. The ballot was taken late in thej session, when many of the gathering had de parted for home. Dr. Plummer was elected president by unanimous vote on motion of C. M. Idle man. Dr. Plummer was not present, but sent word that he wished the league to succeed and believed it could accomplish much to rcunfte the party. He has been a member of the Simon element, but this was not brought up when he was nom inated for president. When the conference opened. F. E. Beach, chairman, explained the purposes of the proposed league, saying that the movement had sprung up of its own ac cord, rather than from organized effort. Nobody's candidacy was inspiring, it. Mr. Beach studiously avoided the use of words like "faction," Simon." "Mitchell," "knifing," and in closing remarked: "I trust I have made myself clear with out use of offensive terms." Brethren Listen to Speeches. Whereupon the brethren proceeded to organize, on motion of C M. Idleman, who proposed appointment of a committee to draw up a constitution, the members of which were appointed by Chairman Beach. While the committee made It self busy In an adjoining room, the breth ren listened to speeches front O. F. Pax ton. H. H. Northup, Allen R. Joy and J J3. Wagers; J. M. Kecne, of Med ford, candidate for Secretary of State, and "W. J. Lachner. of Baker City, candidate for Congress from the Second District. Mn.Paxton said that the purpose of the league was not to help any individual can didate for nomination, but all party nom inees -for election. "If your friend shall toe nominated, instead of ray friend,' said y ., ..... - ........ ........? j ' " , ; 1 he. "I'm going to work for the election of your friend." Judge Northup called for nomination of the .best Republicans, who he said would surely lo elected. "I'm always ready to follow the party when It puts up those men." said he. "I stand for the privilege of voting for those men for office who represent the best Interests of the people. The Republican party has always taught the voter to be independent and to follow the dictates of his conscience in casting his baljot. This league, by declaring for nomination of the best men, can do much to unite the party." J. E. Magers asserted that Republicans had been too independent, else Democrats would not be in possession of the highest offices. Democrats, however, always stuck together, and It was not difficult to harmonizo them. Dr. Keene promised to take to Jackstm County the word that Multnomah Repub licans were united. W. J. l&chner exhort ed his hearers U work for their friends In the primaries and for Republican nominees in the election. IN ft LEGAL BATTLE IX HAM) AND BINGHAM. Each Congressional District Is Ex pected to Brinp Out Candidates. Each Congressional District in Oregon is expected to bring out another Republi can candidate within the next few days John I-. Rand, of Baker City, who has just returned to his home city from a political survey in Portland, and I. H. Bingham, of Eugene, whose boom of a year ago' has been revived. In the First DistricU S. B. Huston, ei Hillsboro, and Walter L. Tooze. of Wood burn, Iiavc been striving for the nomina tion many months, and a short time ago W. C. Hawley. of Salem, entered the tight. Bingham's boom started last Winter, when he sat in the lower House of the Legislature. He was one of thu conspicuously active men of the lower House, an able debater, an ofllclont or ganizer and a good lawsmlth. He and Representative G. W. Griffin, of the same county, worked together, and have a strong following In Lane. This following is trying to bring out Bingham for Congress, and may nomi nate Griffin for State Senator, to succeed Dr. W. Kuykendall. In the Second District W. R. Ellis, of Pendleton, and W. J. Lachner. of Baker City, have announced their candidacies. Information from Baker City yesterday made known that Rand's announcement would bo forthcoming In a few days. Rand is State Senator, and his legislative torm will expire next June. He has been an aspirant for the Judeship of the proposed Eastern Oregon Federal District, and had the district been created. Senator Fulton would have endeavored to secure him the appointment. Mr. Band in the Sena torial election of 1903 was one of the steadfast supporters of Mr, Fulton. Baker County will now have two can-, didatcs for Congress, and Lachner and Rand will have a sharp fight When Rand was in Portland last week looking over the ground, Lachner was also. J. P. Kavanaugh. of Portland, is being boomed for the nomination, but has not yet launched his candidacy. DEMOCRATIC CLUB IN LINE. Multnomah Organization Will Sup port All Party Primary Nominees. The Multnomah Democratic Club, like its twin sister, the Young Men's Demo cratic Club, has declared that it will sup port in tho election all nominees of the Democratic primaries. This means that if Sheriff Word shall be renominated, the members of both clubs will strive for his re-election. The Multnomah Club made tills declaration last night at Its annual meeting. New officers were elected for the ensu ing year, as follows: A. -EL Ream, pres ident, to succeed Cadmus B. Williams, and John B. Ryan secretary, to succeed Bert B. Haney.Dr. J. W. Morrow was made vice-president and E. Versteeg treasurer. Many persons keep Carter's Little Liver Pills on hand to prevent bilious attacks, sick headache, dizziness, and find them Just what they need. Harriman anB Hill Lawyers Cross Swords Before Court. ARGUE PLEA IN ABATEMENT Devote Entire Day to Citing; Prece dents and Authorities Hear ing on Mncjrly Cross ing .Muddle. Lawyers representing the Harriman and Hill railroad interests devoted an entire day yesterday before Judge Frazer to an argument for and against tho pica in abatement filed by the O. R. Jt X. Co.. at tacking the right of the Portland & Scat tie Railroad to do business In the State of Oregon. Attornej- Charles H. Carey made the leading argument for the Hill road. "The Portland & Seattle Railway Com pany in good faith attempted to comply with the act of IMS relating to foreign corporations doing business in this state," he said, "and paid the license fee. and yet counsel for the O. R. & X. Co.. because of some alleged deficiency in the proceed ings, desires the court to hokl all the business transactions of the Portland & Seattle Company tit this slate invalid. "If a court of equity shoiiW so decide and throw the Portland & Seattle Com pany out of court. It would become worse than a criminal court where it Itolds per sons guilty of infractions that are not in tended. Charges Dilatory Tactics. "If the question is. who owns the land? let us try out that issue. We nut up the money first, and secured the deed, and the O. -R. &. X. Co. is now pursuing dila tory plans, and its attorneys making argu ments of the niceties of the law. and tho court is asked to pick up some technicality .and throw us out of court. Enormous business transactions hcrtp within the past few months depend upon' Your Honor's decision as to their legality." Tho controversy began over the cross ing at Macglcy Junction, both companies asserting preference and a title to the disputed ground. In its plea In abate ment, the O. R. & X. Co. sets forth that the Portland & Seattle Company is not entitled to do business in Oregon, be cause Its copy of Its articles of incorpora tion Hied with the Secretary of State at Salqtn do not contain the corporate seal of the company, and also that J. Couch Flanders "was appointed attorney-in-fact of the Portland & Seattle Company, a Washington corporation, at a meeting held In Portland, October 10. 1903. and that a meeting of the board of directors of a Washington corporation In Portland was not legal, and that the board of directors had not previously adopted a resolution authorizing the meeting. Numerous other legal points -were raised and argued at length by W. W. Cotton and Arthur C Spencer, attorneys for the O. R. & X. Co. Harriman Pica Frivolous. Mr. Carey responded yesterday in a Aig orous manner, devoting several hours" time to his speech and the reading of au thorities. He asserted that It was not necessary for the Portland & Seattle Company to have held any meeting at all in Portland to appoint Mr. Flanders attorney-in-fact. Charles M. Levey, presi dent of the company, bad authority to ap point Mr. Flanders as agent, performing no corporate duty in so doing. It was the same as If he appointed an attorney for the company or a right-of-way agent. Mr. i Levey was intrusted with broad powers: lie was the holder of nearly all of the stock, representing nearly all of the cap ital stock thai went into the corporation. Mr. Carey contended that the act of 1f3 regarding foreign corporations doing business In this state wkj merely a regu lalioii. The purpose was to make mat ters of record who were the board of directors of the corporation, the objects and -amount of'canltal stock, and the II cense fee Imposed was nominal. It was not the intention of the law. because of some- slight deficiency in its compliance or Irregularity, to have a court enforce a drastic remedy against it. Tells Why Law Was Passed. He told how foreign corporations in the past did business in this state without having an authorized agent here, and had to Ik? chased all over the country to get service upon It In one matter or an other. The act of 13JS. he satd. was a remedial statute to prevent this. Mr. Carey also called attention to the fact that the Secretary of State in Oregon had issued a certificate to the Portland & Seattle Company, which was prima facie evidence of its right to transact business in this state. James M. Kerr also made an argument in favor of the Portland & Seattle Com pany, and read numerous authorities. When court convened 'yesterdav mora ing Mr. Carey agreed to let copies of the record of the Portland & Seattle Com pany, contained In the minute-book, be Introduced in evidence, excluding the con struction contract. This was satisfactory to Mr. Cotton. The plea will probably bo submitted to the court today. HEARD IN THE ROTUNDAS "pHl HE Mormons arc becoming- -quite power In Eastern Oregon and are increasing In numbers very" rapid ly." said Ed Kiddle, a Hour-mill man of Island City, at the Imperial Hotel re cently. "La Grande they have selected as their principal city In Oregon, the same as thes have Salt Iikc City In Utah, and arc building- a $30,000 temple there. It will be ono of the finest churches In Oregon and the Mormons are very proud of it. "They are buying up many of the very best farms in Union County. The .Mormons who are settling In that sec tlon seem to have plenty of money as tney pay gooa prices for the land Within a few years, at the rate they are now nocxing in. they will be able to control politics in union County In case they want to. This Influx Is not confined to Union County alone, but tnc presence ot .Mormons is being- felt in neany an parts ot eastern Oregon.' PuIIcn to Coach tite Oarsmen. SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. 21. (Special.) Dan Puilcn. football hero and a member of every rowing- crew that has repre sented the university of Washington, will coach the rowing crew this Spring. He will have as an assistant Mark Oucli. a former Cornell man, who Is now In Seat tie. Puilcn has been lntralning almost con stantly since he entered college, trying for the football team in the fall and the rowing team In the Spring. He Is anx lous now to break off training, fearing he. might go stale. He has learned a lot about the rowing game and thinks he can whip a crew into shape. Odcll is a former member of the Cornell crew, and knows all the details of the work that gave Cornell a winning representation year after year. Northern Pacific Officials Say Their Construction Work Is Retarded. ANNOYED AT THE OBSTACLE 3Icn Connected With Hill Interests Are Outspoken In Expressing Wonder Whether Portland Wants North-Bank lload. Northern Pacific officiate are - growing more and more restive under the delay in granting to the Portland & Seattle Company the right to construct Its bridge across the Willamette River below Swan Island at St. Johns. This delay, accord ing to the statements and virtual com plaint of C M. Levey. -Is hindering and retarding the construction work and plans of the Hill Interests, and will prevent the completion of the line in anything like the time set apart for the driving of the last spike on the north-bank road. These officials are beginning to wonder whether the City of Portland wishes the Portland & Seattle to enter the city by the most direct and practical route, or whether It Is the desire to force the adop tion of a more round-about and expensive way. "It Is a matter of great mystery to the Xorthern Pacific why the decision is not given at once, unless there is some great power back of the hindrance. ' Is the way A. D. Charlton, assistant general passen ger agent of the Northern Pacific, states the problem. And other Xorthern Pacific officials dis cuss the question In a. broader and clearer way. They do not. when not talking for publication, attempt to disguise the an noyance felt by those Interested in the speedy construction of the line, and are outspoken in their chagrin. "Xo one," they say. "has come forward to oppose the plan for the construction of the Swan Island bridge unless It Is some one backed and egged on by the O. R. & X. or kindred influences. The plans as shown by Ralph Modjcski demonstrate that this is the best place yet found ror the construction of the bridge. There is no objection legitimately found that can be used as a good argument against the bridge. Xo one except the O. R." & X. pilots has made any great effort to pre vent tho permission being granted." Then the talk will change from what Is to what may be. and the characteristics of J. J. Hill come into the limelight. When Mr. Hill makes up his mind to do a thing it Is hard to change it." they saw "The Xorthern Pacific does not have to build two bridges, one across the Columbia and the other across the Wil lamette, and construct the Vancouver- Portland line at a cost of more than ?7.- OMX0O to get Into Portland. There is an entrance already by way of Kalama." And the talk will drift to what could be done if the company is not allowed to build the bridge. Mr. Hill's Alternative. "Ishould think." the officials contend. "thatlt tvmilf b reallv cheaDer for Mr. Hill to build freight and grain warehouses at Vancouver, construct one new rcrry boat If necessary, and continue to enter Portland over the old rounuaoout route now used. "??Avntv-fiv xvr cent of the earnings of a road are brought by the freight business." It Is argued, "anti tne tnrougn line Into Portland will make of necea?ity but Httl difference to the freight busl- iimc nr in ihr- nncsencer business. Most of the passengers from the East wish to come by way of beanie ana tacoma. it Is not the passenger end of the road, but thi frnicht end. that Is causing the ex pensive line across the peninsula to be constructed. "It cpms to mr that It would be easier tn load yhlns and to send them out across the bar laden wjth the wheat of the In land country if warehouses were con structed at Vancouver than If the ships had to hi towed to Portland through tnanr draw hrldre and shallow channels. Why. then. Is It necessary for the Xorth rn Tarn tn rfet.iv about comlnsr into Portland? It Is already In Portland. It needs no terminals and no bridge unless It brings Its freight here. The passenger traffic can be handled across the ferry as ot nrvnt. It i the frcizht traffic that the bridge will bear, and the freight busi ness can stop afancouver cneaper man ir nan Via hunted Into Portland." Thic u the wav the Xorthern Pacific people talk, and though they make It clear that they nave no oniciai grouno tnr- thotr contention yet they argue that they have outlined the logical status of the situation, and they hint that the longer the delay the greater is tneir in terest in the po3."IbIe outcome as far as Portland and the main line ot tne roau and the terminal Is concerned. FHOM WARRENTON TO SEASIDE Astoria & Columbia River Railroad to Relay Track With Heavier Steel. Work has been begun by the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad in relaying the track from Warrenton to Seaside with 75-pound rails, making- the track uniform with the remainder ot tne road. Ralls arc belns delivered along the road between Warrenton and the beach and workmen are lifting- the old 60-pound rails and replacing them with the heavier steel. The change in rails will require 300 tons of new steel. The old rails will be utilized by the road in building sidings alonff the line wher ever required. When the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad was built it absorbed the old Astoria Jfe Seacoast line, which had a length of only three miles and extended from Astoria to the Coast, This was laid with the 60-pound rails which have been In use since the line was turned over to the new road. In view of the probable heavy traffic of the next Sum mer. the company decided to relay this portion of Its track with heavier rails, which will carry any traffic that may be placed upon them. The locomotives operated by the road have just been equipped with oil-burn Ing- apparatus, saving: about 50 per cent of fuel charges and making- ideal motive power for Summer excursion trains, as the new fuel Is entirely free from the smoke and gases generated by coal or wood. One Way Out of a Difficulty. PORTLAND, Jan. 2I.-(To the' Edi tor.) Regarding the proposed bridge to be built by the Northern Pacific at Swan Island, 1 suggest arrangements be made with the railroad company that the draw of the bridge remain open and to be closed only to allow the trains to cross over it. This will. I think, do away with many of the objections raised by the pilots. G. A. C. Don't wait until you are sick before try ing Carter's Little Liver Pill, but get a vial at once. You can't take them with out benefit. Accused of Theft by Partner. E. Galena, on complaint of C. T. Evans, his partner, was arrested yester day morning on a charge of trespass, being accused of refusing to leave the bottling works, on Thurman street In which both men are Interested. Evans denied that Galena was his partner, and ordered him from the place. He was also accused of stealing a quantity of brass from Evans. After the first charge had been lodged against Galena a second was placed against him by Frank Griffith, a brass- broker, on a charge of larceny. Galena is charged by Griffith of disposing of a The Doctor Asks :': "Are your bowels ."regular?"; He knows that daily action- of the bowels is absolutely essential to health. Then keep your liver active and your bowels, regular by taking small laxative doses of Ayers Pills. Just one pill at bed time is enough, just one. Wc have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Md bj- tho J. C. XjT Co.. Iwll, Mi. Alio JCanuficturert of ATBR'S HAIR "VIGOR For the hair. ATER'SCHBRRf PECTORAL For crhs. ATBR'S SARSAPARILIA For the hlood. ATBR'S AGUE CURE For malaria and ajne. quantity of metal taken from the lattcr's store. RETURNS FROM CALIFORNIA 31. H. Xcwhall, Who Went on Busi ness 3Icns Excursion, Is Home. H. II. Newhall. of the East Side Bank, who accompanied the business men's excursion through California, is the tirst to return from that trip. He went as far as Santa Monica. Mr. New hall giver a very glowing- account of that excursion, and Is certain from his observations at cities visited that this excursion will prove the most effective piece of publicity and advertising that Oregon has received, outside of the Lewis and Clark Itself. "We were received with the utmost hearty enthusiasm everywhere. Our welcome could not have been more en thusiastic. The fine talks of members of the excursion produced a good Impres sion everywhere, and one-result of the excursion will be in uniting- the Pa cifis Coast. Our speakers said wc In Oregon will buy California lemons and oranges, and their speakers told us they would purchase our lumber. "We rolled into Sun Luis Obispo. Here we were presented with refresh ments with this inscription on carda: To avoid sunstroke place the con tents of this package under your hat. Compliments of the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce.' That was the sort of hospitality we encountered at every point we visited. 'The California people will get a good impression of Oregon, as one re sult of this excursion, and between Oregon and California there will hence fortn be the get-together spirit." Suspected of Saloon Hold-Up. J. W. Prentice and J. Burns were ar rested on charges of vagrancy last iiigiit by Detectives Kerrigan and Snow and suspicion exists that the two may have held up the bartender at the Victoria saloon. Bartender Glutch. who In-nc rn11rl tr. th etntlnn c-il.l .hot f i -.- answered the description of the hold up men. but a both wore masks on the night of the crime, he could not positively identify them. Kerrigan and Snow will Investigate the movements of the two men during the last week. A revolver of one of the men was found In a North End resort last night. AVcbfoot and Beaver. ELMA. Wash.. Jan. 23. (To the Edi tor.) I note that you attempt to change the Oregonian appellation of "Webfoot crs" to "Beavers." The change is not ma terial as the beaver has webbed feet. L. O. PICE. The Oregonian has not attempted to make the change: but one or more rep resentative organizations have advocated It. There are a good many Orcgonlana to whom "Webfoot" sounds very good. Burned to Death in Warehouse. NORFOLK. Va.. Jan. 24. The Interna tional Compress Company' cotton com press here, together with much stored cot ton in the warehouses and sheds of Rogers. McCabe & Co.. were burned to day. The body of Jacob Jacobs was found in the ruins. The loss will not ex ceed 5100.000. MCKIBBIN HATS Ono-reason why to many men are buying McKibbin it&ts this year is lhat they have found out that many other xnsn aic brushing up their old McKibbins and maiing them do again. Qualities last even if tyles be changed. 0 rr New style McKibbins comprise every laic effect - - - CpO.UU fide out the bat dealer tn your town asd a him about tne ncAlDDW. L.i GROUND CHOCOIrATE THE GOODNESS OF THE GOOD' THINGS OF LIFE "ARE BESTDiKTERMlNED BY, JEE GOOD THBYi DO YOU. IN GHIRA&DELTJTS G-R'OU'N D. CHOCOLATE THE NUTRI MENT OF COCOA IS EN HANCED Y THE SWEET NESS OF SUGAR jVvTIICH RENDERS IT TBJ3. MOST, HEALTHFUL1 AND PALATA BLE OK ALX BEVERAGES. J Pdrfgct Cold IVeaiher Drink mm Twenty Years of Success In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diar rhoea, dropsical swellings. Bright's disease, etc Chronic Diseases of Men and Women Dr. Walker's methods are regular and .scientific. He uses no patent nostrums or ready-made prep- r'JMl cat treatment. His new pamphlet on private dls cases sent free to all men who describe their Ji. trouble. PATIENTS CURED AT HOME. Terms reasonable. All letters answered In plain envelope. Consultation iree ana sacredly confidential. Call oa or address BR. WALKER, 181 First Sire at, earner YwftS, Partial, Smisi FOR $15.50 "We will treat and cure all cases of Gonorrhoea. Seminal Weakness, Lost Jlanhbod, Spermatorrhoea and Yitai "Veakness. This offer is extended to all who are suffering from the above ailments for one month only, from January 17 to February 17, 1906. St. Louis Medjcd and Siirjical Dispensary UVfr xamftUl Street, rertlaaa, Urefea