Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 24, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Countlnc-Koom Main 7070
Managing Editor Main 7070
fcunaay Editor Main 7070
City Editor Main 7070
feoclety Editor Main 7070
Coinio?lnc-ItMM Main 7070
Superintendent Building Main 7070
Side Ortlre East GI
Viitii.nK Orientals
nls-ht at S:l&.
fSd and Yamhill)
Matinee at 2:15. to-
EMIMHF THEATER (12th and Morrison)
TT J.ltilf fhnrch Around the Corner."
iooifbt at 6:1
GRAND THKATER (rark and WaBhinKtonl
'( Jnuofc audevHlc. 2:30. V":30 and U
1'ANTAOliiS- THEATER (4th and Stark)
niiimuous aaevinc. 2:30, 7:30 and 3
1 . M.
f-TAK THEATER (Park and Washington)
"niinuout vauaexiue. 2:::o. 7:30, 0 P. M.
N--h Ims Ix-en received in this city of the
datli in Los Angeles of Mrs. Kate Tupper
i.aipin. as .Mfw; Kate Tupper, Mrs. Gal
pm v;kk formerly for some years a teacher
in thr Portland High School. She was
a t-4unietetu. conscientious worker in va
rious educational lisu-s, and is well re
numbered by many of the residents of
tms city. A score of yuurs ago Mrs. Gal
pm liwd been a resident of Los Angeles
ror nome years, and liad become noted in
that city ai? a teacher of Shakespeare.
Last Summer sin.- took it party of young
women t England, where the home of
Shakespeare was visited and new inspira
tion gathered Tor study. Her health had
been failing for Home months, and she
finally contitd to an operation for
stomach trouble, which she did not sur
vive. She left her husband, a. young
daughter, an adopted daughter and a large
circle of friends to mourn her untimely
cea tn.
J raiicis I. McKenna. who is one of the
promoters of the belt line railway and
municipal ownership of jwrks, boulevards
and public docks, is gathering the names
of representatives, one from each precinct
in the city, to form a committee to take
the whole matter under consideration. Mr.
McKenna will complete his list of names
.today, and submit them to Mayor Lane
ior appointment. "This general commit
tee, said Mr. McKenna. "is to be com
posed of public-spirited citizens, one from
ch precinct, and its function will be
consider the whole question in all its de
tails and different phuses, the same as was
done at the inception of the Lewis and
Clark Fair. The ultimate object is to
submit the matter to a vote of the .people
at a time yet to be determined, how
much bonds are to be voted now, and how
mo money will be handled afterwards,
Considers Depart-mhst Store. At the
meeting of the East Side Improvement
Association last evening the department
tnoro proposition was discussed. W. L
Boiso said that nothing short of a large
ousiness could succeed on the East Side.
snd that any small concern would not
3i!l the. requirements. A large and com
plete stock would have to be carried. He
considered the time opportune to encour
age the establishment of such a business.
in view of the great tailroad movement
3t was decided to make the subject of a
oepartment store for the East Side spe
cial for the meeting next Tuesday evening.
It was announced that the switching
charge for cars from the O. R. & X. to
the Southern Pacific lines were to be
u ill. Adopt the Baby. Mr. and Mrs.
McClellan Goughler. living at 794 Clacka
mas street, will keep the baby girl which
was left at their home Friday night, and
nave named the waif Helen. At 9:
o clock that night the doorbell rang. and.
on answering it. Mrs. Goughler found on
the doorstep a baby, that at once won
place in her heart and home. There was
nothing about the infant that might lead
to the identity of the parents. It was
wrapKd up in an old blanket. The baby
is about 16 days old. and is a healthv
child, ami Mr. Goughler is as willing as
his wife to give it a home,' as they have
no children of their own, and they have
accepted the baby girl as a gift from the
mother, wlwever she may be.
fcociAMsTS Remember Red Sunday.
Portland Socialists met last night at So
cialist Hall. nt Davis street, to com mem
brate by a mat's meeting "Red Sunday"
at fat. Petersburg, which occurred January
22. Hl, and was marked by great slaugh
ter of revolutionists. Speeches strongly
denouncing the Russian rulers for their
many acts of cruelty to the Russian lower
classes wre made and heartily applauded
by the large crowd present. A collection
w;ih taken for the aid of the Revolution
ary Socialist party of Russia in its battle
against oppression.
Laboring Men Mat Put Up Tickkt.
Lh hoiing men will meet next Sunday aft
moon and decide whether they believe
it advisable to put up a labor ticket for
Multnomah County offices at the coming
.niii- u-,-ito!i. riie meeting will occur at
l nioii Hall. Second and Stark streets, at
o ciick. Preliminary steps have al
ady been taken in the matter, and :
Urse .-utciKlance is expected next Sunday,
hi il fume decision will probably be
K-.-fhed. Charles H. Giam. president of
ti- Oregon State Federation of Iabor,
h iii i! sMc
Miller, a deputy of the. Patrons of Kus
lwndry. 1h visits a great many Granges
in tin- state, says that the initiative petl
l!' iis for taxing telephone, telegraph. OX'
IT-ss. oil and sleeping-car companies are
i-.-ing signed freely, but whether there is
tunc enough to secure the requisite num
b r to get a vote on the laws In June can
not now be decided. Mr. Miller returned
last evening from Columbia County, and
there he found great activity.
To Fill, Main and Madisgn. Council
man Dan Kellaher has started proceed
ings to improve East Madison and East
Main streets between Union avenue and
East Water street with a fill. The market
building to be erected by the Italian Gar
deners' Association will be between these
two streets. Mr. Kellaher Insisted on. filjs
for these two streets.
Portland Meat-Dealbhs' Plants. The
Portland Meat-Dealers' Association held
a large meeting last night and received
t-ix new members into the organization.
The business of the evening concerned
the relations between the retail and
wholesale meat-doalcrs, both of which are
affiliated with the association.
To Entertain Teachers' Association.
The Clackamas County Teachers' Asso
ciation will meet in Milwaukie next Satur
". y, and will be entertained by the tcach-
rs and patrons of the Milwaukie School.
Addresses on topics pertaining to the pub
I st hools will make up the programme.
Sheriff's Sale to Highest Bidder.
iiout $09,000 good, hard-burnt bricks.
"Wednesday. January 31, 2 P. M. Howe's
' k kyard. end of RIchmond-Wavcrly car
rui mi uuuwia, ctiiuiuiu oc uonen.
Ai CW.( ..ll,ll., . -
Robert Burns' Anniversart. Robert
Burns' anniversary will he enlehrato in-
ight at Seamen's Institute. 100 North
Front vlrmt n-hnn a nrnrrgmm I
Tanged by Mrs. John Paul Robinson will
bo rendered.
Dies of Ttphoid Fever. Clair D. Rout
ledge, aged 23 years, died yesterday morn
ing at the Portland Sanitarium of typhoid
fver. Funeral services will be held at
the home of his parents. 448 East Davis
Warehouse on Switch to "Leake. w I
will build brick warehouse to suit tenant I
cn the southwest corner of 'Rfphfoonth !
xnFpshur streetP; lonE lease. Rountree
& Diamond, -41 Stark street, corner Sec-
I or
Ice Coinpnny Incorporates. I
- , ootues, uiioa wun winter wheat. Town
C- Holman. B. F. Holman and G. G. hi the Alber.ta district of Canada These
Gammans filed articles of incorporation be distributes to each farmer who shows
of the City Retail Ice Company in the any interest in Canadian farms
itn itn S m, yfstcrda'. capital The samples show that the various
?Sr? n'nT'elTebjeCtS ma"U- r,eUeS f WhC3t thrIVC " North Md
age bSsfnci etc ' n Cld 8t0r- thcy prOVC a 8UrprlsC to man who sup
age Dusmtss, etc posed that Canada was too frigid to
Dr. R. Abrahamson Victim of
When the Footpad Tries to Take His
Watch, the Itabbi Makes ati
Outcry and His Assail
ant Flees.
Rabbi R. Abrahamson. of Congregation
Ahavai Sholom. on his way home after
administering deathbed rites to a member
of his synagogue, was stopped by a high
wayman at Tenth and Montgomery streets
at w.j) o clock last night, and was com
pelled to hand over S3 while he looked Into
the barrel of a revolver. The highway
man took the money offered him. and
also took It for granted that the rabbi
was honest enough not to hold out any.
The rabbi gave the highwayman all the
money In his possession at the time. On
the demand of the footpad to hand over
a gold watch and chain. Rabbi Abraham-
son refused, and started to make an out
cry. The highwayman did not press him
for it, and he was able to retain his time
The highwayman commanded his victim
to march along Tenth street and not look
round. He complied, but. meeting a pedes
trian after walking a block, he warned
him not to go in the direction of the
The rabbi, who lives at 3tC Thirteenth
street, hurried to his residence and noli
lied his son, who Informed the police. Po
licemen and detectives wore orderd out,
but no arrest was made.
Wauled In Seattle.
H. E. Bayllss. wanted in Seattle on a
charge of obtaining money tinder fafee
pretense:?, was arrested last night by
mistake by Detectives Kerrigan and
Snow. BayliSft was taken to police head
quarters and questioned closely In regard
to a theft which took place In Portland.
Acting Chief of Police Gritzmucher drew
from Bayliss the fact that he was wanted
in Seattle but not in Portland. He will
be held pending the arrival of Detective
Tcnnant from the Sound city.
Charged That Young Girls Have
Been Lured to Their Jltiln
Because of Richards.
Although no definite announcement has
been made, there is little doubt but that
a public indignation meeting will be held
In regard to the Richards hotel. The
committee appointed by the People's Fo
rum met yesterday afternoon, and was
In session for several hours. At the con
clusion of the meeting It was given out
that some very startling and shameful
facts had come to light, and that the
committer would make, further Investiga
tions before taking any action on the
matter. The committee is composed of
Dr. Stephen S. Wise.- H. D. "VVagnon and
Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull.
It is understood that the committee
has received certain testimony and mi
dence that will show conclusively that
young girls have been lured to their ruin
at the Richards hotel. It is alleged the
admittance of young girls into the es
tablishment and the selling of liquor to
them has heretofore been not an unusual
thing, and thHt the girls who work in
the stores about the city have been made
the prey of rich young men because of
such places as Richards .
There were many about town wlto were
not Inclined to condemn the Richards ho
tel at the beginning of the agitation, be
lieving that the cases of girls under age
being sold liquor in the resort were few
and isolated. But now the public sent!
meut is almost as a unit In condemnation
of the Richards hotel, and demands that
the searchlight of investigation be turwed
on to ascertain if all that is alleged of the
resort is true.
It is also understood that the commit
tee appointed by the People's Forum will
call the public indignation meeting within
a very few days. It is presumed that
some large auditorium will be rented, and
that various speakers will address the as
semblage. It is not known whether the
Municipal .League will co-operate with the
commltteo of the People's Forum. The
committee is satisfied that Richards' ho
tel has been conducted in a disgraceful
and lamentable manner, and It Is known
that some action will be taken.
Season and Single Opera Orders Arc
XcmRcccIvcd at the Marquam.
Beginning this morning mall orders
from both in and out of town will be
received for Henry W. Savage's Eng
llsh Grand Opera Company which
comes to the- Marquam Grand Theater
February f. 6. 7, with a matinee the
Jiau oruers taKc prcieroncc over
window sales. Mail orders for season
tickets are taken out and rcturnod bo
fore window salo of season tickets.
January 29. Mail orders for single
operas arc taken out Tuesday, Jan
tiary 30. and returned before rcgulat
single sale at box office Thursday.
February 1. Address orders and make
checks and money orders payable to
V. T. Pangle, Marquam Grand
Theater. Inclose a self-addressed
stamped envelope for safe return. The
following operas will be riven: Mon
day night. "Tannhaeuser '; Tuosdny
night. "La Bohcrac"; Wednesday matl
nee. "Lohengrin"; Wednesday nlcht.
for any information rpmriin,.
nricos ana location, ran nn inrn
, ' -'"'luaui
Sh r-KS Rll Tfl PA MA n A
v w v WnitnUH
F. R. Johnson Has Fxhlhitc
Wheat Grown In Alberta.
There is nothing so convincing as nn
ocular demonstration, believes F, R.
Johnson, general a iron l of h rol..
Pacific, who Is doine his shnrn '
settlers to the Canadian Vnrtim...t
huee work of colnnlmtinn i.i
carried on by the road he represents
In order tp convince farmers who think
nhnnclnir their Innallnn . i. - .
w. tiiac liic cereals
thrive in the Far Northwest, Mr. Johnson
has "n liand a larBe number of small
produce good crops. Turkey red, Odessa.
Scotch file. Arcadian, velvet chaff, and
other varieties do well, as proved by
actual exhibits on hand In Mr. Johnson's
office, and his method of conducting a
little exposition of his own has provod
so successful that during the past year
over 100 families have left Western Ore
gon for Canada.
Mr. Johnson started one couple to the
new country who will do their part, ho
thinks. In settling up the huge country
that Is now largely a wilderness. J. C.
Rasmuseen, of Princville. lately left for
the Canadian frontier, taking his family,
which numbers II children, with him. He
has been married 11 years, and is 3S
years old, wlrile his wife h 31. Three of
the children are triplets. It is safe to
say that race suicide will be unknown'
in the country across the border.
Mr. Johnson says this immigration to
Canada does not work a hardship on Ore
gon, because in each case the place of the
emigrant is taken by newcomers from
the East who are. for the mwt part,
better educated In agricultural subjects
than the average Oregon farmer. That
Canada can raise wheat he says is shown
by the fact that its display of wheat
captured the gold medal at the Lewis and
Clark Fair.
Within Year It Is Hoped to Have
Track Laid From Kcnnc- .
wick to Vancouver.
Deoflt pending lawsuits, earth h Hying
on the Aorta-Bank road. Mud 2n) men
and 0t or 7t3 team are at work at In
tervals from Vancouvw. Wah.. to Kn
ncwick. It Is e.HH-ted to comntete the
eastern end of the road nrM. becaupr of
more favorable wenther conditions, and to
permit of the advantageous haultntc of
material and supplies to the wcttern ter
minus. But little over a ywr wlH he re
quired, k U said by ofndal, to complete
the Portland & Seattle.
Work is going forward nutting in canine
along the .20 miles of the right of way.
getting materia) on the ground and grad
ing, it is oxiHttted to have or more
railroad laborerp on the ground in less
than two mouth, mi they can take ad
vantage of the more ontonable weather
of the Spring month-. A half-dozen big
FUnm shovel, are now moving in and a
many more are on the way from the
LasL Experienced men are being em
ployed as rapidly as nowdme in Spokane.
St. Paul. Seattle. Prtland ami wherever
they can be picked up. The. construc
tion gang now at work are made up of
old railroad men, and the work 1 going
forward rapidly.
The work nearest to Portland hs Jtnt
above Waxhougal. where men and team
are grading the right of way. At Cape
Horn the heavk-st work along the whole
line so far is being fione. where machine
drills are driving their way Into the face
of the basalt cliffs. The heading or arch
of the tunnel at thi point has been driven
In about 100 feet. Tle tunnel will he
deepened later by btaxtlng up the rock,
the work being carried on from the ton.
Tliere is jh much rock-work necessary
along the line that the heavy rains have
not interfered much with the preliminary
construction. Some snoiv east of the Cas
cades has retarded progress somewhat.
but the work is expected to be lighter
east of the mountains. Outfits- and men
are being moved on the work at many
points along t he route every day.
No work bas been begun on the Colum
bia River bridge, although preliminary
structures on the Washington shore at
Vancouver are being put up. The engi
neers of the road are not irepared to co
ahead with the Columbia l-idge until the
controversy about the site of the Wil
lamette bridge is settled, as a change
may yet he neeewary in the location of
the structure tit jspan the Columltia.
What the Press Agents Say.
Gorgeous Oriental Ilnrlesquc Com
pany at the Hakcr.
The regular bargain ma Hoee will he xfva
at the 1 laker tMc afternoon, and a Wab-oa's
"Oriental" Ilrtreiie Contpaay. which to the
attraction thin week. I owe of the net por
rcous spectacle, that has beea offered at the
Baker thU t-oa. there l no doubt that
the house will be crowded to the door. The
wonderful Yamamato Jape is a feature alone
worth the price of atmfc4nu.
Their Last and Het Offering.
Of all the pood UMmkx that the Cfctirie A.
Taylor Comf-any ha given m thin elty wc
Isfj ll cni-aResaeais here, the um-ent MM
at the Entire. "The IJtth Church Around
the Corner." le tatu tommy the he. The
real mtereK cement la the Mttle hwtoeent tot
who xtrugf-Ie hanl to k-et her motaor and
father together evea in their privation, and
anally xticvoed m rewntttni- them nnder the
ohndowK a the "IUttlc Church Arwoad the
Benefit for Musicians.
.The MMfttefoatr Mutual AM-oelathm keaefH
will he given at the Maraaant Grand The
ater next Wedna-dnr night. January at.
This will he one of the greatest entertain
ment; oxer given la the City of JHxtland.
The first half Hill ronclrt of a grand con
cert of two namherx given by an orchestra
of ft nrofefcfltonal miieiriana under the dl-
rectloa of Edgar IC. I'oursen. together with
fos hy Mrs, Rote Bleeh Baaer and Mrs.
Walter Reed, and a piano J-olo hy the blind
boy pianibt. Prankie Richtcr. The f-seond
half will he devoted to Arc of the hest
vaudeville ncU In the city, kindly loaned hy
the management of the different vaudeville
theaters. Seata are now on ale at sovoral
downtown stores and hy every professional
musician In the elty.
Miner's Americans" Coinlnf-.
Excellent comedtnnff. eharmlnc: eedleBB
beautiful and fdianoly girls for the chora.
elaborate, gorgeous gowns, and bewlMerlag
effects are the main naraphornalla which Mia
r"a " Americana" dteptay with "A Yankee
Doodle Girl." a musical extravaganza In two
acts, hy Barney Gerard, that is coming to the
uaKcr i neater.
The Heal "Jloollsan" Show.
Hooligan la New York." which will oren
at the Empire next week. muit not be con
founded with any other Hooligan show on the
road this eeaon. It Is the real Hooligan show
and has no rival.
AH the delicacies of the reason at tha
Portland Kestaurant; fine, private apart
ment for parties. Open all nlsht. 395
Washington, near Fifth.
The best, six-courso dinner, with wine.
50c 12 to 8 P. M.. at Scott Restaurant, 7th
ana Anxeny. i ine mercJiants lunch. 23c.
3IHwauk!c Country Club.
Eastern and California races. Take Sell-
wood and Orcson City cars. First nnri
Mch -Grade Xtanoa for Rest
And sold on easy payments. Piano tunlnr
and repairing. H. Slnshelmer. 72 Third St.
Poolselling the Charge Which
Is Preferred.
Inspector Bruin Issues the Order,
and -Within Ten Minutes Pa
trolman Hocsly Descends
Upon the Place.
Patrolman Hoesly raided the Owl sa
loon. Fifth and Alder streets, at 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon and took into custody
nvc men. among tnem -Martin Ready, who
was booKcd on a charge of gambling and
released on cash bail of J3C0. The others
were permitted to go. there being no evi
dence against them. Ready Is said to
have been working a handbook of pools
on Oakland races.
Inspector of Police -Bruin instigated the
raid, and while he did not instruct Patrol
man Hoesly at what hour to swoop down
on the Owl saloon, he informed him that
pool-felling waj In progress In certain
placet in the vicinity of Fifth and Abler
streets, and among the establishments
named the one from which Ready was
taken. Within ten minutes from the time
Iiruln spoke to Hoesly about the matter
ih nikl was made and the victims were
at headquarters.
This morning Inspector Bruin will take
up the prosecution of the case with Dep
uty City Attorney Fitzgerald, and will
endeavor to secure a warrant for the
arrest of Manager John Finn, who Is- said
to lie resjionslble for the establishments
during: the absence of "Doc" H. G.
llrown, who Is in Gohlfields, Ncv.
Inspector Bruin and Acting Chief. Gritz
macber were delighted with the raid, as
an Important telegram was confiscated,
as wa also a long list of names of Port
landers, who are said to have patronized
the Oakland races, through Martin Ready.
"1 am pleased with the case as It
st amis." said Inspector Bruin. "I told
the ofllcerj on the beats around Fifth
and Alder streets- that pool-selling was :
gdng mi In certain places, and named the
Owl saloon as one of them. Within ten
minutes afterwards Patrolman Hoesly
brought Ready and others to headquar
ters. We have first-class evidence, which
was- seized, and I feci confident we have.
a tine case against the defendant. I think
the manager or proprietor of the Owl sa
loon is guilty, as it is notorious that the
races were being played through hand
book agents lit certain establishments,
among them the Owl."
Martin Ready has figured in many cases.
among them the celebrated Milwaukie '
raw, which lias gone down In local his
tory as a distinctive feature of Mayor
1-ane's administration. Because of the
fact tliat the Country Club was located
outside the city limits, and in Clackamas
County, tile courts held that the local
police had no jurisdiction, and the cases
were dismissed.
When Acting Chief Gritzmachcr was
aiHH-isetl of the evidence held against
Martin Ready he told Inspector Bruin to
"go ahead and give It to them."
3Iayor of Tmmratcr, in Six -Months,
"Will Itcmarry Woman to Whom
JIc Was Joined in 1890.
ABERDKKX. Wash.. Jan. 23. (Spe
cial.) -Mary Moore IjHff-recn. alias
Howard, the clnimnnt of a widow's
share In the I-acledc Howard estate, in
Si'. Louis, madu no appearance today In
the divorce proceed I nj-5 brought
asntinFt her hy Thnnius J. Miller. Mayor
of TMinwnter. who claims to ho the
Taarlle Howard" wno married her In
1SS3. Judgment by default was entered
and a decree of divorce was signed by
Judge O. V. Linn.
Property acquired by Miller since
1SSB is declared to be his separate prop
erty. Tho decree forbids remarriage
hy either narty In this or anv other
tate within six months. Upon the ex- j
piration or mat period Miller will Im
mediately remarry Mattic K. Stewart,
with whom he contracted a void mar
riage In Aberdeen, in 1S90.
Backers or New I toad Will Soon lie
Made Known.
HIIOOKLYX. N. V.. Jan. 23. (Spe
cial.) A gouts Interested In the con
struction of the North Const railway
project are still In New York carrying
on negotiations leading to the Immedi
ate commencement of construction.
The actual engineering features of the
work are now under consideration and
It Ik expected that a definite announce
ment of the plans and financial back
ing of the new road will be made
within a few days.
Humors have reached New York to
tho effect that Harriman had secured
control of the Pacific Coast Company
and that b fids deal the North Coast
road would go to his control and -would
enter Seattle over the tracks of tho
Columbia & Pugct Sound Railroad.
This story Is not now believed on ac
count of the great Interest In the Pa
cific Const Company held by j. j. um
and his associates. The recent heavy
buying of Pacific Coast stock Is still
unexplained and It Is not known which
of the transcontinental lines Is back
ing the newer Incorporations In the
Wants to Be Representative.
J. C. Bayer, manager of the J. C. Bayer
Oregon if c
Fifth Floor, Macleay Building, 286 Washington Street,
Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 6385. L. Samuel, Man
ager. Examine the lower rates and superior business
methods of your home company before you sign an
application for Life Iusurance anywhere.
Keep Your Money in Oregon
Furnace Company, at Second and MadI
son streets, filed a declaration with the
County Clerk yesterday to be a candidate
ior representative in the Legislature
from Multnomah County. He pledges'
iiimscu to vole for the people's choice
ior united states Senator.
Britain Will Send 10,000 Marines to
Pacific Coast.
WINNIPEG. Man.. Jan. 3.-(SpcciaU
i nc Canadian Pacific Is shortly to be sub
jected to a big transportation test by the
ornisii government, having In view Its
new alliance with Japan. In which each
nation pledges Itself to sunnort the other.
The government determined to discover
Just In what time It could send a consid
erable body of men from England to the
Queen Charlotte Islands, which lie north
or uncouver.
The scheme js to call upon the Canadian
Pacific to transport lO.OjO mjirtnM ami
sailors with boats and all equipment from
.iigianu to ancouver and thenco bv
coasting vessels to Queen Charlotte isl
ands. This will Involve the chartering of
extra vessels and the runnings of 20 trains.
racn joaacu with JL men and camp cqul-
iwse. across me continent. The experi
ment will take place In about nfo months.
This favorite steamer will make her
next trip to Honolulu, and the rate for
J.. t 1 . " i ne Alameda is
in splendid shape, better thun for years,
tmbrace this opportunity to make a mid
winter trip to a Summer land. Send for
Kiiumi, .uaraet street. San Francisco.
CRAY HAnt omrcrv T?rcTnnt-T.
5L ltf. natHral co,or b" ua-nK Alfred urn' a
tsyptlan Henna. Sure, harmless. At
first-class druggists.
For that tired feeling or wh.V
weary and worn out t.iv o
parllla, "v a
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always .Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Tou will find that a piano i always
satisfactory if It is a good Instru-
meat and the purchaser receives
goo, treatment from ths house
from which he bought It. We carry
none hut honestly-made, reliable
pianos ami our earnest desire Is to Z
pieae our customer?. A!c any or Z
them If they are not satisfied with I
their dealings with this house. A "
satisfied customer 1st the cheapest
ami test way of advertising.
We cordially Invite you to Inspect
the many different makes of Hne
ptanos we carry. Also a complete
line o piano players and player
Manufacturers' Agents.
374 Morrison St, cor. W. Park
No Shading.
No Position.
Few YVord Sign.
Connective YoweU Follow Conuinant
In Their Natural Order an In Iing Hand.
One of our puplhi recently wrote ss
words per minute after but two
months" tudy. Thhi U certainly a re
markable ra?c.
OHr standard for graduation. 125 words
per minute for 5 coneeutlve minute.
Many of our pupils write 173 to 223
words per minute after months study,
a record unsurpassed by any college In
the West.
Write us for further particulars.
Behnke -Walker Business College
Seventh and Stark Street. EIk Jlldg.
Columbia 10-In. Disc Records. 60c each.
Columbia Cylinder Records. 25c each.
3t3 Washington St.. Portland.
Schilling's Best, so far as it
goes, means comfort and ease
and economy.
Moneyback; at your grocer's.
ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Or.
Quaker Maid Rye
Awarded Three Gold
"The Whiskey
with a Reputation"
Electric Coffee Machine
Every man is a crank about his coffee. It
Is next to impossible to make satisfactory
-off,e in an ordinary pot, hence we have tho
French coffee percolator. In the Electric Cof
fee .Machine the beverage Is mnde by tn
percolator process and the result is clear,
fragrant. French Coffee, with the full, rieh
aroma of tho berry. It Is always the same:
always Just right. With this machine. It is
not only a great convenience, but an
saving of time to make the coffee
taoie. tor oreaKfast as well as after
The machine heats In half the time
or uicuiiMi. a n. i at a mere traction of tho
cost. It is of very graceful design, and beau
tifully finished In hig.ily polished heavy
nickel, with ebony handles.
PRICE $15.00
No. 61 Sixth St- - - Phone Main
(Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lake, Dallas, Texas; Portland, Oregon)
133 Sixth St. Successor to Walter Reed Oregonian Bid?.
of every work large or small in our
office receives attention at the hand of an
expert dentist. Very often it3 the details
of the work that make the patient so par
ticularly well satisfied with us makes
him recommend us to his friends.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Falling Building. Third and "Washington.
X A. M. to 0 P. M. Sundays, 9 to 12. Main
Dr. W. A. TTlse.
The Portland
Do you lovs cood xnuslc7 You
can select your choice from a. port
folio of 500 pieces of popular muslo
of tha world, and Professor Am
sterdam and his Hungarian orches
tra will render it for you.
Everything to eat and drink, and
cost no morr In the
Portland Hotel Kathskeller
than elsewhere in tho city. Every
"weekday nlsht from 9:00 to IX
The Boston Dental Parlors. 391
Morrison street, are siring their annual
December reduced prices for the pur-
poao ol aaveriisinjr ineir American ays
tern of Painless Dentistry.
Come at once and have free cxamlna
Uatll January X Te -wrlll ejxtmct teeth
free silver fllllaKS, 33c up; sold fllliuKs,
.wu ujij ci ui icciu, oi.uu ( dcsi nei,
3.O0 Rold crowns, Trhlte crowaa.
All vrorlc miaranteed for ten years.
Lady attendant always nresent. All
work done absolutely without pain by
specialists oz irom xa to -u years ex
perience. Boston Painless Dentists
291 Morrises SC. Opposite Meier & Frank
and PentefHce.
HOURS 8:30 A. M. to C P. M. Sun
day. 8:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M.
$chwab Printing Go.
3xst ironx. xxjtsojtjttLx trims
8t. Loals World's Fair. 19Ut: Paris Pure Food and
Indnstrial Exhibition. 1908: Lewis and dark
exposition. Portland, Oregon. 1905
Kansas City, Mo.
at the S
require J
Dr. T. P. TClse.
Pain in the
Is a danger signal, warning
you that the brain nerves are
exhausted irritated, and are
undergoing an unnatural strain.
Frequent and prolonged at
tacks of pain weaken the gen
erative power of the nerve
cells of the brain, and lead to
loss of memory, melancholy,
spasms, epilepsy, and frequent
ly insanity.
When the brain nerves are
weakened they are unable to
supply sufficient nerve force
to the nerves that control the
lungs, heart, stomach and
other organs, and these organs
are thus robbed of energy, and
unable to meet the demands
upon them.and they get sick.
Stop the head pains with Dr.
Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, and the
influence upon your general
health will be greater than you
can realize.
"I wnnt to tell you how thankful I
am for Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills.
From a child I have been subject to
sick headache, and never found any
lasting- relief until I received a sample
of Dr. Miles' AnU-Paln Pills while in
Geneva six years ago. By taking one
it usually throws off my pain, so I
can go about ray home duties."
B- F. D., No. 4, Geneva, Ohio.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first package will benefit. If It
falls hs will return your money.
25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
CURIOS, AHtlnKitie j, Bought and Soli.
Indian Stone Knives, Relics, Carving and Idols in
Ivory, Stcne. Bronze, etc. War Clubs. Spears. Bows
dB5 "'' BoIoj, Mats, SlculU of all Nations.
HEABS ai HO INS afAalmals, War Medals.
Native Body Ornaments and Dress, Andent Flint
Guns and Pistols. Coins, Shields. Antique Stiver and
Armor, Shells. Send for Photos. Wholesale Dealer
Satin Jesepi,M4MercaatSLS.F.Cji
A $12.30 Full Set
for $3.00.
Room 405 Dekura
full sexual
are obtained by the of Dasuana Bitten, the
icnwuiTc, invigorative ana
apbredutac for both sexes. Send for circular.
Depot. 338 Marlcet St.. S. T. At aM druggwti
1 4nnnnn7