Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 24, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Czar Will Recognize Right of
People to Rule.
Democrats Abandon Idea of Repub
lic Xation Settles Down to Elec
tion and Fear of Dicta
tor Passes Away.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 23. The at
titude of the Russian people toward,
the monarchy, showing that the peas
ant as well as the soldier would be
quick to resent anything directed
against the person of the -Little
Father." has been recognized by the
Constitutional Democratic convention
now in session here, which today, in
spite of the objections'of many Repub
lican delegates, incorporated in its
platform a clause declaring that "Rus
sia is a constitutional parliamentary
A change in the historic and funda
mental definition of Russian society is
recognized as necessary in the govern
ment camp also and the result of min
isterial conferences on the subject
'will probably be the issue shortly of
n manifesto eliminating the first ar
ticle of Russia's fundamental laws,
namely, "the Emperor's power is au
tocratic and unlimited." doing away
with the word "unlimited," and there
by recognizing the existence of the
rights of the National Assembly.
The peaceful passage of the dreaded
"Red Sunday" anniversary yesterday,
the apparent impotency of the active
revolutionists and Initiation of con
structive labors by all the political
factions taking part in the electoral
campaign, have greatly encouraged the
government. Premier "Witte is confi
dent of his ability to restore order and
weather the storm until the convoca
tion of the National Assembly. The
nightmare of a dictatorship is no
longer dreaded by even the most pessi
mistic. The chief apprehension is the
financial situation.
American .Manufacturer Foresees
Troublous Times for Empire.
MOSCOW, Jan. 23. Alexander Barry,
naturalized American who is among the
prominent manufacturers of Moscow.
takes an exceedingly gloomy view of the.
situation here. Mr. Barry employs from
2000 to 3000 men, and unquestionably has
a more profound knowledge of Russian
conditions than any American in the em
pire. Ho is convinced that the Russian
people arc not ripe for a full constltu
tional regime.
"The opening of tne flood gates of agita
tion by the publication of the imperial re-
form manifesto only serves to demoralize
a portion of the masses who had already
been disturbed by the .agitators," he de
clared in an Interview today. Continuing,
Mr. Barry said:
"The ignorant masses really have none
of the political aspirations attributed to
them by the agitators, but owing to their
poverty, they are easy prey to the ap
peals for liberty, which for them means
license. That they neither understand
nor care for true political rights is shown
by the fact that in Moscow less than 10
per cent, and in the provinces not over 2
per cent of the qualified voters will regis
ter. Consequently it can be taken for
granted that the National Assembly will
be overwhelmingly conservative, and will
become an institution to register the de
crees of the government.
"This in turn is sure to drive into the
camp of the extremists the Liberals, intel
lectual classes and the visionary, imprac
ticable class, with ill-digested political
Ideals, who throughout the crisis and
since the issuance of the reform manifesto
have stood idly by exercising no influence
of restraint. The revolutionary agitation
will then take on a more dangerous phase.
"Up to the present time it has been a.
mistake to Imagine that the revolu
tionary ideas had taken deep root in
the army. The agitation has been
cleverly manipulated to give it that ap
pearance. Like benzine rubbed on the
surface, it is very Inflammable, but
soon evaporates if not set fire. But
agitators with matches are every
where. "Fifty per cent of the workmen in
the cities of Russia -will bo out of
work in 190G. Impoverished, embit
tered and unemployed, they wil -wander
back to their villages and find will
ing ears among the hungry peasants
for the doctrines of Socialism and the
division of property, and crime and
lawlessness will flourish. All the con
ditions will make for d;peration and
anarchy, in which a revival of the rev
olutionary agitation will find the host
opportunity. i
"The people are incapable 'in their
state of culture of a gradual evolution
to a stable, popular regime. It is Im
possible to lead them to that end. Rus
sia will be confronted either by ex
cesses of power or excess of liberty.
There Is no middle way."
Tortured. and. .Jlobbod in Kishincff
and Women Assaulted.
BUCHAREST. Roumania. Jan. 24.
(Special.) Serious anti-Jewish rioting
occurred in Bessarabia durinc- the me
morial celebrations of Red Sunday. The
rioting was especially severe at Kis"h
anerc. Mobs broke into the homes of
Jews and compelled them under torturo
to reveal tie hiding places of their
money, and also outraged many young
Odessa Officers Injured Two Bomb
Factories Discovered.
ODESSA. Jan. 2A. (Special.) A bomb
was exploded in the chief bureau of
the gendarmerie yesterday and five of-
ilcers "were injured. There Is no clew
to the porpetrator of tho crime.
The police bavc discovered two bomb
factories, and 25 arrests nave bpen
raaae jn connection wun tne discovery
Tiff Between Mitchell and Iewls
Disturbs Convention.
INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 23. The United
Mfneworkers of America today began
consideration of the report of the scale
committee by sections.
The sections demanding a general ad
vance of 12 per cent over the scale, de
manding a run of mine basis, demanding
a differential of 7 cents between pick and
machine mined coal, demanding a uniform
day wage scale and demanding that all
yardage and deadwood be advanced 12
per cent, were adopted by the convention.
The demand that no boy under 16 years of
age shall be employed in or about tho
mine was taken up. It caused a pro
longed debate.
An amendment providing that it be de
manded that three anthracite districts be
admitted to the joint conference was de
The convention adopted the report of
the scale committee with practically no
The discussion" of the proposition to In
dorse the plans of the anthracite miners
caused a clash between President Mitchell
and Vice-President Lwis. Considerable
feeling was shown. Air. Lewis made the
statement from the floor that he thought
a full explanation of the anthracite situa
tion should be made by the president.
He said ho knew nothing except what he
liad. read in newspapers. President
Mitchell replied that he knew no law re
quiring a president to report to a vice-
president, and added:
I did not know until yesterday of the
success of the movement to secure a con
ference with the anthracite operators", and
1 do not know what demands the anthra
cite miners committee will make. The
demands have not been formulated."
Mr. Lewis replied that he thought he
was worthy to be taken Into the confi
dence of the organization, when the con
vention moved that the debate cease.
The convention elected John P. White,
president of the Iowa miners, and Pat
rick Gildae. president of district No. 1,
Pennsylvania, as delegates to the Inter
national Mining Congress at London.
The report of the tellers showed the
election of the following: President. John
Mitchell: vice-president, T. L. Lewis:
secretary-treasurer, W. B. Wilson: dele
gates to the American Federation of La
bor. John Mitchell. T. L. Lewis. W. B.
Wilson. John Dempsey, C. H. Perry and
John Fahey.
When She Docs, America Will Ap
prove Treatment of Castro.
PARIS, Jan. 23. (9;30 P. M.) Further
Inquiries at the Forolgn Office confirm the
statement made this afternoon that a
decision regarding what action shall be
taken toward Venezuela has not been
reached. It Is pointed out that entire ac
cord exists between France and the
United States, and when France Is ready
to move it will be with the full knowledge
and approval of Washington. The offi
cials, however, decline to discuss the
eventual intentions of the French gov
ernment. The reports circulated to the effect that
a blockade has been ordered are evi
dently founded on the statement received
from Ambassador Jusserand that the
United States will not oppose a naval
demonstration, coupled with the dispatch
from Port of Spain, saying that the
Dosalx and the Jurien de la Graviere had
left there for an unknown destination.
No Violation or Monroe Doctrine to
Thrash Castro.
PARIS, Jan. 23. President Loubet pre
sided today at a Cabinet Council hold in
the Elysee Palace, at which Premier Rou
vler announced that he had received a
communication from Ambassador Jusser
and to the effect that the United States
did not consider a French naval demon
stration against Venezuela to be a viola
tion of tho Monroe doctrine. France, it
is pointed out, thus has her hands free,
but tho situation is unchanged for the
moment, as the council will not take de
cisive action until the report of M. Talg
ny, the former Charge d'Affalrcs at Ca
racas, Is received.
Tile Foreign Office lia? received con
firmation of the press report that the
dean of the diplomatic corps and oilier
Ministers at Caracas have unsuccessfully
demanded explanations from the Venezue
lan government with reference to their
position after the Talgny Incident
Two Crultcr.s on Way to Shoot Up
La Guayra.
PORT OF SPAIN. Island of Trinidad.
Jan. 28. The French cruiferH Desaix and
Jurlcn do la Graviere sailed from here to
day, presumably for La Guayra. Venezu
lusscraud and Root Confer.'
WASHINGTON. Jan. 23. M. Jusse
rand called on Secretary Root this af
ternoon and spent half an hour with
him. At the conclusion of the confer
ence, which. It is understood, related to
the "Venezuelan situation, he declined
to make a. statement as to what took
place, it Is believed that Mr. Root is
as yet uninformed of the French pur
pose and tncre Is reason also to believe
that the Ambassador himself has not
yet been informed of the final steps to
be taken.
G. W. C. dishing, Railroad Vctcraiv
CHICAGO. Jan. 23. George W. C
Cushing. for many years identified with
several railroads, including the Union
Pacific, and the Denver & Rio Grande.
is superintendent, died here yesterday.
He was born at Portland, Mc in 1S2S.
Upon Whom an Operation 11a Beea
Consuclo. Duchess of Marlborough,
upon whom pn operation for an al
leged cancerous growth has boon per
formed. Is the daughter of William
Kissam Vanderbllt. of New York. She
was married to the Duke in lSi'5. and
Hhe bns two son, the eldest ot whom,
the Marquis of Blandfbrd. 9 yearn
old. in heir to the dukedom and es
tates. The- Duchess Is one of the
most Important personages In the
higher social life ot England, and is
popular as a hostess. Her taste in
dress is said to be faultless, and it Is
added that she has taken her rank In
England with gentle dignity. Two
years ago the Duke built for .her a
new residence in London, called Sun
derland House, and there she has wel
comed the King and Queen and the
nobles of the nation. Her mother,
formerly Mrs. W. X. Vanderbllt. is
now the wife of Oliver Hazard Perry
(Continued From Page 1.)
"Wooster named. Colonel John Jacob Aator
and Reginald and Alfred Vanderbllt,
"In your experience as a canvasser, you
found tho alleged society leaders to be
easy marks?" asked Mr. Jerome.
"I cannot say that, but society publica
tions like "Fads and Fancies" have all
been financial successes."
"Judge Dcuel'continued the witness.
Justice Joseph M. Deuel, of New York.
. Justice Joseph II. Duel. Judge ot
the Court of Special Sessions, who
has been brought Into notoriety by
his connection with the weekly pa
per. Town Topics, and Its book.
"Fads and Fancier." has had a long
and varied experience in various
courts. He Is a native of Oneida
County, where he was bom In 1541.
He was admitted to the bar In 1SS.
and took up his residence In this city
In 1ST. Through the friendly In
fluence of Mr. Cenklln, Thomas C
Piatt and other Republican leaders,
he has since held many positions by
appointment. He was made a Felice
Justice in 1S0I. a City Magistrate
the following year and several years
age got his present place.
"gave me to understand that he passed
on the legal aspect ot things appearing
ji Town Toples. He gave nie to under
stand that' his connection with the 'Smart
Set was even closer than that withl
Town Topics. "
Those Who Were Not Easy.
The next witness was Robert Irving,
editor of the "New Yorker." who is under
arrest on a charge of libel, brought
against him in connection with a story in
his own paper. He was questioned by
Mr. Shepard, of counsel for the defense.
Mr. Irving said that he had been a solici
tor for "Fads and Fancies." He received
15 per cent on all orders secured by him.
He gave a list of persons who refused
to subscribe, among them Andrew Car
negie. Senator Russell A. Alger. William
Rockefeller. Mrs. Potter Palmer and Cor-
Colonel William Dallon Mann.
Town Topics lame.
nclius Vanderbllt. He visited Mr. Alger
at Detroit and called on Grovcr Cleveland
at Princeton. At the time he saw Mr.
Vanderbllt he thought that there was
someone concealed behind a curtain, al
though he did not iec anyone.
Irving. In response to questions by Mr.
Jerome, said that he had been torn ne
would not be prosecuted on the charge
pending against him if he told the truth
in this case
'Did you ever thrcaton to 'roast' peo
ple?" asked Mr. Jerome
"I had no occasion to," replied Mr.
Irving.' "It was all flattery."
Mosen Ellin -Wooster. who solicited for
Fads and Fancies." .was the next wit
ness, lie saia ne gave up me worK Be
cause he "found tho interviews disagree
able." The witness said the printer of "Fads
and Fancies" was to chargo 535.0M for
turning out 200 copies.
Harry Lchr's Troubles.
He said that Harry Lchr subscribed to
"Fads and Fancies" and paid JOX on his
subscription. This money was later re
turned with the contract. "Lehr told
me," said Wooster, "that ,he had been
badly treated in "Town Topics." "
Upon adjournment this evening counsel
for Mr. Hapgood announced that they
would probably finish their tomor
row. Tho trial was followed today with the
same interest that has been manifested
since tho hearing was begun. Fashionably
attired women were again conspicuous
among the spectators. -
Pivc 31incrs Killed and Colorado
Railroads Blockaded.
SILVERTON, Colo., Jan. 23. Five Ital
ian miners employed at the Sunnyside
mine lost their lives In an immense snow
slide yesterday afternoon. No particu
lars or the names of the men can be ob
tained, as the telephone line is down and
communication of all kinds destroyed.
The mine blacksmith shop and .several
tram cars axe also known to have been
swept away.
No trains from Durango or Denver have
arrived here since last Wednesday, due
v -T
to slides and Immense drifts of snow,
which have blocked the tracks. All the
short line roads running to outlying
camps are now snowed In. There are 11
slides between Sllverton and Elk Park.
The slides average from seven to 30 feet
deep and from 50 to 450 feet wide. An
immense slide went Into the Animas River
forming a dam of snow and Ice, which
caused tho stream to dsck up ana orcf
flow the Rio Grande tracks to a depth of
four feet. It will be two weeks before
traffic can be resumed between Sllverton
and Durango.
The Iowa mill. In Arastra Gulch, has
been crushed in by heavy snow slides,
which came down Little Giant Mountain.
The storm, which has about spent Us
force, has been one of the worst ever
known in this section.
Visitors to Portland Ductus Various
Topics of Interest.
PRIEXDS of George J. Whalen, presi
dent of the United States Cigar Stores
Company, who was in Portland about ten
days ago making arrangements to open
up several tobacco stores in this city, say
he Is a remarkable example of a self
made man. When a boy 17 years of age
Mr. Whalen bought an Interest In a
cigar stand in a Syracuse hotel. He was
very thrifty and saved his money, with
the result that within a few years he was
able to purchase another stand.
Every cent he could possibly save was
put into cigar stores until finally he had
them in most of the leading cities In
New York State. About five years ago he
conceived the Idea of opening up a string
of cigar stores In New York City. He
organized the United Cigar Stores Com
pany for this purpose. From the very
start the cigar stores In New York made
money, and then he began extending them
all over the United, States. Xow he has
SCO cigar stores In this country, and has
extensive interests ,in many tobacco
plantations. Mr. Whalen. who Is only
2 years of age. Is a millionaire many
times over.
Mr. Whalen docs more than pay his em
ployes a salary, and If they are faithful
to their duty and strive for the best in
terests of the company they are reward
ed in many ways. After a man has
been in the employ of the company for
more than a year he is given a $lCO)
life Insurance policy, the premium of
which Is paid every year by the company.
The company also pays all of the doctor
bills contracted by the employes. Mr.
Whalen docs not do this just because he
is generous; he believes that the more
interest the employes take in the com
pany the more money the company will
T MAY sound rather fishy, but It
I Is nevertheless true that we have
almost as many delicacies in Fairbanks,
which Is situated In the Interior of
Alaska, as you have In Portland." So
said Abe Spring, the organizer of the Ta
nana Electric Company, who Is now a
guest at the Oregon Hotel. "In the mid
dle of the Winter when the thermometer
registers something like SO degrees below
zero we have lobsters, crabs, oysters,
frog legs, halibut, and many other good
things to cat.
"But you must understand that we hive
to pay dear for such things. A can of
oysters such as you could purchase In
Portland for CO cents would bring st least
J3 in Fairbanks. There are so many fig
ures in the price asked and obtained for
frogs legs that it has slipped my mem
ory, but it is pretty steep. The delicacies
such as I have named are shipped from
the Coast States to Vaidcz and then
taken Into Fairbanks by sled. The min
ers all have lots of money, and they will
pay almost any price for anything they
happen to fancy. Tho men who are bring
ing the delicacies Into Fairbanks are mak
ing considerable money.
"I wish some one would explain to me
why Portland does not fry to obtain at
least a part of the Alaska trade. It
could be had for the mere asking, pro
vided, of course. Portland could meet the
competition of San Francisco and Seattle.
The Alaskans know that the Portland
business men are conservative, and some
of us are Inclined to think that they are
too conservative. If they are not. why
don't they go after the Alaska business?
A line of steamers would pay as soon as
The Tanana Electric Company. In which
Mr. Spring Is heavily interested, will
within a short time supply all the 'mines
In a radius of 40 miles of Fairbanks with
electric lght. The system will cost more
than J250.0CO. Already some of the mines
near Fairbanks have light furnished them
by the Tanana Electric Company, and
along one creek alone the wires are strung
along for a distance of nine miles. In the
Winter electricity will be generated by
electricity, and In the Summer water
power will be used. The electricity which
is now furnished the mines by the com
pany Is generated by steam, as work has
only begun on the Installation of the
water power plant.
1THIX a few years I believe the
Rogue River Valley will be one
vast orchard." said John D. Olwcll, of
Medford, at the Hotel Portland yesterday
afternoon. Mr. Olwcll is one of the larg
est frultralscrs In Southern Oregon, and
Is now on his way East, where he will
make a study of the market conditions in
New lork.
"The orchards are yielding such good
profits that the farmers who have avail
able land are planting more trees every
year." continued Mr. Olwcll. "AH but
about a fourth of the land in the entire
Roguo River Valley Is suitable for the
raising of fruit. Dozens of new orchards
aro being planted each year.
"Eventually a great part of the Rogue
River alley will be irrigated. It has
been proved that with irrigation the trees
produce a greater number and larger ap
ples, although the flavor Is lust the mme,
When we Irrigate we do not havo to do
so much trimming to prevent the trees
from overbearing, as with plenty of water
the trees can take care of a greater quan
tity or rruit than under ordinary condi
tlons. Irrigation Is not needed for p2ars,
as tney uirlve just as well without It."
Called to Deny That He Counte
nanced Hazing Juniors.
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Jan. 23. Lieutenant
C. P. Snyder, who has been accused "by
the testimony of several midshipmen,
witnesses In the case of first-class roan,
Claude B. Mayo, charged with hazing of
hinting to upper classmen that new
midshipmen should be hazed and of going
from the building In order that the op
portunity might be arforded, was recalled
In rebuttal by the Judge Advocate.
Immediately upon the conclusions of
the case against Mayo, who Is from Co
lumbus, Miss., the court will berln the
trial of Midshipman Richard R. Mann, J
aiso a first-class man and an appointee
of President Roosevelt.
The only other midshipman now under
arrest on charges of hazing Is Ned L.
Chapp. of Pasadena, Cal. He Is a first
class man also and last year stood No.
23 In bis studies In the class of 122 men.
A $19,000 Overcoat.
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Former Judge William H. Moore, the
well-known financier of New York and
Chicago, wears the most costly overcoat
in the United States. It was made to
order for him from selected Russian sable
fur at a cost of HS.OCO.
Roseburg. Or.-Jcsse L. Langley. who Is
under arrest here, having eloped from
Martinez. Cal.. with a 14-year-old girl,
says he will die rather than go back to
be imprisoned.
White Tries to Reconcile Ger
many and France.
American Delegates Act as Pacifi
cators on Dangerous 'Questions
Regarding- Morocco Day
Given to Pageant.
ALGECIRAS. Jan. 23. Henry White,
the American Ambassador to Italy and
bead of the American delegation to the
Moroccan conference, is making the
weight of the United States felt In
quiet endeavors to bring France and
Germany nearer together before the
disputed questions arise In the con
vention. The questions cannot be long
It has been Impossible for the United
Cardinal Giraliao MarU Gotti.
States to take the lead In seeking a
way toward an agreement that shall
guarantee to all the countries an equal
footing In Morocco and yet recognize
In some respects the special position of
Franco. It Is a difficult task, but all
the governments, except those directly
concerned, are assisting in it, because
of the danger of the situation, should
the conference fail in settlement.
Great Britain is acting entirely with
France and is not disposed now to ask
France to modify her viows. Italy,,
however, as the ally of Germuny and
the friend of France, and Russia, as the
ally of France and the friend of Gcr
many. Is trying to effect a compromise.
Delegates to Conference Assemble In
Gaudy Uniforms.
ALGECIRAS, Jan. 23. The delegates to
the Moroccan conference devoted the day
to a series of brilliant functions com
memorating King Alfonso's feast day.
The Spanish. French and British squad
rons in the harbor displayed a full com
plement of colors, and from daylight the
warships and land fortifications fired con
tinuous salutes.
The most spectacular feature of the day
was the official reception of the Spanish
Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Duke of
Almodovar. In honor of the delegates.
affording for the first time an opportunity
for the representatives of the many na
tions to as?emble in the gorgeous uni
forms of their high diplomatic, milltary
or naval ranks.
The scene was rendered gayer by the
midsummer sunshine, flowers and oranges
and almond trees being in full bloom.
Within the conference hall the delega
tions gathered, most resplendent in gold
lace, ribbon? and other decorations, the
Americans alone of the glittering assem
blage being in evening dress and without
uniforms. The Duke of Almodovar, stand
ing at the foot of an Improvised throno
and surrounded by an Imposing staff of
officers, received In the name of King
Alfonso the delegates, who presented the
greetings of their governments to the
During the afternoon the Minister, of
State received the delegation on board the
armored, cruiser Emperor Charles V.
Radicals of Scrvia May Soon Tumble
Him Off.
LONDON, Jan. 23. Special dispatches
from Vienna to the London morning news
papers are inclined to attribute the
strained relations between Austria-Hun
gary and Servia partly to the waning in
faience of King Peter. The King Is re
ported as being powerless to control the
policy of his Cabinet, owing to the growth
of radical and republican influences, which
It is said appear to threaten the position
of the Servian dynasty. The correspond
ent of the Daily Mail says:
"It is believed in Austria that the days
of the Karageorgevitch dynasty are num
be red and that before a year has elapsed
King Peter and his family will be ex
"King Peter's court is virtually boy
cotted by the European, courts, owing to
suspicions that he had foreknowledge of
tho murder of King Alexander and Queen
Draga. and already a strong party Is try
ing to place a German inace on tna
Servian throne."
Shuts Out Servian Capital.
VIENNA, Jan. 23. The closing of thb
Austro-Hungarlan frontier against the im
portatlon of Servian cattle into Austro
Hungary 13 clearly an aggressive move
ment for the purpose of making Servia
understand that Austria-Hungary Is firm
ly opposed to the proposed neutral cus
toms union of the Balkan states. Ninety
per cent of the Servian cattle are market
ed In Austro-Hungary.
Malor Edwin B. Babbitt, of the Ord
nance Corps, has just reached Bagnio In
an automobile. Jt is tne nrsi auiomooiie
ever seen by the Igorrotes. and has given
them a Keneral scare
Pittsburg. Captain Casto and crew, of
the Albert, will be honored by the Camc
tie hero fund commission. They will re
ceive medals or money, possibly both, for
their work In .rescuing tne passengers
from the Cherokee at Atlantic City.
Boston. An order for $10,000 was cabled
Monday to John Redmond. tM. P., In Dub
lin, by the national officers of the United
Irish League of America, to enable the
Irish party to ngnt tne remaining con
teats in the general election this week.
Schenectady. N. Y. E. W. McCHntlc. of
Washington. D. C. received the static
current from 41.000 volts of electricity at
the General Electric Works Monday. He
was unconscious for eight minutes, and It
was at first believed that he was ittd.
Marks. Miss. W. B. Fairlcss was shot
a"nd killed Tuesday by Mrs. E. B. Whiten,
the widow of a man wbom Fairless klll-ed
Mr 4HRsgf
HpPv vlH
A Great Advantage
several months ago at Essex, this county.
Mrs. Whiten emptied her revolver at him.
Ave of the bullets taking effect. He died
almost Instantly.
Albuquerque, X. M. In dismantling the
old Albemarle mill. In the Jemez Moun
tains, north of. this city. Morris Bros.,
contractors discovered hidden under the
foundations a big. solid gold brick, sup
posed to be worth about $200.00). It Is sup
posed to have been stolen and hidden
there by some former employe of the
mill ten years ago.
Topeka. Kan. -Harry Williams, colored,
accused of having drilled into the vault
of the Merchants National Bank, of To
peka. in an attempt to secure $173,000 held
there, is in the City Jail. Williams began
drilling last' Wednesday. living in the
basement until Sunday, when his work
was discovered. He had drilled through
six feet of solid masonry.
Kansas City, Mo. F. Dumont Smith, a
State Senator from Kansas: T. E. Ryan,
formerly Government Land Inspector In
Western Kansas, and Roscoe Wilson.
Postmaster at Jetmtorc. Kan., indicted on
a charge of conspiracy to violate the land
laws of the United States, filed technical
objections to the Indictment In the United
States District Court Tuesday.
New York. Enraged because he was
told to cease his attentions to Lillian Mur
phy, aged 17. Paul Deitz. a youth of IS
years. Monday night emptied a revolver
at the girl, her brother George, aged IS
years, and their mother. Mrs. Delia Mur
phy, in their apartments at the Bronx,
wounding all three dangerously. Deitz
was arrested while attempting to shoot
Boston. United States Commissioner of
Immigration F. P. Sargent expressed the
opinion that the public health was men
aced by the existing conditions of immi
gration due to the exposure of healthy
aliens to aliens that are diseased. Mr.
Sargent said that the only adequate meth
od of dealing with the problem Is for the
United States to place competent medical
Inspectors at the port of embarkation.
whose duty it would be to ascertain, first
of all. the physical fitness of the emigrant
ror entrance to this country.
Storm Almost Stops Business in the
AVindy City.
CHICAGO. Jan. 23. The sleet and
snow storm which paralyzed - tele
graphic communication between this
city and other parts of the country
passed eastward during the night, but
today the wire situation Is but little
better than-yesterday. Out of a total
of 70 private wires between Chicago
nd Eastern points, but two are work
ing today, and one of these was badly
crippled at times. The other was di-
Ided among commission houses, each
firm being allowed to use It in turn for
15 mlnates. Some of the brokers. In
order to :end their orders to New-
York, sent their messages over pri
vate lines to San Francisco, and from
there back via St. Louis and Montreal.
The majority of trains arriving in the
city were late.
Knnsas Weather Xcar Zero.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 23. The
blizzard in this part of the Southwest
moderated during the night and today
there was but little snow falling and
practically no wind. At Kansas City
the temperature was 10 degrees above
zero this morning. Trains into Kansas
City from all directions were one to
two hours late, but no serious Inter
ruptions to trafflic were reported.
WICHITA. Kan., Jan. 23. The ther
mometer dropped to six degrees above
zero last nlgnt, Dut toaay is mucn
Freezing in Louisiana.
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 23. A drop of
40 degrees since Sunday converted
Springlike weather here into Winter,
the mercury early today registering
freezing. Elsewhere in the state much
lower temperatures with traces of
snow were reported.
Floods Plague Johnstown.
JOHNSTOWN. Pa.. Jan. 23. Excessive
That Scott's Emulsion
should act so quickly and
satisfactorily in all cases
of lost flesh and continued
wasting is not surprising
when its food value is un
derstood. With pure Nor
wegian cod liver oil, hypo
phosphites of lime and
soda and glycerine, there
is combined in Scott's
Emulsion the best ele
ments of nourishment and
strength building known
to medical science. Any
physician will1 tell you this.
The use of these ingredi
ents in the proper propor
tions ; the employment of
only the purest grade of
each, and to combine them
perfectly is the secret of
the success of Scott's
Emulsion. You will not
find a more certain way to
stop waste, build flesh and
strength and supply nour
ishment than through
Scott's Emulsion.
SCOTT ft XTWNX, 49 ftwrl St., 2f tw York.
rains in this city and vicinity during the
past 24 hours have caused the rivers to
rtee to a flood stage, and thousands of
dollars' worth of damage has resulted.
.Floods in Alabama.
MOBILE. Ala., Jan. 23. The Warrior
and Tomblgbee Rivers are on rampage.
Flood warnings have been posted.
James De Buys, New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 23. James De
Buys, a member ot the New Orleans Cot
ton Exchange, and prominent in the so
cial and business world of New Orleans,
died suddenly today, aged 32 years.
A Fair Offer
To prove to sufferers from
the remarkable efficiency of
I will send a
$1.00 Bottle FREE
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This offer stands good only for a short time.
Write today.
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WriU fir leakltt ea the Batlaiul Trtitsieat
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150 race. 25 Mcturei.
First Copr Cost S1000.
Love. Courtship. Mar
riage and All Diseases
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thing you should know
In regard to happy and
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ly follies, self-destruction,
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poor memory, prema
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Isnorance begets mis
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Written by tho AVorld-Famous Master
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State Medical Institute
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Dr. W. Norton Davis
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"We stop drains, spermatorrhoea and
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time. We can restore the sexual vigor of
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ment peculiar to ourselves.
The doctors of this institute aro all reg
ular graduates, have had over 20 years
experience, have been known in Portland
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less certain cure can be effected.
We guarantee a cure in every case we
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BOOK FOR MEN mailed free In plain
If you cannot call at office, write fpr
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and holidays. 10 to 12.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Offices in Van Noy Hotel. 52 Third st.
Corner Pine. Portland. Or.
Every Woman
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tion and Auction. Leet Sat.
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Illustrated book W. It sires
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4 -ft E. 38 ST., 2sK OT I0XK.
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Bo a Man