Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 24, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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fiij cue
Market Holds Its Own, With
Fair Business Passing- .
Jjight Stocks Carried in Germany
and England and Prices Firm,
With an Upward Tendency.
Good Spring Demand.
HOPS Prices . steady with moot,
trading between dealer.
WHEAT Farmers holding for an
FRUIT Strong demand for fancy
VKGBTABLES Advance expected,
in eolery.
BUTTER Top gMM Arm, Others
EGGS Receipts tesuporactly lighter.
POULTRY Big retailers not buy
ing; MEATS Demand, for pork, veal aad
mutton exoeede supply.
The hop market shows i change. It te
neither stronger nor weaker than H "anus Mt
week, and farmer prices are oonf equently cur
rent. Some dealer compVatn of a lack. of or-df-rf,
bat that others aije -well mpptlml m ovi
deneed by the amount of buetoeos panning.
(Several large Mock were Injusht In the ooun
try yesterday, but the bulk of the trading mta
between dealers, as thus cUww of uuotnaaa eeuld
be worked more advantageously.
Conrad Kreba. of Salem, who wm at the
Belvedere laat night, nays that IHtle or noth
ing is beta? done by growers toward improving-
their yards. At this tint laet year the
hop ranches looked like gardens, but wo to the
preheat time very ftn of the Riwefs have
oven cleaned their yards. oa.dfe-ouroKeu are
they over the prices they received for their
A private wire from San Fraachwo yeater
day mM the California market imh itfelees.
aad retort from New York ware aim of quiet
markets. A number of hut wiriest w re
ceived from New York during the day quoting
irricee at which haps could not he bought from
growers. A firm tone is reported In the Ger
man market, where available suppllew are
much restricted. The KettUah Otoeerver of Jan
uary 4 says of cuaidfefon in Bugland:
Business on the Borough hut? not been fully
resumed, and. with the Holidays in the North,
very few fresh Inquiries have come on the mar
ket. The tendency, of prions, how.-ver. If. up
ward, and factor generally anticipate an ad
vance In the wear futcre. it Is estimated that
little over lu.tKW pockete are now left la
grower' hands.
Wild. Neame & Co.. Loudon, report: Some
buftineaa has been effected atuee the rerent
holiday, but the general tone of our market
la quiet, and we 'aaticipate little renewal of
activity until the conclusion of the approach
in;; elections.
Manser & Henley. London, report: The holi
days ovcratadowttu? Imnlneiw w have no
change to report in ur market during: the
past week. Prices rente very Arm all round.
W. II. &. 11. LeMay. Joaaon. report: The
market opeis in the ' pear with many in
quiries for hope; uteeks oarried oer are very
J. H. Meredith & Co.. Worcester, report:
Trade -was fairly brisk, right up to the holi
days, and aa holders look for a good demand.
In the Spring values keep vet' xteady. Only
six pocketa of new hope pawed the public
scales last week, making 2&S14 pockets
weighed to the nd of the year, compared
-with T.r.OO pockets in 1004 and 25.79$ in 10W,
which was the largest growth of recent y
"Farmers Are Holding Expecting Higher
Prices Before the Season Cloea.
The "wheat market was quiet yesterday with
en easy tone prevailing. Growers were re
ported as holding firmly in the expectation
that prices -will later advance to the level that
prevailed in the Pall, while buyer were not
dls-poed to make any concessions in view of
the -weakness of other marketp. Loon I prices
are unchanged, and mere or leas nominal.
The following table exhibits the American
visible supply, as compared with former
l.Ml.OOO bu.
202,000 bu.
176,000 bu.
SSO.O0O bu.
1.100,000 bu.
0411.000 bu.
21.000 bu.
338,000 bu.
Jan. 22, 1JXM5 46.002.000 bu.
Jan. 25. 1M5 30,888.000 Int.
Jan. 18, 1004 40.37fl.000 bu.
Jan. 10. 1903 4fl.727.Ooo lm.
Jan. 20., 1002 5P.278.0OH bu.
Jan. 21. 1001 bu.
Jan. 22. 190O......-56.688.OO0 bu.
Jan. 23, 18l9 28.278,000 hu.
Quantities on passage are as follow:
, -n. Jan. 13.
To U. K. 1R.4SO.000 bu. 1S.72.0 bu.
To Continent . . O.fiSO.Ooobu. 10.4Su.00M bu.
Total .......... 2S.100. 000 bu. 27,200,000 bu.
Shipments of wheat and flour from leading
exporting countries follow:
Jan. 20. Jan. 1
"U. S. and Canada.. 8.4B.OOObu. 4.700.00m tut.
Rupsla 000,000 bu. 1.472,000 bu.
Danublan ports 2,000.000 bu. 1.032,000 bu.
India 72.000 bu. 102.000 bu.
Argentina 984.000 bu. OM.OOo bu.
Australia 1.458.000 bu. 004,000 bu.
Total '...8. 007.0001u. S.033,000 bu.
No Accumulation In Local Market Egg Rc
ct'Ipta IJghten ronltry Slow.
The butter market rules firm for the better
Brades. while other brands ehow more xtead
lness than last week. The beat make of the
city creameries and several outside brands
as well ar.e hold at Mfc cents. The output
of other Valley creamories is offered at JK)
and 27 cents. A shipment of coast butter
was received yesterday and. was quoted, at
30 to 31 cents.
Egg receipts-were somewhat lighter yes
terday and a good demand held the niarkot
steady, most of the sales being at 28 cents.
No permanent Improvement is looked for
The poultry market was slow, as the heavy
buyers kept off the street and oven 'with
moderate arrivals the tone of tho market
was weak.
Dealers Cannot Get Enough Choice J'ruit to
Supply the Demand.
There is a good active demand on Front
street for fancy apples. Dealer are sending
out circulars In all -directions VoHdttng ship
ments of such fruit, but declare that it is
almost Impossible to secure applos that are
really choice. The market Is well stocked
with Inferior fruit and in the absence of
anything better, this is selling at very good
prce6. but what buyers arc asking for new
is a high-grade apple.
A car of bananas and a- car of celery ar
rived yesterday and another car of ueiery la
due today or tomorrow. Uoter list quoted
now at $3 a crate, but v?JU be (lffshV next
week, as ruturc shipments will oome under
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
i A, ' Clearings. Balances.
Portland $ tUS.ftfi . S S0.S15
Seattle 1.4PL58R 413,713
Taroma G42.GU5 72.240
Spokane r.20333 51,223
St rone Demand for Pork.
Receipts of pork 'were heavy yesterday,
hut the demand was active enough .to take
care of all that came in and top prices wciy
secured for ibc best Mock. The supply, of
veal was wotl wrter the dcjmuti and lfe
market wM very Jtrm. Mutton vms also
scarce and: strong. Beef moved well and
prices wxe steady.
Grain, plour. IVcd, 21tc.
"H EAT Club. 71r72c; hluostsam. 74c;
re. Ofcflfluoi VaHey. Tic.
Fl-OLR Patents. $4J04.7 par barrel:
etraights. -$S.G04.1: clears. $3.3X.S:
ValHtp. $z.eu3.iw: Dakota hard -wboac pat-on-U.
W.Ohts; ctears. $; graham. X.2S0
whole wheat, .74; rps flour, local.
5; Eastern. S3.2&aS; coramsal. per bale.
JlS0ff2l). "
OATS No. 1 white feed. . ,'27J592S.0;
gray. f2728 per ton.
MILLgTrFFS Bran. eltj'. 17: country,
SIS per ton: middlings. $24.19: shorts, city.
SIS: country. $19 pr ton; chop. V. . Mills.
n.&tf: linseed dairy food. acatfa meal,
$1S aer ton.
CEliEAL. KOODS Rolled oats, cream.
pound sack. fi-75; lower itradss. ?5-2.".
SO: natmcat,. steelcut. SO-pound sack. 9
per barrel: m-pound sacks. $4.23 per hala;
oatmeal ground . M-pouad sacks. r7.Pt pr
barrel; iO-pouad sacks. $4 per halo: split
pe. per 100-pound sack: SS-pouwd
uoxva. S1.40; pearl barley. $4-33 per Wt
pounds: SS-pound- boxes. $1.2S per hat:;
try 10-pound sacks. XttM par bale.
BARLEY Feed. $2S.M(rS4 per ton: he
in. .V02J ; rolled. $24 CSV
JlUCKWMJCAT--?2.d per cental.
HAT Eastern Oregon timothy. flSJMaT
14.Su per ton: Valley timothy. ri: carr.
5b 10; cheat, fS. 50 grata hay.
Vcgetablac. Fruit, E4c
XKMB5TIC FRUITS Apples, commoa. 7c
SH per box: choice. $1.2Sl-fi: faacy. 99
ears, ?12&1JM yr bos: crauhurrtm.
box: oranges, nsvols. f22.75 psi box, Jsp
anoe, 00c par inagle box; grapefruit. f 7
2fti pmospples, 4a per doaea; haaaaas.
per pound.
l.ftO per doaea: beans. 30r pound, cabbace.
1t3c per pound; auliflnwer. 2 per
crt: celery. $3 per crate; ucumber.
51.75 per dosen; bead lettuce. 3540c per
dosen: hothouse, f 1 2&Tl.En box; praa. life
): ball peppers. -J&c; pumrts. 9Uoa
pouad; radishes. 28c per dow-a: toatot. S2.9
2.441 per crate: Jmrouta. sSV 7c per pound;
per sack; carrots. SSff 73c per sack: baeta,
ScfiSl per sack; garlic ld13fee per
ONIONS Orejroa. Xe. t, $ll.lfi per sack;
No. 2. TtfMjc.
POTATO ES Buying- prices: Fancy graded
Barhaaks. 70f77ftc per hundred: tTd'amry. S0S
ac; set pntatoeu. !2ite per pound.
DRIED FRUITS Apples. 1 1 12c per
pound: apricots. 12612r: peaches. I9
12c; pears, none; Italian prunes. SUCuV-:
CaHfornta ngs. white, la sacks. Sc par
pound: black. 43r; bricks. 1S-14 eaace
paekacea. 7&8Sc per box: S-ouBe. $2
2.40; Smyrna. 90r per pound: dates. Per
sian. r4 tfc per pound.
RAlINS Seeded. 12-oaaco packages.
SVfcc; i-ouac. fe10c: loos muscat els.
2 -crown. 7t Thkc; X -crown. 7'47.c: .4
crrn, M 8c; unbleached seedless Sal
tanas. S7r; Thaatpsoa's seedless, ,am.
bleached. SfrSttc; Tnomoson'a faacr ua-
btoached. 12$12ic; Luadoa bvyers, X-croa.
wHote bpxee of 2v pound, il.
.73; 2-e
i-eraum. S2.-
Ittitler. UtL-n. PHrr. 1M.
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery. S?32tc par pound. Stat creameries:
ar pou
27 V.
Tmamy creamer)-,
22Vc; store butler. If
HXXHE firecon ranch. 27tC26c: Eastern.
21 h 22c pfr docea.
ClirWSK Oregon fall creaat. twins. 14i
Tlac; YMing AnxTlca. lSfertc
POULTRY Ars hens. I2l3c:
Springs. 12a; mixed rhlckn. HfrlSc;
brnlteni. IStflac; dreaaed ehlckcaa. li
4l 13c; turkeys. ;Ve. tftc; turkeys, drtmt (1.
choice ITeSnc; gse. live, pound. llr;
g-ee. dressM. per pound. Ibf 14c: dooha. M
17fec; pigeon. $la72: squabs. 2S.
Groceries. Jt. Tttc.
COFFEE Mocha. 2e2Hc; Java, ordinary.
lS23c: Costa Kica. fancy. IS20c; ood.
IdfJISe: ordinary. l22c per pound Coaam
ula roast, case, laaa, $14.23; ftaa. S14.23;
Arbuckte. fla.SH; Uon. $I.3S.
RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. Blue; South
ern Japan. S.SSc: head. 7c.
SALMON 'Columbia River, 1 -pouad tails.
$1.73 per dozn; 2-pound tails, X2.46; 1
pouad hats, fl.83: fancy I fj 1 -pound Sats.
$1.80; -pound flats. $1.10; Alaska pink. 1
pound tails. ac: red. t-pouad tails. $1.23;
sockeye, 1 -pouad tails.- $1.7.
SlTtJAR Sack basis. 10-pouads: Cube,
M.V3; powdered. J 5. SO: dry Translated.
$5.7: extra C 3.23: golden C. $3.1; fruit
sugar, $.TO;. Advances over sack haste as
follows: Barrels. 19c; i-barrels. 23c: boxes,
hoc per ! pounds Termn: On remlttaare
within 1 days ooduct Uc per pouad: if iatr
than 13 days aad wlthtu 3d days, deduct He;
sugar, granulated. SS.Sv per MM pounds;
maple Migar. JtpISc per pouad. ....
SALT California. Ill per ton. ft. do per
bale; Liverpool. 341s. 17; lOOs. $IJ: 2UUS.
$1; Vi-pounds. 100s. 7; 30s. ST. SO.
NUTS Walnuts. 13 He per pouad by sack:
?4c extra tor less than sack, llraxll nats.
ISe; filberts, lac; pecaas. Jumbos. Me: extra
large. 17c; almonds. 14Vi 13c; chestnuts.
Italian. l2Hlc: Ohio. SOc: peanuts, raw.
7 fee pound; roasted, ac; pinenuts. tOfISc;
hickory nuts, 7f Sc; cocoaautr, S30jS0c
per doen.
BEANS ?mill white. 4c; large white,
Stae: piak. 2c; bayou. 4M; Lhwa, e; red
Mexican, 3c
Provisions and Canned Manta.
HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 12c per pound: 14
to 14 pounds. 12c; is to SO pounds. 9; Cali
fornia picnic). Se: cottage hams. Slhc:
shoulders. 8c: boiled ham. 1844c; ballad pic
nic ham. boneless. 13 4-.
BACON Fancy breakfast. ISc per pouad;
standard breakfast, lac; choice. 13c: Eng
lish breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds. 14c; peach
bacon. 13c.
PICtfLKD GOODS Pork barrels. $15;
harrels. ?8.3. Beef, harrela, J 12; -barrel.
SAUSAGE Ham, lie per pound; minced
bam. 10c; Summer, chote dry. 17 fee; boloa
na. long. 3c: welnerwurst, Sc; liver. c;
pork. h 10c; headcheese, Sc; blood, ac; bo
logna sausage, link. 4 He.
CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pounds,
per dosen. 31.25; two pounds. $2.23; six
pounds. $7. Roast beef. flat, pounds. SI. S3:
two pounds. $2 23; six pounds, none. Boast
beef, tall, pounds, none; two poands. 3X33;
fcix pounds. 37. Lunch tongue, pounds. 2.73.
Itoast mutton, six pounds. $5.3.
DRY SALT CURED Regular short dears,
dry salt. lHr; smoked. 11 He; clear backs,
dry salt. lOc; smoked. HHc; clear betus.
14 to 17 pounds average, none; Oregon ex
ports. 20 to 23 pound average, dry salt, 11c;
smoked. 12c: Union bellies. 10 to IS pounds
average, none.
LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierces.
10c; tubs, leijfcc; AOs, lOaVc; SO, ktfic;
16. like; 3. like. Standard pure: Tierces.
c; tubs. kc; SOs. e: 2at. 9c; 10s.
lOKc: as. lOVic Compound : TVrces. kc;
tubs. ec; SOs. SKc; 20s. 7 Vic; as. 7kc
Hops, 1'ool, Hides. Etc.
HOPS Oregoa. IPOS, choice, 100Uc;
prime. tiVkftviec; medium. 7ttbc; olds. iU-7c.
WOOL Eastern Oregoa average beat. IS
e21c; Valley. 24 42dc per pound.
MOHAIR Choice. aOc per pouad '
HIDES Dry hides: No. L 1 rmifls and
up, 16 H ClSc per pound: dry kip. Xo. ;. 5 to"
10 pounds, lftftldc per pouad; dry calf. Mo
1. under S pounds. 17frlPc; dry salted, bulla
and stage, one-third less than dry mm
(eutls. moth-eaten, badly cat. xot-vd. mur
rain, hair-clipped, weather-beaten or grub
by. 2fp2c per pound less). Salted hide
Steers, sound. 00 pounds aad ovr, -IOC lie
per pound; SO to 00 ound, SaVlOe per
pound; under 30 and cowa; S10e par pouad -ealtod
kip. sound, 15 to 30 pounds, p p-r
pound; salted veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds.
UujilOc per pound; salted calf, sound. 10 to
14 pounds. lOfTllc per pound; green un
salted, lc per pound lee; culls, lc or
pound, lets). Sheepskins: ShaarUags. So.
1 butcher' stock. 25 SOc each: short wool.
No. 1 butchers' stock. 40tf 30c each; medium
wool. No. i butchers stock. O0aoc: long
wool. No. 1 butchers stock. 319 Law each
Murrain pelta from 10 to 20 per ceat leas or
12f9J,4c per pound; horse hides, salted, each
aooefdinc to size. SI 1.39: colts hides. 23
esOc each: goatskins, common. 10813
each: AnRora. with wool on. 2tk?(fS1.30 each
BEHSWAN Good, clean and pure, '.viglli
per pound.
TALLOW Prime, per pouad. SWattftc; No.
2 and crease. 22c
FURS No. 1 accordiag to sixe: Besrsklns.
f St? SO each: cubs, half pries; badger. 10fr:-k :
wildcat, with bead perfect. lac4p$J.23; house
oat. 10020c;-rox. common gray. r4gtU.2f:
red. ?S.&o: crom. 31; silver and Mack
?lO9fiM)90: nahers. Suf IO; lyax. Si0r mink
according to star. Sl.TSfiS; marten,
dark. according to slat; aad oolor
f.V10. musk rat. large. 3ftc: rtnrak.
SScJ2; civet or patecaC MuKSc: .otter.
?'820: panthar. $1TS: wiaaoaa. SefS.n:
meuntaln wr4f. wtth head perfaet. $1.7s06;
coyte. f,0c;l.SO; welvarlne. $lfj; beaver. 34
CASCARA SAGRATJA (cMttam bark) 2V.
Q3e, according to quality. '
TURPENTINE Cases. Sfte per raJJoa.
COAL OIL Casos. 20e per gaUoa; tanks,
14c per gallon. -
WHITE LEAD Top lota. 7 He; SOO-patmd
lots. e; less than WW-patmd lou sEk fl
23-poilnd Un palla. lc above ke? price; 1 to
5-jound tin pslls. To above kwr pritw; 1 to
5-pound tin cans, 100 pounds per case. 2t4c
per Dound above keg price.)
GASOLINE Stove' gasoline, cases, 2Ste
42 test. 27c; SO test, 35c; Iron tanks, lot
LINSEED OIL Raw. la barrels, 7e: is
cases. u2c: boiled, lc barrel. SWc; In easoa
Cic; 250-gallon lots, -lc CSS.
Dressed McaU.
BEEF Dressed bulls, 232 "c par poustt
cows. 3"jif4";C; countrj' fcteera, 4Qvc- '
VEAL Dressed, 70 to 125 pauada, SSJtc
125 to 200 pounds, 4Vi&Xlc; sp pounds and
up. 3Qic
M UTTO 7S Dressed . fancy. 74 9 He per
pound: ofdlnan. 4t2T.c: Iambi; 7W7He
t PORK "Pressed. 100 to 150 pounb. 737Uc;
130 and up. GSOJac per pound.
Uncovering of Large Stop
Loss Orders.
Liquidation or Past tfcw.Days Is
Credited to Spoculatnrs Who
IJroutJcht About Itcccnt Ad
vanoo Iarkct Firm.
NTBUl' YORK. Jan. St. The mixed op-rattan
of new speculative hwas m the stack
paarket and the- heay saUlag io realise proflt
accrued went oa by aa today in much
the lumi way mm for Mvaral du. pasc But
the set tag to real tat a eaTectaally overbore
the new buytauc as to cause a crumbling of
price. When tba bear traders peicrtred the
tendency of things, they attacked the market
wfth gvsat vtgior aad their raidtag tactics
eaaaed aa antotetlug of largo stag Urn orders.
WJfJi the reachinf; Of atap law ordrrs. dvclmea
hinsma urt prectpttat and the tone more de
rishrviy react Inaary than for a toa time pM.
The eauravnaa llquidatiaa la the past fw
days. aspochilly that of juetfday. has re
tasted In a largo redtaettoa of the eaacw
tratcl boldiugs of stocks la the bands of the
organised speculation which has bmu able la
onotrol with ach xkill the feeitng of the mar
ket la a way to save prices from damage.
The aeaalon of the market was largely given
to conjecture coocernhag tho ideatity of ln
dUHduals ur parties who were doinc the prin
cipal selling. Conjecture pointed pretty ciuar
ly to the quarters which have been credited
with operatbau leadiag 10 some of the moat
notable advance of the last few days.- It
was concluded, therefore, that a purpose to
sustain the market against selling to take
proflts was the motive of those advances,
rather than any development reaardtng the
alue of the propertta. Lack of .nay news
from such developments aaseravated the dte
truat la the movements, aad faaterod a con
victtOB thai some of the apward sparia of
races dapa were due la eaTect ta the traajafer
Utroagh the nmrkrt af the stock from ana
band to the other. The cksdng of the market
una Arm tSid very active.
Roads were easy. Total sales, par value.
$.nM4n. United States out loan advaaced
ft, par cent oa call.
Smks. Hlrh. Low. bM.
Atfajng ttxprtaa.
Aamu. Copper.
Am. Cor Fdry...
do preferred
Am. Cotton OH....
do preferred
in. Express
An. H. ft L pfd...
Anwvirttn lc
An. Uiyd Oil....
do preferred
Am. Locomotive
do preferred
Am. 6m. R-fg...
do refeiTxl
Am. Sugar RefinlRr
sList in m iio
ILStt 41 m 44Mi
sst m yn m
Z3M 42 44 41?
ISO 2i 2MH 3
MO 174 304 Hc
t.m i 4l?t
7M S7 27
h) 49Vi 40 4Bi
2J-1 731s ?TV 72
3X.m 172 MOVi 170s
2.000 US 1Z7 15S
-t.m lSIa 1491a UMk
Am. .Too. pfcL. cert. 400
tmt MfVs M7a
AtMcofKXn Mining.. 3aJH 23 207
Atrhtoon 2.Jt Pe l
do prt'l erred 4w
Atlantic t'uaat L... M0
hK PMfe 10ls
lOfVj ltT5 M3H
HaJUmore Ohio.. 9.Su 1K USV
do pToferred Ra) fa
Brooklyn R, Trail.. C7W
Canadian Piunllr...
CVntral of N. J
i.ffw 1KSH
Cfcsareake dr Ohio 28.9M
Cltlcaffo Jk Alton
do preferred
Chi. 17 1. Western... 5,70
Chicago Jk X. W... 40s
rut., mu. a. st. p.. njm
Chi. Term. A Trait. 200
do preferred (Mm
C. (1, C. AY St. Lw. i.240 HS MTV l7Vs
foio. rTiet
Colo. tr Stwthern.. 4;
do 11 pvef erred.
do 2d preferred..
CotumtMated Oas..
lrn Produeta
do pTOfernod
Del. Hudson....
D.. I A W .
Danver A R. G , j
do preferred Ajm
Dial. Securities .... 20
Erie -4..6.... SLm
do 1st preferred.. 200
do 2d preferred...
Genenil Electric
Hocking Valuer
Ilttnoui Central
Intern. Paper
do peeff-rred
Intern. Pump
do preferred
loam Oentral
do pw parted
Kan. Pita' Southern
d Preferred
ItuUrvflte ft Nash. ?.) St 152
Manhattan L
iMetrop. Scuritie.
Metrop. St. fty
Mexican Central...
Mists. A St. Iut.
a.. Sup. a s. s. m.
do prfrrd
MUaotirl Pacific ...
fid.. K- A T
do preferred
1.000 19
3N llaHk
10.0M Mfi-K 101
7.0(4 3f4 a
3 72
9 S-
National I-ad ..T.
Nat. of Mex. pfd..
K. T. Oentral
X. Y.. Ont. A V...
K.3 m iis lsarft
Norfolk A Western 12,100
do preferred
North American... X.3M 1044
t-aciac mmii 1.M0 il
MJM 147 1ta 11
Pple Gum 2X0 Ml Tn Mt
J .. V... V. CK. U
Preaaed Steel Car.. 2.56) 2
do preferred
Pulimaa PaL Car
Itajadtag 1S.240 li
laf .191
dn tet prof or red.
1.4-at ii
1J00 MS
mji preferred...
Republic Steel
do preferred
Rock Intend Cm....
do preCarred
St. 1 A S. P. Zd at
800 MK
4,300. 24
4S 4S
21 38
m an
St. Louis S. W.....1 3.300
do preferred MO
Southern Pacific..114.3O0
72 70
do preferred 100 11.9 n.r 1114
Southern 41 30 UVt,
imn. .uu ac trua. svj lto
texa PaeiRe....
Toledo. St. L. A W. LOW
30 IK
3f 20
10 sU
lo "nreferrad ...
Union Paeitlc
do poaferrod ....
r. S. Kxpreas
IT. S. Realty
U. S. Rubber
.201.10) 13T 1S
. aso s ss
do preferred
at 114 112
U. S. Steel 11I.M9 4f 41
do preferred 3X.m 112 nau tie
do preferred
.m 116 111 us
do preferred
WclU-Fargo Exp...
M:elnlMtW Islee.
Western Union ....
N'hee4lnr; & 1.. IE..
Wisconsin Centra!.
do preferred
Xortbcfn Pacific ..
Central Leather ...
do preferreti
400 10
29 iy:
m 32
J.Krt C
4.7CO 2tS
CO) 4S
V3 105 105
1.I1U III 'iv
ToUU sales tor the day. LfSOOO shares.
NEW YORK. Jan- 23. Closing quotations:
U. 8. ref. 2s?i;.lt0H!D. & R. G. 4s...l00j!,iw. 1 a circ as., tk
U. S. 3s reg 162 H 'Nor. Paetfic 4s. .1031
aa coapon rafeiftc 4a... fliu
XJ. S- new 4a reg.l20aUnios PadKc 4s. 105;-
da coupoa 131VI W. Central 4s.. Ptt?!
-rj.A old 4 rep.luS'ftUap. fis. 2d ser..l00
do soup oa lOKHlJap. 4a, eer... 95
AteMaoa Adj. 4
Stocks nt Int1os.
LONDON. Jap. . 23. Consols for money.
SB 11.10: eenaolE for account. 83 3-18.
Anaocnda 14 'Norfolk & West. H2H
AbrhieoB 7 1 do preferred... ssu
do preferred. .107 iOntario & West. 7."
-SglOtnorv & O. .HX.Ptnnsylvanla . 7
Can. Pacific IS-'VRand Mines Sjh
rha. A- Ohio... 83 i Reading 49
C. Gf. Weeitern. 23 H t do let pref. ... 52
.. M. K St. P. .ia.4i" " do 2d pref 41 1
De Beers 0 lS!So". Railway 103
U. &. li. Grande. 43 j; do preferred... 74 U
M4 V
fit 4
2S 22 22
2Sa 224 234
m isK mM
17 nP 17
42 41 41
90 7lV TMi.
wkWfc KVw
72 71& 72
MM IB 1W 1
m 17s 176 17
mm 53k 3f4
TOO 223 222 221
.... 470
M lVs 40Vi
Hi Wfc
& Sg 9
SHi 32 82
509 75 71 74
MO ITS 1774 17S
!,00f ISO ITS 17U
m 23 24 si
.7" S7K
HO SC 3iVi 36
too s $tt
1.409 21 22 23
m 554 02 cnt
m 32 llVi 3U
HO 63, 02
099 HH 9 lOOU.
2.01 72 TIM 711
2.0W 12S 194 124 Vi
. 24 25V 254
soi mi au. si
15 li
m 170V.
Erie SlHlSo. Pacillc lrtl
do IstpreT.... SlX'nlon Pacific. ..101
do 2d pref 77i- do preferred... 46H
Illinois Central. 1 SI j U. S. Steel 1134
Louis. & Nash.. 100 do preferred... 2tl
Mo.. Kas. A T. . 4i I Wabash 4S
X. T. Central... 153' do preferred... .91
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW TORK, Jan. 23. Money on .call
easy. ;J43 per cent; highest. 4 per
ceat; ruling rate 4 per cent; closing bid.,
3?i per cent; offered at 4 per cent. Time
loans, easier; GO days and IK) day. 4?g4
per cent; six months. 463 per cent. Prime
mercantile paper. r tr 5 ' per cent.
Sterllng exchange easier, with actual busi
ness In bankers bills at $4.S7154.S720 for
demand, and at 34.S3S0 Q 4. SSS5 for 60-day
hills. Posted rates, L$44,SS; cemmer
oial bills. 34.S.1:.
Bar Mlver fi3Se.
Mexican dollars 50c.
Bonds Government, firm; railroad, easy.
LONDON. Jan. 23. Bar. sliver, steady, per ounce. Money. 3H04 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
bort'bill is 3 13-lfitfST per cent; for three
mouths' Mils. 3?;43ft per cent.
SAX FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. Silver bar.
Sc Hfght drafts. 18c; telegraph drafts.
12c Sterling, W days. 3LM: sight,
Dally Treasury Slatemrol.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. Today's state
meat of the Treaeury balance shows:
Available cash balances 3142.2S7.330
Gold coin and bullion 7S.127.70S
Gold certificates 32,371.40
Prices Steadily Decline and Close Is
Weak and at Lowest
of the Day.
CHICAGO. Jan. 23. At the opening May
wheat options were down K to HI? He at
S7VffS7c to S7c. There was free sell
ing by pit traders, who took advantage of
the lack of wire facilities and subsequent
meager Information raueed by the storm.
As the trading progressed, the selling be
came geenral with small holder Joining in
the movement. Reports were received that
wheat at Liverpool had closed td lower.
Throughout the day the market lacked sup
port and prices steadily declined. The close
was weak and at the lowest point af the
day. Final quotations on May were at
The corn market closed weak with May
at 15c
Oats were easier. May opened unchanged
at C!c. sold off to 31 e and closed
at 31 i 031 He.
Expect at io ax of a larger run of live hogs
caused general selling of provisions and re
sulted in a weak market. At the cloee May
pork was down 20c at $14.12. lard was off
lav at 37.0 and ribs were 10c lower xt
Gram and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Flour Receipts.
4I.2PA barrels; exports. 12.000 barrel. Dull
aad barely steady.
Wheat Receipts. w5.w0 bushels. Spot,
easy; No. 2 red. M)&r elevator: No. 2 red.
put,c f. o. b. anoat; No. 1 Northern Duluth.
PSc f. o. b. anoat. General weakness was
noted In wheat today, prices losing about He
per bushel. The Influences chiefly respon
sible were Nqutdatlon. bearish news and
Rradatreet'x vMbte statement. The close
was vlc net lower. May. 01itjf91Hc
dod Mr; July MiS.r&0e. closed SO He. .
Hops and hide Firm.
Wool and petroleum Steady.
Changes In Available fMippHe.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Special cable and
telegraphic communications received by
nradatreet's know the following changes la
available supply, as compared with las, ac
count: Bushels.
Wheal. United State and. Canada,
east of the Rockies. Increased.. .. t,130.000
A no 1 for and in Europe, decrease.. 100.000
Total xnppiy. Increase 40.000
Corn. United States and Canada.
eaat of the Roeklss. Increase 1,200.000
Oats. United States and Canada
east of the Rockier, decreare 23S.000
VIHle Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. The visible supply
of crala Saturday. January 20, a compiled
by the New York Predueo Exchange, was
as follows:
Bus beta.
Wheat 4S.779.O00
Com 14.27X.OOO
Oats 27.X15.P0O
Rye 2.451.000
Barley 5.52.000
Grain at San Franrltco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23. Wheat and
barley, steady.
Spot quotations Wheat: Shipping. ?lWt?
1.40; milling. 31.47 4? 15. Barley: Feed.
$1.21 U 0)1.23: brewing. ?I.25tfl.27. Oats:
Red. L25l.'l5: white. ?I.53t?1.75; Mack.
CnH-beanl sale What: May. 31.37;
December. $1.32. Barley: 31.21 bM: De
cember. 7c Corn, large yellow, 3l.254f
Wheat at Tacomn.
TACOMA. Jan. 2B. Wheat Unchanged.
Export: Bluestera, 73c; club, 71 4c; red.
Wheat at Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL Jan. 23. Wheat March. 7s;
May, Oa 10d. Weather, foggy.
Market Is in a Firm Position In
quiry for Foreign Grades.
London Sales Postponed.
BOSTON. Jan. 23. The wool market Is in
a firm position with a fairly steady demand.
Calls for territory wool are better than the
ability of the dealers to supply, stocks being
so greatly depleted that the selection l
poor. Foreign wools are firm. Australian.
New South American and tierce wools have
been In constant demand from different
rallls. many of which aro but slightly sup
plied. Territory quotations:
Idaho fine, 22 (f 23c; heavy fine. 22 1? 2.1c:
fine medium. 22fy23c; medium. 2G(f27c; low
medium. 279-2SC.
Wyoming fine, 22 ff 2.1c; heavy fine, 10
20r: tine medium. 22 23c; medium, ZiQ
27c: lew medium, 27W 2Sc
Nevada, fine. 23(f24c; heavy fine. 10&20e;
fine medium. 23021c; medium. 20 f? 27c; law
medium. 27422c-
Montana fine. 25ff20c; fine average, 214
25c; fine medium choice, 27fj2c'c
Wool at St. Lout.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 23. Wool Steady. Me
dium grades, combing and clothing, 2dfy
BOc; Hght fine. 21 r26c:- heavy fine. lUf21c:
tub-washed. 33011 c
London Sales Postponed.
LONDON, Jan. 23. The wool sales were
postponed today on account, of fog.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. The market for
evaporated apples contlnuec quiet with prices
unchanged. Common are quoted at ?Kfy
Sttc, nearly prime at S60c prime at 0c,
choice at 10c and fancy at lie.
Prunes are in good Jobbing demand on
spot and prices are firmly held, ranging
from 4 Sc. according to grade.
Apricots are unchanged with choice quoted
at 3t? 10c. extra choice at lofl0c and
fancy at lie 12c
Peaches are in moderato demand, but wltTa
available offerings light, the. tone la firm.
Extra, choice, 10c; fancy 10 9 11c; extra
fancy. 11 13c
Raisins are still more or less unsettled
with the trade expecting a modification of
price on the coast. Loose muscatels are
quoted at 56t.c; seeded raUlns. &Ut?
7c and Loadoa layers, SL90.
Heavy Receipts of Oregon Po
tatoes at San Francisco.
Onions Easy, Owing; to Liberal Ar
rivals From Tliis State Wheat
Options Sell Freely at .
Lower Prices.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28. (SpecIaLl
FHlly 10 carloads of Oregon potatoes ar
rived by rail yesterday and today. Most of
this stock is poor and dealers are not quot
ing over 75 to PO cents for the same as the
cheaper river goods have the preference
among buyers. High-grade Oregon Bur
banks are In relatively light supply and
steady up to 31.20. with sum- dealers asking-
si.25. Fancy Salinas are alo firm with
occasional sales above $1.50. River goods,
on account of cheapness, are cleaning up
well at 00 to SO cents per sack or 30 to 05
cents per cental. Onions are easy at $1.25
to $1.40 for good to fancy, owing to recent
liberal supplies from Oregon.
Wheat options sold freely at lower prices
on favoraWe weather for the crop In Cali
fornia aad the slump In Chicago. Spot
values were fairly steady. Barley futures
declined on good crop prospects and the
cash grain was firm on account of small
available supplies. Oats were firm. Feed
stuffx were easier.
The market for citrus fruits was In good
shape, receipts being light and the demand
Improving. Large navel oranges were most
favored among buyers and very firm. Apples
were in fair demand, but only fancy reds
are showing much firmness.
Butter, extras and firsts, advanced c.
Cheese was firm and unchanged. Eggs are
0Mc higher despite liberal arrivals. Re
ceipts: 31.S00 pounds of butter. 0600 pounds
of rheese ami 32.340 dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 50ctf $1.50;
garlic. 5?Sc; green peas. 037c; string
beans. 1720c: tomatoes. $1.25 1.50.
POULTRY THrkeys. 17ff2Ic; roosters,
old. $1.3045.30: roosters, young. $0Q7;
broilers, small. $2fr5: broilers, large. $195;
fryers. $3ft6; hens. $4.50B.50; ducks, old.
$5frS; ducks, young. $tsf 7.5R.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 31 c; cream
ery seconds. 24 c.
EGGS Store. 232c; fancy ranch. 2Sc.
CHEESE Young America. 13f-15c; East
ern. !5rlftc; Western. 14f?Uc.
WOO! South Plains and S. J.. 11915c;
lamb. 94rJKc
HOPS 7 4? lie.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $I04f 20.50; mid
dlings. $2720.
HAY Wheat. $1144 10; wheat and oats. $0
14; barley. $S11; altaira. ?ll If 13.50;
stock. $ i4..0 7.50; straw, per bale. 30r55c.
FRUIT Apples, choice. $2; common. 40c;
bananas. $14r2.75; Mexican limes, nominal:
California lemons, choice, $2.30; common.
75c; oranges, navel. 5 1 H .t ; pineapples. $2ff4.
POTATOES Early Rose. $1.2591.40; Sa
linas Burbanks. $1,1041.50; sweets, 0c4
$1.25: Oregon Burbanks. 75c$t.25.
RECEIPTS Flour. 12.525 quarter sack:
wheat. 902 centals: barley. 1220 rentals;
oat. 2511 centals; beans. 2277 sacks; pota
toes. 105P sacks; bran. 5H) sacks; middlings,
520 sacks; bay, 54 S tens; wool, 3 bales:
hides. 440.
livestock: markets.
Prices Quoted Locally on Cattle. Sheep and
The following llveeteck prices were quoted
yeeierday In the local market:
t'ATTLB Good steers. $3.5030.75; fair to
medium. $2.734rX.OO;. cows. good. $X.lX1r3.25:
medium. $2.5032.75; calves, light, l.V to 175
pounds, ft.504rl.75; calves, heavy, $.1.00413.25.
HOGS Best, suitable for pack-ir's. $V0ff?
6.25: fair to medium grades. $5.50: light fat
weights. 120 to 140 pounce, $5.00tf$5.25.
SHEEP Good fat sheep, $5.0095.25; choke
lambs. $3.50.
Prices Current nt Ivonsa City, Omaha and
SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 2X Cattle Re
ceipts 4 SCO; market steady to lower. Na
tive steers. $3.75423.30: cows and heifers.
S2.504r3.S5. canners, $1.75t?2.40; stackers
and feeders. 32.50Q4.25; calve. $2.50110:
bulls, stags, etc.. $2.25t?3.S3.
Hogs Receipt 8500; market 5c higher.
Heavy. $5.37 f?5.45; mixed. 55.35tr5.40:
light. $5.2393.40; pigs. $4.50t?5.10; bulk ot
sales. $5.354?5.40.
Sheep Receipts 850O; market strong. 10c
higher. Western yearlings. $3.003-6.207
wethers. $5.40 tj 5.00: ewes, $4.75 CT5.25:
lamb. $77.23.
CHICAGO. Jan. 23. Cattle Receipts
4000; market steady. Beves. $3.70tfti.33:
sleeker and feeder. $2,404x5.40; cows and
heifers. $1.404.S0; Texas fed steers. $3.00
4.30. .
Hogs Receipts 25.000; market strong to
5c higher. Mixed and butchers. $5.40f?
5.G7; good to heavy. $5.5395.70; rough
heavy. 35.404y5.3e: light. $5.33(Qr3.H0; pigs.
$4.305.30; bulk of sales. $5.3063.60.
Sheep Receipt 14.000; market 10915c
higher. Sheep. $3,7343.90; lambs. $5.00f
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan. 23. Cattle Re
ceipts 12.000; market steady to 10c higher.
Native steers, $4 98: native cows and heif
ers. $2ff5; stackers and feeders, $2.50
4.30; Western cows. $2,5011; Western steers.
33.504? 5.50; bulls. $4 4 1.20.
Hogs Receipts 15.000; market strong to
Sc higher. Bulk of sales. $5.504j5.05; heavy.
$5.43rS.3S; packers, $5.403.52; pigs and
light. $505.45.
Sheep Receipts 5000; market 5 10c high
er. Muttons, $4.50 ft 6; top Western Iambs,
$7 50; range wethers. $5.4090.30; fed ewes,
i 25 ft 3.35; lamb. $G.25f7.50.
Government Figures Cauv Break In. New
York and Xevr Orleans Markets.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 23. A bulletin Is
sued by the Census Bureau at 2 o'clock this
afternoon oh the amount of cotton ginned
from the growth of 1005 to January 10
shows the number ot running bales for the
United States to be O.OSS.lll. as against
12,707.000 for 1005 and 0.4S3, 1S2 for 1004.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. There was a sharp
break In the cotton market today following
the report of the Census Bureau figures
chewing a net loss of 32 to 33 points, with
March selling at 11.40c and May at 11.50c.
The close was steady: January, 1 1.22c; Feb
ruary. 11.2Sc; March. 11.30c: April. 11.3!)c;
May. 11.47c: June. 11.4Sc; July, 11.53c; Au
gust, 11.36c; September, 10.7Sc, and Octo
ber. 10.05c.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 23. The Govern
ment Bureau glnners' report. Issued at 2
P. M.. was regarded as bearish, and prices
of the -active months dropped 30 to 33 points
on the exchange. The market was quiet at
the decline.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 23. There was an ad
vance of about 7s lOd In the London tin
market with spot and futures closing at
104 17s 3d. Locally the market was steady
In tone, but prices were a shade lower with
spot quoted at 30.25 6 38.02 c
Copper was unchanged In London with
spot quoted at 78 7s 8d and futures 70 7s
Cd. Locally. lake and electrolytic are
quoted at 18jflS.50e and casting- at ISc
Lead was la 3d higher at 16 13s 3d In
London. The local market was steady wlttx
quotations ranging from 5.0085.S0c
Spelter also was a shade higher In London,
closing at 2S 2s 6d. Locally the market
was quiet at 0.4098.50c
Iron waa lower abroad at 52s 7d for stand
ard foundry and 33s lld for Cleveland
warrants. Locally the market was un
changed. Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK, Jon, 23. Coffee futures
closed easy at unchanged prices to a decline
of 10 points. Sales. 7050 bags. Including:
February. C.00cO0.B5c; March. 6.03c: May,
7.13 13 7.25c; June, 7.30c; July. 7.334f7.40c;
August. 7.40c; September. 7.4397.53c; Octo
ber, 7.&0c; November, 7.70c; December, 7. 05
7.73c Spot Rio. quiet; No. 7, SHc; mild,
Sugar Raw. steady: fair refining. 3 13-tGc;
centrifugal. 00 test, 3 0-18c: molasses sugar,
2 He; refined, steady; crushed. $3.40; pow
dered. $4.S0; granulated. $4.70.
Mlaiag- Stacks.
closing quotations for mining stocks today
wero as follows:
Ajta $ .02 Uulla ...$ .07
Alpha Con 04 ! Justice 02
Andes l Mexican 1.2a
Belcher 15 Occidental Cat- at?
Best & Belcher 1.15 lOphlr 3.S7A
Bullion 20 'Overman 15 "
.4.1 ;Pot09i
.15 .Savage
.12 'Scorpion
Challenge Con.
Confidence ....
Seg. Belcher..
Con. CaL 4: V. 1.20 Sierra Nevada
Con. X. Y 03 (Silver Hill
Crown Point... .00 Union Con
Exchequer ... .20 (Utah Con
Gould & Curry .18 li'ellow Jacket..
Hale JL Nor... .80 !
"BOSTON, Jan. 23.-
-Closing quotations:
'Mont. C. & C.$ 3.00
Adventure ..$ 5.30
43.30 IN. Butte. .
Amalgamate! 110.23
Old Dominion .S7
Am. Zinc... 84.75
Atlantic 25.75
Bingham ... 25.25
Cal. 3c Hecla 712.00
Centennial .. 20.50
Cop. Range.. 83.75
Daly West. . 1G.50
Shannon ....
Tamarack . .
United Cop. .
!U. S. Mining.
U. S. Oil
'Utah ........
iVIctorla ....
j Winona .....
I Wolverine ..
6.37 Vs
Dominion C.
Franklin ...
Isle Royale.. 27.25
Mass. Mining 10.25
Adams Coh $ .20
Alice 55
Brcece 45
Brunswick C. .57
23. Closing quotations:
iLlttle Chief $ .OS
iOntario 3.00
OpMr 3.73
Cc-ro stock Tun.
Con. Cal. & V.
Horn Silver...
Sierra Nevada.
Iron Silver. ... 4.00
Leadvllle Con. .00
'Small Hopes.
iStandard 4.23
Dairy Produce In the En.t.
CHICAGO. Jan. 23. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market waa steady.
Creameries. !Sfr27c; dairies. lt)4?2lc.
Eggs Firm at mark, cases Included. 17
10c; firsts. 10c: prime. 20c; extras, 22c.
Cheese Steady, 1013c
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Butter Easy, un
changed. Cheese and eggs Firm, unchanged.
"What First to Do iVhcn the Blaze
Breaks Out.
American Homes and Gardons.
No house, however tvell built, is abso
lutely proof against fire. The ttreproof
house is no longer a- theoretical struc
ture, it is true, and many houes are
built either on the fireproof or elow
burning system: but every house contains
large quantities of inflammable material;
there Is danger from the heater, or care.
lest'rcss In the kitchen: the electric wir
ing may be. Improperly insulated: there
are many ways In which the best of
houses may suffer Injury from fire, and
a very serious and real problem that con
fronts every owner of a countrj homo is
protection against fire.
In ifiany cases this niu?t be a personal
protection: that Is to say, one for which
the owner Is personally responsible, a
protection service installed by himself
and manned and applied by his own peo
ple. This Is particularly true of isolated
houses, situated at some distance from
any fire station, and wholly dependent on
local or Immediate sources of water sup
ply. The volunteer tire department, while
unquestionably the bust that many vital
communities can afford, are Inherently
deficlent In the efficiency of a paid force.
The members aro scattered; they cannot
immediately respond to calls made, upon
them; they may not even be at home
when the alarm is given; the alarm sys
tem Itself may be inefficient: tho appa
ratus may not be kept up to date; there
may not be sufficient hose; there are
many serious criticisms that can be made
of these organization, although the inten
tion? of the members and subscribers may
be of the best, and the protection Intend
ed to be given arranged on the most
available plan. The faults are not q
faults of the volunteers, but of the sys
tem 'under which they necessarily labor.
Owners of large houses, therefore, will
do well to provide their own fire appa
ratus, at least to a conrfderable extenL
There should be a double water supply,
one within and one without the house.
There should be an ample supply of hose
and a number of chemical fire extinguish
ers. A ladder mounted on wheels and
kept outside the house may be found nec
essary at critical time?. There should bo
force pumps for directing streams of
water against the fire. In short, every
reasonable and proper protection should
be arranged for.
Perhaps even more important than the
apparatus is the knowledge of its use.
It Is quite unless to supply apparatus
If It Is not known how It will be used.
Fire drills are therefore Important, es
pecially if a large number of servants
are kept. Every man should know just
what Is expected ofhim in such an emer
gency and Just what he Is to do. The
drills should Include the actual use of the
apparatus as well as the part each one is
expected to take.
Gives Another Dinner in New York,
With Great Success.
New York Times.
B. H Harrlman gave a dinner In honor
of Koreklyo Takahoshi at the Metropoli
tan Club Monday evening. There were
about 60 guests present. Including several
prominent Japanese and many ot Mr.
Harrlman's perspnal friends, among them
a number of prominent bankers. Including
Jacob H. Schlff.
Mr. Harrlman's entertainment of Mr.
Takahashl. the special financial represen
tative of the Japanese government abroad,
was In recognition of the many courtesies
extended by him to Mr. Harrlman during
the lattcr's visit to Japan last Fall.
The arrangements for the dinner wore
especially designed to prove enjoyable for
the distinguished Japanese guests, who
were reminded by the decorations of the
dlnlng-table and In other ways of their
home country. Tho Japanese present. In
addition to Mr. Takahashl, Included K. J.
Imanlshi, manager of the New York
agency of the Yokohama Specie Bank;
a Fukal, U. Yanaglya and 9. Uchlda.
Japanese Consul-General1 In New York.
Tho large table .at which the threescore
guests were seated was arranged In Imi
tation of a Japanese garden. In the cen
ter was a beautifully modeled pagoda, and
at either end of the table were ponds in
which sported Japanese goldfishes.
After the dinner Mr. Harrlman's guests
were entertained by Japanese music,
played by musicians from the Island Empire-,
and by Japanese athletic contests.
There were several native exponents of
JIu-Jltsu, who performed for the enter
tainment of the diners, and also fencing
matches between Japanese swordsmen.
The Japanese guests expressed admlra
tion of .the skill displayed by these fol
lowers of the two most honored modes of
Japanese defense.
In entirely Informal speeches after the
dinner, courtesies were exchanged between
the representatives of the two nations at
the dinner. The entertainment being- of
purely personal character, however, no
reference was made to the financial mat
ters with which Mr. Takshashi Is espe
cially concerned in his mission from the
Japanese government.
In the speech which he himself made,
he gave voice to the good will between
his own country and this without finding
It necessary to dwell specifically upon the
question- of finance, which during the
period -of the recent war brought him
closely in contact with American bankers.
' Prayer Before Eating;.
Puck. .
Mrs. Goode (a clergyman's wife) "My
husband always says a short prayer be
fore each meal."
The New Cook (Indignantly) "Weliv he
needn't take take sich precautions phwlle,
I'm at th rang--il'm no cookln'-school
Louise C Bennett and husband to
Grace F. Llndaley. 1.61 acres, sec
tion 6. township 1 south, range 2
east $ 4.500
Grace Pierce et al. to Otto-J. Kraem
er. lot 1 to 6. block 21, North
Portland 1
L. A. Patterson and wife to Rose Os
tium, lot 10, block 2. Maplewood
Addition - 173
Clarence C. Murton and wife to Ida
Johnson, lots 5. 0. block 21. Central
Alblna v 1.025
Thomazlne P. Carstensen and hus- S
band to . lot 7. block 107. city 4,000
Point View Real Estate Co. to Theresa
H. Johnson, lots 0. 7. block 12.
Point View 230
H. F. Woodcock and wife to A. G.
Anderson. 20 acres north side south
west 4 of northwest H. section IS.
township 1 south, range 3 east .... 1.000
Moses F. Tufts to W. F. Stadelman.
lot 8. block II. St. Johns Park Ad
dition ' 1.000
F. N. Elliott and wife to Jakob Burk
hardt. 2 acres .beginning south
east corner D. L. C. of Frances N.
Elliott and wife, sections 1. 2. 11, .
12. township- 1 roulh. range 2 east. 1S7
Alfred J. Krlder and wife to Mary J.
Murphy, northwest V ot southwest
U section 7, township 1 south,
range 4 east .- 2.000
William H. Hamilton. Jr., ami wife
to Ullle May Emery. 2 acres seo
tlon 10. township 1 south, range 3
east 2,500
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to W. O.
Fragmeler. lot 1. block 3, West
Piedmont 400
E. J. Urahs and wife to Olaus Nelson
and wife, lot 0, block 27. McMtl
Ien's Addition 4,200
Milton W. Smith and wife to Georgia
B. Bell, lot 9. Palatine Hill 1
Arnold Myers and wife to Georgina
B. Bell, parcel land beginning
southeast corner lot 0, Palatine Hill 1
Gay Lombard and wife to Security
Savings & Trust Co., S6.3x60 2-3
feet beginning intersection south
line Everett with east line Ella ... 1
Robert Shaw Smith et al. to Security
Investment Co.. southwest block
E, Alblna Homestead I
S. J. Barber and wife to Annie L.
Malarkey. lot 0. block 4. Albion
Addition t
Flrland Co. to W. H. Wells, lots 1,
2. block 10. Flrland 330
Grace II. Leonard and husband to J.
J. Fitzgerald, lot 4. block 267. Hol
laday Addition S50
Thomas O'Dav and wife to Arthur C.
Spencer. 5.0S acres beginning 10
. chains north of southeast corner
C Stump D. L C. I
Frank M. Sherman and wife to Frank
II. Sherman, west of northwest
section 16. township 1 north,
range 1 east, except Arbor Lodge . 1,300
Same to Fred S. Morris, west of
northwest U section 16. township
1 north, range 1 cast, except Arbor
Lodge 1
J. C. Roberts and wife to John Pres
ton, lot 0. block 3. Hanson's Seeend
Addition 750
C. Hanson and wife to B. II. Rowley.
lot 10. block 102. Sellwood 1
Lewi V. Woodward to John F.
Brown, lot 1. block 110. Norwood . 200
C. Hansen and wife to Margaret 011
vcrLaForce. lots 6. 7. fractional lots
18. 17. block 72. Sellwood 332
C. O. Samaln to Nettle Lagerborg. let
10. block 16, Klnze Park 1
W. A. MacRae. trustee to Annie
Sooloda. lot 7. block 1. Gay's Addi
tion 1
W. A. MacRae. trustee, to Vike Svo
boda. lot S. block 1; lot 1. block 2.
Gay's Addition 1
W. H. Jacobus and wife to A. J.
Brault. undivided lots 23. 16.
block 144. University Park 10
Gustav Dregor to M. T. Brownssn.
lots 25. 26. block 114. University
Park 1
A. J. Brault and wife to same, same
property 1
Arleta Land Co. to O. B. Finch. lots
10. 11. block 5; lots 13. 14. block S;
lots 1. 2. block 0. Lester Park 770
A. M. MacLeod and wife to Anna 31.
Trotter, lots 1. 2. 3. 4. block 45.
Piedmont 1,050
Francis I. McKenna and wife to
Charl?s K. Bryant, parcel land be
ginning intersection center Una
Newell Mt. with south line Syracuse
at.. Northern Hill Addition 1.400
Oak Lumber Co. to, same. lets 10 ta
20. block I I. Northern Hill Addition 1.200
Mlehael Shields and wife to Ilermine
A. Weber, west 16 2-3 feet lot 12;
east 16 2-3 feet lot 13, block 1.
Goldsmith's Addition 1.750
Mary J. Smith to C. II. Towslee. lots
7. S. bkiek 5. P. T. Smith's Addition 2.000
Hawthorne estate to J. B. Illbbard.
lot 12. block 5, Hawthorne's First
Addition 600
M. Hager to Louise Hager, lot 6.
block 130. Stephens Addition ...... 1
The Portland B. F. Morgan, Seattle: H.
N. Denny. Syracuse. N. Y.; W. H. Wyman,
Seattle; G. W. Talbot. Redlands; J. It.
Vcllch. Chicago: E. S. Farrlngton and wife,
Reno; J. G. James. Lexington. Ky.; E. L.
Passmore. Chicago; C. R. Richards. W. L.
Bannister. New York; H. F. Samuels, Wal
lace. Idaho; F. C. Davidson. Oakesdale.
Nev.; II. S. Hawkins. Cleveland. O.; M.
Eanak. J. Frcnd. W. A. Lleber. A. Balr. San.
hranclsco: J. Montag, Chicago; Mrs. R. D.
Rogers. Mrs. F. ilantor. Seattle: F. S. Gray,
San Francisco: II. C. Macauley. Mrs. M. A.
Francis. Dawson: O. J. Stutl. New York:
W. F. Butcher. Baker City: Dr. Dickson and
wife. Grand Forks. N. D-: Mrs. J. 51. Lynde.
New York: Mrs. J. W. Adams. Frances Ad
ams. Carson City. Nev.; S. D. Burge and
wife. New York: II. L. Travis. Kalamazoo.
Mich.: Mrs. L. R. Carroll, J. D. Hills. Se
attle. The Oregon S. G. Smith, Washington,
D. C: R. A. Thompson and wife, city: O. W.
Dunn. San Francisco; D. D. Olds, Edna B.
Jones, Seattle: J. F. Hill. Boston: F. W.
Pettygrove, San Francisco: O. M. Fayne,
Chicago; I. Cadman and wife. East Orange,
N. J.: F. O. Baker, Spokane: Myrta I. Ba
ker. Greenville. Pa.; E. E. Woful. Chicago:
A. B. O'Brien. Boston: W. G. 51111s. Fred
N. Parson. Montana; John S. McMIIlln, Se
attle; Fred H. McMIIlln, Roche Harbor: E.
E. Brehm. Wllkeabarre; J. H. Norton. New
York; G. O. Barnhart. R. D. Mills, Spokane;
S. Barghooen. Moscow, Idaho; Mrs. Linnet,
Miss Llnnol. RlUville. Wash.; T. H. Me
grath. St Paul; S. S. Somerville, Napavina;
Frank Denning and wife. Tacoma: W. C.
Miles. Globe, Wash.: J. H. Smith and wife,
Miss Smith. Devil's Lake. N. D.; L. B. Krle
ger. Seattle: Link C Burton, Cathlamet:
Miss Leon a Gedge. city; Ingersoll Moffat.
Seattle: H. W. Young. San Francisco; B. F.
Krelter. Seattle; F. E. Alleyno, Astoria;
Charles Jennings. Harry Jackson, Chicago;
J. W. Murray, New York.
The Fcrklnfl T. T. Gcer. Salem; lira. W.
L. Barker. Idaho: E. C Goodwin. Tho
Dalles: R. E- Llndstrom, Brooklyn. N. Y.:
O. C? Dean and wife. Miss E. IL Jones. Hood
River: W. S. Lysons. Kelso; L. W. nibble.
Marietta. Ga.: C C. MHford. R. H. Whipple,
Belle Fourche. S. D.; A. Hepka. Sllverton,
Idaho; L. S. Wickersham. Toppenlsh. Wash.;
J. P. Helm. St. Paul: A. J. Fascos. Grand
Forks; E. S. Maynard, Seattle; W. G. Mills,
Montana; Miss Lay, Seattle; H. E. Arm
strong and wife. Cathlamet, Wash.; W. L.
Ireland, Grant's Pass: A. L. Caso and wife.
Miss Case. Garfield; J. L. Lewis. Corvallia:
E. J. Kiss. Vancouver; WL. Lewis. Seaside;
E. E. Ellsworth. Carlton: W. H. Wales,
Portland; Mrs. C. G. Hula, Moro; L. A.
Loom Is. Nahcotta: Mrs. R. C. Bellows. Gar
field. Wash.; E. N. Thompson. J. J. Butler,
Tekoa. Wash.; Sam Loney. Walla Walla;
John N. Theeness. wife and three children.
George W. Rea. Baker City; H. A. Fraser,
city; J- A. Handwrlght. city; Thomas
Graves. Master Graves. San Francisco: O.
W. Offutt. Arlington. Or.: R. L. Bussabuer,
Seattle: Fred Maatsch. Linn. Kan.; J. H.
Gill and wife. Monmouth, Or.; D. E. Brewer
and wife, Chemawa; E. J. Stark. Palouse.
Wash.: A. W. Arbuckle. Lebanon; A. B.
Daly. Marshfleld: W. R. Craven. Coos Bay;
Mrs. M. A. Gilman. Idaho: C. Field. Cot
tage Grove.
The St. Charles J. Brown. Rockwood; A.
M. Austin: W. F. Gilkey. Dayton: X. Down
ing. Rainier: F. WIest. Stella; W. A. Odell
and family; J. Dethman. city; C. Brlggs; P.
Hunter. Cazadero; J. Johnson. J. Lee. city;
B. Lane. Carrollton; G. Craig; A. Manning.
Pendleton; C. G. Varnell. San Francisco; S.
Galbrcath. Tualatin; K. Loe. Centervllle; W.
McComes. Goldendale; J. M. Clark. West
Mlddleton. Pa.; F. W. Bralllen. Warrenton:
F. B. Clonlnger. Scappooae; G. E. Lilly, Cor
vallls; J. F. Rlrcdan. Stevens; O. C. Dean
and wife. Hood River: R. H. Crlsell. Aurora:
C. J. Leavltt. Newberg; C. Pfcfferan and
wife. Tacoma: J. B. Wlest and wife. Stella:
Mrs. Springer. Spokane; M. Paul. G. Starr.
Stella: F. F. Seeley. Wllsonvllle: W. C. Belt
and family; J. W. Vaughan. Heppner; Mr.
Kellogg; E. McMaugh and wife. Salem.
Hotel Donnelly,. Tacoma Washington.
European plan. Bates, 75 cents to $150
per day. Free 'bus.