Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 24, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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San Francisco Liner Has Not
Yet Crossed Bar.
She Was Reported Off the Columbia
River Bar Monday Morning,
and Has Not Been
Seen Since.
Nothing has been heard or seen of the
steamer F. A. Kllburn since Monday
morning, when she parted company with
the steamer Alliance off the Columbia
JUver bar, and some anxiety Is felt con
cerning her safety. She was expeciea
ln on yesterday's high tide, but
to cross
the old ocean came and went and still
not even the smoke of the missing coaster
loomed up on the horizon. The weather
was thick, however, and the lookout
at the cape had difficulty covering a
creat distance with his powerful glasses.
The steamers Jeanle and Czarina, the
former from Los Angeles, via San Fran
cisco, and the latter from San Francisco
direct, are also understood to be ouisiae.
tooth havlnc left the Bay City last Fri
day night, at which time the Kllburn also
started for Portland.
Reports from the mouth of the river
late last night stated that the weather
3iad moderated considerably, ana
smoother bar is looked for today. Yes
terday dawned with a fierce wind sweep
ing along the coast Irom tne soumwesi.
and rain almost obscured the bar. The
breaker continued rolling high all day.
however, and under the circumstances
Captain Merriam. of the Kllburn, prob
ably considered it better policy to remain
at sea another night than to take chances
on the bar in the thick weather.
The Kllburn has a heavy freight and
manv oassenger." on board. She Is oper
ated by the Watsonville Transportation
Comnanr. She Is a staunch vessel, and
Jf not delayed by the thick weather, her
only reason for remaining outside can oe
a breakdown in her machinery or steer-
inE-cear. Shipping men are not ready to
bolinvo that disaster has befallen tho
craft, still they are at a, loss to know
whv sho did not attempt to cross In
Two French Bnrks CIcur for the
United Kingdom.
Two large cargoes of wheat were cleared
for Europe yesterday afternoon, 244,4Sl
"bushels being the actual measurement of
the two cargoes. Their combined value is
estimated at $188,901. Both cargoes will
go to Quccnstown or Falmouth for orders.
The largest portion of this enormous
auantlty of wheat was taken by the
French bark Asle. which was cleared by
Kerr. Glfford & Co., with 132.665 bushels.
valued at $99,498. The remainder. 111.616
"bushels, was taken by the French bark
La Rochejaquelln, whose manifest shows
a value of JS9.49S.
Both vessels dropped in the stream this
morning, and, being fairly well supplied
with sailors, may leave down without de
lay. Tho crew of tho Asle tried to start
trouble, but failed, and it is now ex
pected that they will be willing to take
tho vessel to sea without further remon
strance. Their main alleged cause for
complaint was that the bark had a loose
rivet in her botton. as a result of hav
Ing scraped bottom In one of the ports
at which she touched on her way out. but
tho officers and surveyors hold that the
ship is in perfectly seaworthy condition.
Immense Structure of Piling Gives
Owners Another Scare.
ASTORIA. Jan. 23. (Special:) The
big: log raft went on another rampage
last night and after drifting fully
three miles "came to anchor" on
the north side of the channel near the
Dcsdemona Sands. The raft was
hauled Into deep water yesterday after
being stranded for several weeks and
was supposedly safely anchored with
two 600.0-pound mushroom anchors, one
being placed at either end.
On the ebb tide last night the raft
dragged its anchors and drifted down
until off the Flavel wharf, when It
caught the force of the gale and the
heavy sea and was carried to the north
a distance of about 1500 feet, where the
anchors held.
Three of the Callcnder Navigation
Company's steamers stood by all
day and until after low water tonight
and it still held its position. The
raft is not aground, there being about
21 feet of water around it at low
tide, and as soon as the sea goes down
it will be towed to the dolphins re
cently driven for it near Flavel.
Did Hulk Meets Accident on
Start for New York.
ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 23. (Special.) The
Bteamer M. F. Henderson arrived down
from Portland this evening with the
Olympian in tow. Passing the city front
Bho was caught by the strong ebb tide
and her bow turned in toward the
wharves. She struck a barge at the Cal-
lender dock a glancing blow, and then hit
the steamer Arago. which was lying at
tho Ninth-street wharf, the Olympian at
the same time colliding with the light-
house tender Heather.
a no iieatner 8 mooring lines were car-
rled away and the Arago's house was
sllghtly damaged.
The other craft were
not injured.
Further Proof That Scaling Schooner
Has Perished.
VICTORIA. B. C, Jan. 23. Captain
Gaudln, agent ot marine, received a tele
gram tonight from Llghtkeeper Dakin, at
Carmanah, that the name board ot the
sealing schooner Fawn had been found In
the surf near there.
The sealing schooner Fawn left Bchrlng
Sea for Victoria last October with 52 seal
skins and six white men and 21 Indians.
Engineer Makes Investigation.
Major S. W. Roessler. U. S. Engineer,
and Harbormaster Ben BIglln. sur
veyed the east side landing of the
ferry Lionel R. Webster yesterday
morning in order to ascertain whether
or not the driving of a couple of dol
phins will Interfere with navigation.
The dolphins have been proposed for
the purpose of guiding the ferry to
her slip In stormy weather. Major
Roessler suggested that the slip be
shortened 20 feet and this morning he
will give his decision as to the dol
Olympian Off for New York.
4h V . nCZn Ta'tt 4h J?
-- "'"" wwum
for New York. She -will "be picked up at
Astoria by a tug nent up from Ean Fran
cisco, and at San Francisco she will oft
hooked on to the steamer Zealanaia,
which will tow her around the Horn.
Drummond to Carry Supplies.
ASTORIA, Jan. 23. (Specials-Presi
dent W. F. McGregor and Superintendent
P. A. Berglund. of the Alaska Fisher
men Packing Company, returned today
from San Francisco and report naving
chartered the American ship James
Drummond to carry supplies to the com
Danv'a Bristol Bay. Alaska, cannery. In
place of the American Challenger, which
was recently wrecked In the orient, une
Drummond Is now at San Francisco dis
charging a cargo of coal, which she
brought from Australia.
longshoreman Falls Through Hatch
Albert Rosch, a longshoreman en
gaged on the French bark Jacque.
which Is discharging- ballast at tne
sand dock, missed his footing yester
day morning: and fell through an open
hatch intd tho hold. His back was
wrenched and several ribs wcro broken.
He was removed to the Good Samaritan
Hospital, but there Is no certainty of
his recovery. Rosch is 29 years old and
married, living at 389 Glisan street-
Sinks In Collision.
BOSTON'. Jan. 23. The steamer Tro-
J"an of the Boston & Philadelphia line.
collided with tho steamer Nachoochee,
Due to Arrive.
Steamer From Date.
F. A. Kllburn. San Francisco.Jan. Z4
Czarina, San Francisco Jan. 24
Jeanle, San Francisco an. 24
Senator, San Francisco Jan. 24
Northland, San Francisco.. ..Jan. 25
Roanoke, San Francisco Jan. 27
Despatch, San Francisco Jan. 27
Nome City, San Pedro Jan. 29
- Due to Depart.
Steamer Destination Date.
Alliance. Eureka-Coos Bay.. .Jan. 24
Aurcila, San Francisco Jan. 24
Senator, San Francisco Jan. 26
F. A. Kllburn. San Francisco.Jan. 27
Jeanle, Los Angeles Jan. 27
Aragonla, Orient Jan. 2S
Northland. San Pedro Jan. 29
Roanoke. IOB Angeles Jan. 30
Despatch, San Francisco Jan. 30
Columbia. San Franclsoc Jan. 21
Nome City, San Pedro Feb. 1
of ihe Savannah line, in Vineyard Sound
last Sunday and sank within three
quarters of an hour. Tho Nachoochee,
which was slightly injured, brought the
captain and crew here today.
Steamer Xell Afloat.
VICTORIA, B. C, Jan. 21 A dispatch
from Port Simpson reports that the
steamer Nell, recently wrecked near Slet-
lakatlah, was floated on Monday and
taken to Georgetown for repairs.
Cutter Terry Sails Today.
The revenue cutter Perry will leave
for Astoria today after a short stay In
the harbor. Captain F- Tuttle enter
tained a few friends on board of his
trim vessel last night.
Marine Notes.
The British steamer Tottonham loft
don yesterday morning.
The British bark Afon Alaw shifted
to Oceanic dock yesterday.
The French Jark Michelet shifted to
Irving dock yesterday to load wheat.
David B. Ogden. assistant United
States engineer, returned from Cas
cade Locks yesterday.
The Oriental liner- Aragonla Lb ex
pected to sail for Hongkong via Japan
ese ports next Sunday.
The Finnish bark Isabel Browne left
down yesterday morning. She will try
to till her crew. at Astoria.
The boathouse of the Portland Canoe
Club Is still at tho bottom of the river
at the foot of Stark street and is nearly
totally submerged now that the river
has risen considerably.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. Jan. 23. Condition of the bar
at 5 P. M obscured: wind southeast:
weather cloudy. Arrived down at S A. M.
Steamer Homer. Arrived down at 9 A.
M. Steamer Rcdondo.
Yokohama, Jan. 23. Sailed German
steamer Numantla. for Portland.
San Francisco. Jan. 23. Sailed Barken-
tlne James Tuft, for Portland; steamer
Meteor, for Tacoma; schooner King Cy
rus, lor Tacoma.
City Attorney Is Clearing "Way for
the Brooklyn Sewer
City Attorney McNary called on some
of the property-owners in Brooklyn last
evening through whose lots the main
conduit of the proposed sewer system wilt
pass, with a view of securing their con
sent to deeds of rights of way, without
resorting to the courts. The result of
the conference with af portion of the own
ers was fairly satisfactory, and It is now
thought reasonably sure that it will not be
necessary to resort to condemnation pro
ceedings, which are both tedious and ex
pensive, it. is recognizee mat once a
case Is In the courts there would be long
delays bcfore a decision could be reached
. , . .
ln lower courts, besides the possibility
Ui u" "w1
Many of the property-owners had the
j Impression that a deed for rights of way
was a deed for nrnrvrfv. hnf Otr ittnm.v
l vpN'urv ukrhm ihim tht-an. inro ai a
convey title, but onlv rive the Hv r-
mission to construct the sewer through
the premises and repair it afterwards If
necessary. Councllmen A. G. Rushlight
and Dan Kellaher and L. S. Daue went
with Mr. McNary- It Is thought the wholo
question of rights of way will be settled
satisfactorily within a few days. No op
position to the sewer was encountered
but. on the contrary, every one seems to
understand that It is necessary and must
come. Mr. McNary put special emphasis
on the fact that Brooklyn can never take
Its place among the progressive districts
of the city without this sewer.
Board Analyzing "Water From Dufur.
The State Board of Health is now con
ducting an Investigation Into the water
supply of the City ot Dufur. Patt of the
water used in Dufur Is secured from
creek which flows close to the city, and
It Is alleged that septic tanks have con
tamlnated the stream. The septic tanks
are situated above the place where th
water is removed. Samples of tho water
and the overflow from the septic tanks are
being examined by Di. Ralph Matson.
Hew to Care a Cold.
Tho quickest way to ret rid of a. iron.
blcsome cold Is a question In which many
are Interested Just now. If you are'ons
nf the. unfortunate thn nntnlnn nf ur.. t
W. L. Holt, of Waverly. Vs., Is worthy
of your consideration. Mr. Holt says: 'T
nave ueea namDcriain s uoujfn Kemedy
for years, and firmly believe It to be ab
solutely the best preparation on the mar-
Ket lor corns, i nave recommended It to
Hiany of my friends, and they all agree
ThW This remedy 16 forale bfaU
United Railways May Build to
Has a Deal "With tho Oregon Trac
tion Company "Which It Hopes
to Close, About the First
of February.
Still another electric line up the "Wil
lamette Valley from Portland Is fore
casted by the entry Into the field of the
United Railways Company, now negotiat
ing to take over the property and fran
chises of the Oregon Traction Company,
which projected an electric line to For
est Grove, but after a little work last
Summer, abandoned the enterprise. A
meeting of the stockholders of the Ore
gon Traction Company will be held the
last of the present month and an offer
made for the properties by the United
Railways Company. It is expected the
formal transfer will take place about
February 1. should the Oregon Traction
Company meet the advances now being
In addition to the line to Forest Grove,
the United Railways Company proposes
to run a standard-gauge track out Sev
enth street as far as Sheridan, then on
Front and Water streets to the city lim
its, and thence up the valley on the west
side of the river, tapping the fertile
country en route, and reaching Salem" and
other valley towns. Just how far the
read will go will depend upon circum
stances. May Go to San Francisco.
"We may go down to San Francisco."
said W. D. Larrabce, one of the incor
porators of the United Railways Com
Applications for v franchises, are now
pending before the City Council, and if
these are granted, the work of building
the roads will begin at once.
The project contemplates trolley roads
to link together the nearby towns, caring
only for such city traffic as Is found on
the streets traveled by the cars of the
company. That the backers ot tne proj
ect expect to engage In the manufacture
ox tneir own eieciric power is surmisca.
although they have no definite plans
along this line at the present time.
In the building up of an intcrurban
traffic. Mr. Larrabee sees a bright future
for the company he represents. "This
sort of u project grows when once start
ed," he said. "No one can tell where
a railroad company is going to stop after
It gets under way. In Los Angeles four
ears ago cars were run every hour to
Hollywood, but now It Is necessary to
run cars every five minutes. To Pasa
dena from Los Angeles there Is a three-
minute trolley service. The tourist travel
there helps out the trolley business, to
be sure, but there Is no reason why this
should not become a factor here also.
Report Los Angeles Success.
I was one of the first to call attention
to the fact that the Los Angeles country
Is a delightful Summer resort as well as
pleasant place to spend the Winter
months, and only a few years ago South-
ern California was known only as a Win -tcr
resort. Now all that Is changed, and
tourists spend their Summers In Los An
geles to get away from the heat. There
Is every reason to believe this city will
become a favorite place for tourists to
pass the heated season.
The Forest Grove line and the track
up the river to the south are the only
projects we have definitely determined
upon, but when we get better acquainted
with the territory other branches may fol
low. Just now we are waiting to acquire
title to the Oregon Traction Company's
property and to secure our franchises
from the city. These are now in the
hands of the street committee ot the City
The United Railways Company repre
sents large California capitalists. M. H.
French and J. Whyte Evans, who accom
panied Mr. Larrabce here, have returned
home, but will be In Portland again by
the middle of next week, when the deal
for the Oregon Traction Company's effects
will probably be closed.
Eugene F. Bert Is Rc-Elcctcd Presi
dent of League, With Judge
McCrcdie Vice-President.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. At tonight's
meeting of the representatives of the
teams comprising the Pacific Coast Base
ball League, it was voted to take the base
ball franchise from Tacoma and award It
to some California city yet to be deter
mined upon. Although the delegates from
Tacoma made a hard fight to retain the
franchise, the vote was 5 to 1 to make the
A delegation from Fresno put in a diu
for the franchise, and it was stated at the
conference tonight that the privilege is
wanted by Pasadena and Sacramento.
It was unanimously decided that no
gambling should be allowed on league
grounds, and a penalty of 15CQ was Axed
for any Infringement of this rule: The
election of officials resulted In the selec
tion of the following:
President. Eugene F. Bert; vlce-prcsl
dent. Judge W. W. McCrcdie; treasurer,
Andrew J. Clunle: secretary, James H.
Anderson: board or directors, A. j. Clu
nle. J. Cal Ewlng, James F. Moerley,
Judge McCredle and J. P. Agnew. A sixth
director will be chosen from the city to
which the franchise Is awarded.
The schedule committee was appointed
by President Bert as follows: Messrs
McCredle, Ewlng, Morley, Agnew and
An adjournment was taken until to
While no final announcement was made
after the meeting ot the league representa
tives as to who will be the manager of the
San Francisco team during the coming
season. It was stated that the appointment
would be left entirely with Andrew J.
Clunle. who "holds the controlling Interest
in the San Francisco team. It was stated
that he had practically chosen to have
James F. Morley take the management
ot the team, with John Gicason, leader of
the uiympic uiud. as assistant.
Boy Dying In New York as Result
of Prizefight.
NEW TORK, Jan. 2S- In a coma from
which It had been Impossible to a route
him early today. Is another victim of the
mushroom bexlng clubs which, give con
tests between mere boy. He is In the
Sentry Hospital, Broaklya, as4 li Law
rence Tlghe. IS years old. ot 272 Bond
street, Brooklyn. After surgeons had
worked for hours over the boy. Dr. Will
iam Bliss, head of the hospital staff, said
his condition was such that the outcome
might be fatal.
Tlghe was struck on the solar plexus.
Joseph Rivers. 16 years of age. who. It Is
said, struck Tlghe. Rivers' alleged man
ager. William Gullfoyle. and William
McDonald, the alleged referee of the bout.
are prisoners charged witn teionious as
sault upon Tlghe.
No policemen were present. It is said.
There had been two fairly even rounds,
and the third round was half over, when
Rivers. It Is alleged, sent his right to
TiKhe's body, striking squarely above the
nerve center called the solar plexus. Tlghe
crumpled up, and as he fell his opponent
drove hard to his Jaw. TIgho'a seconds
could not revive him. and he was taken
from the ring unconscious. After a physi
cian -had failed to revive him the ooy was
removed to the hospital.
Anson Team Bowling Champions.
CHICAGO. Jan. 23. Rolling a great se
ries In the Monroe League last night, the
Anson team set a new world's bowling
record for three games, averaging 1053.
Tho best provious figures on the books of
the American Bowling Congress were
1051 1-3. made by the Beningcr team last
year in the Chicago League. The Anson
quintet went over the four mark each
time. and. although scoring 1208 In Its sec
ond venture, was beaten by two pins by
the HofTmans. The other two games went
to the Ansons.
Scores in Golf Contest.
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 23. An unusual
number of ties and a difference of only
nine strokes between the winning and the
13th pair was the result of yesterday's
golf match in the amateur and profes
sional contest. W. Smith. Mexico, and A.
G. Lockwood, Massachusetts, held the
low record of 145.
After Winning Dcwar Trophy in
32 1-5, He Lowers That Rec
ord Ccdrino Wins.
HOTEL ORMOND. Fla., Jan. 23. The
world's record for the mile was twice
lowered today in the fourth annual Or-mond-Daytona
automobile tournament,
and both times by the same car. the
cigar-shaped steamer driven by Fred
Marriott. In the first start, the contest
for the Sir Thomas Dcwar trophy, the
racer made the mile In 32 1-5 second?.
Rain during the morning delayed the
starting of the racers, and the course
was" not In the very best condition for
high speeding.
In the one-mile international for the
Dewar trophy the preliminary heats were
run. Marriott. Lancia and Ccdrino quali
fying for the final. The second heat was
particularly close, only 3-3 ot a second
separating Lancia and Ccdrino for first
and second place?. In the final Marriott
won, going the mile In 33 seconds fiat.
Cedrlno was second, and Lancia, owing
to the trouble with his car. was unable
to start.
In the one-mile heavyweight champion
ship for gasoline cars two preliminary
heats were run off. Cedrlno. Fletcher and
Lancia qualifying for the finals. Lancia
won first heat, with Fletcher a close sec
ond. The steamer racer driven by Marriott
was the only entry in tne one-mne
championship for steamers, and did the
mile In 31 4-5 seconds, breaking all mile
records. Including her own former one.
The middleweight one-mile champion
ship for gasoline cars went over until
tdmorrow. The summary:
Mile Internatl6nal for the Sir Thomas
Dewar trophy First heat won by Mar
riott steamer In 32 l-o seconds: Harp gas
oline. 40 seconds fiat. Second heat won by
Lancia, gasoline. 37 3-5 seconds: Ccdrino.
gasoline. 28 1-3 seconds. Final won by
Marriott. 33 seconds: Cedrlno. 3S seconds,
Mile heavyweight championship for
gasoline cars First heat won by Ccdrino.
0:29 3-5: Fletcher second. 0:29 4-5. Second
heat won by Lancia. 0:42; Earp. 0:43 3-5.
I CH.I . ... T mnti AT7-
actuuu. riimi nun ci j -, .
Flotchcr. second. 0:37 3-3.
Mile steamer championship, one entry.
Marriott went the mile in 0:31 4-j.
At Oakland.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. Results of
Four furlongs Peerless won. Tankee
Jim second. Menden third: time. 0:41.
Six furloncs Procrastinate won. ur.
Sherman second. Alice Carey third: time.
One mile Head Dance won. Frank Flit-
ner second. Christine A. third: time. 1'AZM
Mile and SO yards Sir uruiar won, &ais
second. Gateway third: time. 1:44U.
Futurity course Romalne won. Toupee
secona, jom jucuram uiiru; umc
Five and a nair turiongs ciouaugnt
won. Conrcld second, a uinero third;
time, l7i.
At Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 23. Results
Sir furlonits Marc Llchtenstcin ivon.
Coeur de Lion second. Katie Grews third;
t me. 1'AbU
Futurity course Hermitage won. Neat
ness second. Astral 11 third; time. 1:10U.
Six furlongs Fustian won. Bribery sec
ond. El Otros third: time. i:i3V-,
Mile and 50 yards The Gadfly won. Red
Light second. cnoiK HearicK mini; umc.
One mile Stoessel won. Henchman sec
ond. Tbeo. Case third: time. l:41?t.
Six furlongs Valencia won. Evelyn
Griffin second. Revolt third; umc, i:ii.
At New Orleans City Park.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 23. City Park
Three and a half furlongs Little George
won. Arthur Rosenfield second. Black
Flag third; time. 0:44 3-5.
Five and a half furlongs Merry George
won. Alcantra second. Clover Hampton
third; time. l:0S3-5.
Mile and 70 yards Handmorc won. Ma
rl mbo second. Ezra third: time. 1:49.
Mile and a sixteenth Daring won. El
liott second. Balshot third: time. l:l-3.
Mile and 70. yards, selling Juba won,
Tarpe second. Little Red third; time,
l:tS 1-5.
Five and & half furlongs Chief Hayes
won. Bellestromc second, Parlslenne
third: time, 1:09 S-S.
Seven furlongs Merry Acrobat won.
Skyward second, Merllngo third; time,
1:29 2-5.
At New Orleans Fair Grounds.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 23. Fair Grounds
race results:
Three furlongs Rose Hart won. Flralto
second. Duchess of Montebcllo third;
time. 0:37.
Six furloneB. celUmr Colonel White
won. Paul Clifford second. Uncle Henry
third; time. 1:15
Two miles Utile Scout won. Captain
Bob second. Louis Krafts third; time.
3:35 2-5.
Mile and 70 yards, handicap Ueber won.
Wnlppoorwlll second. Ralnland third;
time. l:4S4-.
Six furlongs First Premium won. Ethel
Bed second. Holloway third: time. 1:111-5.
One mile Rather Reyl won. Macbeth
second. Dapple Geld third: time, 1:42.
Wreck on Santa Fc Railroad.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 23. Passenger
train No. 22 en the Santa. Fe -westbound
"was wrecked late this afternoon
at Gleadera. about 31 ailca eait ml Lies'
Joseph Jefferson
Delightful recollections and anecdotes of the
rip va5 wtsxle famous creator of KIP VAN WIHKLE.
CHIT!! llfUADTAU Contributes a Remarkable
cm inn nttn i um short story
The Hermit md the Wild .Woman
The Moose and His Antlers
Villas of the Venetians, by George Porter Fernald ; illustrated. Short
Stories by Mary R. S. Andrews, Ann Devoore, Eleanor Gates.
Illustrations in color by ARTHUR RACKHAM
The first to appear in an American magazine
Price, S3.0O a year
Angeles and midway between San Ber
nardino and this city. A number of
people -were Injured.
Fisherman Packers Elect Officers.
ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 23. (Special.) The
stockholders of the Union Fishermen's
Co-operative Packing Company held
their annual meeting last evening and
elected an almost entirely new board of
directors, as follows: Charles Wilson.
Frans Kankonen. Gus Potrcck. A. Olsen.
J. Carlson. J. 9. Erickson. Charles Lalto,
Oscar Lalto and . Takkulon.
Later the directors met and elected
officers as follows: Charles Wilson, presi
dent; J. Carlson, llrst vice-president: A.
Olsen. second vice-president: Frans
Kankonen. secretary. Thomas Nelson,
who has been secretary and manager
of the company during the past few
years, retires.
Gambling in n Closed Town.
BAKER CITY. Or.. Jan. 23.-(Special.)
Although Baker City Is supposed to be a
closed town and has been, so regarded
ever since the famous campaign against j
gambling and saloons last Spring, yet
George McGinnis today (lied an action in j
the Circuit Court to recover 5!j from J. I
F. Scott. Joe Hamette and Ben Wood.
that amount beln twice the sum which
he lost bucking a twenty-one game In the !
Arctic saloon.
Brokerage Firm Falls.
PITTSBURG. Jan. 23. Ed Gartner &
Co- stock brokers and members of the
Pittsburg Stock Exchange, made an
assignment today. The liabilities will
exceed 5200,000. Samuel A. Steele, of
this city, was appointed assignee.
Few Tfople Iteallre the Importance of Good
Digestion Until It Is Lost.
Many people suffer from dyspepsia
and do not know It. They feel mean,
out of sorts, peevish, do not sleep well,
do not have a good keen appetite, do
not have the Inclination and energy
for physical or mental work they once
had, but at the same time do not feel
any particular pain or distress In the
stomach. Yet all this Is the result of
poor digestion, an Insidious form of
Dyspepsia which can only be cured by
a remedy specially Intended to cure
It and make the digestive organs act
naturally, and properly digest the food
eaten. Bitters, after dinner pills and
nerve tonics will never help the trou
ble; they don't reach It. The new
medical discovery does. It is calletf
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and Is a-
specific for dyspepsia and Indigestion.
It cures because It thoroughly digests
all wholesome- food taken Into tin
stomach, whether the stomach Is lit
good -working order or not.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, by digesting-
the food. Instead of making
the worn out stomach do all the work,
gives It a much needed rest and a euro
of dyspepsia Is the natural result.
When you are nervous, run down
and sleepless, don't make the common
mistake of supposing your nervous
system needs treatment and fill your
stomach with powerful nerve tonics
which make you feel good for a little
-while only to fall back farther than
Your nerves are all jight, but they
are starved, they want""food.
Nourish them with wholesomo every
day food and plenty of It, well di
gested, and you can laugh at nerve
tonics and medicine.
But the nerves will not be nour
ished from a -weak, abused stomach,
but when the digestion has been made
perfect by the uso of this remedy all
nervous symptoms disappear.
Who ever heard of n man or woman
blessed with a vigorous digestion and
good appetite being troubled with
their nerves?
Good digestion means a strong- ner
vous system, abundance of energy, and
capacity to enjoy ths good things of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will cer
tain! set your stomach and digestive
organs right: they can't help but do It
because they nourish the body by digesting-
the food eaten, and rest the
You get nourishment and rest at one
and? tho same time, and that is all the
worn out dyspeptic needs to build him
up and give new life to every organ
and an added zest to every pleasure.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a
god-send to tho army of men and
women with weak stomachs and
nerves and Justly merit the claim of
being one of the most worthy medical
discoveries of the time.
A simple remedy. Neglect of
a cold may result in a chronic
throat trouble sUMiy
Of interest to every lover of
animals and life in the open.
Full of anecdote and adventure.
A Poem, by
25 centi a number
Toothache Gum
Stops toothache -whether there U x ca-rlty
or not. h'eTerdrirt up or los;slU strength.
Keepitln the house for emergeaele. Imi
tations don't ao the work.
Get Deal's Tvotbaebe Gum, Telia w Label.
At all droKslsts IS cents or by mail.
Dent's Corn Gum CS23
C. S. DENT & CO.. Detroit, Mich.
Ftogrs roughened by aesdlewwk
tatch every stain and look hopelessly
dirty. Has Sapolls removes aotonly
he dirt, bat also the loosened, Injured
Citicle, and restores ihe fingers tm
Utslr natural beauty.
The Fast Mull
Portland Arrive.
Time Schedule. I Dally.
i3 mii
To and from Spo
8:30 am kaae, SL Paul. 7:00 am
11:43 pm Minneapolis. Duluth Q:S0pn;!
and All Points East j
Via Seattle.
To and from St. I
Paul. Minneapolis. i
6:13 pm Duluth nl All 8:00
Point East Via '
Great Northers St earns his Co.
Sailing from Seattle tor Japan and
China ports and Manila, carrying
paetsengers and freixht.
S. S. Minnesota. February 1.
S. S. Dakota. March 12.
(Japan Mall Steamship Co.)
g. 8. SHLN'ANO MARU will aall
from Seattle about Feb. 20 for Ja
pan ports, carrying passengers and
For tickets, rates, berth reserva
tions, ate., call on or address
City Passenger & Ticket Ageat.
122 Third St. Portland. Or.
V Vain AAA
XI tsar t. ArrlTSk
Clty-St. LouU Special
for Csehalls. Centralis.
Olyapla. Orays Harbor.
Bouth Bend. Ta celts,
Statu. poa- jy---
litoa. Butte. Billings.
Beaver. Osaaha. Kaa-
sai City. fit. Louis d ..u
Southeast :
North Ceiat Limited.
leetrio lighted, for Ta
coma. Seattle, Spokaa.
Butt. Minneapolis. St-
Paul and the East...... 2:90pm 7:Mta
Fugtt Souad Limited for
Ccehalls. Centralis. Ta-
HBi and Seattle only.. 4:30 pas 19:M m
TnU. City Express for
Tacoma. St at tie. Spo-
kase. Hla. Butt.
TtllawstoE Park. Mla-
atapells. St. Paal and
th East 11:43 pa 8:Mpai
x. caariwB. Assisiasc usru ruin
r Agent. 233 JloxrUoa it, ooratc Third.
rer Acent.
r-ortlaBd. Or.
North Pacific S. S. Co.'s
Staunch S. S. Jeanie
Sails for gas Francisco and Let Angeles
Direct. Wedsesdax. Jtusry 24, from Colum
bia Dock No. 1 at 1 P. M.
Fare San Francisco, first-class. S12; second
class. JS. Los Angeles, first-class. $21.50:
ecoad-clast, $15.
Ticket OMee. 21 Walta St.
H. TOUNG. Ageat. ?feosa Mala 1314
lWo A la
u Union Pacific
ThTOUth Pullman atnd&rri nd totlrtrf
lleeDlnK-cars dallv tn rmnh fheirr. Sao.
kane; tourist slecplng-car daily to Kuui
City; tbrough Pullman tourUt (leaplnc-car
(personally conducted) weekly to Chlago.
Kedlnlcff chair-cars (seats tree) to tha East
UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives.
CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0:13 A. M. 5:23 P. U.
SPECIAL for tha East Dally. Dally.
via Huntington.
Toe Eastern "Washlntton. Walla. Walla.
Lew 1st on. Coeur d'Alena and Great Northers
tor tha East via Hunt- 8 DaihV Dalfy.
nston, "
FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M. 3:0O P. 2.
way points, connecting Dally Dally,
with steamir for Ilwa- except Pt
co and North Beach. Sunday. Sunday,
steamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday
t. dock (water per.) 10:0O P.M.
FOr. DAYTON. Ore- 7:00 A. M. 5:30 P. 1C
jton City and Yamhill Dally. Dally.
River points. Ash-st. except except
j dock (water Der.) Sunday. Sunday.
For Lwlton. Idaho, and way points trosa
Rlparla. Waah.
Leave Rlparla 5:40 A. M. or upon arrival
train No. 4. dally except Saturday.
Arrive Rlparla 4 P. II.. dally except FrU7
Ticket Office. Third and VfashlBttos.
Telephone Mala 712. C. W. Stlnrer. City
Tlcltet Ast; A. L. CraUr. Gen. Passenger Act.
EAST via
for Salem. Roae
aurff, Ashland.
Sacramento. Ox
Jen. San Francis
co, Mojave, Los
Angeles. Bl Paso.
New Orleans aad
tha East.
ilornlnx train
.onnects at Wood
burn dally except
Sunday ith train
.or Aioum Ansel,
illverton. Bruwnj
Tllle. Sprlnsfleld.
(Vendllns and Na
tron. Buzene passenger
:onnects at Wood
jurn with Mt. An
gel and Sllvertoa
Jorvallls paseenger
inerld&n passenger
Forest Grove
8:43 P. 1L
7:23 A. SX.
8:30 A. IS.
3:33 P. JL-
4:13 P. M.
10:33 A. U
7:30 A. II.
4:00 P. M.
110:45 P. H.
3:BO P. JL
8:23 A. M,
tl:50 P.
Dally. tDally except Sunday.
Depot. Foot oC Jefferson Street.
Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:30
A. M.: 12:60. 2:05. 4. 5:20 625. S:30. 10 10,
11:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 6:30.
8:33, 10:25 A. M. Sunday only. 9 A. M.
Returning from Oawego. arrive Portland,
dally. SSO A. M.; 1:35. 3:03. 5:05. 8:15. 7:33.
9755. 11:10 P. M.: 12:55 A. M. Dally except
Sunday. d3. 7:23. 0:30. 11:45 A. M- Sunday
onlv, 10 A. M. ,, . ,
Leave from same depot for Dallas and in
termediate points dally, 4:15 P. M- Arrive
Portland. 10:10 A. M.
The Independence-Monmouth Motor use
operates dally to Monmouth and AlrUe. con
necting with S. P. Co.'a trains at Dallas and
Independence. ,.. o,
vint.dasi fare from Portland to Sacra
mento and San Francisco. $20. .Berth, so.
Second-class fare, 513. Second-ciasa Dena.
hmi,.. in Eastern nolnts and Europe: alaa
Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITi TICKET OFFICE, corner Third ana
Washington streets. Tfaone Main
City Ticket Agent, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad Co.
For Maygers, Rainier.
Clatakanle. Westport.
Clifton. Astoria, War
renton. Flavel, Ham
330 A. M.
mond. Fort atevens.
11:26 A. 2C
earhart Park. Sea
side. Astoria and sea
Express Dally.
Astoria Express.
Ttf P. M.
9:50 F. U
Comm'l Agt 24S Alder st. G. F. P,A.
Phone Main 90S. ,
Operating the Only rawear Steamers for
San Francisco Direct.
Sailing dates from Portland S. S. Sena
tor January 2tf; February 5. 15. 25; March 7.
Columbia, January 31; February 10. 20;
Berths and Meata Included.
rhone Main 268. 248 Washington St
For South -Eastern Alaska
Steamers leave Seattle 9 P.M.
S. S. Cottage City. via. Van
couver and Sitka. Jan. 10. 24,
For Ean Francisco direct:
'Qtieen. City of Puebla. Uma
tilla. 9 A. M-. Dec 29: Jan.
iHZuft 3. S. 13. IS. 23. 2S.
T.rtTnMM 249 Washington st. Mala 323
Portland Office. V. Pass. & Ft. Agt.
C D. DUNANN. O. W Market sL. .
Corvallls. Albany, independence and Salem.
Bteamer Pomona leaves 6:45 A. M.. Tues
day. ThurwJay and Saturday, for Oregon City,
Salem and way. .
Steamer Alton leaves 6:45 A, M., Moa4y.
Wednesday and Friday.
OSlca and Dock Foot Taylor Si.
"JelferseB." January 3. 17 and 31, 9
P. M.. via WrangeL
"FaraUeH,' about Jan. 7. 23. J P. M.
On excursion trips steamer calls at
Sitka. Metlakahtla. Glacier. Wrangel.
etc. la addition to regular ports ot
Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful
Alaska." "Indian Basketry. ToUm
Frask Woolsey Co.. Agents.
282 Oak St. Portias. Or.