12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 190G. EU m IB TO Ei LIFE Prisoner Cuts His Wrist With Pair of Scissors, WIFE HAD FAILED TO CALL Douglas Stowe, Colored, Grows De spondent Because She Did Not Appear at Jail and Attempts to Commit Suicide. Because his wife did not visit him in his cell in the County Jail yesterday, Douglas Stowe, colored, grow despondent end attempted to ta'ko his life by cutting the veins in his left arm with a pair of scissors. He inflicted a severe wound, which bled profusely, but surgical assist ance was at once summoned and the flow 6topped In tlmo to save his life. Stowe was arrested on December 21 on a charge of threatening to kill a colored woman at 545 First street. Since Decem ber 26 ho has been confined in the County Jail, in lieu of $750 bonds, awaiting trial. Twice each week the prisoners In the Icounty Jail are allowed to see their friends, and Stowe always waited eagerly ifor visiting days, hoping his wife would call. Twice she had come to visit him since his incarceration, but yesterday she failed to come. Stowe concluded that she was not faithful to him. and attempted to commit suicide after he had written a note chiding his wife for her negligence and affirming his innocence of the crime tor which he was arrested. Telephone From Wife. Just after Stowo had slashed himself in the arm with the scissors and was being .toorae to a comfortable bed by the at tendants a telephone call came from his wife. She had been unable to come to the (jail, but wanted to know If her husband was In need of tobacco, or If there was anything else that she could do for him. , 'The attempt at suicide took place about C o'clock in the afternoon, when most of the prisoners were given the freedom of the long corridor. The Chinese, Jew Cun, who Is confined on a charge of mur der, was the first to give the alarm. Groans were heard from Stowe's cell, and it was found that he had made use of a pair of scissors which are given to the prisoners for hair-cutting, to inflict the wound. Th County Physician could not be found, so Dr. Bristol and Dr. Gillette were summoned. Stowe was very weak from loss of blood, but the physicians stated that he would recover unless blood-poisoning sets in. Inciter to His Wife. The following Is the letter which Stowe left for his wife: "This is visiting day. and I have looked forward to it as a day that the only one that I love, my wife, "would come and see me. but she has treated me worse than she would her little dog. "Well. I am hero under a charge I am Innocent of. "When a person draws a gun on a man lie has a right. I believe, to protect him self the best way he can, but when peo ple want to get a man out of the way they will tell all kinds of lies and swear to them. I have been here one month, the 26th, and my wife has been to see me twice, the only one I have trusted to do anything for me, so I hope 1 may end all my expectations of worrying her any longer. DOUGLAS." POLITICS AND THE MM 1QTJESTIOX OF INDORSING HIGH SCHOOL 3IEX AS CANDIDATES. It Will Come Up at Next Meeting of Association for a Decision. Shall state, county and city politics play a. part in the policy of the Portland High School Alumni Association? This ques tlon will in all probability come up for definite and final settlement when the organization holds its next meeting. Fri day evening. Several members of the alumnae are candidates for political posi tions, and a movement 1b on foot to give their candidacy the benefit of the remain der of the alumni in the form of an ex pressed indorsement. It was rumored that resolutions, indors ing High School men for office, would be introduced at the last meeting of the association, but the session passed with out any action being taken. In fact. the matter was not brought up at all, but a great deal of discussion on the sub ject took plac, both before and after the session, and It Is understood that those "who are in favor of the action will be out in force Friday night. It seems very doubtful, however, if any resolutions of this character will be able to control a majority vote. The sent! anent that the association should steer clear of politics Is freely expressed by anany of the leading members, who see much trouble ahead If the organization should seek to play a part In electing can didates for public office. The alumni as sociation was organized, they assert, prl Tnarily as a social body to keep alive the friendships of school days and bring the members Into friendly relations. If pol itlcs once got a foothold, they say. there is no telling where It would stop, and the ultimate result would probably be to create factions and cause discord. Many of those who are opposed to glv Jng any formal Indorsement of political candidates are most heartily in favor of the election of the high school alumni who are known to be up for nomination in the primaries. They intend to support them personally in every way possible, but believe that the matter should, be left entirely to individual choice, and not pro mulgated as a movement of the aseocla tlon. "It is just like this." said a prominent high school alumnus; "If we start to In dorslng candidates simply because they belong to our organization, every one. who is up for office will expect recognition from us, if he is- a high school alumnus. "We cannot afford to begin a programme like that. Among our alumni are Included men of every political party Republicans, Democrats, Socialists and even Prohlbl tlonlsts. If two high school men came up for the same office on separate tickets. which one would we Indorse? No matter how wisely we should manage It, hard feelings? would be sure to result. Charles Rybke, the retiring president of the association. Is of the opinion that It would be best to keep the alumni out of politics. Of - course. It would be all right if we could indorse one or two high school men and stop with that. But we could not very well do that, so it would be better to keep the subject out alto gether." "I cannot Imagine who started this plan to indorse the high-school candidates for political offices," said Otto Kraemer. "It would not do at all. and I think the plan would best be abandoned. If it is brought up at the next meeting, and I understand it will be, I think it will certainly be de feated." Jay Upton, one of the former presi Aats of the -body, is -one- of the leading oDDonents of the movement "I am per sonally in favor of the election of eeveral of the high-school men who trill come up for office and shall work for them per sonally, but I would not think it good policy for the alumni to act in the mat ter." There are several thousand prominent old students and alumni of the high school and a formal Indorsement from the association would be quite a pull for any candidate. Only about 300 arc active members of the association, but If a reso lution were passed many of those outside the organization would naturally be in fluenced by it. REV. C. D. GRAY DIES Veteran Methodist Circuit-Rider Passes Away. Rev. Charles D. Gray, a veteran Metho dist preacher, died very suddenly Monday night at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Robert Funston. 63 Gllham avenue. Mount Tabor. The cause of his death was neu ralgia of the heart, and the attack re sulting In death came without the slight est warning. During the day and In the evening Rev. Mr. Gray was In his usual good health, and was In excellent spirits until about 10 o'clock, when he was at tacked with a severe pain In his left breast. A physician was called, but noth ing could bo done for him. Dr. Gray was an old-time Methodist preacher and clr- Iter. Charles E. Gray. cult rider, and belonged to the te that has passed away. He was born 79 years ago in Pennsylvania, and moved to low with his parents when 17 yoars oW. He entered the mlntstry when 17. and was ordained when IS years old. He rode th circuit In Iowa when his appointments were 20 and 30 miles apart, and when that state was as much a wilderness as Ore gon was in 1S30. He retired from active work because of his advanced age. and came to Oregon six years ago, ami has lived with his daughter at Mount Tabor ever since. Occasionally he has preached In different churches. He Is survived by three daughters Mrs. Man.' B. Flkes. of Arizona; Mrs. Addle Geddls. Kansas; Mrs. Fred Funston. Mount Tabor. Or. There are IS grandchildren and four great-grand children. Rev. Mr. Gray was a brother- in-law of the late Dr. S. D. McCautey. whose funeral was held yesterday. The funeral of Rev. Mr. Gray will take place at 2 P. M. from the Mount Tabor Metho dist Church. DAILY M ETEOl t O IX)G I CAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Jan. 23. Maximum tempera- ture. 50 dep.; minimum. 50. River reading at S A. M.. 5.H fret, chance In pant 24 Hour. rise, u.s oi a iot. Total precipitation. 5 M. to .' V M . O.Xit of an Inch: laial since September 1. i:0S. 21.77 Inches; nor mal, 24.74 Inches; deficiency. 2.87 inched . Total sunshine January 22. 1!00. neAe: o- slble. Si hour and 18 minute. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. 4 STATIONS Baker City J30( T I 4 UC . J42'O.X2; 4'NW ..!62'0.O2l 4'S ..!4Rt0.10?20lSB ..'lO'O.OOllf; E . StiW.lfc! 4SE . '32 '0.121 O N ..100:0.121 4 SB . .'54 '0.01 1 10 NW . ,as'0.00i 4 NW .. 'GOj T I10 NW . .'4fi'0.20'l!S . .5SV.1'14 'S . I5RO.S4 12 S tClowdy 'Rain Cloudy K'loutly Ckmdy .Cloudy iCteudy Icioudy (Cloudy 'PL CMj Pt. CMy. CMmdy tClear noire .... Eureka North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff.: noseburg....... Sacramento. . . . Salt Lake City. fian Francisco.. Spokane....... Seattle Walla Walla... T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The North Pacific storm han lout enercv. but still controls the weather In this dinrlet. The following maximum wind velocity oc curred today at North Head. 00 miles south. The wires to Tatoosh Island are down asd no report has been received from that Ma tlon since Sunday. Light rain has fallen In Oregon. Northern California. Nevada. Wash ington ana. western i tan. and the tempera tures 'continue mild in all the ILnclflc States. The Indications ar for rain Wodnenlav In Western Oregon and Western Washlnetoa. ana tor rain or snow in the eastern portions oi tnese states ana Idaho. The tempera tures will fall slightly. WEATHER FORECASTS- forecasts made at Portland for the 2S nours enaing at midnight. January 24: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain. Cooler. Southerly winds estem Oregon and Western Washington Rain. Cooler In Interior. Southerly winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and louno nm or snow ana cooler EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster BORN. WENTWORTH To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. emwortn. a aaugnter. January 22. lIKKi. DIED. A R A r A V 1 Ttin. U'nUi... -I 22. RVtfS. Mary E. Hammond CasaVlay. wife of N. L. Casaday. Notice of funeral will be given later. FUNERAL NOTICES. HAYDBN In this city, January 21. 100C. Benjamin Franklin Hayden. aged 08 years, 8 months and 21 days. Friends and com rade of the G. A. R. are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's chapel, corner 3d and Salmon sts.. at 1 P. M.. Wednesday, January 24. Interment Grand Army cem etery. BELLING In this city. January 21. lOtW. Ole M. Relllng. aged 43 years. Friends are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral ser-" vices, which will be held at Hohnan'rt chapel, corner 3d and Salmon at 2 P, M. today. Wednesday. January 21. Inter ment Rlvervlew Cemetery. CADY At Beaverton. dr.. January 22. ltKiO, Miles D. Cady. aged 37 years, 10 months and 4 days. Funeral services at lato resi dence. 10:30. today, January 24. Interment Lone Fir cemetery, 2:15 P. M. YOUNG The funeral service of William E. Young will be held at Ftnleys chapel nt 2 P. M. today. Friends Invited. Interment Rlvervlew cemetery. J. P. FINLEY SON run era I directors and embalmers. No. 201 3d cor. Madison. Day or night calls promptly attended. Ex perienced lady assistant when desired. Of fice, of County Coroner. Phone Main 8. DUNNING, M'ENTEE & GILBAUGII. Suc cessors to Dunning & Campion, undertakers and embalm en; modern la every detail; 7th and Pine. Phone Main 438. Lady assistant. EDWARD IIOLMAN CO., Undertakers nnd embalm ers. have moved to their sew bulld 1b g. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Phase No. 67. F. S. "DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. PfaOBe East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Undertakers. Em halaers. 273 Russell. East 1668. Lady asc't. TONSETH. CO- fiorkts. Artistic tend desyfW. 123 6th. st. These Main Bog Wind. 1 2 - o n a o - o o 3 a a CLEARANCE ORIENTAL RUGS We are making special January prices on a fine lot of medium priced Oriental Rugs, including: FERAGHANS . BOKHARAS MOUSSOULS TEHERANS S H I R V AN S KABISTANS And Many Other Well-known Weaves These rugs are marked down to "the lowest possible prices, and this sale offers rug-lovers an unequalled oppor tunity to buy good rugs at a bargain EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. MACK & CO. 86-88 Third Street PHIL UETSCIIAX, Pres. Seventh nnd WaahliiftOB European Plan AUCTION SALES TODAY. Br J X. WINkw. at salesroom. IS First st, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. At residence. No. 527 Kearney at 10 o'clock A. 3A. S. I.. N. Gllman. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. S4. O. E. S. Stated eommMtctlot tM fWednesday) evening. 8 o'clock. De grees. By order W. M. KATE M. STEADMAN. Sec. ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening in Orient Hall. East Portland. First degree. VWtors Invited. W. A. WHEKLBR. Secretary- RAILROAD BMPLOYES PURCHASING AAOCIATION Annual meeting thin OVedues- day) evening at IVrktnn' Hotel at 7: o'clock. Full attendance desired. W, S. WEEKS. Secretary. WASHINGTON COUNCIL. NO. X, It. at . 31. &iaie aseHMy w (tt'edneedflj) eve.. 7UW o'clock. Ma sonic Hall. Itarkhard Mac.. Bast Kid. Ylwitlnr Comoanioas invited. By order Th. 111. M. C. M. imasY. itecoroer. CLASSIF1EDAD. RATES. "Rooms" "Rooms nnd Board." "House keeping Room," "Situations Wanted," 13 words or le. 13 cents; 1C to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional intertions. UNDER ALL OTHER, HEADS, except Nev Today." 30 cents for 13 words or less; 10 to 20 words. -10 cents; 21 to 25 words. 30 cents, etc. first insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; so farther discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 13 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional lnhcrtlon. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care Tlie Oregonian. nnd left, at this office, should always be lncloed In sealed envelopes. No tamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for riror In advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. ! COLLEGE ! PLACE j Located two blocks north o Portsmouth Station, on St. Johns car line, and just south of Maesly Junction. Depot grounds have been secured at College Place by N. P. and G. X. Railroads, which will be the main station for all the Penin sula. To all men and women who wish to buy lots where they are sure to advance, in value in the near future, now is the golden opportunity, as lots in College Place are as sure to advance ui price as the sun rises in the east. Prices range from G to $10 per front foot. Terms to suit purchaser. Call, write or phone to : A. H. MAEGLY : 210 Fourth Street. I X (Near Courthouse.) $35-Lots on the Car Line 50x100 feet each for $33 is tho full pur chase price, all cash, for lots on tho car line and river. v The Hlbernla Savings Bank has sold, tvithln the last 40. days 500 out of the 700 lots offered for sale, and will continue to sell ontll every lot Is sold. Irrespective of their values. These lots are situated on Main ave.. tvhlch Is now belns improved. Title perfect- For particulars Inquire room 303. McKay bide 3d and Stark sts. OFFICES FOR RENT 00 Sixth treet. second floor. Apply to the Title Guarantee &. Trutt Co., 240 Washing ton et.. cor. Second. 36 TOURS TO EUROPE, 2 TO JAPAN under superior management; exceptional ad vantages. Fall Tear ArewncT the World; An nual Oriental CrnUe In February, rroexam V. Frfe. VBAXK f f T. AT V oc T"w- i- J JfEW YORK. SALE OF C W. KXOWXES, Met. Streets, Portland, Orecoa. $1.00, 1.50, $2.00 per Day. AMUSEMENTS. BakerTbeater CrtreaUtiltrCa., limi Cii. L Bikir, 'ip. Yamhill ami Third Sts. Phone ilaln 1J07. The thrater that has made Musical Bur lesque popular In Portland. Packed Houses This Week to See W. B. WATSON'S FAMOUS ORIENTALS Two Renned Burlesques the Dainty "MU Clover" and "Bashful Yenu. BARGAIN MATINEE TODAY. 2:15 Z3c TO ANY SEAT. Evening prices 2T.c. .15c, 30c. 75c. Sunday and Saturday matinee 15c. 25c. 35e. 50c. Next Attraction 'OWNERS AMERICANS" Empire Theater :tM!lr:ixj--TiJji I tut (fill 111 MILTON W SEAMAN. Manager. LAST WEEK OF THE POPULAR Charles A. Taylor Company, In "The littte Church Around the Comer" Every night and Saturday matinee. Evening prices. IS. 25, 35. 50c; matinee. 10. 15. 23c. Next week. "Hoollran In New York." STAR The Roberts Four The Two. Droles The Dcvoe Brothers The McHcndryfc W. II. Hartford Staroscope. THF-VTER Week of January 22. Annie Abbott. Come and lift her. PRICES: IOe to any seat .except boxes, GRAND! THEATER : Week of January 22. . PHROSO He? She? or It?, Latent London Senatlon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robyns Oro and Nelson De Carlo nnd Stokes Miss Lillian Melbourne Harold Hoff Grandocope. Prices Evening?. Sun day. and Holidays. 10. 2. 30c; mat., loc : any seat except boxes. jSH pantages Fourth and Stark St. THE GREAT WEBER FAMILY. Tearl and Cassldy. Meadows and Lasmre. GOLDEN GATE QUARTET. Amoldo. Leo White. Moving Pictures. Selected Orchestra. Matinee each afternoon at 220; nlshls at 7 :.Vt and 8 o'clock. General admission. TEN cents, with 7 rows at 20 cents. NEW OREGONIAN 'PHONE. The Morning Oregonian nnd Evening Tele gram bare Installed a. private telenhone. ex ! rnange. .Main .0.0. if anyone desires to ) communicate by 'phone with any department of The Oregonian or Evening Telegram, let him call Main 7070. The office operator will make the proper call. For example. If you ; desire the city editor of The Oregonian, call ! Main 7070. The operator respond. "Oreso- nlan and Telegram." Then ask for "City I Editor Oregonian." NEW TODAY. An ideal tract of THIRTY ACRES with 700 Feet of Water Front and rapid car-service in rear. Just the place for a person with ' means to build up a Rivervilla ! Home. Enquire B. S. COOK & CO., 251 Alder Street. OPPORTUNITY Is bald behind, but has a long fore top. The HAST SIDE has the most HOMES, has the GREATEST population. Is Rrourlnj; the most IIAPIDL.Y. and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Is the ceorraphlcal center of the city, and la the most DESIRABLE residence district, and ranch of this will become BUSINESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when rook lac Investment, and call and Inspect the properly, for sects? Is bellevlsr. THE OREGON REAL ESTATE CO. 6SVJ Third Street. Roost 4. Portland. Or. Beautiful Home in Piedmont. 8 Rooms, Modern. Phone East 6279 FRED WESTERDAL, MASSEUR Graduate Stockholm. Cures by a new method. Head. noie. throat and stomach disease and rheumatism. 217 Oregonian bldg-. Phone Hood 352. Honrs. 12-2; 5-0. XEIT TODAY. We Advertise Purely as a Matter Of Business We want you to know that our banking facilities are excellent that you will make no mistake. In afailating with our bank. Many new friends are opening accounts subject to check with us. WE ISSUE SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. $500 OR OVER. (a) Payable en short calL (b) They are negotiable. (c) Provide for 3U to 4 per cent Interest. We shall be glad to explain or send you book of ILLUSTRATIONS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets. Phone Exchange '-. AUCTION SALE TOMORROW, THURSDAY AT 10 A. M., SHARP We are overcrowded with second-hand fur niture, carpets. Leonard refrigerator, linol eum, large Quantity of good, sound crockery and glassware, buffet. Iron bed. springs and mattresses, dlnlng-tahle. chairs and a mass of goods that we must sell to make room for our great sale next Tuesday. Be on time at 10 A. it. Thursday. Terms, cash. No re serve.) GEO. BAKER & SON. Auctioneers. Acctlon rooms, cor. of Alder and Park Sts. House For Sale At a bargain, on easy terras. Just completed, tinted walls. grate, porcelain bath. Gas In. hot and cold water connections made. Best buy on market. Address O 03. care Oregonian. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GREGG BROTHERS. One of the best propfetftloas In lis Use of any In tb state: 12 acres of very fine fruit or vsgetable land, on which there are 3 acrei of strawberries. 210 prune trees. 58 apples. IK cherries and 10 pears; a good G roons house, barn 20x30 and other outbuild ings, windmill and tank, water piped to bouse and barn; 2 mites from city limits; the price is right: come and see ua. INVESTORS. WAKE UP! This Is the greatest opportunity ever pre sented to you. There are thousands of dot Isrn to be made in ST. JOHNS property. We have somo of the beet bargains In that clty aad it will pay you to see us before buying. GREGG BROTHERS. Phone Main t9u3. 317-15 Fenton bids. SI Sixth Street. GREGG BROTHERS. Good 7-room bouse and one acre of ground, one Mock from car line In Oak Grove; nice fruit and ornamental shrubbery; the price Is right and terms can be had. Fine ft-room house ami lot 5Ox!0). In City View Park; all modern; nice mwn and shrufa 'bery; this is a soap; we ean sell It on termeu too. We have a nice llt of property In St. Jofcns and you will not think we are trying to sell the whole town, either when you hear our prices. Come and se u. GRBGG BROTHERS. Phone Main tCML 317-1S Fenton btdg. S4 Sixth Street. 54250 FOR A SPLENDID 30-ACRE FARM. only 10 miles from Portland, with 40 acres In cultivation; good water, orchard, new fi-room house and barn; phone 'in house. This Is your chance. St 150, or S260 down, balance en install ments, will buy lovely new. modern G-room house. Sunnyside; best location. t75 Swell residence lot. 4Sxl00 feet, on E. Alder st.. Sunnyside. Sell on account of sickness; must go quick. STAUB & ROSS. 2274 Washington st-. room 17. GREGG BROTHERS. Fine strictly modern 6-room house, all new. bath and everything right up-to-date, beautiful gas fixtures; street alt .improved. The price is right. Look It up. What do you think about St. Johns? We still have neveral pieces of property there on which the price Is tlll right. It will te worth your time to see us If you are interested la the coming city of St. Johns. GREGG BROTHERS. Phone Main 03 317-1S Fenton Bid;. SI Sixth St. HERE t A SNAP. Nice little 7-room home on Mississippi ave.. easy walk to business house and ear stoops. In Albion; bath, fruit tree.-, etc.; price only 1. fW cash, balance lo sitt. This rents for $15 ami as an Invest ment cannot be beau Ellis & Kahter. room 21. 24 Morrison st. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE LOT. $400; 3S4 down and $1M per month: 8-room mod ern home, half price for eash. or half cash; one-acre tract for $375 eash. These are big snaps. See owner. Joe Nash. In white house at Nashville Addition, on Mount Scott car line. HOUSE lb ROOMS; NEW AND AUSO lutely up to date: elegantly finished throughout: situated on two tot. In best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phone owner. Main 5S5. or call 109 Sherlock bldg. A BARGAIN BUSINESS PROPERTY IN A prosperous valley town. pa!ng 15 per cent on S4; on account sickness will give this splendid opportunity, or will exchange for acreage near Portland. D 63. Orezontan. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as $10 oer month with water. A. C. Churchill & Co.. "Inc." 110 2d st. $15W 10 ACRBs GOOD I.AND NEAR Greeham. 2 acres Jn crop, clem to school. running water. $JH cash, balance per cent. Mortgage Guarantee & Trust Co., l0 7tn st. SNAP NEAR 14TH AND COLUMBIA. Lot Sxlt for $am; ban old building, pay ing per cent; fine site for beautiful home. Bills & Kabler. room 21. 2M Morrison st. SBK THIS FOR A IXTC. To MriM on: near corner 23l ami Washing ton and City Park. 49x130; price $2i00. Kills &. Kabler. room 21. 2tH Morrison st. J27SO BUYS BIG INCOME PAYING PROP erty; Jlsi will handle rental proposition and pay IS to 2 per cent. F. J. Steinmetz & Co.. IPS Morrison. Phone Pacific 131. U BLOCK. HOLLA DAY'S. $IS30; LARGE comer lot. 7-room house, new, very modern; Hawthorne' First Addition. $3300; term. Culver. 23 Chamber of Commerce. Jl.tSO SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS New house, basement, plumbinz; sood as Hotel Portland; beautifully tinted walls; Upper Albicsa. V H. OreKOnlan. H -B LOCK. FINE MODERN 10-ROOM residence built on corner; streets Improved, on car. Vtz Side. It blocks Sd and Wash ington. IIS Abincton bid?. 11000 WILL BUY -l-ROOM COTTAGE. VAX try and porch, nearly new. with full let. fenced: 1 btockn from car line. Hatfield & Smith. 165Vii 4th st. FOR SALE NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL cement basement. Rood plumbing, nice lo cation. 3165U; easy terms. O. M. Smith. TSO Cham. Commerce. FOR SALE '.a ACRE AT MT. TABOR. WITH new 4-room cottage; water on premises; price $1250. Inquire SSI East Morrison or phone East 2ST. CHEAP FOR CASH. MODERN S-ROOM nouee. barn, ptreets Improved, sewer, trait, fruit and shrubbery; grounds 100x100. Phone EaAt 5eS6- FOR SALE LOT 100x100. 7-ROOM HOUSE, bath, piped for furnace, basement, ten fruit treeo and roee. 1106 Taggart. Richmond car. NEW. MODERN S-ROOM HOU5B. CORNER lot. one block to car line; S20OO, easy pay meats. Hatfield & Smith, 1G5 -ith at. $1000.00 WILL BUY VERY CHOICE COR ner lot in Holiday's Addition: th! is a bar gain. See M. E. Lee. MU 6th st. SELLWOOD LOTS. J5.0O DOWN AND J3.0O a month; from $75.00 to $200.00. Sell wood TownsUe Co. Fhoce East 4704. $2700 NEW MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE ON car line; special. Mortgage. Guarantee & Trust Co.. SO 7th St.. Elks Temple. S ACRES IMPROVED LAND ON CAR LINE. 5-cent fare; big bargain for cash. Inquire at 3$0 E. Washington st. TWO LOTS. 100x100 FEET, BLOCK FROM car line, in City View Park; $500. Hatfield & Smith. 1G5& 4tb at. $2600.00 FOR LOT ON 12TH AND HARRI ron. WEST SIDE; only one lot left. See M. E. Lee. 03H 6th st. $30 EACH 4 SIGHTLY LOTS NEAR VER non car line. State Investment Co., 113 Ablngton bldg-. HOUSE. LARGE LOT, KING'S ADDITION; fine location. Owner, C 63, Oregonian, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A FEW CHOICE BARGAINS. We have Just finished 3 lovely 7-room bouews at 24th and York; each of these houses have fireplaces, full cement base ments, furnaces, stationary wash tubs, por celain baths, large reception balls, closets In each room, woodiltt: In fact, arc thor oughly modern homes In every respect. Price $3300 each. 11000 down, balance to suit. 7-room house and lot on Blandlna. t.. Up per Alblna; nice lawn and fruit, strawber ries and raspberries; price $1500; terms. $500 cash, balance $15 per month. 4- room cottmre and full lot In NORTH IRVINGTON ADD., on E. 0th st.; price $000; terms, $350 cash, balance $20 per mo. 5- room house and lot at Montavllia. two blocks from car line; price $1600; terms, $200 cash, balance monthly. 6- room houre with all modern conveni ences, cement basement, a model home, bt part of Irvlngton Addition; price $4000, half cash, or will consider trade for Port land or Willamette Heights home. 4-room cottage, all one floor, very desir able little home, fine view, near 16th and Hall. Price $2350. VACANT LOTS. Lot on Hancock St.. HOLLADAT'S ADD., price $ow. Lot m MULTNOMAH ADD., on Michigan ave.; srlce $400. Lot in WOODLAWN; price $103. Corner lot In West Irvincton Add., en Tillamook St.. cement sidewalks and macad amized streets; price $1200. FARMS. 6 acres on O. W. P. road to Oregon City, fine S-room house, good barn, all fenced and In good condition, nice young orchard, en hill overlooking river and only two minutes from car line and 35 minutes from city; if you want a delightful little farm in the best location near town, call and see un. Three 5-acre tracts. 1 mile from Lents, two of these together: price on the 19 acres. $2C0 per acre; the other 5 acres will be sacrificed for $750 for cash, as party needs money. 5 acres, all cleared. mile from Lents, fine land; prlee $1325. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I33& 5th St., eor. Aider. Phone Main US. LOOK AT THESE EXTRAS JUST IN. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION, WALKING DIS TANCE. 7-room hou. modern in every way. good lot. splendid surroundings, house eost more to build than we, are asking for the whole property today. Price now only $3600; terras to cult. BEST IN CITT FOR MONEY. G-room modern house, full lot, nice lawn, fruit trees ami shrubbery In abundance, cement basement, cement walks; was built for one's own home by day's work; nothing slighted In any way; coat owner $3400. Our price today only $2S75. and terms. Look at this; $575, balance monthly at 5 per cent Interest. HAWTHORNE-AVE. ADDITION. 7-room modern house on Eaut Taylor, best part, modern, up-to-date place; tine lot. all Improvements In; this Is surely a great bar gain; price only SVJHO; part cash. TAFT & CO.. 273 Stark st.. Chamber of Commerce. ON TO HOVER UP THE COLUMBIA. Regular Steamers From Portland. Cheapest freight rates from the Coast te inland points. No sand. Heavy solL Per petual water right with each tract. Earl iest products. Largest prices. The Cali fornia of the Northwest. Write Hover Land Co.. Hover. Wash. WANTED REAL ESTATE. COLLINS LAND CO. (INC) WE BRING buyer and sller together: list your property with us. Our facilities are exceptional. Bank references. Stearns bldg. Phone Main 232 1. WE WANT A SMALL PLACE FEW ACRES, improved. West Side river, convenient dis tance from Portland. Whiting & Rountree, 419 Ablngton bMg. WANTED TO BUY HOUSE AND LOT AND give 40 acres of unimproved land a Jlrst payment. See M. E. Lee. 03H ftth st. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP- LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed. mineral lands; titled, public land prac tice. We buy military bounty and war rants. Collies Land Co.. Stearns bldg. TO EXCHANGE. $lfii)0 in ACRES UNI3IPROVBD. RIGHT ON Yaceit R. R. and north fork Lewis River. IS miles Vancouver. 5 miles Battle Ground. 1 mile station; all nice, level land, suitable for cultivation, except 13 acres; 23 acres tine bottom, easily cleared; will trade for Portland or Vancouver property. S 01. Ore gonian. 320 ACRBa FINE TIMBER, ESTIMATE S.000.0UO feet, near Portland, for city prop erty. J 5S. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE GOOD TIMBER LAND IN a fine location for merchandise. Whitney Bros.. Irving. Or. WILL TRADE A ROLLTOP WRITING DESK for strong, large trunk or cash. E 60, Ore gonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. SELECTIONS FURNISHED FOR ALL classes of U. S. Government and state lands: also best bargains In deeded lands of all clames and In any quantity at lowest prices. Write W. T. Burney. 17 Wash. bldg.. city. TIMBER RELINQUISHMENT WANTED; Columbia River basin preferred. B 20, Ore gonian. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. CONTINENTAL SPAVIN AND RINGBONE Cure, guaranteed to cure spavin, ringbone, splint, curb, corns and sweeney; no charge unless cure In effected. Office with Subur ban Ice & Coal Co., 155 Grand ave." Head quarters. (57 N. 3d st. G. Polettl. agent. Residence phone East 783; office. East :SWS. BAY HORSE. 7 YEARS OLD. GENTLE AND true, weight 1120. suitable for delivery wagon; pair of bays. 8 years old, sound and true, weighing 207O. suitable for any kind of heavy work. Fashion Stable. 20th and Washington. S150 BUYS TEAM. WAGON AND HARNESS. team consists pair bay mares, sound, weight lion pounds each: harnesn Is new. wagon In cool running order. Call quick. 23 N. 14th. ness hou:es. 6th and Hawthorne. Tel. East 72 CH BA P 1 1 ORS E. HARNESS AND LIGHT wason; also cow for sale, at Wlberg Itne, North; take Montavllia car. H. Janscn. TEN HEAD DRIVING AND DRAFT HORSES for sale. Portland Livestock Exchange or 113 2d st. HORSES and vehicles bough., sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington, .pacific ooi. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. RENT or exchange. Hubert & Hall. 26G Fourtn. rianos. PIANO AT A SACRIFICE PARTIES LEAV lag city; for less than halt price. 10 Wash ington bldg. UPRIGHT PIANO. ALMOST NEW; MUST sell for 3150 cash. 5 llth. cor. stark. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick Balke-Collender. 40 3d et. MUSICIAN'S BAND BLOUSE. "NEW" SIZE 37. dark blue, trimmed wlih braid, for sale cheap. Phone East 4017. .ir call 87 E. Stb. North. WE HAVE" ALL KINDS OF NEW AND second-hand machines and will give spe cial bargains thla week. Standard Sewing Machine Co., 250 Yamhill st. FOR SALE AN 18-FOOT GASOLINE launch; has three-horse 4-cycle engine In stalled. Address Astoria. Soda. Works, As toria, ur. THE NEW PATENT POSITION INDI cator for slide trombone, with directions and instructor. York. 67 1st. Repairing. GENTLEMAN'S BICYCLE. COASTER brake; excellent condition, for $S; one without coaster, S5. Call 67 Ella. DOUBLE CYLINDER TOURING CAR. RUN- ning order; good tires; cost $1350; must sell; $4i5 cash. Owner. A Co, Oregonian. VIENNA CHAIRS AND TABLES FOR SALE cheap. Call at Brunswick Restaurant, Washington st., bet. 5th and 6th. SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. TABLES. STORE fixtures bought, sold or exchanged. Western baivage Co.. oi Washington st. Typewriters, all makes, at cost: rubber stamp rocdi. desks, etc. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Star FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM- ber of Commerce, or phone Main 2363. ALMOST NEW $50 SEWING MACHINE- FOR sale at 268 3d st.; caeac FOB BALE. Miscellaneous. EDISON PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS at factory prices, delivered free anywhere on receipt of full amount of retail price: largest stock of Edison records west of Rockies. Send for circulars. Pater Bacl gaJupi. wholesale and retail. 7SG Mission st., San Francisco. 30 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA. chines at very low prices: Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic. White, Household. Da vis and others, to make room for new stock Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Sigel. 335 Morrison st.. Marquam bldg. WANTED TO SELL PAPER BAG HOLD ers to users of came, a sure success: parties desirous of seeing one write W. S. Harmon. Arleta. Or.; he will take one to your place of business for inspection; LAUNCH FOR SALE. O. P. boatyard. 47 E. Water at. GRAHAM'S HELP WANTED MALE. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: discharges positively cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential: send for our symptom blank. X-Radium Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. ENERGETIC SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF good habits, between 20 and 27. to repre sent well-established house in Washington and Idaho; good position for right party; references. Call 10 to 12 A. M.. room 10, Hotel Avalon. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR ber trace; eight weeks required; only re liable colleges in the world: free fare to students. Moler System College, 215 Oc cidental ave.. Seattle. Wash. Men. women. learn watchmaking, engraving. Jeweler work, optics. Easy terms, positions guaranteed: money made learning. Watch-making-Engrav'g School. 1420 4th av. Seattle. INTELLIGENT. ENERGETIC MAN. Be tween 25 and 33. with previous, business ex perience. Give names and addresses of ref erences. H 63, Oregonian. TUTOR WANTED YOUNG MAN. COLLEGE graduate prefarred. to .help youth of IS. backward in Latin and mathematics. Ad dress W 52. Oregonian. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. EXPBRIENC ed and otherwise, for established publica tions; liberal inducements. Clyde-King. 633 Chamber Commerce. HERB'S A CHANCE TO GET INTO A CASH business that will pay you $3.50 a day; $150 required; duties easily learned. Call 24S!a Stark st. LUCRATIVE POSITION TO AN EXPERT eneed fraternal solicitor; splendid opening for the right man. Royal Achate Omaha. Nebraska. , WANTED SOLICITORS TO SELL HIGH elass article, city, throughout state. Call 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. 46 Front St.. 3d dek to right. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE: WAGE3 while learning: position after S weeks. GUI man's Barber College. 627 Clay. San Fran. ny Intelligent person may earn good income corresponding for newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED MAN TO WORK IN SALOON who can Invest $20O.K) in the business. In vestigate of M. E. Lee. 03' 6th st. MAN TO SOLICIT FOR FAMILY LIQUOR trade; salary and commission: state age and experience. C 66. Oregonian. Y. 51. C A. NIGHT SCHOOL PREPARES men tor civil service examinations: oezins February 1; $15 for course. WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH- er. Address, stating nge. experience and reference. Q 00. Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. 10 BOLTCUTTERS WANTED. APPLY Western Cooperage Co.. room 305 Stearns bldg.. 6th and Morrison. UNION HOTEL FOR ROOM AND BOARD" rooms $1; board. $3.50 per week. , SI N. 6th er. J. Anderson. Prop. WANTED PHOTOGRAPH OPERATOR. good retoucher only need apply. Lucerne; Dckum bldg. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address G. M. Campbell, 320 James et.. Se attle. Wash. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 50 2d. Phone Pacific 49. Salesmen for Christy Hoe Safety Razor; bo nanza side line. 303 Stearns bide, -i to a. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE MIN- er and tool-sharpener. B 66. Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. O 53, Oregonian. WANTED GOOD CABINET-MAKERS. AP- PLY 140 North 6th st. IIELr WANTED FEMALE. WANTED COMPETENT YOUNG WOMEN. over 20 years of age. to tudy nursing ac the Training School for Nurses of the Ho qulam General Hospital. For further Infor mation address AV. B. Wells, secretary, Ho qulam. Wash. WANTED LADY", UNINCUMBERED. TO flu permanent position: salary 5 1- per week; references required. Address Mrs. B. L. Howard, general delivery, city. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X- Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder; entrance 253 Alder st., Port land. WANTED FIR ST-CLASS LADY RBPRE- sentatlves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Can or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, WAITERS, cooks, cnamoermaius, general orwru. si. Louis Agency, 2304 Yamhill. Main 5413. DOMESTIC (GLENCOE), 51 BET EMPLOYER 3: kitcnen neiper. -v: Japanese icoaiw. o. Waitresses. Drake's, 205M, Washington. APPRENTICES TO LEARN ART EMBROID- ery Business, .ppiy. witn pureni ui buiui an, Mir. White. 3S2 Washington. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343SS Washington et.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. PIONEER LADIES AGENCY. 215 Morrison St. Phone Main 2273. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GBN eral housework, small family. Phone East 3642. Apply mornings. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; good wages. Apply 6S4 Marshall st. WANTED SOUBRETTE AT ONCE; MUST be able to sing and dance. T 64, Ore gonian. TWO WOMEN TO CUT AND SORT RAGS, in shoddy factory. Call at factory, 2d and G rover. EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL. REFBR ences required; no other need apply. 314. Salmon. WANTED WOMAN FOR FARM COOK: NO children. Call 715 Everett at., with refer ences. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must sleep at borne. Call 743 Overton. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 606 Everett. XTELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED DRAMATIC PEOPLE. VAUDE vllle acts, singers, musicians: good salary. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 14oh ttth. Dramatic art. stage dancing, sketches taught. ENERGETIC. CAPABLE MAN OR 'WOMAN to work In Portland and throughout state: salary. Call between 1 and 3:30, evenings 8-0. Hotel Antlers, room 44. WANTED LADIES OR GENTLEMEN TO represent large business firm; good salary. Address L 53. Oregonian. PER3IANENT POSITION. S15 WEEK SAL ary for IntellUent men or women. Call mofnlnss. 2S8 12th st. , WANTED SOLICITORS, $2.50 AND UP PER day; If you mean business, address D 6$, Oregonian. WORK FOR ALL: SALARY. 2S5 LINCOLN ST. Call from 0:30 fo 12. 1:30 to 5. 7 to 9. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers nnd Clerks. WANTED POSITION AS CITY SALESMAN by an experienced man; am now traveling, but prefer city position. H 67, Oregonian. YOUNG 5IAN DESIRES POSITION AS OF fice asststant or-assistant bookkeeper: can operate typewriter. A 63. Oregonian. POSITION BY EXPERIENCED BOOKKEBP' er and stenographer; strictly up to date. Y 67, Oregonian mi