. . . . 1FTirF nni i Hi mmrrm mss,w-3 JHE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. JANUARY 23, 190(J 'li SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerks. POSITION BY COMPETENT UP-TO-DATE Dookkeeper and 6tenorraDher: fruit ana pro duce preferred: ten years' experience In general office -work; best city references. H ' ureguniuo. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAPPIW1 MAX TR5TTtK? A POSI. uun ujs loremau on a. larni or anver; wen acquainted with cltyj or any other kind or uuuiue worn; soou reierencoa. o oi, vrcj4- man.. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. FARM hanfls and other f laborers furnished. The Nippon Employmmit Office, room 2. 28 N. 3d et.. city. Main 5154. P. O. Box 175. JANITOR. EXPERIENCED. STRICTLY temrwrl and reliable: references riven: will work as porter or -watchman. Address Janitor. Ill N. 7th st. POSITION "WANTED YOUNG MAN DE- Rlres nnsitlnn In offlep. or nutalde work: rapid and accurate at figures. Address M 63, Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic sen-ants, farmers also: all kinds of help. Main 4650. 2.0S Ever ett St.. MAN AND WIFE WILL CARE FOR HOME or "-oomlng-houBe in exchange for living rooms; best references. F 02, Oreconlan. A FIRST-CLASS TAILOR-CUTTER DESIRES position: late from the East. Address P Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS COOKING. SMALL family, or housework. R 63, Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION OF SCHOOL coy. jvoarcss Lt to, uregonian. CARPENTER WANTS JOB. REPAIR OR work by da-. Main 8359. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Demestlca, A COOK WITH CITY REFERENCES WILL cook or wait table by the day or hour; din ners ana luncnvuuo ouctmij. j nunc jra.' ciflc 954. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE GIRL DE- sircs position to assist In housework in kitchen. Address Japanese Mission. A GOOD EXPERIENCED place, city or town. 75 Main 6617. COOK WANTS Park st. North. COMPETENT SWEDISH GIRL. WISHES SIT. uatlon for general housework. P 67, Orego- nlan. GIRL WOULD LIKE HOUSEWORK BY day. 447 Ross st. Phone East 1332 Dressmakers. A FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER FROM CAL: norma wan is encasements vy inc uaj. -a oi, vregonian. LADY WISHES SEWING BY DAY OR week. Phone Main 3316. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED woman cook, boarding-house, hotel; strong woman dishwasher, pastry cook or kitchen iiciucr. avs jamnui. rnone .aiain uno. ence and reference desires situation as cash ier in restaurant or store. J?2 loimuu. Phone Main 5413. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED German woman, infant 9 nurse: has best references. 23014 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. NEAT. REFINED WOMAN DF.SIRES SIT- uatlon housework for elderly couple: cham berwork, second work. 23014 Yamhill. Main .413. LAUNDRY WORK, REASONABLE. CALLED lor ana aenverca: Bnirtwaisuj ana lace cur tains specially, .aiam eto. TWO COMPETENT WOMEN WANT TO cookln logging camp or for bridge gang. -i o. vreconian. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WORK BY the day. washing, Ironing or housccleanlng. rnone scon tin. . WANTED OFFICE WORK BY COMPE- tent young lady; railroad office- preferred. u .-. uregonian. FIRST-CLASS PIANISTE DESIRES THEA- ter engagement in or out of city. X 61, FIRST-CLASS SHOWCARD WRITER IS open for engagement. Address V 53. Ore- soman. WANTED DAY'S WORK 'EVERY TUBS- day ror washing or houaework. Phone Scott 1366. MRS. HILL WISHES WORK FOR WEDNES- aay- ana -saturaay. .pnone l'acinc 1&5I. A WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. CALL UP Main 4oa. between 11 and 2 o clock. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK BY THE cay. 4.' i Front st. LADY WANTS WORK BY DAY OR HOUR. WAITED AGENTS. WE WANT TWO SOLICITORS TO REPRE srnt us In Portland: only thore who are energetic and willing to call on families uiu uBire to mane gooa money need ap- v. rj uregonian. PERFECTION AT LAST CASH REGISTER aim automatic cnange-maKer; absolutely correct"; no more mistakes; agents wanted Huuuiiuoui me etate. valley wnange Maker, AGENTS WANTED. EITHER SEX. PAT- cni article, pomethlng new and useful: quick J-'it; notning jiKe it on tnc market. Ad- mi coo a. -iiiKuiicn, jvm im au, sacramento. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSESj COTTAGES FLATS. ROOMING HOUSES. STORES, ETC! Our rentrJ department haa been enlarged "u u.wnucu iin aauitionai 6tan. We Invite lletlng from LAN DLORUK. orrer personal attention to and continuous mpervision over an property intrusted to ou: PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORnr.nv S. B. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72 WANTED BY FEBRUARY 1. 8 OR 0-ROOM house, suitable for 2 small families within walking distance of Oregonlan bldg.; must be modern: responsible tenants. Phone Mala or .cast 4i?. TOR MAN AND WIFE. CLOSE IN ON WEST oiue. moacrn. running water; room with Alcove ana large closet preferred. O 58, WANrap-STOREROOM OR WAREHOUSE ... uuiiumn, cbojjuio rent; state 10- ion. size ana price. Address D 23. Ore- A ut..i TLB.MAK AND DAUGHTER WISH rooms and board in private house; can fur- ...pi4 ..iavutTii. v wi. uregonian. LARGE ROOM, UNFURNISsHBD. FOR SIN- gie man, centrally located, in respectable .iQjiij. u iu, urcKunian. WANTED 3 UNFURNISHED -ROOMS PRT. vate family, or email flat; good location. WANTED ailSCELLANEOUS. iii.ntxy vajsm. raics PAID FOR FUR nlture In any quantity; also take same on commission and guarantee best results. Tha Portland Auction Rooms, A. Schubach oron! Phone Main 6655. 211 1st . v " I WANTED BIRDRAISERS IN OREGON TO suuiiiiL jinus un niuuuuiin quail. Mongo lian pheasants and China pheasant to Board Of Cntintv CnmmlBHinnprii nf Stt.... ty. AVash. These birds are wanted for early ueuvcry. uurces r. A. Bavage, .vui4ij Auuuur, wUiviiic. n asn. WANTED INVENTORS TO SEND FOR OUR illustrated -nanaoooK. a synopsis of ient laws ana reguiauons. Mllo B. ei" w.. Attorneys, ooi nth st.. .444(,.U44, XI. t.. DU-QftD-HAND MACHINERY. BOILERS, engines, pumps, pulleys, beltiBr. ahaftlnr' oocgnt. sold, rented or exchanged. Weatera Salvage Co. 627 Waahlagton at. Pacific 793. "VV.ATS.. vP"'8 CAST-OFF CLOTHING .,r":, $SJ? Prfca Call at the, - wQ. in one Hood 517. HRNS. ALSO HAVE A Vw Vm."'1"' Ixd Coffee "IT10 CAN BE STORED WITH PORT. iTans. Co. East 5907. A?J'?Er:U4;I),BSKS: OLL AND FLAT TOP w w.t , aiKiinrton at. .W..?95?.OAKD CAT- w. . moac si ?yja WANTED 2D-HAND SCRAPer apring-tooth harrow. 285 1st stl AND THE OXFORD. CORNER CTH AND OAK. Mrs. A- J. Walter nrnnrltnn brick "unwiig, lumisnea entirely new i orotic n- i cuycucu. iuur wiviv. wi w elegantly furnished rooms, steam heat, eleC trf 1lc-fet Vin.t .A A .., In vo t n tT bells, etc Suites with or without private oatns. Kates reasonable. Main a. . x til- wnnbnviAU . nnift uj, siriuu uvl wu eviu water, free baths and phone: dining-room MlilUniUVK, UftUOICUU V yi nlrht; beet location In the city: office aad THE AUDITORIUM. 20SM 3d at., bet. Taylor : oairoon. l dik. aoutn Baker xneater Eie- hot and cold running water i'n rooms, free wc cay. IS week ud: reasonable monthly. nlshed: electric lights, hot and cold water. furnace heat, porcelain bathe. Hotel Ar- menlua. 410X4 Morlson cor. 11th. Main W63. HOTEL NEW HELMOCT. 1KT XTi TAT. lor Beautifully furnished rooms in brick npectable house; fl.SO week up; tranrlenta, HOTEL KENYON. NEW. ELEGANTLY zurnisnea rooms, gas, electric light, hot and iu luuros, steam ncav, tree imuw. HICELT T"TTn VlSHPn Trr iv cntTu. vwj iiuniiy; gooa location; an conveniences. jtcuuuu.uie. no iotn. ain 208 7TH ST- VirT.-V -P-TTT! VTSTTTTTl TtftOVT' private lamuy; au conveniences; diocks irum postonice. I'none. aiain 2214. " -' -. . . KimiLjiii-tu nwMo, run" vimu uui, pngnc, cicctnc Jignt, xumace. -vi ivtn, pmer xayior. MODERN RESIDENCE. WALKING D1S. tance: nlcdv fumlthori frnnt mnm 9VSM montn. iotn. near Jcffenson. 468 TAYLOR ST. NirKl.v TriTnviSHKn iiunL room?. riirnai hat mnnrn mmi. veniences; rent reasonable. 205?4 WASHINGTON NEWLY REMODELED uiiuaiicu ana unxurnisnea rooms in suites ouu single; gas, xree pnone. PLEASAVT WfVr with tmjti i tt- -ciir iu. every convenience, aj oiockii souui Ho- vi iiiiuuiu. ;o oin et. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. HEAT. o jayior, corner Park. 471 AT.T1T7R TTTTTJ VTCUrn -orrr cttt able for 3; also nmaller room; bath, pbene; rooms, bath, gaa, phone, furnace heat; SS up; imc locauon. S04 ALDER ST.. COR. 10TII VEWI.T Pirn. iimicu puiib iu Binsie room: oau. neat. iiKiii; rcasonaoic. 166 10TH ST.. NEAR MORRISON COV- lui iuo lurnisncu rooms, xumace neat, gas, NICE ROOM. WELL FURNISHED. FOR $1.50 vvi n ecu; tree pnone ana Dam. 4&3 Morri son. THE COSMOS Furnished, unfurnished rooms; InnttMt, .nlt.Uul fueir i .w.w. oxiiuitru. Aiurritun, cor. m. ROOM, FRONTING MORRISON Sr. GAS. oatn ana xeiepnone, M4 Morrison st. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. PRIVATE FAM- iui ma), reasonaoie. 4U ix)vejoy. ROOMS-J1.50 A WEEK AND UP. 87V S. o-. ucu o mi a. ana ugk. ROOMS AT 51.25 A WEEK. S6 PARK, BE- tween Stark-Oak. Rooms With lroard. Newly and eleyantly furnished; excellent eiors: attractlvlv Inoat i r?.. , THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO- ci aw jum su. cor. MorriKon; most con venient; first-clans location in cltv for bii. ness people; fine rooms, nlcelv furnihi steam ho.at. nnmAtaln v . . . i ... . ' ,;., v - ' . .. , jJicjiij- 01 not ''"f"e uining-room; Eastern cook- iirci-ciass taoie service at rea- naDie rates 10 permanent people; table PORTLAND WOMEVR TTVTTnv 1.,. . . . . uo 01 sewing-room; use of library; omars Exchance. Address -- OUni.. Till. VlDni!.. WITH OR WITHOUT BOA"RD. WELL HElT. one block from M nr tin. ru J or.ni - vuc it4iv-r ivrt.lMiJL ROOMS. WITH OR witnout board: modega convcnlericca; terms reasonable. 147 N. !M t ' LJION HOTEL. 81 N. 6TH 55T.RPrvr.a the best meal: rat mnm i. 1 .... FITRNKHBD ROOM WITH BOARD. MOD- iirS ..'V"'c zor couple or two iOO'i 1UTH LARGE. HANDSOAIR mnvr with r,r- cn SUllC or "J-HK HAWTHiihVv? ! 14-it -. 1 rJU50nable. monthly rates ... - - - . . Mill KUUMK r r'YA CLARA. 205 10TH. NICELY tTk " . Vi w,in DWlra rcatontble. JUAituK riiuST BAY-WINnnnr nnn..c v.. n.v.iuut. uuaru; moaern. 350 Madl- o-. raifi. THE SOUTHERN HOTEL, 374 YAMHILL ST. - ""lli.. euiie, wun board: EA?.FAST. A,XD DINNER. BEST H'v J4tft SOUth. 120 1STH. CORNER GLISAN FIRST-CLASS . -v. 'nwrni. private borne. THE OS ARK. 225 11TH KT-unnuc- . ""s v" Tvatcr; taoie ooarcens. 395 MORRISON. COR. IOTHwiroroBr rnnm, - 1.-7 .1 . -""iii.iJ MODERN HOMELIKE PLACE. FINE RESI- -u.aiww . wutic T4AW Flats. JUbT FINISHED UP-TO-DATE 5 AND fi. v.. Vii.vJ' . ",c,lA.ana ter furnished Jr. t ciae. very rea- ih"Mm A.!" Agency. frf ., J.lMiJut??.ti. cood condition: Frit-. X- r-n 'Kl c.a.k 4"U iOL41 OIR. VVaKnrTT .MUUKIIN WICXJM FLAT. TWO BLOCKf? "n.. i5"!el , aW ronnK vcr: range -..w. "w"". 4.4 H4lw4lt-44. JHOUirC JlS I.B T. FOR RENT MODERN NTTIV nunrn room flat. lo 17th St.. near Yamhill t. Atilt-ai 1 Can IfitU . ' MODERN FLAT, 7 ROOMS. ALL LIGHT AND Si.7.iV rTl.S" ,l..?",c Jawn- 41 Overton. 44V44C aUUC 1.9V. 2fe4S)M. MO,DERN FLAT. 2D FLOOR, m... p. . nMomcioa ana stark. F?il,S:E?rJ-;VFRT DESIRABLE CENTRAL- luauir -s ADiartoa Udr. TWO MODERN 6-ROOM FLATS. COR. i-tn -ana AnKeny. Phone Main C540. Z'P F2'AT F0R J1 EXT. INQUIRE FLAT mii.cu ruono -iun mk. MODERN 6 ROOMS. FURNACE. TINTED walls; $25. SSfi .S?- AT THE CITY. 7-ROOM FLAT, 229 5TH. INQUIRE AT 261 3d. or nhnn. 'vr-in o -A ZAlL'Jr J-' J?.EKR imi-2-RooM fniT'teleAh Cr ' "n'enocs,' hotlsfk w-rj ST. XlfPT.T mm water all tfe ti.. ...V' V."kc 0t month. 1W Raa Pr !IJISJox. neat! iir, V- fPinFl . electric uaia ana pnone. LARGE. CLEAN. WELL. - Wtvi,r -.... i-ngiie Jt 4S31. LZU.- OK. CLEAN FUR. lavavc-ry aad TWO LARGE ROOMS, FURNISH BO HOUSE- ZJIil ' 4-iwr, nan, pantry and all TOia vvna rnieiiccB. &frj far FOR KENT. HeasekeeBlar Reel THB ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM- hlll Jor- Vin... f.v.. . lne?t..Ia lte of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot - - - " ..WMW. sk&miuj u4ium lUk ana cold water: r range la each kitchen; ant, oatcs; xree paone on eacn noor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- g rooms in best brick block on East Side; ranges, bath, etc.; no transient: prices moderate. Loran bloeto. ITnlo-i avt.. mi jviocr. rnone .aic -to.-. 3 ROOMS AND BATH. WELL FURNISHED, """i 4Jici.iiu very aesiraoie, sinciiy pn vate; reasonable. 228 Grant. TWO I.fnr.r. nnr;v-ir tc- o r v-- nnnMa reasonable; sleeping-room f2.W; phone, bath. , biun in. .11 OlD. NEATLY FURNISHED HODSEKEKPrvn t irfc jwa ua mu; close in; nam. I 32 11TH ST. NORTH THREE LIGHT, NEAT moron, xurnisnea, oneap. Phone, itm.ni, evue ee. 3 r"1,1!"1?5 MS, PRIVATE FAMILY, irniT T i'i.i t uuroiice. beu TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, w" icr, gaa range, lit l-la. bAVE TIME A Vr rn rinr iimmi- C,.. " "- LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ii?. A- t.,:ei oesiraoie, centrally located. 450 lamhlll. 34 CLAY ONE NICE lvvi:nvicuvn VidfS i iS i K roo:n renl reasonable. Phona FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING. SLEEPING e. , al8 "P. cioe in. M loth, near Stark. BAY WINDOW SUITE. FIRST FLOOR: OAS "vV.i.v"" J wo. Phone ' CS. Oi)l. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED 7 , wu-cxriJinKi no sroau cniiarea. 431. UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT REAS- ii"MJic. AIDine lOUSe. rlH E. Mnrriitnn PLEASANTON HOUSEKEEPING AND "niiiKTOj cneap. At Za st. FOJ3.Jl.ETrTlHRE5.NICEI'r FURNISHED ""i wr. i-none iain suh. 53 ?iJI,-.': Fm?Uhd housekeeping rooms. uuiocilKB people. U?hURrN2BHED "OUSEKEEPINO ROOMS uui ana jenerson. IIOUMS. TirT'CV' T ic-n Storeand hTv,"?;;. .7' "r Ktnr lift. . r-W Store. Marrfuui . " lo.oo 2 new storrv T7. .. 20.00 . 25.00 . 17.50 . 15. W) . 35.00 . 40.00 . 27.50 8-roora house .......... "1""""""" -rootn bouse 10-room hooe ...T..... -room house ........................ w . cunnysice, new............ j-roora houie, Irvlngton -room house 20.00 C0.U0 20.00 Ad number of new fiats. "both" Vldea of nlshed houteT ' ta PORTlavn tdi' .. C CJor. Ivn on1 ftaV m.... t- MO Hjmntftm .f 6 room. TxayuiL inoupm 20 Beautiful .. ... .- r?l.E 33d and Yamhill. ' fn tlm1? cottage. large lot. choice ti? ? EU5a f1- near Union ave. E. 37th ' WW J SI2.J0 T?o iitl ful . 0S4 DIvlflon. CUSC' THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY, S-ROOM NEW HOUSE. NO HTlt v fst rri. ner Eaaa 20th and MadUon; -.wv.iu cuiie. j-.asi sum and Oregon: 513. S-room cotuge. 231 Gaines: 110. . A. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock bldg. FORRENT AT J22-A NEWLY FINISHED fi-C. aweiimg, gaa and electric light fixtures ant latest combination locks; location SOS E. Ash. near E. 28th at. Apply to Otto Kleemann. SO Grand ave.. N. S-ROOM HOUSE. 380 HARRISON' vcir 10th; key at 395 Harrison: freshly tinted; 2TcS1,ld two nreplacea. Owner, Falr chlld. 232 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT-S-ROOM COTTAGE. FEBRU afJ , . 63 Wheeler St.. 3 blocks from r, tiV ' "V c " P ' " moi n g, large yard; .w, uue Main ui. FOR RENT A. PRETTY COTTAGE OF SIX I?.m,',lr. Xo- Northrop 253V WblngVon at. & U ' run RENT MODERN CBOmf imi-ci- close in. 84 E. 7th u. N.. near E. Everett! enquire at bo. rrlce 125; will be ready IRVINGTON . ."ui-iTOUl UUUK. (M nui u, oetween xiuamook and Thomp- 16 NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. NEAR srv. ae cant. 26 Small hone aad barn near University Tark station. 449 3d at. KADDERLY' TRANSFER CO.. Pnnui- reliable Plaao and furniture movers. Phone Main 16S3. Office, llo v ha FOR RENT LARGE 10-ROOM HOUSF FOR RENT SUNNYSIDE. 30TH AND BEL- X . cottage, ua; ore-room 41-t, iu ouoor, iu w. farlc nf DONALD G. WOODWARD. 2M STARK ST. 4iui4 iuuiace. I'aone Aiam 313. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 9.ROOM HOUSE. STRICTLY ilonRnv "1 4444444-4TVI 441 J UU fcilOUl J JjnC iOCatlOH, HOUSE. 267 N. 20TH 7 ROOMS. PORCE- " 4i. w4 t..ic, 4.c4iirxiL Dueaeau Jv, l viiBfui, uuaMr or commerce. o iiwao, ia. oti feuUL.ET IN 2 AND 4- apai-uncnta, witn not and coll water 547 Morrison st. Phone Main 1544. CORNER 15TH AND JOHNSON. NEAR DE- 4144U ..ucuuujcj nouM, a rooms, good 4 V,'t44l , IwMVIMUIC. lill wOf. 24 ROOMS. EAST SIDE. ONE RTVir vnnvr Steel Bridge; new building; rent. $00. C J. iiccirr, rnunc ocott iafM. 9-ROOM CORNER HOUEE, BATH. MODERN itfini, s,wuvua srounoa. 3o T 19th, corner Marshall. NEW. MODERN COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS; POR- C444441 IWUI, U. vlC M tJmMl ilU)dfri. Wakefield. Fries & Co. xiaaaers. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN? st. tloneo" waahtubs; gas. and large yard: nice location. 631 4th Ft. ' n,ce $16 NEJV 5-ROOM, HOUSE. GAS. POn. ceiain bath, statlonao tubs; East Side Phone Eaat 5531. B,ae FOR RENT MODERN S-ROOif TTOiTcr- flreDlace. close In. East Side. Phm. -rTT lilUHT KOUMh. GO, EVERETT ST.. TV fine order. $o5. Sheehy. 315 11th. Main 1147 7-ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION: GAS. 4J4VV44, 4444,4 V444U -UU41UU. Oil i CliyglWe. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON spa. ond t. between Sherman and Caruthers. MODERN HOUSE. 6 ROOMS 224 E. 2ND N. FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. 22S 11TH ST. Apply A. C. Pike. 107 3d at. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. 325 19TH S-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. 220. INQUIRE 4o Aoinrtwi oiug. HOUSE. 5 GLISAN ST., WILL BE FOR FOR RENT-S-ROOM HOUSE. 414 10th at. -vjjpij' i in. WELL-FURNISHESD 5-ROOM COTTAGE. wun bath, for - or more months; owner leav ing the city; no children; reference. Anolr 734 East Salmon at. Phone v.o wi.'Ui per month. ' SIX-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE ON Wert Side, for rent; owner wishes tn rti- room with renter. Tarrart. 4i r-h..,.. of -Commerce,. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. SOUTH SLOPE 7. room cottage, city water, bath, gaa; fur nished or partly furnished. Main 5434. t I'RNIfiHED HOUSE. 7 LARGE ROOvr piano, modern coaveRlences. cheaa. An. Ply 273 Stark. Phone East 3152. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 LARGE carT" 401 l-S ,OCUOa- aw COMPLETELY FURNISHED 4-ROOM COT- FOR RENT. PERSONAL. TurnUhtd HoHsea. s CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICB TO NEWLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE. PI- SSrewrtlir wlth.rSf- 3T phone East 330S. f"l'?a tha most complicated Internal WELL - FURNISHED HOUSE, S ROOMS. tlntlonT Mvahrl KlIi1,,: modem. West Side; rent reasonable. Inquire professional 1 ladr n2 J?.? lV " vr ii ! v v Mrf- i.7,. iauy nurse in attendance: con- -1 Mnlko bldg. ,u lUoa aad advice frea. X-Radium Medl- FURNISHED HOUSE. 9 ROOM3. BATH. trance 2 AH'f' T-l gaa range, steel range. 43 E. 7th . Phone g " AIder - TorUand. S"t K&- , PROFESSOR WALLACE. NEATLY FURNISHED MODERN 5-ROOM ualSt " Tn Jh Jf1 nd s?Ir,iu ' ga 'd,.acd And him superior to any nalmlst, NEWLY FURNISHED MODERN FOUR- - here-Madtal.iSi,,a 0.Vv b0ia room cottage. Nob BUI: $30. Phone Main to 3 Ad ? A M' P,?V7J-JL1pr' 407S. 0- The Cosmos, 268 Morrison. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE." BLEC- &iV:Coaa,itl1? investlgaUons: trie lights, bath, central. Inquire 2734 7th. DrooeS-rTu.?? t Individual, business or SviwTSI lasla relatives found; bad debts NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. solicited 1 ?Sf b,CtCOrf:,p0?i!.e2Jf all new Phone East 2U0 rv.ViivJ rTfxon Detective Service, 314-315 an new, rnone tMi .no. ColnmbU bldg.. 365 Washington. Main 5615. Hows For Beat Faral tare for Sala. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HELSING- FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR ne" odrderaid'.nmfiVh ISSS sale; will be oid on reasonable terms; rent bandrubbln? ?2Sf? l5Ss bIf.iS t-vi 4j c!mon t phnn w.nf iTT vT.w ruoonr, sieam. sweat and tub baths; S20. 408 aimoa st. ynone etc 537. both. scea. 7 EL nth st.. two doors from CHEAP OAK BEDROOM SET. FOLDING Ankeny car line. Phone East 2C0. Sw'Tth0 UbIe U,r hM CrPU- B?-. TOUn OWK BEAUTY DOCTOR!- ,w ' ,u f?ee laformatlon and anatomical chart. CHEAP FURNITURE OF 9-ROOM HOCSR cSfatmJf oC.Irfec,tlon. Keeps clr- tmsurpassed location. 027 Taylor su PhoS pYexlon lik i fod Com. Main 442 . fr . uxe rose. X. z. Cauffman. Spe- Aiain 44g. clalUt. 1401 First ItC Seattle. PIANO. FURNITURE 7-ROOM HOUSE. 4 VIGOR ivn vrr tip t,p T,T.r.T,v..c. blocks Poaofflce: rent 1S. 314 Madison. sure c fo-T .JLI,CS. DECKENi? Main 3546. v?." ur ?.IL.fan.,nf ad lost powers, XI dox. a month's treatment: 0 boxes. S3: 10-ROOM HOUSE COMPLETELY FUR- o" XnV'tJ? .l,9-., CJl nUhed. 65 7th at. Inquire on premises. Oregon. h A,naworth bld5- Portland. St0r- . SfUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES SI FOR RENT STORE CENTR-LLY LOCAT- oreSid b55-.3SJfclotnln cleaned and d. can be wed for light manufacturing: Pro ealU dM?lj?f.' rt9,,,'r5d.,Up- bright and well equipped. Inquire Trans in7 317 .,hfnLe Sl?U,!i TIor" continental Machine o.. Park and Oak its. lpg co- 3 Vaahlnston. opp.Cordray'a. 54x100 fee-t. with basement, centrally lo cated; suitanie tor wholesale jobber or man- unuuirt. enquire nUrr, r irsi et. FOR RENT BUILDING. E. WASHINGTON ntr i icr, a twins upxtairs. large tore bciow; rent J25. Phone Main 201. STORE FOR RENT TWO DOORS FROM Washington. 12S Cta st. Ofaces. CHOICE GROUND FLOOR OFFICE AND cmk room tor rent from February 1st. A. C FOR RENT 30 OFFICE ROOMS IN BUSI- iici crater, inquire 4nge notei, oin and FOR RENT TWO OFFICE ROOMS. IN- quire 224 Washington st. FINANCIAL. On Improved city property or for building purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time, with . privilege to repay all or part of loan after j v. . uww pv.mca iront piana ana money advanced aa building progresses; montages laxen up ana replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. -1- aiarx Jatrtel. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLB uviotng permanent posmona and responsible 1 iT ' 1 pajoieaia ana suicuy conncen- ' rIT 1 TT'l-T t a 1 v 3 on personal propert-; rooming-homes a spe- NEAV ERA LOAN &. TRUST COMPANY, -u ADington Building. TXV. KT1H Tfliv rv Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get xiujoui murtsgc itonnaenuaii Month. H-montb. Week. W0 Repay to ua.. .213.33 orSd.05 or X3.23 "Py to us... J 6.05 or 23.25 or J1.6S 15 Repay to us...t 4.00 ori2.00 or$l.W -iv Ji JVM ULMU., 1QZ THIRD. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 4K-IM Mn. . ana Morrison. Ioana money to reltahl nlrwnn fnlnm.l. conductors or other salaried employes, Jct t:. . "ie. in soma oi iu to lw. Ketura- -oie in convenient weekly or monthly pay- tr c ii 'peaaea in case oi sicx- W4n444uciuat. io inquiries. TO LOAN 22500 AT PER CENT PER AN- V. . no cotnnlon required. Apply at .Huiwoaiaa i-ngine company Benevolent Aa- wuatm xi. iAMo, xooi o. asn- isigioa. LOANS ON ZUST PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL- -4 444 tyevjjie at lowest rates; strictly conn- aenuau t-.mpioyes; Loan Co.. room 71t$ the -r-44444, M JJO itUO, BUT. fBOae -4 , 220.000 TO LOAN, 5 PER CHNT INTEREST. 3 or 5 yearn, on Income-bearing buslnesa iwvprrty. vajurc couoie amount of oiiriiocn. uiu., oa ana vaK sts.. city. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE -44u vucii wimout security; easy paymenta. Offices la 53 principal cltlex. Tolmaa. 223 , ..w.uw 4v;j du B MO,:iEr T LOAJ ,ON' nEA-L ESTATE AND " 4 uiiti ; small ouildlnc loans a Ti'ft. JS-"' Nuan- aeriock bWg! MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT OV Frame. 514 The Marquam. Phone Hood COX M9j'SY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415! waao u. i- UK.M1UKE, PIANOS AND room 45. Waahlagton bldg. Phone Main eiw! V1XT5 .?S FROM $5 TO ZZZ.r. J- ron & co.. .-444444wi mug, j-oone day 7s. WANT A LOAN OF $500 TO $1000 ON" Sir. i " particulars. O U4, V4 V6V44.a44. I HAVE A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS TO - m.UVT t o per cent. Q 2500.O00 TO LOAV AT Jt i-VTi a nnn . " Wm. O. Beck, room 307. the Falling bidg JJONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF crv. curlty. Wm. Holl, nn. 9, Washington rdgT State funds leaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomaa. aute agu. tultaomah Co.. 400 Cfrr Com! Li,EfT,iJATESw.ON ;"":'ITURH. PIANOS MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE OR GOOD v4. 4 ui, vrrgonian. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON- .44 -ui iv ionu ior tn arrest and vvm.ii.uuu wi ujunt caugnt siaai Oregonlan from the doors of ItFi era. Circulation Manager. LOST SATURDAY NIGHT. ENVELOPE containing $15.05. between west end Burn side bridge and East 10th st. Finder please 4t 4444 44 iu wij """wj ir.Q receive reward. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH. BETWEEN anJT,nc and Iat and Stark, or be- i"rK ,na Ana wash- 41.4. icnuu ki urrxomaa. LOST JAN. IB. ON .'.TT? c rr tv mim i . i 4 t mpa, oeiong to a sub- Zl ly i .4. 44 iV wfrcgonian. receive re- SCOTCH COLLIE DOO, SABLE AND WHITE. i i ' 4ctwu , imormauon or him -in 4t wcu vaia ior. z'none iaia 2W4. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- " tuuiucu ua returnea usi day. 444 .!. i jt 44ji u u. unca-2iair nttnrv v - LOST SUNDAY EVENING. CHILD'S WHITE - tu. - i imuii na -l!4j EU. X 41UI1C rSCIQC VvU. LOST OUR BIG MALTESE CAT "TEDDY." r - -V.. . rrwru tor return w r om -t. irs. Aounx. iAKi-lJAKlv. UHOWN KITTEN, with fln auay xur. Jteturn 3KJ west Park st. Atv LOST LADY'S PURSE CONTAINING SMALL "-Hie u iiuie. jnetorn pnone East 735; IAWT PURSE CONTAINING $4 ANn 4.4.-414.. 44C4UH4 iu- vvtT gLHiina ; reward. PERSONAL. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP , --owm ru, par- FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT Tnrt- 4urc-. jiit-4aui, i ii 144. .leu Main 455a. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COIlRm SpeclaUat. Saaitarlasa 127 N. lata. Mala 547S. v i mr. a vrr sT.t uiesmr . . n .4q-...-. a.Tj ".un rowc aia eso. TWO YOUNG L.VDIB8 GIVE FACE AND -w-4(, uu-ii. hum tn at., car. wain. TW ITTSJT.TTVm TiTCDlBBs it- . . an aargery. 1W Alteiqr 44g., 24T & Morrisoa. BALM OFFIG45 FOR ALL FMALB DIS- "ATER.pROOp HALF EOLBE. 80c. HOLLA- -. rs ijwr, -et. a aaa 4ta. BOOKS iOUGHT SOLD AND EXCHANGED vra n fsorr, JmW 1 IXMU It. . .... 4V. maicloCi U11U i JdADAME. BARITn TnviP f ton s rheumatism. If you do not believe it. thera will tell you lt doea. Prica 75c rxr bottle. "BOOK OF NATURE," ' "A SOCIAL LION." r oroicaen iTUlt. " "What TVra rt "Woman of Fir "Agnes," "Dangerous Dellchtit" v. 223 1st. a. w. sebmale Co.. BROTHER XV7TT Tur -trr. .i- ....-.-... luliiiJ - r. lilt. iunuiA.M, " T . ... can 00 consulted oa all ?iTl -, . ic; 'Vis tninga; private rl dence next door Hotel Oregon. 7th; low fee. "ii?1? T,ror "stored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve uioouira. une month's treatment. S2- .t rnontns ,25. Sent securely sealed by malL iiwra. v.uric k v.o., x'ortiana. WB MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DISEASE o. women. Private rooms. Call or write. Sh.r0?.13 lcal and Surgical Dlnpenaary. 230 U. Yamhill .t j r.t.5 T'" ' - - . A Vi UB, Utt YOUNG L.VDY. MAGNETIC HEAI.vn rheumatism a-rf nm-nn. l.n. . 1 : . wd4ut;u 4ilirCU. also chiropody and magnetic treatment. 47 . V. 4,J - w44. wi, niucr, room ai. AAJr TOWERS RESTORED TIV Tun Xr. Lorenr Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25c Zr?rZ:;? " f-y"Ji pharmacy. . .uaiuvu UCl. 4fTV KUU .'Q. AOO isriLISH s VISITING CARDS wmf your name for 50c 50 for 25c ?.v h,i.. earca far- 21. Kftft fn- ti t . . J V -V " , ' " 00 your V.44.t44ia. 4JV44441 JO VU., flt. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- irr . . recovering; two stores: Washington aad flth and Morrison and 6th. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50c. WV.4 .. 44v 4, w iuc wuciic jrnone uiay 300. MRS STEVENS. 10 years Portland's leading JT. j T, j, 1 oi in. opp. Ho- .V. . 4444 v4. Jtc-uiuga cany. iclilC 714. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SaLP 1 ' j 1. -a Morrison .at.. 4Vii A 44U A-V. MRS. S. B. SEIP. moat reliable aeeres nnrt prophetesa In town. 343 YamUl. Pac 106. MISS EFFIE HILL. SCIENTIFIC CARD- c-ucr. jc. tn. opposite Hotel Portland. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS CURE UdUUUJ. 4V. 444UIIT SliC, C BUSINESS CHANCES. THE GREATEST RAILROAD SWITCH IN- couon oi moaern umea is now on exhlhl. turn at ri AtolTs ii4 ..-.i. i ..... t . -.. '.uv in una corporation can be purchaaed. at a big- dis count by calling on W. J. Curtis. 213 Com- -c4i uiock. jrnone .uaia sxm. REAL T!5TT TV ni'sivpca F7T4-ltnt iMhmi 4,.M n J 1 a w- ji4444. w iiiiuuic-agco ine.thlrd Inl.rMt In .l ...... . ... . .. CflMIC 41I1U in- vestment company, doing a big paying bus- 144cm, iu. uiiijr tan on iiii & Kahler, .WW44. 4-i um:wi et. BUSINESS SNAP IN MARSHFIELD. OR. . . . 1 -,vy oiaoie oa a ana -a sts.. With lot 100 feet sauare. Good navin- hml. cmi Pri tnrwi . "- i44-44iec oc Aostract tomoanv. JSXIK. SALB-HESTAmi i r-r in.iu running order; 15 rooms furnished; brick --..-.ua, .ui. ii iuoiito option on 20 rooms first of April: building Joining leas - . - .- .4. 43Ulll. IVf 44U4C4. PATlTVV.n W1VTP n TXT on --wrr- -r,, - -- ------ - ... W4W44I. iiuisi.-nivaa. ... , partner to nirM nelp and will guarantee $19 weeklrt ni,i Commercial Invrntmrnt rv imh .t WOODTARn PARTSPP Wivn pn --4 . . ----------- 1.4.4 4.4 4 U 4 I - ienu oiucc ana cneca wood; J TOO required. , - "... tj ..un 444uiimiy. com mercial Investment Co., 165H 3d at., room PARTNER. $300; MUST BE RELIABLE AND rfv , ""ereat. in legitimate, fast-rrogrla hnilriM ntl. ...n i - 1" - -r"-" ---4ij tuiucu. cAnmijcu. v oi, uregonian. FOR SALE ESTABLISHED NEWS ROUTE ChronlrV- mr. 7.n tn cio- .v. w4 4J4414 Kuicucn r.um ner. :n ii ami .. ..4c j. x. jiuci, ji-ia Minnesota ave. JMO FOIl if A T.V.IVTPT) POT TXT T--. . t. Hshed nrodtiiM. and n u.im. k...i nne location; other partner known th i-ue ana pusiness. &. Oregonlan. SPECIAL $1100 WITH SERVICES WILL ouy into an established cash buslnesa and pay you $125 a month; money secured; ref- iru-iicu. ii a ;i atarK st. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED; IF 44. UU4444 ui- stocaa ior sate. orrr v" it investors. George M. ..w.,A. 4.W 4.IUVV14 cii4i r, uunaio. WH.L PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR HURST aioca. oeiore switca goeo on road; --- 4i 44uuieu. i. j. tteiiy & CO.. '""i 4WI UIJ, . A. 32 ' BtXiV? urn vr-c-1 -a -urw--.s. rent 250; furnishings taken on mortgage for "-4. Yzllf oau; xuu of iiuiucis. jorsan. jacivay. SALOON HERE'S A BARGAIN. ONLY $500 su'.u": a-n in me cen- ICI U4 44C L1LV L 112 L m Tt n . r I I Wmr . L. 1 rrj ti .o.f c.. . "Willi 4WV. 4-4411 TO 'I SlSfK ftX. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE AT INVOICE; bundle, this. ThU U a genuine bualaesa. 4 4i, 4-iiwr, vtaaa. uVA.istti i-uit A CORNER CAKH r.nn. :,v v.. rr :e.ine .-gaia; " w -j n i 1 at. urruKiu.MTl FOR BUSINESS tpn.. i..Mt,i-uv .vrrn j30 TO TAKE V, i tj -, j w; oest real estate v- " -1 44-4144. rtuutca j. Oi, Oregonlan. FOR SALE $50 WILL BUY ONE OF THE ZT VJiiv 1ZZ ticantng snops on Sth .v44 .wj v4.iy. 4-iwm MOOa 1GI5. WANTED TQ BUY GOOD MEAT MARKET; .4V14144. " .44444, 44U4C1 X CTKlnT. iK-tinnw T?nnrwTrri-tTrirTcr -M...n for hoosekeeplng or transient; payiag wels .WW. 44U414.U 4 .J 4444 444, lOO 4j JJJ WANTED A BUSINESS. 23000 to 210 fWi- Itire tun iii4KUii in nrst letter? nn w.vuu.i. 4j. uregonian. WAMEIJ-KEAL ESTATE OFFICE ISn ,, , J city; conaden- 444. 44. U. . Vr4C-U4ll&ll. ONE OF THE BEST MONEY-MAKING GRO- "XLl "use m, esc side; invoice. -V Ml. WCU4ll H. WANTED FOR CASH, ROOMING-HOUSE. iernlms' c ln cfceap; bo agents. X FOR SALE GOOD SECOND-HAND STORB uicmp. va -ccount ot RCXBeaow N. 3d at. M.eet) PER CENT PJtOFIT: BIG IN-BTCV. i. wmi capita xia cBaasareial iMJc I WANT TO BUT A FlR5ST.rr. aa mr. i wri wm pay caaa. w. OrgoMa. cai thermal, alcoholic and medicated treatments; chiropody, pedicuring and man- lfcrlnr- it t o . 1 . ... . BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. W. H. Taft. TAFT tc. CO. J. H. Diets. 275 Stark St... Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Mala 150. Below Is a partial list of rooming-houses. These are genuine bargains, and every one win stand the closest Investigation. If you are in the market be sure and see us beforo you buy. GOOD INVESTMENT. 100 rooms; rent only 2200 per month: lo cated on Washington St.; new furnishing all through: saa ranges In all the kitch ens; nice porcelain baths and everything first-class; clearing above all expenses 5230 per month. Price $5000. TAFT Sc CO. Main 100. 273 Stark St.. C. of C. Bldg. FAMILY HOTEL. 60 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold run ning water In every room; about 40 steady boarders; very nicely furnished, cheap rent and good location: account of other busi ness have reduced the price to 23500, part cash. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 273 Stark at-. C. of C. Bldg. ALDER STREET. 40 rooms, steam heat, swell furnishings, cheap rent and a money-maker. This house sold C months ago for $6000 spot cash. You can buy this Monday for $3250. Mala 156. 273 Stark at C. of C Bldg. 1D1 OTUPVT-linTTCX. 35 rooms. .T.om ht tint nnrt in1ri wa ter, telephooe la every suite, alcely fur- isnea; rent only 2125 per month: gooa nii win pay per cent un tee 111 vestment. For price and further partlcu lara please call. tit- r. rr Main 156. 275 Stark at..' a of a Bldg. T- 1 ctt T vrTn- OTTl Ee-T years' lease, and the very best location la 44c mi , u. great oig snap ior 1-0 v. Main 136. 275 Stark st. a of a Bldg. SWRl.i. T.tTri.p unrcr rnnrf lnxnrn.. ' i.i.. ii.i,..j W4 Will Soil If .V.. .n..1il.tlv. rlfm. of IOUV. TAFT & CO. Mala 136. 273 Stark at.. tof-C Bldg. FINE FAMILY HOUSE. luiuuutu m iissioa iurniture ana Axmin ster carpets; exclusive location, and Is TlOllllr.lir tnrn ,v. ,.,. t.uica, very encap at tiav. TAFT & CO. Main I3C. 273 Stark St.. C of C. Bld, flnnn toivsipvt ttottcttt ?Ci wwma O M..1 . TJa.!-. T7.4.I. rent only $100 per month; very nicely fur nished, and clearing S100 per month. This la a good speculation at the price of $1450, TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark St.. C. of C. Bldg. noon Birr. -444.U144B. Kwa lease ana cneap rent, ana "' 44iuc. 1. you want a nice iiumu in a boa toa locatloa be sure and see this. Prle SHOO tapt a. m Main 156. 273 SUrk st C. of C. Bldg. 4 vnTlTPn nnnn nvi? IT rnomt T,l.1v n..i.h. . . T - - . J .U.Ut.IKU, 4J location rnt finlv t-ri - mn-th anH So. always bn ft mnn.v.moV.r T.l reduced to $650. ' TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark sf. a of C. Bldg, mosdav Rprrni. "ent only $30 per month: only one block frnm nr.win Tin. .t . ..wt. nil tv. I Is the very best buy that was 'ever offered 4ii i-uiuaao. x-rice 41UV. Maln'l56. 275 Stark st'c. o C. Bide lO mnmv Tt rl nnr. fmm TCTa ililnwlnn . 4 furnace heat, nicely furnished; cheap rent: iionaay at the low price of $050. Main mft n7, r rt -dm. We guarantee all titles and protect both "uj-cr ana seuer. we can make good terms nn Anv nf th, a Km-, nlni... W. H. TafU TAFT & CO. J. N. DIetz. Main 136. 275 Stark St.. C of C. Bldg. rrnnfTJT" a vn nr-vrrr t Merchandise business for sale. In the fastest- KTOwlnr; SACtlnn nf fh rltv- T-nllim nt hiuil- cheap rent; 3 delivery wagons, fresh and 4441c ciwr. xou can otiy mis ior wajw, and, If desired, will sell the real prorrty also at reasonable figure. Ellla & Kahler, room 21. 284 Morrison st. WE ARE INSTRUCTED ON ACCOUNT OF uisBoiution ot copartnership to sell one or th4 h..f linl.1l nf -. nvnmo In.li.JI.. V.n - for $1200; rent 230 per month, and will 4"j iiurtnaaer .w mommy, commercial inveetment to.. ltx ft xnird St.. room A. TWO YOUNG MEN TO TAKE CHARGE new outside business, which Is both profit able and agreeable; must be well recom mended and have small capital; to right party, la six months position will pay $150 iv -w iiwiiib. i.il iu aouin jst at. WANTED MAN FOR THEATRICAL COM- iuuj- to tae cnarge oi programme; salary $15 and expenses; must have $150. L 62, Oregonlan. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals lavlted. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, con sisting principally of staple groceries, of the lnri.ntfrv -vain nf 41CQ1 I Q M.t.. t . v. fixtures. $781.25, located at La Grande, Or., up to i ociuck noon, inursoay, January 25, 1006. Certlfled check for 10 per ceat must accompany all bids. The right Is re served to reject any and all bids. Inven tory may dc seen at my onice and the stock may be Inspected at La. Grande. Or. iMicu v. i-unmnu ur., tois loin Gay of Januarv lOOd. R. L. Sabln Fmnt mj An keny sts. Masters' Notice. BRITISH BARK HADDON HALL. CAPTAIN LiaKin. irura iquiqui. via san x'earo. Neith er the master nor the undersigned consign- M nt thf. -ihtirA-n!! m1 .....I .lit 1 sponsible for any debU that may be con- 44 dV.4C14 44J 144C 4.4 C . 4IUr, 4.UUI1R AC CO.. agent?. Portland. Or.. Jan. 22. 1906. Miscellaneous. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED FURNITURE ana piano-movers, win require the payment nr .11 -V.f, --!-. nmn .llo., .. v. - -- -. j j . b uuua alter December 1. 1005: H. C Haack. C F. Har- , . . - R4.. lUtitilQQ 'Delivery Co.. Post Special Delivery Co.. Package ueiivery Co.. itolman Transfer Co. Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregon Auto Dispatch Co.. John Hampton. James McLln- , - . . 4-44V4431CI- Oregon Tracafer Co.. Portland Vaa &. Stor- Side Transfer Co., C O. Pick Transfer & Storage Uo.. c M. Olsen. Baggage & Omni bus Transfer Co.. A. J. Murphy. Kadderly T mf A- rnmmln i-n Tnk. 4 1 . Andrew J. Murphy. F. M. Ireland, F. Mil iar, incn oc xienaerson. X WU.YT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR W bills that my wife makes. R. F. Lefevre. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accerdloa Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM Br. nr. akuiuiuu ma aniip plaiting ana pinking. AftcrnooH Klsdergartes. AFTERNOON KINDERGARTEN Th Mat- iiu&ij iiHiikir iuu amaergarten. 260 14th. Assaycra aad Aaaljsts. OREENLHY &. CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL UKE.UU, .44444444 4444 444Ci;i . -VI WaSnlCX ton st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 188 MORRISON mi, 4uiua, f ncu icasoaaoia. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST JUIVl UU14 UVUKUi. 4A l. 0C. Calrepedlat aad Maalcarlag. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST ITC 4 444-44 .44 4, J 4 444V.w. 4.44443, OUOIOnS, CBl- 1UU CS, IUllU"U -4141 UUU UHliS' PeOlCUTlng manicuring: face and scaln nnhii. n!' clflc 235. 1L and 12 Benson bldg., 5th and Morrison. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DBVBNY. THE U4I1X sucuiiuw uiuuyuuiats; parlors room 203 Drew bldg.0 162 2d at. Phone S 1301. Thin la the long-haired gentleman. He la the man you ara looklnr for. J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist; all lastru- sacuua iwniQcu. u jaarqaam. Main &256. Comralsloa Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER np hides, pelts, tur. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber aad old metal, aad geaeral commis sion merchant. Front st. Bear Mala. port laad. Or. Cash advanced on consign men til TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS PortUndTor. Dne bldj.. ALLEN t LEWIS. COMMISSION Awn produce Btercaaata. Froat and Davla Vt Portland. Or. 13 at-' Baaclac. WOODWARD'S DANCING ACADEMT Acadeay of Muilc Hall. Moaday aad ThHrsday; geats. 12 lessoaa. $5: ladle - - ' w "4- ro ud .Aorrisoa. I MATTINGLY ACADEMT OF DANCING 2a 14th, nr. Jefferson; private or class ieaon I BUSINESS TlTiprrneT - Mra BUSINESS DIRECTOXY. Carpenters aad BHders. New homes built, old ones renewed. nrT erty bought and sold. Gordon anSi-,-?88 Ha ess. and Saddles-. TOB GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLp' sale saddlea and names mf- oi,Br saddlery hardwar-. lofsg1 1" 1 Main" 22 Junk. Hides aad Telts. L'wAJK CO" PURCHASERS OF HIDES pelts, wool furs, tallow, old rubberT met als aad sacks. 312 Froat st. tuuuer1' mel Learner and Findings. J'tabllfnSOWRTIDG.? LEATHER CO.-ES-Wn soff Leath.er and findings; stock- l?iVteT. Vher and ct tock: full Una Eastern Jumbos. ISO Front st Machinery. JRENKMAN & CO.. MI.NUVG. Sa7,3 cas inl-Ef n iachIneTy:J hydraulic lp; casting; all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. ch?ne.f,F3,C:' mC$? Musical. MCh.caIrF' nISC?LL- PDPIL SHERWOOD. 4Rfl -ts :.tP,ano J;83011'. 30 cents. -Studio. 6g 'th st.. near Jackson. ' ModS: SSl 'e.-her. Flcher music meth- -simplex. 3S3 E. I2th N. Northwest Vlavl Co. LISC?HD- PARK AND MORRISON sta. Call or aend stamp for Health Book. Osteopathic Physicians. torn mS NORTHRUP, 415-16-17 DE OkfT b Wk. 3d and Washington. Phones.-. lflSa 'F-m.341 residc". Main 1303; Ewe 1028. Exams, free. Sundays, by appolntm't. B- SMITlr- PIONEER OSTEOPATH Oreni?a0nV,frad,iate Klrlcvllle. 3ro. 40" Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242: res.. M. 2732. Palata. OHa and Glass. BrtS?S.S'.CP-- JOB?ERS. paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor! F"trBJ!ftCin & Co- the Pioneer Paint Co.. window glass and glaring. 135 1st. M. 1334? Patent Lawyers. SJiT?-1??' -DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents: Infringement cases. 604 Dekunr Safes. K.5 SAFES. WITH 8 wn?ir Ck ,?00n flre and burglar-proof ?nn'Jeposlt i"ault- JaU Pon work; lockouts opened; repairs. J. E. Davis. 65 3d! THheaf. S84C3d st.HAND SAFES FOR SALB Showcases. Bank aad Store Fixtures. r dSTTIide8.!,fnei;:.Bt' M winter Lum ber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d. M. 5530. Tk UHrE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. -.. -..v. 44uj i. x-none Aiain nos. F3RqT?'.AND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 343 1st, near Market. Phone Clay 1644. Sign Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DOORS AND WIX. Wash tered f'S1 PrfZirteblL aS Washington st. Phone Pacific 1455. . Spiritualists. A FAMOUS ORIEVTAT. rT imirnv, -.GEORGE ORMONDE. SEER OF Egypt, tells you of marriage, love, business. SZvIlV! hMW to ,nvfst mo.ney. apeculatlon. buying, selling, partners, friends, enamies; curw all nervous diseases, weakness of ev riJ.C,. , s5tties Iovo quarrels, reunites the aeparated. hastena marriage, locates mines, bnrled treasures, missing ones, papers; re news youthful vitality, gives magnetic secret powers of control. 2SS$ Washington st. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most rcuaoie meaium; an in trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 2S6 Taylor sr. Hours. 0 A. M. to S P. M. MRS. S. B. SEIP. noted Drooheteya and nv. chometrlst. 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th; readings da'ly: circles Tues. & FrL S P. M. Pac. 106. MRS. LADD FINNICAi HAV T?p. rnv. sulted. 53 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6179 MRS. STEVENS, Portland's leading palmist. opiruud.1 me reaer. iw 7tn. opp. Hotel P. Storage aad Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED pacKea reaay ror snipping and shipped: all work guaranteed: large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office, 12S 1st. C M. Olsen. Tel. Main 347. C. O. PICK, OFFICE S8 1ST. BET. STARK uu uuo- x-uonc oao. Pianos and iurni ture moved and packed for shipment; com modious brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT St., household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sowing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriting. TTew typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and vyuubu. .U4.04 41fi4U4, l4 431U41V. X CI. 1 4 U 1 Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. .WHOLESALE grocery. cor. r root ana uavis sts.. .Portland. Or. BANKS. LADD Sc. TILTON. BANKERS PST ATiT-TOTTTTT-i TXT lorn Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at points on favorahln Europe and all points ln the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. SL T mil. Tl.nWP. Omilhn n Pr,nfiUf. n 1 various points In Oregon. Washington and Exchange on London. Parts. Berlin. Frank tnrt TTnnrlconc-. Yokohama. Mnnlla. and Honolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK TnT?TT. a vn rn J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R, W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Deposltary. Dratta and letters of credit Issued, avail able ln all parts of the world. .Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established ln 1864.) HED OFFICE. San Francisco, Cai. President HOSIER S. KING Gen. Man. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $9,661,000 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued available In all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up- WM. A. MACRAE , Manager J. T. BURCHAELii Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Buslnesa Tift l.viin.l mrill.hl. In all .1.1.. .L r. .... .... - -- w.u . .4 mi 4.1 44 C 3 Ot- tn9 United States and Eurone. nVimrlrn-- Manila. Collections Made on Favnrnhl. Tot-mo Pr.Mim t .T r 4 TVOTT'-,Tiir "Vlee.lraldent " W T Tmi Vice-President ..R. LEA BARNES Cashier R. w. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier............ A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier w. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK nv PnRTT.A TCD nn Designated Depositary and 'Flnaaclal Vgeat of the United StatM "t.citi. President ....A. L. MILLS Cashier T xxr vptinrrn,. Assistant Cashier W.'c ALVORD aecona Aasiatant uasnier. ...a. t STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available m Eu rope aad the Eastern States. Sight exchaage and telegraphic transfers anir! nn New vnrlr. Ttn.nn -iv. 1 Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco" nd. me iiiiii.iiai puiuis ot me iNormwest. o'kui una 44UIC unis arawn in sums to suit 1 London. Paris. Berlin Pi-anw. v.t.- Main. Hongkong. Yokohama. CoDeahaW-. Christlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. vouectioB3 .Made on Favorable Terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, -no uiucst. xrust uompaay la Oregea. RESOURCES OVER 51.4).00 Geaeral hankln-. rmtm.. .11 . the world. Savlaga accouata. Tim aria. cates. 3 to 4 per cent: short-call aM. 1. $3 or over. 3 to per ceat. Call far Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS.'' u x-nvaiB axcaasse' T S. E. Corner Tlil.i rtot. e..-.. BENJ. I. COHEN Presidant 1 SS w -w. 4WMAnvka ........ .i.T3r iaFafa Z.w UtloL.