10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 190. PISTOLNOTPOINTED H. D, Winters Kept It at His Side to Frighten Man. BAD BOYS TO BE PUNISHED Bccord of a Day in the Municipal Court, With Petty Offenses . Passed Upon and Penalties Ordered by Cameron. There was no evidence to show that H. D. Winters, an aged East Side capi talist, pointed a revolver at James Parks and therefore Municipal Judge Cameron was obliged to discharge tne defendant on that count yesterday morning, but the court fined him $5 for failing to obey an order to clean up the sidewalks around property at Grand avenue and Davis street, and to keep the trapdoors closed. That Parks was chased from the Win ters' block down to the street and then frightened into a run by Winters, who held a revolver in his na"nds, there was ample evidence to prove, but It was not shown that the defendant pointed it at the complainant. All of the trouble occurred over $9.50 that was due Parks from Winters, which tho latter disputed and wished to avoid paying. Parks called upon Winters for the money, and the "gun play" resulted. "How big was the gun?" asked Judge Cameron of Winters. "Darned If I know how big it was." replied Winters, and there was a gen eral laugh. "It looked pretty big to me," com mented Parks. "I am pretty easily frightened." "I never killed anyone with the re volver yet," said Winters. "I -act vory 'deliberately. I never get excited, and when the complaining witness told Your Honor that I was excited that da. he was mistaken. I seldom do a thing and then feel sorry for it. When Parks kept nagging me, I went to my bureau d-awer, took out the revolver and held it down to my side. I knew what the law was, anJ avoided pointing it at Parks. I did not tell him I would kill him. either. When he got down stairs, he stood on the street bantering me, and I started down to scare him. when lie ran." Judge Cameron then told Winters that he should be punished for his ac tions with the revolver, but that the court could not find him guilty of the charge of "pointing a revolver at an other. Winters then explained to Judge Cameron how difficult it was to keep trapdoors closed, but the court refused to accept the explanation, and imposed a fine of $5. Winters, who seemed to be a privileged character, remained a while, still talking his troubles and interfering with the progress of other cases. "Brooklyn gang. No. 2." comprised of Henry Johnson, Manford Kline. Hugo Helse. Rodney Heacock and Charles Agnew, appeared in court and through the "peaching" of Manford Kline, the whole bunch will receive some sort of punishment, as they were all shown by jjIs testimony to have been implicated in tlck-tacking raids on the home of Mrs. A. S. Finger, 550 East Eighth street. Sentences were deferred until today on those who were within the jurisdiction of the court, and the three who werr under 16 -vcrc sent before Juvenile Judge Frazer. Implements of warfare offered In ev idence were a large spike, a small wrench, a spool and a lot of thread and twine. These arc the tools of al leged imps who are really supposed to nave no license to operate except on Hallowe'en, but in this instance, the boys overstepped the limit., and will have to suffer. Manford Kline took a great deal of the blame upon himself, he admitting that he "threw a -stone into the air." Like the proverbial arrow that was 6hot into the air, the stone came down, and evidently defied all the laws of gravitation by taking a strange course and passing through Mrs. Finger's window and finding lodgment in her parlor. Inmates of the City Jail even stole Paul Piper-s' snoes, and he appeared in court with but one on. When ho stepped up to the bench, he was careful to call Judge Cameron's attention to the theft, and Jerked the one to prove to His Honor that it was not the proper size and to swell the evidence of guilt on the part of the citys society in what Is called the jail. l aon t care anytning about your shoes," remarked Judge Cameron to Paul, "I merely want to see that you get wnat Is coming to you. You seem to be better off in prison." "I know, but they stole my shoes," persisted Paul, who is a morphine user, and fidgets and squirms as he talks. "You go back and serve 30 days, then we will see about the shoes," said Judge Cameron, and Paul went. "Your name Is Peter Foss?" asked Judge 'Cameron. "Yes." "You were here Saturday and told to leave town?" "Yes." "And you came back?" "Yes." "You- know I promised you GO days If you came back?" "Yes." "Then 60 days is what you get." Yes." Hitting the high places without a license tag attached to his automobile landed James D. O'Shea in the Mu nicipal Court. He was arrested by Po liceman Ole 'iSelson, who successfully conquered a desperate street-car ban dit at one time, but who had to try twice before he could bring O'Shea to bay. At that. Kelson swore, he was almost knocked down and crushed by the "auto" when he attempted to stop it and bring the driver to headquar ters. At the request of the defendant, the case was continued until today and further evidence will be adduced by his witnesses. Charles Williams, charged with lar ceny, entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to serve a term of one year in the County Jail. Williams has been stealing brass in Portland for two years, but the de tective staff were unable to solve the problem, until Detectives Kerrigan and Snow stood in danger of losing their jobs. Facing the crisis they got busy and brought Williams in with evidence enough against him to have sent him to the .penitentiary. , As Williams had been a pretty good stool pigeon ior several years, how ever, Kerrigan and Snow, with official consent, let him plead guilty to simple Iar.ceny. "I feel that I must Impose the maxi mum penalty in this case," remarked Judge Cameron. "At first & felony charge was placed against this 'man. but he now pleads guilty to simple lar ceny. The sentence will be one year In the Geunty -Jail. Williams, Immediately after his arrest, confessed to stealing $500 worth of brass, which occurred last Friday. Joe and Fred Menth and G. Denbery were charged with using obscene and profane language toward Joe Smith, Charge d'Affalres In the Witch Hazel restaurant, and It developed during the hearing that they have been going about the city taking interior photo graphic views of residences. "You take Interior views of houses, do you?" asked Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald of Fred Menth. "Yes," replied Month. . "Well, I want to say to you right here that you would not take any in terior view of my house, sir." repllea Mr. Fitzgerald. "No such a trio would ever take any i interior view of my house." The defendants have beerv. seen late of nights recently walking about town and they are suspected of bad pur poses. They were held until this morning, at which time the proprietor of the restaurant will be placed on the witness stand to tell what he knows, about them, and to tell about bills fo: board they owe him. "Jim" Phillips, genera manager for the Paris Hotel, was fined $25 for per mitting disorderly women to enter his saloon at 48 North Fourth street and drink beer. Eric Llnd imbibed too much of the vintage and forgot to close up his sa loon at 1 A. M. yesterday, which little lapse of memory cost him $35. The extra S10 was Imposed because this was his second onense since juogc Cameron took charge. I W03LKX WHO DO NOT WANT BALLOT GIVE KEASOXS. Declare They Have Special Privil eges and Do Not Want Vot ing Cast Upon Tlicm. WTmcn opposed to what they torm the "Imposition of the suffrage upon women" are to begin a campaign next month through the newspapers, where in reasons will be presented why the ballot should not be entrusted to women. During February. March, April and May the anti-suffragists will spread their propaganda with urticles prepared and issued through a press association and intended to educate the people to the alleged evils or woman suffrage. Among the reasons set forth by the Oregon state association opposed to the extension of the suffrage to women are the allegations that it should not be extended because it is to be re garded not as a. privilege to be en Joyed, hut as a duty to be performed and women of this state have enjoyed exemption from this burdensome duty and no adequate reason has been as signed for depriving them of that im munity. The Imposing of suffrage. It it said, upon the many women who neither desire it as a privilege nor re gard it their duty to seek it would fol low the act of conferring It upon the women who claim It. An Improved quality, say the pro testers. In the vote, rather than an increase in quantity, is the need of America. That the household and not the individual Is the unit of the state and that the former Is already repre sented, is the challenge to the women who clamor for the ballot and It is denied that the women not represented at the polls by members of their own household suffer any practical injus tice which giving the suffrage will remedy. Because political equality "will deprive women of special priv ileges hitherto accorded her by the law; because women are fully occu pied with duties other than political and it will be better for the community If they continue to devote their ener gies to work from which men cannot relieve them; """and because suffrage logically involves the holding of pub lic office, including Jury duty, and of fice holding is inconsistent with the duties of most women; these are the reasons the anti-suffragists will urge in their campaign. JOHN DURKIN'S COMPLAINT Superintendent Jackson Says' He Was Not Ill-Trcatcd. S. D. Jackson, superintendent of the poor farm, made the following statement yesterday: "Regarding an article appearing in to day's issue of the Oregonlan, headed 'Tells Story of Ill-Treatment,' I desire, merely In Justice to myself, to say: "In the first place, neither nationalitv nor religion cuts any figure whatever at the County Poor Farm. We treat every body the same here, and try to do what Is right by all. Any complaint whicji John Durkln makes certainly cannot be based on anything having to do with his religion. "In the next place. I mav sav that Mrs Coddingham, while doubtless a Well- meaning person, knows absolutely nothing aDout mis anair and is dependent en tirely on stories told her by Durkln him self. A little investigation would have convinced her that she was misdirect ing her energies. "As regards old John Durkln himself. the only feeling I have for him is pity. He is a vers' old man, not very bright, has given trouble at every institution where he has been housed and fed, and has been led to believe that he can leave the poor farm whenever hfe chooses, re turn whenever It suits his inclination and. in onei, ao exactly as ne pleases. It was the attempt to discipline him mildly that led to the trouble. "He did not ask me for a meal, as he claims. But when I asked him to assist In fixing a fence remember that despite his years he Is strong, and the work re quired was light he flared up in a rage, struck me on the head with his cane and attempted to scratch and bite me. He has acted in this manner several times, but never before so violently. I took the cane away from him. Screaming in his rage, because he had been asked to do a bit of work, he kept trying to scratch and bite me. I found it necessary to set him down and hold him. without using any unnecessary violence. As he still struggled and would not -promise to be have himself properly, the handcuffs were placed on him They were removed as soon as he promised not to attempt vio lence again. "When the handcuffs were taken off he left the institution of his own accord and "went to Mrs. Coddingham's home, where he "related what had occurred, evidently distorting the facts as much as possible. This Is all there is to the affair. Investi gation by anybody who Is really desirous of ascertaining the facts is courted and will prove the truth of every assertion I have made." Salt Lake Conference. A. B. Calder, general agent of the pas senger department of the Canadian Pa cific with offices at Seattle, spent yes terday in Portland, leaving last night for Salt Lake City, where he will represent the Canadian Pacific at th? convention to be held under the auspices of the Salt Lake City Commercial Club,' on January 25 and 36, the object of which is to "en courage the American tourist to see America before going abroad. The gath ering win B&ve tor its motto, see Amer ica First," asi4. Po-rtlanders who will at tend will be: Uoveraor George EL Cham- EQUAL SUFFRAGE HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN Booms, $1.64 to $S.M Fcr Day According to Location. 3. r. DA VIES, President. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) FRONT AND MORRISON STS.f PORTLAND, OR. European Plan Rooms 75c to $2 First-Class Restaurant In Connection HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STS. Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Plan Free Bus. WRIGHT- DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. berlain and Tom Richardson, manager of the Commercial Club. I. A. Nadcau. gen eral agent for the Northern Pacific with headquarters at Seattle, will represent the Northern Pacific Invitations to participate in the conven tion have been sent to the transcontinen tal railroads and the Governors of all the states. Mr. Calder expects the at tendance will be large. MITCHELL IS INDICTED. Missing Bay Cit' Broker Is Accused .of Embezzlement. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 22. The grand Jury today found an indictment against R. Brent Mitchell, the missing broker, the charge against him being that of embezzlement. It is alleged In the in dictment that Mitchell feloniously mis- " appropriated 5397 given to him as "brok- er, agent and trustee," by George T. Plowman. The document bringing the ' charge against Mitchell, who Is now supposed to be In Honduras, was filed in onen court before Sunerior Judge Sloss. It was presented by R, I. Radtkc. acting ior Foreman JUiicncu, wno temporarily , withdrew. I Foreman Mitchell's action in withdraw Inc caused some comment, but when questioned he declared that he merely "knew Mitchell." BORN. BRADLET Jan. 22. 1WKJ. to the wire of Ira Bradley, a prominent fanner or Forest Grove, twin boy. the parents or whom are the best-pleased couple In the world. Dr. C. I,. Large attending. FDNERAIi NOTICES. CLUCHIE In this city. 101 Harrison St.. Jan uary 22. 1900. Mrs. Mary Clucble. aged 44 years, beloved wife or August Cluchle and mother of Sophia, William aad John Ol iver, of this city. Funeral will take i4s.ee from Dunning. McBntee & Glibaugh'A chapel. 7th and Pine .. Wednesday. Jan uary 24. at 7:45 A. M-. thence to the Cath edral. 15th and Davis ids., at S A. M. where mass will be offered. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. Trends Invited. WALDMAN In this city. January 21. 1506. at the family residence, 585 First at-. MlchaM Waldman. aged 53 years. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the fu neral e?rvlces, which will be heW at the above residence at 2 P. M-. Tutelar. Jan uary 23. Rabbi R. Abrahamson aad Dr. W. Wllner will officiate. Interment Ahaval Sholom cemetery. HA VD EN In thuf city, Jsnuary 21. 1000. Benjamin Franklin Hayden. aged S years, 8 months and 21 day. Friends and com rade of the G. A. R. are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral services, which will bft held at Holman's chapel, corner "d and Salmon sts.. at 1 P. M.. Wednesday. January 2t. Interment Grand Army cem etery. GRAHAM At residence. 5.15 Savler St.. Janu ary 22. Mrs. Ivucy M. Graham, aged 0 yearn. Funeral will taicc place -ruesaay, January 23. at 1 P. M.. from Dunning. Me- ; Lnlee & GUtoausn's cnapei. .in inn i inc- fcts. Interment Lone Fir cemetery, tnenas respectfully Invited. spectfully Invited to attend the ranerai ser- ; " . ' " vices of Louisa J. Bush, which will be held i desire the city editor of The Oregonlan. call at FIaley"s chapel at 2:30 P. M. today. Main- 7070. Tho operator responds, "Orego Interment Lone Fir cemetery. ' nlan and Telegram." Thca ask for "City M'CAULEY The funeral services f Dr. S. j Editor Orrronlan.M D. McCauley will be held at St. Davld a Episcopal Church. East Twelfth and Bel mont utreets. January 23. at 2 P. M. In- 1 terment. Lone Fir Cemetery. J WALLER In thla city. Jan. 22. lOOfl. Mrs. M. J. Waller, funeral at Alonmouui, ur.. Jan. 24. in afternoon. 3. T. FIN LEY St SON Funeral directors and embnlmers. No. 261 3d st.. cor. Mad!on. Day or night calls promptly attended. Ex perienced lady adstant when desired. Of fice of County Coroner. 1'bone Main 0. DUNNING. M'ENTEE G I LB AUG H. Sue ceKsors to Dunning & Campion, undertakers and embnlmers: rood era In every detail; 7th j and line. Phone Mala 430. Lady Utant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertaken, and embalmcrs. have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Phone No. 507. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 Eat Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO- Undertaker. Em- b aimers. 273 RuftselL East 10S8. Lady asVt. TONhETH & CO.. florists. Artistic floral dcfclcav. 123 6th at. Phone Main 5102. NEW TODAY. INTEREST AND SAFETY By taking out & certificate of deposit with this company you will secure an income of four per cent and the safety of your prin cipal will be beyond question. By opening a check account you will receive interest on your daily balances credited monthly at the rate of three per cent per annum. Title Guarantee & Trust Go . SAVINGS f ANY ' 240 WASHINGTON STREET (Corner Second SL) PORTLAND, OREGON OFFICES FOR RENT 66 Sixth street, second floor. Apply to the Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 240 Washing ton tU, cor. Second. GHO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 318 Werccster.Bleek. Phe&e Clar 2M PORTLAND, OREGON PLAN Flrst-Clais Chock KMUsnat Connected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Sec aad Ireu. AMUSEMENTS. BakerTbeater Cnrss TBtiUrC& Utm Cts. L Iitir, Mp. Yamhill and Third Sts; Phone Main HOT. The theater that bas made Musical Bur lewjue popular In Portland. Tacked Houses This Week to See W. B. WATSON'S FAMOUS ORIENTALS Two Refined Burlesques the Dainty "MIm Clover" aad "Bashful Venus." Wednesday matinee bar train day. 23c to any feat. Evening prices. 23c, 33c. 30c. 73c. Sunday and Saturday matinee, 13c. 23c. 33c, 50c, Next Attraction "MINERS AMERICANS" Empire Theater litllttirfJhrriiii MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. Second and Last Week of the Most Popular Charles A. Taylor Company, In rTfB little CM ArwinJ the Comer3 Every night and Saturday matinee. Evening prices. 15. 23. 33. 50e: matinee. 10. 15. 25c Next f-k, "Hooligan In New York." STAR THEATER Week of January 22. Annie Abbott. Come and lift her. The Roberts Four The Two Drole The Devoe Brothers The Mcllendrys W. II. Hartford Staroitcope. PRICES: 10c fo any seat except boxes. GRAND THEATER. Week of January 22. TIIROSO? He? She? or It? Latent Ixindoa Sensation. Mr. aad Mrs. Robyns Oro aad Nelson De Carlo aad Stoke Miss Lillian Melbourne Harold Hon Orandoncope. Prices Evenings, Sun day and Holidays. 10. 2. 30c: mali. 10c to any seat except boxes. la,. I - PANIAGES 1 aSTu THE GREAT WEBER FAMILY. Pearl and Cassldy. Meadows and Lahore. GOLDEN GATE QUARTET. Araoldo. Leo White. Moving Pictures. Selected Orchestra. Matinees each afternoon at 2 --TO; nights at 720 and 0 o'clock. General admission, TEN cents, with 7 rows at 20 cents. NEW OREGONIAN 'PHONE. The Morning OregonlaB and Evening Tele gram have Installed a private telephone cx change. Main .0.0. If .anyone desires to communicate by 'phone with aay department of Tlie Orrgoruan or Evening Telegram, let him call Main 7070. The office operator will AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Portland Auction Rooms. 211 First SL Sale 2 P. M. C L. Ford. Auctioneer. WENTWORTH To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Wentworth, a daughter. January 22, 1006. At Gllman's Auction Roome. 413 Washington street at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllman. auctioneer. At Baker's Auction Home, comer Alder and Park sts. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Son. Auctioneers. Ur T T tV-ltiM ft ,,.. Try l.tu block north of 'Washington su.'at 2 P.' M.; cottage for rent. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. , A. & A. S. RITE. Multno mah Council of Kadofb. No. I. Regular meeting this evening at S o'clock in Memorial Hall. Scottish Rlttf Cathedral. By order EM. COMMANDER. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD All Neigh bors of Portland Camp, No. 107. are requested to attend the funeral of our deceased Neigh bor. M. Waldman. to be held this (Tuesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his late residence. COa First st. Neighbors of sister camps cor dially Invited. JAMES DUNBAR. Con. Comm. HERMAN SCHADE. Clerk. .HAYDEN The funeral of R. Hayden will take nlace Holman's. cor. 3d and Salmon. Wednesday, 1 o'clock P. M. Rev. Bandern will officiate. Will be burled by the comrades ot tne u. a. R. Mr. Hayden was a member of Geo. Wright Post, No. L Comrades, please attend. Member of Thirteenth New York Cavalry. By S. J. Mlckley, Commander. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. AO. A. F. Sc. A. M. Special communica tion this (Tuesday) afternoon. 1:13 o'clock sharp, Burkhard bldg., to conduct funeral of Brother S n Vr. cauiey. ute of Ellensburg. Wash. Funeral from St- David's Church. East 12th and Mor- . interment Lone i-lr cemetery. Mem ber and visiting brethren earnestly requested to attend. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. ELLISOX EXCAMPME.XT. Vfl t T ft ft F. Regular meeting this (Tuesday) evening. January 23. at 7:20 o'clock.- Oddfellows Temple, corner First and Alder. Royal pur- pie utgree. visitors welcome. . E. E. SHARON. Scribe. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48, A. r . dc A. M. special communlca tlon this (Tuesday) eve.. 7:30 o'clock. Burkhard bid. Work Fi C degree. tutor welcome, ny order w. M. J. IL RICHMOND, Secretary. NEW TODAY. Beautiful Home ib PiedmeBt. 8 Rooms, Med era. Fkese East C279 , FRED WESTERDAL, MASSEUR uraauate &teckho.as. Cures by a new method. Head, nose, threat and stomach diseases and rheumatism. 217 Oregowu eiog. raoae itmMi I al4u vfm I 1 VaVaVaVHammV 5fe CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Ream," "Xees aad Beard." "Hmm keepiax Re-ams." "SUaatfeas Wasted 15 wards or less. 15 cents; 18 to 29 words. 29 cents; t to 25 wards. 25 cents, etc. "No dis count for additional Insertion, UNDER AI.Ii OTHER 1 LEADS, except "New Todax. S9 teats tor 15 word or less; IS to 28 word. 48 ceats: 2L to 25 words. 58 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional lasertloa. o He-half; bo farther discount un der one month. "NEW TO DAT (gauge aaeasare a irate). 15 cents per Ilae. firt Insertion; 18 ceats per Use for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The. Oregonlan. aad left at this office, should always be Inclosed la sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required oa such, letters. The Oregonlan trill aot be. responsible for errors la advertisements takea through the telephone. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELR1. BOUGHT. MADS over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted; watcher. Jewelry, re paired. Uncle Mytr. jeweler. 143 3d-Alder. 535-Lots on the Car Line SQxlOO feet each for $33 is the full pur chase price, all cash, for lots on the car line and river. The Hlbernla Savings Bank has sold, within the last 40 days 500 out of the 7C0 lots offered for sale, and will continue to sell until every lot Is sold, irrespective or their values. These lots are situated on Main ave.. which Is now being improved. Title perfect. For particulars inquire room 205. McKay bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELU 282-3 McKar bide Third aad Stark sts. House For Sale At a bargain, on eay terms. Just completed, tinted walls, grate, porcelain bath. Gas in. bet and coM water connections made. Best buy on market. Addrees O 63, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 6 LARGE ROOMS, THOROUGHLY MOD ern. close enough to walk. Improved streetis furnace, fireplace, elegant surroundings: without doubt the best buy In the city; $4250. 0-room bouse on Vi block. In best suburb, modern and new and good buy: $2S00. S-reom house, new, large corner lot. cost more than this, but owner must sell: $l!C0. Good &-room house near Union ave., mod ern, extra- bargain and won't last 'long; $2500. Nice little 5-room cottage. East Side, full let and only J If 0O. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY, 291 Stark Street. EAST SIDE- INVESTMENTS. We have several choice properties close In on the East Side, ranging In price from $1SOO to $25,000. that are paying from i per cent to 12 per cent on the price asked. ELLIS & KAHLER. Room 21 Cambridge BWc. 264 Morrison. S. W. Cor. Third Street. GREGG BROTHERS. Fine strictly modern G-room house, all new, bath and everything right up-to-date, beautiful gas fixtures; street all improved. The price Is right. Look It up. What do you think about St. Johns? We still have several pieces of property there on which the price Is still right. It will be worth your time to see us if you are Interested In the coming city of St. Johns. GREGG BROTHERS. Phone Main 6303 317-18 Fenton Bldg. S4 sixth st rop. SALE BY THE PORTLAND RKAL Es tate Co.. 212 Ablngton bldg. Special offer: Five lot, a first-class 15-room residence, can be Increased to 20. building cortf. mora than we ask for the entire property; fine grounds and shrubbery; flne site, for a home for "the aged or young ladles semi nary or sanitarium or private home; lo cation on East Washington and East Sth to 0th. Price only $16,000. 212 Ablngton bldg. C. R. DeBurgh. manager. Phone Pacific 773. ON TO HOVER UP THE COLUMBIA. Regular Steamers From Portland. Cheapest freight rates from the Coast to inland points. No sand. Heavy soli. Per petual water right with each tract. Earl iest products. Largest prices. The Cali fornia of the Northwest. Write Hover Land Co.. Hover. Wash. HERE IS A SNAP. Nice little 7-room home on Mississippi ave.. easy walk to business housea and car shoes. In Alblna; bath, fruit trees, etc; price only $1300. $300 cash, balance to suit. This rents for IS and as an Invest ment cannot be beat. EUIa & Kahler, roosi 21. 2i Morrison st. HOUSE 10 ROOMS: NEW AND ABSO- lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lots. In best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phone owner. Mam 555. or call 109 Sherlock bldg. YOU CAN BE SUITED WITH A SMALL suburban home when you learn about those acre tracts B. S. Cook &. Co. are putting oh the market; one acre equal to nearly nine ordinary lots; about the price of. one lot. Call 231 Alder st. FOR SALE AT ONCE. FINE SUBURBAN ranch home. 11 acres. 6 mlleo from the city: new house and barn; with or without 2 horses, 1 cow. chickens, etc; easy payments. $4100. Call 302 Falling bldg. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month wtib water, a. u. unurcnui & Co.. "Inc.." 110 2d st. SNAP NEAR 14TH AND COLUMBIA. Lot EOxlOO for $3000; has old building, pay ing t per cent; nne sue tor oeautuui nome. Ellis is. Kahler. room 21, 264 Morrison st. SEE THIS FOR A LOT. To build on: near corner 23d and Washing ton and City paric. 40xi3u; price $2000. Ellis & Kahler. room 21. 204 Morrison st. $1KJ0. SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS $20 New house, basement, plumbing good a Hotel Portland: beautifully tinted walls; Upper Alblna. v by. uregonian. 1 BLOCK. HOLLADAY'S. $1530; LARGE corner Tot. .-room bouse, new, very modern; Hawthorne First Addition. $3300; terms. Culver. 623 Chamber of commerce. BARGAIN IN WEST SIDE PROPERTY ONE lot on llth st.. close in ana on 12th st.; If you are looking for a place to build fiats eee M. E. Lee. wii etn sc. $0000 V, -BLOCK. FINE MODERN 1 0-ROOM residence built on corner; streets Improved, on car. Wfrt side. 14 diocks 3d and wash lngton. US Ablngton bldr. Si 000 WILL BUY -4-ROOM COTTAGE. PAN try and porch, nearly new, with full lot. fenced; 1& blocka from car line, Hatfield Sc. Smith. 1C5H th st, FOR SALE NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL cement basement, good plumbing, nice lo cation. $1050; easy terms. O. M. Smith, 730 Cham. Commerce. 3-ACRB TRACTS. CAR LINE. LEVEL, cleared, fenced, on county road. 6 miles to city, for sale by owner; $730 to $1000 each. Phone East 4207. FRACTIOVAL LOT. 100 FEET. WASHING ton St.. lease $600 yearj price $3500. F. O. North rup Sc. Co.. 211 Commercial block. 2d and Washington. FOR SALE ACRE AT MT. TABOR. WITH new 4-roora cottage: water oa premises; pric $1210- Inqulrs SSI East Morrison or phese East 2S7. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. PLUMBING FIRST clasn. bath, a basement; 5 minutes walk from City Hall; $1300. Pallayson. 109 '2d sL. top floor. 5-ROOM HOUSE ON CAR. IMPROVED street, walking distance. 11 per cent net on $1700. F. O. North rup &. Co., 211 Com mercial block. CHEAP FOR CASH. MODERN S-ROOM houe. bam. Mreetx Improved, sewer, gas. fruit and shrubbery; grounds 100x100. Phone East 5456. NEW, MODERN S-ROOM HOUSBt, CORNER lot, one block to car line; $3000, easy pay menu. Hatfield & Smith. 1634 4 th st. SELLWOOD LOTS. $.00 DOWN AND U.M a month; frees $71.09 to $360.09. Sellwaed Towaatta Co, Fhoee Kaot -1704. TWO LOTS. 100x109 FEET. H BLOCK FROM car line, la City View Park; $999. HatAeld Sc. Smith. 19S4 4th at. FOR SALE BARGAIN DaeiRABLB BUILD lag location. 199x190; Bt Sth and Frtscott. Owner, S 54. Orgol-, FOR SALE XEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. 9 -room house, best location In West Irv Ington: modern In every way; furnace, hot and cold water all through; gas and elec tric lights; full ,-block, all cement side walks; 5250. S-room modern house. Irving ton; noth ing lacking for one of the swellest homes on the East Side: U -block beautiful lawn. Call for particulars. G-room. good, new, elegant house. Holla, day Park; full lot. cement walks; this Is a good buy; only $3G00. 8-roorn modern home. Holladay Park: right up to date; nice lot; an awful good buy at $3350. 7- room house, one of the best-built houses In Holladay Park; fult lot. beauti ful lawn and flowers; nice location; here, without the slightest doubt. Is one of the best places In every way In this locality; Price only $3000. 5- room house. Hawthorne Park, on E. Madison St.. and right up to date in every waj; only $4200. 8- room house in Holladay's Addition, near 1st sL; easy walking distance; very fine lot. cement walks, -porcelain bath; all In good shape; price. $3750. 6- roora house on Rodney ave-: good modern Colonial house, good basement; all Improvements In; price $2200. 4 rooms. Laurel wood Park; good little house, $S50. 3-room cottage, well-built, modern little home; best part Sunnyside. near Belmont; nice yard, flowers; $1000. 6-room house. Williams ave.. corner lot; good buy at $2500. 8-room house. McMUIen's Addition, best part: fine view, nice lot. cement walks; everything up-to-date; price $4700. 8-room house, best buy on the market today, walking distance from city. good, well-built house, good surroundings. I sold It once for $4500: sell today tor $3000; any- old terms to suit. 0-room house on Monroe st.. near Will iams; modern in every way. This Is surely a snap; cement basement, hot and cold water; only $2500. VACANT LOTS. Lot on E. Washington st.. near 20th; look at this; price- $S50. U -block on 11th sU near Harrison. $4300 Lots In Highland, near car line. Here Is surely a great bargain: only $325 each. 73x100 on Hancock St.. Upper Alblna. This a snap. $650. 4 lots In Alblna Homestead, alt streets improved; lay fine and In good location: only $300 each. U -block on Tillamook st.; swell part; only $1650, or will sell corner for $000. ACREAGE. We have three 5-acre tracts near Lents. Soil flrat-class. lay nice, practically cleared. The very best buy In that locality; $750 each. Terms can be had. We' have acre tracts on Woodstock car line; beautiful tract, all Improved: will sell to suit. For prices and terms call at office. TAFT & CO., 275 Stark st.. Chamber of Commerce. GREGG BROTHERS. One of the best propositions In Its lino of any In the state: 12 acres of very fine fruit or vegetable land, on which there are 3 acrea of strawberries, 240 prune trees. 6t apples. Id cherries and 10 pears; a good tl room house, barn 20x30 and other outbuild ings, windmill and tank, water piped to house and barn; 2 miles from city limits; the price Is right; come and see us. INVESTORS. WAKE UP! This Is the greatest opportunity ever pre sented to you. There are thousands of dol lars to be made in ST. JOHNS property. We have somo of the best bargains In that city and It will pay you to see us before buying. GREGG BROTHERS. Phone Main a03. 317-1S Fenton bldgr S4 Sixth Street, AN ELEGANT HOME. LARGE GROUNDS. almost new. nightly. Mt. Tabor, for $1600. Phone East 4207. $1700 GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE. EAST SIDE. Income $216. - Owner, 603 E. Washing ton st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE AVANT A SMALL PLACE FEW ACRES. Improved. 'West Side river, convenient dis tance from Portland. Whiting & Rountree, 410 Ablngton bldg. HAVE YOU PORTLAND REAL ESTATE for sale? e want It; buyers waiting. P 32. Oregonlan. IOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN- teed, mineral lands, titled, public land prac tice. We buy military bounty and war rants. Collins Land Co.. Stearns bldr. TO EXCHANGE. 320 ACRES FINE TIMBER. ESTIMATE S, 000,000 feet, near Portland, for city prop erty. J 5S. Oreronlan. TO EXCHANGE GOOD TIMBER LAND IN a fin a location for merchandise. Whitney Bros.. Irving. Or. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. SELECTIONS FURNISHED FOR ALL classes of U. S. Government and state lands; also- best bargains In deeded lands of all clamcs and In any quantity at lowest prices. ' Write W. T. Burney, 17 Wash, bldg., city. 200 ACRES SAW TIMBER AND PILING ON Cowlltz River: skid road to river; bunk house, barn: for $3000; terma. Phone East 4207- $S PER ACRE 320 ACRES FINE TIMBER. near Portland; estimate H.OUO.OOO feet, K. 58. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. $150 BUYS TEAM. WAGON AND HARNESS, team consists pair bay maret. sound, weight 1100 pounds each: harness la new. wagon in good running order. Call quick. 23 N. 14th. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day. week and month: special rates to busi ness houses. 6th and Hawthorne. Tel. East 72 HORSES and vehicles bough', sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 507. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE, RENT or exchange. Hubert & Hall. 206 Fourlb, Pianos. PIANOS FOR LESS THAN HALF PRICE, cash or In payments; must sell. 10 Wash ington bldg. PIANO AT A SACRIFICE PARTIES LEAV Ing city; for less than half price, 10 Wash ington bids- UPRIGHT PIANO. ALMOST NEW; MUST sell for $150 cash. 05 llth, cor. Stark. Miscellaneous. EDISON PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS at factory prices, delivered free anywhere on receipt of full amount of retail price: largest stock of Edison records west of Rockies. Send for circulars. Peter Bad galupl. wholesale aad retail. 783 Mission tt. San Francisco. 30 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA- chtnes at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler Si Wilson, Domestic. White. Household. Da. vis and others, to make room for new: stock Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Slgel. 333 Morrison st,. Marquam bldg. WANTED TO SELL PAPER BAG HOLD- era to users of same, a sure success: parties desirous of seeing one write W. S. Harmon. Arleta. Or.; he will take one to your place of business for Inspection. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy pay menu: wa rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick Balke-Collender. 49 3d at. MUSICIAN'S BAND BLOUSE. "NEW SIZE 37. dark blue, trimmed with braid, for sale cheap. Phone East 4S17. or call 87 E. 9th. North. WE HAV3 ALL KINDS OF NEW AND second-hand machines and will give spe cial bargains thla week. Standard Sewing Machine Co., 2S9 xasanui su WOLFF-AMERICAN BICYCLES. CLOSING out; $40 bicycles at $23; $55 racers. $30 for cash: 130 rims. 50c on the dollar. S. S. Slgel. 333 Morrison sr. CHOICE YELLOW NEWTON PIPPIN AND Spltzenberg- apple trees. Address Mllwauklo Nurseries, xuwauue. ur.; sena ior prices. notTBLE CYLINDSR TOURING CAR. 'RUN hlng order: good tires; cost $1350; must sell: $473 cash, owner, a m, uregonian. SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. TABLES. STORH fixtures bought, soil or excaaagea. western Salvage Ca., 927 wasaiagien ac FOR SALE 99 FEET 8-INCH STANDARD pipe at half of new price. M. Barde t Son. oin aaa uiisaa. Typewriters, all makes, av. east; rubber stamp goods, derks. etc Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINBL 324 CHAM ber of Commerce, or pfcoee Mala 239. ALMOST NEW $fid SEWING MACHINE FOR sale at 296 3d at,; cheap. LAUNCH FOR SALE. O. P. GRAHAM'S boatyard. 47 H. nater at. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED SHOSMAKBR. GOOD HAND ON repair. 339 wasMsgieB at- r HELP WANTED MLALE. ALL DISSASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured la from 3 to 5- days; consultation free aad strictly confidential: seed for our symptom bUak. X-Radluaa Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Alder sc. Portland. SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS ana naotts to represent nnn; ot ia years' experience In Washington; references re quired. Call 1 to 3 P. M., room 10, 413 j Washington st. Men. women, learn watchmaking, engraving. Jeweler wcrk, optics. Easy terms, positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmaking-Engraving School. P. L bldg.. Seaiile. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR Pr trade: eight weeks required; only re liable colleges in the world: free rare to students. Moler System College, 215 Oc cidental ave.. Seattle. Wash. INSTRUCTION IN THE CARE. REPAIR and driving of automobiles, at Y. M. C A. night school. Course begins Tuesday, January 23. $23 for complete course. INTELLIGENT, ENERGETIC MAN. BE tween 25 and 33. with previous business ex perience. Give names and addresses of ref erences. H 63, Oregonlan. TUTOR WANTED YOUNG MAN. COLLEGE graduate preferred, to help youth of 18. backward In Latin and mathematics Ad dress W 52. Oregonlan. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. EXPERIENC ed and otherwise, for established publica tions; liberal Inducements. Clyde-King, 63S Chamber Commerce. HERE'S A CHANCE TO GET INTO A CASH business that will pay you $1S to $25 every week: $230 required; duties easily learned. Call 24Sfe Stark st. LUCRATIVE POSITION TO AN EXPERI enced fraternal solicitor; splendid opening for the right man. Royal Achates, Omaha. Nebraska. HELP WANTED MALE PERSONS EVERY where to distribute samples. $20 weekly and expenses. Manager, 4 Wells st.. Chicago, MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; WAGE3 while learning; position after 8 weeks. GUI man's Barber College. 627 Clay. San Fran. BLACKSMITH AND TOOL SHARPENER. NO shoeing. $3; small construction camp black- smim. jO ana ooara. Hansen. 28 N. 2d. Any intelligent person may earn good incoma corresponding for newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lock port. N. Y. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED A MAN WHO HAS HAD SOME experience as railroad tralnhand to work on logging road. R 60, Oregonlan. WANTED BLACKSMITH TO DO GENERAL repair work; good horfieshoer In particular. Apply at Montavllla Livery barn. WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH er. Address, stating age, experience and reference. Q 60, Oregonlan. WANTED FIR3T-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout state; big -wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. 10 BOLTCUTTERS WANTED. APPLY Western Cooperage Co.. room 306 Stearns bldg.. 6th and Morrison. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN AS TRAVELING salesman; references necessary. Call 2 to 4 P. M.. Imperial Hotel. UNION HOTEL FOR ROOM AND BOARD: rooms $1 ; board. $3.50 per week. SL N. 6th tit. J. Anderson. Prop. MAN TO CARE FOR COW. HORSES. GAR den. etc. Call 406 Commercial block, be tween 12 and 1. WANTED A GOOD. BRIGHT. ENERGETIC man as city nalesman. Apply Krledt Print ing Co.. 104 1st. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCH MAN. Address G. M, Campbell, 320 James Bt., Se attle. Wash. WANTED KITCHEN HELPER AND cleaner, white or Japanese, at Morris. 223 Washington. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; some money required. 260 1st, WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 50 3d. Phone Pacific 40. Salesmen for Christy Hoe Safety Razor: bo nanza, side line. 303 Stearns bldg.. 4 to 5. COATMAKERS WANTED AT ONCE. Co lumbia Woolen Mills, cor. 7th and Stark. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE MIN er and tool-sharpener. B 66, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO. LEARN BAR ber trade. O 53, Oregonlan. -' HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED COMPETENT YOUNG WOMEN. over 20 years ot age. to study nursing at the Training School for Nurses of the Ho qulam General Hospital. For further Infor mation address W. B. Wells, secretary. Ho qulam. Wash. WANTED LADY, UNINCUMBERED. TO nil permanent position; salary per week; references required. Address Mrs. B. L. Howard, general delivery, city. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X- Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder; entrance 253 Alder st,, Port land. WANTED FIRST-CLAS3 LADY RBPRB- sentattves In Portland and throughout stats; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED LADY WITH EXPERIENCE AND reference, with good home to care ior oaoe 10 months. 230ft Yamhill. Phone Main 0413. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. WAITERS. cooks, chambermaids, general worKers. o. Louis Agency. 2304 Yamhill. Main 5413. TAILOR ESS WANTED TO HELP ON COATS: experienced buttonhole worker. coiumDia. Woolen Mills, cor. 7th and Stark. WANT A LADY PARTNER FOR A 5ANI- tary butter and egg business: $625 rcquirea, big profits. Call 248ft Stark st. WANTEDV-NBAT WOMAN UNDER 40 AS housekeeper, widower; another, town. 230ft Yamhill. Phone Main 0413. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343ft Washington Bt, cor. 7th, upstairs. Phona Main 2602. PIONEER LADIES AGENCY. 215 Morrison St, Phone" Main 2273. CONSCIENTIOUS. WIDE-AWAKE WOMAN to take responsible position with Vlavl Co. Apply Room 23. Lewis bldg. GIRL TO ASSIST LIGHT HOUSEWORK, care cnuaren. lorenoon. o-to .ucnuu. head Johnson, Main 4136. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GBN- erai nousewor. - - 3642. Apply mornings. POSITION BY COMPETENT CHAMBER-TJT-1 . A.t-i.loaa hntrt- Vio other need an- D1IUU 111 414 -j , -M- ply. J 63. Oregonlan. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. 3 adults In family. Call momong, 414 Stark. WANTED TWO YOUNG LADIES FOR first-class aramauc company. vaaress j 67. Oregonlan. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housewonc; gooa wages. Appiy oa Marshall st. EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL. REFBR ences required; no other need apply. 344 Salmon. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. SMALL FAM Ily. 200 2d st. Standard Coffee & Spies Mills. WANTED CREAM DIPPER. APPLY PA clflc Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis st. GENERAL HOUSEWORK, FAMILY OF two. 447 West Park st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED DRAMATIC PEOPLE, VAUDE vllle acts, singers, musicians; good salary, Newman's Theatrical Circuit, I45ft 6th. Dramatic art, stage dancing, sketches taught. ENERGETIC. CAPABLE MAN OR WOMAN to work In Portland and throughout stats; salary. Call between 1 and 5:30, evenings S-0, Hotel .Antlers, room 44. WANTED LADIES. OR GENTLEMEN TO repreeeat Targe biMtnees firm; good salary. Address L 58. Oregonlan. BOOK AGENTS WANTED SALARY AND commteston. Call 489 9th St., room 11, be tween 2 and 4. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerks. SITUATION BY EXFSRXBNCBO SALESMAN or as a-afetant bookkeeper. Mlilng er ship ping clerk. D 99, OroftmiaR. POSITION BY EXPERIENCED BOOKKKBP er ad s4eegraper; strictly up to date. V m, OregMltw. i