THE HORSING. OREGOXIAN, MONDAY, JANTTABY 22, 1906. 9 This Is the Venerable Old Building That Has Furnished Us a Business Home WE HAVE GOT TO MOVE We Have Got to Vacate These Premises This building -at Ififth and Alder streets we will will not disgrace its memory by speaking of it as any thing elsethan a building, whatever its outward appearance ma' be is an old building, huilt by the late Henry Faihng some 50 years ago.' Many pi Portland's citizens have been sheltered beneath its roof, families born and reared beneath its shelter. It was an old building six years ago, when we moved our then small business into it: and as a crowing service of its long, useful life, this old building has given our business a business home and enabled us to grow, develop and expand until todajr our business will step forth from this old building one of the Largest Ladies' Suit and Garment Institutions in the City, ' . ' So We Have Got to Move, for "They" Are Going to Build Here Comparatively speaking (we will say) that day and night we have worked on thin old building: to enable It to last until th- proper time when Its successor eould arrive. The proprietor of this store, the clerks, the help and all have carpentered, patched, painted, plumbed, glazed, roofed, caulked, scrubbed, electrJaned. stopped leaks. papred. etc.. etc.. time and attain until memory falleth to recall to enable tnls old building- to ivold our expanding business. Yes, .expanding business, for when wa started we paid 50 cents occupation license, which Is the amount oh $2000" and under, now we pay a license on and around business transacted of nearly $1 00.000. To look at the outside of this old building you would think there was not much room inside, yet -we tell you that if All the different -spaces, floors. lofts, garrets and cornor that we use. were spread out into one floor It would cover nearly a quarter of a block. Now. then, we have a tremendous stock; there Is no there can he no reserve YOUR PRICCS MUST OUT A IN. 'All Clearance Sales will pale to a 8tc appearance when compared to what we will and have to do. LADIES' GARMENTS Nearly $56,030 worth of these, will be thrown on the market for what thy will bring. Our factory has been running: steadily all this month on new Spring poods coats, suits and skirts beside thousands of dollars of goods have been arriving from the East and there are a Rood many on the way' now by freight that we can't stop, nil olegant stuff. All thin will go at ridiculous pTlces. You will want to come quick and often when you see our announcement of certain garments, for these will be elegant garments, maybe one or two only or three of another, one of another, etc.. priced at little or nothing, almost. OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS If you see something in our advertisement, don't hesitate to send for It Inclosing the price asked When you get IU If you do not want it return It to us and we will refund your money. On petticoats IS cents must be added to price for postage. Empire Coats, Box Coats, 3-4 Coats, Medium Length Coats, Odd Ones Left; Maybe Two or Three You Get Them $5 to $$ 4 V w m mil u J .t k. V This line of Coats is strong great value. Tiilnk of It. you caw lniy them for one-half what they have cost us no matter, we have to move and we can't lake tliem with us. Don't delay. Come early, get yr pick. There arc not all sizes of each style, you will have to .-elect till you find your size. Then u h id bc-fct grab the coat If It it your iz NOW LISTEN! MANNISH COATS TWO HUNDRED kAINCOATS Coats like cut. made from cloth taken from our gentlemen's mer chant tailor, stock. This same cloth made in men's suits sells at from $27.50 to 550.00. We have mad.' this line Imported cloth into '- ladles'-coats; It is a chance of a lifetime, a.s it Is not likely to ever be repeated. See descriptions below most of them exclusive r one of a kind: ODD SNAPS FURS There are 'about two do.zen of these left; they will be passed out at 9lJo each half the cost. Also children's muff sets go at 92.15. HP 1 CHILDREN'S COATS . A good assortment of them at HALF TRICE. 1 1 l'KXTI COATS. aaa5 6.5 to x 7.1 Silk Pi If oats .93.45 lb $ 9.Ht to $10.00 Silk P ttltoats 93Jo JUl.")) to $1250 Silk Petti cits 95.A5 Most all colors. An Immense assortment, on sale all day. One to a customer onl No dealers, hott. GENTLEMEN'S SUITS TO ORDER BONT WANT V CENT IK YOL'HC NOT SATISFIED. v No. $-10.09 Pine plush, fur collar, 1 coat. 91 1.00 S No. XlSc' S3S.50 JFino Kersey, red, green, blue. '4' uoats $10-10 No. -115 saSJiO Fine satin . lined, fur collar. 1 coat ........ . 5 s.00 There aro about 11 ot thqjc extra fine odd coats, that will Ibc sold at -almost nothing. At your own prices. Just at the season of the year whon you want them 11 regular $12.50 Raincoats at M 27 regular $14.50 Raincoats at.... 5 BJ.0 42 regular $16.50 Raincoats at ft 7.7. "0 regular $18.50 Raincouts at 8 n.OO 28 .regular $22.50 Raincoats at...; -..910.25 And a lot more at various prlcos. all to be sold re gardless of cost or expense. Remember we huve to move. v NEW ETON AND JACKET SUITS . HKCLLAU 915.00 TO $10.00 SUITS, AT YOLIt PRICE 9S-10 TO 920.00. $1.75 SUNBURST PETTICOATS IN COLORS DUB, mtOWN, GREEN 05c. The colors cost a little more than black. This .Is something for you. You will nave to hurrv to gjst tHem. You can only have one. "We only have 5C dozon of these, and they will only be sold between the hour of S to 11 A. M. and -i:3) to 6 P. M. Regular $1 50 blacTc sateen Petticoats 75c. One to a customer; same hours as above. " The finest lino of $2.00 sateen Petticoats you ever saw. Wc will place on this sale at l.0O; all dny. Top-notch, elegant sateen Petticoats; splendid value 4 at $2.50, on moving sale at 1.25 all day. Not many of them. One to a customer of all these. Dealers can t purchase them. ' They arc Tor Individual customers. Ml mm In the uit department you will notice the great values very quickly the assortment Is great- Grays In dark, light and medium; garnets, red. blue, black, plum. tan. cream, etc etc. Prices no object- Wc must move and we want you to help us. Our factory here in Portland has been turning out dozens of suits this month; the very latest things. You get them at the above-named prlccs. Mon's merchant tailoring department cloths for ladies' skirts, jackets. sult3. children s clothes. Rem nants 'of bolts of cloths to be hed for a song. MERCHANT-TAILOR CLOTHS. Thousands of dollars of gentlemen's tailor cloths will be thrown cn the market .for what they will, bring. It will be made up to order into mens suits or sold by the yard. It is elegant suiting or would make splendid skirts or any kind of garments. Tnc greatest parr of this tailor clotn Is the ttp-to-date new goods received In the oast turee weeks, as this navtng-to-move buslne3 has Just come up lately and tiev Spring goods were bought and shipped long beforo. we ever thought we would have to move. Our hundreds of old customers of this department the business you first knew us by will please take no tice ajid remember that J. 31. Acheson never has fooled you In an advertisement, and now wc are going to give you the best deal wc ever did. because we have to. we have to move ana we have a tremendous stocs: of the besfe cloths you ever -laid your eyes on. You all know and remember that our cloth was always markeT In plain figures well, it Is yet. You know our price has always been marked at a fair profit, from $25.00 to $45.00. according to goods well, now we are going to make this cloth up into suits for you at a near cost of producing as we know how. and yon know wc mean what wc say. You will get -splendid suits at from $15 to $20. some few a Httlo more there are three or four .dozen that will cost you $25.00 to $30.00, as they will cost us that to make them. You will know the class of goods "wet carry every thread all wool and If you are not satisfied It shall not cost one cent. Wc have a lot of pants' cloths. It will be- made up at from $5.00 to SS.00. It Is regular 5S.-09 to $15.00 goods. We want to see our old friends In this line. We want to thank you for your past patronage. Remember, we own, operate and maintain a manufacturing plant for the making of Ladies' Garments, and have the real man-tailors to fit you. The garments you pur chase in our store will be handled in an expert manner. You will find no such equipment elsewhere as we maintain at our store. We have a splendid line of 'Silk Petti coats, Dress Skirts, etc., etc . ; THE J. ML ACHESON CO FIFTH AND ALDER : "STREETS WE AllE MANUlMCTUItERS OK COATS, HENCE THE PRICES. And please note that we hercwitn give the lot number and reg ular price of the coat., Y-ju can come In and pick them out as well as we can as follows: No. 145 $.10.00 Fine red and gold mixed Bannockburn St-1.75 No. 400 $35.00 Extra weight gray mixed tweed, dark...... 517. No. 117 532.51 Dark fancy mixed tweed in10 No. 37 $35.00 Imported pin stripe worsted ?l.7.i No. 401 $3J.00 Dark grav mixed Scofh Tweed"0 No. 123 S35.00 Dark solid green, velvet, collar, stylish No. 15S $37.50 Always good Imp. black worsted cheviot. . .$18.50 No. 113 $30.00 Red. brown and gold mixed Tweed......... f 14.50 No. 142 $33.30 Red check Scotch Tweed StSES No. 123 15.00 Gray and old gold Tweed $18.7.1 No. 405 $30.00 Imported white pin stripe worsted. 912.00 No. 165 $40.00 Fine English pin check worsted 917-10 No. 140 532.Q0 Fancy gold mixed plaid 3 1 n.OO No. 146 32.50 Imported Invisible plaid worsted t7.00 No. 406 $35.03 Dark grayish and plaid Tweed t0 No. 137 $35.00 Fine old gold plaid- and stripe Tweed $17.00 No. 14S $35.00 Imported very fine rough Tweed $16.7.1 No. 132 $30.00 Gray mlxea medium dark Tweed 914.00 No. 118 $33.00 Solid unfinished -worsted 313.75 No. D4 $35.00 Solid green unfinished worsted 917.00 No. 13S $40.00 Imported unfinished green worsted No. 130 $37.50 Bannockburn Tweed, red and brown mixed. 917.75 No. 13S $20.50 Imported Scotch Tweed, fine color $12.7.1 No. 149 $30.00 Gray Tweed, cheviot finish 913.50 No. 135 $35.00 Basket weave, red mixed Tweed, a dandy. .916-10 No. 432 $25.03 Very dark br'n and bl'k diagonal worsted. .911-10 No. 154 $30.00 Stripe with check effect: blue Tweed 913.75 No. 100 $20.00 Old gold and red Scotch cheviot 911.75 No. 154 $33.00 Blue plaid check cheviot 918-10 No. 403 $30.00 Reddish b'rown .and plum mixed Tweed. . ..91-1-10 No. 155 $30.03 Old gold, green and red mixed Tweed 91-10 No. 93 $35.00 Imported blue wide wale worsted..... .....917.25 No. 159 $37.50 Imported Army blue Kersey cloth J2210 No. 404 $35.00 Wnlte end black plaid worsted 918.00 No. 161 $35.00 Black unfinished worsted, always good.. .910.75 No. 143 $30.00 Brown pin check Tweed ..913.75 No. S9 $35.00 Blue check worsted, very fine .-..$21.50 No. 12S $27.59 Mixed and dark check Tweed 9tl-lo No. 112 $30.00 Fine homespun Tweed 914-10 No. 116 $30.03 Green and blue unfinished cheviot ..915.00 No." 95 $35.0"t--StylIsh, latest gray English wide wale 917.50 And dozens ot others a lot one of a kind, made of the finest -English, dress worsted cloth: regular and cheap at $45.00 to $60.00; will be Included at corresponding prices. Everything goes. All goods have been tailor shrunk and guaranteed not to spot and not to fade. LONG TAN COVERT COATS The best In the United States. No dream lik'e above cut. Good," for a lifetime always In stylo. Made of West of England covert cloth. Cloth used only In men's overcoats. No dealer in this coun try ever saw cloth like this made into a ladles' coat. A regular $42.53 coat on sale at $19.75. "We believe there are only three of them left. Best covert Jacket In the United States; made of-same material as the above. Regular $27.53 garment on sale at $16.75. There are nlne of these! - ' WALKING SKIRTS Here you can get lots of snaps. You have got to wear skirts. You always need them. We hers sample a few for you NO. 148S Gray, -regular $7.50. while they last, there are 16 of them - 93.85 NO. 1483 Mixed cloth. Spring weight, there are 12 of them. Regular $5.00 garments: sale price 92.15 NO. 1736 Blue, elegant $11.00 garments. There arc nine of them. Will pass them out at $3.10 We have over 1000 skirts, comprising all the styles and qual ities used today, and they must move eat we have to move. Your prices will procure them The prices we are making we feel are your prices. See Here, Extra Size Ladies We liave dozens of skirts your size. Black, blue and gray. Here's your chance If you want to lay in a supply of large-size skirts, and don't want, to pay a Iarge-sizo price. We have made a specialty of. keeping large-size, kirts. VOILE AND FINE DRESS SKIRTS A few dozens of these, at rare snap bargains Just like buying bread and butter to- buy ihese at the "movins'1" prices we arc making: .