ROGUE RIVER PEARS St. Joseph, Mo., Fruitgrower Tells of Them, SECRET IS THEIR QUALITY WIi.v Southern OrcRon Is Particu larly Adapted to the Culture of This Delicious Fruit for Eastern Markets. J. W. Parkins, a well-known fruit grower of Medford, eontrlbutesan in teresting article to the January num ber of tlic St. Joseph, Mo.. Fruitgrower, in which he sets forth the ad vantages of the Rogue River Valley as a region for producing the finest grades of pears, calling attention at the same time to the certain and at tractive profits to be derived there from. In the estimation of Mr. Perkins, quality is the wnole secret of tne suc eegs achieved ana many reasons arc advanced wny the Rogue River Valley occupies a ,lintinctivc position in tnts respect. He claims that it lies midway between the long, dry, hot Summers of California, on the south, and the con tinuous humidity of the region in the opposite direction. Comment on Eastern Prices. ' Comemnting on the prices received for a fancy lot dc fruit shipped East last Fall, he says: "On October 6, 1905. a car of Cornice pears from the Rogue River Valley, shipped from Medford, Or., was sold at auction in New York City, on the open market, by Messrs. Sgoble & Day. commission merchants, and realized the sum of $3429, being an average of $6.&S per box. The car con tained 50.) boxes of o0 pounds each. Tni6 is the highest price ever paid in the United States for a car of pears. As aweh box averaged between 90 and 100 pears to the box. the price per pear was- between 7 and h' cents. "Compared with prices paid in the Bast and other sections for pears, these Jigurcs may seem beyond belief, yet hundreds of cars of pears from the Rogue River Valley have been sold on the open market at prices which ap proximate the above." The altitude of the Rogue River Val ley ranges from 11500 to 2000 feet above sen lcvol, the -foil is of adobe loam, pecularly adapted to the growth of pears, and thee is no sjuch thing as blight in that district, a disease that is characterized as the worst enemy to be found in the production of the fruit. The main -varieties grown in this val ley are Doyenne du Cornice, Beurre Bosc, Beun-f d'Anjuu, Winter Nellls, Howell and RartWt, and the writer is convinced that nowhere else can they be produced to s,uch excellent advan tage. In conclusion h says: Causes of Success. "The main cause of success in the raising of fancy fruit is care and at tention to every detail of the orchard: of the trees and their treatment; of the fruit, in its different- stagos of ma turity, and or the packing of the fruit after it is takn from the trees. With the many natural advantages that we "enjoy in RogUc River Valley, any one of ordinary Intelligence, giving per attention to all these details and giving the orchard and fruit the ame attention and thought that is required in the commercial world in any line of business, can not fall to make a financial success of an orchard Invest ment. If the facts were all published as exist here today and It were known throughout the country what returns per acre can be made, not only people but capital would flock here to the ex tent that every available foot in this valley would be planted to pear and apple trees, with the result of making Rogue River Valley the fruit center of the United States in the production .of the fanciest grades of pears and apples." CONFLICT OF TWO IDEAS Hamilton Stood for Imperialism, Jefferson for the Individual. The following communication to which edi torial reference was made yesterday, was by accident omitted:) CHEHAL.IS, Wash.. Jan. 20.-(To tho Editor.) The recent banquet in Portland given in commemoration of the birth and services of Alexander Hamilton, illus trates the tendency of the times and of men in the direction of imperialism, spe cial privileges and class distinction. The ideals of the men who eulogized the life and services of Alexander Hamilton are the ideals of Alexander Hamilton at the time of and -prior to the adoption of the Federal Constitution, and "the Hamilton idea was monarchial prerogatives, caste and special privilege. The men who com pare and class Lincoln and Hamilton as holding siimlnr views of the powers and limitations of the National Government are strangely Ignorant of history and are ludicrously Inconsistent. Abraham Lin coln was as far apart In his tastes, in clinations, political tendencies and ideas of popular government from the tastes, inclinations and political tendencies of Alexander Hamilton as are the poles geographically. Lincoln trusted and be lieved In the people. When he said this Is "a government of the people, for the people and by the people," he gave utter ance to a sentiment which was at va riance with Hamilton's idea of govern ment. Hamilton distrusted the people; Lincoln believed in the people. Hamilton would have disfranchised two-thirds of the people; Lincoln would enfranchise those whom Hamilton would have dis franchised. Uncoln believed Jn the divin ity of the people; Hamilton believed In the divinity which hedgcth kings. It has been truly said of Alexander Hamilton that 'he was a man of splendid abilities, of Imperious will and of aristocratic tastes, 'as ambitious for military glory as he was autocratic in temper; ho was under the spell of the limited monarchy Idea. He was In spirit, temper and taste monarchic or Imperialistic, and his contempt for' the masses or the 'mob,' as, the early Fed eralists were pleased to term the .people "was as sincere as was his deep-rooted dis trust of them. With him the old Tory citizens went heart and soul." Ho ajso attracted the shrewd financiers, who saw In his schemes golden opportunities for the acquisition of special privileges that would enrich the few, not Infrequently at the expense of the many. Wherever the Hamiltonian theories have been put In practice the result has been to build up and bring into being these privileges which are antagonistic to the fundamental, principles upon which all free govern- ments should rest. Had Abraham. Lincoln lived In "the days of Hamilton' he would have aligned himself against the ideas of Hamilton. Had Jefferson lived in tne tlmo of Lincoln he would have siood Just where Lincoln stood In 60 to '65. It Is history that the ..bitterness of the struggle-between Jefferson and-Hamllton; or rather the 'antagonism between the principles advocated by each, led to the retirement? of Jefferson from the Cabinet, but he succeeded in arousing the masses to the peril arising from the attitude of Hamilton and his adherents for privilege and monarchlalism. No truer tribute was ever paid to Jefferson's loyalty to the cause of popular government than the fol lowing extract from the pen of Mary Pratt Parmalcc: "The story of the war of opinions which waged so fiercely over the cradle of the Republic Is simply that of a conflict be tawcen two everlasting principles, which so long as the world stands will be ar rayed against each other. Thomas Jeffer son was an uncompromising champion of Individualism and against paternalism. The effort of his life was to reduce the powers of the central government to the minimum and to exalt to the maximum the Importance of the individual. In a character less nicely balanced, a mind less philosophical, and a heart less simply In tent upon the highest good of his country, so strong a tendency might have been dangerous. But Jefferson loved his coun try more than his theory. He was not a fanatic or an enthusiast, but a man with deep convictions and an unbending pur pose. Hamilton openly declaring that a limited monarchy was the best form of government: John Adams sendfhg forth philosophical diatribes upon the benefit of a landed aristocracy and the hereditary principle: even Washington investing his. office with a sort of regal state, and his person with some of the divinity which doth belong to a King; Jefferson alone seemed to comprehend American Institu tions as experience and time have devel oped them." If Hamilton fought for the adoption of the Constitution, he disliked its repub lican character. If his opinions and ideas had prevailed, the offices of President and Senators would have been for life or good behavior. All State Governors would have been appointed by the President. Only the landed classes could liave voted for Xational Senators, or. to speak more cor rectly. State Senators to the Xational Congress. In uniting the fortunes of Vir ginia with the fortunes of Massachusetts Jefferson voiced to the world a cry of a people for independence. His Declaration of Independence is the richest legacy ever bequeathed to a grateful, strong and free people. w. W. LANGHORNE. RICH REPLIES TO IM ASKS WHY THE MAYOll WAS NOT A WITNESS. Declares if He Had Evidence He Should Huvc Keen Sworn at the Trial. Thomas Richards, when atfkcd yester day If he had any reply to make to Mayor Lane's open letter in yesterday's Oregonian, said he had nothing to say excepting that he had been tried by a Jury of fair-minded men, who had been selected by Mayor Lane's own officers, who had been accepted by the city, and after hearing all the evidence, had brought in a verdict of vindication within SO minutes. He added: "Mayor Lane raves about the jury ap parently about the same as he does about my hotel, and I want to say light here. If he Is not satisfied with the verdict It comes with very bad grace for a public, fwprn official to find fault with and criti cize the verdict of men selected by his own officers and none of whom I knew. "If Mayor Lane has any such evidence as he talks about In his letter I am con fident the fair-minded people of this city will agree with me that at the trial of the case was the time and place to pro duce it, and It Is unfair and cowardly to evade the witness-stand and afterward flaunt what he says he knew. If he had any such evidence and did not produce It upon the trial he is culpable, and I think he should hold his peace or should be im peached for not doing his duty upon the day of trial. I have made it my business In the past to give orders to my help to observe the law in every particular, and I shall continue to do so in the future. I have tried to conduct a place where the respectable people of the city couiu be served meals, and I propose to continue to conduct Richards' Hotel In accord ance with law. Irrespective of Mayor Lane's threats to put me out of busi ness." DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPOKT. I PORTLAND. Jan. 21 Maximum tempera, lure. 45 dep.: minimum. 40. River reading at It A. M., 0.3 feet; chance in past 24 hour, 1.2 of a foot. Total precipitation. 3 P. M. to 5 P. M.. .02 inch. Total precipitation since September 1. 1903. 21.41 Inches-; nor mal precipitation since September 1. 1903. 24:29 Inches; deficiency. 2.KS Inches. Total xunshtne, January 20. 1 hour, .S minutes; possible sunshine January 20. 9 hours 11 minutes. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. a 5- Wind. 6TATION3 II? S3 Baker City Bismarck Boifce Eureka Helena. . Kamloops, B. C. North Bend Pocatello Portland. .. . .. . . Red Bluff. , Roweburg. ...... Sacramento. Salt Lake City. San Francisco. . Spokane. .. . Seattle Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla . . . . .126 '0.O' 4!NW ..IlOjO.OOlLSE ..BWlO.ylOSiSE . ...'SO i Tj 4 SB .. 10 T1041XW ...UrtlO.OOOL -44.lC2fe ..C4i TWMlSR ICleudy Clar iCIoudy Rain fcieudy . Cloudy ."Rain ICIean (Cloudy jcieudy Cloudy (Cloudy ICIear Cloudy jCJoudy (Cloudy lRaln (Cloudy . 46( T i-lOSS ,44A.rtSr4fSE 3 44"-O.OX4SE :s 04KMLS .150 .4 !44 0.6O4US T 14VS T I22S 24126W?W 44 .4 .o!oo!s T trare. WEATHER CONDITIONS. There has been a general decrease In rrecirure during the last 24 hours In the North Pacific States west of the Cascade -Mountain, dun to the approach of a disturbance from tho ocean. This storm n expected to move, eastward dur ing the next 24 hours and cause unsettled, rainy weather In Western Oregon and West ern Washington, and high south to southwest winds alone the coast, at rea and tm tho Inland navigable waters of Western Wash lncton. Unsettled cloudy weather will abj prevail cast of the Cascade, with light snow or rain in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. Light showers have occurred today In the Willamette Valley and Western Washington, and light snow Is reported at scattered places In extreme Northeastern Washington, South ern Idaho and Montana. Elsewhere In the Rocky Mountain nnd the Pacific Coast States no precipitation is reported. Southwest storm warnings were ordered dis played at all stations along the Oregon-Washington coast and on the Strait of Juan de Fuca at 5:30 P. M. . FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending midnight. January 22: Portland and vicinity Rain or snow; south erly winds, probably becoming gusty. Western Oregon and Western Washington Rain or em&w; fresh southerly winds, becom ing fresti to strong gale along the coast and at sea. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Light rain or snow. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Gen erally filr, r.flr.g temperature. A. B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. Prompt relief in sick headache, dizzi ness, nausea, constipation, paia in the side, guaranteed to those umg Carter's Little Liver Pills. NEW TODAY. Fred Westerdal. 217 OrVn bldg. Gradutte Stockholm; massage aatf, Swedish aoveaeat. $3000;Act Now Choice full lot. 50xl0, on 23d 'St., son st. Fine location for flats. C. H. KpRELL. 231 Washington. CLEARANCE SALE OF ORIENTAL RUGS We are making special January prices on a fine lot of medium priced Oriental Rugs, including: FERAGHANS . BOKHARAS MOUSSOULS - TEHERANS SHIRVANS KABISTANS And Many Other Well-known Weaves ' , These rugs are marked down to the lowest possible prices, and this sale offers rug-lovers an unequalled oppor tunity to buy good rugs at a bargain EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. MACK & CO. 86-88 Third Street PHIL yiETSCOAX, Pres. Seventh and "Wnablnctoa Curopean Plan NEW OREGONIAN 'PHONE. Tho "Mornlntr OrfFonlan and livening Tele gram have Installed a private telephone ex I change. Main 7070. If anyone tleMre to communicate by 'phone with any department of The Oregonian tor Evening Telegram, let him call Main 7070. The office operator will make the proper call. Tor example. It you desire the city editor of The Oregonian. call Mala "070. The operator respond. "Orego nian and Telegram." Then aMi for "City Editor Oregonian.' AUCTION SALES TODAY. At residence. No. 100 West Iark. al 10 A. L. by 8. I N. Gllrean. Auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at wWrewi. ISM Flint street, at 10 A. M. J. T. WIImw, AttctlofHMT. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. & A. M. Staled e&HMHtiRleatto tills (Monday) evening. o'clock. Masonic Temple. Third ami Alder; work la F. C. degree. AM M. M. Tveieeisc. By order of w. M. RUFUS R. BALL. Secretary. COURT MULTNOMAH. NO. X FORKST ERS OF AMERICA Alteatioa! oairen and members are requested to meet at their Hill. Second and Yamhill. Tuesday. January St. at 1 p. M. fearp, to attend tb funeral of our dceaed brother, M. WaJdmaa. All Forest -en cordially invited to attend. By tnlerwf A. FREUDMAX. C. lC ED GOLDSMITH, Financial Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO. 14. O. E. & Stated com munication thin (Monday) 6 P. M., Burkbanl Mag. Ry nrder W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec. DIED. M'CAUI.ET In Ellenburg. Wafe., Jaanarr 21. Dr. S. D. McCauley. father of Dr. J. t McCauIes1. Bllcnsburg. and Mrs. K. V. Sell wood. of thla city. Funeral notice later. HAYDEN In tht5 city, January 21. UK. Benjamin F. Hayden. aged 8S year?. 8 month and 21 daya. Notice of fnaerat hereafter. YOUNG At We late rcaldcnec. 424 Franklin Place, near Glenwood Station. JaatMrjr 21, lfk3. William Young, aged 47 yeans IU month and 20 day. Net lee of fnaeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOT! CES. BUSH The funeral kcevIcc of Loutta. J. Bu4t will be .held at Flnley's ehiei Tuesday. January 23, at 2:S0 P. M. Frfendfl lavlted. Interment Lone Fir cemetery- RELL.ING In this City. January 21. 1M6. Ole M. Relllng. aged 45 years. Friend are Teepeclfutly Invited to attend tbe funeral Tvkx-s, which will be held at Iloiaian'x chattel, corner Third and salmon Me. at 2 P. M.. Wednesday. January 21. Inter ment Rvervlew cemetery. WAL.DMAN In thl city, January 21. 1MK5. at the family residence. 205 Flrt St.. Michael Waklman. aged S3 year. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the ftf neral nsrvlce. which will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M.. Tuesday. Jan uary 23. Rabbi R. Ahraaameoa and Dr. W. Wilner will officiate. Interment Ahaval Sholom eenictery.- JOHNSON In this city, January 2. lftk at the .rcaldence- of hi daughter. Mr. O. J. Sherman. Thomas H. Johnron. aged 71 years. 9 months and 4 Uayx. Friend and acquaintances are renptfully Invited to attend th funeral ?rvlce which will be held at 512 Ea Taylor rt. at 2 P. M. today. Interment I .one Fir cemetery. .T. P. ITNLKY & SON I"uneral director and embalmers. No. 261 3d ft- cor. Mod I mi n. Day or night calls promptly attended. Ex perienced lady a.Ifttant when dolred. Of fice of County Coroner. Thone Main 0. DUNNING. M'KNTEE & GILBAFGir fin- rcfttors to Dnnnlag Campion, undertakers and embalmers; modem In evefy eUU7th and Pine. Phono Main 30. tad? Edward HfiTVAv rn T.;i.. . enlm;b?ovedC?o tiflrew buUd- i l?5' Ttilrd Salmon. JLady avditant. Phone No. 507. .?V SV RUNNING. Undertaker. 414 Eat Alder. Lady HUliUat PhoBe Eat 5?t ZELLER-BYRXES CO., Undertakers, Em balmerw. 273 Rawll. Kat 1668. lady ifM't. TONSETH & CO.. florfets. Artistic floral drtlgas. 123 6th st. Phone Main Slot. CLASSIF!EDAD. RATES. "Rooms, "Rooms aBd Board. "Ifonc keeplsg Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or le. 15 cents: IS to 20 words. 28 cents; 21 to 25 Verds. 25 cents, etc. No d4s couBt for additional InKrUos. UNDER ATX O TILE It HEADS, except "New Today." 36 cents for lxwords or less; IB to 29 words. 46 cents: 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc-Hrj. Insertion. Each additional ! lnrertion. ese-half: ma fnrtbn- Uo.. t der one month "NEW TODAY" (gaage measare agate). 15 cents per line, tost bttertle-s: ie ceata per lise for each additional iasertloa. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care Tho Oregonian. and lefl at this efnee. should always be Inclosed la sealed envelopes. No stan Is reavJml en ssch letters. Tho Oregonlaa wUl not be responIble for errors la ad rertle meats taken through the telephone. . XEW" TODAY. 1RVINGTON - -Toe Rent Modern even-room houte. 4M Ean Hth ru, hetweea Tillamook and Thompson. 5 C TV. KNOWLES, Mgr. Streets, Portias lf Or ego a. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. NEW TODAY. aeiliitnitllltl e e i ! COLLEGE I ! PLACE i Joralctl two blocks uorLb 1 P-ortsniouth Station, on St. Johns car line, ami just south of Macjrlj- Junction. Depot J grounds have been secured at L'ollcgc Place by X. P. and G. J J X. Railroads, which will be the main station for all the Pcnin- I sula. To all men and women who wish n buy lots where they are sure to advance in value in the I near future, now is the jwlden opportunity, as lots- in College J Place arc as sure to advance in price as the sun rises in the J east. Prices range from -$G to $10 J per front foot. Terms to suit J purchaser. Call, write or phone ! to A. H? MAEGLY 210 Fourth Street. (Near Courthouse.) THE President's Message TO CONGRESS SAYS "The people of this country continue to onjey great prosperity. Undoubtedly there will be b and flow In such iroperlty, and this ebb and flow will be felt more or lesa by all members of the rommsnlty." The, ebbing of prosperity may carry you in Its ptrwasi. but a bank account can turn the tide; today I the right time. Yoa want a rofe detiosltory and pcrbaoa a little interest on your Idle funds. We want yon on our books. Call en tin or write us and let hs talk over with you tNt advantages to be gained by opening an ac count at this bank. RESOURCES OVER $1.00.000. IN BUSINESS NEARLY 19 YEARS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Corner Third and Oak Phone Private. Exchange 72. 535-Lots on the Car Line 0x1(0 feet each for 35 la tfcn full r..i- finTAirtVJV1 IOr U 1119 within the last 40 days 00 out of the 70 HJtfC?S i?f ,an COntlnuS Af tiKir rh.-. -IFfi1- of their values. These lots are situated on ia;n avc. wmcn is now being- Improved. Title perfect. For particulars Inquire room SOS, McKay bids:.. 3d and Stark at. ; $85,000 Business quarter. with brick Improvements; rents JS7M tcr annum: H!i itnnhta j In value In next five years. ' O'tU.UUU lue,on treet: will divide tfivjvvu tQ suj, nurchaser. $10,000 Lot oa Gllsan st., near 6th; If Improved will pay hand somely, and has ble- future. HART LAND CO., 109 Sherlock BIdg. SI 375 Takes It snsxico ft on North rup, near 23d ntrwf This L a nice level lot. up to grade, con Jng on car Hn ilteik i rmfiiMm n .nn,. in r t. crete siacwaiK ana street improved, fao i rjest residence localiues ror comparatively I l!ttli mnnnr C TT irnRKIT, TC--vT Jngton str Just Think of It! i I vlii fec Overton st.. between J J t-JAin 22d and 23d- New cement walk, street graucd. lot lies 3 feet 1i7r: above grade of street. Price.. "fill J Call Main U for particular. Beautiful Home n Pieamowt. 8 Rowm, Modern. rmi mux IN The Musical and Society Event of the'Seanoa TONIGHT AT 8:3 O'CLOCK. MADAME EMMA CALVE The World'! Greatest "Carmen" and IatIc Soprano. Assisted by Five Celebrated Artists. Direction John Cort and S. KroBberg. PRICES: $1.00, $2.W, $2.5, $3.00, $4.W, $5.0 (CalY win idng "The Habanera." from Bl xet'a opera of "Carmen," in her world-famed costume. ) CARRIAGES AT 10:30 O'CLOCK. Bakerlbeater CnrtaTbottrCs., lum Ets. L BaUr, !Er. Yamhill and Third Stt. Phone Main 1007. The theater that has made Musical Bur lesque popular In Portland. Two Packed House Yesterday to See W. B. WATSON'S FAMOUS ORIENTALS Two Refined Burlesques the Dainty "MIm Clover" nnd "Bashful Venus" Wednesday matinee bargain day. 22c to any eat. Evening prices. 2."c, 3,"c, SOc. 73c. Sunday and Saturday matinee, !5r, 23c. 33c, 50c. , Next Attraction "MINERS' AMERICANS" Empire Theater It (Kit iniMjrrim Itoai S4iU 11 MILTON W SEAMAN. Manager Serocil and Last Veek of the Mot Popular cnariei. A. Taylor Company, In Tfcs Little Gfeurch Around Uie famer1 Every night and Saturday matinee. Evening prices. 13. 23. 33. 3(k: matinee. 10. 13. 23o. Next week. "Hooligan In New York." STAR THEATER Week of January 22. Annie Abbott, tome nnd lift her. The Roberts Four The Two Drole The Devoe Brother The Mcllendrys W. II. Hartford Staroscope. TRICES: 10c to nny neat except boxes. GRAND THEATER f Week or ( January 22. PHKOSO He- she? or It?; Latest London : Senatlon. Mr. and Mrs. Robyns . Oro and Nelson De Carlo nnd Stoke .Mh Lillian Melbourc.- Ha rota Hoff Grandotcope, Prices Evening. Sun days and H.lWai. to, 2t. 30c; main., 10c to any scat except boxes. PANTAGES Fourth and fcilnrk Sts. THE GKKAT WERER FAMILY. Pearl and Cassldy. Meadows and Laare. GOLDEN GATE QUARTET. ArnoMo. Io White. Moving Picture. Seta-ted Ufrhestra. M&ttHees eaoh afternoon at 2:S0: nights at 7J50 and H General admlMion. TEN cents; with 7 rows at 20 cents. NEW TODAY. City Property Corner on 2d sL North; best part: .will net 3 per cent on Investment. Call for price and terms. $10.E0 One of the choicest Investments In city property at the present time; un der lease that pays 11 per cent net. and can be raised at end of lease. Fifth st. Corner lot and fraction, good location for apartments: can be made to pay 14 per cent on Investment. Front st. Two-story brick, good loca tion, now paying 10 per cent not on In vestment of J 12.750. TAFT & CO., 275 Stark St.. Chamber of Commerce. House For Sale At a bargain, on esuw terms. Juct completed, tinted walh. grate, porcelain bath. Gas in. hot -and cold water connections made. Rest boy on market. Addrem O est. care Oregonian. TOR SALEREAL ESTATE. GR7X;G BROTHERS. Fine strictly modern 6-room home, all new. bath and everything right uiMo-date, beautiful gas fixtures; street all Ira proved. The price Is right. Look it up. What do you think about St. Johns? We stUI have rvera! pieces of property there on which tho price Is atlll right. It will be worth your time to see us If you are Interested in the coming city of St. Johns. GREGG BROTHERS. Phono Main 6303 317-13 Fenton BIdg. 54 Sixth St. ON TO HOVER UP THE COLUMBIA. Regular Steamers From Portland. Cheapest freight rates from the Coast to Inland points. No sand. Heavy soIL Per petual water right with each tract. Earl iest products. Largest prices. The Cali fornia ot tho Northwest. Write Hover Land Co.. Hover. Wash. HERB IS A SNAP. Nko Utile 7-room home on Mlnslndppi avc.. easy walk 1o bu?lne" housen and ear sfcooa. In Albino; hath, fruit trees, etc.; price only $.l0u. ?.HjO cash., balance to Milt. This rents for Jiff and as an Invest ment cannot be beat. Elite & Kahler, room 21, 254 Morrison su 51275 A GENUINE SNAP. LOOK- IT UP; West Side, vn nth at.. -rith of Montgom ery. I have a small fractional lot on which the owner would bulk! a house and sell for small payment down, balance on time. Call 63S Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE 10 ROOMS: NEW AND Abso lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout: altuated oa two lot, in best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al homo will do well to investigate. Phone owner. Main 5S5. or call 100 Sherlock bldg. YOU CAN BE SUITED WITH A SMALL suburban home when you learn about those acre tracts B. S. Cook & Co. are putting on the market; one acre equal to nearly nine ordln-try lots; about the price of one lot. Call 251 Aider st. FOR SALE AT ONCE. FINE SUBURBAN ranch home. 11 acres. 0 miles from the city; new house and barn; with or without, 2 horses. 1 cow. chickens, etc.; easy payments. J4KK). Call 302 Falling bldg. 57000 FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT ON Washington st.. near 10th; the only small piece U be had on that to-bcevtebrated thoroughfare. L. A. Patterson & Co.. 103 Fourth t.. cor. Madison. ACRE TRACTS WB HA.NDL3 ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms aa low as S10 per month with water. A. C Churchill Sc Co., "Inc.' 110 2d st. SNAP NEAR 14TH AND COLUMBLV. Lot 50x100 Tor $3000; tias'oW building, pay ing C rcr cent; fine site for beautiful home. Ellis & Kahlcr. room 21. 201 Morrison t. SEE THlS FOR A LOT. To build on; near corner 2Sd and Washing ton and City Park. 40x130; price VAKV. Etlls t, Kahler, room 21. 264 Morrison sL U BLOCK. HOLLADAY'S. 51850; LARGE) corner lot, 7-room bouse, new, very modern; Hawtberne'a First Addition. $Xto0; terms. Culver. 623- Chamber oC Commerce, J1S50. SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS J0 New house, basement, plumbing good as Hotel Portland; beautifully tinted walls; Upper Alblna. W CO, Oregonian. 51000 WILL BUY 4-JtOOM COTTAGE. PAN- try nu rorco. nearly new. with full lot. fenced: IVi blockn from ear & Smith. ICo'i 4th tU line. natSeld FOR SALE M, ACRE AT MT. TABOR. WITH new 4-rooat cottage; water on premises: price lata. Inquire 361- East 54orrlsoa or phoae JCast 2t7 ' 5-ROOM COTTAGE. PLUMBING FlRST cliw. batli. a basement: 5 minutes" walk from City Hall; 513; rallajmn. 100 2d M., top floor. . r - - Marquain Grand Theater . REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. 41-room. house, best location In We3t Irv Ington; modern in every way; furnace, hot and cold water all through; gas and elec tric lights; full U -block, all cement side walks; J5250. S-room modern house., Irvlngton; noth ing lacking for ono of the swollest homes on the East Side; U -block, beautiful lawn, tall for4, particulars. B-room. good. new. elegant house. Holla day Park; full lot. cement walks; this Is a good buy; only. 5oGOO. S-room modern home. Holladay Park: right up to date; nice lot; an awful good buy. at SZSZO. 7-room house, one of the bcst-bullt houses In Holladay Park full lot. beauti ful lawn and flowers; nice location; here, without the slightest doubt. Is one ot the best places In every way In this locality; price only $3000. S-room houiie. Hawthorne Park, on E. Madison at., and right up to date In every way; only 51200. S-room house In Ifolladay's Addition, near IsO at. : easy walking distance: very fine lot. cement walks, porcelain bath; all in good -shape: price $3730, m&CoiTlat house.glSdementfa0;! Improvements In; price $2200. 4 rooms. Laurelwood Park: sooii little house. 5S50. 0-room cottage, well-built, modorn little home; best part Sunnyslde. near Belmont; nice yard, flowers; $1000. f-room houe. Williams ave.. corner lot; good buy at $2500. S-room house. McMlllen's Addition, best part; line view, nice lot., cement walks; everything up-to-date; price 54700. S-room house, beat buy on tho market today, walking distance from city, good, .well-built house, good surroundings. I sold It once for $l50O; sell today for S3U0O; any old terms to suit. t!-rom house on Monroe st.. near Will iams; modern In every way. This Is surely a snap; cement basement, hot and cold water; only $2500. VACANT LOTS. Lot on E. Washington st-. near 20th; look at .this; price 5S50. -block on 11th St.. near Harrison. 51300 Lots In Highland, near car tine. Here Is surely a groat bargain; only $325 eaen. 7nxl0t oa Hancock st.. Upper Alblna. This a, snap. $(W0. 4 lots In Alblna, Homestead, all streets improved; lay line and In good location; only $300 each. 'i-bloek on Tillamook si: swell part; only 51G3U. or will sell corner for 000. ACREAGE. We have three 3-aere tracts near Lents. Soil first-class, lay nice, practically cleared. Tho very best buy In that locality; 5730 each. Terms can bo hud. . W have acre tracts on Woodstock car line; beautiful tract, all improved; will sell to suit. For prices and terms call at office.. TAFT & CO.. 273 Stark st.. Chamber of Commerce. GREGG BROTHERS. One of the best proportions la its lino ?f any In the state: 12 acres of very tine rnlt or vegetable land, on which there are 3 aerea of strawberries. 240 prune trees. ftf apples. 16 cherries and 10 nirs; a good it room house, barn 20x30 and other outbuild ings, windmill and tank, water piped to house and barn; 2 miles from olty limits; the price la tight; corno and sec um. INVESTORS. WAKE UP I ThH Is the greatest opportunity ever pre sented to you. There are thousands ot dol InrR to be made In ST. jhhn.S nrnoertv. Wo have some of the best bargains In that city it ana it win pay you to see us before buying. GREGG BROTHERS. Phone Main 5303. 317-1S Fenton bldg. 81 Sixth Street. . , EAST SIDR INVESTMENTS. , W'r have several choice proportion close In on the East Side, ranging In price from S!3iv to 523.C0O. that are paying from "V, per cert to 12 per cent on the price asked. ELLIS & KAHLKR. Room 21 Cambridge BWg.. 2iJ4 Morrison. S. W. Cor. Third Street. 5130rt WKST SIDE. 2 new 5-room cottage, modern, en 11th sc. a little south of Montgomery- .t-. and a fractional lot: eould be dlrkled and would make 2 neat little homes If desired: they bring $50 per month rent, which to be sure would make It a fine In vestment at the price; they must be sold at a sacrifice to settle some differences. See owners at 63S Chamber ot Commerce. 5350 HOUSE. 4 ROOMS. 2 LOTS. S0xt20; 40 fruit trees, water on lot; Woodstock. 3 blocks car line. Alvqrd & Alvord, 1S3 Morrison t. NEW, MODERN C-ROOM HOUSB. CORNER lot. one block to car line; $2000, ea?y pay ments. Hatfield & Smith, ItOHi 4 th st. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND 55.00 a month; from $75.00 to $200. CO. Sellwood Towcsite Co. Phone East 4704. TWO LOTS. 100x100 FEET. 4 BLOCK FROM ear Mne. In City View Park; $6w. Hatfield & Smith. 105t 4th st. FOR SALE BARGAIN DE3IRABLR BUILD ing location. 100x100: East Sth and Prescott. Owner. S 54. Oregonian. IF DESIRE GOOD INVESTMENT IN White Salmon. Washington, fruit land, ad dress C CO. Oregonian. $2750 WELL-ARRANGED S-ROOM HOUSE. Rurselt St.. near Union ave. Miller. 714 Cliamber Commerce. LOTS IN MAPLEWOOD. $15rt TO $200; 53 down and $3 per month. Alvord & Alvord. IS" Morrison st. $1700 GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE. EAST SIDE. Income $218. Owner, 603 E. Washing ton st. FOR SALE MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE ON easy terras; Wett Skle. A 47. Oregonian. NEW. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE In; 53O0O net If sold now. Phone East 4214. BUY ONE OF OUR $30 LOTS NEAR CAR line. Alvord, & Alvord, 183 Morrison st. HOUSE AND LOT. 211 12TH ST. to J. P. Brenaugh. 144 4th st. APPLY FOR SALE FARMS. CIO ACRES IN HARNEY COUNTY. OREGON, about 30 mllea south of the town of Burns: fine soli, living water, the ilnst wheat land in the world; railroad will be built Into this section of country In th near future; price. $5 per acre. The Hart Land Co.. loo Sher lock bkig. FOR SALE 120 ACRES. ABOUT 12 MILES southeast from Oregon City; 73 acres good timber; good wH and fine for farming; the timber alone is worth more than the prleo asked. $6 per acre. The Hart Land Co.. 100 Sherlock Wdc. LIST YOUR ACREAGE WITH US: WB NEED It. Alvord &. Alvord. 183 Morrison st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED. We want bouse and lot or lot south of Washington L We want lot or good house. Nob Hlli Dis trict. Wo want some lots, central Alblna. Al blna Homestead, or Highland; have sold six this week: have customers for bargains; bring them or phone us. Main 130. List any kind ot property you have with us. TAFT & CO.. 75 Stark et.. Cham, of Commerce. HAVE YOU PORTLAND REAL ESTATE for sale? We want 4t; buyers waiting. P 32. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. SMALL CHICKEN ,AND DAIRY FARM. house, barn, near car line. 5c fare: snap; - 500 year. Commercial Real Estate Co.. 306 Ankcny. corner 6th. t. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF -ALL KINDS. GUARA.V teed, mineral lands, titled, public land prac tice. We buy military bounty and war rant. Collins Land Co.. Steams bldg. TO EXCHANGE. WANTED TO EXCHANGE CENTRAL VA cant lots In Hood River for a rooming house In the city. Address B 39, Orego nian. TO EXCHANGE GOOD TIMBER LAND IN a flee location for merchandlie. Whitney Bros.. Irving. Or. 320 ACRES FINE TIMBER. ESTIMATE 5. C00.0CO feet, pear Portland, for city property. J 33. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE IMPROVED farm fo- Portland residence, 7 or 8 rooms. P.57, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. SELECTIONS FURNISHED FOR ALL clawert ot U. S. Government and state tanJn; al.v beat bargains la deeded lands of all claaseit and In any quantity at lowest prices. Write W. T. Burncy, 17 Wash, bide city. SNAP 3.000.000 FEET YELLOW FIR AND cedar oa railroad and. river, In Lane County: $1630. N 55. Oregonian. , $S PER ACRE 330, ACRES FINE TIMBER, near Cortland; 'estimate S.000.000 feet. K 58 Oregonian. - - -. itELJQUISHMENT OF .DESERT- LAND claim under canal. 4 miles from Irrigon. Or. For particulars address E. Middle brooks. Fort Steven. Or. TIMBER REUNQTJISHMENT WANTED Columbia River basin preferred. B 23 Ore gonian. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles aad Harness. FOR SALE NORMAN AND ENGLISH draft stilllon. weighs. 2000: iron gray, ago 7 years. Address Holbrook Bros.. Lexlnc ton. Wash. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month; special rated to busi ness houses. 6th and Hawthorne, Tel. East 72 FOR SALE TEAM OF YOUNG HORSES. 110O pounds: delivery horse. 1200 pounds: saddJo horse. 075 pounds. 266 4th. HOUSES and vehicles bough., sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 507. HSfhVEJ"CE? R RECT 1 or exchange. Hubert & Hall. 2CC Fourth. Pianos. FOR SALE A $360 UPRIGHT PIANO, standard make, party leaving for East; mu-t sell; If sold before Tuesday will aeceot $200. 313 Falling- bldg. . PIANOS FOR LESS THAN HALF PRICE cash or in payments; must sell. 10 Wash ington bldg. PIANO AT A SACRIFICE PARTIES LEAV lng city: for less than half price. 10 Wasa lagton bldg. UPRIGHT PIANO, sell for 5150 cash. ALMOST NEW; MUST 03 11th. cor. Stark. Miscellaneous. EDISON PHONOGRAPH AND RECORD at factory prices, delivered free anywhera on receipt of full amount of retail price; largest stock of Edlsos records west of Rockies. Send for circulars. Peter Eact galupi. wholesale and retail. 78U Ml3stoa st.. San Francisco. 30 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chines at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic. White. Household. Da vis and otners. to maku room for new stock Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Slgel. 333 Morrison st.. Marquam bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; moJ ern bar fixture; cheap prices. Brunswick Balke-Collender. 40 3d et. MUSICIAN?S BAND BLOUSE. "NEW" SIZE 37. dark blue, trimmed with braid, for sate cheap. Phone East 4017. or call 87 E. Sth. North. WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF NEW AND second-hand machine and will give spe cial bargains this week. Standard Sewing Machine Co.. 250 Yamhill st. SHOWCASES. COUNTER3. TABLES. STORE fixtures bought, sold or exchanged. Western Salvage Co., 027 Washington st. FORI SALE 030 FEET 9-INCH STANDARD pipe at half of new price. 51. Barde Jfc Son, Sth and Gllsan. Typewriters, all makes. a cost; rubber stamp gocds.desks. etc Coast Agency Co.. 231 Staric FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM ber of Commerce, or phone Main 2363. LAUNCH FOR S.'.uE. O. P. boatyard. 47 E. Water et. GRAHAM'S HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO EARN $3 TO $S day after completing course of prac tical instruction at home or in our schools. Graduates admitted to union; position? se cured. Coyne Brew. Co.. Practical Schools Plumbing and Bricklaying. New York. Chi cago. Cincinnati and St. Louis; free catalog. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: discharges positively cured la from 5 to 5 days: consultation free and strictly confidential: send for our symptom bUaK. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder Bis., entrance 233 Alder st.. Portland. WANTED FOR AN INTERIOR CALIFUR nia city, an advertising manager who h.ui had malt-order experience In tho drycooda line. Address, stating age. experience, sal ary expected and Inclosing photo. M 53. Oregonian. SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS and habits to represent nrm; of 13 years' experience In Washington; references re quired. Call I to 3 P. M., room 10. 4131 Washington st. Men. women, learn watcnmaklng. engraving. Jewelor wcrk. optics. Easy terms, position guaranteed: money made learning. Watchmaking-Engraving School. P. 1. bldg., Seatiie. INSTRUCTION IN THE CARE. REPAIR and driving of automobiles, at Y. M. C. A. night school. Course begins Tuesday. January 23. $23 for complete course. TUTOR WANTED YOUNG MAN. COLLEGE graduate preferred, to help youth of is. backward in Latin and mathematics. Ad dress W 52. Oregonian. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. ENPERIENC ed and otherwise, for established publica tions; libenH Inducements. Clyde-King. t3i Chamber Commerce. WANTED GENT OR LADY WILLING TO 'learn the photo buMnefs and takn Inter est In business; only small amount fiuuired. 183 Morrison. WANTED SALESMEN ON COMMISSION: htgh-grrfle underwear tnd seamless hosiery factory, to consumer direct. 311 Commer- cial block. LUCRATIVE POSITION TO AN EXPEKI enced fraternal solicitor; splendid oixning for tho right man. Royal Achat w. Omaha. Nebraska. WANTED MAN FOR THEATRICAL COM pany to take charge of programme; s-alarf $15 and expenses; must have $I3o. L 62. Oreqonlan. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE: WAGES while learning; position after S week.. GUI man's Barber College. 627 Clay. San Fran. Any Intelligent person may earn good lacomn corresponding for newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N Y. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN POi;T land and throughout, state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED A MAN WHO HAS HAD SpMH experience as railroad tralnhaml to otic -on logging road. R GO. Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH er. Address, stating age. experlenc? and references Q 60. Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. 10 BO LTCUTTERS WANTED. APPLY Western Cooperage Co.. room 306 Stearns bldg.. 6th and Morrison. UNION HOTEL FOR ROOM AND BOARD; rooms $1; board, $3.30 per week. SI N. 6th er. J. Anderson. Prop. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER: ANSWER, stating experience and salary expected. B 61. care Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address G. M. Campbell, 320 James at.. S attle. Wash. WANTED SINGLE MAN WITH $10o FOR light manufacturing business-. Address Y 55. Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR SOLICITOR or partner In good paying business. G 60. Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade: some money required. 260 Jst. WANTED MEN'S OLD C1.OTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 50 3d. Phone PaclQc 46. SALESMEN TO SELL THE CHRISTY HOB safety razor; new plan. 303 Stearns bldg. WANTED A MAN TO TAKE CARE OF A few horses; Inquire 211 Washington st. COATMAKERS WANTED AT ONCE. Co lumbia Woolen Mills, cor. 7th and Stark. WANTED DELIVERY BOY WITH WHEEL at once. 372 Morrtaon st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. SMALL FAM lly. 200 2d st. Standard Coffee & Svlce Mills. v WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call mornings. 330 Park st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN erat housework. Call at 186-North 17th st. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON S EC end st., between Sherman and Caruthers- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN CARE OF baby. Apply 533 Johnson' st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS DINING-ROOM girl. 53 -N. 18th. cor. Davis. WANTED WAITRESS FOR NdON WORK only. Call at 2US Salsioa. " J EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO, "WAIT AT DIN ner table, .St.-5th t. ' ;