Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 17, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Opens Debate on Rai'ifoad
" Rates in Senate
Question of Power of Confess to
Delegate Power Raised on Ajncnd
mcnt to DollivcrJBill Rcci-
ulating the Kates, i
- I
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. TJn.cxpectedly
the Senate today found itself considering
the railroad rate question, wliftch was pre
cipitated by Fulton's taking- the floor to
make a. brlof speech in exnflanation of an
amendment offered by him to tho Dollivcr
bill, giving- to courts of justice authority
to modify orders of the Interstate Com
merce Commission impostjng an unreason
able rate. He had not prc-jcecded far when
l no was switched from a general cxplana
tion of the terms of thfie provision to a
3 J!4flSSikthc principle twhich It seeks to
J csiablIsh7aK5-ei!f-r illebatc of the bill
t2r followed. TfV
Fulton held the floor throughout, but
there were many interruptionIs. and other
Sonators fully shared the jfUmc among
thorn being Foraker, SpooncKr. Bailey and
Clay. The discussion was listened to very
attentively by all the Senators. showing
the great interest that is felt in the sub
ject. The trend of the cdntrovefbsy was
all toward the point as to whethcar Con
gress had the right to delegate its Lutnor
ity to fix rates, and whether the T courts
may determine what is a reasonable rate.
Fulton contended that the courts? may
legitimately exorcise this right.
Rntt mnde a. brief speech in supphort of
the merchant marine shipping 01.1
Hoyburn gave notice that tomorr
would ask the Senate to name a d
voting on the pure-food bill.
Fulton Raises Rate IhshcN
In explaining his amendment, FultVon
said that the provision was intended l-n
prevent the enforcement 01 unjust m-v
crocs, and argued that, as the bill stands V
nun- n fnen an nrdnr should be iSSUCd it
would bo impossible for the commission
to change it until after great delay, with
consequent great expense.
He said, in response to a question from
McCumber, that he did not consider the
determination of what was a reasonable
rate In a given case a matter of legisla
tion, but rather for Judicial determination.
Foraker also took the view that such
action was necessarily a judicial function,
and said that courts fixing rates should
have authority to enjoin greater rates
than those fixed by them.
Spooner defined the present status to be
in accordance with decisions of the Su
Tirnmp Pourt. that the courts had" the right
to determine what rate was reasonable in
insinuated rases, but that the fixing oi
rates for the future was necessarily not a
judicial function.
Bailey agreed that the courts had power
to enjoin unreasonable rates, whether too
high or too low, but urged that no yOBV,
couia go upypnu uie chku hi iwuu
SSfdrKjlnionw make regulnnJcais for
trol of others than those intcrc
the given procedlng. - iWtJ.j
Courts May Fix Rales.
Fulton urged that the courts were daily
engaged in fixing future rates and quoted
authorities in support of the proposition
that the courts may fix reasonable rates
and argued that the preponderance of
precedents was favorable to that position.
Spooner interrupted Fulton to say that
he had stood with the latter in the opin
ion" that the courts had a right to deter
mine what was a reasonable rate when
they hadi only held a rate not to be un
reasonable, and, proceeding, Fulton said
he was not prepared to say that without
some legislation the courts would go to
the extent of fixing rates, but he believed
that Congress had ample authority to
confer upon them the right to do so in
certain cases. He argued that there was
no more exercise of legislative power in
fixing a reasonable rate than In deter
mining an unreasonable rate.
Spooner asked Fulton why, if the courts
arc to pass on the question of rates, they
should not be asked to do so In the first
instance. Why, he asked, should a com
mission intervene?
Much Work for Commission.
Fulton said he believed the findings of
the courts could not be made generally
applicable. He thought that the com
mission would take much work out of
the hands of the courts.
Clay suggested that a commission could
do the work at much less expense, but
Foraker said that it was proposed to
change, the law. throwing the responsi
bility upon the Government.
When Fulton concluded Daniel called
up the bill providing for the construction
of a memorial bridge across the Potomac
River at Washington and appropriating
S500.000 for beginning the work, and it was
Bailey gave notice that he would make
reply tomorrow to Spooncr's contention as
to the authority of the courts in the mat
ter of determining rates, saying that the
entire question was involved in that
Gallingcr's Pica for Subsidy.
The merchant marine bill was then laid
before the Senate and Gallinger urged
early attention to this subject. Scott
spoke in support of the bill.
The pure food bill was then taken up
and a number of committee amendments
were agreed to. Hepburn gave notice
that after the conclusion of the routine
morning business tomorrow ho would ask
the Senate to fix a day for taking a vote
on the bill.
At 4:02 the Senate went into executive
session and at 4:10 P. M. adjourned.
Ex-Convict Thinks State Owes Him
Iiife Job.
DES MOINES, Jan.. Id D. D. Clayman.
an cx-convlct, was arrested at the door
of the Senate chamber of the Iowa X.egis
lature this afternoon, charged -with
threatening the lives of Representative
H. E. Teachout and Senator C. C. Dowell,
because the latter failed to gpt him a job.
Clayman was sent to the penitentiary
for wife murder 12 years ago. .He served
out his time and then came to Des
Moines, soliciting a job during the legis
lative session because, he said, he had
served the state for 12 years. He also
threatened to blow up the Statehousc. It
Is believed he, is insane.
SIcrIffs Visit the Coucr d'Alenes.
SPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 16. Sheriff
Edward Bell and Deputy Sheriff
Thompson, of Cripple Creek, Colo., ar
rived here toctey from the Cocur
d'Alenes. They were accompanied by
Sheriff Angus .Sutherland, of Shoshone
County, Idaho, Sheriff Bell would ot
discuss the purpose of his trip to the
Coetir d'Alenec
All forms of scrofula. salt rheum and
ecxenm arcured by Hood's Sart&p&rttift,
the blood purifier.,
We have a number of
pianos that we propose
to put up for special
The sale will open
Saturday, January 20.
This is not a fire sale
neither have these
i n s t ru m e n t s "been
scratched or damaged
in handling. It is simply
another genuine Allen
& Gilbert-Ramaker pi
ano sale.
In act we have no
excuse to offer other
than that we propose to
sell these pianos out in
a hurry.
They are all in per
fect condition and. are
pianos of world-wide
---yCPhe 'lisbrinoluez
2 Bveretts
1 Hardman
2 Smith 6 Barnes
1 Wellington
1 Willard
1 Conover
2 Fischers
1 Mason 6 Hamlin
We have not priced
these instruments as
yet, but we promise
that the figures will be
substantial induce
ments to any one in the
market for a piano.
Watch for announce
ment of prices.
Sale opens Saturday,
January 20. ,
Ramaker Go
Sixth and Morrison.
The Oldest, Largest
and Strongest Biano
and Organ House in the
Pacific JSTorthwest.
"The Different Store" fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets
Twenty-Eighth Annual Clearance Sales Everything in the Store Reduced (Contract Goods
Alone Excepted).
If you can't come to the
store, order by mail, or
phone "Private Exchange
12." All orders filled prompt
ly and carefully by an ex
pert corps of trained store
A Monster
Sole of Curtains and
Fourth Fleer.
A big purchase by our Eastern buyer,
combined with all tho broken lines in our
own Immense stocks which have been gone
through as with a fine-tooth comb by the
chief of the Drapery Shops and a round-up
of odds and ends completed. Handsome
Curtains, big: varieties and the lowest prices
In a twelvemonth. You must sec the Cur
tains and the Portieres In order to fully
appreciate the values. An exceptional chanco
for housewives to save In the buying- of the
Curtains they will need to brighten up the
living-rooms after Spring; housecleaning Is
over. Read tho prices. .
Broken lines Lace Curtains to close out:
SI styles to select from. In Irish Point and
Brussels Net.
Herulur 14.50 value: clearance socclal.
the pair 2J58
Regular 55.00 value; clearance special,
the pair S5
Regular 56.00 value: clearance special;
the pair 3-35
Regular $6.30 value; clearance special,
the pair 3.75
Regular 57.50 value; clearance special,
ti c pair 4ZQ
Regular J $.00 value; clearance special
the pair 4.75
Regular 110.00 value; clearance special,
the pair -x- - 6.00
Regular $11.00 value: clearance special.
the nalr &30
Regular 512.50 value; clearance special,
tne pair - T.m)
Regular $14.00 value; clearance special,
the pair 7.50
'J, Regular $20.00 value; clearance special.
me pair ...........................
Nineteen styles to select from.
Regular $6.73 value; clcaranco special.
the pair t 3.75
Regular 57.00 value; clearance special,
tho pair 4.06
Regular $7.30 value: clearance- special,
the pair 4.35
Regular S8.0J value: clearance special,
the pair 4.85
Regular $S.50 value; clearance special,
the pair v 4455
Regular $10!50 value; clearance special,
the palr , 6.66
Real Arabian. Fancy Scrim and Novelty
Regular $3.50 value: clearance special.
ttio rtnlr .8 2.60
x Regular 54.SO value; clearance special,
I ii o nair ........................... tu
Regular $5.00 value; clearance special.
thi n.ilr ........................... 86
Regular 56.50 value; clearance special,
the pair - 3.75
Regular $7.00 value; clearance special,
the pair 4.25
Regular 5S.00 value; clearance special,
the pair , 4.85
Regular $14.00 value; clearance special,
tne pair 7.58
Regular $16.00 value; clearance special,
the pair $8.75
Regular $22.50 value; clearance special,
the pair 12.00
Regular $30.00 value: clearance special.
tae pair 17.00
Regular $37.50 value; clearance special.
Broken lines Portieres In brlftht red. nile.
dftrk xea, two-icne-cncci ana vnen-
Regular $4.00 value; clearance special,
the pair - 8 2J59
Regular $4.50 value; clearance special.
the pair
Regular $5.50 value; clearance special,
the pair
Regular $6.00 value; clearance special,
the pair
Regular $6.50 value; clearance special.
the nair
Regular $7.00 value; clearance special.
, ine jiuii ...........................
ft Regular $7.50 value; clearance special.
me pair ..................... . -. .
Regular $8.00 value; clearance special,
the pair
Regular $9.00 value; clearance special,
the pair
Regular $10.00 value; clearance special
the pair
Regular $11.10 value; clearance epeclal,
the pair
Regular $12.00 value; clearance special,
the pair
First Floor "Pair-Way" Annex
Sixth Street.
Our $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 values. Special
Clearance bale price, the pair... $2.69
Our $3.00 and $3.50 values. Special Clear
ance oaie price, tne pair 5i5.4U
Our $2.50 and $3.00 values. Special Clear-
ance oaie pnee, tne pair i.oy
Big Sale of Women's Party
and House Slippers
Will be continued and the price reductions
-will be more pronounced than ever.
Men's Shoes
In all styles and leathers.
!The "Pinpree," $4.00 value. Special Clear-
ance oaie pnee, ine pair iS.oy.
The "Pingree," $5.00 value. Special Clear
ance bale price, the pair $3.40
lien's Slippers
;Our $1.00 value. Special Clearance Sale
pnee, the pair 50
Boys' Slippers
Special Clearance Sale price, the pairM45
Women's 50c Overgaiters
Women's black broadcloth Overgaiters,
small and isedium sizes; our 50c value.
Special Clearance Sale price, pair.. 10
Women's Jersey Leggings
Women s full length jersey Lings: our
1 1 O 1 "II . .. n
5x.uu value. opeciai wea. ranee oaie
price, the pair 98
Women's Overgaiters 39c
, Women's high 10-huttoa Overgaiters; oar
fl.25 and values. bpcwu Clearance
Sale prij, the pair 89
This Is the Time to Save in
For the Home.
Linoleums Mattings
For Floor Coverings.
"0., W. & K." SEWING
The indispensable helper in home
dressmaking and domestic sewing.
All at special reduced prices dur
ing this sale.
Another Broadside of Worth
while Bargains in'
Silks and Dress Goods
55c, $1.00 and $1.25
Handsome plain and novelty Suit Silks, also Cheney Foulards, just the Tvantcd-now sort
of dainty, pretty and stylish Silks for making up the Spring Shirtwaist Suits and for
linings of fancy Waists for Summer donning. A swagger color line to choose from;
best regular S5c, $1.00 and $1.25 values in Portland. For three houra A CiC
only Wednesday, S to 11 A. M., only, yard .rU
AH -Day Specials-Peerless Values!
Thousands of yards of down-to-date
New Fabrics for Spring wearing arriving
Bonnet's plain and chiffon taffetas, mes
salines, peau de cygnes, louisine, Rosie de
mai; peau de soies all specially reduced
during Clearance Sale.
New Spring 1906 Foulards, in all the new
colorhrgs and effects. These come in the
new shower-proof finish. All at Clearance
Sale prices. .
An endless assortment of colors, makes
and designs on bargain tables at 57c, 69c,
76c and 98c per yard. Regular values $1.50,
$1.25 and $1.00 per yard.
Dress Fabrics, priced far below cost to
close this month. Spring goods are arriv
ing daily, and "we must make room for
them. These goods are divided in six lots,
that sell regularly from 50c to $3.00 yard:
Lot 1, yard. .26 Lot 4, yard. . S9
Lot 2, yard. .49 Lot 5, yard. .$1.26
Lot 3J yard. .59 Lot 6, yard. .$1.38
Sacrifice Sale Women's Apparel
Grand Salons Second Floor.
Read the Sweeping Reductions
All Fur Coats and Fur-Lined Coats 12-Price
Electric Seals, Persian Lamb, Blended Russian Squirrel and
Astrachans these Furs in all-Fur Coats or used as lining for
rich, handsome broadcloth garments.
Take j'our pick choose anv in the store: regular values S25
to $125.
All Three-Quarter Length Jackets
Regular values from $7.50 to $75. Mercilessly Tcduced.
All Three-Quarter Length Suits Now HALF PRICE
Regular values up from $18.50 to $75. Pay half and own
any thrce-cfuarter length Suit in the house.
Worsted Waists Reduced
A great sale of these pretty utility Waists started here Mon
daysweeping reductions throughout the stocks as printed:
$2.50 Waists Special at $1.88
$3.50 Waists Special at $2.63
$4.50 Waists Special at $3.38
$5.50 Waists-Speqial at 4.13
$7.50 Waists-Special at $5.63
In-between values at "betwixt and be
tween" reductions.
. A Great Special Reduction Sale of
Opera Costumes, Wraps, Evening Waists
For the Calve Event
All Evening and Opera Costumes...... A FOURTH OFF
All Opera and Theater Wraps A FOURTH OFF
All Evening Waists at $20 or over A FOURTH OFF
Regular prices on Evening Costumes range up from $25 to $450.
Good Bye! French Felts -$4.00
Wednesday's Millinery Sale
"Bijou ' Salons Second-Floor Annex.
Today we hold a grand "Farewell Sale" in honor of a lot of
exquisitely trimmed French Felt Hats, trimmings all in the newest
approved Spring colorings. About a dozen styles in the choosing,
the cleverest and most chic French shapes shown this season; all
prettily trimmed with flowers and dainty feathers the most
charming Hats you can imagine for wear just now. Afk
Come and see them. The price is tempting pfiUU
Blazing a Clearing Thro'
The Jewelry Stocks
WORTH $2.50.
Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons, all large
tea size, heavy weight, some with gold
bowls; included jn the showing is a large
variety of styles of spoons with different
handles, richly -embossed with various
subjects etched or engraved in the bowls.
These Spoons are very exceptional values
and are all very appropriate to send away
as souvenir gifts to your distant friends;
values up to $2.50 are included in this
sale. Special Clearance Sale price,
each $1.19
10c, 15c AND 25c SOUVENIR TRAYS, 2c.
We have a few dozen Souvenir Trays with
views of the different buildings of the
Lewis and Clark Fair. These little Trays
will make lasting mementoes of our beau
tiful Fair and are worth having if only
for this reason; our 10c, 15c and 25c
values. Special Clearance Sale price,
each v. 2
2 AS PINS FOR 29c.
An assortment of pretty white stone Bar
Pins. Special Clearance Sale price,
each .29
fl.35 SCA1F PINS FOR 39c.
An assortment of pretty white sto-ne set
Scarf Pins in horseshoe and wishbone
designs; values to $1.35. Special Clear
ance Sale price, each .....39
A Great Special Sale of
Fine Toilet Papers
First Floor.
5-ounce rolls "Gem" Toilet Paper; regular
4c value. Special at 2 FOR 5, or 30
C-ounce rolls "Majestic" Toilet Paper;
regular value 5c roll. Special, 3 ROLLS
for 10, or 40 dozen.
7-ounce rolls "Bestock" Toilet Paper; reg
ular value 6c roll. Special at 4, or
45 d dozen.
S-ounce rolls of "Waldorf" best Toilet
Paper; regular 7c values. Special..
16-ounce rolls " Waldorf' ' extra large size
Toilet Paper; regular 14c value. Special
at, the roll 10
1000 sheets fine tissue "Organdie" Toilet
Baper; value 10c. Special at, roll. .7$
"Sunset" tissue, flat packet, Toilet Paper;
value. 4c Special at 2 FOR 5
S-ounce "Waldorf " ypacket Toilet Paper;
value 7c Special at 5, or doz 50
Patent packet "Handefold" Toilet Paper;
hangs up handily; value 12c. Special at,
package 7
"Relegud," extra fine tissue in packet;
regular 10c value Special at 7
Large size, 16-ounce "Waldorf" packet
Toilet Paper; regular 14c value. Special
at 10
14-ounce rolls "Be&tok"k Toilet Paper;
regular 12c valne. Special at 8? or,
dosen .......904
midweek: SPECIALS IN
Women's Knit Un
derwear Shops
First Floor.
Women's $ 1 Union Suits 69c
Women's White cotton
Union Suits, in medium
weight, long sleeves, an
kle length, hand crochet
trimmed; regular $1.00
value. Special Clearance
Sale price, C(
the Suit
SUITS, $2.59.
Women's Silk and Wool
Union Suits, in pink
only; medium weight;
regular $3.50 value. Spe
cial Clearance Sale price.
Suit :.. .. $2.59
WOMEN'S $1.50 TIGHTS, $1.05.
Women's black worsted Tights, in ankle
length, good Winter weight; regular
$1.50 value. Special Clear- CI AC
ance Sale price, the pair...,....? I vJ
WOMEN'S 50c VESTS, 35c.
Women's white Swiss ribbed cotton Vests,
medium -weight, with French band, pants
to match; regular 50c value.
Special Clearance Sale price, each..''
First Floor.
WOMEN'S 35c HOSE, 25c.
Women's imported black cotton Hose, with
embroidered boots; regular 3oc value.
Special Clearance Sale price, ?ir
the pair
A big chance for boys who wear a 6 or 62
Hose. Some line ribbed, others double
ribbed; in Winter weight black cotton
Hose; sizes 6 and only; regular
50c value. Special Clearance, 10r
the pair '
CHILDREN'S 20c TO 25c HOSE. 15c.
Children's black cotton Hose, fine ribbed,
medium weight, seamless; regular 20c
and 25c values. Special Clear- 1 Cp 'rn
nnod Snip, nrire. the nair.. Iv Iff
What Housekeeper
Wants Anything?
Is it in This List?
Third Floor.
Puddlajr Fhhh 3-quart size, our 51.18 values
Special Clearance Sale Price, each...l4c
StiHce PaH With covers. 4-quart size, our
55c value
Special Clearance Sale Price, each 43c
Maffla Paaa Eight-ring: size, our 33c value
Special Clearance Sale Price, each... .26c
Round-Handled Bake Pa as 3-quart size.
Special Clearance Sale Price, each 10c
Seamlciis Kettles With covers, 6-quart size,
our 50c value
Special Clearance Sale Price, each 30c
23-inch bottom, our 50c value
Clearance Price, each .............30c
25-lnch bottom, our 60c value
Clearance Price, each 48c
23-inch bottom, our 70c value
Clearance Price, each 56c
31-Inch bottom, our SOc value
Clearance Price, each O-lc
Tabular Laateran Our 50c value
Special Clearance Sale Price, each SOc
KItchea Broonin Our 33c value
Special Clearance Sale Price, each 25c
Teapot 1-quart size, our 85c value
Clearance Sale Price, each 57c
1-quart size, our 9ac value
Clearance Sale Price, each 63c
Lip Preaervlasr Kettle 5-quart size, our 75c
value Clearance Sale Price 50c
Tea Kettle 8-quart size, our 52.38 value
Clearance Sale Price $1.50
Saace Paaa With enameled covers, 7-quart
size, our 11.50 value
Special Clearance Sale Price, each S1.00
Kettle With enameled covers
4- quart size, our 51.00 value
Special Clearance Sale Price, each 67c
5- quart size, our 51.25 value
Special Clearance Sale Price, each......8-lc
7-quart size, our 51.50 value
Special Clearance Sale Price, each.... 91.00
Table Tumbler Our 521.0d value;
Clearance Sale Price, the dozen $10.50
Champagne Tumbler Our 515.00;
Clearance Sale Price, the dozen ...37.50
Walaky Tablera Our 512.00 value;
Clearance Sale Price, the dozen 16.1)0
Goblets Our 530.00 value;
Clearance Sale Price, the dozen $15.00
Saacer CaaraBasaeM Our 530.00 value;
Clearance Sale Price, the. dozen S15.00
Cocktail Our 527.00 value;
Clearance Sale Price, the dozen S13w0
Clarets Our 524.00 value;
Clearance Sale Price, the dozen S12.00
Wlaea Our 521.00 value;
Clearance Sale Price, the dozen $10.50
Cordial Our 518.00 value;
Clearance Sale Price., the dozen fO.OO
Flasjer Bowln Our 526.00 value;
Clearance Sale Price, the dozen. .$13.00
Water Seta 1 decanter, 6 tumblers Our 517
value; Clearance Sale Price, set SSSO
Wiae Set 1 decanter, 6 glasses Our 517
value; Clearance Sale Price, set S&58
fVe hp exclBalve Portland areata for
Libber Cut Glas.
Great Special Barjtala in Havllaad Cbiaa.
We are clenlaic oat odd et of choice Dec
orated Dlaaer China at very decided rcdnc
tlOBH. ,
Steel Ranges at Special Clearance Sale
Vote MUST nenltlvelr he Rotten at time of
BurchaHe. Noae will he lasted after, either
en dBBllcate checka or etberwiae. Thl la
ahaalHte. Aafe for year votea at time of
Patton Home - - : J5T'5f?
Fruit and Flower Mission 104,381
Crittenton Home 78,S8
Salvation Army Jl,7
St Vincent's Hospital 66,358
Peopled Institute 47,836
T3aby Home N.4B,874
Jit. St. Joseph's Home for the Aged. 37,835
Good Samaritan Hosoltal 34,487
Old Ladies Home .- lM
Volunteers of Amcrida SMM
Open. Air Fund 8,848
King's Daughters of Marshall-Street
Church .158
Children's Home 5,831
Visiting Jvrse Association 4,848
Scattering ,. 31,888
Total ,.854,881