THE MORNING GREGONIAN, ;TUESrAY, JAN0ARr 16, IBOiJ. 13 rw-.s CHINA IKES FLOUR Larg e Quantity Going Forward in Spite of Boycott. mm KONG MARKET WEAK Dealers on Other Side Can Dispose of American Product "When It Is Shipped in Australian Bags. Japan S'ot Buying. FLOUR Chinese buying In spite of oycoU. HOPS Market activo and firm. DOGS Receipts larKe and market WOnk. BITTER- Supply and demand ven. FRUIT BluefioWe baHanas arrive. VBCICTABLE6 California produce So demand. CANNBU GOOD Rantera oyster pack ffeert. t t t Latest melt advices roeeived from Hongkong report the situation as to the boycott un changed. Saigon, Halfong, Bangkok, Singa pore and Pettsng re stlH csmMictjgy dosed, but some quiet buying r flour Is bolng done by Canton, Macao. Araoy. Swatew, Foeeboo Jtd Formosa, tber? places taking about 1 .., 000 tag wohUJ. The Honkgong flour market was stow at the last report and bad a weaker tendency. Stocks were large, hnvififr increased 400,000 bags of Oregon and Washington flour and bO.OOO bags of California. An interesting feature of the trade now Ib tbe demand for Oregon flour In Australian bars, or bags similar In shape to those uttud by Australian exporters. Theee arc taken roadWy by some of the CnttHe. who only comiidor the Ma ot the bags, particularly as the prieo Js satisfactory to them. Notwithstanding the boycott, a liberal quan tity af Hour J going forward to Chinese ports from tbte plare. though the new suelneee be ing worked Mp Ut not xtewdvf. The next regular Hmt to sail from Portland, will carry about lOe.uOO bags to Hongkong, and some reservations arc being made by flour export- ecrs on the steamer to follow. The Japanese market is moot Inactive. It was exported that after New Year's there would be a revival in the demand, but up to the prevent time the importers there have fcbown no signs of buying. DEALERS AKE A ITER HOrS. Strong Buying Movement It Still Under Way The German Market. The strong demand for hops that made last week one of the most active of the season continued yesterday and will no doubt be in evidence for some time to come probably until all the available supply in this state has boon bought up. There were many transactions between local dealers and between dealest of this city and Salem, prices ranging from 9 to 38 cents. Buyers who hav returned from the country report that t,be feeling there has become firmer. Among the recent purchasers from growers arc Wolf & Son. of Sllverton, who bought the Tresksy. Lindbolnt & Uowen lot of 171 bales at Sllverton. and an -83-hale let -a"t" Indepen dence. The price was not made public. Charles Llvesley, of Salom. bought three lots at Silvorton "5 balos from P. J. Cos at 9 cents, the Bressie lot of 54 bales at 9 cento and a lot of 28 bales at 8 cents. Sev eral purchases were made by other dealers that have not yt been taken in. A letter from Bernard Btng, dated at Nu remberg. .December 15. has this to say of the German .market: "Our market was vers active and lively In the last fortnight, and the tendency has de cidedly Improved for all descriptions. Ex porters and heme consumption have taken off big Quantities from our market, so Its stock shows considerably reduced; choice qualities especially are very scarce. It is thought ge. Hlly that prices have reached the lowest level all over for the year and that prices are likely to . rule higher lator in the season." -BANANAS FROM BLUEF1ELDS. "Three Cars of Fruit Reached Portland Last Night Vegetables In Demand. Three cars of Bluefields bananas, the first from that section In a Jong time, arrived last night. A car of celery was also received. The steamer brought up a good assortment of cauliflower, sprouts, radioheo. parsley, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers and artichokes. In fact, everything In the vegetable line except beans, which are worth 1(5 cents at Kan Francisco. The truck was all in good order except some of the cauliflower. The steamer also brought a quantity of lomon. The demand for the green stuff was brisk and a good start was made toward cloaning up the lot. Thore was a. fair inquiry for apple, oranges and lemons. Too many of the choice variety of the latter are on the market. EGGS GOING LOWER. Only Cold Weather Will Prevent a Further Decline In Prices. Eggs are moving slowly and the gradually increasing receipt aro forcing price down. A cold spell that would check the supply would prevent a further decline, but unless It comes prfces will probably drop, as the mar ket is getting tophcavy. Yesterday's quota tions ranged from 27 ',4 to 29 cents. Poultry receipts were nominal, but a steady trade is looked for after the market opens. The buttor market holds its own fairly well with adequate receipts and a steady buying niovemont. There Is neither a shortage nor a surplus, but a slight change either way in the supply would quickly affect the situa tion. Grocery Notes. The sugar market Is strong with an upward tendency. The New Orleans molasses market is advancing. The position of all Coast canned goods and dried fruits is strong. Latest reports to the trade are that the oyster pack Is from 40 to 60 per cent short on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: . Clearings. Balance. fjH?nd 'V $1,073,471 $218,673 Seattle 1,282. 02 330.448 Tacpma 010.80S 63.28S Spokane 654,753 103,739 PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour. Feed. TAc. eatilvTc5: 72c: bIucstera- 7c; 2?.oTfeNpVtonhlte fCed 27-50' FLOUR Patents, $4.30 4.70 per barrel: straights. $3.804.1O; clears. S3.G53S0 Valley $3 00 3.00; Dakota hard wheat? paN ents. $5.5080: clears. $5; graham, $3.25 3.i: whole wheat. $3.75 4; rye flour, local IlooIo"' ?3-25:iS3: cornmeal, per bale! MILLSTUFFS Bran. city. $17; country $1S .per ton; middlings, $24.50; shorts, city $18;country. $19 per ton; chop, U. S. Mills, l";0; Linseed Dairy Food, $18; Alfalfa meal. $is per ton. CEREAL FPODS Rolled oats, cream. 0 pound sacks. $C."5: lower grades. $5.22 & t.r0; oatmeal, steeleut. SO-pound sacks. $3 per barrel; ll-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground), 50-pound sacks. $7.30 per peas. $5 per 100-pound aacka; 25 -pound boxes. $1.40; pearl barley. $4.25 per 100 pounds: 25-pound boxes. $1.25 per box; pastry flour. 10-pound wicks. $2.50 per bale. BARLEY Feed. $23.50er24 per ton; brew ing. $23.50H-24; rolled. $24 25. HAY Eastern Oregon timothy. $1R.0 4.50 per ton. Valley timothy. $9Sil0: clover. 0j 10; cheat, $8.50 9.50; grain hay, S&Q'J. Vegelables, Fruit, Etc DOMESTIC FRl'ITS Apples, common, 75e 6$1 per box; choice. $1,2541.50; fancy. $2& 2.50; pears. $1.25&1.50 jor box; cranborrle, $lir..60 irt barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemowi. $202.25 per box; oranges, navels. $22.75 per box; Jap anese, fiOc ier single box; grapefruit. $2.75 K.25: pineapples, 4tf4.50 per dozen; bananas, 5c per iKHind. FRKSU VJ5GETARLES- Artichokes. $1,250 1.50 per dorn; beanc. 2flc pound; cabbage. 142c per pound: cauliflowers. $1.25 per dozen: celery. $33.50 rxr crate; cucumbers, $1.50 per dozen; head lettuce. 3tr40c per dozen: hothouse. $11.50 per box; peas, I2hc: bell peppers, 35c; pumpkins, JiCi'lc pound; rad !!, 25c dozen; tomatoes, $1.50gl.75 per eraie; grouts. Ct87c per pound; squash, 1 fifllsc per Dound. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. 0cff$l per pack; earrotf, G575c por sack; beetf, S5cW$l per saek; garlic, I0$12tte por pound. ONIONS Oregon, No. 1. Jl 45 1.25 per sack; No. 2. 7:fr0e. POTATOES Buying prices: Fancy graded Burbanka. 70fJS0c per hundred; ordinary, 50 00c; sweet potatoes. 2tj2'ic per ioud. DRIED FRUITS Apnfes. 1 If 12c per pound; apricots. 2fT12Hc: peaches. 10 '-j V 12HC; pears, none: Italian prunes. 5U i 0Uc; California flgn, white, in sacks. Sic per pound; black. 4S5c; bricks. 12-14 ounce packages. 75f S5c per box; 56-ounce, ?2fc 2.4(1; Smyrna. 20c per pound; dates. Per sian. 5 Oc per pound. RAISINS Seedl. 12-ounce packages. $9 Sc; IC-ounee. iisfl0p: loose mucatcis, 2-erown. 771ic; S-erown. "H crown. SSse; unbleaehM seedless Sul tanas. 04(7c; Thompson's needless, un bleached, 8Se; Thompson's fancy un bleached. 12S 12Hc, London layors. X-erown. wliole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.75; 2-crown. $2. Butter. Eggn. Poultry. Etc BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery, SOfWte per oMnd. State creameries: Fancy creamery. 27 32 4c; store butter, 16 EGOS Oregon ranch, 27ViC20c: Eastern, 2$ 2Kc ier dozen. CHEESE Oregon full cream, twins, 14 (g'lRc; Young America, 15 Bl6c. POULTRY Average old hens. 1214c; Springs. 12s lc; mixed ciilckcns. 129 13c; broilers. 15 16c: dressed chickens. 14 I5e; turkeys, live. 15e; turkeys, dressed, choice, 17fr20c; geose. live, pound, illc: geese, drestied. per pound, 1213c; ducks, 15 lGc; pigeons, $1f2; squabs, $2 2.75. Groceries. Nuts. Etc. 1 COFFEE Mocha. 2G28c; Java. ordinar', 1822c; Costa Rica, fancy. IS if 20c; good. lOflSc; ordinary. 198122c per pound Colum bia roast, cases, 100s. $14.25; 50s, $14.25; ArlHiekle. $1S.8K; Lion. $15.88. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1, 54c: South ern Japan. 5.3." i'. head, 7c. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. $1.75 per dozen: 2-pound tails. $2.40; 1 pound flats. $1.85; fancy 11H-POim1 flats. $1.80; H -Pound flats. $1.10; Alaska pink. 1 pound tails. 90c; red. 1-pound talis, $1.2$; sock eye. 1 -pound tails, $1.70. SUGAR Sack basis. 100-pounds: Cube, $6.05; powdered. $5.80: dry granulated. $5.70; extra C. $5.25; golden C. $5.10; fruit sucar. $5.70;. Advances -er sack bads as follows: Barrels. 10c: -Barrels, 25c; boxes. 50c per UK) pounds Terms: On remittance within 15 days deduct Me per pound; if later than IS days and within 30 days, deduct 4c; sugar, granulated.. $5.50 per 100 pounds; maple sugar. 15 lSc per pound. SALT California. $11 per ton. $10 per bale; Liverpool, 50s. $17; 100s, $16.50; 200s. $16: 4-pounds. 100s. $7; 50s. 57.50. NUTS Walnuts. 15ic per pound by sack; 4c extra for less than sack. Brazil nuts. lGc; filberts, 16c; pecans, jumbos, 16c; extra large. 17c: almonds. 14fcfH5c: chestnuts. Italian. 12 16c; Ohio. 20c; peanuts, raw. 74c pound; roasted. 9c; ptnenuts, 10 Si 12c: hickory nuts. 74$Sc; cocoanuui, S5&0c per dozen. BEANS Small white. 4c; large white. 3c; pink. 2c; bayou. 44c; Lima, 5?ic; red Mexican, 5c Provbtlons and Canned Meat. HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 12c per pound; 14 to 16 pounds. 12c; IS to 20 pounds, 12c; Cali fornia (picnic), 8c: cottage hams. S4c; shoulders. St; boiled ham, lSVic; boiled pic nic ham, boneless, 184c. BACON Fancy breakfast 18c per pound; standard breakfast, lCc; choice, 15c; -Eng-lhiB breakfast. 11 to 14 pound. 14c; peach bacon. 13c. PICKLED GOODS Pork barrels. $18; 4 barrels, $9.50. Beer, barrels. $12; 4-barrels. $0.50. SAUSAGE Ham. ISc per pound; minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 174c; bolog na, long, 54c; welnerwurst. Sc; liver. 6c; pork, 9iri0c; headcheese, 6c; blood, 6c; bo logna sausage, link. 44c. CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pounds, per dozen. $1.25; two pounds. $2.25: six pounds. $7. Boast beef. flat, pounds. $1.25; two pounds, $2.25; six ponuds, none. Roast beef, tall, pounds, none; two pounds. $2.36: six pounds. $7. Lunch tongue, pounds, $2.75. Roast mutton, six pounds. $S.50. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt. 104c; smoked. 114c; clear backs, dry salt. 104c: smoked. 114c; clear bellies. 14 to 17 pounds average, none; Oregon ex ports, 20 to 25 pounds average, dry salt, lie; smoked. 12c; Union bellies. 10 to IS pounds average, none. LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierces. 10c; tubs. 10ic; 50s. 10c: 20s. 10ie; 10. 114c; 5s. llc. Stnndard pure: Tierces. Iiic; tubs. 9?ic; 50s. c; 20s. ftc; 10s. l4c;-5s. 10c. Compound: Tierces. C4c; tube. 0&c; 50s, 0?;c; 20s, 74c; 5s, 7C Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc. HOPS Oregon. 1905. choice, lOt&llc; prime. 84 994c; medium. 7Sc; olds. 37c. WOOI.. Eastern Oregon average best, 16 21c: Valley. 24 026c per pound. MOHAIR Choice, 30c per pound. HIDES Dry hides; No. 1. 16 pounds and up. 164 18c per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 10 pounds. 15$ 16c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds, 17619c; dry salted, bulls and stags, one-third lees than dry flint; (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut. scored, mur rain, hair-clipped, weather-beaten or grub by. 23c per pound less). Salted hides: Steers, sound. 60 pounds and over. 10llc per pound; 50 to 00 pounds, S4 0lOc per pound; under 50 and cows, S10c per pound; salted kip. sound, IS to 30 pounds, 9c per pound: salted veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds. 9 ft 10c per pound: salted calf, sound. 10 to 14 )ounds. lOgllc per pound; (green un fitted, lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound les). Sheepskins: Shearlings, No. 1 butchers stock. 25 (if 30c -aoh: short wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. 405()c each; medium wool. No. 1 butchers stock. 6080c; long wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. $191.50 ach. Murrain pelts from 10 to 20 per cent less or 12(fl4c per pound; horse hides, xalted. each according to size. $1 ft 1.50; colts" hldec 25 50c each; goatsklnK. common. 10015c each: Angora, with wool on. 25c SI. 50 eftch BEESWAX Good, clean and pure, 20ff22c per pound. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 34ffC"ic; No. 2 and grease. 23c. FURS Bearskins as to size. No. 1. $2.50 10 each; cubs. $lfi2; badger. 23 S 50c; wild cat, with head perfect. 25ff30e; house cats. 5:5 10c; Tor. common gray. 50l70c; red. $3 5; cross, $5Ji,15; silver and black. 3100Q200; Ashen. ?5G; lynx. $4.506; mink, strictly No 1. according to size, $lf2.50; marten, dark Northern, according to size and color. $1015; marten, pale, pine, according to size and color. $2.fj0K4: muskrat. large. 10945c; fkunk. 40Q50c: civet or polecat, CSlOc; otter, large, prime skin, $0Jfl0; panther, with head and claws perfect, $2f5: raccoon, prime, SO 50c; mountain wolf, with head perfect. $3.50 5; coyote 0r1 wolverine. $66 8; beaver, per skin, large. $5(76; medium, $3f4; email, $161.50: kits, 50S75c. CASCABA SAGRADA (chlttam bark) 2JJ 3c, according to quality. Oils. TURPENTINE Cases', 89c per gallon. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7?ic; 500-pound lots, 8c: less than 600-pound lots, 8VJc. (In 25-pound tin pailfl, lc above keg price; 1 to 5-pound tin palls, lc above keg price; 1 to 5-pound tin cans. 100 pounds per case, 2Uc per wound above keg price.) COAL OIL Case, $2.05 per case: Iron bar rels, 15c per gallon: wood barrels, ISc GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 254c; 72 test. 27c; 80 text. 35c; iron tanks, 18c." LINSEED OIL Raw. In barrels, ZAc; in caaee. 59c; boiled, in barrels, 56c; In cases 61c; 250-call on lots, lc less. Drosed Meats. BEEF Dreased bulls. lQ2c per pound; cows. 3ff4c; country steers, 4S?4"c, VEAL Dressed. 75 to 125 pounds. &QS"-c; 125 to 200 pounds, 440c; 200 pounds and up. 3404c MUTTON Dressed, fancy. GQ&Uc per pound; ordinary. 45c; lambs, 7?74c. PORK Dressed. 100 to 150 pounds, 7ff7V5c; 150 and up. OQflHc per pound. Coffee and Ssxar. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. Coffee futures closed steady at & net advance of 10315 points. Sales. 81.750 baps. February. C.80e; March. 6.00fit 6-5c; May. 7.15c: July, 7.207.25c; August, 7.25c: September. 7.35 7.45c; November. 7.45c December. 7.53JT7.G0C Spot Rio. eteadv: Vn 7 Invoice, S?c; mild, steady; Cordova, SiQ Sugar Kaw. quiet: tair renning. 3 3-16c; centrifugal. 9& test. 3 ll-18c: molasses sucar. S 1-Sc. Refined, steady; crushed. $5.40; pow- oerca, .eu; gran u mica. fct. iv. SHIFT THE BURDEN Speculative Accounts Trans ferred oh a Large Scale. PROFIT-TAKING IN STOCKS More Interest Shown in low-Grade Industrials, hut High-Class Se curities Arc Still the Sus taining Influence. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. The upward tend ency of prices was continued In today's stock trading, but the movement was diffused into some outlying quarters of the market remote from the usual centem of activity. There wu a conspicuous showing of a cl& of se curities known in brokers parlance as "cats And dogs." This course Is viewed with dis satisfaction among experienced ieculatera. owing to the fact that It a feature of the culmination or every prolonged speculation. During the present speculation, however, stocks of thU clas have been stirred feevcral tlwes without marking the culmination ot the up ward movement oC higher grade stocks. The turning of the demand to stocks of the lower grade was much more confcMcuus In the In dustrial and miscellaneous stocks than In the lower grade or railroad Mocks. Too sustain ing forces In the latter deparunont were Hill for the most part among the high-class rarities. The Northwestern gran gem and Pa cifies were notable examples, the HJ1I .croup. Chicago & Northwestern and Its subsidiary stocks and SL X'aul alt rising notably. There was a continuance of the active profit-taking wWch characterized last week's market. The opening of the week brought In . con siderable volume of new outside demand and this was taken advantage of to Utwea the accumulations which were piled high by spec ulators during December.. The large trans actions for the account of single IndlvWuali were taken to Indicate that some of the heavy operators were taking their profits on large Mbos of stocks. Operations of the same claen on the buying side were traceable in the stocks which made new advances, and thin caused the supposition that speculative ac counts were being transferred on a large eoale from iecks on which large profits have ac crued into thofe which have moved but mod erately hitherto." The profit-taking was es pecially marked in the Southwestern Pacifies, copper securities and some of the coalers. The newn of the day to account for any of the movements was scanty beyond the con tinued relaxation In the money market. The approach of the Ume for the dividend meeting on Amalgamated Copper keeps alive active surmises on the probable rate, and Union Pa cific was alrtj affected by the dividend con jectures. Foreign markets took a tranquil view ot the Morocco conference upon the eve of Its con vening. Discounts hardened a trifle, however, la London and Berlin, and sterling exchange fell back a fraction In Paris. GoM wss marked down In London. Foreign exchange wai 'firmer. The reflux of money to this center, however, continues on such a large scale as to obscure the 4g nlflcance of the foreign exchange market. Sub-Treasury operation have already contrib uted to the market elnce the bank statements $4,417,000. Time loans for 60 and IM) days were made as low as 5 per cent. The strength of United States Steel pre ferred was an offset to the prominence of some C the low-grade industrials. The con stant profit-taking made more Impression on prlcea late in the day than at any other time. The closing was fairly steady. light rallies In the afternoon causing a reaction. Zjonds were Hon. Te'al tftlos, par value. $JT70,000. United Stales bonds were un changed. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sale?. High. Low. JWd. Adams Express ; - - 7. Amalgam. Copper. 31.S00 114 112;i 114 Am. Car & Four. 2S.2W0 45 43s do preferred.... 2.500 lVi Amer. Cotton CHI. 6.1H)0 42i 411 4U American Express 100 228 S 2274 Am. Hd. & Lt. Pf. 200 40 40 . 30J5, American Ice .... 6,500 45 4Jfc Amer. Linseed Oil 300 21 U 21 21 do preferred..... - ----- IIY Amer. Locomotive. 26.1U) 0s fJs do preferred 1.400 124 12 124 Am. Smelt, & IK- 61.3W0 1694 163 ICS do preferred 1.500 12 127 127S Am. Sugar Refin.. 26.100 151 14S IMVi Am. Tobacco pfd. XK) 105. 1064 105U Anaconda Min. Co. 21,VK) 266 2624 2 Atchison 22XO trt K; 05 1 do preferred 100 104 104 1W Atlantic Coast Line 3.400 1(3 1U2U 1 Baltimore i Ohio. 10.809 113N 114 114 do preefrred 100 Vh'M :Sis S BrookT Rap. Tran. 22,300 92 1H) Canadian Pacific. 3.700 175 174 174 Central Leather... 9.000 494 4S 4SJ, do preferred 1,200 10Si 1054 Cent, of N. Jersey 22 Chesapeake & Ohio 2,300 57, Ma 5, Chicago & Alton.. l.OuO WU M do proforred 200 0 M W Chi. GU Western. 9.WK) 22U 21 : 2! Chi & Northwest. 5.G00 248 2tfVa 23B Chll, MIL & St. P. 15,000 185 183i 183 Chi. Term. & Tran. 500 17i, 17 16 do preferred C. C. C & St, L. 2.500 109T4 10S; 10S4 Colo. Fuel & Iron 63.200 64i 60 63fc Colo. & Southern.. 1S,WX 364 35 3f.i do 1st preferred.. 400 71i 714 71H do 2d preferred.. 700 56 554 W'A CoRtJOlldatod Gas... 1.600 1714 1704 104 Corn Products ... is 1.4 do preferred 300 50i 56 54 Delaw. & Hudson. COO 227 226 22SJi Del.. Lack. &. W. 200 470 4C5 45 Denver & Rl Gr. IKK) 46 45 -if. do preferred 200 89 Ml 4 SO 4 Distillers' Secur... 2,000 58 524 52 Erie 51.400 504 494 COji do 1st preferred.. 3,100 S3 81 p2fc. do 2d preferred.. 1.500 75H "44 Y5S General Electric... S00 175 3774 17$ Hocking Volley 113 Illinois Central ... 700 179 1784 ITS International Paper 8.300 26JJ 25 4 2; do preferred 1,200 Sfi 8tH International Pump 500 30 2S 29 do preferred 100 814 S14 S14 iowa Central 1.200 34 33 38 do preferred 40O 63 C24 024 Kansas City South. 4.000 S3i 32 32 do preferred 1.100 64 64 644 7oulsv. Nashv.. 3.600 1544 133 153 Manhattan Tu. - 160 Met. Securities.. 7,700 75U 74 74 Mrtropol. ' St. Ry.. 7.400 323i 125U 1254 Mexican Central . 73.500 26 254 25 H Minn. & SL Louis 200 S2U 81 fcli M.. St, P. & S.S.M. 500 1614 160 150 do preferred 100 180 180 ISO Mlusouri Pacific .. 29.700 1034 103 104 Mo.. Kan. & Texas 6.700 39 394 3ai do preferred..'... 4.100 71 71 714 National Lead ... 16,600 894 85 874 Mex. NL R. R. Pf- 200 404 40 33 New York Central 10.400 154 133 154 N. Y.. Ont. & W. 1.O0O 53 534 53H Norfolk & Wewlorn 6.400 89 SS 884 do preferred 834 Northern Pacific .. 1.700 211 209 200U North American... 4.000 105 104 104 Pacific Mall 500 50 49 49 Pennsylvania, 40,700 345 utli 144 People's Gas 1.000 1054 1004 1004 P.. C. C &St- I. feu Pressed Ettel CarlO.GOO 60 57 534 do. preferred 3.700 102 101 102' Pullman PaL Car. 900 247j, 245 246 Beading 31.500 142 HI 4 n-fc do 1st preferred 534 do 2d preferred.. "COO 7 D7 Bepublte Steel ... 6.00 38 37 37 W do preferred 7.500 10S 107 ICSl! Rock Island Co.... 3,700 244 23 24 do preferred 500 62 624" C2 Bubber Goods pfd. 100 10S l( logs' Schloss-Sheftleld .. 400 S44 92 SCt St. L. & S. F. 2 pf. 200 4S 48 HBU SL Louis Southw. 6.CT0O 25 24 K 24 do nref erred..... 3.100 61 5Is: Ra: Southern Pacific... 14,400 C9 CS4 CS4 do preferred 3 j Southern Railway.. 59.300 39 3S 3S do preferred 400 102 101 1014 Tenn. Coal & Iron 2.400 361 100 36oU Texas & Pacific... 6.300 3CU 351 --.? Tel., SL U & W. 800 37 37' 36 do preferred wi fs s 07 Union Pacific 14200 157 356 156 do preferred..... -.000. HS?4 08 P7t2 U. S. Express 600 329 125 12S U. S. Realty U. S. Rubber 21.900 57 54 fai do preferred ... 2.S00 115 ll2fcl Hi TJ. S. Steel. do nref erred..... 64.100 1094 10SU tnstl Vlrg.-Caro. Chora.. 3,009 35 54 5414 do preferred 300 315 1H 314 WAbtth .. 30.100 23 22 22i do preferred..... 9,700 43 42 ,434 Wells-Fargo Exp.. .'. no WesUnghou-e Elec 200 170 370 170 Western Union ... 100 93 93 93 WheeL & L. 2Srie.. m 18 38 1S WIsoonein Central 2.700 32 31 31 do preferred 3,200 6 C2 62 Total sale.-) for the day. 1,572.600 snares. BONDS. NEW YORK, -Jan. 13. Closing quotations: U. & eef. 2a reg.l02D. A B. G. 4s... 100 do coupon 103N. Y. C G. 3s. 99 V. S. 3s reg 102Nor. Pacific 3s.. 77 do coupon 108 INor. Pacific 4s. .102 V. 8. new 4s reg.129 So. Pacific 4s... 91 do coupon 130i;nlon Pacific 4s. 103 U. S. Vld 4 reg-108 Wis. Central 4s.. 91 do coupon 103 Jap. 0. 2d -cr-.100 Atchison Adj. 4s 91 4 Jap. 1 4s. ccr.... 94 Stocks at LondoB. LONDON, Jan. 13. Consols for money. SO 13-16; consols for account. 9 15-16. Anaconda 13'Norfolk & West. 90 Atchlfon 9S! do preferred... 96 do preferred. .106. Ontario & West. 55 Baltimore & O..IIS IPtnnsylvanla ... 74 Can. Pacific l$0URand Mines 7 Ches. & Ohio... 5SlRcading 73 C Gt, Western. 2241 do 1st pref. ... 4SV C M. & St- P. -ISO do 2d pref 49 D Beers IS !So Railway 40 D. & R. Grande. 46! do preferred. ..104 do preferred.. 92 So. Pacific 70 Erie 51,'lfnlon Pacific. ...161 do 1st pref.... 84 J do pref erred... 101 do 2d pref.... 77 U. S. Steel 46 Illinois Central. 182! do pref erred... 112 Louis. A; Nah..l584(Wabakh 22 Me.. Kas. & T. . 40, do preferred... 44 N. Y. Central . . 15S iSpanlah Fours... 91 Money. Exchange Etc. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. Money on call, firm, 4fiC per cent: ruling rate. 45 per cent: dosing bid. 5 per cent; offered C per cent. Time leans, easier CO and 90 days. 5fi& per cent; six months, 5 per cent. Prime mer cantile paper. 5Sr4 per cent. Sterling exchange, firmer, with actual busi ness in bankers bills at $4.S06084.5C65 for demand and at $4.834064.8335 for tday bills. Footed rates. $4.S3t?4.S4 and $4.87CN-S7. Commercial bills. $!.&3g4.S3. Bar Mirer. 6Sc Mexican dollars. 50c Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, firmer. LONDON. Jan. 15. Bar ellver. steady. 30d per ounce. Money. 358 per cent. Discount rate. fcrt and three months' bills. 3Q3 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 13. Silver bars. C5. Mexican doilan. nominal. Drafts, sight. 7c; telegraph. 16c; Sterling on London. 00 days. $4.S3; sight. $I.S7. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. 15. Today's statement of the -Treasury shows: Available cash balance $142,471.37 Gold cola and bullion , 86.904,070 Gold certificate 35,7t2,0S0 POTATO MARKET EASIER LARGE ARKIVAXiS CAUSE VEAK XESS AT SAXFKAXCISCO. Strength in East'Countcracts Errcct of JJain in tlie AVhcat Pit. Pruit Trade-Dull. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. IS. (Special.) Stronger markets in the East and, abroad counteracted the Influence of continued good rams la California and made wheat options advance la the local pit. After reaching $1.99. May closed at $1.39. The rain caused an easier feettag in barley, but prices were not materially changed. Oats were firm. Foodstuffs and hay were weaker, as grass feed win soon be abundant. Larger arrivals of potatoes from river dis trict and Oregon, coupled with slower trade on account of wet welther. weakened that market. The top price for fancy Oregon Bur hanks from the oars today was $1.25. No business Is yet done In the shipment by the steamer Columbia, an only a few lots have been unloaded. Sweets were dull and weak. The market is bare of fancy on kins, and that grade firm at $1.'0. Ordinary stock, la quiet at $1.2091.30. The continuation of the storm cau.ed dull ness in . frenfe fntit. Jsyt, receipts were Kent and prices steady. Oraagea were In light supply, owing to the closing of Southern pack-Mg-houMs. and the market has a hardening tendency. Only two carloads of n&vcie were available for the auction sale. Fancy brought $2.25; choice. $1.75f 1.S3; standard. Jl.13gl.25. Fancy red apple were firm. A carload of Hood Rivers arrived. Butter was eteady and eggs weak, with no price changes in fresh goods. Eastern cold storage egga were 2 cents lower. Cheese was 9rm. Receipts. 17.cO0 pounds butter. 9280 pounds cbeeee. 13,500 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Cucumber, C0c$1.50; gar lic. S46c; orern peas, 0$7c; string beans, 12 16e; tomatoes. $lt0l.5O; egg plant. 51.502. POULTRY Turkeys, 17f?lSc; roosters, old. $4.SMrS.54; roosters, young. $6I7; broilers, small. $23; brotlem, large. $4f5; fryers. $3 8)6; hens, $4.30f 6.50; ducks, old, $3gti; ducks, young. $87.50. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 31c; creamery seconds, 24 c HGOS Store. 24fJ26c: fancy ranch, 31c CHEBSE Young America, 134J13c; East ern. 15f 16c; Western. 1414c WOOL South Plains and S. J., 1415c; lambs. US 10c. HOPS 7gllc MILLSTUFFS Bran. $IS.5O20; middlings. $2Sf29. HAY Wheat. $11616; wheat and oats. $9 8T14; barley, $5911: alfalfa. $7.G0T.0.30; stock, $.5H7.&0; straw, per bale. 2055c FRUIT Apples, choice. $2; common. 40c; bananas, Sl2.75; Mexican limes, $5.500; California, lemons, choice. $2.50; common, 73c; orange, navel, 75c$2.73; pineapples. $205. POTATOES Salinas Burbanks. $1.10SI.30; sweets, 7Sr8$1.25; Oregon Burbanks; SSc $1.25. RECEIPTS Flour. 24.166 quarter racks, wheat. 2371 centals; barley, 61SS centals; oatsv 2253 centals; beans. 40S sacks; com. 2100 centals; potatoes. 131,200 sacks; bran, 4S27 Ricks; middlings, 1437 sacks; hay. 707 tons; wool. 5 bales; hi den, 567. .Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 15. The official rleflng quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alta $ .01 Alpha Con 11 Andes 13 Belcher 1 Bet & Belcher 1.10 Bullion 24 Caledonia 40 jJufttlce $ .03 Uulla 07 (Kentucky Con. .01 IMtxlean 1.03 iOccldental Con. .92 jOphlr 3.30 lOverman 3.15 Jl'otosl 05 (Savage 42 I Scorpion LI I Seg. Belcher... .09 Sierra Nevada. .24 ISilver Hill 92 I 'Union Con 40 Utah Con 05 Yellow Jacket.. .10 Challenge Con. .1." Cbellar Confidence .... .13 .80 Con. Cat & V. 1.15 Con. N. Y 01 Crown Point... .09 Exchequer .... Gould & Curry Hale & Nor... 28 .16 .93 NEW YORK. Jan. 15. Closing quotations: Adams Con.... $ .23 iLIttle Chief... $ .07 Allce 2.73 Ontario 3.23 Ereece 45 Ophlr 3.30 Prunswlck C. .53 "Phoenix 02 Comstock Tun. .09!Pctol 04 Con. CaL & V. 1.10 Savage 44 . Horn Sliver... 1.80 JSlerra Nevada. .35 Iron Sliver 4.00 Small Hopes... .30 Lcadvllle Con. .03 .Standard 3.70 BOSTON. Jen. 13. Closing Quotations: Adventure ..$ 3.73 iMohawk ....$ 60.00 Allouez 44.00 .Mont. C. & C 5.23 Amalgamatd 113.12'Old Dominion 40.5v Am. Zinc... 15.00 Osceola ... 10 Atlantic .... Bingham . . . 34.75 Parrot ...... IN. Butte..... iQulncy ...... IShannon .... Tamarack- . . 41.00 89.73 310.00 111.00 10.23 49.7.1 11.75 07.00 132.00 CaL .v itecia no.w CntennUl .. 31.75 Con. Ranee. 81.00 Dalr West. - 16.73 Trlnlt- Franklin ... u. s. Mining. U. S. OH Granbr 9. Mass. Mining 11.75 iWolverlae JAicnigan ... iuw Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Jan. 15. Evaporated applefl are rather easy In tone and with demand HghL Common' are quoted at. 7QSc; nearly prime. 9c; prime, 9c; choice, 10c; fancy, lie Prunes are in fair demand and rule firm at prices ranging from 46Sc, according to grade Apricots continue quiet but steady, with choice quoted at 9(fl0c; extra choice, 109 30 c. and fancy. 31012c readies are firm; extra choice. 30c; fancy, 30ellc; extra fancy, llf13c Ral Bins have cot shown much Improvement In point of activity since the new prices took eff eel. The praeat sittutlcs Is without ar ther change. WHEflTFIflMALLDBY May Option Gains Half a Cent at Chicago. FOREIGN ADVICES BULLISH Continued JRains Delay Movement of Crop in Argentina Drouth In India Is Unbroken Small Shipments From ltussla. CHICAGO. Jan. 15. The wheat market was firm fer the entire day. At the opening, the May eptien wan up gCto 6c at SS SSc. From Argentina came reports of continued rains, which It 1 raid would greatly delay the movement of the new crop. News from India was to the effect that the wheat crop there had suffered damage by the drouth, which was All 1 1 unbroken. A minor Influence was the small shipments from Russia, the movement for the week being 744.000 bushels against 1 .004.000 bushel one week ago. There was considerable selling on the early advance, by nouses that were the leaders In the buy. Ing of last week. This resulted In a slight reaction. May selling off to &Sc before tha end of the first hour. At this point, the houses which bad aoM early in the day be came active buyer, and the market culckly regained Its former strength. May advancing to 89c The close was firm, with May up Sc at S7c. Early In the day the corn market was firm. Later there was heavy profit-taking, which, coupled with an official forecast ot a cold wave for Kansas and Nebraska, caused the market to give way. The close was easy. May oft 6c at 43c Oats were firm early In the day In sym pathy with other grains, but later the mar ket went oft on profit-taking by local Iotlc. The market ckacd steady. May practically unchanged at 32c Because of a 5c advance in the price of live hogs, the provision market was firm early In the seeeion. The reallztnga by longs, how ever, caused a gradual reaction. The cloae was steady with May pork unchanged. Lard was up a shade and ribs were unchanged. The leading futures' ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May .8S $ .50 $ .SS $ .83 July. S3 .53 .83 .S3 CORN. January 42 .42 .41 .41 May 5 . .45 .43 July 46 .46 .43 .13 OATS. January 30 .38 .30 .30 May 52 .32 .31 .32 - JBty 30 .30 .30 .30 MESS PORK.. January ...... ...... 13.75 May 14.20 14.20 14.07 14.12 LARD. ' January 7.32 May 7.72. 7.72 7.65 7.70' July 7.82 7.52 7.77 7.82 SHORT RIBS. January 7.32 7.32 7.30 7.30 May 7.65 7.67 7.62 7.65 Cash quotations were aa follows.: Flour' Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring. S5"3S7c; Xo. 3, 83864 c: No. 2 red. SSe33c Corn No. 2. 43c; No. 2 yellow. 4343c. Oats No. 2. 30e: No. 2 white. 32g33c; No 3 white 30fC2c Rye No. 2. 66c Barley Good feeding. 3Sc; fair to choice malting. 4140c Flaxseed No. 1. $1.19; No. 1 Northwestern. .2T Timothy ed Prime. $3.35. Mess" pork Per barrel. $13.70313.75. Lard Per I0O pounds. $7.52. Short ribs sides Locse. $7.35t?7.50. Short clear stdes--Boxed, J7.60iQT.75. Clover Contract grade. $13.50. ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 23,900 7,600 Wheat, bonhels 47,000 33,700 Corn, bushels 301.9CO 221,000 Oats, bushels 279.70O 232.400 Rye. bushels 1,000 12.000 Barley, bushels 76.700 46.SOO Grain and Produce at Nevr York. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. Flour Receipts. 19. 800 barrels: exports. 11.700 barrels. Sales. 12.500 packages. Firm and more active. Wheat Receipts, 93.000 bushels; exports. 1.91S.0CO bushels. Spot. Irregular. No. 2 red. 91 c elevator and 93c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. 90c f. o. b. afloat. From a firm opening due to higher cables and bull ish weather news from Argentina and India, wheat eased off at noon under big receipts. Rallying later on liberal clearances, damage reports from the southwest and coverings, the market closed, firm at c net advance. May. 92893c. closed 93c; July. S0Q0c, cloeed &0c. Hops Steady. Petroleum Steady. Hides and wool Firm. VIMble Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Jan, 15. The visible supply of grain Saturday. January 13, as complied by the New York Produce Exchange. Is as follows: Bushels. Decrease. Wheat 4T.021.0OO -1.795.000 Com 13.761,000 941,000 Oats 27.242.000 277.0UO Bye 2.333.000 40.000 Barley 6,023,000 162,000 Increase. Grain at Saa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 15. Wheat easier, barley steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $!.371.42; mill ing. $1.47 91.63. Barley Feed. $I.21SI.231: brewing. $1.25 ei.27.. Oats Red. 51-2&SJ.65; white. $1.5O1.70; black. $12381.70. Call board sales: Wheat May. $1.39. Barley May. $L21. Corn Large yellow, $1,309 1.35. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 15. Wheat. May. 86c: July. 87c; Nc 1 hard. S4c; No. 1 Northern. 84c; Nc 2 Northern. 81 c. Wheat at Taceaaa. TACOMA. Jan. 15. WheaL higher; export: Blueslem. 74c; club. 724c; red. 69c Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 35. Wheat March, 7s d; May, 6s 10d- Weather, fair. LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Quoted Locally on Cattle. Sheep and Hogs. The following livestock prices were quoted yesterday in the local market: CATTLE Good steer. $3.5053.73; fair to medium. $2.73t?3; 150 to 175 pounds. Jl.SOf 4.73; calves, heavy, $33.25. HOGS Meat, suitable for packers. $5,733 6; fair to medium grades. $5.30; light fat weights. 1208140 pounds, $385.23. SHEEP Good fat aheep. $4.&Oi4.75; choice tambs, $5. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at KaaMs City. Omaba and Chicago. KANSAS Crrr, Jan. 33. Cattle Receipts, 12.000; market steady to 30c lower. Native teera, $4.0085,90: native cows and heifers. $2.0085.00: stockers and feeders; $3.00$4.50: Western cows, 12.25g3.75; Weetera steers. $3,501; 5. 50; bulla. J2. 403. 50; calves, $3.06 7.00. Hogs Receipts. 000; markat steady to Sc lower. Bulk of sales, $5.1503.30; heavy. $5-25ff3l33; packers, $5.30tJ3.30; pigs lights. $5.0505.25. Sheep Receipts. 7000; market, steady to 10c lower. Muttons. $4.&86.10; lambs. $3.309 7.50; range wethers, $5.503.50; fed ewes. $1.30fS.a SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 33. Cattle Receipts Downing, Hopkins & Go. i Established 1893 WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce 4000; market steady to strong. Native steers, $3.5083.50; native cows and heifers. $2. SOU 4.00; stockers and feeders. $2.3084.30; calves. $2.3086.00: hulls, stags, etc. $2.00f4.50. Hoes Receipts, 5100; market active and a shade higher. Heavy. $5.27483.35; mixed. $5785.30; light. $5.2083.30; pigs. $4.30 5.10; bulk of sales. $5785.30. Sheep Receipts. 6000; market steady. West ern yearlings. $5.5086.20; wethers. $5.4083.75; ewes. $4.7585.35; lambs. $7.0O7.40. CHICAGO, Jan. 13. Cattle Receipts, 38, 000; besL steady; others, 10c lower. Beeves, J3.75S8.25; stockers and feed em. $2.4084.50; cows and heifers. $I.50g4.60; Texas fed steers. $3,508-1.33. Hogs Receipts today, 46,000; tomorrow, estimated. 34,000; market steady. Mixed and butchers, $3.0585.33; good heavy, $5,258 $3.37; rough heavy, $5.1085.20; light. $5.05 85.27; pigs. $4.75(35.23; bulk' or sales, $5.23 85.35. Sheep Receipts, 25.000; market steady. Sheep. $4.008-5-85; lambs. $4.758 T.65. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Jan. 13. The London tin mar ket wss a little lower with spot closing at 187 lOs. cr a decline of 2s 3d, and futures, at 1167 10s. or 13a lower. The local market wa dull and a shade lower at 36.75837.25c Copper was lower In. the English market also, with spot closing at 78 17. 6d and fut ures at 77 12s 6d. Locally there is still talk of China resales, but the general mar ket Is unehnnged with lake and electrolytic quoted at lS.75819c. and casting at IS.378 lS.87c Lead was 2 6d lower, at 16 15s In Lon don. Locally the market was a shade lower on spot, with quotations ranging from 5.60 5.95c Spelter was lower In London, closing at 2S. Locally the market was quiet and un changed at 6.5086.60c. Iron was lower abroad, with standard foun dry quoted at 52s lOd and Cleveland warrants at 34s. The local market was unchanged; No. 1 foundry Northern Is quoted at 518.7319.33; No. 2 foundry Northern. IS.25818.S3; No. 1 foundry Southern. $15.50818.75; No. 2 foun dry Southern, $18818.23. Dairy Produce In the, East. CHICAGO. Jan. 15. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; creameries. lS827c; dairies. 18824c Eggs Lower at mark, cases Included, 17 ISc; extras. 20 c Cheese QuieL 11813c NEW YORK. Jan. 35. Butter Steadj- to firm; Western factory, common to firsts. 15 &18c: Western Imitation creamery, extras, 21821 c; do firsts. 18819c Cheese Firm; state full creameries', small and large, colored and white, September, fancy, 14c Eggs Easy; Western firsts. 21822c; do seconds, 20821c New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. Cotton futures closed at a net advance of 3815 paints. January, 11.47c; February. ll.50c; March. 11.62c; April. 11.67c; May. 11.72c: June. 11.73c; July. 11.77c: August. 11.55c; September. 10.94c: October. 10.79c Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 15. Wool, steady; medium grades, combing and clothing. 26830c; light fine. 21g26c; heavy fine. 13g21c; tub washed. 3384 1 c. Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN. I1L. Jan. 15. Butter, firm. 27c pound. Sales for the week. 440.000 pounds. Heps In London. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 15. Hops In London. Pacific Coast, quiet, 2 1033 10s. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. YOUNG At 1400 Vincent avenue, Janu ary 13. to the wife of Harry A. Young, twin sons. BASS At southeast corner of East Main and Thirty-fifth streets, January 7, to the wife of George Thomas Bass, a son. BELL At 266 North Tenth street. Janu ary 7, to the wife oC William Bell, a daugh ter. Deaths. SCHNEIDER At SL Vincent's Hospital. January 14. Hilda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Schneider, or 692 Qulmby street, a native or Oregon, aged 4 years. 4 months and 5 days. MONISH At COO East Eighteenth streeL January 14. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Monish, aged 1 day. HICKMAN At 602 Carlton street, Janu ary 12, George Hickman, a native ot Ger many, aged 84 years. BOYLAN At 230 Beech street. January 12. Mrs. Caroline Boylan. a native or Canada, aged '84 years and 11 months. LEE YICK YEE At Good Samaritan Hos pital. January 12, Lee YIck Yee, a native of China, aged 24 years. Remains sent to Hongkong. China, for Interment. YOUNG At 1400 Vincent avenue. January 14. infant aon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Young, aged 1 day, MCCARTHY At SL Vincent's Hospital. January 13. Thomas McCarthy, a native of England, aged 32 years. KINC At 15 North Ninth street. January- 13. Mrs. Harriet King, a native ot Ohio, aged 74 years, 8 months and 3 days. REED At Good Samaritan Hospital. Jan uary 13. Miss Henrietta Carglll Reed, a na- tlve of Portland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Reed, or 74 IHoyt street, aged 15 years. 11 montns ana Jt aays. Marriage Licenses. MARTIN-MARTIN A. John Martin. 21, 8)13 Marquam building; C. Alice Martin. 21. SMITH-WOODS Dawson Smith, 21; Min nie Woods. 16. DARROW-LOCKERBY Nelson J. Darrow. 36. 240 East Thirty-sixth street; Jeanette A. Lockerby. 2S. CALLAHAN-M'CLUNG John Callahan, 44; Harriett A. McClung. 39. GILTNER-FORRESTER Edmond C. Gllt ner. 38. 6S6 Everett street; Zora May For rester. 19. RUK-ERNST Mike Buk. 25, 604 Thurman street; Theresa Ernst. 18. OSBOBNE-SCOUOALL Charles P. Os borne. 30. 761 Clinton- atreet; Jean M. Scougall, 29. BalldlaK Permit. A. M. ANDERSON Dwelling, Albina ave nue and Sell wood street. $800. A. M. ANDERSON Dwelling, Sellwood street, and Albina avenue. $800. O. T. SETTLEMEIER Factory, Union avenue, between Belmont and East Morri son streets. $1500, MRS. NAGREN Dwelling. Mississippi ave nue and Monroe street. $1930. D. J. AND E. R. WILLIAMSON Dwell Ing. East Twenty-fourth street North, near KUItngaworth avenne. $100. B. A. CAMPBELL Repair of dwelling. East Lincoln street, near Union avenue, $300. MRS. JAMES- DRISCOLL Dwelling. East Twenty-first and- Weidler streets. $1000. BUSHONO & MARKIEW1TZ Store and 'office building. Washington and North Sev enteenth atreets. $18,000. ARCHAMBEU Sc OCOBOCK Repair of factory, Hoyt street, between North Firth and North Sixth. $1000. J. B. HIBBARD Dwelling. East Thlrty- flrat and East Flanders streets, $1800. R. L. CATE Dwelling, East Gllaan and East Twenty-ninth atreets. $1200. R. L. CATE Dwelling. East Twenty-ninth and East Gllsaa streets. $1300. Real XUtatet Transfers. Sheriff to J. R. Cawthorn, lots 30, 31. block 1. Willamette Add., and other property $ is Sheriff to same, lot 10, block 14. inr Ingtoa Park, and other property ni W. M. Ladd et al.. to Alice McRoy Case, lot 4. block 2. subdivided E. block "Z." City 3 W. M. Ladd et al.. to Alice McRoy Case, lot 4, block 2. Park Add uq Arleta. Lrtnd Co. to L. J. Findley, lot 23 block 2. Arleta Park Nc 2 1 Peninsular Real Estate Co. to Ralph Zwlcky. lots 36, 37, block 5, Penin sular Add. No. 2 George W. Brown to Margaret Lewis, lot 24, block 8, Laurelwood 100 Roswell B. Lansoa et aL. trustee, to Josesh Closeet et al.. W. 73 feet of N. lot 8. block 4. City. 17,500 to lot 5, block 2, Manning's Add...... ..... sso Phillip Lawtoa and wife to Jerry R. Chehak. lot 3, block 131. Carutbcrs Aa , 2,100 Same to Seraphln J. Chehak. parcel lot 4. Mock 131. City .V. 800 Allstres L. Peacher and husband to American Trust & Investment Co.. 44.8 acres beginning S. W. corner of Alexander Brown and wife D. L. C... 1 Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to H. H. Andls. lot 11, block 10, W. Piedmont 300 ChArlea Johnson and wife to H. Harold aon and wife, lot 13. block 29. Cen tral Albina 500 Carrie F. Graham to G. Friederlck Rit- ter, lots 1, 2. block 31. Albina 3,$0O Security Savings & Trust Co.. to Jes sie B. Plummer, lot 1. block 64 Irv lngton.... ......... 850 George F. Heusner and wife to P.& S Ry. Co.. strip 200 feet wide across Alexander Brown D. L. C. sections 4. 5. T lN" R- 1 E- and sections 32, 33, T. 2 N.. R. 1 E 1 Same to same, strip 200 feet wide across Smith s Lake. Alexander Brown D. L- C. - j Thomas O'Day and wife to some, 503 acres beginning 10 Inches north of S. E. corner Cuthbert Stumo D. L. C. section 6. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E. I 3.000 . Dudley and wife to M. R. Thompson, lots 1 to 14. Dudley's Acres, section 6, T. 1 N., R. 1 E.... 5.000 Louise Eoldt and husband to Caroline Jacobs, lots 3 to 8. 9 to 13. block 9. Sunnyslde. caq Ceorge A. Merrill and wife to A. L Gill, lots 1. 2. N. double block "I." City 5 Maria Gerllng ef al., to Walter E. Jacobs, lots 10. 11. block 9, Sunny- lde. j Bertha Stelger et aL. to Caroline Jacobs. lots 5. 6. 7, 32, block 9 same addition t Caroline Jacobs et al.. to Bertha. Stelger. lot I. block 9. same addition 1 Caroline Jacobs et al., to Marie Gerllng. lots o, 9, block 0, Sunnyslde 1 Security Savings & Trust Co. to George A, Merrill, lots 1. 2. and E. 20 feet lots .. 8, black "I," City, and other property Albion L. Glle to Security Saving & Loan Co.. lots 1. 2. block "I," City. 1 Harry Brockwell et al.. to George J. Cameron, lot 6, block 21. Lincoln Park Annex J. E. Scott and wife to Henry C. Boyd" lot 27, block 30. undivided lot 28. block 30. Tremont Place 1 J? Davi9 to Sarah J- Patten. lot 20. block 23. Albina 3 000 Miller Murdoch, trustee, to Edward A. Fearing, 100x59 feet lot 39, Jlelrose Tract g,j C. S. Hogue and wife to E. A. Fearing lot 1. block 12, Center Addition 1 Andrew Buck to Richard Beadle, un- ?iv1ied,. N- s- of section IS. T 1 S.. R, 4 E 1 3.300 Frank J. Walker and wire to Charles f Jackson and wife, lots 35 to 41. block 3. Willamette Add 1 Charies F. Jackson and wife to Sarah Moore Heath, fame property 00 Claries Wlckland and wife to John H. AV right. lot 6. block S. Lincoln Park 3,000 Security Savings & Trust Co.. to J. H. mlss; ,ot 5 except N. 100 feet and jA. 3.6 feet, and other property, block 2. J. Irvlng"s First Add 1.053 Sime, tc c. V. Cooper. E. lot 10 and all 11. block 10. J. Irving's First Add. 1,200 T ode. .- Bra"e3 to Peter Meagher. iV T2?. feet ,ot 7 and E- 5 tee-1 10. block 11, King's Second Add 6,000 Gut"tav Kutzachan and wife to William Borsch, 5 acres, beginning 742 feet N., SO degrees and 35 minutes W. or 5. EC corner or N. B. of S. E. . secUon 19. T. 1 S.. R. 1 HL 50 Robert DInden to William Borsch, same property fco R. B. Randall and wire to William Sh. 40 acres F. & M. M. Nelson D. L. C. 1,400 The ntlo Guarantee & Trust Co. to J. woods Smith. lots 11 to 17. block 14. and all block 13. Holladay Park Add. 4.000 Tyler Inv. Co. to same. lots 1 to 7. block 51; lots 1 to 7. block 53. Penin sular Add. No. 4 900 AT THE HOTELS. The Portland R. Modjesta. Chicago; F. M. 'Smith; L A. Stelger. San Francisco; J. S. Conway. Mcntana; B. G. Kraus, New York; M. J. Gordon. Spokane: M. King. Victoria. B- C: W. F. Tucker. U. S. A.; P. S. Hoyt. New ork: W. A. Fay. F. R. Sheridan. "Chi cago; A. Andrew. C. S. Marshall. San Fran cisco; W. F. Mills. M. Schurcrln. New York. F. L. hulllvan. Buffalo. N. Y.; L. F. Ro barge. Seattle; M. J. Saunenschern and wife. Austria; F. C. Rlggs. Minneapolis; L. G. Smith. Denver: M. Freund. New York; P. Gordon. J. A. Finn. W. A. Leib. New York; J. E. Serve. San Francisco; G. Tf. Pelllssier. New York: C. E. Roesch. Dr. E. B. Robinson. San Francisco; M. R. 3Iaddock and wife. Se attle! J. C. Fraser. San Francisco; F. Nan and wife, city; P. McArthur. Detroit; J. J.son' San Francisco; C. Roberts, Philadel phia; General and Mrs. C. E. Compton. P. Compton. Tacoma; F. F. Rogers. Denver: J. D. Walte and wife. Montana; A. H. Hoefer. Aberdeen: F. F. Williams. Hoqulam; F. A. Boole. Blaine. Wash.; A. D. Hoch. E. Tuckr and family. C. H. Lilly, Seattle; H. W. Bow ers and wife. Buffalo. The Oregon H. WIegmore. Seattle: S. A. Koserd. Salem; W. B. Rogers, Miss Rogers, G. I. Kinney. W. R. Hendry. Seattle: Dr. Katherlne M. H. Btackford. Rochester. N. Y. -F. Pclton. SL Paul; D. Blere. Detroit; J. D. Scharff. city; L. H. Johnson. Eugene; James H. Morton. New York; Charles E. Olafke. San Francisco; G. J. Gessllng. Hood River; H E. S. George. Fairbanks. Alaska: Inger soll Moffat. J. J. James. Jr.. Seattle: W. D. Moreland. Ccntralla; W. F. Knox. Minneap olis; William Greger. Barron. Wash.; J. W. Hughes. New York: F. W. Benham. Phlla 2e,p.h.,a; Le Rov Wagner. Cincinnati; H. G. Scudder. New York; F. a Ruppel. James Vance. O. W. Dunn. C. A. Black and wife. San Francisco; L. C Ross. New York; C. M. Replow. A. X. Fisken. Seattle; William In gold. Western Union Telegraph Co.: C Klrk patrlck. San Francisco; Ernest W. Harris. N. C. R. Co.. Dayton, O.; C. Gran. St. Paul; Charles Kunn. Chicago; J. W. Montgomery. Philadelphia; C. V. Kuykendall. Edw. Wood. New York; C. W. Jones. Kansas City. Ma: B. G. Harrison. SL Louis. The Perkins J. Y. Ayer. San Francisco; Robert E. Trenstall. Kalama, Wash.; M. A. Milter. Lebanon; Greenville Holbrook. Fred E. Miller. Clarkston. Wash.: A. D. Sheldon. Olympla: M. S. Woodcock. Corvaiii rir . WE. Beckett. Columbus. O.; A. J. Ras'elo. fCallfornla: Frank W. Turney. Walla Walla: M. C. Polndexter. St. Joseph. Mo.: Captain Nellaen. Captain Downey. Llnnton: J. W. Shumate and wife. Euzene: V A. Trunrnxi- Tacoma; J. B. Robertson. Gresham; W. G. Dwlght. Tillamook; W. II. Galilean. Hood River; D. L Keyt. Perrydale; James Back house. Goldendale; Pete McGulre. Miss Bessie MeGulre. Aberdeen: Frank W. Hicks. John C. Hubbard. A. C. Schaeffer and wife. Se attle; Theo. Sattler, Lexington; W. S. Fuson, Seattle; John T. Brooks. Portland; Dr. J. R. Morris and wife, Lewlston. Idaho: Dawson Smith and wife. Bridal Veil; M. M. Preston and wife, Moscow. Idaho: W. J. Henry, San Francisco: J. J. Putman and wife. Shatford. Wash.; Mrs. T. Wlgman. Forest Grove: Mrs. L. F. Williamson. Cornelius; G. W. Flnley and wire. Falls City: C. E. Reld. T. C. Bolln. Bralnard, Minn.; Ben Gordon. New York: Anna Morley. Juneau: J. H. Waddeil and wife. Tacoma: C, V. Kuykendall. North Yakima; M. T. Nolan. The Dalles; A s. Marlow. Frank W. Furney. Walla Walla: John Larkln. Aberdeen; D. McCannon. llo quiam; A. J. Molln. E. W. Stout. Fred E. Miller. The Dalles; John Wesley. Sdo. Or.; B. F. Jacobs. Seattle: W. J. Henry. San Francisco; John Dobson. T. P. Brown. Che halls: Frank Church. Red Lodge. MonL: Ethel L. Brlgham. B. Benton. F. M. Gronley, The Dalles; L. F. Fields. Carlton, Or.: R. Robinson. L.-F. Door. Tillamook; N. Brodley; Dayton. Or.: Mrs. F. H. Clancy. Vancouver; F. J. Rutherford. Winnipeg; T. A. Hopkins. Hoqulam: A. R. Ashton. Denver; Katherlne Stella Johnson. H. Kemp, city: B. R. Brlerly, Seattle; J. Beers and wife. Astoria; J. F. Uhlhorn. San Francisco. The Imperials A. W. Dodge and wire. Condersfort; Laura D. Oxman. Stella; Dr. Glllls and wife. Salem; N. Goldsmith. St. Joe; D. R. Atkinson, city; J. F. Fletcher, 3an Francisco; F. W. Jewett. Hlbbing; J. Clute, H. H. Buddington. San Francisco: Mrs. Mar tin and child, Salem; EL E. Williams. Forest Grove; A. A. Davis and wife, Spokane; N. T. Butler. Dallas: J. Palmelln. Madras; W. J. Hills. J. D. Carroll. Seattle; F. a Davies, Berlin; G. B. Bollng. San Francisco; Helens Palmatier. K. Phyllis Palmatler; M. E. Ar thur. Spokane; Mrs. C. M. McArthur, Salem; A. C. Chaffey. Seattle; Mrs. W. H. Wilson. Eugene; C. W. Botsford, Chicago: F. R. Buchanan and wife. Hartford: J. E. Pennoyer. Chicago; P. S. Campbell. Eugene; A. B. Goodman and wife. Salem: F. Barker. As toria; C T. Hamilton. Roseburg; J. F. Hamil ton, Astoria: N. Clinton: E. W. Rumble. El gin; H. L Herb and son. Wllkesbarre. The St. Charles S. H. Zimmer. Eugene; R. O. Collls. city; F. Wlest. W. Wlest. Stella: C F. Struckmeler and son: R. Parrish. Rain ier: Dr. C B. Smith. Eagle Creek: W. F. Wilson. J. H. Barrett; H. Chelner. Sher wood; P. Currari. Scappoose: J. H. Ingram, Dayton; A. Van Kllnken. Zellar: S. T. Smith. Martin Bluff; James Deas; W. B. Payne and son, Moone. Ia.; E. Storts. R. Phelps. Eiltt Phelps: C J. Perret. Ostrander; L. J. Shlppy and wife. Marion; J. M. Williams. Eugene; J. Kennedy. Orient; J. M. Blackford. Clats kanle; A. H. Weatherford. Heppner; P. Fes ter. Redding. CaL7 C. H. Lutzgar. New York; J. H. McMillan. Rainier: R. Stoller. La Camas: J. N- Hartly. Kelso; T. Andere. Car son: A. L. Christopher. R. I. Young. New berg. Hotel Donnelly. Taeemn, Washington. European plan. Rate, 75 cents to $2.5, per day. Free 'has. 1 iiiiiui miiMiiiit