12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, . TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1906. MEN FIX II SLATE MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP PEO PLE NOT CONSULTED. That Candidates Will Favor Allies' i Principle Is the Only Guaran tee That Is Offered. SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. 13. (Special.) The labor leaders will "slate" the mass convention to be held Saturday by the laborltes and the advocates of municipal ownership. 12 the municipal ownership crowd does not like the list of nominees the labor leaders will submit they will have to worry along as best possible. This much of a guarantee will be given that the men put forward by the union men will be advocates of municipal own ership. That Is what the municipal own ership crowd say they I want above all else, and that Is the oasis of the labor union vote. That Mathew Dow. contractor, is the choice of the labor men for Mayor has been allowed to become generally known. The unionists have formally Indorsed him, and will put his name before tho mass convention with all the prestige that Roes with a solid labor support. Other nominees whom the union men want will be agreed upon at a conference to be held "Wednesday night. This con ference will follow the meeting of the Central Labor Union, and will partake a great deal of an official conference by all the labor leaders. Tn a general way the union men have decided that they want George Llthcum. a pressman, and John Hay. a stonecutter, nominated for Councilmen at large. H. H. Kulies. a Democrat who fought Turner in 1904 and who has been strong with the union men. seems to be the most popular candidate for City Treasurer. J. W. Godwin, chairman of the Demo cratic State Committee, has been train ing openly with the Municipal Ownership League, and his name Is In tho list of those with which the labor leaders are gossiping. If Godwin Is taken up at all. it will be as a candidate against Kulies for City Treasurer. Dow. whom the labor leaders will sup port for Mayor. Is a contractor who ha? always been friendly with union men, and who "was once Mayor of Ballard. He is a municipal ownership man and cannot be obnoxious to the municipal ownership faction. In discussing his policies, Dow declared today that he would favor the immediate expenditure of $2,000,000 to be gin building municipal street railway lines, and would advocate measures for gradually extending the system. According to labor leaders, they have no objection to the renomination of John Riplinger. who will he the Republican candidate for Controller. Riplinger Is especially strong with the German vot ers, and the labor leaders do not want to stir up any unnecessary strife by oppos ing him. If they have their way about It. that place will be left vacant on the labor-municipal ownership ticket. John E. Humphries, who precipitated the municipal ownership fight here, wants to be. candidate for corporation counsel, but the labor leaders declare flat-footed that they will not accept him. The mu. nlclpal ownership people will be allowed to name the successful candidate, but they will have to get away from Hum phries. PAID NO HEED TO WARNING Manufacturer Must Pay for Accident That .Coultl Have Been Prevented. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 15. (Special.) State Labor Commissioner O. P. Holt Is some thing of a prophet on accidents. Recent ly he was examining the machinery In a sash and door dactory and noticed a cut off saw that he considered dangerous. The saw was hung so that It would swing for ward and back in cutting off boards. The operator pulled it forward and It was pulled back by a rope which ran through a pulley and had a weight at the end. Mr. Holt called the proprietor's at tention to the saw and said: "Some day that rope will break and the saw will swing forward and hurt the man that is using it." He then, showed him how to put on a small at-' tachment that would atop the saw from swinging too far In case the rope should break. The attachment would cost 15 cents. Mr. Hoff made a note in his rec ord book of the time he gave the warn ing. Just seven days later the rope broke and the saw suddenly swung forward, striking the operator in the abdomen and missing the intestines by only an eighth of an inch. Fortunately the man will recover. A few days ago the proprietor of the factors' went to Mr. Hon to get his as sistance In avoiding a damage suit grow ing out of this accident. "I can't do much for you." Mr. Hoff replied. "You had fair warning and wouldn't heed IL I have talked with the young man that was hurt and he will demand nothing but wages for the time lost and the amount of his expenses due to the accident. He Is entitled to at least this much and you can't do better than go and settle." Mr. Hoff finds that nearly all proprie tors of mills and factories are prompt in putting in guqrds and protectors when their attention Is called to dangerous places They do not notice the dangers themselves, because they arc accustomed to being around machinery. Once In a while a manufacturer gets angry, hut most of them thank him for the sugges tions and proceed at once to remedy the EGGS AND PRICE OF MILL FEED Member of Millers' Association An swers Allegations of raulhamus. TACOMA. Wash.. Jan: 15. (Special. -The Washington State Millers' Asso ciation does not look seriously upon the remarks of W. H. Paulhamus be fore the State Horticultural Associa tion at the meeting in North Yakima. Paulhamus declared the reason why butter and eggs are selling so high is that the "millers combine," as he termed the millers' association, keeps prices of feed 100 per cent higher than they ought to be. A member of the State Millers' Association said todav: "Mills of this state are selling feed at such prices that California is buy ing it in no small quantities. if it were as high as Paulhamus makes out that state would not be buying the product from us. "Iowa butter is being shipped in here and sold for less than Washing ton butter. This is nothing new. This has been the case for 17 years that I know of. In view of these facts I do not see how the Millers' Association can be blamed for prevailing high prices of butter and eggs." DETECTIVES AFTER SIMPKINS Alleged to Have Been Accomplice of Orchard. PENDLETON, Or., Jan. 15. (Special.) Detectives have been here the past two days looking for L. J. Simpkins. alias Simmons, who is believed to be an accom plice of Harry Orchard, alleged murderer of ex-Governor Steunenberg, of Idaho. Simpkins Is a member of the executive board of the Federation of Miners, and is said to have been in Caldwell a few days before Steunenberg met his tragic death. Detectives have followed Simpkins as far as Pendleton, but here they have lost track of the man. He was known, the HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN -PLAN Rooms, Sl.es to $3.0 Tcr Day According to Location. J. F. DAYIF.S, President. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, OR. European Plan Rooms 75c to $2 First-Class Restaurant In Connection : HOTEL OREGON I ' CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STS. Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up. J European Plan Free Bus. : WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. I t officers say. to have been in Pendleton about the time Stouncnbcrg was killed. PACIFIC COAST DEAD. .1. V- Wheeler. FOREST GROVE. Or.. Jan. ".-(Special.) J. W. "Wheeler, an old resident here, died suddenly this morning from heart failure. He was a soldier of the war of 1S61. having served: throe years in Company F, First Michigan Volunteer Light Artil lery. He has been actively connected with G. A. R. affairs in the past, and had just completed a term as Commander of J. B. Matthews Post, G. A. R., of this city. Survey in Bed or Creek. "WALLA WALLA. Wash., Jan. IS. (Special.) Representatives of all the newspupers in the city made a trip up Mill Creek today in company with the City Engineer and superintendent of the waterworks. In ordor that they might become better acquainted with the conditions surrounding the prelim inary work in connection with the proposed construction of a jrravlty sup ply to the present city water system. They found the country covered with snow, but from their observations some of them are of tfic opinion that the nl leged survey made this Summer is for a distance of about two miles usoless. for the reason that It would place the pipeline In the bed of the creek for a considerable distance. ' An election will be held January 30 for the purpose of securing public In dorsement of the plan to Issue J2R0.00O in water bonds to pay the cost of the proposed extension. Tramp May Have Keen Cremated. "WALLA WALLA. Wash., Jan. (Special.) A barn belonging to Dave Macey, who lives Just cast of the cits limits burned to th; ground at a late hour last night, and from remains found in the ashes today Coroner Smith believes that a man was cremated In the fire. The theory advanced is that a tramp or some drunken man went into the barn last night, either lit a match or threw a cigarette down at the entrance and then went up in the haymow to sleep. The barn was burning so fiercely when the family discovered It that they could not go near it on account of the heat. One horse, some garden tools and vegetables -were also burned. Hail KIcclric Line Advent. ' ABERDEEN, Wash.. Jan. IS. (Special.) J. X. CIopp and Thomas Shackleford, of Tacoma, are here, it Is alleged. In the Interest of a proposed electric road from Puget Sound to Aberdeen. People gen erally hall the news with pleasure, as the railway service or the Northern Pacific has been indifferent for a long time. The Gray's Harbor branch Is one of the best. If not the best, paying branches of that railroad corporation. Its record for 1903 is said to have been unusually large. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL KlirOHT. PORTLAND, Jan. IS. Maximum tempera ture, 35 dep.; minimum, 34. River reading at 8 A. M-, 3.6 feet: change In past 24 hours, fall. 0.2 of a foot. Tal precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. 0.40 of an Inch; total since September 1. 1903, 19.08 inches; normal. 22.nl inches; deficiency. 3.23 Inches. Total sun shine January 14. 1000, none; possible. 0 hours and 1 minute. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wtnfi. S So STATIONS Baker City Blsmarok....... Boise Helena.... ...... Kamloops, B. C. North Head..... Pocatello........ Portland Red" Bluff Roseburg. ....... Sacramento..... Salt Lake City.. San Francisco... Spokane..... .... Seattle , TatooEh Island.. Walla Walla.... .ISOfO.OHlSSE J1C1 T llO'NW J,3S T l4lSE . 120)0.00 4 W .t32H).O0l. .( .142 0.18ilSE .'32VQ.O0I 4lE 3S:0.20 4.NE . 4410.54 ' 4W .14010.141 4ffi ..-.0 0.02 24'SE . t3S'O.O0f 4S U8:0.10!l4 S !32k).02l OlE . 148 T l20tSE . 4l0.04i30rE . 20!0.00! 4 N T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 12 hours the barometer has fallen rapidly and a storm of considerable magnitude Is approaching the Oregon coast. Storm southeast warnings are displayed at all stations from the Columbia River north and storm southwest warnings are ordered at Tillamook and Marshfleld. South to oast winds will increase to a moderate gale along the coast and later shift to southwest. General rains have occurred In California, Western Oregon and Western Washington, and snow has fallen In portions or Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho. Rome snow also fell in the Willamette Valley, but most of It melted upon reaching the ground. The conditions are favorable tor rain or snow In this district Tuesday with strong, gustj winds. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 25 hours ending at midnight. January 10: Portland and vicinity Rain or snow. Strong, gusty southeast shifting to south west winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Rain or enow. Strong gusty southeast shitting to southwest winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Snow. Strong southeasterly winds. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. NEW TODAY. $35-Lots on the Car Line 50x100 feet each for 523 Is the full pur chase price, all cash, Xor lots on the car line and river. The Hibcrnla Savings Bank hag sold, within the last 40 days 00 out of the 709 lots offered for sale, and will continue to sell until every lot Is sold. Irrespective of their valuee. These lots arc situated on Main ave.. which Is bow beingr improved. Title perfect- For particulars inquire room 396, McKay bid?., 3d and Stark ats. Snow Cloudy Snow Cloar . Clear Cloudy Cloudy Sleet Cloudy Rain Rain ICIoudy Rain ICIoudy Rain IR&ln ICIoudy PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Tint-Class Check ReslaHraat Connected With Hotel, C. O. DAMS, Sec aad Trail. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Room." "Roams aad Beard. "Hcsio. keeping Rooms. "Situation "Was ted." 15 words or Ins, 15 cents; 16 to SO words, SO rests; SI to S5 words. 25 cents, etc. No dis co on t for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "Xtw Today, SO cents far 15 words or less; 1C to SO words, 40 crats; SI to S5 words, 50 rents, etc. Srst insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-halt; so text her discount aa der one month. "NEW TODAY' (pa ace measure state). 15 rent per line, first insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad drrhsetl care The Orrgoalan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed la sealed rn elopes. No stamp 1 required on such letters. The OregonlaH trill not be responsible for error In advertisements taken through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Portland Auction nooras. 211 Fim street. Sale at 2 I M. C. I- Ford, auction cer. At Oilman's Auction Rooms. 413 Washing ton at 10 A. M. S. U N. Gllman, auc tioneer. At Raker" Auction Howe, earner AMer and Park strwti". Sale at 10 e'etock. Gm. Baker & Co.. auctioneers. '! J. T. Wlln. at the. Witch Hazel room-Ing-houfc. Front and Madteos. at 10 A. XI. J. T. WHstm. auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 33 Sftectal "mi mwtleaffoH will lc licM this (Tuesday) even las. January 10. at 7:30 P. M. Work In E. A. degree. Vleltlng brethren welcome. By order or I. W. PRATT. Sec ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. 1. I. O. O. F. Special meeting thin (Tuesday) evening. January Hi. at 7:."W o'clock. Oddfellows Tem ple. Patriarchal and G. R. decree. Visitors welcome. E. E. SHARON. Scribe WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. IS. R. A. M. Special convocation this Tuesday) evening. January 16. HXi6. at T-3A n.lwt- r.t.nn1. 17.11 T5...', hard hid?. Mark Master degree. Visitors wel come. By order E. H. P. E. K. SHARON. Secretary. A. & A. S. RITE. Alns worth Chapter tf Re Croix. No. 1. Regular meeting In Me morial Hall. Scottish Rite Ca thedral this evening at S o'clock. By order WISE MASTER. I THE 1 V " I - IT ittnTik .i -.--..-- . ..... ....... -xi. ..ii.rai mr eiocKnnta- ?CT?.. ,h. ph" Metal Extract Ion Company . wilt he hiLl --m r T - j lOdfi. at the fllec' of W. H. C. Sugg. Van- iwvcr. uarci. JU. M. lUKuK, Sec DIED. WALSH In thin city, January 15. 1900. J h F. Walsh. agtsl 40 years. FUNERAL NOTICES. STEIGLEDER In this elty. at 356 Ruwell sc. Jan. 14. 1P06. Emll R. Stelgleder. aged 40 yearc. 2 month. 4 days. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 1 o'clock, from Zeller-Byrnes Co. chapel. 273 Russell t. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. Mr. Stelgleder was a member f Newberg Camp. W. O. W. Friends respectfully invited to attend. RASMt'SEN At Oakland. Cat. Jan. 11. lim, Rasmus Edward Raareuscn. aged 25 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral service, which will be held at Flnley chapel, at 2 P. M. today. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. The deceased was a member of George Wash ington Camp, W. O. W. FOGBL In this city. January 14. 1000. Isaac Fogei. aged IH) yearn, father of Mrs. S. Felt, this elty. aad Louis Fogel. Aberdeen, Wash, friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at II ol man's chapel, corner 3d and Salmon at 9 A. M. today. Tuesday, January 10. 1900. BLAIR At the family restdeace. near Syca more Station. Allen Blair, aged 50 years. 7 months and IS day. Friends and acquaint ances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the family residence, near Sycamore Station on the Ores ham car line, at 11 A. M. today.' A member of Knlchts aad Ladles of Stcurlty. 3. V. XTNT.EY & SON Fnn-ml directors and embalsiers. No. 2S1 3d st, ear. Madison. Day or night calls promptly attended. Ex Bcrlenced lady assistant when desired. Of Rce of County Ceroaer. Phoae Mala 9. DUNNING. MTENTEE GILBAUGH. Sae cestors to Dbb&Ibc & Campion, undertakers end embalm cm; modern la every detail: 7 th and Piae. I'heBe Mala 430. Lady aaslstaat. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers uj etnbalmers. hare moved to their aew build ing. Third aad aalsaoa. lady aesUiaat. Telephone No. 67. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 32- ZELLEB-BTRNES CO, Undertakers. E. ba Users. 273 KusseU. East IMS. Lady asa't. TONSETH & CO, florUts. Artistic floral deUgns. 123 Cth st. Phone Main 5105. 2EW TO DAT. S1375 Takes It 274x100 ft. on North- rup, near This Is a nice level lot. up to grade, con crete sidewalk and street Improved, fac ing on car line. This is a rare opportu nity to secure a fine home site In one of the best residence localities for compara tively little money. C H. KOREL.L. 251 Washington st. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELU StS-3 McKay feW- Third 'and Stark at. $1750 Special S3 1-3x103 feet, choice loca tion on Mar shall hiltAKn bitulithlc street Im- fcvcfc im provement. This is an exceptional chance. bo don't miss It. G H. KORELI, Si Laundry or Factory Site Over one acre sood Improvements: 13 min utes walk from postolTIce; near car line; west aide: JSJW0; owaer. lock box S&S, city. AMUSEMENTS. Marq it am P.Pifi' Tit a afar Phoaei uaui uiauu lubaivi Mala 848. THE EMINENT TRAGEDIAN AND ACTOR LOUIS JAMES Supported by an Excellent Company of Players. Thursday night. Jin. IS "Richelieu." Friday night. Jan. 19 "Vlrglnlus." Sat. nlfcht, Jan. 20 "InRomar." Sat. matinee. Jan. 20. "InRomar." MATINEE PRICES 23c. 33c 30c, 73c SI. NIGHT PRICES 23c 33c 30c 73c 31. 31-30. SEATS ARE NOW SELLING. Baker Theater r.rn Yamhill and Third St. Phone Main 1907. THE HOME OF MUSICAL BURLESQUE. Toalcht All Week Barjrala MatlBee Wed nesday: 23c to Any Seat. THE ALCAZAR BEAUTIES Direct from the Alcazar Theater. New York Maids. Mirth. MelodyTwo Burlettas. THE ROMANCE OF A SUITCASE" and "A MIDNIGHT DREAM." Saturday Matinee Is the last performance. Nlcht Prices 23c 33c, 30c 73c: Saturday Matinee. 13c 23c 35c 30c: Wednesday Mat inee. (Special) 23c any seat. Next Attract lea WATSON'S ORIENTALS. Empire Thnotnn ln!(ttiH.ritu Itan Mttalll MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manater. This week's attrac tion the sensation al melodrama. "HER MARRIAGE VOW. With Alleen May. the popular lead in r woman. Matinee Saturday: evening prices 13c 23c 33c 50c: matinee 10c. 13c. 23c. Next week AlphoeV! & Gaoton. Y. M. C. A. AUDITORIUM Three Nlshts TONIGHT. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. The only woman VUosophlst on the lecture platform. Katherine M. H. Blackford, M. D.LV. The distinguished phrenologist of the BOSTON SCHOOL OF VITOSOPHY. will deliver a su perbly Illustrated course of Katherlne it H. Blackford. 31. D. V. Free Lectures on Character TonlRht. January W. "Vltosophy," free. S P. 31.; Wednesday nlcht. "Choice of Occu pation." free; Thursday nls:ht. "Health," free Phrenological examination dally at Oregon Hotel. STAR THEATER Week of January 13. Tony Ryder's Educated Monkeys SeamanAdums Ro-ern The Hal de Koret Co. Trlxeria Robinson. Carlton Ostrander W. E. Hartford. PRICES: fctarocope. 10c to nil part? of houe except boxes. GRAND thIh1vyerof MRS. GEN. TOM THUMB Asftifttcd by Count and Baron Macrl. Toper and Toper, Auer and Dr Onzo. Bonnie Cruz. Walter nnd Slmdrick. Harold Hon. Grandl-trope. NOTICE Special Children's Matinee Satur day. January 20. TWO performances will be given from 2.30 to 4 P. M. Fourth and Stark Sis. I PANTAGES Feature Act. Only EIGHT FAMOUS HOLLOS. Del Adelphta. John P. Ilrare and Company. !y Ojcdea and Company. J.o White La I tone. Hlorranh. , Selected Orchestra. Performance,, daily at 2;30. 7:30 and 0 P. M. Admission. TEN cents, with seven rows at 20 cents. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELR. BOUGHT. MADE yvr. ex chan Red; diamonds, precious stones. loo5e and mounted: watcher Jewelry, re paired. Uncle Myer. Jeweler. H3 3d-Alder. Fred Westcrdal. 217 OrVn bids. Graduate Stockholm: massage aad Swedish movement. Professional Men Scliooltcacliers, bookkeepers, rne clianics, in fact everyone earning a steady income should have a check ing account in order that they may pay their bills by check, thereby es tablishing a credit as well as guard ing against disputes. Besides, we pay 3 per cent interest on daily balances of check accounts. Title Guarantee S Trust Co. 240 Washington Street. (Corner Second Street.) PORTLAND, OREGON. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block Phono Clay 228. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WOODSTOCK IF YOU WANT HOUSES OR lots, reasonable prices, apply to roe. Phone East 33CS. notary public C. L. Parker. Woodstock. A FINE. MODERN S-ROOM COTTAGE AT ML Tabor, for sale at a great harraln; terms to suit; lot 3SxlOO ft. Address L 49. Oregon tan. 515CO SMALL MONTHLY PATMENTS. NEW modern houec basement, beautifully tinted walls, upper Alblna. T -iS. Oregonian. $2730 WELL-ARRANGED S-ROOM HOUSE and large lot,' RukvII sL. near Union ave. D. Milter, 714 Chamber of Commerce. FULL QUARTER BLOCK ON KILLINGS worth ave.. near car barn: must be sold tuon. B. S. Cook &. Co., 231 Alder st. A CHOICE OF 3 NEW. MODERN. UP-TO-dste O-room houses. $2000. on Installment plan. Hatfield Sc. Smith. 1C3 -(th st. SELLWOOD LOTS. 53.00 DOWN AND 33.U) a month; from $73.00 to $200.00. Sell wood Townstte Co. Phone East 4704. SNAP FULL LOT. SOUTHEAST CORNER 19th and Schuyler. Irvlncton. $1000; easy terms. Owner, Phone East 5. BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT 30x100. 2ITH and E. Couch. $S30. See owner. A. C Flory. 40 Front. Phone Main CG34. 6-ROOM HOUSE AND CdxlSO FEET. ST. Johns: a bargain. $1300. B. S. Cook &. Co., 231 Alder L 2 LOTS. 100x100 FEET. FENCED: 4 BLOCKS from car line; $300. Hatfield &. Smith. 1G5H 4th SU A 4-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH. ON MISSOURI and Cook aves.: terms same as rent. X Y, Oregonian. 1JZ1 ACRES. NEAR E. 43D ST.. $732: SIGHT ly lot. South Portland. $330. 419 McKay bldg. 2 CHOICE LOTS. EAST 2STH AND CLIN ton, c car Use. 253 Vi Washington. Room 5. NEW MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE In; $3030 act It 9ld now. Phone East 4214. FOUR FULL LOTS. 11TK AND PRESCOTT. $2M tsck, B. S. Cook Jfc Co.. 2SI Aldr ac FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOME REAL, ESTATE. BARGAINS. TAFT & CO. 6 Chamber of Commerce. 275 Stark. G-room new house on Monroe st.. near Williams ave.; cement basement, bath, hot &nd cold water: only $2300. part cash. O-room house Montavllla; corner lot; splendid location; modern house, hath, hot and cold water. Price only $1S00; good terms. 4- room cottage, 2 blocks south of Haw thorne car-line, near 44th St.; city water, good woodshed. Price $1000: terms to suit. 6- room house on Tillamook st.. near Sth st.; modern In every way: cement base ment: piped for furnace. Here is & good bargain, only $2C30; $500 cash. 9-room modern house. Irvlngton. block: cement sidewalk, all In. streets all im proved, beautiful lawn, all modern In every respect; large fireplace large receptloa-hall. many up-to-date improvements and convent, ences that cannot mention in this ad. MODEL HOUSE. 7 rooms, one of the swellest places In Holladay Park; this house was built by day labor; no contract business here; BOO choice rose hushes, elegant lawn, with rustic stats and chairs; this Is surely an ideal home for any one; for price and term call at cfilce. 275 Stark st.. Chamber of Commerce. 5- room house, fine U -block, beautiful lawn. Here Is one of the most modern homes In the city. A $7000 property. Our price now. $5730. S-room modern house, best part Mc Mlllen's Addition: very fine view, beauti ful lot. This Is surely an elegant place $4700. 7- room house. Holladay Park; full ce ment basement, stationary tubs: modern in every way; swell location; good surround ings; $3S50. terms. 4-room cottage. Highland; full lot. good location: Iota fruit. Price only $1100; $200 cash, balance monthly. 4- room cottage. Mu Scott car line; 2 lots. barn, chicken-house; only $S00. In stallments. 0-room house. WllUama ave.; corner lot. all modern, sewer and street Improvements all in; only $2500. 5- room cottage, best part Sunny aide; modern in every way; a lovely little home, only $1600. VACANT LOTS. U-clock. HolIadays Addition, on Broad way; lays very nicely; only $2100. Beautiful corner lot, Holtadays Addition, on Broadway: very best location; elegant homes all around: only $1250. Two very choice lots on Stanton U Upper Alblna. overlooking city; very anx ious to sell, need money. Call In and make us an offer. U -block on Tillamook St.; good location, fine corner; cement walks all In. Price only $1630. We have many more lots In all parts of city. Como in and see us and look our list over. TAFT &. CO. 275 Stark st.. Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. BY THE PORTLAND REAL. ESTATE CO., 212 ABINGTON BLDG.. C R. DB BURGH, Manager. 30x 90 on Front, brick. Improvements. 50x 30 on First, brick, improvements. 100x100 on 6th St., near Burnslde. 30x100 on 4th. near Couch: extra. . 100x100 on 7th, near Custom House. 50x100 on 7th. near Custom Hou."e. 30x100 adjoining the Oregon Hotel. 100x100 on 1st st.. good Income. 100x100 on th. near Hotel Scott. 100x100 on Everett, near 0th. 100x100 on Front and Montgomery. 30x109 on Front nar .Montgomery. OOx 69 on Front near Hall. And several fine residence lots. EAST SIDE BARGAINS. 100x200. on East 3Iorrison, near Grand ave.. Improvement, consisting of 10 houses, monthly rentals $155; this Is the only half block that can be purchased In thb local ity at any price; this Is the first time this property has been offered for lc, and only for a short lime. loOxlOO on Grand are., near Taylor. 30x100 on Grand ave.. near Ankeny. 100x100 on East Morrison, near Grand. 100x100. on Union ave., near Clay. 100x200 on Hawthorne near Union. HOx200 on 3d near Hawthorne. 140x209 on East Washington and Sth. 50x To on East 11th near Morrison. 50x100 on Wintams ave.. near Clackamas. 100x100 on Grand ave. and Shaver. 40x100 on Eust Oak near 23d. 2 house. All the above are sood and from 20 to 30 per cent less than surrounding properties; a I! more or lean Improved. Call at 212 Ahlngton. Our manager will be pleased to explain more fully. PHONE PACIFIC 773. A FEW CHOICE BARGAINS. Three BRAND NEW houv of 7 rooms aeh. situated at the corner of 24th and York streets: full cement basements; large reception halls; fine china closets; double floor; mantels and grates: furnace. laundry tuh and. In. fact, everything strictly mod ern and up to date: price $3300; terms. $1000 cash, balance monthly, like rent. 7-room house and lot on niandlna st.. Up per Alblna; nice lawn and fruit, strawber ries and raspberries; price $1300; terms. casn, paiancc per montn. 4-room cottage and full lot In NORTH IRVINGTON ADD., on E. 9th st.. price 3000; terms. $330 ca.h. balance $20 per mo. 8-room house and lot at Montavllla. 2 blocks from car line price $1600; terms, $200 cash, balance monthly. VACANT LOTS. Lot on Hancock t.. H O LLAD A Y S ADD., price $900. Lot In MULTNOMAH ADD. On Michi gan ave.. prlee $40a Lot In WOODLA'WN. price $1R3. Corner lot In West Irvlngton Add., on Tillamook st.. cement sidewalks and macad amized streets, price $1200. FARMS. We have a fine 6-acre place, near 3111 waukie; new S-room bouse and good barn and outbuildings; five minutes' walk from car line. Particulars at office. Five-acre tract at LENTS, all cleared, price $1323. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 1334 3th St.. cor. Alder. Phone Main CI1S. ON TO HOVER UP THE COLUMBIA. Regular Steamers From Portland. ' Cheapest freight rates from the Coast to inland points. No sand. Heavy soil. Per petual water right with each tract. Earl iest products. Largest prices. The Cali fornia of the Northwest. Write Hover Land Co.. Hover. Wash. OWNER WILL SELL 100 ACRES BEST black sand land Just south of Fort Stevens for $60 per acre; can be platted for Sum mer resort; nearest beach from Astoria, and g. no better anywhere ; the black sand alone Is worth eeveral times what la asked for this splendid property. Thta Includes beach and land high up on shore. Address S 46, Oregonian. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS ELECTRICAL, man for testing and calibrating meters and other electrical apparatus: electrical college graduate with shop experience preferred; state age. extent of electrical experience, where graduated, where employed and ref erences as to character and ability. Ad dre; R 51. Oregonian. UNION-AVBL INVESTMENT. Corner in Alblna. 150x125, with good Im provements, at low rental, paying 11 per cent; room for 3 more buildings to bring your Investment to 16 per cent. Price $12,500. Ellis & Kahler, room 21. 284 Morri son at. HOUSE 10 ROOMS: NEW AND AB50 lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lota. In. best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phone owner. Main 3S5. or call 109 Sherlock bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE. In Alblna. near car shops and business houses, on Mississippi ave.; rents for $15, paying 14 per cent on price asked; nice little home; $300 down: price $1300. Ellis & Kahler. room 21. 264 Morrison st. MUST HAVE MONEY. $4000 residence, S rooms, attic, basement, electric lights, air heater, finest location, great bargain: must be sold quick; first come saves 3900; will sell for $3100. 23d and Division, sts. Phone Union 333S. ONE TO THIRTY ACRES BETWEEN ORE gon City car line and Willamette River: very desirable and about last chance, for good land with river frontage, close to Portland B. S. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder st. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE- ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outslue. Some acres with terms as low as $10 cer month with water. A. C Churchill & Co., "Inc.." 110 2d sL 5-ROOM HOUSE; LOT 50x100 FEET, ALL Improved, $1700 cash; $1600. part down, bal ance on payments: no agents. Can 794 Union ave. N., or phono Union 69S7. $S30 00x66 2-3, CLOSE IN. BAST SIDE; $700, good business corner. East Side; $53u. fine residence lot. East Side. Owner. OSS East Washington st. 5-ACRE TRACTS. CAR LINE, LEVEL, cleared, fenced, on county road. C miles to city, for sale by owner; $730 to $1000 each. Phone East 4207. FOR SALE CHEAP MY EQUITY OF RE dernptton In six fine business lots near As. toria Railroad depot. Address Sidney Dell. San Pedro. Cat FOR SALE H ACRE AT MT. TABOR. WITH new 4-room cottage; water oa premises; price $1250. Inquire 281 East Morrtsoa or phone East 2S7. GOOD INCOME-PAYING PROPERTY. WEST Side: less than $3000 buys 4 5-rocm houses. F. J. Stelnmetz & Co.. 193 Morrison. Phoae Pacific 131. -ROOM HOUSE. CEMENT BASEMENT, nearly new, la Highland. 2 bIocIm from car Heat 1300. 2ULi A. SbUOu IssUt Ath. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE 10 ACRH8, S ACRE3 CLEARED and feaced; running water, small house, household furniture. 100 cords wood, cut; 4 miles railroad and steamboats $350 cash. Address T. H. Blackburn or F. Barlett. Rldgefield. Wash. 15 ACRES. ALL IMPROVED. HOUSE, barn. etc. suitable for a chicken ranch. 3 miles from Cornelius, $1000; 5 acres. Section Line road. 6 miles from Courthouse. $400. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 228 3d st. 373 ACRES FENCED. 100 CULTIVATED, balance pasture, good buildings; mortgage foreclosure. $2730; worth $40 acre, Yamhill County. R 43. Oregonian. 10 ACRES. IH MILES RAILROAD AND boat landing: finest soil; $230, half cash, balance terms. Address P. O. box 124, RIdgefleld. Wash. FOR SALE 3G0-ACRB RANCH NEAR CO lumbus. Wash.; fruit, hay. grain, stock; on new railroad. Address Box 144. Pendleton. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT THE FOLLOWINO PROPERTY: 6 to S-room house, close In. Holladay's Addition; will pay as high as $6300. We want 5 to 10 acres, close in as pos sible; would consider tract at St. Johns. Want H-btock. Holladay's Addition or Irvlngton. or single lot. Want lot or house and lot, Wllllams ave. Addition or Upper Alblna. Want some small cottages, 4 or 5 rooms, either Highland district or ML Scott car line. We want property in all parts of city. We can sell it. TAFT & CO., 275 Stark st.. Chamber of Commerce. BUYERS WAITING. We have four or five cash customers for homes coating up to $2000 on the East Side, reasonably close In; can make Immediate sales. Also have two cash customers for small houses and fractional lots on West Side, costing not over $2300. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 133Vi 3th st.. cor. Alder. Phone Main 01 IS WANTED TO BUY ON INSTALLMENT plan 3 to 7-room house, near any Catholic church: $200 down and $23 to $35 per mo. W 51. Oregonian. I WANT AS AN INVESTMENT THE BEST 5 or 6-room cottage I can get for $2000 or lew cash, not more than 15 minutes out. X 51. Oregonian. I WANT A RESIDENCE LOT IN OR NEAR Nob Hill district, cheap for cash at once. V 40. Oregonian. HAVE YOU PORTLAND REAL ESTATE for sale? We want It; buyers waiting. P 32. Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. RELINQUISHMENT OF DESERT LANT claim under canal. 4 miles from Irrigon. Or. For particulars address E. Middle brooks. Fort Steven. Or. 200 ACRES SAW TIMBER AND PILING ON Cowlitz River; skid rood to river; bunk housc. barn; for $3000; terms. Phone East 4207. MUST SELL TIMBER CLAIM, CUT 4.000. 000 fir and pine; make offer. 231 Cth t. Call 12-1:30; 6-7:30. TO EXCHANGE. SO ACRES OF USD FREE FROM IX cumbrance to trade for rooming-house or grocery store. Address F 52. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE GOOD TIMBER LAND IN a fine location for merchandise. Whlfuey Bros.. Irving. Or. FOR RENT FARMS. SMALL FARM FOR CASH CHICKENS, hops; fruit and a email dairy. B. S. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder st. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed, mineral lands, titled, public land prac tice. We buy military bounty and war rants. Collins Land Co., Stearns bldg. TO LEASE. TO LEASE FOR TERM OF YEARS 73x100 feet on 4th st.. near City Hall. S 45, Ore gonian. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. I HAVE ARRIVED WITH 20 HEAD OF horses and mares ranging In weight from 900 to 1" 0O pounds, all well broken, among which are several matched pairs of browns and bays that are suitable for city use; also several business horses, a few cheap mares and farm horses. Inspection invited at Regal Stables. 14th and Burnsidc sts. Phone Pacific 974. PAIR OF WELL-MATCHED MAHOGANY bay. S years old. half brothers, weight 2940, sound, true an dgentle. with brand new 310 line wlde-tlre wagon and heavy breeching harnetis. all. complete; will sell separate. Fashion Stables. . $05 BUYS BAY HORSE. WEIGHS 1300 pounds; also one small bay horse, $23; one pair of bay mares, good workers, price $95. Call 23 N. 14th st. Ask for Robinson's horses. J4500 BUYS 8-YEAR-OLD BAY HORSE, weight 10IO. round and true, suitable for farm or delivery. 626 Washington st; also a number of well-matched pairs of heavy workers. FOR SALE NORMAN AND ENGLISH draft stallion, weighs 2000; Iron gray, age 7 years. Address Holbrook Broe., Lexlng tqn. Wash. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month: special rates to busi ness houses, 6th and Hawthorne. Tel. East 72 HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. RENT or exchange. Hubert & Hall. 266 Fourth. HORSE'S and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 507. Pianos. PIANO AT A SACRIFICE PARTIES LEAV lng city: for less than half price. 10 Wash ington bldg. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy To lay: needs no painting or coatlns:; good over old Iron, tin or shingles: for new roofs there is nothing better; guaranteed: Mastic roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Rooting Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. EDISON PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS at factory prices, delivered free anywhere on receipt of full amount of retail price: largest stock of Edison records west of Rockies. Send for circulars. Peter Baci galupt. wholesale and retail. 786 Mission sL. Ban Francisco. 30 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chlnts at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler &. Wilson. Domestic. White. Household. Da vis and others, to make room for new stock Wheeler Sc. Wilson and Singers. S. S. Slgel. 333 Morrison st.. Marquam bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying: mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE SEWING MACHINES. WE have all kinds of new and second-hand machines and will give special bargains this week. Standard Sewing Machine Of fice. 280 Yamhill st. MUSICIAN'S BAND BLOUSE. "NEW" SIZE 37, dark blue, trimmed with braid, for sale cheap. Phone East 4917. or call 87 E. 8th. North. WOLFF-AMERICAN BICYCLES. CLOSING out: $t0 bicycles at $23: $35 racers, $30 " for cash: 130 rims. 30c on the dollar. S. S. Slgel. 335 Morrison st. ENGINE AND LOCOMOTOVE BOILER. 4 Horsepower, puriauie; 33 price; guaranteed. C. H. Plggott. lawyer. 4 Mulkey bldg. SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. TABLES. STORE fixtures bought, sold or exchanged. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington sc. FILM EXCHANGE MOVING PICTURE Ma chines : films, aong slides for rent, boueht and sold. 14555 6th. Typewriters, all makes, at cost; rubber stamp goods.desks, etc Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark ONE GOOSENECK FURNITURE! WAGON for sale; reasonable price. X -47. Oregonian. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE!. 324 CHAM ber of Corarserce. or phono Main 2363. CORD AND SLABWOOD CHEAP. PHONE East 5306. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR her trade. Q 42. Oregonian. WANTED APPRSNTT.CE TO FINISH BAR- HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUMBING inAuiii pays aay alter cossfMeuasr course of practical instruction at ho-Bo1 or la our schools; graduates admitted ta UHloa and master plumbers' association; positions secured. COYNE BROS. CO.. PRACTICAL SCHOOLS PLUMBING and Bricklaying. New York. Chicago, Cincinnati. St. Louis. Free catalogue. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY . ru" uhuimjib pusiuveiy curea in rroea 3 to 3 days: consultation free aad strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank, X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 233 Alder St.. Portland. Men. women, learn watchmaking, engraving. Jeweler work, optics. Easy terms, positions guaranteed: money made learning. Watch-maktng-Bngraving School. P. I. bldg., Seattle WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS CAMPBELL machine operator. Address, stating aexperl ence and wages expected. Los Angells Sad dlery & Finding Co.. Loa Angeles. CaL YOUNG MAN WISHING TO TRAVEL AND learn business can make big money by In vesting $30; pleasant work; no previous ex perience required. C 32, Oregonian. CHANCE TODAY FOR AN ACTIVE MAN" wlth $150 to get work In a cash business as partner; duties easily learned: pay you $4 a day. Particulars 248 Stark st. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS, EXPERI enced and otherwise, for established publi cations; liberal Inducements. Clyde-Klng; 638 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED YOUNG MAN 16 TO IS YEAR3 of age for office of wholesale house; must write good hand and live at home. Y 44 Oregonian. WORK LOOKING FOR MEN SICK AND accident insurance men preferred. American Mutual Benefit Association. 210 Allsky bldg. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; WAGES while learning; position after 8 week. GUI man's Barber College, 627 Clay. San Fran. Any Intelligent person may earn good incoma corresponding for newspapers; experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. PERSONS EVERYWHERE TO DISTRIBUTE samples: $2 weekly and expenses. "Man ager." 4 Wells st.. Chicago. III. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IX . Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. 10 BOLTCUTTERS WANTED. APPLY Western Coo do race Co.. room 306 Stearns bldr.. 6th and Morrison. ' UNION HOTEL FOR ROOM AND BOARD; rooms $1: board. $3.30 per week. SI N. 6th et. J. Anderson. Prop. HOISTING ENGINEER CALL EARLY: steam shovel crancman. $90 and board. Haa son. 26 X. 2d at. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER WITH MA chlne. Apply room 412. Oregon Hotel, aft er 10 A. 31. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAX. Address G. M. Campbell. 320 James t.. Se attle. Wash. WANTED MEX'S OLD CLOTHIXG. SHOES, highest price paid. 50 3d. Phone Pacific 44. SALESMEN TO SELL THE CHRISTY HOE safety razor; new plan. 303 Stearns bldg. OFFICE BOY WANTED. D 52. OREGON I AX 3 HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED. If you work, why not earn more than sj 'living? Bright, educated, earnest women havs mission. That mission should be to build one's self and help others. Be Independent. Do good. The Vlavl Company already employs ever 12.000 women. The work covers twenty-three countries o the world. We will entertain applications from capa ble womn. Not canvassing, but a helpful, dignified work. Apply by mall only. Address THE VIA VI COMPANY. Lewis Building, Portland. Or. WANTED-LADY WITH GOOD REFER ence to travel for firm of $250,000 capital; salary $1072 per year and expenses; salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Ad dress, with stamp. J. A. Alexander. Tort land. Or. WAXTED FOUR LADY CANVASSERS OF good appearance to handle a flrst-clas line, salary or commission: position permanent. Call bet. 10-4. room 36. Hotel Antlers. WANTED QUIET, REFINED "WOMAN, pleasant home to suitable pertvm. Phono Main 4906. or call 455 W. Park, corner Jackson. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder: entrance 253 Alder St.. Port land. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY RBPRE sentattves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bidg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. WAITERS, cookfl. chambermaids, general workers. St, Louis Agency. 2304 Yamhill. 3Ialn 3413. HANSEN'S LVDIES' AGENCY. 3436 Washington Ft., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. PIONEER LADIES AGENCY. 215 Morrison SL Phone Main 2273. YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK TO sleep home preferred. 133 N. ISth Jit., cor. Hoyt. tf WANTED BOOKKEEPER. GROCERY store, wages $33 for start. S 51.. Oregonian. DR. A. AUSPLUXD. DISEASES OF WOMEX and surgery. 3d floor Allsky bldg. GIRL WAXTED TO DO GEXERAL HOUSE work. 81 E. 28th and Everett sts. WAXTED FIRST-CLASS DINING-ROOM girl. 33 N. ISth, cor. Davis. 395 MORRISON ST. GIRL TO ASSIST with housework; no cooking. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 533 Johnson. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED TODAY. STAGE DIRECTOR, leading man. comedian, saubrette. leading lady; permanent dramatic stock. Call room 1. 143 6th. INTELLIGENT LADIES OR GENTLEMEN solicitor?, salary $2.30 per day. 9 A. M. to 3 P. it., evenings 8 to 9. 614 4th st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION BY EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP er and stenographer: either temporary or permanent. O 51. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN WANTS PLACE TO LEARN" dgar-making: have had some experience stripping. B. F. Rees. 140 E. 34th et . Portland. Or. WORK WANTED FOR COOKS. DISHWASH ers, porters, chore, farmhands, waiters, col ored. Chinese. Japanese. Drake's. 2033 Washington. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAX furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4639. 268 Ever ett st. WANTED BY JAPANESE. FIRST AND second cook work, together or separate, city or country. T. Y.. 53 N. 4th st.. city. YOUNG MAX ATTEXDIXG BUSIXES5 COL lege wants place to work for board and, room. Y 38, Oregonian. IXTELLIG EXT JAPAXESE WAXTS Posi tion In family, any kind of work. 121 X. 13th. Japanese Mission. EDUCATED CHIXESE BOY WAXTS Po sition attend day school, cook, or help cook. Apply Main 2S53. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WITH 10 years experience, wishes position In fam ily. Pacific 9S6. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION IX A family to help cook and do housework. Q 52. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS SECOND ENGIN eer or fireman; the best of references. V 51. Oregonian. WAXTED POSITIOX AS COLLECTOR BY experienced young man of good habits. V 51. Oregonian. JAPAXESE SCHOOLBOY WISHES TO work In doctor's family in city. G 31. Oregonian. WAXTED POSITIOX AS FOREMAX OX farm: hop farm preferredj B 46. Oregoalan. JAPAXESE BOY WAXTS SITUATIOX AS schoolboy speaks English. O 52. Oregonlaa. INTELLIGENT JAPANESE BOY WAXTS H day's work of any kind. J 32. Oregoataa. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS 'COOK. WAXTS Bltna.MflK to do eeekimr. H X. IK t.