THE . SIORNIXG OltEGOXIAX, THTJESDAT, JAJTUABT 11, 1906. r THE OREGONIAN WILL SEND POPULAR LADIES TO YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK FftST HORSES FOR RACING SEASON Fair Association Sets Race Dates and Hangs $75,000 for Stake Events. MEETING IS HARMONIOUS Otriccrs Selected and Dates Awarded lo Seattle, Salem, Xorlh Yakima, Spokane, "Walla Walla and Lewiston. New officer of the North Pacific Fair Association W. H. Wehrung. president; J. I Smith, vice-president; M. D. "Wisdom, secretary and treasurer. Board of. appeals G. A. Graham, A. T. Van de Vanter and It. II. CoKgrove. Racing dates awarded Seattle, September 3 to S; Salem, September 10 to 10; North TaUima, September 17 to "2; Spokane, September 24 to 2St; Walla "Walla, October 1 to C; Lewiston. October 8 to 13. Everett to select Its own dates. The association will clvc away In stake events ?73,000. It took the members of the North Pad lie Fair Association from 10 o'clock yes terday morning until late In the afternoon to straighten out the kinks In the allot ments of dates, elect officers and arrange the early closing stakes. "While there vaf a good deal of conflict among the various .secretaries representing the different fair associations of the North west, harmony prevailed and the meeting, which was held in the offices of the Rural Spirit, will mark. It Is believed, an epoch In the light harness racing of this sec tion of the country. ' Not all those present who wanted Sep tember racing dates were able to secure them. This- was due in part to the fact that the members of the association were not Informed as to when the California season ends. Secrctarly Dan Curry, rather than accept the dates that were ottered him. preferred to have the privi lege of selecting dates before those given to Seattle or later. Just so that they did not conflict with those taken by the'other associations. Secretary R. H. Cosgrove made applica tion for two weeks of racing, but It was found that it would be impossible to al low the dates for a mixed harness and running meeting, so the additional week was allotted to Spokane. But the asso ciation cannot give harness events dur ing the second week or give a stock show. During the discussion over the granting of dates A. T. Vcndcvantcr. of Seattle, introduced A resolution which provided that all members of the association should abide by a two-thirds vote of the mem bers present on all questions which may come up at the meetings. This was done lo head off any member who might be come dissatisfied with the dates allowed GREATEST OF The Oregonian will start a voting contest on Monday, Jan uary 15, 3906, to continue until Tuesday, May 15, 1906. The pur pose of this contest is to send twenty:three of Oregon's, Wash ington's and Idaho's most popular 3Toung ladies to the Yellowstone Park, about July 10, 1906. The young ladies who win in this contest will be the guests of The Oregonian, all expenses to be paid hy this paper, and care taken to make the trip a decided success. The winners will be fifteen days on the trip. Remember the Date that the Contest Starts JANUARY 15, 1906 fA coupon will appear daily in The Oregonian. Cut it out, bring it to The Oregonian office, with the name of the lady upon it for whom you wish to yote, and it will couut one in her favor. ALL INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS CONTEST MAY BE OBTAINED BY LETTER OR BY A PERSONAL CALL AT THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT OF THE OREGONIAN ROOM 20 0, OREGONIAN BUILDING them and seek to loavc the meeting and select their own dates. The penalty for refusing to abide by the two-thirds vote is that any association bolting the meet ing is outlawed. Thus, should they give a meeting, all horsemen who race on the offending association's track arc out lawed. The other important resolutions adopted provided that each association must give at least two harness events on each racing day. In order to make the harness racing season in the Pacific Northwest one of the best in the history of light harness racing, the various fair associations will give to the harness men 573.000 in stakes. Owing to the fact that there were no nreotings at Salem and Seattle last year the members of the association realized that in order to keep the harass men and their horses on the Coast this year it would be necessary to hang up purses and stakes which would be worth while racing for. It was decided that the various mem bers of the association name at least two early closing stakes and the amounts which each association would give. The Oregon State Fair Association will have three $10C0 stakes and one at J2000. The Sa lem stakes are: 2:20 trot, $1000; 2:20 pace, $1000; two-year-old pace, $400; three-year-old trot. $500; 2:25 pace. $1000; 2:15 pace. 52000; 2:10 pace. $700; two-year-old trot, $400; three-year-old trot, $500; 2:21 trot, $1000; 2:17 trot. $2000; 2:12 trot, $700. North Yakima will give a $1000 2:15 pace and $1000 for a 2:10 pace. Spokane will Rive $1000 for a 2:16 trot and $1000 for a 2:10 pace. Walla Walla will give $100) for a 2:17 trot and $1000 for 2:10 pacers. Lowlston hangs up $503 for 2:13 trotters and $500 for a 2:13 pace. Everett offers two purses of .$500 each for a 2:40 and a 2:23 trot. A purse of $5 for a 2:15 pace and $$00 for a 2:10 pace. In order to secure the best and fastest horses racing in California. M D. Wis don. who was elected secretary, will spend several weeks around the Califor nia circuits. THE BAY'S JIORSERACES. At Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 10. Ascot race results: Steeplechase, short course. Dcclmo won. Ad ams -:ccond, Mllas third; time. 3:01. Brooks course Graphic won. Prescrvater second. Chickadee third; time. 2:03;. One mile Mastcrson won. Orflene peccmi. Good Luck third; time. 1:405. Mile and a quarter, handicap, $1000 added IJorchesl won. Orchan (second, Hippocrates third; time, 2:07. Brooks course Dollle WcihofC wen. Golden Freen second. Brigand third; time. 2:(Hi;. Futurity course Good cheer won. Durbar second. Ethylene third; time, 1:10!?. At Oakland. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. Oakland race results: Three and a half furlonc. 2-year-oldn. $400 Marion ltoe won. Native Son second, Clements third; time. 0.42J. One mile, 4-year-old. pure $400 Phalanx won, Faetos t-ccond. Alderman Batt thU-d;, time. 1:40?;. Futurity course, 3-year-old. pur?e ?40O Sugar Maid won. Bey del Mundo second. Grass Cutter third; time. 1:10. Mile and a sixteenth, the Maxim handicap. S-year-olds and up. purne $1000 Dr. Gardner won. I.ubin second. Bed Leaf third; time, 1:45;. Mile and 50 yards. 3-year-olds and up. purr $4000 Northwest won. Gateway second. Havl land third; time. 1:43. Four-year-olds, purse $500 Princess Tit an! a won, Andrew B. Cook second, Buby third; time, 0:59?;. At JS'cw Orleans City Park. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 10. City Park race results: Three furlong Bozcrlan won, Kara ma sec ond. Approbation third; time, 0:55 4-5. Seven and a half furlong Merely Mary Ann won. Margaret Angela .second. Gentian third; time, 1:25. Sfesrt eert. cteeyleckue Ev&xder wee. (THE ALL SIDE TRIPS FOR A Lights Out second. Pick Time third; time, 33 2-5. Mile and a sixteenth ModrM won. Lamp drome second. Little filkln third; time. 1:51 3-5. Fire and a half furlong Thespian won, Alrhlp second. Bob In Hood third; time, 1:00 3-5. Mile and 70 yards Covlna won. Happy Jack reoond. Double third: time. 1:49 3-5. Mile and a sixteenth Flying Charcoal won. Holgerson second, "Wood Shade third; time, 1:53. At Xcw Orleans Fair Grounds. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 10. Fair grounds race results: Five and a halt furlong Vivian won. King's Get ecend, Maxxini third; lime. 1:101-5. Six furlongs Southern Crew wen. Option al second. Odella third; time, 1:17 4-5. One mile Consucllo II won. Sea Voyage second. Lucky Charm third; time, 1:461-5. One mile, handicap Horse RadUh won. Kx cltement second. Held moor third; time, 1:45 4-5. Six furlongs Gay Adelaide won. Schoharie second, Ben Lear third; time. 1:18 3-5. One mile Tyrolean won, Mabel Sim ma sec ond. Commandant third; time. 0:49 2-5. Kd Early finished first, but was disqualified. SKEIi ROACH Oil TWO TEAMS Will Pitch Both for Spalding and Davenport Clubs. CHICAGO, Jan. 10. (Special.) Bob Welch has signed Skel Roach, of Chi cago, to pitch for his Spalding- team next year. The deal is one of the most peculiar In baseball, and may set the minor leagues to thinking. By his con tract. Roach pitches SuntTay and holi day frames for the Spaldings. He has signed a contract also to work in one or more games a week for the Three 1" League, on the Davenport club. By the arrangement the Davenport people get the experience of a wcll trnincd, hard-working player at much less expense and get rid of the expense of carrying- him during- a large portion of the time he would not bo working for them. In case he was signed the regular way. This gives to the Spald ings a star for the prairie and semi professional games and Incidentally the player gets enough mld-weck work to keep him in shape. For the player this means steady employment through the Summer at a salary above most of the minor league offerings. POULTRY SHOW IS OPEX. Display of Pigeons Finest Ever Seen In Northwest. The annual poultry show of the Oregon Poultry Association opened yesterday morning at the corner of Front and Sal mon streets, and in spite, of the late ar rival of many of the coops the judging began in the afternoon. Tho number of entries, both In chickens and pigeon?, is the largest ever exhibited by the associa tion. The pigeon display outranks any ever held in the Northwest, both as to the quality and number of birds shown. This display alone Is well worth seeing, but the officials have been unfortunate in selecting the place they did for holding their show. At night it Is almost impossible to find the place where the show Is being held, and this will keep a great man people, who would otherwise visit the show, from peeing the splendid exhibition. Tcxans Lynch Negro Murderer. HOUSTON, Tex-. Jan. 10. B. F. Har ris, the negro charged with tho as sassination of Ozro Polk at Bchrings Mill. Monday night, and who was tak en from officers last night at Lasallc by a mob. was lynched early today at Moscow. Texas. There were .about 70 men In tho mob. The negro when asked why he killed Polk, said at first that It was an accident, but later said "de klll4 Pelk "far fun." NATION'S WONDERLAND) FIFTEEN DAYS' OUTING AS THE GUESTS OF A Fifteen Days' Outing SLING GIVES W Lumber Crashes Into Hold of Steamer Tottenham. LONGSHOREMAN IS INJURED Accident Occurs In Peculiar Manner Wlillc Vessel Is Loading Lum ber at Inman, Poulscn & Co.-s Mills. Miraculous was the escape of a num ber of longshoremen from serious In Jury yesterday afternoon In the deep holJ of the big British steamer Tot tenham, when a lot of heavy timbers slipped from the sling- by which they were being hoisted from the wharf Into the hatch and shot Into the hold of the vessel. The only man hurt was C Amonsen. who was not quick enough on his feet and as a result lies at St. Vincent's Hospital minus his right foot which was crushed, necessitating am putation. The accident occurred at about 3 o'clock. No one seems to know exactly how It happened, except that the hook released Its hold on the chain holding the lumber as It swung over the large hatchway. With a terrific racket, the heavy pieces landed on tho timbers al ready stowed away. Amonsen was pin ioned between two of these by the forco of the blow. Amonsen met with a similar accident about two years ago when his left foot was badly crushed and for that reason he was not as quick as his fellow workmen in getting out of harm's way. He is a single man and lives on a scow on the east side of the river. The Tottenham Is receiving her car go at the mills of Inman, Poulsen & Co. and will finish loading In a couple of weeks. This Is tho first accident of Its kind along the water front In many months. ALSTEKXEUE HAS TROUBLES Captain Anhagcn Dies and Officer 3IIHcr Falls Overboard. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. The Ger man ship Alsternlxle arrived today at Santa Rosalia In charge of the first of ficer after a most eventful and disastrous voyage from Hamburg. Fifteen of the crew arc down in their bunks with scurvy and the vessel was brought Into port by half a dozen of men barely able to walk. While far to the southward. Mate Asch man reports. Captain Anhagen died at the height of a storm, and shortly after ward Miller, the second mate, fell over board and was drowned. The Alsternlxle Is well-known In Port land. About two years ago she carao here In command of Captain Anhagen to load lumber for China, and In trying to sail In over the bar went on Peacock Spit. She struck an easy position, however, and was hauled off without much damage. Rickard on a Vacation. ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. W.-SpccIal.) Chief Engineer Rlckard, of the lighthouse, ten der H athcr. has beea granted a leave of JANUARY 14, 1906 You Will Notice Conditions of the Contest Remember, everybody reads the great daily of the Pacific Northwest. Call on your friends and request them to save their coupons for you. They count a vote each. IT'S THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME The Yellowstone National Park is one of the most delightful parts of the American Continent. In fact, everything that money can buy and a newspaper can secure for its guests. absence for two weeks. While Mr. Rlck ard is away. Chief Engineer Wilson, . of the Manzanlta. will be in charge of the Heather's engine-room. TUGS CLAIM SALVAGE.. O. 11. & X. Co. Files Dill for $60Q0 Against French Bark. ASTORIA, Jan. 10. The Oregon Rail road & Navigation Company today filed the bill for towage of the French bark Jean Baptiste Into port, in the sum of $6000. Samuel Elmore & Co., her con signees, at once made and delivered a general average bond to cover the claim and Captain Delahovc has cabled his Paris owners for Instructions in the premises. On Friday, December 29 last, the Jean Baptiste, In endeavoring to make port, after a voyage from Newcastle, was 'driven near North Head and let go her anchors In the soundings. Her position was deemed perilous in the event of a storm and the bar tugs Wallula and Tatoosh stood by all STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Dae to Arrire. Steamer From. Despatch, Son Francisco... Cascade. San Francisco ... Senator. San Francisco .... Roanoke. San Francisco ... Aragonla. Orient Columbia, San Francisco... Northland. San Francisco... Sue. to Depart. Steamer Destination. Columbia, San Francisco .. Alliance. Cooa Bay-Eureka. Noras City. San Pedro.... Despatch. San Francisco.... Noma City, San Pedro .... Senator. San Francisco .... Northland, San Pedro Aragonla. Orient Carrying mall. Date. .Jan. 11 Jan. 12 .Jan. 14 .Jan. 15 .Jan. IS .Jan. 10 .Jan. 24 Date. .Jan. It .Jan. 12 .Jan. IS .Jan. 15 .Jan. 1C .Jan. 1G .Jan. 2S .Jan. 2S night, making fast Saturday morning and hauling her seaward. They did not make port until Sunday evening, but arrived in good shape, ex cept for the loss of one anchor and a cable. The heavy towage Is In the nature of salvage claims. The vessel is still discharging cargo at the Elmore pier here. WILL CENTRALIZE BUSIXESS Independent Steamship Ticket Office Incorporated In Portland. Harry Young, agent for the North Pacific Steamship Company: Captain W. H. Patterson, a well-known river pilot, and Robert A. Hume, manager of the Central Sand Company, have or ganized the Independent Steamship Ticket Company for the purpose of handling tickets for the several inde pendent steam schooners operating between Portland and California ports. Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday. "The object of the company Is not to unite the several interests for the purpose of cutting rates or Indulging In rate slashing, but simply for the purpose of centralizing the ticket busi ness ot the many Independent steamers and steam schooners plying between Portland and California ports," said Mr. Toung In stating the objects of the new company. "Plans are tentative as yet, but the intention is to handle the sale of tickets from sorae centrally located office. At "present the traveling public is put to considerable trouble Jb securing tickets by reason of the THIS PAPER various agencies being spread all over the city and along the water front. "The establishment of a steamboat line between this city and Yaqulna Bay will be revived next Spring and the Independent Steamship Ticket Com pany will. In all probability, also look after that business." Mayflower Breaks Her Shaft. ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.) While the steamer Mayflower was making a trip up Young's River last evening her propeller struck a snag, breaking the shaft at the hub. She was towed back to this place this morning for repairs. Marino Xotcs. The lighthouse tender Heather leaves today for Gray's Harbor with supplies. The French bark David de Angers left down yesterday morning bound for Ta coma to load wheat. The steamers F. A. Kilburn, Homer, South Bay and Northland sailed last night for California ports. The steamer Alliance arrived at 8 o'clock last night from Eureka and Coos Bay, bringing freight and pas sengers. The British ship Vanduara cleared yesterday with 106,167 bushels of wheat, valued at $84,932, for the United Kingdom. " The schooner Robert Hind will leave down this morning bound for San Pedro with a cargo of lumber. The schooner Beulah sailed from San Fran cisco yesterday. The British ship Eskasoni has been ordered on the drydock, the surveyors having found this necessary to ascer tain whether or not the hull was dam aged in the stormy weather on her way out from Europe. The British ship Hyderabad finished loading yesterday at Mersey dock and may leave down today If a crew can be obtained In time. The Hyderabad came up from San Francisco and few of the men who signed there cared about taking the long voyage to Eu rope. The Merchants' Exchange received a message from San Francisco stating that the American schooner Jennie Wand was stranded outside of La Paz, and would be a total wreck. The crew was saved with difficulty. The schooner left Astoria December 4 with a lumber cargo for La Paz. The British ship Afon Alaw went to Banflcld's dock this morning to dis charge ballast. Captain Davies visits Portland for the first time but has been on the Pacific Coast many times since 1869. when he first reached San Francisco on the old bark Globe. The voyage from Junin was uneventful except for a gale oft the Coast when some sails were blown away. Captain Davies, who Is now 62 years old, stands high In the estimation of his crew. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 10. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M.. rough; wind, light, north; weather, cloudy. Arrived down at 3 and sailed at 11:30 A. M. Steamer Czarina, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 0 A. Jr. Steamer Argyll. Arrived at 0 and left up at 11:30 A. M. Steamer Alliance, from Eureka and Coos Bay. San Franctaco, Jan. 10. Arrived at 8 A. it. Steamer Tampico, from. Portland. Arrived at 9 A. 3f. Steamer Senator, from Portland. Arrived at 1:15 P. if. Steamer Aurella. from Portland. Schooner Jennie Wand, from As toria, stranded outside La. Paz and Is a total wreck; crew saved. Redondo. Jan. 10. Sailed Schooner Louis, for Portland. London. Jan. 10. Arrived Steamer Mesaba. from New Torir. JpiI?.?Hth' ,Jan 10- Arrived Steamer Kais er Trtllhelm der Grotse. from New York. San Francisco, Jan. 10. Sailed Steamer Coptic; for Hongkong; steamer Asuncion, for Astoria; steamer Olympic, for Gray's Har bor: steamer Umatilla, for Victoria; steamer Vienna, for Seattle. Entries Close for Auto Races. NEW YORK. Jan. Ml TCntrl fnn rhm, fourth, annual International Ormond-Day- tona Beach automobile races, which closed yesterday, show 22 Individual com petitors, with a total entry in all tho 166 races. The touring car which figured in last Winter's tournament has been eliminated with the exception of in one event, in which the regular stock car will appear. In horsepower the entries this year show an increase of 'more than 23 per cent, and for the first time in the his tory of automobile racing two cars, one, of 200 and the other of 50 horsepower, will be seen in competition. From tho point of number the foreign cars will be in the majority. KIDNAPERS AMONG THE 400 Society Men Accused or Abducting Relative of Vandcrbilts. NEW YORK, Jan. 9. Margaret Blake Robinson and Louise Scattergood obtained yesterday from Supremo Court Justice Davis a writ of habeas corpus requiring Mrs. Louise K. Reynolds to produce in couTt tomorrow morning the person of her niece, Anne KIssam Hays. The peti tioning women allege that Miss Hays is being deprived of her liberty by her rela tives, with the object, apparently, of get ting her away from the society of Miss Robinson and Miss Scattergood. Miss Hays is 28 years old and has an Inherited Income sufficient to support her self comfortably. According to attorneys for Miss Scattergood and Miss Robinson, she Is related through the Kissam family to the Vanderbllts. Miss Robinson Is secretary of the Sunshine settlement. Miss Scattergood Is a trained nurse, and was at one time In attendance on Miss Hays. These women allege in their affidavits that on November 1 last Miss Hays was forcibly removed from her home. 8 Lower Place, Yonkers, by her two brothers. Frank K. and William Hays, and her aunt, Mrs. Reynolds, with Dr. William J. Sherman in attendance. She was put In a closed carriage, they allege, and taken to St. John's Hospital, In Yonkers, whero she remained about 24 hours. At 1 o'clock in the morning of November 13, tho women say. Miss Hays was taken away from the hospital in an automobile to some place to them unknown. Since then, as they put it, she has been kept in somo secret place and prevented from com municating with her friends. Mrs. Reynolds, the women say, knows where Miss Hays Is, and had complete direction over the alleged removal of her niece. Therefore the writ is- directed to her. Cured jg Cured If you have Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strlc tare or Sypalll in any of their forrnsi stages or complications, we can glvs you A Positive Cure. We likewise quickly cure Varicocele and Hydrocele painlessly and without the old surgicajl methods with tha knife. The following are among other diseases we cure with equal skill and success: Impoteacy, Jiervou Decllae and Vital Weakness, the result of ex cesses or youtntul errors, Xectaraal LoMses, Spermatorrhoea, Proataterrheea and all other related troubles as well as Bladder, Stomack aad Kldster affec tions. Plies, Rectal Ulcers, Eczema and other Skla Era?tteas. Consultation and examination free. Writ for symptom blank and book if you caaaet Of flea Hours: 8 A. M. to 8 P. 3C; guslar. 10 to 12. St Louis "iSJ1 Dispensary Cr. 3d aa TaakUl Sta PorUawi. o